




ISO 527-5中文

ISO 527-5中文

ISO 527-5塑料——拉伸性能测试第5部分:单向纤维增强塑料复合物测试条件前言国际标准化组织是一个世界性的国家标准机构联合会。



国际组织、政府和非政府组织均与ISO 联系并参与了标准制定工作。







国际标准ISO 527-5由ISO/TC61技术委员会,塑料及纤维增强复合材料,SC13子委员会,机械性能部制定。

第二版取消并代替第一版(ISO 527 - 5:1997),产生一些修改。


使用通用标题“塑料——拉伸性能测试”,ISO 527由以下部分组成:第一部分:通用原则第二部分:注塑和挤出塑料测试条件第三部分:薄板与薄膜测试条件第四部分:各向同性与正交纤维增强塑料复合物测试条件第五部分:单向纤维增强塑料复合物测试条件1 适用范围1.1基于在第一部分中给出的通用原则,ISO 527的这部分阐述了对单向纤维增强塑料复合材料拉伸性能进行测试的测试条件。

1.2见ISO 527-1:1993,1.2部分1.3该测试方法适用于所有单向纤维增强的聚合物基复合材料体系。

其他需要满足的条件,包括失效模式都在ISO 527的这一部分。




该方法通常不适用于不同角度单向层组成的多向材料(参见ISO 527-4)。



W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 1 - 版本E64M位与串行闪存双路和四路SPIW25Q64BV- 2 -目录1,一般DESCRIPTION (5)2。

FEATURES (5)3引脚配置SOIC208-MIL.......................................... .. (6)4,焊垫配置WSON8X6-MM.......................................... . (6)5,焊垫配置PDIP300-MIL.......................................... . (7)6引脚说明SOIC208密耳,PDIP300密耳和WSON8X6-MM................................ 7......7引脚配置SOIC300mil的.......................................... .. (8)8引脚SOIC封装说明300-MIL (8)8.1包装Types (9)8.2片选(/CS) (9)8.3串行数据输入,输出和IO(DI,DO和IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3)............................. 9.......8.4写保护(/WP) (9)8.5控股(/HOLD) (9)8.6串行时钟(CLK) (9)9座DIAGRAM (10)10功能DESCRIPTION (11)10.1 SPI OPERATIONS (11)10.1.1标准SPI Instructions (11)10.1.2双SPI Instructions (11)10.1.3四路SPI Instructions (11)10.1.4保持功能 (11)10.2写保护 (12)10.2.1写保护Features (12)11,控制和状态寄存器............................................ .. (13)11.1状态REGISTER (13)11.1.1 BUSY (13)11.1.2写使能锁存(WEL) (13)11.1.3块保护位(BP2,BP1,BP0)..................................... .. (13)11.1.4顶/底块保护(TB)....................................... .................................................. ..1311.1.5部门/块保护(SEC) (13)11.1.6状态寄存器保护(SRP,SRP0)....................................... . (14)11.1.7四路启用(QE) (14)11.1.8状态寄存器内存保护........................................... .. (16)11.2 INSTRUCTIONS (17)11.2.1制造商和设备标识........................................... .. (17)11.2.2指令集表1 (18)W25Q64BV11.2.3指令表2(阅读说明书)....................................... (19)出版日期:2010年7月8日- 3 - 修订版E11.2.4写使能(06h) (20)11.2.5写禁止(04h) (20)11.2.6读状态寄存器1(05H)和读状态寄存器2(35H).............................. (21)11.2.7写状态寄存器(01H)......................................... .................................................. .. (22)11.2.8读取数据(03h) (23)11.2.9快速阅读(0Bh) (24)11.2.10快速读双输出(3BH)........................................ .................................................. 0.25 11.2.11快速读四路输出(6BH)........................................ .. (26)11.2.12快速读双I / O (BBh) (27)11.2.13快速读取四I/ O (EBh) (29)11.2.14八进制字读取四I/ O(E3H)..................................... (31)11.2.15页编程(02h) (33)11.2.16四路输入页编程(32H)........................................ . (34)11.2.17扇区擦除(20H) (35)11.2.1832KB的块擦除(52H) (36)11.2.1964KB的块擦除(D8h) (37)20年2月11日芯片擦除(C7H/ 60h) (38)21年2月11日擦除挂起(75h) (39)22年2月11日擦除恢复(7Ah) (40)23年11月2日掉电(B9h) (41)24年2月11日高性能模式(A3H)......................................... (42)25年2月11日发布掉电或高性能模式/设备ID(ABH) (42)26年2月11日读制造商/设备ID(90H)....................................... . (44)27年2月11日阅读唯一的ID号(4BH)........................................ . (45)28年2月11日读JEDEC的ID (9Fh) (46)29年2月11日连续读取模式复位(FFH或FFFFH)...................................... .. (47)12,电气特性.............................................. (48)12.1绝对最大Ratings (48)12.2操作范围 (48)12.3上电时序和写抑制阈值......................................... (49)12.4直流电气Characteristics (50)12.5 AC测量条件.............................................. .. (51)12.6 AC电气Characteristics (52)12.7 AC电气特性(续)......................................... . (53)12.8串行输出Timing (54)12.9输入Timing (54)12.10持有Timing (54)13包装SPECIFICATION (55)W25Q64BV13.18引脚SOIC208密耳(包装代号SS)..................................... .. (55)- 4 -13.28引脚PDIP300密耳(封装代码DA)..................................... (56)13.38触点WSON8x6毫米(封装代码ZE)....................................... (57)13.416引脚SOIC300密耳(封装代码SF)..................................... . (58)14订货INFORMA TION (59)14.1有效的部件号和顶端标记.......................................... (60)15版本HISTORY (61)W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 5 - 修订版E1概述该W25Q64BV(64M位)串行Flash存储器提供了有限的系统存储解决方案空间,引脚和电源。



金属有机化合物气体应用:1,2-二溴四氟乙烷参考文本In The Actual Work Production Management, In Order To Ensure The Smooth Progress Of The Process, And Consider The Relationship Between Each Link, The Specific Requirements Of EachLink To Achieve Risk Control And Planning某某管理中心XX年XX月金属有机化合物气体应用:1,2-二溴四氟乙烷参考文本使用指引:此安全管理资料应用在实际工作生产管理中为了保障过程顺利推进,同时考虑各个环节之间的关系,每个环节实现的具体要求而进行的风险控制与规划,并将危害降低到最小,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。


3.制法(1)1 ,1,2,2-四氟乙烷的溴化反应。



4.理化性质分子量:259.82熔点:-110.5℃沸点(101.325kPa):47.3℃液体密度(21.1℃):2175kg/m3气体密度(101.325kPa,50℃):9.805kg/m3相对密度(101.325kPa,50℃,空气=1):8.97 临界温度:214.5℃临界压力:3445kPa临界密度:790kg/ma气化热(50℃):104.73kJ/kg比热容(液体,10℃):686.176J/(kg ·K)蒸气压(15.64℃):30.337kPa请在此位置输入品牌名/标语/sloganPlease Enter The Brand Name / Slogan / Slogan In This Position, Such As Foonsion。



[7]杨军,候书文. 有机过氧化物交联剂——双(叔丁过氧基)二异丙基苯的性能和开发[J]. 安徽化工 ,2005,06:36.
[8]赵小平,樊真. 过氧化物交联剂和烯丙基类助交联剂[J]. 塑料助剂,2003,02:32-36. [9]杨文良,肖风亮. TMCH硫化剂在乙丙橡胶中的应用研究[J]. 世界橡胶工业,2006,11:8-10.
• 用作聚氯乙烯和不饱和聚酯交联剂以及硅橡胶硫化剂
[1]杨雪梅,陈福林,刘晓暄,周彦豪. 有机过氧化物硫化体系在橡胶应用中的研究进展[J]. 特种橡胶制品 ,2009,03:79-84. [2]蔡树铭 ,谭永生 ,冯一东. 新型无味交联剂BIPB[J]. 中国橡胶,2002,11:25. [3]丁向东. 新型交联剂双叔丁基过氧化二异丙苯的合成研究[J]. 化学世界,2008,01:38-41.
分类: • 硫磺硫化体系:主要用在二烯烃类橡胶中,
• 过氧化物硫化体系:是近年来发展迅速的一种硫化体系, 可以硫化二烯烃类橡胶和非二烯烃类橡胶
• 过氧化物发生均裂, 形成2 个烷氧自由基 • 烷氧自由基从聚合物链上夺取氢原子
• 2 个邻近聚合物链的自由基结合, 形成C-C键
硫化剂的分类、机理和相关基础知识 双(叔丁过氧基)二异丙基苯(BIPB) 2, 二甲基- 2, 5-双(叔丁基过氧基)己烷(MSDS) 叔丁基过氧化氢 二叔丁基过氧化物 1,1-双叔丁基过氧化-3,3,5-三甲基环己烷(TMCH)
硫化剂的分类、机理和相关基 础知识
• 用作硅橡胶硫化剂、PP降解剂、交联不饱和聚酯引发剂



2N5172TO-92BC E© 1997 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation2N5172TRADEMARKSACEx™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT™E 2CMOS TM FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST ®FASTr™GTO™HiSeC™The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORTDEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROV AL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORA TION.As used herein:ISOPLANAR™MICROWIRE™POP™PowerTrench™QS™Quiet Series™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8TinyLogic™1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant intothe body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whosefailure to perform when properly used in accordancewith instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a lifesupport device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status Definition Advance InformationPreliminary No Identification Needed Obsolete This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.Formative or In DesignFirst ProductionFull ProductionNot In ProductionDISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY , FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.。




TenarisHydril Wedge 523 521 Connections Running Ma

TenarisHydril Wedge 523 521 Connections Running Ma

I d M C o d e G d L 00384/4 / M a r c h 2020TenarisHydrilWedge 523® / 521® ConnectionsScopeThese guidelines apply specifically to the use of TenarisHydril Wedge 523® and Wedge 521® connections. This document should be used inconjunction with the TenarisHydril Running Manual, which is the main document applicable to the running of all TenarisHydril premium connections.Tenaris Field Service Representatives can modify these guidelines when circumstances dictate. Implementation will only occur if the representative deems themodification to be non-detrimental to product integrity. All modifications being explained and agreed with the client representative prior to implementation and fully documented in the running report.References.TenarisHydril Running Manual..Premium Connection Approved Thread Compounds FTD29356..Recommended guidelines for the field inspection of TenarisHydril connections, GDL31457..Wedge 521® Handling plugs TSH-BD-35.0002..Wedge 523®Handling Plugs TSH-BD-34.0002.1. Verify the appropriate thread compound is available.2. Refer to document FTD29356 for a list of compounds approved by Tenaris.3. Latest version of the specific Product Data Sheet can be obtained from the T enaris website. In case this is unavailable, request the data sheet from the local T echnical Sales representative or *********************************.Pre-Running1. Never move or handle pipe without the correct thread protectors securely in place.2. Ensure connections are clean and free of all debris and / or contaminants, cleaning methods employed should conform to the recommendations contained within the TenarisHydril Running Manual.3. Visually inspect threads and seal areas prior to running, ensuring no damage is evident.4. Verify the connections to be assembled are genuine TenarisHydril manufactured connections.5. Verify compatibility of the Wedge 523® / 521®connection with any accessories such as pup joints, cross overs, cement heads, etc.6. Verify material grade of all accessories ensuring compatibility with main string.7. On Dopeless® Technology connections check the condition of both pin and box coating ensuring no peeloff or degradation has occurred.I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 20208. Check availability of handling plugs, minimum of 3 to ensure efficiency of running process.9. Check the handling plugs are in good condition and fit correctly onto pipe.10. Check single joint elevators have sufficient clearance to slide over the box expanded area and seat against the handling plug.11. Check the handling plugs are genuine TenarisHydril threads.12. Verify handling plug number and maximum lift capacity.13. Never exceed the maximum lift capacity. 14. Ensure handling plug OD / weight is compatible with the pipe connections, Wedge 523® / 521® have limited same OD / weight interchange capability. 15. Refer to the TenarisHydril running manual for the care and use of handling / lift plugs.Inspection1. Inspection criteria for all Wedge Series 500™connections is as outlined in the Field Service Operative Guideline GDL31457.2. Pay particular attention to seal areas of Wedge 523® connection.3. Check box and pin for signs of mashes ordeformation caused during transportation / handling. 4. Ensure there are no gouges, tears or raised material on seal saver area of Wedge 523® connection.Wedge 523® ConfigurationNo make up band on Wedge 523®.I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 2020Wedge 521® ConfigurationNo metal to metal seal on Wedge 521®.BandThread Compound Application1. Apply a thin coating of thread compound on the full pin end only, threads, seal and pin nose, the thread form should be clearly visible.2. Do not apply running compound to the box end.3. Thread compound should be cleaned from the box if received ‘rig ready’.I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 2020Thread Lock ApplicationConnections must be clean and dry when applying thread lock.1. Thread lock should be applied to 50% of the threads at the back of the pin connection.2. Running compound should then be applied to the threads and seal at the back of the box connection.3. When assembling standard non Dopeless ®Technology connections with thread lock use standard non Dopeless ® Technology torque values.Wedge 523® / 521® Dopeless ® Technology1. Minor rust or discolouring of the pin connection can be removed with the use of a clean, dry rag ensuring the Dopeless ® Technology coating remains intact.2. Minor rust or discolouring of the box connection can be removed with the use of a non abrasiveplastic scouring pad and a clean, dry rag ensuring the Dopeless ® Technology coating remains intact.3. Dopeless ® Technology connections do not require the application of thread compound for make up.4. If for whatever reason dope has to be applied to Dopeless ® Technology connections, whether both pin and box are Dopeless ® Technology or when mixing a standard connection with Dopeless ® Technology, apply thread compound as below:I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h2020non dopeleSS ® pin into dopeleSS ® Box.Apply a thin coating of thread compound on the full pin end, threads and pin nose. Also Dope the pin seal of Wedge 523®.dopeleSS ® pin into Standard Box.Apply a thin coating of thread compound on the pin end threads only..Do not dope pin seal or box connection.dopeleSS ® pin into dopeleSS ® Box.Apply a very thin layer of thread compound on the pin threads only.. Do not dope pin seal or box connection.Wedge 523® / 521® Dopeless®Technology Thread Lock1. Ideally when running a Dopeless® Technology string the connections to be thread locked should be the non Dopeless® Technology variant with the connections cleaned of thread compound and completely dried, then thread lock and dope applied as per page 7.2. When thread locking Dopeless® Technology connections remove the Dopeless® T echnology coating from the threads on the pin connection where the thread lock is to be applied prior to the application of thread lock.3. Use a hand or rotary brass wire wheel to remove the Dopeless® Technology coating from the threads, ensuring no contact is made with the seal.4. Leave the Dopeless® Technology coating on the pin seal and threads where no thread lock is to be applied.5. Dopeless® Technology boxes should be washed with hot water then dried prior to thread locking.6. Thread lock should be applied to 50% of the pin threads furthest from the pin nose as per the diagram on page7.7. The application of thread compound is not required.8. Do not apply thread lock to the seal area. Torque Application1. Set tong dump valve at optimum torque then test on pipe body.2. For Dopeless® T echnology connections apply the specified torques as indicated on the T enarisHydrilDopeless® T echnology data sheet.I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 20203. For doped connections, apply the specified torques indicated on the T enarisHydril standard variant data sheet.4. Do not apply thread compound manufacturer’s friction factor.5. Standard doped variant, first connection make up;.Once optimum torque has been attained relax the tong and re-apply optimum torque..If movement over ½” is witnessed re-apply optimum torque +20%..Repeat process, checking to ensure no other factors areabsorbing the applied torque..Often the issue is caused by excessive application of thread compound..Continue making up further joints applying higher torque if required..Refer to the TenarisHydril Running Manual torqueapplication section.6. Double bump, (as above) every connection with an OD of 10 ¾” or larger.7. For Dopeless ® Technology connections applying optimum torque twice (double bump) is not necessary.8. When any doped variant is made up to a Dopeless ® Technology connection apply the doped variant torque values. Double bump the connection as point 5. 9. When applying thread lock to standard doped connections, doped version torque values +20% should be used then double bump the connection.10. When applying thread lock to Dopeless ®Technology connections, Dopeless ® Technology torque values +20% should be used then double bump the connection.11. Computer make up equipment is not mandatory for Wedge 523® / 521® connections in carbon steel, but is recommended.12. Computer make up equipment is stronglyrecommended for Wedge 523® / 521® connections in chrome steel.13. Graph analysis for Wedge 523® / 521® connections is similar to that for all Wedge Series 500™, refer to the TenarisHydril Running Manual make up acceptance section for further explanation.14. When computer equipment is used to monitor connection make up, the graph profiles should be similar to the one below.15. Wedge 523® connection has limited same size /weight interchange capability, if mixing weight / grade ensure compatibility of design and apply the higher torque value of the two connections.I DM C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 202016. Wedge 521® connection has limited same size / weight interchange capability, if mixing weight / grade ensure compatibility of design and apply the higher torque value of the two connections.17. Wedge 521® and Wedge 523® connections are not interchangeable.18. Wedge 523® and 513® connections arecompatible in the same size / weight combination. For other weight combinations check the TenarisHydril premium connections catalogue.19. When correctly assembled, Wedge 521®connection box face should finish within the make up band lines.Wedge 521® Make Up BandRunning1. The use of a stabbing guide is strongly recommended.2. The use of slip type elevators are recommended.3. The use of a safety clamp is strongly recommended when running Wedge 523® / 521® connections.4. The use of a weight compensator is stronglyrecommended for chrome, large OD or heavy weight pipe.5. To avoid cross threading, stab pipe in a smooth controlled fashion ensuring the pipe is vertical when doing so, continue to support and stabilise the pipe throughout the make up operation.6. Upon commencement of initial rotation use low RPM (5 RPM or below) in order to ensure the pipe has not cross threaded during stabbing.7. If cross threading is evident, immediately reverse rotate the pipe, completely disassemble, clean and inspect both connections.8. Maximum assembly speeds are indicated in the tables below. These are applicable for running in singles with tong or CRT and assuming ideal conditions.9. Conditions may dictate lower assembly speeds than the maximums indicated. High winds or excessive pipe movement among other variables will necessitate a lower RPM to be used.I D M C o d e G D L 00384/4 / M a r c h 202010. Do not exceed 15 RPM during spin in.11. Walk chrome pipe all the way in to hand tight, then apply tong only for final make up.12. Ensure the back up tong is located below the box upset to prevent damage.13. A factor which may preclude complete assembly is excessive thread compound applied to the connection, reduce the quantity applied if this is found to be the case.Pulling1. The use of a stabbing guide is strongly recommended to prevent hang up.2. The use of slip type elevators is strongly recommended.3. A single joint compensator is strongly recommended for chrome, large OD or heavy pipe.4. The use of a safety clamp is strongly recommended.5. Apply the back up tong jaw well below the box.6. Apply power tong in low RPM (3-5 RPM) to break out the connection, ensuring the pipe is stabilised during the break out process.7. Do not exceed 15 RPM during spin out.8. Walk chrome pipe all the way out by hand after initial break out.9. Visual inspection is recommended to classify the thread condition, any rejected connections should be clearly marked and segregated for further investigation.10. Apply clean, dry thread protectors after applying storage compound on clean, dry connections.11. Storage / thread compound should always be applied to connections post job, even rejects.12. Do not apply storage compound to Dopeless®Technology connections.13. For long term storage of Dopeless® Technology connections, refurbishment by qualified personnel is recommended.14. Ensure clean, dry, Dopeless® Technology protectors with seal rings correctly in place are installed.Tenaris has produced this manual for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, Tenaris does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, injury resulting from the use of information and data herein. Tenaris products and services are only subject to the Company’s standard terms and Conditionsor otherwise to the terms resulting from the respective contracts of sale, services or license, as the case may be. The information in this publication is subject to change or modification without notice. For more complete information please contact a Tenaris’s representative or visit our website at .This manual supersedes Version 03 / March 2018. ©Tenaris 2020. all rights reserved.。



——质量手册是说明实验室质量 方针以及实验室为保证实施该方 针而采用的有效制度和措施的文 件
——质量手册不涉及具体业务的 管理,体现的是ISO17025标准管 理的原则
——质量手册编制时应尽量采用 简单易懂的语言,先后次序一般 依照17025要素的顺序而定,也 可做将部分要素合并描述
——记录须字迹清楚并便于检索, 在适当条件下储存规定期限
——保证安全和保密 ——有电子方式储存记录的保护
4.13 记录的控制(2-2)
包含足够的信息 包括有关人员的标识 可识别为属于某项具体任务 记录更改应划掉错误、在旁边标上正
确值,并由更改人签名 电子储存记录也须采取相应措施
——必要时,制定设备使用及操 作、样品处置及制备指导书
——与测试或校准方法的偏离须 文件化、验证、批准并被客户认 可
5.4 测试和校准方法及方法确认 (5-2)
——选择满足客户要求并且适合 的方法
国际、区域性或国家标准方法 知名技术组织或科学文献和期刊公布
的方法 设备生产厂家指定的方法 实验室制定的经过验证的方法 实验室选定的经过验证的方法
4.1 组织(3-3)
——实施足够的监督 ——技术管理人员,全面负责技
术工作和资源供应 ——质量主管,确保质量体系贯
彻执行,有直接渠道接触实验室 最高管理者 ——关键管理人员代理人(一个 人可有多项职能) ——最高管理者应确保建立内部 沟通机制
4.2 管理体系(2-1)
——管理体系应覆盖固定设施、 离开固定设施的场所或相关的临 时或移动设施中进行的工作



前言本所根据市场需求开发研制的2,5 -二甲基-2,5-双(叔丁基过氧基)已烷,简称双2,5。





本标准主要参照:GB/T 4472-2011 化工产品密度、相对密度的测定。

GB/T 614-2006 化学试剂折光率测定通用方法。





2 引用标准下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。



GB/T 4472-2011 化工产品密度、相对密度的测定GB/T 614-2006 化学试剂折光率测定通用方法3技术指标要求指标优级品合格品备注外观淡黄色液体淡黄色液体目测嗅感淡淡有机油气味淡淡有机油气味人工鉴别含量/质量% ≧95 ≧90 液相色谱相对密度0.8650-0.8670 0.8645-0.8675 比重计折光率 1.4185-1.4195 1.4180-1.4200 阿培折光议4检测方法4.1外观:采用目测方法,将样品置于100ml白色细口样品瓶中在自然光下观测样品形态颜色。



–8 –12 –16 –20
Drain to Source Voltage V DS (V)
Dynamic Input Characteristics
V DD = –5 V –10 V
V DD = –5 V
–10 V
–50 0
12 16
Drain to Source Saturation Voltage vs. Gate to Source Voltage
–1.0 Pulse Test
–0.4 I D = –2 A
–1 A
–0.5 A
–2 –4 –6 –8 –10
Gate to Source Voltage V GS (V)
Silicon P Channel MOS FET High Speed Power Switching
• Low on-resistance RDS(on) = 0.18 Ω typ. (at VGS =–4V, ID =–1A)
• Low drive current • High speed switching • 2.5V gate drive devices.
Channel dissipation
Pch Note2
Channel temperature
Storage temperature
–55 to +150



6.1 6.0 5.02012-06-272012-04-302007-01-25SStSStSMuSStSMu-Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0A Dimensions: [mm]Additional FeaturesSafety key to lock/ unkock74271D2 General Properties:Ferrite core Ferrite core Ferrite core Plastic housing Plastic housing Test cable Test cablePropertiesMaterial Initial permeability Curie temperatureColourFlammability ClassificationApplicable cable Applicable cable lengthµi T CValue 4 W 620620150Grey UL94-V0AWG26120Unit°Cmm Tol.typ.typ.F Typical Impedance Characteristics:I Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-STAR RINGof Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:All recommendations according to the general technical specifications of the data sheet have to be complied with.The disposal and operation of the product within ambient conditions which probably alloy or harm the component surface has to be avoided.The packaging of the product is to encase the needed humidity of the plastic housing. To ensure the humidity level, the products have to be stored in this delivered packaging. If not, the products are losing their humidity. In this case you can re-condition the components according to the internal standard WE1883 to ensure the necessary humidity in the plastic.To ensure the operating mode of the product, the ambient temperature at processing (when the part will be mounted on the cable) has to be in the range of 15 to 25 °C.Before mounting, the part should be stored for one hour in this condition.The responsibility for the applicability of customer specific products and the use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products do also apply for customer specific products.Direct mechanical impact to the product and the forcible closing of this shall be prevented as the ferrite material of the ferrite body or the pla-stic housing could flake or in the worst case it could break.Product specific:Follow all instructions mentioned in the datasheet, especially:•The cable diameter must be pointed out, otherwise no warranty will be sustained.•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will result in the loss of warranty.1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the are-as, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibi-lity for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime can-not be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component.3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, warnings and cautions must be strictly observed.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve spe-cific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Secti-on 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a stan-dard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability ex-pectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered.The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .J Important Notes:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 7427155。



Extract from the onlinecatalogPTDA 1,5/ 3-3,5Order No.: 1724925The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1724925PCB terminal block with spring-cage double connection, nominal voltage 240 V, nominal current 13.5 A, pitch 3.5 mmhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 3.5 mmDimension a7 mmNumber of positions3Pin dimensions1,0 x 0,4Pin spacing 3.5 mmHole diameter 1.3 mmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 2.5 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 2.5 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 2.5 kV Rated voltage (III/2)240 V Rated voltage (II/2)400 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N13.5 A Nominal voltage U N200 V Nominal cross section 1.5 mm2 Maximum load current13.5 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Stripping length10 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max. 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule1.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max162 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1.5 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2 min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded1.5 mm2 max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2 ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm2 ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2 TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2 TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsCertification CUL, ULCULNominal voltage U N300 V Nominal current I N12 A AWG/kcmil24-16 ULNominal voltage U N300 V Nominal current I N12 A AWG/kcmil24-16DrawingsDrilling diagramDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。
















------ P264作业后彻底清洗。



—事故响应:- P303+P361+P353如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服。



- P302+P352如皮肤沾染:用水充分清洗。


- P362+P364脱掉沾染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用- P305+P351+P338如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。








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(Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features: ? Product Type = Connector ? Gender = Plug ? Number of Positions = 68 ? Shielded = Yes ? Mating Connector Lock = With ? Mount Angle = Right Angle ? PCB Polarization = Without ? PCB Retention Feature = Yes ? Rails = Without ? Shell Type = Full Metal ? Product Series = Series II ? Mating Connector Lock Type = Latch ? Shell Material = Zinc Die Cast ? Post Plate Material = Thermoplastic Termination Related Features: ? Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) 2.90 [0.114] Body Related Features: ? PCB Retention Method = Mounting Holes ? Post Plating = Tin over Nickel ? Shell Plating = Nickel over Copper ? Post Plate Flammability Rating = UL 94V
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Active .050 Series Board Mount Connectors
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
?Number of Positions = 68
?With Mating Connector Lock
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?Product Line Information
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
?Product Type = Connector
?Gender = Plug
?Number of Positions = 68
?Shielded = Yes
?Mating Connector Lock = With
?Mount Angle = Right Angle
?PCB Polarization = Without
?PCB Retention Feature = Yes
?Rails = Without
?Shell Type = Full Metal
?Product Series = Series II
?Mating Connector Lock Type = Latch
?Shell Material = Zinc Die Cast
?Post Plate Material = Thermoplastic
Termination Related Features:
?Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) =
2.90 [0.114]
Body Related Features:
?PCB Retention Method = Mounting Holes
?Post Plating = Tin over Nickel
?Shell Plating = Nickel over Copper
?Post Plate Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0 Contact Related Features:
?Contact Mating Area Plating = Gold (30)
?Contact Material = Phosphor Bronze
Housing Related Features:
?Housing Material = Thermoplastic
?Housing Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0
Industry Standards:
?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV
?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder
capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°
C, Wave solder capable to 265°C
?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was
RoHS compliant
?Brand = AMP
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