//返回模式对话框的值 function okbtn_onclick() { var commstr='';
window.close() ; } 全屏幕打开 IE 窗口 var winWidth=screen.availWidth ; var winHeight=screen.availHeight-20; window.open("main.aspx","surveyWindow","toolbar=no,width="+ winWidth +",height="+ winHeight +",top=0,left=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,center:yes,statusbars=yes"); break //脚本中中使用xml function initialize() { var xmlDoc var xslDoc
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM') xmlDoc.async = false;
xslDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM') xslDoc.async = false;
6、结合类 6.1 email的判断。 function ismail(mail) { return(new RegExp(/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/).test(mail)); } 6.2 手机号码的验证 6.3 身份证的验证 function isIdCardNo(num) { if (isNaN(num)) {alert("输入的不是数字!"); return false;} var len = num.length, re; if (len == 15) re = new RegExp(/^(\d{6})()?(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})$/); else if (len == 18) re = new RegExp(/^(\d{6})()?(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d)$/); else {alert("输入的数字位数不对!"); return false;} var a = num.match(re); if (a != null) { if (len==15) { var D = new Date("19"+a[3]+"/"+a[4]+"/"+a[5]); var B = D.getYear()==a[3]&&(D.getMonth()+1)==a[4]&&D.getDate()==a[5]; } else { var D = new Date(a[3]+"/"+a[4]+"/"+a[5]); var B = D.getFullYear()==a[3]&&(D.getMonth()+1)==a[4]&&D.getDate()==a[5]; } if (!B) {alert("输入的身份证号 "+ a[0] +" 里出生日期不对!"); return false;} } return true; }
//================================ //Cookie操作 //================================ function getCookieVal (offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); }
function GetCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; }
function deleteCookie(cname) {
var expdate = new Date(); expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 369));
function pntCnvIhtm() { v.innerHTML += this.htm; this.htm = ''; }
function pntCnv() { this.htm = ''; }
function mkDiv(x, y, w, h) { this.htm += '
<\/div>'; }
function mkDivIe(x, y, w, h) { this.htm += '%%'+this.color+';'+x+';'+y+';'+w+';'+h+';'; }
function mkDivPrt(x, y, w, h) { this.htm += '
<\/div>'; }
function mkLyr(x, y, w, h) { this.htm += ''left="' + x + '" '+ 'top="' + y + '" '+ 'width="' + w + '" '+ 'height="' + h + '" '+ 'bgcolor="' + this.color + '"><\/layer>\n'; }
var regex = /%%([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);/g; function htmRpc() { return this.htm.replace( regex, '\n'); }
function htmPrtRpc() { return this.htm.replace( regex, '\n'); }
function mkLin(x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (x1 > x2) { var _x2 = x2; var _y2 = y2; x2 = x1; y2 = y1; x1 = _x2; y1 = _y2; } var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1), x = x1, y = y1, yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1;
if (dx >= dy) { var pr = dy<<1, pru = pr - (dx<<1), p = pr-dx, ox = x; while ((dx--) > 0) { ++x; if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(ox, y, x-ox, 1); y += yIncr; p += pru; ox = x; } else p += pr; } this.mkDiv(ox, y, x2-ox+1, 1); }
else { var pr = dx<<1, pru = pr - (dy<<1), p = pr-dy, oy = y; if (y2 <= y1) { while ((dy--) > 0) { if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(x++, y, 1, oy-y+1); y += yIncr; p += pru; oy = y; } else { y += yIncr; p += pr; } } this.mkDiv(x2, y2, 1, oy-y2+1); } else { while ((dy--) > 0) { y += yIncr; if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(x++, oy, 1, y-oy); p += pru; oy = y; } else p += pr; } this.mkDiv(x2, oy, 1, y2-oy+1); } } }
function mkLin2D(x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (x1 >
x2) { var _x2 = x2; var _y2 = y2; x2 = x1; y2 = y1; x1 = _x2; y1 = _y2; } var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1), x = x1, y = y1, yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1;
var s = this.stroke; if (dx >= dy) { if (s-3 > 0) { var _s = (s*dx*Math.sqrt(1+dy*dy/(dx*dx))-dx-(s>>1)*dy) / dx; _s = (!(s-4)? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1; } else var _s = s; var ad = Math.ceil(s/2);
var pr = dy<<1, pru = pr - (dx<<1), p = pr-dx, ox = x; while ((dx--) > 0) { ++x; if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(ox, y, x-ox+ad, _s); y += yIncr; p += pru; ox = x; } else p += pr; } this.mkDiv(ox, y, x2-ox+ad+1, _s); }
else { if (s-3 > 0) { var _s = (s*dy*Math.sqrt(1+dx*dx/(dy*dy))-(s>>1)*dx-dy) / dy; _s = (!(s-4)? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1; } else var _s = s; var ad = Math.round(s/2);
var pr = dx<<1, pru = pr - (dy<<1), p = pr-dy, oy = y; if (y2 <= y1) { ++ad; while ((dy--) > 0) { if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(x++, y, _s, oy-y+ad); y += yIncr; p += pru; oy = y; } else { y += yIncr; p += pr; } } this.mkDiv(x2, y2, _s, oy-y2+ad); } else { while ((dy--) > 0) { y += yIncr; if (p > 0) { this.mkDiv(x++, oy, _s, y-oy+ad); p += pru; oy = y; } else p += pr; } this.mkDiv(x2, oy, _s, y2-oy+ad+1); } } }
function mkLinDott(x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (x1 > x2) { var _x2 = x2; var _y2 = y2; x2 = x1; y2 = y1; x1 = _x2; y1 = _y2; } var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1), x = x1, y = y1, yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1, drw = true; if (dx >= dy) { var pr = dy<<1, pru = pr - (dx<<1), p = pr-dx; while ((dx--) > 0) { if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1); drw = !drw; if (p > 0) { y += yIncr; p += pru; } else p += pr; ++x; } if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1); }
else { var pr = dx<<1, pru = pr - (dy<<1), p = pr-dy; while ((dy--) > 0) { if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1); drw = !drw; y += yIncr; if (p > 0) { ++x; p += pru; } else p += pr; } if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1); } }
function mkOv(left, top, width, height) { var a = width>>1, b = height>>1, wod = width&1, hod = (height&1)+1, cx = left+a, cy = top+b, x = 0, y = b, ox = 0, oy = b, aa = (a*a)<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1, st = (aa>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb, tt = (bb>>1) - aa*((b<<1)-1), w, h; while (y > 0) { if (st < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x); } else if (tt < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3); w = x-ox; h = oy-y; if (w&2 && h&2) { this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+2, ox+wod, -oy, oy-1+hod, 1, 1); this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, x-1+wod, -y-1, y+hod, 1, 1); } else this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox+wod, -oy, oy-h+hod, w, h); ox = x; oy = y; } else { tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3); st -= (aa<<1)*(--y); } } this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, a-ox+1, (oy<<1)+hod); this.mk
Div(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, a-ox+1, (oy<<1)+hod); }
一个可以在页面上随意画线、多边形、圆,填充等功能的js (part 2)
function mkOv2D(left, top, width, height) { var s = this.stroke; width += s-1; height += s-1; var a = width>>1, b = height>>1, wod = width&1, hod = (height&1)+1, cx = left+a, cy = top+b, x = 0, y = b, aa = (a*a)<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1, st = (aa>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb, tt = (bb>>1) - aa*((b<<1)-1);
if (s-4 < 0 && (!(s-2) || width-51 > 0 && height-51 > 0)) { var ox = 0, oy = b, w, h, pxl, pxr, pxt, pxb, pxw; while (y > 0) { if (st < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x); } else if (tt < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3); w = x-ox; h = oy-y;
if (w-1) { pxw = w+1+(s&1); h = s; } else if (h-1) { pxw = s; h += 1+(s&1); } else pxw = h = s; this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox-pxw+w+wod, -oy, -h+oy+hod, pxw, h); ox = x; oy = y; } else { tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3); st -= (aa<<1)*(--y); } } this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod); this.mkDiv(cx+a+wod-s+1, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod); }
var ox = 0, oy = b, _oy = _pxb[0], l = pxl.length, w, h; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (typeof _pxb[i] != "undefined") { if (_pxb[i] < _oy || pxt[i] < oy) { x = pxl[i]; this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox+wod, -oy, _oy+hod, x-ox, oy-_oy); ox = x; oy = pxt[i]; _oy = _pxb[i]; } } else { x = pxl[i]; this.mkDiv(cx-x+1, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod); this.mkDiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod); ox = x; oy = pxt[i]; } } this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod); this.mkDiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod); } }
function mkOvDott(left, top, width, height) { var a = width>>1, b = height>>1, wod = width&1, hod = height&1, cx = left+a, cy = top+b, x = 0, y = b, aa2 = (a*a)<<1,
aa4 = aa2<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1, st = (aa2>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb, tt = (bb>>1) - aa2*((b<<1)-1), drw = true; while (y > 0) { if (st < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x); } else if (tt < 0) { st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - aa4*(y-1); tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa2*(((y--)<<1)-3); } else { tt -= aa2*((y<<1)-3); st -= aa4*(--y); } if (drw) this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x, x+wod, -y, y+hod, 1, 1); drw = !drw; } }
一个可以在页面上随意画线、多边形、圆,填充等功能的js (part 3)
function mkRect(x, y, w, h) { var s = this.stroke; this.mkDiv(x, y, w, s); this.mkDiv(x+w, y, s, h); this.mkDiv(x, y+h, w+s, s); this.mkDiv(x, y+s, s, h-s); }
function mkRectDott(x, y, w, h) { this.drawLine(x, y, x+w, y); this.drawLine(x+w, y, x+w, y+h); this.drawLine(x, y+h, x+w, y+h); this.drawLine(x, y, x, y+h); }
function jsgFont() { this.PLAIN = 'font-weight:normal;'; this.BOLD = 'font-weight:bold;'; this.ITALIC = 'font-style:italic;'; this.ITALIC_BOLD = this.ITALIC + this.BOLD; this.BOLD_ITALIC = this.ITALIC_BOLD; } var Font = new jsgFont();
function jsgStroke() { this.DOTTED = -1; } var Stroke = new jsgStroke();
function jsGraphics(id, wnd) { this.setColor = new Function('arg', 'this.color = arg.toLowerCase();');
On this page I explain a simple DHTML example script that features invisibility, moving and the changing of text colour.
Example Test TextMake test text invisible. Make test text visible. Move test text 50 pixels down. Move test text 50 pixels up. Change colour to red. Change colour to blue. Change colour to black. Change the font style to italic. Change the font style to normal. Change the font family to 'Times'. Change the font family to 'Arial'.
/* =========================================== //转换成大写日期(中文) =========================================== */ Date.prototype.toCase = function() { var digits= new Array('零','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十','十一','十二'); var unit= new Array('年','月','日','点','分','秒');
var year= this.getYear() + ""; var index; var output="";
////////得到年 for (index=0;index{ output += digits[parseInt(year.substr(index,1))]; } output +=unit[0];
/* =========================================== //转换成中文大写数字 =========================================== */ Number.prototype.toChinese = function() { var num = this; if(!/^\d*(\.\d*)?$/.test(num)){alert("Number is wrong!"); return "Number is wrong!";}
var AA = new Array("零","壹","贰","叁","肆","伍","陆","柒","捌","玖"); var BB = new Array("","拾","佰","仟","萬","億","点","");