#2汽机发电机定子B相电流 #2汽机发电机定子C相电流 #2汽机发电机定子AB相间电压 #2汽机发电机定子BC相间电压 #2汽机发电机定子CA相间电压 #2汽机发电机定子零序电压
A A kV kV kV V
4124 4124 11 11 11 10 10 10
#1汽机发电机励磁电压 #1汽机发电机励磁电流 #1汽机发电机定子A相电流 #1汽机发电机定子B相电流 #1汽机发电机定子C相电流 #1汽机发电机定子AB相间电压 #1汽机发电机定子BC相间电压 #1汽机发电机定子CA相间电压 #1汽机发电机定子零序电压 #01起动/备用变高压侧A相电 流 #01起动/备用变高压侧B相电 流 #01起动/备用变高压侧C相电 流 #01起动/备用变有功功率 #01起动/备用变无功功率 #01起动/备用变压器油面温度 1 #01起动/备用变压器油面温度 2 #01起动/备用变压器绕组温度
点名 一、电气主接线图 A0AE07AI02 A0AE08AI02 11BAT01AI01 11BAT01AI02 11BAT01AI03 11BAT01AI07 11BAT01AI08 11BAT01AI06 11BAT01AI09 11BAT01AI10 11BAT01AI11 11BAT01AI12 10BBT01AI01 10BBT01AI02 10BBT01AI03
A KW V A KW A V A V A A A KW Kvar A KW A 183.3 687.3 430 365 430 365 430 229.1 365
常见问题汇总一、环境问题1、GS3.5 登陆系统后,打开各个菜单,均出现报错情况问题描述:GS3.5 登陆系统后,打开各个菜单,均出现报错情况,见以下图片:产生原因:未启用父路径解决方案:IIS中找到cwbase----右键-----属性------配置-----‘启用父路径’,把这个选项选中,然后重启IIS,重新登陆客户端即可。
2、重新安装IIS 后,注册ASP的方法:问题描述:重新安装IIS 后,注册ASP的方法解决方案:GS5.0使用aspnet2.0版本,需要执行以下的命令:(dos下逐级进入该路径)C:\WINDOWS\\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i输入:aspnet_regiis -i 执行后,重启IIS ,即可3、安装GS52IIS未装全报错问题描述:解决方案:安装IIS:Win2008IIS系统内置,需要在服务管理器添加角色。
4、2008安装后登陆gs软件报错问题描述:2008安装gs软件后报错,如下图HTTP 错误404.3 - Not Found由于扩展配置问题而无法提供您请求的页面。
如果应下载文件,请添加MIME 映射。
解放方案:设置IIS:1、把应用程序池的托管管道模式调成经典,并启用32位模式2、cwbase aspnet启用父路径3、cwbase 身份验证匿名访问用户administrator 并启用aspnet5、Win2008下数据库创建报错问题描述:win2008下数据库创建报错解决方案:1右键点击数据库所在的文件夹,2点击属性,在常规选项卡中点击高级,3在弹出的窗口中的压缩或加密属性中去掉压缩内容或者节省磁盘空间,点击确定4点击应用,勾选应用于该文件夹所有文件即可。
机械式滤油器 磁性滤器
网式滤油器; 线隙式滤油器; 片式滤油器; 纸芯式滤油器; 烧结式滤油器;
机械式滤油器主要靠过滤介质阻挡杂质;磁性滤油器则靠 过滤介质的磁性吸出油液中的铁末。
纸芯式滤油器是以处理过的滤纸做过滤材料。为了增加过滤面积, 纸芯上的纸呈波纹状。纸芯式滤油器性能可靠,是液压系统中广泛采用 的一种滤油器。但纸芯强度较低,且堵塞后无法清理,所以必须经常更 换纸芯。
转子及其部件 转子为鼠笼型,其主要部件有:转子铁心、轴、转 子绕组、风扇。 转子铁心由相互绝缘的冷扎硅钢片迭压而成,圆周 平均分布有通风槽,转子铁心迭压后直接套在轴 上。 转子绕组采用笼型铜条焊接结构,由置于转子槽中 的导条及两端的端环组成闭合回路,整个转子形成 一坚实的整体,结构简单牢固。 电机转子的非轴伸端装有内风扇、外风扇各一个, 电机内部的热量在转子通风槽、气隙、机座通风槽 间循环,由定子铁心及电机内部冷却介质传给电机 机座及端盖,再由外风扇强迫风冷将热量带至周围 空气中,使机壳温度降低。
金风750kW系列机组产品 特性介绍
总体概术 传动系统 液压系统 刹车系统 偏航系统
金风S48/750及系列化产品 金风(goldwind) -公司品牌 S-英文stall 的缩写,即失速控制 48-叶轮的直径为 48m 750-发电机的额定功率为750kW
润滑泵 过滤器
冷却器 温度传感器(PT100)
抗磨损 ——减少磨 损,减少阻力
用户手册 GS系列 2
具栏上图标却操作,请按工具栏上图标7.2.3.1 编辑选项:单击菜单栏或工具栏中的“编辑”将会弹操作选项:冷却选项:新建选项:打开选项:保存选项:选项:“前一个”选项:“下一个”选项:“最后一个”选项:项:“解除报警”选项::日历选项:;用户设置选项:锁键盘选项:登录系统选项:指示灯测试选项::: 报警窗口:温度曲线测试窗口:N F BL 1R L 2O NL 3S T O N7R 2R 1M CT 2S 2S 1T 16O N O N O N L 2L 1NL 3L 1L 2NL 3电源765O N O N O N 4O N O N O N 3O N O N O N 2O N O N O N阎建华未注公差按 I T 12 执行蜂鸣器5C H E C K E DD E S I G N4D R A W NP C B回流焊底板布置图D W G N O .(S U B -D I R F I LE N A M E )D A T E02/25/01D A T E图号3D A T E材料M A T LG S \E L E \1221DCBS C A L E比例AP C S1件数T RJ P 11回流焊插卡跳线图D W G N O .(S U B -D I R F I LE N A M E )6210HJ P G 5J P C 58J P G 2J P C 2J P G 0J P C 0J P G 1J P C 1J P G 3J P C 3J P G 4J P C 47J P G 6J P C 6J P G 7J P C 7S W -D I P 64J P F O N 132653240H 12A 9J P 11J P G 2J P C 25J P G 0J P C 0J P G 1J P C 14J P G 5J P C 5J P G 3J P C 3J P G 4J P C 4J P G 6J P C 6J P G 7J P C 7S W -D I P 64J P F O N 132244H 312A 956J P 11230H32J P C 1J P G 1J P G 0J P C 0J P G 2J P C 2J P G 4J P C 4J P G 3J P C 3J P G 5J P C 5J P FS W -D I P 6O N 321546248H312A 96A 287D A T ED E S I G N阎建华A 2260HK J 1K J 2K J 3K124365K J 487A 2未注公差按 I T 12 执行5402/25/01D A T ED A T EC H E C K E DD R A W N3M A T L图号材料21J P G 7J P C 7J P G 6J P C 6DCBAS C A L EP C SG S \E L E \11件数比例1270H8765432187654321ABCD调速马达接线图图号D W G N O .(S U B -D I R F I L E N A M E )材料M A T LS C A L E比例件数P C SD E S I G ND A T EC H E C K E DD A T ED R A W ND A T E未注公差按 I T 12 执行阎建华2001.06.20G S \E L E \15W (白)G Y (灰)B (黑)。
Document Number: 51027For technical questions, contact: sfer@T18Vishay Sfernice3/4" Rectangular Multi-Turn Cermet TrimmerFEATURES•Industrial Grade •0.50 W at 70 °C •MIL-R-22097•Tests according to CECC 41 000DIMENSIONS in millimetersT18* to be measured at base levelSHAFTCIRCUIT DIAGRAMTolerances unless otherwise specified ± 0.5 For technical questions, contact: sfer@Document Number: 51027T18Vishay Sfernice3/4" Rectangular Multi-Turn Cermet TrimmerMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSMechanical Travel18 turns ± 5Operating Torque (max. Ncm)2End Stop Torque clutch action Unit Weight (max. g) 1Wiper (actual travel) positioned at approx. 50 %ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSTemperature Range - 55 °C to + 125 °C Climatic Category 55/125/56Sealingfully sealed container IP67POWER RATING CHARTELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSResistive Elementcermet Electrical Travel 15 turns ± 1Resistance Range 10 Ω to 2.2 M ΩStandard series E3 1 - 2.2 - 4.7 and 1 - 2 - 5Tolerance Standard ± 10 %On Request ± 5 %Power RatingLinear 0.50 W at + 70 °C Logarithmicnot applicableTemperature CoefficientSee Standard Resistance Element TableLimiting Element Voltage (Linear Law)250 V Contact Resistance Variation 2 % Rn or 1 ΩEnd Resistance (Typical) 1 Ω Dielectric Strength (RMS)1000 V Insulation Resistance (500VDC)106 M ΩPERFORMANCETESTSCONDITIONSTYPICAL VALUES AND DRIFTSΔRTRT (%)ΔR 1-2R 1-2(%)Load Life1000 hours at rated power90'/30' - ambient temp. 70 °C ± 1 %± (3 % + 5 Ω)Contact res. variation: < 3 % Rn Climatic SequencePhase A dry heat 125 °C Phase B damp heat Phase C cold - 55 °CPhase D damp heat 5 cycles± 0.5 %± 1 %Long Term Damp Heat56 days ± 0.5 %± 1 %Dielectric strength: 1000 V RMS Insulation resistance: > 104 M ΩRapid Temperature Change 5 cycles- 55 °C at + 125 °C ± 0.5 %ΔV 1-2V 1-3≤ ± 1 %Shock50 g at 11m secs 3 successive shocks in 3 directions ± (0.2 % + 3 Ω)± 0.3 %Vibration 10 - 55 Hz 0.75 mm or 10 g during 6 hours ± 0.2 %ΔV 1-2V 1-3≤ ± 0.3 %Rotational Life200 cycles± (2 % + 3 Ω)Contact res. variation: < 2 % RnDocument Number: 51027For technical questions, contact: sfer@T183/4" Rectangular Multi-Turn Cermet TrimmerVishay SferniceMARKINGPrinted :- VISHAY trademark - model - style- ohmic value (in Ω, k Ω, M Ω)- manufacturing date - marking of terminal 3STANDARD RESISTANCE ELEMENT DATASTANDARD RESISTANCE VALUESLINEAR LAWTYPICAL TCR - 55 °C + 125 °C MAX.POWER AT 70 °CMAX.WORKING VOLTAGEMAX. WIPER CUR.ΩW V mA ppm/°C1022471002204701K 2K24K710K22K 47K 100K 220K 470K 1M0.± 100PACKAGING- In tube of 25 pieces, code “TU25”ORDERING INFORMATIONT18SERIES10 k ΩOHMIC VALUE± 10 %TOLERANCETU25PACKAGING e3LEAD FINISH TU25: Tubee3: pure SnDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。
Voltage Rating Code C D E F Voltage 400V AC/540V DC 480V AC/650V DC 600V AC 690V AC (not UL listed)
洛克威爾自動化出版物 750-TD001E-ZC-P - 2011 年 11 月
PowerFlex 750 系列交流變頻器
Cabinet Options (21G)
Drive Code 20F 20G 21G Type PowerFlex 753 PowerFlex 755 PowerFlex 755 Drive with Options 2P1 2.1 3.5 5.0 8.7 11.5 15.4 22 30 37 43 60 72 85 104 140 170 205 260 302 367 456 460 540 567 650 750 770 910 1040 1090 1175 1465 1480 Code Amps
Enclosure Code B Description IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet, 600 mm (23.6 in.) Deep Flange (NEMA/UL Type 4X/12 back) IP54, NEMA/UL Type 12 IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep IP20/IP00, NEMA/UL Type Open IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet & Options w/MCC Power Bus, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep, St NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet & Options w/MCC Power Bus, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep, CenterLine 2100 Gray (ASA49)
[ 2 YEAR WARRANTY ]• 1000 Watts peak power • UL, CSA and VDE approved • Three or four floating outputs • Single wire parallelability• Meets FCC and VDE0871A conducted noise • System control signalsThe XL750 is a systems-oriented power supply that delivers 750 Watts through a high power main output module and two to four auxiliary modules. All modules offer floating outputs which can be configured as either positive or negative. Proportional drive makes the XL750 more reliable and efficient than conventional units. This feature also saves space and weight and reduces parts count. The XL750’s current mode control permits easy parallelling of power supplies, reduces transient response time and improves reliability. XL750 Series power supplies are ideal for general industrial applications where high peak power capabilities are required.SPECIFICATIONAll specifications are typical at nominal input, full load at 25°C unless otherwise statedPAGE 1ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (mm)987654321O.V .P .DIS PARALLEL GND KEY A.T.W.P .F .D.GND FAULTOUT OKJ1987654321INHO.P .V .TRIGKEYIMONJ2OUTPUT B, C, D, & EPin-out and connector dataA Main output (A) studs (5/16-18).B Main output (A) sense connector is Molex 22-05-3021.Mating connector is Molex 22-01-2025 with Molex 08-50-0114Crimp terminals.C Auxiliary output terminal block is Kulka 4591A-02.D Auxiliary sense connector is Molex 22-05-3021.E External control interface connector is Molex 03-06-1091.Mating connector is Molex 03-06-2092 and 02-06-2103 with 02-06-1103loaded in key position.F Safety ground (8/32 stud).G AC input via 8/32 screw terminals.H For a full set of specifications on the XL750, containing details of allcontrol and interface signals contact Computer Products or your local distributorFor greatest reliability fan rotation axis should be horizontalNotes1The main output (A) on all models is a switching output. All other outputs are linear modules.2For a full set of specifications on the XL750, containing details of all control and interface signals, contact Computer Products or your local distributor.3 5 min. at 0.015” displacement, 8-56Hz, each axis with 2G dwell test on major resonances.4Internal fan, air drawn through rear fan, exhausted through front.5This product is only for inclusion by professional installers within other equipment and must not be operated as a stand alone product.International Safety Standard ApprovalsVDE0806/IEC380 Reg. File No. 1237UL478 File No. E131987CSA Bulletin No. 1402C, File No. 41062C/LR101320PAGE 2Data Sheet © Artesyn Technologies ®2000The information and specifications contained in this data sheet are believed to be correct at time of publication. However, Artesyn Technologies accepts no responsibility for consequences arising from printing errors or inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice.No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information contained herein.。
一.概述..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1. 1 简介.................................................................................................................................................. 1 1. 2 特点.................................................................................................................................................. 1 二.技术规格............................................................................................................................................. 2 2. 1 计量特性数据.................................................................................................................................. 2 2. 2 电气数据.............
%The global obesity epidemic is increasingly serious,while the adipose tissue itself may be the key to solving it.There are two types adipose tissue in human and mammals,and they play opposite roles.Un-like white adipose tissue stores excess energy,brown adipose tissue has unique uncoupling protein,so it can oxidative phosphorylate fatty acid,then release heat,and increase energy consumption.Therefore,it be-comes a new means to prevent and treat obesity by activiting brown adipose tissue thermogenesis,then speeding the oxidative phosphorylation of fat.In present review,we explicated the factors that affect brown adipose tissue thermogenesis activity and related mechanisms,aiming at providing a new method and direction for the treatment of obesity.【期刊名称】《动物医学进展》【年(卷),期】2016(037)010【总页数】6页(P98-102,103)【关键词】肥胖;棕色脂肪组织;产热;解偶联蛋白 1【作者】袁慧琦;侯少贞【作者单位】广州中医药大学,广东广州 510006;广州中医药大学,广东广州510006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S852.21肥胖及其相关代谢疾病已经成为了一个全球性的问题。
国电南自Q/GDNZ.JB101-2011SG B750数字式母线保护装置(智能站)说明书国电南京自动化股份有限公司GUODIAN NANJING AUTOMATION CO.,LTD安全声明为保证安全、正确、高效地使用装置,请务必阅读以下重要信息:1.装置的安装调试应由专业人员进行;2.装置上电使用前请仔细阅读说明书。
版本声明产品说明书版本修改记录表1098 V1.07I 国网版装置系列化(智能站) V2.00G(I) 2011-057 V1.07 增加死区事件功能,增加故障详细信息功能V2.00G,V2.00G(XX)2010-046 V1.06 根据最新国网试验做相应修改V1.06g,V1.07g 2009-065 V1.05 根据国网标准做相应修改V1.05 2009-034 V1.04 增加IEC61850及数字化变电站部分V1.02 2008-013 V1.03 内容细化,便于理解V1.02 2007-102 V1.02 V1.0 2005-91 V1.01 V1.0 2004-12 序号说明书版本号修改摘要软件版本号修改日期* 技术支持电话:(025)51183084 51183086传真:(025)51183154* 本说明书可能会被修改,请注意核对实际产品与说明书的版本是否相符* 2011年05月第7版第1次印刷目录1 概述 (1)1.1适用范围 (1)1.2保护功能配置 (1)1.3原理特点 (1)1.4辅助功能及结构特点 (2)2 技术数据 (3)2.1额定电气参数 (3)2.2主要技术性能及指标 (3)2.3大气条件 (4)2.4电磁兼容性试验 (4)2.5绝缘和耐湿热性能 (5)2.6机械性能 (5)3 硬件说明 (6)3.1硬件结构说明 (6)3.2外部连接 (6)4 保护原理 (8)4.1母线差动保护 (8)4.2母联(分段)断路器失灵和盲区保护 (18)4.3自动识别充电状态功能 (21)4.4断路器失灵保护 (22)4.5复合电压闭锁与PT断线判别功能 (27)4.6双母线运行方式识别功能 (28)4.7母联(分段)充电过流保护 (30)4.8母联(分段)非全相保护 (31)4.9双A/D逻辑 (31)5 保护配置说明 (33)5.1母联兼旁路 (33)5.2旁路兼母联 (34)5.3母线兼旁路 (36)5.4双母线单分段(双母线三分段) (37)5.5双母线双分段 (38)6 保护整定说明 (40)6.1电流折算 (40)6.2保护整定项目及原则 (40)6.3整定值清单 (43)附录2:装置背板图及虚端子 (54)附录3:装置人机界面及菜单结构 (64)附录4:装置调试与运行 (72)附录5:SG B750装置支持的IEC 61850标准 (76)1 概述我公司针对110kV-750kV电力系统的特点,结合二十多年来在各电压等级母线保护领域内的理论研究成果及成功的现场运行实践经验,提出并采用一整套母线保护新判据,在全新的EDP-01嵌入式系统平台基础上开发研制成SG B750系列数字式母线保护装置。
BAT54-V/54A-V/54C-V/54S-VDocument Number 85508Rev. 1.7, 16-Oct-06Vishay Semiconductors1Small Signal Schottky Diodes, Single & DualFeatures•These diodes feature very low turn-on voltage and fast switching •These devices are protected by a PN junction guard ring against excessive volt-age, such as electrostatic discharges •Lead (Pb)-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECMechanical DataCase: SOT23 Plastic case Weight: approx. 8.8 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18/10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08/3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1) Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout on next page.PartOrdering codeT ype MarkingRemarks BAT54-V BAT54-V -GS18 or BAT54-V -GS08L4Tape and Reel BAT54A-V BAT54A-V -GS18 or BAT54A-V -GS08L42Tape and Reel BAT54C-V BAT54C-V -GS18 or BAT54C-V -GS08L43Tape and Reel BAT54S-VBAT54S-V -GS18 or BAT54S-V -GS08L44Tape and ReelParameterT est condition Symbol V alue Unit Repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 30V Forward continuous current I F 2001)mA Repetitive peak forward current I FRM3001)mA Surge forward current current t p < 1 s I FSM 6001)mA Power dissipationP tot230mW 2Document Number 85508Rev. 1.7, 16-Oct-06BAT54-V/54A-V/54C-V/54S-VVishay Semiconductors Thermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1)Device on fiberglass substrate, see layout on next page.Electrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedLayout for R thJA testThickness:Fiberglass 1.5 mm (0.059 in.)Copper leads 0.3 mm (0.012 in.)ParameterT est condition Symbol V alue Unit Thermal resistance junction to ambiant air R thJA 4301)K/W Junction temperature T j 125°C Storage temperature rangeT stg- 65 to + 150°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.MaxUnit Reverse Breakdown voltage I R = 100 µA (pulsed)V (BR)30V Leakage current Pulse test t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 % at V R = 25 VI R 2µA Forward voltageI F = 0.1 mA, t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 %V F 240m V I F = 1 mA, t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 %V F 320m V I F = 10 mA, t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 %V F 400m V I F = 30 mA, t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 %V F 500m V I F = 100 mA, t p < 300 µs, δ < 2 %V F 800m V Diode capacitance V R = 1 V , f = 1 MHz C D 10pF Reverse recovery timeI F = 10 mA to I R = 10 mA,i R = 1 mA, R L = 100 Ωt rr5nsBAT54-V/54A-V/54C-V/54S-VDocument Number 85508Rev. 1.7, 16-Oct-06Vishay Semiconductors3Typical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedFigure 1. Typical Forward V oltage Forward Current at V ariousTemperaturesFigure 2. Diode Capacitance vs. Reverse V oltage V RFigure 3. Typical V ariation of Reverse Current at V ariousTemperatures 4Document Number 85508Rev. 1.7, 16-Oct-06BAT54-V/54A-V/54C-V/54S-V Vishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in mm (Inches): SOT23BAT54-V/54A-V/54C-V/54S-VDocument Number 85508Rev. 1.7, 16-Oct-06Vishay Semiconductors5Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of V ishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. V arious national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use V ishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify V ishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDocument Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
1 echo 和@回显控制命令@ #关闭单行回显echo off #从下一行开始关闭回显@echo off #从本行开始关闭回显。
一般批处理第一行都是这个echo on #从下一行开始打开回显echo #显示当前是echo off 状态还是echo on 状态echo. #输出一个"回车换行",一般就是指空白行echo helloworld #输出hell o world"关闭回显"是指运行批处理文件时,不显示文件里的每条命令,只显示运行结果批处理开始和结束时,系统都会自动打开回显2 errorl evel程序返回码echo %errorl evel%每个命令运行结束,可以用这个命令行格式查看返回码用于判断刚才的命令是否执行成功默认值为0,一般命令执行出错会设errorl evel为13 dir显示目录中的文件和子目录列表dir #显示当前目录中的文件和子目录dir /a #显示当前目录中的文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件和系统文件dir c: /a:d #显示C盘当前目录中的目录dir c:\ /a:-d #显示C 盘根目录中的文件dir d:\mp3 /b/p #逐屏显示d:\mp3 目录里的文件,只显示文件名,不显示时间和大小dir *.exe /s显示当前目录和子目录里所有的.exe文件其中* 是通配符,代表所有的文件名,还一个通配符? 代表一个任意字母或汉字如c*.* 代表以c 开头的所有文件?.exe 代表所有文件名是一个字母的.exe文件如果指定的目录或文件不存在,将返回 errorl evel为1;每个文件夹的dir 输出都会有2个子目录. 和... 代表当前目录.. 代表当前目录的上级目录dir . #显示当前目录中的文件和子目录dir .. #显示当前目录的上级目录中的文件和子目录其它参数可参考dir /?4 cd更改当前目录cd mp3 #进入当前目录中的mp3目录cd .. #进入当前目录中的上级目录cd\ #进入根目录cd #显示当前目录cd /d d:\mp3 #可以同时更改盘符和目录cd "Docume nts and Settin gs"\All users文件名带空格,路径前需要加上引号!!如果更改到的目录不存在,则出错返回 errorl evel=15 md创建目录md abc #在当前目录里建立子目录abcmd d:\a\b\c #如果d:\a 不存在,将会自动创建6 rd删除目录rd abc #删除当前目录里的abc 子目录,要求为空目录rd /s/q d:\temp #删除d:\temp 文件夹及其子文件夹和文件,不需要按Y 确认7 del删除文件del d:\test.txt #删除指定文件,不能是隐藏、系统、只读文件del *.*删除当前目录里的所有文件,不包括隐藏、系统、只读文件,要求按Y 确认del /q/a/f d:\temp\*.*删除d:\temp 文件夹里面的所有文件,包括隐藏、只读、系统文件,不包括子目录del /q/a/f/s d:\temp\*.*删除d:\temp 及子文件夹里面的所有文件,包括隐藏、只读、系统文件,不包括子目录8 ren文件重命名ren 1.txt 2.bak #把1.txt 更名为2.bakren *.txt *.ini #把当前目录里所有.txt文件改成.ini文件ren d:\temp tmp #支持对文件夹的重命名9 cls清屏10 type显示文件内容type c:\b oot.ini #显示指定文件的内容,程序文件一般会显示乱码type *.txt #显示当前目录里所有.txt文件的内容11 copy拷贝文件copy c:\test.txt d:\复制c:\test.txt 文件到d:\copy c:\test.txt d:\test.bak复制c:\test.txt 文件到d:\ ,并重命名为test.bakcopy c:\*.*复制c:\ 所有文件到当前目录,不包括隐藏文件和系统文件不指定目标路径,则默认目标路径为当前目录copy con test.txt从屏幕上等待输入,按C trl+Z 结束输入,输入内容存为test.txt文件c on代表屏幕,prn代表打印机,nul代表空设备copy 1.txt + 2.txt 3.txt合并1.txt 和2.txt 的内容,保存为3.txt 文件如果不指定3.txt ,则保存到1.txtcopy test.txt +复制文件到自己,实际上是修改了文件日期12 title设置cmd窗口的标题title新标题 #可以看到cm d窗口的标题栏变了13 ver显示系统版本14 label和vol设置卷标vol #显示卷标label #显示卷标,同时提示输入新卷标labelc:system #设置C盘的卷标为 system15 pause暂停命令运行该命令时,将显示下面的消息:请按任意键继续 . . .一般用于看清楚屏幕上显示的内容16 rem 和::注释命令注释行不执行操作17 date 和time日期和时间date #显示当前日期,并提示输入新日期,按"回车"略过输入date/t #只显示当前日期,不提示输入新日期time #显示当前时间,并提示输入新时间,按"回车"略过输入time/t #只显示当前时间,不提示输入新时间18 goto 和:跳转命令:label #行首为:表示该行是标签行,标签行不执行操作goto label #跳转到指定的标签那一行19 find (外部命令)查找命令find "abc" c:\test.txt在c:\test.txt 文件里查找含abc 字符串的行如果找不到,将设 errorl evel返回码为1find /i "abc" c:\test.txt查找含abc 的行,忽略大小写find /c "abc" c:\test.txt显示含abc 的行的行数20 more (外部命令)逐屏显示more c:\test.txt #逐屏显示c:\test.txt 的文件内容21 tree显示目录结构tree d:\ #显示D盘的文件目录结构22 &顺序执行多条命令,而不管命令是否执行成功c: & cd\ & dir /w相当于把下面3行命令写到1行去了c:cd\dir /w23 &&顺序执行多条命令,当碰到执行出错的命令后将不执行后面的命令f: && cd\ && dir >c:\test.txt注意如果f盘不存在,那么后面2条命令将不会执行find "ok" c:\test.txt && echo 成功如果找到了"ok"字样,就显示"成功",找不到就不显示24 ||顺序执行多条命令,当碰到执行正确的命令后将不执行后面的命令find "ok" c:\test.txt || echo 不成功如果找不到"ok"字样,就显示"不成功",找到了就不显示25 |管道命令前一个命令的执行结果输出到后一个命令dir *.* /s/a | find /c ".exe"管道命令表示先执行dir 命令,对其输出的结果执行后面的find 命令该命令行结果:输出当前文件夹及所有子文件夹里的.exe文件的个数type c:\test.txt|more这个和more c:\test.txt 的效果是一样的26 > 和>>输出重定向命令> 清除文件中原有的内容后再写入>> 追加内容到文件末尾,而不会清除原有的内容主要将本来显示在屏幕上的内容输出到指定文件中指定文件如果不存在,则自动生成该文件echo helloworld>c:\test.txt生成c:\test.txt文件,内容为hel lo world这个格式在批处理文件里用得很多,可以生成.reg .bat .vbs 等临时文件type c:\test.txt >prn屏幕上不显示文件内容,转向输出到打印机echo helloworld>con在屏幕上显示he llo world,实际上所有输出都是默认>con 的copy c:\test.txt f: >nul拷贝文件,并且不显示"文件复制成功"的提示信息,但如果f盘不存在,还是会显示出错信息copy c:\test.txt f: >nul 2>nul不显示"文件复制成功"的提示信息,并且f盘不存在的话,也不显示错误提示信息echo ^^W ^> ^W>c:\test.txt生成的文件内容为^W > W^ 和> 是控制命令,要把它们输出到文件,必须在前面加个^ 符号27 <从文件中获得输入信息,而不是从屏幕上一般用于 date time label等需要等待输入的命令@echo offech o 2005-05-01>temp.txtdat e <temp.txtdel temp.txt这样就可以不等待输入直接修改当前日期28 %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %*命令行传递给批处理的参数%0 批处理文件本身%1 第一个参数%9 第九个参数%* 从第一个参数开始的所有参数在C盘根目录新建tes t.bat,内容如下:@echo offech o cho cho .cho %*运行cmd,输入c:\test.bat "/a" /b /c /d可以看出每个参数的含意修改test.bat内容如下@echo offech o cho %~1echocho %~f0echo %~d0echo %~p0echo %~n0echo %~x0echo %~s0echo %~a0echo %~t0echo %~z0再运行cmd,输入c:\test.bat "/a" /b /c /d可以参照call/? 或for/? 看出每个参数的含意注意这里可以对文件进行日期比较和大小比较echo load "%%1" "%%2">c:\test.txt生成的文件内容为load "%1" "%2"批处理文件里,用这个格式把命令行参数输出到文件31 set设置变量引用变量可在变量名前后加% ,即%变量名%set #显示目前所有可用的变量,包括系统变量和自定义的变量echo %System Drive% #显示系统盘盘符。
微型车爱迪尔奥拓奥拓(海外)奔奔i奔奔LOVE 奔奔MINI 北斗星\比亚迪F0 标致107 标致BB1 标致iOn 长城精灵Citigo CygnetC-Zero大众Fox 大众up! 福莱尔丰田Aygo 丰田FT-EV 丰田IQ菲亚特500 哈弗M1海马爱尚海马王子Isetta江南TT Lacoste路宝乐驰MINI ROCKETMAN 欧拉Panda Picanto Pivo 3全球鹰GX2 奇瑞QQ 3 奇瑞QQ 6 奇瑞QQme 旗云1瑞麒M1 smartforfoursmartforspeedsmartforstarssmartfortwosmartforvision斯帕可SPARKStartTwingoUrban现代i10小贵族熊猫雪铁龙C1西雅特Mii悦悦小型车奥迪A1奥迪A2ALFA MiTo爱唯欧爱唯欧(海外)奔驰A级北京汽车BC302Z北京汽车E系列标致206标致206(进口)标致207标致207(进口)标致208C3毕加索长安CX20长城C20RColtCubeDS3都市方舟大众L1飞度锋范风华福特Ka风云2高尔高尔(海外)哈弗M2豪情Ibiza金刚嘉年华嘉年华(海外)晶锐晶锐(海外)金鹰酷熊凌傲乐骋乐风聆风力帆320理念S1雷诺ZOE骊威羚羊利亚纳玛驰迷迪MG3MG3SWmicraMINIMINICLUBMANMINICLUBVANMINIPACEMANMINIROADSTER美日马自达2马自达2(海外)马自达2劲翔Note欧朗朋多派朗派力奥POLOPOLO(海外)派喜丘比特千里马全球鹰GC3奇瑞A1起亚K2起亚RIO起亚SoulRIO锐欧瑞纳Roomster瑞麒G2瑞麒M5思迪三菱i赛马赛欧SonicSplash(海外)同悦同悦RS威驰威乐威姿威志威志V2威志V5现代i20现代ix20秀尔夏利炫丽夏利N5雪铁龙C2雪铁龙C3西耶那西雅特IBE优利欧雅力士雅力士(海外)英伦SC3英伦SC5英伦SC5-RV英伦SC6英伦SC6-RV雅绅特雅绅特(海外)报价图库论坛悦翔悦翔V3悦翔V5雨燕雨燕(海外)中华H230周末风众泰Z200众泰Z200HB自由舰紧凑型车ABT A3奥迪A3奥迪e-tron奥迪RS 3奥迪S3ALFA 147ALFAGiulietta爱丽舍AmperaAurisAvante奔驰B级宝骏630北京汽车C71北京现代i30宝来宝来/宝来经典宝马1系宝马1系M宝马i3奔腾B50博悦比亚迪F3比亚迪F3R比亚迪G3比亚迪G3R比亚迪L3标致301标致307标致307(进口)标致308标致308(进口)标致408长安CX30长安V802长城C30长城C50C-ElyseeCorsaDart帝豪EC7 帝豪EC7-RV DS4富康福克斯福克斯(海外)风朗福美来Forte福瑞迪风神A60 风神H30 风神S30 菲翔风云高尔夫高尔夫(进口)观致欢动海锋海福星花冠海景海马3海尚海炫海迅海域海悦和悦Insight 捷达Jetta甲壳虫竞速景逸竞悦凯迪拉克BLS卡罗拉卡罗拉(海外)科鲁兹科鲁兹(海外)凯旋凯越LANCER猎豹欧酷曼朗动LEON力帆520力帆620莲花L3莲花L5莲花L6雷克萨斯CT铃木SX4(海外)雷诺Clio蓝瑟菱帅朗逸MG5MG6梅甘娜MissionL明锐明锐(海外)马自达3马自达3(进口)马自达3星骋讴歌ILX报价图库论坛普锐斯普锐斯(海外)PT 漫步者启辰D50启辰R50骐达全球鹰GC5全球鹰GC6全球鹰GC7奇瑞A3奇瑞A5奇瑞E5旗云旗云2旗云3起亚Cee’d起亚K3Rapid瑞麒G3荣威350荣威550赛豹III赛豹V世嘉赛拉图三菱翼神思铭赛纳速锐速腾思域思域(海外)Toledo天语 SX4天语·尚悦V3菱悦V5菱致Veloster飞思VengaVisionD沃尔沃C30沃尔沃S40沃尔沃S40(进口)沃尔沃V40沃尔沃V50沃蓝达Volt现代i30(海外)雪铁龙C4雪铁龙C4 L轩逸翼豹颐达悦动逸动阳光远景英朗英伦SC7伊兰特伊兰特(海外)英伦TX4一汽TFC雅特中华H320中华H530中华骏捷Cross中华骏捷FRV中华骏捷FSV众泰Z300志翔中型车5 byPeugeot奥迪A4奥迪A4(进口)奥迪A4L奥迪RS 4ALFA 156AltimaAvalonAvensis奔驰C级奔驰C级(进口)奔驰C级AMG宝马3系宝马3系(进口)宝马M3铂锐奔腾B70奔腾B90本田FCX宾悦比亚迪F6比亚迪G6标致407标致508标致508(进口)传祺东方之子帝豪EC8DS5大众CC报价图库论坛Falcon风度福特Fusion锋哲戈蓝歌诗图昊锐昊锐(海外)华泰B11华泰B21Insignia捷豹X-TYPE景程君爵金牛座君威君威(海外)君越君越(海外)凯迪拉克ATS凯迪拉克CTS凯迪拉克CTS(进口)克莱斯勒200克莱斯勒200C凯美瑞凯美瑞(海外)凯尊凯泽西力帆720拉古那林肯MKS林肯MKZ雷克萨斯ES雷克萨斯HS雷克萨斯IS蓝鸟力狮领翔蒙迪欧蒙迪欧-致胜蒙迪欧-致胜(海外)MG7 Model S 迈锐宝迈锐宝(海外)迈腾迈腾(进口)名驭马自达6 马自达6(海外) neora讴歌TL 讴歌TSX Optima Passat Passat领驭帕萨特旗云5起亚K5 睿骋瑞麒G5 瑞麒G6 荣威750 荣威950 睿翼锐志锐志(海外) Saab 9-3 思铂睿索纳塔索纳塔八桑塔纳桑塔纳志俊Takeri 报价图库论坛天籁报价图库论坛腾翼C70纬度威达沃尔沃S60沃尔沃V60现代i40现代Sonata(海外)新明仕雪铁龙C5雪铁龙C5(进口)西雅特IBL英菲尼迪G系雅阁雅阁(海外)远舰野马F16一汽-大众CC御翔雅尊中华骏捷中华尊驰中大型车奥迪A6奥迪A6(进口)奥迪A6L奥迪RS 6奥迪S6奔驰E级奔驰E级(进口)奔驰E级AMG奔驰F800北京汽车C60北京汽车C70G宝马5系宝马5系(进口)宝马5系GT宝马M5标致607Charger东方之子6风雅广汽概念车皇冠红旗H7红旗盛世捷豹S-TYPE捷豹XF凯迪拉克STS凯迪拉克XTS克莱斯勒300C克莱斯勒300C(进口)里程劳恩斯雷克萨斯GS雷克萨斯LF-Gh林荫大道欧菲莱斯讴歌RL荣御Saab 9-5SLS赛威塔利斯曼沃尔沃S80沃尔沃S80L沃尔沃V70威赛帝雪铁龙C6英菲尼迪M系豪华车奥迪A8奥迪S8奔驰S级奔驰S级AMG宝马7系Brooklands城市帝豪GE帝威古思特红旗L9红旗旗舰辉腾幻影捷豹XJ嘉路凯迪拉克Ciel卡尔森 S级雷克萨斯LS迈巴赫慕尚西玛雅骏雅科仕雅致总裁主席跑车458 Italia奥迪A5奥迪A7奥迪R18奥迪R8奥迪RS 5奥迪S5奥迪S7奥迪TT奥迪TT RS奥迪TTSAgeraALFA 4CALFA GTApollo阿斯顿马丁DB9阿斯顿马丁DBS阿斯顿马丁One-77Aventador巴博斯CLS奔驰CL级奔驰CL级AMG奔驰CLK奔驰CLS奔驰CLSAMG奔驰CSC奔驰F125奔驰SL级奔驰SL级AMG奔驰SLK奔驰SLKAMG奔驰SLR奔驰SLSAMGBlueSport宝马6系宝马i8宝马M1宝马M6宝马Z4宝马Z8Boxster保时捷911保时捷918本田CR-Z本田S2000比亚迪S8标致EX1标致RCZ标致SR1CaliforniaCarrera GTCaymanConnectedDriveCOUPE大蛇大众EosEfficientDynamicsElanEliseEliteEmerg-EEspritEssenceEstoqueEthereaEvoraEV-SterExigeF12berlinetta法拉利250GT法拉利360法拉利575M法拉利599法拉利612法拉利Dino法拉利ENZO法拉利F40法拉利F430法拉利FF 福特Evos 丰田FT-86 福特GT丰田GT-86 Galibier Gallardo GranCabri oHuayra和悦SC捷豹C-X16 捷豹C-X75 捷豹E-TYPE捷豹F-TYPE捷豹XK杰路驰凯迪拉克ELR凯迪拉克XLR报价图库论坛克尔维特科迈罗Camaro科尼赛克CCR科尼赛克CCXR酷派蝰蛇劳恩斯-酷派雷克萨斯LF-A雷克萨斯LF-LC雷克萨斯SC 雷诺DeZir报价图库论坛摩根Aero摩根PlusMGTFMINI COUPE迈凯轮MP4-12C迈凯轮P1美人豹玛莎拉蒂3200GT玛莎拉蒂GTMurcielago马自达MX-5马自达RX7马自达RX-8Noble M600Numero 9女王讴歌NSX欧陆Panameraquattro起亚GTRapide日产350Z日产370Z日产GT-RReventonRoadster斯巴鲁BRZScion FR-SScirocco尚酷SestoElemento世爵C8速迈Spirra思派朗SpyderSupraSurvoltTuatara挑战者V12VantageV12 ZagatoV8 VantageVanquishVirage沃尔沃C70威航Wind威兹曼GTX-BOW雪佛兰Code雪佛兰Miray雪佛兰Tru雪铁龙GT伊柯丽斯野马ZagatoCoupe中国龙中华酷宝ZondaMPV奥德赛奥德赛(海外)埃尔法Alhambra艾力绅奔驰R级毕加索别克GL8本田S比亚迪e6比亚迪M6标致5008标致HX1长安VOSS长城V80大7 CEO多宝大C4毕加索东方之子Cross帝豪EV8大捷龙大捷龙(进口)Espace风景风尚福特B-MAX福特C-MAX福特E350福特S-MAX丰田WISH格蓝迪贵士H-1辉翼和悦RS君阁嘉华杰勋嘉誉骏逸开迪开迪(海外)凯领路帝菱绅菱智Meriva美佳麦柯斯迈特威Multivan马自达5马自达8马自达8(进口)欧诺Orlando报价图库论坛普瑞维亚骐菱全球鹰GV5起亚VQ日产NV200日产NV200(进口)RoutanSavana赛飞利Sienna帅客Sprinter时韵森雅森雅M80途安途安(海外)TourneoCustomTubikVerso五菱宏光威麟V5威麟V8威霆威霆(进口)唯雅诺唯雅诺(进口)新佳乐夏朗野马A-MPV野马M31D御轩优翼逸致众泰M300SUV4RunnerACSchnitzerX5ACSchnitzerX6奥丁奥迪Cross安德拉奥迪Q3奥迪Q5奥迪Q5(进口)奥迪Q7奥迪RS Q3傲虎昂科雷昂科拉ENCORE翱龙CUVASX劲炫ASX劲炫(进口)爱腾奥轩G3奥轩G5奥轩GX5奔驰G级奔驰G级AMG奔驰GL级奔驰GL级AMG奔驰GLK级奔驰GLK级(进口)奔驰M级奔驰M级AMG北京JEEP 北京汽车B40北京汽车B60北京现代ix35宾利EXP 9 F宝利格宝马X1宝马X1(进口)宝马X3宝马X5宝马X5 M 宝马X6宝马X6 M 霸锐本田CR-V 本田CR-V(海外)比亚迪S6 标致2008 标致3008(进口)标致4008 标致HR1 标致SXC 长安CS35 Captur超级维特拉驰鹏传祺GS5 Cross Coupe Crosslane Coupe大7 SUV 帝豪EX7帝豪EX8大切诺基大切诺基(进口)第四代发现Encore(海外)FJ 酷路泽Flex丰田RAV4丰田RAV4(进口)发现3菲跃哈弗H3哈弗H5哈弗H6哈弗IF哈弗M4汉兰达汉兰达(进口)汗马悍马H1悍马H2悍马H3悍马HX海马骑士ICON金杯S50吉姆尼Juke景逸SUV酷搏凯迪拉克SRX卡尔森 GL级科雷傲柯兰多凯雷德ESCALADE科帕奇科帕奇(进口)凯睿Kubang酷威卡宴猎豹CS6猎豹CS7猎豹飞腾猎豹黑金刚猎豹奇兵来宝SRV兰德酷路泽兰德酷路泽(进口)陆风X6力帆X60陆风X9路虎DC100领航员林肯MKT林肯MKX雷克萨斯GX雷克萨斯LF-Xh雷克萨斯LX雷克萨斯RX楼兰楼兰(海外)揽胜揽胜极光雷斯特Ⅱ揽胜运动版MinagiMINICOUNTRYMAN牧马人马自达CX-5马自达CX-7讴歌MDX讴歌RDX讴歌ZDX欧蓝德欧蓝德EXPathfinderPilot帕杰罗帕杰罗(进口)帕杰罗·劲畅帕杰罗速跑普拉多帕拉丁普拉多(进口)报价图库论坛奇骏报价图库论坛奇骏(进口)切诺基(进口)全球鹰GX7奇瑞TX旗胜F1骑士S12旗胜V3瑞虎锐界瑞麒X1荣威W5瑞鹰瑞鹰II报价图库论坛Saab 9-4XSaab 9-7帅豹斯巴鲁XV圣达菲圣达菲(进口)赛弗双环SCEO帅舰三菱PX-MiEV森林人索兰托双龙XIV-1狮跑SPORTAGE神行者2赛影森雅S80Terra途观Tiguan途乐特拉卡特锐途锐Traverse途胜探索者Ⅲ探险者挑战者SUVUrusVenzaVertrek沃尔沃XC60沃尔沃XC70沃尔沃XC90维拉克斯威麟X5卫士无限V3无限V5无限V7现代ix35(海外)逍客逍客(海外)新胜达雪铁龙C4Aircross享御西雅特IBX翼搏(海外)Yeti英菲尼迪EX英菲尼迪FX英菲尼迪JX英菲尼迪QX翼虎/Kuga愿景Envision英伦SX5英伦SX6野马B60X野马F10野马F12野马F99驭胜勇士域胜007永源A380战盾指挥官中华V5指南者智跑智尚S30 众泰2008 众泰5008 众泰T300 众泰T600 自由客自由人微面长安S460 长安星光长安星光4500长安之星长安之星2 东风小康C37东风小康K07东风小康K07II东风小康K17东风小康V07S东风小康V27东风小康V29福家福瑞达丰顺福顺福仕达哈飞小霸王海星A7海星A9佳宝V52 佳宝V55 佳宝V70 佳宝V70 II代俊风CV03金牛星骏意浪迪路尊大霸王民意五菱荣光五菱之光威旺306兴顺希旺星旺星旺CL优派优胜优胜II代优雅优优永源五星众泰V10微卡东风小康K01东风小康K02东风小康K06东风小康V21东风小康V22海星T20海星T22佳宝T50佳宝T51佳宝T57PN货车五菱荣光小卡优劲轻客宝迪碧莲宝斯通都灵得利卡大MPV大通V80得意风景阁瑞斯海格大海狮HIACE金杯大海狮金杯海狮经典全顺九龙A5九龙A6柯斯达凌特蒙派克瑞风瑞风II威麟H3威麟H5星锐新世代全顺御风皮卡傲骏Amarok宝典本田SUT昌铃Colorado财运100财运300财运500大柴神Denali XT大力神道奇M80道奇RamEquator风骏3风骏5飞铃福顺福特4-Trac丰田A-BAT福特F-150福特F-250福特F-350福特F-450福特F-650飞扬GladiatorHilux金典金迪尔江淮4R3皮卡吉普J-12坤程雷龙Pickup旗舰A9起亚KCV4RampageRanger日产D22日产ZN6493日产ZN6494Ridgeline瑞铃锐骐多功能车锐骐皮卡SierraSilveradosmartfor-us萨普StradaStreetRaiderSuper DutyTacomaTitan拓陆者坦途途腾T1途腾T2威虎五十铃皮卡小超人小柴神雄狮雄狮F16域虎御骏。
1. 供专业人员使用。 2. 该产品中含有叠氮钠 (NaN3),纯品具有高度的化学毒性。产品中叠氮钠的浓度虽然不能被认定为危险
性浓度,但是叠氮钠可以与铅、铜发生化学反应,形成具有爆炸性危险的叠氮化金属物质。处理时需 要用大量清水冲洗,防止管道中形成金属叠氮化物质。 3. 与所有生物来源的产品相同,必须遵循相关操作步骤。 4. 穿戴合适的个人防护装置,避免皮肤和眼睛接触。 5. 请按照当地、地区以及国家的相关法规,处理未使用的溶液。
1. 提供的试剂 即用型单克隆小鼠抗体以液体形式提供,缓冲液中含有稳定蛋白和0.015 mol/L NaN3。 克隆:AE1/AE3 同型:IgG1,kappa 2.免疫原 人体表皮细胞愈伤组织 (1)。 3.特异性 AE1/AE3 包括两种单克隆抗体,采用人愈伤组织细胞角蛋白免疫小鼠的方法得到 (2)。研究显示, AE1/AE3 能够识别大部分人细胞角蛋白,因此可以作为 IHC 中单层和复层上皮来源的判定工具 (1,2,4)。 抗体 AE1 能够与大部分亚组 A 细胞角蛋白的抗原决定簇发生反应,包括 Moll 分型(4) 中的 10、13、14、 15、16 和 19(分子量分别为 56.5、54'、50、50'、48 和 40 kDa),但是不包括编号为 12、17 和 18(分 子量分别为 55、47 和 45 kDa)的细胞角蛋白(4)。抗体 AE3 能够与亚组 B 细胞角蛋白的抗原决定簇发生 反应,包括编号为 1 和 2、3、4、5、6、7 和 8(分子量分别为 65、67、64、59、58、56、54 和 52 kDa) 的细胞角蛋白(5)。
5. Eichner R, Bonitz P, Sun T-T. Classification of epidermal keratins according to their immunoreactivity, isoelectric point and mode of expression. J Cell Biol 1984; 98:1388
SilverStone DECATHLON DA750 电源说明书
line for any length of time.
3. DC Output Specification
3-1. Output Current / Loading The following tables define two power and current rating. The power supply shall meet both static and dynamic voltage regulation requirements for minimum load condition.
The all around power
Class-leading single +12V rail with 60A @ 50°C 100% modular cables
Single PCI-E pin connector & quad PCI-E 6 pin connectors Quiet running 120mm fan
3-2. DC Voltage Regulation, Ripple and Noise The power supply output voltages must stay within the following voltage limits when operating at steady state and dynamic loading conditions. All outputs are measured with reference to the return remote sense (ReturnS) signal. The +5V,+3.3V, +12V, -12V and +5VSB outputs are measure at the power supply connectors references to ReturnS. The +5V and +3.3V is measured at its remote sense signal (+5VS, +3.3VS) located at the signal connector.
恩智浦半导体BATT-18EMBERATOR 18芯电池组模拟器用户手册说明书
UM11817Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorRev. 1 — 17 February 2023User manualIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 1 IntroductionThe BATT-18EMULATOR board can emulate a multi-cell battery pack that can be easily hooked-up to the evaluation boards for MC33774 18-cell battery cell controllers (BCCs):•RD33774ADSTEVB - distributed board with single MC33774•RD33774CNT3EVB - centralized board with three MC33774The user can connect the BATT-18EMULATOR board for a quick evaluation of NXP BCC ICs, or to help the users in their software development. These boards basically provide a very intuitive way:•To change the voltage across any of the 18 cells of an emulated battery pack•To change the voltage across some analog inputs of the BCC IC that are typically used as temperature sensorsFigure 1. BATT-18EMULATOR2 Getting started2.1 Kit contents/packing listThe kit contents include:•BATT-18EMULATOR, 18-cell slider battery pack emulator•25 W AC-DC adapter with +5 VDC/5 A single output - DC plug type P1J (2.1 × 5.5 × 11 mm), tuning fork type, center positive•Adapter cable DC plug 2.1 × 5.5 × 11 mm to 2.5 × 5.5 × 9.5 mmIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 3 Getting to know the hardware3.1 Board features•18 slider potentiometers to adjust the cells voltage between 1.2 V and 3.3 V. The maximum total voltage has been limited to 60 V.•Three cells voltage can be inverted to apply voltages from −1.2 V to −3.3 V•Maximum current capability per channel: 200 mA•Three connectors for MC33774 evaluation boards connections•Temperature sensor output voltage can vary from 0 V to +4.95 V to simulate negative temperature coefficient (NTC) sensor3.2 Board functionsThe board has been designed and optimized for the operating conditions described in Table 1 and Table 2. Usage of the board beyond these conditions can lead to malfunction and damage.Table 1. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).[1]The maximum input supply current depends on the setup: number of boards connected, cells voltage, activated cell balancing channels; seeSection 3.3.3.[1]With jumpers setting, it is possible to get negative voltages from −3.3 V to −1.2 V for cells 13, 8 and 4; see Section 3.3.4.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 3.3 Board functional descriptionFigure 2. BATT-18EMULATOR board elements3.3.1 DescriptionEach cell emulation is made of a 5 V to 5 V unregulated isolated DC-DC converter and an adjustable regulator. The regulator output voltage is set thanks to a voltage slider. Minimum voltage is 1.2 V and maximum is set to 3.3 V.3.3.2 Connection and configurationThe emulator board requires a 5 V DC power supply with 5 A current capability. The power supply is connected to the board via J3 a Ø2.5 mm jack connector or using the 2 mm bananas J2(+) and J1(−). The center pinis connected to the positive voltage and the ring terminal to the ground. The input of the board is 5 A fuse protected. An LED allows the user to check that the board is powered up. If the voltage is present on the jack connector but the LED is off, then check the fuse F1.Up to three evaluation boards RD33774ADSTEVB or one RD33774CNT3EVB can be connected using connectors J4, J5, and J6 with no specific order.3.3.3 Current consumptionThe slider pack should be supplied with a +5 V AC-DC adapter or with a lab supply. The required supply current depends on several parameters described below.With no board connected, the default supply current on the 5 V primary is around 500 mA [19 × 28 mA (DC-DC typ supply current)].One RD33774ADSTEVB board, communicating, no balancing activated, consumes around 10.5 mA. Then the total supply current required on the 5 V primary is around 700 mA [500 mA + (19 × 10.5 mA)].If three boards are connected, then the supply current is 500 mA + (3 × 19 × 10.5 mA) = 1 A.If cell balancing is activated, the primary current depends on the cell voltage, the balancing resistance, and the number of balancing metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) activated.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator On RD33774ADSTEVB, the balancing resistance is 22 Ω per cell balancing channel. With V cell = 3.3 V, the peak balancing current is 150 mA peak, 75 mA average assuming a 50 % duty cycle. If N cell balancing MOSFETs are activated, then N × 75 mA are added to the primary current needed. If one board is connected and all18 cell balancing MOSFETs are activated, then the total current is 700 mA + 18 × 75 mA = 2 A. Each individual channel (200 mA of current capability) has to provide 10.5 mA + 75 mA averaged or 10.5 mA + 150 mA peak. Note: The current is limited to 180 mA per channel. If several boards are connected, it is recommended toavoid to activate same cell balancing channels at the same time on all the boards.3.3.4 Cell polarity selectionThree pairs of jumpers allow the polarity to be reversed for cell polarities for cell4 (C5M − C4M), cell8(C9M − C8M) and cell13 (C14M − C13M) therefore providing voltages between −1.2 V and −3.3 V; see Table 3.Note: Jumper selections should be done prior to supplying the BATT-18EMULATOR. Adjacent cell voltages are impacted when changing the polarities.3.3.5 External voltage injectionThe three jumpers can also be used as injection points to inject voltages above slider ranges: −1.2 V < V inj <+1.2 V or 3.3 V < V inj, typically to evaluate MC33774 cell terminal measurements at very low voltage (busbars) or a high-voltage cell.As example, to inject a voltage between C5M and C4M, remove jumper J8, keep jumper J7 1-2, and connect a floating supply between J8-2 and J7-1 or 2. Do not exceed maximum ratings and keep cell voltage in the range −5 V to +5 V.3.3.6 Temperature sensor simulationA separate slider allows the variation of the voltage across the temperature sensors.The temperature sensor output voltage can vary from 0 V to +4.95 V. It can mimic the temperaturevariation from −48 °C to +200 °C of a 10 kΩ NTC sensor. This output voltage is connected to four different general‑purpose input/output (GPIO) on the MC33774 (GPIO 1, 2, 7, 8) configured as ratiometric inputs with10 kΩ pull‑up resistors to VAUX (3.3 V typ.).3.4 MC33774 board connectionsThree 32 pins connectors (JAE Electronics MX34032NF2) J4, J5, J6 are connected in parallel as perthe following schematic Figure 3. Up to three boards (for example, RD33774ADSTEVB) or one boardRD33774CNT3EVB can be connected on any of these connectors.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator Slider cell 0 is setting the voltage between C0M (cell0M) and C1M (cell0P), slider cell 1 is setting the voltage between C1M (cell1M) and C2M (cell1P), and so on, slider cell 17 is setting the voltage between C17M(cell17M) and C17P (cell17P).C17P-PWR and GND (pin 21) are used to supply the RD33774ADSTEVB and are separated from C17P andC0M respectively to avoid any voltage drop due to the current consumption of the evaluation boards.The slide temperature sensor is connected on pin 17 to pin 20 (NTC1, 2, 7 and 8 for RD33774DSTEVB).Figure 4. BATT-18EMULATOR connected to three RD33774DSTEVBIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 4 SchematicFigure 5. SchemaIntroduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulator 5 Legal information5.1 DefinitionsDraft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may resultin modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.5.2 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation -lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors.Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or defaultin the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applicationsand the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer.Suitability for use in automotive applications — This NXP product has been qualified for use in automotive applications. If this product is usedby customer in the development of, or for incorporation into, products or services (a) used in safety critical applications or (b) in which failure could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage (such products and services hereinafter referred to as “Critical Applications”), then customer makes the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, safety, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless ofany information or support that may be provided by NXP. As such, customer assumes all risk related to use of any products in Critical Applications and NXP and its suppliers shall not be liable for any such use by customer. Accordingly, customer will indemnify and hold NXP harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages and associated costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) that NXP may incur related to customer’s incorporation of any product in a Critical Application.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Evaluation products — This product is provided on an “as is” and “with all faults” basis for evaluation purposes only. NXP Semiconductors, its affiliates and their suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality, or arising out of the use or performance, of this product remains with customer.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors, its affiliates or their suppliersbe liable to customer for any special, indirect, consequential, punitiveor incidental damages (including without limitation damages for loss of business, business interruption, loss of use, loss of data or information, and the like) arising out the use of or inability to use the product, whether or not based on tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty or any other theory, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever (including without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of NXP Semiconductors,its affiliates and their suppliers and customer’s exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to actual damages incurred by customer based on reasonable reliance up to the greater of the amount actually paid by customer for the product or five dollars (US$5.00). The foregoing limitations, exclusions and disclaimers shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy fails of its essential purpose.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document, including the legal information in that document, is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities or may support established security standards or specifications with known limitations. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecyclesto reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applicationsand products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsiblefor compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP.NXP has a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) (reachableat *************) that manages the investigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorNXP — wordmark and logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.5.3 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names, andtrademarks are the property of their respective owners.Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorTablesTab. 1.Limiting values (4)Tab. 2.Electrical characteristics (4)Tab. 3.Cell voltage polarity selection (6)FiguresFig. 1.BATT-18EMULATOR (3)Fig. 2.BATT-18EMULATOR board elements (5)Fig. 3.Cell connector schematic ..................................7Fig. 4.BATT-18EMULATOR connected to threeRD33774DSTEVB (7)Fig. 5.Schema (8)UM11817All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. User manual Rev. 1 — 17 February 202311 / 12Introduction to 18-cell slider battery pack emulatorContents1Introduction (3)2Getting started (3)2.1Kit contents/packing list (3)3Getting to know the hardware (4)3.1Board features (4)3.2Board functions (4)3.3Board functional description (5)3.3.1Description (5)3.3.2Connection and configuration (5)3.3.3Current consumption (5)3.3.4Cell polarity selection (6)3.3.5External voltage injection (6)3.3.6Temperature sensor simulation (6)3.4MC33774 board connections (6)4Schematic (8)5Legal information (9)Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.© 2023 NXP B.V.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: Date of release: 17 February 2023。
TMS118B 3.2KW 前加载18英寸 bass reflex音箱应用产品信息表说明书
18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118B*All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademark nor affiliation of the trademark owners with MUSIC Tribe. Product names are mentioned The 3,200-Watt TM S118B is a frontloaded 18" subwoofer systemdesigned for a wide range of music andlive sound reinforcement applications.Engineered to work in conjunctionwith TURBOSOUND loudspeakermanagement systems, the TM S118Bprovides optimal FOH performance,as well as exceptional drum and sidefill monitoring duties.A bass reflex port design enclosure,with a high powered carbon fibre loaded 18" low frequency driver that utilizes a specialised voice coil wound on both the inside and outside of the coil former for higher magnetic density, better heat dissipation, high power handling capacity, and improved efficiency. T he T MS118B subwoofer provides fast and accurate transient response for virtually distortion-free operation – even in the most demanding performances.Finished in a highly durable semi matt black paint, the cabinet is constructed from 18 mm (3/4") birch plywood – and includes a rugged powder coated perforated steel mesh grille backed with reticulated foam, an integral 20 mm threaded pole mount for satellite speaker applications, and durable carry handles that are strategically placed for easy transport. The rear panel connector plate carries Neutrik speakON* NL4 connectors, with switchable input and link connections to accommodate standalone subwoofer applications, or subwoofer and satellite speaker connectivity via 4 core speaker cabling.##Front loaded subwoofer for portable PA and installation applications##800 Watts continuous,3,200 Watts peak power##Ideal for FOH, side anddrum fill applications##Carbon fibre loaded18" low frequency driver with inside/outside wound coil##Switchable input and link connections for 4 corespeaker cables##Low distortion bass reflexport design##18 mm (3/4”) birch plywood enclosure with hard wearing semi matt black paint finish##Rugged powder coated perforated steel mesh grille##20 mm threaded pole mount to support satellite speaker##Durable handles for easy lifting and carrying##Neutrik speakON* NL4 connectors for reliable long life operation##10-Year Warranty Program*##Designed and engineered in the U.K.18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118BYou Are CoveredWe always strive to provide the best possible Customer Experience. Our products are made in our own MUSIC Tribe factory using state-of-the-art automation, enhanced production workflows and quality assurance labs with the most sophisticated test equipment available in the world. As a result, we have one of the lowest product failure rates in the industry, and we confidently back it up with a generous Warranty program .18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118BFrequency Response Sensitivity 1 W / 1 mImpedance201001k10k20k62687480869298104110Frequency (Hz)S o u n d P r e s s u r e L e v e l (d B )200HZ Low Pass201001k 10k 20k110100300Frequency (Hz)M a g n e t u d e (O h m s )18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118BDimensionsTOP BOTTOM FRONTSIDEBACK597 [23.5]513 [20.2]750 [29.5]250 [9.8]217.3 [8.6]322.3 [12.7]175.4 [6.9]205.4 [8.1]CLCLCLCL18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118BTechnical SpecificationsSystemFrequency Response38 Hz – 200 Hz ±3 dB32 Hz – 200 Hz -10 dBNominal Dispersion Half spacePower Handling (IEC)800 W continuous, 3,200 W peak Sensitivity97 dBMaximum SPL126 dB continuous, 132 dB peak Impedance8 ΩComponents 1 x 18" (460 mm) LF driver EnclosureConnectors 2 x Neutrik speakON* NL4WiringSwitch position 1+/1-Pins 1+ / 1- input, pins 2+ / 2- link Switch position 2+/2-Pins 1+ / 1- link, pins 2+ / 2- input Dimensions HWD513 x 597 x 750 mm (20.2 x 23.5 x 29.5") Net Weight39.8 kg (87.6 lbs) Construction18 mm (3/4") birch plywoodFinish Semi matt black paintGrille Powder-coated perforated steel Flying Hardware —AccessoriesTPOLE60-20, 60 cm pole with a 20 mm thread TPOLE90-20, 90 cm pole with a 20 mm thread TPOLE120-20, 120 cm pole with a 20 mm threadTMS118B18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PAand Installation Applications18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118BFor service, support or more information contact the TURBOSOUND location nearest you:EuropeM USIC Tribe Brands UK Ltd.Tel: +44156 273 2290Email: C ***********************************************************************USA/CanadaM USIC Tribe Commercial NV Inc.Tel: +1 702 800 8290Email: C ***********************************************************************JapanM USIC Tribe Services JP K.K.Tel: +81 3 6231 0453Email: C ***********************************************************************MUSIC Tribe accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph, or statement contained herein. Technical specifications, appearances and other information are subject to change without notice. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MIDAS, KLARK TEKNIK, 18" Front Loaded Subwoofer for Portable PA and Installation ApplicationsTMS118B。
Badger 18 电子管电钢棒电钢棒放大器用户指南说明书
Tube-Buffered Effects Loop: Performs equally well with pedals and line-level rack gear. For best results ensure that the effects unit is set to unity gain.
Outputs: " " " Dual speaker outputs: 4Ω, 8Ω & 16Ω impedance
Cabinet: " " " Void free Baltic birch ply
Dimensions: " " Head: 20.5" wide x 9.25" high x 8.25" deep, Combo: 20.5" wide x 24.75" high x 11.0" deep
Tubes: The Badger 18 tube compliment consists of two EL84 power tubes, three 12AX7 preamp tubes and one 5Y3GT* rectifier tube. * When replacing the rectifier tube, we require you change it with a new 5Y3GT. Using the 5Y3GT will ensure your Badger’s internal voltages operate properly.
Max Clean Headroom: Power: 10, Drive: 10, Treble: 5, Middle: 5, Bass: 5, Gain: 2-3
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BAT750Document Number 85845Rev. 1.1, 24-May-04Vishay Semiconductors1No t R e l e as e d YSmall Signal Schottky DiodeFeatures•Very low forward voltage drop •Ultrafast switching•Ideal for hard-disk drive applicationsMechanical DataCase: SOT-23 Plastic case Weight: approx. 8.8 mgPackaging Codes/Options:GS18 / 10 k per 13" reel (8 mm tape), 10 k/box GS08 / 3 k per 7" reel (8 mm tape), 15 k/boxParts TableAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedThermal CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified1)Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperaturePartOrdering codeMarking RemarksBA T750BA T750-GS18 or BAT750-GS08K77 + Date CodeTape and ReelParameterTest conditionSymbol Value Unit Continuous reverse voltageV R 40V Forward currentI F750mA ParameterT est conditionSymbol Value Unit Thermal resistance junction to ambient air R thJA 5001)°C/W Maximum junction temperature T j 150°C Storage temperature rangeT S- 65 to + 150°C 2Document Number 85845Rev. 1.1, 24-May-04BAT750Vishay Semiconductors No tElectrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedPackage Dimensions in mm (Inches)ParameterTest condition Symbol Min T yp.MaxUnit Minimum reverse breakdown voltage I R = 300 µA V (BR)R 4045V Maximum leakage current V R = 30 V I R 100µA Maximum forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F 280mV I F = 1500 mA V F 500650mV Diode capacitanceV R = 0 V, f = 1 MHzC D175pFBAT750Document Number 85845Rev. 1.1, 24-May-04Vishay Semiconductors3No t R e l e as e d Ye tOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishay Document Number: Revision: 08-Apr-051NoticeSpecifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies.Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。