ZEISS CIRRUS 6000高性能OCT设备说明书
Make every second count with high-performance OCT.ZEISS CIRRUS 6000/cirrus6000High-Performance OCTAdvance your fast-paced practiceCIRRUS® 6000, the next-generation OCT from ZEISS, delivers high-speed image capture with HD imaging detail and a wider field of view, so you can make more informed decisions and spend more time with your patients.Performance OCT Faster imaging with greater detail, at 100,000 scans per second, for improved patient care.Proven analyticsComprehensive, clinically-validated tools to diagnoseand manage a range ofconditions.Patient-first designSeamless transfer of rawpatient data from previousgenerations of CIRRUS forcontinuity of patient care.2The power of 100,000 scans per secondFaster imaging:Reduce chair time and speed upyour practice.• 270% faster OCT scans and 43% faster OCTA scans.*• OCT cube scans in as little as 0.4 seconds.• High-speed imaging in combination with FastTrac™ eye tracking technology reduces the chance of motion artifacts such as those caused by blinks and saccades.Greater detail:View more in seconds and dig deeper with high-definition imaging.• 12×12 mm single-shot OCTA cube scan in addition to 8×8, 6×6 and 3×3 mm scans.• High-Definition AngioPlex scans (8×8 and 6×6 mm) for even greater microvascular detail without limiting the field of view.• 2.9 mm scan depth.*Compared to prior generations of CIRRUS. 4“The CIRRUS 6000 is all about its speed. With increased speed comes greatly improved resolution and detail on cube, raster and OCTA scans, and the new faster CIRRUS enables me to incorporate these more reliable scans into my daily workflow and make important treatment decisions for my patients.”Theodore Leng, MD, FACS,Byers Eye Institute at Stanford, United States512 mm HD 1 Line Raster 100x averaged. Image courtesy of Theodore Leng, MD, Byers Eye Institute, United States 12×12 mm single-shot OCTA of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO).Image courtesy of Jesse Jung, MD, East Bay Retina, United States612 mm HD 1 Line Raster 100x averaged. Image courtesy of Theodore Leng, MD, Byers Eye Institute, United States8×8 mm HD AngioPlex OCTA of BRVO.Image courtesy of Roger Goldberg, MD,Bay Area Retina Associates, United States diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Image courtesy ofUnited Statesretinopathy (PDR). Image courtesy of Roger Goldberg,MD, Bay Area Retina Associates, United States7AngioPlex Metrix OCTA QuantificationAngioPlex ® Metrix ™ for Macula and ONHAngioPlex Metrix allows clinicians to objectivelyassess and track progressive eye diseases suchas diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma withquantification tools such as Vessel Density,Perfusion Density, and Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ)for the macula, and Capillary Flux Index for theoptic nerve head.Proven analyticsCIRRUS-powered treatment decisionsAs the pioneering OCT technology, the CIRRUS platform offers clinicians extensive, clinically-validated applications for retina, glaucoma and anterior segment. The result: precise analysis, faster throughput and smarter decision-making across a wide spectrumof clinical conditions and patient types.RetinaMacular Change AnalysisThe CIRRUS data cube automatically stores and delivers each patient’s historical data to provide a variety of change assessments, including macular thickness change maps that help you understand your patient‘s response to treatment. Because every CIRRUS cube is tracked and registered to OCT scans from prior visits using CIRRUS’ FastTrac ™ Retinal Tracking Technology, you can confidently measure point-to-point changes in macular thickness. Visit 1Visit 28The CIRRUS suite of glaucoma analysis tools are designed to help you better visualize, detect, and manage all stages of glaucoma, from glaucoma suspects and mild glaucoma to severe glaucoma.GlaucomaAnterior SegmentPremier ModuleCIRRUS also enables comprehensiveimaging and quantification of theanterior segment for refractive surgeryplanning and follow-up, cornealevaluation and glaucoma assessment.CIRRUS RNFL thickness deviation mapshave been shown to be superior for detectinglocalized RNFL defects, compared to traditionalperipapillary RNFL thickness measurements.AutoCenter ™ – ZEISS’ patented algorithm automatically identifies theoptic nerve head using Bruch’s Membrane Opening (BMO) in 3-dimensionsfor more precise measurement of the neuro-retinal rim, accounting for tilteddiscs, disruptions to the RPE and other challenging pathology.Unique to ZEISS, Guided Progression Analysis ™ (GPA ™) provides both trend and event-based analyses that detect statistically significant change and quantify rate of change for key RNFL, ONH, andGCL/IPL parameters.Ganglion Cell Analysis helps identify macular glaucomatous damage, which can be missed with RNFL analysis bined GCL/IPL and RNFL thickness deviation maps provide a comprehensive widefield assessment.Anterior Segment9 mm epithelial thickness map of keratoconus highlights localizedepithelial thinning.9 mm high-definition cornea imaging with semi-automated measurement tools for flap thickness and residual stromal bed.9Combined GCA and RNFLDeviation Map RNFL ThicknessAnalysis RNFL Deviation Map Ganglion Cell AnalysisRNFL Thickness AnalysisPatient-first designUnique platform designed for the futureWith ZEISS CIRRUS 6000, your patient data is never left behind. The CIRRUS platform ensures seamless transfer of raw, dynamic patient data from previous generations of the device – enabling clinicians to maintain continuity of patient care, even as OCT technology evolves over time.10Technical specifications ZEISS CIRRUS 6000Analytical applicationsRetina:• M acular Thickness Analysis withReference Database (Diversified and Asian)• Macular Change Analysis• Advanced RPE Analysis• 3D Visualization• En Face Analysis• CIRRUS Wellness Exam Glaucoma:• Guided Progression Analysis• Ganglion Cell/IPL Thickness with Reference Database (Diversified and Asian)• RNFL Thickness with Reference Database (Diversified and Asian)• ONH Parameters with Reference Database (Diversified and Asian)• Average cup-to-disc ratio• Average, Superior and Inferior RNFL Thickness• CIRRUS Wellness ExamAnterior Segment:• 9 mm Epithelial Thickness andPachymetry Mapping• HD Cornea with Cornea Caliper Tool• C hamberView™ Full Anterior ChamberImaging for phakic IOL sizing and safetydistance measurements• A ngle imaging and measurement toolsfor Glaucoma (AOD, TISA, SSA)AngioPlex Metrix OCT Angiography Quantification: • Macular• Foveal Avascular Zone• Perfusion Density (ETDRS grid)• Vessel Density (ETDRS grid)• Optic Nerve Head• Capillary Perfusion Density• Capillary Flux Index• AngioPlex 2-visit comparisonKey ParametersMethodology:Spectral domain OCTOptical source:Superluminescent diode (SLD), 840 nm A-scan depth: 2.0 - 2.9 mm (in tissue)Scan speed:100,000 A-scans per secondMin. pupil diameter: 2.0 mmResolution:• Axial resolution• Transverse resolution 5 μm (in tissue), 1.95 μm (digital) 15 μm (in tissue)Refractive error adjustment:-20D to +20D (dopters)Fundus Imaging:• Methodology• Optical Source• Field of View (degrees)Line Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (LSO) SLD 750 nm36×30Posterior Segment scans:• OCT• OCTA Cube scan (Macula and Optic Disc)HD Raster (1, 5, 21-line, cross and radial); Raster scan length 3-12 mm; image averaging up to 100x3×3, 6×6, 8×8, 12×12 mm (Macula); 4.5×4.5 mm (Optic Nerve Head); 14×10 mm (Montage), 14×14 mm (Montage)Anterior Segment scans:Cube, HD Cornea, Pachymetry, HD Angle, Wide Angle-to-Angle,Anterior Chamber, 5-Line RasterInstrument SpecificationsWeight:35 kg (77 lbs) (without monitor)Dimensions (L × W × H):62.2 × 42.5 × 29.2 cm (24.4 × 16.7 × 11.4 in) (without monitor)Input Power:• Voltage and Mains Frequency• Electrical Class 230V, 100/120V, 50-60Hz IEC 60601-1 Class IComputer SpecificationsMonitor: 22” Widescreen HD Resolution: 1920×1080Internal storage: 2 TB with 128 GB SSD USB Ports: 8Input devices:Wireless keyboard, Wireless mouseProcessor:Intel® Core i7 (7th Gen)Operating system (Instrument):Windows® 10 EnterpriseSupported operating systems (Review Station):Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 7 (64 bit)11E N _31_010_0047I C Z X I /2019 I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d i t i o n : O n l y f o r s a l e i n s e l e c t e d c o u n t r i e s .T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e r i n g i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d d u e t o o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e s t a t e m e n t s o f t h e h e a l t h c a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l g i v i n g t e s t i m o n i a l r e f l e c t o n l y t h e i r p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n s a n d e x p e r i e n c e s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r e f l e c t t h e o p i n i o n s w i t h w h o m t h e y a r e a f f i l i a t e d . T h e h e a l t h c a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l g i v i n g t h i s t e s t i m o n i a l m a y h a v e a c o n t r a c t u a l r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c ., a n d m a y h a v e r e c e i v e d f i n a n c i a l c o m p e n s a t i o n . A n g i o P l e x , A n g i o P l e x M e t r i x , A u t o C e n t e r , C I R R U S ,F a s t T r a c a n dG P A a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c . o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n G e r m a n y a n d / o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s .© C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c ., 2019. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 5207745 Jena Germany//med/contactsCarl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568USA//med/contacts 0297CIRRUS 6000。
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DS-9600/8600/7700/7600 系列快速操作指南
在使用视频监控设备时,对于监听接口的使用与维护,请您严格遵守适用的法律、 法规要求。出于非法目地使用视频监控设备、探听他人隐私等,均属于非法监听。
在本手册中为了简化描述,做以下约定: 本手册提及的“设备”主要指NVR。 本手册提及的“IP设备”主要指的是网络摄像机(IPC)、网络球机(IP DOME) 或编码器(DVS)。 本手册提及的“通道”泛指NVR的IP通道。
DS-9600/8600/7700/7600 系列快速操作指南
本手册适用于以下产品: 产品系列 DS-9600N-ST 系列 DS-9600N-XT 系列 DS-9600N-RT 系列 DS-8600N-ST 系列 DS-7700N-ST 系列 DS-7700N-SP 系列 DS-7600N-ST 系列 DS-7600N-SP 系列 DS-7600N-SE 系列 DS-7600N-SE/N 系列 DS-7600N-SE/P 系列 产品型号 DS-9608/16/32/64N-ST DS-9616/32/64N-XT DS-9608/16/32/64N-RT DS-8608/16/32/64N-ST DS-7708/16/32N-ST DS-7708/16/32N-SP DS-7608/16N-ST DS-7608/16N-SP DS-7604/08N-SE DS-7604/08N-SE/N DS-7604/08N-SE/P 产品名称 NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR
DS4000存储操作手册 V1.2 final.
DS4000存储操作手册版本 v1.2 final二〇〇八年十二月神州数码 (中国技有限公司文档控制更改记录版本创建 /修改时间编制 /修改者文件 /修改内容审批人贾志锋创建文档贾志锋调整扩容部分内容审阅姓名职位发布姓名职位目录目录 ........................................................................................................................................... .......3 1. DS4000概述 ......................................................................................................................5 1.1、DS4000产品介绍 ...............................................................................................5 1.1.1、IBM System storage server DS4200 Express..................................5 1.1.2、 IBM System storage server DS4700 Express..................................5 1.1.3、 IBM System storageDS4800 storage server..................................6 1.2、 DS4000硬件介绍 ...............................................................................................6 1.2.1、 DS4700 硬件 ...........................................................................................6、 DS4700 前视图 ............................................................................6、 DS4700-70A 后视图 ...................................................................7、 DS4700-72A 后视图 ...................................................................7 1.2.2、 DS4800 硬件 ...........................................................................................8、 DS4800 前视图 ............................................................................8、 DS4800 后视图 ............................................................................8 1.2.3、 EXP810扩展柜 .........................................................................................9、 EXP810前视图 (9)、 EXP810后视图 (10)2. DS4000配置管理 ............................................................................................................10 2.1、 DS4000管理概述 .............................................................................................10 2.2、安装DS4000 Storage Manager....................................................................12 2.3、对DS4000存储进行管理 .................................................................................14 2.3.1、 DS4000存储服务器基本概念 ..............................................................14 2.3.2、开始使用DS4000 Storage Manager.................................................15、准备安装,配置管理客户端 .......................................................16、双击DS4700,管理DS4700存储服务器 ................................17、使用存储分区 ...............................................................................20、在AIX系统中识别磁盘 ................................................................24 2.3.3、安装主机端RDAC ...................................................................................24、 AIX操作系统 ................................................................................24、 Windows操作系统 (26)、 Linux操作系统 (26)3. DS4000扩展柜连接 ........................................................................................................27 3.1、 DS4700扩展柜连接 .........................................................................................27 3.1.1、一个DS4700连接一个存储扩展柜 ......................................................27 3.1.2、一个DS4700连接两个存储扩展柜 (28)3.1.3、一个DS4700连接三个存储扩展柜 (28)3.1.4、一个DS4700连接四个存储扩展柜 ......................................................29 3.1.5、一个DS4700连接六个存储扩展柜 ......................................................29 3.2、 DS4800扩展柜连接 .........................................................................................29 3.2.1、一个DS4800连接一个存储扩展柜 ......................................................30 3.2.2、一个DS4800连接两个存储扩展柜 ......................................................30 3.2.3、一个DS4800连接四个存储扩展柜 ......................................................31 3.2.4、一个DS4800连接八个存储扩展柜 (32)3.2.5、一个DS4800连接十四个存储扩展柜 (32)4. DS4000扩容 ....................................................................................................................33 4.1、添加硬盘 . (33)4.2、添加扩展柜 (34)5. 微码升级 (37)1.DS4000概述IBM TotalStorage DS4000存储服务器是一种为多种工业应用提供高可用性、高性能的存储解决方案而设计的存储服务器。
远程访问、传输功能 标配一个 10M/100M 兼容的以太网端口; 支持 PPPoE、DHCP 协议。 可以通过应用软件查看设备运行状态,可以通过网络报警; 可以通过网络远程控制云台,如云台的旋转、光圈大小、焦距远近等相关参数; 可以通过网络远程升级,实现远程维护; 支持网络矩阵功能,支持键盘控制。
1.1.2 DS-6000D
基本功能 网络功能:支持完整 TCP/IP 协议栈,支持视频、音频、报警、语音数据、串行设备数 据通过 TCP/IP 网络进行传输。 PTZ 控制功能:云台与电动镜头的控制,可以进行预置位、巡航、轨迹的设置与调用, 支持众多解码器及球机类型; 报警功能:报警输入信号、移动帧测报警、报警联动输出、网络联动输出; 语音对讲:双向、双工语音对讲,单向语音广播; 透明通道:RS-232、RS-485 均可以作为一个透明通道的输入接口,通过该透明通道可 以控制前端的串行设备,如矩阵、云台解码器等; 用户管理:多级用户权限管理方式。一个管理员可以创建多个操作员,每个操作员的权 限可以定制,系统安全性更好。 解码功能 解码参数的配置:最多支持 4 路视频源的解码,1 路 A/V 输出; 动态连接:可以实时改变每个解码画面的连接属性,支持 TCP、UDP、组播等方式, 实现动态切换; 文件回放:可以远程回放一路视频,按文件名进行回放; 实时控制:可以控制解码后的图像显示方式,启/停解码、启/停轮巡、获取状态等; 支持 Full D1 (PAL: 704*576, NTSC: 704*480) 、 DCIF (PAL: 528*384, NTSC: 528*320)、 2CIF(PAL:704*288,NTSC:704*240) 、 CIF(PAL:352*288,NTSC:352*240) 、 QCIF(PAL:176*144,NTSC:176*120)等分辨率的解码;
2.若DS=6000H,SS=5000H,ES=4000H,SI=0100H,BX=0300H,BP=0400H,D=1200H,数据段中变量名NUM的偏移地址为0050H,试指出下列源操作数的寻址方式和物理地址是多少?(1)MOV AX,[64H]答:寻址方式为直接寻址;PA=60064H(2)MOV AX,NUM 答:寻址方式为直接寻址;PA=60005H (3)MOV AX,[SI]答:寻址方式为寄存器间接寻址;PA=60100H (4)MOV AX,[BX]答:寻址方式为寄存器间接寻址;PA=60300H (5)MOV AX,[BP]答:寻址方式为寄存器间接寻址;PA=50400H (6)MOV AL,[DI]答:寻址方式为寄存器间接寻址;PA=61200H (7)MOV AL,[BX+1110H]答:寻址方式为寄存器相对寻址;PA=61410H (8)MOV AX,NUM[BX]答:寻址方式为寄存器相对寻址;PA=60305H (9)MOV AX,[BX+SI]答:寻址方式为基址变址寻址;PA=60400H(10)MOV AX,NUM[BX][DI]答:寻址方式为相对基址变址寻址;PA=61505H3.设BX=637DH,SI=2A9BH,位移量为C237H,试确定由这些寄存器和下列寻址方式产生的有效地址。
(1)直接寻址答:有效地址为EA=C237H(2)用BX的寄存器间接寻址答:有效地址为EA=637DH(3)用BX的相对寄存器间接寻址答:有效地址为EA=125B4H (4)基址加变址寻址答:有效地址为EA=8E18H(5)相对基址变址寻址答:有效地址为EA=1504FH其中,(3)和(5)中产生进位,要把最高位1舍去。
大范 现 围红 场 外图 预
故障 精
点定 细
图像 远程 提交
数据库 专家系统
红外热像诊断技术的应用,解决了电网中的大量热性故障问题,经济效益和社会 效益显著。 由于该技术是对设备表面辐射的红外光像进行非接触、 远距离热成像检 测, 不受电场干扰, 因此具有直观、 准确、 灵敏度高、快速、安全、应用范围广等 特点, 已成为电力设备健康状态监测和故障诊断的重要手段。 建立基于红外热像仪 的监控监测系统当今电业部门的一个重要方向。
Germany VANDO Analytical Instruments GmbH was established in 1990, it not only inherited the tradition of German-made high-quality optical instruments, and by virtue of its unique advanced technology and reliable quality and attentive service, always a leader spectroscopy techniques. VANDO products are widely used: various iron and steel metallurgy, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, machinery manufacturing, energy, electricity, rail transportation, aerospace, food hygiene and environmental protection.
DS-2DF4220-DX(S6 316L) 2 MP 爆炸防护网络速度域摄像机说明书
DS-2DF4220-DX(S6/316L)2 MP Explosion-proof Network Speed DomeATEx:II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 GbII 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IECEx:Ex db IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db⏹316L stainless steel⏹Supports H.265 video compression⏹Certificate No.: ATEX: SEV 20 ATEX 0415 X; IECEx: IECEx NEP 20.0018X ⏹20 × optical zoom, focal length 4.8 mm to 96 mm⏹ 2 MP 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS⏹120 dB WDR, 3D DNR⏹High quality imaging with high-perfomance sensor⏹DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view. It is calculated based on the camera sensor specification and the criteria given by EN 62676-4: 2015.DORI Detect Observe Recognize IdentifyDefinition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/mDefinition1280 m (4198.4 ft)507.9 m (1665.9 ft)256 m (839.68 ft)128 m (419.84 ft)⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination color: 0.005Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON) B/W: 0.001Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON)Shutter Speed 1/1 s to 1/30000 sSlow Shutter yesDay & Night ICRDay/Night Switch autoBLC yesWDR 120dB WDRHLC yesFocus semi-auto, manual, auto3D DNR yesDefog yesRegional Exposure yesRegional Focus yesImage Settings saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpnessImage Parameters Switch yesWhite Balance auto, ATW, sodium lamp, fluorescent lamp, indoor, outdoor, MWB, Locked WB Digital Zoom 16 ×Optical Zoom 20 ×Privacy Mask up to 24 masksSNR >52dBGeneral Function mirror, password protection, watermark, IP address filterGain Control auto, manualLensFocal Length 4.8 mm to 96 mm, 20 × opticalZoom Speed approx.2.9 sFOV Horizontal field of view: 57.6° to 3.4° (wide-tele), Vertical field of view: 34.4° to 2° (wide-tele), Diagonal field of view: 64.5° to 3.9° (wide-tele)Aperture F1.6PTZMovement Range (Pan) 360° endless Movement Range (Tilt) 0° to 90° (Auto Flip)Pan Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 160°/s, preset speed: 160°/s Tilt Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 120°/s, Preset Speed: 120°/s Proportional Zoom yesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scans, record time over 10 minutes for each scan Power-off Memory yesPark Action Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama Scan3D Positioning yes PTZ Status Display yes Preset Freezing yesScheduled Task preset,pattern scan,patrol scan,auto scan,tilt scan,random scan,frame scan,panorama scan,dome reboot,dome adjust,aux outputException Detection IP address conflict, HDD full, illegal login, HDD error, network disconnected VideoMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Stream Type main stream, sub-stream, third streamMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Bit Rate 32 kbps to 16384 kbpsH.264 Type baseline profile, main profile, high profileH.265 Type main profileH.264+ yesH.265+ yesSVC yesROI yesSmart FeaturesBasic Event motion detection, video tampering alarm, alarm input, alarm output, exceptionSmart Event intrusion detection, line crossing detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection,face detectionAlarm Linkage Alarm actions, such as Preset, Patrol Scan, Pattern Scan, Memory Card Video Record, Trigger Recording, Notify Surveillance Center, Upload to FTP/Memory Card/NAS, Send Email, etc.Smart Encoding H.265+, H.264+, low bit rate, ROI, SVC Smart Tracking manual tracking, panorama tracking Smart Record ANR, Dual-VCANetworkNetwork Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS), ANRProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE, Bonjour, Websocket, WebsocketsAPI Open-ended API, ISAPI,Hikvision SDK,Third-party management platform,Open Network Video InterfaceSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users. 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity Measures User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control; IP address filteringClient iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500, iVMS-5200, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE11, Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Safari 11+InterfaceOn-board Storage support microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cards, up to 256 GB Communication Interface RJ45, self-adaptive 10M/100M Ethernet portAlarm Input 1 alarm inputAlarm Output 1 alarm outputGeneralDimensions 264.2 mm × Φ184 mm (10.4" × Φ7.2")Demist yesCertificate No. IECEx: IECEx NEP 20.0018X ATEX: SEV 20 ATEX 0415 XPower DC9 V to 12 V, Max. 7 W; PoEOperating Conditions Temperature: -30°C to 60°C (-22°F to 140°F), Humidity: ≤ 95% Material SUS316L stainless steel with anti-corrosion surface spray treatment Weight Approx. 8 kg (17.64 lb.)Ex-mark ATEX: Ex II 2GD Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃Db IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃DbApprovalEMC FCC (47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B);CE-EMC (EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2: 2019, EN 61000-3-3: 2013+A1:2019, EN 50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014);RCM (AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015);IC (ICES-003: Issue 7);KC (KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015)Safety UL (UL 62368-1);CB (IEC 62368-1:2014+A11);CE-LVD (EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017);BIS (IS 13252(Part 1):2010/ IEC 60950-1 : 2005)Protection IP68, TVS 6000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient ProtectionAvailable Model DS-2DF4220-DX(S6/316L)⏹⏹Dimension⏹Accessory⏹IncludedDS-1772ZJ-ED2-AC⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has TOP-LEVEL PROTECTION.LevelDescriptionTop-level protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks, chemical plants, and more.Moderate protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.⏹OptionalDS-2780ZJ-X/316L(OS) DS-2781ZJ-X/316L(OS)DS-1677ZJ-XS-1.0(DY)。
海康威视摄像机前端设备型号参数快速查询:IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】一、快球设备1 DS-2AF1-611 6寸18倍彩色模拟高速球(SONY 机芯)2 6寸18倍彩色日夜型模拟高速球(SONY 机芯)3 DS-2AF1-615 6寸26倍彩色日夜型模拟高速球(SONY 机芯)4 6寸36倍彩色日夜型模拟高速球(SONY 机芯)5 DS-2AF1-612 6寸22倍彩色模拟高速球6 DS-2AF1-614 6寸23倍彩色日夜型模拟高速球7 DS-2AF1-616 6寸30倍彩色日夜型模拟高速球8 DS-2AF1-601 6寸18倍彩色模拟室内高速球(SONY 机芯)9 6寸18倍彩色日夜型模拟室内高速球(SONY 机芯)10 DS-2AF1-605 6寸26倍彩色日夜型模拟室内高速球(SONY 机芯)11 DS-2AF1-607 6寸36倍彩色日夜型模拟室内高速球(SONY 机芯)12 6寸22倍彩色模拟室内高速球13 DS-2AF1-604 6寸23倍彩色日夜型模拟室内高速球14 DS-2AF1-606 6寸30倍彩色日夜型模拟室内高速球15 DS-2AF1-401 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内模拟高速球16 DS-2AF1-402 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内模拟高速球(SONY 机芯)17 4”手动变焦彩色日夜型室内球( P/T功能)二、IP快球设备1 6寸18倍彩色网络高速球(SONY 机芯)2 DS-2DF1-613 6寸18倍彩色日夜型网络高速球(SONY 机芯)3 DS-2DF1-615 6寸26倍彩色日夜型网络高速球(SONY 机芯)4 DS-2DF1-617 6寸36倍彩色日夜型网络高速球(SONY 机芯)5 DS-2DF1-612 6寸22倍彩色网络高速球6 6寸23倍彩色日夜型网络高速球7 DS-2DF1-616 6寸30倍彩色日夜型网络高速球8 DS-2DF1-601 6寸18倍彩色网络室内高速球(SONY 机芯)9 DS-2DF1-603 6寸18倍彩色日夜型网络室内高速球(SONY 机芯)10 DS-2DF1-605 6寸26倍彩色日夜型网络室内高速球(SONY 机芯)11 6寸36倍彩色日夜型网络室内高速球(SONY 机芯)12 DS-2DF1-602 6寸22倍彩色网络室内高速球13 DS-2DF1-604 6寸23倍彩色日夜型网络室内高速球14 DS-2DF1-606 6寸30倍彩色日夜型网络室内高速球15 DS-2DF1-401 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内网络高速球16 DS-2DF1-402 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内网络高速球(SONY 机芯)17 DS-2DF1-301 4”手动变焦彩色日夜型室内网络球18 DS-2DF1-401E 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内网络高速球有POE功能19 DS-2DF1-402E 4”10倍彩色日夜型室内网络高速球(SONY 机芯) 有POE功能20 4”手动变焦彩色日夜型室内网络球( P/T功能)有POE功能三、经济型彩色摄像机1 1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 420线2 DS--2CC102P-A "1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 420线,DC12V/AC24V"3 DS--2CC112P 1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 480线4 DS--2CC112P-A 1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 480线 DC12V/AC24V5 DS--2CC192P 1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 530线6 DS--2CC192P-A 1/3” SONY CCD枪式彩色摄像机 530线DC12V/AC24V7 1/3” SONY CCD半球彩色摄像机 420线8 DS--2CC512P 1/3”SONY CCD半球彩色摄像机 480线9 DS--2CC592P 1/3”SONY CCD半球彩色摄像机 530线四、彩色摄像机1 DS--2CC191P-A 1/3” SONY CCD 日夜型枪式彩色摄像机 540线DC12V/AC24V?2 1/3” SONY CCD 日夜型枪式彩色摄像机 540/600线 DC12V/AC24V?3 DS--2CC194P-A 1/3” SONY CCD 日夜型枪式彩色摄像机 540/600线 DC12V/AC24V?4 DS--2CC194P-C 1/3” SONY CCD 日夜型枪式彩色摄像机 540/600线 AC220V5 DS--2CC195P-A "1/3""SONY Exview CCD日夜型超高解超低照度摄像机 540/600线 DC12V/AC24V"6 1/3” SONY CCD,日夜型超高解超宽动态摄像机 540/600线 DC12V/AC24V?7 DS--2CC593P-A 1/3” SONY CCD,手动变焦大镜头半球彩色摄像机 540线 DC12V/AC24V?五、网络摄像机1 1/3” SONY CCD420线枪型网络摄像机2 DS-2CD802PF 1/3” SONY CCD420线枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口3 DS-2CD812P 1/3” SONY CCD480线枪型网络摄像机4 DS-2CD812PF 1/3” SONY CCD480线枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口5 DS-2CD892P 1/3” SONY CCD540线枪型网络摄像机6 DS-2CD892PF 1/3” SONY CCD540线枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口7 DS-2CD832 CMOS35万像数枪型网络摄像机8 DS-2CD832F CMOS35万像数枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口9 CMOS200万像数枪型网络摄像机10 DS-2CD852F CMOS200万像数枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口11 1/3” SONY CCD420线10米红外枪型网络摄像机12 DS-2CD802P-IR3 1/3” SONY CCD420线30米红外枪型网络摄像机13 DS-2CD812P-IR1 1/3” SONY CCD480线10米红外枪型网络摄像机14 1/3” SONY CCD480线30米红外枪型网络摄像机六、无线网络摄像机1 DS-2CD802PF-W 1/3” SONY CCD420线10米红外枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口,10/100BaseTEther net2 1/3” SONY CCD480线10米红外枪型网络摄像机,带SD卡接口,10/100BaseTEther net七、红外摄像机1 1/3” SONY CCD420线10米枪型红外摄像机2 DS-2CC112P-IR1 1/3” SONY CCD480线10米枪型红外摄像机3 DS-2CC192P-IR1 1/3” SONY CCD540线10米枪型红外摄像机4 1/3” SONY CCD420线30米枪型红外摄像机5 DS-2CC112P-IR3 1/3” SONY CCD480线30米枪型红外摄像机61/3” SONY CCD540线30米枪型红外摄像机7 DS--2CC502P-IR1 1/3” SONY CCD红外半球彩色摄像机 420线 10米8 DS--2CC512P-IR1 1/3” SONY CCD红外半球彩色摄像机 480线 10米9 1/3” SONY CCD红外半球彩色摄像机 420线 30米10 DS--2CC512P-IR3 1/3” SONY CCD红外半球彩色摄像机 480线 30米八、ATM专用摄像机1 1/3” SONY CCD420线迷你摄像机2 DS-2CC112P-MM 1/3” SONY CCD480线迷你摄像机3 DS-2CC502P-DG1 1/3” SONY CCD420线针孔摄像机4 1/3” SONY CCD480线针孔摄像机5 DS-2CC502P-DG2 1/3” SONY CCD420线广角摄像机6 DS-2CC512P-DG2 1/3” SONY CCD480线广角摄像机九、防暴专用摄像机1 DS-2CC502P-FB 1/3” SON Y CCD420线防暴半球摄像机?2 1/3” SONY CCD480线防暴半球摄像机?3 DS-2CC592P-FB 1/3” SONY CCD540线防暴半球摄像机十、电梯专用摄像机?1 DS-2CC502P-FD1 1/3” SONY CCD420线飞碟摄像机2 1/3” SONY CCD420线飞碟摄像机3 DS-2CC512P-FD1 1/3” SONY CCD480线飞碟摄像机4 DS-2CC512P-FD2 1/3” SONY CCD480线飞碟摄像机。
JDSU T-BERD 6000 光纤测试平台说明书
T-BERD ®6000Compact Optical Test Platform Key Features •Compact,lightweight,and highly integrated platform•More than 40 application modules already supported formultimode and single-mode•Built-in VFL,power meter,LTS,ORL,and video inspectionscope options •Choose from IL/ORL,OTDR,PMD,CD,AP and/or WDMplug-ins•Exceeds Telcordia specifications for ruggedness,droptesting,and extended battery life•Compatible with plug-in modules from the MTS-51001and T-BERD 8000The JDSU T-BERD 6000 is a highly integrated test platform designed for all phases of the fiber network life cycle.It provides field service technicians with the highest levels of performance and upgradeability on the market today.The modular design of the T-BERD 6000 offers an extensive portfolio of test functionality with over 40 different fiber modules supporting a wide range of applications.The versatility of the T-BERD 6000 allows technicians to standardize using one type of test equipment and then introduce new testing capabilities in the field without incurring additional training or device costs.The T-BERD 6000 is compatible with our existing fiber module product line,so technicians can exchange plug-in modules between the T-BERD-8000 Scalable Optical Test Platform and the T-BERD 6000,in the field and without the need for additional tools.To ensure the highest level of return on your capital investment for test equipment,an extension allows you to upgrade existing OTDR modules from the MTS-5100 for use with the T-BERD 6000.To ensure the highest-level return on investment for your test equipment,upgradeexisting optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) modules from the MTS-5100(with an extension) for use with the T-BERD 6000.Compatible with the M T S-5100 line of MM,SR,DR,HD,and VHD OTDR modulesApplications•Performs multimode andsingle-mode OTDR and optical losstest (bidirectional)•Conducts connector inspection andcontinuity testing•Finds faults and identifies traffic•Tests FTTx/PON and CWDMnetworks•Performs fiber dispersion testing(PMD/CD/AP) for 10G/10GE/40G•Allows for use of talk set/data portfor automated end-to-endcommunication and unit control•Generates proof-of-performancereports P r o vided b vided by y : com (800)40404-A -ATE TEC CAd Advanced vanced T Test est E quipment Rentals ®Microphone(4) Molded Bumpers(7) Soft Keys(Context Sensitive)(5) Direct Access Keysand Start/StopNavigation Key PadRemovable High-CapacityLi Ion Battery (8-hour battery life)T-BERD 6000 Front Panel Ideal for Field TestingThe T-BERD 6000 is a highly integrated platform with a single module slot and the option to extend internal memory up to 1 gigabyte.The platform features an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) shown on a large 8.4 inch transreflective color display (with an optional touchscreen) to improve viewing under any condition.The high capacity Lithium ion battery adds extended life.Other features include an optional video inspection scope (via USB port),and optional built-in optical test functions,such as a visual fault locator (VFL),power meter,optical return loss (ORL) and loss test sets (LTS).The T-BERD 6000 also has a built-in optical talk set option for communicating and controlling remote units along the fiber,and it can transfer data fast using the USB or Ethernet port.8.4 in Indoor/Outdoor TFT Color Display,Touchscreen ConfigurablePower Meter Visual Fault Locator AC InputHeadsetOptical Talk Set/Light Source/ORL High-SpeedEthernet Port (2) USB Ports (Video Inspection Scope Option)T-BERD 6000 Top SideOverview of Fiber Optic Applications Compact and Highly IntegratedThe versatility of the T-BERD 6000 allows it to address premises to long-haul network s comprising new technologies,such as various fiber network s (FTTx),remote optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs),and 40 G.–Built-in VFL,laser source power meter,LTS,talk set/data,and video inspection scope options (simultaneously)–Bidirectional insertion loss (IL) and ORL capabilities combined in one module –OTDR and chromatic dispersion (CD) capabilities combined in one module –Polarization mode dispersion (PMD),wave division multiplexing (WDM),and attenuation profile (AP) capabilities combined in one module –PMD,CD,and AP capabilities combined in one module Wide Range of Test Applications–10 GigE local area network (LAN) qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the unique universal SRL 850/1300/1310/1550/1625 nmOTDR Module–End-to-end connectivity on point-to-point network s,including sectionalized testing on a passive optical network (PON) (without a splitter)Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the VSRe,SRe,MR OTDR module at 1310/1550 nm –End-to-end connectivity on PONs,including splitter qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the MR,LR,or VLR at 1310/1490/1550 nm OTDR moduleAdd optional VFL,power meter,and video inspection scope–In-service maintenance and troubleshooting without service disruption Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the filtered LR OTDR module at 1625 nm –End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualificationSolution:T-BERD 6000 with the MR,LR,or VLR at 1310/1550/1625 nm OTDR module Add optional VFL,power meter,and video inspection scope LAN/WAN Premises Metro/Core NetworksFTTx/Access Networks4–End-to-end connectivity and fiber splice qualification Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the UHD OTDR module at 1310/1550/1625 nmDynamic range of 50 dB available at 1550 nm–Characterize fiber in high-speed transmission systems for loss/dispersion Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the PMD/CD/AP ,ODTR,and OFI module–Characterize fiber and prove suitability to carry multiple channels (water peak)Solution:T-BERD 6000 with the VLR OTDR module at 1383 nmAdd the combined PMD/WDM/SA or CDWM OTDR module–New technologies developed in the futureSolution:T-BERD 6000 with the new JDSU field-upgradeable application module 10G/40G Fiber Characterization CWDM/DWDM Modular PlatformUltralong-Haul Networks Modular designOTDR and IL/ORL TestingA Wide Range of OTDR ModulesThe JDSU OTDR plug-in module family provides a wide range of high-performance OTDRs.Over 40 field-interchangeable modules are compatible withthe T-BERD 6000 for testing and troubleshooting any multimode or single-mode network.The OTDR family includes six lines of OTDRs featuring:–New wavelengths to cover 1383 nm (CWDM) and 1490 nm (FTTx) –Highest dynamic range up to 50 dB–Shortest dead zones down to 0.5 m in multimode and 0.8 m in singlemode–Fastest scan speed at 0.1 s in real-time modeFrom Simple Fault Locator to Expert OTDR…The fault locator boosts productivity in the field by providing:The expert mode offers high-level trace analysis possibilities,mak ing yourT-BERD 6000 platform a powerful instrument for commissioning and trouble-shooting by offering:-Manual settings (pulse,acquisition time,resolution,distance range)-Manual addition and deletion of events-Manual slopes,splices,and reflectances measurementIndustry leader for dynamicrange with 50 dB Revolutionary 50 cm dead zone automationloss,and ORL measurementsFigure 2 Fault locator modeIdeal for End-to-End CommissioningOTDR bidirectional testing is required to obtain true and accurate splice loss readings.JDSU has developed an innovative automatic bidirectional analysis function that is integrated directly into the T-BERD 6000 platform,saving at least 50 percent of the time required for traditional bidirectional analysis.–Offers communication between two units via the link under test to set up the same optimized acquisition parameters–Displays and saves automatic acquisitions in both directions on both units –Eliminates operator errorUnique to the market:Fully automatic bidirectionalacquisition and analysisLocalT-BERD 6000T-BERD 6000Remote Figure 3Bidirectional OTDR measurement CWDM OTDR ModulesThe CWDM OTDR module allows in-service OTDR measurements at International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) G.694.2 CWDM wavelengths.This solution was developed to help network operators and dark fiber providers characterize,maintain,and troubleshoot CWDM systems from short- to medium-haul fiber networks.Figure 4 Qualification of a CWDM networkFTTx/PON In-Service ModulesTo avoid interrupting customer traffic (in-service testing) of B/G/E-PON networks the filtered OTDR module performs an out-of-band test using 1625 nm wavelength.Insertion Loss and Optical Return Loss Testing–Measures bidirectional IL,ORL,and fiber length –Offers one-button automated testing –Choose three wavelengths from 1310,1490,1550,and 1625 nm –Compatible with the OFI-2000 Multifunction Loss Test SetCD,PMD,AP,and WDM TestingThe T-BERD 6000 enables CD and PMD measurements to identify fiber viability for very high-speed transmission systems.It also enables WDM and AP tests to validate the link compatibility with DWDM system implementation.Polarization Mode Dispersion Testing–Fast and accurately measures PMD delay,PMD coefficient,andsecond-order values–Offers high dynamic range (up to 65 dB) dedicated for metropolitan,long haul, and very long haul fiber optic links–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)–Allows for measurement through multiple amplifiers–Provides statistics and long-term monitoringChromatic Dispersion Testing - OTDR-Based Method–Requires access to only one end of the fiber–Offers dynamic range (up to 120 km) dedicated for any metropolitan fiber optic links–Includes acquisition points around 1310,1480,1550,and 1625 nm for accurate CD from 1260 to 1650 nm–Integrates a four-wavelength OTDR and light source–Provides sectional analysis capability for troubleshooting–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)9T-BERD 6000 COMPACT OPTICAL TEST PLATFORMChromatic Dispersion Testing - Phase-Shift Method–Offers high dynamic range (up to 55 dB) dedicated for metropolitan,long haul, and very long haul fiber optic links–Provides full wavelength range characterization (1260 to 1640 nm)–Allows for measurement through multiple amplifiers–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)Attenuation Profile Testing–Provides total loss and dB/km values for full band testing (1260 to 1640 nm)–Allows CDWM and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) transmission band characterization–Provides water peak (1383 nm area) characterization–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)–Combined with WDM and PMD functions or with CD and PMD functionsDWDM Maintenance Testing–Measures channel level,power,and wavelength in the S,C,and L bands–Provides the most compact DWDM test solution that measures optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR)–Tests wavelengths from 1260 to 1640 nm or 1485 to 1640 nm–Offers high wavelength accuracy–Provides statistics and long-term monitoring–Offers shock- and vibration-proof design (with no moving parts)10Generate cable acceptance reportsReport single test resultsP rofessional acceptance test reports OTDR trace report Options and AccessoriesGreater Productivity with CommunicationsWith limited telephone line and cell phone coverage during fiber testing,the T-BERD 6000 offers a built-in optical talk set option for permanent communication between test technicians.Near- and far-end technicians can communicate with each other,avoiding many of the testing mistakes that can prove costly if another truck roll is required to fix a problem.For bidirectional testing that requires both the near- and far-end units to acquire data,the Data mode on the optional talk set synchronizes data acquisition for both units during OTDR testing and retrieves test results for pass/fail analysis.–Provides 45 dB optical talk set–Provides file transfer capability through the fiber–Provides remote control of the far-end unit–Provides a talk set compatible with the OFI-2000 and with the OTS-55 Optical Talk Set stand-alone unitEffective Test Report GenerationTransfer data and generate comprehensive reports using JDSU FiberTrace and FiberCable analysis software.–Generate proof-of-performance reports with a high degree of customization –Create dedicated tables for each test result (OTDR,CD,PMD,and ORL)–Provides pass/fail indicators for quick analysis of problem areas –Identifies macro bends and provides fault report summary11Comprehensive Line of AccessoriesA wide range of available accessories provide technicians with everything needed to benefit from the complete testing capabilities of the of the T-BERD 6000.Join the T-BERD Family of Optical Test SolutionsBased on the same graphical user interface (GUI) and file formats,the T-BERD 6000,T-BERD 6000A,and the T-BERD 8000 form a family of solutions for high-performance field testing.In addition,the fiber application plug-in modules are field interchangeable with the T-BERD 6000,T-BERD 6000A,and the T-BERD 8000,ensuring maximum flexibility and investment protection.The T-BERD 6000 can house one fiber application plug-in module.The T-BERD 6000A with the Multi-Services Application Module (MSAM) offers Ethernet and SONET/SDH testing at line rates from 10 Mb/s up to 10 Gb/s,as well as the ability to verify and troubleshoot higher-layer IP video,Layer 4 UDP/PCP ,FTP ,and HTTP .The T-BERD 8000 can house multiple modules simultaneously,enabling the perform-ance of almost any combination of network test functions in a single unit.In addition,the T-BERD 8000 also offers:–DWDM turn-up testing–Dual-port optical spectrum analysis–DWDM channel isolation for BERT analysis –E1/T1 to 10G BERT analysis–10/100/1000/1G/10G Ethernet testingT-BERD 6000 LITE Compact OTDR T-BERD 6000Compact Optical Test Platform T-BERD 6000ACompact Network Test Platform T-BERD 8000Scalable Optical Test PlatformThe T-BERD 6000 with the optional mouse,keyboard,battery,headset,AC/DC adapter charger,and video inspection scopeT-BERD 8000 field-scalable optical test platformView clean and dirty fiber end faces with the connector inspection option.Test & Measurement Regional SalesProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© 2008 JDS Uniphase Corporation November 200830162566 000 1108 TB6000.DS.FOP .TM.AESpecifications for Typical 25°CDisplayTFT color,8.4 in LCD,800 x 600,high-visibility (standard)Touchscreen,TFT color,8.4 in LCD,800 x 600,high-visibility (optional)Storage and I/O Interfaces Internal memory 1000 test results Extended memory (optional)Minimum 1 GB (optional)2x USB V1.1,1x RJ45 Ethernet Power Supply Battery type Standard removable Li-ion batteries AC/DC adapter Input 100–240 V,50–60 Hz,Output 19 V DC/3.1 AOperation time Up to 11 hrs with standard display,Telcordia GR-196-CORESize and WeightMainframe with one plug-in module and battery (L x H x W)285 x 195 x 93 mm(11.2 x 7.7 x 3.7 in)Mainframe only (without battery and module) 2.4 kg (5.3 lb)Mainframe (with one plug-in module and battery) 3.4 kg (7.5 lb)Environmental SpecificationsOperating temperature range on mains (no options)–20 to +50°C (–4 to 122°F)Operating temperature range (all options)0 to +40°C(32 to 104°F)Storage temperature range –20 to +60°C (–4 to 140°F)Humidity,non-condensing 95%Base Unit Optical Interfaces (optional)Power Meter Power level+10 to –60 dBm Calibrated wavelengths 850,1310,and 1550 nm Connector type Universal push/pull (UPP)Talkset Wavelength 1550 nm ±20 nmDynamic range 45 dBFunction With data/file transferLaser safety Class 1M laser Connector typeField interchangeableOptical Return Loss Selectable wavelength 1310 / 1550 nm Measurement range 0 dB to 45 dBMeasurement uncertainty ±1 dB Display resolution0.01 dBVisual Fault Locator Wavelength 635 nm ±15 nm Output power level <1 mW Laser safety Class 2 laser Connector type Universal push/pull (UPP)Continuous Wave Light Source Wavelengths (selection)1310,1550,and 1625 nm Output power level –3.5 dBm Stability in 15 min ±0.02 dB Stability in 8 hrs ±0.2 dB Laser safety Class 1M laser Connector type Field interchangeable Video Inspection Scope (via USB)Magnification 250X and 400X,through the USB portBase InstrumentT-BERD 6000 platform with high-visibilitycolor display and battery packTB6000T-BERD 6000 platform with high-visibility touchscreen color display and battery pack TB6000T Extended memory (1 GB)E60EXTMEM VFL with 2.5 mm UPP E80VFL Optical talk set E80TS Optical power meter with UPP connector (2.5 mm provided as standard)E80PM Optical loss test set 1550/1625 nm with talk set E8029LTSTS Optical loss test set with talk set (1310/1550/1625 nm)E8036LTSTS Combined LTS and ORL with talk set(1310/1550 nm )E8026LTSTSORL Bidirectional OTDR acquisitionoption for single-mode moduleE80bidir Quick capture video microscope,200x/400x with USB converterEFSCOPE400AccessoriesCigarette lighter power adapterE80lighter Additional Li-Ion rechargeable batteryE60LiIon Wrap around carrying case for 6000 platformESCASE5Application SoftwareOptical FiberTrace software (for post-analysis)EOFS100Optical FiberCable software(for acceptance report generation)EOFS200Optical connectors for the loss test set and talk set options (connector must be of the same type)Field replaceable connectors:EUNIPCFC,EUNIPCSC,EUNIPCST,EUNIPCDIN,EUNIPCLC,EUNIAPCFC,EUNIAPCSC,EUNIAPCST,EUNIAPCDIN,EUNIAPCLCPlease refer to the separate module datasheets for detailed specifications.。
-O-OC-R.其中R=C17H15,n =140~150。
PEG6000DS的合成主要有两条途径.其-是直接酯化法,即用PEG 6000与硬脂酸直接进行酯化反应.其二是酯交换法,即硬脂酸甲脂与PEG 6000通过酯交换脱去甲醇.PEG 6000DS 外观为黄白色薄片固体。
PEG 6000DS是酯类非离子表面活性剂,因为酯键的化学特性,故不宜在强酸或强碱条件下使用.一般在pH5~8范围内比较稳定,在高温下也容易破坏酯键,故也不宜长期在较高温度下使用。
室温下PEG 6000DS在水和醇中的溶解性较差,但可溶于热的水和醇中.故使用时一般先用15~20倍的大于80℃的水或2倍40℃~50℃的甲醇溶解,然后用水稀释至所需浓度.因为它作为添加剂加入香波或其它配方,一般不超过百分之几,故它的溶解性不是很大的问题.PEG 6000DS水溶液的粘度随温度不同而不同,温度高时粘度降低.在香波的基本配方中(AES,10%;6501;3%,NaCl:1.0%),加入不同浓度的PEG6000DS,香波的粘度变化情况见图1.图中AES,6501为日本LION公司产品,PEG6000DS为广州道明化学公司产品DM-638,粘度用上海天平仪器厂NDJ-1型旋转粘度计.以下同.由图可以看出,随着PEG6000DS的浓度增加,香波的粘度增加开始较平缓,后急剧增加。
赛默飞离子6000色谱仪的参数一、概述赛默飞离子6000色谱仪(Mass Spectrometer 6000)是一款高性能的质谱仪,适用于各种复杂样品的分析。
二、质谱分析参数1. 质谱范围:赛默飞离子6000色谱仪的质谱范围广,能够覆盖从小分子到大分子的离子。
在常见的质谱扫描模式下,质谱范围可达100-2000 m/z。
2. 分辨率:该色谱仪具有出色的质谱分辨能力,分辨率可达到100,000以上,能够有效区分样品中的同位素峰和杂质信号。
3. 碎裂模式:赛默飞离子6000色谱仪支持多种碎裂模式,包括电子轰击解离(EI)、化学电离解离(CI)、碰撞诱导解离(CID)等,可根据实际分析需求选择适合的碎裂模式。
三、分辨能力参数1. 色谱分辨能力:赛默飞离子6000色谱仪的色谱分辨能力优秀,可将复杂样品中的不同成分准确分离并进行定量分析。
2. 基线分辨能力:色谱仪的基线分辨能力高,能够有效减少基线漂移和噪音干扰,保证分析结果的准确性和可靠性。
四、灵敏度参数1. 检测灵敏度:赛默飞离子6000色谱仪具有高灵敏度的检测能力,能够在样品中检测到微量的目标物质,极大地拓展了其适用范围。
2. 响应线性范围:色谱仪的响应线性范围宽,能够实现对不同浓度范围内的目标物质进行准确检测和定量分析。
五、速度参数1. 分析速度:赛默飞离子6000色谱仪具有较快的分析速度,能够在短时间内完成多个样品的分析,提高实验效率。
2. 数据处理速度:色谱仪配备了高性能的数据处理系统,能够实现快速数据采集、处理和分析,为用户提供及时准确的实验结果。
查看所有终端额定值。 为避免起火和过大电流的冲击,请查看产品上所有的额定值和标记说明,请在连接产 品前查阅产品手册以了解额定值的详细信息。
使用合适的过压保护。 确保没有过电压(如由雷电造成的电压)到达该产品。否则操作人员可能有遭受电击 的危险。
温度 操作时:0℃至+50℃ 非操作时:-20℃至+70℃
湿度 +35℃以下:≤90%相对湿度 +35℃至+40℃:≤60%相对湿度
警告 为避免仪器内部电路短路或发生电击的危险,请勿在潮湿环境下操作仪器。
海拔高度 操作时:3000 米以下 非操作时:15000 米以下
安装(过电压)类别 本产品由符合安装(过电压)类别 II 的主电源供电。
DS6000 系列数字示波器
2011 年 8 月 RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
目 录..........................................................................................................I
保持适当的通风。 通风不良会引起仪器温度升高,进而引起仪器损坏。使用时应保持良好的通风,定期 检查通风口和风扇。
请勿在潮湿环境下操作。 为避免仪器内部电路短路或发生电击的危险,请勿在潮湿环境下操作仪器。
请勿在易燃易爆的环境下操作。 为避免仪器损坏或人身伤害,请勿在易燃易爆的环境下操作仪器。
请保持产品表面的清洁和干燥。 为避免灰尘或空气中的水分影响仪器性能,请保持产品表面的清洁和干燥。
7.10100110B =166D=A6H=O。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.62.若屏蔽某几位可用指令(A)A.AND B.OR C.NOT D.XOR3.微处理器8086字符串操作,用来存放源串偏移地址的寄存器是(C)。
A.BPB.SPC.SID.DI4.若当减法运算X-Y中,是SF=1,OF=1,说明两者比较结果为(A)A.X<YB.X>YC.X≦Y D .X≧Y5.8086/8088CPU 中,标志寄存器的第11位OF位是(C)A.符号标志位B.零标志位C.溢出标志位D.方向标志位6.CPU中运算器的主要功能是()A .算数运算B .逻辑运算C .算术运算和逻辑运算D .函数运算7.如对某一寄存器清零可以使用下面命令()。
后端产品手册2009.12.06目录DS-9000系列 (1)产品简介 (1)订货型号 (1)主要特性 (1)功能与性能 (2)物理接口 (4)典型应用 (5)技术规格表 (6)DS-9100系列 (8)产品简介 (8)订货型号 (8)主要特性 (8)功能与性能 (9)物理接口 (11)典型应用 (12)技术规格表 (13)DS-8100系列 (14)主要特性 (14)功能与性能 (14)典型应用 (16)DS-8100HF-S (18)产品简介 (18)订货型号 (18)特别说明 (18)物理接口 (18)技术规格表 (20)DS-8100HE-S (21)产品简介 (21)订货型号 (21)特别说明 (21)物理接口 (21)技术规格表 (23)DS-8100HC-S (24)产品简介 (24)订货型号 (24)特别说明 (24)物理接口 (24)技术规格表 (26)DS-8100HS-S (27)订货型号 (27)特别说明 (27)物理接口 (27)技术规格表 (29)DS-8100HL-S (30)产品简介 (30)订货型号 (30)特别说明 (30)物理接口 (30)技术规格表 (32)DS-7100系列 (33)DS-7100H-S (33)产品简介 (33)订货型号 (33)特别说明 (33)主要特性 (33)功能与性能 (34)物理接口 (36)典型应用 (37)技术规格表 (38)DS-7200系列(6467平台) (39)主要特性 (39)功能与性能 (39)典型应用 (41)DS-7208HV-S (42)产品简介 (42)订货型号 (42)特别说明 (42)物理接口 (42)技术规格表 (44)DS-7216HV-S (45)产品简介 (45)订货型号 (45)特别说明 (45)物理接口 (45)技术规格表 (47)DS-8000系列 (48)功能与性能 (48)典型应用 (50)DS-8000HF-S (51)产品简介 (51)订货型号 (51)特别说明 (51)技术规格表 (54)DS-8000HT-S (55)产品简介 (55)订货型号 (55)特别说明 (55)物理接口 (55)技术规格表 (57)DS-8000HE-S (58)产品简介 (58)订货型号 (58)特别说明 (58)物理接口 (58)技术规格表 (60)DS-8000HE-SL (61)产品简介 (61)订货型号 (61)特别说明 (61)物理接口 (61)技术规格表 (63)DS-8000HC-S (64)产品简介 (64)订货型号 (64)特别说明 (64)物理接口 (64)技术规格表 (66)DS-8000HC-SL (67)产品简介 (67)订货型号 (67)特别说明 (67)物理接口 (67)技术规格表 (69)DS-8000HS-S (70)产品简介 (70)订货型号 (70)特别说明 (70)物理接口 (70)技术规格表 (72)DS-8000HS-ST (73)产品简介 (73)订货型号 (73)特别说明 (73)物理接口 (73)技术规格表 (75)DS-7000系列 (76)DS-7000H-S (76)产品简介 (76)订货型号 (76)特别说明 (76)物理接口 (76)技术规格表 (79)DS-7200系列(6446平台) (80)DS-7204H-S (80)产品简介 (80)订货型号 (80)特别说明 (80)物理接口 (80)技术规格表 (81)DS-7208H-S (82)产品简介 (82)订货型号 (82)特别说明 (82)物理接口 (82)技术规格表 (83)DS-9000系列产品简介DS-9000系列网络硬盘录像机是海康威视自主研发的新一代混合型网络硬盘录像机它融合了多项专利技术,采用了多项IT高新技术,如视频编解码技术、嵌入式系统技术、存储技术、网络技术和智能技术等。
调度数据网 ONU
工业 交换机
纤 环 网
公网无线 2G/3G/4G DTU
一、国电南自简介 二、整体解决方案 三、DS6000主站系统 四、DS6500信息交换总线 五、终端产品系列 六、馈线自动化FA
• 真正的对等通讯模式 • 面向对象的模型设计 • 强大易用的可视化工具 • 适应配网阶段性规划建设的特点
• 为供电可靠性99.999%的指标提供技术支撑 • 无极差的分布式保护全覆盖 • 智能分布式FA,无需主站配合 • 高可靠性的通讯技术支持
• 无停电感觉 • 保护动作故障隔离时间 小于300ms • 故障隔离恢复的总时间 小于1s
主站层 (监控中心)
主站系统 DS6000
微网能量 管理系统
配网高级 应用软件
子站层 (变电站)
接入层 (通讯介质)
设备层 (配电终端)
设备层 (一次设备)
2015/5/23, Slide 7
• All in one:计算、存储、网络、云平台、系统管理高
度集成,机房空间减少 50%
• 平滑扩容,维护简单
融合 简单
………… …
可靠 弹性
网络实时接管 数据多份复制
Dell 通用扩展坞 D6000S 用户指南说明书
D6000S 用户指南2注解:注解表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
© 2021 Dell Inc. 版权所有,翻印必究本说明文件中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
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本文中使用的商标:D e l l 和D e l l 徽标是D e l l I n c.的商标;I n t e l ®,C e n t r i n o ®,C o r e ®和A t o m ™是I n t e l 公司在美国和(或)其他国家的商标或注册商标;M i c r o s o f t ®,W i n d o w s ®,和W i n d o w s 开始菜单徽标是微软公司在美国和(或)其他国家的商标或注册商标;B l u e t o o t h ®是B l u e t o o t h S I G 所属的注册商标,并授权D e l l I n c.使用;B l u -r a y D i s c ®是蓝光光盘协会(B l u -r a y Disc Association,BDA)所属商标,并授权在光盘和播放器上使用;本说明文件中述及的其他商标和产品名称是指拥有相应商标和产品名称的公司或其制造的产品。
2021 – 07Rev. A003包装清单a. Dell 通用扩展坞 (D6000S)b. 电源配适器,电源线规格上行输入• USB 3.0 Type A (通过 C-to-A 转换器) • USB-C(支持功率输出最高为 65W)下行输出• 3xUSB 3.0 Type A• 1 x USB 3.0 Type A(正面,供电 USB) • 1x USB-C(正面,数据传输,供电 USB) • 1 x HDMI • 2 x 显示端口 • 千兆以太网支持 USB 3.1 Gen1• 产品性能:产品信号为 5 千兆比特每秒 • 销售名称:超速 USB• 注解:USB 3.1 Gen1 和 USB3.0 是同义词。
关于SKF轴承的型号表示方法关于SKF轴承型号表示方法说明文件型号——轴承类型的确定0 双列角接触球轴承1 自动调心球轴承2 球面滚子轴承,球面滚子推力轴承3 圆锥滚子轴承4 双列深沟球轴承5 推力球轴承6 深沟球轴承7 角接触球轴承8 圆柱滚子推力轴承BK 封口冲压外圈滚针轴承C CARB圆环滚子轴承HK 开口冲压外圈滚针轴承K 滚针与保持架推力组件N 圆柱滚子轴承第二个字母,有时候第三个字母,用来确定法兰结构,例如:NJ, NU, NUP; 双列或多列圆柱滚子轴承的型号总是以NN开头。
NA 外形尺寸符合ISO 15的滚针轴承NK 滚针轴承QJ 四点接触球轴承T 圆锥滚子轴承,公制尺寸符合ISO 355-1977尺寸符合ABMA系列的英制圆锥滚子轴承按照符合ANSI-ABMA标准19的不同系统来表示型号(参阅前缀K-之下)型号—补充型号—前缀前缀是用来确定轴承的组成部分,通常其后跟有完整轴承的型号,或用来避免与其它轴承型号混淆。
AR- 球或滚子与保持架组件GS 圆柱滚子推力轴承的轴承座圈IR- 径向轴承的内圈K 圆柱滚子推力轴承的滚子与保持架组件K- 符合ABMA标准系列英制圆锥滚子轴承带滚子与保持架组件的内圈(圆锥内圈)或外圈(圆锥外圈)(正被逐步淘汰)L 分离型轴承的单一内圈或外圈OR- 径向轴承的外圈R 除去内圈或外圈的分离轴承W 不锈钢深沟球轴承WF 外圈带法兰的不锈钢深沟球轴承WS 圆柱滚子推力轴承的轴圈ZE 带有SensorMount® 特性的轴承型号—补充型号—后缀后缀是用来识别在某些方面不同于原设计、或不同于目前的标准设计的设计或变型。
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