Extensive Reading
1.利用多媒体展示一张神秘的热带雨林图片,引导学生观察并提问:“If you had a chance to explore this mysterious rainforest, what do you think you would find?”让学生发挥想象,分享他们的想法。
针对牛津深圳版(沈阳广州)七年级英语上册Unit 6 "Extensive reading"的教学内容,学情分析如下:
[单选,A1型题]对下肢静脉曲张并发溃疡的治疗,不恰当的是()A.溃疡愈合后做大隐静脉结扎及剥脱术B.3%硼酸溶液湿敷C.抬高患肢D.溃疡不愈合者也可考虑手术E.大隐静脉结扎及剥脱术,溃疡切除并植皮 [单选,B型题]高山病的病因是()。A.高气压B.低气压C.高气温D.高气湿E.高气流 [单选]执行拖航任务时,任何船只()。A.严禁搭乘无关人员随航B.只能搭乘1人C.只能搭乘2人D.只能搭乘3人 [单选]液体在蜗壳式离心泵中能量的增加是在()中完成的。A.叶轮B.蜗室C.扩压管D.A和B和C [单选,A1型题]原子核是由以下哪些粒子组成的()A.质子和核外负电子B.质子和正电子C.质子和中子D.中子和电子E.光子和电子 [单选]男性,65岁,冠状病史10余年,冠脉造影检查后,出现恶心、纳差。BUN22mmol/L,Cr230mmol/L,Hb118g/L,尿量500ml,BP140/80mmHg,最可能的诊断是()A.慢性肾衰竭B.急性肾衰竭C.缺血性肾病D.过敏性间质性肾炎E.良性肾小动脉硬化 [问答题,简答题]提升机运转前的检查内容有哪些? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]诊断结核性脑膜炎最可靠的依据是().A.结核中毒症状B.结核菌素试验强阳性C.脑脊液细胞计数和生化检查D.脑脊液中找到结核菌E.胸片X线检查 [单选,案例分析题]李师傅,男,50岁。是一名采矿工人。工龄30年,胸闷10年,近1个月加重,出现气短,呼吸困难,轻微胸痛,在双下胸部,阵发性,查体:双肺听诊呼吸音降低,两下肺细小干湿啰音,心律齐,未闻及病理性杂音。你需要首先做什么检查以明确诊断()。A.心电图B.肺CTC.心 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]性成熟期一般自18岁左右开始,历时()A.10年B.20年C.30年D.40年E.25年 [单选]国产标准设备原价一般是指()。A.出厂价B.设备的购置费用C.设备的交货价加上包装费D.设备的预算价格 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]根据面神经损伤的程度,面神经的病理生理改变不包括()。A.神经失用B.神经外膜损伤C.轴索断伤D.神经痉挛E.神经断伤 [单选,A1型题]不属于促进慢性肾炎恶化因素的是()A.肾脏基础病变活动B.高脂血症C.高蛋白质饮食D.高血压E.遗传因素 [单选]压力的概念,实际上指的是物理学上的(),即单位面积上所承受压力的大小。A、推力B、力矩C、力D、压强 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]据《素问·四气调神大论》,“闭藏”描述的是哪一季节的物候规律()A.春B.夏C.秋D.冬E.长夏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪一种疾病可与Graves病伴发()A.1型糖尿病B.慢性特发性肾上腺皮质功能减退症C.特发性血小板减少性紫癜D.重症肌无力E.以上都是 [问答题,案例分析题]女性,30岁。主诉:发热伴咽痛2天急诊就诊。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [单选]卵泡发育的过程中,不包括以下哪项?()A.成熟卵泡B.窦前卵泡C.窦状卵泡D.闭锁卵泡E.原始卵泡 [单选]国产离心泵的型号表示法中,100D45×8表示()。A.泵的流量100m3/h,单级扬程45m水柱,8级分段多级离心水泵B.泵的流量为45×8=360m3/h,扬程为l00m的多级式离心水泵C.泵的入口直径为l00mm,总扬程为45m水柱,8段多级离心水泵D.泵的入口直径为l00mm,单级扬程为45m [单选]流脑常见的皮疹是()A.玫瑰色斑丘疹B.单纯疱疹C.瘀点、淤斑D.脓疱疹E.坏疽 [单选]下列有关直接法荧光抗体染色技术的叙述,错误的是()A.简单易行,特异性好B.敏感性较间接法差C.可对抗原或抗体作检测D.检测一种抗原需要制备一种荧光抗体E.结果直观,易于判断 [单选,A型题]能在无生命培养基上繁殖的最小生物是()A.病毒B.衣原体C.支原体D.立克次体E.螺旋体 [单选]男,5岁,反复呛咳,张口呼吸,有鼾声,鼻腔分泌物多。X线检查如图所示,最可能的诊断是()A.鼻窦炎B.鼻息肉C.扁桃体炎D.腺样体肥大E.鼻炎 [单选]微粒皮移植最佳供皮区选择是()A.上臂内侧B.胸、背部C.头皮D.腹部E.大腿 [单选]高血压病患者,伴劳力型心绞痛,选择的最佳降压药物是().A.利尿剂B.β受体阻滞剂C.ACEID.ai受体阻滞剂E.钙拮抗剂 [单选,A1型题]创伤性回忆是()A.单一的、片段的知觉回忆B.一定和创伤经历有关C.听觉回忆最常见D.回忆常常随着时间的流逝而减少E.叙事性的回忆为主 [判断题]境内个人手持外币现钞汇出境外当日累计超过等值1万美元的,凭本人有效身份证件办理。A.正确B.错误 [单选]在短时记忆中,把几个孤立的项目结合成一个有意义的单位来识记称为()A.组块B.编码C.项目D.容量 [单选]关于麻醉所致的心脏骤停不正确的是率明显高于急症手术C.大多数病例在麻醉处理中存在明显的失误D.ASA3级、4级病例明显高于1级、2级E.诱导期明显高于维持期 [单选]烧伤患者开始浸浴的时机一般在()A.伤后48小时B.伤后1周C.伤后2周D.伤后1个月E.以上都不对 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,50岁,因躯干、双下肢汽油火焰烧伤3小时入院,烧伤面积为60%,其中深Ⅱ度20%,Ⅲ度40%,入院后立即给予补液及应用广谱抗生素预防感染治疗。入院第3天行手术切痂自体微粒皮加大张异体皮移植术。术后因患者发热,给予持续大剂量广谱抗生素以控制感染,术 [单选]女性,20岁,反复发作喘息、呼吸困难、咳嗽2年。体检:双肺散在哮鸣音,心脏无异常。下列检查结果中有助于明确诊断的是()A.最大呼气流量显著降低B.一秒钟用力呼气容积降低C.最大呼气中段流量降低D.支气管舒张试验阳性E.X线胸片显示肺纹理稍多 [问答题,简答题]引烧真空瓦斯的操作? [单选,A1型题]新生儿颅内出血治疗不适宜的是()A.保持安静,尽量避免惊扰B.烦躁不安,惊厥时可用镇静剂C.早期使用甘露醇以降低颅内压D.可使用维生素Ki以控制出血E.可用细胞活化剂 [名词解释](水泥的)抗压强度 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下有关自杀的概念的描述不正确的是()A.自杀是"有意或者故意伤害自己生命的行动"B.自杀者把自杀行动看作是解决某种问题的最好办法C.自杀是有意的自我伤害导致的死亡D.广义的自杀论者认为自杀指有害生命的一切人类行为E.广义的自杀论者认为意 [名词解释]动校正 [单选]不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。()A.任何组织和个人B.部分组织和个人C.一定组织和个人D.特殊组织和个人 [单选]类风湿关节炎的主要病理改变是()。A.滑膜炎B.骨膜炎C.胸膜炎D.心包炎E.皮肌炎 [单选,A1型题]公卫医师何某在取得医师资格证书和执业许可证后的一年里,擅自从事婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断和产前诊断,虽经卫生行政部门制止,仍不改正,并又施行终止妊娠手术。依据《母婴保健法》规定,应对何某给予的行政处罚是()A.处以罚款B.没收违法所得C.没收非法财物D.吊
Extensive Reading
Dreams are always talked about among us. I remember whenever it came to a new semester, my teachers would ask me to write an article about our dreams or even to speak out in the class. But at that time, I didn't know what the use of dreams. Until now, I have grown up, and I realized that how important a dream is!Generally, many of us would think it impossible that our dreams would come true, so we will think it would be better if we have no dreams; that will at least not disappoint ourselves. It goes without saying that the more we hope the more we will disappoint. But in fact the truth is that we are what we think we are. If we always bear our dreams in our mind, that will enhance the possibility of realizing our dreams. It is true. Now supposing you want to travel around a country, and you take it as your dream. The first thing you should do is make a detail plan to achieve that goal. Talking about the plan, I mean we have to make plans every day, and you will feel you never idle your days and every day is rich and full. By the way, you have to believe that your dream will come true and must!! Accordingly, every day you will do something good to your dream, say, get familiar with the country, and learn the language of the country, collecting money, ect. anything that makes your dreams come near.No matter what dreams you have, or no matter whether they will come true, the point is that dream makes you move forward. With dream, your life will be different, because you make your dream come closer to the reality every day. In the end you will find that you are not wasting your life, rather, you are enjoying your life!A.We are what we think we are.B.How to enjoy life rather than waste it.C.How to make a detailed plan to achieve dreams.D.Dreams are important because they make life different.I used to watch her from my kitchen window; she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of big boys on the playground. The school was across the street from our home and I would often watch the kids as they played during recess.I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing alone. One day I asked her why she practiced so much. She looked directly in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is if I get a scholarship.I like basketball. I decided that if I were good enough, I would get a scholarship. My dad told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count."One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting in the grass, head cradled in her arms. I walked across the street and sat down in the cool grass beside her. Quietly I asked what was wrong. "Oh, nothing," came to a soft reply. "I'm just too short." The coach said she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team, so she should stop dreaming about college.She was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tighten as I sensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She lifted her head from her hands and told me that he said those coaches were wrong. They just didn't understand the power of a dream. He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college, if she truly wanted a scholarship, that nothing could stop her except one thing-- her own attitude. He told her again," if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count."The next year, as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college recruiter. She was indeed offered a scholarship, a full ride, to a Division I, NCAA women's basketball team. She was going to get the college education that she had dreamed of and worked toward for all those years.It's true: If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count.count: (v.) to be important or valuableExtensive Reading 3You may have heard the term "the American Dream". In 1848, James W. Marshall found gold in California and people began having golden dreams. That 19th century "American Dream" motivated the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the "Golden State".The American Dream drove not only 1800s gold-rush prospectors but also waves of immigrants throughout that century and the next. People from Europe, and a large number of Chinese, arrived in the US in the 19th century hoping that in America they would find gold in the streets. But most, instead, worked as railroad labourers. They created the oldest Chinatown, in San Francisco, and gave the city a Chinese name "the old gold hill".In the 20th century, some critics said that it was no longer possible to become prosperous through determination and hard work. Unfair education for students from poor families and racial discrimination almost made the American Dream a nightmare.Then, in the 1990s, California saw a new wave of dreamers in Silicon Valley. People poured their energy into the Internet. This new chapter of the American Dream attracted many business people and young talents from China and India to form start-ups and seek fortunes in America. Better pay, a nice house, and a rising standard of living will always be attractive. However, the new American Dream is no longer just about money. It encourages Americans to consume rationally to protect the environment, enhance the quality of life, and promote social justice. The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has become the model of the new American Dream. After years of hard work, he grew from a poor young man from Austria into a movie superstar and then governor. Many people hope his story can save the American Dream and give California a brighter future.。
[单选]VHFDSC的工作频率是156.525MHz,其波长是()。A、1.9千米B、0.0019米C、1.9米D、无法计算 [问答题,论述题]激励问题成员的方法有哪些? [单选,B1型题]慢性胰腺炎引起的腹泻属于()A.分泌性腹泻B.渗透性腹泻C.渗出性腹泻D.吸收不良性腹泻E.肠蠕动增强性腹泻 [单选]申请行政复议的一般期限是()。A.30日B.40日C.50日D.60日 [单选]锁骨骨折可发生的合并损伤是()A.颈2、3神经根损伤B.胸锁乳突肌损伤C.副神经损伤D.膈神经损伤E.臂丛神经损伤 [判断题]玻璃体由Ⅱ型胶原纤维网支架和交织在其中的透明质酸分子构成。A.正确B.错误 [多选]安装工程描述清单项目时,项目特征应包括()。A.安装部位B.输送介质C.型号规格D.连接方式 [填空题]压力变送器是利用霍尔疚把压力作用下的弹性元件位移信号转换成()信号,来反应压力的变化 [单选]行政复议中,复议机关()。A.只进行合法性审查B.既进行合法性审查,也进行合理性审查C.有时进行合理性审查D.只对具体行政行为进行审查 [单选]周围型肺癌长大阻塞支气管腔时,X线检查可出现()A.全肺不张B.肺叶不张C.气管明显移位D.气管分叉角度增大E.节段性肺炎或肺不张 [问答题,简答题]母亲节、父亲节分别是哪一天? [单选]根据《信访条例》规定,涉及两个或者两个以上行政机关的信访事项,由所涉及的行政机关协商受理;受理有争议的,由()决定受理机关。A.其主管机关B.其共同的上一级行政机关C.其上级政府D.同级信访机构 [单选]承包方在承包期内将部分或全部承包土地的经营权,以一定条件转移给本集体经济组织成员以外的他人经营农业,原承包方与发包方的承包关系不变,承租人向承包方交纳土地租金,被称为()。A.转包B.转让C.出租D.互换 [单选]关于传染病感染过程的各种表现,下列哪种说法是正确的()A.隐性感染极为少见B.病原体感染必引起发病C.每个传染病都存在潜伏性感染D.显性感染的传染病不过是各种不同的表现之一,而不是全部E.病原体必引起炎症过程和各种病理改变 [填空题]甲醇生产的特点是()()()()()。 [填空题]从应用角度来看,网易是(),而谷歌是搜索引擎网站。 [单选]角膜移植排斥反应的最主要机制是()A.Ⅰ型超敏反应B.Ⅱ型超敏反应C.Ⅲ型超敏反应D.Ⅳ型超敏反应E.Ⅴ型超敏反应 [多选]以下计量单位的符号,其表达错误的是()。A.msB.KmC.nmD.mμmE.1/m3 [单选]超限车辆行驶公路的危害,一是严重损害路桥等道路基础设施;二是诱发了大量的()安全事故;三是导致运输市场的恶性竞争;四是影响了汽车生产工业的健康发展,造成“大吨小标”车辆泛滥。A、交通运输B、道路管理C、道路交通 [判断题]调节系统的速度变动率只能用四象限法测取。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列处所不属于控制站的是()。A、驾驶室B、消防控制站C、舵机间D、海图室 [单选]甲、乙两公司因合同履行发生争议。甲依双方的仲裁条款申请仲裁。某仲裁委员受理该申请后,经双方当事人协议组成仲裁庭。仲裁庭确定7月21日开庭审理该争议案件后,依法书面通知了申请人与被申请人。7月21日,甲公司无正当理由未出庭参与案件的审理活动。此时仲裁庭可以采取: [单选]主要提供企业财务状况信息的会计报表是()。A.资产负债表B.利润表C.现金流量表D.利润分配表 [单选]TXB2减少见于()A.血栓前状态B.糖尿病C.心肌梗死D.脑血栓形成E.服用阿司匹林类药物 [判断题]如果水样中有泥土或其他分散很细的悬浮物,虽经预处理也得不到透明水样时,则只测“表观颜色”。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在性成熟期,中医认为:乳房属()A.肝B.脾C.胃D.胆E.肾 [单选]一个行业或企业的形象、信用和声誉,往往表现为该行业或企业的服务与产品在()中的信任程度。A、国际市场B、经销商C、社会公众D、政府主管部门 [多选]下列哪项属于皮肤病的原发性损害症状()A.风பைடு நூலகம்B.溃疡C.皲裂D.脓疱E.丘疹 [单选]石油的易燃性,可通过其()的高低来判断。A.密度B.闪点、燃点、自燃点C.粘度D.凝固点 [单选]微粒皮移植最佳覆盖物是()A.猪皮B.同种异体皮C.羊膜D.表皮细胞膜片E.无细胞真皮基质 [单选]《注册消防工程师制度暂行规定》也明确把()作为注册消防工程师必须履行的义务。A.提高技能B.保守秘密C.依法执业D.公平竞争 [单选]W6Mo5Cr4V2钢经1210℃淬火后,又经550℃回火,硬度可达到()HRC以上。A.58B.60C.63D.66 [填空题]在人们创作设计鸡尾酒时一般都包含着两种目的,即:()。 [单选,A1型题]在孕妇腹壁上听诊,与母体心率相一致的音响是()A.胎心音B.子宫杂音C.脐带杂音D.胎动音E.肠蠕动音 [单选,A1型题]以下表示疾病严重程度的统计指标是()。A.2周每千人患病人数及患病次数B.健康者占总人口百分数C.每千人患慢性病者人数及患病次数D.患病者人数占总人口百分数E.2周每千人因病休工(学)人数及天数 [填空题]从技术角度来说,互联网是一个由()、()和()组成的综合体系。 [单选]当代汽车使用的制动液是()型制动液。A、天然B、合成C、高温D、冷却 [单选]在五笔字型输入法中,属于“基本字根”的一项是()。A、火B、氵C、吕D、里 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]慢性粒细胞白血病Ph染色体阴性病例占().A.90%~95%B.10%~15%C.5%~15%D.5%~10%E.1%~5% [单选]目前流行病学的定义可以概括为()A.研究传染病在人群中的分布及其影响因素的学科B.研究疾病和健康状况在人群中的分布的学科C.现代医学中的一门方法学D.研究慢性非传染性疾病在人群中的分布和影响分布的因素以及防制对策的学科E.研究疾病与健康状况在人群中的分布和影响分布
b3 Unit 1 extensive reading 教案
教研组英语组备课组高一时间2017.2备课内容Unit 1 Festivals around the world Extensive reading授课时间2017.3.1 授课时数1课时学情分析Reading 的五篇小短文分别介绍古代节日、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天的节日等,使学生了解各种节日的由来及其存在的意义。
本单元(节、章)课标要求及教学目标分解Teaching goals:1. Knowledge goal: Enable the students to get to know some information about foreign festivals.2. Ability goal: Master some useful expressions about festivals and celebrations.3. Emotional goal: Enable the students to understand festivals not only mean holiday and having fun, but also have important significance.教学内容分析(重点、难点、关键点等)Teaching important and difficult points :1.How to well understand the text.2.How to make correct sentences using the useful expressions.3.How to understand some long and difficult sentences.教学方法Task- based teaching method, cooperation课堂教学活动设计第一课时授课时间:一次备课二次备课课堂教学设计Step I. W arming upDiscussion .Choose one of festivals and talk something about it briefly to introduce one kind of festival in your local area.—— When does the festival come?What do people celebrate?What do people do?Useful expressions:Festivals are meant to celebrate…It takes place on /in…// It falls/comes in / on ….// It is held in/on …On this important feast day, people…We offer…to…Step II Language Points课本核心单词点睛1.take place发生occur/happen/come__________/break 发生take place 通常表示计划、安排之内的“发生”。
高一英语教案:Module 1 extensive reading(外研必修3)
Module 1 EuropeLearning paper2 extensive readingLearning aims: practice fast reading; get a general idea of the important cities in Europe.fF2b3RQ3yh Method: fast reading for information1. Read the article on Page69and 70 and match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extraheading.fF2b3RQ3yh1> ancient capital _____ 2> business capital_____fF2b3RQ3yh3> capital of romance ____ 4> entertainment capital_____fF2b3RQ3yh5> capital of football ______2. Answer the questions:1> Who named the four cities?A. young peopleB. old peopleC. old and young people fF2b3RQ3yh2> What is the symbol of Venice?A. canalsB. bridgesC. gondola3> Why is Madrid well-known with young people?3. Read carefully and fill in the form below.4. Read the passage on Page9 and decide the sentences arefF2b3RQ3yhTrue or False1> The European Union is an organization of European countries.fF2b3RQ3yh2> The countries are dependent and are governed in the same wayfF2b3RQ3yh3> The European Parliament has no control over what happens in each of the member countries.fF2b3RQ3yh4> The idea of EU began in the 1950s.5> By the year 2000, there were 16 membercountries.fF2b3RQ3yh6> In 2004, the EU increased to 25 members.7> The expanded EU has a population of more than halfa billion people, twice as big as the population of the US.fF2b3RQ3yh申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。
Extensive Reading 课程教案
Situation:you were given extra change when you bought something, while the seller didn’t know that. What will you do? Just tell me the truth.
Step4, Assignment
Would I still lie to my family? Please read the second part of the text after class and try to determine the main idea of the text. What do learn from the story?
Homework :P74,A,B,D.
Period two:
Step 1, warming up:
1.Dictation of the new words
2.questions: Did the boy confessed to his family? How did he feel?
Step 2, Reading with questions:
①advantage: sun coffee cultivation can produce more coffee per unit area.
②disadvantages: A, It requires chemical inputs, year-round labor, large sum of money, the need for credits on growers. B, It may lead to serious environmental and social consequences, such as, greater soil erosion, acidification, higher amount of toxic run-off, loss of trees.
英语作文:关于泛读 On Extensive Reading
英语作文:关于泛读 On Extensive Reading(最新版)编制人:__________________审核人:__________________审批人:__________________编制学校:__________________编制时间:____年____月____日序言作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。
作文内容Speaking of reading, people have different opinions toward it. Some believe we should read selectively for we can get specific knowledge from certain books. Some hold that we should read extensively for getting more knowledge. Standing on my point of view, I’m convi nced that people should read extensively to obtain a wide range of knowledge.一说起读书,人们的观点各不相同。
Extensive reading
Act One, Scene 4 in the restaurant
CULTURAL NOTE: Henry asks for a steak “extra thick” for his meal. In China, steak is generally cut thinly but in America it is appreciated if it is cut thickly and grilled or fried. The advantage of having a steak “extra thick” is that it can be well cooked on the outside but still raw or half raw in the center.
[点拨 考查回应请求许可。Go right 点拨] 考查回应请求许可。 点拨 ahead 可以,讲吧。 可以,讲吧。
根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 dessert 1. I like to have ice cream for _______ (甜点 甜点). 甜点 2. It seemed rather an odd _______ (方式 方式) manner 方式 of deciding things.
方程表示。A.椭球面B.平面上椭圆C.椭圆柱面D.椭圆柱面在平面上的投影曲线 如何根据服务对象,如何提高服务质量? 危机期间,满足新闻人员和危机管理者基本需要的最重要的途径是。A、新闻发布会B、新闻简报C、新闻会议D、媒介培训会 河湖整治、清淤工程应预测哪个过程对水质的影响。A.移民安置B.排水C.底泥清运、处置D.清淤 去除血液中白细胞可有效预防的输血不良反应是()A.非溶血性发热性输血反应B.过敏反应C.细菌污染反应D.急性(即发性)溶血性输血反应E.迟发性溶血性输血反应 臭阈值法检验水中臭时,其检验人员的嗅觉敏感程度可用或测试。 据考证,血吸虫病在我国流行的历史至少有A.500年B.1000年C.2000年D.3000年E.5000年 根据欧姆定律可以看出,电阻元件是一个元件。A、记忆;B、储能;C、耗能;D、以上都对。 以下关于大疱性类天疱疮典型皮损的描述错误的是A.在外观正常皮肤或红斑基础上发生B.紧张性大疱C.尼氏征阳性D.少数患者可表现为风团等非特异性皮损 脆弱双核阿米巴在人体的寄生部位为A.口腔B.食管C.小肠D.结肠E.直肠 水中的臭主要来源于水或水污染、天然物质分解或微生物、生物活动等。 数字出版产业发展态势的特点,包括。A.新技术驱动产业变革B.内容资源的集成化C.产业链利益格局重构D.复合型人才的引进E.产业融合发展 现场急救常用的人工呼吸法有、和。 可靠性对通信网至关重要,所谓可靠是指在概率的意义上,使时间达到要求。 在电路中,电压超前电流,在电路中电压滞后电流。 关于出版活动中的“复制”,下列表述中错误的是。A.在商品经济条件下,复制作品的期刊可以由读者直接下载到计算机上阅读,所以不必经过复制D.只有经过复制,作品中所含有的精神文化信息才能向消费者广 开始改变席地而坐的习惯在阶段。A.夏商到秦汉期时(公元前2000年至公元200年,约2200年)B.从三国两晋南北朝到隋唐五代(公元200年至公元1000年,约800年)C.丛宋辽到金元时期(公元960年至1400年,约400年)D.明清时期(公元1400年至公元1911年,约500年)。 行为主义理论所强调的在人类行为中起重要作用的是.A.本能B.道德C.良心D.学习 进入中药材专业市场租用固定摊位经营中药材多少年以上的经营户,必须向中药材专业市场所在地药监部门申请取得药品经营许可证A.1年B.2年C.3年D.4年E.5年 简述中心静脉置管的适应证和禁忌证。 关于热效因素的阐述,错误的是()A.湿热穿透力强B.个体对热的耐受性不同C.热效应与热敷面积成正比D.热效应与热敷时间成正比E.室温过低,热效应减低 规范规定埋地排水管的沟槽槽边以内不应堆置弃土和材料。A.0.3cmB.0.5cmC.0.8cmD.1cm 碳铵和尿素各有什么特点?施用上应注意什么? 调车信号机按钮可兼做列车进路的变通按钮。A.单置、差置B.并置、差置C.并置D.单置、差置、并置 签发空头支票或者签发与其预留的签章不符的支票,不以骗取财物为目的的,由中国人民银行处以票面金额但不低于元的罚款;持票人有权要求出票人赔偿支票金额的赔偿金。 按运输对象分类,运输可以分为和货物运输。 下列疾病不属于慢性病流行病学研究范围的是A.血吸虫病B.精神病C.肿瘤D.糖尿病E.心血管病 下列属于零售商业物业的分类依据的是。A.经营商品的特点B.租金水平的高低C.地理位置D.资本与预算管理 低钾血症常表现为A.心肌应激性下降B.心肌兴奋性增高C.低血压D.感觉异常E.皮肤苍白、发冷 高层建筑室内消火栓的布置应符合的规定。A.除无可燃物的设备层外,其各层均应设置消火栓B.消防电梯前室内应设置消火栓C.室内消火栓应设置在位置明显且易于操作的部位D.室内消火栓的间距应经计算确定E.室内消火栓的布置应保证每一个防火分区同层有两支水枪的充实水柱同时达到任何部 下列不属于建筑施工企业的特种作业人员的是()。A.建筑电工B.架子工C.起重机械司机D.钢筋工 男,6岁,因发热、头痛4天,病情加重一天,呕吐两次,于8月29日入院。体查:体温40,颈硬,克氏征(+),脑脊液:潘氏试验(+),糖正常,氯化物正常,白细胞200×109/L,多核0.54,单核0.46.外周血白细胞14×109/L,中性粒细胞0.86。追问病史,近一周来同村儿童有十余人先后同样 因钠过量而引起的火灾,能使用干粉灭火剂扑救.A.正确B.错误 关于液流系统的鞘液,下述哪项是不正确的A.鞘液是辅助样本被正常检测的基质液B.鞘液是用来与样本作对比的C.鞘液包裹在样本流周围D.使样本保持处于喷嘴中心位置,保证检测精确性E.防止样本流细胞靠近喷孔而形成堵塞 可采用修补法进行处理的质量缺陷是。A.桥墩构造裂缝B.路基沉陷C.沥青路面车辙D.水泥路面局部麻面
Unit3 Extensive reading参考教案The Fourth PeriodTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语reflecting, pure magic, beauty, cell, became aware of, vivid, poisonous, cave, narrow, upside down, sharp, tasty, scared to death, shallowb. 重点句子I’m sitt ing in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic!The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me ...What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there!2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to know more about the living things under the sea and experience the beautiful and harmonious nature by reading a diary describing the animals and scenery under the sea and learn to write a similar one according to the expressions given.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Try to improve the students’ reading ability by grasping the information in the dairy about the world under the sea. Strengthen their sense of environmental protection. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Enable the Ss to read for specific information and guide the Ss to write their own diary.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading, listening and speaking.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式StepⅠRevisionT: Good morning / afternoon everyone!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!T: Yesterday I asked you to preview the reading passage on Page 23. It’s chosen from someone’s diary. What does the writer write about?Ss: The writer reflected his or her experience of snorkeling on the reef. He / She described the animals and the scenery under the sea.T: Good job!StepⅡReading (1)Reading and discussing P24T: Almost every one of you likes to watch the programs about the sea and the sea life. That’s a great enjoyment. Don’t you think so? If you have a chance to go on a snorkeling trip, how will you feel?Ss: We’ll feel crazily happy. / That would be the most fantastic thing. / It would be the most exciting thing in my life ...T: Yes, I can understand your feelings. Now listen to the tape going with the passage on Page 24 without looking at your textbooks. Try to count how many sea animals the writer mentions in his/her dairy. Let’s begin!Play the tape for the Ss to listen to and let the Ss try to write down the names of the sea animals mentioned in the diary. After that, check the job by asking someone to tell the names of the sea animals.T: How many animals does the writer mention in his/her diary?Ss: 7.T: What are they?Ss: They are parrotfish, sea-slug, sea-star, turtle, eel, clam and reef shark.T: Right. By the way, there is another kind of creature, not fish, which are described much, especially their shapes. What are they?Ss: Corals!T: Yes. You’ve done very well. Let’s read the text carefully to enjoy the beautiful view under the sea and have a look at these lovely animals. While you are reading, try to answer the questions on the screen and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Five or six minutes later, I’ll check your work by asking someone to answer these。
高中英语 Unit4 第5学时 Extensive Reading学案 新人教版必修1
高中英语 Unit4 第5学时 ExtensiveReading学案新人教版必修1Extensive Reading学案新人教版必修1泛读材料1:课本第30页的阅读材料Task1、Read the letter carefully and imagine that you are the student who has been invited to give speech、1、What have youwon?_____________________________________________________ ________________2、What is the speaking competitionabout?___________________________________________________ __________________3、How did they decide the winner of the competition?_____________________________________________ ________________________4、What will they invite you to do?When?____________________________________________________ _________________5、Can you take your family and friends along that day?_____________________________________________________________________Task2、 Prepare a short speechWhat you should write inyour speech?Part1: express your thanks to zhangsha, the government and all the people who attend the parkpart2: how terrible the earthquake was, and how these workers helped us, they get honored by government and people、Part3: express thanks again and your best wishes、Example: Good afternoon, everyone、 My name is Wang Wei、 First of all I would like to thank Mr、 Zhang Sha and the city of Tangshan for the honour of talking to you、 I would also like to thank each of you for coming here today for this special occasion、I’m sure all of us are sad to seethat______________________________________、During the earthquake____________________________________________________________、After theearthquake__________________________________________________、泛读材料2:Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States、 Those tested included people of different ages, from12 to83、 During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all、 Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast、 The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast、 This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains、 If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention to class、Opposite to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight、 This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing、 You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals、1、During the test, those who were tested were given ________、A、 no breakfast at allB、 very rich breakfastC、 little food for breakfastD、 different breakfast or none2、 The results of the test show that ________、A、 breakfast has great effect on work and studiesB、 breakfast has little to do with a person s workC、 a person will work better if he has a simple breakfastD、 those working with brains should have much for breakfast3、 The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _________、A、 lose weightB、 not lose weightC、 be healthierD、 gain a lot of weight4、 Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A、 Poor breakfasts affect those who work with brains、B、 Morning diet may cause one to get fatter、C、 Reducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight losing、D、 Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight、5、 According to the passage, if a student does not eat breakfast, ___________、A、 he will fall illB、 he will fail to listen to his teacherC、 he will not make progress in his studyD、 his mind will work more slowly泛读材料3:A young woman carrying a three-year-old child got on a bus、 The conductor hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make more room for the woman and her child、 On seeing this, people began to talk、 "You know this conductor used to be very rude、 Now suddenly he has changed his bad behavior , "said a middle-aged man、"Yes, he should be praised and we must write a letter to the company," said a second passenger、 "Thats right," another lady said, "I wish a newspaper reporter were here so that more people could learn from this conductor、 "Just then a gentleman who looked like a teacher turned to the conductor and said , "Excuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service must be praised、、、"Before he could open his mouth, the three-year-old child sitting on theyoung womans lap interrupted, "I know his name、 I call him Dad、"6、 The passengers were ________ to see the conductors kindness to the woman and the child、A、 excitedB、 pleasedC、 interestedD、 surprised7、 One passenger suggested writing a letter to the company to ______、A、 make a demand for more busesB、 thank the conductor for his good serviceC、 criticize the conductor for his rude behaviorD、 invite a newspaper reporter to write about the conductor8、 What was the gentleman?A、 A teacher、B、 A newspaper reporter、C、 Not known from the story、D、 The conductors friend from his company、9、 The word "he" in the last paragraph refers to _______、A、 the gentlemanB、 the conductorC、 the middle-aged manD、 the three-year-old child10、 It is clear from the story that the conductor _______、A、 has changed his attitude towards his workB、 has now been kind and polite to all passengersC、 has not changed his rude behavior to passengersD、 has now been kind and polite to women with children。
新人教版 高 中 英 语 教 案Unit 5 Theme parks Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(人教版必修 4) Period 3 Extensive Reading人教版高中英语教案系列The General Idea of This Period This period includes the reading of FUTUROSCOPE—EXCITEMENT AND LEARNING on Page 38 and the reading task on Page 73.FUTUROSCOPE—EXCITEMENT AND LEARNING introduces the idea of scientific and future-oriented theme parks—Futuroscope,much of which offers hands-on experiences and “virtual” adventures into the past and the future.This information will extend the students’ information about the variety of theme parks.And the reading task THE POLYNESIAN CULTURAL CENTRE tells us a cultural theme park in Hawaii,where the visitors can see the different customs,the style of dress,and above all,the different skills of the Polynesian people. The two reading passages can be given to the students as extensive reading tasks to develop their reading skills.They are expected to skim the first passage for the experiences that the visitor can have at Futuroscope first and then classify the activities under the headings—Entertainment and Education.And next the students are encouraged to involve in a peer activity to create a map of what they think Futuroscope looks like and report their work to other peers in order to share their work.As for the second passage,the students are expected to do the true or false questions after a fast reading to see how well they understand the passage,and then finish the tasks on Page 74. Teaching Important & Difficult Points How to improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching or Learning approaches Task-based learning;cooperative learning Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multi-media computer and a blackboard.Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and SkillsTrain the students’ reading ability. Extend the students’ information about the variety of theme parks. Learn the different customs,the style of dress,and above all,the different skills of the Polynesian people in a cultural theme park in Hawaii. Process and Strategies Fast reading to get the main idea. Necessary explanation to make them have a better understanding of different customs in the world. Individual work or group work to be involved in class actively. Feelings and Value These two reading passages can serve as extensive reading tasks,through which they can know more about the varieties of theme parks and meanwhile they will learn about the different customs in different countries.Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision T:Hello,everybody!At the beginning of this period,we will first check your homework. Possible answers to the homework exercises: Exercise 1 on Page 70. 1.rides 2.shuttle 3.souvenirs 4.variety 5.athletic 6.amusement 7.imaginary8.advanced 9.imagination 10.excitement Exercise 2 on Page 70. Brazil,jungle,survived,creatures,mysterious,excitement,up-to-date Exercise 1 on Page 71VerbAdjective人教版高中英语教案系列2人教版高中英语教案系列Agreeagreeableimagineimaginablechargechargeablep rofitprofitablemovemoveablechangechangeablecountcountablesurvivesurvivable1.survive 2.countable 3.profitable 4.imagine 5.agreeable 6.charge7.changeable 8.movedExercise 2 on Page 711.disagreeable 2.unusual 3.unwilling 4.unsuitable 5.misbehave 6.dislike7.disadvantage8.misrepresentedExercise 3 on Page 721.Susan was pleased to have an introduction to the queen.2.Have you got the correct equipment for the journey up that mountain?3.I felt very satisfied after looking at those pictures in the museum.4.Rebecca was curious about what it is like to go to a theme park.5.Peter’s quick actions saved the little girl.Step 2 Pre-readingT:Well done!From the first reading passage we’ve learned much about different theme par ks—what a theme parkis;what people can see and do in these parks;why people built so many diff erent theme parks and THEMEPARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN.Today we are going to read about a very unusual theme park in whichwe can have an exciting experience of the life under the sea,over the mountain,and into space.Would you like toknow more about this fantastic park?Please open your books and turn to Page 38 and read the passageFuturoscope—Excitement and Learning.Step 3 ReadingT:Please read the passage as fast as you can for the first time and find the answers to these questions on thescreen.Ⅰ.Read and tick the experiences visitors can have at Futuroscope.A.Taking a journey deep into space,to the end of the solar system,and be pulled into a Black Hole.B.Taking a trip to Brazil to experience surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.C.Going with famous divers to the bottom of the ocean and seeing mysterious,blind creatures that have never seenthe sunlight.D.Car racing or skiing on some of the most difficult mountains in the world.E.Meeting face to face with a dinosaur.F.Living on the other planets. Ⅱ.Choose the correct answers.1.What is Futuroscope?A.A theme park in America.B.A theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth and the present time.C.A science and technology-based theme park that provides people with extraordinary experience without leavingthe earth and the present time.D.A theme park that provides only fun and excitement.2.Which of the following is true?A.Most of us will go to the bottom of the ocean or to the edges of the solar system.B.Future theme parks allow people to see and do things without danger but with much money.人教版高中英语教案系列3人教版高中英语教案系列C.In the future theme parks,there are learning centers for people to try scientific experiments and learn what mustbe done to prepare for a flight into space or an undersea trip,and to understand why we could not live on the otherplanets in our solar system.D.Future theme parks are places for fun and excitement,but not for learning.T:Who would like to tick the experiences visitors can have at Futuroscope?S:I will.The expe riences visitors can have at Futuroscope are ABCDE.T:What are the correct answers to the questions?S:I think the correct answer to question 1 should be C,and the answer to question 2 should also C.T:Congratulations!You got them right.T:Now do you understand the passage?There are different kinds of activities in Futuroscope.What kinds ofactivities do you think provide people with entertainment?And what kinds of activities provide people witheducation?Please fill in the form in Part 2 according to the passage.You may discuss the questions in groups.Afterthat fill in the form and check the answers with your partners,and then we will check the answers in class.Sug gested answers:EntertainmentEducationTo take a journey deep into space.To try scientific experiments.To experience surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.To learn what must be done to prepare for a flight into space or an undersea trip.Go with famous divers to the bottom of the sea.To understand why we could not live on other planets in our solar system.To take part in car racing or ski on some of the most difficult mountains in the world To meet face to face with a dinosaur. T:Wonderful,keep up the good work!Now create a map of what you think Futuroscope looks like with a partner.Include all the activities and areas that are men tioned in the passage.Make sure they are connected to each other in a way that would make it easy to move from one to another. T:Who would like to show your map?What about yours,Peter? S:Here you are. (The teacher shows a few more maps.) Suggested answers:A MAP OF FUTUROSCOPET:Good thinking and imagination!Futuroscope lets people travel in three periods (the past,the present,the future)and three places ( the bottom of the sea,the edges of the solar system and the jungle).Maybe some day you willhave a chance to pay a visit to Futuroscope yourselves.Step 4 Reading taskT:Just now we read about a science and technology-based theme park—Futuroscope.Now let’s come to a culturaltheme park in Hawaii.In this park,visitors can see the different customs,the style of dress,and above all,thedifferent skill s of the Polynesian people.人教版高中英语教案系列4人教版高中英语教案系列Let’s read the passage quickly for the first time and then tell whether these sentences are true or false.The teacher shows the statements on the screen.True or false1.The Polynesian Cultural Centre in Hawaii not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life,but also protectstheir skills and culture for the future.2.Villagers from many island communities come to show visitors their different customs and styles of dress.3.The most important skill of the Polynesian people is climbing tall trees with their bare feet.4.The Polynesian people were able to find their way on the sea by the smell of the wind,the movements of the fishand seaweed,and the height and direction of the waves.5.Long long ago,the Polynesian people used the boat-building skills to make long boats and show the races andbattles that they took part in.The students read through the passage for several minutes.T:Are you ready for the answers now?S:I think statements 1,2 and 4 are true,while statements 4 and 5 are false.T:Do you all agree with him?Ss:Yes.He got them right.T:OK,do you understand this passage?Can you tell me some of the skills of the Polynesian peoples?Now pleaseskim the passage and try to make a list of the skills of the Polynesian peoples.(A few minutes later.)T:Have you finished your work?S:From the passage we know that they can make clothes from bar and climb very tall trees with their barefeet.They are able to find their way using the smel l of the wind,the movements of the fish and seaweed,and theheigh t and direction of the waves.But their most important skill is boat-building.Suggested answers:Skills of the Polynesian people: 1.to make clothes from bark.2.to climb very tall trees with their bare feet.3.boat-building. 4.to find their way using the smell of the wind,the movements of the fish and seaweed,and the height and directionof the waves.T:They are really clever sailors.Now I would like you to answer the questions of Part 2 on Page 74. S:I’d like to answer the first question.People show the skills of the Polynesian people because this helps to protecttheir skills and culture for the future.T:What about the second question?S:Let me answer the second question.There are so many different kinds of Polynesian village designs becausePolynesia is made up of a group of small islands,and people there come from many island communities withdifferent tradition,customs and styles of dress.Step 5 SummaryT:Today we first went to a science and technology-based theme park—Futuroscope.There we traveled in threeperiods (the past,the present,the future) and three places (the bottom of th e sea,the edges of the solar system andthe jungle).What adventurous experiences we had!Then we went to a cultural theme park in Hawaii.In thispark,we learned the different customs,the style of dress,and above all,the different skills of the Polynesianpeople.From this period,we extend our understanding of theme parks and broaden our vision about different cultures.I’m really proud of you for your wonderful performances.Step 6 Homework1.Do Exercise 3 on Page 70.人教版高中英语教案系列5人教版高中英语教案系列2.Get ready for Listening on Page 37,and Listening on Page 69.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 5 Theme parks Period 3 FUTUROSCOPE—EXCITEMENT AND LEARNING1.Experiences visitors can have at Futuroscope.2.EntertainmentEducationTHE POLYNESIAN CULTURAL CENTRESkills of the Polynesian people:1.to make clothes from bark.2.to climb very tall trees with their bare feet.3.boat-building.4.to find their way using the smell of the wind,the movements of the fish and seaweed,and the height and directionof the waves.Record after TeachingActivities and ResearchWork in pairs and create a map of what they think Futuroscope looks like.The map should include all theactivities and areas that are mentioned in the passage.Make sure they are connected to each other in a way thatwould make it easy to move from one to another.Reference for TeachingBackground Information迪斯尼乐园(Disneyland)Few places of entertainment on Earth have garnered as much wonder,legend,or controversy asDisneyland,the Walt Disney Company amusement park,which was the first large-scale implementation of Disneyapproach to fantasy,story,and crowd control.Places of Family Amusement are not new in the world,and there has certainly grown a science to them notunlike that of keeping a travelling circus intact,or maintaining national parks.But more than those who camebefore them,Disney and his creative team focused on the presentation of Disneyland,ensuring that it would be ascontrolled and predictable a fiction as their movies,records and television shows had been up to that point.Walking into Disneyland is like an entering the sweeping shot of a fantasy movie,with a town squarereaching forward to a breathtaking castle.Every aspect of the park was said to be planned ahead with the energy ofone of the Disney animated features,with artists from various productions brought in to work on the look and styleof the place.Actors from many Disney features appear as the voices of birds,announcers and narrators in thepark.But all this wonder hides how extensive the Disney planning really is.When you enter Disneyland,you are actually on the top floor of a giant complex of undergroundfacilities,providing most of the “heart and health” of the park with security,employee facilities,garbage collectionand other important administrative aspects all hidden from view.You don’t see garbage stacked outside Disneylandwaiting to be picked up,and you never see an employee shuffling out to the lot after a long day.The park has evendeveloped its own nomenclature to insulate gritty details from the public;A protein spill is the code that a child’svomit needs to be mopped up.It is said that Walt Disney planned the park to the point of the placement of wastebaskets.He supposedly tooka snack that might be purchased at a stand,walked until he finished it,and decreed that no trashcan would befurther than that distance from any other.There are few places outside of Las Vegas where such grandiose and人教版高中英语教案系列6人教版高中英语教案系列breathtakingly anal plans would be taken seriously,both in implementation and in believing that such forethought existed.And Las Vegas was nowhere near Disneyland’s level for years.This has caused such urban legends as the “Disney Tapes”,where Walt Disney was said to have left film loops to be played after his death for several years,his forward-thinking genius so amazing he could predict what would be awaiting the company in the ensuing years.This is actually a core part of Isaac Asirnov’s Foundation series of novels,and not the real case.It is thought that promotional films that Disney made before his death regarding EPCOT and other projects were the source of this rumor.迪斯尼世界以其独有的魅力,每天都吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的游客,彩车游行,旧日的街道,迪斯 尼动画中的形象,古老的童话传说,惊险刺激的游戏,未来世界的梦想,所有的一切让人流连忘返,无论成人还 是孩子,都会被它深深地吸引,一次又一次地踏入迪斯尼乐园的大门。
Lesson 90 Extensive Reading
Lesson 90 (Extensive Reading)教学设计方案 Teaching Aims:1。
Get the Ss to grasp the main meaning of the whole text。
Ask the Ss to retell the text according to the questions。
Teaching procedures:Step I Lead in 1。
Check homework:2。
Show the map of Egypt and Africa3。
Get the Ss to respond the teacher’s questions:T: Where is Africa ?Where is Egypt ?What is the river?What is the dam ?4。
Ask one student to say something about Egypt。
Step II。
Watch the video 1。
Q: Is the High Dam a successful project ? (No)Step III。
Read the text again and give them three questions ,Qs: (1)。
Why was the High Dam built ?(2)。
What is the High Dam like ?(3)。
What were the problems with the building of the dam?2。
Discuss the answers in pairs。
Discuss the answers in class。
Try to help the Ss to be able to retell the text in their own words。
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He was very ill and in great pain.
What he did
He still took part in the race.
What it showed True courage and
What people thought
(5) Main idea: It’s about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Goddess of Love.
Reading (P14)
1.Talk about the two pictures. (1).Who is the man? What about the girl? (2). What can you see in the picture? (3). What is?
人教课标版 高一必修 2 Unit 2
Extensive reading
1. They had to compete against several larger companies to get more buyers. 2. The famous actor was interviewed by reporters about his marriage.
True or False questions. (P14) 1. She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( F ) 2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. (F) 3. Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( F )
(4). What are golden apples used for?
The race
The unbeaten Atalanta captivated Hippomenes. Venus was determined to help him by giving him three golden apples,
which he dropped as he raced Atalanta, who lost time by stopping to pick up each treasure. With this trick, Hippomenes won the race and his bride.
3. Can you find out Mr. Liu’s address for
4. Why do you suppose he changed his
mind suddenly? 5. I don’t understand how the two ideas relate to each other.
Reading task (P51)
Bjornar Hakensmoen What happened A Canadian’s skiing pole
broke during a race.
What he did
He gave her his own pole even though his Norwegian team were competing against her team.
She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. [考点] marry是及物动词,表示 “与…… 结婚”,无须再用其他介词。 (1)常见结构有: be married (to),用于 表示结婚的状态;get married (to),用 于表示结婚的动作;marry sb. to sb. 把……嫁给。
(2) What was she good at? She was good at running.
(3) Who did she want to marry?
She wanted to marry the men who ran faster than her. (4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta? He won him with the help of three golden apples.
4. She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. ( T ) 5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( T ) 6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympiscs. ( T) 7. He didn’t refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( T )
(2) marry是非延续性动词,不可与表 示一段时间的状语连用。 (3) be married可以与表示一段时间的 状语连用。
[考例] My uncle ______ until he was forty-five. (上海2000) A. married B. didn’t marry C. was not marrying D. would marry [点拨] 句意为:我的叔叔直到45岁才结 婚。 marry不能用进行时,故排除C。当 短暂动词与until连用时,应用否定形式。
(1) Who was Atlanta?
(2) What was she good at?
(3) Who did she want to marry?
(4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta?
(1) Who was Atlanta?
Atlanta was a Greek princess.
They praised him by putting him on the front cover of a sports magazine.
Summary and homework
Finish the exercises. (P49-50 Ex.1&3)
He has low mental ability.
He takes part in the Special Olympics. appreciates any help given to him.
What he does
What people say He does his best and
Kip Keino
Bjornar Hakensmoen What he said
It is only what any good sportsman would do.
What Sarah said Hakensmoen showed the true meaning of sport.
Eric Williams His situation