






因此,请与派克合作,准备改变这一切吧!/precisionfluidics 1 603 595-1500目录页T2-05Helix124高效和紧凑型 13.5mm 宽泵 – 高达 800 mLPM高压泵 – 超过5.5 LPM 和高达100 PSI 的压力T2-0320高性能与尺寸比率泵 – 高达2.5 LPMLTC 系列76液体系列传送泵 – 高达 650 mLPMEZ 底座92振动隔离安装系统小型活塞泵(空气)微型泵(空气/气体)微型泵(液体)T2-0494超紧凑型、高效泵 – 高达 7.5LPMBTC-IIS 系列62应用广泛的多功能双头泵系列产品 – 高达 11 LPMBTC 系列52应用广泛的多功能泵系列产品 – 高达6 LPMLTC-IIS 系列84液体系列双头传送泵 – 高达1.5 LPMCTS 系列BTX-Connect 2836高性能紧凑型 20 mm 宽泵 – 高达 2.5 LPM多功能双头和单头泵系列,适合多种应用-高达10 LPMTTC 系列74紧凑、高效、低压泵 – 高达 6 LPMTTC-IIS 系列84紧凑、高效、低压双头泵 - 高达 11 LPM附件4Helix 微型高压泵高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)压力Parker Helix 是一款紧凑型高压泵,旨在实现小型即时临床护理仪器。

Helix 可在挑战性的高海拔环境和无法使用外部压缩空气的应用中实现高压操作。

Helix 泵可提供5.5 LPM 以上的流量和高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)的压力,为性能至关重要且空间有限的台式诊断设备提供了出色的解决方案。

• 集成了用于卸荷的X 阀,可实现高压重启• 内部飞轮可在高压下低速运行• 无油活塞• 简单的安装特性• 带有推入式接头的快速流体连接• 符合RoHS 指令和REACH 标准产品特性• 液上空气• 气动驱动•微流控芯片• 即时临床护理检验• 分子诊断• 核酸纯化•基因组学典型应用典型市场产品规格物理特性电子5微型隔Helix 微型高压泵典型流量曲线• 曲线展示了0.080"偏移泵的流量性能• 使用5.0 Vdc 控制输入时,泵将以大约4400 RPM 的转速和高达8.5 LPM的流量的状态运行,但不建议连续工作。


















Goodman GSX13 R410A Remote Condensing Unit 维修部件 RP

Goodman GSX13 R410A Remote Condensing Unit 维修部件 RP

REPAIR PARTSThis manual is to be used by qualified technicians only.This manual replaces RP-461H.© 2009 ,2012 Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. ◊ 5151 San Felipe, Suite 500 ◊ Houston, TX 77056GSX13 R410A Remote Condensing UnitGSX130181AB GSX130181BA GSX130181CA GSX130181DA GSX130181EA GSX130181EB GSX130241AB GSX130241BA GSX130241DA GSX130301AB GSX130301BA GSX130301DA GSX130301DB GSX130361AB GSX130361BA GSX130361DA GSX130363AA GSX130421AB GSX130421BA GSX130421BB GSX130481AB GSX130481BA GSX130481BB GSX130483AA GSX130483AB GSX130484AA GSX130601AB GSX130601BA GSX130603AA GSX130604AAImportant Information For assistance within the U.S.A. contact:Goodman Company, L.P.For assistance outside the U.S.A. contact:IndexFunctional Parts List Illustration and Parts......................................................................................................................................................................................................Views shown are for parts illustrations only, not servicing proceduresAR - As Required NA - Not Available NS - Not Shown00000000 - See NoteQTY - Quantity Example (QTY 3) (If Quantity not shown, Quantity = 1)M - Model Example (M1) (If M Code not shown, then part is used on all Models)Text Codes:ExampleM1 - Model#1 M2 - Model#2 M3 - Model#3Expanded Model Nomenclature:Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. is not responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting from improper service. Review all service information before beginning repairs.Warranty service must be performed by an authorized technician, using authorized factory parts. If service is required after the warranty expires, Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. also recommends contacting an authorized technician and using authorized factory parts.Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice or without incurring obligations.Consumer Affairs DepartmentGoodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040877-254-4729-Telephone 713-863-2382-FacsimileInternational DivisionGoodman Manufacturing Company, L.P.7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040713-861-2500-Telephone 713-863-2382-Facsimile4 - 93Functional Parts PartNo:Description:50N382XV-ZAKM 1.5T RECHI ROTARY COMPRESSOR (M6)50N382XV-5AKM 1.5T RECHI ROTARY COMPRESSOR (M5) CAP050300440RSS CAPACITOR 5/30/440V (M1, M2)CAP050350440RSS CAPACITOR 5/35/440V (M3, M4, M5, M6, M7,M8, M9)CAP050000370VAS CAPACITOR 5/370V (M17, M24, M25, M26,M29, M30)CAP050400440RT CAPACITOR 5/40/440V (M10, M11, M12, M13) CAP050450440RT CAPACITOR 5/45/440V (M14, M15, M16, M18,M19, M20, M21, M22, M23)CAP050700440RTS CAPACITOR 5/70 MFD/440V/DUAL RD (M27,M28)ZP49K5ETF5130COMP, 49000/208/230/60/3 (M29)ZP49K5ETFD130COMP, 49000/460V/60/3 (M30)ZP20K5EPFV130COMP,20000,208/230/60/1 (M7, M8, M9)ZP24K5EPFV130COMP,24000,208/230/60/1 (M10, M11, M12,M13)ZP34K5EPFV130COMP,34500,208/230/60/1 (M18, M19, M20) ZP49K5EPFV130COMP,49400,208/230/60/1 (M28)5KS150FAB21COMPRESSOR 14600, 208/230/60/1 (M3, M4) ZP16K5EPFV130COMPRESSOR 15500, 208/230/60/1 (M1, M2) ZP29K5EPFV130COMPRESSOR 29000, 208/230/60/1 (M16)ZP31K5EPFV830COMPRESSOR 31100, 208/230/60/1 (M14,M15)ZP31K5ETF5830COMPRESSOR 31200, 200/230/60/3 (M17)ZP39K5ETF5830COMPRESSOR 39000, 200/230/60/3 (M24,M25)ZP39K5EPFV830COMPRESSOR 39000, 208/230/60/1 (M21,M22, M23)ZP39K5ETFD830COMPRESSOR 39000, 460/60/3 (M26)ZP51K5EPFV830COMPRESSOR 51000, 208/230/60/1 (M27) 0131M00018P COND MOTOR 1/4 HP, 1 SP, 6 PL (M16, M20,M23, M25, M28, M29)0131M00061S COND MOTOR 1/4 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M19, M21,M22, M24, M27)0131M00060S COND MOTOR 1/6 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M1, M2,M3, M7, M8, M10, M11)0131M00016P COND MOTOR 1/6 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M14, M15,M17, M18)CONT1P025024VS CONTACTOR 25 AMP, 1P, 24V (M1, M2, M3,M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13,M14, M15, M16, M18, M19, M20)CONT3P025024VS CONTACTOR 25 AMP, 3P, 24V (M17, M24,M25, M26, M29, M30)CONT1P030024VS CONTACTOR 30 AMP, 1P, 24V (M21, M22,M23, M27, M28)0150M00018S FAN BLADE 20" (M1, M2, M7, M8, M10)0150M00012S FAN BLADE 20" CCW (M3, M11)B1086750FAN BLADE 22", 3 BLADE, 24º (M20, M23,M25, M28, M29)10625738S FAN BLADE 26" ALUM CCW (M27)B1086764S FAN BLADE TYPE 2 (M14, M15, M17, M18) B1086765FAN BLADE TYPE 3 (M19, M21, M22, M24,M26, M30)0150M00029FAN BLADE, 18" (M16)0150M00030FAN BLADE, 18" (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13) 20322602HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH (M1, M7, M10,M14, M18, M21, M27)0131M00022S MOTOR 1/4 HP, 8 PL, 460V (M26, M30) 0131M00276MOTOR, 1/8 HP, ISP, 6PL (M4, M5, M6, M9,M12, M13)SPECIAL PARTS0161R00009P NAMEPLATEExpanded Model NomenclatureM1 - GSX130181ABM2 - GSX130181BAM3 - GSX130181CAM4 - GSX130181DAM5 - GSX130181EAM6 - GSX130181EBM7 - GSX130241ABM8 - GSX130241BAM9 - GSX130241DAM10 - GSX130301ABM11 - GSX130301BAM12 - GSX130301DAM13 - GSX130301DBM14 - GSX130361ABM15 - GSX130361BAM16 - GSX130361DAM17 - GSX130363AAM18 - GSX130421ABM19 - GSX130421BAM20 - GSX130421BBM21 - GSX130481ABM22 - GSX130481BAM23 - GSX130481BBM24 - GSX130483AAM25 - GSX130483ABM26 - GSX130484AAM27 - GSX130601ABM28 - GSX130601BAM29 - GSX130603AAM30 - GSX130604AAControl Cover / Control BoxControl Cover / Control BoxRef.No:Part No:Description:Ref.No:Part No:Description:Image 1:PANEL, LOWER ACCESS 23_30.24 (M16)0121R0026611PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M28, M29, M30)0121R00316PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M21, M27)0121R00318PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26)0121R00319PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M18)0121R00321PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M1, M7, M10, M14)0121R00323PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M15, M17)0121R00325PDG 11PANEL, LOWER ACCESS PNT (M2, M3, M8, M11)0121R00326PDG 11PANEL,LOWER ACCESS 23_22.6 PNT (M4)0121R00264PDG 11PANEL,LOWER ACCESS 23_25.2 PNT (M5, M6, M9, M12, M13)0121R00265PDG 11CONTROL COVER (M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M10, M11, M14, M15, M17, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M27, M28, M29, M30)0121R00053PDG21CONTROL COVER PANEL (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13, M16)0121R00268PDG 21CONTACTOR 25 AMP, 1P, 24V (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M18, M19, M20)CONT1P025024VS71CONTACTOR 25 AMP, 3P, 24V (M17, M24, M25, M26, M29, M30)CONT3P025024VS 71CONTACTOR 30 AMP, 1P, 24V (M21, M22, M23, M27, M28)CONT1P030024VS71CAPACITOR 5/30/440V (M1, M2)CAP050300440RSS 81CAPACITOR 5/35/440V (M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8,M9)CAP050350440RSS 81CAPACITOR 5/370V (M17, M24, M25, M26, M29,M30)CAP050000370VAS 81CAPACITOR 5/40/440V (M10, M11, M12, M13)CAP050400440RT 81CAPACITOR 5/45/440V (M14, M15, M16, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23)CAP050450440RT81CAPACITOR 5/70 MFD/440V/DUAL RD (M27, M28)CAP050700440RTS 81CAPACITOR STRAP 440006591NAMEPLATE0161R00009P NS PANEL, CONTROL (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13, M16)0121R00267NSExpanded Model Nomenclature M1 - GSX130181AB M2 - GSX130181BA M3 - GSX130181CA M4 - GSX130181DA M5 - GSX130181EA M6 - GSX130181EB M7 - GSX130241AB M8 - GSX130241BA M9 - GSX130241DA M10 - GSX130301AB M11 - GSX130301BA M12 - GSX130301DA M13 - GSX130301DB M14 - GSX130361AB M15 - GSX130361BA M16 - GSX130361DA M17 - GSX130363AA M18 - GSX130421AB M19 - GSX130421BA M20 - GSX130421BB M21 - GSX130481AB M22 - GSX130481BA M23 - GSX130481BB M24 - GSX130483AA M25 - GSX130483AB M26 - GSX130484AA M27 - GSX130601AB M28 - GSX130601BA M29 - GSX130603AA M30 - GSX130604AACompressor / Tubing Assembly81141131613171Image 1Image 252252242222232Compressor / Tubing AssemblyRef.No:Part No:Description:Ref.No:Part No:Description:Image 1:VALVE, BASE 3/4" OPEN LEFT (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17)0151R0003231VALVE, BASE 7/8" OPEN LEFT (M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M27, M28, M29, M30)0151R00033313/8” SERVICE VALVEB1282517141 1.5T RECHI ROTARY COMPRESSOR (M5)50N382XV-5AKM 51 1.5T RECHI ROTARY COMPRESSOR (M6)50N382XV-ZAKM 51COMP, 49000/208/230/60/3 (M29)ZP49K5ETF513051COMP, 49000/460V/60/3 (M30)ZP49K5ETFD13051COMP,20000,208/230/60/1 (M7, M8, M9)ZP20K5EPFV13051COMP,24000,208/230/60/1 (M10, M11, M12, M13)ZP24K5EPFV13051COMP,34500,208/230/60/1 (M18, M19, M20)ZP34K5EPFV13051COMP,49400,208/230/60/1 (M28)ZP49K5EPFV13051COMPRESSOR 15500, 208/230/60/1 (M1, M2)ZP16K5EPFV13051COMPRESSOR 29000, 208/230/60/1 (M16)ZP29K5EPFV13051COMPRESSOR 31100, 208/230/60/1 (M14, M15)ZP31K5EPFV83051COMPRESSOR 31200, 200/230/60/3 (M17)ZP31K5ETF583051COMPRESSOR 39000, 200/230/60/3 (M24, M25)ZP39K5ETF583051COMPRESSOR 39000, 208/230/60/1 (M21, M22, M23)ZP39K5EPFV83051COMPRESSOR 39000, 460/60/3 (M26)ZP39K5ETFD83051COMPRESSOR 51000, 208/230/60/1 (M27)ZP51K5EPFV83051HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH (M1, M7, M10, M14, M18, M21, M27)2032260261TF SHOULDER SCREW (QTY 4)M022164171COMPRESSOR GROMMET (M1, M2, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M27, M28, M29, M30)B133953381FILTER DRIER0162R00009131BASE PAN 26" (M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M10, M11)0121R00005PDG 141BASE PAN 29" (M14, M15, M17, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M28, M29, M30)0121R00006PDG 141BASE PAN 35" (M27)0121R00007PDG 141BASE PAN, 23", PNT DG (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13, M16)0121R00272PDG 141COMPRESSOR SCROLL HARNESS (M1, M2, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M16)0159R00000P NS COMPRESSOR SCROLL HARNESS (M14, M15, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M27, M28)0159R00002P NS HARNESS, COMP (M17)0159R00008NS HARNESS, COMP (M24, M25, M26, M29, M30)0159R00009NSImage 2:COMPRESSOR 14600, 208/230/60/1 (M3, M4)5KS150FAB2152GASKET, TERM COVER (M3, M4)0154M00003222GROMMET/WASHER ASSY (M3, M4)0164M00022232GASKET-NUT (M3, M4)A3436801242NUT-TERM COVER (M3, M4)A3436601252Expanded Model Nomenclature M1 - GSX130181AB M2 - GSX130181BA M3 - GSX130181CA M4 - GSX130181DA M5 - GSX130181EA M6 - GSX130181EB M7 - GSX130241AB M8 - GSX130241BA M9 - GSX130241DA M10 - GSX130301AB M11 - GSX130301BA M12 - GSX130301DA M13 - GSX130301DB M14 - GSX130361AB M15 - GSX130361BA M16 - GSX130361DA M17 - GSX130363AA M18 - GSX130421AB M19 - GSX130421BA M20 - GSX130421BB M21 - GSX130481AB M22 - GSX130481BA M23 - GSX130481BB M24 - GSX130483AA M25 - GSX130483AB M26 - GSX130484AA M27 - GSX130601AB M28 - GSX130601BA M29 - GSX130603AA M30 - GSX130604AACabinet Top / Side PanelsImage 1:PANEL, TOP, PNT DG (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13, M16)0121R00270PDG 11TOP PANEL 26" (M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M10, M11)0121R00008PDG 11TOP PANEL 29" (M14, M15, M17, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M28, M29, M30)0121R00010PDG 11TOP PANEL, 35" (M27)0121R00269PDG 11COND MOTOR 1/4 HP, 1 SP, 6 PL (M16, M20, M23, M25, M28, M29)0131M00018P 21COND MOTOR 1/4 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M19, M21, M22, M24, M27)0131M00061S 21COND MOTOR 1/6 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M14, M15, M17, M18)0131M00016P 21COND MOTOR 1/6 HP, 1 SP, 8 PL (M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M10, M11)0131M00060S 21MOTOR 1/4 HP, 8 PL, 460V (M26, M30)0131M00022S 21MOTOR, 1/8 HP, ISP, 6PL (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13)0131M0027621ACORN NUT 5/16 HEX BLACK (QTY 4)0163M00006P 41FAN BLADE 20" (M1, M2, M7, M8, M10)0150M00018S 51FAN BLADE 20" CCW (M3, M11)0150M00012S 51FAN BLADE 22", 3 BLADE, 24º (M20, M23, M25, M28, M29)B108675051FAN BLADE 26" ALUM CCW (M27)10625738S 51FAN BLADE TYPE 2 (M14, M15, M17, M18)B1086764S 51FAN BLADE TYPE 3 (M19, M21, M22, M24, M26, M30)B108676551FAN BLADE, 18" (M16)0150M0002951FAN BLADE, 18" (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13)0150M0003051VENTURI RING 22" (M15, M17, M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M28, M29, M30)0161L0000061VENTURI RING 35" (M27)0161R00007P 61LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M15, M17)0121R00124PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M28, M29, M30)0121R00175PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M1, M7, M10)0121R00015PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M14)0121R00024PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M18)0121R00025PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M27)0121R00043PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M2, M3, M8, M11)0121R00102PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26)0121R00127PDGB 111LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M1, M7, M10)0121R00018PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M14)0121R00030PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M18)0121R00031PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M21)0121R00033PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M27)0121R00047PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M2, M3, M8, M11)0121R00109PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M15, M17)0121R00131PDGB121Image 1:LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26)0121R00134PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M28, M29, M30)0121R00176PDGB 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [LT OF CNTL PNL] (M4)0121R00273PDG 121PANEL, LOUVER 23_25.2, PNT DG (M5, M6, M9, M12, M13)0121R00274PDG121PANEL, LOUVER 23_30.24, PNT DG (M16)0121R00275PDG 121LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M15, M17)0121R00138PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL (M28, M29, M30)0121R00177PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M1, M7, M10)0121R00021PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M14)0121R00036PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M18)0121R00037PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M21)0121R00039PDGS 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M27)0121R00051PDG 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M2, M3, M8, M11)0121R00116S 131LOUVERED SIDE PANEL [RT OF CNTL PNL] (M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26)0121R00141PDG131TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M14)0201R00130S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M18)0201R00132S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M27)0201R00134S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M1, M7, M10)0201R00144S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M21)0201R00146S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M28)0201R00236141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M19, M20, M22, M23)0201R00242141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M2, M3, M8)0201R00268141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M11)0201R00271S 141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M15, M17)0201R00272141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M28)0201R00304141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M24, M25, M26)0201R00337141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M29, M30)0201R00339141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M4)0201R00382141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M9, M12)0201R00383141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M16)0201R00384141TUBING ASSY, COND COIL (M5, M6, M13)0201R00398141CONDUIT (M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M10, M11)0161R00001P NS CONDUIT (M15, M17, M19, M20, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26, M28, M29, M30)0161R00002P NS CONDUIT (M14, M18, M21)0161R00003P NS CONDUIT (M27)0161R00004P NS conduit (M4, M5, M6, M9, M12, M13, M16)0161R00032NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT (M28, M29, M30)B1789886NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .049 (M1)B1789849NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .051 (M2, M3, M4, M5, M6)B1789851NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .053 (M7)B1789853NSImage 1:FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .057 (M8, M9)B1789857NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .059 (M10, M12)B1789859NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .061 (M11, M13)B1789861NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .067 (M16)B1789867NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .068 (M14)B1789868NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .070 (M15, M17)B1789870NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .074 (M18)B1789874NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .076 (M19, M20)B1789876NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .080 (M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26)B1789880NS FLOW CHECK PISTON KIT .092 (M27)B1789892NS POST, LOUVER 23_22.6, PNT DG (M4)0121R00279PDG NS POST, LOUVER 23_25.2, PNT DG (M5, M6, M9, M12, M13)0121R00280PDG NS POST, LOUVER 23_30.24, PNT DG (M16)0121R00281PDGNSExpanded Model Nomenclature M1 - GSX130181AB M2 - GSX130181BA M3 - GSX130181CA M4 - GSX130181DA M5 - GSX130181EA M6 - GSX130181EB M7 - GSX130241AB M8 - GSX130241BA M9 - GSX130241DA M10 - GSX130301AB M11 - GSX130301BA M12 - GSX130301DA M13 - GSX130301DB M14 - GSX130361AB M15 - GSX130361BA M16 - GSX130361DA M17 - GSX130363AA M18 - GSX130421AB M19 - GSX130421BA M20 - GSX130421BB M21 - GSX130481AB M22 - GSX130481BA M23 - GSX130481BB M24 - GSX130483AA M25 - GSX130483AB M26 - GSX130484AA M27 - GSX130601AB M28 - GSX130601BA M29 - GSX130603AA M30 - GSX130604AA。



Data SheetADG633Rev. B | Page 7 of 16 PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSS2A S3B D3V SS EN S3A S2B GND D2D1S1B A1A2A0S1A V DD 03275-002Figure 2. 16-Lead TSSOP Pin Configuration NOTES 1.THE EXPOSED PADDLE CAN BE LEFT FLOATING OR BE TIED TO V DD , V SS , OR GND.S3B D3S3A EN S1B D1S1A A0V S S G N D A 2A 1S 2B S 2A V D DD 203275-00312111013492657816151413ADG633TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)Figure 3. 16-Lead LFCSP Pin Configuration1 X means the logic state does not matter; it can be either 0 or 1.ADG633Data SheetRev. B | Page 14 of 16OUTLINE DIMENSIONSCOPLANARITY 0.10COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-153-AB Figure 31. 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP] (RU-16) Dimensions shown in millimeters4.104.00 SQ 3.900.350.300.25 2.252.10 SQ1.9510.65BSC BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 16589121340.700.600.50SEATING PLANE0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM 0.203 REF 0.25 MINCOPLANARITY 0.08PIN 1INDICATOR 0.800.750.70COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WGGC.FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET.04-15-2016-A P K G -004025/5112PIN 1INDIC ATOR AREA OPTIONS (SEE DETAIL A)DETAIL A (JEDEC 95)EXPOSED PAD Figure 32. 16-Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 4 mm × 4 mm Body and 0.75 mm Package Height (CP-16-23) Dimensions shown in millimetersORDERING GUIDEModel 1Temperature Range Package Description Package Option ADG633YRU−40°C to +125°C 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP] RU-16 ADG633YRU-REEL7−40°C to +125°C 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP] RU-16 ADG633YRUZ−40°C to +125°C 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP] RU-16 ADG633YRUZ-REEL7−40°C to +125°C 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package [TSSOP] RU-16 ADG633YCPZ−40°C to +85°C 16-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] CP-16-23 ADG633YCPZ-REEL7−40°C to +85°C 16-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] CP-16-23 1 Z = RoHS Compliant Part.。



R-50寸A驱动板安装板( 구동보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.040R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-贴片电阻(SMT저항)RC-12K470JTR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03000JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K101JT T-CR-瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K101NTR-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)ES1GR-插座( 커넥터)3001-56250R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1133H-03R-插座( 커넥터)3003-56260R-贴片网络电阻( SMT네트워크저항)RCML08W101JTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K500NTR-保险丝管( 휴즈관)0451005.MRL$0451005.NRT1LR-50寸A驱动板安装板( 구동보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.039R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-贴片电阻(SMT저항)RC-12K470JTR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03000JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K101JT T-CR-瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K101NTR-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)ES1GR-插座( 커넥터)3001-56250R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1133H-03R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1133H-05R-插座( 커넥터)3003-56260R-贴片网络电阻( SMT네트워크저항)RCML08W101JTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K500NTR-温度传感器集成电路(IC)(온도센스 IC)FM75M8XR-铝电解电容(Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor )CDPH-16V-100μFM Φ6.3×5.4 R-50寸控制板安装板(제어보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.037R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-瓷介电容(MLCC)0603B104K250NTR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03000JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K101JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K103JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K123JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K152JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K333JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K470JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K472JT T-CR-拨动开关(Toggle Switch)KBM-15-T-BDR-晶体谐振器(Crystal resonator)SCO-103S-100MR-存储器集成电路(IC)(저장기 IC)EM638325TS-5GR-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )LP3893ESX-1.2/NOPBR-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )NCP630AD2TR4GR-瓷介电容(MLCC)C1608X5R1A475KTR-钽电解电容(Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitor)TMCMB0J227MTRF R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1133H-07R-插座( 커넥터)1001-65231R-磁珠(magnetic bead)TB 2012-102-PF$HB-1M2012-102R-磁珠(magnetic bead)HH-1M2012-121JT T-CR-固定电感(고정인덕턴스)NLCV32T-100K-PFR-插座( 커넥터)CS-1106-2×3AR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K151JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-03K822JT T-CR-FPGAXC3SD1800A-5FGG676C(FPGA)R-插座( 커넥터)3003-56260R-插座( 커넥터)10033HR-15BR-插座( 커넥터)10033HR-25BR-瓷介电容(MLCC)GRM155R60J105KE19D T-CR-逻辑集成电路(IC)(로직 IC)PCS3P2040AF-08SRR-固定电感(고정인덕턴스)NLCV32T-R22M-PFR T-CR-集成电路(IC)M29W320ET70N6ER-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )AZ1084S-3.3TRE1 TO-263 R-集成电路(IC)DTC34LF86LR-发光二极管(발광다이오드)HMF0603HR07BC(A)R-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0402B103K500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0603CG102J500NTR-驱动/控制集成电路(구동/제어IC회로)(IC)AN16379AR-密封胶(밀봉제)3-1944道康宁R-50寸扫描板安装板(스캔보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.038R-散热器(방열품)JUQ7.308.047R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-扫描板机插机贴组件(스캔보드AI SMT 조립품)JUQ6.696.00016948R-贴片电阻(SMT저항)RC-05K470JTR-逻辑集成电路(IC)(로직 IC)KIC7S08FUR-插座( 커넥터)CS-2503-12R-磁珠(magnetic bead)BI3865RSBKR-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS1CBB13-630V-102K CY-7.5×4 R-插座( 커넥터)FP2S128JA1R900$3001-56128R-导热沾结剂(열전도접착제)SE4485道康宁R-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)1206B106K160NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B222K500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805CG102J500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805CG221J500NTR-保险丝管( 휴즈관)021506.3MXPR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K103JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K101JT T-CR-导热硅脂(열전도실리콘)SE 4490CV道康宁R-导热硅脂(열전도실리콘)SE 4490CV道康宁R-驱动/控制集成电路(구동/제어IC회로)(IC)FAN7371MXR-50寸X驱动板安装板( 구동보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.035R-散热器(방열품)/板组件JUQ5.869.043R-散热器(방열품)/板组件JUQ5.869.044R-散热器(방열품)JUQ7.308.041R-散热器(방열품)JUQ7.308.041R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-环形电感(toroidal inductor)LGT-73uH(JUB4.757.700)R-空心线圈(Aircore Coil)LGT-0.35uH(JUB4.757.701)R-校正电感(교정인덕턴스)LGT-1uH-B(JUB4.757.703)R-空心铆钉(Aircore Pem Nut)2.0×3R-空心铆钉(Aircore Pem Nut)2.0×3R-保险丝管( 휴즈관)0251001.MXLR-X驱动板机插机贴组件(구동보드 AI SMT조립품)JUQ6.672.00016949 R-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K332JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K102JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K150JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K151JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K271JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K513JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K3R0JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-06K6R2JT T-CR-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY16-1W-100KJ RI-15×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY17-2W-200KJ RG-5×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY17-2W-47KJ RI-15×3R-金属氧化膜(Metaloxide)电阻(resistor)RY18-3W-15ΩJ RK-20×4 R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY18-3W-82ΩJ RI-20×3R-金属氧化膜(Metaloxidefilm)RJ13-1/6W-100J RL-7.5×3R-焊片(soldering terminal )JDHP-02R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)ES1GR-插座( 커넥터)CS-1120R-05R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1154R-13R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1157RD-15R-稳压二极管(Zener diode)ZMM18BR-玻璃釉膜电位器(Glass Glaze Potentiometer )W206-2ALW-50KΩR-三极管(audion)KTC4379YR-磁珠(magnetic bead)BI3865RSBKR-瓷介电容(MLCC)CK45-B3AD331KYNN CS-5×4R-瓷介电容(MLCC)FK20X7R1E106M CS-5×4R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS2CBB21-450V-225K CY-27.R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS1CBB13-630V-102K CY-7.5×4R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS1CBB13-630V-222K CY-7.5×4R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacity )CD288Z-25V-680μFM CJ-5×4 R-光电耦合器(Photo Coupler)QCPL-034H-500ER-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)STTH40P03SWR-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)STTH40P03SWR-场效应管(field-effect tube)STF40NF20R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)FCU20A40R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)FCU20A40R-瓷介电容(MLCC)CT81-1KV-2B4-102K CS-5×4R-绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)RJP3049DPK-80R-绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)RJH3047ADPK-80R-绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)RJH3047ADPK-80R-驱动/控制集成电路(구동/제어IC)(IC)SN74AHCT541PWR$TR-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor)CD11GH-250V-150μFM CT-7. R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor )CD11GH-160V-220μFM CT-7. R-场效应管(field-effect tube)FQPF3N25(TO-220F-3L)R-保险丝座(휴즈 Rack)FB58B(22mm)-PFR-导热片(heat sink)20×23×05T-PFR-导热片(heat sink)20×23×05T-PFR-室温固化硅橡胶(실온고화실리콘)DC739道康宁R-瓷介电容(MLCC)C2012X7R1E474KT T-CR-空心铆钉(Aircore Rivet)2.5×3R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 12.5mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 17.5mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 20mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 22.5mm长虹精密R-螺钉(볼트조합품)组合件M3×12 GB/T9074.4R-螺钉(볼트조합품)组合件M3×12 GB/T9074.4R-空心铆钉(Aircore Volt)1.6×2.8R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)LL4148$RLS4148R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 10mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 5mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 7.5mm长虹精密R-跨接线(Jumper Wire) 15mm长虹精密R-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K500NTR-保险丝管( 휴즈관)021506.3MXPR-导热硅脂(열전도실리콘)SE 4490CV道康宁R-密封胶(밀봉제)3-1944道康宁R-驱动/控制集成电路(구동/제어IC)(IC)FAN7371MXR-50寸Y驱动板安装板( 구동보드안장보드)JUQ7.820.036R-散热器(방열품)组件JUQ5.869.041R-散热器(방열품)/板组件JUQ5.869.042R-散热器(방열품)JUQ7.308.039R-散热器(방열품)JUQ7.308.040R-条码标签(바코드라벨)JUQ8.817.010R-环形电感(ring inductor)LGT-73uH(JUB4.757.700)R-固定电感(고정인덕턴스)LGT-100uH-D(JUB4.757.702)R-校正电感(교정인덕턴스)LGT-1uH-B(JUB4.757.703)R-开关电源变压器(스위치파워변압기)BCK-12803L(JUB4.726.897) R-瓷介电容(MLCC)0603B104K250NTR-保险丝管( 휴즈관)0251001.MXLR-氧化膜电阻(Oxide Resistor)RY16-1W-0.33ΩJ RG-5×3R-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K100JT T-CR-Y驱动板机插机贴组件(구동보드AI SMT조립품)JUQ6.672.00016950R-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K101JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K102JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K103JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K150JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K153JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K223JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K224JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K271JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K471JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K472JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K510JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K512JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K513JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05K561JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05L3R0JT T-CR-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RS-05L6R2JT T-CR-氧化膜电阻(oxide resistor)RY16-1W-200KJ RG-5×3R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)US1JR-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY16-1W-4.7KJ RG-5×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY18-3W-15ΩJ RI-20×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY18-3W-22KJ RI-20×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY18-3W-47KJ RI-20×3R-氧化膜电阻(Filmoxideresistor)RY18-3W-5.1ΩJ RI-20×3R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)ES1GR-插座( 커넥터)CS-1001R-12R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1120-06R-插座( 커넥터)CS-1133H-05R-固定电感(고정인덕턴스)MLF2012DR15JR-TVS管SMBJ130AR-稳压二极管(Zener diode)U1ZB12R-稳压二极管(Zener diode)U1ZB27R-稳压二极管(Zener diode)ZMM5V1BR-稳压二极管(Zener diode)ZMM18BR-玻璃釉膜电位器(glass glaze potentiometer )W206-2ALW-1KΩR-玻璃釉膜电位器(glass glaze potentiometer )W206-2ALW-2KΩR-三极管(audion)KTC4379YR-三极管(audion)KTA1666YR-三极管(audion)KTA1275$2SA1013 VS-0×5×4R-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )7815F 剪脚余7.5R-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )KIA78M05F$78D05R-磁珠(magnetic bead)BI3865RSBKR-瓷介电容(MLCC)CK45-B3AD331KYNN CS-5×4R-瓷介电容(MLCC)CK45-B3DD471KYNN CS-5×4R-瓷介电容(MLCC)FK20X7R1E106M CS-5×4R-瓷介电容(MLCC)FK20X7R1H105K CS-5×4R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS2CBB21-450V-225K CY-27.R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS1CBB13-630V-102K CY-7.5×4R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS1CBB13-630V-222K CY-7.5×4R-聚丙烯电容(polypropylene capacitor)TS7CBB21-630V-473K CY-7.5×4R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor)CD288Z-25V-220μFM CJ-5×4 R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor )CD288Z-50V-47μFM CJ-5×4 R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor )CD288Z-50V-100μFM CJ-5×4 R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor )CD288Z-63V-68μFM CJ-5×4 R-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic Capacitor )CD11GH-100V-220μFM CT-5×4 R-光电耦合器(광전coupler)QCPL-034H-500ER-磁电耦合器(Magnetic Coupler)SI8445BB-C-ISRR-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)STTH40P03SWR-场效应管(field-effect tube)STW20NK50ZR-场效应管(field-effect tube)STW20NK50ZR-场效应管(field-effect tube)H5N3011PR-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)FCU20A40R-光电耦合器(Photo Coupler)TLP781FR-瓷介电容(MLCC)CT81-1KV-2B4-102K CS-5×4R-绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)RJP3049DPK-80R-绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)RJH3047ADPK-80R-驱动/控制集成电路(구동/제어IC)(IC)SN74AHCT541PWR$TR-铝电解电容(Aluminum electrolytic capacitor )CD11GH-250V-150μFM CT-7. R-电源集成电路(IC)MR4710R-保险丝座(휴즈 Rack)FB58B(22mm)-PFR-导热片(heat Sink)20×23×05T-PFR-导热片(heat sink)20×23×05T-PFR-插座( 커넥터)10033HR-25BR-室温固化硅橡胶(실온고화실리콘Rubber)DC739道康宁R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)S3L20U VK-20×4R-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )FAN431LZXA-PF VS-0×5×4 R-螺钉(볼트조합품)组合件M3×12 GB/T9074.4R-螺钉(볼트조합품)组合件M3×12 GB/T9074.4R-整流二极管( ZP다이오드)LL4148$RLS4148R-玻璃釉膜电阻(Resistance)RCML08W332JT T-CR-贴片网络电阻( SMT네트워크저항)RCML08W470JTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B104K500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805B222K500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0603CG102J500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805CG101J500NTR-贴片电容(SMT 캡패시터)0805CG331J500NTR-贴片瓷介电容(MLCC)0805F105Z500NTR-扫描板组件(스캔보드 조립품)JUQ6.696.001R-数字逻辑板组件(디지털 로직보드 조립품)JUQ6.672.103R-X驱动板组件(구동보드 조립품)JUQ6.672.104R-Y驱动板组件(구동보드 조립품)JUQ6.672.105R-A驱动板机插机贴组件(구동보드AI SMT조립품)JUQ6.672.106R-A驱动板组件(구동보드 조립품)JUQ6.672.107R-三端稳压器(3-terminal regulator )FAN431LZXA-PF T-B비고Bar-code LableSMD Resistor /wiki/%E8%B4%B4%E7%89%87%E7%94%B5%E9%98%BB Glass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsCeramic capacitor abbr. 积层陶瓷晶Rectifier diodeConnectorConnectorConnectorSMD Network ResistorSMD Ceramic CapacitorFuzeBar-code LableSMD ResistorGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsCeramic capacitorRectifier diodeConnectorConnectorConnectorConnectorSMD Network ResistorSMD Ceramic Capacitor온도 Senser ICAluminum Electrolytic CapacitorBar-code LableCeramic capacitorGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsToggle SwitchCrystal ResonatorMemory IC3-terminal Regulator3-terminal RegulatorCeramic capacitorTantalum Electrolytic Capacitor ConnectorConnectorBeadBeadFixed InductanceConnectorGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsField-Programmable Gate Array ConnectorConnectorConnectorCeramic capacitor로직 ICFixed InductanceIC3-terminal RegulatorIC발광 DiodeSMD Ceramic Capacitor SMD Ceramic Capacitor구동/제어IC회로밀봉제Heat SinkBar-Code LabelScan Board AI SMT 조립품SMD Resistor로직 ICConnectorBeadPolypropylene Capacitor Connector열전도접착제SMD Ceramic CapacitorSMD Ceramic CapacitorFuzeGlass glaze resistors Glass glaze resistors열전도 Silicon열전도 Silicon구동/제어IC회로Heat Sink/보드 부품Heat Sink/보드부품Heat SinkHeat SinkBar-Code LabelRing 모양 Inductance Aircore CoilRegulate Inductance Aircore RivetAircore RivetFuze구동보드 AI SMT 조립품Glass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsGlass glaze resistorsOxide ResistorOxide ResistorOxide Resistor MetaloxideresistorOxide Resistor Metaloxideresistor SolderingTerminal;Lug PlateRectifier diode ConnectorConnectorConnectorZener diodeGlass Glaze Potentiometer TriodeBeadCeramic CapacitorCeramic Capacitorpolypropylene capacitor polypropylene capacitor polypropylene capacitorAluminum electrolytic capacity Photo CouplerRectifier diodeRectifier diodeFETRectifier diodeRectifier diodeCeramic CapacitorIGBTIGBTIGBT구동/제어ICAluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacity FETfuse block,fuse seat ,fuse holder heat sinkheat sink실온 고체 siliconCeramic CapacitorAircore RivetJumper WireJumper WireJumper WireJumper WireBolt 조합품Bolt 조합품Aircore RivetRectifier diode Jumper WireJumper WireJumper WireJumper WireSMD Ceramic CapacitorFuze관열전도 silicon밀봉제구동/제어ICHeat SinkHeat SinkHeat SinkHeat SinkBar-Code Labelring inductorFixed Inductance Regulate Inductance Swich Power 변압기Ceramic Capacitor FuzeOxide ResistorGlass glaze resistors구동보드AI SMT조립품Glass glaze resistorsoxide resistorRectifier diodeoxide resistoroxide resistorRectifier diodeConnetorConnetorConnetorFixed InductanceZener diodeZener diodeZener diodeglass glaze potentiometer glass glaze potentiometer TriodeTriodeTriode3-terminal regulator3-terminal regulatorBeadCeramic CapacitorCeramic CapacitorCeramic CapacitorCeramic Capacitorpolypropylene capacitorpolypropylene capacitorpolypropylene capacitorpolypropylene capacitorAluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacitorPhoto CouplerMagnetic CouplerRectifier diodeFET(Field Effect TubeFET(Field Effect TubeRectifier diodePhoto CouplerCeramic CapacitorIGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)구동/제어ICAluminum electrolytic capacitor전원 ICFuzeHeat SinkHeat SinkConnector실온 고체 siliconRectifier diode3-terminal regulator Bolt 조합품Bolt 조합품Rectifier diodeGlass Glaze resistors SMT Network Resistors SMD Ceramic CapacitorSMT CapacitorSMD Ceramic Capacitorscan Board 조립품Digital 로직보드 조립품구동보드조립품구동보드조립품구동보드AI SMT조립품구동보드조립품3-terminal regulator%B5%E9%98%BB。

S-8365 _8366规格书

S-8365 _8366规格书

升压 超小型 1.2 MHz PWM控制、PWM / PFM切换控制 DC/DC控制器3. 产品名目录
(1) S-8365系列 (PWM控制)
振荡 频率
短路保护 UVLO

S-8365AABBA-M6T1y2 S-8365AABBA-I6T1x2 1.2 MHz
可保证利用 1.1 V (1 mA)启动上升 (无 UVLO 功能产品时)
1.8 V ~ 5.5 V 1.2 MHz、600 kHz
0.6 V ± 2.0% 7 ms 典型值 静止时 70 μA 典型值 内置 PWM / PFM 切换控制电路 (S-8366 系列) 28% ~ 85% (1.2 MHz 产品) 28% ~ 90% (600 kHz 产品) 休眠时消耗电流 1.0 μA (最大值) 电感器、二极管、电容器、晶体管 可按产品类型选择短路保护功能的有/无 可利用外部电容器设定延迟时间 (带短路保护功能产品时) 可按产品类型选择 UVLO 功能的有/无
误差放大 电路
+ −
带软启动 基准电压
注意 为了使S-8365/8366系列的输出电压、振荡频率稳定,需要1.8 V≤VDD≤5.5 V的输入电压。 将VOUT输出连接到VDD端子时,包括在VOUT发生的峰值电压在内,请将输入电压(VOUT)设定为满足上述条件 的范围内。

S-8365ABABA-I6T1x2 600 kHz


8.1 上电、掉电复位 ...................................................................................................................................... 20 8.2 FLASH 编程复位 ....................................................................................................................................... 20 8.3 软件复位 .................................................................................................................................................. 21 8.4 看门狗定时器溢出复位 .......................................................................................................................... 21 8.5 PC 指针溢出复位 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 引脚图 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 引脚描述 ................................................................................................................................................... 6



ADS8364的原理及应用1. 简介ADS8364是一款高精度、低功耗的16位模拟到数字转换器(ADC),由德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司推出。



2. 工作原理ADS8364采用了Σ-Δ调制技术,能够将模拟信号转换为数字信号。


2.1 输入缓冲器ADS8364的输入缓冲器能够保护ADC内部电路免受外部干扰。



2.2 Σ-Δ调制器 ADS8364采用了Σ-Δ调制器将输入模拟信号转换为高分辨率的数字信号。




2.3 数字滤波器 ADS8364使用数字滤波器对Σ-Δ调制器输出的数字信号进行滤波。



2.4 数字输出接口 ADS8364的数字输出接口可以通过SPI(串行外设接口)或I2C(串行总线接口)与微控制器或其他设备进行通信。


3. 应用场景ADS8364广泛应用于各种领域,下面列举了几个典型的应用场景:3.1 工业自动化在工业自动化领域,ADS8364可以用于采集和控制系统中的模拟信号。


3.2 音频处理ADS8364具有高动态范围和低噪声水平,非常适合音频处理应用。




Motor control and protectionICON familyStart easily Protect preciselyIntroducing Eaton’s new contactor range for AC-3 applications to 170A. Perfectly suited for applications in the commercial and industrial segments for panel builders and machinery OEMs.The contactor has a smaller footprint than the existing xStart series and offers application adjusted ratings.Icon Contactors SeriesCoil voltages available are 24V50/60HZ, 110V50/60HZ, 230V50/60HZ, 400V50/60HZ, DC24V .Basic devices Rated operational current Max. motor rating for three-phase motors 50 - 60 Hz Conventional thermal current I th = I e AC-1at 40°C A Open Contact AC-3AC-3AC-4380 V 400 V I e220 V 230 V P 380 V 400 V P 660 V 690 V P 220 V 230 V P 380 V 400 V P 660 V 690 V P N/O = Normallyopened contact N/C = Normally 4 pole, 3 poleConnection type: Screw terminals9 2.5 4 4.5 1.5 2.5 3.6 20 – 1 N/C 12 3.5 5.5 6.5 2 3 4.4 20 1 N/O –12 3.5 5.5 6.5 2 3 4.4 20 – 1 N/C 15 4 7.5 7 2 3 4.4 20 1 N/O –154 7.5 7 2 3 4.4 20 – 1 N/C 3 poleConnection type: Screw terminals1857.511 2.5 4.56.5 401 N/O–18 5 7.511 2.5 4.5 6.5 40 – 1 N/C 257.51114 3.5 68.5 401 N/O–25 7.5 1114 3.5 6 8.5 40 – 1 N/C 32101515 4 710 451 N/O–32 10 1515 4 710 45 – 1 N/C 381118.515 4 710 451 N/O–3811 18.5 15 4 710 45 – 1 N/C 3 poleConnection type: Screw terminals40 12.5 18.523 5 912 60 1 N/O 1 N/C 50 15.5 2230 6 1014 80 1 N/O 1 N/C 65 20 3035 7 1217 98 1 N/O 1 N/C 7222 3735 7 1217 98 1 N/O 1 N/C 3 poleConnection type: Screw terminals80 25 3737112015110 1 N/O 1 N/C 95304545 1120151301 N/O1 N/C3 poleConnection type: Screw terminals115 37 5590 17 2843 160 ––150 48 75 96 20 3348 190 ––1705290140 20 3348 203––CMN00027DILM9-01N CMN00038DILM12-10N CMN00049DILM12-01N CMN00060DILM15-10N CMN00071DILM15-01N CMN00082DILM18-10N DILM18-01N CMN00104DILM25-10N DILM25-01N(CMN00126DILM32-10N DILM32-01N CMN00148DILM38-10N DILM38-01N CMN00170DILM40-11N DILM50-11N DILM65-11N DILM72-11N DILM80-11N DILM95-11N DILM115N DILM150N DILM170N (...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)• Phase failure sensitivity and temperature compensation • Reset pushbutton manual/auto • Test/off pushbutton• Auxiliary contact (1 N/O + 1 NC)•Fitted directly on the contactor of the maximum current to 175AIcon Overload relays ZB..N series0.1 – 0.16CMN00333CMN00335ZB12N-1,6CMN00336ZB12N-2,4CMN00337ZB12N-4CMN00338ZB12N-6CMN00339ZB12N-10CMN00340ZB12N-12CMN00341ZB12N-161 – 1.5CMN00352ZB32N-24CMN00353ZB32N-30CMN00354ZB32N-36CMN00355ZB32N-38CMN00356Setting range of overload releasesCircuit symbolAuxiliary contactFor use withI r AN/O = normally open contact N/C = normally closed contact0.4 – 0.6 1 N/O 1 N/C 0.6 – 1 1 N/O 1 N/C 1 – 1.6 1 N/O 1 N/C 1.6 – 2.4 1 N/O 1 N/C 2.4 – 4 1 N/O 1 N/C 4 – 6 1 N/O 1 N/C 6 – 10 1 N/O 1 N/C 9 – 12 1 N/O 1 N/C 12 –161 N/O1 N/C 17 – 24 1 N/O 1 N/C 22 – 30 1 N/O 1 N/C 29 – 36 1 N/O 1 N/C 33 – 381 N/O1 N/COverload relaysIcon Overloads ZB…N seriesSetting range of overload releasesCircuit symbolAuxiliary contactFor use withI r AN/O = normally open contact N/C = normally closed contact63 – 80 1 N/O 1 N/C 77 – 971 N/O1 N/C50 – 70 1 N/O 1 N/C 70 – 100 1 N/O 1 N/C 95 – 125 1 N/O 1 N/C 120 – 150 1 N/O 1 N/C 145 – 1751 N/O1 N/COverload relays Part no.Article no.– 25CMN00363– 50– 35– 25 – 50ZB95N-50 – 35ZB150N-35Icon Contactor Relays DILA…N seriesWiring method: Screw terminals Basic devices with interlocked opposing contacts ContactRated operational current AC – 15Conventional thermal current at 55°CN/O = Normally opened contact N/C = Normally closed contact220 V 230 V 240 V I e A380 V 400 V 415 V I e AI th A4 N/O – 4 416 3 N/O 1 N/C 4 4 16 2 N/O 2 N/C 4 4 16 1 N/O 3 N/C 4416–4 N/C4416DILA-40N DILA-31N DILA-22N DILA-13N DILA-04N(Coil voltages available are 24V50/60HZ, 110V50/60HZ, 230V50/60HZ, 400V50/60HZ, DC24V .• Varied 4-pole contact configurations • Conventional thermal current (Ith): 16A• Identical construction sizes for AC- and DC-operated contactor relays •Integrated surge suppressors for DC-operated contactor relaysA complete range of accessories are available for the Icon series, such as:• Auxiliary contacts (top mount)• Auxiliary contacts (side mount)• RC Suppressors• Varistor Suppressors• Pneumatic timer modules • Mechanical Interlocks • Sealable Shrouds•External Reset Button(...)(...)(...)(...)(...)E a t o n10 Kent RoadMascot NSW 2020Tel: 1300 332 866Fax: (02) 9693 1258Email: ************************ Eaton is a registered trademarkof Eaton Corporation.All trademarks are property of their respective owners.For more information about Eaton visit: Eaton’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the environment through the use of power management technologies and services. We provide sustainable solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power – more safely, more effi ciently, and more reliably. Eaton’s 2019 revenues were $21.4 billion, and we sell products to customers in more than 175 countries. We have approximately 95,000 employees.For more information about Eaton visit: 。

MICROMEGA 高精度过程控制器说明书

MICROMEGA 高精度过程控制器说明书

CN77000 R300和R500控制器,图片中含RHS-43孔锯, 易于钻圆孔。

有关订购信息, 请参见最后一页。

CN77333-A2 NEMA 12款方形开孔。

CN77533 NEMA 4方形开孔。


1⁄16 DIN MICROMEGA ®自动调谐PID温度/过程控制器U 高精度:±0.5°C (0.9°F), 读数的0.03% U品质优秀, 还有5年保修支持 U 通用输入—过程电压/电流、热电偶、RTD U 双4位数字LED 显示屏和指示器, 用于显示输出和报警状态 U 可选RS232或RS485, OMEGA ® 协议U 继电器、SSR 、DC 脉冲、0 ~ 10 V, 以及 0 ~ 20 mA 输出类型 U 斜坡到设定值功能 U 通用电源, 90 ~ 250 Vac 或Vdc U 双输出和双报警功能U 隔离模拟输出或远程设定值可选将方形控制器放置于圆孔中!高精度、高品质MICROMEGA ®控制器在过程控制中提供无与伦比的灵活性。

每台设备均允许用户从10个热电偶类型(J 、K 、T 、E 、R 、S 、B 、C 、N 和JDIN )、Pt RTD (100、500或1000 Ω, 385或392曲线)或者模拟电压或电流输入中选择输入类型。


MICROMEGA ®控制器具有大型双LED 显示屏,采用前面板配置,可选温度/过程输入,并接受90 ~ 250 Vac 或Vdc 通用电源。

提供单和双输入配置,CN77000系列适用于继电器、SSR 、DC 脉冲或模拟电压或电流输出。


可选项包括第二报警、 RS232、RS485、模拟输出以及远程设定值可选。

“300”系列控制器有许多特色,更大,紧凑型1⁄4 DIN 控制器,1⁄16 DIN 尺寸。

飞龙 wi

飞龙 wi

持续电流(散热良好)瞬间电流(散热良好)BEC尺寸(供参考)重量(供参考)20A 30A 40A 60A 30A 40A 55A 80A 锂电池型号79g 35g 36g 76g 49x23.5x13.5mm 65.5x34x21mm● 反推功能,支持飞行过程中切换电机正反向,达到减速目的(WinDragon wifi 80-130A 支持此功能)。

2-4S 2-4S 2-6S 2-6S 8.4V/7.4V/6V/5V ,5A 80A 100A 119g 2-6S 100A 120A 125g 2-6S 130A150A130g82.5x39.5x23.5mm2-6S航模无刷电子调速器WinDragon wifi 130AWinDragon wifi 100A WinDragon wifi 80A WinDragon wifi 60A WinDragon wifi 30A WinDragon wifi 40A WinDragon wifi 20A 8.4V/7.4V/6V/5V ,5A 8.4V/7.4V/6V/5V ,5A 8.4V/7.4V/6V/5V,5A8.4V/7.4V/6V/5V ,5A 82.5x39.5x23.5mm 82.5x39.5x23.5mm 65.5x34x21mm 49x23.5x13.5mm 02 产品规格04 操作说明1.正常工作模式2.油门行程设定3.通过遥控器进行参数编程设定推荐使用Flycolor Wi-Fi Trans 通过Flycolor App 进行参数编程设定。

另外可通过编程卡进行参数编程设定1. 刹车: [1] 无刹车 [2]软刹车 [3]重刹车 [4]很重刹车 (出厂默认值为无刹车)2.电池类型: [1]LiPo(锂电) [2] NiCb/NiMh(镍氢/镍隔) (默认值为Li Po )3.低压保护阈值:低/中/高 [1] 2.8V [2]3.0V [3]3.2V ;默认值为中(3.0V)对于Ni-xx电池组:低/中/高中止电压是电池组初始电压值的50%/65%/75%对于Li-xx电池组:可自动计算电池数量,除了确定电池 类型外无需用户设置。


RFLAT(ON) Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on resistance as measured over the specified analog signal range.
VD, VS Analog voltage on Terminal D and Terminal S.
RON Ohmic resistance between Terminal D and Terminal S.
ΔRON On-resistance match between any two channels, that is, RONMAX − RONMIN.
VDD = 5V VSS = 0V
+85°C 80
+25°C 60
–40°C 40
0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 VD, VS (V)
Figure 7. On Resistance vs. VD (VS) for Various Temperatures, Single Supply
ISS Negative supply current.
GND Ground (0 V) reference.
S Source terminal. Can be an input or output.
D Drain terminal. Can be an input or output.
AX Logic control input.

LT8361 SEPIC升压 反相 反激式调节器演示电路说明书

LT8361 SEPIC升压 反相 反激式调节器演示电路说明书

1UG-1367 Rev 0DESCRIPTIONLT8361Low I Q Boost/SEPIC/Inverting RegulatorDemonstration circuit 2599A features the LT ®8361 in a SEPIC configuration. It operates with a switching fre-quency of 400kHz and is designed to convert a 4.5V to 48V source to 24V, with up to 600mA output current (depending on input voltage). Refer to Figure 4 for load current versus input voltage.The LT8361 can operate with inputs as high as 60V. How-ever , in this demo circuit, the input is limited by the voltage rating of the input capacitors.The demo board contains a selectable jumper , JP1, to aid in the selection of the desired Sync pin mode of operation. The default setting is Burst Mode ® operation.All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYThis layout is optimized for good EMI performance and small solution size. Input and output filters and an opti-mized power switching loop, comprised of C20 and C21 are necessary to pass CISPR 25 Class 5 emissions, and are added by default. These components can be excluded in applications not requiring noise immunity. Radiated emissions plots are included in this manual.The data sheet gives a complete description of the device, operation and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual.Design files for this circuit board are available at /DC2599ASpecifications are at T A = 25°CSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYPMAX UNITSV IN Input Supply Range 4.548V V OUT Output Voltage RangeV IN = 12V, I LOAD = 450mA 23.252424.75V Ripple V IN = 12V, I LOAD = 450mA 200mV EfficiencyV IN = 12V, I LOAD = 450mA87%Switching Frequency400kHz2DEMO MANUAL DC2599A UG-1367 Rev 0QUICK START PROCEDUREDemo circuit 2599A is easy to set up to evaluate the per-formance of the LT8361. Refer to Figure 1 for proper measurement equipment setup and follow the procedure below:NOTE: When measuring the input or output voltage ripple, care must be taken to avoid a long ground lead on the oscilloscope probe. Measure the input or output voltage ripple by touching the probe tip directly across the V IN or V OUT and GND terminals. See Figure 2 for proper scope probe technique.1. With power off, connect the input power supply to V IN and GND.2. Turn on the power at the input.NOTE: Make sure that the input voltage does not exceed 48V.3. Check for the proper output voltage.If there is no output, temporarily disconnect the load to make sure that the load is not set too high.4. Once the proper output voltages are established, adjust the load within the operating range and observe the output voltage regulation, ripple voltage, efficiency and other parameters.Figure 1. DC2599A Proper Equipment SetupFigure 2. Measuring Input or Output Ripple3DEMO MANUAL DC2599AUG-1367 Rev 0QUICK START PROCEDURE= 5V IN = 12V= 24V IN(V)Figure 3. Efficiency vs Load CurrentFigure 4. Maximum Load Current vs Input VoltageFigure 5. CISPR25 Radiated Emissions Test, Peak DetectionFigure 6. CISPR25 Radiated Emissions Test, Average Detection4DEMO MANUAL DC2599A UG-1367 Rev 0PARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER Required Circuit Components11C1CAP ., 1µF, X7R, 100V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31CR72A105KA01L 21C2CAP ., 10µF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 1210MURATA, GRM32ER71H106KA12L 31C3CAP ., 1µF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31MR71H105KA88L 41C4CAP ., 10µF, X5R, 50V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31CR61H106KA12L 51C6CAP ., 0.22µF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R71E224KA88D 61C7CAP ., 1µF, X5R, 25V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R61E105KA12D 71C9CAP ., 6800pF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R71H682KA01D 81C10CAP ., 1µF, X5R, 50V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R61H105KAALD 92C11, C12CAP ., 4.7µF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 1210MURATA, GRM32ER71H475KA88L 101C13CAP ALUM POL Y HYB 68µF 50V SMD PANASONIC, EEH-ZC1H680P 114C14, C15, C16, C17CAP ., 0.1µF, X5R, 35V, 10%, 0402TAIYO YUDEN, GMK105BJ104KV-F 121D1DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 100V, 2A, PowerDI123DIODES INC., DFLS2100-7131FB1IND., 600Ω, FERRITE BEAD, 25%, 2A, 0805WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 742792040141L1IND., 22µH, PWR. CHOKE, SHIELDED COUPLED, 20%WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 744877220151L2IND., 0.47µH, PWR, 20%, 2.1A, 0.04Ω, 0806WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 74479876147162R1,R4RES., 1MΩ, 1%, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY, CRCW06031M00FKEA 171R2RES., 0Ω, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY, CRCW06030000Z0EA 181R3RES., 732kΩ,1%,1/10W,0603PANASONIC, ERJ3EKF7323V 191R5RES., 71.5kΩ,1%,1/10W,0603VISHAY, CRCW060371K5FKEA 201R6RES., 16.2kΩ,1%,1/10W,0603VISHAY, CRCW060316K2FKEA 211R7RES., 121kΩ,1%,1/10W,0603VISHAY, CRCW0603121KFKEA 221R8RES., 100kΩ,1%,1/10W,0603VISHAY, CRCW0603100KFKEA 231U1IC, BOOST/SEPIC/INVERTG CONVERTER, MSOP-16LINEAR TECH., LT8361EMSE#PBFAdditional Demo Board Circuit Components 10C5, C8CAP ., OPTION, 0603Hardware: For Demo Board Only17E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7TEST POINT , TURRET , 0.094", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-021JP1CONN., HDR, MALE, 2×5, 2mm, STR, THT WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 6200102112131XJP1CONN., SHUNT , FEMALE, 2 POS, 2mmWURTH ELEKTRONIK, 608002134215DEMO MANUAL DC2599AUG-1367 Rev 0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMA N U A LU R R E N T*O U T 24VS Y N V I N 4.5V ‐ 48E N /U V L G N DG N D6DEMO MANUAL DC2599AUG-1367 Rev 0UG17002-0-8/18ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2018ESD CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Legal Terms and ConditionsBy using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer , assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer , their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer . Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT . ADI SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESUL TING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT . Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed.。


输 入 工 作 电 压 V A C 2 2 0 V/单路
4 遥 信 量 ≥3路 , 包 括 开 关 分 位 、 合 位 、 未 储能位
1 工作电源 频率
HZ 50~60
≥2路 , 包 括 分 闸 、 合 闸 输 出
重合闸: 当 出 现 故 障 跳 闸 后 , 控 制 器 根 据 重 合 闸 设 置 进 行 重 合 闸 操 作 最 多3次 重 合 闸 , 每 次 重 合 闸 间 隔
时间可单独设置,达到设定的重合闸次数后控制器进入闭锁状态,闭锁后不会继续执行重合闸合 闸操作,只有执行复归(不包含自动复归)后才能解除闭锁状态。
1.1.适用范围及主要用途 适 用 于10KV配 电 线 路 分 段 点 或 用 户 接 入 点 , 与 断 路 器 配 合 使 用 , 实 现 线 路 故 障 的 定 位 与 隔 离 , 减 少
停 电 范 围 , 确 保 非 故 障 用 户 的 用 电 安 全 , 提 高 供 电 的 可 靠 性 , 该 产 品 广 泛 适 用 于 城 乡10KV架 空 配 电 线 路 用户。
1.2.使用环境 环境温度:户外运行,-45℃ ~ ﹢80℃; 海拔高度:≤2000m; 最大风速:≤25m/s; 其他条件:远离易燃、易爆、强腐蚀性物品,避免在剧烈震动的场所使用; 工作电源:AC/DC70-270V,DC24V; 中性点接地方式:中性点不接地、中性点经消弧线圈接地、中性点经小电阻接地;

高压磁场阈值开关IC MT836X 产品概述说明书

高压磁场阈值开关IC MT836X 产品概述说明书

3 Product Overview of MT836XLatch, High Voltage Hall-Effect Switch ICMT836X1 Product DescriptionThe MT836X family is produced by BCD technology with both high performance and high reliability.The Hall IC internally includes an on-chip Hall voltage generator,a voltage regulator for operation with supply voltage of 3.8V to 60V,temperature compensation circuitry,small-signal amplifier,Hall IC with dynamic offset cancellation system,Schmitt trigger and an open collector output.It also includes an clamp diode at output and reversed power supply protection enhances the robustness of Hall IC.The Hall IC designed to respond to alternating north and south poles.While the magnetic flux density(B)is larger than operating point (B OP ),the output will be turned on (Low),the output is held until the magnetic flux density(B)is lower than releasing point (B RP ),then turn off (High).The MT836X family provides a variety of packages to customers:SOT-23/SOT-89B/SOT-23(Thin Outline)for surface mount and flat TO-92for through-hole mount.All packages are RoHS compliant.Part No.DescriptionMT836XA Flat TO-92, bulk packaging (1000pcs/bag)MT836XA-T Flat TO-92, radial lead, bulk packaging (1000pcs/bag) MT836XAT SOT-23, tape & reel (3000pcs/bag)MT836XET SOT-23 (Thin Outline), tape & reel (3000pcs/bag)MT836XBTSOT-89B, tape & reel (1000pcs/bag)4 Applications■Automotive, Home appliances,■Industrial■Speed Detection ■Magnetic Encoder■Brushless DC Motor Communication2 Features■AEC-Q100Automotive Qualified MT836XAT &MT836XET ■BCD Technology ■Latch Switch■ 3.8~60V Operating Vcc Range■-40℃~150℃Operating Temperature ■Package Option:Flat TO-92/Flat TO-92(Radial Lead)/SOT-23/SOT-23(Thin Outline)/SOT-89B ■Magnetic Sensitivity Option:MT8361(B OP =50Gs,B RP =-50Gs)MT8362(B OP =20Gs,B RP =-20Gs)■Open-Drain Output■-20V Reversed Power Supply Protection ■Output Limiting Current Protection ■RoHS Compliant:(EU)2015/8635. Pin Configurationand FunctionsFigure.1Pin Configuration& FunctionsV CCOut GND SOT-23123SOT-23(Thin Outline)123Flat TO-92(Radial Lead)132Flat TO-92132SOT-89B 132DescriptionPowerOutputOpen-DrainGround按钮OUT GNDVcc123SOT-23Top-ViewTO-92Top-ViewOUTVccGND321SOT-23Thin Outline Top-ViewOUTVccGND321按钮321V c cG N DO U T123SOT-89BTop-ViewGND2VccOUT31TO-92Radial Lead Top-ViewLatch, High Voltage Hall-Effect Switch ICMT836XReversion History1Originally Version 2 1.1 Version Update SOT-23 (Thin Outline) Package 3 1.2 Version Update MT8362 Series4 1.3 Version Update Flat TO-92 (Radial Lead) Package5 1.4 Version Update AEC-Q100 Automotive on MT831XAT Update RoHS compliant to (EU)2015/8636 1.5 Version Update AEC-Q100 LogoUpdate Copy Rights and Disclaimer7 1.6 Version Update AEC-Q100 Automotive on MT831XET 81.7 VersionUpdate the marking spec of SOT-23 & SOT-23 (Thin Outline)Table of Contents1Product Description ..........................................................................................................12Features .............................................................................................................................13Product Overview of MT831X ......................................................................................14Applications . (15)Pin Configuration and Functions (1)6Definition of Switching Function ..................................................................................37Function Description ........................................................................................................38Feature Description .........................................................................................................39Functional Block Diagram .. (410)Electrical and Magnetic Characteristics (4)10.1Absolute Maximum Ratings ...........................................................................................410.2Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................................510.3Magnetic Characteristics ................................................................................................510.4ESD Ratings .......................................................................................................................510.5Characteristic Performance ............................................................................................610.6Typical Output Waveform .. (7)11Typical Application Circuit (712)Package Material Information (8)12.1SOT-23Package Information ..........................................................................................812.2SOT-23(Thin Outline)Package Information ................................................................912.3Flat TO-92Package Information ..................................................................................1012.4Flat TO-92(Radial Lead)Package Information .........................................................1112.5SOT-89B Package Information (12)13Copy Rights and Disclaimer (13)6 Definition of Switching FunctionFigure.2Switching Function of Flat TO-92 & SOT-89B & SOT-23 (Thin Outline)Figure.2 & Figure.3 shows the device functionality and hysteresis8 Feature DescriptionThe MT836X device is sensitive to the magnetic field component that is perpendicular to the top of the packageFigure.4Flux Direction PolarityS NN SN SS NM o t i o nN SS NFigure.3Switching Function of SOT-23V OUT = LowV OUT = HighSOT-23SOT-23Flat TO-92SOT-89BFlat TO-92SOT-89B7 Function DescriptionB OP : Operating Point, Magnetic flux density applied on the branded side of the package which turns the output driver ON (V OUT =Low)B RP : Releasing Point, Magnetic flux density applied on the branded side of the package which turns the output driver OFF (V OUT =High )B HYST : Hysteresis Window, |B OP -B RP |Devices that have a lower magnetic threshold (V OUT =High) detect magnets at a farther distance. Higher thresholds (V OUT =Low) generally require a closer distance or larger magnet.Vcc NorthSouth B OPB RP VccNorthSouthB RPB OP N SSOT-23(Thin Outline)PCBSOT-23(Thin Outline)S NPCB9 Functional Block Diagram10 Electrical and Magnetic Characteristics 10.1 Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings are limited values to be applied individually, and beyond which theserviceability of the circuit may be impaired. Functional operability is not necessarily implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for an extended period of time may affect device reliability.Symbol Parameters Min Max Units V CC Supply Voltage-65V V RCC Reverse Battery Voltage -20-V V OUT Output Voltage-65V I OUT Continuous Output Current -40mA T A Operating Ambient Temperature -40150℃T S Storage Temperature -50150℃T J Junction Temperature -165℃BMagnetic Flux DensityNo LimitGsFigure.5Functional Block DiagramVccOutGNDReference RegulatorDynamic Offset CancelationLimiting Current ProtectionHall PlateITACOMPOutput DriverESDESD10.2 Electrical SpecificationsAt T A=-40~150℃, V CC=3.8V~60V (unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameters Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit V CC Supply Voltage Operating 3.8-60V I CC Supply Current B<B RP-46mAI OCP Short Circuit Protection Current B>B OP,V OUT=Vcc-50-mAV DSON Output Saturation Voltage I OUT=15mA,B>B OP--0.4V I OFF Output Leakage Current V OUT=60V--10uAT R Output Rise Time R L=1KOhm,C L=20pF-- 1.0usT F Output Fall Time R L=1KOhm,C L=20pF-- 1.0usT PO Power on Time dV cc/dt>5V/uSB>B OP(MAX)--10us F C Chopping Frequency-800-KHz F S Sampling Frequency-200-KHzR TH Thermal Resistance of SOT-23-301-℃/W Thermal Resistance of SOT-23 (Thin Outline)-301-℃/W Thermal Resistance of Flat TO-92-230-℃/W Thermal Resistance of SOT-89B-230-℃/WPart No.Symbol Min Typ Max UnitMT8361 Series B OP, T A=25℃355065Gs B RP, T A=25℃-65-50-35Gs B HYST, T A=25℃70100130GsMT8362 Series B OP, T A=25℃102030Gs B RP, T A=25℃-30-20-10Gs B HYST, T A=25℃204060Gs10.3 Magnetic CharacteristicsAt V cc=3.8V~60V (unless otherwise specified)10.4 ESD RatingsSymbol Reference Values UnitV ESD Human-body model (HBM)AEC-Q100-002Class II Grade Charged-device model (CDM)AEC-Q100-011Class C6Grade10.5 Characteristic Performance At V CC =5VFigure.6Supply Current vs. TemperatureFigure.7Magnetic Characteristics vs. Temperature (B OP & B RP )Figure.8Magnetic Characteristics vs. Temperature (B HYST )123456-402585125150S u p p l y C u r r e n t (m A )Temperature ℃-75-60-45-30-15015304560-402585125150M a g n e t i c F i e l d I n t e n s i t y (G s )Temperature ℃Bop Brp -30-151530-402585125150M a g n e t i c F i e l d I n t e n s i t y (G s )Temperature ℃BopBrp 020406080100120-402585125150M a g n e t i c F i e l d I n t e n s i t y (G s )Temperature ℃1020304050607080-402585125150M a g n e t i c F i e l d I n t e n s i t y (G s )Temperature ℃MT8361MT8362MT8361MT836210.6 Typical Output WaveformMT8361A as example11 Typical Application CircuitMT8361AT as exampleNote: Recommended value for R L is 1KOhms to 10KOhmsBVTTHighLowB OPB RPFigure.9Digital Output vs. Magnetic Flux DensityFigure.10Typical Application CircuitOUTVccGND按钮321C 1=100nFC 2=1nFVccOutGNDR L12 Package Material Information (For Reference Only –Not for Tooling Use )12.1 SOT-23 Package InformationFigure.11SOT-23 Chip Marking SpecFigure.12SOT-23 Package DrawingSensing CenterSymbolDimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches MinMaxMinMaxA 1.050 1.2500.0410.049A10.0000.1000.0000.004A2 1.050 1.1500.0410.045b 0.3000.5000.0120.020c 0.1000.2000.0040.008D 2.820 3.0200.1110.119E 1.500 1.7000.0590.067E1 2.6502.9500.1040.116e 0.950 TYP0.037TYPe1 1.800 2.0000.0710.079L 0.3000.6000.0120.024θ0︒8︒0︒8︒x 1.460TYP 0.057 TYP y 0.800 TYP 0.032TYP z0.600 TYP0.024 TYPGND按钮按钮XXXXOUTVcc321Y WXXXX YWDateCode: Y: Year W: Week Product ID12.2 SOT-23 (Thin Outline) Package InformationFigure.14SOT-23 (Thin Outline) Package DrawingSymbolDimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches MinMaxMinMaxA 0.900 1.1500.0350.045A10.0000.1000.0000.004A20.900 1.0500.0350.041b 0.3000.5000.0120.020c 0.0800.1500.0030.006D 2.800 3.0000.1100.118E 1.200 1.4000.0470.055E1 2.2502.5500.0890.100e 0.950 TYP0.037 TYPe1 1.8002.0000.0710.079L 0.550 REF0.022REFL10.3000.5000.0120.020θ0︒8︒0︒8︒x 1.460 TYP 0.057 TYP y 0.650 TYP 0.026 TYP z0.500 TYP0.020 TYPFigure.13SOT-23 (Thin Outline) Chip Marking SpecSensing CenterOUTVccGND 321按钮XXXX 321Y WXXXX YWDateCode:Y: Year W: Week Product ID12.3 SOT-89B Package InformationFigure.16SOT-89B Package DrawingFigure.15SOT-89B Chip Marking SpecSymbolDimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches MinMaxMinMaxA2 1.220 1.4200.0480.056A10.0000.1000.0000.004b 0.3000.5000.0120.020c 0.0520.2520.0020.010D 4.400 4.6000.1730.181b1 1.600 1.8000.0630.071E 2.400 2.6000.0940.102HE 4.000 4.4000.1570.173e 1.400 1.6000.0550.063L 0.3500.5500.0140.022x 2.250 TYP 0.089 TYP y 1.250 TYP 0.049 TYP z0.300 TYP0.012 TYPSensing Center按钮XXXX YWWV ccG NDO U T123XXXXDateCode: year (0~9)Product IDYWWDateCode: week (01~55)XXXX YWW1 Vcc2 GND3 OUTXXXXProduct IDYWWDateCode: year (0~9)DateCode: week (01~55)12.4 Flat TO-92 Package InformationFigure.18Flat TO-92 Package DrawingFigure.17Flat TO-92 Chip Marking SpecSensing CenterSymbolDimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches MinMaxMinMaxA 1.420 1.6200.0560.064A10.6600.8600.0260.034b 0.3500.4800.0130.019b10.4000.5100.0160.020c 0.3300.5100.0130.020D 3.900 4.1000.1540.161D1 2.280 2.6800.0900.106E 3.0503.2500.1200.128e 1.270 TYP0.050TYPe1 2.440 2.6400.0960.104L 14.35014.7500.5650.581θ45︒TYP 45︒TYP x 2.025 TYP 0.080 TYP y 1.545 TYP 0.061 TYP z0.500 TYP0.020 TYP12.4 Flat TO-92 Package Information (Radial Lead)Figure.20Flat TO-92 (Radial Lead) Package DrawingFigure.19Flat TO-92 (Radial Lead) Chip Marking SpecSymbolDimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches MinMaxMinMaxA 1.420 1.6200.0560.064A10.6600.8600.0260.034b 0.3500.4800.0130.019b10.4000.5100.0160.020c 0.3300.5100.0130.020D 3.900 4.1000.1540.161D1 2.280 2.6800.0900.106E 3.0503.2500.1200.128e 2.540 TYP 0.100 TYP e1 5.000TYP 0.197 TYP L1 2.000 TYP 0.079 TYP L 13.88 TYP 0.546 TYP θ45︒TYP 45︒TYP x 2.025 TYP 0.080 TYP y 1.545 TYP 0.061 TYP z0.500 TYP0.020 TYPXXXXYWW1 Vcc2 GND3 OUTXXXXProduct IDYWWDateCode: year (0~9)DateCode: week (01~55)Sensing Center13 Copy Rights and Disclaimer1.This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part without priorwritten consent of MagnTek. Copyrights © 2019, MagnTek Incorporated.2.MagnTek reserves the right to make changes to the information published in this document atanytime without notice.3.MagnTek’s products are limited for use in normal commercial applications. MagnTek’s products arenot to be used in any device or system, including but not limited to medical life support equipment and system.For the latest version of this document, please visit our website: 。




特性♦模入部分(有*标记表示出厂设置):输入通道数:单端8路输入电压范围(跳线选择):0-10V*,±10V,0-5V(需定制)增益范围(程控):1,2,4,8(出厂默认)或1,10,100(需定制)输入精度:12Bit最大采样频率:单通道500KHz,多通道循环100KHz(可定制为循环200KHz,但是将失去程控增益的功能)缓冲区(FIFO):8K启动转换方式:软件启动/定时/外触发启动可级连最多4块PS-010热电偶或PS-011热电阻调理板进行高达64路温度信号采集♦开关量部分:电平方式:TTL输入通道数:16路输出通道数:16路♦计数器部分:使用芯片:82C54兼容器件电平方式:TTL输入通道数:3路♦电源功耗: +5V@500mA♦使用环境要求:工作温度: 0℃~50℃相对湿度:40%~80%存贮温度:-40℃~+120℃外形尺寸:长×高=175.6mm X 98.3mm布局图(阴影部分是跳线出厂设置)出厂设置J1(模拟量输入和计数器输出接口)D型头注:ADx表示模拟量输入的第x通道AGND指模拟地,单端使用时为信号地使用时需将信号正接ADx,信号负接模拟地为防止引入现场干扰,不应该使AD输入信号引脚悬空,可以将不使用的信号引脚与模拟地短路TDIx TDOx是8361配合PS-010,PS-011时使用的控制脚,用户无需关心+5V,+12V,-12V通过JP3,JP4,JP5短接获得,主要用于给PS-010,PS-011供电用户无需关心J2(开关量输入输出和计数器输入接口)注:DIx表示开关量输入的第x通道DOx表示开关量输出的第x通道CLKx表示计数器输入的第x通道DGND指开关量信号地为了用户接线方便,我们随卡提供一根转接线,把卡上的J2(40PIN)转换为DB37(37芯D型头),引到计算机机箱外部。

Siemens SITOP PSU6200 24 V 20 A 三相交流输入可调压 DC输出说明书

Siemens SITOP PSU6200 24 V 20 A 三相交流输入可调压 DC输出说明书
Protection and monitoring Output overvoltage protection
Controlled, isolated DC voltage 1 24 V 3% 0.2 % 0.1 % 30 mV 20 mV 30 mV 20 mV 24 ... 28 V Yes via potentiometer; max. 480 W (576 W up to 45°C) Green LED for 24 V OK Electronic contact (NO contact, contact rating 30 V DC/0.1 A) for DC O.K. or diagnostic interface Overshoot of Vout < 2 % 0.5 s 100 ms 20 A 0 ... 20 A 24 A up to +45°C; +60 ... +70 °C: Derating 3%/K 480 W
6EP3436-7SB00-3AX0 Page 3/4
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Product feature of the enclosure housing for side-byside mounting Installation Electrical accessories Mechanical accessories Other information
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens



Data Sheet ADG708/ADG709 V DD = 3 V ± 10%, V SS = 0 V, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted.Table 2.B VersionC VersionParameter +25°C −40°C to+85°C−40°C to+125°C +25°C−40°C to+85°C−40°C to+125°C UnitTest Conditions/CommentsANALOG SWITCHAnalog Signal Range 0 V toV DD 0 V toV DDVOn Resistance (R ON) 8 8 Ω typ V S = 0 V to V DD, I DS = 10 mA;see Figure 2011 12 14 11 12 14 Ω maxOn Resistance Match Between Channels (ΔR ON) 0.4 0.4 Ω typ V S = 0 V to V DD,I DS = 10 mA1.2 2 1.2 2 Ω maxLEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = 3.3 VSource Off Leakage, I S (Off) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = 3 V/1 V, V D = 1 V/3 V;see Figure 21±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.3 ±1 nA maxDrain Off Leakage, I D (Off) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = 3 V/1 V, V D = 1 V/3 V;see Figure 22±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.75 ±6 nA maxChannel On Leakage, I D, I S (On) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = V D = 1 V or 3 V;see Figure 23±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.75 ±6 nA maxDIGITAL INPUTSInput High Voltage, V INH 2.0 2.0 V minInput Low Voltage, V INL0.8 0.8 V maxInput CurrentI INL or I INH0.005 0.005 μA typ V IN = V INL or V INH±0.1 ±0.1 μA maxDigital Input Capacitance, C IN 2 2 pF typDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS1t TRANSITION18 18 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF;see Figure 2430 30 30 30 ns max V S1 = 2 V/0 V, V S2 = 0 V/2 V Break-Before-Make TimeDelay, t OPEN8 8 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF1 1 1 1 ns min V S =2 V; see Figure 25 t ON (EN) 18 18 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF30 30 30 30 ns max V S = 2 V; see Figure 26 t OFF (EN) 8 8 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF15 15 15 15 ns max V S = 2 V; see Figure 26 Charge Injection ±3 ±3 pC typ V S = 1.5 V, R S = 0 Ω,C L = 1 nF; see Figure 27 Off Isolation −60 −60 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 10 MHz−80 −80 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 1 MHz; see Figure 28 Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk −60 −60 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 10 MHz−80 −80 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 1 MHz; see Figure 29 −3 dB Bandwidth 55 55 MHz typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF;see Figure 30Rev. E | Page 5 of 20Data Sheet ADG708/ADG709DUAL SUPPLYV DD = 2.5 V ± 10%, V SS = –2.5 V ± 10%, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted.Table 3.B VersionC VersionParameter +25°C −40°C to+85°C−40°C to+125°C +25°C−40°C to+85°C−40°C to+125°C UnitTest Conditions/CommentsANALOG SWITCHAnalog Signal Range V SS to V DD V SS to V DD VOn Resistance (R ON) 2.5 2.5 Ω typ V S = V SS to V DD, I DS = 10 mA;see Figure 204.5 5 7 4.5 5 7 Ω maxOn Resistance Match BetweenChannels (ΔR ON)0.4 0.4 Ω typ0.8 1.5 0.8 1.5 Ω max V S = V SS to V DD, I DS = 10 mA On Resistance Flatness (R FLA T (ON)) 0.6 0.6 Ω typ V S = V SS to V DD, I DS = 10 mA1.0 1.65 1.0 1.65 Ω maxLEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = +2.75 V, V SS = −2.75 V Source Off Leakage, I S (Off) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = +2.25 V/−1.25 V,V D = −1.25 V/+2.25 V;see Figure 21±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.3 ±1 nA maxDrain Off Leakage, I D (Off) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = +2.25 V/−1.25 V,V D = −1.25 V/+2.25 V;see Figure 22±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.75 ±6 nA maxChannel On Leakage, I D, I S (On) ±0.01 ±0.01 nA typ V S = V D = +2.25 V/−1.25 V;see Figure 23±20 ±20 ±0.1 ±0.75 ±6 nA maxDIGITAL INPUTSInput High Voltage, V INH 1.7 1.7 V minInput Low Voltage, V INL0.7 0.7 V maxInput CurrentI INL or I INH0.005 0.005 μA typ V IN = V INL or V INH±0.1 ±0.1 μA maxDigital Input Capacitance, C IN 2 2 pF typDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS1t TRANSITION14 14 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF;see Figure 2425 25 25 25 ns max V S = 1.5 V/0 V; see Figure 24 Break-Before-Make Time Delay,t OPEN8 8 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF1 1 1 1 ns min V S = 1.5 V; see Figure 25t ON (EN) 14 14 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF25 25 25 25 ns max V S = 1.5 V; see Figure 26t OFF (EN) 8 8 ns typ R L = 300 Ω, C L = 35 pF15 15 15 15 ns max V S = 1.5 V; see Figure 26 Charge Injection ±3 ±3 pC typ V S = 0 V, R S = 0 Ω, C L = 1 nF;see Figure 27Off Isolation −60 −60 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 10 MHz−80 −80 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF,f = 1 MHz; see Figure 28Rev. E | Page 7 of 20。


Logarithmic Slope Logarithmic Intercept Deviation from CW Response
Pins INHI, INLO, ac-coupled Single-ended drive
Pin 16 - TCM1=0.47V, Pin 1 - TCM2= 1.0V PIN = -10 dBm PIN = -40 dBm CW input, TA = +25°C
Rev. PrB
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Preliminary Technical Data
Accurate RMS-to-DC conversion from 50 Hz to 6 GHz Single ended input dynamic range of >50 dB Waveform and modulation independent, such as



AD8361是用于低频到2.5GHZ的功率检测器一:Features(特性):CalibratedRMSResponse(标准化的均方根响应)Excellenttemperaturestability(极好的温度稳定性)UPto30dbinputrangeat2.5GHZ(高达30DB的输入范围在2.5GHZ)700mvRMS,10dbmre50?maximuminput(±0.25dBlinearresponseupto2.5GHZ(正负0.25db线性响应)Singlesupplyoperation:2.7vto5.5v(单工作电压)Lowpower:3.3mwat3vsupply(低功耗)Rapidpower-downtolessthan1UA(快速掉电到小于1UA)二:Applications(应用)1:MeasurementofCDMA,W-CDMA,QAM,(CDMA,W-CDMA,QAM,的测量)2:othercomplexmodulationwaveforms(其他复杂的波形调整)3:RFtransmitterorreceiverpowermeasurement(射频发射器或接收器的功率测量)三:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION(产品描述)TheAD8361isamean-respondingpowerdetectorforuseinhigh-frequencyreceiveran dtransmittersignalchains,upto2.5GHz.(AD8361是一个平均响应的功率检测器当被用于高频接收器和发射器信号链,高达2.5GHZ)Itisveryeasytoapply.Itrequiresonlyasinglesupplybetween2.7Vand5.5V,powers upplydecouplingcapacitor(去耦电容)andaninputcouplingcapacitor(耦合电容)inmostapplications.Theoutputisalinear-respondingdcvoltagewithaconversion gain(转换增益)of7.5V/Vrms.(他应用方便,仅要求一个2.7V到5.5V的单电源,电源的去耦电容和输入的耦合电容,在大多数应用中,输出是一个线性响应直流电压,转换增益为:7.5V/Vrms.)Anexternal?ltercapacitor(滤波电容)canbeaddedtoincreasetheaveragingtimeconstant.(一个外接的滤波电容能有利于提高平均时间常数)CW(continuouswave,连续波)TheAD8361isintendedfortruepowermeasurementofsimpleandcomplexwaveforms.(AD8361被用于简单的和复杂的波形的功率测量)Thedeviceisparticularlyusefulformeasuringhighcrest-factor(highpeak-to-rm sratio)signals,suchasCDMA,W-CDMA.(这个器件特别的被用于高波峰因数crest-factor信号的测量,例如CDMA,W-CDMA)四:工作模式TheAD8361hasthreeoperatingmodestoaccommodate(适应)avarietyofanalog-to-digitalrequirement:(有3中工作模式以适应各种各样的模数转换的需求)1.groundreferencedmode,inwitchtheoriginis0;(接地参考模式下,无信号时输出为0v)2.Internalreferencedmode,inwitchtheoriginis0.35v(在内部参考模式下,无信号时输出为0.35v)3.Supplyreferencedmode,inwitchtheoriginisVs/7.5v(在电源参考模式下,无信号时输出为Vs/7.5V)参考模式IREF SREF OUTPUT OUTPUT由上图Figure35可知,RFIN 的偏压(Bias voltage )范围为0V 到0.8V ,输出电压范围为0V 到4.9V 。

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0.5 Ω CMOS 1.65 V TO 3.6 VDual SPDT/2:1 MUXADG836 Rev.AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for anyinfringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: Fax: 781.461.3113© 2005 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.FEATURES0.5 Ω typical on resistance0.8 Ω maximum on resistance at 125°C1.65 V to 3.6 V operationAutomotive temperature range: –40°C to +125°C High current carrying capability: 300 mA continuous Rail-to-rail switching operationFast-switching times <20 nsTypical power consumption (<0.1 µW)APPLICATIONSCellular phonesPDAsMP3 playersPower routingBattery-powered systems PCMCIA cardsModemsAudio and video signal routing Communication systems438-1SWITCHES SHOWN FOR A LOGIC 1 INPUTFigure 1.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADG836 is a low voltage CMOS device containing two independently selectable single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switches. This device offers ultralow on resistance of less than 0.8 Ω over the full temperature range. The ADG836 is fully specified for 3.3 V, 2.5 V, and 1.8 V supply operation.Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on, and has an input signal range that extends to the supplies. The ADG836 exhibits break-before-make switching action.The ADG836 is available in a 10-lead MSOP and a 3 mm × 3 mm 12-lead LFCSP. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS1.<0.8 Ω over full temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.2.Single 1.65 V to3.6 V operation.patible with 1.8 V CMOS logic.4.High current handling capability (300 mA continuouscurrent at 3.3 V).5.Low THD + N (0.02% typ).6. 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP package and 10-lead MSOP package.ADG836Rev. A | Page 2 of 16TABLE OF CONTENTSSpecifications.....................................................................................3 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................6 ESD Caution..................................................................................6 Pin Configurations...........................................................................7 Typical Performance Characteristics..............................................8 Test Circuits.....................................................................................11 Outline Dimensions.......................................................................13 Ordering Guide.. (13)REVISION HISTORY4/05—Rev. 0 to Rev. AUpdated Format..................................................................Universal Changes to Table 1............................................................................3 Changes to Table 2............................................................................4 Changes to Table 3............................................................................5 Changes to Ordering Guide..........................................................13 Revision 0: Initial VersionADG836Rev. A | Page 3 of 16SPECIFICATIONSV DD = 2.7 V to 3.6 V , GND = 0 V , unless otherwise noted. Table 1.Temperature 1 Parameter +25°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +125°C Unit Test Conditions/Comments ANALOG SWITCH Analog Signal Range 0 V to V DD V On Resistance (R ON ) 0.5 Ω typ V DD = 2.7 V, V S = 0 V to V DD , I S = 100 mA; 0.65 0.75 0.8 Ω max Figure 19 On Resistance Match 0.04 Ω typ V DD = 2.7 V, V S = 0.65 V, I S = 100 mA Between Channels (∆R ON ) 0.075 0.08 Ω max On Resistance Flatness (R FLAT (ON)) 0.1 Ω typ V DD = 2.7 V, V S = 0 V to V DD 0.15 0.16 Ω max I S = 100 mA LEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = 3.6 V Source Off Leakage I S (OFF) ±0.2 nA typ V S = 0.6 V/3.3 V, V D = 3.3 V/0.6 V;Figure 20Channel On Leakage I D , I S (ON) ±0.2 nA typ V S = V D = 0.6 V or 3.3 V; Figure 21 DIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V INH 2 V min Input Low Voltage, V INL 0.8 V max Input Current I INL or I INH 0.005 µA typ V IN = V INL or V INH ±0.1 µA max C IN , Digital Input Capacitance 4 pF typ DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2 t ON 21 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 26 28 29 ns max V S = 1.5 V/0 V; Figure 22 t OFF 4 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 7 8 9 ns max V S = 1.5 V; Figure 22 Break-Before-Make Time Delay 17 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF (t BBM ) 5 ns min V S1 = V S2 = 1.5 V; Figure 23 Charge Injection 40 pC typ V S = 1.5 V, R S = 0 Ω, C L = 1 nF; Figure 24 Off Isolation −67 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz;Figure 25Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk −90 dB typ S1A−S2A/S1B−S2B, R L = 50 Ω,C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz; Figure 28−67 dB typ S1A−S1B/S2A−S2B, R L = 50 Ω,C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz; Figure 27Total Harmonic Distortion (THD + N) 0.02 % R L = 32 Ω, f = 20 Hz to 20 kHz,V S = 2 V p-pInsertion Loss −0.05 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 −3 dB Bandwidth 57 MHz typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 C S (OFF) 25 pF typ C D , C S (ON) 75 pF typ POWER REQUIREMENTS V DD = 3.6 V I DD 0.003 µA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 3.6 V 1 4 µA max1 Temperature range for Y version is −40°C to +125°C. 2Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.ADG836Rev. A | Page 4 of 16V DD = 2.5 V ± 0.2 V , GND = 0 V , unless otherwise noted. Table 2.Temperature 1 Parameter +25°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +125°C Unit Test Conditions/Comments ANALOG SWITCH Analog Signal Range 0 V to V DD V On Resistance (R ON ) 0.65 Ω typ V DD = 2.3 V, V S = 0 V to V DD, I S = 100 mA; 0.72 0.8 0.88 Ω max Figure 19 On Resistance Match Between 0.04 Ω typ V DD = 2.3 V, V S = 0.7 V, I S = 100 mA Channels (∆R ON ) 0.08 0.085 Ω max On Resistance Flatness (R FLAT (ON)) 0.16 Ω typ V DD = 2.3 V, V S = 0 V to V DD, I S = 100 mA 0.23 0.24 Ω max LEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = 2.7 V Source Off Leakage I S (OFF) ±0.2 nA typ V S = 0.6 V/2.4 V, V D = 2.4 V/0.6 V; Figure 20 Channel On Leakage I D , I S (ON) ±0.2 nA typ V S = V D = 0.6 V or 2.4 V; Figure 21 DIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V INH 1.7 V min Input Low Voltage, V INL 0.7 V max Input Current I INL or I INH 0.005 µA typ V IN = V INL or V INH ±0.1 µA max C IN , Digital Input Capacitance 4 pF typ DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2 t ON 23 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 29 30 31 ns max V S = 1.5 V/0 V; Figure 22 t OFF 5 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 7 8 9 ns max V S = 1.5 V; Figure 22 Break-before-Make Time Delay (t BBM ) 17 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 5 ns min V S1 = V S2 = 1.5 V; Figure 23 Charge Injection 30 pC typ V S = 1.25 V, R S = 0 Ω, C L = 1 nF; Figure 24 Off Isolation −67 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz; Figure 25 Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk −90 dB typ S1A−S2A/S1B−S2B,R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz; Figure 28−67 dB typ S1A−S1B/S2A−S2B,R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz; Figure 27Total Harmonic Distortion (THD + N) 0.022 % R L = 32 Ω, f = 20 Hz to 20 kHz, V S = 1.5 V p-p Insertion Loss −0.06 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 –3 dB Bandwidth 57 MHz typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 C S (OFF) 25 pF typ C D , C S (ON) 75 pF typ POWER REQUIREMENTS V DD = 2.7 V I DD 0.003 µA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 2.7 V 1 4 µA max1 Temperature range for Y version is −40°C to +125°C. 2Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.ADG836Rev. A | Page 5 of 16V DD = 1.65 V ± 1.95 V , GND = 0 V , unless otherwise noted. Table 3.Temperature 1 Parameter +25°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +125°C Unit Test Conditions/Comments ANALOG SWITCH Analog Signal Range 0 V to V DD V On Resistance (R ON ) 1 Ω typ V DD = 1.8 V, V S = 0 V to V DD , I S = 100 mA; 1.4 2.2 2.2 Ω max Figure 19 2 4 4 Ω max V DD = 1.65 V, V S = 0 V to V DD ,I S = 100 mA; Figure 19On Resistance Match Between 0.1 Ω typ V DD = 1.65 V, V S = 0.7 V, I S = 100 mA Channels (∆R ON ) LEAKAGE CURRENTS V DD = 1.95 V Source Off Leakage I S (OFF) ±0.2 nA typ V S = 0.6 V/1.65 V, V D = 1.65 V/0.6 V;Figure 20Channel On Leakage I D , I S (ON) ±0.2 nA typ V S = V D = 0.6 V or 1.65 V; Figure 21 DIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V INH 0.65 V DD V min Input Low Voltage, V INL 0.35 V DD V max Input Current I INL or I INH 0.005 µA typ V IN = V INL or V INH ±0.1 µA max C IN , Digital Input Capacitance 4 pF typ DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 2 t ON 28 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 37 38 39 ns max V S = 1.5 V/0 V; Figure 22 t OFF 7 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 9 10 11 ns max V S = 1.5 V; Figure 22 Break-Before-Make Time Delay (t BBM ) 21 ns typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 35 pF 5 ns min V S1 = V S2 = 1 V; Figure 23 Charge Injection 20 pC typ V S = 1 V, R S = 0 V, C L = 1 nF; Figure 24 Off Isolation −67 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz;Figure 25Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk −90 dB typ S1A−S2A/S1B−S2B; R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz;Figure 28−67 dB typ S1A−S1B/S2A−S2B; R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF, f = 100 kHz;Figure 27Total Harmonic Distortion, THD 0.14 % R L = 32 Ω, f = 20 Hz to 20 kHz,V S = 1.2 V p-pInsertion Loss −0.08 dB typ R L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 –3 dB Bandwidth 57 MHztypR L = 50 Ω, C L = 5 pF; Figure 26 C S (OFF) 25 pF typ C D , C S (ON) 75 pF typ POWER REQUIREMENTS V DD = 1.95 V I DD 0.003 µA typ Digital inputs = 0 V or 1.95 V 1.0 4 µA max1 Temperature range for Y version is −40°C to +125°C. 2Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.ADG836Rev. A | Page 6 of 16ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGST A = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Table 4.Parameter RatingV DD to GND −0.3 V to +4.6 V Analog Inputs 1 −0.3 V to V DD + 0.3 V Digital Inputs 1 −0.3 V to 4.6 V or 10 mA, whichever occurs first Peak Current, S or D3.3 V Operation 500 mA 2.5 V Operation 460 mA1.8 V Operation420 mA (pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle max) Continuous Current, S or D3.3 V Operation 300 mA 2.5 V Operation 275 mA 1.8 V Operation250 mA Operating Temperature RangeAutomotive (Y Version) −40°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C Junction Temperature 150°C MSOP PackageθJA Thermal Impedance 206°C/W θJC Thermal Impedance 44°C/W LFCSP PackageθJA Thermal Impedance (3-Layer Board)61.1°C/W IR Reflow, Peak Temperature <20 sec235°C1Overvoltages at IN, S, or D are clamped by internal diodes. Current should be limited to the maximum ratings given.Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operationalsection of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affectdevice reliability.Only one absolute maximum rating may be applied at any one time.Table 5. Truth TableLogic Switch ASwitch B0 Off On 1 OnOffESD CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.ADG836Rev. A | Page 7 of 16PIN CONFIGURATIONSIN1S1A GND S2A IN2D1S1B V DDS2B D204308-002Figure 2. 10-Lead MSOP (RM-10) 1S1A 2GND 3S2A 9S1B 8V DD 7S2B4N C 5I N 26D 212N C11N 110D 104308-003Figure 3. 12-Lead LFCSP (CP-12)Table 6. TerminologyV DD Most positive power supply potential. I DD Positive supply current. GND Ground (0 V) reference.S Source terminal. May be an input or output. D Drain terminal. May be an input or output. IN Logic control input.V D (V S ) Analog voltage on terminals D, S. R ON Ohmic resistance between D and S.R FLAT (ON)Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on resistance as measured over the specified analog signal range.∆R ON On resistance match between any two channels. I S (OFF) Source leakage current with the switch off. I D (OFF) Drain leakage current with the switch off. I D , I S (ON) Channel leakage current with the switch on. V INL Maximum input voltage for Logic 0. V INH Minimum input voltage for Logic 1. I INL (I INH ) Input current of the digital input.C S (OFF) Off switch source capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. CD (OFF) Off switch drain capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. C D , C S (ON) On switch capacitance. Measured with reference to ground. C IN Digital input capacitance.t ON Delay time between the 50% and the 90% points of the digital input and switch on condition. t OFF Delay time between the 50% and the 90% points of the digital input and switch off condition.t BBMOn or off time measured between the 80% points of both switches when switching from one to another.Charge Injection A measure of the glitch impulse transferred from the digital input to the analog output during on-off switching. Off Isolation A measure of unwanted signal coupling through an off switch.Crosstalk A measure of unwanted signal, which is coupled through from one channel to another, as a result of parasitic capacitance.−3 dB Bandwidth The frequency at which the output is attenuated by 3 dB. On Response The frequency response of the on switch.Insertion Loss The loss due to the on resistance of the switch.THD + NThe ratio of the harmonics amplitude plus noise of a signal to the fundamental.ADG836Rev. A | Page 8 of 16TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSO N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω) D , V S (V)04449-0-004Figure 4. On Resistance vs. V D (V S ) V DD = 2.7 to 3.6 VO N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)00.5 2.504308-0052.01.51.0 V D , V S (V)Figure 5. On Resistance vs. V D (V S) V DD = 2.5 V to 0.2 V O N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)V D , V S (V)04308-006Figure 6. On Resistance vs. V D (V S ) V DD = 1.8 ± 3.6 O N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)0 V D , V S (V)04308-007Figure 7. On Resistance vs. V D (V S ) for Different Temperature, 3.3 VO N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)0 V D , V S (V)04308-008Figure 8. On Resistance vs. V D (V S ) for Different Temperature, 2.5 VO N R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)0 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 V D , V S (V)04308-009Figure 9. On Resistance vs. V D (V S ) for Different Temperature, 1.8 VADG836Rev. A | Page 9 of 160–20–80–6020406080C U R R E N T (n A )–40020604080100120TEMPERATURE (°C)04308-010Figure 10. Leakage Current vs. Temperature, 3.3 VC U R R E N T (n A )TEMPERATURE (°C)04308-011Figure 11. Leakage Current vs. Temperature, 2.5 V C U R R E N T (n A )TEMPERATURE (°C)04308-012Figure 12. Leakage Current vs. Temperature, 1.8 V102030405060708090Q I N J (pC )04308-01300.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5V S (V)Figure 13. Charge Injection vs. Source Voltage0510********35T I M E (n s )604020–40–2080100120TEMPERATURE (°C)04308-014Figure 14. t on /t off Times vs. Temperature–10–11–12–13–8–4–201–6–9–5–3–1–7A T T E N U A T I O N (dB )0.010.11101001000FREQUENCY (MHz)04308-015Figure 15. BandwidthADG836Rev. A | Page 10 of 16–80–70–60–50–40–30–20–100A T T E N U A T I O N (d B )04308-0160.010.11101001000FREQUENCY (MHz)Figure 16. Off Isolation vs. Frequency–100–90–80–70–60–50–40–30–20–10A T T E N U A T I O N (dB )0.010.11101001000FREQUENCY (MHz)04308-017Figure 17. Crosstalk vs. FrequencyT H D + N (%)2020k100502001k 5002k 10k 5k FREQUENCY (Hz)04308-018Figure 18. Total Harmonic Distortion + NoiseTEST CIRCUITSV 04308-019Figure 19. On ResistanceV 04308-020Figure 20. Off LeakageV D04308-021Figure 21. On Leakage04308-022V V INVFigure 22. Switching Times, t ON , t OFFV OUTV IN50%50%0VV V04308-023Figure 23. Break-Before-Make Time Delay, t BBM04308-024V INV OUTOUTFigure 24. Charge Injection04308-025VOFF ISOLATION = 20 LOGV OUT VSFigure 25. Off IsolationINSERTION LOSS = 20 LOGV OUT WITH SWITCH V OUTWITHOUT SWITCH04308-026Figure 26. Bandwidth04308-027V L ΩCHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK = 20 LOGV OUT VSFigure 27. Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk (S1A–S1B)04308-028ΩCHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK = 20 LOGV OUT VSFigure 28. Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk (S1A–S2A)OUTLINE DIMENSIONSCOPLANARITY0.10COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-187-BAFigure 29. 10-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP](RM-10)Dimensions shown in millimeters*COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-VEED-1EXCEPT FOR EXPOSED PAD DIMENSION.0.300.230.18Figure 30. 12-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ]3 x 3 mm Body, Very Thin Quad(CP-12-1)Dimensions shown in millimetersORDERING GUIDEModelTemperature Range Package DescriptionPackage Option Branding 1 ADG836YRM–40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) RM-10 S9A ADG836YRM-REEL –40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) RM-10 S9A ADG836YRM-REEL7 –40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) RM-10 S9A ADG836YRMZ 2–40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) RM-10 S05 ADG836YRMZ-REEL 2 –40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) RM-10 S05 ADG836YRMZ-REEL72 –40°C to +125°C Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP)RM-10 S05 ADG836YCP-REEL –40°C to +125°C Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP_VQ) CP-12-1 S9A ADG836YCP-REEL7–40°C to +125°C Lead Frame Chip Scale Package (LFCSP_VQ) CP-12-1 S9A1 Branding on this package is limited to three characters due to space constraints. 2Z = Pb-free part.NOTESNOTESNOTES© 2005 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.C04308-0-4/05(A)。
