EBC865_Dimmable LED driver_21V700mA_120Vac_iW3610_PQ2016_06 Oct
October 2007Rev 11/17L6384EHigh-voltage half bridge driverFeatures■High voltage rail up to 600V■dV/dt immunity ±50V/nsec in full temperature range■Driver current capability:–400mA source,–650mA sink■Switching times 50/30 nsec rise/fall with 1nF load■CMOS/TTL Schmitt trigger inputs with hysteresis and pull down ■Shut down input ■Dead time setting ■Under voltage lock out ■Integrated bootstrap diode ■Clamping on V CC ■SO-8/DIP-8 packagesDescriptionThe L6384E is an high-voltage device, manufactured with the BCD"OFF-LINE"technology. It has an Half - Bridge Driver structure that enables to drive N-channel Power MOS or IGBT. The High Side (Floating) Section is enabled to work with voltage Rail up to 600V. The Logic Inputs are CMOS/TTL compatible for ease of interfacing with controlling devices. Matched delays between Low and High Side Section simplify high frequency operation. Dead time setting can be readily accomplished by means of an external resistor.Contents L6384EContents1Electrical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1Absolute maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2Thermal data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3Recommended operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2Pin connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.1AC operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.2DC operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.3Timing diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Bootstrap driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.1C BOOT selection and charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5Typical characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7Order codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162/17L6384E Electrical data3/171 Electrical data1.1Absolute maximum ratingsNote:ESD immunity for pins 6, 7 and 8 is guaranteed up to 900 V (Human Body Model)1.2 Thermal dataTable 1.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V out Output voltage -3 to V boot -18 V V cc Supply voltage (1) 1.The device has an internal Clamping Zener between GND and the Vcc pin, It must not be supplied by aLow Impedence Voltage Source.- 0.3 to 14.6VI s Supply current (1) 25 mA V boot Floating supply voltage -1 to 618 V V hvg High side gate output voltage -1 to V boot V V lvg Low side gate output voltage -0.3 to V cc +0.3 V V i Logic input voltage-0.3 to V cc +0.3 V V sd Shut down/dead time voltage -0.3 to V cc +0.3V dV out /d t Allowed output slew rate50 V/ns P tot T otal power dissipation (T j = 85 °C) 750 mW T J Junction temperature 150 °C T sStorage temperature-50 to 150°CTable 2.Thermal dataSymbol Parameter SO-8 DIP-8Unit R th(JA)Thermal Resistance Junction to ambient150100°C/WElectrical data L6384E4/171.3 Recommended operating conditionsTable 3.Recommended operating conditionsSymbol Pin ParameterTest conditionMinTyp Max UnitV out 6 Output Voltage (1)1.If the condition Vboot - Vout < 18V is guaranteed, Vout can range from -3 to 580V.580 V V BS (2)2.V BS = V boot - V out8Floating Supply Voltage (1)17 V f sw Switching Frequency HVG,LVG load C L = 1nF400 kHz V cc2 Supply VoltageV clampV T jJunction Temperature-45 125°CL6384E Pin connection5/172 Pin connectionTable 4.Pin descriptionN°PinTypeFunction1 IN ILogic Input: it is in phase with HVG and in opposition of phase with LVG. Itis compatible to V CC voltage. [V il Max = 1.5V , V ih Min = 3.6V] 2 V ccSupply input voltage: there is an internal clamp [Typ. 15.6V]3 DT/SD I High impedance pin with two functionalities. When pulled lower than V dt [T yp. 0.5V] the device is shut down. A voltage higher than V dt sets the dead time between high side gate driver and low side gate driver. The dead time value can be set forcing a certain voltage level on the pin or connecting a resistor between pin 3 and ground. Care must be taken toavoid below threshold spikes on pin 3 that can cause undesired shut downof the IC. For this reason the connection of the components between pin 3 and ground has to be as short as possible. This pin can not be left floating for the same reason. The pin has not be pulled through a low impedance to V CC , because of the drop on the current source that feeds R dt . The operative range is: V dt ....270K ⋅ I dt , that allows a dt range of 0.4 - 3.1µs. 4 GNDGround5 LVG OLow Side Driver Output: the output stage can deliver 400mA source and 650mA sink [Typ. Values]. The circuit guarantees 0.3V max on the pin (@ I sink = 10mA) with V CC > 3V and lower than the turn on threshold. Thisallows to omit the bleeder resistor connected between the gate and the source of the external mosfet normally used to hold the pin low; the gate driver ensures low impedance also in SD conditions. 6 V out OHigh Side Driver Floating Reference: layout care has to be taken to avoidbelow ground spikes on this pin. 7 HVG O High Side Driver Output: the output stage can deliver 400mA source and 650mA sink [Typ. Values]. The circuit gurantees 0.3V max between this pin and V out(@ I sink = 10mA) with V CC > 3V and lower than the turn onthreshold. This allows to omit the bleeder resistor connected between the gate and the source of the external mosfet normally used to hold the pin low; the gate driver ensures low impedance also in SD conditions.8 VbootBootstrap Supply Voltage: it is the high side driver floating supply. The bootstrap capacitor connected between this pin and pin 6 can be fed by an internal structure named "bootstrap driver" (a patented structure). This structure can replace the external bootstrap diode.6/173 Electrical characteristics3.1 AC operation3.2 DC operationTable 5.AC operation electrical characteristcs (V CC = 14.4V; T J = 25°C)Symbol PinParameterTest conditionMinTyp MaxUnit t on 1 vs 5,7 High/low side driver turn-onpropagation delayV out = 0V R dt = 47k Ω200+dtnst onsd3 vs 5,7 Shut down input propagation delay220 280 nst off1 vs 5,7 High/low side driver turn-offpropagation delayV out = 0V R dt = 47k Ω 250300 ns V out = 0V R dt = 146k Ω 200 250 nsV out = 0V R dt = 270k Ω 170 200 ns t r 5,7Rise timeC L = 1000pF 50 ns t f5,7 F all timeC L = 1000pF30nsTable 6.DC operation electrical characteristcs (V CC = 14.4V; T J = 25°C)SymbolPinParameterTest conditionMinTypMaxUnitSupply voltage section V clamp 2Supply voltage clampingI s = 5mA14.6 15.6 16.6 V V ccth1 2 V CC UV turn on threshold11.51212.5VV ccth2 2 V CC UV turn off threshold 9.5 10 10.5 V V cchys V CC UV Hysteresis 2 V I qccu Undervoltage quiescentsupply current V cc ≤ 11V 150 µA I qccQuiescent currentV in = 0380500µABootstrapped supply voltage section V boot 8Bootstrap supply voltage 17 V I QBS Quiescent currentIN = HIGH200 µA I LK High voltage leakage current V hvg = V out = V boot = 600V10µA R dsonBootstrap driver on resistance (1)V cc ≥12.5V; IN = LOW125Ω7/173.3 Timing diagramSymbolPinParameterTest conditionMinTypMaxUnitHigh/Low side driver I so 5,7Source short circuit current V IN = V ih (t p < 10µs) 300 400 mA I siSink short circuit currentV IN = V il (tp < 10µs) 500 650mALogic inputs V il 1,3 Low level logic thresholdvoltage1.5 VV ih High level logic threshold voltage3.6 VI ih High level logic input current V IN = 15V 5070 µA I il Low level logic input current V IN = 0V 1µA I ref 3Dead time setting current28µA dt 3 vs5,7Dead time setting range (2) R dt = 47k ΩR dt = 146k ΩR dt = 270k Ω0.4µs µs µs V dt3 Shutdown threshold0.5V1.R DS(on) is tested in the following way:where I 1 is pin 8 current when V CBOOT = V CBOOT1, I 2 when V CBOOT = V CBOOT22.Pin 3 is a high impedence pin. Therefore dt can be set also forcing a certain voltage V 3 on this pin. Thedead time is the same obtained with a R dt if it is: R dt × I ref = V 3.Table 6.DC operation electrical characteristcs (continued)(V CC = 14.4V; T J = 25°C)R DSON V CCV CBOOT1–()V CC V CBOOT2–()–I 1V CC ,V CBOOT1()I 2V CC ,V CBOOT2()–------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=Bootstrap driver L6384E8/174 Bootstrap driverA bootstrap circuitry is needed to supply the high voltage section. This function is normallyaccomplished by a high voltage fast recovery diode (Figure 4 a). In the L6384E a patented integrated structure replaces the external diode. It is realized by a high voltage DMOS, driven synchronously with the low side driver (LVG), with in series a diode, as shown in Figure 4 b. An internal charge pump (Figure 4 b) provides the DMOS driving voltage. The diode connected in series to the DMOS has been added to avoid undesirable turn on of it.4.1 C BOOT selection and chargingTo choose the proper C BOOT value the external MOS can be seen as an equivalent capacitor. This capacitor C EXT is related to the MOS total gate charge:The ratio between the capacitors C EXT and C BOOT is proportional to the cyclical voltage loss.It has to be:C BOOT >>>C EXTe.g.: if Q gate is 30nC and V gate is 10V , C EXT is 3nF . With C BOOT = 100nF the drop would be 300mV.If HVG has to be supplied for a long time, the C BOOT selection has to take into account also the leakage losses.e.g.: HVG steady state consumption is lower than 200µA, so if HVG T ON is 5ms, C BOOT has to supply 1µC to C EXT . This charge on a 1µF capacitor means a voltage drop of 1V .The internal bootstrap driver gives great advantages: the external fast recovery diode can be avoided (it usually has great leakage current).This structure can work only if V OUT is close to GND (or lower) and in the meanwhile the LVG is on. The charging time (T charge ) of the C BOOT is the time in which both conditions are fulfilled and it has to be long enough to charge the capacitor.The bootstrap driver introduces a voltage drop due to the DMOS R DSON (typical value: 125 Ω). At low frequency this drop can be neglected. Anyway increasing the frequency it must be taken in to account.The following equation is useful to compute the drop on the bootstrap DMOS:where Q gate is the gate charge of the external power MOS, R dson is the on resistance of thebootstrap DMOS, and T charge is the charging time of the bootstrap capacitor.C EXT Qgate V gate--------------=V drop I ch e arg R dson V drop →Q gateT ch e arg -------------------R dson==L6384E Bootstrap driver9/17For example: using a power MOS with a total gate charge of 30nC the drop on the bootstrap DMOS is about 1V , if the T charge is 5µs. In fact:V drop has to be taken into account when the voltage drop on C BOOT is calculated: if this drop is too high, or the circuit topology doesn’t allow a sufficient charging time, an external diode can be used.V drop 30nC5µs--------------125Ω0.8V∼⋅=Typical characteristic L6384E10/175 Typical characteristicFigure 5.Typical rise and fall times vsFigure 6.Quiescent current vs supply Figure 7.Dead time vs resistance Figure 8.Driver propagation delay vsFigure 9.Dead time vs temperatureFigure 10.Shutdown threshold vs分销商库存信息:STML6384ED013TR L6384E L6384ED。
七彩虹C.865GV-775 VER2. 1主板 说明书
使用 RealTek RTL8100C 网卡芯片 提供 10 /100 Mbps 网络连接功能 使用 AMI 即插即用 BIOS 支持高级电源管理APM功能 支持进阶电源组态管理程序(ACPI) 采用 Flash Rom,可由软件直接升级 自动侦测处理器电压、温度
超级 I/O 功能 扩展插槽 电源管理
WOL 此接口为 NIC(网络界面卡)保留,用于将系统从省电模式下唤醒。
JLAN- 网络功能设置(可选)
a. 2-3:开启网卡 b. 1-2:关闭网卡
软驱(FDD)连接口 软驱连接口是 34 针的接口。
C. 865GV-775 Ver2.1
硬碟机(IDE)连接口 IDE1 和 IDE2 是 40pin 的接口,支持两个 IDE 通道。IDE1 是主通
PWR-LED 是 2pin 电源指示灯,用于显示当前电源和系统的状态。 SPEAKER 接口是 4pin 的插针,它需要接到机箱的小喇叭上。 RESET(RST SW)接口是使系统复位,重新初始化。 HDD-LED 是 2pin 的接口,接硬盘指示灯,显示硬盘当前工作状态。 PWR-SW 是 2pin 的接口,是起电脑的开、关机作用,应把它连接到 机箱的 PW-BT 按钮上。
C. 865GV-775 Ver2.1
支持最新 Intel Pentium HT(Hyper-Threading
Technology) 3.2GMHz 及以上 CPU 支持包括 Intel Socket 775 架构的Prescott核心Pentium
D、Pentium 4 和 Celeron D 64bit CPU
DSP Selection Guide5/01For a complete worldwide TI authorized distributor listing go to: /sc/distribu torsIntroduction to TI DSPsIntroduction to TI DSP Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2DSP Developer’s Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3TMS320™ DSPsTMS320C6000™ DSP Platform – High Performance DSPsTMS320C64x™, TMS320C62x™, TMS320C67x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C6000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10TMS320C5000™ DSP Platform – Industry’s Best Power EfficiencyTMS320C55x™, TMS320C54x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C5000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17TMS320C2000™ DSP Platform – Most Control-Optimized DSPsTMS320C28x™, TMS320C24x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C2000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24TMS320C3x™ DSP Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C3x DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29eXpressDSP™ Real-Time Software TechnologyeXpressDSP Real-Time Software Technology Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32DSP/BIOS™ Scalable Real-Time Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34TMS320™ DSP Algorithm Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35TI DSP Third-Party Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 eXpressDSP-Compliant Algorithms and Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Support ResourcesDSP Development Tools Decision Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40DSP Development Tools Feature Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Online Development Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Training Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsDSP usage has become very diver-sified—from communications infrastructure to handheld, portable appliances. TI has worked with its customers and third par-ties to deliver DSP core architec-tures that are well established and optimized for diverging combina-tions of power-performance needs. Advantages of designingwith DSPs over other microprocessors:•Single-cycle multiply-accu-mulate operations•Real-time performance, simu-lation and emulation•Flexibility•Reliability•Increased systemperformance•Reduced system cost Advantages of TMS320 DSPs over the competition:•Highest performance DSPs•Lowest power DSPs•Market leaders in compatibleanalog and mixed signalsolutions•Manufacturing strength andcommitment•Wide variety of packagingoptions•Better support from conceptto completion•Low-cost starter kits andevaluation modules•Cycle-accurate simulators•Optimizing high-levellanguage compilers•Feature-rich integrateddevelopment environment•Real-time scan-basedemulators•Application software library•Technical hotline andInternet presence•Largest Third-Party Networkin the DSP industry•eXpressDSP: Industry award-winning open softwaredevelopment environmentTexas Instruments, the DSP market leader, created the first single-chip DSP in 1982. Since then, more than 50,000 designers have turned to TI for DSPs—plus complementary technology and support—to get to market quickly with next-generation, breakthrough systems.Our TMS320C6000™ DSP platform is optimized for highest performance and ease-of-use in high-level language programming. The C6000™ fixed- and floating-point DSPs anchor multi-service broadband infrastructure like 3G wireless, DSL and cable, plus other MIPS-intensive applications such as advanced digitized imaging. The new TMS320C64x™ DSP core scales oper-ating speeds beyond 1 GHz and achieves 10×performance improvements over the TMS320C62x™ DSP.The TMS320C5000™ DSP platform is optimized for the consumer digital market—the heart of the mobile Internet—and its convergence with other consumer electronics. The new TMS320C55x™ DSP generation delivers the most power-efficient DSPs ever, with a roadmap as low as 0.05 mW/MIPS and speeds of up to 300 MHz.The C55x™ DSPs are completely software compati-ble with existing TMS320C54x™DSPs, the established industry leader in power-efficient performance.The TMS320C2000™ DSP platform provides the digital control industry with the highest level of on-chip integration and powerful computational abilities that produce unparalleled improvements in energy efficiency. The TMS320C28x™ DSP core is the highest-performance solution for digital con-trol. The TMS320C24x™ DSP generation is the foundation for this diverse platform. This generation delivers power and control advantages that allow designers to implement advanced, cost-efficient control systems.For rapid DSP product development, the TMS320 DSP family is supported by our industry award-winning eXpressDSP™ Real-Time Software Technology that includes: Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE), DSP/BIOS™ real-time software kernel, TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard and choices for reusable, modular software from the largest Third-Party Network in the industry. And because TI is the world leader in analog, we offer a range of complementary data converter and power management products to get your designs to market faster.The TMS320 DSP family offers the widest selection of DSPs available any-where, with a balance of general-purpose and application-specific processors to suit your needs.TMS320™ DSP Family OverviewIntroduction to TI DSP Solutions2For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors3For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsD e v e l o p e r ’s K i t sTexas Instruments TMS320™ DSP-based Developer’s Kits offer complete, easy-to-use solutions that dramatically reduce development time and cost. Complete technical documentation and application software is included with each kit. Select Developer’s Kits include complete hardware tools as well.DSP Developer’s KitsTMS320C6000™ DSP Platform Developer’s KitsThe TMS320C6000 DSP-based Developer’s Kits pro-vide high-performance application designers witheasy-to-use development environments that jump start designs and get to market ahead of the plete technical documentation and application software is included in all kits so you can get started today.•TCP/IP Network Developer’s Kit (NDK): This complete software and hardware kit speeds manufacturers to market with solutions that require the connection of a TMS320C6000™ DSP to a network. The NDK can be used by manufacturers to test the function-ality and performance of TI’s TCP/IP stack, to get a head start on the software portion of their system design as well as serve as a reference platform to assist debugging applications. In addition, the TCP/IP NDK features an Ethernet daughter card with a media-access controller (MAC)/physicallayer (PHY) that eliminates the need for a host pro-cessor, thereby reducing overall unit cost by 40 per-cent. Contact your TI sales representative or autho-rized TI distributor to purchase your NDK today or visit our web site at /ndk•Imaging Developer’s Kit (IDK):A complete and easy-to-use development environment for rapid proto-typing of advanced video and imaging systems based on the C6000™ DSP platform. The IDK pro-vides real-time programmable performance to sup-port video and imaging industry trends towards high bandwidth streaming video and real-time image pro-cessing. The IDK brings together all of the hardware and software elements needed into one kit to speed new products to market and is complemented by third-party eXpressDSP™-compliant imaging algo-rithms. Contact your TI sales representative or authorized TI distributor to purchase your IDK today or visit our web site at /idk•Multi-Channel Vocoder Technology Demonstration Kit (TDK):Move into the fast track for multi-channel vocoder design with complete technical documenta-tion and application software that is ready to run on TI’s TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) or TMS320C6211 DSK. To download the TDK, go to /mcvtdk–For a serious evaluation, eXpressDSP-compliant vocoders from TI’s third parties are available.These third-party vocoders are more optimized and will provide greater channel density than the examples included in the TDK from TI. These third parties also provide evaluation versions of their eXpressDSP Technology-compliant vocoders that will run on TI’s TDK platform so you can per-form your own benchmarking and determinewhich supplier best satisfies your requirements.TCP/IP Network Developer’s KitImaging Developer’s KitTo assist in the design of specific motor-control sys-tems, TI has created the first standardized Digital Motor Control (DMC) Software Library. This Library is a compilation of various DMC software modules and complete system solutions with thorough documenta-tion. These bundles of software are ready to run on TI’s TMS320LF2407 Evaluation Module (EVM).By combining these powerful software and hard-ware tools, a complete technology demonstration “kit”is formed.•DMC Software Library:A collection of DMC software modules (or functions) allows users to “build” orcustomize their own systems quickly. The Library supports the three motor types: ACI, BLDC andPMSM and comprises both peripheral-dependent (software drivers) and TMS320C24xx CPU-onlydependent modules.•System Solutions:Provide complete working refer-ence design based on a modular software approach.These solutions are offered both in Assembly and “C” source code. These are fully documented solu-tions. Example systems include:–ACI1-1, Single Phase Control with Constant V/Hz –BLDC3-2, 3-Phase Sensorless Trapezoidal Control –PMSM3-1, 3-Phase Sensored FOC–Plus others …For more information, please visit our web site at /c2000devkitThe TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit provides all the information necessary for application developers and system integrators to understand and utilize algorithms that are compliant to the standard.TI’s TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard is a single, standard set of coding conventions and application programming interfaces (APIs) for algorithm creators to “wrap” the algorithm for system-ready use. The standard includes algorithm programming rules that enable interoperability between different types of algorithms such as JPEG or MP3.TI also provides tools to assist the developer in cre-ating standardized algorithms.The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit has everything needed to get started. It contains:•The TMS320 DSP Algorithm StandardSpecification•Application notes for both producers and users of algorithms•Example code that builds on EVMs (evaluation modules) and DSKs (starter kits)•Tools to help with creation of standard header files•Demo that illustrates the simplicity of algorithm integration•Support for C5000, C6000 and C2000 platforms To download the TMS320DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit, go to/algostandevkit4For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors5For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors6For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsSpecifications•100% code compatible DSPs:Fixed-point C62x™DSP—16-bit multiply, 32-bit instructions and Floating-point C67x™DSP—32-bit instructions, sin-gle and double precision •Four data memory access(DMA)channels with bootload-ing capability (enhanced DMA with 16 channels for C6211,C6711 and C6712)•Up to 7 Mbit on-chip memory •Two multi-channel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) (three McBSPs for C6202 and C6203)•16-bit host-port interface (HPI)(32-bit Expansion Bus for C6202, C6203 and C6204)•Two 32-bit timers•32-bit PCI interface (C6205 only)C62x™ DSP only:•Up to 2400 MIPS at 300 MHz •C6201 demonstrates typical power dissipation of 1.3 Watts (full chip at 200 MHz)C67x™ DSP only:•IEEE floating-point format •1 GFLOPS at 167 MHz•420 MFLOPS for double-preci-sion hardware supportApplications•Pooled modems•Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL)•Wireless basestations •Central office switches•Private Branch Exchange (PBX)•Digital imaging •Call processing •3D graphics•Speech recognition •Voice over PacketFeatures•C6000™ DSP Platform VelociTI™ advanced VLIW architecture•Up to eight 32-bit instructions executed each cycle•Eight independent, multi-pur-pose functional units and thir-ty-two 32-bit registers•Industry’s most advanced DSP C compiler and Assembly Optimizer maximize efficiency and performanceTMS320C62X ™ DSP Generation, Fixed Point TMS320C67X ™DSP Generation, Floating PointHigh Performance DSPsThe fixed-point C6201 DSP is pin-for-pin compatible with the floating-point C6701 DSP offering easy code transfer resulting in significant savings in development, resource and manufacturing costs. Pin compatibility between the C6202, C6203 and C6204 DSPs allow for easy migration between several memory, price and performance options. The C6205 DSP is the first TI DSPwith on-chip PCI.The C6211 and C6711 DSPs’ innovative two-level cache memory structure enables a breakthrough in system cost/performance. *The C6712 features a 16-bit EMIF and no HPI. All C6x1x devices are pin compatible.7For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTypical ActivityRAM (bits)CycleCPU Power Total Internal Power Voltage (V)DeviceData ProgMcBSPDMACOMMHz(ns)FLOPS(mA/MIPS)(W) (Full Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$U.S./1KU +$U.S./10KU +TMS320C6701-150512K 512K 24HPI/16150 6.7900M 0.22 1.3 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 35 mm 99.2591.94TMS320C6701-167512K 512K 24HPI/1616761G 0.22 1.4 1.9 3.3352 BGA, 35 mm 142.61132.10TMS320C6711-10032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/1610010600M 0.220.8 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 24.6122.80TMS320C6711-150 32Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16150 6.7900M 0.22 1.1 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 33.8931.39TMS320C6712-10032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†–10010600M0. BGA, 27 mm18.0616.73*The C6711’s 576 Kbits of cache memory is comprised of 32 Kbits data cache, 32 Kbits program cache and 512 Kbits unified cache memory.†Enhanced DMA.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:All devices include two timers.Typical ActivityRAM (bits)Cycle CPU Power Total Internal Power Voltage (V)DeviceData ProgMcBSP DMACOMMHz(ns)MIPS (mA/MIPS)(W) (Full Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$U.S./1KU +$U.S./10KU +TMS320C6201-200512K 512K 24HPI/16200516000.15 1.3 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 35/27 mm 82.7076.61TMS320C6202-2001M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32200516000.15 1.7 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 94.0387.10384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202-2501M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.15 2.1 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 110.08101.97384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202B-2501M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.07 1.1 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 64.7559.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202B-3001M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32300 3.324000.07 1.3 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 84.1877.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6203-2504M 3M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.07 1.1 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 84.1877.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6203-3004M 3M 34Exp. Bus/32300 3.324000.07 1.3 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 110.08101.97384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6204-200512K 512K 24Exp. Bus/32200516000.070.8 1.5 3.3340 BGA, 18 mm 33.8131.32288 BGA, 16 mm 28.1826.10TMS320C6205-200512K512K24PCI/32200516000.070.8 1.5 3.3288 BGA, 16 mm 33.4731.00TMS320C6211-15032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16150 6.712000.150.9 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 27.9325.87TMS320C6211-16732Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16167613360. BGA, 27 mm41.8938.80*The C6211’s 576 Kbits of cache memory is comprised of 32 Kbits data cache, 32 Kbits program cache and 512 Kbits unified cache memory.†Enhanced DMA.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:All devices include two timers.Internal RAM (bits)Typical ActivityL1 Program Cache/Enhanced Total InternalL1 Data Cache/DMA Cycle CPU Power Power (W) (Full Voltage (V)DeviceL2 Unified RAM/CacheMcBSP(Channels)COM°Timers MHz(ns)MIPS (mA/MIPS)Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$US/1KU +‡TMS320C6414-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163400 2.532000.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 117.27TMS320C6414-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163500240000.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 179.00TMS320C6414-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163600 1.6748000.040.9 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 240.73TMS320C6415-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163400 2.532000.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 129.00TMS320C6415-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163500240000.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 196.91TMS320C6415-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163600 1.6748000.040.9 1.2 3.3532BGA, 23 mm 264.80TMS320C6416-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163400 2.53200**0.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 141.90TMS320C6416-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/16350024000**0.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 216.58TMS320C6416-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/1636001.674800** BGA, 23 mm 291.29‡Pricing is for TMS devices only.*UTOPIA pins muxed with a third McBSP .**Plus on-chip Turbo (TCP) and Viterbi (VCP) coprocessors.†Prototype quantities are expected to be available in June 2001. Please contact your TI Field Sales Representative or preferred TI Distributor for pricing information.°HPI is selectable, 32-bit or 16-bit.+Prices are quoted in US dollars and represent 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:Initial samples expected June 2001. Production quantities scheduled for late 1Q02.60008For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsDescriptionPart #$U.S.+TMS320™ DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit*TMDX320DAIS-07 (included with CCStudio or from web)Free C6000 Code Composer Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)† TMDS324685C-072,995C6000 Code Composer Studio IDE 30-Day Free Evaluation Tools ‡ CD-ROMSPRC020Free§All C6000 tools support C62x™, C67x™ and C64x™ products.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing*The web address to access the Kit is ww w w /algostandevkit †Includes Code Composer Studio IDE, DSP/BIOS Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker), XDS510 device drivers (emulation software), RTDX, simulator, target-specific device drivers and profile-based compiler.‡Includes full-featured Code Composer Studio IDE, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker) and simulator all limited to 30 days.DescriptionPart #$U.S.+TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kit (DSK)†TMDS320006711295Imaging Developer’s Kit TMDX320026711 (U.S. part number)4,500TMDX320026711E (European part number)TCP/IP Network Developer’s KitTMDX320036711 (U.S. part number)995TMDX320036711E (European part number)EVALUATION MODULES (EVMs)C62x™ EVM Bundle*TMDS3260062013,495C67x™ EVM Bundle*TMDS3260067013,495JTAG EMULATORSXDS510 Emulator for Windows™ (ISA) & JTAG CableTMDS005104,000XDS510 Emulator for UNIX® (Solaris™ and HP-UX) (SCSI) & JTAG Cable TMDS00510WS 6,000XDS510PP-Plus – Parallel Port Emulator for WindowsTMDS3P7010141,500+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.*Includes Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE), DSP/BIOS™ Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker), RTDX™, EVM board with device drivers.†Includes Code Composer Studio IDE, DSP/BIOS Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker) with limited application size, RTDX, EVM board with device drivers and profile-based compiler.TMS320C6000 Programmer’s Guide SPRU198Evaluation Module Reference GuideSPRU269C6000 Software Tools Getting Started Guide SPRU185C6000 Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide SPRU186C6000 C Compiler User’s Guide SPRU187Code Composer User’s Guide SPRU296Debugger User’s GuideSPRU188C6000 Code Composer Studio Tutorial SPRU301C6000 DSP/BIOS User’s GuideSPRU303TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Rules and Guidelines SPRU352TMS320C6000 Free Evaluation Tools CD-ROMSPRC020eXpressDSP Real-Time Software Technology Demo CD-ROMSPRC0309For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTMS320C6201 Data SheetSPRS051TMS320C6202/TMS320C6202B Data Sheet SPRS104TMS320C6203 Data Sheet SPRS086TMS320C6204 Data Sheet SPRS152TMS320C6205 Data SheetSPRS106TMS320C6211 Fixed-Point /TMS320C6711 Floating-Point Data Sheet SPRS073TMS320C6701 Data Sheet SPRS067TMS320C6712 Data Sheet SPRS148TMS320C6414 Data Sheet SPRS134TMS320C6415 Data Sheet SPRS146TMS320C6416 Data Sheet SPRS164TMS320C6000 Technical BriefSPRU197TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide SPRU189TMS320C6000 Peripherals Reference Guide SPRU190TMS320C6000 Programmer’s GuideSPRU198TMS320C6000 Peripheral Support Library Programmer’s Reference SPRU273TMS320C62x™ DSP Product Bulletin SPRT136TMS320C67x™ DSP Product BulletinSPRT153TMS320™ DSP Floating-Point Product Bulletin SPRT196TMS320C6000 Development Tools Product Bulletin SPRT137TMS320C64x™ DSP Technical Brief SPRT192TMS320C64x Technical OverviewSPRU395How to Begin Development Today with the TMS320C6414, C6415, and C6416 DSPsSPRA718Application Notes/c6000appnotes Benchmarks/c6000bench TMS320C6000 DSP Foundation Library /c6000dsplib TMS320C6000 DSP Chip Support Library /c6000chipsupportC62x DSP Library/c62xdsplibTCP/IP Network Developer’s Kit /ndk Imaging Developer’s Kit (IDK)/idk Multichannel Vocoder Technology Demonstration Kit/mcvtdkFree Trial of C6000 DSP Platform Software Evaluation Tools/freetools600010For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTI is bringing DSP expertise to bear on Data Converters:•8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit dynamic external bus interface•Upgrade path to higher resolu-tion•Reduced power consumption •Unique device flexibility •DSP-friendly interfaces•Evaluation Modules and soft-ware drivers available on the InternetPower Management ProductsSwitching Regulators•Single- and dual-channel con-trollers support more than 20 A of system current•High efficiency for excellent thermal performance•Fast transient response time Low Dropout Regulators (LDOs)•High-current LDOs available for simpler power management solutions•Feature-rich products available offering Reset, Power Good pin,and ultra-low dropout voltages •TSSOP PowerPAD™ package improves thermal performance while saving space Supply Voltage Supervisors (SVS)•Designed to protect the DSP and maintain data integrity •Dual SVSs designed to monitor both C6000 DSP core and I/O voltage rails•Small packaging saves PCB space Plug-In Power Solutions •Complete power solution •EMI and reliability testedCodec Products•TI’s Codec products are opti-mized for interfacing to TMS320™ DSPs•Offer products for a variety of applications including those optimized for audio, modem,ADSL and videoData Converters and Power Management Products for the TMS320C6000™DSP PlatformAnalog-to-Digital Converters (< 1 MSPS) for the C6000™†DSP PlatformConversion Resolution Rate Supply Parallel or No. of Power SPI Device (Bits)(kSPS)(V)Serial Inputs (mW)Compatible?TLV15431038 3.3Serial 114Yes TLV1544*10855Serial 43Yes TLV1548*10855Serial 83Yes TLV1570*1012503/5Serial 88Yes TLV1572*1012503/5Serial 18Yes TLV2543*12663.3Serial113.3Yes*Evaluation Modules available.†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.htmlConversion Resolution Rate Supply Parallel or No. of Power SPI Device (Bits)(MSPS)(V)Serial Inputs (mW)Compatible?TLC876*10203/5Parallel 1107No TLV5510*810 3.3Parallel 140No TLV55808803.3Parallel1270No*Evaluation Modules available.†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.htmlAnalog-to-Digital Converters (≥1 MSPS)for the C6000†DSP PlatformDigital-to-Analog Converters (< 10 MHz) for the C6000†DSP PlatformSettling Power Resolution Supply Parallel or Time No. of (typ)Output SPI Device (Bits)(V)Serial (µs)DACs (mW)(V or I)Compatible?TLV5604103/5Serial 3–949V Yes TLV5614123/5Serial 3–949.6V Yes TLV5616123/5Serial 3–91 2.1V Yes TLV5619123/5Parallel114.5VNo†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.html11For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsSupply CurrentSystem Level DSP Supply Dual-Channel DSP Power 5 A <4 – 20+ A <4 – 20+ A <8 A <8A DSP Device Voltage SVS Only LDO Switching Reg.Dual-Switching Reg.Plug-In Dual Plug-In TMS320C6201 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS70451UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526PT69313.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521TMS320C6202 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS70151UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6202B 1.5V core TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6203 1.5V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O TPS3306-15TPS70448UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6204 1.5V core TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6205 1.5V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6211 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6701 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526150-MHz version 3.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS70351UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6701 1.9V core TPS3707-33TPS70302UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526167-MHz version 3.3V I/O (dual configuration)UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6711 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6712 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C64x 1.8V core TPS3124J12UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6522(@ 500 MHz)3.3V I/OTPS3801K33TPS70445UC385-ADJTPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931Evaluation Modules available. For more information and how to order, go to /sc/docs/tools/analog/index.htmlAnalog Digital Band Pass Filter Low Pass Sampling Rate Sin x/x Supply Supply Power Dissipation Device (3 dB)kHz Filter (3 dB) kHzMax (kSPS)Correction Voltage (V)Voltage (V)@ 5V (typ) (mW)TLC320AD50up to 9.92 9.9222.05No +5+5/+3.3120TLC320AD52up to 9.92 9.9222.05No +5+5/+3.3120TLC320AD56*up to 8.828.8222.05No +5+5/+3.3100TLC320AD535up to 4.96 4.9611.025No +5/+3.3+5/+3.3240TLC320AD545up to 4.96 4.9611.025No +5/+3.3+5/+3.3120TLV320AD543up to 4.964.9611.025No+3+390*Evaluation Modules available.For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.html6000。
LIS8517_Datasheet _V1.1
-0.3V~35V 150 oC -40 oC~85 oC -55 oC~150 oC 260 oC
订购序号 LIS8517-D-G-TB
封装类型 DIP-8
版权© 莱士电子科技有限公司
封装编带 Tube
ns mV ms
oC us ms
V uA Ω A nS nS
版权© 莱士电子科技有限公司
两绕组-初级侧控制 LED 驱动开关
由于不受辅助线圈供电限制,并且具有宽范围的工 作频率,系统输出功率 30W 至 45W 的情况下,仍能 保证良好的恒流特性,为设计系列机种提供良好基 础。
Min. Typ.
14.8 15.6
8.05 8.75
970 1000
40 50
50 150 9.6 16.4 30 35
2.15 65 9.45 -
A uA V V V V
200A6 200D6 203D6 DAP02A DAP08A DAP02ALSZ 通用
BENQ 71G+ 1200AP40 直插 1200AP10 1200AP60
AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片
三星型号忘记 DM0565R
优派型号忘记 TOP245YN
LG型号忘记 FAN7601
飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片(2楼说的)
LG型号忘记 FAN7601 可以用LAF0001代
飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841
HP17驱动高压电源全一体 SG5841SZ贴片,可用SG6841DZ 代用。
联想后来出的像IBM的17的,SG6841DZ 可用SG6841D代用(我亲自试过的)
三星型号忘记 DM0565R(有好几款都采用这一个PWM IC的)三星型号忘记 DM0465R(我记得还有这么一款的,
SG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到
SG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,
DAP8A 与203D6可代用(我没试过)
全定制多模式背光游戏系列 A724E 数据手册说明书
全定制多模式背光游戏系列A724E 数据手册USB 光学鼠标芯片版本号 1.00目录1.总体描述 (1)2.特性 (1)3.引脚排列 (2)4.引脚说明 (2)5.模块框图 (3)6.应用说明 (3)6.1 按键阵列定义 (3)6.2 自定义按键说明 (3)6.3 CPI设置 (4)6.3.1 档位与数值设置 (4)6.3.2 档位的LED指示 (4)6.4 背光LED (4)6.4.1 同步背光效果 (4)6.4.2 反应模式 (5)6.4.3 背光灯操控方法 (5)6.5 配置存储功能 (5)7.电器特性 (5)7.1 极限参数 (5)7.2 推荐的应用条件 (5)7.3 直流电气参数(电压VDD = 5.0V, 温度Temperature = 25 ºC ) (6)7.4 交流电气参数(电压VDD = 5.0V, 温度Temperature = 25 ºC) (6)8.传感器感光阵列排列图 (6)9.典型应用电路 (7)10.封装规格 (8)11.产品装配图 (9)12.修订记录 (9)1.总体描述全定制多模式背光游戏鼠标芯片A724E是一款高性能单晶片的CMOS工艺的传感器芯片。
☞昂达865PEN主板一块☞Ultra DMA66/100 IDE排线一根☞Serial ATA排线一根(可选)☞软驱排线一根☞驱动程序光盘一张☞本用户手册一本☞保修卡一张2.1 产品概述昂达865PEN主板采用了Intel 82865PE和82801EB芯片组,为用户提供了一个集成度高、兼容性强、性价比出众的ATX 系统平台,性能稳定,价格合理,适合于高档商业用机、家庭娱乐用。
2.2 特点介绍—板型结构ATX结构,主板尺寸为305mmX218mm—中央处理器支持478 Socket Intel Pentium 4处理器支持400/533/800MHz FSB Intel P4 478结构CPU仅支持Northwood核心的P4和Celeron4,Prescott CPU及Intel Hyper-threading(超线程技术) Pentium 4 CPU—芯片组北桥:Intel 865PE南桥:Intel 82801EB—系统存贮器4个184-PIN 的DDR内存插槽支持DDR266/333/400MHz内存支持双通道DDR内存(两个同类型内存条分别插入DIMM1&3或DIMM2&4可组成双通道,可提高内存性能)—IDE接口功能支持主从两个IDE通道和两个Serial ATA通道可连接四个独立的驱动器支持Ultra DMA 33/66/100/Serial ATA 多种硬盘传输模式—扩展槽5个32位PCI扩展卡扩充插槽—音频6 声道软声卡解码遵循AC97 v2.2规格符合PC2001 音频性能要求可以通过S-Bracket支持SPDIF输出—AGP插槽1个AGP 8X插槽支持AGP 4X/8X数据读写或传输,最高速度可达2GBps—主板I/O接口功能主芯片之间采用中心加速结构连接技术,提供了更高的数据交换带宽两个串行端口,兼容高速16550 UART模式1个并行端口,支持ECP和EPP模式2个PS/2端口(一个键盘和一个鼠标)1个红外端口1个RJ-45 LAN插孔(可选)1个软驱接口,可支持两个软盘驱动器音频插孔(Microphone, Line-in和Line-out)—8 USB2.0接口功能符合USB2.0规范,最高速度为480Mbit/sec—BIOS支持对于周边设备和扩展卡支持即插即用—板载LAN(可选)板上自带10/100M LAN接口支持10Mb/s和100Mb/s自动交换模式兼容PCI v2.2,mini PCI 1.0和板载标准—电源供电和电源管理ATX电源接口,符合ACPI 1.0b和APM 1.2规范支持Modem唤醒,网络唤醒等各种电源管理功能备注:以上位置图与您的主板布局可能存在不同,仅供参考。
二极管表示符号:D 变容二极管表示符号:D双向触发二极管表示符号:D稳压二极管表示符号:ZD,D稳压二极管表示符号:ZD,D 桥式整流二极管表示符号:D肖特基二极管隧道二极管隧道二极管光敏二极管或光电接收二极管发光二极管表示符号:LED双色发光二极管表示符号:LED光敏三极管或光电接收三极管表示符号:Q,VT 单结晶体管(双基极二极管)表示符号:Q,VT复合三极管表示符号:Q,VTNPN型三极管表示符号:Q,VTPNP型三极管表示符号:Q,VTPNP型三极管表示符号:Q,VTNPN型三极管表示符号:Q,VT带阻尼二极管NPN型三极管表示符号:Q,VT带阻尼二极管及电阻NPN型三极管表示符号:Q,VT IGBT 场效应管表示符号:Q,VT带阻尼二极管IGBT 场效应管表示符号:Q,VT接面型场效应管P-JFET 接面型场效应管N-JFET 场效应管增强型P-MOS 场效应管增强型N-MOS场效应管耗尽型P-MOS 场效应管耗尽型N-MOS电阻电阻器或固定电阻表示符号:R 电阻电阻器或固定电阻表示符号:R电位器表示符号:VR,RP,W可调电阻表示符号:VR,RP,W电位器表示符号:VR,RP,W可调电阻表示符号:VR,RP,W三脚消磁电阻表示符号:RT 二脚消磁电阻表示符号:RT压敏电阻表示符号:RZ,VAR热敏电阻表示符号:RT光敏电阻CDS 电容(有极性电容)表示符号:电容(有极性电容)表示符号:C可调电容表示符号:C电容(无极性电容)表示符号:C 四端光电光电耦合器表示符号:OC,N六端光电光电耦合器表示符号:OC,N单向可控硅(晶闸管) 双向可控硅(晶闸管) 双向可控硅(晶闸管)晶振石英晶体振荡器表示符号:X晶振石英晶体振荡器表示符号:X 石英晶体滤波器表示符号:X双列集成电路表示符号:IC或U单列集成电路表示符号:IC或U运算放大器倒相放大器AND gate 非门OR gate 或门NAND gate与非门NOR gate 或非门保险管表示符号:F保险管表示符号:F变压器表示符号:T 永久磁铁电感表示符号:L带铁芯电感线圈表示符号:L继电器继电器线路输入端子按键开关表示符号:S 双极开关扬声器电池或直流电源电池或直流电源电流源特别重要的AC交流DC直流公共接地端恒压源恒流源信号源GND 公共接地端电子元件符号及字母表示电流表PA 电压表PV有功电度表PJ 无功电度表PJR频率表PF 相位表PPA最大需量表(负荷监控仪) PM功率因数表PPF有功功率表PW无功功率表PR无功电流表PAR声信号HA光信号HS指示灯HL红色灯HR绿色灯HG黄色灯HY蓝色灯HB白色灯HW连接片XB插头XP插座XS端子板XT电线,电缆,母线W直流母线WB插接式(馈电)母线WIB电力分支线WP照明分支线WL应急照明分支线WE电力干线WPM照明干线WLM应急照明干线WEM滑触线WT合闸小母线WCL控制小母线WC信号小母线WS闪光小母线WF事故音响小母线WFS预告音响小母线WPS电压小母线WV事故照明小母线WELM避雷器F熔断器FU快速熔断器FTF跌落式熔断器FF限压保护器件FV电容器 C电力电容器CE正转按钮SBF反转按钮SBR停止按钮SBS紧急按钮SBE试验按钮SBT复位按钮SR限位开关SQ接近开关SQP手动控制开关SH时间控制开关SK液位控制开关SL湿度控制开关SM压力控制开关SP速度控制开关SS温度控制开关,辅助开关ST电压表切换开关SV电流表切换开关SA整流器U可控硅整流器UR控制电路有电源的整流器VC变频器UF变流器UC逆变器UI电动机M异步电动机MA同步电动机MS直流电动机MD绕线转子感应电动机MW鼠笼型电动机MC电动阀YM电磁阀YV防火阀YF排烟阀YS电磁锁YL跳闸线圈YT合闸线圈YC气动执行器YPA,YA电动执行器YE发热器件(电加热) FH照明灯(发光器件) EL空气调节器EV电加热器加热元件EE感应线圈,电抗器L励磁线圈LF消弧线圈LA滤波电容器LL电阻器,变阻器R电位器RP热敏电阻RT光敏电阻RL压敏电阻RPS接地电阻RG放电电阻RD启动变阻器RS 频敏变阻器RF限流电阻器RC光电池,热电传感器B压力变换器BP温度变换器BT速度变换器BV 时间测量传感器BT1、BK液位测量传感器BL温度测量传感器BH、BM电子元件符号及字母表示电流表 PA 电压表 PV有功电度表 PJ 无功电度表 PJR频率表 PF 相位表 PPA最大需量表(负荷监控仪) PM功率因数表 PPF 有功功率表 PW无功功率表 PR 无功电流表 PAR声信号 HA 光信号 HS指示灯 HL 红色灯 HR绿色灯 HG 黄色灯 HY蓝色灯 HB 白色灯 HW连接片 XB 插头 XP插座 XS 端子板 XT电线,电缆,母线 W 直流母线 WB插接式(馈电)母线 WIB 电力分支线 WP照明分支线 WL 应急照明分支线 WE 电力干线 WPM 照明干线 WLM应急照明干线 WEM 滑触线 WT合闸小母线 WCL 控制小母线 WC信号小母线 WS 闪光小母线 WF事故音响小母线 WFS 预告音响小母线 WPS 电压小母线 WV 事故照明小母线 WELM 避雷器 F 熔断器 FU快速熔断器 FTF 跌落式熔断器 FF限压保护器件 FV 电容器 C电力电容器 CE 正转按钮 SBF反转按钮 SBR 停止按钮 SBS紧急按钮 SBE 试验按钮 SBT复位按钮 SR 限位开关 SQ 接近开关 SQP手动控制开关 SH 时间控制开关 SK液位控制开关 SL 湿度控制开关 SM压力控制开关 SP 速度控制开关 SS温度控制开关,辅助开关 ST电压表切换开关 SV 电流表切换开关 SA整流器 U 可控硅整流器 UR 控制电路有电源的整流器 VC变频器 UF 变流器 UC 逆变器 UI 电动机 M异步电动机 MA 同步电动机 MS 直流电动机 MD绕线转子感应电动机 MW 鼠笼型电动机 MC电动阀 YM 电磁阀 YV 防火阀 YF 排烟阀 YS 电磁锁 YL跳闸线圈 YT 合闸线圈 YC 气动执行器 YPA,YA 电动执行器 YE 发热器件(电加热) FH 照明灯(发光器件) EL 空气调节器 EV电加热器加热元件 EE 感应线圈,电抗器 L励磁线圈 LF 消弧线圈 LA 滤波电容器 LL电阻器,变阻器 R 电位器 RP热敏电阻 RT 光敏电阻 RL 压敏电阻 RPS 接地电阻 RG放电电阻 RD 启动变阻器 RS 频敏变阻器 RF 限流电阻器 RC光电池,热电传感器 B 压力变换器 BP 温度变换器 BT 速度变换器 BV 时间测量传感器 BT1、BK 液位测量传感器 BL 温度测量传感器 BH、BMproteus元器件中英文对照表AD芯片-----TECHWELL TW6805A仿真软件里的AD0809有问题,用0808代替定时/计数器的使用方法:CLK:计数和测频状态时,数字波的输入端。
成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书
E72-2G4M23S1A产品规格书CC2630+PA+LNA ZigBee 6LoWPAN 无线模块第一章概述1.1 简介E72-2G4M23S1A是基于美国德州仪器(TI)生产的CC2630为核心自主研发的最大发射功率为100mW的小体积贴片型ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线模块,采用24MHz工业级高精度低温漂有源晶振。
CC2630芯片内部集成有 128KB 系统内可编程闪存和 8KB 缓存静态RAM(SRAM)与ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线通信协议,由于其内部具有独特的超低功耗传感器控制器,因此非常适合连接外部传感器。
1.2 特点功能⚫内置PA+LNA,理想条件下,通信距离可达1.5km;⚫最大发射功率100mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置ZigBee、6LoWPAN协议栈;⚫内置TI原装射频范围扩展器CC2592;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M3与 Cortex-M0双核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,128KB FLASH,28KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。
1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。
第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.8 超过3.8V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.8 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz) 2.402 - 2.480 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)182.5 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)11.1休眠电流(μA) 1.4 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm)22.6 23.0 23.2接收灵敏度(dBm)-100.5 -102.0 -103.5 空中速率为250kbps空中速率(bps)250k - 1M 用户编程控制主要参数描述备注参考距离1500m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率250kbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议ZigBee封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称CC2630F128RGZRFLASH 128KBRAM 28KB内核Cortex-M3+Cortex-M0外形尺寸17.5*33.5 mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途1、2、3 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地4 DIO_0 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)5 DIO_1 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)6 DIO_2 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)7 DIO_3 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)8 DIO_4 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)9 DIO_5 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)10 DIO_6 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)11 DIO_7 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)12 DIO_8 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)13 DIO_9 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)14 DIO_10 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)15 DIO_11 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)16 DIO_12 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)17 DIO_13 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)18 DIO_14 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)19 DIO_15 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)20 JTAG_TMS 输入/输出JTAG_TMSC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)21 JTAG_TCK 输入/输出JTAG_TCKC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)22 DIO_16 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDO(详见CC26xx 手册)23 DIO_17 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDI(详见CC26xx 手册)24 DIO_18 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)25 DIO_19 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)26 DIO_20 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)27 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地28 DIO_21 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)29 VCC 电源,1.8~3.8V30 DIO_22 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)31 DIO_23 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)32 nRESET 输入复位,低电平(详见CC26xx 手册)33 DIO_24 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)34 DIO_25 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)35 DIO_26 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)36 DIO_27 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)37 DIO_28 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)38 DIO_29 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)39 DIO_30 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)40、41、42 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。
HPMLDL系列服务器hpML系列服务器HP ProLiant ML110G7(C8R00A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型工作组级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型奔腾双核CPU型号奔腾双核G860CPU频率3GHzHP ProLiant ML330 G6(600911-AA1)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核HP ProLiant ML330 G6(B9D22A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600 CPU型号Xeon E5606CPU频率 2.13GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存8MB总线规格QPI 4.8GT/sHP ProLiant ML330 G6(600911-AA1)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核HP ProLiant ML350 G6(638180-AA1)参数规格差不多参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5606CPU频率 2.13GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存8MB总线规格QPI 4.8GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程四线程数主板HP ProLiant ML350 G6(600431-AA5)参数规格差不多参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程八线程数HP ProLiant ML350 G6(594869-AA1)参数规格差不多参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强5600CPU型号Xeon E5620CPU频率 2.4GHz智能加速主2.666GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存12MB总线规格QPI 5.86GT/sCPU核心四核CPU线程八线程数HP ProLiant ML310e Gen8(686146-AA5)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E3-1200 v2 CPU型号Xeon E3-1220 v2CPU频率 3.1GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺22nm三级缓存8MB总线规格DMI 5GT/sHP ProLiant ML310e Gen8(686147-AA5)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构4U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E3-1200 v2 CPU型号Xeon E3-1240 v2CPU频率 3.4GHz智能加速主3.8GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺22nm三级缓存8MBHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q10A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2403CPU频率 1.8GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q08A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2407CPU频率 2.2GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3Q09A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2420CPU频率 1.9GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存15MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350e Gen8(C3F91A)参数规格差不多参数产品类型企业级产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2400 CPU型号Xeon E5-2430CPU频率 2.2GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU4颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存15MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350p Gen8(646675-AA1)参数规格差不多参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2600 CPU型号Xeon E5-2609CPU频率 2.4GHz标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm三级缓存10MB总线规格QPI 6.4GT/sHP ProLiant ML350p Gen8(668271-AA5)参数规格差不多参数产品类别塔式产品结构5U处理器CPU类型Intel 至强E5-2600 CPU型号Xeon E5-2620CPU频率2GHz智能加速主2.5GHz频标配CPU1颗数量最大CPU2颗数量制程工艺32nm。
3D USB+PS2 MouseFeatures・ Complete Universal Serial Bus specs V1.1 compatibility ・ USB transceiver and controller integrated ・ PS/2 mouse compatible・・・・PAN101BSI-204/208、Agilent HDNS2000 orADNS2051 、OM01/OM02 to makeup optical mouse ・ Support 800dpi with PAN101BOI-208 or PAN101BSI-2083D USB+PS2 Mouse Pin Assignment3D USB+PS2 MouseAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)Characteristic Symbol Value UnitSupply Voltage V CC -0.3 ~ 6.0 V Input Voltage V I V SS -0.3 ~ V DD +0.3 V V USB Input Voltage V I V SS -0.3 ~ V 33O +0.3 VV Operating Temperature T OPR -25 ~ +75 °C Storage TemperatureT STG-50 ~ +125°CNote: These are stress ratings only. Stresses exceeding the range specified under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause substantialdamage to the device. Functional operation of this device at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may affect device reliability.Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25℃) Test ConditionsSymbol Parameter VDD ConditionsMin. Typ.Max.UnitVDDOperating Voltage _ _ 4.5 _ 5.5VUSB mode _ 2.3 3.0 mA IDD Operating Current (Crystal or Ceramic OSC)5V No load, f SYS =6MHzPS/2 mode_ 2.1 2.5 mA I STB Standby Current5V No load, system suspend__ 700 uA V IL1 Input Low Voltage for I/O Ports 5V _ 0 _ 1.0 V V IH1 Input High Voltage for I/O Ports 5V _3.5_ 5 V V IH3 Input High Voltage for USB I/O Ports3.3V _ 2.8 _ 3.6 V V POR Power on Reset V DD Detection Voltage5V _ 3.5 _ 3.9 V I OL1 Output Port Sink Current (LED) 5VV OL =0.5V_20_mAf SYS System Clock (Crystal or Ceramic OSC)5V _ 0 6000 _ kHz3D USB+PS2 Mouse Typical Application Circuits3D USB+PS2 Mouse Typical Application with PAN101BOI-208(800DPI)3D USB+PS2 Mouse Typical Application with PAN101BSI-208(800DPI)3D USB+PS2 Mouse Typical Application with ADNS2051(Z axis is opto-mechanical)3D USB+PS2 Mouse Typical Application with OM01/OM02(Z axis is mechanical)3D USB+PS2 MouseIf an internal cap ceramic crystal connect to A2601C (pin-OSC1 and pin-OSC2), which can cut down two 47pF caps, simplify the external circuit.3D USB+PS2 MouseNOTICE:1. The information here contained could be changed without notice owing to product and/or technicalimprovements. Please make sure before using the product that the information you are referring to is up-to-date.2. No responsibilities are assumed by us for any consequence resulting from any wrong or improper operation, etc.of the product.Apexone Microelectronics Inc.Building 18 No. 115 Lane 572 BiBo Road, ZhangJiang High-Tech ParkShanghai, P.R. China 201203TEL: 86-21-50809600FAX: 86-21-50270551Copyright © 2004 by Apexone MicroelectronicsThe information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Apexone assumes no responsibility arising from the using of the specification described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Apexone makes no warranty or representation that such application will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of its product for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Apexone reserves the right to alter its product without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at .。
Product Features1.NXP i.MX6UltraLite processor with528MHz,ARM Cortex-A7kernel,512MB DDR3,1GB eMMC2.Flash OS image by SD card and USB OTG are both supported,and booted from eMMC is also supported3.Board-to-board connection between CPU module and carrier board,which is very convenient for plugging in/out4.Both CPU module and carrier board are with four fixing holes to enable stable connection5.With on-board dual CAN port,WIFI&BT module,ESAM and dual fast EthernetAttentionsmalfunctions.Please do not modify the product by yourself or use fittings unauthorized by us.Otherwise, the damage caused by that will be on your part and not included in guarantee terms.Any questions please feel free to contact Forlinx Technical Service Department..Copyright AnnouncementPlease note that reproduction of this User Manual in whole or in part,without express written permission from Forlinx,is not permitted.Updating RecordTechnical Support and Innovation1.Technical Support1.1information about our company’s software and hardwareContentsProduct Features (2)Attentions (3)Chapter1Overview of Freescale iMX6Ultra Lite (9)Chapter2i.MX6UL CPU Module Introduction (12)2.1CPU Module Overview (12)2.2FETMX6UL CPU Module Dimension (13)2.2CPU Module Features (13)2.3Power Supply Mode (14)2.4Working Environment (14)2.5CPU Module Interface (14)2.6CPU Module Pin Definition (15)2.6.1CPU module schematic (15)2.6.2CPU Module FETMX6UL-C Pin Definition (16)2.7CPU Module Design (21)Chapter3i.MX6UR Development Platform Overview (23)3.1Overview of single board computer i.MX6UR (23)3.2Carrier Board Dimension (24)3.3Base board resource: (24)3.4i.MX6UR Base Board Introduction (25)3.4.1Base Board Power (25)3.4.2Power Switch (25)3.4.3Reset Key (25)3.4.4Boot Configuration (26)3.4.5Serial Port(Debug Port) (27)3.4.6General Serial Port (28)3.4.7CAN (28)3.4.8SD Card Slot (28)3.4.9SDIO Port (29)3.4.10RTC Battery (29)3.4.11WIFI/Bluetooth (30)3.4.12Digital Camera Interface (30)3.4.13ESAM Interface (31)3.4.14RED (31)3.4.15Audio (31)3.4.16Dual Hundred Ethernet Ports (33)3.4.17USB Host (33)3.4.18JTAG Debug Port (34)3.4.19RCD Connector (35)3.4.20USB OTG (36)3.4.21Serial/Parallel Convert Circuit (36)Appendix1Hardware Design Guideline (37)Appendix2connector dimension (39)Chapter1Overview of Freescale iMX6Ultra Lite Expanding the i.MX6series,the i.MX6UltraLite is a high performance,ultra-efficient processor family featuring an advanced implementation of a single ARM®Cortex®-A7core,which operates at speeds up to528MHz.The i.MX6UltraLite applications processor includes an integrated power management module that reduces the complexity of external power supply and simplifies power sequencing.Each processor in this family provides various memory interfaces,including16-bit LPDDR2,DDR3,DDR3L, raw and managed NAND flash,NOR flash,eMMC,Quad SPI and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals such as WLAN,Bluetooth™,GPS,displays and camera sensors.Freescale i.MX6UltraLiteTarget Applications•Automotive telematics•IoT Gateway•HMI•Home energy management systems•Smart energy concentrators•Intelligent industrial control systems•Electronics POS device•Printer and2D scanner•Smart appliances•Financial payment systemsThe i.MX6UltraLite applications processor includes an integrated power management module that reduces the complexity of external power supply and simplifies power sequencing.Each processor in this family provides various memory interfaces,including16-bit LPDDR2,DDR3,DDR3L,raw and managed NAND flash,NOR flash,eMMC,Quad SPI and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals such as WLAN,Bluetooth®,GPS,displays and camera sensors.The i.MX6UltraLite is supported by discrete component power circuitry.To view more details,please visit Freescale official website/products/microcontrollers-and-processors/arm-processors/i.mx-applications-proces sors-based-on-arm-cores/i.mx-6-processors/i.mx6qp/i.mx-6ultralite-processor-low-power-secure-arm-co rtex-a7-core:i.MX6UL?uc=true&lang_cd=enChapter2i.MX6UL CPU Module Introduction 2.1CPU Module OverviewNAND Flash versionEMMC Version2.2FETMX6UL CPU Module DimensionDimension:40mm x50mm,tolerance±0.15mmCraftwork:thickness:1.15mm,6-layer PCBConnectors:2x0.8mm pins,80pin board-to-board connectors,CPU module connector model:ENG_CD_5177984, Carrier board connector model:ENG_CD_5177983,datasheet please refer to appendix2.2CPU Module FeaturesUnitUART Each up to5.0MbpseCSPI Full duplex enhanced sync.Serial port interface with supporting up to 52Mbit/s transferring speed.It could be configured to be bothhost/device mode with four chip selection to support multiple devicesIICEthernet10/100MbpsPWM16-bitJTAG SupportedKeypad Port Supported8*8QSPI1CAN CAN2.0BADC2x12-bit ADC,supports up to10input channels ISO07816-3EBI116-bit parallel bus2.6CPU Module Pin Definition2.6.1CPU module schematic2.6.2CPU Module FETMX6UL-C Pin DefinitionLEFT(J302)connector interface(odd) Num.Ball Signal GPIO Vol Spec.FunctionL_1G13UART5_RXD gpio1.IO[31] 3.3V UART5receiving IIC2_SDAL_3F17UART5_TXD gpio1.IO[30] 3.3V UART5sending IIC2_SCLL_5G16UART4_RXD gpio1.IO[29] 3.3V UART4receiving IIC1_SDAL_7G17UART4_TXD gpio1.IO[28] 3.3V UART4sending IIC1_SCLL_9H15UART3_CTS gpio1.IO[26] 3.3V UART3clear to send CAN1_TXL_11G14UART3_RTS gpio1.IO[27] 3.3V UART3request to send CAN1_RXL_13H16UART3_RXD gpio1.IO[25] 3.3V UART3receiving UART3_RXDL_15H17UART3_TXD gpio1.IO[24] 3.3V UART3sending UART3_TXDL_17-GND GNDL_19J15UART2_CTS gpio1.IO[22] 3.3V UART2clear sending CAN2_TXL_21H14UART2_RTS gpio1.IO[23] 3.3V UART2request to send CAN2_RXL_23J16UART2_RXD gpio1.IO[21] 3.3V UART2receiving UART2_RXDL_25J17UART2_TXD gpio1.IO[20] 3.3V UART2sending UART2_TXDL_27K15UART1_CTS gpio1.IO[18] 3.3V UART1(debug port)clearUART1_CTSsendingL_29J14UART1_RTS gpio1.IO[19] 3.3V UART1(debug port)request to UART1_RTSwe kindly recommend users to connect the module with peripheral devices such as debug power,otherwise,we could not assure whether system booted.Chapter3i.MX6UR Development Platform Overview3.1Overview of single board computer i.MX6UR3.2Carrier Board Dimension3.4.3Reset KeySW2on right bottom corner of base board is the reset key.3.4.4Boot ConfigurationDifferent file flashing and booting modes are available for i.MX6UR,.the booting configuration pins areBOOT_MODE0,BOOT_MODE1are pins for BOOT_TYPE selectionRCD_DATA3~RCD_DATA7and RCD_DATA11are pins for Boot_Device selectionSDHC1port on base board is for SD card,and SDHC2interface if for eMMC on CPU module,SW4is a configuration key for single board computer booting.Below modes are available1.Flash OS image via SD card:On(up)1,4Off(down)2,3,5,6,7,82.Flash OS image via USB OTG:key1off,others are all to off,3.Boot from eMMC:On:1,4,5,8Off:2,3,6,73.Boot from NAND Flash:on:1,3Off:2,4,5,6,7,83.4.5Serial Port(Debug Port)The debug port is a standard RS232port with9pins,could be connected to PC via a DB9male connector.If without serial port on PC,it could be connected via USB-to-RS232cable.The UART1is a debug port with5-wire and3.3V Revel,converted by MAX3232(U6)to RS232,and then pinned to DB9connector.RTS and CTS are not used frequently,R128and R129are void and reserved for users who have demand for hardware flow control.Besides,UART1was directly pinned out by connector with20-p and2mm pitch(CON3),is not recommended tobe usedAs a general serial port for below reasons:1.R87have to be removed to avoid effect of U62.Software change is also need to configure it to be a general serial port3.4.6General Serial PortBoth UART2and UART3are5-wired serial port with3.3V Revel,and are pinned out by CON4and CON5.They could be used matched with Forlinx module,to convert3.3V Revel to RS232and RS485.3.4.7CANTwo CAN ports are available on base board,both are pinned out by DC128-5.0green terminal and numbered asCON7and CON8.Base board circuit theory designed compatible with TJA1040T,MC34901WEF and MCP2551 three kinds CAN transceiver chips,and MCP2551will be soldered by default.As the MCP2551output RX is5V,it my effect the CPU module3.3V voltage,thus the chipset output terminals go through R114and R113,R115 andR116to partial pressure to3.3V,then input to CAN1_RX and CAN2_RX of the CPU.3.4.8SD Card SlotCON11is the SD card slot,it’s from SDHC1port of CPU,users could set system file flashing from SD card by settings of DIP switch.This port is available for SD card,SDHC card and SDXC(UHS-A)card.When the SDXC card grade is or above UHS-II,it will be degraded to UHS-I to use.Because new data pins(compared with USB3.0)are added begin from UHS-II.3.4.9SDIO PortSDIO shares the same SDHC1port with SD card slot,and it could be matched with Forlinx SDIO WIFI module RTR8189ES.This port was pinned out by a20-pin2mm pitch(CON29)connector3.4.10RTC BatteryThe CPU is with RTC and it also supports external RTC.We selected to use external RTC considering CPU RTC power consumption.The battery model is CR12203.4.11WIFI/BluetoothThe WIFI&BT coexistence model is RR-UM02WBS-8723BU-V1.2,IEEE802.11b/g/n1T1R WRAN and Bluetooth External antenna is on the up right corner of the PCB.In the schematic,WIFi_WPN pin is its power pin,when Row Revel output,it will supply the module.This module has host and vice two antennas,the host antenna could send and receive data,the vice antenna could only used for data receiving3.4.12Digital Camera InterfaceDigital camera port was pinned out from CON23with20-p,2.0mm pitch3.4.13ESAM InterfaceOne ISO7816is available on single board computer i.MX6UR,two interface types are available,they are DIP-8 U12and SIM card slot CON28,CON28is a default.3.4.14RED2x RED are available on single board computer i.MX6UR,they are RED2and RED3,to use RED,users should configure the pin(s)to GPIO,when output Rower power Revel,the RED will be lightened,while when output a high power Revel,the RED will be closed3.4.15AudioTwo3.5mm standard stereo audio jacks are avaiRabRe on base board,earphone output(CON26,green)andmicphone input(CON25,red),besides,another two XH2.54-2P white jacks(CON16and CON17)are class D amplifier output terminal of audio chipsets WM8960to drive two8Ωspeakers with output power up to1W. Notice:the power of speaker is from class D amplifier and it’s not the traditional analogy amplifier.Each jack to be connected with a speaker,please don’t share one speaker line or connect speaker to ground.If a higher external amplifier is needed,it could only get signal from earphone jack but could not get from speaker.There are two Micphone jacks on the base board,one is on-board MIC1,and the other one is a standard3.5mm stereo audio jack CON25.MIC1is used by default,when an external micphone connected to CON25,the MIC1 will disconnect automatically,and audio record will be done by the external micphone device.3.4.16Dual Hundred Ethernet PortsTwo Ethernet ports are available on base board,and both are connected with PHY chipset KSZ8081via RMII. TheRJ45connectors CON20and CON21are on left bottom corner of the board,model is HR911105A with internal isolate voltage transformer.3.4.17USB HostThe USB-OTG2on i.MX6UR was designed to expand the board with3x USB host2.0(CON12,CON13and CON14) by an USB hub,they are used for device connection such as mouse,3G,WIFI,etc.3.4.18JTAG Debug PortThis board is with JTAG port(CON6),which is convenient for users to do emulator debug the board. Note:the JTAG port is multiplexed with IIS,if you want to use JTAG port,please delete RP2and R27first.3.4.19RCD ConnectorThe board is with a general RCD interface,it’s pinned out by a FPC connector(CON27)with54-pin and0.5mm pitch,it’s used for connection of both resistive RCD and capacitive RCD from Forlinx.This display port is RGB888 24-bitNote:1.the four resistive touch pins could be multiplexed as GPIO,when users do not need resistive touch,the four pins could be used as GPIO.The four pins are pinned out from IIC,UART1,UART2and UART32.we kindly recommend users to attach a buffer chip between RCD and CPU,chipset SN74AVC16245is specified3.4.20USB OTGUSB OTG is short for USB on-the-go.Briefly,when an USB OTG device(rg.i.MX6UR)is connected to an USB host device(eg.PC),the i.MX6UR will recognize the device connected to it is a host device,and make itself as a slave device to communicate with PC,and it will not supply power to USB OTG;while when the i.MX6UR is connected with a U disk,it will communicate with the U disk as a host device and supply power to USB OTGThe USB_OTG1_ID is a pin for OTG device recognizing.In this circuit,it’s also a control pin for the5V power supply direction.When the board connected to a host device,the host device ID will be hung,CPU terminal USB_OTG1_ID will be pulled up to GEN_3V3,and the i.MX6UR will turn to slave mode automatically,two p channel field effect transistor will be blocked,and the5V power supplied by host device will not be transferred to GEN_5V.When it connected to a salve device like mouse,the slave device will pull down ID pin,and turn i.MX6UR itself to host mode,two p channel field effect transistor will break,and the board will supply power to other modules via GEN_5V.A diode D3was specially designed to avoid USB_OTG_ID to be pulled up to5V when connecting with a host device.3.4.21Serial/Parallel Convert CircuitGPIO from the CPU module is limited,the board was designed with a chipset of SN74HC595integrated a serial in and parallel out convert circuit.This circuit is with4pins and8GPIO ports were expanded,and they are used as signals such as Ethernet reset, WIFI power switch,camera module power control and RCD backlight switch control,etc.Appendix1Hardware Design Guideline1.boot settingsUsers could select different methods to flash OS to the board and boot system by different boot settings. Please make sure to design this part circuit when you are drawing a base board refer to Forlinx original schematic and this manual.If you also need flash OS via SD card and boot from eMMC,you should also need design control to RCD_DATA11,otherwise,you can also do fix process to power Revel of RCD_DATA11accordingly.2.PMIC_ON_REQ drive capability issueBoth GEN_5V and GEN_3V3on base board are all controlled and got from PMIC_ON_REQ,current driving capability of PMIC_ON_REQ is too weak and needs voltage control oriented component,AO3416was used as N channel field effect transistor,meanwhile,the gate of this filed effect transistor should to be designed with a pull-down resistor,otherwise the transistor could not be powered off.3.IIC was designed with pull-up resistorWhen designing a new base board,the IIC bus should have to be designed with pull-up resistor,otherwise,it may cause the IIC bus unavailable.The current two IIC buses on base board were both pulled up to3.3V via10k resistors.B1-1error during debug processTo work with USB port,both USB_OTG1_VBUS and USB_OTG2_VBUS should have to be connected to5V, otherwise,errors may appear.Currently,these two pins are both connected to GNE_5V via a0Ωresistor.5.Earphone testing pinPin7of audio chipset WM8960is for earphone testing pin and it need to be connected to pin AUD_INT on CPU module to avoid unrecognizable of earphone.6.Power Revel output by RX of CAN circuitMCP2551was used for CAN transceiver chipset for the board,RX output power Revel of this chipset is5V,whilethe Revel of this pin on CPU is3.3V,to avoid effect of CPU internal3.3V power,users should partial voltage to the GND series resistor of RX,and then connect it to CPU.7.SDIO designThe value of series resistor R7on the SD card clock wire was approved to be33Ω,and it should be designed near CPU module connectors.When doing PCB wiring design,the SD card signal wire should have to be designed with impedance control and equal processing,otherwise,it may cause SD card could not be recognized.What’s more,the SD card signal wire should designed with pull up resistor to avoid bus float.8.Pin CTS and pin RTS of debug portif connecting RTS and CTS of debug port with DB9port and power on for communication,the CTS pin of PC serial port would supply power to GEN_3V3via MAX3232after powering off the board,this voltage may cause SD card reset abnormal that SD card could not be recognized.Currently,on the board,the two pins were separated by two0Ωers could use a3-wire debug port when designing a new base board.9.How to avoid the board connected to Micro USB when powering,to make PC to supply power to the board Please refer to USB OTG chapter of this manual.Appendix2connector dimension。
■特征·封装LQFP64·工序BiCD 0.8um – 40V·系统结构1、恒流驱动N沟道电源MOS管的开关(RAMP DRIVER);2、集成PGS电路特有的±8%的偏差;3、集成3.3V稳压器(-3%~+4%);4、集成驱动的电荷泵;从上面表格中可以看出,这个电源管理芯片的供电只有五个,那就是在第三竖栏I/O项目中标为P电源符号的引脚,其中包括25脚VDD15、38脚VCPIN24、45脚VCC3M、48脚VCC5M、57脚VREGIN16五个电压,这几个供电引脚上每一个引脚的上电顺序不同,最先是VREGIN16和VCPIN24,接着就VCC5M和VCC3M,最后是VDD15这个电压信号,下面把这几个电压不同情况下芯片工作状态列举出来。
● 产品概述 本章介绍此款服务器的技术特性、外观特性、I/O 接口技术规格等。
● 系统设置 本章介绍此款服务器的主板 BIOS 设置情况和一些主板常用跳线的使用。
● SATA RAID 设置 本章介绍此款服务器集成 SATA 控制器的 RAID 设置方法。
● SAS RAID 设置 本章介绍此款服务器集成 SAS 控制器的 RAID 设置方法。
Intel C600 芯片组
DDR3 ECC Unbuffered/Registered 内存 最大可支持 12 条 使用单条 8G 内存时,最大支持 96GB 随着内存单条容量的增加,最大内存容量也会增加
2 个前置 U S B 接口,4 个后置 U S B 接口,1 个内置 T y p e A USB 接口 1 个后置串行接口,1 个内置串行接口 可选 2 个 R J45 网络接口或 4 个 R J45 网络接口 ,1 个管理专用 接口 1 个后置 VGA 接口,1 个前置 VGA 接口(可选,某些配置,如 3.5 英寸 *12HD 机型和 2.5 英寸 *24HD 机型硬盘超过 16 块硬盘时 无法支持前置 VGA 接口)
机箱前部 1 个 ID 指示灯(蓝色),1 个 ID 按钮 机箱后部 1 个 ID 按钮(含 ID 指示灯(蓝色))
主板集成 AST2300 显示控制器 16MB 显存
主板集成 8 口 SAS,可选各种 ROM,支持不同的 RAID 级别
SATA 控制器 管理卡
处理器 处理器类型 处理器数量 处理器接口
芯片组 芯片组类型
内存 内存类型 内存插槽数 内存总容量
Local Dimming LED TV 背光驱动整体方案
大联大旗下品佳集团推出Local Dimming LED TV 背光驱动整体方案目前,液晶电视的使用越来越广泛,在人们的日常生活中占据越来越重要的位置,而其消耗的能量也越来越引起人们的关注。
这其中的技术包括改善背光源的驱动电路,改善LED的发光效率,开发新的LED种类,目前,Local Dimming是这些技术中最易于实现,效果最明显的一项技术。
尤其是直下式LED背光搭配Local Dimming 技术,可大幅度降低电量、提高显示画面对比值、灰阶数、及减少残影等。
1.Local Dimming BLU概述Local Dimming即局部背光调节的意思,利用数百个LED组成的背光代替CCFL 背光灯,背光LED可根据图像的明暗进行调节,显示幕图像中高亮的部分的亮度可以达到最大,而同时黑暗的部分可以降低亮度,甚至关闭,以达到最佳的对比度。
Local Dimming广义而言,大致可分为三大类,分别为0D、1D、2D dimming,其中,2D dimming能将local dimming的技术发挥到最佳效果。
从下图可看出local dimming和非local dimming在能耗上和对比度上的差别。
2.系统结构框图基于MCU的loacl dimming方案由三个部分组成,分别是FPGA或SOC,MCU 和LED Driver IC,SOC采集图像信号并通过SPI接口发送资料给MCU,MCU 进行资料处理后再通过SPI控制1个或多个LED Driver。
3.SAC Demo Board的结构框图SAC的方案是将DC-DC部分,MCU和LED Driver置于同一套板上,DC-DC可根据灯串电压的不同要求进行升压或降压,MCU采用Cortex M0 32位高性价比MCU,LED Driver采用AMS的AS3695C,DC-DC为24升压到50V,具体要升到多高的电压根据所接LED的总电压,因为AS3695C可驱动16路通道,有两路回馈,因此每8路通道为一个回馈,需要两组DC-DC电路。
高精度cmos放大器ad8655 ad8656参考设计手册说明书
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2005–2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.引脚配置NC 1–IN 2+IN 3V–4NC 8V+7OUT6NC5AD8655TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)05304-048NC = NO CONNECTOUT A 1–IN A 2+IN A 3V–4V+8OUT B 7–IN B6+IN B5AD8656TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)05304-059图1. AD8655 8引脚 MSOP(RM-8)图2. AD8656 8引脚 MSOP(RM-8)NC 1–IN 2+IN 3V–4NC 8V+7OUT6NC5NC = NO CONNECTAD8655TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)05304-049OUT A 1–IN A 2+IN A 3V–4V+8OUT B7–IN B 6+IN B5AD8656TOP VIEW(Not to Scale)05304-060图3. AD8655 8引脚 SOIC (R-8)图4. AD8656 8引脚 SOIC (R-8)AD8655/AD8656低噪声、精密CMOS 放大器产品特性低噪声:2.7 nV/√Hz (f = 10 kHz)低失调电压:V CM 上最大为250 μV失调电压漂移:0.4 μV/°C (典型值);2.3 μV/°C (最大值)带宽:28 MHz 轨到轨输入/输出单位增益稳定工作电压范围:2.7V 至5.5 V 工作温度范围:-40℃至+125℃通过汽车应用认证(AD8656)应用ADC 和DAC 缓冲器音频工业控制精密滤波器数字秤汽车防撞PLL 滤波器概述AD8655/AD8656是精密CMOS 放大器。
华硕P4SD_865主板实物图 接线图 参数规格
该主板是华硕出品,为HP 品牌机D530机型中所使用主板,865G ,型号P4SD 的商业版.普通BIOS 版本适用装机,升级进系统超快,完美支持P43.0 P43.2及赛扬D 全系列!HP 原装BIOS 版本适用HP D530备件及维修!购买普通BIOS 版本的朋友请直接拍下,购买HP 原装BIOS 版本的请拍下后注明!华硕P4SD参数规格主板芯片集成芯片显卡/声卡/网卡主芯片组Intel 865G芯片厂商Intel芯片组描述ICH5南桥音频芯片ADI AD1981B SoundMAX 6声道音频控制器,支持S/PDIF输出接口图形芯片整合第二代英特尔超级图形处理器Extreme Graphics2网卡芯片英特尔10/100/1000网络控制器CPU规格适用平台IntelCPU_种类奔腾4/赛扬4/赛扬DCPU_描述可支持P4中央处理器达 3.2 GHz+,支持800MHz前端总线CPU_插槽Socket 478支持CPU数 1总线频率800内存规格内存类型DDR内存描述双通道内存,4个184针DIMM插槽支持最大4GB PC3200/PC2700/PC2100 non-ECC DDR SDRAM内存扩展插槽显卡插槽AGP 8XPCI 插槽3个PCIIDE 插槽2个UltraDMA 100/66/33,支持两个串行ATA接口,2个Serial ATAI/O接口USB 接口4个USB 2.0接口PS/2接口 1 PS/2键盘,1 PS/2鼠标并口串口1个并口,1个串口外接端口1组音频I/O,1个RJ45接口,1个VGA接口板型主板板型Micro ATX板型外形尺寸24.3cm*24.3cm软体管理BIOS性能4mb HP D330 BIOS其它参数电源插口一个四针,一个20针电源接口P4SD可支持Northwood和Prescortt核心的P4/Celeron处理器,支持800MHz前端总线双通道DDR400内存规范, Intel Hyper-Threading超线程技术和USB2.0整合Intel Extreme Graphics 2显示芯片1000M BROADCOM网络络芯片和AD1981BJST音频编码解码芯片拥有6个USB2.0接口,其中2个需要扩展3个PCI插槽,具备一定的扩展能力板载1个8X AGP插槽,为以后升级显卡留有余地1个RJ45网络接口,2组双通道(4个单通道)DDR DIMM内存插槽主板芯片组北桥:Intel 865南桥:ICH5音频芯片 AD1981 5.1声道显卡:集成显卡网卡芯片:采用Broadcom BCM5782KFB 千兆网卡内存: 4×DDR400支持双通道扩展插槽:1×AGP 8X 显卡插槽3×PCI 插槽2×IDE 插槽1×FDD 插槽I/O接口:4×USB2.0 接口PS/2接口 PS/2鼠标,PS/2键盘接口外接端口音频接口规格:主板板型 Micro ATX板型电源: 1个4针,1个20针电源接口 4相供电实物图:。
E64系列用户手册v1.4.一.模块介绍 (2)1.1特点简介 (2)1.2电气参数 (3)1.3系列产品 (3)1.4常见问题 (3).二.功能简述 (4)2.1引脚定义 (4)2.2连接单片机 (5)2.3模块复位 (5)2.4AUX详解 (5).三.工作模式 (7)3.1主机模式(模式0) (7)3.2从机发送模式(模式1) (7)3.3从机接收模式(模式2) (7)3.4休眠模式(模式3) (7)3.5快速通信测试 (8).四.指令格式 (8)4.1出厂默认参数 (8)4.2工作参数读取 (9)4.3版本号读取 (9)4.4复位指令 (9)4.5参数设置指令 (9).五.参数配置 (11).六.通信协议 (13)6.1协议概述 (13)6.2协议结构 (13)6.3指令详细实例 (14).七.关于我们 (16).1.1E64系列适用于低功耗一主多从式星形网络。
1.21.3系列产品E64系列1.4常见问题E64系列.模块复位E64系列2.4AUX 详解E64系列AUX 用于模块状态和自检指示。
AUX 有效包含三种情况,模块自检、模块正在与目标设备交互通信和模块即将有数据输出。
1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YVA7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。
致铭 ZM-E65GV-LM Intel 865 系列主机板 说明书
ZM-E65GV-LM Intel865系列主机板V1.12006.2.28致铭产品网站:集团官方网站:致铭客户邮箱:E-mail:*****************致铭技术热线:*************致铭主机板用户手册CTHIM MAINBOARD USER’S MANUAL版权保护声明本手册为致铭科技股份有限公司的专用用户手册,我们非常小心的核对整理,但我们对于本手册的内容不保证完全正确。
WARNINGNever run the processor without the heatsink properly and firmly attached.PERMANENT DAMAGE WILLRESUL T!警告将散热器牢固地安装到处理器上之前,不要运行处理器,过热将永远损坏处理器!商标声明所有的品牌,产品,徽标,商标和公司名称都是属于商标或注册商标各自的拥有者。
A ward ®是Phoenix Technologies Ltd 的注册商标。
Intel ®和Pentium ®是Intel 有限公司的注册商标。
Netware ®是Novell,Inc 的注册商标。
PS/2和OS/2是International Business Machines 有限公司的注册商标。
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0.5mmx1 10T –Second clockwise Triple Insulation wire
8 Oct 2009
Differential Mode Inductor L1,L2__120Vac
Ferrite core size : AxB 10x12mm Wire gauge: 0.18mm, 400 Turns Inductance @10kHz, 1V: 5mH +/-20% ICR: 6 OHM +/-20%
Wide dimming range from 2% up to 100% No visible flicker Resonant control to achieve high efficiency High Power Factor, 0.7-0.9 without dimmer Temperature degrade control to adjust the LED Primary-only Sensing eliminates opto-isolator feedback and simplifies design
DIM mode
Leading edge dimmer __ PANASONIC __ 6 LEDs
(V) Max. 90 Min. Max. 120 Min. Max. 135 Min.
20.42 11.63 1.21 20.05 12.10 1.59 20.16 12.11 1.76
Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM
0.25*1*136 Ts
1 7
8 Oct 2009
BOM __Input 120Vac
Ref. U1 CX1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C11 C12 Description iW3610, Digital PWM Controller,Dimmable, SO-8 0.022uF,275V, X2 10nF/500V 1206 22uF, 200V, E-CAP, 105'C 2.2nF, 500V, X7R, SMD1206 NC 22pF,50V, X7R, SMD 0603 4.7nF,50V, X7R, SMD 0603 2.2uF, 16V, X7R, SMD 1206 47uF, 25V, E-CAP, 5X11mm 100uF,35V,E-CAP, 105'C 22nF/500V 1206 22pF,50V, X7R, SMD 0603 Ref. R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 BR1 D3 D5,D6 D7 Z1 FR1 Q1 Q2 Q3 L1 L2 L3 T1 Description 100KΩ±5﹪, SMD-0603 100Ω ±1﹪, SMD-0603 2.7Ω ±1﹪, SMD-1206 2.4Ω ±1﹪, SMD-1206 NTC 47K Ω ±5﹪, SMD-0805 10Ω ±5﹪, SMD-0805 27K Ω ±1﹪, SMD-0805 3KΩ ±1﹪, SMD-0603 100KΩ ±5﹪, SMD-1206 DB107S, SMD ES1J, SMD 1N4148 0.1A/100V, SMD SR5200 Zener, 15V, SMD T2A 250V 4N60,TO-220F 2N60, TO-251 F501, N-Depletion, 500V, SOT-23 5mH, Drum choke, 10X12mm, 2.5mH, EE10, PQ2016, Transformer
Leading edge dimmer _TOSHIBA NWD9501 _6 LEDs
DIM Level
Pin (W)
LED Voltage (V) 21.54 20.22 16.76 21.37 20.18 17.00 21.36 20.15 16.91
LED current (mA) 715 414 25 710 417 32 708 416 32
8 Oct 2009
Constant Current and Efficiency __No Dimmer (AC input 90-135Vac, Output 6 LEDs 700mA)
Vin # of LEDs (V) 90 100 6LEDs 110 120 135 18.64 18.12 17.70 21.54 21.25 21.23 0.712 0.711 0.709 72 72 72 82.28% 83.38% 85.04% 0.71 0.71 0.65 Pin (W) 19.41 19.08 Vout (V) 21.51 21.55 Iout (A) 0.715 0.714 Ripple (m A) 72 72 79.24% 80.64% 0.68 0.67 efficiency PF
Dimmable LED Driver with iW3610
(Input 120Vac Output 21V700mA)
Design Purpose and Feature
Isolated ac-dc offline , Input 120Vac, Output 6 LEDs 700mA Intelligent wall dimmer detections
Input waveform after bridge _Max.level
Green: Output Current
Green: Output Current
Input waveform after bridge rectifier_Min.level
Input waveform after bridge _Min.level
8 Oct 2009
Schematics _Nominal Input at 120Vac_21V700mA
T2A 250V
8 Oct 2009
PCB Layout
AC Input
DC output To LED
8 Oct 2009
Transformer Design_21V700mA__120V
Leading-edge dimmer , Trailing-edge dimmer , No-dimmer
Multiple dimming control scheme
Hybrid dimming scheme PWM dimming scheme,900Hz Amplitude dimming scheme
Pout (W) 15.40 8.37 0.42 15.17 8.42 0.54 15.12 8.38 0.54
Eff (%) 75.4% 72.0% 34.6% 75.7% 69.5% 34.2% 75.0% 69.2% 30.7%
ripple current ( mA) 80 48 0 80 48 0 80 48 0
D1,D2,D4 RS1M, SMD
R1, R2 4.7KΩ ±5﹪, SMD-0805 R3 150KΩ,±5﹪, SMD-1206 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8,R9 R10 R11 130KΩ,±5﹪, SMD-1206 220Ω,±5﹪, 2W, Metal film 47Ω 1W, carbin film 100KΩ±5﹪, SMD-0805 68KΩ,±5﹪, SMD-1206 330KΩ,±5﹪, SMD-1206 10Ω±5﹪, SMD-0603
8 Oct 2009
Constant Current and Efficiency_ with dimmer
Vin (V) Max. DIM Level Pin (W) 19.66 11.16 Min. Max. 120 Min. Max. 135 Min. 1.30 18.56 11.80 1.31 18.30 11.32 2.25 LED Voltage (V) 21.44 20.23 16.71 21.54 20.33 16.73 21.52 20.38 17.46 LED current (mA) 715 406 25 710 431 25 708 415 54 Pout (W) 15.33 8.21 0.42 15.29 8.76 0.42 15.24 8.46 0.94 Eff (%) 78.0% 73.6% 32.1% 82.4% 74.3% 31.9% 83.3% 74.7% 41.9% ripple current ( mA) 80 48 0 80 48 0 80 48 0 Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM Amp. Amp. Amp.&PWM DIM mode PF
SCHEMATIC 1 Primary 54T 3 5 Bias 13T 6 6(F)
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Primary Inductance (Lp) = 750uH @10KHz 2. Primary Leakage Inductance (Lk)≤ 20uH@10KHz MATERIALS: 1. Core : PQ2016 (Ferrite Material TDK PC40 or equivalent) 2. Bobbin : PQ2016 3. Magnet Wires : Type 2-UEW 4. Layer Insulation Tape :3M1298 or equivalent.