Strategic concepts
Strategic Management战略管理学09讲解
Test your own assumptions about the case
Financial Ratio Analysis Techniques
Writing down a problem statement gives you a reference point when you proceed through case analysis
Some problems are not apparent until after you do the analysis
onducting a Strategic Management Case Analysis
Step 3: Conduct strategic analyses
Determine which strategic issues are involved Use strategic tools to conduct the analysis
How to Conduct a Case Analysis
Put yourself “inside” the case
Think like an actual participant
Strategic decision maker Board of directors Outside consultant
Envision explanation that might not readily be apparent Imagine different scenarios Contemplate the outcome of a decision Deal with uncertainty and incomplete knowledge
1. Nature of Competition: Basic concepts
竞争力的特性: 基本概念
■ Competitive Advantage (CA) 竞争优势(CA)
■ Implemented strategy that competitors are unable to duplicate or find too costly to imitate
■ Strategic Management Process (SMP)战略管理过程(SMP)
■ Full set of commitments, decisions and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above average returns
3. 21st Century Competitive Landscape
3.2.2 Technology and Technology Changes (Cont’d)
1) Technology diffusion技术扩散
■ Perpetual innovation: describes how new informationintensive technologies are replacing older forms持续创新 容信息密集型的新技术如何快速和有效地替代旧技术
■ Speed to market may be primary competitive advantage进入 市场的速度几乎成为最主要的竞争优势
Strategic ManagementCompetitiveness and globalization:Concepts & CasesThird EditionHitt, Ireland, HoskissonChapter I Strategic Management and Strategic CompetitivenessChapter 2 The External Environment Opportunities, Threats, IndustryCompetition and Competitor AnalysisChapter 3 The internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities and CoreCompetencies Chapter 4 Business-Level StrategyChapter 5 Competitive DynamicsChapter 6 Corporate Level StrategyChapter 7 Acquisitions and RestructuringChapter 8 International StrategyChapter 9 Cooperative StrategiesChapter 10 Corporate GovernanceChapter 11 Organizational Structure and ControlChapter 12 Strategic LeadershipChapter 13 Corporate Entrepreneurship and innovationCHAPTER 1STRA TEGY & STRA TEGIC COMPETITIVENESSLearning Objectives:1. Understand thel. Define strategic competitiveness, competitive advantage and above-average returns.2. Discuss the challenge of strategicmanagement.3. Describe the new competitive landscape and how it is being shaped by global and technological changes.4. Use theindustrial organization (I/O) model to explain bow firms can earn above-average returns.5. Use the resources based model to explain how firms can earn above average-returns.6. Describe strategic intent and strategicmission and discuss their value to the strategic management process.7. Define stakeholders and describe the three primary stakeholder groups' ability to influence organizations.8. Describe the work of strategists.9. Explain the strategic management process.Chapter Outlines1. Strategy and Strategic Management2.The Challenge of Strategic Management:●The global economy and globalization,●Technological change and diffusion,The information age and increasing knowledge intensity3. The I/O Model of Above-Average Returns4.The Resource-based Model of Above-Average Returns5.Strategic Intent and Strategic Mission6.Stakeholdersanizational Strategists8.Review QuestionsTeaching Focus: It may be very good to begin this lecture with a general comment thatChapter I provides an overview ofthe strategic management process. In this Chapter, theAuthors introduces a numberof terms and models that students will study in more detail in Chapters 2 through 13. Stress the importance of students paying careful attention to theconcepts introduced in this Chapter so that they are well grounded in the strategicmanagement concept before proceeding further.This Chapter's Opening Case discusses the changes taking place in the telecommunications industry and the effects of these changes on the industry's competitive landscape.Opening Case A New World Order in the Telecommunications industryThe Federal Communications Commission voted to allow foreign companies increased accessto the U.S. market.A World Trade Organization Agreement saw 69 countries agree to open theirTelecommunications markets.Countries of the European Union are deregulating their telecommunications markets andpreviously protected franchises are now open to foreign and domestic competition.Emerging markets such as China present significant opportunities to telecommunications firmsfrom around the world.The ability of firms to compete successfully in this new competitive landscape, will bedetermined by their abilities to marshal (meaning: control and organize) vast amounts of resources. As an example, in 1996, therequired investment in the global telecommunicationsinfrastructure was $ 160 billion, an amountthat seems small compared to the $ 1 trillion opportunity in China alone. And vast investmentsalso will be required to maintain competitive technological parity throughout Europe and Asia aswell as in the U.S.As implied by the Chapter title---strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness---and illustrated by the discussion of changes taking place in the telecommunications industry, the primary purpose ofthe strategic management process is to enable firms to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. An in-depth discussion of international (global) strategies will be found in Chapter 8.Definitions:strategyStrategic competitiveness is achieved when a firm successfully formulates and implements a value-creating strategy. By implementing a value-creating strategy that current and potentialcompetitors are not simultaneously implementing and that competitors are unable to duplicate the benefits of, a firm achieves a sustained or sustainable competitive advantage.Above average returns represent returns that exceed returns that investors expect to earn from other investments with similar levels of risk (investor uncertainty about theeconomic gains or losses that will result from a particular investment). In other words, above average-returns exceed investors' expected levels of return for given levels of risk.. So long as a firm can sustain (or maintain) a competitive advantage, investors will earn above-average returns.Teaching suggestion: Point out that, in the long run, firms must earn at least average returnsand provide investors with average returns ifthey are to survive. If a firm earns belowaverage returns and provides investors with below-average returns, investors will withdraw their funds and place them in investments that earn at least average returns.Strategic Management Process is a framework that can assist firms in their quest for strategic competitiveness, it is the full set of commitments, decisions and actions required fora firm to systematically achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns-This process is illustrated in Figure 1-1 .The dynamic nature ofthe strategic management process is indicated by feedback linkages among the three primary elements: strategic inputs, strategic actions and strategic outcomes.Strategic inputs, in the form of information gained by scrutinizing the internal environment and scanning the external environment are used to develop the firm's strategic intent andstrategic mission.Strategic actions are guided by the firm’s strategic intent and strategic mission, and are represented by strategies that are formulated or developed and subsequently implemented or put into action.Strategic outcome is the result of a firm’s strate gy implemented. A desired strategic outcome---strategic competitiveness and above-average returns---result when a firm is able to successfully formulate and implement value-creating strategies that others are unable to duplicate.Feedback links the elements ofthe strategic management process together and helps firms continuously adjust or revise strategic inputs and strategic actions in order to achieve desired strategic outcomes.This Chapter also will discuss two approaches to the strategic management process. The first,the industrial organization model, suggests that the external environment should be considered asthe primary determinant of a firm's strategic actions. The second is the resource-based model, which perceives the firm’s resources and capabilities (the internalenvironment) as critical linksto strategic competitiveness. Following the discussion in this Chapter, as well as in Chapters 2and 3, students should see that these models must be integrated to achieve strategicCompetitiveness.THE CHALLENGE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTAs noted in earlier comments, all firms--and managers--are challenged to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns. And, the challenge can be formidable. A primary challenge facing managers today is the need to recognize--as illustrated by the comments on such firms as IBM, Union Pacific, Honda and The Limited--that the strategic management process and the striving for strategic competitiveness takes place in a dynamic global economy. As a result of this ongoing struggle, success today does not necessarily equate with success tomorrow.Honda has had to make major changes to survive in the global automobile market. In its attempt to make its flagship Accord more sporty, it found that the car was too small to satisfy the expectations and not sporty enough to satisfy Japanese buyers. As a result, it has designed the Accord around a ``world car'' design with alterations to meet different market expectations. Its U.S. Accord is now larger, the Japanese model is smaller and contains more ofthe high-technology features desired by Japanese buyers and a smaller European version has been introduced.TABLEI-1 Top Ten Wealth CreatorsAs shown in Table 1-1, Coca-Cola and General Electric continue to lead the least of wealth creators forthe second consecutive years they have created more wealth (measured by market value added) than other U.S. firms. However, The balance ofthe listing indicates the shifting nature of success for the other firms.Since 1992, Microsoft has improved from number 14 to number three on the list.Intel has leaped from number 74 in 1992 to the number four position in 1997.While the other changes in the list have not been as dramatic as those reported for Microsoft and Intel, students should recognize that the dynamics ofthe new competitive landscape have resulted in a shuffling ofpositions for the other firms on the list.The transient nature of strategic competitiveness is pointed out even more clearly when one Realize that only 2 of the 25 largest U.S. industrial corporations in 1900 remain competitive in the 1990s and that four members of 1997's top ten were not among the top ten in 1992.It also should be noted that firms in the global telecommunications industry--including AT&T, Nippon Telephone & Telegraph and WorldCom must be prepared to compete differently than they have in the past ifthey hope to achieve long-term strategic competitiveness. One key to success will be which firms' strategies will represent the best fit between the demands ofthe external environment and the resources and capabilities in their respective internal environments.THE NEW COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPEThis new competitive landscape can be described as one in which the fundamental nature of competition is changing in a number ofthe world's industries. And, the boundaries ofindustriesare becoming blurred and more difficult to define.Consider changes that have taken place in the entertainment and communications industries: Traditional broadcast networks--ABC, NBC and CBS--now must compete with cable networks such as ESPN, A&E, HBO and Showtime as well as with cable systems.Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (owner ofthe Fox Network) formed a strategic alliance with Tele-Communications Inc (the largest U.S. cable system) to develop a venture that is intendedto control a global web of sports TV networks.Disney's 1996 purchase of Cap Cities/ABC has resulted in a media network that includes a broadcast network (ABC), a cable station (The Disney Channel) as well as motion picture production and distribution, newspapers, magazines and theme parks.Innovative companies such as AT&T, Sony and Microsoft have indicated that they areinterested in participating in this new entertainment-communications industry.The new competitive landscape thus implies that traditional sources of competitive advantage---economies of scale and large advertising budgets---may not as important in the future as they were in the past. The rapid and unpredictable technological change that characterizes this new competitive landscape implies that managers must adopt new ways of thinking. The new competitive mind set must value flexibility, speed, innovation and integration.A term often used to describe the new realities ofcompetition is hypercompetition, a conditionthat results from the dynamics of strategic moves and countermoves among innovative, global firms: a condition ofrapidly escalating competition that is based on price-quality positioning. battles to achieve first-mover advantage and battles to protect or to invade established product or geographic markets (that will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5).Teaching suggestion; Two primary drivers ofthe new competitive landscape are illustrated in Figure 1-2The New Competitive Landscape1. Technology and technological change●Technology is changing rapidlyTechnology diffuses rapidly, not only across company boundaries but also across national borders.Information technology is changing both rapidly and dramatically.●Knowledge is becoming increasingly important2. The global economyPeople, goods, services and ideas move freely across geographic bordersSignificant opportunities emerge in multiple global marketsMarkets and industries are becoming more internalizedThe Global EconomyA global economy is one in which goods, services, people, skills and ideas move freely across geographic borders.Also, globalization is referred to as the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalization has two main components: the globalization of markets and the globalization of production.The Globalization of MarketsThe globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace.The tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations are beginning to converge on some global norm, thereby helping to create a global market. The global acceptance of consumer products such as Citicorp credit cards, Coca-Cola, Levi's jeans, Sony Walkmans, Nintendo game players, and McDonald's hamburgers are all frequently held up as prototypical examples of this trend.The expansion of some huge firms creates a global market. Firms such as Citicorp, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and Levi Strauss are more than just benefactors of this trend; they are also instrumental in facilitating it. By offering a standardized product worldwide, they are helping to create a global market.Markets for industrial goods and materials that serve a universal need the world over such as aluminum, oil, and wheat, the markets for industrial products such as microprocessors, DRAMs (computer memory chips), and commercial jet aircraft; and the markets for financial assets from US Treasury Bills to eurobonds and futures have become global markets. Markets for consumer products are still often to act as a brake on globalization because of the national differences in tastes and preferences.diversity is replaced by greater uniformity, because s ome firms, especially some multinational companies bring with them many of the assets that have served them well in other national markets--including their products, operating strategies, marketing strategies, and brand names-creating a certain degree of homogeneity across markets. Thus, diversity is replaced by greater uniformity.As rivals follow rivals around the world, these multinational enterprises emerge as an important driver of the convergence of different national markets into a single, and increasingly homogenous, global marketplace.Due to such developments, in an increasing number of industries it is no longer meaningful to talk about "the German market," "the American market," "the Brazilian market," or "the Japanese market"; for many firms there is only the global market.The emergence of this global economy results in a number of challenges and opportunities.For instance, many now consider Europe to be the world's largest single market (despite the difficulties of adapting to multiple national cultures and the lack of a single currency).Including the nations that make up the former Soviet Union and the rest of the Eastem bloc, the European economy has a gross domestic product (GDP) of $ 5 trillion with 700 millionpotential customer. In addition, China is seen as an emerging giant that is expected to have a higher GDP (but a lower per capita output) than Japan by 2015 or sooner.In the eyes of many observers, the U.S., Europe and Japan are relatively equal contenders in the race to be the most competitive nation or economic bloc in the 21st century. And, exports are becoming an even more important segment of the economy, especially in the U.S., as indicatedby the following:●42% ofU.S. economic growth was based on exportsExports and imports accounted for approximately 28% of U.S. gross domestic product in1997, up from 21% in 1991The competitive advantage in global technology is expected to drive continued export growth for U.Sfirms into the 21st centuryWhile large firms may commit resources to global markets more quickly than small and mid-size firms, in 1995, over one-half (50%) of U.S. midsize companies were competing inmarkets outsideof the U.S.U.S. firms are successfully penetrating Japan's high-tech, automobile, consumer goods and retailing marketsIn 1995, U.S. exports increased 12 % over 1994, exceeding $800 billionExports are expected to reach the $1trillion level by 1998The largest share of U.S. exports currently go to Europe, Canada and JapanThe fastest growth in demand for U.S. goods and services is projected to be in Asian markets (excluding Japan); from 1996 to 2000, expected annual growth is 12 %.The March of GlobalizationGlobalization is the spread (or diffusion) ofeconomic innovations around the world and the political and cultural adjustments that accompany this diffusion.In essence, globalization seems to have gathered a momentum of its own because of increased levels ofinterdependence among industrialized nations●the needs ofdeveloping countriesthe continuing disintegration or dropping oftrade barriersintensified international integration ofmultiple national opportunitiesfinancial capital may be exported between national marketsmanufacturing equipment purchased in a third nation may be installed in plantsaround the worldraw materials may be sourced from a variety ofnational markets, imported into stillother national markets for production and then finished products exported all over theglobe.The internationalization or globalization ofmarkets and industries often makes itimpractical to classify many firms as purely domestic or foreign. Consider Honda, a majorplayer in the global automobile industry, which recently.●employed some 14,300 people in the U.S,sold 660,000 units in the U.S. (73% were produced in the U.S.)used 75% U.S. content in the cars manufactured in the U.S.purchased $2.9 billion of parts from U.S. supplierspaid $2 1/2 billion in federal income taxesinvested $3 billion on a U.S. research and development centerexported 40,000 cars made in the U.S. to other national markets, including JapanTeaching suggestion; The following Strategic Focus can be used to discuss thedynamics of globalization and the challenges presented to firms.Strategic FocusThe March of Globalization Wal-Mart, China and BeyondWith its recent moves, Wal-Mart is extending its reach beyond its dominant position in U.S. retailing, by exporting its formula for success into global markets..Wal-Mart has purchased Cifra SA, its former joint venture partner in Mexico for $I .2 billion It has expanded its traditional intemational focus beyond Canada and Mexico by opening superstores in Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia and ChinaBut, Wal-Mart is not the only firm that is following the march toward globalization.Motorola has invested $2 billion to develop a fabrication plant in ChinaEnron has entered into a joint venture with Singapore Power to develop power projectsthroughout AsiaCitgo, the largest gasoline retailer in the U.S., is owned by Petroleum de Venezuela.While globalization seems an attractive strategy for competing in the new coinpetitive landscape, there are risks as well. These include such factors as:Building the firm's ability to successfully manage operations in multiple foreignmarketsThe difficulties may accompany venturing into too many international marketstoo quicklyNote; Indicate that the risks that often accompany internationalization andstrategies for minimizing their impact on firms will be discussed in more detail inChapter 8.Because of its economic benefits, it is likely that the trend toward further globalization ofindustries will be unstoppable. For example, using the Europe-U.S.-Japan Triad as an example, free trade is expected to positively impact the Triad with a5 to 10% increase in annual economic outputs ofmanufactured goods and a15 to 20% additional increase in economic outputs from free trade in servicesThis potential for continued economic growth means that all industrialized nations must continue to seek the expansion of agreements--such as the European Union, NAFTA andGAAT--that will eliminate national laws that impede free trade among all nations.As a result of the new competitive landscape, firms of all sizes must re-think how theycan achieve strategic competitiveness by positioning themselves to ask questions from amore global perspective to enable them to (at least) meet or exceed global standards:●Where should value-adding activities be performed?Where are the most cost-effective markets for new capital?Can products designed in one market be successfully adapted for sale in othermarkets?How can we develop cooperative relationships or joint ventures with other firms thatwill enable us to capitalize on international growth opportunities?Companies of all sizes and in all industries will continue to feel continuing pressurefrom globalization, especially as Asian markets continue to develop outside of Japan. And the continuing increase of globalization and the spread of information technology will likely enable other countries to develop their industrial bases as well.As a result of globalization and the spread of information technology, competition willbecome more intense. For example,Customers--even domestic customers--will continue to expect high levels of productquality at competitive pricesGlobal competition will continue to pressure companies to shorten productDevelopment--introduction time framesStrategically competitive companies successfully leverage insights learned both indomestic and global markets, modifying them as necessaryBefore a company can hope to achieve any measure of success in global markets, itmust be strategically competitive in its domestic marketTechnology and Technological ChangeThree technological trends and conditions are significant altering the nature ofcompetition:increasing rate oftechnological change and diffesion●the information age●increasing knowledge intensityIncreasing Rate of Technological Change and DiffusionBoth the rate of change and the introduction of new technologies have increased significant over the last 20 years.A term that is used to describe rapid and consistent replacement of current technologies bynew, information-intensive technologies is perpetual innovation.This implies that innovation--to be discussed in more detail in Chapter 1 3--must becontinuous and carry a high priority for all organizations.The shorter product life cycles that result from rapid diffusion of innovation oftenmay mean that products will become indistinguishable from each other, placing acompetitive premiumon a firm's ability to rapidly introduce new products into themarketplace. In fact, speed-to-market may become the sole source of competitive advantage.The Information AgeChanges in information technology have made rapid access to information available to firms all over the world, regardless of size. Consider how the increase in the numberof relatively inexpensive personal computers (PCs), their linkage throughcomputer networks, cellular phones and the ability to access massive data bases havecombined to increase the speed and diffusion of information and information technologies as well as to turn the ability to access and use information into apotential source of competitive advantage:rapid flow of information and the more efficient management of increased information sharing capability using electronic or e-mailincrease in the number and power (or capability) ofPCs. information-carrying infrastructure available to firms world-wide through theInternet and World Wide Webcompanies being wired to link themselves to customers, employees, vendors andsuppliers around the globetrade conducted on the Internet is expected to increase dramatically from $7.8billion in1997 to $ 105 billion by 2000The continued rapid introduction and diffusion of new information technologies alsomay have interesting implications for firms such as America Online (AOL), as theybattle to both understand and create users' future information access and use needs.To better position itself, AOL acquired its largest competitor, CompuServe, throughan agreement with WorldCom. As a result, AOL has increased its revenues almost 40-fold, from $53 million in 1993 to $2 billion in 1997.Increasing Knowledge intensity.It is becoming increasingly apparent that knowledge--information, intelligence andexpertise--may not only be a critical organizational resource, but may be a source ofcompetitive advantage. As a result:Organizations must improve their ability to transform the accumulatedknowledge of employees into a firm assetShareholder value can be positively impacted by the value of a firm’s intangibleassets, such as knowledge (Note; Intangible assets will be discussed more fully in Chapter 3.)This means that, to achieve competitive advantage in the new, information-intensivecompetitive landscape, firms must move beyond accessing information to exploitinginformation by:●Capturing intelligence●Transforming intelligence into usable knowledge●Embedding it as organizational learning●Diffusing it rapidly throughout the organizationThe implication of this discussion is that, to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns, firms must develop the ability to adapt rapidly to change or achieve strategic flexibility.Strategic flexibility represents the set of capabilities---in all areas of their operations ---that firms use to respond to the various demands and opportunities that are found in dynamic, uncertain environments. This implies that firms must develop certain capabilities, including Organizational slacks which affords firms with the ability to respond to environmentalchanges.The capacity to learn continuously, which provide the firm with new skill-sets.Teaching suggestion;Use the text' s example of Coca-Cola's development of aneffective distribution system and the establishment of anchor bottlers--in their globalbottling network--to build the resources and expertise necessary that enable Coca-Cola to enable the strategic flexibility that will enable them to take advantage ofopportunities across a broad range of global markets.Two models describing key strategic inputs to a firm's strategic actions are nextdiscussed: the Industrial Organization (or externally-focused) model and the Resource-based (or internally-focused) model.THE I/O MODEL OF ABOVE ARAGE RETURNSTeaching suggestion; The recommended teaching strategy for this section is to first discuss the assumptionsunderlying the I/O model. Then, use Figure 1-3 to introduce linkages in the I/O model and provide the background for an expanded discussion of the model in Chapter 2.The I/O or Industrial Organization model adopts an external perspective to explain that forcesoutside of the organization represent the dominant influences on a firm’s strategic actions. Inother words, this model presumes that the characteristics of and conditions present in the external environment determine the appropriateness of strategies that are formulated and implemented inorder for a firm to earn above-average returns.The I/O model is based on the following four assumptions:The external environment--the general, industry and competitive environments--imposes pressures and constraints on firms and determines strategies that will result in superior returns.In other words, the externalenvironment pressures the firm to adopt strategies to meet that pressures while simultaneously constraining or limiting the scope of strategies that might be。
Strategic Management Concepts and Cases战略管理概念与案例
21st Century Competitive Landscap
■ Introduction: The Competitive Landscape (CL)
■ Pace of change i s rapid ■ P a r t n e r s h i p s c r e a t e d by mergers &a c q u i s i t i o n s (M& ■ Other CL c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : Economies of s c a l e ,
· Destroy value of existing technology · Create new markets
21st Century Competitive Landscape
■ Technology and Technology Changes (Cont’d)
■ 1 . Technology d i f f u si o n &d i s r u p t i v e technologie ■ 2 . The information age ■ 3 . Increasing knowledge i n t e n s i t y
Chapter 1 : S t r a t e g i c Management and Strategic Competitiventent areas
■ Nature of Competition ■ The 21st Century Competitive Landscape ■ I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (AAR) ■ Resource-Based Model of AAR ■ Stra te gic Vision and Mission ■ Stakeholders ■ Strategic Leaders ■ The S t r a t e g i c Management Process
执行计划 领导指导, 职能部 门组织 资源分配 战略与战术计划
具体操作的详细 结构 意向 创新 具体执行 严格执行 方案数 多个(2 个以上) 有 限 ( 少 于 战 略 计 强调唯一性 划) 可靠性 纲领性、指导性 较大 大 周期 5—15 年 2—5 年 1年 信息 外部环境、用户,定 内 部 资 料 , 定 性 资 经营指标、 各项指 情报 性分析和定量分析 料,定量资料 标的定量分解
Market Strategy
Product Strategy
R&D Strategy
Personal Resource Strategy
Focuses on how managers formulate and implement, and evaluate strategies aimed at developing and maintaining competitive
Four aspects that set strategic management apart:
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Interdisciplinary External focus Internal focus Future directions
―Big picture‖ view of an organization influenced by its external environment
名词解释:1、Strategy: An integrated and coordinated set of commitments & actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage.2、Strategic Management: Strategic Management is the process through which organizations analyze and learn from their internal and external environments, establish strategic direction, create strategies that are intended to help achieve established goals, and execute those strategies, all in an effort to satisfy key organizational stakeholders.3、Strategic Management consists of the analysis, decisions and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.4、The strategic management process includes the activities of internal and external analysis, establishment of strategic direction, development of strategies for the corporate and business levels of the organization, development and execution of an implementation plan, and the establishment of strategic controls.5、Vertical integration: The term is used to describe the extent to which a firm is involved in several stages of the industry supply chain.6、Horizontal integration: The process of acquiring or merging with industry competitors to achieve the competitive advantages that arise from a large size and scope of operations.7、Diversification strategy describes the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes.8、Related diversification implies organizational involvement in activities that are somehow related to the dominant or “core” business of the organization, often through common markets or similar technologies.9、Unrelated diversification does not depend on any pattern of relatedness. Unrelated diversification has lower profitability and higher risks than those pursuing other corporate-level strategies such as concentration or related diversification.10、Organizational fit: When two organizations or business units are merged or acquisition happened, and the organizational management processes, cultures, system, and structures are matching(similar), this is organizational fit.11、Marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is the plan for investing marketing efforts and resources (advertising, branding, distribution, etc.)to achieve business goals.To support growth strategiesTo support a stability or retrenchment strategy12、Economies of scale: Economies of scale refers to the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion. There are factors that cause a producer’s average cost per unit to fall as the scale of output is increased. "Economies of scale" is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.(1)Economies of scale. Unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of output •Larger production runs•Larger facilities•Allocating fixed costs(2)Diseconomies of scale. Unit cost increases associated with a large scale of output•Increased bureaucracy associated with large-scale enterprises•Resulting managerial inefficiencies13、True economies of scale are cost advantages associated with large-sized facilities rather than with increased volume through an existing facility.14、Life cycle of an industry: Refers to the stages of Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline, portrays how salesvolume for a product or an entire industry changes over its lifetime and helps to understand the dynamic nature of strategy.15、So-called product life cycle: Refers to the product from entering the market ,the market cycle, until final out of the market experience.简答论述:一、潜在竞争者出现面临的障碍都有哪些障碍并举例(Potential competitors∕Entry Barriers P31)Potential competitors∕Entry Barriers: Forces that keep new entrants out, providing a level of protection for existing competitors, are called entry barriers.Examples of entry barriers commonly found in many industries include the following:1、Economies of scale, which occur when it is more efficient to produce a product in a large facility at higher volume.2、Large capital requirements,also known as start-up costs ,can prevent a small competitor from entering an industry.3、High levels of products differentiation ,which means that some firms enjoy a loyal customer base, making it harder for a new firm to draw away customers.4、High switching costs ,applying not only to suppliers, can be used to preserve established firms in an industry.5、Limited access to distribution channels,which may prevent new companies from getting their products to market.6、Government policies and regulations that limit entry into industry,effectively preventing new competition.7、Existing firm procession of resources that are difficult to duplicate in the short term. Such as patents, favorable locations, proprietary product technology, government subsidies, or access to scarce raw materials.(Cost disadvantages independent of scale)8、A past history of aggressive retaliation by industry competitors toward new entrants.(Threat of new entries)二、什么样资源、能力能使企业形成持续核心竞争力?(Sustainable competitive advantage P46 )Internal resources and capabilities fall into five: human, physical, financial, knowledge, and organizational.In general, capabilities and resource become strengths with the potential to create a competitive advantage if two conditions are met.1.The resource or capabilities are value.2.The resource or capabilities are unique.In addition, a unique and valuable resources or capability actually becomes a competitive advantage if the following additional conditions are met:1.The organization is suited to exploitation of the resourceor capability.2.T he firm’s managers are aware of the potential of theresource or capability to lead to a competitive advantageand have taken steps to realize the advantage.Finally, a resource or capability can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage if two additional conditions are met:1.The resource or capabilities are difficult or expensive to imitate.2.No readily available substitutes exist.三、企业的社会责任感的概念以及包含哪些重点内容?(Social responsibility P15上课补充的)Social responsibility:the expectation that businesses or individuals will strive to improve the overall welfare of society.1、Economic responsibility. Such as the obligation to beproductive and profitable and meet the consumer needs of society.2、Legal responsibility.To achieve economic goals withinthe confines of established laws.3、Moral obligations. To abide by unwritten codes, norms,and values implicitly derived from society.4、Discretionary responsibility. Volitional or philanthropicin nature.四、怎么实现低成本战略?How to Realize the Low-costStrategy (Cost leadership P95)Low-cost leadership allows a firm to compete by lowering prices when needed without becoming unprofitable.Firms pursuing a low-cost strategy will typically employ one or more of the following factors to create their low-cost position:1.High capacity utilization.When customer demand is highand the firm’s capacity is full utilized, fixed costs are spread over more units, lowering unit cost.2.Economic of scale. True economies of scale are costadvantages associated with large-sized facilities rather than with increased volume through an existing facility.3.Technological panies making investments incost-saving technologies are often trading an increase in fixed costs for a reduction in variable costs.4.Learning/experience effects.The learning curve effect saysthat the time required to complete a task will decrease as a predictable function of the number of times the task is repeated.Experience effects are the same thing as learning effects but relate to indirect labor as well as direct production labor.五、功能性(职能)战略的概念,发展比较好应具备什么特点?(Functional strategies P137)Functional strategies: Functional strategies are the plans for matching those skills, resources, and capabilities to the business and corporate strategies of the organization.The well-developed Functional strategies should have the following Characters:1.Decisions made within each function will be consistent with each other.2.Decisions made within one function will be consistent with those in other functions.3.Decisions made within functions will be consistent with the strategies of the business.六、改善组织学习质量、提高组织学习数量,控制系统应该具备什么特征?(To enhance the quality of organizational learning ,these control systems should have the following characters )a) Information generated by the control system should be an important and recurring item to be addressed by the highest levels of management.b) The control process should also be given frequent and regular attention from operating managers at all levels of the organization.c) Data from the system should be interpreted and discussed inface-to-face meeting among superiors and subordinates.d) The success of the control process relies on the continual challenge and debate of underlying data, assumptions, and strategies.小论文:多元化战略,结合实际认识,优缺点,对企业发展的影响。
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Strategic Managem。
目录战略 (2)企业战略 (2)战略管理 (4)营销战略 (5)营销战略管理 (8)战略战略(Strategy / Strategic)解释一:指导战争全局的计划和策略。
Organizing Themes
• Global considerations impact virtually all strategic decisions.
• E-commerce has become a vital strategic management tool.
• The natural environment has become an important strategic issue.
▪ Widely viewed as panacea for problems
Brief History
• 1980s
➢ Strategic planning cast aside
▪ Planning models did not yield higher returns
• 1990s–2000
➢ Revival of strategic planning
• Strategic planning
➢Refers to:
▪ Strategy formulation
Brief History
• 1950s
➢ Term strategic planning originates
1960s – 1970s ➢ Strategic planning very popular
1. Strategists 2. Vision statements 3. Mission statements 4. External opportunities and threats 5. Internal strengths and weaknesses
Key Strategic Management Terms (Cont’d)
Consonance 调和性 Feasibility 可行性 Advantage 有利性
孙慧教授 主讲
第九章 战略评价与控制
Ch9 -15
Strategy Review, Evaluation, & Control战略回顾、评价与控制 评价与控制
Ch9 -6
Strategy Evaluation战略评价 战略评价
战略评价必须努力使管理者以最简洁的方式 修正计划,并在变化面前迅速达成共识 并在变化面前迅速达成共识。
复杂的控制不能发挥作用,只能添乱。因为 复杂的控制不能发挥作用 它将人们的注意力从控制的内容错误地导向 了控制的机制和方法。 了控制的机制和方法
孙慧教授 主讲
第九章 战略评价与控制
Ch9 -12
Strategy Review, Evaluation, & Control战略回顾、评价与控制 评价与控制
Consistency 一致性
Rumelt’s 4 Criteria 鲁梅尔特的四项标准
Consonance 调和性 Feasibility 可行性 Advantage 有利性
孙慧教授 主讲
第九章 战略评价与控制
Ch9 -8
Strategy Review, Evaluation, & Control战略回顾、评价与控制 评价与控制
Strategy Evaluation战略评价 Evaluation战略评价 Vital to the organization’s well well-being战略评价对 企业至关重要 Alert management to potential/actual problems in a timelyy fashion及时评价在局势恶化之前对现 及时评价在局势恶化之前对现 有的问题和潜在问题采取有效措施 Erroneous strategic decisions can have severe negative impact on organizations organizations错误的战略会 给企业带来严重的负面影响
战略管理 Strategy Management
缺口分析与预测:如果以2015年进入世界500强为目标,则 中国海运集团营业收入未来三年的复合增长率需要达到40%
系列1, 1, 220 系列23, 1, 100
系列1, 2, 235.55
系列3, 2, 140.00 系列2, 2, 113.9
系列1, 3, 252.21 系列3, 3, 194.95
• Planning School: The formation of the strategy as a formal planning process.
• Positioning School: Emphasize rational analysis and believe that the strategy is to determine the location of the organization in the market.
项目规划目标:明确宏观经济和行业趋势给中海运 带来的机遇和挑战,以进入世界500强和打造世界一 流航运公司为目标,分阶段确立公司模式创新战略
目 标 年 收 入
亿 美 元
第一阶段 明确战略方向 确定业务发展
第二阶段 经营规模成长 进入世界500强
第三阶段 核心竞争力建立 全球配置资源 世界一流航运公司
如果均以最近十年(2003— 系列23,04,12721.4)7 7.07%的年均复合增长
The Strategic Challenges of E-commerceIntroduction11th Century Europe saw the emergence of credit-based banking systems and financial instruments such as bills of exchange. These concepts remain with us, in their modified form, to this day (Chown, 1994). They underpin all modern forms of commerce. The arrival of information technology (computers and telecommunications) has raised the prospect of radical change to this traditional model.The rise of the Internet (electronic commerce), since the advent of the World Wide Web, has provided an easy to use communication channelfor businesses to contact current and potential customers. The emergence of the Internet as a general communication channel has also given rise to the possibility of widespread electronic commerce. Even though there is still much debate relating to electronic payment for commercial activities, this is clearly an area of growth.It is difficult to say how large the Internet is. Hoffman & Novak (1996) quote a number of surveys (O'Reilly, FIND/SVP, Times Mirror and CommerceNet) which suggest that there are at least 10 million Internet users in the United States alone. The number of computers (hosts) connected to the Internet topped 9.47 million (Network Wizards, 1996) as of January 1996. Note that a single host supports anywhere from a single user to, in some cases, thousands of users.As of March 21, 1996, 24,347 firms were listed in Open Market's (1996) directory of "Commercial Services on the Net," and there were 54,800 entries in the "Companies" directory of the Yahoo Guide to WWW(Yahoo, 1996), with the total number of Web sites doubling approximately every two months. Jim Clarke, the chairman of Netscape, estimated the Internet has 40 million users in 1995 with growth at 8% per month (Clarke, 1995).The Internet is only one aspect of technology. Businesses require information and supporting systems (processes) to handle the data - over time these systems have become computerised (IT). Modern information technology can both support the processes and help capture useful information for the enterprise. These technologies include:1. Organizational support systems, such as workflow and groupware - making businesses more efficient.2. Customer contact databases - helping capture information about customers and facilitate new methods of marketing.3. Electronic payment systems for goods and services - these are emerging, although the majority of payments are still based onrelatively expensive traditional cheque clearance.Collectively and individually, these areas will contribute to major changes in the way a company conducts its business. Enix have coined the term Workware to describe the combination of these technologies.Figure 1 - The emergence of Electronic Commerce will be underpinned by three key componentsHowever, there is still widespread misunderstanding on the value of organisational support technology. A recent survey of 437 large enterprises by research company Xephon (1996) indicated that an astonishing proportion (44%) had no immediate intention of introducing modern information handling systems (Groupware was defined by Xephon as Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise). Of these, 65% said they were unsure what these technologies could deliver. From these statistics, it is clear many organisations are still sceptical about the benefits of technology.The efficient collection, utilisation, handling, storage and dissemination of information is a vital component of corporate success in the modern business world. However, the gathering and use of information must take into account issues of privacy and security. A recent feature in the Financial Times (1996) noted that " … in order to thrive in the 1990s, financial services organisations are as much in the business of managing and manipulating information as managing and making money." Furthermore, the interest shown in topics such as TQM and BPR has demonstrated the importance of processes as a fundamental building block.Inevitably a few savvy organizations in each sector will utiliseall three components to change their market or develop new markets. Those who do not adapt quickly to the new ways of working are likely to be disadvantaged as their strategies become redundant. All businessesshould investigate the implications of these technologies for them and the markets within which they operate.MarketingChampy, Buday and Nohria (1996) argue that the rise of electronic commerce and the changing consumer processes brought about through electronic communities are likely to lead to a new wave of reengineering, mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, organizations may expand into new business areas, taking on roles unforeseen prior to the rise of the Web. For example: a magazine publisher, Cond Naste, has moved into the travel business; Bill Gates is now an electronic real estate agent; and a recruitment advertising agency, Bernard Hodes, has now become an electronic recruitment company.The emergence of electronic commerce will significantly impact what we curr ently call ‘marketing’. Clearly, the appearance of electronic communities (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996) implies that marketing professionals must expand their horizons as the advent of thistechnology will threaten existing channels of business. Those involvedin marketing need to understand the full range of products and services required by the electronic community. They must learn to take advantage of the technology that allows customers to move seamlessly from information gathering to completion of a transaction, interacting with the various providers of products and services as necessary. A number of interesting questions are implied:1. What kind of information is available for collection? Is it appropriate to gather this information and for what should it be used?2. Are information systems equipped to capture customer information and transactions, making it available for later analysis?3. When dealing with electronic communities, do marketing professionals comprehend the differences? One needs to engage the customer as part of the transaction rather than blindly mailing targets.This idea of community has been at the heart of the Internet since its origins as a defence and academic computer network although most communities are still not particularly oriented toward commerce. However, the World Wide Web has changed and broadened the nature of the Internet and the way in which commercial transactions are conducted. The CEO of Kodak is alleged to have remarked that he couldn’t tell if the Kodak Website was a money maker. But he knew it was important because it was the most personal way of selling since door to door salesmen, only now the customers were knocking on Kodak’s door.Armstrong and Hagel propose four types of non-exclusive electronic communities, those: interested in transactions; sharing common interests; indulging in fantasy games; and with a shared life experience. The business opportunity is for those who support and interact with these communities, building customer loyalty on an ongoing basis. Bysatisfying the requirements of relational marketing and transactions, companies may gain important insights into their customers’ nature and needs. For example, a baby products company could entice customers to order items from an associated on-line catalogue by providing bulletin boards for new parents.The desire to establish long-term customer relationships with increasingly sophisticated demands has led companies to seek new ways ofacquiring, managing and utilising customer information (Peters and Fletcher, 1995).Furthermore, advances in information technology have fundamentally altered the channels through which companies and customers maintaintheir relationships. The capacity to obtain and apply customer information within processes has become a key strategic issue. This often places the company in the position of requiring sensitive personal information from customers.Gummesson (1987, 1994, 1995) views marketing as a set of relationships, networks and interactions and lists 30Rs (relationships) in contrast to McCarthy’s (1981) 4Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotion). Gummesson highlights the fact that the electronic relationship is not discussed in the marketing literature even though it is practised widely by many businesses. He links relationship marketing to the imaginary (similar to a virtual or network) organisation. He argues that by increasingly applying IT, more relationships are established. They create a new type of bond to customers and between employees.The electronic relationship extends beyond the bounds of the organisation into the market as seen in the example of airline, hotel and car rental reservation systems. The communities established have a re-enforcing effect. These insights force us to re-examine traditional theories of economics, systems, organisations, marketing, competition and transaction cost analysis. As the boundaries between firms and markets dissolve, a characteristic of relationship marketing and network organisations, a new image of interaction and business is needed.The importance of information exchange in relationship marketing (particularly using an electronic channel) requires a clear understanding and recognition of the potential problems. Privacy is also an issue - what is private changes from one person to another as well as between different cultures. Those who use the Internet are likely to be better educated and less willing to give information, unless they trust the recipient. Companies need to realise that the only reason they hold information on a customer is because they have a relationship with that customer - something which is not transferable. Those using electronic channels to reach customers are likely to target better educated and more affluent customers. They need, therefore, to ensure that their customer information systems are appropriate.An understanding of the trust building process is also required. Firms need to make a feature of their trustworthiness (a unique selling point!). Trust is best developed through processes. Processes tend to be customer facing - within each customer interaction trust is built-up or eroded. Companies must be absolutely clear about the value and intended use of information. Collecting information because it is technically possible (and one day might be useful) is likely to weaken trust development.Hoffman and Novak (1996) assert that the Web heralds an evolutionin marketing concepts. In order for marketing efforts to succeed in this new medium, a new business paradigm is required in which the marketing function is reconstructed to facilitate electronic commerce in the emerging electronic society underlying the Web.The "many or any" communication model of the Web (in fact many instances of many-to-one) turns traditional principles of mass media advertising inside out (a one-to-many model) (Hoffman and Novak, 1994). The application of advertising approaches which assume a passive, captive consumer are redundant on the Web.Surprisingly, as it is currently evolving, there is little activity aimed at including the consumer in the development of emerging media (Dennis & Pease, 1994). In order to adopt a market orientation, firms must understand their customers and engage in consumer research. Potential customers are most effectively engaged through new conversational marketing approaches.Anecdotal evidence suggests there are two types of customers -‘convenience shoppers’ and ‘explorers’ (those street-smart consumers who are happy to surf the Web looking for the best deal or most appropriate product combination). Furthermore, the sheer size of the Web (trillions of documents and growing exponentially) means finding relevant information is becoming more and more difficult - despite the best efforts of search engines such as Yahoo. Our research suggests that the large proportion of Web users would rather rely on an intermediary (community operator) to sift and select information on their behalf. Web sites not endorsed will require knowledge of the address (URL) and are unlikely to be accessed when similar information, products or services are readily available inside the community.Contributing to the rise of intermediaries are associated issues of privacy, trust and security (Schell, 1996). Whilst there is much discussion on the issues of Internet privacy and security, in thecontext of normal business activities, many millions of people trust others with their personal financial information. Examples include ordering over the telephone, passing a credit card to an unknown waiter, even signing direct debit mandates. If an error occurs in these types of transactions we trust the service provider to correct the error. So whyis it that we expect the Internet to support a level of trust andsecurity which we do not observe in everyday life?There is no reason why similar trust relationships cannot be established in electronically mediated discussions. If anything, it becomes easier for an individual (or group of individuals) to seek retribution on those that break the rules within an electronic community. Evidence of this can be found in the tendency to attack those that tryto advertise on academic discussion groups (mail bombs) and community policing against pornographers in the Netherlands.Marketeers must reconstruct their advertising models for the interactive, consumer controlled medium. The traditional customerloyalty ladder (Suspect, Prospect, Customer, Client, Partner, Advocate)is still applicable, but now operates in a different fashion. The first three stages are often instantaneous in electronic commerce. The transition from customer to advocate relies on loyalty earned through trust. The instantaneous nature of the Internet makes this moredifficult.Communicating Across The Value ChainIt should be recognized that processes are not confined within one organization - they cross the value chain as demonstrated by thefollowing example. Steinfield, et al (1995) describe a large,multinational, electrical appliance and consumer electronics manufacturer that used France Telecom’s Telnet sy stem to support EDI-like connections to approximately 10,000 separate retailers and independent service engineers throughout France (accessed throughMinitel terminals). The ubiquitous Telnet service and the commercial applications which emerged to exploit it, provide insights into the development of commerce on a world-wide Internet.The after-sales service subsidiary of this manufacturer provided replacement parts and training to its widely dispersed customer base. The Telnet system permitted electronic transactions, even with the smallest trading partners. Through the use of on-line ordering, coupled with courier service for rapid delivery, the firm was able to eliminate regional parts warehouses and reduce the average repair time from two weeks to two days. In the past, service engineers waited until they had a sufficient need for parts before driving to a regional warehouse. Once the system was implemented, they used the Telnet based "just-in-time" stocking practice for replacement parts.Moving to a centralised warehouse reduced the need for replicated inventories and extra personnel around the country, creating substantial savings. Moreover, service engineers were further bound-in following the introduction of a revenue producing, expert system-based, training application. Technicians connected to the expert system which asked a series of questions designed to diagnose the fault and indicate the repairs needed.。
what is the value of strategic thinking
战略思维使组织能够及时识别 并抓住市场中的发展机遇,从 而在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而 出。
通过战略规划和执行,组织能 够在行业中树立领先地位,引 领行业发展和变革。
通过战略思考,个人能够更 好地认识到自己的人脉资源 和社会关系,从而更好地建
通过战略思考,个人能够更 好地营销自己,提高自己的 知名度和影响力,从而获得
战略思维的分析能力使人们能够从复杂的信息中提炼出核心要素 ,总结并归纳出关键信息,以更好地理解和解决问题。
政策制定 资源配置 社会稳定 经济发展
政府通过战略思考能够更好地制定出符合国家或地区发展的政 策,推动经济和社会的发展。
政府通过战略思考能够更好地优化资源配置,将有限的资源用 在最需要的地方。
通过战略思考,政府能够更好地应对社会问题,维护社会稳定 和和谐。
政府通过战略思考能够更好地推动经济发展,为企业提供更好 的营商环境和发展机会。
通过战略思考,企业能够更好地 优化自身的资源配置,包括人力
战略思考需要对市场和竞争对手 有深入的了解,从而找到自身的
战略思考能够帮助企业更好地预 见未来的风险和挑战,从而提前
通过战略规划,组织能够更好地协调各部门之间的 沟通和协作,增强组织的凝聚力和向心力。
国际象棋分析作文英语Title: The Strategic Symphony of Chess: An Analysis。
Chess, often regarded as the "game of kings,"transcends mere entertainment to become a realm ofstrategic brilliance and tactical finesse. In this essay,we delve into the intricate world of chess analysis, exploring its strategic depths and the cognitive symphonyit orchestrates.Understanding the Game。
At its core, chess is a battle of intellects, playedout on a checkered battlefield. Each player commands anarmy of sixteen pieces, each with its own unique abilities and movement patterns. The objective is simple yet profound: to checkmate the opponent's king, thus securing victory.Strategic Elements。
Chess strategy encompasses a multitude of elements, ranging from piece development and control of the center to pawn structure and long-term planning. Let's delve into some key strategic concepts:1. Piece Development: The opening phase of the game focuses on developing pieces efficiently, mobilizing them for the impending battle. Developing knights and bishops, controlling central squares, and safeguarding the king through castling are fundamental principles.2. Control of the Center: The center of the board holds strategic significance, offering greater mobility and influence over the board. Players strive to establish a foothold in the center, often through pawn advances and piece deployment.3. Pawn Structure: Pawns form the backbone of the position, dictating the flow of the game. Understanding pawn structures, their strengths, and weaknesses is crucialfor formulating long-term plans and exploiting positional advantages.4. King Safety: As the game progresses, ensuring the safety of the king becomes paramount. Castling early, fortifying pawn structures around the king, and anticipating potential threats are essential for maintaining king safety.Tactical Maneuvers。
Supply Chain: Business Strategy ____________________________________DL56 35Outcome 1, 2 and 3Tutor:Yh HCandidate Name:YCandidate Number:117Due Date: November 12, 2012© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2Outcome 1organizational routines and accepted standards and compared with strategic concepts In a normal company, there will be some organizational routines, for the major functions of operations management, the accounting and finance and sales/marketing. The support functions which supply and support the major functions are the human resources, purchasing and, nowadays, the IT/technical section.For the accepted standards is get the each department have a good communication, each manager have a meeting for every month at least. And the organization is under the control, and has a good operation. So, its standards will lead the good future, and the other strategic concepts will lead to another standard which the organization will accept.For the strategic concepts, strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term. Ideally it is one which matches its resources to its changing environment and in particular its markets, customers or clients so as to meet stakeholder expectations. But the organization routines and accepted standards are the short term activity in this organization.And we can see it in the case of Euro Scot Marine. In this organization, due to their accept standards drive down costs while driving up quality, responsiveness, and innovation. So, for their organizational routines, they must have the purchasing, operating, and get some communication with their supplier and their partner, also for the communication in their each department of this organization. But their strategic concepts are drive down costs while driving up quality, responsiveness, and innovation, make this organization has a good development. And their standards should match the strategic, so they get a purchasing get together with other company, and it can drive down the costs.accepted standards, and it depends on the selection of their strategies.♦Explain the characteristics of strategic managementFor the strategic management is the means of an enterprises or organization in a certain time with the development direction of global and long-term, goals, tasks and policies, as well as the allocation of resources to make decision-making and the art of management. The specific objectives include enterprises make a series of judgments for the uncertain factors under the goals is completed.An enterprise to determine its mission, set strategic goals of the enterprise according to the external environment and internal conditions, in order to ensure the correct implementation of the goals and progress plan, and rely on internal capacity, come true the planning and decision-making. As well as get the control in the implementation process of a dynamic management process. Decision-making is an enterprise of the future direction of development and implementation of this dynamic management of the decision-making process.So, for these characteristics, it is suitable for managing the supply chain. We can see it in the case of Euro Scot Marine,due to they use the strategic management, they join the purchasing group (EBBA), Euro Scot is working with a number of local vendors to supply hardware and fasteners directly to the assembly line on a just-in-time basis, so they get the better management of supply chain.♦Describe the different levels of strategy that could exist in a typical organisation Naturally, strategies exist at all levels in an organization. Even individuals will have their own strategies concerning career advancement, promotion and so on; it is possible to distinguish at least three separate levels of organizational strategy.There have three level of strategy can exist in a typical organization, for the explain in the below: Corporate Level: The headquarters of any organization will consider as main issues the overall purpose and scope of the entity. For the strategy of this level, it will be make the goals for theall department in this organization.SUB Level: The second level of strategy concerns the conduct of an SBU in its own operating area. Here, it has to devise the best strategy to gain advantage over its competitors. At this level, the major concern is to achieve competitive advantage for the organization by best satisfying the needs of customers or clients.Organizational Level: The third level of strategy can be described as the operating strategy of the organization. This is where the component parts of the organization in terms of resources, processes, people and skills are assembled to form a strategic architecture that will deliver the overall strategic direction.This three level strategy also exists in the Euro Scot Marine, for the corporate level they have the strategy to drive down costs while driving up quality, and got a stable development.For the SBU level they join the EBBA to get a cheap purchasing.For the organizational level Euro Scot works with a Dundee personnel agency to outsource part of the recruiting and screening process for employees, and get some design with their key vendors, and working on partnering relationships with suppliers ranging from providers of windshields to providers of instrument panel controls.♦Explain how strategic management would operate in different types of industryFor the strategic management operate in the manufacturing, like the strategic management operate in Euro Scot Marine, in order to have a good purchase, they working on partnering relationships with suppliers ranging from providers of windshields to providers of instrument panel controls, Euro Scot has brought timely innovation at reasonable cost to its product, and join the EBBA to get the cheap purchasing. Euro Scot is working with the local vendors to supply hardware and fasteners directly to the assembly line on a just-in-time basis. And Euro Scot works with a Dundee personnel agency to outsource part of the recruiting and screening process for employees.For this management operate in process industry, such an oil company, they will make the oilby their strategy plan, to make they have a good market.For this management operate in extractive industry, they will make the strategic management on the uses of their machine, and how to get the purchasing of their oil.For the strategic management operate in the server sector, they will change their strategy in the right time, for their good market.♦Evaluate supply chain models related to three of the following strategic purchasing conceptsLean strategy:Every successful Lean company is several layers of development that must be present for an effective Lean strategy to emerge. What that means is that a Lean company’s strategy is, by definition, a Lean strategy. It means that the company charts its course to improve its profit by reducing costs, or by becoming the highest quality or most responsive supplier in its market. Or it decides that success lies along the path of being renowned for its outstanding service. For it used in Euro Scot, they will use the Kanban, make the works easily. Agile strategies replace traditional strategic planning approaches that are costly, slow and too often ineffective. Agile strategies are: Flexible, Practical Fast and Adaptive, Low Cost with Remarkable Returns, Simple, yet Sophisticated, Resilient and Sustainable. For this strategy used in Euro Scot, it always makes people found the mistakes timely.Strategic alliance, it is a business arrangement in which two or more firms cooperates for their mutual benefit. Firms may combine their efforts for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, sharing knowledge, expertise, and expenses as well as to gain entry to new markets or to gain a competitive advantage in one. Further, creation of a strategic alliance may turn actual or potential competitors into partners working toward a common goal. Use of strategic alliances has become a major tool for businesses that are internationalizing their operations. Therefore, use of strategic alliances has expanded dramatically over the past decade, and their use will continue to increase as we enter the 21st century. And we can see it in the Euro Scot Marine, in order to have a good purchasing; they get the strategic alliances with 15 other boat manufacturers in a purchasing group, so they can get a cheap purchasing than do the purchasing by only them, and linked tightly with key vendors to ensure they have a good supply chain management.Outcome 2♦Describe methods of strategic analysis in modern organizationsIn modern organizations there have much method of strategic analysis, in the below I will describe three methods of strategic analysis.The first methods of strategic analysis is SWOT analysis, SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat and is a useful way of combining major issues ofstrategic management.The second method is PEST analysis, PEST analysis is concerned with the external environmental influences on a business, the acronym for the Political, Economic, Social and Technological issues that could affect the strategic development of a business. Identifying PEST influences is a useful way of summarizing the external environment in which a business operates.The third is Porter’ Five Forces, this influential analytical model is generally used to identify bases of advantage. For this model in the below:The last method is Critical success Factors, it having carried out analyses using various models, firms can use CSFs to map out area of core competences to support specific strategies. And CSFs emphasize the important relationship between resources, competences and choice of strategies.♦Evaluate the various options available to organizations to assist them with growth and developmentThere are two strategies for a company in the different time. For the expansion strategy, it will be take depend on growth within Existing Markets, related diversification, unrelated diversification vertical integration and status Quo. And the other is contraction strategy, it willFor the expansion strategies, it can make the large company get the growth and development on the sales scale, assets, profit, and the design of new products.For the keeping strategy, and it will used in the company who want to have a safe business, so this strategy will not get much changes on their business, but it can help the company growth in the manufacture experience. Sometimes, company also takes the contraction strategies to keep their company for the better future. For the case of Euro Scot has used the expansion strategy, because they want to get the company have a bigger market.♦ Identify and evaluate the major issues associated with the implementation of the strategy There are many major issues associated with the implementation of the strategy, and we can see it in the below:The first, for the resource allocation, begins with the configuration of resources where requirements are identified and decisions taken to deploy these resources to create thecompetencies needed to underpin the strategies. And we can know it from the influence of the major issues in Euro Scot Marine. strategy. Actual performance can be measured. Actual performance can be compared against chosen standards. Finally, results can be evaluated and corrective action taken if necessary. For this analysis method used in Euro Scot, we can found the issues will affect theimplementation of the strategy, especial for the technology factor, and the lack of resources. So they must implementation the strategy with their key vendors on the design, and get the purchasing within the EBBA in order to have a cheap purchasing.♦ Identify and explain the challenges facing the organization in relation to the selection ofstrategiesThere will have many challenges facing the organization in relation to the selection of strategies. No matter what strategy they have selected. They always affected by the technology factor and environmental issues.Here, the organization’s goals and choices are quantified where possible using the traditional accounting formula and project analysis. The firm will have decided upon a return on investment or a market share or whatever.Whilst this approach will give quantified answers, it does not really take risk into account and some sensitivity analysis might help the decision makers understand the risks and uncertainties pertaining to their chosen strategy but it will not choose the strategy for them.For example, Euro Scot Marine has selection the development strategy, so they get their a huge portion of its revenue on purchases in order to have a large market, so they also have to meet the challenge, what if they have the good technology on their operation, and they must do it success on driving down their costs and driving up quality.Information capabilityThere is an EBBA for the group purchasingDundee personnel agency can provide employeesResource plansSpend a huge portion of its revenue on purchasesOutsource part of the recruiting and screeningprocess for employees.Resource configurationSpend a huge portion of its revenue on purchasesResource allocationCompetence development Processes of control They will do the design invited their vendors♦Describe the development of resource planning using data from internal and external sourcesDo a resource planning, at the first, we should do the spend analysis using data from internal and external sources. And the characteristics of spend analysis in the below.1. Correct baseline prices. Prices need a common reference point such as the last price paid inprevious year2.Valid projected prices. Projected prices should not be too high or too low3.Reasonable demand quantities. Unit of measure problems can cause quantity problems4.Bill of Materials changes. As BOMs change, associated reports must be modified soaccuracy is maintained5.Dedicated monitor. An employee should be assigned to check the cost management systemfor errors and provide control reports.And it in Euro Scot Marine, to set a resource planning, they should take some notice of their internal resources; they don’t have a large fund, on their developing, due to their scale. They have the experiences of operate ship. For the external resources, there have some small factory, and there have a purchasing group known as European Boat Builders Association; an Dundee personal agency. So, take the account of it spends, Euro Scot do the resources planning is that spend a huge of its revenue on purchasing, take a good relationship with their supplier, join EBBA, for the group purchasing; invited their vendors in the product design, and outsource part of the recruiting and screening process for employees.Outcome 3♦Critically evaluate the relationship between the supply chain and corporate strategiesIt is clearly that there are many relationships between the supply chain and corporate strategies, in a company, they will make a corporate strategy according to what kinds of supply chain they have, on the other hand, and the corporate strategies maybe change the supply chain. For the corporate strategies in the supply chain are the goals of minimizing inventory while establishing the highest service levels, reducing labor while increasing throughput, and reducing supply costs while maintaining stable supplies. We know that a supply chain that is integrated with the rest of the business functions, that senses changes, adapts, optimizes, and works within the context of the larger business strategy without any conflicts would be great. What we grapple with is how a supply chain strategy can be created that is not only aligned, but actually enhances the business strategy.Hitherto neglected areas such as structuring of supply chains with regard to the location of warehouses, management of inventory, and methods of transportation, as well as the location of suppliers have become important aspects of strategy. Also, planning and control system implications, total costs, packaging and materials handling are similarly part of the total overall view.There have the deep relationship between the supply chain and corporate strategies. In the case of Euro Scot, because they have the corporate strategy of Stable strategy, so they get some changes of their supply chain, especial for the purchasing, the get the group purchasing, and outsource their part of products, and do much to reduce their stock.♦Explain the roles of value analysis and value engineering within the supply chainIn a supply chain, the value analysis and value engineering plays the important roles. We can see the uses of the value analysis and value engineering within the supply chain in the below: Use Value Analysis to analyze and understand the detail of specific situations.Use it to find a focus on key areas for innovation.Use it in reverse (called Value Engineering) to identify specific solutions to detail problems.Value Analysis (and its design partner, Value Engineering) is used to increase the value of products or services to all concerned by considering the function of individual items and the benefit of this functionand balancing this against the costs incurred in delivering it. The task then becomes to increase the value or decrease the cost.In a supply chain of the case of Euro Scot, they also have the value analysis, for this, they usual do the information collect; they always do the function analysis, for the important technique in value engineering, so in this condition, what does Euro Scot should do for t his market? And what they can’t do for the under this condition? So under this analysis, Euro Scot do much to adapt to market, for example, they must spend a huge portion of it revenue on purchases, and outsource some components and part, because Euro Scot need development, they must do it. And Euro Scot must do some evaluation on their action, and they must get know about whether they have do good choice, and if it good for the customers in this supply chain.♦Critically evaluate the evolution of purchasing within the organization and its effect within the supply chainFor the evolution of purchasing. It should go back in history, bartering was the common modeof commerce between our ancestors, Currency began to be developed around 2000 BC with the increase in trading around the Eastern Mediterranean area. The concept of banking was invented by the Rothschild family who actually funded Richard the Lion heart, King of England, on his Crusades to Palestine. The double- entry accounting system was invented by the Venetians in the 1500s that gave rise to a more accountable system of commerce. For this method, their supply chain is bad, and it went very slow.The slow rise of literacy gave birth to improvements in communication especially with the invention of the printing press. Improvements in communication started with the letter and it was not until the telegraph that the speed of communication was faster than a galloping horse or a fast ship.But go along with the development of technology, invention gave rise to the telephone, telex and Fax machine. Only with the ready availability of Personal computers (PCs) and dedicated landlines did Electronic Distribution of Information (EDI) and the IT age become available to all especially the Purchasing Department.Today, much company has got the use of purchasing, and for a modern purchasing department will have made full use of the range of IT software and hardware available to it today. Most purchasing transactions are computer generated by the staff and large organizations can set up their systems so that the computer is programmed to order new material on a JIT basis from the appropriate supplier. This uses an operations management process called Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP2) where the computer planning the operations is tied into the same system as the purchasing and the suppliers computer so that material is ordered and supplied JIT and the finance computer pays the invoices automatically.For this method used in Euro Scot, they will have an enterprise resource planning, and do the materials requirements, so they can get the good purchasing on the right time, also they can get the purchasing fast than before.♦Evaluate the impact of environmental and ethical issues on supply chain innovationIn a supply chain, there are many issues affect the innovation if supply chain.For the environmental issues:1. The recovery, re-cycling and re-using of materials and waste.2. The safe disposal of waste products that cannot be re-cycled3. Supplier selection policies to support firms that conform to environmental standards with regard to air, water and noise pollution.4. Supplier and product selection policies that reflect concern for conservation and renewal of resources.5. The safe testing of products and materials6. Concern for noise, spray, dirt and vibration in the operation of transportation facilities.7. Ensuring that raw materials and products are not produced using child, forced or slave labor. For the ethical issues:• The rules that ought to govern human conduct• The values worth pursuing• The character traits deserving development in life.•The incomplete disclosure• The corrupt boss• The corrupt subordinate• The inadvertent remark that is tantamount to harassment• The purified idea leaving no room for innovation or fresh ideas• The passive director who is guilty of inaction leading to corrupt practices• The expense account holiday• Less than honest stock and share dealing.And we can see the effects in the case of Euro Scot, they often want to get the supply chain innovation, because of they don’t have the best technological, so they can’t manufacture the best boat in the world, and they want to put more money on their design new product, but they don’t have enough money, and they must spend a huge portion of its revenue on purchases, also due to get friendly with the environment, they must purchase the expensive material better than purchase the inexpensive material which is harm for the environment. So, due to the lacks of resources, they must take the old supply chain for them.But for these issues, Euro Scot has brought timely innovation at reasonable cost to its product, working on partnering relationships with suppliers ranging from providers of windshields to providers of instrument panel controls; Key vendors are so tightly linked with the company that they meet with designers to discuss material changes to be incorporated into new product designs.Assessment checklistsWritten work responding to the given case study. Satisfactory/ UnsatisfactoryCommentsAssessment task 1: Candidates must produce a report of approximately 3,000 words answering questions raised in the attached case study. This will include appropriate diagrams. The report will comprise of three sections reflecting each Outcome. Each section would be approximately 1,000 words in length.♦Describe organisational routines and accepted standards and compare these with strategicconcepts♦Explain the characteristics of strategicmanagement that would be suitable formanaging the supply chain♦Describe the different levels of strategy that could exist in a typical organisation♦Explain how strategic management would operate in different types of industry♦Evaluate supply chain models related to strategic purchasing♦Describe methods of strategic analysis in modern organisations♦Evaluate the various options available to organisations to assist them with growth anddevelopment♦Identify and evaluate the major issuesassociated with the implementation of thestrategy♦Identify and explain the challenges facing the。
组织战略与决策Week 9 recap
• developed to answer the question: Why do some firms achieve better economic performance than others?
• used to help firms achieve competitive advantage and superior economic performance
• Size of company’s orders allowed aggressive negotiation with suppliers (Porters Generic Strategies and 5 Forces model)
Tesco clubcard and strategy
• Fundamentally changed the way all supermarkets did business • Distinctive capability to gain competitive advantage • ...but the environment changes... • ...did this become a threshold capability? • did the industry respond?
Essentials of Business ManagementThe Essentials of Business Management: A Comprehensive OverviewBusiness management is a crucial field that encompasses various strategies, concepts, and skills that help organizations achieve their goals effectively. As a fundamental discipline in the realm of business studies, it holds the key to successful operations and growth.1. Introduction to Business ManagementBusiness management is the practice of coordinating resources, including human capital, financial assets, and technological advancements, to achieve organizational objectives. It involves planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of a business to ensure efficiency and profitability.2. Core ConceptsThe core concepts of business management revolve around the fundamental principles of management. These include decision-making, resource allocation, delegation of authority, communication, and motivation. Understanding these concepts is essential for the successful implementation of management strategies.3. Market AnalysisMarket analysis is a crucial aspect of business management. It involves studying the market to understand consumer trends, competitor positioning, and overall industry dynamics. This analysis helps businesses identify opportunities, develop marketing strategies, and make informed decisions regarding product positioning and pricing.4. Strategic PlanningStrategic planning is the process of outlining the long-term goals and objectives of a business. It involves setting clear targets, assessing internal and external factors, and developing a plan to achieve these goals. Strategic planning is essential for ensuring the alignment of all organizational activities towards achieving the desired outcomes.5. Operations ManagementOperations management refers to the coordination of resources and processes to ensure efficient and effective production of goods or services. It involves managing inventory, controlling costs, optimizing production processes, and ensuring the timely delivery of products. Effective operations management is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and satisfying customer demands.6. Financial ManagementFinancial management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling financial resources to achieve organizational goals. It involves budgeting, forecasting, fund raising, and investment decisions. Financial management is crucial for ensuring the financial stability and growth ofa business.7. Leadership SkillsLeadership skills are essential for successful business management.A good leader possesses qualities such as vision, motivation, communication, and decision-making abilities. They inspire team members, create a positive work environment, and facilitate the achievement of organizational goals.8. Case StudiesCase studies are real-world examples of business management practices. They provide insights into how companies have overcome challenges, achieved success, and implemented management strategieseffectively. Analyzing case studies helps individuals gain practical knowledge and apply management concepts in real-life situations.In conclusion, business management is a multifaceted discipline that requires a comprehensive understanding of various concepts, skills, and strategies. By mastering the essentials of business management, individuals can contribute effectively to the growth and success of organizations.。
• 美国管理学家詹姆斯、希根斯(James Higgins,1983)认为:“战略管理是设法 协调组织与环境的关系,并同时完成企 业使命的过程”。 • James Higgins, Organizational Policy and Strategy Management :Text and Cases, Chicago:Dryden Press,1983.p.3.
战略概念与定义 学说丛林
Strategic Management
♣ 战略的概念 ♣ 西方 ♣ Strategy:希腊文:strategos, 其 本义为:The Art of General 将道,为将之道。 ♣ 或者 源于Strategem, 诡诈。 ♣ 军事上,战略三要素:时、空、 力。
近 代 的 战 略 概 念 由 日 本 传 入 中 国
• 鄙人认为:最为简洁的“战略”定义是: • 我们与对手争夺顾客的方法。
♫ 注意:
♫ 1,没有竞争者就没有战略。战略的意义就在于 “打击对手,保存自己”,这是战略的对抗性 特征所规定的本质属性。与对手的较量,乃是 战略的本来涵义。任何人类博弈活动皆如此。 ♫ 2,在市场竞争中,与对手争夺的当然是顾客 (用户),这是市场竞争不同于其他博亦活动 的显著特征。企业要提高自己的市场占有率, 不可避免地就要与竞争者发生冲突,在一切环 境变量中,竞争者是最为能动性的变量。
随机应变不也是一种适应吗? 战略是企业有方向的进化程序 在动荡的环境中能保持方向吗?
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Vision: Examples
缔造全球领先的空调企业,成就格 力百年的世界品牌。 Solutions for a small planet 成为拥有全球影响力品牌的国际化 大公司
Why is a vision important?
A managerial imperative exists to look beyond today and think strategically about Impact of new technologies How customer needs and expectations are changing? What it will take to outrun competitors? Which promising market opportunities ought to be aggressively pursued? What a company needs to do to prepare for the future?
通过对中国企业战略管理实践的研究,丰富以及拓 展战略管理理论
My Strategy
与战略管理领域同行合作研究 积极参与国际学术会议 瞄准国际顶级期刊投稿
2012-2-18 15
The Strategic Management Process
External Analysis Vision/ Mission Strategic Choice Competitive Advantage
fundamental, unique purpose; scope of operations and its products or service offerings; philosophical premises that are to guide actions; commitments to stakeholders
2012-2-18 13
我们的愿景: 我们的愿景:成为世界领先的汽车和服务消费品企 业 地域 产品 我们的使命: 我们的使命:
我们是一个拥有美好声誉的全球大家庭,致力于向全 球大众提供个人出行工具 我们走在消费者需要的前面,以提供有助于改善人们 生活的卓越产品和服务 经营哲学/方式;
我们的战略: 我们的战略:
Strategic Implementation
Internal Analysis
The external environment
Industry Environment Threats of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of Buyers Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry Competitor Environment
2012-2-18 5
What is a mission statement?
A company’s mission statement is typically focused on its present business scope – who we are and what we do; Content of mission statement:
A mission statement focuses on current business activities (as management) -- “who we are and what we do the best”
Current product and service offerings Customer needs being served Technological and business capabilities
Strategic Implementation
Internal Analysis
What is a vision
A vision is a roadmap of a company’s future (where we are going), providing specifics about
Social Cultural
Demographic Global
External analysis allows firms to:
discover threats and opportunities see if above normal profits are likely in an industry better understand the nature of competition in an industry make more informed strategic choices
2012-2-18 10
Why is mission and/or vision important to strategic management?
A firm could develop a strategy without a vision or mission. However, a strategy without a vision or mission is difficult to implement because:
2012-2-18 6
Mission statement: Examples
弘扬工业精神,追求完美质量,提供专业服务,创 造舒适环境
At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, storage systems and microelectronics. 用我们的激情酿造出消费者喜好的啤酒,为生活创 造快乐。
保持支出,收入,和市场份额平衡 加速开发客户需要车型 为公司计划取得资金支持 共同努力利用全球资源
2012-2-18 14
My vision, mission, and Strategies
My Vision
My Mission Statement
2012-2-18 11
Vision, Mission, and Mission Statement
Many companies and textbooks do not clarify clearly vision, mission and mission statement but just use the term ‘mission’ to embrace them together.
An effectiveቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱmission statement
An effective mission statement should
Provide general direction Provide an image of the company’s character Provide a tone, or set of attitudes, through which actions are guided Embody a company’s soul and be inspirational
People may not be obsessed by the achievement of strategic objectives The organization may not be stretched to maximize its capabilities to achieve the best objectives The competitive advantages may not be sustained because of a lack of consensus It shall be difficult for the management to communicate to stakeholders and convince the public of its being.
企业愿景: 企业愿景:成为所进入行业的世界级企业。
地域 经营哲学/方式
企业使命陈述: 企业使命陈述:在全球市场中,成为能按照客户需求,提供世界一流 的现代化交通运输装备和相关服务的主要供应商,创造为客户所信赖 的知名品牌,同时保持公司的健康发展和持续增值,为股东和员工提 供良好回报。
Why is a mission and/or vision important to organizations?
To justify an organization’s reason for being To justify an organization’s ultimate objective of development and growth To create a core ideology to glue staff and employees to achieve the core purpose To define the values that shape organizational actions A business is not defined by its name, statues, or articles of incorporation. It is defined by the business mission. Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the organization makes possible clear and realistic business objectives. (Peter Druker, 1973)