




1)分层体系结构:组件组成了不同的层,其中L i层的组件可以调用下面的层L i-1。

















分布式数据库系统考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 分布式数据库系统的定义是什么?A. 一种将数据存储在多个地理位置的数据库系统中,通过分布式计算框架来管理和访问数据的一种技术。

B. 一种单一的集中式数据库系统,所有数据都存储在一个服务器上。

C. 一种将数据分割成多个部分,并分布存储在不同的服务器上的数据库系统。

D. 一种不依赖于单一服务器的数据库系统,数据可以跨多个服务器进行存储和访问。

2. 分布式数据库系统的优点包括哪些?A. 提高数据处理速度和效率。

B. 降低单点故障的风险。

C. 更好的数据冗余和容错能力。

D. 扩展性更强,可以更容易地添加新的数据和节点。

3. 以下哪个不是分布式数据库系统中的常见拓扑结构?A. 星形拓扑B. 环形拓扑C. 网状拓扑D. 树形拓扑4. 在分布式数据库系统中,什么是分片?A. 将整个数据库系统的数据分成多个部分,每个部分存放在一个单独的节点上。

B. 将数据库系统的一个或多个表按照某种规则分成多个部分。

C. 将数据库系统的数据按照某种规则分成多个部分,每个部分存放在一个单独的节点上。

D. 将数据库系统的一个或多个表按照某种规则分成多个部分,并存放在不同的节点上。

5. 在分布式数据库系统中,什么是复制?A. 将数据库系统的数据复制到多个节点上,以确保数据的可靠性和可用性。

B. 将数据库系统的数据存储在多个地理位置,以确保数据的可靠性和可用性。

C. 将数据库系统的数据按照某种规则分成多个部分,并存放在不同的节点上。

D. 将数据库系统的一个或多个表按照某种规则分成多个部分,并存储在不同的节点上。

6. 在分布式数据库系统中,什么是分布式事务?A. 一种需要在多个节点上同步更新数据的事务处理方式。

B. 一种可以在多个节点上并行处理的事务处理方式。

C. 一种需要确保数据的一致性和完整性的事务处理方式。

D. 一种可以在多个节点上同时执行的事务处理方式。

7. 分布式数据库系统中的数据一致性是指什么?A. 数据在多个节点上保持一致的状态。

分布式系统原理与范型 考试 2009 答案

分布式系统原理与范型 考试 2009 答案
it is sent, or even at the same time it is sent, since it takes a finite, nonzero amount of time to arrive. 7. finger table (chap 5) Instead of linear approach toward key lookup, each Chord node maintains a finger table of at most m entries. If FTp denotes the finger table of node p, then FTp[i] = succ (p + 2i-1) Put in other words, the i-th entry points to the first node succeeding p by at least 2i-1. 8. out of band data (chap 3) Data is to be processed by the server before any other data from that client. 9. MapReduce (5pt)
二、简答题(共70分) 1. Q: What is the difference between a vertical distribution and a horizontal distribution? (chap 2, 5pt) A: Vertical distribution refers to the distribution of the different layers in a multitiered architectures across multiple machines. In principle, each layer is implemented on a different machine. Horizontal distribution deals with the distribution of a single layer across multiple machines, such as distributing a single database. 2. Q: Is a server that maintains a TCP/IP connection to a client stateful or stateless? (chap 3) A: Assuming the server maintains no other information on that client, one could justifiably argue that the server is stateless. The issue is that not the server, but the transport layer at the server maintains state on the client. What the local operating systems keep track of is, in principle, of no concern to the server. 3. Q: One way to handle parameter conversion in RPC systems is to have each machine send parameters in its native representation, with the other one doing the translation, if need be. The native system could be indicated by a code in the first byte. However, since locating the first byte in the first word is precisely the problem, can this actually work? (chap 4) A: First of all, when one computer sends byte 0, it always arrives in byte 0. Thus the destination computer can simply access byte 0 (using a byte instruction) and the code will be in it. It does not matter whether this is the low-order byte or the high-order byte. An alternative scheme is to put the code in all the bytes of the first word. Then no matter which byte is examined, the code will be there. 4. Q: Routing tables in IBM WebSphere, and in many other message-queuing systems, are configured manually. Describe a simple way to do this automatically. (chap 4) A: The simplest implementation is to have a centralized component in which the topology of the queuing network is maintained. That component simply calculates all best routes between pairs of queue managers using a known routing algorithm, and subsequently generates routing tables for each queue manager. These tables can be downloaded by each manager separately. This approach works in queuing networks where there are only relatively few, but possibly widely dispersed, queue managers. 5. Q: Is an identifier allowed to contain information on the entity it refers to? (chap 5) A: Yes, but that information is not allowed to change, because that would imply changing the identifier. The old identifier should remain valid, so that changing it would imply that an entity has two identifiers, violating the second property of identifiers. 6. Q: When a node synchronizes its clock to that of another node, it is generally a good idea to take previous measurements into account as well. Why? Also, give an example of how such past readings could be taken into account. (chap 6) A: The obvious reason is that there may be an error in the current reading. Assuming that clocks need only be gradually adjusted, one possibility is to consider the last N values and compute a median or average. If the measured value falls outside a current interval, it is not taken into account (but is added to the list). Likewise, a new value can be computed by taking a weighted average, or an aging algorithm.


















9、在多计算机系统中的256个CPU组成了一个16 X 16的网格方阵。































二、分布式系统原理1. 定义分布式系统是由多个自治的计算机节点组成,这些节点通过网络进行通信和协作,共同完成特定的任务。


2. 特点(1)分布性:分布式系统的核心特点是由多个节点组成,节点之间可以独立运行,并通过网络进行通信。




3. 架构模型(1)客户端-服务器模型:客户端向服务器发出请求,服务器处理请求并返回结果。






三、泛型1. 定义泛型是一种编程范式,它通过参数化类型的方式来实现代码的复用和泛化。


2. 泛型的优势(1)代码复用:通过使用泛型,我们可以编写出适用于多种类型的通用代码,避免重复编写相似的代码。
























1. 什么是分布式系统?请解释其特点和优势。

2. 解释一下CAP定理是什么?为什么在分布式系统中存在CAP定理的限制?
3. 请简要解释一下一致性哈希算法的原理以及其在分布式系统中的应用。

4. 什么是分布式缓存?列举一些常见的分布式缓存系统,并比较它们的优缺点。

5. 请解释一下分布式事务是如何保证数据的一致性和可靠性的。

6. 在分布式系统中,什么是消息队列?列举一些常见的消息队列系统,并比较它们的特点和适用场景。

7. 解释一下Raft一致性算法的原理以及相对于Paxos算法的优势。

8. 请简要解释一下分布式锁是什么,并说明一下分布式锁的实现方式和应用场景。

9. 什么是微服务架构?列举一些常见的微服务框架,并说明它们的特点和适用场景。

10. 在分布式系统中,如何解决网络通信的延迟和故障问题?请举例说明。






1、乙方应按照国家相关标准及规范进行施工,确保工程质量达到合格标准。 2、甲方有权对施工过程进行监督和检查,并对不合格的部位提出整改意见。
1、本工程预算为元人民币,具 体价款以实际工程量为准。
3、工程范围:脚手架搭建及拆 除等施工工作。
1、脚手架施工自X年月日开始, 至X年月日结束。
1、脚手架施工费用为人民币 (以下简称“元”)万元整。
5、本合同未尽事宜,双方可另 行协商补充。
6、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。自双方签字 盖章之日起生效。建筑工程脚手架施工合同协议
根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,为明确双方在建筑 工程脚手架施工中的权利和义务,保障工程质量,现经双方协商一致,签订本协 议:
3、余款在脚手架施工结束并验 收合格后五个工作日内付清。
4、支付方式:银行转账或现金 支付。
1、乙方应按照国家相关标准和施工图纸要求进行施工,确保脚手架的牢固 性和稳定性。
2、脚手架材料应符合国家相关质量标准和施工图纸要求,并经过质量检验 合格。
3、验收标准:脚手架施工结束后,乙方应按照国家相关标准和施工图纸要 求进行自检,并通知甲方进行验收。甲方应在接到通知后五个工作日内进行验收, 并签署验收报告。



分布式数据库系统原理与应用考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 分布式数据库系统的定义及特点是什么?A. 分布式数据库系统是由多个物理数据库组成的,它们可以分布在不同的地理位置。

B. 分布式数据库系统提供了一个透明的、逻辑上集中、物理上分布的数据存储,使用户感觉好像数据只存储在一个数据库中。

C. 分布式数据库系统通过数据复制和分片技术实现数据的冗余和容错。

D. 分布式数据库系统的主要目标是提高数据访问性能和数据一致性。

2. 以下哪个选项不是分布式数据库系统的一致性策略?A. 串行处理B. 两阶段提交协议C. 检索优化D. 乐观并发控制3. 在分布式数据库系统中,如何实现数据分片?A. 通过范围分区B. 通过列表分区C. 通过哈希分区D. 通过目录分区4. 分布式数据库系统中的复制策略有哪些?A. 同步复制B. 异步复制C. 混合复制D. 并发复制5. 分布式数据库系统中的数据一致性是如何保证的?A. 通过分布式事务协议B. 通过分布式锁机制C. 通过数据复制和分片D. 通过备份和恢复机制6. 什么是分布式数据库系统的CAP理论?A. 一致性、可用性和分区容错性不能同时满足B. 一致性、可用性和分区容错性可以同时满足C. 一致性、可用性和分区容错性之间存在权衡D. 以上都不是7. 在分布式数据库系统中,如何实现数据镜像?A. 通过主从复制B. 通过分片C. 通过复制集D. 通过日志备份8. 分布式数据库系统中的分片有哪几种类型?A. 范围分片B. 列表分片C. 哈希分片D. 直接分片9. 什么是分布式数据库系统中的读写分离?A. 将读操作和写操作分开在不同的节点上执行B. 将读操作和写操作集中在同一个节点上执行C. 将写操作分散到多个节点上执行,而读操作集中在一个节点上执行D. 将写操作集中在一个节点上执行,而读操作分散到多个节点上执行10. 分布式数据库系统中的故障恢复策略有哪些?A. 主从复制恢复B. 副本恢复C. 分片恢复D. 重建恢复11. 以下哪个不是分布式数据库系统的常见分区策略?A. 节点分区B. 范围分区C. 距离分区D. 列分区12. 分布式数据库系统中,分布式事务的处理方式有哪几种?A. 两阶段提交(2PC)B. 三阶段提交(3PC)C. 检查点(Checkpoint)D. 分布式事务协议(DTCP)13. 什么是分布式数据库中的复制策略?有哪些常见的复制策略?A. 主从复制B. 并发复制C. 分片复制D. 混合复制14. 在分布式数据库系统中,如何实现数据的负载均衡?A. 数据库中间件B. 分布式缓存C. 负载均衡器D. 读写分离15. 分布式数据库系统中,如何保证数据的一致性和完整性?A. 两阶段提交(2PC)B. 三阶段提交(3PC)C. 检查点(Checkpoint)D. 四阶段提交(4PC)16. 以下哪个是分布式数据库系统中的分布式锁机制?A. 乐观锁B. 悲观锁C. 行级锁D. 页级锁17. 分布式数据库系统中,如何处理跨库查询?A. 使用SQL查询B. 使用中间表C. 使用分布式查询语言(DQL)D. 使用ETL工具18. 分布式数据库系统中,如何实现数据备份和恢复?A. 定期全量备份B. 增量备份C. 差量备份D. 主从备份19. 以下哪个是分布式数据库系统的发展趋势?A. 向规模更小的分布式数据库发展B. 向更高性能的分布式数据库发展C. 向更容易扩展的分布式数据库发展D. 向更强一致性的分布式数据库发展20. 以下哪个选项是分布式数据库系统中常用的数据复制技术?A. 主从复制B. 并发复制C. 混合复制D. 非阻塞复制21. 分布式数据库系统中的分片策略有哪几种?A. 范围分片B. 列分片C. 层次分片D. 索引分片22. 在分布式数据库系统中,如何实现数据的一致性?A. 通过分布式事务协议如两阶段提交(2PC)实现B. 通过分布式锁机制实现C. 通过分布式日志和重放技术实现D. 通过数据复制和分片实现23. 分布式数据库系统面临的主要挑战包括哪些?A. 数据复制的一致性问题B. 查询优化的复杂性C. 安全性和隐私保护问题D. 系统的可靠性和容错性24. 以下哪个选项是分布式数据库系统中常用的分片算法?A. 条件分片B. 基于范围的分片C. 基于哈希的分片D. 基于权重的分片25. 分布式数据库系统中的分布式事务处理有哪些类型?A. 两阶段提交(2PC)B. 三阶段提交(3PC)C. 这些选项都不是D. 没有分布式事务处理26. 以下哪个选项是分布式数据库系统中常用的负载均衡技术?A. 轮询负载均衡B. 权重负载均衡C. 简单轮询D. 加权轮询27. 分布式数据库系统中的数据迁移有以下几种类型?A. 结构迁移B. 非结构迁移C. 逻辑迁移D. 物理迁移28. 以下哪个选项是分布式数据库系统中常用的故障恢复技术?A. 回滚操作B. 前滚操作C. 数据重同步D. 数据复制恢复29. 分布式数据库系统的定义及其与传统数据库系统的区别是什么?A. 分布式数据库系统可以在多个节点上存储数据,而传统数据库系统通常在一个节点上存储所有数据。



c++分布式面试题1. 什么是分布式系统?请简要说明其特点。

2. 请解释负载均衡在分布式系统中的作用。

3. 请列举几种常见的分布式系统架构。

4. 请解释CAP定理及其在分布式系统中的应用。

5. 请解释一致性哈希算法及其在分布式系统中的应用场景。

6. 请解释分布式事务的概念及其处理方式。

7. 请解释分布式锁的作用及其实现方式。

8. 请解释分布式系统的容错机制及其实现方式。

9. 请解释消息队列在分布式系统中的应用及其优点。

10. 请解释分布式数据库的概念及其与集中式数据库的区别。

11. 请解释微服务架构的概念及其优缺点。

12. 请解释服务发现和注册在分布式系统中的作用及其实现方式。

13. 请解释Zookeeper在分布式系统中的应用及其作用。

14. 请解释分布式系统的监控和诊断方法。

15. 请解释分布式系统的性能优化策略。

16. 请举例说明在实际项目中如何应用分布式技术解决问题。


18. 请解释一下C++在开发分布式系统时的优点和挑战。

19. 你能详细描述一下如何使用C++来实现分布式锁吗?20. 请解释一下C++在微服务架构中的作用及其优缺点。

21. 你了解哪些主流的分布式技术框架,以及它们在实际项目中的应用?22. 请解释下你对“服务发现和注册”这个概念的理解,并说明在C++中如何实现它。

23. 请分享一下你对于C/C++在分布式系统开发中所扮演角色的观点,包括它在实践中的性能考虑。

24. 请解释一下你对CAP定理的理解,并阐述它在C++分布式系统中的实际应用。

25. 最后,请谈谈你认为在未来,C++在分布式系统开发方面会有哪些发展趋势或新的可能性?。



分布式系统及微服务架构考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 分布式系统的定义是什么?A. 一种软件系统,其组件分布在多个计算机网络上B. 一种软件系统,其所有组件都运行在同一个计算机上C. 一种软件系统,其组件分布在多个计算机网络上,并且相互协作以提供分布式服务D. 一种软件系统,其所有组件都运行在同一个计算机上,并且相互协作以提供分布式服务2. 微服务架构是一种什么类型的架构?A. 面向过程的架构B. 面向对象的架构C. 面向服务的架构D. 面向功能的架构3. 分布式系统中的数据一致性是指什么?A. 所有节点在同一时间点具有相同的数据副本B. 所有节点在同一时间点具有不同的数据副本C. 所有节点在不同时间点具有相同的数据副本D. 所有节点在不同时间点具有不同的数据副本4. 微服务架构中,服务之间通信的主要协议是什么?A. HTTP/HTTPSB. RPC (远程过程调用)C. SQLD. WebSocket5. 分布式系统中,如何实现服务发现和负载均衡?A. 使用DNS进行服务发现,使用随机算法进行负载均衡B. 使用ZooKeeper进行服务发现,使用轮询算法进行负载均衡C. 使用Consul进行服务发现,使用随机算法进行负载均衡D. 使用Etcd进行服务发现,使用一致性哈希进行负载均衡6. 微服务架构中,通常使用哪种数据库?A. 关系型数据库(如MySQL、Oracle)B. 面向关系的数据库(如PostgreSQL、SQL Server)C. 面向文档的数据库(如MongoDB、Couchbase)D. 消息队列数据库(如RabbitMQ、Kafka)7. 分布式系统中的容错机制主要有哪些?A. 数据备份与恢复B. 节点冗余C. 容错算法(如Paxos、Raft)D. 分布式事务8. 微服务架构中,服务之间的依赖管理如何实现?A. 通过API网关进行服务之间的依赖管理B. 通过服务注册与发现机制进行服务之间的依赖管理C. 通过消息队列进行服务之间的依赖管理D. 通过配置中心进行服务之间的依赖管理9. 分布式系统中的安全性如何保证?A. 使用SSL/TLS加密通信B. 使用强密码策略C. 访问控制列表(ACL)或身份验证机制D. 定期进行安全审计10. 微服务架构中,如何实现服务监控和日志收集?A. 使用日志聚合工具(如ELK Stack)B. 使用监控工具(如Prometheus、Grafana)C. 使用服务注册与发现机制进行服务监控D. 使用集中式的配置中心进行服务日志收集11. 分布式系统的定义是什么?A. 一种将多个应用程序部署在一个或多个节点上的系统B. 一种将多个服务组件集成到一个应用程序中的系统C. 一种将多个计算机连接在一起的网络系统D. 一种将多个数据库连接在一起的系统12. 微服务架构是一种什么类型的架构?A. 一种单一应用程序的结构B. 一种将单个应用程序拆分成多个独立运行的服务的设计C. 一种集中式的系统架构D. 一种将多个服务器连接在一起的架构13. 分布式系统中的数据一致性是指什么?A. 数据在多个节点上保持相同值的状态B. 数据在多个节点上保持不同值的状态C. 数据在多个节点上保持同步更新的状态D. 数据在多个节点上保持临时不一致的状态14. 在分布式系统中,通常使用什么来保证数据的一致性?A. 使用分布式事务协议B. 使用分布式锁机制C. 使用分布式数据库技术D. 使用负载均衡技术15. 微服务架构中的服务注册与发现是为了实现什么功能?A. 服务之间的通信和协作B. 节点的动态管理和调度C. 服务的安全访问控制D. 服务的负载均衡和容错16. 分布式系统中的冗余设计主要是为了实现什么目标?A. 提高系统的可用性和性能B. 提高系统的可靠性和稳定性C. 提高系统的可扩展性和灵活性D. 提高系统的保密性和安全性17. 在微服务架构中,服务之间通信的主要协议是什么?A. HTTP/HTTPSB. TCP/IPC. RPC (远程过程调用)D. Message Queue18. 分布式系统中的负载均衡是一种什么技术?A. 将请求平均分配到多个节点的技术B. 将请求顺序分配到多个节点的技术C. 将请求随机分配到多个节点的技术D. 将请求根据优先级分配到多个节点的技术19. 微服务架构中的服务监控和管理是为了实现什么功能?A. 服务的实时运行状态监控B. 服务的故障自动恢复C. 服务的性能优化D. 服务的安全访问控制20. 分布式系统中的数据分片是一种什么技术?A. 将数据分散存储在不同的节点上B. 将数据集中存储在单个节点上C. 将数据分散存储在不同的磁盘或存储器上D. 将数据集中存储在多个磁盘或存储器上21. 分布式系统的定义是什么?A. 一组独立的计算机通过网络进行通信B. 一组独立的计算机通过网络进行协作C. 一组独立的计算机通过网络进行负载均衡D. 一组独立的计算机通过网络进行数据同步22. 微服务架构是一种什么类型的架构?A. 面向功能的架构B. 面向服务的架构C. 面向资源的架构D. 面向对象的架构23. 分布式系统中的数据一致性是如何保证的?A. 通过分布式事务管理B. 通过分布式锁机制C. 通过分布式状态同步D. 通过分布式文件系统24. 微服务架构中,服务之间的通信通常使用哪种协议?A. HTTP/HTTPSB. TCP/IPC. RPC(如gRPC或Thrift)D. WebSocket25. 分布式系统中的负载均衡是如何实现的?A. 负载均衡器进行流量分发B. 负载均衡器进行请求分发C. 负载均衡器进行服务分发D. 负载均衡器进行数据分发26. 微服务架构中的服务注册与发现机制是如何工作的?A. 服务注册与发现是通过静态配置实现的B. 服务注册与发现是通过动态API实现的C. 服务注册与发现是通过集中式目录实现的D. 服务注册与发现是通过DNS解析实现的27. 分布式系统中的容错机制如何实现?A. 通过冗余设计B. 通过失败转移机制C. 通过错误检测机制D. 通过数据备份机制28. 微服务架构中的熔断器模式是如何工作的?A. 通过限制请求速率来防止服务过载B. 通过隔离故障服务来防止故障扩散C. 通过动态路由来防止故障转移D. 通过熔断器来检测故障并切断依赖29. 分布式系统中的数据分片是如何实现的?A. 通过数据库分片技术B. 通过分布式数据库技术C. 通过数据复制技术D. 通过数据压缩技术30. 微服务架构中的服务监控和日志收集是如何实现的?A. 通过集中式监控工具B. 通过分布式追踪技术C. 通过日志聚合技术D. 通过自定义监控脚本31. 分布式系统具有的特性包括哪些?A. 可扩展性B. 高可用性C. 透明性D. 容错性32. 微服务架构与传统单体架构的主要区别是什么?A. 单体架构只包含一个应用程序,而微服务架构将应用程序拆分成多个独立的服务。



DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES AND PARADIGMSPROBLEM SOLUTIONSANDREW S.TANENBAUMMAARTEN VAN STEENVrije UniversiteitAmsterdam,The NetherlandsPRENTICE HALLUPPER SADDLE RIVER,NJ07458SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER1PROBLEMS1.Q:What is the role of middleware in a distributed system?A:To enhance the distribution transparency that is missing in network operat-ing systems.In other words,middleware aims at improving the single-system view that a distributed system should have.2.Q:Explain what is meant by(distribution)transparency,and give examplesof different types of transparency.A:Distribution transparency is the phenomenon by which distribution aspects in a system are hidden from users and applications.Examples include access transparency,location transparency,migration transparency,relocation tran-sparency,replication transparency,concurrency transparency,failure tran-sparency,and persistence transparency.3.Q:Why is it sometimes so hard to hide the occurrence and recovery fromfailures in a distributed system?A:It is generally impossible to detect whether a server is actually down,or that it is simply slow in responding.Consequently,a system may have to report that a service is not available,although,in fact,the server is just slow.4.Q:Why is it not always a good idea to aim at implementing the highestdegree of transparency possible?A:Aiming at the highest degree of transparency may lead to a considerable loss of performance that users are not willing to accept.5.Q:What is an open distributed system and what benefits does openness pro-vide?A:An open distributed system offers services according to clearly defined rules.An open system is capable of easily interoperating with other open sys-tems but also allows applications to be easily ported between different imple-mentations of the same system.6.Q:Describe precisely what is meant by a scalable system.A:A system is scalable with respect to either its number of components,geo-graphical size,or number and size of administrative domains,if it can grow in one or more of these dimensions without an unacceptable loss of perfor-mance.7.Q:Scalability can be achieved by applying different techniques.What arethese techniques?A:Scaling can be achieved through distribution,replication,and caching.2PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER18.Q:What is the difference between a multiprocessor and a multicomputer?A:In a multiprocessor,the CPUs have access to a shared main memory.There is no shared memory in multicomputer systems.In a multicomputer system,the CPUs can communicate only through message passing.9.Q:A multicomputer with256CPUs is organized as a16×16grid.What isthe worst-case delay(in hops)that a message might have to take?A:Assuming that routing is optimal,the longest optimal route is from one corner of the grid to the opposite corner.The length of this route is30hops.If the end processors in a single row or column are connected to each other,the length becomes15.10.Q:Now consider a256-CPU hypercube.What is the worst-case delay here,again in hops?A:With a256-CPU hypercube,each node has a binary address,from 00000000to11111111.A hop from one machine to another always involves changing a single bit in the address.Thus from00000000to00000001is one hop.From there to00000011is another hop.In all,eight hops are needed. 11.Q:What is the difference between a distributed operating system and a net-work operating system?A:A distributed operating system manages multiprocessors and homogene-ous multicomputers.A network operating system connects different indepen-dent computers that each have their own operating system so that users can easily use the services available on each computer.12.Q:Explain how microkernels can be used to organize an operating system ina client-server fashion.A:A microkernel can separate client applications from operating system ser-vices by enforcing each request to pass through the kernel.As a consequence, operating system services can be implemented by(perhaps different)user-level servers that run as ordinary processes.If the microkernel has networking capabilities,there is also no principal objection in placing those servers on remote machines(which run the same microkernel).13.Q:Explain the principal operation of a page-based distributed shared memorysystem.A:Page-based DSM makes use of the virtual memory capabilities of an operating system.Whenever an application addresses a memory location that is currently not mapped into the current physical memory,a page fault occurs, giving the operating system control.The operating system can then locate the referred page,transfer its content over the network,and map it to physical memory.At that point,the application can continue.PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER13 14.Q:What is the reason for developing distributed shared memory systems?What do you see as the main problem hindering efficient implementations?A:The main reason is that writing parallel and distributed programs based on message-passing primitives is much harder than being able to use shared memory for communication.Efficiency of DSM systems is hindered by the fact,no matter what you do,page transfers across the network need to take place.If pages are shared by different processors,it is quite easy to get into a state similar to thrashing in virtual memory systems.In the end,DSM sys-tems can never be faster than message-passing solutions,and will generally be slower due to the overhead incurred by keeping track of where pages are.15.Q:Explain what false sharing is in distributed shared memory systems.Whatpossible solutions do you see?A:False sharing happens when data belonging to two different and indepen-dent processes(possibly on different machines)are mapped onto the same logical page.The effect is that the page is swapped between the two processes,leading to an implicit and unnecessary dependency.Solutions include making pages smaller or prohibiting independent processes to share a page.16.Q:An experimentalfile server is up3/4of the time and down1/4of the time,due to bugs.How many times does thisfile server have to be replicated to give an availability of at least99%?A:With k being the number of servers,we have that(1/4)k<0.01,expressing that the worst situation,when all servers are down,should happen at most 1/100of the time.This gives us k=4.17.Q:What is a three-tiered client-server architecture?A:A three-tiered client-server architecture consists of three logical layers, where each layer is,in principle,implemented at a separate machine.The highest layer consists of a client user interface,the middle layer contains the actual application,and the lowest layer implements the data that are being used.18.Q:What is the difference between a vertical distribution and a horizontal dis-tribution?A:Vertical distribution refers to the distribution of the different layers in a multitiered architectures across multiple machines.In principle,each layer is implemented on a different machine.Horizontal distribution deals with the distribution of a single layer across multiple machines,such as distributing a single database.19.Q:Consider a chain of processes P1,P2,...,P n implementing a multitieredclient-server architecture.Process P i is client of process P i+1,and P i will return a reply to P i−1only after receiving a reply from P i+1.What are the4PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER1main problems with this organization when taking a look at the request-reply performance at process P1?A:Performance can be expected to be bad for large n.The problem is that each communication between two successive layers is,in principle,between two different machines.Consequently,the performance between P1and P2 may also be determined by n−2request-reply interactions between the other layers.Another problem is that if one machine in the chain performs badly or is even temporarily unreachable,then this will immediately degrade the per-formance at the highest level.5 SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER2PROBLEMS1.Q:In many layered protocols,each layer has its own header.Surely it wouldbe more efficient to have a single header at the front of each message with all the control in it than all these separate headers.Why is this not done?A:Each layer must be independent of the other ones.The data passed from layer k+1down to layer k contains both header and data,but layer k cannot tell which is which.Having a single big header that all the layers could read and write would destroy this transparency and make changes in the protocol of one layer visible to other layers.This is undesirable.2.Q:Why are transport-level communication services often inappropriate forbuilding distributed applications?A:They hardly offer distribution transparency meaning that application developers are required to pay significant attention to implementing commun-ication,often leading to proprietary solutions.The effect is that distributed applications,for example,built directly on top of sockets are difficult to port and to interoperate with other applications.3.Q:A reliable multicast service allows a sender to reliably pass messages to acollection of receivers.Does such a service belong to a middleware layer,or should it be part of a lower-level layer?A:In principle,a reliable multicast service could easily be part of the trans-port layer,or even the network layer.As an example,the unreliable IP multi-casting service is implemented in the network layer.However,because such services are currently not readily available,they are generally implemented using transport-level services,which automatically places them in the middleware.However,when taking scalability into account,it turns out that reliability can be guaranteed only if application requirements are considered.This is a strong argument for implementing such services at higher,less gen-eral layers.4.Q:Consider a procedure incr with two integer parameters.The procedureadds one to each parameter.Now suppose that it is called with the same vari-able twice,for example,as incr(i,i).If i is initially0,what value will it have afterward if call-by-reference is used?How about if copy/restore is used?A:If call by reference is used,a pointer to i is passed to incr.It will be incre-mented two times,so thefinal result will be two.However,with copy/restore,i will be passed by value twice,each value initially0.Both will be incre-mented,so both will now be1.Now both will be copied back,with the second copy overwriting thefirst one.Thefinal value will be1,not2.6PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER25.Q:C has a construction called a union,in which afield of a record(called astruct in C)can hold any one of several alternatives.At run time,there is no sure-fire way to tell which one is in there.Does this feature of C have any implications for remote procedure call?Explain your answer.A:If the runtime system cannot tell what type value is in thefield,it cannot marshal it correctly.Thus unions cannot be tolerated in an RPC system unless there is a tagfield that unambiguously tells what the variantfield holds.The tagfield must not be under user control.6.Q:One way to handle parameter conversion in RPC systems is to have eachmachine send parameters in its native representation,with the other one doing the translation,if need be.The native system could be indicated by a code in thefirst byte.However,since locating thefirst byte in thefirst word is pre-cisely the problem,can this actually work?A:First of all,when one computer sends byte0,it always arrives in byte0.Thus the destination computer can simply access byte0(using a byte instruc-tion)and the code will be in it.It does not matter whether this is the low-order byte or the high-order byte.An alternative scheme is to put the code in all the bytes of thefirst word.Then no matter which byte is examined,the code will be there.7.Q:Assume a client calls an asynchronous RPC to a server,and subsequentlywaits until the server returns a result using another asynchronous RPC.Is this approach the same as letting the client execute a normal RPC?What if we replace the asynchronous RPCs with asynchronous RPCs?A:No,this is not the same.An asynchronous RPC returns an acknowledge-ment to the caller,meaning that after thefirst call by the client,an additional message is sent across the network.Likewise,the server is acknowledged that its response has been delivered to the client.Two asynchronous RPCs may be the same,provided reliable communication is guaranteed.This is generally not the case.8.Q:Instead of letting a server register itself with a daemon as is done in DCE,we could also choose to always assign it the same endpoint.That endpoint can then be used in references to objects in the server’s address space.What is the main drawback of this scheme?A:The main drawback is that it becomes much harder to dynamically allo-cate objects to servers.In addition,many endpoints need to befixed,instead of just one(i.e.,the one for the daemon).For machines possibly having a large number of servers,static assignment of endpoints is not a good idea. 9.Q:Give an example implementation of an object reference that allows aclient to bind to a transient remote object.PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER27 A:Using Java,we can express such an implementation as the following class:public class Object reference{InetAddress server address;//network address of object’s serverint server endpoint;//endpoint to which server is listeningint object identifier;//identifier for this objectURL client code;//(remote)file containing client-side stubbyte[]init data;//possible additional initialization data }The object reference should at least contain the transport-level address ofthe server where the object resides.We also need an object identifier as the server may contain several objects.In our implementation,we use a URL to refer to a(remote)file containing all the necessary client-side code.A generic array of bytes is used to contain further initialization data for that code.An alternative implementation would have been to directly put the client-code into the reference instead of a URL.This approach is followed,for example, in Java RMI where proxies are passed as reference.10.Q:Java and other languages support exceptions,which are raised when anerror occurs.How would you implement exceptions in RPCs and RMIs?A:Because exceptions are initially raised at the server side,the server stub can do nothing else but catch the exception and marshal it as a special error response back to the client.The client stub,on the other hand,will have to unmarshal the message and raise the same exception if it wants to keep access to the server transparent.Consequently,exceptions now also need to be described in an interface definition language.11.Q:Would it be useful to also make a distinction between static and dynamicRPCs?A:Yes,for the same reason it is useful with remote object invocations:it simply introduces moreflexibility.The drawback,however,is that much of the distribution transparency is lost for which RPCs were introduced in the first place.12.Q:Some implementations of distributed-object middleware systems areentirely based on dynamic method invocations.Even static invocations are compiled to dynamic ones.What is the benefit of this approach?A:Realizing that an implementation of dynamic invocations can handle all invocations,static ones become just a special case.The advantage is that onlya single mechanism needs to be implemented.A possible disadvantage is thatperformance is not always as optimal as it could be had we analyzed the static invocation.8PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER213.Q:Describe how connectionless communication between a client and aserver proceeds when using sockets.A:Both the client and the server create a socket,but only the server binds the socket to a local endpoint.The server can then subsequently do a blocking read call in which it waits for incoming data from any client.Likewise,after creating the socket,the client simply does a blocking call to write data to the server.There is no need to close a connection.14.Q:Explain the difference between the primitives mpi bsend and mpi isendin MPI.A:The primitive mpi bsend uses buffered communication by which the caller passes an entire buffer containing the messages to be sent,to the local MPI runtime system.When the call completes,the messages have either been transferred,or copied to a local buffer.In contrast,with mpi isend,the caller passes only a pointer to the message to the local MPI runtime system after which it immediately continues.The caller is responsible for not overwriting the message that is pointed to until it has been copied or transferred.15.Q:Suppose you could make use of only transient asynchronous communica-tion primitives,including only an asynchronous receive primitive.How would you implement primitives for transient synchronous communication?A:Consider a synchronous send primitive.A simple implementation is to send a message to the server using asynchronous communication,and subse-quently let the caller continuously poll for an incoming acknowledgement or response from the server.If we assume that the local operating system stores incoming messages into a local buffer,then an alternative implementation is to block the caller until it receives a signal from the operating system that a message has arrived,after which the caller does an asynchronous receive. 16.Q:Now suppose you could make use of only transient synchronous commun-ication primitives.How would you implement primitives for transient asyn-chronous communication?A:This situation is actually simpler.An asynchronous send is implemented by having a caller append its message to a buffer that is shared with a process that handles the actual message transfer.Each time a client appends a mes-sage to the buffer,it wakes up the send process,which subsequently removes the message from the buffer and sends it its destination using a blocking call to the original send primitive.The receiver is implemented similarly by offer-ing a buffer that can be checked for incoming messages by an application. 17.Q:Does it make sense to implement persistent asynchronous communicationby means of RPCs?A:Yes,but only on a hop-to-hop basis in which a process managing a queue passes a message to a next queue manager by means of an RPC.Effectively,PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER29 the service offered by a queue manager to another is the storage of a message.The calling queue manager is offered a proxy implementation of the interface to the remote queue,possibly receiving a status indicating the success or failure of each operation.In this way,even queue managers see only queues and no further communication.18.Q:In the text we stated that in order to automatically start a process to fetchmessages from an input queue,a daemon is often used that monitors the input queue.Give an alternative implementation that does not make use of a dae-mon.A:A simple scheme is to let a process on the receiver side check for any incoming messages each time that process puts a message in its own queue. 19.Q:Routing tables in IBM MQSeries,and in many other message-queuingsystems,are configured manually.Describe a simple way to do this automati-cally.A:The simplest implementation is to have a centralized component in which the topology of the queuing network is maintained.That component simply calculates all best routes between pairs of queue managers using a known routing algorithm,and subsequently generates routing tables for each queue manager.These tables can be downloaded by each manager separately.This approach works in queuing networks where there are only relatively few,but possibly widely dispersed,queue managers.A more sophisticated approach is to decentralize the routing algorithm,byhaving each queue manager discover the network topology,and calculate its own best routes to other managers.Such solutions are widely applied in com-puter networks.There is no principle objection for applying them to message-queuing networks.20.Q:How would you incorporate persistent asynchronous communication intoa model of communication based on RMIs to remote objects?A:An RMI should be asynchronous,that is,no immediate results are expected at invocation time.Moreover,an RMI should be stored at a special server that will forward it to the object as soon as the latter is up and running in an object server.21.Q:With persistent communication,a receiver generally has its own localbuffer where messages can be stored when the receiver is not executing.To create such a buffer,we may need to specify its size.Give an argument why this is preferable,as well as one against specification of the size.A:Having the user specify the size makes its implementation easier.The sys-tem creates a buffer of the specified size and is done.Buffer management becomes easy.However,if the bufferfills up,messages may be lost.The alternative is to have the communication system manage buffer size,starting10PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER2with some default size,but then growing(or shrinking)buffers as need be.This method reduces the chance of having to discard messages for lack of room,but requires much more work of the system.22.Q:Explain why transient synchronous communication has inherent scalabil-ity problems,and how these could be solved.A:The problem is the limited geographical scalability.Because synchronous communication requires that the caller is blocked until its message is received,it may take a long time before a caller can continue when the receiver is far away.The only way to solve this problem is to design the cal-ling application so that it has other useful work to do while communication takes place,effectively establishing a form of asynchronous communication.23.Q:Give an example where multicasting is also useful for discrete datastreams.A:Passing a largefile to many users as is the case,for example,when updat-ing mirror sites for Web services or software distributions.24.Q:How could you guarantee a maximum end-to-end delay when a collectionof computers is organized in a(logical or physical)ring?A:We let a token circulate the ring.Each computer is permitted to send data across the ring(in the same direction as the token)only when holding the token.Moreover,no computer is allowed to hold the token for more than T seconds.Effectively,if we assume that communication between two adjacent computers is bounded,then the token will have a maximum circulation time, which corresponds to a maximum end-to-end delay for each packet sent. 25.Q:How could you guarantee a minimum end-to-end delay when a collectionof computers is organized in a(logical or physical)ring?A:Strangely enough,this is much harder than guaranteeing a maximum delay.The problem is that the receiving computer should,in principle,not receive data before some elapsed time.The only solution is to buffer packets as long as necessary.Buffering can take place either at the sender,the receiver,or somewhere in between,for example,at intermediate stations.The best place to temporarily buffer data is at the receiver,because at that point there are no more unforeseen obstacles that may delay data delivery.The receiver need merely remove data from its buffer and pass it to the applica-tion using a simple timing mechanism.The drawback is that enough buffering capacity needs to be provided.26.Q:Imagine we have a token bucket specification where the maximum dataunit size is1000bytes,the token bucket rate is10million bytes/sec,the token bucket size is1million bytes,and the maximum transmission rate is50mil-lion bytes/sec.How long can a burst of maximum speed last?PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER211 A:Call the length of the maximum burst interval∆t.In an extreme case,the bucket is full at the start of the interval(1million bytes)and another10∆t comes in during that interval.The output during the transmission burst con-sists of50∆t million bytes,which should be equal to(1+10∆t).Consequently,∆t is equal to25msec.12SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER3PROBLEMS1.Q:In this problem you are to compare reading afile using a single-threadedfile server and a multithreaded server.It takes15msec to get a request for work,dispatch it,and do the rest of the necessary processing,assuming that the data needed are in a cache in main memory.If a disk operation is needed, as is the case one-third of the time,an additional75msec is required,during which time the thread sleeps.How many requests/sec can the server handle if it is single threaded?If it is multithreaded?A:In the single-threaded case,the cache hits take15msec and cache misses take90msec.The weighted average is2/3×15+1/3×90.Thus the mean request takes40msec and the server can do25per second.For a mul-tithreaded server,all the waiting for the disk is overlapped,so every request takes15msec,and the server can handle662/3requests per second.2.Q:Would it make sense to limit the number of threads in a server process?A:Yes,for two reasons.First,threads require memory for setting up their own private stack.Consequently,having many threads may consume too much memory for the server to work properly.Another,more serious reason, is that,to an operating system,independent threads tend to operate in a chaotic manner.In a virtual memory system it may be difficult to build a rela-tively stable working set,resulting in many page faults and thus I/O.Having many threads may thus lead to a performance degradation resulting from page thrashing.3.Q:In the text,we described a multithreadedfile server,showing why it isbetter than a single-threaded server and afinite-state machine server.Are there any circumstances in which a single-threaded server might be better?Give an example.A:Yes.If the server is entirely CPU bound,there is no need to have multiple threads.It may just add unnecessary complexity.As an example,consider a telephone directory assistance number(like555-1212)for an area with1mil-lion people.If each(name,telephone number)record is,say,64characters, the entire database takes64megabytes,and can easily be kept in the server’s memory to provide fast lookup.4.Q:Statically associating only a single thread with a lightweight process is notsuch a good idea.Why not?A:Such an association effectively reduces to having only kernel-level threads,implying that much of the performance gain of having threads in the first place,is lost.5.Q:Having only a single lightweight process per process is also not such agood idea.Why not?PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER313 A:In this scheme,we effectively have only user-level threads,meaning that any blocking system call will block the entire process.6.Q:Describe a simple scheme in which there are as many lightweightprocesses as there are runnable threads.A:Start with only a single LWP and let it select a runnable thread.When a runnable thread has been found,the LWP creates another LWP to look for a next thread to execute.If no runnable thread is found,the LWP destroys itself.7.Q:Proxies can support replication transparency by invoking each replica,asexplained in the text.Can(the server side of)an object be subject to a repli-cated invocation?A:Yes:consider a replicated object A invoking another(nonreplicated) object B.If A consists of k replicas,an invocation of B will be done by each replica.However,B should normally be invoked only once.Special measures are needed to handle such replicated invocations.8.Q:Constructing a concurrent server by spawning a process has some advan-tages and disadvantages compared to multithreaded servers.Mention a few.A:An important advantage is that separate processes are protected against each other,which may prove to be necessary as in the case of a superserver handling completely independent services.On the other hand,process spawn-ing is a relatively costly operation that can be saved when using mul-tithreaded servers.Also,if processes do need to communicate,then using threads is much cheaper as in many cases we can avoid having the kernel implement the communication.9.Q:Sketch the design of a multithreaded server that supports multiple proto-cols using sockets as its transport-level interface to the underlying operating system.A:A relatively simple design is to have a single thread T waiting for incom-ing transport messages(TPDUs).If we assume the header of each TPDU con-tains a number identifying the higher-level protocol,the tread can take the payload and pass it to the module for that protocol.Each such module has a separate thread waiting for this payload,which it treats as an incoming request.After handling the request,a response message is passed to T,which, in turn,wraps it in a transport-level message and sends it to tthe proper desti-nation.10.Q:How can we prevent an application from circumventing a windowmanager,and thus being able to completely mess up a screen?A:Use a microkernel approach by which the windowing system including the window manager are run in such a way that all window operations are。





























第1篇第一部分:基础知识1. 什么是分布式系统?- 分布式系统是由多个独立节点组成,通过网络进行通信和协作,共同完成某个任务或提供某种服务的系统。


2. 分布式系统与集中式系统的区别是什么?- 集中式系统:所有资源(如数据、计算能力等)都集中在单个节点上,所有操作都由这个节点处理。

- 分布式系统:资源分布在多个节点上,每个节点负责一部分任务,节点之间通过网络通信协同工作。

3. 分布式系统的主要挑战有哪些?- 数据一致性- 服务容错- 系统扩展性- 网络通信- 安全性4. 请解释CAP定理。

- CAP定理指出,在分布式系统中,一致性(Consistency)、可用性(Availability)和分区容错性(Partition tolerance)三者中,最多只能同时满足两项。


5. 什么是分布式锁?请列举几种实现分布式锁的方法。

- 分布式锁用于确保在分布式系统中,同一时间只有一个进程可以访问共享资源。

- 实现分布式锁的方法包括:- 基于数据库的锁- 基于Redis的锁- 基于Zookeeper的锁- 基于etcd的锁6. 请解释什么是分布式缓存?有哪些常见的分布式缓存实现?- 分布式缓存用于提高分布式系统的性能,通过在多个节点之间共享缓存来减少对后端存储系统的访问。

- 常见的分布式缓存实现包括:- Redis- Memcached- Apache Ignite- Hazelcast第二部分:PHP与分布式系统7. PHP在分布式系统中的应用场景有哪些?- PHP作为Web后端语言,在分布式系统中可以应用于以下场景:- Web服务器端脚本- API服务- 微服务- 数据处理8. 请解释PHP中的全局变量和静态变量的区别。

- 全局变量:在PHP脚本的全局作用域中定义的变量,可以在脚本中的任何地方访问。



分布式数据库原理与应用题库1. 引言随着互联网的快速发展和大数据时代的到来,数据量的爆炸式增长对数据库的存储和处理能力提出了更高的要求。



2. 分布式数据库的原理分布式数据库是将数据存储在多个物理节点上的数据库系统,节点之间通过网络进行通信和协作。

它具有以下几个核心原理:2.1 数据分片和副本为了实现数据的分布式存储和高可用性,分布式数据库将数据进行分片处理,并将每个分片的副本存储在不同的节点上。


2.2 数据一致性和并发控制在分布式数据库中,多个节点同时操作数据可能会造成数据的不一致。


2.3 数据通信和数据同步分布式数据库中的节点通过网络进行数据通信和数据同步。

节点之间的通信可以通过消息传递、RPC(Remote Procedure Call)等方式实现。


3. 分布式数据库的应用分布式数据库广泛应用于互联网、云计算、物联网等领域,它具有高可用性、可扩展性和容错性等优势。

以下是一些分布式数据库的常见应用案例:3.1 电商平台在电商平台中,用户的购物行为产生了大量的交易数据,而这些数据需要快速地进行存储和分析。


3.2 物联网物联网设备产生的数据通常具有大规模、高并发的特点。


3.3 金融系统金融系统需要处理大量的交易数据,并保证数据的安全和一致性。



1. B
2. D
3. C
B. FTP协议
C. Raft协议
















位置透明:从/index.htm这个url看不出parentice hall的主web服务器所在的位置,同时也看不出index.html的位置情况。








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Department Computer Science Distributed Systems VU University15.12.2009 MAKE SURE THAT YOUR HANDWRITING IS READABLE1a Explain what is meant by request-level and message-level interceptors in middleware.5pt Request-level interceptors are special local components to which an invocation request is passed before passing it to the underlying middleware.Such an interceptor is invocation aware in the sense that it knows with which invocation it is dealing,and for which server it is intended.Typically,such interceptors can be used to implement replicated calls.A message-level interceptor is a component that is logically placed between the middleware and the underlying operating system.It can thus handle only basic network messages,for example,by fragmenting them into smaller parts(and assembling these parts at the receiver side).1b Where does the need for adaptive middleware come from?5pt Middleware is intended to incorporate general-purpose,i.e.,application-independent,mechanisms for distributed computing.The problem is that for practical purposes,it is very difficult to separate policy from mechanism,with the effect that many middleware solutions are not right for specific applications.The result is the need to be able to tweak the middleware for the specific needs of an application.1c In the underlying feedback control loop,give an example of the analysis component in combination with the reference input.5ptAn example that is also discussed in the book,is analyzing whether measured performance is as good as it could have been when another replication scenario would have been used.In this case, the reference input is a cost function that needs to be minimized.2a What is the difference between transport-layer switching and content-aware request distribution?5pt With transport-layer switching,a front end to a server cluster accepts incoming TCP connections and hands these off to one of the back-end servers using only information that is available at the TCP-level:client address and destination port.In the case of content-aware request distribution,the switch can also inspect the content of requests(such as an HTTP URL)and use that information to decide to which back-end server the request should be forwarded.2b Explain how TCP handoff works and why it is difficult to apply to wide-area networks.5pt With TCP handoff,an incoming connection request is forwarded by a switch to a specific server, which then sends the response back directly to the client,using the network address of the switch.This last issue is problematic is a wide-area system,as it essentially involves spoofing the switch, which is often difficult to do across administrative domains.2c Explain how the content-aware request distribution can be combined with TCP handoff.5pt Your answer should explain what is happening in Figure12-9.Essential is that you mention the initial handoff to a distributor or dispatcher to decide what the best server could be based on content, after which the TCP connection is handed off to that server.The switch is subsequently informed.3a Traditional RPC mechanisms cannot handle pointers.What is the problem and how can it be ad-dressed?5pt The problem is that pointers passed as parameters refer to a memory location that is local to the caller.That location is not only often meaningless to the receipient,but more important is that the recipient will most likely not have the data structure in its memory that the caller has.There are not many things you can do about this,except copying the entire(dynamic data structure)from the caller to the callee when doing the RPC.An alternative is to replace pointers by global systemwide references,as is done with Java object references.3b Where does the need for at-least-once and at-most-once semantics come from?Why can’t we have exactly-once semantics?5pt The problem originates from having a(suspected)server crash,detected by the lack of a response in the case of an RPC.What the client-side software can do is either resend the request until itfinally gets a response(at-least-once semantics)or immediately reports the failure to the client application, thus providing at-most-once semantics.Guaranteeing exactly-once semantics is,in principle,impos-sible,because you cannot know in general whether the server crashed before or after executing the requested operation.3c Consider a client/server system based on RPC,and assume the server is replicated for performance.Sketch an RPC-based solution for hiding replication of the server from the client.5pt Simply take a client-side stub that replicates the call to the respective servers.It is essential that you mention that these calls should be done in parallel and that(for example)thefirst response is immediately passed to the client.Serializing the RPCs or waiting for all responses is OK for fault tolerance,but certainly not for performance.4a Resolve the following key lookups for the shown Chord-based P2P system:5ptsource key41542221302127201815@4:14–18;22@4:20–21–28;30@21:28–1;27@21:28;18@20:4–14–184b Adjust thefinger tables of nodes18and14when a node with ID24enters the ring.Also give the finger table of node24.5pt Node18:[20,20,24,28,4];Node14:[18,18,18,24,1];Node24:[28,28,28,1,9].4c Chord allows keys to be looked up recursively or iteratively.Explain the differences,as well as the main advantage of iterative over recursive lookup.5pt With recursive lookups,a message is forwarded from peer to peer until it reaches its destination.In contrast,with an iterative lookup,the requester is returned the next peer it should ask for the key.One can argue that in the case of Chord,iterative lookups are much better:recursive lookups do not have the advantage of proximity-awareness.Also,note that iterative lookups have the advantage of letting the client handle failures more easily.5a Explain how two-phase commit works.5pt Make sure that you explain(1)coordinator sends vote-request;(2)participants respond;(3)coordi-nator sends decision;(4)participants ack.5b Explain what happens when a participant,who is in the READY state,times out because it hasn’t received a response from the coordinator yet.5pt In that case,P can check whether any of the other particpants has made a transition to either ABORT or INIT(in which case P can abort)or COMMIT(and commit as well).The difficulty is when all others are in READY:they all need to wait until the coordinator recovers.5c If we use two-phase commit for a distributed transaction,can we allow a coordinator to issue two distributed transactions(involving the same participants)at the same time?5pt Yes:the local transaction managers at the participants will handle any concurrency issues.What is seen here is that the use of2PC is completely independent of the semantics of specific transactions.6a How can a Web hosting service help in handlingflash crowds?5pt Crucial for a correct answer is that you not only state that content is replicated,but that the origin server is assumed to be capable of redirecting requests,but perhaps no longer in also returning content-rich responses.Note that distributed request distribution is really tricky business.6b Akamai uses DNS-based redirection.Explain how resolution of the name would work.5pt The trick is that the regular DNS will resolve the name ,pointing to a DNS server that is controlled by Akamai.If we use iterative DNS name resolution,that server will know the IP address ot the requesting client,and be able to decide to which server(with logical name )it can forward the request.6c Explain the difference between content-aware and content-blind caching for Web applications by means of an example.5pt With content-aware caching,the cache has knowledge on the data model that is used by the Web application,and with that,can conduct query-containment procedures to see whether a query could possibly be addressed by the data that is already cached.For example,if an edge server had once received the query“select ALL FROM books WITH author=Irving”,it can cache that ter, when receiving a query“select ALL FROM books WITH author=Irving AND date<2008”,the edge server should be able to recognize that this is a subquery,and that it can thus look into its local cache.With content-blind caching,the cache simply attaches a unique id to an entire,specific query in order to check whether that exact query had been issued before.If so,it can possibly return the previously stored response from its cache.In our example,the two queries would each get a unqiue ID,which is then used to do a cache lookup.Grading:Thefinal grade is calculated by accumulating the scores per question(maximum:90points),and adding10bonus points.The maximum total is therefore100points.。
