Quantum key distribution based on a Sagnac loop interferometer and polarization-insensitive
量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一种基于量子力学原理的加密通信方式,能够实现信息的绝对安全传输。
为了实现量子密钥分发,需要借助于量子随机数发生器(Quantum Random Number Generator,QRNG)、单光子源、单光子探测器和量子通道等关键设备。
一、量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)量子密钥分发是量子加密的核心技术之一。
二、量子分布式密码(Quantum Secret Sharing,QSS)量子分布式密码是一种多方协作的量子加密方案。
三、量子认证(Quantum Authentication)量子认证是一种用于验证通信对方身份的量子加密方案。
在收到测量结果后,Alice 和Bob会通过公开交流的方式,抛弃那些测量结果不一致的比特,并保留一部分用于验证身份。
量子密钥分发量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是量子密码体系的核心部分。
常用的加密算法包括AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)等。
量子密钥分发的基本原理量子密钥分发的基本原理什么是量子密钥分发?量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是一种利用量子力学原理进行安全密钥传输的方法。
1. 量子态不可克隆定理量子态不可克隆定理表明,不可能创建一个完美的副本来复制未知量子态。
2. 量子态测量不可避免地干扰系统在量子力学中,测量一个粒子的状态会对其状态产生干扰。
量子密钥分配技术简介量子密钥分配技术(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一种基于量子力学原理的安全通信方法,用于在通信双方之间建立安全的密钥。
量子密钥分发技术(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)利用了量子力学的原理,可以安全地分发加密的密钥。
其次,量子密钥分发技术的使用步骤如下:1. 初始化:Bob和Alice共同决定密钥的长度和协议的类型,并进行系统的初始化。
2. 量子比特生成:Alice生成一串随机的量子比特,并将其用不同的量子态表示,比如通过使用0代表垂直偏振光子(|0⟩),1代表水平偏振光子(|1⟩)等。
3. 量子比特发送:Alice将量子比特通过量子通道发送给Bob,确保传输的安全性,同时Bob也会生成一串随机的量子比特。
4. 量子比特测量:Bob将收到的量子比特进行测量,并记录测量结果,比如通过使用水平和垂直偏振光子的偏振角度来进行测量。
5. 量子通道验证:Bob和Alice通过公开的通道来验证传输的安全性,并检查是否存在任何干扰或窃听的行为。
6. 密钥提取:Bob和Alice对测量结果进行比对,去掉传输过程中可能存在的错误或被干扰的量子比特,并提取出最终的密钥。
7. 密钥申报:Bob和Alice通过一次公开的通信通道来确认最终的密钥,并对其进行申报。
8. 密钥验证:Bob和Alice验证最终的密钥,确保没有被篡改或窃听。
itu量子密钥分发 标准
量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution, QKD)作为量子通信的核心技术之一,被誉为“量子密码术”,为信息传输提供了更高的安全性。
二、ITU量子密钥分发标准的内容ITU量子密钥分发标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 系统要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的组成、功能和要求,包括源设备、信道设备、光路设备、控制设备等。
2. 接口要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统中各种设备之间的接口形式、信号格式和交换方式。
3. 性能要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的性能指标,包括安全性、可靠性、稳定性和抗干扰能力等。
4. 测试方法:规定了量子密钥分发系统的测试方法和测试流程,包括功能测试、性能测试和安全测试等。
5. 网络安全要求:规定了量子密钥分发系统的网络安全要求,包括身份认证、访问控制、数据加密和完整性保护等。
三、ITU量子密钥分发标准的意义ITU量子密钥分发标准的制定,对于推动量子通信技术的发展和应用具有重要意义:1. 促进量子通信技术的标准化:通过制定量子密钥分发标准,可以为量子通信技术的研发和应用提供统一的指导,有助于提高量子通信技术的规范化水平。
量子密钥分发协议书甲方(以下简称“甲方”):地址:法定代表人:联系方式:乙方(以下简称“乙方”):地址:法定代表人:联系方式:鉴于甲方希望利用量子密钥分发技术(Quantum Key Distribution, 简称QKD)进行安全通信,乙方具备提供QKD服务的能力,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就量子密钥分发服务达成如下协议:第一条服务内容1.1 乙方将向甲方提供量子密钥分发服务,确保甲方通信的安全性。
1.2 乙方负责量子密钥分发系统的搭建、维护和升级工作。
第二条服务期限2.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年/月/日。
第三条费用及支付3.1 甲方应按照本协议约定向乙方支付量子密钥分发服务费用,具体金额为____元。
3.2 费用支付方式为____(如:一次性支付/分期支付),支付时间点为____。
第四条保密条款4.1 双方应对在本协议履行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。
4.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露、使用或允许他人使用该等秘密。
第五条知识产权5.1 乙方提供的量子密钥分发技术及其相关知识产权归乙方所有。
5.2 甲方对使用量子密钥分发技术产生的数据享有所有权。
第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本协议约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的一切损失。
第七条争议解决7.1 本协议在履行过程中发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
7.2 如果协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
第八条协议的变更与解除8.1 本协议的任何变更或补充均需双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。
8.2 任何一方在提前____天书面通知对方的情况下,可解除本协议。
第九条其他9.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。
9.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
甲方(盖章):_________________法定代表人(签字):_____________日期:____年____月____日乙方(盖章):_________________ 法定代表人(签字):_____________ 日期:____年____月____日。
关键词:量子保密通信; 量子密钥分发; 应用AbstractIn recent years, new trials and expansions have been made in the application of quantum secure communication based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). In this paper, based on the progress and limitations of QKD in terms of transmission distance and key generation rate, we propose that quantum secure communication based on QKD can be divided into two modes: online distribution of quantum keys and online & offline combined distribution of quantum keys. The advantages and disadvantages of the two modes are analyzed, and the typical application scenarios of these two modes are introduced. The problems faced by QKD in terms of technology, equipment, networking, and network capability provision are discussed, and some solutions are proposed. The application of quantum secure communication is also closely related to the development of traditional encrypted communication services, systems and networks, and needs to be actively promoted by the industry chain. Keywords:quantum secure communication; quantum key distribution; application0 引言量子通信是以量子态为信息载体,通过量子态的传送实现量子信息或经典信息传送的技术。
一、量子密钥分发量子密钥分发(quantum key distribution,QKD)是指利用量子纠缠消息完成加密的过程。
量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)是利用量子力学特性来保证通信安全性的一种方法。
二、量子纠缠的应用1. 量子计算量子计算是一种基于量子纠缠和量子叠加的新型计算模式。
2. 量子通信量子通信是一种利用量子纠缠传输信息的方法。
量子密钥分发的基本原理(一)量子密钥分发的基本原理什么是量子密钥分发?量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一种基于量子力学原理的加密通信方式。
其基本原理包括以下几个步骤:1.量子比特的编码(Quantum Bit Encoding):发送方选择一个合适的量子态(如单光子态)来表示二进制的0和1,然后将密钥信息编码到这些量子比特上。
2.量子比特的传输(Quantum Bit Transmission):发送方将编码好的量子比特传输给接收方,传输过程中要确保传输通道的安全性,以免被攻击者截获或劫持。
3.量子比特的测量(Quantum Bit Measurement):接收方利用测量设备对接收到的量子比特进行测量。
4.密钥提取(Key Extraction):接收方根据测量的结果与发送方协商,舍弃不一致的比特,并利用剩余的一致比特生成密钥。
5.安全认证(Security Authentication):发送方和接收方交换一部分密钥信息,通过比对以确认密钥的一致性和完整性,并排除窃听和篡改的风险。
量子密钥分发的优势量子密钥分发相较于传统加密技术具有以下优势:•信息-theoretically secure:量子力学的原理保证了密钥的传输过程是信息理论上的安全,即使未来量子计算机问世,量子密钥分发也能够防御量子计算攻击。
一、量子计算1.1 量子计算的基本概念中文英文量子计算quantum computing量子计算机quantum computer量子比特qubit量子逻辑门quantum logic gate量子电路quantum circuit量子算法quantum algorithm量子优越性quantum supremacy量子计算(quantum computing)是一种利用量子力学原理进行信息处理的计算方式,它可以在多个可能的状态之间同时进行运算,从而提高计算效率和能力。
量子计算机(quantum computer)是一种实现量子计算的物理设备,它由一组可操作的量子比特(qubit)组成,每个量子比特可以同时处于0和1的叠加态,而不是经典计算机中的二进制位。
量子逻辑门(quantum logic gate)是一种对量子比特进行操作的基本单元,它可以实现一些基本的逻辑功能,如非、与、或、异或等,也可以实现一些特有的量子操作,如哈达玛门、泡利门、CNOT门等。
量子电路(quantum circuit)是一种由多个量子逻辑门按照一定顺序连接而成的结构,它可以对输入的量子比特进行复杂的操作,并输出结果。
量子算法(quantum algorithm)是一种利用量子电路实现某种特定目标或问题的解决方案,它可以在某些情况下比经典算法更高效或更精确,如著名的Shor算法和Grover算法。
量子优越性(quantum supremacy)是指当一个量子计算机能够在某个特定任务上超过任何经典计算机的性能时所达到的一个里程碑,它表明了量子计算机在某些方面具有优势和潜力。
量子通信技术中的量子密钥分发实验方法量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution, QKD)作为一种安全通信的方法,近年来受到了广泛关注。
High School affiliated to Xi 'an Jiaotong University ABSTRACTFrom the earliest research and study of quantum communication to application and achievement. In recent years, with the continuous development of quantum communication, quantum secure direct communication became an important branch of quantum communication. Quantum secure direct communication uses distinct quantum states of photons as the information carrier in the transmission process to assure the safe and correct direct transmission of sensitive information between communication participants. This paper would introduce the application and development of quantum communication technology. It includes the theory and different protocol of quantum communication. From the earliest research and study of quantum communication to application and achievement. The paper discussed a QKD service interface between the QKD protocol and the security applications. This interface provides a set of common QKD services needed by existing security protocols. The application of quantum communication technology develops the economy to some extent as well. Therefore, governments of all countries will pay more attention to the development of quantum technology and invest more money and manpower costs.Keywords: quantum communication, quantum computing, BB84 protocol, quantum satellite, quantum key distribution.1.INTRODUCTIONQuantum communication involves many fields, including quantum key distribution network, quantum secure direct communication and quantum secret sharing network. As an important part of quantum information science, quantum communication uses the basic principles of quantum mechanics and completes the communication transmission process through a series of specific measurement methods for quantum states. Among them, quantum key distribution has the widest range of applications, which is the basis and support of other branches and the core content of quantum communication. From 1984, Bennett and Brassard proposed the first quantum cryptography protocol using orthogonal photon polarization state coding transmission. After BB84 protocol, people conducted a lot of research on quantum cryptography. Later, people proposed the B92 protocol network using non-orthogonal quantum state coding to realize quantum key distribution and the E91 equivalent key distributionprotocol based on the maximum entangled state of two-particle pairs. Based on these classical protocols, researchers in various countries carried out extensive research and proposed a series of new schemes for quantum key distribution. In recent ten years, quantum key distribution made rapid progress in experiments in optical fiber and free space, and gradually moved towards the road of practicality. From 1995 to 2002, the transmission distance of quantum communication in optical fiber increased from 10km to 30km, and then to 67km. From 2000 to 2007, the transmission distance of quantum communication in free space increased from 1.6 km to 144 km.2.REVIEW OF QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 2.1. The definition of QKDQuantum key distribution (QKD) is a technique based on the laws of quantum physics, rather than thecomputational complexity of the assumed mathematicalProceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Social Sciences andEconomic Development (ICSSED 2022)Development and Application of Quantum Communication Technology from EconomicPerspectiveRundian ZhangCopyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.problem. Secure cryptographic keys can be proven to be generated and distributed over insecure channels. The quantum error rate of single-photon technology and quantum channels is used to detect potential eavesdropping. A shared secret will be generated on a single photon transmitting a randomly encoded message, i.e. a random string, as the basis for security that measures the probabilistic nature of the photon state. The quantum channel and the classical channel make up the quantum key distribution system. The quantum channel must contain a transparent optical path used only for the transmission of quantum bit elements (individual photons). It is a probability channel. The classical channel can be the traditional IP channel, but according to the system design, it may need to be dedicated and closely linked with the quantum channel to meet the timing requirements.The main drawback of quantum key distribution is that it usually relies on a verified classical communication channel. In modern cryptography, having a verified classical channel means that a symmetric key with sufficient length or a public key with sufficient security level has been exchanged. Authentication and secure communication can be achieved without using QKD. Therefore, QKD completes the work of stream cipher at many times cost.2.2. BB84 protocolBB84 is a quantum key distribution scheme developed by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984. It is the first quantum cryptography protocol. The protocol is probably safe and is based on quantum qualities, which means that the information gain can only be at the expense of the interference signal. if the two states that being distinguished are not orthogonal and the channel is authenticated as a common classical channel. It is usually interpreted as a secure private key communication method from one direction to the other for one-time pad encryption. BB84 protocol and its variants are the only known provably secure QKD protocol. The differential phase shift keying of other QKD protocols is promising but has not been proven secure. As shown in figure 1, BB84 protocol consists of four stages. The first stage is that the random-coded single photon flows through the quantum channel and transmits from Alice ( transmitter ) to Bob ( receiver ) to establish the initial birth key. Alice maintains the temporary database of each photon sending state. The second stage is screening. Bob sends the detected photons and the list of their basis to Alice on the classical channel, but not their values. The basis is how to measure photons. Photons can be coded as one of two bases. Only one photon can be measured once, so only one fundamental can be applied. If the measurement is made on the proper cardinality, the measured value will be correct. If the measurement is made on the wrong basis, the value will be stochastic. Alice keeps only the correct entries that Bob obtains from her database and sends the modified list to Bob via the classic path. Bob keeps only those items from the modified list. Alice and Bob now have a list of filter keys. The lists have the same size and length, but there may be some errors between them. This is the quantum error rate, which is a sign of tapping. A third stage is used to correct these errors, which we collectively refer to as coordination. The cascade and its variants coordinate errors by exchanging check and error correction codes. It acts as the primary coordination algorithm, and the whole process requires multiple communications between Bob and Alice through the classical channel, ultimately helping to make its list smaller than the filtered list. The fourth stage is privacy amplification, which uses a hashing algorithm to compute the communication between Alice and Bob. Since the set of harmonic bits is random, the resulting privacy amplification set will also be random. The eavesdropper would need to know all or most of the original bits to eavesdrop, otherwise, the eavesdropper would not be able to compute the new set out of thin air. the advantage of QKD is that it can better detect potential eavesdropping that currently exists, as well as other security risks, while it ye can generate and distribute provably secure keys over non-secure channels. It is difficult for QKD to break through the complex key exchange methods or algorithms that are involved in current computing, even if it is not threatened by quantum computers. Secondly, it will not produce a mechanism to beat QKD, because QKD generates random strings for shared secrets, it will get a QKD system and reverse engineer it, but its theory of operation will not. The existing optical media infrastructure will be used by QKD for quantum communication.Figure 1. The steps of QKD3.APPLICATION OF QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONChina’s quantum satellite enables first totally secure long-range messages. Mozi and Hebei Xinglong ground station established a free space optical link. The transmission efficiency of the satellite-ground quantum key is 20 orders of magnitude higher than that of the ground optical fiber channel at 1200 km communication distance. Recently, the research team optimized the ground station receiving optical system. AtNanshanground station, the quantum key generation rate of monorail satellite to ground station increased by about 40 times. In addition, the research team also extends the safe code distance between the satellite and the ground from 1200 km to 2000 km. Therefore, the channel loss is equivalent to the loss between the medium and high orbit satellite and the ground, which lays the foundation for the future application of quantum communication in medium and high orbit satellites. Also the realization of quantum secure communication network covering the world. From 2006 to 2016, great breakthroughs and achievements have been made in the fields of quantum storage, quantum entanglement distribution and quantum teleportation. China ' s quantum communication technology has been leading in the world. These studies and results also confirm the feasibility of exploring space-scale quantum entanglement based on global quantum communication network, and lay a solid foundation for launching quantum satellite Mozi.According to the website of the University of Science and Technology of China, Pan Jianwei, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor of the University of Science and Technology of China, and his colleagues Zhang Qiang and Chen Tengyun collaborated with Wang Xiangbin and Liu Yang of Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology to break through the field long-distance high-performance single-photon interference technology. By virtue of time-frequency transmission technology and laser injection locking technology, a record 500 km-level field non-relay optical fiber quantum key distribution was realized. Relevant research results are published in the famous international academic journals Physical Review Express and Nature Photonology respectively. The above research results have successfully created a new world record for the longest distance of the on-site optical fiber relayless QKD. The coding rate of the fiber exceeding 500 km breaks the limit of the coding rate limited by the traditional relayless QKD, that is, it exceeds the coding limit of the relayless QKD under the ideal detection device. In the actual environment, it proves the feasibility of the dual-field quantum key distribution ( TF-QKD ) and paves the way for the realization of the long-distance optical fiber quantum network. Based on the on-site optical cable of Jiqing trunk line', the superconducting detector developed by Ulixing Group of Shanghai Microsystems Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences has realized 428 km TF-QKD by laser injection locking, and 511 km TF-QKD by time-frequency transfer technology. The quantum non-cloning principle ensures the unconditional security of key distribution, and the non-cloning of the unknown quantum state also makes QKD unable to relay the transmission through optical amplification like the classical optical communication. Therefore, the transmission distance of QKD in practical applications is limited by the fiber loss. However,there might still be some drawbacks of the quantum satellite. For instance, small quantities of quantum satellite have limited abilities to support global communication since most of the countries does not have the quantum communication technology. It’s d ifficult to form quantum communication system since there are limited numbers of quantum satellite. Therefore the speed of signal propagation is still slow, and is difficult to achieve the desired speed. Also, the security of the system should be questioned. At present, the quantum satellite is still in the experimental stage. As a result, most of the quantum technology could not applied to it including quantum key distribution, quantum computing and quantum quantum secure direct communication. The market potential is huge, and most industries are not applied to quantum satellites. The complexity of technology makes it difficult to popularize to civil use. The threshold of quantum communication is too high, and the technology is still immature. Technical costs should be reduced to apply them to the Internet, cable television, telephone, etc. As more quantum satellite launch to air, the quantum communication would become more efficient and durable.4.THE FUNCTION OF QUANTUM COMMUNICATION TO ECONOMIC Quantum technology is far-reaching for economic development. In recent years, the United States, China, Japan, and the European Union have quantum technology that is far-reaching for economic development. In recent years, the United States, China, Japan, and the European Union have invested more and more in quantum technology, mainly reflected in the use of quantum computing, quantum communication, and other technologies. In the future, the application of quantum computing combined with the Internet and artificial intelligence is expected to generate more new industries. With the combination of quantum computing and big data, big data will have stronger statistical ability and complexity, so as to improve its fault tolerance rate. In this context, the stock market trend, financial technology, business decisions, and other aspects will also have a great breakthrough. The development of quantum communication will promote the development of communication industries such as 5G communication technology. Thanks to more secure and efficient quantum technology, online communication will be more frequent in the future, and social media, streaming media, and other industries will have more development possibilities. More people will choose to negotiate online rather than meet offline. Therefore, the Internet-based on quantum communication will become more perfect, requiring more people to participate in the network construction, and the positions on the network will become more. People will find the jobs they want more easily ontheInternet, and the scale of the Internet economy will become larger. In the future, the development of the network economy will depend more on the efficiency, security, quality, and cost of high-tech technology, and the advantage of technology is more likely to have a higher economic growth rate.5.CONCLUSIONThis paper provides a summary overview of the QKD protocol and the related applications of the Mercury satellite. In order to eventually work out a key exchange model and be able to implement it, the research question of how QKD can be integrated into these security applications is now presented based on current relevant theory. The paper also points out that authentication and integrity protection QKD protocol messages can be used in currently existing security protocols, but that they cannot be used until quantum keys exist. Finally, a QKD service interface between QKD protocols and security applications is discussed. The common set of QKD services required by this existing security protocol is provided by this interface. QKD may not evolve into a viable widely deployable technology, but with ongoing research and commercially available systems, it is too early to discard it. In the future, there will be more research and application possibilities for quantum communications. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI am really appreciate to my professor from the university of Yale and my teacher guide because they have offered me substantial support. REFERENCES[1]Gisin N, Ribordy G, Tittel W and Zbinden H 2002Quantum cryptography Rev. Mod. Phys, 441.1-41.8[2]Chou C W, Laurat J, Deng H, Choi K S, deRiedmatten H, Felinto D and Kimble H J 2007 Functional quantum nodes for entanglement distribution over scalable quantum networks Science 316 1316-20[3]R. Perlner and D. Cooper, “Quantum ResistantPublic Key Cryptography: A Survey”, Proc of IDtrust 2009, Gaithersburg, MD, Apr. 14-19, 2009.[4]SECQO, “QKD Network Demonstration andConference”, Vienna, Austria, Oct 8-10, 2008. [5]Proc. 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传统的加密技术面临着被破解的风险,而量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution, QKD)技术则被认为是一种更加安全的加密通信方式。
1. 量子密钥分发技术简介量子密钥分发技术基于量子力学原理,利用量子态的性质实现加密通信。
2. 部署量子密钥分发技术的准备工作在部署量子密钥分发技术之前,首先需要进行一些准备工作:2.1 硬件设备和基础设施:量子密钥分发技术需要一些特殊的硬件设备,例如量子比特发生器、量子通信信道、量子接收器等。
2.2 安全隐私保护:由于量子密钥分发技术的敏感性,必须采取措施保护其安全和隐私。
2.3 人员培训和技术支持:部署量子密钥分发技术需要具备一定的专业知识和技术能力。
3. 部署量子密钥分发技术的步骤在进行量子密钥分发技术的实际部署时,可以遵循以下步骤:3.1 系统规划和设计:根据实际需求,设计合适的系统架构和网络拓扑结构。
3.2 硬件设备选择和安装:选择适用于您系统需求的硬件设备,并按照相关指南进行正确的安装和配置。
3.3 密钥分发和验证:通过量子通信信道分发和验证密钥。
量子密钥分发技术的实际部署指南与安全性评估介绍量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,简称QKD)技术是一种基于量子物理原理的加密通信技术,它利用光子的量子特性确保密钥分发的安全性。
量子密钥分发技术的实际部署指南1. 基础设施建设在部署量子密钥分发技术之前,需要搭建一套适配的基础设施。
2. 密钥分发过程量子密钥分发技术的核心是使用量子比特(qubit)进行密钥传输。
3. 密钥认证与隐私放大在量子密钥分发技术中,密钥认证是确保分发密钥的完整性和安全性的重要步骤。
量子密钥分发技术的安全性评估1. 安全性特征量子密钥分发技术的安全性可以通过以下几个方面进行评估:- 信息泄露:量子密钥分发技术通过量子力学原理确保信息不被截取或复制。
- 中间人攻击:通过密钥认证和消息鉴别码等方式,可以防止中间人攻击。
- 量子信道安全性:确保量子信道的安全性,避免信息泄漏。
- 外部环境干扰:抵抗光子捕捉和窃听等外界环境干扰。
收稿日期:20230612基金项目:教育部中外语言合作中心非洲国家数据分析人才培养项目(21Y H 034C X 5);教育部产学合作协同育人项目(201902166001)㊂作者简介:朱宏峰(1978 ),男,辽宁盘锦人,沈阳师范大学教授,博士㊂第41卷 第6期2023年 12月沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)J o u r n a l o f S h e n y a n g N o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y (N a t u r a l S c i e n c eE d i t i o n )V o l .41N o .6D e c .2023文章编号:16735862(2023)06051511量子密钥分发网络架构㊁进展及应用朱宏峰1,陈柳伊1,王学颖1,张 璐1,邢笑瑞2(1.沈阳师范大学软件学院,沈阳 110034;2.范德堡大学文理学院,纳什维尔 37235)摘 要:近年来,随着网络通信攻击手段的层出不穷,只依赖传统计算困难程度的密钥分发的安全性受到了严重威胁㊂量子密钥分发技术由于其无条件安全性的优势,与光网络结合,在信息的保密性和传递效率方面具有突出的表现㊂利用量子密钥分发技术组建的量子密钥分发网络也在全球范围内得到逐步应用并且不断发展㊂重点总结了量子密钥分发各项协议及量子密钥分发网络的发展历程,以量子密钥分发网络所面临的生存性和连通性,以及中继节点的布置问题为切入点,分析了量子密钥分发网络目前存在的不足及现有的各种解决方案㊂最后,从实际的角度出发,分析和总结了量子密钥分发网络的应用现状,通过量子密钥分发在线与离线相结合的方式,使量子密钥分发网络的可推广性变得更强,同时,边缘网关到物联网终端设备的量子密钥分发也大大促进了量子密钥分发网络与现有物联网设备的结合应用㊂关 键 词:量子安全网络架构;量子密钥分发网络;可信中继;光网络中图分类号:T P 319 文献标志码:A d o i :10.3969/j .i s s n .16735862.2023.06.006A r c h i t e c t u r e ,p r o g r e s s ,a n d a p p l i c a t i o n s o f q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r k sZ HU H o n g f e n g 1,C H E N L i u y i 1,WA N G X u e y i n g 1,Z HA N G Lu 1,X I N GX i a o r u i 2(1.S o f t w a r eC o l l e g e ,S h e n y a n g N o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y ,S h e n y a n g 110034,C h i n a ;2.C o l l e g e o fA r t s a n dS c i e n c e ,V a n d e r b i l tU n i v e r s i t y,N a s h v i l l e 37235,U S A )A b s t r a c t :I n r e c e n t y e a r s ,w i t h t h e e n d l e s s e m e r g e n c e o f n e t w o r k c o mm u n i c a t i o n a t t a c k m e t h o d s ,t h es e c u r i t y o fk e y d i s t r i b u t i o nt h a to n l y r e l i e so nt r a d i t i o n a l c o m p u t i n g d i f f i c u l t y h a s b e e ns e r i o u s l y t h r e a t e n e d .Q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nt e c h n o l o g y ,b e c a u s e o fi t s u n c o n d i t i o n a l s e c u r i t y a d v a n t a g e s ,c o m b i n e d w i t h o p t i c a ln e t w o r k s ,h a s o u t s t a n d i n g r e s u l t si ni n f o r m a t i o n c o n f i d e n t i a l i t y a n d t r a n s m i s s i o n e f f i c i e n c y .T h e q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r k b a s e d o n q u a n t u mk e y d i s t r i b u t i o n t e c h n o l o g y h a s a l s o b e e n g r a d u a l l y a p p l i e d a n d d e v e l o p e dw o r l d w i d e .T h i s p a p e r f o c u s e s o ns u mm a r i z i n g t h ed e v e l o p m e n th i s t o r y o f q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o n p r o t o c o l sa n d q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r k s .S t a r t i n g f r o mt h e s u r v i v a b i l i t y a n d c o n n e c t i v i t y o f q u a n t u mk e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r k s a n d t h el a y o u t o fr e l a y n o d e s .i n t h i s p a p e r w e a n a l y z e st h e c u r r e n t s h o r t c o m i n g so f q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r k sa n dv a r i o u se x i s t i n g s o l u t i o n s .F i n a l l y,w e a n a l y z e sa n ds u mm a r i z e st h ea p p l i c a t i o ns t a t u so f q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r kf r o m t h e p r a c t i c a l p o i n t o fv i e w.T h r o u g ht h ec o m b i n a t i o no f q u a n t u m k e y di s t r i b u t i o no n l i n ea n do f f l i n e ,t h e q u a n t u mk e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r kh a sb e c o m em o r e s c a l a b l e .A t t h e s a m e t i m e ,t h e q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nf r o m t h ee d g e g a t e w a y t ot h eI n t e r n e to f T h i n g st e r m i n a ld e v i c e sh a s g r e a t l yp r o m o t e d t h ec o m b i n a t i o no f q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r ka n de x i s t i n g I n t e r n e to fT h i n g s d e v i c e s .615沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)第41卷K e y w o r d s:q u a n t u ms e c u r i t y n e t w o r ka r c h i t e c t u r e;q u a n t u m k e y d i s t r i b u t i o nn e t w o r k;t r u s t e dr e l a y;o p t i c a l n e t w o r k1量子密钥分发网络的发展1.1量子密钥分发网络的实施量子通信领域虽然在近些年取得了很多重大进展,但是现在的量子通信技术只能在有限距离内实施,实现长距离的量子通信仍然非常困难㊂这是因为信道中存在量子损耗和噪声㊂B r i e g e l等[1]在1998年提出了利用纠缠交换和纠缠纯化的量子中继器解决在较长距离通信中量子的损耗和噪声问题,其原理如图1所示㊂即把参与信息传送的双方之间的传输通道拆分成若干段,每一段都要制备纠缠并对其进行纯化,利用相邻段与段之间的纠缠交换,使传输距离更远㊂这种纠缠交换与纯化的情况重复进行,直到通信保真度无限接近1㊂图1量子密码学的发展历程及相关理论F i g.1D e v e l o p m e n t h i s t o r y a n d r e l a t e d t h e o r i e s o f q u a n t u mc r y p t o g r a p h y量子密钥分发(q u a n t u mk e y d i s t r i b u t i o n,Q K D)网络实施往往依赖光交换或可信中继㊁不可信中继,或者使用量子中继器作为解决方案㊂目前,光交换和可信中继方案比基于不可信中继和量子中继器的方案更为成熟㊂1)基于光交换的Q K D网络:可以将光束分割或切换等几种经典光学功能用于传输量子信号,以连接一对Q K D节点㊂量子信号可以通过短量子链路传输,而无需与不可信节点进行任何交互㊂因此,与长途链路相比,这些短链路不太容易被攻击和窃听㊂2)基于可信中继的Q K D网络:与上述基于光交换的Q K D网络的场景相反,在基于可信中继的Q K D网络(通常称为可信节点Q K D网络)中,通过为每个Q K D链路生成本地密钥,将其存储在位于每个Q K D链路两端的节点中实现长距离传输㊂密钥沿着Q K D路径以逐跳的方式从源节点转发到目的节点㊂这种Q K D 网络实用性和可扩展性强,已被广泛用于现实Q K D 网络的部署㊂3)基于不可信中继的Q K D 网络:必须依赖更安全的Q K D 协议,如设备无关的量子密钥分发(m e a s u r e m e n t -d e v i c e -i n d e p e n d e n tQ K D ,M D I -Q K D )和基于量子纠缠的协议㊂依赖M D I 协议的不可信中继通常比基于可信中继的协议具有更好的安全性,因为它可以消除测量端的几乎所有安全漏洞,它甚至允许不受信任的中继被窃听者控制,但不会影响Q K D 的安全性㊂基于不可信中继的协议也能够相当大地扩大Q K D 的安全实现距离㊂例如,双场量子密钥分发(t w i n -f i e l dQ K D ,T F -Q K D )协议中的不可信中继可达到的距离约为500k m [2]㊂4)基于量子中继器的Q K D 网络:量子中继器可以减轻对量子信号的距离依赖性损伤㊂位于中间节点的量子中继器可以依靠量子纠缠交换的过程在源节点和目的节点之间产生长距离纠缠㊂量子中继器有望在不直接测量或克隆量子信号的情况下转发量子信号,然而这种理想化的量子中继器仍然有待实现㊂1.2 Q K D 网络架构Q K D 网络的一般架构与经典网络密不可分㊂Q K D 网络现已在通信和安全基础设施中得到初步应用,如合肥城域网[3],它是基于三节点可信中继的Q K D 网络,使用了诱饵状态B B 84协议和商业光纤链路,实现了O T P (o n e -t i m e p a s s w o r d )加密的实时音频通信;2018年的基于卫星的中奥洲际Q K D 网络[4]使用连续变量Q K D [5](c o n t i n u o u s -v a r i a b l eQ K D ,C V -Q K D )协议连接了3个不同的站点㊂Q K D 网络的通用3层架构由3个逻辑层组成:Q K D 层㊁控制层及应用层,如图2所示㊂图2 Q K D 网络基本架构F i g .2 B a s i ca r c h i t e c t u r eo f Q K Dn e t w o r k 1)Q K D 层:该层由Q K D 网络设计的各种物理设备(如Q K D 节点和链路)组成,Q K D 节点间可以通过光纤或自由空间链路互连,Q K D 节点之间可以生成对称比特串作为密钥,生成的密钥存储在Q K D节点中㊂每个Q K D 节点都保存其详细的密钥参数,如标识符㊁比特长度㊁传输速率和时间戳等㊂每个Q K D 节点还存储链路参数(如链路的长度和类型)及量子信道的错误率信息㊂2)控制层:该层由Q K D 网络控制器和管理器组成,其中,所有的Q K D 节点都由Q K D 网控制器控制,该控制器负责激活和校准Q K D 节点,并对整个Q K D 网络进行控制,其中包括监视所有Q K D 节点和链路的状态,并监督Q K D 网络控制器[6]㊂通过监测和管理获得的统计数据可以被读取,随后记录在数据库中,存储在Q K D 节点中的密钥都在安全链路中传递,而不能被Q K D 网络控制器或管理器访问,因而在添加控制器后,密钥的安全性仍然能够得到保证[7]㊂许多控制层在设计时引入了软件定义网络(s o f t w a r e -d e f i n e dn e t w o r k i n g ,S D N ),通过逻辑集中控制的方法对整个Q K D 集成光网络进行科学管理㊂S D N 具有多样化的资源分配能力和高效的全局控制能力,这些能力已在具有分时Q K D 资源的715 第6期 朱宏峰,等:量子密钥分发网络架构㊁进展及应用815沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)第41卷S D N控制光网络中得到了验证㊂3)应用层:由用户所需的加密应用程序组成㊂首先,应用程序向管理层通知其安全请求(即密钥的安全需求),根据这些请求,管理层从相应的Q K D节点查询所需密钥的可用性㊂如果实时密钥可用于支持加密应用,则Q K D管理层指示为应用提供加密密钥,否则应用程序应该等待提供密钥㊂最后,使用密钥对应用程序链接上的数据传输进行加密㊂应用程序获取到密钥后对其进行管理和使用㊂每个Q K D网络可以支持的用户数量由密钥资源和密钥需求决定㊂因此,密钥资源和用户需求之间如何达到最优的问题是应用层需要关注的重点㊂2 Q K D网络架构的发展2.1Q K D网络的基本架构[8]该架构由4层组成,即应用层㊁控制层㊁Q K D层和数据层,如图3(a)所示㊂应用层:在应用层中生成光路请求,其中包括2种请求,一种是需要Q K D安全性的光路(Q K D s e c u r e d l i g h t p a t h,Q L P)请求,一种是没有Q K D参与的普通光路(l i g h t p a t h,L P)请求㊂随后Q L P和L P请求都被传送到控制层进行进一步处理㊂应用程序层上可以拒绝或者接受Q L P请求和L P请求㊂控制层:控制层由控制和管理网络资源的软件定义网络(S D N)控制器组成㊂控制层分别从Q K D 层和数据层中的量子信道和经典信道向Q L P和L P请求需要分配的资源㊂Q K D层:Q K D层由量子通信节点(q u a n t u mc o mm u n i c a t i o n n o d e s,Q C N s)组成,Q C N之间的连接通过量子信道和经典信道建立㊂Q K D层的具体实现依赖所使用的Q K D协议,在Q K D层中Q L P请求的每个节点对之间进行密钥生成和分发㊂数据层:L P请求在不涉及Q K D层的情况下直接传输到数据层,并被分配波长资源,Q L P请求也被传输到数据层,通过经典信道传输的数据使用在Q K D层生成的密钥加密,在数据节点之间进行数据传输㊂为了在网络体系结构的四层之间建立安全可靠的通信服务,研究者们在架构中加入了不同的协议㊂为了实现控制层和Q K D层,以及控制层和数据层之间的南向接口,可以使用开放流(o p e n f l o w,O F)协议或网络配置(n e t w o r kc o n f i g u r a t i o n,N E T C O N F)协议[9]㊂南向接口用于将对应Q L P请求和L P请求的控制信号分别从S D N控制器发送到Q K D层和数据层㊂R E S T f u l应用程序接口(a p p l i c a t i o n p r o g r a mi n t e r f a c e,A P I)用于实现控制层和应用层之间的北向接口,通过北向接口交换L P请求和Q L P请求的属性(节点㊁比特率要求等)和状态(接受㊁拒绝等)[10]㊂在接收到来自应用层的L P请求时,控制层执行来自经典信道的路由和资源分配指令,并且将控制信息直接发送到数据层,使用所选择的路由和所分配的经典信道资源来发送信息㊂对于Q L P请求,控制层配置Q K D层并在Q C N之间生成密钥,并且执行来自量子信道和公共信道的资源分配㊂然后,控制层将信息发送给数据层,使用在Q K D 层生成的密钥加密要发送的信息,然后通过所选择的路由和来自经典信道所分配的频率资源来发送该信息㊂对于L P请求和Q L P请求,数据层与控制层进行确认,更新网络资源请求的状态,并且将Q L P/ L P的接受或拒绝的状态转发到应用层㊂2.2基于量子密钥池的Q K D网络架构[11]基于量子密钥池(q u a n t u mk e yp o o l s,Q K P s)的Q K D网络架构在原本架构的基础上引入了量子密钥池实现有效地管理密钥资源,量子密钥池用于存储Q K D网络中每对Q C N之间生成的密钥,如图3(b)所示㊂该架构中构建了2种类型的密钥池,分别在S D N控制器和网络中的每个Q C N之间加入密钥池(Q K P1,Q K P2, ),以及在网络中的一对Q C N之间建立密钥池(Q K P1-2)㊂网络中不同对Q C N之间的同步密钥存储在Q C N的各自量子密钥服务器(q u a n t u ms e c r e t k e y s e r v e r,Q K S)中,存储在各对Q K P之间的同步密钥可以虚拟化为各自的Q K P,实现按需提供密钥㊂例如,Q C N1和Q C N2之间的同步密钥存储在它们各自的Q K S中,即Q K S1和Q K S2中,存储的密钥被虚拟化为Q K P,根据不同的安全要求为数据加密和解密服务提供密钥㊂从应用层接收到Q L P请求时,控制层首先计算路径,然后在选择的路径上与相应的Q K P执行O p e n F l o w握手,控制层配置Q K P1和Q K P2,以便通过控制信道为控制消息提供密钥,控制层配置Q K P1-2为D C N1(d a t a c o mm u n i c a t i o nn o d e s)到D C N2的Q L P 请求提供密钥㊂控制层随后将控制指令发送到数据层,使用密钥加密要发送的信息,通过所选择的路由和来自经典信道所分配的资源发送该加密后的信息,最终进行控制层与应用层的确认㊂图3 Q K D 网络架构的发展F i g .3 D e v e l o pm e n t o f Q K Dn e t w o r ka r c h i t e c t u r e 2.3 基于Q K D 即服务的有可信中继参与的Q K D 网络架构[12]Q K D 即服务(Q K Da s a s e r v i c e ,Q a a S )是由C h o 等[13]在2017年提出的一种概念,即多个用户可以申请不同的Q K D 安全光路请求,以便从同一网络基础设施中获得所需的密钥速率(s e c r e t k e y r a t e s ,S K R )㊂2019年,C a o 等利用这一概念提出了一种用于Q K D 即服务的新S D N 架构,即S D Q a a S 框架,在原有基础上加入了可信中继节点(t r u s t e d r e pe a t e r n o d e s ,T R N s ),以使Q K D 网络基础结构上的多个用户都能被提供灵活的Q a a S ,如图3(c )所示㊂这里只讨论用于远程安全通信的2个Q C N (Q C N 1和Q C N 2)及2个Q C N s 之间的T R N ㊂点对点Q K D 机制分别在Q C N 1和T R N ,T R N 和Q C N 2之间实现,在量子链路上可以获得不同的密钥速率㊂当用户请求Q L P 以满足Q C N 1和Q C N 2之间所需的密钥速率时,计算源节点(Q C N 1)和目标节点(Q C N 2)之间的路径,为每个用户检查他们所需的密钥速率并在量子链路上搜索可用的密钥速率,如果能够满足用户需求,则从相关链路中选择所需的密钥速率用于该Q L P 请求,否则该Q L P 申请将会被拒绝㊂在S K R 选择之后,T R N 在Q L 1上使用所获得的密钥在Q L 2上加密所获得的秘密密钥,之后T R N 将加密数据从Q C N 1中继到Q C N 2㊂为了解密原始数据,Q C N 2可以在Q L 2上使用获得的密钥,并且在Q L 1上与Q C N 1共享获得的密钥,之后将基于密钥速率获得的密钥分配给发出请求的用户㊂在这个Q K D 即服务的S D N 架构(S D Q a a S )体系结构中,Q a a S 的功能包括Q L P 请求的创建㊁修改和删除㊂具体内容为接收到来自应用平面的Q L P 创建请求时,控制平面首先计算并选择源节点和目的节点之间的路由,并搜索每个相关Q L 上的密钥速率时隙的可用性,依据用户需求选择S K R 时隙㊂当用户的密钥速率需求改变时,为该用户建立的Q L P 请求也会相应发生改变㊂此外,当Q L P 请求到期时,应用平面将该请求删除,控制平面控制源节点和中继节点以停止向该Q L P 请求分配密钥速率并删除该Q L P 要求的信息㊂2.4 基于不可信中继或混合不可信中继的Q K D 网络架构[14]基于不可信中继或混合不可信中继的Q K D 网络架构概念由C a o 等在2021年提出,在有可信中继915 第6期 朱宏峰,等:量子密钥分发网络架构㊁进展及应用025沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)第41卷参与的Q K D网络架构中加入了不可信中继节点,更加保证光网络的传输安全性㊂文献[15]中介绍了一种新的基于混合可信和不可信中继Q K D的网络架构,如图3(d)所示,该网络架构可在大规模Q K D 部署中使用㊂该网络架构中一共需要3种类型的节点,即Q C N,T R N和不可信中继节点(u n t r u s t e d r e l a y n o d e s,U T R N)㊂其中Q C N的作用是充当向其位于同一位置的D C N提供密钥的末端节点, U T R N充当2个Q C N之间的中间节点㊂T R N包括2个或多个M D I-Q K D发送器㊁本地密钥管理器(接收㊁存储和中继密钥)和安全基础设施㊂U T R N包含2个或多个M D I-Q K D接收器㊂为了使用可信或不可信中继在Q K D的2个节点(Q C N1和Q C N2)之间建立安全的远程通信,在Q C N1和T R N1之间共享一个密钥串k1,而在T R N1和Q C N1之间共享另一个密钥字符串k2,图中T R N和U T R N可以交织在一起,以进一步扩展Q K D的传输范围㊂在每个T R N中,本地密钥管理器可以通过密钥管理链路沿着混合Q K D链中继密钥㊂例如,在T R N1中密钥管理器使用一次一密加密方法组合相同字符串长度的k1和k2,并将其发送到Q C N2中的密钥管理器中㊂Q C N2中的密钥管理器可以基于k2解密获得密钥k1㊂Q C N1和Q C N2的密钥管理器向它们连接的密钥服务器发送Q,k1,由此k1才能在Q C N1和Q C N2之间被成功共享,即使有不可信中继的参与也能安全地完成密钥传递和分发㊂3 Q K D网络面临的挑战和解决方法3.1密钥池供求失衡Q K D网络中由于需要进行密钥资源的生成和传递,密钥池作为特殊组件在密钥的存储和传输中发挥了重要作用,它是决定Q K D网络密钥供给能力好坏的重要设备,但也会因为链路中断等问题造成密钥供求失衡而带来安全隐患[16]㊂网络正常运行时,密钥池中密钥量的消耗程度主要由密钥的生成速率与消耗速率来决定,密钥池中为满足安全需求,密钥存储量至少是要大于0的㊂链路意外发生故障后,链路中的量子密钥分发过程也随之中断,密钥池无法生成密钥,但是密钥消耗速率依旧保持不变,仅仅只靠存储量维持㊂由于消耗速率存在,密钥池中的现有密钥量将无法满足供给而最终降为0,直至无法满足后续的安全需求,进而对整个Q K D网络造成极大影响㊂如图4(a)所示,节点1和2之间的链路发生故障,导致密钥无法生成,则此时只靠密钥池中存储的密钥为用户提供密钥服务,当密钥池中的密钥存储消耗完毕后,将无法再为用户提供密钥供给,对整个Q K D网络造成极大危害,也是Q K D网络现如今面临的亟待解决的一大问题㊂为了在安全级别和资源利用效率之间保持平衡,文献[11]中提出了一种新的密钥按需策略,该策略在软件定义网络上使用Q K P 构建技术保护数据信道,具有Q K P功能的密钥按需分配方案根据需要将密钥资源分配给Q L P请求,有效地解决了这一问题㊂在文献[17]中针对密钥消耗问题,不同Q K P中的密钥被不断消耗,其消耗数量可以是固定的或灵活的,这主要取决于在网络中的Q C N之间传输的保密信息的安全要求,这也能够有效解决密钥供需不均衡的问题㊂除密钥池的供求失衡问题外,T R N的短距离放置也会导致出现资源浪费问题,如图4(b)所示,在城域网络中使用过多中继节点会造成密钥资源的浪费㊂3.2路由㊁波长和时隙分配在Q K D网络中,可用的光波段被细分为量子信道㊁传统数据信道和公共信道,为传统数据信道保留的波长通过与用于经典光网络的方式相同的方式被分配用于数据传输的光路请求㊂然而,分配给公共信道和量子信道的波长是采用光时分复用(o p t i c a l t i m ed i v i s i o nm u l t i p l e x i n g,O T D M)方案,对于建立Q K D安全光路的请求,是在定义路由之后在传统数据信道上分配波长,在公共信道和量子信道上分配时隙㊂因为波长资源是有限的,并且随着量子密钥的分发,可用于经典通信的波长数量将会进一步减少,因而如何更有效地利用它们,以便用所需的安全级别建立更大数量的光路请求将是一大难题㊂针对此问题,研究者们提出了各种解决方案,C a o等[8]提出了一种在静态流量场景中进行路由波长和时隙分配的策略,通过建立整数线性规划模型,为Q L P建立不同等级的安全级别㊂图4展示了具有2个不同安全级别的Q L P的时隙分配场景,这2个安全级别被分配了不同的密钥更新周期T㊂图4(c)展示了具有固定周期的安全级别方案,并且对为公共信道和量子信道保留的所有波长都是相同的㊂在另一种分配场景中,如图4(d)所示,周期的值是固定的,但是对不同的波长则有所改变,由于固定周期更容易被窃听者破解,因而第二个方案具有更高的安全保障㊂在文献[18]中引入了一种新的密钥更新周期方案,在这种方案中周期是灵活并且动态变化的,通过增加复杂性从而达到增强Q L P的安全性㊂文献[19]中引入了一种采用Q K P 技术的时间调度方案,在该方案中,路由波长和时隙分配问题是通过考虑3个子问题来解决的,即固定/灵活的密钥消耗㊁均匀/非均匀的时隙分配和时隙连续/离散的Q K P构造,以有效解决路由波长和时隙分配问题㊂根据Q K P 构造的安全性要求,为不同的Q K P 分配的时隙数量可以是单一的或灵活的,不同Q K P 的构造是否占用2个Q C N 之间的时隙,取决于是否存在有密钥缓存功能的Q C N ㊂图4 Q K D 网络中的密钥池供求失衡情况㊁中继节点较短距离中的资源浪费现象及2种不同的安全级别方案F i g .4 K e yp o o l s u p p l y a n dd e m a n d i m b a l a n c e i nQ K Dn e t w o r k ,r e s o u r c ew a s t e i n s h o r t d i s t a n c e r e l a y n o d e s ,a n d t w od i f f e r e n t s e c u r i t yl e v e l s c h e m e s 3.3 Q K D 网络生存性和连通性在Q K D 网络中,除了典型的L P 故障外,节点/链路故障也会影响工作Q L P 的安全性,此外,大规模故障如地震㊁海啸或人为引起的故障都可能会严重损害Q L P 的安全性,甚至造成Q K D 网络中的大量数据丢失㊂因此,在Q K D 网络中网络生存性是一个更大的挑战㊂与传统网络保护方法相同的是,Q K D 网络中需要为传统数据信道㊁量子信道和公共信道上的L P和Q L P 保留备份资源㊂为了切实解决这一问题,研究者们提出了不同的解决方案㊂王华[20]开发了密钥流模型,通过研究密钥恢复策略以保护Q K D 网络中受故障影响的密钥供应服务㊂L u 等[21]提出了一种新的动态波长和关键资源调整算法,该资源调整方案总共包括3种方案:如果波长资源足够,而密钥资源不足以满足Q L P 请求,则动态调整密钥的存储量;如果Q S C h 和T D C h 的波长和密钥资源超过阈125 第6期 朱宏峰,等:量子密钥分发网络架构㊁进展及应用225沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)第41卷值,则分别加上Q S C h,T D C h波长;在其他正常情况下,则不需要进行资源调整㊂在现实的Q K D网络中,用户总是处于不同的地理位置中的不同区域,空间跨度很大,用户密钥需求的请求需要跨越地理距离障碍才能实现成功传输㊂但是现有Q K D网络密钥分发方案通常只能解决局部网络内的安全请求,无法实现跨区域下的密钥供给㊂因此,突破不同区域的密钥分发连通性障碍具有十分重要的意义㊂端到端的对用户的密钥供给面临着长距离跨区域密钥分发的技术难点,需要通过分布式区域网络相互协商,网络之间需要经过较为复杂的交互㊁决策及实施各种流程,当遇到极大数量密钥分发方案的时候,就需要Q K D节点具备强大的计算能力,这大大增加了Q K D网络部署的难度㊂王华[20]提出的端到端Q K D网络架构,增强了不同Q K D网络的连通性,形成了具备互联互通技术特点的创新方案㊂3.4中继节点的布置问题在Q K D网络中,与经典网络相比,量子信号的传输范围明显更短,为了实现将Q K D网络与链路距离在数百至数千公里范围内的现有光网络集成,需要布置一些中继节点以实现量子信号在光网络的节点之间的长距离传输,中继节点可以使用T R N,因为可信的中继节点无疑会增加网络的安全性㊂因此, T R N的放置问题是Q K D网络中的另一个重要问题㊂T R N的放置本身是为了实现远距离的安全传输,但是实际过程中也存在许多问题,问题之一就是短距离放置导致的资源浪费问题㊂例如,在Q K D 链路中,从源节点(Q C N1)到目的节点(Q C N4),对于每个中间节点对,生成相同大小的密钥,即Q K1,Q K2和Q K3㊂密钥在节点之间传输过程中,不断被中间节点以加密和解密的方式传输,即使在中间节点T R N处进行了多次加密和解密处理之后,源和目的地也使用相同的密钥Q K1来保护Q L P㊂但是在一些城域网络中,任意2个节点之间的距离较小,放置过多的T R N反而会导致大量密钥资源的浪费㊂如图4(b)所示,当节点1请求安全服务与节点2共享密钥时,路由路径计算为节点1 中继节点 节点2,为了获得共享密钥,需要2个Q K D进程分别生成S k1和S k2,并在中继节点上进行加密和解密操作,但是消耗的键数将是请求键数的2倍㊂如果节点1直接通过节点2分发密钥而绕过中继节点,则只需要消耗一组密钥来获得S k㊂因此,在城域网络中使用过多中继节点造成了密钥资源的浪费㊂针对这种问题,设计了一种新的量子节点结构[22],如果网络中2个节点之间的距离在一定范围内,则该结构具有绕过T R N节点的能力㊂在Q K D网络中,有3种不同的基于中继的解决方案用于远距离的安全通信,分别是基于量子中继器的Q K D㊁基于T R N的Q K D和基于M D I-Q K D的通信方案㊂但是由于不同的方案都有各自的缺陷,为了解决上述问题,提出了一种新的基于可信/不可信中继的混合Q K D网络架构[15,23],该架构由可信中继和不可信中继组成,实现了3种不同方案的融合,大大提高了Q K D网络的资源利用效率㊂4量子密钥分发网络的应用4.1基于量子密钥在线分发的量子保密通信网络基于量子密钥在线分发的量子保密通信网络适用于对安全性要求高并且对密钥更新有一定要求的网络通信应用场景,比较典型的应用包括政企保密专网㊁高端学术安全会议或数据中心之间的数据安全传输,或监控系统数据安全传输等场景,其在现实中的应用也取得了较大进展㊂Q K D网络通过量子密钥服务器设备向量子加密通信设备提供量子密钥服务,随后加密通信设备利用量子密钥,通过经典通信网络完成量子加密通信服务;密钥服务器与加密设备之间通过量子密钥应用接口(Q K_A P I)互联[24]㊂利用标准化的接口兼容不同业务类型,使得Q K D网络㊁经典通信网络和业务系统三者结合,实现Q K D 网络的高效运行㊂4.2基于量子密钥在线与离线结合的量子保密通信网络基于量子密钥在线与离线结合的量子保密通信网络是指通过Q K D网络生成的量子密钥运用安全通信技术分发给用户终端㊂其优势在于不受Q K D网络覆盖面积的影响㊁使用方式便捷灵活㊁可应用性和可推广性强,同时,需要的Q K D网络的花费成本也相对较低㊂其劣势在于安全性无法与在线分发模式相比㊂中国电信在2021年推出的天翼量子密话就是采用在线与离线相结合的Q K D网络实现的,它能够实现高质量V o I P量子加密通话,之后的V o L T E加密通话产品更是能够实现高清秘密通话,其基。
其中,量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)是一个非常重要的应用之一。
1. 密钥分发过程量子纠缠可用于密钥分发过程中的量子信道建立。
2. 密钥共享过程量子纠缠还可以用于密钥共享过程中的信息保密。
3. 密钥验证过程量子纠缠还可以用于密钥验证过程中的信息完整性验证。
1. 基于量子纠缠的安全通信量子纠缠在量子密钥分发中的应用,能够有效地保护通信中传输的密钥和信息的安全性,提供更加安全可靠的通信方式。
2. 抗窃听和窃密攻击量子纠缠可以防止窃听者在通信过程中窃取密钥和信息,有效预防窃密攻击的发生,提高通信安全性。
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a r X i v :q u a n t -p h /0604187v 1 25 A p r 2006Quantum key distribution based on a Sagnac loop interferometer and polarization-insensitive phasemodulatorsBing Qi,Lei-Lei Huang,Hoi-Kwong Lo,Li QianCenter for Quantum Information and Quantum ControlDep.of Physics and Dep.of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Toronto,Toronto,Canada M5S 3G4Email:bqi@physics.utoronto.ca,leilei.huang@utoronto.cahklo@comm.utoronto.ca,l.qian@utoronto.caAbstract —We present a design for a quantum key distribution (QKD)system in a Sagnac loop configuration,employing a novel phase modulation scheme based on frequency shift,and demonstrate stable BB84QKD operation with high interference visibility and low quantum bit error rate (QBER).The phase modulation is achieved by sending two light pulses with a fixed time delay (or a fixed optical path delay)through a frequency shift element and by modulating the amount of frequency shift.The relative phase between two light pulses upon leaving the frequency-shift element is determined by both the time delay (or the optical path delay)and the frequency shift,and can therefore be controlled by varying the amount of frequency shift.To demonstrate its operation,we used an acousto-optic modulator (AOM)as the frequency-shift element,and vary the driving frequency of the AOM to encode phase information.The interference visibility for a 40km and a 10km fiber loop is 96%and 99%,respectively,at single photon level.We ran BB84protocol in a 40-km Sagnac loop setup continuously for one hour and the measured QBER remained within the 2%∼5%range.A further advantage of our scheme is that both phase and amplitude modulation can be achieved simultaneously by frequency and amplitude modulation of the AOM’s driving signal,allowing our QKD system the capability of implementing other protocols,such as the decoy-state QKD and the continuous-variable QKD.We also briefly discuss a new type of Eavesdropping strategy (“phase-remapping”attack)in bidirectional QKD system.I.I NTRODUCTIONOne important practical application of quantum information is quantum key distribution (QKD),whose unconditional se-curity is based on the fundamental law of quantum mechanics [1-6].In principle,any eavesdropping attempt by a third party (Eve)will unavoidably introduce quantum bit errors,so,it’s possible for the legitimate users (Alice and Bob)to upper bound the amount of information acquired by the eavesdropper from some system parameters and the measured quantum bit error rate (QBER).Alice and Bob can then distill out a final secure key by performing error correction and privacy amplification.Because Alice and Bob can’t distinguish the intrinsic QBER due to imperfections in a practical QKD system from the one induced by Eve,to guarantee the un-conditional security,they have to assume all errors originate from eavesdropping.Obviously,the QKD system with higherintrinsic QBER will yield a lower secure key rate.As the QBER reaches some threshold,QKD is not unconditional secure anymore.In a practical phase-coding QKD system,Alice and Bob achieve phase encoding/decoding with phase modulators (PM)and Mach Zehnder interferometers (MZI)[7-8].However,there are a few practical difficulties if QKD is to be im-plemented over long distance through fiber:namely,phase and polarization instabilities.In this case,the intrinsic QBER induced by the imperfect interference can be described as [2]QBER =(1−V )/2(1)where V is the interference visibility.Although promising progresses have been achieved by using active feedback control to stabilize the interferometer [8],the “plug &play”auto-compensating QKD structure employing a Faraday mirror has demonstrated higher performance in practice [9].Like the “plug &play”system,the Sagnac loop also offers phase stability and polarization stability,as the two interfering signals travel through the same path,but its structure is in principle much simpler than the “plug &play”scheme [10-13].However,all reported Sagnac QKD systems employed polarization-sensitive phase modulators,requiring complicated polarization controls,which makes this scheme unattractive.For example,four polarization controllers were employed in [12],and the interference visibility for a 5km fiber loop was only 87%.In this paper,we present a design for an AOM-based polarization-insensitive phase modulation scheme together with a Sagnac QKD system,and demonstrate stable QKD operation over one hour without feedback control.Although this system is designed for the BB84protocol [1],with a few straightforward modifications,it can also be adapted to implement other protocols,such as the decoy state QKD [14-20]and the continuous variable QKD [21].II.AOM-BASED PHASE MODULATOR AND BIDIRECTIONALS AGNAC QKD SYSTEMAs two light pulses with afixed time delay pass though a frequency shift element,a relative phase shift is introduced between the two pulses,which is determined by the amount of frequency shift.So,by modulating the frequency shift,phase modulation can be achieved.This is the basics principle of our phase modulation scheme.Fig.1a shows the basic structure of this novel phase mod-ulator,which consists of an acousto-optic modulator(AOM), followed by afiber with length L.For thefirst-order diffracted light,the AOM will introduce a frequency shift equal to its driving frequency f(due to the Doppler effect).The phase of the diffracted light is also shifted by an amount ofφ(t),which is the phase of acoustic wave at the time of diffraction[22]. Assuming two light pulses,S1and S2,are in phase and are sent to the phase modulator at the same time from opposite directions as shown in Fig.1a.They will reach the AOM at different times with a time difference t2−t1=nL/C.Here n is effective index offiber and C is the speed of light in vacuum.The phase difference between S1and S2after they go through the phase modulator will be∆φ=φ(t2)−φ(t1)=2πf(t2−t1)=2πnLf/C (2) Fig.1.a)A phase modulator with one frequency up-shifter;b)A phase modulator with a pair of frequency shifters.+:up-shifting AOM,-:down-shifting AOM,L:fiber with length L,D:AOM driverBy modulating AOM’s driving frequency f,the relative phase between S1and S2can be modulated.We remark that the frequency of light will be up-shifted by this phase modulator by an amount f.To remove this“side-effect”,we can add another frequency down shifter at the other end of the fiber,as shown in Fig.1b.In Fig.1b,the two AOMs,which are driven by the same driver,will shift the frequency of light by the same amount but with different signs.So the net frequency shift will be zero.Since a down-shift AOM will shift the phase of the diffracted light by−φ(t),the resulting phase difference between S2and S1after they go through the phase modulator will be∆φ=φS2−φS1=4πnLf/C(3)Compared with the LiNbO3waveguide-based phase mod-ulator,the AOM-based phase modulator we proposed can be designed to be insensitive to the polarization state of the input light.This could dramatically simplify the design of many QKD systems.As shown in(2)and(3),the phase delay is determined by the acoustic frequency f,which can be controlled very precisely(1ppm frequency resolution is quite common).This implies that a high resolution phase modulation can be achieved with our design.As a comparison, the resolution of LiNbO3phase modulator is in the order of 1%.We have proposed a Sagnac QKD system employing this novel phase modulator,as shown in Fig.2.To realize the BB84protocol,Alice randomly encodes the relative phase between the clockwise and counterclockwise light pulses with the AOM-based phase modulator PM1,while Bob randomly chooses his measurement basis with phase modulator PM2.In Alice’s side,two classical photo detectors(PD1,PD2)and two wavelengthfilters(F1,F2)are introduced to counter Trojan horse attack.These photo detectors could also be used for synchronization purpose.We remark the transmittance of AOM can also be modulated by modulating the amplitude of its driving signal,so,the same device can function as an amplitude modulator as well as a phase modulator.(We remark that the newly developed decoy-state QKD protocol[14-20],which improves the secure key generation rate of practical QKD system dramatically,can be easily realized in our proposed setup.In decoy-state QKD, Alice randomly adds decoy pulses,which are used for testing the communication channel,into the signal pulses for key distribution.The decoy pulses are identical to the signal pulses except for the average photon number.In thefirst experimental demonstration of the decoy QKD[20],we added an external AOM into a“plug&play”system to randomly modulate the amplitude of each laser pulse according to a random profile. Because the phase modulator we proposed can also function as an amplitude modulator,our proposed QKD system can implement decoy state protocol easily:Alice can achieve phase modulation by modulating the frequency of the AOM driving signal,at the same time,she can also modulate the intensity of each pulse by modulating the amplitude of the driving signal.) Fig. 2.Proposed QKD system:LD-pulsed laser diode;Cir-circulator; C-2x2coupler;PC-polarization controller;F1,F2-opticalfilter;PD1,PD2-classical photo detector;PM1,PM2-AOM-based phase modulator(as shown in Fig.1b);SPD1,SPD2-Single Photon detectorWe remark,by introducing asymmetrical attenuation in the fiber loop(for example,fiber isolators)and replacing the SPDs with homodyne detector,continuous variable QKD[21] could be implemented with the proposed system:here,Alice can randomly modulates the amplitude quadrature and phase quadrature with PM1,while Bob chooses which quadrature to measure with PM2.III.E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS WITH A SIMPLIFIED SYSTEM To demonstrate the feasibility of our design,we have per-formed experiments with a simplified version of our proposed system shown in Fig.3.Here,only Alice holds a phase modu-lator,while Bob always chooses the same measurement basis. Strictly speaking,no genuine secret key can be distributed by this simplified system,but it allows us to evaluate the performance of a fully developed system(as shown in Fig.2) in terms of stability and quantum bit error rate(QBER).In Fig.3,the cw output from a1550nm laser(L)is modulated by an amplitude modulator(AM)to generate500ps laser pulses. Each laser pulse is split into S1and S2at a symmetricfiber coupler,which go through a longfiber loop(L1+L2≈40km) in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions,respectively. The interference patterns at Ch1and Ch2are measured by two InGaAs single photon detectors(SPD,Id Quantique,id200), which work in gated mode.For a5ns gating window,the overall detection efficiency is∼10%and the dark count prob-ability is5×10−5per gating window.Afiber-pigtailed AOM (Brimrose inc.)is placed inside thefiber loop asymmetrically (L1−L2≈700m).Due to this asymmetry,phase modulation between S1and S2can be achieved by modulating AOM’s driving frequency,similar to the phase modulator shown in Fig.1a.Because of the birefringence in thefiber loop,the polarization states of S1and S2could be different after they go through thefiber loop[23].This is compensated by a polarization controller(PC).The synchronization is achieved as follows:A pulse generator(PG),which is triggered by a function generator(FG1),drives the amplitude modulator (AM)to produce500ps laser pulses.FG1also triggers a delay generator(DG,Stanford research system,DG535),which in turn produces two gating signals for SPD1and SPD2,and one trigger signal for a data acquisition card(NI,PCI-6115). The AOM is driven by another function generator FG2,whose frequency is controlled by the data acquisition card.Fig.3.Experimental setup:L-1550nm cw laser;AM-amplitude modulator; Att-attenuator;Cir-circulator;C-2x2coupler;PC-polarization controller;FG1, FG2-function generator;PG-Pulse generator;DG-Delay generator;SPD1, SPD2-Single Photon detectorWe measured the interference visibility by scanning the frequency of FG2while recoding the outputs from the two SPDs.The average photon number per pulse(out from Alice’s side)was set to be0.8,which matched with signal photon level in a decoy state QKD system[19-20].The measured interference visibility for a40km and a10kmfiber loop was 96%and99%respectively.To run the BB84protocol,a random numberfile(1Kbits) is preloaded to the buffer of the data acquisition card.This randomfile contains a sequence of four discrete values cor-responding to the four phase values in the BB84protocol{0,π/2,π,3π/2}.Once triggered,the data acquisition card reads out a value from the randomfile and sends it to FG2to encode Alice’s phase information.The data acquisition card also samples the outputs from SPDs(Bob’s measurement results) into its input buffer.In this preliminary setup,Bob always uses the same basis for his measurement.After transmitting100K bits,Alice and Bob can estimate the QBER by comparing the data contained in Alice’s randomfile and Bob’s measurement results.We ran the system continuously for one hour without any adjustment,the QBER drifted slowly from2%to5%,as shown in Fig.4.In practice,to improve the long-term stability, simple recalibration process can be employed,as in other QKD systems.During this experiment,the pulse repetition rate was set to1KHz for easysynchronization.Fig.4.Measured QBER in one hour without any feedback control.The photon level is0.8photon/pulse(The error bars indicate the statisticfluctuation due to thefinite detection events)For a typical AOM,its frequency modulation rate is in the range of1∼10MHz,which is compatible with the operation rate of today’s QKD system.The ultimate operating rate of our phase modulation scheme was tested by running FG2in Frequency-Shift Keying mode:its frequency hopped between two values(corresponds to0orπphase delay)at100KHz rate.Note in this case,the equivalent phase-encoding rate was 200KHz.Here,strong,cw laser was input to the system, and interference signal from Ch1was detected with a photo detector.Fig.5shows the experimental result,where the sharp rising edge(∼500ns)indicates a potential phase modulation rate of a few MHz could be achievable.IV.D ISCUSSION AND C ONCLUSIONIn a bidirectional QKD system,such as the“plug&play”system as well as the system we propose here,Alice allows signals to go in and out of her device,this opens a potential backdoor for Eve to launch various Trojan horse attacks.In our simplified setup,where only one AOM is used in Alice’s side as a phase modulator,the frequency of the laser pulseFig.5.The experimental results at200KHz Phase modulation rate.The sharp rising edge(∼500ns)indicates a potential phase modulation rate of a few MHz could be achievable.output from Alice depends on the encoded phase information (due to the frequency shift induced by the AOM).This may leak additional information to Eve and a naive application of the unconditionally secure proof of BB84to our current experimental set-up is invalid.In the standard BB84protocol,Alice encodes phase in-formation{0,π/2,π,3π/2}by modulating the AOM at frequency{f0,f0+∆f,f0+2∆f,f0+3∆f}.From(2),the encoded phase depends on both the AOM’s driving frequency f and thefiber length difference∆L.In principle,Eve can build up a device with differentfiber length,breaks into the communication channel,and plays the“intercept and resend”attack.Suppose Eve uses her device to send laser pulses to Alice.Unaware that the pulses are from Eve,Alice will still shift the frequency of light by one of the values{f0,f0+∆f, f0+2∆f,f0+3∆f}.By choosing a suitablefiber length difference,Eve can re-mapping the encoded phase from{0,π/2,π,3π/2}to{0,δ,2δ,3δ},whereδis under Eve’s control. In[24],we describe detail of this“phase-remapping attack”and proved that Eve can learn the full information of thefinal key at the cost of introducing a14.6%QBER.Note that this number is substantially lower than the proved secure bound of 18.9%for the standard BB84protocol[25].We remark that this loophole can be closed by employing the phase modulator shown in Fig.1b,which introduces no frequency shift(as the setup in Fig.2).In conclusion,we propose a polarization-insensitive phase modulation scheme and a stable Sagnac QKD system em-ploying this pared with previous Sagnac QKD schemes based on polarization-sensitive phase modulators,our proposed system demonstrated better performance over longer fiber.Preliminary experimental results showed an interference visibility of96%(99%)for a40km(10km)fiber loop at single photon level.With this novel polarization-insensitive phase modulation scheme,we expect the performance of many practical QKD systems can be greatly improved.A CKNOWLEDGMENTFinancial supports from NSERC,CRC Program,CFI,OIT, PREA,and CIPI are gratefully acknowledged.R EFERENCES[1] C.H.Bennett and G.Brassard,in Proc.of IEEE Int.Conf.on Computers,Systems,and Signal Processing,IEEE,175-179(1984).[2]N.Gisin,G.Ribordy,W.Tittel,and H.Zbinden,Rev.Mod.Phys.74,145-195(2002).[3] D.Mayers,Unconditional security in quantum cryptography,J.of ACM48(2001),351-406,Preliminary version in Mayers, D.Advances inCrytology-Proc.Crypto’96,vol.1109of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience,Koblitz,N.Ed.(Springer-Verlag,New York,1996),pp.343-357.[4]H.-K.Lo and H.F.Chau,Science,283,2050-2056(1999).[5]P.W.Shor and J.Preskill,Phys.Rev.Lett.85(2000),441.[6] D.Gottesman,H.-K.Lo,N.Ltkenhaus,and J.Preskill,D.Gottesman,Quantum Information and Computation4,325-360(2004).[7]R.J.Hughes,G.L.Morgan,and C.G.Peterson,J.of Mod.Opt.,47,533-547(2000)[8]Z.L.Yuan and A.J.Shields,Opt.Express,13,660-665(2005).[9] A.Muller,T.Herzog,B.Huttner,W.Tittel,H.Zbinden,and N.Gisin,Appl.Phys.Lett.70,793-795(1997).[10]T.Nishioka,H.Ishizuka,T.Hasegawa,and J.Abe,IEEE PhotonicsTechnol.Lett.,14,576-578(2002).[11] C.Y.Zhou and H.P.Zeng,Appl.Phys.Lett.82,832-834(2003).[12] C.Y.Zhou,G.Wu,L.E.Ding and H.P.Zeng,Appl.Phys.Lett.83,15-17(2003).[13]P. 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