
ⅠⅡ气候区 2000国家大地坐标系 A、B 组填料 AF线 AS 自治域 CAMEL 应用部分 CA 砂浆 CRTS I 型板式无砟(zha3) 轨道
CRTS I 型双块式无砟(zha3) 轨道
CRTS II 型板式无砟(zha3) 轨道
暗挖法 暗挖隧道 八字形桥台 拔起高度 拔桩机 白ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้系 白云石 白云岩 百米标 百米桩 百叶窗 扳道电话
板 板凳式墩帽 板块面层 板筋式锚杆墙 板梁腹板 板梁翼缘 板桥 板式无砟轨道 板式橡胶支座 板岩 板桩防护
safety tongs safety colour safety design laws and regulations on production safety safety production fees safety operation network responsibility system for safety in production safety and applicability evacuation function safe stopping distance safety net safety factor catch siding safety type lamp vital relay safety potential hazard emergency lighting safety grab bar safety resource installed power installation device ammonia compressor room amine salt ammonia refrigerant systems bank ridge bank slope button button indication blind ditch underground river hang ceiling with concealed joist Mining method mining tunnel flare wing wall abutment lifting height Pile extractor Cretaceous dolomite dolomite 100-meter mark 100-meter mark louver switchman’s telephone pre-shift address on safety slab bench-type pier cap plate surface slab-rib anchored wall plate girder web plate girder flange slab bridge slab ballastless track laminated rubber bearing slate sheet pile protection

中国国家标准中英文对照翻译(城镇建设工程标准)中国国家标准——城镇建设工程标准GB〖CJJ1-90〗市政道路工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal road engineering〖CJJ2-2008〗城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of bridge works in city〖CJJ6-85〗排水管道维护安全技术规程Technical specification for safety maintenance of sewerage pipes〖CJJ7-2007〗城市工程地球物理探测规范Code for engineering geophysical prospecting and testing in city〖CJJ8-99〗城市测量规范Code for urban survey〖CJJ11-93〗城市桥梁设计准则The Criteria of Municipal Bridge Design〖CJJ12-99〗家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程Specification for installation and acceptance of domestic gas burning appliances 〖CJJ13-87〗供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply〖CJJ14-2005〗城市公共厕所设计标准Standard for design of public toilets in city〖CJJ15-87〗城市公共交通站、场、厂设计规范Code for design of urban public transportation station, ground and house〖CJJ17-2004〗生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill〖CJJ18-88〗市政工程施工、养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering〖CJJ27-2005〗城镇环境卫生设施设置标准Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities〖CJJ28-2004〗城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines〖CJJ/T29-98〗建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程Technical specification of PVC-U pipe work for building drainage〖CJJ30-2009〗城市粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants〖CJJ32-89〗含藻水给水处理设计规范Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae〖CJJ33-2005〗城镇燃气输配工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works〖CJJ34-2002〗城市热力网设计规范Design code of district heating network〖CJJ36-2006〗城镇道路养护技术规范Technical code of urban road maintenance〖CJJ37-90〗城市道路设计规范Code for design of municipal road〖CJJ39-91〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(北方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in northern area)〖CJJ40-91〗高浊度水给水设计规范Code for design of water-supply for muddy water〖CJJ43-91〗热拌再生沥青混合料路面施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of hot-mixed and regenerated asphalt mixture road face〖CJJ45-2006〗城市道路照明设计标准Standard for lighting design of urban road〖CJJ47-2006〗生活垃圾转运站技术规范Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste〖CJJ48-92〗公园设计规范Code for design of parks〖CJJ50-92〗城市防洪工程设计规范Code for design of flood control engineering in city〖CJJ51-2006〗城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程Safety technical specification for operation, maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities〖CJJ/T52-93〗城市生活垃圾好氧静态堆肥处理技术规程Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste〖CJJ/T53-93〗民用房屋修缮工程施工规程Code for repairing construction of civil buildings〖CJJ/T54-93〗污水稳定塘设计规范Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds〖CJJ55-93〗供热术语标准Standard for terminology of heat-supply〖CJJ56-94〗市政工程勘察规范Code for investigation and surveying of municipal engineering〖CJJ57-94〗城市规划工程地质勘察规范Code for geotechnical investigation and surveying of urban planning engineering〖CJJ58-2009〗城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks〖CJJ60-94〗城市污水处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plants〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city〖CJJ62-95〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程Technical specification for repairing water creep of houses〖CJJ63-2008〗聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineering〖CJJ64-2009〗城市粪便处理厂设计规范Code for design of night soil treatment plant〖CJJ/T65-2004〗市容环境卫生术语标准Standard for terminology of environmental sanitation〖CJJ66-95〗路面稀浆封层施工规程Slurry sealing specification〖CJJ67-95〗风景园林图例图示标准Standard for graphic of landscape architecture〖CJJ68-2007〗城镇排水管渠与泵站维护技术规程Technical specification for maintenance of sewers & channels and pumping station in city〖CJJ69-95〗城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范Technical specification of urban pedestrian overcrossing and underpass〖CJJ70-96〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(南方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in southern area)〖CJJ71-2000〗机动车清洗站工程技术规程Technical specification for automotive rinsing station engineering〖CJJ72-97〗无轨电车供电线网工程施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of trolley bus network〖CJJ73-97〗全球定位系统城市测量技术规程Technical specification for urban surveying using global positioning system〖CJJ74-99〗城镇地道桥顶进施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of underpass bridges in town by jacking method〖CJJ75-97〗城市道路绿化规划与设计规范Code for planting planning and design on urban roads〖CJJ/T76-98〗城市地下水动态观测规程Specification for dynamic observation of ground water in urban area〖CJJ/T78-97〗供热工程制图标准Drawing standard of heat-supply engineering〖CJJ/T81-98〗城镇直埋供热管道工程技术规程Technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in city〖CJJ/T82-99〗城市绿化工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of plant engineering in city and town〖CJJ83-99〗城市用地竖向规划规范Code for vertical planning on urban field〖CJJ/T85-2002〗城市绿地分类标准Standard for classification of urban green space〖CJJ/T86-2000〗城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste composting plant〖CJJ/T87-2000〗乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准Standard for market planning of town and township〖CJJ/T88-2000〗城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程Technical specification for safe operation of heating system in city〖CJJ89-2001〗城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and inspection of urban road lighting engineering〖CJJ90-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范Technical code for projects of municipal solid waste incineration〖CJJ/T91-2002〗园林基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of landscape architecture〖CJJ92-2002〗城市供水管网漏损控制及评定标准Standard for leakage control and assessment of urban water supply distribution system〖CJJ93-2003〗城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal domestic refuse sanitary landfill〖CJJ94-2009〗城镇燃气室内工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of city indoor gas engineering〖CJJ95-2003〗城镇燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程Technical specification for control of external corrosion on underground gas pipeline of steel in area of cities and towns〖CJJ96-2003〗地铁限界标准Standard of metro gauges〖CJJ/T97-2003〗城市规划制图标准Standard for drawing in urban planning〖CJJ/T98-2003〗建筑给水聚苯乙烯类管道工程技术规程Technical specification of polyethylene (PE), cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) and polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) pipeline engineering for water supply in building〖CJJ99-2003〗城市桥梁养护技术规范Technical code maintenance for city bridge〖CJJ100-2004〗城市基础地理信息系统技术规范Technical specification for urban fundamental geographic information system〖CJJ101-2004〗埋地聚乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried polyethylene pipeline of water supply engineering〖CJJ/T102-2004〗城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准Classification and evaluation standard of municipal solid waste〖CJJ103-2004〗城市地理空间框架数据标准Standard for urban geospatial framework data〖CJJ104-2005〗城镇供热直埋蒸汽管道技术规程Technical specification for directly buried steam heating pipeline in city〖CJJ105-2005〗城镇供热管网结构设计规范Code for structural design of heating pipelines in city and town〖CJJ/T106-2005〗城市市政综合监管信息系统技术规范Technical code for urban municipal supervision and management information system〖CJJ/T107-2005〗生活垃圾填埋场无害化评价标准Standard of assessment on municipal solid waste and fill〖CJJ/T108-2006〗城市道路除雪作业技术规程Technical specification of snow removal operation for city road〖CJJ109-2006〗生活垃圾转运站运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste transfer station〖CJJ110-2006〗管道直饮水系统技术规程Technical specification of pipe system for fine drinking water〖CJJ/T111-2006〗预应力混凝土桥梁预制节段逐跨拼装施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of span by span method of precast segment in prestressed concrete bridge〖CJJ112-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场封场技术规程Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure〖CJJ113-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场防渗系统工程技术规范Technical code for liner system of municipal solid waste landfill〖CJJ/T114-2007〗城市公共交通分类标准Standard for classification of urban public transportation〖CJJ/T115-2007〗房地产市场信息系统技术规范Technical code for real estate market information system〖CJJ/T116-2008〗建设领域应用软件测评通用规范General code for measure and evaluation of application software in the field of construction〖CJJ/T117-2007〗建设电子文件与电子档案管理规范Code for management of electronic construction records and archives〖CJJ/T119-2008〗城市公共交通工程术语标准Terminology standard for urban public transport engineering〖CJJ120-2008〗城镇排水系统电气与自动化工程技术规程Technical specification of electrical & automation engineering for city drainage system〖CJJ124-2008〗镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程Technical specification of wastewater engineering for town and village〖CJJ/T126-2008〗城市道路清扫保洁质量与评价标准Standard for quality and assessment of city road sweeping and cleaning〖CJJ/T125-2008〗环境卫生图形符号标准Standard for figure symbols of environmental sanitation〖CJJ122-2008〗游泳池给水排水工程技术规程Technical specification for water supply and drainage engineering of swimming pool〖CJJ123-2008〗镇(乡)村给水工程技术规程Technical specification of water supply engineering for town and village〖CJJ128-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧厂运行维护与安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste incineration plant〖CJJ127-2009〗建筑排水金属管道工程技术规程Technical specification of metal pipe work for building drainage。

国家铁路局发布 《铁路工程建设标准英 文版翻译词典 》
近 Et,国家铁路 局发布 《铁路工 程建设标 准英文版 翻 译词典 》。
为满 足我 国境外铁路 项 目建设 需要 ,做好铁 路工程 建 设标 准英文 翻译 工作 ,国家铁路 局组织 编制 了 《铁路工 程 建设标准英 文版 翻译 词典》。该 词典 以规范统一铁路行业专 业词 汇和技 术术语 的英 文翻译 为 目标 ,充分 吸纳近年来 在 铁 路工 程建设 标准 英文 版 翻译 和 审查工 作 中取得 的成 果 , 在原 《铁路工 程建设标准英 文版翻译指南 》基础上新增 词 条 7 000余条 ,共收 录词条 16 000余条 ,主要取 自现行 铁 路工程 建设标 准 ,涵盖铁路线路 、站场 、路基 、桥梁 、隧
6 TB/1r 3 100
铁路数 字信 号 电缆 第 5部分 :内屏 蔽铁 路数
.5— 2017 字信号电缆
TB厂r 3100.5—2004 2017-12-01 20l8-07-0l
7 TB/T 3 l00
铁路数 字信 号 电缆 第 6部分 :应答 器数据 传
. 6—2017 输电缆
国家铁路 局 批准 发布 以下 13项 铁 道行 业标 准 ,现予 以公 布 。
序号 标准编号
标 准 名 称
代替标准号 批准 日期 实施 日期
1 TB/T 3496-20l7 调度集 中与计算机联锁接 口规 范
2017—12—01 2018-07-0l
2 TB/T 3100.1——20l7 铁路数字信号 电缆 第 1部分 :一般规 定
道 、轨 道 、通信 、信号 、电力 、牵引供 电等专业 ,基本满 足铁路 工程建设标 准翻译 和英文查 询需要 。为使标 准 翻译 更符合 英语 的语 言习惯 ,容易被读 者理解 和接受 ,该 词典 特提 出英 文版 翻译 注意 事项 ,对 典型用语 和标准 化用词进 行 了规 定 ,并对 工程建设 标准 中常用 的表 述给 出了翻译示 例 ,可 有效提 高标准 翻译 的专业 性和准 确性 ,便 于指导铁 路工程建设标准英文版翻译及 审校工作 。

National Standard of the People’s Republic ofChina中华人民共和国国家标准Professional standard of the People’s Republic ofChina中华人民共和国行业标准×××Provincial Standard for EngineeringConstruction×××工程建设地方标准Issued by ××××××发布Issued by Ministry of Construction of the People’sRepublic of China由中华人民共和国建设部发布Jointly issued by Ministry of Construction andGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布Jointly issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布Issued on May 23,20062006 年5月23日发布Implemented on M D,Y(Implemented on May 23,2006)××××年××月××日实施(2006年5月23日实施)工程建设标准英文版翻译细则×××× edition××××版Chief Development Department主编部门Chief Development Organization主编单位Approval Department批准部门Implementation date施行日期Announcement of Ministry of Construction of thePeople’s Republic of China中华人民共和国建设部公告Announcement of Housing and Urban-RuralDevelopment of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告Notice on publishing the national standard of ×××关于发布国家标准×××的通知Announcement of publishing the partial revisionof national standard ×××关于发布国家标准×××局部修订的公告×××has been approved as a national standard witha serial number of ×××现批准×××为国家标准,标准编号为××××××are compulsory provisions and must beenforced strictly×××为强制性条文,必须严格执行××× shall be abolished simultaneously原×××同时废止The standard(code)comprises××chapters withthe main contents as follows本标准(规范)共分××章,其主要内容为Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this standard(code)and the explanation of the compulsory provisions 本标准(规范)由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释×××is responsible for the explanation of specifictechnical contents由×××负责具体技术内容的解释Authorized by×××,this code is published anddistributed by ×××本规范由×××组织×××出版发行be valid as usual继续有效Review复审Put on records备案Record Number备案号Additional explanation附加说明Foreword前言According to the requirements of Document JianBiao[×××]NO.×××issued by Ministry of Construction(MOC)-“Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in ×××”根据建设部建标[×××]×××号《关于印发“×××年工程建设标准制订、修订计划”的通知》的要求The provision(s)printed in bold type is(are) compulsory one(ones)and must be enforced strictly 本规范以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执行All relevant organizations are kindly requested tosum up and accumulate your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code.The relevant opinions and advice, whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to ×××请各单位在执行本标准过程中,注意总结经验,积累资料,相关的见解和建议,随时寄交×××Participating Development Organizations参编单位Participating Organizations参加单位Chief Drafting Staff主要起草人Routine management日常管理Specific explanation具体解释Contents目次(目录)General provisions总则Terms and symbols术语和符号Appendix附录Explanation of Wording in this code本规范用词说明This code is formulated with a view to ×××为了×××,制定本规范Safety and usability安全适用Economy and rationality经济合理This standard (code) is applicable to ……本标准(规范)适用于……This standard (code) is not applicable to ……本标准(规范)不适用于……Construction, extension and renovation新建、扩建、改建Not only the requirements stipulated in this standard(code),but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with 除应符合本标准(规范)要求外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准(规范)的规定Must必须Must not严禁Shall应Shall not不应Should宜Should not不宜May可May not不可Be in accordance with the following requirements符合下列规定(要求)Shall meet the requirements of ×××应符合×××的规定(要求)Shall comply with ×××应按×××执行Be in compliance with the following requirements遵守下列规定(要求)Be in accordance with those specified in Table×××符合表×××的规定(要求)Be determined according to those set out in Table×××按照表×××的规定(要求)确定Be calculated according to the following equation按下式计算Be calculated according to the following formulae按下列公式计算If one of the following requirements is met,……shall ……符合下列情况之一的,应……Where式中Note注Figure or Fig.图Be larger than大于Be less than小于Be equal等于Exceed超过Current relevant standard of the nation国家现行有关标准Current national standard现行国家标准General requirement一般规定(要求)Basic requirement基本规定(要求)Particular requirement特殊规定(要求)1.Words used for different degrees of strictnessare explained as follows in order to mark the differences in executing the requirements in this code.1.为了便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下:1)Words denoting a very strict or mandatoryrequirement:1) 表示很严格,非这样做不可的用词:“Must”is used for affirmation;“must not”fornegation.正面词采用“必须”,反面词采用“严禁”。

工程建设国家标准名称中英文对照2019-03-07 14:28:50| 分类:知识共享|字号订阅◎〖GB/T50001-2019〗房屋建筑制图统一标准Unified standard for building drawing◎〖GBJ2-86〗建筑模数协调统一标准Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings◎〖GB50003-2019〗砌体结构设计规范Code for design of masonry structures◎〖GB50005-2019〗木结构设计规范Code for design of timber structures◎〖GBJ6-86〗厂房建筑模数协调标准Standard for modular coordination of factory buildings◎〖GB50007-2019〗建筑地基基础设计规范Code for design of building foundations◎〖GB50009-2019〗建筑结构荷载规范Loading code for design of building structures◎〖GB50010-2019〗混凝土结构设计规范Code for design of concrete structures◎〖GB50011-2019〗建筑抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of buildings◎〖GBJ12-87〗工业企业标准轨距铁路设计规范Code for design of standard track gauge railway in industrial enterprises ◎〖GBJ13-86〗室外给水设计规范Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering◎〖GBJ14-87〗室外排水设计规范Code for design of outdoor sewerage engineering◎〖GB50015-2019〗建筑给水排水设计规范Code for design of building water supply and sewerage◎〖GBJ16-87〗建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of buildingsCode for design of steel structures◎〖GB550018-2019〗冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures◎〖GB50019-2019〗采暖通风和空气调节设计规范Code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning◎〖GB50021-2019〗岩土工程勘察规范Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering◎〖GBJ22-87〗厂矿道路设计规范Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas◎〖GB50023-95〗建筑抗震鉴定标准Standard for earthquake-resistant evaluation of buildings◎〖GB50025-2019〗湿陷性黄土地区建筑规范Code for building construction in collapsible loess zone◎〖GB50026-93〗工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying◎〖GB50027-2019〗供水水文地质勘察规范Code for hydrogeological investigation of water supply◎〖GB50028-93〗城镇燃气设计规范Code for design of urban and rural gas supply◎〖GB50029-2019〗压缩空气站设计规范Code for design of compressed-air stations◎〖GB50030-91〗氧气站设计规范Code for design of oxygen station◎〖GB50031-91〗乙炔站设计规范Code for design of acetylene stations◎〖GB50032-2019〗室外给水排水和煤气热力工程抗震设计规范Code for earthquake - resistant design of outdoor water supply,sewerage,gas and heating engineering◎〖GB/T50033-2019〗建筑采光设计标准Standard for daylighting design of buildings◎〖GB50034-92〗工业企业照明设计标准Standard for artificial lighting design of industrial enterprisesCode of design for ground surface and floor of buildings◎〖GB50038-94〗人民防空地下室设计规范Code for design of basement for civil air defence◎〖GBJ39-90〗村镇建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of rural buildings◎〖GB50040-96〗动力机器基础设计规范Code for design of dynamic machine foundation◎〖GB50041-92〗锅炉房设计规范Code for design of boiler house◎〖GBJ42-81〗工业企业通信设计规范Code for design of telecommunication in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ43-82〗室外给水排水工程设施抗震鉴定标准Standard for seismic assessment of outdoor water supply and sewerage engineering facilities◎〖GBJ44-82〗室外煤气热力工程设施抗震鉴定标准Code for seismic assessment of outdoor gas and heating engineering facilities◎〖GB50045-95〗高层民用建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of high - rise buidings◎〖GB50046-95〗工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范Code for design of corrosion prevention of industrial buildings◎〖GBJ47-83〗混响室法吸声系数测量规范Code for measurenment of sound-absorbing coefficient in reverberation room◎〖GB50049-94〗小型火力发电厂设计规范Code for design of small-sized power plant◎〖GB50050-95〗工业循环冷却水处理设计规范Code for design of industrial recirulating cooling water treatment◎〖GB50051-2019〗烟囱设计规范Code for design of chimneys◎〖GB50052-95〗供配电系统设计规范Code for design of electric power supply systems◎〖GB50053-94〗10kV及以下变电所设计规范Code for design of 10kV or under substations◎〖GB50054-95〗低压配电装置及线路设计规范Code for design of low voltage power distribution installations and wiring systems◎〖GB50055-93〗通用用电设备配电设计规范Code for design of power distribution of general electrical installations◎〖GB50056-93〗电热设备电力装置设计规范Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations◎〖GB50057-94〗建筑物防雷设计规范Code for design of lightning protection of buildings◎〖GB50058-92〗爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范Code for design of electric installations within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres ◎〖GB50059-92〗35~110kV变电所设计规范Code for design of 35~110kV substations◎〖GB50060-92〗3~110kV高压配电装置设计规范Code for design of 3~110kV high voltage electrical installations◎〖GB50061-97〗66kV及以下架空电力线路设计规范Code for design of 66kV or under over-head electrical power transmission line◎〖GB50062-92〗电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation◎〖GB50063-90〗电力装置的电气测量仪表装置设计规范Code for design of electrical measuring instrumentation of electrical installation◎〖GBJ64-83〗工业与民用电力装置的过电压保护设计规范Code for design of over-voltage protection of industrial and civil electrical installation ◎〖GBJ65-83〗工业与民用电力装置的接地设计规范Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installation◎〖GBJ66-84〗制冷设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of instanllation works of refrigeration equipment◎〖GB50067-97〗汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of garage,motor repairshop and parking area◎〖GB50068-2019〗建筑结构设计统一标准Unified standard for design of building structures◎〖GB50069-2019〗给水排水工程结构设计规范Code for structural design of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖GB50070-94〗矿山电力装置设计规范Code for design of mine elec-trical power equipment◎〖GB50071-2019〗小型水力发电站设计规范Code for design of small-sized hydropower stations◎〖GB50072-2019〗冷库设计规范Code for design of cold-stor-ages◎〖GB50073-2019〗洁净厂房设计规范Code for design of industrial clean rooms◎〖GB50074-2019〗石油库设计规范Code for design of petroleum depots◎〖GBJ75-84〗建筑隔声测量规范Code for measurement of building sound insulation◎〖GBJ76-84〗厅堂混响时间测量规范Code for measurement of re-verberation time in hall◎〖GB50077-2019〗钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范Code for design of reinforced concrete silos◎〖GBJ78-85〗烟囱工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of chimney works◎〖GBJ79-85〗工业企业通信接地设计规范Code for design of telecom-munications earthing in indus-trial enterprises◎〖GB/T50080-2019〗普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法Standard for test methods of properties of ordinary con-crete mixture◎〖GB/T50081-2019〗普通混凝土力学性能试验方法Standard for test methods of mechanical properties of ordi-nary concrete◎〖GBJ82-85〗普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验方法Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete◎〖GB/T50083-97〗建筑结构设计术语和符号标准Standard for terminology and symbols used in design of building structures◎〖GB50084-2019〗自动喷水灭火系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire sprindler systems◎〖GBJ85-85〗喷灌工程技术规范Technical code for sprinkling irrigation engineering◎〖GB50086-2019〗锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范Technical code for shotcrete pock bolts shore◎〖GBJ87-85〗工业企业噪声控制设计规范Code for design of noise con-trol in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ88-85〗驻波管法吸声系数与声阻抗率测量规范Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient anb specific acoustic imped-ance of standing-wave meter◎〖GB50089-98〗民用爆破器材工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of civil explosive materials manufac-turing plants◎〖GB50090-99〗铁路线路设计规范Code for design of railway line◎〖GB50091-99〗铁路车站及枢纽设计规范Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals◎〖GB50092-96〗沥青路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement◎〖GB50093-2019〗自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic instrument works◎〖GB50094-98〗球形储罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of spherical tank◎〖GB/T50095-98〗水文基本术语和符号标准Standard for terms and sym-bols used in hydrometry◎〖GB50096-99〗住宅设计规范Code for design of dwelling houses◎〖GBJ97-87〗水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of cement concrete pavement◎〖GB50098-98〗人民防空工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works◎〖GBJ99-86〗中小学校建筑设计规范Code for design of secondary and primary school buildings◎〖GB50100-2019〗住宅建筑模数协调标准Standard for modular coordi-nation of dwelling houses◎〖GBJ101-87〗建筑楼梯模数协调标准Standard for modular coordi-nation of building staircases◎〖GB/T50102-2019〗工业循环冷却水设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water◎〖GB/T50103-2019〗总图制图标准Standard for general layout drawing◎〖GB/T50104-2019〗建筑制图标准Standard for architectural drawing◎〖GB/T50105-2019〗建筑结构制图标准Standard for structural draw-ing◎〖GB/T50106-2019〗给水排水制图标准Standard for water supply and sewerage drawing◎〖GBJ107-87〗混凝土强度检验评定标准Standard for inspection and assessment of strength of con-crete◎〖GB50108-2019〗地下工程防水技术规范Technical code for water proof in underground engi-neering◎〖GBJ109-87〗工业用水软化除盐设计规范Code for design of industrial water softening and deminer-alization◎〖GBJ110-87〗卤代烷1211灭火系统设计规范Code for design of haton 1211 fire extinguishing systems◎〖GBJ111-87〗铁路工程抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of railway engineering◎〖GBJ112-87〗膨胀土地区建筑技术规范Technical code for buildings in sweelling soil zone◎〖GBJ113-87〗液压滑动模板施工技术规范Technical code for construc-tion using hydraulic slip form-works◎〖GB/T50114-2019〗暖通空调制图标准Standard for heating,ventilation and air-conditioning drawings◎〖GBJ115-87〗工业电视系统工程设计规范Code for design of close cir-cuit television system◎〖GB50116-98〗火灾自动报警系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire alarm systems◎〖GBJ117-88〗工业构筑物抗震鉴定标准Standard for earthquake-re-sistant evaluation of industrial constructional structuresCode for sound insulation de-sign of civil buildings◎〖GB50119-2019〗混凝土外加剂应用技术规范Technical code for application of admixture in concrete◎〖GBJ120-88〗工业企业共用天线电视系统设计规范Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ121-88〗建筑隔声评价标准Standard for assessment of building sound insulation◎〖GBJ122-88〗工业企业噪声测量规范Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises◎〖GB/T50123-99〗土工试验方法标准Standard for test merhods of earthworks◎〖GBJ124-88〗道路工程术语标准Standard for terms used in road engineering◎〖GBJ125-89〗给水排水设计基本术语标准Standard for basic terms used in design of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖GBJ126-89〗工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of heat insulation in industrial equipment and pipe work◎〖GBJ127-89〗架空索道工程技术规范Technical code for aerial rope-way engineering◎〖GBJ128-90〗立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank◎〖GBJ129-90〗砌体基本力学性能试验方法标准Standard for test methods of basic mechnical prorerties of masonry◎〖GBJ130-90〗钢筋混凝土升板结构技术规范Technical code for reinforced concrete lift-slab structure◎〖GBJ131-90〗自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of instal-lation works for automatic in-struments◎〖GBJ132-90〗工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号Standard for basic terms and general symbols used in struc-tural design of engineeringStandard for design of artificial lighting in civil buildings◎〖GBJ134-90〗人防工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of civil air defenceworks◎〖GBJ135-90〗高耸结构设计规范Code for design of high-rise structures◎〖GBJ136-90〗电镀废水治理设计规范Code for design of disposal of electroplating waste water◎〖GBJ137-90〗城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准Standard for classification of urban land and for planning of constructional land◎〖GBJ138-90〗水位观测标准Standard for observation of water level◎〖GBJ139-90〗内河通航标准Standard for navigation of in-land river◎〖GBJ140-90〗建筑灭火器配置设计规范Code for design of extinguish-er disposition in buildings◎〖GBJ141-90〗给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of constructional structures of water supply and sewerage◎〖GBJ142-90〗中、短波广播发射台与电缆载波通信系统的防护间距标准Standard for protective spec-ing between mediurn,short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable car-rier telecommumication sys-tems◎〖GBJ143-90〗架空电力线路、变电所对电视差转台、转播台无线电干扰防护间距标准Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from over-head electriclines,sub-stations to television transposer station and retransmitting station◎〖GBJ144-90〗工业厂房可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evalu-ation of industrial factory buildings◎〖GBJ145-90〗土的分类标准Standard for classification of soils◎〖GBJ146-90〗粉煤灰混凝土应用技术规程Technical code for application of fly ash concrete◎〖GBJ147-90〗电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of high voltage appliance◎〖GBJ148-90〗电气装置安装工程电力变压器,油浸电抗器,互感器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of electric power transformer,oily reactance and mutual in-ductance◎〖GBJ149-90〗电气装置安装工程母线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of bus-bar device◎〖GB50150-91〗电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment◎〖GB50151-92〗低倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of low expan-sion foam extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB50152-92〗混凝土结构试验方法标准Standard for test methods of concrete structures◎〖GB50153-92〗工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of engineering structures◎〖GB50154-92〗地下及覆土火药炸药仓库设计安全规范Code for safety design of un-derground and earth powder and explosive warehorse◎〖GB50155-92〗采暖通风与空气调节术语标准Standard for taminology of heating ventilation and air-conditioning◎〖GB50156-2019〗汽车加油站设计与施工规范Code for design and construction of automobile fasoline and gas filling station◎〖GB50157-2019〗地下铁道设计规范Code for design of under-ground railway◎〖GB50158-92〗港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of port engineering◎〖GB50159-92〗河流悬移质泥沙测验规范Code for measurement of sus-pended sediment in open channels◎〖GB50160-92〗石油化工企业设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of petrochemical enterprises◎〖GB50161-92〗烟花爆竹工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of fire-works and firecrackers plants◎〖GB50162-92〗道路工程制图标准Standard for road engineering drawing◎〖GB50163-92〗卤代烷1301灭火系统设计规范Code for design of halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50164-92〗混凝土质量控制标准Standard for quality control of concrete◎〖GB50165-92〗古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范Technical code for mainte-nance and strengthing of an-cient timber buildings◎〖GB50166-92〗火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of automatic fire alarm systems◎〖GB50167-92〗工程摄影测量标准Code for engineening photo-grmmetry◎〖GB50168-92〗电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of cable levels◎〖GB50169-92〗电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of earthed devices◎〖GB50170-92〗电气装置安装工程旋转电机施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code of con-struction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines◎〖GB50171-92〗电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of switchboard outfit,complete cubicle and secondary circuit◎〖GB50172-92〗电气装置安装工程蓄电池施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of battery◎〖GB50173-92〗电气装置安装工程35KV及以下架空电力线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of35KV and under over-head power levels◎〖GB50174-93〗电子计算机机房设计规范Code for design of electric computer room◎〖GB50175-93〗露天煤矿工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of open pit coal-mine engineering◎〖GB50176-93〗民用建筑热工设计规范Code for thermal design of civil buildings◎〖GB50177-93〗氢氧站设计规范Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations◎〖GB50178-93〗建筑气候区划标准Standard for climatic region-alization for building and civil engineering◎〖GB50179-93〗河流流量测验规范Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels◎〖GB50180-93〗城市居住区规划设计规范Code for planning design of urban residential area◎〖GB50181-93〗蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范Technical code for construc-tional engineering in flood de-tention basin◎〖GB50182-93〗电气装置安装工程电梯电气装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of electrical apparatus of eleva-tors◎〖GB/T50183-93〗原油和天然气工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of crude oil and natural gas works◎〖GB50184-93〗工业金属管道工程质量检验评定标准Standard for puality inspec-tion and assessment of indus-trial metal pipeline engineer-ing◎〖GB50185-93〗工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of heat insulation engineering of industrial equip-ment and pipelines◎〖GB50186-93〗港口工程基本术语标准Standrd for basic terms of port engineering◎〖GB50187-93〗工业企业总平面设计规范Code for design of general plan for industrial enterprises◎〖GB50188-93〗村镇规划标准Standard for planning of rural village and town◎〖GB50189-93〗旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调节节能设计标准Standard for design of air-conditioning and energy con-servation in tourism hotel buildings◎〖GB50190-93〗多层厂房楼盖抗微振设计规范Code for design of anti-mi-crovibration of multistory fac-tory floor◎〖GB50191-93〗构筑物抗震设计规范Code for design of earthquake-resistant of structural con-structions◎〖GB50192-93〗河港工程设计规范Code for design of river port engineering◎〖GB50193-93〗二氧化碳灭火系统设计规范Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB50194-93〗建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范Code for safety of power sup-ply and consumption in engi-neering construction site ◎〖GB50195-94〗发生炉煤气站设计规范Code for design of producer gas stations◎〖GB50196-93〗高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50197-94〗露天煤矿工程设计规范Code for design of open pit coal ming engineering◎〖GB50198-94〗民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering◎〖GB50199-94〗水利水电工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of hydraulic engi-neering structures◎〖GB50200-94〗有线电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for CATV system◎〖GB50201-94〗防洪标准Standard for flood control◎〖GBJ201-83〗土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering◎〖GB50202-2019〗建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance quality of building foundation◎〖GB50203-2019〗砌体工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of masonry structure engineering◎〖GB50204-2019〗混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of concrete structure engineering◎〖GB50205-2019〗钢结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of steel structure en-gineering◎〖GB50206-2019〗木结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of timber structure engineering◎〖GB50207-2019〗屋面工程技术规范Technical code for roof engi-neering◎〖GB50208-2019〗地下防水工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of underground wa-ter proof engineering ◎〖GB50209-2019〗建筑地面工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of ground and floor engi-neering◎〖GB50210-2019〗建筑装修工程质量验收规范Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration◎〖GBJ211-87〗工业炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of brick works for indus-trial furnaces◎〖GBJ50212-2019〗建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of building corrosion pre-vention works ◎〖GBJ213-90〗矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of mining pit engineering◎〖GB50214-2019〗组合钢模板技术规范Technical code for assembly steel fomworks◎〖GB50215-94〗煤炭工业矿井设计规范Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry◎〖GB50216-94〗铁路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of railway engineering structures◎〖GB50217-94〗电力工程电缆设计规范Code for design of cables of electric works◎〖GB50218-94〗工程岩体分级标准Standard for classification of en-gineering rock masses◎〖GB50219-95〗水喷雾灭火系统设计规范Code for design of water spray fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50220-95〗城市道路交通规划设计规范Code for planning design of transport on urban road◎〖GB50222-95〗建筑内部装修设计防火规范Code for fire prevention de-sign of interior decoration of buildings◎〖GB50223-95〗建筑抗震设防分类标准Code for classification of seismic protection of buildings◎〖GB50224-95〗建筑防腐蚀工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and addessment of anti-corrosion engineering of buildings◎〖GB50225-95〗人民防空工程设计规范Code for design of civil air de-fence works◎〖GB50226-95〗铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范Code for desgn of railway passenger station buildings◎〖GB50227-95〗并联电容器装置设计规范Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors◎〖GB/T50228-96〗工程测量基本术语标准Standard for foundational ter-minology of engineering sur-vey◎〖GB50229-96〗火力发电厂与变电所设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of power plant and substation◎〖GB50231-98〗机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of mechanical equip-ment installation engineering◎〖GB50233-90〗110-500KV架空电力线路施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of 110-500kV over-head electrical power trans-mission line◎〖GB50235-97〗工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of industrial metallic pipeline engineering ◎〖GB50236-98〗现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of welding works of on-sie equipment and in-dustrial pipeline◎〖GB50242-2019〗建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works◎〖GB50243-2019〗通风与空调工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of ventilation and air-conditioning works◎〖GB50251-2019〗输气管道工程设计规范Code for design of trans-mission pipeline engineering◎〖GB50252-94〗工业安装工程质量检测评定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial erection engineering◎〖GB50253-2019〗输油管道工程设计规范Code for design of oil trans-mission pipeline engineering◎〖GB50254-96〗电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus◎〖GB50255-96〗电气装置安装工程电力变流设备施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of power convertor equipment◎〖GB50256-96〗电气装置安装工程起重机电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of electric device of crane◎〖GB50257-96〗电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construc-tion and acceptance of electric device within explosion and fire hazard atrmospheres◎〖GB50260-96〗电力设施抗震设计规范Code for design of seismic of electrical installations◎〖GB50261-96〗自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of automatic sprin-kler fire extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB/T50262-97〗铁路工程基本术语标准Standard for fundamental tems of railway engineering◎〖GB50263-97〗气体灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and ac-ceptance of gas fire extin-guishing systems◎〖GB50264-97〗工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范Code for design of heat insula-tion engineering of industrial equipment and pipe lines ◎〖GB/T50265-97〗泵站设计规范Code for design of pumping stationsStandard for test methods of engineering rock masses◎〖GB50267-97〗核电厂抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of un-clear power plants◎〖GB50268-97〗给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering◎〖GB/T50269-97〗地基动力持性测试规范Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil◎〖GB50270-2019〗连续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of continuous con-veyer equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50271-2019〗金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac- ceptance of metal-cutting machine installation engineer-ing◎〖GB50272-2019〗锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of forging-press equipment installationengi-neering◎〖GB50273-2019〗工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering◎〖GB50274-2019〗制冷设备空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of refrigeration and air separating equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50275-2019〗压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of compressor,fan and pump installationengi-neering◎〖GB50276-2019〗破碎粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and mill equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50277-2019〗铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of casting equipment installation engineering ◎〖GB50278-2019〗起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of crane installation engineeringStandard for fundamental terms of geotechnical engi-neering◎〖GB/T50280-2019〗城市规划基本术语标准Standard for basic terminolo-gy of urban planning◎〖GB50281-2019〗泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of foam fire extin-guishing systems◎〖GB50282-98〗城市给水工程规划规范Code for planning of urban water supply engineering◎〖GB/T50283-2019〗公路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures◎〖GB50284-98〗飞机库设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar◎〖GB50285-98〗调幅收音台和调频电视转播台与公路防护间距标准Standad for protection dis-tance from highway to AM,FM and TV rebroadcast sta-tions◎〖GB50286-98〗堤防工程设计规范Code for design of levee projects◎〖GB50287-2019〗水利水电工程地质勘察规范Code for geological investiga-tion of water resources and hydropower engineering ◎〖GB50288-2019〗灌溉与排水工程设计规范Code for design of irrigation and drainage◎〖GB50289-98〗城市工程管线综合规划规范Code for comprehensive plan-ning of urban engineering pipeline◎〖GB50290-98〗土工合成材料应用技术规范Technical code for application of geosynthetics◎〖GB/T50291-2019〗房地产估价规范Code for appraisal of real es-tate◎〖GB50292-2019〗民用建筑可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evalu-ation of civil buildings◎〖GB50293-2019〗城市电力规划规范Code for planning of urban electric power◎〖GB/T50294-2019〗核电厂总平面及运输设计规范Code for design of general plan and transportation of nu-clear power plants◎〖GB50295-2019〗水泥工厂设计规范Code for design of cement plants◎〖GB50296-2019〗供水管井技术规范Technical standard for water supply well◎〖GB50297-2019〗电力工程基本术语标准Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering◎〖GB50298-2019〗风景名胜区规划规范Code for planning of scenic area◎〖GB50299-2019〗地下铁道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tanoe of subway engineering◎〖GB50300-2019〗建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of building constructional erec-tion works◎〖GBJ301-88〗建筑工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tionand assessment of buiding construction◎〖GBJ302-88〗建筑采暖卫生与煤气工程质量检验评定标准Standard for qualityinspec-tion and assessment of build-ing heating,sanitary and gas engineering◎〖GB50303-2019〗建筑电气安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of erec-tion works for buildingelec-trical installations◎〖GB50307-2019〗地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范Code for geotechnical engi-neering investigation of sub-way and light rail transit◎〖GB50308-2019〗地下铁道、轻轨交通工程测量规范Code for engineering survey-ing of subway anb light rail transit◎〖GB50309-92〗工业炉砌筑工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of brick works for industrial furnaces ◎〖GB50310-2019〗电梯安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of erection works of elevators◎〖GB/T50311-2000〗建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus◎〖GB/T50312-2000〗建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范Code for engineering accep-tance of generic cabling sys-tem for building and campus◎〖GB50313-2000〗消防通信指挥系统设计规范Code for design of fire com-munication and command sys-tem◎〖GB/T50314-2000〗智能建筑设计标准Standard for design of intelli-gent buildings◎〖GB/T50315-2000〗砌体工程检测技术标准Technical standard for site testing of masonry engineering◎〖GB50316-2000〗工业金属管道设计规范Code for design of industrial metallic pipeline engineering◎〖GB50317-2000〗猪屠宰与分割车间设计规范Code for design of workshop for pig slaughter and segmen-tation◎〖GB50318-2000〗城市排水工程规划规范Code for planning of urban sewerage engineering◎〖GB50319-2000〗建设工程监理规范Code for construction project management◎〖GB50320-2019〗粮食平房仓设计规范Code for design of grain storehouses◎〖GB50322-2019〗粮食钢板筒仓设计规范Code for design of steel silos◎〖GB/T50323-2019〗城市建设档案著录规范Code for urban construction archives description◎〖GB50324-2019 〗冻土工程地质勘察规范Code for engineering geological investigation of frozen ground◎〖GB50325-2019〗民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering◎〖GB/T50326-2019 〗建设工程项目管理规范The code of construction project management by enterprises of construction industry ◎〖GB50327-2019〗住宅装饰装修工程施工规范Code for construction of decoration of housings◎〖GB/T50328-2019〗建设工程文件归档整理规范Code for construction project document◎〖GB/T50329-2019〗木结构试验方法标准Standard for methods testing of timber structures◎〖GB50330-2019 〗建筑边坡工程技术规范。

中国国家标准中英文对照翻译(城镇建设工程标准)中国国家标准——城镇建设工程标准GB〖CJJ1-90〗市政道路工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal road engineering〖CJJ2-2008〗城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of bridge works in city〖CJJ6-85〗排水管道维护安全技术规程Technical specification for safety maintenance of sewerage pipes〖CJJ7-2007〗城市工程地球物理探测规范Code for engineering geophysical prospecting and testing in city〖CJJ8-99〗城市测量规范Code for urban survey〖CJJ11-93〗城市桥梁设计准则The Criteria of Municipal Bridge Design〖CJJ12-99〗家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程Specification for installation and acceptance of domestic gas burning appliances 〖CJJ13-87〗供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply〖CJJ14-2005〗城市公共厕所设计标准Standard for design of public toilets in city〖CJJ15-87〗城市公共交通站、场、厂设计规范Code for design of urban public transportation station, ground and house〖CJJ17-2004〗生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill〖CJJ18-88〗市政工程施工、养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering〖CJJ27-2005〗城镇环境卫生设施设置标准Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities〖CJJ28-2004〗城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines〖CJJ/T29-98〗建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程Technical specification of PVC-U pipe work for building drainage〖CJJ30-2009〗城市粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants〖CJJ32-89〗含藻水给水处理设计规范Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae〖CJJ33-2005〗城镇燃气输配工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works〖CJJ34-2002〗城市热力网设计规范Design code of district heating network〖CJJ36-2006〗城镇道路养护技术规范Technical code of urban road maintenance〖CJJ37-90〗城市道路设计规范Code for design of municipal road〖CJJ39-91〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(北方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in northern area)〖CJJ40-91〗高浊度水给水设计规范Code for design of water-supply for muddy water〖CJJ43-91〗热拌再生沥青混合料路面施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of hot-mixed and regenerated asphalt mixture road face〖CJJ45-2006〗城市道路照明设计标准Standard for lighting design of urban road〖CJJ47-2006〗生活垃圾转运站技术规范Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste〖CJJ48-92〗公园设计规范Code for design of parks〖CJJ50-92〗城市防洪工程设计规范Code for design of flood control engineering in city〖CJJ51-2006〗城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程Safety technical specification for operation, maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities〖CJJ/T52-93〗城市生活垃圾好氧静态堆肥处理技术规程Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste〖CJJ/T53-93〗民用房屋修缮工程施工规程Code for repairing construction of civil buildings〖CJJ/T54-93〗污水稳定塘设计规范Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds〖CJJ55-93〗供热术语标准Standard for terminology of heat-supply〖CJJ56-94〗市政工程勘察规范Code for investigation and surveying of municipal engineering〖CJJ57-94〗城市规划工程地质勘察规范Code for geotechnical investigation and surveying of urban planning engineering〖CJJ58-2009〗城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks〖CJJ60-94〗城市污水处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plants〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city〖CJJ62-95〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程Technical specification for repairing water creep of houses〖CJJ63-2008〗聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineering〖CJJ64-2009〗城市粪便处理厂设计规范Code for design of night soil treatment plant〖CJJ/T65-2004〗市容环境卫生术语标准Standard for terminology of environmental sanitation〖CJJ66-95〗路面稀浆封层施工规程Slurry sealing specification〖CJJ67-95〗风景园林图例图示标准Standard for graphic of landscape architecture〖CJJ68-2007〗城镇排水管渠与泵站维护技术规程Technical specification for maintenance of sewers & channels and pumping station in city〖CJJ69-95〗城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范Technical specification of urban pedestrian overcrossing and underpass〖CJJ70-96〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(南方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in southern area)〖CJJ71-2000〗机动车清洗站工程技术规程Technical specification for automotive rinsing station engineering〖CJJ72-97〗无轨电车供电线网工程施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of trolley bus network〖CJJ73-97〗全球定位系统城市测量技术规程Technical specification for urban surveying using global positioning system〖CJJ74-99〗城镇地道桥顶进施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of underpass bridges in town by jacking method〖CJJ75-97〗城市道路绿化规划与设计规范Code for planting planning and design on urban roads〖CJJ/T76-98〗城市地下水动态观测规程Specification for dynamic observation of ground water in urban area〖CJJ/T78-97〗供热工程制图标准Drawing standard of heat-supply engineering〖CJJ/T81-98〗城镇直埋供热管道工程技术规程Technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in city〖CJJ/T82-99〗城市绿化工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of plant engineering in city and town〖CJJ83-99〗城市用地竖向规划规范Code for vertical planning on urban field〖CJJ/T85-2002〗城市绿地分类标准Standard for classification of urban green space〖CJJ/T86-2000〗城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste composting plant〖CJJ/T87-2000〗乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准Standard for market planning of town and township〖CJJ/T88-2000〗城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程Technical specification for safe operation of heating system in city〖CJJ89-2001〗城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and inspection of urban road lighting engineering〖CJJ90-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范Technical code for projects of municipal solid waste incineration〖CJJ/T91-2002〗园林基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of landscape architecture〖CJJ92-2002〗城市供水管网漏损控制及评定标准Standard for leakage control and assessment of urban water supply distribution system〖CJJ93-2003〗城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal domestic refuse sanitary landfill〖CJJ94-2009〗城镇燃气室内工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of city indoor gas engineering〖CJJ95-2003〗城镇燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程Technical specification for control of external corrosion on underground gas pipeline of steel in area of cities and towns〖CJJ96-2003〗地铁限界标准Standard of metro gauges〖CJJ/T97-2003〗城市规划制图标准Standard for drawing in urban planning〖CJJ/T98-2003〗建筑给水聚苯乙烯类管道工程技术规程Technical specification of polyethylene (PE), cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) and polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) pipeline engineering for water supply in building〖CJJ99-2003〗城市桥梁养护技术规范Technical code maintenance for city bridge〖CJJ100-2004〗城市基础地理信息系统技术规范Technical specification for urban fundamental geographic information system〖CJJ101-2004〗埋地聚乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried polyethylene pipeline of water supply engineering〖CJJ/T102-2004〗城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准Classification and evaluation standard of municipal solid waste〖CJJ103-2004〗城市地理空间框架数据标准Standard for urban geospatial framework data〖CJJ104-2005〗城镇供热直埋蒸汽管道技术规程Technical specification for directly buried steam heating pipeline in city〖CJJ105-2005〗城镇供热管网结构设计规范Code for structural design of heating pipelines in city and town〖CJJ/T106-2005〗城市市政综合监管信息系统技术规范Technical code for urban municipal supervision and management information system〖CJJ/T107-2005〗生活垃圾填埋场无害化评价标准Standard of assessment on municipal solid waste and fill〖CJJ/T108-2006〗城市道路除雪作业技术规程Technical specification of snow removal operation for city road〖CJJ109-2006〗生活垃圾转运站运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste transfer station〖CJJ110-2006〗管道直饮水系统技术规程Technical specification of pipe system for fine drinking water〖CJJ/T111-2006〗预应力混凝土桥梁预制节段逐跨拼装施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of span by span method of precast segment in prestressed concrete bridge〖CJJ112-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场封场技术规程Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure〖CJJ113-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场防渗系统工程技术规范Technical code for liner system of municipal solid waste landfill〖CJJ/T114-2007〗城市公共交通分类标准Standard for classification of urban public transportation〖CJJ/T115-2007〗房地产市场信息系统技术规范Technical code for real estate market information system〖CJJ/T116-2008〗建设领域应用软件测评通用规范General code for measure and evaluation of application software in the field of construction〖CJJ/T117-2007〗建设电子文件与电子档案管理规范Code for management of electronic construction records and archives〖CJJ/T119-2008〗城市公共交通工程术语标准Terminology standard for urban public transport engineering〖CJJ120-2008〗城镇排水系统电气与自动化工程技术规程Technical specification of electrical & automation engineering for city drainage system〖CJJ124-2008〗镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程Technical specification of wastewater engineering for town and village〖CJJ/T126-2008〗城市道路清扫保洁质量与评价标准Standard for quality and assessment of city road sweeping and cleaning〖CJJ/T125-2008〗环境卫生图形符号标准Standard for figure symbols of environmental sanitation〖CJJ122-2008〗游泳池给水排水工程技术规程Technical specification for water supply and drainage engineering of swimming pool〖CJJ123-2008〗镇(乡)村给水工程技术规程Technical specification of water supply engineering for town and village〖CJJ128-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧厂运行维护与安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste incineration plant〖CJJ127-2009〗建筑排水金属管道工程技术规程Technical specification of metal pipe work for building drainage。

安全防范预警系统early warning system for safety precautions
安全隔离设备safety separation device
安全管理safety management
矮型信号机Dwarf signal
安全保护距离overlap distance
安全保护区safety protection region
安全保障平台security platform
安全标志safety sign
安全出口exit; emergency exit
安全出口标志灯marker lamp for emergency exit
IP会议电视系统IP video conference system
I类水体Class I water body(可以直接饮用)
N线Neutral wire
SO2控制区SO2 control region
T (形连)接T-connection
TCP/IP协议TCP/IP protocol
安全生产责任制responsibility system for safety in production
安全措施safety measure
安全措施费safety measure fees
安全带safety belt
安全挡台safety barricade
安全等级safety level
安全地线safety earth wire
安ety valve
安全防范safety precautions; safe guarding

SECTION 1: REFORCEMENT 第一章:钢筋PART 1 GENERAL第一节总则1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 工作范围Materials and labours required for the complete installation of the work of this section,including furnishing and placing of reinforcing steel and related positioning.完成安装本部分工程所需的材料和劳动力,包括提供和设置钢筋和有关的定位。
1.2 STANDARDS 标准Except as otherwise specified herein, perform work in accordance with specifications,codes, and standards cited therein, and latest applicable addenda and supplements.Copies of these items shall be kept available in shop and field.除非另有规定,按照以下引用的规范,标准和最新的附录和补充施工。
BS 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. 用于混凝土的热轧钢筋BS 8110 The Structural Use of Concrete - Part 1 Design and Construction. 混凝土的结构用途-第一节设计和施工BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. 混凝土加筋钢丝BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement ofconcrete. 混凝土钢筋弯曲尺寸和加工表UK Structural Design Standards specified herein can be substituted by other StructuralDesign Standards: Selected National and International Title and Sources, providedthat request for substitution is made and reviewed by Engineer's Representativebefore use in project.如果在使用前提出申请替换,并经监理代表批准,可以使用相应结构设计标准:挑选的国家和国际名称和来源,来替换这里规定的英国结构设计标准。

工程建设标准英文版翻译细则试行司便函Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation LetterIntroductionThe Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter is a document that provides guidelines for translating engineering construction standards into English. The document aims to provide standardized guidelines for effective translations to ensure clear communication across language barriers. This article discusses the Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter, its objectives, contents, and significance.ObjectivesThe primary objective of the Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter is to provide a standardized and comprehensive approach to translating engineering construction standards into English. This document aims to promote transparency, consistency, and accuracy in the way these standards are translated and communicated to the English-speaking world. Additionally, this document aims to ensure that the translations of the engineering construction standards retain the meaning, context, and relevance of the original construction standards.ContentsThe Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter contains a set of guidelines and instructions designed to ensure that the translator produces an accurate and clear translation of the engineering construction standards. The guidelines include:1. Ensuring the appropriate use of terminologyEngineers often use technical and specialized vocabulary that requires a good understanding of the field of engineering to translate correctly. The guidelines provide instructions on how to identify the proper technical terms and avoid using ambiguous, general, or inaccurate terminology.2. Ensuring the accuracy of the translationAccuracy is essential in engineering construction standards translation. The guidelines provide directives on ensuring that the translation reflects the same meaning and intent as the original text.3. Navigating the structural variationsThe guidelines offer directions on reflecting the design, construction, and other structural variations of engineering projects in the translated standards. This is essential in describing the essential details of the construction projects accurately.4. Keeping track of translationsFinally, the guidelines also offer directions on keeping track of translations, including version control and methods of updating the translated materials.SignificanceThe Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter is essential in ensuring that translations of engineering construction standards are clear, consistent, and accurate. Using these guidelines helps the English-speaking world understand the content, complexity, and standards of the engineering construction industry wherever they are located.This document is valuable in promoting universal standards across the industry, ultimately helping to reduce errors, misunderstandings, and risks associated with language barriers. Using these guidelines can help ensure that engineers and construction workers can effectively communicate, reducing the likelihood of safety risks, project delays, and disputes.In conclusion, the Engineering Construction Standards Translation Guidelines Implementation Letter provides valuable guidelines for the translation of engineering construction standards into English. This document is crucial in promoting clarity, consistency, and accuracy in the communication of standards in the construction industry. By using these guidelines, the industry can better navigate language barriers, reducing misunderstandings, errors, and risks.。

1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1 基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
1.2 具体要求1)数字表达应符合英文表达习惯。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,2006)。

SECTION: 2 第2章混凝土PART 1 GENERAL 第1节总则1 DESCRIPTION 说明All concrete work is governed by this Section. 所有混凝土工程受本章的管理。
Work Included: Provide all cast-in-place concrete, complete and in place, as required by the Work, specified herein on the drawings and specifications. 包括的工作:按照图纸上规定的工作和相关标准要求,完整而到位地提供所有现浇混凝。
RELATED WORK: 有关工作1 General Requirements 一般要求2 Material 材料3 Concrete Mix 混凝土配合比4 Construction Requests 施工要求1.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:一般要求1.1.1. Concrete shall be batched only with approved materials, approved mix designs, and atapproved facilities. 只能使用批准的材料、批准的配合比设计和在批准的设施内对混凝土进行配料。
1.1.2. The Contractor shall define the method of design of the mix, by reference to a recognisedpublished design method. 承包商应通过参考认可的设计方法确定配合比设计。
1.1.3. Plant trials shall be carried out for each grade and type of concrete in the contract, 你unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. 除非监理工程师另有批准,应对每种标号和种类的混凝土进行工厂试验。

工程施工规范英语Chapter I General PrinciplesArticle 1 In order to standardize the construction activities, ensure the quality of construction projects, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the construction industry, this Code is formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.Article 2 Construction projects refer to the construction of buildings, structures, and other facilities that require the use of construction equipment and materials. Construction activities include site preparation, foundation excavation, construction, installation, commissioning, and other related activities.Article 3 Construction units shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards in the construction process, and shall not harm public safety, damage the environment, or violate the rights and interests of others.Chapter II Construction OrganizationArticle 4 The construction unit shall establish a construction organization before the start of construction, and shall appoint a construction manager to be responsible for the overall management of the construction project.Article 5 The construction organization shall include the following contents:1. Construction plan: Including the project schedule, construction methods, and resource allocation.2. Construction team: Including the project manager, construction workers, and other necessary personnel.3. Construction facilities: Including construction equipment, materials, and other necessary resources.Article 6 The construction unit shall submit the construction organization to the relevant authorities for approval before the start of construction. Any changes to the construction organization shall be reported to the authorities for approval in a timely manner.Chapter III Construction SafetyArticle 7 Construction units shall establish a comprehensive safety management system to ensure the safety of construction workers and the public during the construction process. Article 8 Construction units shall conduct regular safety inspections of construction sites to identify potential hazards and take corrective actions in a timely manner.Article 9 Construction units shall provide necessary safety training to construction workers to ensure that they are aware of safety regulations and can perform their work safely.Article 10 Construction units shall provide safety equipment such as helmets, gloves, and safety ropes to construction workers to protect them from hazards on the construction site.Chapter IV Quality ControlArticle 11 Construction units shall establish a quality control system to ensure the quality of construction projects and to prevent defects and rework.Article 12 Construction units shall conduct regular inspections of construction materials to ensure that they meet the required standards and specifications.Article 13 Construction units shall conduct regular inspections of construction work to ensure that it meets the design requirements and quality standards.Article 14 Construction units shall establish a defect tracking and correction system to address any defects that occur during the construction process.Chapter V Environmental ProtectionArticle 15 Construction units shall comply with environmental regulations and standards to minimize the environmental impact of construction activities.Article 16 Construction units shall properly handle construction waste and pollutants to prevent environmental pollution.Article 17 Construction units shall take measures to protect natural resources such as water, soil, and air during the construction process.Article 18 Construction units shall conduct environmental impact assessments before the start of construction projects to identify potential environmental risks and take preventive measures.Chapter VI Construction ScheduleArticle 19 Construction units shall develop a construction schedule before the start of construction to ensure that the project is completed on time.Article 20 Construction units shall monitor the progress of the construction project regularly and make adjustments to the schedule as needed to ensure that the project is completed on time.Article 21 Construction units shall coordinate with contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the project is completed on schedule.Chapter VII Construction Cost ManagementArticle 22 Construction units shall develop a budget for construction projects before the start of construction to ensure that costs are controlled within the planned budget.Article 23 Construction units shall conduct regular cost monitoring and analysis to identify cost overruns and take corrective actions in a timely manner.Article 24 Construction units shall establish a cost tracking system to track the expenditures of construction projects and ensure that funds are used efficiently.Chapter VIII Construction Quality AcceptanceArticle 25 Construction units shall conduct a comprehensive quality inspection of construction projects before acceptance to ensure that the project meets the design requirements and quality standards.Article 26 Construction units shall submit a quality acceptance report to the relevant authorities for review and approval before the project is put into use.Article 27 Construction units shall address any defects or deficiencies identified during the quality acceptance process and take corrective actions to ensure that the project meets the required standards.Chapter IX Project Handover and MaintenanceArticle 28 Construction units shall hand over completed projects to the owners or users in a timely manner and provide necessary training and support for maintenance.Article 29 Construction units shall establish a maintenance plan for completed projects to ensure that they remain in good condition and function properly.Article 30 Construction units shall provide maintenance services to owners or users on a regular basis to address any issues that may arise during the operation of the project.Chapter X Construction Disputes and ClaimsArticle 31 Construction units shall resolve disputes and claims related to construction projects through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration in accordance with the law.Article 32 Construction units shall keep records of disputes and claims related to construction projects and take corrective actions to prevent similar issues in the future.Article 33 Construction units shall comply with the decisions of the relevant authorities or dispute resolution mechanisms in resolving construction disputes and claims.Chapter XI Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 34 This Code shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.Article 35 This Code shall be interpreted by the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.Article 36 This Code shall be reviewed and revised as needed to ensure its effectiveness in regulating construction activities.。


工程建设国家标准名称中英文对照2019-03-07 14:28:50| 分类:知识共享|字号订阅◎〖GB/T50001-2019〗房屋建筑制图统一标准Unified standard for building drawing◎〖GBJ2-86〗建筑模数协调统一标准Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings◎〖GB50003-2019〗砌体结构设计规范Code for design of masonry structures◎〖GB50005-2019〗木结构设计规范Code for design of timber structures◎〖GBJ6-86〗厂房建筑模数协调标准Standard for modular coordination of factory buildings◎〖GB50007-2019〗建筑地基基础设计规范Code for design of building foundations◎〖GB50009-2019〗建筑结构荷载规范Loading code for design of building structures◎〖GB50010-2019〗混凝土结构设计规范Code for design of concrete structures◎〖GB50011-2019〗建筑抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of buildings◎〖GBJ12-87〗工业企业标准轨距铁路设计规范Code for design of standard track gauge railway in industrial enterprises ◎〖GBJ13-86〗室外给水设计规范Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering◎〖GBJ14-87〗室外排水设计规范Code for design of outdoor sewerage engineering◎〖GB50015-2019〗建筑给水排水设计规范Code for design of building water supply and sewerage◎〖GBJ16-87〗建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of buildingsCode for design of steel structures◎〖GB550018-2019〗冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures◎〖GB50019-2019〗采暖通风和空气调节设计规范Code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning◎〖GB50021-2019〗岩土工程勘察规范Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering◎〖GBJ22-87〗厂矿道路设计规范Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas◎〖GB50023-95〗建筑抗震鉴定标准Standard for earthquake-resistant evaluation of buildings◎〖GB50025-2019〗湿陷性黄土地区建筑规范Code for building construction in collapsible loess zone◎〖GB50026-93〗工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying◎〖GB50027-2019〗供水水文地质勘察规范Code for hydrogeological investigation of water supply◎〖GB50028-93〗城镇燃气设计规范Code for design of urban and rural gas supply◎〖GB50029-2019〗压缩空气站设计规范Code for design of compressed-air stations◎〖GB50030-91〗氧气站设计规范Code for design of oxygen station◎〖GB50031-91〗乙炔站设计规范Code for design of acetylene stations◎〖GB50032-2019〗室外给水排水和煤气热力工程抗震设计规范Code for earthquake - resistant design of outdoor water supply,sewerage,gas and heating engineering◎〖GB/T50033-2019〗建筑采光设计标准Standard for daylighting design of buildings◎〖GB50034-92〗工业企业照明设计标准Standard for artificial lighting design of industrial enterprisesCode of design for ground surface and floor of buildings◎〖GB50038-94〗人民防空地下室设计规范Code for design of basement for civil air defence◎〖GBJ39-90〗村镇建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of rural buildings◎〖GB50040-96〗动力机器基础设计规范Code for design of dynamic machine foundation◎〖GB50041-92〗锅炉房设计规范Code for design of boiler house◎〖GBJ42-81〗工业企业通信设计规范Code for design of telecommunication in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ43-82〗室外给水排水工程设施抗震鉴定标准Standard for seismic assessment of outdoor water supply and sewerage engineering facilities◎〖GBJ44-82〗室外煤气热力工程设施抗震鉴定标准Code for seismic assessment of outdoor gas and heating engineering facilities◎〖GB50045-95〗高层民用建筑设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of high - rise buidings◎〖GB50046-95〗工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范Code for design of corrosion prevention of industrial buildings◎〖GBJ47-83〗混响室法吸声系数测量规范Code for measurenment of sound-absorbing coefficient in reverberation room◎〖GB50049-94〗小型火力发电厂设计规范Code for design of small-sized power plant◎〖GB50050-95〗工业循环冷却水处理设计规范Code for design of industrial recirulating cooling water treatment◎〖GB50051-2019〗烟囱设计规范Code for design of chimneys◎〖GB50052-95〗供配电系统设计规范Code for design of electric power supply systems◎〖GB50053-94〗10kV及以下变电所设计规范Code for design of 10kV or under substations◎〖GB50054-95〗低压配电装置及线路设计规范Code for design of low voltage power distribution installations and wiring systems◎〖GB50055-93〗通用用电设备配电设计规范Code for design of power distribution of general electrical installations◎〖GB50056-93〗电热设备电力装置设计规范Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations◎〖GB50057-94〗建筑物防雷设计规范Code for design of lightning protection of buildings◎〖GB50058-92〗爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范Code for design of electric installations within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres ◎〖GB50059-92〗35~110kV变电所设计规范Code for design of 35~110kV substations◎〖GB50060-92〗3~110kV高压配电装置设计规范Code for design of 3~110kV high voltage electrical installations◎〖GB50061-97〗66kV及以下架空电力线路设计规范Code for design of 66kV or under over-head electrical power transmission line◎〖GB50062-92〗电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation◎〖GB50063-90〗电力装置的电气测量仪表装置设计规范Code for design of electrical measuring instrumentation of electrical installation◎〖GBJ64-83〗工业与民用电力装置的过电压保护设计规范Code for design of over-voltage protection of industrial and civil electrical installation ◎〖GBJ65-83〗工业与民用电力装置的接地设计规范Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installation◎〖GBJ66-84〗制冷设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of instanllation works of refrigeration equipment◎〖GB50067-97〗汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of garage,motor repairshop and parking area◎〖GB50068-2019〗建筑结构设计统一标准Unified standard for design of building structures◎〖GB50069-2019〗给水排水工程结构设计规范Code for structural design of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖GB50070-94〗矿山电力装置设计规范Code for design of mine elec-trical power equipment◎〖GB50071-2019〗小型水力发电站设计规范Code for design of small-sized hydropower stations◎〖GB50072-2019〗冷库设计规范Code for design of cold-stor-ages◎〖GB50073-2019〗洁净厂房设计规范Code for design of industrial clean rooms◎〖GB50074-2019〗石油库设计规范Code for design of petroleum depots◎〖GBJ75-84〗建筑隔声测量规范Code for measurement of building sound insulation◎〖GBJ76-84〗厅堂混响时间测量规范Code for measurement of re-verberation time in hall◎〖GB50077-2019〗钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范Code for design of reinforced concrete silos◎〖GBJ78-85〗烟囱工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of chimney works◎〖GBJ79-85〗工业企业通信接地设计规范Code for design of telecom-munications earthing in indus-trial enterprises◎〖GB/T50080-2019〗普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法Standard for test methods of properties of ordinary con-crete mixture◎〖GB/T50081-2019〗普通混凝土力学性能试验方法Standard for test methods of mechanical properties of ordi-nary concrete◎〖GBJ82-85〗普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验方法Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete◎〖GB/T50083-97〗建筑结构设计术语和符号标准Standard for terminology and symbols used in design of building structures◎〖GB50084-2019〗自动喷水灭火系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire sprindler systems◎〖GBJ85-85〗喷灌工程技术规范Technical code for sprinkling irrigation engineering◎〖GB50086-2019〗锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范Technical code for shotcrete pock bolts shore◎〖GBJ87-85〗工业企业噪声控制设计规范Code for design of noise con-trol in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ88-85〗驻波管法吸声系数与声阻抗率测量规范Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient anb specific acoustic imped-ance of standing-wave meter◎〖GB50089-98〗民用爆破器材工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of civil explosive materials manufac-turing plants◎〖GB50090-99〗铁路线路设计规范Code for design of railway line◎〖GB50091-99〗铁路车站及枢纽设计规范Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals◎〖GB50092-96〗沥青路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement◎〖GB50093-2019〗自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic instrument works◎〖GB50094-98〗球形储罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of spherical tank◎〖GB/T50095-98〗水文基本术语和符号标准Standard for terms and sym-bols used in hydrometry◎〖GB50096-99〗住宅设计规范Code for design of dwelling houses◎〖GBJ97-87〗水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of cement concrete pavement◎〖GB50098-98〗人民防空工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works◎〖GBJ99-86〗中小学校建筑设计规范Code for design of secondary and primary school buildings◎〖GB50100-2019〗住宅建筑模数协调标准Standard for modular coordi-nation of dwelling houses◎〖GBJ101-87〗建筑楼梯模数协调标准Standard for modular coordi-nation of building staircases◎〖GB/T50102-2019〗工业循环冷却水设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water◎〖GB/T50103-2019〗总图制图标准Standard for general layout drawing◎〖GB/T50104-2019〗建筑制图标准Standard for architectural drawing◎〖GB/T50105-2019〗建筑结构制图标准Standard for structural draw-ing◎〖GB/T50106-2019〗给水排水制图标准Standard for water supply and sewerage drawing◎〖GBJ107-87〗混凝土强度检验评定标准Standard for inspection and assessment of strength of con-crete◎〖GB50108-2019〗地下工程防水技术规范Technical code for water proof in underground engi-neering◎〖GBJ109-87〗工业用水软化除盐设计规范Code for design of industrial water softening and deminer-alization◎〖GBJ110-87〗卤代烷1211灭火系统设计规范Code for design of haton 1211 fire extinguishing systems◎〖GBJ111-87〗铁路工程抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of railway engineering◎〖GBJ112-87〗膨胀土地区建筑技术规范Technical code for buildings in sweelling soil zone◎〖GBJ113-87〗液压滑动模板施工技术规范Technical code for construc-tion using hydraulic slip form-works◎〖GB/T50114-2019〗暖通空调制图标准Standard for heating,ventilation and air-conditioning drawings◎〖GBJ115-87〗工业电视系统工程设计规范Code for design of close cir-cuit television system◎〖GB50116-98〗火灾自动报警系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire alarm systems◎〖GBJ117-88〗工业构筑物抗震鉴定标准Standard for earthquake-re-sistant evaluation of industrial constructional structuresCode for sound insulation de-sign of civil buildings◎〖GB50119-2019〗混凝土外加剂应用技术规范Technical code for application of admixture in concrete◎〖GBJ120-88〗工业企业共用天线电视系统设计规范Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises◎〖GBJ121-88〗建筑隔声评价标准Standard for assessment of building sound insulation◎〖GBJ122-88〗工业企业噪声测量规范Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises◎〖GB/T50123-99〗土工试验方法标准Standard for test merhods of earthworks◎〖GBJ124-88〗道路工程术语标准Standard for terms used in road engineering◎〖GBJ125-89〗给水排水设计基本术语标准Standard for basic terms used in design of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖GBJ126-89〗工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of heat insulation in industrial equipment and pipe work◎〖GBJ127-89〗架空索道工程技术规范Technical code for aerial rope-way engineering◎〖GBJ128-90〗立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank◎〖GBJ129-90〗砌体基本力学性能试验方法标准Standard for test methods of basic mechnical prorerties of masonry◎〖GBJ130-90〗钢筋混凝土升板结构技术规范Technical code for reinforced concrete lift-slab structure◎〖GBJ131-90〗自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of instal-lation works for automatic in-struments◎〖GBJ132-90〗工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号Standard for basic terms and general symbols used in struc-tural design of engineeringStandard for design of artificial lighting in civil buildings◎〖GBJ134-90〗人防工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of civil air defenceworks◎〖GBJ135-90〗高耸结构设计规范Code for design of high-rise structures◎〖GBJ136-90〗电镀废水治理设计规范Code for design of disposal of electroplating waste water◎〖GBJ137-90〗城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准Standard for classification of urban land and for planning of constructional land◎〖GBJ138-90〗水位观测标准Standard for observation of water level◎〖GBJ139-90〗内河通航标准Standard for navigation of in-land river◎〖GBJ140-90〗建筑灭火器配置设计规范Code for design of extinguish-er disposition in buildings◎〖GBJ141-90〗给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of constructional structures of water supply and sewerage◎〖GBJ142-90〗中、短波广播发射台与电缆载波通信系统的防护间距标准Standard for protective spec-ing between mediurn,short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable car-rier telecommumication sys-tems◎〖GBJ143-90〗架空电力线路、变电所对电视差转台、转播台无线电干扰防护间距标准Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from over-head electriclines,sub-stations to television transposer station and retransmitting station◎〖GBJ144-90〗工业厂房可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evalu-ation of industrial factory buildings◎〖GBJ145-90〗土的分类标准Standard for classification of soils◎〖GBJ146-90〗粉煤灰混凝土应用技术规程Technical code for application of fly ash concrete◎〖GBJ147-90〗电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of high voltage appliance◎〖GBJ148-90〗电气装置安装工程电力变压器,油浸电抗器,互感器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of electric power transformer,oily reactance and mutual in-ductance◎〖GBJ149-90〗电气装置安装工程母线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of bus-bar device◎〖GB50150-91〗电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment◎〖GB50151-92〗低倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of low expan-sion foam extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB50152-92〗混凝土结构试验方法标准Standard for test methods of concrete structures◎〖GB50153-92〗工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of engineering structures◎〖GB50154-92〗地下及覆土火药炸药仓库设计安全规范Code for safety design of un-derground and earth powder and explosive warehorse◎〖GB50155-92〗采暖通风与空气调节术语标准Standard for taminology of heating ventilation and air-conditioning◎〖GB50156-2019〗汽车加油站设计与施工规范Code for design and construction of automobile fasoline and gas filling station◎〖GB50157-2019〗地下铁道设计规范Code for design of under-ground railway◎〖GB50158-92〗港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of port engineering◎〖GB50159-92〗河流悬移质泥沙测验规范Code for measurement of sus-pended sediment in open channels◎〖GB50160-92〗石油化工企业设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of petrochemical enterprises◎〖GB50161-92〗烟花爆竹工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of fire-works and firecrackers plants◎〖GB50162-92〗道路工程制图标准Standard for road engineering drawing◎〖GB50163-92〗卤代烷1301灭火系统设计规范Code for design of halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50164-92〗混凝土质量控制标准Standard for quality control of concrete◎〖GB50165-92〗古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范Technical code for mainte-nance and strengthing of an-cient timber buildings◎〖GB50166-92〗火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of automatic fire alarm systems◎〖GB50167-92〗工程摄影测量标准Code for engineening photo-grmmetry◎〖GB50168-92〗电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of cable levels◎〖GB50169-92〗电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of earthed devices◎〖GB50170-92〗电气装置安装工程旋转电机施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code of con-struction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines◎〖GB50171-92〗电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of switchboard outfit,complete cubicle and secondary circuit◎〖GB50172-92〗电气装置安装工程蓄电池施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of battery◎〖GB50173-92〗电气装置安装工程35KV及以下架空电力线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of35KV and under over-head power levels◎〖GB50174-93〗电子计算机机房设计规范Code for design of electric computer room◎〖GB50175-93〗露天煤矿工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of open pit coal-mine engineering◎〖GB50176-93〗民用建筑热工设计规范Code for thermal design of civil buildings◎〖GB50177-93〗氢氧站设计规范Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations◎〖GB50178-93〗建筑气候区划标准Standard for climatic region-alization for building and civil engineering◎〖GB50179-93〗河流流量测验规范Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels◎〖GB50180-93〗城市居住区规划设计规范Code for planning design of urban residential area◎〖GB50181-93〗蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范Technical code for construc-tional engineering in flood de-tention basin◎〖GB50182-93〗电气装置安装工程电梯电气装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for con-struction and acceptance of electrical apparatus of eleva-tors◎〖GB/T50183-93〗原油和天然气工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of crude oil and natural gas works◎〖GB50184-93〗工业金属管道工程质量检验评定标准Standard for puality inspec-tion and assessment of indus-trial metal pipeline engineer-ing◎〖GB50185-93〗工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of heat insulation engineering of industrial equip-ment and pipelines◎〖GB50186-93〗港口工程基本术语标准Standrd for basic terms of port engineering◎〖GB50187-93〗工业企业总平面设计规范Code for design of general plan for industrial enterprises◎〖GB50188-93〗村镇规划标准Standard for planning of rural village and town◎〖GB50189-93〗旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调节节能设计标准Standard for design of air-conditioning and energy con-servation in tourism hotel buildings◎〖GB50190-93〗多层厂房楼盖抗微振设计规范Code for design of anti-mi-crovibration of multistory fac-tory floor◎〖GB50191-93〗构筑物抗震设计规范Code for design of earthquake-resistant of structural con-structions◎〖GB50192-93〗河港工程设计规范Code for design of river port engineering◎〖GB50193-93〗二氧化碳灭火系统设计规范Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB50194-93〗建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范Code for safety of power sup-ply and consumption in engi-neering construction site ◎〖GB50195-94〗发生炉煤气站设计规范Code for design of producer gas stations◎〖GB50196-93〗高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50197-94〗露天煤矿工程设计规范Code for design of open pit coal ming engineering◎〖GB50198-94〗民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering◎〖GB50199-94〗水利水电工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliabili-ty design of hydraulic engi-neering structures◎〖GB50200-94〗有线电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for CATV system◎〖GB50201-94〗防洪标准Standard for flood control◎〖GBJ201-83〗土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering◎〖GB50202-2019〗建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance quality of building foundation◎〖GB50203-2019〗砌体工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of masonry structure engineering◎〖GB50204-2019〗混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of concrete structure engineering◎〖GB50205-2019〗钢结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of steel structure en-gineering◎〖GB50206-2019〗木结构工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of timber structure engineering◎〖GB50207-2019〗屋面工程技术规范Technical code for roof engi-neering◎〖GB50208-2019〗地下防水工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of underground wa-ter proof engineering ◎〖GB50209-2019〗建筑地面工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of ground and floor engi-neering◎〖GB50210-2019〗建筑装修工程质量验收规范Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration◎〖GBJ211-87〗工业炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of brick works for indus-trial furnaces◎〖GBJ50212-2019〗建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of building corrosion pre-vention works ◎〖GBJ213-90〗矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tance of mining pit engineering◎〖GB50214-2019〗组合钢模板技术规范Technical code for assembly steel fomworks◎〖GB50215-94〗煤炭工业矿井设计规范Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry◎〖GB50216-94〗铁路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of railway engineering structures◎〖GB50217-94〗电力工程电缆设计规范Code for design of cables of electric works◎〖GB50218-94〗工程岩体分级标准Standard for classification of en-gineering rock masses◎〖GB50219-95〗水喷雾灭火系统设计规范Code for design of water spray fire extinguishing systems◎〖GB50220-95〗城市道路交通规划设计规范Code for planning design of transport on urban road◎〖GB50222-95〗建筑内部装修设计防火规范Code for fire prevention de-sign of interior decoration of buildings◎〖GB50223-95〗建筑抗震设防分类标准Code for classification of seismic protection of buildings◎〖GB50224-95〗建筑防腐蚀工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and addessment of anti-corrosion engineering of buildings◎〖GB50225-95〗人民防空工程设计规范Code for design of civil air de-fence works◎〖GB50226-95〗铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范Code for desgn of railway passenger station buildings◎〖GB50227-95〗并联电容器装置设计规范Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors◎〖GB/T50228-96〗工程测量基本术语标准Standard for foundational ter-minology of engineering sur-vey◎〖GB50229-96〗火力发电厂与变电所设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of power plant and substation◎〖GB50231-98〗机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of mechanical equip-ment installation engineering◎〖GB50233-90〗110-500KV架空电力线路施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of 110-500kV over-head electrical power trans-mission line◎〖GB50235-97〗工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of industrial metallic pipeline engineering ◎〖GB50236-98〗现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of welding works of on-sie equipment and in-dustrial pipeline◎〖GB50242-2019〗建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works◎〖GB50243-2019〗通风与空调工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of ventilation and air-conditioning works◎〖GB50251-2019〗输气管道工程设计规范Code for design of trans-mission pipeline engineering◎〖GB50252-94〗工业安装工程质量检测评定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial erection engineering◎〖GB50253-2019〗输油管道工程设计规范Code for design of oil trans-mission pipeline engineering◎〖GB50254-96〗电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus◎〖GB50255-96〗电气装置安装工程电力变流设备施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of power convertor equipment◎〖GB50256-96〗电气装置安装工程起重机电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for con-struction and acceptance of electric device of crane◎〖GB50257-96〗电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construc-tion and acceptance of electric device within explosion and fire hazard atrmospheres◎〖GB50260-96〗电力设施抗震设计规范Code for design of seismic of electrical installations◎〖GB50261-96〗自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of automatic sprin-kler fire extinguishing sys-tems◎〖GB/T50262-97〗铁路工程基本术语标准Standard for fundamental tems of railway engineering◎〖GB50263-97〗气体灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and ac-ceptance of gas fire extin-guishing systems◎〖GB50264-97〗工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范Code for design of heat insula-tion engineering of industrial equipment and pipe lines ◎〖GB/T50265-97〗泵站设计规范Code for design of pumping stationsStandard for test methods of engineering rock masses◎〖GB50267-97〗核电厂抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of un-clear power plants◎〖GB50268-97〗给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering◎〖GB/T50269-97〗地基动力持性测试规范Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil◎〖GB50270-2019〗连续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of continuous con-veyer equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50271-2019〗金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac- ceptance of metal-cutting machine installation engineer-ing◎〖GB50272-2019〗锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of forging-press equipment installationengi-neering◎〖GB50273-2019〗工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering◎〖GB50274-2019〗制冷设备空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of refrigeration and air separating equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50275-2019〗压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of compressor,fan and pump installationengi-neering◎〖GB50276-2019〗破碎粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and mill equipment installation engineering◎〖GB50277-2019〗铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of casting equipment installation engineering ◎〖GB50278-2019〗起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of crane installation engineeringStandard for fundamental terms of geotechnical engi-neering◎〖GB/T50280-2019〗城市规划基本术语标准Standard for basic terminolo-gy of urban planning◎〖GB50281-2019〗泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and ac-ceptance of foam fire extin-guishing systems◎〖GB50282-98〗城市给水工程规划规范Code for planning of urban water supply engineering◎〖GB/T50283-2019〗公路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures◎〖GB50284-98〗飞机库设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar◎〖GB50285-98〗调幅收音台和调频电视转播台与公路防护间距标准Standad for protection dis-tance from highway to AM,FM and TV rebroadcast sta-tions◎〖GB50286-98〗堤防工程设计规范Code for design of levee projects◎〖GB50287-2019〗水利水电工程地质勘察规范Code for geological investiga-tion of water resources and hydropower engineering ◎〖GB50288-2019〗灌溉与排水工程设计规范Code for design of irrigation and drainage◎〖GB50289-98〗城市工程管线综合规划规范Code for comprehensive plan-ning of urban engineering pipeline◎〖GB50290-98〗土工合成材料应用技术规范Technical code for application of geosynthetics◎〖GB/T50291-2019〗房地产估价规范Code for appraisal of real es-tate◎〖GB50292-2019〗民用建筑可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evalu-ation of civil buildings◎〖GB50293-2019〗城市电力规划规范Code for planning of urban electric power◎〖GB/T50294-2019〗核电厂总平面及运输设计规范Code for design of general plan and transportation of nu-clear power plants◎〖GB50295-2019〗水泥工厂设计规范Code for design of cement plants◎〖GB50296-2019〗供水管井技术规范Technical standard for water supply well◎〖GB50297-2019〗电力工程基本术语标准Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering◎〖GB50298-2019〗风景名胜区规划规范Code for planning of scenic area◎〖GB50299-2019〗地下铁道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and accep-tanoe of subway engineering◎〖GB50300-2019〗建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of building constructional erec-tion works◎〖GBJ301-88〗建筑工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tionand assessment of buiding construction◎〖GBJ302-88〗建筑采暖卫生与煤气工程质量检验评定标准Standard for qualityinspec-tion and assessment of build-ing heating,sanitary and gas engineering◎〖GB50303-2019〗建筑电气安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of erec-tion works for buildingelec-trical installations◎〖GB50307-2019〗地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范Code for geotechnical engi-neering investigation of sub-way and light rail transit◎〖GB50308-2019〗地下铁道、轻轨交通工程测量规范Code for engineering survey-ing of subway anb light rail transit◎〖GB50309-92〗工业炉砌筑工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspec-tion and assessment of brick works for industrial furnaces ◎〖GB50310-2019〗电梯安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of erection works of elevators◎〖GB/T50311-2000〗建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus◎〖GB/T50312-2000〗建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范Code for engineering accep-tance of generic cabling sys-tem for building and campus◎〖GB50313-2000〗消防通信指挥系统设计规范Code for design of fire com-munication and command sys-tem◎〖GB/T50314-2000〗智能建筑设计标准Standard for design of intelli-gent buildings◎〖GB/T50315-2000〗砌体工程检测技术标准Technical standard for site testing of masonry engineering◎〖GB50316-2000〗工业金属管道设计规范Code for design of industrial metallic pipeline engineering◎〖GB50317-2000〗猪屠宰与分割车间设计规范Code for design of workshop for pig slaughter and segmen-tation◎〖GB50318-2000〗城市排水工程规划规范Code for planning of urban sewerage engineering◎〖GB50319-2000〗建设工程监理规范Code for construction project management◎〖GB50320-2019〗粮食平房仓设计规范Code for design of grain storehouses◎〖GB50322-2019〗粮食钢板筒仓设计规范Code for design of steel silos◎〖GB/T50323-2019〗城市建设档案著录规范Code for urban construction archives description◎〖GB50324-2019 〗冻土工程地质勘察规范Code for engineering geological investigation of frozen ground◎〖GB50325-2019〗民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering◎〖GB/T50326-2019 〗建设工程项目管理规范The code of construction project management by enterprises of construction industry ◎〖GB50327-2019〗住宅装饰装修工程施工规范Code for construction of decoration of housings◎〖GB/T50328-2019〗建设工程文件归档整理规范Code for construction project document◎〖GB/T50329-2019〗木结构试验方法标准Standard for methods testing of timber structures◎〖GB50330-2019 〗建筑边坡工程技术规范。

SECTION 1: REFORCEMENT 第一章:钢筋PART 1 GENERAL第一节总则1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 工作范围Materials and labours required for the complete installation of the work of this section,including furnishing and placing of reinforcing steel and related positioning.完成安装本部分工程所需的材料和劳动力,包括提供和设置钢筋和有关的定位。
1.2 STANDARDS 标准Except as otherwise specified herein, perform work in accordance with specifications,codes, and standards cited therein, and latest applicable addenda and supplements.Copies of these items shall be kept available in shop and field.除非另有规定,按照以下引用的规范,标准和最新的附录和补充施工。
BS 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. 用于混凝土的热轧钢筋BS 8110 The Structural Use of Concrete - Part 1 Design and Construction. 混凝土的结构用途-第一节设计和施工BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. 混凝土加筋钢丝BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement ofconcrete. 混凝土钢筋弯曲尺寸和加工表UK Structural Design Standards specified herein can be substituted by other StructuralDesign Standards: Selected National and International Title and Sources, providedthat request for substitution is made and reviewed by Engineer's Representativebefore use in project.如果在使用前提出申请替换,并经监理代表批准,可以使用相应结构设计标准:挑选的国家和国际名称和来源,来替换这里规定的英国结构设计标准。

Item 3.08: Construction of Scour Checks
Item 3.09:Construction of improved Sub-grade
Item 4.01: Gravel Sub-base碎石基层
Item 2.01: General Site clearance一般场地清理
Item 2.02: Cutting trees砍树
Item 2.03: Dismantling stone masonry/concrete(plain/reinforced)拆除石头/砼(素/钢筋)
Item 1.05: Removing Contractor’s office拆除承包商办公室
Item 1.06: Re-instatement of borrow areas处置借土区
Item 1.07: Signboards告示牌
Item 4.02: Steep slope treatment陡坡处理
Item 5.01: Excavation for structures结构开挖
Item 5.02,5.03, 5.04 &5.5: Cast in place concrete现浇混凝土

1.浅析铁路工程建设标准英文版翻译中的问题 [J], 王磊
2.关于印发《“采用不符合工程建设强制性标准的新技术、新工艺、新材料核准”行政许可实施细则》的通知〈建标[2005]124号〉——“采用不符合工程建设强制性标准的新技术、新工艺、新材料核准”行政许可实施细则》的通知〈建标[2005]124号〉 [J], 无
3.为企业"走出去"插上沟通的翅膀——记我国工程建设标准英文版翻译出版工作[J], 王庆; 蔡成军
4.为企业“走出去”插上沟通的翅膀——记我国工程建设标准英文版翻译出版工作[J], 王庆; 蔡成军
5.国家铁路局发布《铁路工程建设标准英文版翻译词典》 [J], 李文娟

建设工程文件归档整理规范Code for construction project document filing and avrangement 粮食平房仓设计规范Code of design of grain storehouses建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified standard for constructional quality组合钢模板技术规范Technical code of composite steel-form建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范Code for construction quality acceptance of building decoration钢结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures 工业锅炉安装工程施工及验收规范Code ofr construction and acceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering电气装置安装工程电力变流设备施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power convertor equipment电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准Erection works of electrical installations Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment电气装置安装工程母线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of bus—bar device电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of high voltage appliance工业用水软化除盐设计规范Code for design of indutrial water softening and demineralization 室外煤气热力工程设施抗震鉴定标准Code for seismic assessment of outdoor gas and heating engineering facilities工业金属管道设计规范Code for design of industrial metakkic pipeline engineering预制混凝土构件质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and asswssment of precast concrete members建设工程监理规范Code for construction project management城市排水工程规划规范_ Code for planning of urban sewerage engineering猪屠宰与分割车间设计规范Code for design of workshop for pig slaughter and segmentation 砌体工程检测技术标准Code for design of industrial metallic pipeline engineering智能建筑设计标准Standsrd for design of intelligent buildings消防通信指挥系统设计规范Code for design of fire communication and commant system建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范Code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus电梯安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of erection works of elevators工业炉砌工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of brick works for industrial furnaces地下铁道、轻轨交通工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying of subway and lignt地下铁道、轻轨交通岩土工程勘察规范Code for geotechnical engineering investigation of subway and light rail transit建筑安装工程质量检验评定标准(容器工程) Standard for quality inspection and assessment of buildint construction erection works(container)建筑安装工程质量检验说不定标准(通用机械设备安装工程) Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building construction erection works (general machinery equipment)通风与空调工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of Ventilation and air—conditioning works建筑电气安装工程质量评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of ventilation and air-conditioning works建筑采暖卫生与煤气工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building heating,sanitary and gas engineering建筑工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of buiding construction建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of building costructional erection works地下铁道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of subway engineering风景名胜区规划规范Code for planning of scenic area电力工程基本术语标准Standard for basic terms of electric power engineering供水管井技术规范Technical standard for water supply well水泥工厂设计规范Code for design of cement plants核电厂总平面及运输设计规范Code for dsign of general plan and transportation of nuclear power plants城市电力规划规范Code for planning of urban electric power民用建筑可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evaluation of civil buildings房地产估价规范Code for appraisal of real estate土工合成材料应用技术规范Technical code for application of geosynthetics城市工程管线综合规划规范Code for comprehensive planning of urban engineering pipeline 灌溉与排水工程设计规范Code for design of irrigation and drainage水利水电工程地质勘察规范Code for geological investigation of water resources and hydropower engineering堤防工程设计规范Code for design of levee projects调幅收音台和调频电视转播台与公路防护商距标准Standard for protection distance from highway to AM,FM and TV rebroadcast stations飞机库设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of aircraft hangar公路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard of reliability design of highway engineering structures城市给水工程规化规范Code for planning of urbanwater supply engineering泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems城市规划基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of urban planning岩土工程基本术语标准Standard for fundamental erms of geotechnical engineering起重设备安装工程施工验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering铸造设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of casting equipment installation engineering破碎粉磨设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crusher and mill equipment installation engineering压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of compressor,fan and pump in stallation engineering制冷设备空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial boiler installation engineering锻压设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of forging - press equipment installation engineering金属切削机床安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptancw of metal - cutting machine installation engineering连续输送设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of continuous conveyer equipment installation engineering地基动力特性测试规范Code for measurement method of dynamic properties of subsoil给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering核电厂抗震设计规范Code for seismic design of unclear power plants工程岩体试验方法标准Standard for test methods of engineering rock masses泵站设计规范Code for design of pumping cstations工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范Code for design of heat insulation engineering of industrial equipment and pipe lines气体灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems铁路工程基本术语标准Standard for fundamental terms of railway engineering自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems电力设施抗震设计规范Code for design of seismic of electrical installations电气装置安装工程电气照明装置施工及验收规范_ Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of electric lighting devices电气装置安装工程1KV及以下配线工程施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of 1kV and under feeder cable engineering电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of electric device within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres电气装置安装工程起重机电气装置施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptane of power convertor equipment电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus输油管道理工程设计规范Code for design of oil transmission pipeline engineering工业安装工程质量检验说不定统一标准Unified standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial erection engineering输气管道工程设计规范Code for design of gas transmission pipeline engineering通风与空调工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of ventilation and air —conditioning works采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of heating and sanitary works现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of welding works of on -site equipment and industrial pipeline工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrialmetallic pipeline engineering110~500kV架空电力线路施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of 110~kV over -head electrical power transmission机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering火力发电厂与变电所设计防火规范Code for fire protecton design of power plant and substation工程测量基本术语标准Standsrd for foundational terminology of engineering survey并联电容器装置设计规范Code for design of installation of shunt capacitors铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范Code for design of railway passenger station buildings人民防空工程设计规范Code for design of civil air defence works建筑防腐蚀工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of anticorrosion engineering of buildings建筑抗震设防分类标准Standard for classification of seismic protection of buildings建筑内部装修设计防火规范Code for fire prevention design of interior decoration of buildings 钢结构工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of structural steel engineering城市道路交通规划设计规范Code for planning design of transport on urban road水喷雾灭火系统设计规范Code for design on water spray fore extinguishing systems工程岩体分级标准Standard for classification of engineering rock masses电力工程电缆设计规范Code for design of cables of electric works铁路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of railway煤炭工业矿井设计规范Code for the colliery design of coal mining industry矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of mining pit engineering 建筑防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of building corrosion prevention works工业炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of brick works for industrial furnaces建筑地面工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of ground and floor engineering地下防水工程施工验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of underground water proof engineering屋面工程技术规范Technical code for roof engineering木结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of timber structure engineering砌体工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of masonry structure engineering地基与基础工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of foundation engineering土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of earthwork and blasting engineering防洪标准Standard for flood control有线电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for CA TV system水利水电工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of hydraulicengineering structures民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范Technical code for civil closed circuit monitoring TV system engineering露天煤矿工程设计规范Code for design of open pit coal mine engineering高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范(2002年版)Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fore extinguishing systems发生炉煤气站设计规范Code for design of producer gas stations建设工程施工现场面供用电安全规范Code for safety of power supply and consumption in engineering construction site二氧化碳灭火系统设计规范Code for design of carbon dioxide fire extingusishing systems河港工程设计规范Code for design of river port engineering构筑物抗震设计规范Code for design of earthquake —reasistant of structural constructions多层厂房楼盖抗微振设计规范Code for design of anti-microvibration of multistory factory floor旅游旅馆建筑热工与空气调节节能设计标准Standard for design of air conditioning and energy conservation in tourism hotel buildings村镇规划标准Standard for planning of rural villange and town工业企业总平面设计规范Code for design of general plan for industrial enterprises港口工程基本术语标准Standard for basic terms of port engineering工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of heat insultion engineering of industrial equipment and pipelines工业金属管道工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial metal pipeline engineering原油和天然气工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of crude电气装置安装工程电梯电气装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical ins tallations Code for construction and acceptance of electrical appa蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范Technical code for constructional engineering in flood dstention basin城市居住区规划设计规范Code of urban Residential areas planning m Design河流流量测验规范Code for measurement of fluid flow in open channels建筑气候区划标准Standard for climatic region—alization for building and civil engineering氢氧站设计规范Code for design of hydrogen and oxygen stations民用建筑热工设计规范Code for thermal design of civil buildings露天煤矿工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of open pit coal—mine engingeering电子计算机机房设计规范Code for design of ilectric computer room电气装置安装工程35kV及以下架空电力线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of 35kV and under over-head power levels 电气装置安装工程蓄电池施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of battery电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installation and acceptance of switchboard outfit,complete cubicle and secondary circuit电气装置安装工程旋转电机施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code of construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and asseptance of earthed devices电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of cable levels工程摄影测量标准Code for engineering photogrammetry火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of automatic fore alarm systems古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范Technical code for maintenance and strengthing of ancient timber buildings混凝土质量控制标准Standard for quality control of concrete卤代烷1301灭火设计规范Code for design of halon 1301 fore extingushing systems道路工程制图标准Standard for road engineering drawing烟花爆竹工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of fire—works and firecrackers plants石油化工企业设计防火规范code for fire protection design of petrochemical enterprises河流悬移质泥沙测验规范Code for measurement of sus pended sediment in open channels港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of port engineering地下铁道设计规范code for design of under—ground railway小型石油库及汽车加油站设计规范Code for design of small petrochemical storage depots and service stations采暖通风与空气调节术语标准Standard for terminology of heating,ventilation and airconditioning地下及覆土火药炸药仓库设计安全生产规范Code for safety design of underground and earth powder and explosive warehouse工程结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures 混凝土结构试验方法标准Standard for test methods of concrete structures低倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范Code for design of low expansion foam extinguishing systems电气装置安装工程高压电器施工及验收规范Erection works of electrical installations Code for constucion and acceptance of high voltage appliance粉煤灰混凝土应用技术规程Technical code for application of fly ash concrete土的分类标准Standard for classification of soils工业厂房可靠性鉴定标准Standard for reliability evaluation of industrial factory buildings架空电力线路、变电所对电视差转台、转播台无线电干扰防护间距标准Standard for protective spacing of radio interference from over—head electric lines,substations to t中、短波广播发射台与电缆载波通信系统的防护间距标准Standard for potective specing between medium,short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommunucation systems给水排水构筑物施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of constructional structures of water supply and sewerage建筑灭火器配置设计规范Code for design of extinguisher disposition in buildings内河通航标准ST andard for navigation of inland river水位观测标准Standard for observation of water level城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准Standard for classification of urban land and for planning of constructional land电镀废水治理设计规范Code for design of disposal of electroplating waste water高耸结构设计规范Code for design of high-rise structures人防工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of civil air defence works民用建筑照明设计标准Standard for design of artificial lighting in civil buildings工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号Standard for basic terms and general symbols used in structural sedign of engineering自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality inspection and assessment of installation works for automatic instruments钢筋混凝土升板结构技术规范Technical code for reinforced concrete lif-slab structure砌体基本力学性能试验方法标准Standard for test methods of basic mechincal properties of masonry立式圆筒开形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storagn tank架空索道工程技术规范Technical code for aerial ropeway engineering工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of heat insulation in industrial equipment and pipe work给水排水设计基本术语标准Standard for basic terms used in design of water supply and sewerage engineering道路工程术语标准Standard for terms used in road engineering土工试验方法标准Standard for test methods of earthworks工业企业噪声测量规范Code for measurement of noise in industrial enterprises建筑隔声评价标准Standard for assessment of building sound insulation工业企业共用天线电视系统设计规范Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises混凝土外加剂应用技术规范Technical code for application of admixture in concrete民用建筑隔声设计规范Code for sound insulation design of civil buildings工业构筑物抗震鉴定标准Standard for earthquake—resistant evaluation of industrial constructional structures火灾自动报警系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire alarm systems工业电视系统工程设计规范Code for design of close circuit television system采暖通风与空气调节制图标准Standard for heating,ventilation and air-conditioning drawings 液压滑动模板施工技术规范Technical code for construction using hydraulic slip formworks膨胀土地区建筑技术规范Technical code for buildings in swelling soil zone铁路工程抗震设计规范Code for sesmic design of railway engineering卤代烷1211灭火系统设计规范Code for design of haton1211fire extinguishing systems地下工程防水技术规范Technical code for water proof in underground engineering混凝土强度检验评定标准Standard for inspection and assessment of strength of concrete给水排水制图标准Standard for water supply and sewerage drawing建筑结构制图标准Standard for structural drawing建筑制图标准Standard for architectural drawing总图制图标准Standard for general layout drawing工业循环冷却水设计规范Code for design of industrial recirculating cooling water建筑楼梯模数协调标准Standard for modular coordination of building staircases住宅建筑模数协调标准Stand ard for modular coordination of dwelling houses中小学校建筑设计规范Code for design of secondary and primary shool buildings人民防空工程设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement住宅设计规范Code for design of dwelling houses水文基本术语和符号标准Standard for terms and symbols used in hydrometry球形储罐施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of spherical tank工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of industrial automatic instrument works沥青路面施工及验收规范Code for constrution and acceptance of asphat pavement铁路车站及枢纽设计规范Code for design of railway stations and railway terminals铁路线路设计规范Code for design of railway line民用爆破器材工厂设计安全规范Code for safety design of ivil explosive materials manufacturing plants驻波管法吸声系数与声阻抗率测量规范Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient and specific acoustic inpedance of standing-wave工业企业噪声控制设计规范Code for design of noise cintrol in industrial enterprises锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范Technical code for shotcrete rock bolts shore喷灌工程技术规范Technical code for sprinkling irrigation engineering自动喷水灭火系统设计规范Code for design of automatic fire sprinkler systems建筑结构设计术语和符号标准Standard for terminology amd symbols used in design of building structures普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验方法Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准Standard for test methods of mechanical properties of ordinary concrete普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法Standard for test methods of properties of ordinary concrete mixture工业企业通信接地设计规范Code for desygn of telecommunucations earthing in industrial enterprises烟囱工程施工及验收规范Code for construcion and acceptance of chimney works钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范Code for design of reinforced concrete silos厅堂混响时间测量规范Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall建筑隔声测量规范Code for measurement of building sound insulation石油库设计规范Code for design of petroleum depots洁净厂房设计规范Code for design of industrial clean rooms冷库设计规范Code for design of cold-storages小型水力发电站设计规范Code for design of small-sized hydropower stations矿山电力装置设计规范Code for design of mine electrical power equipment给水排水工程结构设计规范Code for structural design of water supply and sewerage engineering建筑结构设计统一标准Unified standard for design of building structures汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范Code for fire protection design of garage。
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1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1 基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
1.2 具体要求1)数字表达应符合英文表达习惯。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,2006)。
2 典型用语的翻译2.1 封面用语1)中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People’s Republic of China2)中华人民共和国行业标准Professional standard of the People’s Republic of China3)×××工程建设地方标准×××Provincial Standard for Engineering Construction4)×××发布Issued by ×××例如:Issued by Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China5)中华人民共和国建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布Jointly issued by Ministry of Construction and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople’s Republic of China6)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布Jointly issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China7)××××年××月××日发布(例如,2006 年5月23日发布)Issued on M D,Y (Issued on May 23,2006)8)××××年××月××日实施(例如,2006 年5月23日实施)Implemented on M D,Y (Implemented on May 23,2006)9)××××版××××edition2.2 扉页用语1)主编部门Chief Development Department2)主编单位Chief Development Organization3)批准部门Approval Department4)施行日期Implementation date2.3 发布通知或公告用语1)中华人民共和国建设部公告Announcement of Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China2)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告Announcement of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China3)关于发布国家标准×××的通知Notice on publishing the national standard of ×××4)关于发布国家标准×××局部修订的公告Announcement of publishing the partial revision of national standard ×××5)现批准×××为国家标准,标准编号为××××××has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of ×××6)×××为强制性条文,必须严格执行×××are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly7)原×××同时废止×××shall be abolished simultaneously8)本标准(规范)共分××章,其主要内容为The standard(code) comprises ××chapters with the main contents as follows9)本标准(规范)由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this standard (code) and the explanation of the compulsory provisions 10)由×××负责具体技术内容的解释×××is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents11) 本规范由×××组织×××出版发行Authorized by ×××, this code is published and distributed by ×××12)继续有效be valid as usual13)复审Review14)备案Put on records15)备案号Record Number16)附加说明Additional explanation2.4 前言用语1)前言Foreword2)根据建设部建标[×××] ×××号《关于印发“×××年工程建设标准制订、修订计划”的通知》的要求According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [×××]NO. ×××issued by Ministry of Construction (MOC) - “Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in ×××”3)本规范以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执行The provision(s) printed in bold type is (are) compulsory one (ones) and must be enforced strictly4)请各单位在执行本标准过程中,注意总结经验,积累资料,随时将有关意见和建议寄交×××All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code. The relevant opinions and advice, whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to ×××5)参编单位Participating Development Organizations 6)参加单位Participating Organizations7)主要起草人Chief Drafting Staff8)日常管理Routine management9)具体解释Specific explanation2.5 目次用语1)目次(目录)Contents2)总则General provisions3)术语和符号Terms and symbols4)附录Appendix5)本规范用词说明Explanation of Wording in this code2.6 总则用语1)为了×××,制定本规范This code is formulated with a view to ×××2)安全适用Safety and usability3)经济合理Economy and rationality4)本标准(规范)适用于……This standard (code) is applicable to ……5)本标准(规范)不适用于……This standard (code) is not applicable to ……6)新建、扩建、改建Construction, extension and renovation7)除应符合本标准(规范)要求外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准(规范)的规定Not only the requirements stipulated in this standard (code), but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with 2.7 正文用语1)必须Must2)严禁Must not3)应Shall4)不应Shall not5)宜Should6)不宜Should not7)可May8)不可May not9)符合下列规定(要求)Be in accordance with the following requirements 10)应符合×××的规定(要求)Shall meet the requirements of ×××11)应按×××执行Shall comply with ×××12)遵守下列规定(要求)Be in compliance with the following requirements13)符合表×××的规定(要求)Be in accordance with those specified in Table ×××14)按照表×××的规定(要求)确定Be determined according to those set out in Table ×××15)按下式计算Be calculated according to the following equation16)按下列公式计算Be calculated according to the following formulae17)符合下列情况之一的,应……If one of the following requirements is met, ……shall ……18)式中Where19)注Note20)图Figure or Fig.21)大于Be larger than22)小于Be less than23) 等于Be equal24)超过Exceed25)国家现行有关标准Current relevant standard of the nation26)现行国家标准Current national standard27)一般规定(要求)General requirement28)基本规定(要求)Basic requirement29)特殊规定(要求)Particular requirement2.8 本规范用词用语说明(译者按下列翻译)原文内容:1 为了便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下:1)表示很严格,非这样做不可的用词:正面词采用“必须”,反面词采用“严禁”。