4.6 主轴箱
4.7 电气柜
4 10
5 功能配置及选配功能介绍
5.1 气动系统
5.2 主轴中心吹气
5.3 冷却及排屑系统
5.4 润滑要求
5.5 主轴测头及刀具测头系统
5.6 数控转台
5.7 闭环控制系统
5 12
5.8 主轴中心出水系统
5 13
SK/T73-02/01 BV75,BV85,BV100 使用说明书(机械部分)-2004.2
SK/T73-02/01 BV75,BV85,BV100 使用说明书(机械部分)-2004.2
1.1 安全总则
1.2 开机前的安全
1.3 启动时的安全检查
1.4 操作运行中的安全
1.5 工作结束后的安全
1.6 维修操作中的安全
1.7 环境要求
5.3 冷却及排屑系统
5.4 润滑要求
5.5 主轴测头及刀具测头系统
5.6 数控转台
5.7 闭环控制系统
5 12
5.8 主轴中心出水系统
5 13
6.1 起重和运输
6.2 整机安装
SK/T73-02/01 BV75,BV85,BV100 使用说明书(机械部分)-2004.2 1 1
Some PA systems require a control signal to gain access. Refer to the [E] RELAY section for details.
An external push button switch can be connected to the system and used to play file 000.mp3 from the SD card. This PLAY button is especially useful in places where there is no phone access (hence no PA-100A access). Multiple PLAY buttons from different places can be connected together in parallel. If the button is momentary the file will play once or twice (see [J] CONFIG). If the button is locking the file will play indefinitely. Optionally a STOP button can be connected and used to stop the playback prematurely.
喷油螺杆空气压缩机说明书件号:119000-007 日期:2009-05-201.1 有关压缩机的说明本公司螺杆压缩机是经多年研究开发的成果。
1.2 使用范围本系列机器和机组是根据已成熟的技术和公认的安全规则生产的。
1.3 保养本机必须精心维护,以使螺旋压缩机或压缩机组能满足各种不同要求。
任意时候可对受控开关负载电源进行开、关控制,与遥控器实现互控。外 壳采用阻燃材料,带金边装饰环白色面板美观时尚,完全按照国标设计;电路 采 用 微 处 理 器 控 制 , 能 同 时 兼 容2240和2 2 6 0系 列 的 遥 控 器 编 码 格 式 ; 继 电 器 驱 动,解决了其他厂家产品不能控制容性、感性负载和功率小的缺陷;优异的抗 干 扰 技 术 , 符 合 电 磁 兼 容 (EMC)规 范 要 求 。 主 控 制 开 关 分 为86单 路 继 电 器 控 制 型(LG-861J)、86两 路 继 电 器 控 制 型( L G - 8 6 2 J)、86三 路 继 电 器 控 制 型(LE863J )和86单 路 可 控 硅 控 制 型(LG-861K)、86两 路 可 控 硅 控 制 型(LG-862K)、 86三 路 可 控 硅 控 制 型( LG-863K)和86单 路 继 电 器 控 制 门 铃 型( LG-861M)、86两 路 继 电 器 控 制 门 铃 型 (LE-862M)、 86三 路 继 电 器 控 制 门 铃 型 (LG-863M)九 种 型 号,可满足不同客户的需求。继电器控制型为零火线接线方式,稳定性高、功 率大、适合各种负载;可控硅控制型为单火线接线方式,适合小功率阻性负 载,但接线方便。 ●学习对码
注意:因安装、使用不当或不可抗力,直接或间接造成的任何经济 损失或伤害,本公司不承担任何责任。
产品型号 生产日期 经销商 备注
附件型号 购买日期 盖章
86100A TDR操作手册
TDR操作手册编辑者:陈勇1.时域反射仪量测的范围1.1时域反射仪量测的范围时域反射仪量测量测的项目和网络分析仪的量测项目有很多相同之处.但就像前面时域反射仪量测原理里说的一样,它们所用的方法不同,对我们来说意义也就不同.时域反射仪量测有两种模式:一为TDR模式,一为TDT模式.TDR 采用的是反射模式,信号从一端发射出去再反射回来,而时域反射仪量测的结果是以时间为单位的,所以得出的结果也都必须除以2,才能得出实际的结果;TDT采用的是传输模式,信号从一端发射出去从另一端接收回来,所得的结果就是实际的结果.时域反射仪量测的范围:1. Impedance:它只采用TDR的模式.有三种量测方式:1)differential mode 2)common mode 3)single endedmode 这三种方式针对不同的线材而设置的.2. Delay: 它可以采用TDR模式,也可以采用TDT模式.每一种模式有两种量测方式:1)differential mode 2)singleended mode 也是针对不同的线材而设置的.3. intra-pair-skew:它也是两种模式都采用的.4.Inter-pair skew:它是各对间的差分合成延迟差,一根线中所有的对线测得的Delay 值中最快的Delay和最慢的Delay的差就是这条线的Inter-pair skew。
5.Crosstalk:它采用的是TDT的模式.不过串音分为近端串音和远程串音.它们的量测步骤是一样的,只是接线的位置有点不同,近端串音两对线都接在近端,远程串音一对线接在近端,一对线接在远程.6.Risetime:它采用的是TDT&TDR的模式.7.Eye Patten:目前使用之机型为HP 8133A,最高可设定3GHz的脉波频率,藉由脉波产生器,产生的信号,透过待测线传输,可直接由TDR仪器接收,如此可迅速判断出待测线”1”或”0”的信号,以检验待测线的传输失误比例.此功能亦可量测实体层参数的特性(如Period, Frequency, Rise time, Fall time, High level, Low level,Jitter, Crosstalk, Noise..etc)1.2关于特性阻抗由于“计算机与通信”(Computer andCommunication,简称C&C)整机系统之性能(Performance)日益增强,如:●系统之时钟速率(Clock Rate:指计算机中的“位”或“字”由某一内部单位移到另一单位的速率)已迅速加快。
Included in standard delivery见表格fig.16概述请翻到标明的页码1 开关2配件/工具3 旋钮4 盖子5 有盖的进料管6 不锈钢搅拌碗7 搅棒8 搅拌器9 揉面钩与倒流板10 用于混合的容器11 工具的盖子12 电机的盖子13 混合器的盖子工具的驱动装置fig.22a 混合器和多叶混合器的电机2b 搅棒、搅拌器、揉面钩的驱动,碎肉机2c 磨面机、连续粉碎机和榨汁机的电机操作的位置!注意在操作该设备之前,将工具和相应的驱动按正确的方式连接在一起,并根据桌子的情况将其放在合适的位置。
PGM-100A 低压电动机保护装置技术和使用说明书V1.0版江苏国网自控科技股份有限公司Jiangsu State Grid Automation Technology CO.,LTD.PGM-100A低压电动机保护装置技术和使用说明书江苏国网自控科技股份有限公司目录1. 产品概述 ___________________________________________________________ 1 1.1 产品特点 _______________________________________________________________ 1 1.2 选型指南 _______________________________________________________________ 2 1.3 功能配置 _______________________________________________________________ 31.4 装置外观 _______________________________________________________________ 42. 技术参数 ___________________________________________________________ 53. 安装尺寸 ___________________________________________________________ 6 3.1 装置外型图 _____________________________________________________________ 6 3.2 装置开孔图 _____________________________________________________________ 63.3电流变换模块尺寸 ______________________________________________________ 74. 保护功能 ___________________________________________________________ 8 4.1 过负荷保护 _____________________________________________________________ 8 4.2 堵转保护 _______________________________________________________________ 8 4.3 启动超长保护 ___________________________________________________________ 8 4.4 断相保护 _______________________________________________________________ 8 4.5 反相保护 _______________________________________________________________ 9 4.6 电流不平衡保护 _________________________________________________________ 9 4.7 接地保护 _______________________________________________________________ 9 4,8 过热保护 ______________________________________________________________ 10 4.9 欠电流保护 ____________________________________________________________ 10 4.10 外部故障联锁 __________________________________________________________ 114.11 漏电流保护 ___________________________________________________________ 115. 参数设置 __________________________________________________________ 126. 装置调试 __________________________________________________________ 157. 操作介绍 __________________________________________________________ 16 7.1 信号灯 ________________________________________________________________ 16 7.2 按键 __________________________________________________________________ 16 7.3 测量显示 ______________________________________________________________ 16 7.4 参数设置 ______________________________________________________________ 17 7.5 动作代码 ______________________________________________________________ 18PGM-100A低压电动机保护装置技术和使用说明书江苏国网自控科技股份有限公司7.6 调试操作 _______________________________________________________________ 197.7 动作查询 ______________________________________________________________ 198. 直流输出 __________________________________________________________ 209. 网络通讯 __________________________________________________________ 2010. 装置端子 _________________________________________________________ 20 10.1 端子图 _______________________________________________________________ 2010.2 端子说明 _____________________________________________________________ 2111. 装置接线__________________________________________________________ 2212. 订货须知 _________________________________________________________ 22附录Ⅰ Modbus通讯协议地址表 _________________________________________ 23附录Ⅱ操作指南 ______________________________________________________ 25PGM-100A低压电动机保护装置技术和使用说明书江苏国网自控科技股份有限公司1. 产品概述PGM-100A低压电动机保护装置采用先进的技术,精心的设计,使保护装置不受外部干扰的影响,确保保护装置的安全性和可靠性。
Agilent 86100A Infiniium DCA Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope Data Sheet
Agilent 86105A Optical Receiver Section
Optical Receiver
Average Power Monitor
SDH/Sonet v Filter
Sampling/ Amplification
The integrated optical channel can be used as a fully calibrated SONET/SDH/Gigabit Ethernet or Fibre Channel reference receiver or as a wide-bandwidth receiver.
• industry standard mask testing with built-in margin analysis,
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Measurement Speed
Measurement speed has been increased with both fast hardware and a user-friendly instrument. In the lab, don’t waste time trying to figure out how to make a
Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
O.S. Type 86 化油器使用手册说明书
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE O.S. TYPE 86 CARBURETTORThe O.S. Type 86 carburettor has been designed exclusively for use with the O.S. PD-02 fuel pump unit. These two components, with appropriate plumbing, form the O.S. PA-102 Pump System. The O.S. Pump Systems offer the twin advantages of increased power and the virtual elimination of variation in fuel "head" at the carburettor.The Type 86 carburettor has an extra large throat, which improves breathing and increases power. With normal suction fuel feed, or low-pressure (exhaust gas) assisted fuel feed, such a large choke area would be impracticable, but the special pump unit ensures that fuel is delivered to the carburettor at the pressure required to maintain optimum mixture strength, irrespec-tive of fuel tank location or the aircraft's attitude.These qualities are especially valuable for international class pattern aerobatic flying and in models (including scale aircraft)where it may be difficult to locate the fuel tank close to the engine.The Type 86 carburettor is not suitable for engines not equipped with a pump: for these the O.S. Type 7L carburettor is available.Mixture Control Valve Stopper1.5~2.0mmFig 1Photo-1Three adjustable controls are provided on the Type 86carburettor. (See photo below.)• The Needle Valve: For adjusting the mixture strength when the throttle is fully open.• The Mixture Control Screw: For adjusting the mixture strength at part-throttle and idling speeds to obtain steady idling and smooth acceleration.• The Throttle Stop Screw: For establishing the minimumidling speed.PROVISIONAL SETTINGBefore starting the engine, open the Needle-Valve three full turns from the fully closed position.ADJUSTING THE CARBURETTOR1) Set the throttle very slightly open from the idle position (see Fig. 1) and start the engine in the usual way. It is preferable to have the throttle only slightly open, to avoid unnecessarily high revolutions when the engine starts.2) Now open the throttle fully and gradually close theNeedle-Valve until the engine is running at its maximum speed.** Warning:(a) Do not close the Needle-Valve to too lean a setting,as this will cause overheating which may result in internal damage and reduced engine life. Set the Needle-Valve approximately 1/8 to 1/4 turn open (i.e. "rich") from the peak r.p.m. setting, even though this will slightly reduce r.p.m. on the ground.(b) Make sure that the engine is fully "run-in" beforeoperating it continuously at full power. (See engine instruction leaflet.)3) Having set the Needle-Valve as described above, close the throttle. The engine should idle steadily and continuous-ly. (If it stops immediately, first try turning the Throttle Stop Screw clockwise a few degrees to raise the idling speed a little.)(a) If, however, the engine idles unevenly and smokes agood deal when the throttle is re-opened, before picking up speed, it is probable that the idling mix-ture is too rich. In this case it will be necessary to turn the Mixture Control Screw clockwise about 5degrees.(b) Alternatively, if the Mixture Control Screw is settoo lean, the engine may stop when the throttle is closed, or it may idle for a few moments, then speed up very slightly before coming to a stop. Re-opening the throttle under these conditions will usually result in the engine cutting out abruptly, without smoking. Corrective action is to turn the Mixture Control Screw about 5 degrees counter-clockwise.Mixture Control Screw adjustment is not unduly critical,but do not turn it more than 5 degrees at a time. CarryPlug ScrewThrottle LeverNippleNippleMixture Control ValveIdle Mixture Control ScrewNeedle Valve Throttle Stop Screwout readjustments progressively and patiently, re-membering the symptoms of rich and lean running,quoted above, until the engine responds quickly and positively to the throttle.4) The Throttle Stop Screw is for fixing the minimum idling speed. If, after carrying out mixture adjustments,the idling speed is found to be too high, the Throttle Stop Screw should be turned counter-clockwise until the desired idling speed is obtained.Note: Once the correct carburettor settings have beenestablished, it should be unnecessary to alter them.Such slight needle-valve readjustments as may be required to compensate for variations in atmospheric conditions will not normally affect the other two controls. Slight readjustments may be necessary for optimum performance if different types of fuel,glowplugs or propellers are used.CARBURETTOR CLEANLINESSThe correct functioning of the carburettor depends on its small fuel orifices remaining clear. The minute particles of foreign matter that are present in any fuel can easily partial-ly obstruct these orifices and upset mixture strength so that engine performance becomes erratic and unreliable.It is recommended that fuel is passed through a filter when the tank is filled and that a good in-line filter is installed between the fuel tank and carburettor and, furthermore,that this filter is frequently cleaned to remove dirt and lint that accumulates on the filter screen. Finally, occasionally remove the needle-valve holder from the carburettor and extract any remaining foreign matter that may have lodged inside the carburettor.Dir and fibrous matter mostly accumulate herePARTS LISTPhoto 2DescriptionThrottle Lever Assembly (with screw 8 lock washer)Carburettor RotorThrottle Stop Screw Assembly Throttle Stop ScrewThrottle Stop Screw Holder Ass'y Carburettor BodyCarburettor Rubber GasketMixture Control Screw (with spring)Plug Screw (with washer)Fuel Inlet (with washer)Mixture Control Valve Stopper (with spacer)Nipple (with washer)Mixture Control Valve Assembly "0" Ring (S)"0" Ring (L)"0" RingNeedle Valve AssemblyNeedle Valve Holder Assembly Ratchet SpringNeedle (with "0" ring & set-screw)"0" Ring Set-screwThe specifications are subject to alteration for improvement without noticeCode No.278814002788120027181600271816202718161027881100290150192788133027881120226819532768134022681953278813002788180027881810278818202768190027381940267113052768197024981837263815016-15 3-chome Imagawa Higashisumiyoshi-ku Osaka 546,Japan. TEL (06)702-0225FAX. (06) 704-2722© Copyright 1986 by O.S. Engines Mfg. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Japan 39007。
© Copyright 2006 美国飞塔有限公司版权所有。 本手册中所包含的任何文字、例子、图表和插图,未经美国飞塔 有限公司的许可,不得因任何用途以电子、机械、人工、光学或 其它任何手段翻印、传播或发布。
动态威胁防御系统(DTPS), APSecure, FortiASIC, FortiBIOS,
出厂默认设置 ............................................... 21
出厂默认的DHCP服务器配置 ......................................... 21 出厂默认的NAT/ 路由模式的网络配置 ................................ 21 出厂默认的透明模式的网络配置 ..................................... 23 出厂默认防火墙设置 ............................................... 23 出厂默认的防火墙保护内容设置 ..................................... 23 恢复出厂默认设置 ................................................. 24
FortiGate-60/60M/ADSL, FortiWiFi-60, FortiGate-100A
V3.0 MR1 设备安装手册
V3.0 MR1 FortiGate-60系列以及FortiGate-100 A设备安装手册
2006年4月10日 01- 30001-0266-20060410
V. 3.0 MR1 FortiGate-60系列以及
5.8.7 状态切换
用于设定当前状态为调试态或运行态。如当前状态为 1 运行态,运行灯亮,按“-”键更
改为 0(Debug) 调试态,按下“确认”键,输入密码“1233”,更改成功会自动退出“8.7
··28 负序 II 投入
··36 PT 断线投入
··37 正序投入
··07 负序一时间 [ 0.20—20.00 ] 0.50S
··08 负序二电流 [ 0.10—20.00 ]
··18 长启动时间 [ 0.50—99.99 ]
PMA-860 系列微机综合保护测控装置
二○○七 年 一月
PMA-860 系列微机综合保护装置
第一章 PMA-860 型电动机微机综合保护测控装置 ············2 第二章 PMA-860C 型电机差动保护测控装置··················14 第三章 PMA-861 型馈线/母线分段微机综合保护测控装置······21 第四章 PMA-862 型电压互感器微机综合保护测控装置 ········33 第五章 PMA-862C 型并联电压切换装置······················43 第六章 PMA-863 型微机测控装置···························50 第七章 PMA-864 型微机测控装置···························57 第八章 PMA-867 型电容器微机综合保护测控装置·············64 第九章 PMA-868 型变压器微机综合保护测控装置·············75
二、产品型号说明1、型号说明DC∕450二级容量(kvar)分相补偿只有一级容量一级容量(kvar)额定电压(V)显示方式:Y-液晶显示数码显示无字母补偿方式:S-共补F-分补组网方式:R-RS485 L-蓝牙W-无线产品系列号:868-通用型868X-抗谐波型企业代号:得诚2、常规产品型号规格三、产品外形及安装尺寸注:高度尺寸见表1四、接线端子排列与定义产品的接线端子分电源端子和测控联机端子,均置于产品的后部,三相补偿电源端子有“UA.UB.UC”,分相补偿电源端子有:“UA.UB.UC.UN”,测控联机端子使用插拔件,便于现场调试和调换,产品上有“”,序号标志,其中6—11是标准的6针水晶头接口,两个并接,接线或调换时应充分注意。
端子定义:D1 :AI1+ D2: AI1- ,模拟量输入采用差分输入,最大输入值为10V。
第二路模拟量输入AI2用来提供白噪声测试信号URAN 输入,差分输入。
D3 :AI2+ 模拟量输出GEX-100A提供一路模拟量输出,可以通过编号输出所关注的任何内部变量。
编号 0 4 6具体对应数值对应关系见图:每一个变量的额定值,对应模拟输出为2V。
端子定义:D5 AO+ D6 AO- 励磁输出F+ F- 120Vdc,10 A-额定[%]2VD4:AI2-定义发电机机端电压 UG 励磁电流 Ie 外加模拟量白噪声测试信号 URAN 编号 2 5 64 定义自动运行设定值 UG_REF 手动运行设定值 IF_REF 总的控制量 UK [V]图模拟量输出对应关系图额定连续输出:20秒强励输出220Vdc,20A 端子定义 E9 E8F+ F-UPA UPB UPC单相或三相 PMG 或机端或直流 E11 E12 E13励磁输入型式:端子号:最大输入电压:线电压~250V,DC300V8GEX-100A 自动电压调节器文档版本: 20XX/4/3 中文北京科电亿恒电力技术有限公司装置电源:GEX100A 装置电源一路来自于励磁输入E,另一路来自直流电源F,F端子只能接蓄电池直流电,严禁接入交流电源。
端子号: F1 F2 DC+ DC-输入范围: DC24V~DC300V 接地端子:FG 端子:E10软件说明运行方式GEX-100A提供以下五种运行方式自动运行手动运行恒功率因数运行恒无功运行恒定占空比运行自动运行方式调节发电机的定子电压,PID调节,传递函数如图,通过转子电压负反馈系数β将交流励磁机的时间常数有效减小,提高了电压响应速度。
安捷伦-86100c 示波器中文精编版
DCA-J Agilent 86100C 宽带示波器主机和模块技术指标四合一仪器数字通信分析仪、全功能高带宽示波器、时域反射计,同时还是一台抖动分析仪●●●●●●●●自动抖动和振幅干扰分解内部生成码型触发模块化平台,测试速率高达40 Gb/s 及以上的信号波形最宽的数据速率覆盖范围,具有光参考接收机,可用于进行时钟恢复内置S 参数和TDR 测量兼容Agilent 86100A/B 系列、83480A 系列和54750 系列模块小于200 fs 的固有抖动开放的操作系统- Windows® XP Pro目录概述特性2 测量其他功能技术指标主机和触发(包括精密时基模块)计算机系统和存储器模块概述模块选型表技术指标多模/ 单模单模双电TDR时钟恢复订货信息……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐…………………………………………………3 7 812 1415161719202122 25……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐…………………………………………………infiniium DCA-J概述特性四合一仪器86100C Infiniium DCA-J是一台功能强大的仪器,它集四种功能于一身:·通用高带宽采样示波器:新增的码型锁定触发功能,显著增强了其作为通用示波器的用途·数字通信分析仪:新推出的眼线模式(Eyeline Mode)测试功能,为进行眼图分析增添了强大的工具·时域反射计·抖动分析仪轻松选择所需的仪器模式,立即开始测量。
可以灵活地进行配置,满足用户需求86100C 支持广泛的模块,可以同时测试光信号和电接口信号。
码型锁定触发加强了采样示波器的功能86100C 上的增强触发选件(选件001)为等时采样示波器提供了一项前所未有的重要能力。
这种新的触发机制可使DCA-J 以重复的输入数据码型生成触发,即码型触发。
Eaton ULT 1008服务进入额定值自动转换开关说明书
UL 1008 listed transfer switch with ARMS at the point of service entranceWhy use service entrance rated transfer switches? When the entire load of an installation requires standby emergency power for protection against an electric utility interruption, it becomes necessary to have the automatic transfer switch (ATS) as close to the point of service entrance as possible. And nobody does this better than Eaton.IntroductionWith Eaton’s service entrancerated automatic transferswitches, installation can bemade directly at the pointof service entrance—whilesimultaneously eliminating theneed for separate upstreamdevice(s), including additionalpower connections.Overcurrent protection and adisconnect means are bothintegral to the Eaton design,providing a single UL T 1008listed transfer switch assembly.When required by NationalElectrical Code T (NEC) 240.87,overcurrent protection canbe configured with Eaton’sArcflash Reduction MaintenanceSystem E (ARMS) to reduceclearing time. The result islower incident energy at alldownstream work locations.Significant benefits• Cost and space savings• Reduced installation time• Compliance to NEC 240.87• Enhanced worker safety• Listed to UL 1008 (entireassembly) for use at 100%of rated currentEnd-use segments• Water treatment plants• Pumping stations• Industrial plants• Hospitals• Commercial buildings• Transportation• Public safety facilitiesApplicationService entrance, as the nameimplies, is the point wherepower supplied by an electricutility enters a facility.Facilities with a single utilityconnection and a singleemergency power source willoften have an ATS located atthe service entrance to ensurethat critical loads can quicklyand safely shift to emergencypower (generator) if utilitypower is interrupted.Non-critical loads are ofteninhibited or shed fromconnection to the emergencypower source to avoidcapacity overload.Automatic transfer switchesService entrance rated30–4000 AEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2018 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA01602009E / Z21023June 2018Eaton vs. conventional approachEaton’s approach is simple—integrate overcurrent protection and a means of disconnect within the ATS assembly. The result:•A service entrance rated ATS that can be installed directly at the point of service entrance • Reduced power connections • Space and labor savings • Ease of installation•Fully UL 1008 listed solutionAt a minimum, overcurrent protection is provided on the utility side as required by the NEC, however, overcurrent protection can optionally be added to the emergency side.For three-phase solidly grounded wye electric services, rated1000 A or more, ground fault protection is also available to comply with NEC 230.95.Specification and application flexibilityEaton service entrance rated transfer switches are available in the following construction types and amperage ratings to meet varying specification and application requirements:• Contactor (40–1600 A)• Molded case circuit breaker (30–1000 A)•Power circuit breaker (200–4000 A)In addition to multiple construction types, there are many options and features available to engineers when specifying a transfer switch.The UL 1008 standard establishes minimum construction and performance criteria, but it is important to understand the specific application needs of the facility before deciding on a particular transfer switch configuration.For a more detailed discussion on the advantages and disadvantages associated with different construction types and features, please reference the Eaton white paper, “Transfer Switch 101—An introductory guide to picking the right transfer switch for your equipment” or contact your local Eaton sales representative.Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System (ARMS)A circuit breaker equipped with ARMS can improve worker safety by providing a simple and reliable method to reduce fault clearing time. For applications where the highest continuous current trip setting of the overcurrent device in a circuit breaker is rated (or can be adjusted to) 1200 A or higher, a method to reduce clearing time is required per NEC 240.87.When the ARMS maintenance mode is enabled, an integral analog trip circuit provides an accelerated instantaneous trip. This results in work locations downstream of the circuit breaker having a significantly lower incident energy level. To facilitate maximum arc-flash reduction while avoiding nuisance tripping, the ARMS pickup level is adjustable.Incident energy level decreases dramatically when the ARMSotes:N Overcurrent protection device modeled is Eaton Magnum DS circuit breaker (520MC or 1150+ trip).When Eaton MCCB (310+ trip) is used as the protection device, maximum clearing time (ARMS) is 0.03 sec.Arcing fault current and incident energy values derived using SKM System Analysis software.Incident energy is calculated immediately downstream of transfer switch load.Fully UL 1008 listed and 100% ratedRegardless of the amperage rating or construction type, Eaton service entrance rated transfer switches are “fully UL 1008 listed” and marked for use at 100% of rated current.The phrase “fully UL 1008 listed” is used to describe the entire transfer switch enclosure assembly—including the integral circuit breaker and power bus—which has passed rigorous temperature rise performance testing required by the UL 1008 standard for transfer switch equipment.The Eaton benefits to end users and specifying engineers are:•A service entrance rated transfer switch can be applied at 100% of its rated current; there are no circuit breaker de-rating adjustments to be considered•A “fully UL 1008 listed” service entrance transfer switch isprovided; the construction is not a mix of a UL 1008 listed transfer switch and a UL 891 listed structure housing a circuit breakerapproach(contactor type ATS)(circuit breaker type ATS)Prior to performing maintenance, service personnel can enable ARMS via a lockable selector switch (blue) that can be incorporated into a lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedure. A corresponding blue light provides visual indication that the ARMS maintenance mode is enabled.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
86100A简易使用说明Agilent 86100A 常见指标的测量步骤由于该示波器只有2.5G和10G的滤波器,故仅限于2.5G和10G 设备光口/电口的测量。
86100A示波器配有两个模块:1)Agilent 86105A;2)Agilent 83493A一.以2.5G为例讲述其常见指标的测量方法a.开机校表开机后将两个模块中光输入信号端口用光纤帽子套上,然后选择菜单Calibrate ?All Calibrations ?Vertical(Amplitude),选择Calibrate Left Module ?Continue。
b.光信号输入及仪表基本设置将2.5G输出光信号与模块2中Optical Input端口用光纤相连,Optical Output端口(提取时钟信号)与模块1中光输入信号端口用光纤相连?按仪表上Channel 1键,选择光通道?在模块2中SELECT(Trigger On Data)中选择2488Mb/s ?在仪表下方Trigger(source)中选择Right Module.c. 光眼图的测量按仪表上Eye/Mask Mode按钮?选择屏幕左侧Mask Test菜单?在Open Mask中选择STMO16_OC48.msk模板?在Filter中将Filter 设置为on,Filter选择2.488Gb/s ?按仪表右上侧Run键?按仪表上Auto Scale 键开始自动扫描?按屏幕左侧Mask Test菜单下Start Mask Test键,开始套模板。
如果屏幕下侧Mask项中total wfms 达到1000个点无failed smpls,则认为眼图合格。
d. 消光比,上升时间,下降时间,相关抖动(峰峰值)的测量在c步骤的基础上,选择屏幕左侧NRZ菜单? NRZ Eye Measure ?分别依次选择Extinction Ratio,Rise Time,Fall Time,Jitter P_P项?按仪表右上侧Auto Scale键重新自动扫描?在屏幕下侧按Measure键,可读出以上4项的测量值。
依据这些标准和规定,我们在选用漏电保护器时应遵循以下主要原则:1. 购买漏电保护器时应购买具有生产资质的厂家产品,且产品质量检测合格。
2. 应根据保护范围、人身设备安全和环境要求确定漏电保护器的电源电压、工作电流、漏电电流及动作时间等参数。
3. 电源采用漏电保护器做分级保护时,应满足上、下级开关动作的选择性。
4. 手持式电动工具(除III类外)、移动式生活用家电设备(除III 类外)、其他移动式机电设备,以及触电危险性较大的用电设备,必须安装漏电保护器。
5. 建筑施工场所、临时线路的用电设备,应安装漏电保护器。
6. 机关、学校、企业、住宅建筑物内的插座回路,宾馆、饭店及招待所的客房内插座回路,也必须安装漏电保护器。
7. 安装在水中的供电线路和设备以及潮湿、高温、金属占有系数较大及其他导电良好的场所,如机械加工、冶金、纺织、电子、食品加工等行业的作业场所,以及锅炉房、水泵房、食堂、浴室、医院等场所,必须使用漏电保护器进行保护。
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Agilent 86100A 常见指标的测量步骤
86100A示波器配有两个模块:1)Agilent 86105A;2)Agilent 83493A
开机后将两个模块中光输入信号端口用光纤帽子套上,然后选择菜单Calibrate ⇒All Calibrations ⇒Vertical(Amplitude),选择Calibrate Left Module ⇒Continue。
将2.5G输出光信号与模块2中Optical Input端口用光纤相连,Optical Output端口(提取时钟信号)与模块1中光输入信号端口用光纤相连⇒按仪表上Channel 1键,选择光通道⇒在模块2中SELECT(Trigger On Data)中选择2488Mb/s ⇒在仪表下方Trigger(source)中选择Right Module.
c. 光眼图的测量
按仪表上Eye/Mask Mode按钮⇒选择屏幕左侧Mask Test菜单⇒在Open Mask中选择STMO16_OC48.msk模板⇒在Filter中将Filter设置为on,Filter选择2.488Gb/s ⇒按仪表右上侧Run键⇒按仪表上Auto Scale 键开始自动扫描⇒按屏幕左侧Mask Test菜单下Start Mask Test键,开始套模板。
如果屏幕下侧Mask项中total wfms 达到1000个点无failed smpls,则认为眼图合格。
d. 消光比,上升时间,下降时间,相关抖动(峰峰值)的测量
在c步骤的基础上,选择屏幕左侧NRZ菜单⇒ NRZ Eye Measure ⇒分别依次选择Extinction Ratio,Rise Time,Fall Time,Jitter P_P项⇒按仪表右上侧Auto Scale键重新自动扫描⇒在屏幕下侧按Measure键,可读出以上4项的测量值。
e. 电口指标的测量
电口指标的测量步骤类似于光口指标的测量,需要改变以下几点:1)2.5G 输出电信号与模块1中电输入信号端口相连;2)按仪表上Channel 2键,选择电通道;
因为86100A示波器不能从10G信号中提取同步时钟,故b步骤需作以下更改:将10G输出光信号与模块1中光输入信号端口用光纤相连,10G时钟信号与仪表下方Trigger中电端口相连;在仪表下方Trigger(source)中选择Front Panel.其它各处选择10G对应的速率,模板,滤波器即可。