埃里电子温控器系列 0-10 Vdc 控制器型号手册说明书
Features: • Adjustable heat anticipator • Fahrenheit and Celsius capability • Mercury free
ON/OFF THERMOSTATS The 31-100 series thermostats are designed for applications which require a single pole/double throw switch, adjustable heat anticipator and fixed cooling and anticipator.
Thermostats, Non-Digital
Erie offers advanced design in electronic microprocessor based thermostats and controllers. Erie combines the simplicity of a thermostat with the versatility and power of a controller. Ease of installation is combined with the flexibility of applications and maximum compatibility. Proportional plus integral (PI) control algorithms with advanced adaptive logic guides the microprocessor based units. This provides precise and stable control under varying system capacity and load conditions, without the need for tuning or calibrating the control algorithm.
SCALANCE X101-1 商品说明书
24 V
6GK5101-1BB00-2AA3 Page 1/4
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
● at DC / maximum
Supply voltage, current consumption, power loss Supply voltage ● external ● external Type of voltage / of the supply voltage Product component / fusing at power supply input Fuse protection type / at input for supply voltage Consumed current ● maximum Power loss [W] ● at DC / at 24 V
Compact 40 mm 125 mm 124 mm 0.55 kg
Yes Yes Yes
No No
FM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A, B, C, D / T.., Class 1, Zone 2, Group IIC, T.. EN 600079-15 II 3 G EEx nA II T.. KEMA 06 ATEX 0021 X
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 134 y
/simatic-net https:// /industry/infocenter /bilddb /cax https://
Security information
UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 UL 1604 and UL 2279-15 (Hazardous Location), Class 1 / Division 2 / Group A, B, C, D / T.., Class 1 / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T.. EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-4:2001 EN 61000-6-2:2001, EN 61000-6-4:2001 Yes Yes Yes
第二章 产品外形尺寸及规格...... 6
2.1 产品外形尺寸 ........................................ 6 2.2 CDI9000 变频器系列规格 ...................... 8
第六章 输入输出功能介绍....... 44
6.1 模拟表输出 ..........................................44 6.2 多功能输出选择 ...................................44 6.3 频率检测(03-10,03-11) ........................45 6.4 输入功能介绍 ......................................46 6.4.1 模拟输入 ........................................46 6.4.2 端子运行控制方式(02-17) .........47 6.4.3 上电处理端子运行选择(02-19) ..48 6.3.4 复位启动方式选择(02-20) .........48 6.4.5 点动频率(01-50) .......................48 6.4.6 使用多功能输入信号 ......................49 6.4.7 定时器功能 ....................................50 6.4.8 禁止加减速指令 .............................50 6.4.9 UP/DOWN(上升/下降)指令 .............50 6.4.10 计数器功能 ..................................51 6.5 多段速度和程序运行 ............................52 6.5.1 多段速度的选择 .............................52 6.5.2 程序运行 ........................................53 6.5.3 摆频运行 ........................................57 6.6 PI 控制参数 ..........................................57 6.6.1 外部 V2 给定值 (03-17,03-18) ....57 6.6.2 外部 IF 反馈值 (03-21,03-22) .....58 6.6.3 反馈滤波时间(03-24) .....................58 6.6.4 PI 调节误差极性(05-01)..................58 6.6.5 PI 调节方式最小运行频率(05-09) ...58 6.6.6 PI 调节方式最大运行频率(05-10) ...58 6.7 保护参数..............................................59 6.7.1 过电压失速保护 (01-29).................59 6.7.2 能耗制动选择(06-06) .................59 6.7.3 自动电压调整 AVR(01-16) .........59 6.7.4 电流限制(01-27) .......................60 6.7.5 过转矩检测 ....................................61 6.7.6 电机保护 ........................................62 6.8 其他功能 ..............................................63 6.8.1 瞬时停电再启动选择(02-11) ......63 6.8.2 追踪启动方式(02-13) ................63 6.8.3 跳跃频率 ........................................64 6.8.4 自动转矩补偿(01-14) ................64 6.8.5 节能控制(01-30) .......................64
风机盘管产品技术规格书(模板)建设单位:项目名称:第 1 部分总则1.1说明本章规定空气盘管设备的生产及安装的要求,本章中空气盘管包括设置在风管\空气处理机组中的冷冻水\热水盘管以及洁净室干表冷盘管(DCC)。
1.2 参考法规与规章1.2.1 国内相关规范: GB/T14294-2008 组合式空调机组1.2.1.2 GB/T14296-2008 空气冷却器与空气加热器1.2.1.3 GB/T19232-2019 风机盘管机组1.2.1.4 JG/T21-1999 空气冷却器与空气加热器性能实验方法1.3 审查及交付1.3.1 提交符合施工图要求的设备参数表,包括:材质、迎风面积、断面风速、排数、片距、通水面积、管径、空气侧以及水侧阻力、各型号设备制造图纸等参数。
1.3.2 提交生产制造商对该产品的安装指导1.3.3 提交生产制造商的描述、操作说明书、维修保养手册1.4 质量控制1.4.1 压力测试及检漏测试1.4.1.1 试验压力为2.0MPa,盘管置于水中以空气试压,密封保持时间不少于10 分钟。
1.4.2 为保证运输过程质量控制,保3kg/cm2 气压至现场。
1.4.3 业主和EPC 有权在设备制造过程中随时参观生产工厂。
1.4.4 第一台生产完成的时候供应商应该通知业主和EPC。
然后业主和EPC 有权在不提前通知的情况下随时到工厂对该空气处理机组的组装、内外表面处理、清洁、包装等进行检查。
1.5 检查与测试1.5.1 在设备制造过程中总包方有权随时可以参观制造商的工厂。
1.5.2 当每个型号的第一个产品制造完毕后制造商应通知业(买)主,业主可以在以后的任何时候不预先通知的情况下参观工厂、检查部件组装、涂漆、清洁、包装等环节。
1.5.3 压力(强度)测试:每一台空气盘管组装完成后应在工厂进行压力(强度)测试。
业主和EPC 将随机抽取50%的盘管进行测试,如果发现不合格产品,供应商负责测试其他产品,费用由供应商承担。
MC-CCS05D 使用说明书
感谢您选用麦克维尔公司的控制器产品,在操作之前,请详细阅读本使用说明书, 并保存以备将来参考。
1 产品简介
MC-CCS05D 是能够协调麦克维尔涡旋式冷水机组控制系统和基于 Modbus 通讯协议控制系统间通 讯的数据转换器:自动将 McQuay 涡旋式冷水机组内部通讯协议转换成 Modbus 通讯协议,确保机组和 基于 Modbus RTU 通讯协议并使用 RS485 通讯方式的 BAS 系统相连接,我们这里所指的 Modbus 通讯 协议是一个公开出版的官方文本:
5.4.1 MC501C_B 配置参数 ......................................................................................................... 23 5.4.2 主机配置及运行参数.......................................................................................................... 25 5.4.3 从机配置及运行参数.......................................................................................................... 31 6、ASCII 码附表....................................................................................................................................... 35
• 危险:为避免严重的或致命的电击危险,在进行任何接线之前,务必先切断电源和产品供电。 • 不要拆卸产品。否则可能会造成设备损坏或电击危险。 • 连至夹持式接线端子的裸线长度必须在 5mm~6mm,避免发生致命或危险事故。如果长度较长,
暴露的导线会造成短路。如果长度较短,裸线会从连接器上脱落。 • 确保所有接线连接牢靠。否则会因过热或设备故障而造成烧伤。 • 将电加热器连接至本产品时,确保安装一个防止温升的电路。否则可能会发生过热和火灾。
37 mm 或以上
40 mm 或以上
0 °C 至 50 °C
10 %RH 至 90 %RH(相对湿度) (无结露)
最大 3.2 m/s² (10 Hz 至 150 Hz)
-20 °C 至 60 °C
5 %RH to 95 %RH (无结露)
最大 9.8 m/s² (10 Hz 至 150 Hz)
4) 节能技术 • 最大程度地控制VAV风阀开度,降低风机功耗。 • 在最佳送风温度自动调节舒适湿度。 5) 集成在BAS的楼宇高级管理功能 • 可快速容易地设定最大和最小风量。 • 远程监控风量。 • 支持BAS的系统调节和管理任务。
∗ Yamatake的Infilex系列控制器: Infilex是“Infinity(无限)和Flexible(灵活性)”的合成词。 1
5 N⋅m 扭矩型
35 8
22 φ6 to φ20
176 106
99 85.25
图 1. 外型尺寸: 5 N⋅m 扭矩型 (mm)
WT-01N极致 / 开放 / 小巧 / 易用规格书版本1.02019年05月03日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL 地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
修改记录目录WT-01N (1)1. 概述 (5)2. 主要特性 (5)3. 硬件规格 (6)3.1 系统框图 (6)3.2引脚描述 (6)3.3电气特性 (8)3.3.1最大额定值 (8)3.3.2建议工作环境 (8)3.3.3数字端口特征 (8)3.4功耗 (8)3.4.1运行功耗 (8)3.4.2待机功耗 (9)3.5RF特性 (9)3.5.1无线局域网射频配置及通用规格 (9)3.5.2射频发射特性 (9)3.5.3射频接收特性 (10)4. 应用说明 (10)4.1模块尺寸 (10)4.2 回流焊曲线图 (11)6. 产品试用 (12)1. 概述WT-01N WiFi模块是由启明云端科技开发的、低功耗高性价比的嵌入式无线网络控制模块。
分体嵌入式空调器电控部分规格书编制:审核:批准:会签:1适用机型:1.1 本电控规格书适用的机型有:1.2名词约定:T1: 室内环境温度T2: 室内盘管温度T3: 室外盘管温度T4: 室外环境温度:T S: 设定温度:Ie1: 单相压缩机额定电流:Ie2: 三相压缩机额定电流:AngleOff: 导风叶片上电关闭角度AngleHeat: 制热模式导风叶片打开标准角度AngleCool: 制冷模式导风叶片打开标准角度AngleStep: 导风叶片摇摆基准角度AngleLouv: 导风叶片摇摆角度Ifan: 电流保护恢复值I5Min: 五分钟电流保护值I3Sec: 三秒钟电流保护值Idefrost: 化霜恢复电流值TE1: 防冷风的风机关转微风的温度值:TE2: 防冷风的微风转设定风速的温度值TE3: 防冷风的设定风速转微风的温度值TE4: 防冷风的微风转为风机关的温度值TE5: 蒸发器低温保护的进入温度值TE6: 蒸发器低温保护的恢复温度值TE7: 蒸发器高温保护转室外风机低风的温度值:TE8: 蒸发器高温保护室外风机关的温度值TE9: 蒸发器高温保护压缩机关的温度值TE10: 蒸发器高温保护恢复压缩机开的温度值TE11: 蒸发器高温保护恢复室外风机开的温度值TE12: 冷凝器高温保护进入条件温度TE13: 冷凝器高温保护解除条件温度TE14: 电辅加热进入时蒸发器温度值TE15: 电辅加热退出时蒸发器温度值TA: 曲轴箱加热开启条件温度TB: 曲轴箱加热关闭条件温度TC: 制冷模式下双风机或高风运行条件温度TD: 制冷模式下下风机或低风运行条件温度TC1: 进入低温化霜室外盘管温度条件TC2: 化霜结束室外盘管温度条件TIM1: 蒸发器低温保护条件满足时延续时间TE16: 制热模式下压缩机动作条件温度2电性能指标:3功能概述本电控系统是在原嵌入式空调器电控系统的基础上融入了小三匹一方出风和三匹座吊两用式空调器的电控功能,主芯片共用同一套软件,通过E2PROM来选择不同的机型及其运行参数。
Indoor Unit: SEZ-KD15NAFanType x Quantity.....................Sirocco Fan x 3 Motor .....................Direct-driven DC Brushless Motor Motor Output............................... Airflow (Lo - Med - Hi)............353 - 441 - 529 CFM Air Filter ......................Polypropylene HoneycombRemote Controller: PAR-21MAAHorizontal-ducted Indoor Unit: SEZ-KD-NA Remote Controller PAR-21MAA - Packaged with SEZWall-mounted Indoor Unit: MSZ-FD-NA3400 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd Suwanee, GA 30024Tele: 678-376-2900 • Fax: 800-889-9904Toll Free: 800-433-4822 (#3)Specifications are subject to change without notice.C SD - SEZ-KD15NA - 200903 © MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC / HVAC 2009Unit :mm(in.)(46-7/8)1190(39)990(31-1/8)790N(48-25/32)1239(40-29/32)1039(33-1/16)839MDrain pipe(O.D.ø32(1-1/4))Terminal block (Remote controller transmission line) Terminal block (Indoor/outdoor connecting line)2Refrigerant piping flare connection (liquid)ø12.7(1/2)mm(in.)(35-7/16)(27-9/16)(19-11/16)(41-3/4)(33-7/8)(26)(47-1/4)(39-3/8)(31-1/2)(39-3/8)(31-1/2)(23-5/8)(41-3/4)(33-7/8)(26)(47-3/16)(39-5/16)(31-7/16)(45-3/8)(37-1/2)(29-5/8)(43-5/16)(35-7/16)(27-9/16)700Drain pipe(O.D.ø32(1-1/4))(Emergency draining)ø6.35(1/4)ø9.52(3/8)SEZ-KD15NA900952998860980010008607700202416L900500K95J1060660H8006007660798752Knockout hole ø27(1-3/32)(Remote controller transmission line)Knockout hole ø27(1-3/32) (Indoor/outdoor connecting line)G1200F1000E11D1060C1100B1152SEZ-KD09NA SEZ-KD12NA SEZ-KD18NA Model A1198Gas pipe Liquid pipeL-ø2.9(1/8)2X2-ø2.9(1/8)2XE-ø2.9(1/8)Control boxAir filterSuspension bolt hole4-14X30(9/16X1-3/16) SlotRefrigerant piping flare connection (gas)112 Drain pipe(O.D.ø32(1-1/4))(Spontaneous draining)Air inletAir outlet N M175±5(6-29/32±7/32)Less than 300L e s s t h a n 550(11-13/16)(21-21/32)M o r e t h a n 20M o r e t h a n 1057(2-1/4)57(2-1/4)(1-31/32 ~ 5-29/32)(30-19/32)(17-23/32)(11-13/16)(17-23/32)M o r e th a n 300(13/16)(13/32)(3-9/16)(5-29/32)(2-25/32)(4-19/32)7010(13/32)(3-15/16)(1-15/16)(24-5/8)45037(1-15/32)200(7-7/8)H157.5(6-7/32)20(13/16)100(3-15/16)37(1-15/32)12(1/2)12(1/2)88(3-15/32)100(3-15/16)X J =K 100(3-15/16)88(3-15/32)77750(1-31/32)50 ~ 15050(1-31/32)G 45010(13/32)4925(1)170(6-23/32)102(4-1/32)11610025(1)23(29/32)C B (S u s p e n s i o n b o l t p i t c h )23(29/32)A90D (D u c t )100(3-15/16)X (E -1)=F 100(3-15/16)15(19/32)Drain hose (I.D.ø32(1-1/4))<accessory>(Actual length)Note2Access door Required space for service and maintenanceAccess doorCeiling surface Make the access door at the appointed position properly for service maintenance.e M10 screw for the suspension bolt (field supply).2.Keep the service space for the maintenance at the bottom.3.This chart indicates for SEZ-KD15NA model,which has 3 fans. SEZ-KD09,12NA models have 2 fans. SEZ-KD18NA models have 4 fans.4.In case an inlet duct is used,remove the air filter(supply with the unit), then install the filter(field supply) at suction side.159(6-9/32)345(13-19/32)20(13/16)30(1-3/16)23(29/32)270(10-21/32)20(13/16)625(Suspension bolt pitch)700(27-9/16)677(26-21/32)150(D u c t )。
部分。 • 产品报废时,应按当地有关的工业废弃物法规进行处理。
商标信息: Infilex,savic-net 和 Neopanel 是山武公司在日本或其它国家的商标或注册商标。 TYGON 是 Saint-Gobain 实用塑料公司的商标。
37 mm 或以上
40 mm 或以上
0 °C 至 50 °C
10 %RH 至 90 %RH(相对湿度) (无结露)
最大 3.2 m/s² (10 Hz 至 150 Hz)
-20 °C 至 60 °C
5 %RH to 95 %RH (无结露)
最大 9.8 m/s² (10 Hz 至 150 Hz)
基本型号 WY5206
电源 C
5 1 2
DO 输出
0 1 3
Infilex VC,用于 SC-bus 通信模式的
(适于 savic-netTM 系统)
24 V AC
5 N⋅m 扭矩
10 N⋅m 扭矩
无内置传感器, DO (数字输出): 0 pt. 带内置传感器, DO: 0 pt.
外壳防护等级 声功率级 安装 地址设定 材料
24 V AC ± 15 % (50 Hz/60 Hz)
德力西电气 全新6系列产品全集2023年第1版 产品说明书
我们秉承“客户第一、合作、敏捷、创新、超越”的价值观,全心全意服务于我们的客户,同时携手合作伙伴建立具有统一价值观的社会责任生态圈,通过“德基金”全情回馈社会,用实际行动践行企业社会责任,持续打造具有德力西电气特色的“一老一小传统文化”的企业公益品牌,构建一个有温度的国际化低压电气领军企业 。
057GB/T 14048.1 总则 IEC 60947-1 总则GB/T 14048.2 断路器 IEC 60947-2 断路器■ 符合标准CDM6i 系列产品运行在污染等级为3级,IEC 60947-1和60664-1标准所定义的环境(工业环境)中。
■ 污染等级干冷、干热、湿热■ 抗湿热能力正常工作海拔:≤2000m 如需要安装在海拔超过2000m 的情况下,必须考虑到介电强度的改变和空气温度下降的因素,可参考海拔高度降容系数表使用,或请联系我们。
TEL:0577-67361223 FAX:0577-67363323
序号 型号 1 WYK-2XF-7.5 2 WYK-2XF-11 3 WYK-2XF-15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WYK-2XFY-18.5 WYK-2XFY-22 WYK-2XFY-30 WYK-2XFY-37 WYK-2XFY-45 WYK-2XFY-55 WYK-2XFY-75 WYK-2XFY-90 WYK-2XFY-110 WYK-2XFY-132 WYK-2XFY-160 WYK-2XFR-30 WYK-2XFR-37 WYK-2XFR-45 WYK-2XFR-55 WYK-2XFR-75 WYK-2XFR-90 WYK-2XFR-110 WYK-2XFR-132 断路器 25 32 40 DZ47-50 DZ47-63 100 100 125 200 225 250 315 350 400 100 100 125 200 225 250 315 350 接触器 18 25 32 25 32 40 50 65 95 95 125 160 200 250 65 80 95 125 160 200 250 400 / / / 18 25 32 32 40 50 65 100 125 125 160 / / / / / / / / 一次线 4 6 6 10/6mm 10/6mm 16/10mm 16/10mm 25/16mm 35/25mm 35/25mm 50/35mm 70/35mm 70/50mm 90/50mm 16mm 16mm 25mm 35mm 35mm 50mm 70mm 70mm 尺寸 600*400*200 600*400*200 600*400*200 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1400*600*400 1600*700*400 1600*800*400 1600*800*400 1600*800*400 1600*600*400 1600*600*400 1600*600*400 1600*800*400 1600*800*400 1600*800*400 2000*1000*500 2000*1000*500 接线端
22RT-19-1Room sensor TemperatureFor measuring the temperature in the room. The room units can be seamlessly connected to existing third-party controllers. With MP-Bus communication and integrated 0...10 V output. Output signal is selectable via NFC.Type OverviewType CommunicationOutput signal activetemperature 22RT-19-1MP-Bus0...5 V, 0...10 V, 2...10 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage range AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 19.2...28.8 V Power consumption AC 1 VA Power consumption DC 0.5 WElectrical connection Spring loaded terminal 0.25...1.5 mm²Cable entryWire openings at the backside (for In-wall wiring) and top-/bottom side (for On-wall wiring)Functional data Application Air Communication MP-BusVoltage output1x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 2...10 V, min. load 10 kΩOutput signal active noteOutput 0...5 V, 0...10 V (factory setting), 2...10 V selectable via NFC Measuring data Measured valuesTemperature Measuring range temperature 0...50°C [32...122°F]Accuracy temperature active ±0.5°C @ 25°C [±0.9°F @ 77°F]Long-term stability±0.03°C p.a. @ 25°C [±0.05°F p.a. @ 77°F]Time constant τ (63%) in the room Typical 960 s Wall coupling factor52 %Materials HousingPC, white, RAL 9003Safety dataAmbient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature 0...50°C [30...120°F]Storage temperature -20...60°C [-5...140°F]Protection class IEC/EN III, Protective Extra-Low Voltage (PELV)EU Conformity CE MarkingCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-9Degree of protection IEC/EN IP30Quality StandardISO 900122RT-19-1General remarks concerning sensorsBuild-up of self-heating by electricaldissipative powerDigital inputSafety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application. Unauthorisedmodifications are prohibited. The product must not be used in relation with any equipment that in case of a failure may threaten humans, animals or assets.Ensure all power is disconnected before installing. Do not connect to live/operating equipment.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.RemarksThe measuring result is influenced by the thermal characteristics of the wall. A solid concrete wall responds to thermal fluctuations within a room slower than a light-weight structure wall. Room temperature sensors installed in flush-mounted boxes have a longer response time to thermal variations. For example, in extreme cases they will detect the radiant heat of the wall even if the air temperature in the room is lower. The quicker the dynamics of the wall (temperature acceptance of the wall) or the longer the selected inquiry interval of the temperature sensor is, the smaller the deviations are.Temperature sensors with electronic components always have a dissipative power which affects the temperature measurement of the ambient air. The dissipation in active temperature sensors shows a linear increase with rising operating voltage. The dissipative power should be taken into account when measuring temperature. In case of a fixed operating voltage (±0.2 V) this is normally done by adding or reducing a constant offset value. As Belimo transducers work with a variable operating voltage, only one operating voltage can be taken into consideration, for reasons of production engineering. Transducers 0...10 V / 4...20 mA have a standard setting at an operating voltage of DC 24 V. That means, that at this voltage, the expected measuring error of the output signal will be the least. For other operating voltages, the offset error will be increased by a changing power loss of the sensor electronics.If a readjustment directly at the active sensor should be necessary during later operation, this can be done with the following adjustment methods.- For sensors with NFC or dongle by the corresponding Belimo app - For sensors with a trimming potentiometer on the sensor board - For bus sensors via bus interface with a corresponding software variableAuxiliary Digital Input can be used with third-party sensors and switches (window alarm,occupancy detector, etc.). The input values are monitored and transmitted only through the MP-Bus communication protocol.Scope of deliveryScrewsAccessoriesService toolsDescriptionTypeBelimo Assistant App, Smartphone app for easy commissioning, parametrising and maintenance Belimo Assistant AppConverter Bluetooth / NFCZIP-BT-NFC22RT-19-1NFC connectionServiceBelimo equipment marked with the NFC logo can be operated and parameterized with the Belimo Assistant App.Requirement:- NFC- or Bluetooth-capable smartphone- Belimo Assistant App (Google Play & Apple AppStore)Align NFC-capable smartphone on the sensor so that both NFC antennas are superposed.Connect Bluetooth-enabled smartphone via the Bluetooth-to-NFC Converter ZIP-BT-NFC to thesensor. Technical data and operation instructions are shown in the ZIP-BT-NFC data sheet.Wiring diagramGND = 1AC/DC 24 V = 2MP Bus = 5Output Temperature = 8Output Humidity (22RTH / 22RTM) = 9GND = 10Digital Input, e.g. presence detector = 12/13Output CO₂ (22RTM) = 14GND = 1522RT-19-1 DimensionsType Weight22RT-19-10.113 kg。
二、主要技术参数1.电源电压:110~240VAC2.温度探头::NTC,2条,2米长3.温度显示范围:-45~66℃,精度±1℃4.控温温度范围:-45~45℃,出厂值:0℃5.继电器触点容量:压缩机:30A/240VAC6.外观尺寸:142×41×68 mm(长×宽×深),安装开孔尺寸:137×32 mm(长×宽)7.工作环境温度:-10~60℃;8.参数表:1.制冷指示灯:压缩机工作,制冷灯亮;压缩机延时启动,制冷灯闪烁;压缩机停止,制冷灯熄。
显示“- - -”为关机状态。
卡萨帝空气射流式房间空调器 CAP7210UBAB(81)VU1说明书
使用说明书使用前请仔细阅读本说明书本公司保留说明书解释权产品外观请以实物为准阅后请与发票一并妥善保存如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修空气射流式房间空调器CAP5010UBAB(81)VU1(SKFR-50LW/10UBAB81KVU1)CAP7210UBAB(81)VU1(SKFR-72LW/10UBAB81KVU1)UBAB UEBCAP5010UEB(81)VU1(SKFR-50LW/10UEB81KVU1)CAP7210UEB(81)VU1(SKFR-72LW/10UEB81KVU1)对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。
12室外机安装34/35..................................................................383940技术参数41卡萨帝七星级服务................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................有害物质含量及说明33.............................................................................日常维护282727控湿)(制冷、制热、辅热、3. 1611.8.912.匀风功能10.灯光功能141620202221323232333333保修证语音功能23.....................离子除菌功能安装说明36/37 .....................................................................................电力要求空调器运行操作范围随机附件6安装注意事项67(舒适/PMV模式)3尊敬的卡萨帝用户:您好!感谢您使用卡萨帝产品,为了您能更好的阅读本说明书和使用本产品,防止人身伤害及物品损坏事故,请务必仔细阅读并遵守本说明书中有以下标志符号的内容。
至诺22 kW单阶空气冷旋螺压缩机规格说明书
1. Scope1.1. This specification is for a gear driven, oil-lubricated, single-stage air cooled rotary screw aircompressor. The compressor shall be a 22 kW Atlas Copco model GA22 or pre-approved equivalent.1.2. The compressor shall deliver 63.3 l/s at 8.5 bar in accordance with ISO 1217, Annex C. L/s is FAD litresper second at inlet conditions.1.3. The units shall be manufactured in accordance with this specification. The construction as describedin this specification is considered essential and critical to the application. The vendor shall state in hisquotation any and all exceptions to the specification.2. General2.1. The rotary screw air compressor shall be capable of producing and delivering 100% of the required airdemand as specified at standard operating conditions.2.2. The compressor shall be designed and supplied as a complete package with all necessary equipment,including but not limited to the following components: inlet filter, air compression element, drive motor, aftercooler with integral moisture separator, oil cooler, cooling fan, motor starter, microprocessorregulation and control system. All components shall be mounted on a common solid base frame andfully enclosed with a sound attenuating enclosure.2.3. The compressor package shall be rated to operate in ambient conditions from 0°C to 46°C.2.4. The units shall be manufactured by a qualified manufacturer who has been manufacturing aircompressors for at least ten (10) years.2.5. The compressor manufacturer shall be certified under ISO 9001 / 9002 quality standards and ISO14001 environmental standards.2.6. The manufacturer must participate in the Compressed Air & Gas Institute (CAGI) PerformanceVerification program.3. Compressor Enclosure3.1. The compressor shall be enclosed in a steel sound attenuating canopy with removable panels.3.2. The sound attenuating material shall be flame retardant polyurethane foam.4. Noise Levels4.1. The compressor package shall not exceed 68 dB(A) when measured in the free field conditions at onemeter in accordance with the CAGI-Pneurop Test Code.5. Compressor Element5.1. The compression profile shall be of the asymmetric profile design with four lobes on the male rotor andsix lobes on the female rotor.5.2. The male and female rotors shall have the same diameter.5.3. The element housing shall be of cast iron construction.6. Drive Motor6.1. The drive motor must be a Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) type.6.2. The full-load efficiency rating must meet or exceed NEMA premium standards.6.3. The motor shall conform with NEMA MG 1 for 60Hz applications and IEC 34-1, EN60034-1 for 50 Hzapplications.6.4. The inboard motor bearing shall be lubricated by the compressor lubricant and the rear motor bearingsshall be greased for the life of the motor.6.5. The complete motor shall be 100% maintenance-free.6.6. Approved manufacturers include:A. SiemensB. WEGC. ABB7. Drive Arrangement7.1. The drive arrangement shall be a gear-driven design.7.2. The drive system shall be fully enclosed to protect against dirt and dust intrusion.7.3. The drive gear shall be directly mounted on the end of the motor shaft eliminating the need for acoupling.7.4. The driven gear shall be helically cut to exert compensating thrust on the rotors to offset axial loadsgenerated during compression.8. Cooling System8.1. The compressor package shall be fitted with an aluminum, air-cooled, oil cooler and aftercooler.8.2. The cooling system shall include a radial fan driven by a Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) motor.9. Moisture Separator9.1. The compressor shall be equipped with a moisture separator integrated in the discharge side of theafter-cooler.10. Electronic Water Drain10.1. The compressor will have a zero loss electronic water drain plumbed to the aftercooler.10.2. These drains shall discharge no compressed air during removal of the condensate.10.3. The zero loss drains shall be monitored by the microprocessor controller.10.4. A manual condensate drain shall also be included.11. Inlet Air Filter11.1. The filter shall be a paper cartridge type and be factory installed inside the compressor enclosure.11.2. The filter shall have the following SAE fine efficiency ratings:1 micron: 98.0%2 microns: 99.5%3 microns: 99.9%11.3. The filter shall be equipped with a differential pressure indicator for monitoring by the control system.11.4. The service interval of the filter must be at least 4,000 hours.12. Oil System12.1. The oil system shall include an ASME approved air/oil separator with oil level indicator. The serviceinterval of the separator element must be at least 8,000 hours.12.2. The oil filter shall be a spin-on type with an integrated bypass valve. The oil filter element will have a12 micron beta 75 rating and the service interval must be at least 8,000 hours.12.3. The oil temperature shall be regulated by means of a thermostatic bypass valve. Oil circulation isachieved through differential pressure.12.4. The oil must be synthetic and rated for a change interval of 8,000 hours.12.5. The oil system must use o-rings to provide a positive seal. No gaskets can be used.13. Electric Cubicle13.1. The control cubicle must be designed to NEMA 3R or IP 54 standards.13.2. The cubicle must include a cooling fan and vent to force ambient air through the cubicle.13.3. A wye-delta starter must be used to start the main drive motor.14. Regulating and Control System14.1. The compressor shall have a regulating system which is of the full load / no load design, controlled byan air compressor discharge pressure sensor which senses the pressure variations at the compressor discharge and maintains it within a pre-set adjustable range.14.2. The full load / no load regulation shall be combined with a start / stop regulation to automatically stopthe compressor as required.14.3. The compressor shall be equipped with an onboard microprocessor controller which will control,monitor and protect the operation and condition of the air compressor.14.4. The controller shall allow programming of two pressure set points for loading and unloading.14.5. The control algorithm shall include a function to proactively stop the compressor during periods of lowdemand without having to wait for the stop timer to time out.14.6. The controller must be capable of automatically restarting the compressor in the event of a voltagefailure.14.7. The compressor shall be able to be controlled locally, remotely or via a local area network.14.8. The controller must be equipped with auxiliary contacts for external indication of automatic or manualload control, general warning and general shutdown conditions.14.9. The controller must be capable of providing remote monitoring by a PC through the local Ethernetsystem via an Ethernet port on the controller.14.10. The controller must be capable of providing remote monitoring via a iPhone, iPad, or Android phone ortablet.14.11. The controller shall monitor the hours of operation and output a message on the display to notify theoperator to provide preventative maintenance in accordance with the factory approved service plan. 14.12. The control system shall have the capability to monitor the following functions:•Discharge air pressure •Element outlet temperature •Ambient temperature •Compressor status •Motor overload status •Running hours •Loaded hours •Regulator hours14.13. Compressor protective functions shall include:•Emergency stop •Element outlet temperature •Drive and cooling fan motor overload •Service warnings15. Shipment and Delivery Preparation15.1. The compressor must be packaged on a wooden skid and fully enclosed with a wooden enclosure.16. General Installation Requirements16.1. Upon placement on a level surface and connection to essential utilities, the unit shall be providedavailable for immediate operation.16.2. The compressor must not require bolting to the floor.。
瑞丰电子有限公司 BNB190TS-CF 产品规格书说明书
and reliability.如产品需要用在有特殊质量要求及可靠性要求的地方,请提前咨询瑞丰的销售人员以取得相关信息。
disassemble and analyzein written form.在取得瑞丰的同意前,客户不应该对产品进行拆解分析,如发现失效产品,请直接书面通知瑞丰。
RF-BNB190TS-CFFeatures 特征Extremely wide viewing angle.发光角度大Suitable for all SMT assembly and solder process.适用于所有的SMT组装和焊接工艺 Moisture sensitivity level:Level3.防潮等级Level3Package:4000pcs/reel.包装每卷4000pcsRoHS compliant.满足RoHS要求Description描述The Colour LED which was fabricated by using a blue chip该产品为蓝光LED,是由蓝光芯片封装形成Applications应用Optical indicator.光学指示Switch and Symbol,Display.开关和标识、显示器等General use.其他应用Package Dimension 外观尺寸NOTES:1.All dimensions units are millimeters.(所有尺寸标注单位为毫米)2.All dimensions tolerances are 0.2mm unless otherwise noted.(除特别标注外,所有尺寸公差为±0.2毫米)Electrical/Optical Characteristics at Ts=25°C电性与光学特性----450 Note:备注Vr=5V For test conditions.Vr=5v为测试分选条件。
ecp5701技术规格书摘要:一、引言二、ecp5701 技术规格概述1.产品简介2.主要性能参数三、硬件规格1.处理器2.存储器3.显示器4.输入输出接口四、软件规格1.操作系统2.编程语言支持3.软件开发工具五、通信能力1.网络接口2.无线通信3.蓝牙模块六、扩展性能1.外设接口2.传感器支持3.第三方应用兼容性七、安全性1.数据加密2.用户权限管理3.安全更新机制八、环境适应性1.工作温度2.湿度3.抗摔性九、产品认证与合规性十、结论正文:【引言】本文将详细介绍ecp5701 技术规格书的相关内容。
【ecp5701 技术规格概述】ecp5701 是一款集成了多种功能的高性能产品。
编程语言支持:支持多种编程语言,如Python、Java 等。
无线通信:具备蓝牙和Wi-Fi 无线通信功能。
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橡胶密封件常温下,在正戊烷液体中浸泡 72h,取出置放大 气中 24h 后测试
第 4 页
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 在规格书规定的条件范围内使用
严禁抛掷碰撞、剧烈冲击及化学物质的腐蚀 在运输、保管时应注意防水、防潮 包装件应储存在干燥通风,周围无腐蚀性气体的仓库 安装时揭掉进出气口的封口标示 安装按水平方向,倾斜度不超过 5 度 本产品在安装调试过程中有任何不良现象,用户不得自行拆卸、改装 用户使用后,应及时将气源阀门关闭
开阀电压≤ DC 19V(5 kPa)
电磁阀保持电压 电磁阀保持电压
BTS-02 电磁阀 性能测试仪
电磁阀关阀电压 电磁阀关阀电压
BTS-02 电磁阀 性能测试仪
关阀电压为 DC 2~7V
第一级电磁阀 第一级电磁阀 线圈电阻
95±10%Ω(室温 20ºC)
第二级电磁阀 第二级电磁阀 线圈电阻
95±10%Ω(室温 20ºC)
稳压阀功能 稳压阀功能 特性测试
1、当进气压 2800Pa 时,调定额定出口压为 2200 ±100Pa 比例电磁阀智能 2、当进气压力由 2200Pa 变化到 3300Pa 时,出口 测试仪 压变化不得大于 140Pa 3、压力回差:小于 66Pa(测试点:2200-66Pa) 1、气密性一:加压 5kPa,泄漏量≤7ml/h 2、气密性二:加压 5kPa,泄漏量≤7ml/h 3、气密性三:加压 10kPa,泄漏量≤10ml/h
规 格 书
产品名称:燃气稳压气阀总成 产品名称:燃气稳压气阀总成 产品型号:WY22-01C 产品型号:WY22-01C 客户名称: 客户名称: 客户确认: 客户确认:
广州市精鼎电器科技有限公司 2009 112009-11-11
编制: 编制:
审核: 审核:
批准: 批准:
目 录
产品外形图………………………… 1. 产品外形图………………………… 1 工作条件及基本参数 件及基本参数……………… 2. 工作条件及基本参数……………… 2 出厂检验项目……………………… 3. 出厂检验项目……………………… 3 产品性能…………………………… 4. 产品性能…………………………… 4 使用注意事项……………………… 5. 使用注意事项……………………… 5 产品质量保证……………………… 6. 产品质量保证……………………… 5 产品批次管理流程表……………… 7. 产品批次管理流程表……………… 6 出厂检验报告……………………… 8. 出厂检验报告……………………… 7 变更履历表………………………… 9. 变更履历表………………………… 8
≤7ml/h(加压 5kPa) ≤7ml/h(加压 5kPa) ≤10ml/h(加压 10kPa) P1=2800Pa,调定 P2=2200±100Pa
P1=2200~3300Pa, P2=2200±140Pa
P1=2200Pa,回差小于 66Pa
生产批号 生产日期 生产月份 生产年份
阀 体 上
第 6 页
8、产品(出厂)检验报告 产品(
广 州 市 精 鼎 电 器 科 技 有 限 公 司
编号: 编号 需货单位 产品型号 试验条件 出厂数量 大气压 产品名称 温度(℃) 受检数量
燃气稳压阀总成 产品批号 湿度(%RH) 检验标准 编号检验结果 企标
产品名称 型号规格 产品数量 装 箱 检 验 装箱日期
装 XX 表示装箱人员工号 检 XX 表示包装检验合格及检验员工号
包 装 箱 内
Pass1 Pass2 Pass3
√表示检验气密性合格代码 阀 体 上
产品型号 生产日期 企业标识
主 阀 体 上
第 5 页
7、产品批次管理流程表 为了加强产品批次的管理,提高产品的可靠性,我公司按 ISO9001 质量管理要求 具备各类生产质量记录,并对出厂产品采用如下管理流程以实现产品的可追溯性。
表示内容 含义 位置 外 包 装 箱 表 面
外包装箱 名 称 型 号 数 量 批 号 生产日期
装 箱 单
电磁阀 开阀电压 开阀电压
19V DC 19V 以下
电磁阀 关阀电压 关阀电压 绝缘电阻 电气强度 端子拉拔强度
DC 2V~7V
6 7 8
>100MΩ 100M 无击穿等异常情况 端子无断裂、 拔出等 端子无断裂、 现象 >10 >10MΩ
用 DC500V 兆欧表测量带电部位与金属件之间的绝缘电阻值应不 小于 10MΩ 将 DC24±0.5V 加在电磁阀线圈上,以接通 3s,断开 2s 为一 个循环,反复进行 30 万次后,常温放置 2h 后测试 在温度-25±3℃环境中放 48h 后,返回常温 1~2h 后测试
满足 1~7 项要求
满足 1~7 项要求
满足 1~7 项要求
在温度 80±3℃环境中放 48h 后,返回常温 1~2h 后测试 产品总成由 30cm 高度跌落到混凝土表面,要求电磁阀不可 与地面直接撞击,且插片无损伤 1. 将电磁阀装在总成上,DC24V 连续加在电磁阀线圈上,线圈
6、产品质量保证 序号 1 2 3 事项 本产品的保修期为一年,在保修期内,若出现质量问题,由我司免费以新零部件更换 不合格品的处理:不合格品应作好标示,不得与合格品混淆,并纪录不合格品原因以便 追溯 产品的可追溯性:本产品采用各种批次管理流程表、标识进行管理,做好各类产品生产 质量纪录,以实现产品的可追溯性(详见第 9 项产品批次管理流程表) 以下五条内容不属保修范围 a 用户用于超出工作条件范围以外的场合 b 用户使用不当造成的故障 c 用户自行拆装、改装所造成的故障 d 使用燃气成分发生较大变化所造成的故障 e 自然灾害所造成的故障
第 3 页
1 2 3
气密性一 气密性一 气密性二 气密性三
泄漏量≤7ml/h 泄漏量≤7ml/h 泄漏量≤7ml/h 泄漏量≤7ml/h 泄漏量≤10ml/h 泄漏量≤10ml/h
技术要求、测试方法 技术要求、
从进气口输入 5KPa 空气, 第一级电磁阀关闭、 第二级电磁阀 打开,出口敞开,测量泄漏量小于 7ml/h 从进气口输入 5KPa 空气,第一级电磁阀打开、第二级电磁 阀关闭,出口敞开,测量泄漏量小于 7ml/h 从进气口输入 10KPa 空气压,第一级电磁阀、第二级电磁阀 均打开,堵死出口,测量泄漏量小于 10ml/h 第一级电磁阀开阀电压:从进气口加压 5kPa,第二级电磁阀 通电(24V)打开,由小到大调节第一级电磁阀电压,DC 19V 以 下电磁阀应可靠开阀 第二级电磁阀开阀电压:从进气口加压 5kPa,第一级电磁阀 通电(24V)打开,由小到大调节第二级电磁阀电压,DC 19V 以 下电磁阀应可靠开阀 加电压 DC24V 使电磁阀打开后,转换 DC12V 保持电压,电磁 阀处于打开状态, 由大到小调节电压, DC7~2V 范围内电磁阀 在 应可靠关阀 用 DC500V 兆欧表测试带电部与金属件之间的电阻 线圈导线与金属构件之间加电压 AC1800V,保持 1s 在端子插拔方向施加 20N 力,保持 1min 在温度 40±2℃,相对湿度 90%~95%RH 环境中放置 72h 后,
第 2 页
产品表面光洁、无变形、污渍、明显伤痕;标识粘 贴是否正确
第一级电磁阀 第一级电磁阀 开阀电压
BTS-02 电磁阀 性能测试仪
开阀电压≤ DC 19V(5 kPa)
第二级电磁阀 第二级电磁阀 开阀电压
BTS-02 电磁阀 性能测试仪
第 1 页
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 项目 适用气种 行程 电磁阀额定电压 电磁阀额定电压 电磁阀开阀电压 电磁阀保持电压 电磁阀保持电压 电磁阀关阀电压 电磁阀关阀电压 使用压力 允许限压 气密性一 9 气密性 气密性二 气密性三 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 电磁阀线圈电阻 电磁阀线圈电阻 工作环境湿度 工作环境温度 保存温度 保存温度 保存湿度 保存湿度 安装方向 阀口通径 绝缘种类 封阀力 条件、 条件、参数 人工煤气、天然气、液化石油气 4±0.5mm DC 24V ≤DC 19 <DC12V 2V~7V 5kPa 以下 0.03MPa 以下 加压 5kPa,泄漏量≤7m/h 加压 5kPa,泄漏量≤7m/h 加压 10Pa, 泄漏量≤10m/h 95±10%Ω (室温 20ºC) 35%~90%RH(无结露状态) -20ºC~+60ºC(无结冰状态) -25~+80ºC(无结冰状态) 25%~95%RH(无结露状态) 垂直方向,倾斜度不超 5 度 Φ22mm E级 1.2±10%N
满足 1~8 项要求
65℃ 65℃以下
饱和温升不超过 65℃ ℃ 2. 将电磁阀装在总成上,DC12V 连续加在电磁阀线圈上,线圈 饱和温升不超过 40℃ ℃
无脆化、软化、 无脆化、软化、硬 15 耐燃气性 化,体积和质量变 体积和质量变 和质量 10%以内 化率在 10%以内。