



任任务务63 制作学院新闻块
01 元素的浮动 02 元素的定位 03 块元素间的外边距
任任务务63 制作学院新闻块
6.2.1 元素的浮动
默认情况下,网页中的块元素会以标准流的方式竖直排列, 即块元素从上到下一一罗列,这时就需要设置元素的浮动属性, 使块元素水平排列。
6.2.2 元素的定位
① static:静态定位,默认定位方式。 ② relative:相对定位,相对于其原标准流的位置进行定位。 ③ absolute:绝对定位,相对于其上一个已经定位的父元素进行定位。 ④ fixed:固定定位,相对于浏览器窗口进行定位。
任务6 制作学院新闻块
HTML5+CSS3 微课版
网页是由若干版块构成的,新闻块是网页中大量出现的版块。本任务制作学院网 站中的学院新闻块,使用HTML标题标记、无序列表标记和图像标记等构建新闻块的 内容,使用CSS定义新闻块的样式。通过本任务的实现,掌握新闻块的实现方法,能 轻松制作网页中其他类似的版块。
6.2.1 元素的浮动
元素的浮动是指设置了浮动属性的元素会脱离标准流的控制,移动到指定位置。在 CSS 中,通过 float 属性设置左浮动或右浮动,格式如下。
6.2.1 元素的浮动



charlottesweb英文版篇章名称The chapters of Charlotte's Web, a timeless classic by E.B. White, are a tapestry of friendship, love, andsacrifice woven together with the threads of a spider's web. Each chapter title, from "Wilbur" to "The Last Day," serves as a beacon, guiding the reader through the emotional landscape of a barnyard where ordinary animals become extraordinary friends.The journey begins with "Wilbur," introducing us to a runt of a pig who, despite his humble beginnings, is destined for greatness. His fate is intertwined with the appearance of Charlotte, a wise and compassionate spider, who sees beyond Wilbur's physical form and recognizes his inherent worth. Charlotte's web becomes not only a means of communication but a symbol of their deep bond.As the story unfolds, chapters like "Escape" and "Lurvy" highlight the dangers Wilbur faces and the lengths Charlotte and her friends go to protect him. The tension builds as Wilbur's fate hangs in the balance, and thereader is drawn into the heart of the story, feeling the same sense of urgency and fear as the characters.The chapters "Summer Days" and "Wilbur's Boast" offer moments of levity and joy, reminding us of the simple pleasures of life in the barnyard. These lighter moments are balanced with heavier themes of loss and change, as seen in chapters like "Bad News" and "Winter's Coming."The climax of the story arrives in chapters like "The Miracle" and "The Cricket's Song," where Charlotte's web reaches its full potential, saving Wilbur from a certain fate. These chapters are filled with hope and wonder, leaving the reader in awe of Charlotte's ingenuity and selflessness.However, the story does not end with a happy ending. The final chapters, "The Last Day" and "Goodbye!" bring a sense of closure but also a bittersweet farewell.Charlotte's sacrifice is remembered and honored, leaving a lasting impact on all who knew her.Throughout Charlotte's Web, each chapter title serves as a stepping stone, guiding us through the emotional and thematic journey of the story. It is a testament to the power of friendship, love, and sacrifice, reminding us thateven the smallest of creatures can have a profound impacton our lives.**夏洛的网中的友谊与牺牲之旅**E.B.怀特的不朽经典《夏洛的网》中的每个篇章,都是一幅由友谊、爱与牺牲编织而成的织锦。


get() 方法或 in 运算符


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收/发设备:计算机或其它终端,数据传输的起点和终点 连接设备:将收/发设备连接到通信信道上 通信信道:承载数据的传输媒体,如电缆、光纤、无线信道等 数据传输规范:设备之间通信遵循的规则
Communications and Networks
几十 ~ 几百Gbps 低误码率,长距离传输,抗电
Communications and Networks
Computing Essentials 2014
蓝牙:10米左右 Wifi:几十米 红外:室内短距离
Communications and Networks
通常是用户的个人计算 机
Communications and Networks
Computing Essentials 2014
局域网 (LAN)
覆盖范围几公里之内,机构或个人自建 目前主流的局域网技术:以太网,无线局域网
企业用户通常从通信公司 租用专线,很昂贵
电信公司利用电话线路, 向家庭用户提供连接服务
卫星通信公司利用卫星提 供无线连接
有线电视公司利用电 视电缆,向家庭用户 提供连接服务
调制解调器 (Modem):
调制:将数字信号转 换成适合在信道上传 输的模拟信号

Principles of Computer Security CompTIA+ Chapter 8

Principles of Computer Security CompTIA+ Chapter 8

Physical Security Safeguards

Walls and guards Policies and procedures Access control and monitoring Environmental controls Fire suppression

Physically securing information assets doesn doesn’t t mean just the servers; It means protecting physical access to all the organization’s computers and its entire network infrastructure.

Gives an attacker a greater array of tools than could be loaded onto a floppy disk. Also allows for making an image of the hard drive since some form of bootable media is often used to load the imaging software. The process of taking the entire contents of a hard drive and copying them to a single file on a different media is called drive imaging.

Boot floppy disks can be used to attack machines with floppy drives. Utilities can be installed on the disk to allow for the stealing of password files and other information. information



《网页设计与开发第8章》试卷一、选择题1) CSS是利用什么HTML标记构建网页布局?()A.<dir>B.<div>C.<dis>D.<dif>答案: B2) 在CSS语言中下列哪一项是"左边框"的语法?()A.border-left-width: <值>B.border-top-width: <值>C.border-left: <值>D.border-top-width: <值>答案: C3)()样式表一般用于大型网站。

A.内嵌B.链接外部C.选入D.嵌入答案: B4) 在CSS语言中下列哪一项是"列表样式图象"的语法?()A.width: <值>B.height: <值>C.white-space: <值>D.list-style-image: <值>答案: D5) 怎样给所有的<h1>标签添加背景颜色? ()A..h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}B.h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF;}C.h1.all {background-color:#FFFFFF}D.#h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}答案: B6) 如何去掉文本超级链接的下划线?()A.a {text-decoration:no underline}B.a {underline:none}C.a {decoration:no underline}D.a {text-decoration:none}答案: D7) 下列哪个css属性能够更改文本字体?()A.f:B.font=C.font-family:D.text-decoration:none答案: C8)以下的HTML中,哪个是正确引用外部样式表的方法?A.<style src="mystyle.css">B.<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">C.<stylesheet>mystyle.css</stylesheet>D.<style import url("mystyle.css")>答案: B9)下列哪个选项的CSS语法是正确的?A.body:color=blackB. {body:color=black(body}C. body {color: black}D. {body;color:black}答案: C10)如何产生带有正方形的项目的列表?()A. list-type: squareB. list-style-type: squareC. type: squareD. type: 2答案: A11)CSS的继承并不是完全的“克隆”,有些继承是不起作用的,在下面的几个属性中,那个继承是起作用的()。






参考答案:设定img标签里的width和height将改变图片的真实大小,所以要慎重4.对HTML代码“p align=”center”同一个世界br同一个梦想/p”描述不正确的是()。


参考答案:音频和视频;超链接;图像;文本6.HTML是HyperText Markup Language(超文本标记语言)的缩写。



()参考答案:对项目二测试1.在 HTML 文档中,引用外部样式表的正确位置是()。



参考答案:style type="text/css"# firstp {color:red}/style4.关于标签,下面说法正确的是()。





中文版Fireworks 8基础与上机实训
属性面板位于绘图窗口旳底部,其中旳参数伴随绘图窗口中旳对象 不同而变化,如下图所示。当编辑矢量图形时,属性面板中会出现笔触、 填充、滤镜等参数设置选项;而当编辑位图图像时,属性面板只出现滤 镜参数设置选项。灵活利用属性面板旳各项参数设置,能够制作出许多 独特旳图形效果。要打开或关闭属性面板,选择“窗口”|“属性”命令 即可 。
2. Fireworks 8旳工作界面主要由下列几种部分构成: _____ 、 _____ 、 _____ 、
4. 要在“打开”对话框中同步选中多种文件,按住键盘上旳 _____ 键,可选择多种相连旳文 件;按住_____ 键,可选择多种不相连旳文件。
中文版Fireworks 8基础与上机实训
1.7 思索与练习
14. 在Fireworks 8中创建一种名为“我旳快捷键”旳自定义快捷键方案,并设置该方案中部分 常用旳快捷键。
15. 在Fireworks 8中新建一种800×600旳文档,并导入一幅图像,然后将画布旋转180°。
7. Fireworks 8提供了_____ 、 _____ 和 _____ 3种视图界面。
中文版Fireworks 8基础与上机实训
1.7 思索与练习
8. 在Fireworks 8中能够经过( A. 双击“手形”工具按钮 B. 双击“缩放”工具按钮
)措施迅速设置文档为100%显示。 C. 在画布中双击 D. 按住Alt键在画布中单击
9. 在Fireworks 8中,用复制命令复制一种对象后,再新建一种文档,则该文档旳默认画布大 小为( )。

Web前端开发案例教程8 制作学生信息注册表单

Web前端开发案例教程8 制作学生信息注册表单

8.2.1 认识表单
表单域(<form>标记):<form>标记是一个包含框,是包 含表单控件的容器。
表单控件(<input>标记等):用于输入用户信息的控件,如 文本框、密码框、单选按钮、复选框和按钮等。
8.2.1 认识表单
8.2.2 表单标记
8.2.3 表单控件
在表用单户中登通录常表包单含中一包 括个两或个多文个本表框单和控两件个。 命令按钮控件。
8.2.3 表单控件
表单中最为核心的是<input>标记,使用<input>标记可以定义很多 控件,譬如,文本框、单选按钮、复选框、提交按钮、重置按钮等等。
格式:<input typபைடு நூலகம்="控件类型" />
8.2.3 表单控件
8.2.3 表单控件
例8-2 使用textarea>控件在前面调查问卷的后面添加多行文本框。
使用<textarea>控件在前面调查问卷的后面 添加多行文本框,并设置了“autofocus”属性 ,表示会自动获取焦点,设置了“required” 属性,表示该项不能为空。
8.2.2 表单标记
5. novalidate属性 指定在提交表单时,取消对表单进行有效性检查。为表单设置该属性
时,可以关闭整个表单的验证。该属性的取值有true和false,当为true 时,表示取消表单验证。该属性是HTML5新增属性。


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电子商务网站向客户提供商品信息和建议,帮助客户决 定应该购买什么产品
Resnick & Varian 在1997年提出:“people provide recommendations as inputs, which the system then aggregates and directs to appropriate recipients” 通过收集和分析客户信息来学习客户的兴趣和行为,主 动向客户推荐产品、提供信息,帮助他们做出高效的购 买决策

IM-T5500E-E-Rev 0 08 2014 进程液位仪与集成传输器说明书

IM-T5500E-E-Rev 0 08 2014 进程液位仪与集成传输器说明书

Installation and MaintenanceInstruction ManualProcess gauge with integrated transmitter, model T5500EIM-T5500E-E-Rev 0 08/2014 Page 1 of 10Table of contents:1General remarks (3)1.1Purpose of this Manual (3)1.2Symbols (3)1.3Limits of liability (3)1.4Copyright (3)1.5Warranty (3)1.6Manufacturer’s address, customer services (3)2Safety (4)2.1General sources of hazards (4)2.2Use in accordance with intended purpose (4)2.3Operator’s responsibility (4)2.4Staff qualifications (target group assessment) (5)2.5Signs/Safety markings (5)2.6Safety equipment (5)2.7Environmental protection (5)3Technical data (5)4Labeling on the device (5)5Construction and function (6)5.1Overview (6)5.2Description of function (6)5.3Description of components (6)5.4Accessories (6)6Transport (7)6.1Safety (7)6.2Transport inspection (7)6.3Storage (7)7Assembly/Installation (7)7.1Safety (7)7.2Preparations (requirements for the installation location) (7)7.3Mounting/Installation (7)7.4Starting up (8)7.5Subsequent relocation of the gauge (by the customer) (9)8Servicing (9)8.1Safety (9)8.2Check on function, and recalibration (9)8.3Cleaning and maintenance (10)9Faults (10)9.1Safety (10)9.2Conduct in the event of faults (10)9.3Fault table (10)9.4Conduct following fault rectification (10)10Removal, disposal (10)10.1Safety (10)10.2Removal (10)10.3Disposal (10)11Appendix (10)11.1Data sheet for Bourdon tube pressure gauge with integrated transmitter T5500E (10)1 General remarks1.1 Purpose of this ManualThis Operating Manual contains fundamental and essential advice to be followed for the installation, operation and servicing of the device. It must be read without fail before assembly and start-up of the device by the fitter, the operator and the specialist personnel responsible for the device. This Operating Manual must be available at the point of use at all times.The following sections about general safety information (2) and also the following specific advice regarding the intended purposes (2.2) and through to disposal (10.3) contain important safety information which, if not followed, may result in risks for people and animals, or to property and buildings.1.2 SymbolsWarning!This indicates a possibly hazardous situation where failing to follow advice may result in risks to people,animals, the environment and buildings.Information!This emphasizes key information for efficient, fault-free operation.1.3 Limits of liabilityFailure to respect this safety information, the envisaged uses or the limit values relating to use indicated in the technical data for the device may result in risk or to injury to people, the environment or the plant.Claims for compensation for damage against the device supplier are excluded in such an eventuality.1.4 CopyrightThis Operating Manual may only be copied and passed on as a complete document without the special permission of the publisher.1.5 WarrantyFor the product described here, we offer a warranty pursuant to Section 6 Guarantee in Respect of Defects in our General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment.1.6 Manufacturer’s address, customer servicesAshcroft Inc.250 East Main Street Stratford, CT 06614 Ph#: (800) 328-8258Website: 2 Safety2.1 General sources of hazardsPressure gauges are pressurized instruments where failure can result in hazardous situations. The selection of pressure gauge should be made in accordance with the rules set out in EN 837-2. A failure resulting in injury or damage may be caused by excessive overpressure, excessive vibration or pressure pulsation, excessive instrument temperature, corrosion of the pressure containing parts, or other misuse. Consult the manufacturer before installing if there are any questions or concerns.2.1.1 O verpressurePressure spikes in excess of the rated overpressure capability of the transducer may cause irreversible electrical and/or mechanical damage to the pressure measuring and containing elements.Fluid hammer and surges can destroy any pressure transducer and must always be avoided. A pressure snubber should be installed to eliminate the damaging hammer effects. Fluid hammer occurs when a liquid flow is sud denly stopped, as with quick closing solenoid valves. Surges occur when flow is suddenly begun, as when a pump is turned on at full power or a valve is quickly opened.Liquid surges are particularly damaging to pressure transducers if the pipe is originally empty. To avoid damaging surges, fluid lines should remain full (if possible), pumps should be brought up to power slowly, and valves opened slowly. To avoid damage from both fluid hammer and surges, a surge chamber should be installed.Symptoms of fluid hammer and surge's damaging effects:• Pressure transducer exhibits an output at zero pressure (large zero offset).• Pressure transducer output remains constant regardless of pressure• In severe cases, there will be no output.2.1.2 FreezingProhibit freezing of media in pressure port. Unit should be drained (mount in vertical position to prevent possible overpressure damage from frozen media.2.1.3 Static electrical chargesAny electrical device may be susceptible to damage when exposed to static electrical charges. To avoid damage to the transducer observe the following:• Operator/installer should follow the proper ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection procedures before handling the pressure transducer components.• Ground the body of the device BEFORE making any electrical connections• When disconnecting, remove the ground LAST!The shield and drain wire in the cable (if supplied) is not connected to the transducer body, and is not asuitable ground.2.2 Use in accordance with intended purposeThe devices are only to be used for the intended purpose as described by the manufacturer.The devices are used for direct display of overpressures, vacuum and compound pressure and for transmission of overpressures, vacuum and compound pressure into a standard electrical output signal.For each use scenario, the corresponding set-up regulations must be respected.The usage in explosion risk areas is not allowed.2.3 Operator’s responsibilitySafety instructions for proper operation of the device must be respected. They are to be provided by the operator for use by the respective personnel for installation, servicing, inspection and operation. Risks from electrical energy and from the released energy of the medium, from escaping media and from improper connection of the device must be eliminated. The details for this are to be found in the corresponding applicable set of regulations, such as DIN EN, UVV (accident prevention regulations) and in sector-specific instances of use (DVWG, Ex-. GL, etc.) the VDE guidelines and the regulations supplied by local utilities companies.The device must be taken out of service and secured against inadvertently being restarted, if the presumption is that risk-free operation is no longer possible (see Chapter 9: Faults).Field Modification or other alterations to the instrument are not permitted and will void the warranty. This also applies to installation of spare parts. Possible conversations or alterations may only be carried out by the manufacturer.The operational safety of the device is only guaranteed where it is used for its intended purpose. The specification of the device must be adapted to the medium used in the plant. The limit values indicated in the technical data must not be exceeded.The safety information detailed in this Operating Manual, existing national regulations for accident prevention, and the operator’s internal regulations regarding working, operations and safety must be respected.The operator is responsible for all specified servicing, inspection and installation works being carried out by authorized and qualified specialists.2.4 Staff qualifications (target group assessment)The device may only be installed and started up by specialist staff familiar with installation, start-up and operation of the product.Specialist staff is defined as those individuals capable of assessing the work assigned to them on the basis of their specialist training, knowledge and experience of the relevant standards, and can identify possible risks.2.5 Signs/Safety markingsThe pressure gauge and packaging carry markings detailing the article number, measurement range and manufacturer. The pressure gauge can be provided with additional signs and safety markings advising on special conditions:⏹Advice on calibration⏹Safety marking pursuant to EN 837-1⏹Oil-can deleted (if used for oxygen service)⏹Silicone-free (for use in the automotive industry)2.6 Safety equipmentThe window of model T5500E uses multi-layer safety glass.This device has internal transient and reverse power protection.2.7 Environmental protectionThis device does not contain any environmental critical components.3 Technical dataThe detailed technical information can be found in the documents in the Appendix, Chapter 11.4 Labeling on the deviceThe label with the serial number and type designation is located on the outside of the housing. The materials identifier is encoded in the type designation.5 Construction and function5.1 Overview1 Socket and instrument connection2 Electrical termination3 Dial4 Pointer5 Cap with access to PCB6 Vent valve7 Case8 Bayonet ring5.2 Description of functionThe sensing element, a bourdon tube (C-form or helical) that is welded to the socket, will be exposed from inside with pressure. Under pressure the elastic tube is deflecting against the zero position. This deflection is proportional to the adjacent pressure. The movement transfers the deflection to the pointer.The display of the measured value is provided on a 270° scale (dial arc).The sensing element, a thin film pressure sensor that is welded to the socket, will be exposed from outside with pressure. Under pressure the elastic diaphragm is deflecting against the zero position. This deflection is measured by resistors of a Wheatstone bridge located at the back side of diaphragm. The PCB transfers the output signal of the sensing element into a standard electric output signal.5.3 Description of components5.3.1 Scale with pointerThe pressure gauge is equipped with a dial face and pointer pursuant to EN 837-1, nominal size 100 mm (4”).5.3.2 Instrument connectionThe instrument connection is located on the bottom side of the pressure gauge and is a ¼” or ½” Male NPT threaded pressure connection.5.3.3 Vent valveThe vent valve for the housing is located on the top side. If the nipple is pulled out, the housing is ventilated and the pressure which has built up in the housing due to the influence of temperature is discharged. With the valve closed, protection class IP 65 is achieved.5.3.4 Thin film sensing elementThe pressure transmitter incorporates polysilicon thin film technology. Modern low-pressure chemical vapor deposition methods provide simple, stable molecular bonds between the metal diaphragm and a polysilicon strain gage bridge. There are no epoxies or bonding agents to contribute to signal instability or drift. The integral metal diaphragm and polysilicon bridge are virtually unaffected by shock, vibration or mounting.5.3.5 Printed circuit boardThe PCB provides the signal conditioning and is equipped with pots for zero and span adjustment.5.3.6 Electrical terminationThe electrical termination is provided with standardized termination plug.5.4 AccessoriesPlease contact the manufacturer regarding special tools and accessories.6 Transport6.1 SafetyThe pressure gauge should be protected against the effects of knocks and impacts. The device should only be transported in the packaging provided to prevent damage. The device should only be transported in a clean condition (free of residues of measuring media).6.2 Transport inspectionDelivery should be checked for completeness and potential damage due to transport. In the event damage, delivery must not be accepted, or only accepted subject to reservation of the scope of the damage being recorded.6.3 StorageThe pressure gauge must be stored in dry, clean conditions, within a temperature range of -40/185 °F (-40/+85 °C), protected against direct exposure to sunlight and protected against impact damage.7 Assembly/Installation7.1 SafetyTo ensure safe working during installation and servicing, suitable shut-off valves must be installed in the plant (see 5.4 Accessories) prior to enabling the device:⏹Relieve pressure to remove from operation;⏹Disconnect power for repair or inspection within the relevant plant;⏹Or to enable function tests of the device to be performed “on site”.During preparation to mount/install the gauge, the plant must be protected against being switched back on.7.2 Preparations (requirements for the installation location)⏹ A check on suitability of the device for the medium to be measured, the scope of the measurement range and ofthe protection against special conditions such as vibrations, pulsations and pressure spikes.⏹ A bracket must be installed to support the pressure gauge if the metering pipe is not able to provide adequatesupport.⏹The installation location should be selected where no personnel operate behind the rear of the pressure gauge.7.3 Mounting/Installation7.3.1 Process connectionAs standard, the device is equipped to be pipe mounted with a pressure connection shank pursuant to DIN EN 837-1. The device is calibrated ex-works for vertical installation.⏹Connection to be undertaken by authorized and qualified specialist staff only.⏹Use only with the mechanical process connection provided – regarding the configuration, see order code on thedevice type label, with a matching threaded seal.⏹When connecting the device, the pipes must be depressurized.⏹The pressure metering pipe must be laid inclined in such a way that, for example, for measurements of fluids noair pockets can form, and for measurements of gases no water pockets. If the necessary incline is not achieved, then at suitable points water separators or air separators must be installed.⏹The pressure metering pipe must be kept as short as possible and laid without sharp bends, to avoid theoccurrence of irritating delays.⏹With liquid measurement media, the pressurized connection pipe must be degassed, since any gas bubbleinclusions result in measurement error.⏹If water is used as the measurement medium, the device must be frost-protected.Safety notice: Only mount using the correct open-jawed wrench, and do not twist the device itself.G ¼ B, G ½ B1. Pressure connection2. Gasket DIN 16258Other parallel threads 1. Pressure connection 2. Gasket (USIT)7.3.2 Electrical connection⏹ Connection to be undertaken by authorized and qualified specialist staff only.⏹ The electrical connection of the device is to be undertaken in accordance with the relevant regulations of the VDEand the regulations supplied by the local utilities company.⏹ Disconnect the plant from the mains supply before wiring electrical connections.⏹ Power supply to be provided is 12-30 VDC⏹ Maximum loop resistance fo r 4 ... 20 mA: ≤ (UB – 9,5 V) / 0,02 A⏹ For minimum noise susceptibility, avoid running the transducer’s cable in a conduit that contains high current ACpower cables. Where possible avoid running the cable near inductive equipment.⏹ Units with shielded cable electrical termination, connect the drain wire to the guard terminal on the read out deviceor measuring instrument, if available. In all other cases connect to the ground or to the power supply negative terminal.Wiring Diagrams:7.4 Starting upThe precondition for start-up is proper installation of all electrical feed lines and metering pipes. All connecting lines must be laid such that no mechanical forces can act on the device.Before start-up, the seal on the pressurized connection line must be checked.7.4.1 Zero point adjustment for pressure gaugeThe pressure gauges are supplied calibrated ex -works, so that as a rule there is no need for calibration works at the installation point.For devices with Micrometer pointer (see. order code), zero point adjustment on site is possible. For this, proceed asfollows:⏹ Depressurize the pressure metering pipe.⏹ Open the bayonet ring and remove ring and window.⏹ Hold the pointer in place while turning the screw, until thepointer (after releasing again) has the correct position.⏹ Close the case again and pay attention to correct fit ofwindow, gasket and bayonet ring.7.4.2 Zero point adjustment for transmitterWhile Zero adjustment is not normally necessary, it may be desirable to trim out any offset in the system. However, proper Span calibration requires a pressure standard three to five times more accurate than the accuracy of the transducer, and there may also be interaction of Span on Zero. For detailed instruction see chapter 8.2.1. Zero and span adjustment for transmitter7.5 Subsequent relocation of the gauge (by the customer)Recommendation: Do not remove the pressure gauge from one metering point and fit it in a different place, as there is a risk of the measuring media being mixed, with unforeseeable chemical reactions.8 ServicingThe device is maintenance-free. However, to ensure reliable operation and a long life, we recommend that it is checked periodically.8.1 SafetyWhen undertaking service work on the device, the pressure lines must be depressurized and the plant secured against being switched on again.8.2 Check on function, and recalibrationInspection of function and recalibration should be out at regular intervals. The precise testing cycles should be adjusted in line with the operating conditions and ambient conditions. In the event of various device components interacting, the operating instructions for all other devices should also be taken into account.⏹ Check display.⏹ Check function, in conjunction with downstream components.⏹ Check pressurized connection pipes for seal condition.8.2.1 Zero and span adjustment for transmitterWhile Zero adjustment is not normally necessary, it may be desirable to trim out any offset inthe system. However, proper Span calibration requires a pressure standard three to five timesmore accurate than the accuracy of the transducer, and there may also be interaction of Spanon Zero.Access to “Z” and “S” pots via the electrical termination or screw cap at the back of the unit isstandard. Access is gained by removing the black threaded cap, once removed you will see thepots indicated by “Z” and “S” respectively as shown below. Using a small trim pot tool, you canadjust zero ±10% of full scale and span ±10% of full scale.Recalibration Instructions:1. Apply 0% full scale pressure.2. Adjust the output using the zero adjust trim pot.3. Apply 100% full scale pressure.4. Adjust the output using the span adjustment trim pot.5.Repeat steps 1 through 4 as necessary.8.3 Cleaning and maintenanceUse a non-aggressive cleaning agent when cleaning; ventilation valve should be closed and in accordance with the protection category of the device.9 Faults9.1 SafetyDefective or faulty pressure gauges put the operational safety and process safety of the plant at risk, and can lead to a risk or injury to persons, the environment or the plant.9.2 Conduct in the event of faultsAll defective of faulty devices must be taken out of service. If a repair is required, the device must be sent directly to our Repairs Department. We request that all returns of devices are agreed with our Service Department.9.3 Fault tablePossible situations indicating a fault:⏹ Jerky or random movement of the pointer⏹ Pointer does not set to zero for pressure less display⏹ Indications that the measurement system seal isimperfect (discoloration of dial display) ⏹ Bent or loose pointer ⏹ Cracked window ⏹ Damage to housing or electrical termination ⏹ No or wrong output signal, Zero offsetReplacement of the pressure gauge is required in the event any of the above exist.9.4 Conduct following fault rectificationSee Chapter 7.3 Mounting/Installation10 Removal, disposal10.1 SafetyResidue from process media either within or on uninstalled gauges can constitute a risk to people, the environment and equipment. Adequate precautionary measures must be adopted. If necessary, the devices must be cleaned thoroughly (see advice in safety data sheets).10.2 Removal⏹ When undertaking servicing of the device, the pressure lines must be depressurized, the electrical connectionsisolated from the main supply, and the plant secured against being switched on again.⏹ Take care to uninstall the gauge using a suitable tool.10.3 DisposalPlease help protect the environment by disposing or recycling the in accordance with the applicable regulations.11 Appendix11.1 Data sheet for Bourdon tube pressure gauge with integrated transmitter T5500E Detailed data sheet is available from supplier’s website (see 1.6 Manufacturer’s address, customer services) This table refers to specific documents:Model DescriptionDocumentT5500E Stainless steel pressure gauge with integrated transmitter model T5500EG1.T5500E。



Network Video RecorderQuick Start GuideTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter1 Panels Description (8)1.1 Front Panel (8)1.2 Rear Panel (9)NVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D Series (9)NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P Series (10)Chapter 2 Installation and Connections (11)2.1 NVR Installation (11)2.2 Hard Disk Installation (11)2.3 HDD Storage Calculation Chart (13)Chapter 3 Menu Operation (14)3.1 Startup and Shutdown (14)3.2 Activate Your Device (14)3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for Login (15)3.4 User Login (16)3.5 Network Settings (16)3.6 Add IP Cameras (17)3.7 Live View (18)3.8 Recording Settings (18)3.9 Playback (19)Chapter 4 Accessing by Web Browser (21)Quick Start GuideCOPYRIGHT ©2019 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Any and all information, including, among others, wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be “Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.About this ManualThis Manual is applicable to Network Video Recorder (NVR).The Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website (/en/).Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.Trademarks Acknowledgementand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned below are the properties of their respective owners.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logoare trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.Legal DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS, AND HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.REGARDING TO THE PRODUCT WITH INTERNET ACCESS, THE USE OF PRODUCT SHALL BE WHOLLY AT YOUR OWN RISKS. HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.SURVEILLANCE LAWS VARY BY JURISDICTION. PLEASE CHECK ALL RELEVANT LAWS IN YOUR JURISDICTION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT YOUR USE CONFORMSTHE APPLICABLE LAW. HIKVISION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN THE EVENT THAT THIS PRODUCT IS USED WITH ILLEGITIMATE PURPOSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Applicable ModelsThis manual is applicable to the models listed in the following table.Series ModelNVR-100H-D NVR-104H-D NVR-108H-DNVR-100H-D/P NVR-104H-D/4P NVR-108H-D/8PNVR-100MH-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-DNVR-100MH-D/P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8PSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Symbol DescriptionProvides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss, performancedegradation, or unexpected results.Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.Safety Instructions●Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of theinstaller and/or end-user.●In the use of the product, you must be in strict compliance with the electrical safetyregulations of the nation and region. Please refer to technical specifications for detailedinformation.●Input voltage should meet both the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the Limited PowerSource with 100~240 VAC, 48 VDC or 12 VDC according to the IEC60950-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.●Do not connect several devices to one power adapter as adapter overload may causeover-heating or a fire hazard.●Please make sure that the plug is firmly connected to the power socket.●If smoke, odor or noise rise from the device, turn off the power at once and unplug the powercable, and then please contact the service center.●If the POE ports of device do not comply with Limited Power Source, the additional equipmentconnected to POE ports shall have fire enclosure.●The USB interface of the /P devices can be connected with the mouse and U-flash disk storagedevice only.Preventive and Cautionary TipsBefore connecting and operating your device, please be advised of the following tips:●Ensure unit is installed in a well-ventilated, dust-free environment.●Unit is designed for indoor use only.●Keep all liquids away from the device.●Ensure environmental conditions meet factory specifications.●Ensure unit is properly secured to a rack or shelf. Major shocks or jolts to the unit as a result ofdropping it may cause damage to the sensitive electronics within the unit.●Use the device in conjunction with an UPS if possible.●Power down the unit before connecting and disconnecting accessories and peripherals.● A factory recommended HDD should be used for this device.●Improper use or replacement of the battery may result in hazard of explosion. Replace withthe same or equivalent type only. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructionsprovided by the battery manufacturer.Power Supply InstructionsUse only power supplies listed in the user instructions.NVR Models Standard Power Supply Models ManufacturerNVR-104H-D NVR-108H-D NVR-104MH-D NVR-108MH-D EuropeanMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-DE MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPG Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdKL-AD3060VA Xiamen Keli Electronics Co., LtdKPD-018-VI Channel Well Technology Co., Ltd BritishADS-25FSG-12 12018GPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdMSA-C1500IC12.0-18P-GB MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdADS-26FSG-12 12018EPB Shenzhen HONOR Electronic Co., LtdNVR-104H-D/4PNVR-108H-D/8P NVR-104MH-D/4P NVR-108MH-D/8P UniversalMSP-Z1360IC48.0-65W MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1040IS48.0-65W-Q MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., LtdMSA-Z1360IS48.0-65W-QMOSO Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd●The power supplies list above is for EU countries only.●The power supplies list is subject to change without prior notice.Chapter1 Panels Description 1.1 Front PanelFigure 1-1NVR-100H-D (/P) SeriesFigure 1-2NVR-100MH-D (/P) SeriesTable 1-1Description of Front Panel No. Icon Description1 Indicator turns red when NVR is powered up.2 Indicator lights in red when data is being read from or written to HDD.3 Indicator blinks blue when network connection is functioning properly.1.2 Rear PanelNVR-100H-D and NVR-100MH-D SeriesFigure 1-3NVR-100H-D Rear PanelFigure 1-4NVR-100MH-D Rear PanelNo. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).NVR-100H-D/P and NVR-100MH-D/P SeriesFigure 1-5NVR-100H-D/P Rear PanelFigure 1-6NVR-100MH-D/P Rear PanelTable 1-3Description of Rear Panel No. Item Description1 Power Supply 12 VDC power supply.2 VGA Interface DB9 connector for VGA output. Display local videooutput and menu.3 HDMI Interface HDMI video output connector.4 USB Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports for additional devicessuch as USB mouse and USB Hard Disk Drive (HDD).5 LAN Network Interface 10/100 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet interface.6 Ground Ground (needs to be connected when NVR starts up).7 Network Interfaces withPoE functionNetwork interfaces for the cameras and to providepower over Ethernet.4 interfaces for /4P models and 8 interfaces for /8Pmodels.Chapter 2 Installation and Connections2.1 NVR InstallationDuring installation of the NVR:●Use brackets for rack mounting.●Ensure ample room for audio and video cables.●When routing cables, ensure that the bend radius of the cables are no less than five times thanits diameter.●Connect the alarm cable.●Allow at least 2cm (≈0.75-inch) of space between racks mounted devices.●Ensure the NVR is grounded.●Environmental temperature should be within the range of -10 to +55º C, +14 to +131º F.●Environmental humidity should be within the range of 10% to 90%.2.2 Hard Disk InstallationBefore you start:Disconnect the power from the NVR before installing a hard disk drive (HDD). A factory recommended HDD should be used for this installation.Tools Required: Screwdriver.Step 1Remove the cover from the device by unfastening the screws on the bottom.Figure 2-1Remove the CoverStep 2Place the HDD on the bottom of the device and then fasten the screws on the bottom to fix the HDD.Figure 2-2Fix the HDDStep 3Connect one end of the data cable to the motherboard of NVR and the other end to the HDD.Step 4Connect the power cable to the HDD.Figure 2-3Connect CablesStep 5Re-install the cover of the NVR and fasten screws.2.3 HDD Storage Calculation ChartThe following chart shows an estimation of storage space used based on recording at one channel for an hour at a fixed bit rate.Bit Rate Storage Used96K42M128K56M160K70M192K84M224K98M256K112M320K140M384K168M448K196M512K225M640K281M768K337M896K393M1024K450M1280K562M1536K675M1792K787M2048K900M4096K 1.8G8192K 3.6G16384K 7.2GPlease note that supplied values for storage space used is just for reference. The storage values in the chart are estimated by formulas and may have some deviation from actual value.Chapter 3 Menu Operation3.1 Startup and ShutdownProper startup and shutdown procedures are crucial to expanding the life of the NVR.To start your NVR:Step 1Check the power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet. It is HIGHLY recommended that an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) be used in conjunction with the device. The Powerbutton) on the front panel should be red, indicating the device is receiving the power.Step 2Press the power switch on the panel. The Power LED should turn blue. The unit will begin to start.After the device starts up, the wizard will guide you through the initial settings, including modifying password, date and time settings, network settings, HDD initializing, and recording.To shut down the NVR:Step 1Go to Menu > Shutdown.Figure 3-1ShutdownStep 2Select Shutdown.Step 3Click Yes.3.2 Activate Your DevicePurpose:For the first-time access, you need to activate the device by setting an admin password. No operation is allowed before activation. You can also activate the device via Web Browser, SADP or client software.Step 1Input the same password in Create New Password and Confirm New Password.Step 2(Optional) Use customized password to activate and add network camera(s) connected to the device.1)Uncheck Use Channel Default Password.2)Enter a password in IP Camera Activation.Figure 3-2Set Admin PasswordSTRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (Using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three of the following categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.Step 3Click OK.3.3 Set the Unlock Pattern for LoginAdmin can use the unlock pattern for device login.For devices with PoE function, you can draw the device unlock pattern after activation. For other devices, the unlock pattern interface will show after the first-time login.Step 1Use the mouse to draw a pattern among the 9 dots on the screen. Release the mouse when the pattern is done.Figure 3-3Draw the Pattern●Connect at least 4 dots to draw the pattern.●Each dot can be connected for once only.Step 2Draw the same pattern again to confirm it. When the two patterns match, the pattern is configured successfully.3.4 User LoginPurpose:If NVR has logged out, you must login the device before operating the menu and other functions. Step 1Select the User Name in the dropdown list.Figure 3-4LoginStep 2Input Password.Step 3Click OK.In the Login dialog box, if you enter the wrong password 7 times, the current user account will be locked for 60 seconds.3.5 Network SettingsPurpose:Network settings must be properly configured before you operate NVR over network.Step 1Enter the general network settings interface.Menu > Configuration > Network > GeneralFigure 3-5Network SettingsStep 2Configure the following settings: NIC Type, IPv4 Address, IPv4 Gateway, MTU and DNS Server.Step 3If the DHCP server is available, you can check the checkbox of DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address and other network settings from that server.Step 4Click Apply.3.6 Add IP CamerasPurpose:Before you can get live video or record the video files, you should add the network cameras to the connection list of the device.Before you start:Ensure the network connection is valid and correct, and the IP camera to add has already been activated. Please refer to the User Manual for activating the inactive IP camera.You can select one of the following three options to add the IP camera.OPTION 1:Step 1Click to select an idle window in the live view mode.Step 2Click in the center of the window to pop up the Add IP Camera interface.Figure 3-6Add IP CameraStep 3Select the detected IP camera and click Add to add it directly, and you can click Search to refresh the online IP camera manually.Or you can choose to custom add the IP camera by editing the parameters in thecorresponding text field and then click Add to add it.3.7 Live ViewIcons are provided on screen in Live View mode to indicate camera status. These icons include: Live View IconsIn the live view mode, there are icons at the upper-right corner of the screen for each channel, showing the status of the record and alarm in the channel for quick reference.Alarm (video loss, tampering, motion detection, VCA or sensor alarm)Record (manual record, continuous record, motion detection, VCA or alarm triggered record)Alarm and RecordEvent/Exception (event and exception information, appears at the lower-left corner of the screen.)3.8 Recording SettingsBefore you start:Make sure that the disk has already been installed. If not, please install a disk and initialize it. You may refer to the user manual for detailed information.Purpose:Two kinds of record types are introduced in the following section, including Instant Record andAll-day Record. And for other record types, you may refer to the user manual for detailed information.After rebooting all the manual records enabled are canceled.Step 1On the live view window, right lick the window and move the cursor to the Start Recording option, and select Continuous Record or Motion Detection Record on your demand.Figure 3-7Start Recording from Right-click MenuStep 2Click Yes in the pop-up Attention message box to confirm the settings. All the channels will start to record in the selected mode.3.9 PlaybackThe recorded video files on the hard disk can be played back in the following modes: instant playback, all-day playback for the specified channel, and playback bynormal/event/smart/tag/sub-periods/external file search.Step 1Enter playback interface.Click Menu > Playback or from the right-click menuStep 2Check the checkbox of channel(s) in the channel list and then double-click to select a date on the calendar.Step 3You can use the toolbar in the bottom part of Playback interface to control playing progress.Figure 3-8 Playback InterfaceStep 4 Select the channel(s) to or execute simultaneous playback of multiple channels.Chapter 4 Accessing by Web BrowserYou shall acknowledge that the use of the product with Internet access might be under network security risks. For avoidance of any network attacks and information leakage, please strengthen your own protection. If the product does not work properly, please contact with your dealer or the nearest service center.Purpose:You can get access to the device via web browser. You may use one of the following listed web browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Internet Explorer 7.0, Internet Explorer 8.0, Internet Explorer 9.0, Internet Explorer 10.0, Internet Explorer 11.0, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. The supported resolutions include 1024*768 and above.Step 1Open web browser, input the IP address of the device and then press Enter.Step 2Login to the device.If the device has not been activated, you need to activate the device first before login.Figure 4-1Set Admin Password1)Set the password for the admin user account.2)Click OK.STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.If the device is already activated, enter the user name and password in the login interface, and click Login.Figure 4-2LoginStep 3Install the plug-in before viewing the live video and managing the camera. Please follow the installation prompts to install the plug-in.You may have to close the web browser to finish the installation of the plug-in.After login, you can perform the operation and configuration of the device, including the live view, playback, log search, configuration, etc.03041041090702。












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ADL USB-IIRO-16 产品说明书

ADL USB-IIRO-16 产品说明书

Embedded Solutions ISOLATED DIGITALINPUT / RELAY OUTPUTBOARDMODEL USB-IIRO-16USB-IIRO-8USB-RO-16USB-II-16USER MANUALFile: USB-IIRO-16.B1gADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: NoticeThe information in this document is provided for reference only. ADL Embedded Solutions Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the information or products described herein. This document may contain or reference information and products protected by copyrights or patents and does not convey any license under the patent rights of ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., nor the rights of others.IBM PC, PC/XT, and PC/AT are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation.Printed in USA. Copyright 2001, 2006 by ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd. Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117. All rights reserved.WARNING!!ALWAYS CONNECT AND DISCONNECT YOUR FIELD CABLING WITH THE COMPUTER POWER OFF. ALWAYS TURN COMPUTER POWER OFF BEFORE INSTALLING A BOARD. CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTING CABLES, OR INSTALLING BOARDS INTO A SYSTEM WITH THE COMPUTER OR FIELD POWER ON MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE I/O BOARD AND WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction (4)Figure 1-1: Block Diagram (6)Figure 1-2: Example of one Input Circuit (6)Chapter 2: Installation (7)Chapter 3: Option Selection (8)Figure 3-1: Option Selection Map (9)Chapter 4: USB Address Information (11)Chapter 5: Programming (12)Chapter 6: Connector Pin Assignments (13)Chapter 7: Specifications (15)Chapter 1: IntroductionThis board is an ideal solution for adding portable, easy-to-install digital I/O to any computer with a USB port. As a USB 2.0 high speed device it offers the fastest speed available with the USB bus, while being compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports. The board is plug-and-play allowing for quick connect/disconnect whenever you need additional I/O on your computer.Model Options16 isolated digital inputs and 16 relay outputs, enclosure, module and screw terminal board16 isolated digital inputs only version16 relay outputs only version8 isolated digital inputs and 8 relay outputs versionAccessories:Internal plug in screw termination board (Green screw terminals = AWG 26-16)(Gray screw terminals = AWG 28-20)External power supply AC/DC adapterOptions:-OEM Board Only version (no enclosure or screw terminal board)-E Economy model (no screw terminal board)-DIN DIN rail mounting provisionFunctional DescriptionFEATURES:•High-Speed USB 2.0 device, USB 1.1 compatible•16 optically isolated inputs•16 Form C electromechanical 1A relays•Internal, removable screw terminal board for easy wiring•Small (4" x 4"x 1.25") rugged industrial enclosure•Custom high-speed function driver•PC/104 module size and mounting compatibilityINPUTSThe board provides sixteen optically-isolated inputs. These inputs can accept either AC or DC signals and are not polarity sensitive. Input signals are rectified by photocoupler diodes while unused power gets dissipated through a 1.8k-ohm resistor in series. The inputs may be driven by either DC sources of 3 to 31 volts (rms) or AC sources at frequencies of 40 Hz to 10 KHz. Standard 12/24 AC control transformer outputs can be accepted as well. External resistors connected in series may be used to extend the input voltage range, however this will raise the input threshold range. Consult with factory for available modified input ranges.Each input circuit contains a switchable filter that has a 4.7 millisecond time constant. (Without filtering, the response is less then 40 microseconds) The filter must be selected for AC inputs in order to eliminate the on/off response to AC. The filter is also valuable for use with slow DC input signals in a noisy environment. The filter may be switched out for DC inputs in order to obtain faster response. Filters are individually selected by jumpers. The filters are switched into the circuit when the jumpers are installed in position FLT0 to FLT15.OUTPUTSThe board’s outputs are comprised of sixteen FORM C SPDT electro mechanical relays. These relays are all de-energized at power-on.SCREW TERMINAL ACCESSORY BOARDA Screw Terminal Accessory board is included with the unit, except for the Economy (E) and OEM versions. The board provides access to all 80 I/O signals via removable screw terminals. Each removable screw terminal carries 8 I/O signals, signal names are clearly marked on the accessory board's silk screen. The screw terminal board plugs directly onto the I/O board while fitting inside the rugged industrial enclosure.USB CONNECTORThe USB connector is a Type B connector and mates with the cable provided. The USB port provides communication signals along with +5 VDC power. The board can be powered from the USB port or, if needed for higher current applications, an external power supply can be used.LEDThe LED on the front of the enclosure is used to indicate power and data transmissions. When the LED is in an illuminated steady green state, this signifies that the board is successfully connected to the computer and has been detected and configured by the operating system. When the LED flashes continuously, this signifies that there is data being transmitted over the USB bus.Figure 1-1: Block DiagramVcc.1uF4.7K1.8KFILTER JUMPER47KAC or DC INPUTFigure 1-2: Example of one Input CircuitChapter 2: InstallationSoftware CD InstallationThese paragraphs are intended to detail the software installation steps as well as describe what is being installed.The software provided with this board is contained on one CD and must be installed onto your hard disk prior to use.To do this, perform the following steps as appropriate for your operating system. Substitute the appropriate drive letter for your drive where you see d: in the examples below.WIN98/Me/2000/XP/2003a. Place the CD into your CD-ROM drive.b. The CD should automatically run the install program. If the install program does not run,click START | RUN and type G LQVWDOO, click OK or press ..c. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software for this board.Hardware InstallationThe board can be installed in any USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 port. Please refer to the USB I/O Quick Start Guide which can be found on the CD, for specific, quick steps to complete the hardware and software installation.Chapter 3: Option SelectionRefer to the setup programs on the CD provided with the board. Also, refer to the Block Diagram and the Option Selection Map when reading this section of the manual.Input PowerThis is an option for applications that use more current than what your computer can provide on the USB port (typically 500 mA). The DC jack has a 2.00mm post on board and is designed to be used with the 9 VDC AC/DC external power supply that ships with this option. The voltage regulator on board regulates the 9 VDC and provides 5 VDC to the onboard circuitry. When using external power, switch the jumper located near the USB connector to VEXT, otherwise when the jumper is in the VUSB position current is drawn from the USB port.Filter Response SwitchJumpers are used to select input filtering on a channel-by-channel basis. When jumper FLT0 is installed, additional filtering is introduced for input bit 0, FLT1 for bit 1, etc.JUMPER SELECTION Bit Filtered JUMPER SELECTION Bit FilteredFLT-0 FLT-1 FLT-2 FLT-3 FLT-4 FLT-5 FLT-6 FLT-7 IN00IN01IN02IN03IN04IN05IN06IN07FLT-8FLT-9FLT-10FLT-11FLT-12FLT-13FLT-14FLT-15IN08IN09IN10IN11IN12IN13IN14IN15This additional filtering provides a slower response for DC signals as described previously and must be used when AC inputs are applied..Figure 3-1: Option Selection MapChapter 4: USB Address InformationUse the provided driver to access the USB board. This driver will allow you to determine how many supported USB devices are currently installed, and each device’s type. This information is returned as a Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID) and Device Index.The board’s VID is “0x1605", and its PID is “0x8010".The Device Index is determined by how many of the device you have in your system, and provides a unique identifier allowing you to access a specific board at will.Chapter 5: ProgrammingThe driver software provided with the board uses a 32-bit .dll front end compatible with any Windows programming language. Samples provided in Borland C++Builder, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Microsoft Visual C++ demonstrate the use of the driver.The following functions are provided by the driver in Windows.These functions will allow you to read or write individual bits, bytes, or the entire board worth of data. In addition, counter-timer functionality and board-level functions complete the driver package.For detailed information on each function refer to the .html Driver Manual located in the Win32 directory for this board.unsigned long GetDevices(void )unsigned long QueryDeviceInfo(DeviceIndex, pPID, pName, pDIOBytes, pCounters)unsigned long DIO_Configure(DeviceIndex, bTristate, pOutMask, pData)unsigned long DIO_Write1(DeviceIndex, BitIndex, bData)unsigned long DIO_Write8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex, Data)unsigned long DIO_WriteAll(DeviceIndex,pData)unsigned long DIO_Read8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex,pBuffer)unsigned long DIO_ReadAll(DeviceIndex,Buffer)unsigned long CTR_8254Mode(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode)unsigned long CTR_8254ModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex,Mode, LoadValue) unsigned long CTR_8254ReadModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode, LoadValue, pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_8254Read(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_StartOutputFreq(DeviceIndex, CounterIndex, pHz)Chapter 6: Connector Pin AssignmentsRelay outputs are connected to the board via a 50-pin HEADER type connector named P3. The mating connector is an IDC type with 0.1 inch centers or equivalent. The wiring may be directly from the signal sources or may be on ribbon cable from screw terminal accessory boards such as the STA-50. Pin assignments follow.Isolated Inputs are connected to the board via a 34-pin HEADER type connector named P2. The mating connector is an IDC type with 0.1 inch centers or equivalent.PIN NAME FUNCTION1 IN00 A Isolated Input 00 A2 IN00 B Isolated Input 00 B3 IN01 A Isolated Input 01 A4 IN01 B Isolated Input 01 B5 IN02 A Isolated Input 02 A6 IN02 B Isolated Input 02 B7 IN03 A Isolated Input 03 A8 IN03 B Isolated Input 03 B9 IN04 A Isolated Input 04 A10 IN04 B Isolated Input 04 B11 IN05 A Isolated Input 05 A12 IN05 B Isolated Input 05 B13 IN06 A Isolated Input 06 A14 IN06 B Isolated Input 06 B15 IN07 A Isolated Input 07 A16 IN07 B Isolated Input 07 B171819 IN08 A Isolated Input 08 A20 IN08 B Isolated Input 08 B21 IN09 A Isolated Input 09 A22 IN09 B Isolated Input 09 B23 IN10 A Isolated Input 10 A24 IN10 B Isolated Input 10 B25 IN11 A Isolated Input 11 A26 IN11 B Isolated Input 11 B27 IN12 A Isolated Input 12 A28 IN12 B Isolated Input 12 B29 IN13 A Isolated Input 13 A30 IN13 B Isolated Input 13 B31 IN14 A Isolated Input 14 A32 IN14 B Isolated Input 14 B33 IN15 A Isolated Input 15 A34 IN15 B Isolated Input 15 BChapter 7: SpecificationsISOLATED INPUTSNumber of inputs: SixteenType: Non-polarized, optically isolated from each other and from the computer(CMOS compatible)Voltage Range: 3 to 31 DC or AC Rms (40 to 10000 Hz)Isolation: 500V*(see note) channel-to-ground or channel-to channelInput Resistance: 1.8K ohms in series with opto couplerFilter Response Times: Rise Time = 4.7 mS / Fall Time = 4.7 mSNon-Filter Response Times: Rise Time = 10 uS / Fall Time = 30 uSRELAY OUTPUTSNumber of outputs: Sixteen SPDT form CContact Type: Single crossbar; Ag with Au cladRated Load AC: 0.5 A at 125 VAC (62.5 VA max.)Rated Load DC: 1A at 24 VDC (30 W max.)Max. Switching Voltage: 125 VAC, 60 VDCMax. Switching Current: 1 AContact Resistance: 100 mΩ max.Contact Life: mech'l: 5 million operations min.Operating Time: 5 milliseconds max.Release Time: 5 milliseconds max.POWER REQUIRED5V@ 30mA typical (all relays off, add 30mA per relay)5V@ 510mA typical (all relays ON)+5VDC provided via USB cable up to 500mA****optional external power supply can be ordered if relay use of the board is expected to be greater than what can be supplied by the USB cable.ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temp: 0 - 70 o C (Non-icing)Weight: 14.5 oz*Notes on Isolation: Opto-Isolators and connectors are rated for at least 500V, but isolation voltage breakdowns will vary and is affected by factors like cabling, spacing of pins, spacing between traces on the PCB, humidity, dust and other environmental factors. This is a safety issue so a careful approach is required. For CE certification, isolation was specified at 40V AC and 60V DC. The design intention was to eliminate the influence of common mode. Use proper wiring techniques to minimize voltage between channels and to ground. For example, when working with AC voltages do not connect the hot side of the line to an input. Tolerance of higher isolation voltage can be obtained on request by applying a conformal coating to the board.Customer CommentsIf you experience any problems with this manual or just want to give us some feedback, please email us at: *****************.Please detail any errors you find and include your mailing address so that we can send you any manual updates.Embedded SolutionsADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: 。

ch08-Java Web程序设计(第3版)-微课视频版-郭克华-清华大学出版社

ch08-Java Web程序设计(第3版)-微课视频版-郭克华-清华大学出版社
application 原理图
application 对象
问题:购物车能用 application 实现吗?
很明显,购物车是不能用 application 实现的。因 为不同客户在服务器端访问的是同一个对象,如果 使用 application 实现购物车,客户 1 向购物车中 放了一种物品,客户 2 也可以看到,那样是不允 许的
application 对象
application 对象的 API 主要有以下几个:
✓ 将内容放入 application
void application.setAttribute(String name,Object obj);
利用 session 保存登录信息
假如用户登录学生管理系统,登录后用户可能要 做很多操作,访问很多页面,在访问这些页面的过 程中,各个页面如何知道用户的账号呢?
答案很简单,在登录成功后,用户的账号可以 保存在 session 中。后面的各个页面都可以访问 session 内的内容
application 对象
实际项目中,可以使session中的内容多种多 样。为了将session里面的内容很好地分门别 类,可以将这几种物品先放在一个集合中, 然后将集合放入session中,操作更加方便。
session 其他 API -session sion 有一个函数: void session.removeAttribute(String name);
如何用 session 开发购物车
一些 session 常用的 API
✓ 读取购物车中的内容
Object session.getAttribute(String name);
✓ 在该函数里面,name就是被取出的内容所对应的 标记;返回值,就是内容本身。



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按网页在网站中所处的位置可将 网页分为主页和子页两类。
按网页的表现形式可将网页分为静 态网页和动态网页。
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认识Dreamweaver 8
使用Dreamweaver 8制作网 页之前,需先将该软件安装 到电脑中,其方法与安装其 他软件相似,用户可根据提 示操作。
网页是由 HTML(超级文 本标识语言)或 者其他语言编写 的,通过IE浏览 器编译后供用户 获取信息的页面, 它又称为Web页, 其中可包含文字、 图像、表格、动 画和超级链接等 各种网页元素。
网站就是一个或多个网页的集合。 从广义上讲,网站就是当网页发布到 Internet上以后,能通过浏览器在 Internet上访问的页面 。 ➢门户网站 ➢职能网站 ➢专业网站 ➢个人网站
➢ 整体规划 ➢ 鲜明的主题 ➢ 善用图像 ➢ 醒目的导航 ➢ 及时更新 ➢ 易记的网站名称 ➢ 通用网页 ➢ 动画适量
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IS6940 CCloud Voice, Enterprise Mobility and Big Data Application in Real Estate AgencyAbstract & LearningsThis paper summarizes and analyses the talk about Cloud Voice, Enterprise Mobility and Big Data Application in Real Estate Agency by Francis Fung. He gave interesting insights into the real estate market and introduced three projects at Midland Realty [Midland]. He highlighted the importance that benefits should outweigh the costs of IT projects.This paper will therefore analyse the costs and benefits of the projects described by Mr Fung. It will be shown that there are additional costs for risks, which should be considered when using the IP Phone technology. For Enterprise Mobility and big data, alternatives will be discussed to the solutions implemented by Midland. It will be shown, that Midland could have achieved similar or even better benefits at a lower cost, following a different IT strategy.1. Seminar ContentIn this chapter the main points of the talk by Mr Francis Fung are summarized. As the title of the talk says, Mr Fung addressed a broad range of topics in his talk. He also gave insights into the company Midland, where he has been working as CTO for 9 years. Midland employs about 9000 people, mostly sales agents and has 300 branches in Hong Kong, where they share over 50% of the market with the main competitor. The challenge of connecting all branches in Hong Kong is solved by using cloud computing. Another challenge of the real estate industry is the large number of mobile sales agents, which bring their own devices and the high interaction with customers through various channels.Mr Fung talked about three projects of Midland- IP Phone, Enterprise mobility and Big Data, which show how Midland targets the challenges of the real estate market. He pointed out that before launching an IT project it is important to analyse the costs and benefits beforehand.IP PhoneMidland invested 1 Million dollars to set up an IP Phone infrastructure. They achieved cost savings because the different branches did not need single telephone connections anymore. Additionally voice recording was introduced to record all conversations, which also serves to monitor the sales agents e.g. by using the length of a telephone call as KPI for them. A benefit is the click to dial technology which avoids the exposure of client telephone numbers to sales agents and saves time. Enterprise MobilityEnterprise mobility. In the real estate market it is essential for sales agents to communicate with the customers. At Midland Reality in house developed apps exist to communicate with all employees. For instance there is a WhatsApp like chat service, so that the employees can communicate with each other. Mr Fung mentioned that the introduction of Enterprise mobility saved costs for SMS and reduced junk email. On the other hand there were more requests for technical support regarding the mobile apps by the employees.Big Data AnalysisAccording to Mr Fung, Midland uses big data to predict future sales and find target customers. He said that data is collected from social media (e.g. married, children, job etc.) and the website (clicks on certain objects) and is then merged to conduct some analysis using the data. Also data about houses and mortgage rates is collected to determine how much money somebody has. Mr Fung mentioned that using big data, Midland Reality found that people use more mobile devices to access the website during the weekend and more computers during the week.The goal of the big data project is to predict the right selling approach and find marketing campaigns based on customer demographics and customer behaviour. But Mr Fung admits that Midland does not have the capabilities yet to conduct the right analysis of the collected data.2. Discussion & AnalysisMr Fung gave interesting insights about recent IT projects and technologies used at Midland. In this section Ip Phone, Enterprise Mobility and big data is discussed and further aspects regarding these technologies will be covered. Additionally possible alternatives are introduced which might be better suitable for Midland.When talking about the IP Phone Mr Fung forgot to mention, that this technology also brings risks. As Hensell (2010) mentioned, there are security issues in using IP Phones. Using a method called phone phreaking, an attacker can gain access to the phone system using the remote access feature. Then the attacker can call anywhere in the world and the victim has to pay the bill. Even worse is, as Mark Lobel, a senior manager at Price Waterhouse Coopers warned, that "this is the first time that a computer virus can stop your telephones from working". There are a lot of security issues in VoIP networks which hackers can exploit to launch DOS attacks, record conversations or harvest customer data (Taub, 2008). The costs associated with those risks should be considered in analysing the profitability of the IP Phone project.I think an important factor for the IP Phone project was the surveillance of employees and the mistrust in them. It seems that Midland has not the best relation with its employees. As Mr Fung mentioned they have a fluctuation rate of 300 employees per month (respectively 3600 per year) which means that more than one third of the company fluctuates on a yearly basis. Therefore the IP Phone technology is used to hide client’s information to the sales agents. Blum et al. (2000) found, that use of surveillance and restricted control leads to less employee satisfaction. Therefore I think practices such as the recording of every conversation with customers and using the length as KPI puts a lot of pressure on sales agents and is one of the reasons for the high fluctuation rate. Enterprise MobilityMr. Fung mentioned in his talk that Midland develops Apps in house for internal and external use. I think some external apps are very useful but for the internal ones the money could be better spent.E.g. the property Information App, which uses augmented reality to display real estate information, can be very useful for customers because it can help to simplify their search for an appropriate apartment in Hong Kong. A benefit is that it puts Midland ahead of their competition which does not offer such apps. Unfortunately the app is only available in Chinese which makes it unusable for those who do not understand Chinese but those account to the minority of 4% of the population in Hong Kong which does not speak Cantonese (Census and Statistics Department, 2011).In my opinion implementing a real estate ERP System is a better alternative to the development of internal apps. Providers such as Ramco, Ignify, JBerp and many more1 provide solutions which cover all the requirements of a real estate company2 and are also available as cloud services3. According to Deacom (2014) & Winters (2011) it is cheaper to maintain a single ERP system than multiple software systems and they increase productivity because processes are optimized. Additionally an ERP System can be extended with other modules (, 2014) e.g. for big data analytics (see chapter Big Data). Midland could implement a cloud based ERP system such as ECOUNT and use SaaS for analytics4or use SAP and it’s powerful in memory database (HANA) to analyse big data5. Midland could have saved costs, by using an ERP system instead of developing all the apps in house. Especially for basic functionalities, such as a chat service or a calendar, the costs for developing these apps could have been saved by using freeware solutions or modules for ERP systems.1 https:///webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=real%20estate%20erp%20systems2 /industries/infrastructure/real-estate/3 /erp-software-real-estate.php4 /product/web-based/product-saas-erp-overview.jsp5 /solution/big-data/software/applications.htmlAccording to Connolly (2015) big data has potential in the real estate market in the following areas: ∙Determining the right price of a property∙Predicting when sellers want to sell∙Providing a transparent price overview for buyersO’Brian (2015) mentioned that a company called Zillow uses big data to fulfil the last point by providing complete transparency of real-estate info (see Screenshot below).Figure 1: Screenshot of Zillow’s websiteComparing Zillow with the website of Midland in Hong Kong some major differences can be identified:∙Midland has no interactive map which shows where the real estates are located∙The pictures don’t provide much information about the apartments∙Zillow efficiently combines a map and a table on one pageFigure 2: Screenshot of Midland’s websiteMidland also has a map feature on its website but unfortunately the properties are not included and no prices are displayed. The main purpose is to find different areas in Hong Kong (see Figure below).Figure 3: Screenshot of Mid land’s MapA lot of people commented in Connolly’s article (2015) that instead of big data, good data analysis tools, such as SAS, could also be used to fulfil the same purpose. I think that the claimed findings which Midland made using “b ig data”(the website had only an estimated 265,800 page views6 respectively 39,720 visitors7 in the last month) could be achieved using data analysis. For instance the finding, that people use mobile devices to access the website during the weekend could easily be visualized using Google Analytics, as shown on the figure below.Figure 4: Screenshot of Google Analytics86 /report/7 /report/8 /blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GoogleAnalyticsMobile2.pngAdditionally Google Analytics provides a big variety of other analytics such as the Pages/Visit, Avg. Time on site and many more (See Screenshot below).Figure 5: Screenshot of Google Analytics9Mr Fung also mentioned, that Midland plans to use the recordings of the CCTV cameras at Midland branches to match faces of customers with their Facebook profile pictures. First of all I would like to mention, that I consider it as unethical to collect information of customers entering their branches, without them knowing it. Secondly it is not legal to conduct this kind of data matching, as Mr Fung confirmed. To identify new and returning customers, Google Analytics could be used for their website. Instead of building a marketing campaign using big data and collecting customers information via Facebook, Midland should try to improve it’s on Facebook page (only 928 likes), which can be also used as a good marketing tool (Folgate, 2014).Although it is not clear how much Midland spent on the big data project, it seems that the benefits of these projects have not been achieved yet. Even Mr Fung admitted at the end of his talk, that Midland has not found the right way yet to analyse the data. It was shown that cost could be saved using cheaper tools, such as Google Analytics for data analysis and Facebook for marketing.3. ConclusionMr Fung gave us interesting insights in three particular projects at Midland. This paper showed that the IP Phone is also used to control the employees more and to protect the customer information from them. This was identified as a reason for the high fluctuation rate at Midland because it reduces employee satisfaction. Additionally it was shown that an ERP system for real estate companies would be cheaper alternative to the costly development of in-house apps with additional benefits, such as the possibility of adding a big data analytics module.9/extensions/view/46/google-analyticsBy comparing Midlands’s website with Zillow, it was shown that Midland Realty should rather invest its money in redesigning the website. In my opinion Midland is not on the right track yet with their big data project. In terms of data collection they are building a good basis by collecting a lot of data from different sources, but Midland has not found the right way yet to analyse the data. I think Midland could also use a good data analytics tool such as Google Analytics for most of their purposes or do it right from by using the industry leader’s expertise and implement an ERP system with a big data module.ReferencesBlum, T. et. al, (2000), ‘Matching Creativity Requirements and the Work Environment: Effects on Satisfaction and Intentions to Leave,’Academy of Management Journal, 43(2), 215-224.Census and Statistics Department, (2011). 2011 Population Census – Summary Results. Available at: .hk/pdf/summary-results.pdfConolly J. (2015). The Other Side of Real Estate Big Data. Available at:/author.asp?section_id=3624&doc_id=276155Deacom (2014). 10 Advantages of a Single System ERP Solution. Available at:/Documents/Advantages-of-Single-ERP-Solution.pdf (2011). Advantages & Disadvntages of ERP System. Available at:/2010/advantages-disadvantages-of-erp-enterprise-resource-planning-systems/Folgate, E (2014). How to effectively use a Facebook page for business marketing. Available at: /tips-use-facebook-page-business-marketing/Hensell, L. (2003). The new security risk of VoIP. Available at:/story/31731.htmlTaub, E. (2008). "VOIP System Security: Time to Worry, or Maybe Not". Available at:/2008/04/02/voip-system-security-time-to-worry-or-maybe-not/?scp=4&sq=voip&st=cse/&_r=0O’Brian, J. (2014). 5 ways big data is changing real estate. Available at:/2014/07/09/big-data-real-estate/Winters, N. (2011). The Advantages of using an ERP System. Available at:/the-advantages-of-using-an-erp-system-in-business/。





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EXERCISES FOR CHAPTER 8With SolutionsReformulation of an Equity StatementThe following is an incomplete statement of shareholders' equity (in millions of dollars).Balance, December 31, 1999 473Net income ?Common dividends ?Preferred dividends (10)Issue of common stock 152Unrealized loss on securities available for sale (19)Foreign currency translation gain 12Balance, December 31, 2000 ?The firm had no net debt (a pure equity firm) and reported a net profit margin of 12½% of sales of $4,096 million in its 2000 income statement. The firm also generated free cash flow of $76 million during 2000.a) Supply the missing numbers in the equity statement.b) Reformulate the completed statement of shareholders' equity to identify comprehensive income for the common shareholders.Reformulation of an Equity Statement: Solutiona)Get net income from profit margin:As profit margin = 12 ½%, net income = 4,096 x 0.125 = 512Now get common dividends”As there is no net debt, net dividends = free cash flow = 76Dividends paid to common = 76 + 152 = 228 (net dividends + share repurchases) Total to get ending book value:Ending balance, 12/31/00 = 892b)Beginning balance, 12/31/99 473Net transactions with shareholdersCommon dividends 228Share issues (152) (76)Comprehensive IncomeNet income 512Unrealized loss (19)Translation gain 12Preferred dividends (10) 495Ending balance, 12/31/00 892----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Intel CorporationThe following is from the statement of shareholders’ equity for Intel Corporation for 2000 (in millions of dollars). Intel faces a 38% tax rate.Balance, December 25, 1999 32,535 Net income10,535 Unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities(3,596) Issuance of shares through employee stock plans, net of tax benefit of $887 million 1,684 Reclassification of put warrant obligation 130 Amortization of unearned compensation26 Conversion of subordinated notes to common stock (market value of stock was $350 million) 207 Repurchase of common stock (4,007) Cash dividends(470) Issuance of shares for acquisitions 27837,322Calculate comprehens ive income to Intel’s shareholders for 2000, being sure to include any hidden dirty surplus expenses.Intel Corporation: SolutionNet income 10,535 Unrealized loss (3,596)Loss on share issue to employeesCost before tax 334,238.0887Tax 887 (1,447) Put warrant gain 130Loss on conversion of notes (350-207) (143) Comprehensive income 5,479The loss from share issues to employees is the hidden loss. It is calculated from the tax benefit: $2,334 million is the before-tax expense that results in a tax benefit of $887 million.Note that the reclassification of the put warrant obligation is really a gain to shareholders (and part of comprehensive income): these warrants were not exercise by the other party, so Intel made a gain on the premium that was charged.Reformulation of Equity Statements (2)The following is an incomplete statement of common shareholders' equity of a firm (in millions of dollars).Balance, December 31, 1999 ?Net income ?Common Dividends (132)Preferred Dividends (30)Issue of common stock 155Unrealized gain on securities held 13Foreign currency translation loss (9)Balance, December 31, 2000 ?a) The market value of the equity was $4,500 million at December 31, 1999 and $5,580 million at December 31, 2000. At both dates the equity traded at a premium of $2,100 million over the book of the common equity. What was net income for the year 2000?b) Fill out the missing numbers in the equity statement and reformulate it to identify comprehensive income for common shareholders for 2000.c) With the numbers in this question, show that the following relation holds:Stock Return = Comprehensive Income + Change in PremiumReformulation of an Equity Statement (2): Solutiona)Get the beginning and ending balances for the equity statement, then plug for net income. Book value is market price less the premium.Balance, December 31, 1999 4,500 – 2,100 = 2,400Balance, December 31, 2000 5,580 – 2,100 = 3,480∴1,083Net =IncomeNote: Can also be solved from following relation:Stock return = Comprehensive Income + Δ PremiumΔ Premium = 0(See part (c))b)Here is the reformulated statement of shareholders’ eauity:Balance, December 31, 1999 2,400Net transactions with shareholdersIssue of common stock 155Common dividend (132) 23Comprehensive incomeNet income 1,083Unrealized gain 13Translation loss (9)Preferred dividends (30) 1,057Balance, December 31, 2000 3,480c)Stock Return = Δ Price + Net Dividend= 5,580 – 4,500 + 132 –155= 1,057Stock Return = Comprehensive Income + Δ Premium 1,057 = 1,057 + 0。
