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Elo Touch Solutions ESY10i1 10.1” i 系列互动式标牌 ESY15i

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2009_Design of low-power high-speed truncation-error-tolerant adder(J.IEEE)

2009_Design of low-power high-speed truncation-error-tolerant adder(J.IEEE)

This document is downloaded from DR-NTU, Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity Library, Singapore.Design of Low-Power High-SpeedTruncation-Error-Tolerant Adder and ItsApplication in Digital Signal ProcessingNing Zhu,Wang Ling Goh,Weija Zhang,Kiat Seng Yeo,andZhi Hui KongAbstract—In modern VLSI technology,the occurrence of all kinds of errors has become inevitable.By adopting an emerging concept in VLSI design and test,error tolerance(ET),a novel error-tolerant adder(ETA) is proposed.The ETA is able to ease the strict restriction on accuracy,and at the same time achieve tremendous improvements in both the power consumption and speed performance.When compared to its conventional counterparts,the proposed ETA is able to attain more than65%im-provement in the Power-Delay Product(PDP).One important potential application of the proposed ETA is in digital signal processing systems that can tolerate certain amount of errors.Index Terms—Adders,digital signal processing(DSP),error tolerance, high-speed integrated circuits,low-power design,VLSI.I.I NTRODUCTIONIn conventional digital VLSI design,one usually assumes that a us-able circuit/system should always provide definite and accurate results. But in fact,such perfect operations are seldom needed in our nondigital worldly experiences.The world accepts“analog computation,”which generates“good enough”results rather than totally accurate results[1]. The data processed by many digital systems may already contain er-rors.In many applications,such as a communication system,the analog signal coming from the outside world mustfirst be sampled before being converted to digital data.The digital data are then processed and transmitted in a noisy channel before converting back to an analog signal.During this process,errors may occur anywhere.Furthermore, due to the advances in transistor size scaling,factors such as noise and process variations which are previously insignificant are becoming im-portant in today’s digital IC design[2].Based on the characteristic of digital VLSI design,some novel con-cepts and design techniques have been proposed.The concept of error tolerance(ET)[3]–[10]and the PCMOS technology[11]–[13]are two of them.According to the definition,a circuit is error tolerant if:1)it contains defects that cause internal and may cause external errors and2)the system that incorporates this circuit produces acceptable results[3].The“imperfect”attribute seems to be not appealing.However,the need for the error-tolerant circuit[3]–[10]was foretold in the2003In-ternational Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS)[2].To deal with error-tolerant problems,some truncated adders/multi-pliers have been reported[14],[15]but are not able to perform well in either its speed,power,area,or accuracy.The“flagged prefixed adder”[14]performs better than the nonflagged version with a1.3%speed enhancement but at the expense of2%extra silicon area.As for the “low-error area-efficientfixed-width multipliers”[15],it may have an area improvement of46.67%but has average error reaching12.4%. Of course,not all digital systems can engage the error-tolerant con-cept.In digital systems such as control systems,the correctness of the output signal is extremely important,and this denies the use of the error-tolerant circuit.However,for many digital signal processing (DSP)systems that process signals relating to human senses such as Manuscript received May28,2008;revised February12,2009.The authors are with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,Singapore,639798(e-mail:zhuning@ntu. Object Identifier10.1109/TVLSI.2009.2020591hearing,sight,smell,and touch,e.g.,the image processing and speechprocessing systems,the error-tolerant circuits may be applicable[3],[6],[7].The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Section II proposes theaddition arithmetic as well as the structure of the error-tolerant adder(ETA).In Section III,the detailed design of the ETA is explained.Theexperimental results are shown in Section IV.Section V provides anapplication example of the stly,the conclusion of this work ispresented in Section VI.II.E RROR-T OLERANT A DDERBefore detailing the ETA,the definitions of some commonly usedterminologies shown in this paper are given as follows.•Overall error(OE):OE=j R c0R e j,where R e is the result obtained by the adder,and R c denotes the correct result(all theresults are represented as decimal numbers).•Accuracy(ACC):In the scenario of the error-tolerant design,theaccuracy of an adder is used to indicate how“correct”the outputof an adder is for a particular input.It is defined as:ACC= (10(OE=R c))2100%.Its value ranges from0%to100%.•Minimum acceptable accuracy(MAA):Although some errors are allowed to exist at the output of an ETA,the accuracy of an ac-ceptable output should be“high enough”(higher than a threshold value)to meet the requirement of the whole system.Minimum ac-ceptable accuracy is just that threshold value.The result obtained whose accuracy is higher than the minimum acceptable accuracy is called acceptable result.•Acceptance probability(AP):Acceptance probability is the prob-ability that the accuracy of an adder is higher than the minimumacceptable accuracy.It can be expressed as AP=P(ACC> MAA),with its value ranging from0to1.A.Need for Error-Tolerant AdderIncreasingly huge data sets and the need for instant response re-quire the adder to be large and fast.The traditional ripple-carry adder (RCA)is therefore no longer suitable for large adders because of its low-speed performance.Many different types of fast adders,such as the carry-skip adder(CSK)[16],carry-select adder(CSL)[17],and carry-look-ahead adder(CLA)[18],have been developed.Also,there are many low-power adder design techniques that have been proposed [19].However,there are always trade-offs between speed and power. The error-tolerant design can be a potential solution to this problem. By sacrificing some accuracy,the ETA can attain great improvement in both the power consumption and speed performance.B.Proposed Addition ArithmeticIn a conventional adder circuit,the delay is mainly attributed to the carry propagation chain along the critical path,from the least signif-icant bit(LSB)to the most significant bit(MSB).Meanwhile,a sig-nificant proportion of the power consumption of an adder is due to the glitches that are caused by the carry propagation.Therefore,if the carry propagation can be eliminated or curtailed,a great improvement in speed performance and power consumption can be achieved.In this paper,we propose for thefirst time,an innovative and novel addition arithmetic that can attain great saving in speed and power consumption. This new addition arithmetic can be illustrated via an example shown in Fig.1.Wefirst split the input operands into two parts:an accurate part that includes several higher order bits and the inaccurate part that is made up of the remaining lower order bits.The length of each part need not necessary be equal.The addition process starts from the middle1063-8210/$26.00©2009IEEEFig.1.Proposed additionarithmetic.Fig.2.Relationship between AP and MAA.(joining point of the two parts)toward the two opposite directions si-multaneously.In the example of Fig.1,the two 16-bit input operands,A =“1011001110011010”(45978)and B =“0110100100010011”(26899),are divided equally into 8bits each for the accurate and inac-curate parts.The addition of the higher order bits (accurate part)of the input operands is performed from right to left (LSB to MSB)and normal addition method is applied.This is to preserve its correctness since the higher order bits play a more important role than the lower order bits.The lower order bits of the input operands (inaccurate part)re-quire a special addition mechanism.No carry signal will be generated or taken in at any bit position to eliminate the carry propagation path.To minimize the overall error due to the elimination of the carry chain,a special strategy is adapted,and can be described as follow:1)check every bit position from left to right (MSB to LSB);2)if both input bits are “0”or different,normal one-bit addition is performed and the operation proceeds to next bit position;3)if both input bits are “1,”the checking process stopped and from this bit onward,all sum bits to the right are set to “1.”The addition mechanism described can be easily understood from the example given in Fig.1with a final result of “10001110010011111”(72863).The example given in Fig.1should actually yield “10001110010101101”(72877)if normal arithmetic has been applied.The overall error generated can be com-puted as OE =72877072863=14.The accuracy of the adder with respect to these two input operands is ACC =(10(14=72877))2100%=99:98%.Fig.3.Relationship between AP and size ofadder.Fig.4.Hardware implementation of the proposed ETA.By eliminating the carry propagation path in the inaccurate part and performing the addition in two separate parts simultaneously,the overall delay time is greatly reduced,so is the power consumption.C.Relationships Between Minimum Acceptable Accuracy,Acceptance Probability,Dividing Strategy,and Size of Adder The accuracy of the adder is closely related to the input pattern.As-sume that the input of an adder is random;there exists a probability that we can obtain an acceptable result (i.e.,the acceptance proba-bility).The accuracy attribute of an ETA is determined by the dividing strategy and size of adder.In this subsection,the relationships between the minimum acceptable accuracy,the acceptance probability,the di-viding strategy,and the size of adder are investigated.We first consider the extreme situation where we accept only the perfectly correct result.The minimum acceptable accuracy in this “per-fect”situation is 100%.According to the proposed addition arithmetic,we can obtain correct results only when the two input bits on every po-sition in the inaccurate part are not equal to “1”at the same time.We can therefore derive an equation to calculate the acceptance probability associated with the proposed ETA with different bit sizes and dividing strategies.This equation is given as follows:P (ACC =100%)=4N0N23N +2N 0N4N +2N(1)where N t is the total number of bits in the input operand (also regarded as the size of the adder)and N l is the number of bits in the inaccurate part (which is indicating the dividing strategy).Fig.5.Carry-free addition block.(a)Overall architecture and(b)schematic diagram of a modified XOR gate.In situations where the requirement on accuracy can be somewhat re-laxed are investigated,the result will be different.C program is engaged to simulate a16-bit adder that had adopted the proposed addition mech-anism.By checking the output results,we can derive the relationship between the minimum acceptable accuracy and acceptance probability, as depicted in Fig.2.The four curves represent four different dividing strategies,and each of which has been assigned a name“N0M”where “N”denotes the size of the accurate part and“M”for the size of the inaccurate part.For the input patterns,we randomly select10000in-puts from all possible input patterns(i.e.,0–65535).It can be deduced from Fig.2that the lower the minimum acceptable accuracy set,the higher the acceptance probability for the adder.Fig.2also shows that different dividing strategies lead to different accuracy performance. As modern VLSI technology advances,the size of the adder has to in-crease to cater to the application need.The trend of the accuracy perfor-mance of an ETA is therefore investigated in Fig.3.Thefive curves are associated with different minimum acceptable accuracies,95%,96%, 97%,98%,and99%,respectively.Note that all adders follow the same dividing strategy whereby the inaccurate part is three times larger than that of the accurate part.Since small numbers will be calculated at the inaccurate part of the adder,the proposed ETA is best suited for large input patterns.D.Hardware ImplementationThe block diagram of the hardware implementation of such an ETA that adopts our proposed addition arithmetic is provided in Fig.4.This most straightforward structure consists of two parts:an accurate part and an inaccurate part.The accurate part is constructed using a con-ventional adder such as the RCA,CSK,CSL,or CLA.The carry-in of this adder is connected to ground.The inaccurate part constitutes two blocks:a carry-free addition block and a control block.The control block is used to generate the control signals,to determine the working mode of the carry-free addition block.In Section III,a32-bit adder is used as an example for our illustration of the design methodology and circuit implementation of an ETA.III.D ESIGN OF A32-B IT E RROR-T OLERANT A DDERA.Strategy of Dividing the AdderThefirst step of designing a proposed ETA is to divide the adder into two parts in a specific manner.The dividing strategy is based on a guess-and-verify stratagem,depending on the requirements,such as accuracy,speed,and power.First,we define the delay of the proposed adder as T d= max(T h;T l),where T h is the delay in the accurate part and T l is the delay in the inaccurate part.With the proper dividing strategy, we can make T h approximately equal to T l and hence achieve an optimal time delay.With this partition method defined,we then check whether the ac-curacy performance of the adder meets the requirements preset by de-signer/customer.This can be checked very quickly via some software programs.For example,for a specific application,we require the min-imum acceptable accuracy to be95%and the acceptance probability to be98%.The proposed partition method must therefore have at least 98%of all possible inputs reaching an accuracy of better than95%.If this requirement is not met,then one bit should be shifted from the inac-curate part to the accurate part and have the checking process repeated. Also,due to the simplified circuit structure and the elimination of switching activities in the inaccurate part,putting more bits in this part yields more power saving.Having considered the above,we divided the32-bit adder by putting 12bits in the accurate part and20bits in the inaccurate part.B.Design of the Accurate PartIn our proposed32-bit ETA,the inaccurate part has20bits as op-posed to the12bits used in the accurate part.The overall delay is de-termined by the inaccurate part,and so the accurate part need not be a fast adder.The ripple-carry adder,which is the most power-saving conventional adder,has been chosen for the accurate part of the circuit.C.Design of the Inaccurate PartThe inaccurate part is the most critical section in the proposed ETA as it determines the accuracy,speed performance,and power consump-Fig.6.Control block.(a)Overall architecture and(b)schematic implementations of CSGC.tion of the adder.The inaccurate part consists of two blocks:the carry-free addition block and the control block.The carry-free addition block is made up of20modified XOR gates,and each of which is used to gen-erate a sum bit.The block diagram of the carry-free addition block and the schematic implementation of the modified XOR gate are pre-sented in Fig.5.In the modified XOR gate,three extra transistors,M1, M2,and M3,are added to a conventional XOR gate.CTL is the con-trol signal coming from the control block of Fig.6and is used to set the operational mode of the circuit.When CTL=0,M1and M2are turned on,while M3is turned off,leaving the circuit to operate in the normal XOR mode.When CTL=1,M1and M2are both turned off, while M3is turned on,connecting the output node to VDD,and hence setting the sum output to“1.”The function of the control block is to detect thefirst bit position when both input bits are“1,”and to set the control signal on this po-sition as well as those on its right to high.It is made up of20con-trol signal generating cells(CSGCs)and each cell generates a control signal for the modified XOR gate at the corresponding bit position in the carry-free addition block.Instead of a long chain of20cascaded GSGCs,the control block is arranged intofive equal-sized groups,with additional connections between every two neighboring groups.Two types of CSGC,labeled as type I and II in Fig.6(a),are designed,and the schematic implementations of these two types of CSGC are pro-vided in Fig.6(b).The control signal generated by the leftmost cell of each group is connected to the input of the leftmost cell in next group.The extra connections allow the propagated high control signal to“jump”from one group to another instead of passing through all the20cells.Hence,the worst case propagation path[shaded in gray in Fig.6(a)]consists of only ten cells.IV.E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTSTo demonstrate the advantages of the proposed ETA,we simulated the ETA along with four types of conventional adders,i.e.,the RCA, CSK,CSL,and CLA,using HSPICE.All the circuits were imple-mented using Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd’s0.18- m CMOS process.The input frequency was set to100MHz,and the sim-ulation results are all tabulated in Table I.HSPICE software was used to construct the models of our proposed ETA and the conventional adders.100sets of inputs were randomly cre-ated using the C program“random()”function.For each set of input,weTABLE IS IMULATION R ESULT FOR ETA V ERSUS C ONVENTIONAL ADDERSran the simulation for each adder and recorded the power consumption. With100sets of results,average power consumption was determined. The worst case input was calculated and used to simulate the delay. The transistor count was derived directly from the HSPICE software. Comparing the simulation results of our proposed ETA with those of the conventional adders(see Table I),it is evident that the ETA per-formed the best in terms of power consumption,delay,and Power-Delay Product(PDP).The PDP of the ETA is noted to be66.29%, 77.44%,83.70%,and75.21%better than the RCA,CSK,CSL,and CLA,respectively.As for transistor count,the proposed ETA is almost as good as the RCA.V.A PPLICATION OF E RROR-T OLERANT A DDERIN D IGITAL S IGNAL P ROCESSINGIn image processing and many other DSP applications,fast Fourier transformation(FFT)is a very important function.The computational process of FFT involves a large number of additions and multiplica-tions.It is therefore a good platform for embedding our proposed ETA. To prove the feasibility of the ETA,we replaced all the common addi-tions involved in a normal FFT algorithm with our proposed addition arithmetic.As we all know,a digital image is represented by a matrix in a DSP system,and each element of the matrix represents the color of one pixel of the image.To compare the quality of images processed by both the conventional FFT and the inaccurate FFT that had incorporated our proposed ETA,we devised the following experiment.An image was first translated to a matrix form and sent through a standard system that made used of normal FFT and normal reverse FFT.The matrix output of this system was then transformed back to an image and presented in Fig.7(a).The matrix of the same image was also processed in a systemFig.7.Images after FFT and inverse FFT.(a)Image processed with conven-tional adder and(b)image processed with the proposed ETA.that used the inaccurate FFT and inaccurate reverse FFT,where both FFTs had incorporated the32-bit ETA described in Section III,with the processed image given in Fig.7(b).Although the two resultant matrices of the same image were dif-ferent,the two pictures obtained(see Fig.7)look almost the same. Fig.7(b)is slightly darker and contains horizontal bands of different shades of gray.With a MAA setting of95%,the AP of the matrix repre-sentation of Fig.7(b)is98.3%as compared to the matrix representation of Fig.7(a).The comparison between the two images in Fig.7shows that the quality loss to the image using our proposed ETA is negligible and can be completely tolerated by human eyes.These simulation results have proven the practicability of the ETA proposed in this paper.VI.C ONCLUSIONIn this paper,the concept of error tolerance is introduced in VLSI de-sign.A novel type of adder,the error-tolerant adder,which trades cer-tain amount of accuracy for significant power saving and performance improvement,is proposed.Extensive comparisons with conventional digital adders showed that the proposed ETA outperformed the conven-tional adders in both power consumption and speed performance.The potential applications of the ETA fall mainly in areas where there is no strict requirement on accuracy or where superlow power consumption and high-speed performance are more important than accuracy.One example of such applications is in the DSP application for portable de-vices such as cell phones and laptops.A CKNOWLEDGMENTW.Zhang would like to thank the Nanyang Technological University (NTU)of Singapore for providing the graduate research scholarship and support.The authors appreciate also the help rendered by Mr.L. 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Ⴍ‫׼‬ 高速20通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能 高速80通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能
20通道/變壓器L/C/Z/DCR/圈數/短路/平衡掃描測試功能 3250加LCR錶分析功能 3252 1MHz版
ٜ‫ࠠݴ‬ᛌཥ‫ݴ‬๕ / ಻༊ӻ୕፯ᒅܸ‫ی‬
Ꮠ͜Ⴍ‫׼‬ LCD Inverter變壓器(陶瓷電容、線材、PCB)
耐久性測試/耐壓測試/崩潰電壓測試 外部電極螢光燈管(EEFL),背光耐久性/燈管電流測試 交換式電源供應器(SMPS)主變壓器與主動式功率因素修正器
(Active PFC) Choke耐久性測試與電氣特性分析 醫療設備高頻漏電流安規檢驗
ࠫϣ 12-34 12-34 12-34 12-34 12-35 12-35
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.01mΩ ~ 100MΩ 0.01mΩ ~ 100MΩ
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ
0.1mΩ ~ 100MΩ
Ⴍ‫׼‬ 電容量高速檢測 全數位分類,比較器功能,可選無10kHz版 全數位分類,比較器功能
提供高頻高壓交流與直流電源供應的功能,供平面螢光燈(FFL) 與表面傳導電子發射顯示器(SED)裝置分析使用
直流/直流轉換器SMD Power Choke溫昇測試 (直流重疊電流與交流漣波電壓)與電氣特性分析
緩衝電容壽命測試 高壓電容壽命測試 LCD Inverter變壓器(陶瓷電容、線材、PCB)生產線耐壓測試 醫療設備高頻漏電流安規檢驗 車用驅動馬達生產線電暈(Corona)放電檢驗 被動元件(換流器變壓器、陶瓷電容、高壓線材、PCB等) 高頻高壓壽命測試


18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
400 bar
18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
2 bar
18~36 VDC




M18 X 1.5
20~30 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V




科技情报开发与经济SCI-TECH INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT&ECONOMY2009年第19卷第18期公示语是指公开和面对公众告示、指示、提示、显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休戚相关的文字及图形信息。









1弗米尔的目的论目的论(Skopostheorie)是由两位德国著名的翻译理论家汉斯·弗米尔(Hans.J Vermeer)和凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)于20世纪80年代共同创立的。




2009 IFA

2009 IFA

2009 IFA观感2009年的IFA展展示的产品给人耳目一新,电视是IFA最主要的展示产品,LED、Slim、3D、Power saving、Internet、True motion等这些概念充斥着整个IFA展的每个角落,无论是主流品牌还是二三线品牌,电视机整机厂都在展示与这些概念相关的产品。









在LCD上,Panasonic也开始加大力度做推广,200Hz LED概念和3D FHD显示是其主要概念。

3.Sony:“Make and Believe”是这次IFA上的主推理念,采用MSTAR方案的“S-Frame”数码相框在展位上占了较大位置。






是创造更舒适、更安全,最理想的人与机械的界面。 IDEC将此思想理念,以HG4G/3G/2G型可编程显示器表现, 视认性更好,操作更舒适…… 亮丽触控屏(12.1英寸550cd/m2),因与周边设备具备优越的连接性, 可与PLC、母板PC、温调器以及摄像机等各种设备连接, 创造以FA为首的各种领域广范围的信息传递、连接的操作环境。 以人机界面开始“人与机械最理想环境”的HG系列最新上市。
注 :对应影像录制的软件,请从 IDEC 网站下载免费升级版。 HG 系列的最新信息请在 /china 确认。
影像 录制
可将警报发生前后60秒内的视频保存 在SD存储卡中,便于查明现场发生 故障的原因。 可录制清晰的视频。
发生 异常

48级 调光
根据使用环境(昼/夜)调整背景灯 亮度。
仿真 7,000种以上 部件 丰富的图形库
新增约1,000种仿真部件,使搭 载的图形库内图形达7,000种 以上。形状精美的开关及指示 灯,任何人都能轻松制作出别 具一格的画面。
∗1 :HG4G/3G 型为 4 台,HG2G 型为 2 台。 ∗2 :可连接增设模块,请参阅 23 页。
音频 可播放最长30秒的 扬声器
输出 音频文件
可通过声音告知操作人员有异常发 生,有助于快速恢复系统。 由于还可作为声音向导使用,任何 人均可放心操作。
固定周 固定周期I/O控制 期脚本 由人机界面实现



Questions? Visit iHome Products, a division of SDI Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as SDI), warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and conditions, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase.Should this product fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first return it to the store where it was originally purchased. Should this fail to resolve the matter and service still be required by reason of any defect or malfunction during the warranty period, SDI will repair or, at its discretion, replace this product withoutcharge. This decision is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon delivery of this product to the Factory Service Center authorized by SDI Customer Service. The product must include proof of purchase, including date of purchase. An out-of-warranty fee for service will be charged for units that are received without proof of purchase.Before returning this product for service, please first replace the batteries (if applicable) with fresh ones, as exhausted or defective batteries are the most common cause of problems encountered.If service is still required:1. Call SDI Customer Service at 1-800-288-2792 for Return Authorization and for the address of the FactoryService Center.2. Remove the batteries (if applicable) and pack the unit in a well padded, heavy corrugated box. SDI is notresponsible for damage that occurs during shipping to the Factory Service Center.3. Enclose a photocopy of your sales receipt, credit card statement, or other proof of the date of purchase, ifwithin the warranty period. Also include your name and address information, a brief description for why the unit is being returned, and the return authorization number. No unit can be processed without a return authorization number.4. Write the return authorization number on the side of the shipping package and send the unit prepaid andinsured to the Factory Service Center address authorized by SDI Customer Service.Disclaimer of WarrantyNOTE: This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was designed. It does not cover (i) products which have been damaged by negligence or willful actions, misuse or accident, or which have been modified or repaired by unauthorized persons; (ii) cracked or broken cabinets, or units damaged by excessive heat; (iii) damage to digital media players, CD’s or tape cassettes (if applicable); (iv) the cost of shipping this product to the Factory Service Center and its return to the owner.This warranty is valid only in the United States of America and does not extend to owners of the product other than to the original purchaser. In no event will SDI or any of its affiliates, contractors, resellers, their officers, directors, shareholders, members or agents be liable to you or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages, any lost profits, actual, exemplary or punitive damages. (Some states do not allowlimitations on implied warranties or exclusion of consequential damages, so these restrictions may not apply to you.) This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Your acknowledgement and agreement to fully and completely abide by the above mentioned disclaimer of warranty is contractually binding to you upon your transfer of currency (money order, cashier's check, or credit card) for purchase of your SDI product.© 2013 SDI Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved Questions? Visit or call 1-800-288-2792 Toll FreeLimited 90 Day Warranty InformationPrinted in ChinaWarning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.IMPORTANTRead before proceedingIf you have any question regarding the operation or use of this product, please visit to view answers to frequently asked questions.To learn more about this and other iHome products, please visit us online at For Models That Use Lithium Batteries:• Lithium batteries can explode or cause burns if disassembled, shorted, recharged, exposed to water, fire, or high temperatures& not handled appropriately• Do not place loose batteries in a pocket, purse, or other container containing metal objects, do not mix with used or otherbattery types, or store with hazardous or combustible materials. • Store in cool, dry, ventilated area.• Follow applicable laws and regulations for transport and disposal.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.iHM27-05272013-C A Consumer Guide to Product SafetyWhen used in the directed manner, this unit has been designed and manufactured to ensure your personal safety. However, improper use can result in potential electrical shock or fire hazards. Please read all safety and operating instructions carefully before installation and use, and keep these instructions handy for future reference. Take special note of all warnings listed in these instructions and on the unit.1. Water and Moisture – The unit should not be used near water. For example: near a bathtub,washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool or in a wet basement.2. Ventilation – The unit should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere withits proper ventilation. For example, it should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug or similar surface that may block ventilation openings. Also, it should not be placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet, which may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.3. Heat – The unit should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers,stoves or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.4. Power Sources – The unit should be connected to a power supply only of the type describedin the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.5. Power-Cable Protection – Power supply cables should be routed so that they are not likely tobe walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them. It is always best to have a clear area from where the cable exits the unit to where it is plugged into an AC socket.6. Cleaning – The unit should be cleaned only as recommended. See the Maintenance section ofthis manual for cleaning instructions.7. Objects and Liquid Entry – Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are notspilled into any openings or vents located on the product.8. Attachments – Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer.9. Lightning and Power Surge Protection – Unplug the unit from the wall socket and disconnectthe antenna or cable system during a lightning storm or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges.10. Overloading – Do not overload wall sockets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptaclesas this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.11. Damage Requiring Service – The unit should be serviced by qualified service personnel when: A. the power supply cable or plug has been damaged. B. objects have fallen into or liquid has been spilled into the enclosure. C. the unit has been exposed to rain. D. the unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged. E. the unit exhibits a marked change in performance or does not operate normally.12. Periods of Nonuse – If the unit is to be left unused for an extended period of time, such as amonth or longer, the power cable should be unplugged from the unit to prevent damage or corrosion.13. Servicing – The user should not attempt to service the unit beyond those methods described inthe user’s operating instructions. Service methods not covered in the operating instructions should be referred to qualified service personnel.Questions? Visit or call 1-800-288-2792 Toll Free• Place the unit on a level surface away from sources of direct sunlight or excessive heat.• Protect your furniture when placing your unit on a natural wood and lacquered finish. Acloth or other protective material should be placed between it and the furniture.• Clean your unit with a soft cloth moistened only with mild soap and water. Strongercleaning agents, such as Benzene, thinner or similar materials can damage the surface of the unit.MaintenanceModel iHM27portable rechargeablestereo speaker。

2012 Whelen Engineering Page 1都国际之光工程公司有限公司形状14138

2012 Whelen Engineering Page 1都国际之光工程公司有限公司形状14138

©2012 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14138B ( 091710)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!A u t o m o t i v e : Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Methylene Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Installation Guide:LED Traffic Advisor™Models: RFCF85, RFNF8551 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Installation:Note:When routing wires, it is very important that you choose a path that will keep the wires away from any excessive heat or any vehicle equipment that could compromise the integrity of the wires (ex. trunk lids, door jams, etc.).Note:Permanent mounting of this product will require drilling.It is absolutely necessary tomake sure that no other vehicle components could be damagedby this process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before starting. If damage is likely, select a different mounting location.1.Position the unit onto its mounting location. Draw a pencil line onto the mounting surface along the top and bottom of the extrusion and a “centerline” centered between the two.2.Four 13/64” holes are required to mount this unit. These holes may be located anywhere along the horizontal centerline that you drew in step one. It’s best to locate the holes as far apart as possible. Mark the hole locations onto the mounting a #9 drill bit, drill a hole in each of the hole locations marked.4.Remove the endcap and slide the hex-head mounting bolts (included) into any one of the three channels provided on the extrusion (use the top, rear or bottom channel depending on which position you wish to mount the unit) and reinstall the endcap.5.Align these bolts with the 4 mounting holes and insert them into the mounting holes.6.Install a flat washer and elastic stop nut onto each bolt and tighten.Wiring:WARNING: All customer supplied wires that connect to the positive terminal of the battery must be sized to supply at least 125% of the maximum operating current and FUSED at the battery to carry thatload. DO NOT USE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH THIS PRODUCT!Wire Connections:1.Extend the RED wire to the battery and install a 10 amp fuse block (customer supplied) on the end of the wire. Remove the fuse before connecting any wires to the battery. Connect the RED wire to the POSITIVE (+) battery terminal.IMPORTANT: There must not be more than 2 feet of wire between fuse block and battery. The wire between fuse and battery is unprotected, do not allow this wire to come in contact with any other wires.2.Extend the BLACK wire to the battery and connect it to the battery ground. If your vehicle has a cable extending from the negative terminal of the battery to the chassis, it is best to attach the black wire at the chassis connection.Operation:This T/A is controlled by the Whelen wireless Traffic Advisor™controller. Refer to the instructions that come with the controller for operation.Service:first loosen screw(s) bracket. squeeze together so disengages the pull the straight the removed lighthead and can harness removed lightbar.the of the technician interfere IMPORTANT!Before returning this vehicle to active service, visually confirm the proper operation of this product, as well as all vehicle components/equipment.SIDEDRIVER'S PASS.SIDE5PART NO. KEY:01-0684727-_85 =RED/CLEAR1 =AMBER/CLEAR {LED/LENS COLORPART NO. KEY:01-0684912-_85 =RED/CLEAR1 =AMBER/CLEAR {LED/LENS COLOR1236151441617181962021122131211810926277SCREW, 4 x 1-3/8 PPH PLASTI-LOK39-1V 17268-0111-36A 055-04546-076A 026-0046-076A 150-0039-1V 17268-0039-0917517-0246-0743526-0001-026A 002-01CLAMP NUT DIVIDER,11-243415-01726-0215001-0615-04521B -22019-343555-0001AR 4AR 11217AR 21111111111144401-0684912-_801-066B 983-1007-264851-00011-243415-03738-0143142-0014-062219-06D 10-0523376-_807-243514-00001-026A 286-0001-066B 983-5007-264851-001T A ASSY 500 CONICAL LED SNAP-IN I/C/,ELECT.ASSY T A 500 FLASH 8L T ,/- IGH BRACKET EXT. MT. 500 SNAP-IN-HALF ,LHEAD 500 CON3 LED STEADY AMBER LHEAD 500LED ST DY RED CON3EA END CAP EXTR. MOUNT w SLOT ,/END CAP EXT SNAP-IN,,CABLE POWER 2C 14,,-ONDUCTOR,AWG SEAL INTERFACE 2POS ,-HARNESS ASSY PASS. -T A 500 LIN LED,/HARNESS ASSY DR. -T A 500 LIN LED,/WASHER, #10 FLAT - 631" OD X .060"SCREW 10-24 X 3/4HEX HD MS SS,"SCREW #6-32 X 3/8 PPHMS ,CABLE ASSY INT. CONTROL RF,BRACKET EXT. MT. 500 SNAP-IN,EXTRUSION T A 500 LED SNAP-IN ,/GASKET END CAP,LABELBRACKET MTG. - RF MODULE,/RF RECEIVER MODULE -T/A 500GROMMET, .312" ID x .50" ODTY-WRAP, 6" BLACKNUT 10-24 ELASTIC STOP SS,HOUSING PLUG 2POS ,,-SEAL WIRE 2POS ,,-21-11101612-046-0743478-0116-1002220-5014-104436-12013-104120-06223ITEM PART NUMBERDESCRIPTIONQTY 11121314151617181920456789101212223242599262739-1V 17268-00SEAL,INTERFACE 2 POS UMNL 15-04521B -22019-343555-00088SCREW, #4 x 1 3/8" PPHCLAMP NUT DIVIDER,1AR 4111217AR AR 2111111111414401-026A 286-00RF RECEIVER MODULE -T/A 500SCREW #6-32 X 3/8PPHMS ,"T A 500 LINLED /,EAR ®BRACKET MTG. - RF MODULE ,LABEL07-243514-00010-0523343-*814-062219-06D 01-0684727-_8HARNESS,T/A 500 LINEAR LED, PASSENGER SCREW 10-24 X 3/4HEX HD MS SS ,"not shown WASHER, #10 FLAT - 631" OD X .060" not shown HARNESS,T/A 500 LINEAR LED, DRIVER CABLE, POWER, 2-CONDUCTOR, 14AWG.END CAP, EXT - SNAP-IN with .50 HOLES END CAP EXTR. MOUNT w SLOT ,/LIGHTHEAD, 500 LINEAR LED, STEADY,RED LIGHTHEAD, 500 LINEAR LED, STEADY,AMBER BRACKET EXT. MT. 500 SNAP-IN ,39-1V 17268-01SEAL WIRE 2POS ,,-ITION HOUSING, PLUG, 2-POSITION CABLE INT. CONTROL RF ,ELECT.ASSY T A 500 FLASH 8L T,/-IGH GASKET ENDCAP,EXTRUSION T A 500 LED SNAP-IN,/BRACKET EXT. MT. 500 SNAP-IN,11-36A 055-04507-264851-00101-066C 28925338-0143142-0011-243415-03701-066C 28921307-264851-00046-076A 150-0046-076A 026-0039-0917517-0246-0743526-0001-026A 002-01NUT 10-24 ELASTIC STOP SS ,,not shownTY-WRAP, 6" BLACKGROMMET, .312" ID x .50" OD13-104120-06214-104436-12046-0743478-0111-243415-01726-0215001-0621-11101612-016-1002220-5023ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY 1112131415161718192045678910121222324252627PASS.SIDEDRIVER'S SIDE1234561112146131516171819202122810926277。


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近 E1继华硕 发 布全新 薄锐 u 系列 笔 记 本 后 旗 , 下 U 2 0 A 、 U 8 1 A 两 款 已 于 8 月 初分别首发 国美 、 苏宁 。
极致轻薄的华硕 U20 A 折本 , 配智 能发光键盘 、点光源轨迹式触控板 , 12 . 1
器 , 能在功耗不 高于 以 往芯 片的前提下 提供更快的程序运 行速度 。
据悉 , 这次展 会不仅吸引 了包括完 美 时 空 、 网 易 、 第 九 城 市 、 腾 讯 久 、 游 、 盛 大等 国 内游 戏 厂商 以 及 E A 、 暴雪 、 育 碧
等 国外 知 名游 戏公 司 的参与 ;同时 三 星 、 技嘉 、英特尔 、这些 实力 强劲 的一 线大 厂 商为展会提供 了强有 力的技 术支持 。 三 星 显 示器强势提供了近 700 台液晶产 品 ,完全覆盖了全场的展示平台! 展会主 办方对三 星 的评价很 高 , 并表示 愿 意继 续与三 星携手 ; 三 星一 直都十分关注和 支持一 些 盛大而 有意义 的展会 或者竞 赛 ,包括这 次的 Ch in a J o y 。 彳
简单 、 时 尚 , 塑 造 经 典 。 简 约 之
美— — 美 齐 2 2 英 寸 宽 屏 液 晶 显 示 器
JT22 9 A A 全新上 市。
美齐 JT22 9 A A 专为学生设计 ,简单
时 尚的外 观 、 强 大 的功 能 、环 保 的材 质 ,
从健康应用 出发为新生 提供较优产 品 。
美 齐 JT229AA 采 用 T门 面 板 ,
16 8 0 × 10 5 0 高清分辨率 、 10 0 0 0 : 1 超高
动 态 对 比 度 5、 m s



80-90年代香港电影大全(The Hongkong film in 80-90)Best answer1990-99 years of Chinese films at the box office rankingsOne thousand nine hundred and ninety1 All For The Winner God Of; Gamblers number2 God Of Gamblers II when3 new Front Page just about the same4, Heart, Into, Hearts, three people, new world5 Terra-Cotta Warrior, A QinYong; energy-saving6 Chinese Ghost Story II A, a Chinese Ghost Story II human way7, Her, Fatal, Ways, cousin, hello!8, Fun, The, Luck, And, The, Tycoon, The, Jetion, arch9, No, Risk, No, Gain, supreme champion10, When, Fortune, Smiles, lucky star--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thousand nine hundred and ninety-one1, Fight, Back, To, School, truancy, Veyron2 Armour Of God 2: Operation Condor; Project Eagle Eagle plan3 To Be Number One to be number one4, Once, A, Thief, the four seas5 Tricky Brains tricky expert6 God Of Gamblers II: Back To Shanghai 2 all Shanghai conman7 Lee Rock I five hundred million inspector Relo passed I: Ray tiger8, Once, Upon, A, Time, In, China, Huang Feihong9, Her, Fatal, Ways, II, cousin, Hello, sequel10 Prison on Fire II prison II fugitive--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thousand nine hundred and ninety-two1 Justice, My Foot!2 Alls Well Ends Well family happy event!3 Royal Tramp deer4 Royal Tramp II 2 deer sect5, Now, You, See, Love... Now You Dont, I love twisted sticks6 Magic Touch, The Gameboy; Oracle7 Swordsman II II The Legendary Swordsman: Invincible Eastern8 Twin Dragons, The Shuanglong Club9, Police, Story, III, Super, Cop, Police Story 3: Super police10, Fight, Back, To, School, II, truancy, Veyron 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thousand nine hundred and ninety-three1 Flirting Scholar Tang Bohu scholar2 King Of Beggars king of beggars3, Alls, Well, Ends, Well, Too, flower field, happy event4 City Hunter City Hunter5, Cest, La, Vie, Mon, Cheri, new love6, Legend, II, The, Fong, Sai, Yuk, II, the sequel7 Once Upon A Time In China III the Lion King8 Crime Story heavy crime squad9, Fight, Back, To, School, III, truancy, Veyron, three dragon, chicken year10 Dong Cheng Xi will Jiu the legend of the Condor Heroes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thousand nine hundred and ninety-four1 God Of2 Gamblers 2 gamblers2 Drunken Master II II big drunken drunken;3, From, Beijing, With, Love, domestic Ling paint4 Its A Wonderful Life rich family5 Love On Delivery, the king of destruction6 American Shaolin; Treasure Hunt; Citi Shaolin; Shaolin7 Hail The Judge do not8 Hes A Woman Shes A Man, descendants of royal families9, I, Have, A, Date, With, Spring. I have an appointment with spring10, In, Between, Conjugal, Affairs, new cohabitation age--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thousand nine hundred and ninety-five1 Rumble In The Bronx; Red Bronx; Hong faan Kui in the Bronx2 Thunderbolt thunderboltHappy Ghost II10. cassockOne thousand nine hundred and eighty-six1. true colour of a hero2. riches and honour train3., the best partner of thousands of miles to save the poor woman4. best lucky star5. chocolate6. Shaolin7. Swords8. zombie family9. big bang bugle10. ghost BusterOne thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven1. armour of God2. prisons3.A project sequelThe 4. chairman of the board5. Autumn Fairy TalesThe 6. sequel to true colour of a hero7. a house and two wives8. ghost bride9. hardcover chase girl10. Eastern vultures11. rivers and lakes12. favourable turns in life14. Heroes15. ghost storyOne thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight 1. eight Star NewsThe sequel to the story3. dragons forever4. speak the same language.5. tigers go out more6. riches and honour are pressing again7., three people world8. childe affectionate9. best friends10. the last emperor17. overlord flower32. Mongkok CarmenOne thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine1. gamblers2. wonder3. family reunionA 4. story5. supreme6. new best partner7. true colour of a hero threeThe 8. killer9. energy-saving10. riches and honour are pressing again and again One thousand nine hundred and ninetyNumber 1When 2.3. new just about the same4., three people, new world5. terracotta warriors6. ghost world road7. cousin, Hello, too8. Jetion arches9. Supreme Master10. invincible lucky star19. romance34. days of being wildOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-one1. truancy2. Eagle planOur 3.4. seas5. party expertsShanghai 6. winner7. five hundred million inspector Lei Luochuan8. Huang Feihong9. cousin, Hello, also sequel10. prison fugitive II fugitive11. new school.12. generations of the Dragon17. loverOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-twoThe 1. judge2. families have happy events3. deerThe 4. king of beggars5. deer II sect6. I love twisted woodFortune 7. - Michael Hui, dawn8. The Legendary Swordsman II Invincible Eastern9. dragons Club10. super pol.ice11. truancy 212. Huang Feihong 2 strength of men13. Comic Con15. New Dragon InnOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-three1. Tang Bohu scholar2. flowers field wedding3. new loveCity Hunter 4.5.6. Huang Feihong three lion king7. Case Squad8. years after the chicken fight back three9. bloody sequel10. young17. Huang Feihong chicken bucket centipede21. human Baozi Stuffed with BBQ Pork22. wedding26. Taiji Zhang Sanfeng29. The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber31. Invincible Eastern fuunsaiki32. Huang Feihong four king of the wind 35. genuine Wei Xiaobao Feng Gou female 40. green snake44. Farewell to My Concubine58. young Huang Feihong Iron MonkeyOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-four1. you 22. by 23. homemade Ling Ling paint4. rich family5. Citigroup Shaolin6. king of destruction7. do not8. descendants of royal families9. I have an appointment with spring10. new cohabitation Era11. hongxiguan17. inter hero20 Zhongnanhai bodyguardsThe 34. ashes of time41. Chongqing forestOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-five1. the Bronx2. thunderbolt3. energy-saving4. chariots of fire5. night6. treasures of moonlightThe Peace Hotel 7.8. the Westward Journey xianluqiyuan9. rogue doctor10. out of the darkOne thousand nine hundred and story 4 simple task2. Chef3. secret agents, 004. yuan5., crash 2, dragon crossing the river6., dangerous young people in the rivers and lakes7. descendants of royal families 28. new Shanghai900 hundred senses10., crash 3, one hand cover sky million15. honey17. energy-saving18. adventure Kings19. ofOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven1. a good man2.97 families have happy events3. Huang Feihong the lion4. count dead grass5. world ambitionThe 6. most urgent7. of the 3 young gamblers gambling800 points, 100 feel 29. love you to kill youThe 10. young invincible20. spring breezeOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight1. energy-saving2. who am I?3. lines carry one dragon4. dragons in rivers and lakes5. when 19996. young of a dragon and a tiger in combat7. Casino8. king of killers9. strong. Rape 2 uniform lure10. ninth happiness13. floral patternsFourteenBeast. CopsOne thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine1. king of comedy2. glass bottles3. heroes of China4. the king of Kings5. Las Vegas funn.7. chariots of fire 2 tales of speed8. dark prince9. running10. echocardiography11. starTwo thousandNeeding 1.2. Tokyo Raiders3. runner4., what tea do you have in summer?5. the duel6. X-Men7. healing hearts8. love at first sight9. Crouching.Tiger,Hidden.Dragon10. Lavender11. energy-saving12. AD 200013. SWAT new human 214. Okinawa rendezvous15. big winners16. patterns of love17. little kisses18. the next generation19. winner is kingDouble tap 20.2000-2009"In the mood for love", "Crouching.Tiger,Hidden.Dragon", "rivers and lakes" emergency, "needing you", "the duel" and "AD 2000","Juliet and liangshanbo", "double tap", "needing you", "Okinawa rendezvous" "spy", "Lost City, reinstall","Forever", "diet", "Shaolin Soccer", "Shushan", "fulltime killer biography", "I shoot", "McDull story","Dream", "ghost world" "", "interactive murders fly", "another world," the lion roars ","Go," gun "Infernal Affairs", "golden", "lucky" "a harmonious union lasting a hundred years," Superman "station... Days later,"PTU","A thousand jibian", "Hutch", "husband", "Infernal Affairs II", "forget", "Infernal Affairs III" "quack" non ultimate,"Underworld" and "big event", "new stories", " Judo billboard", "Kung Fu", "A1 headlines", "Butterfly""Myth", "Seven Swords", "house of Fury", "B society", "writing D", "premature", "three fork" and "song","Sentiment insane Mahatma", "love", "dream of romance", "SPL" "Huo Yuanjia", "Mexican attack", "days",, "Isabella", "exclusive test love", "treasure plan", "social harmony": B 2, "confession", "exiled""Disciples", "the Warlords", "brothers" and "detective""Three Kingdoms", "Chibi" of Chibi"Youlongxifeng", "family event," 2009 "love", "stop", "Shinjuku Incident", "door", "the stormriders,"Intimate", "Ye Ye", "Chibi II World War II."。



产品编号 70457901CNR18 4 月 2019
产品安装时必须遵守本地法规,如本地无相关法规,则: 在美国,应遵守美国国家标准 Z223.1/ NFPA 54 《国家燃气规范》(National Fuel Gas Code) 的最新版本以及标准 ANSI/NFPA 70《国家电气安全规范》(National Electric Code)。 在加拿大,应遵守 CAN/CSA-B149.1 即《天然气和丙烷安装规范》(Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code) 以及最新版本 的 CSA C22.1 《加拿大电气标准》(Canadian Electric Code) 的第一部分。 在澳大利亚及新西兰,应遵守燃气安装标准 AS/NZS 5601 第一部分“一般安装方法”(General Installations) 中的规定。
W002R1ຫໍສະໝຸດ ©Alliance Laundry Systems LLC,版权所有 – 请勿复制或传播
产品编号 70457901CNR18
• 设备必须由合格安装人员进行安装。 • 安装滚筒烘干机时必须遵守制造商的说明和当地有关法规。 • 请勿使用柔性塑料通风材料安装滚筒烘干机。如果安装了柔性金属(箔式)管道,该管道必须属于经设备制造商认可
尺寸规格...............................................................................................16 尺寸规格..................................................................................................... 16 机体尺寸..................................................................................................... 18 排气口位置................................................................................................. 19 燃气连接位置.............................................................................................. 20 电气连接位置.............................................................................................. 21 蒸汽连接位置.............................................................................................. 22


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co da Ma rme i 向盗 M ar me i正 版 软件 的 用 户 都 泰腾风扇 c o da 会得到 张Ma rme i  ̄国正 co da O 版 软件说 “ ” 不 版软 件 用 户服 务 中 心登 记卡 , 秦腾科技 于 日前正 式向市
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FG079 –OMEGA TOUCH RevA19 16-01-19Enter Serial No. here._____________________________________In the event of an enquiry please quote this serial number. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALOMEGA TOUCHSOFT DOUGH DEPOSITOR(400, 450, 580)Failure to adhere to the cleaning and maintenance instructions detailed in this booklet could affect the warranty of this machine.invalidate the machine’s warrantySAFETY SYMBOLSThe following safety symbols are used throughout this product documentation and manual (available at ).Before using your new equipment, read the instruction manual carefully and pay special attention to information marked with the following symbols.Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in electric shock.Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in minor or moderate injury.WARNINGWARNINGCAUTIONELECTRICAL SAFETY AND ADVICE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTRICAL PROTECTION: Commercial bakeries, kitchens and foodservice areas are environments where electrical appliances may be located close to liquids or operate in and around damp conditions or where restricted movement for installation and service is evident.The installation and periodic inspection of the appliance should only be undertaken by a qualified, skilled and competent electrician, and connected to the correct supply suitable for the load as stipulated by the appliance data label.The electrical installation and connections should meet the necessary requirements of the local electrical wiring regulations and any electrical safety guidelines.We Recommend:−Supplementary electrical protection with the use of a residual current device (RCD)−Fixed wiring appliances incorporate a locally situated switch disconnector to connect to, which is easily accessible for switching off and safe isolation purposes.The switch disconnector must meet the specification requirements of IEC 60947.The supply to this machine must be protected by a 30mA RCD1.0 - INTRODUCTION2.0 - DIMENSIONS3.0 - SPECIFICATIONS4.0 - SAFETY5.0 - INSTALLATION6.0 - ISOLATION7.0 - CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS8.0 - OPERATING CONDITIONS9.0 - PREPARING FOR OPERATION9A – FITTING THE HOPPER9B – FITTING A TEMPLATE10.0 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1 – SELECT PRODUCT TYPE2 – SELECT SAVED NAME OF PRODUCT TYPE3 – CONFIRM SETUP4 – OPERATOR SCREEN5 – EDIT SCREEN5A – TRAY SETUP6 – COPY7 – DELETE8 – PASSWORDS9 – ENGINEERING SETTINGS10 – FAULT INFORMATION SCREENS11.0 - MAINTENANCE12.0 - SPARES AND SERVICE13.0 - SPARES LIST14.0 - ELECTRICAL INFORMATION1.0 INTRODUCTION• The innovative “four axis deposit” design of MONO’s “Omega Touch” depositor allows it to recreate most of the hand movements of the Master confectioner. This makes the “Omega Touch” capable of exceptional accuracy of product weight, size and shape.• Maintenance is kept to a minimum and the smooth body design makes daily cleaning quick and easy.• Easy to use computer software gives access to 550 programs, which are stored in the memory and easily recalled for use or modification.Control is via a colour touch screen with graphically represented products already installed that can be created or edited to the required product.• It is available with soft dough hoppers. There is also a large selection of templates and nozzles.As it is our policy to improve our machines continuously, we reserve the right to change specifications without prior noticeEASY CONTROLSSLIDE IN TEMPLATES SOFT DOUGH HOPPERSTAND WITHLOCKING CASTORS2.0 DIMENSIONS3.0 SPECIFICATIONSMODEL400450 580(Nom. hopper width (mm))Weight (with hopper fitted) (Kg) : 176 185 194 Standard hopper Capacity (litre) : 20 22.5 29Extended hopper Capacity (litre) : 36 41 53Power: Single phase, 13A max load. Suitable for 200v, 220v,230v, and 240v, 50-60 Hz supply.MAX RATING 2.5kW single phase fused at 13A Cycles per minute = Up to 35 Min distance between trays = 50mm Max vertical travel = 80mm Max program storage = 650 Number of languages = 18 Noise level = Less than 85dB Electronics = All microprocessor controlledNOTE:The minimum deposit that can be made depends on several factors - recipe, mixing method, template size, nozzle size and deposit speed.As a guide the following is the minimum that should be attempted : Macaroons 6g, Meringues 3g, Choux Paste 5g, Viennese 4g, Sponge Drops 4g.However, consult Mono Equipment if intended product falls outside the above general machinespecification to determine the exact capabilities of the “Omega” with any specific product.SOFT DOUGHAs it is our policy to improve our machines continuously, we reserve the right to change specifications without prior noticeThe supply to this machine must be protected by a 30mA RCD4.0 SAFETY1 Never use a machine in a faulty condition and always report any damage.2 Only trained engineers may remove parts that need a tool to remove them.3 Always ensure hands are dry before touching any electrical appliance (includingcable, switch and plug). NEVER move machinery by pulling on the power cords or cables.4 Ensure that the floor area around the OMEGA is clean to avoid slipping –especially if carrying heavy hopper and template components to and from the machine.5 All operatives must be fully trained. Use of the machine can prove dangerous if:the machine is operated by untrained or unskilled staff the machine is not used for its intended purpose the machine is not operated correctlyAll safety devices applied to the machine during manufacture and the operating instructions in this manual are required to operate this machine safely. The owner and the operator are responsible for operating this machine safely.6 People undergoing training on the machine must be under direct supervision .7 Do not operate the machine with any panels or guards removed. They are there to protect you.8 No loose clothing or jewellery should be worn while operating the machine. They could cause damage to the machine and person.9 Switch off power at the mains isolator when machine is not in use and beforecarrying out any cleaning or maintenance .10 The bakery manager or the bakery supervisor should carry outon the machine.11Do not operate machine without hopper template and guard fitted correctly .12 Due to the essential requirement for handling heavy components during cleaning,it is recommended that protective footwear be worn when carrying out such procedures.5.0 INSTALLATION1 Ensure that the depositor is connected to correct electric supply as specified on theserial number plate on the side of the machine.2 Ensure that the correct fuse rating is fitted in the electrical supply3. Position the machine in the correct position for working and lock the two lockingwheels to stop movement.6.0 ISOLATIONIN AN EMERGENCY, SWITCH OFF AT THE ELECTRICAL MAINS WALL ISOLATOR, OR PUSH THE EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON.To release the emergency stop button, turn clockwise.The supply to this machine must be protected by a 30mA RCD7.0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSAll the outer surfaces of the machine should be wiped over daily with warm soapy water.CLEANING SOFT DOUGH HOPPERSThe feed hopper, pump assembly, template, nozzles etc. should be removed from the machine and dismantled for thorough cleaning between product mix changes.1. Open top safety guard and remove excess mixture remaining in the feed hopper.2. Lift off front safety cover and locking-ring.3. Slacken template clamp strip nuts or thumbscrews (depending on type of hopper) Remove fitted template from pump assembly by sliding out to avoid subsequent damage.NOTE. Thumbscrews only need to be released slightly to allow the template to slide away from the pump assembly. If loosened too much, the template will have to be supported.4 To reduce weight and bulk, separate and remove empty feed hopper from pumpassembly whilst still on the machine by unscrewing the wing nuts.Ensure that the nuts are placed where they will not be lost.7. Withdraw the end-cap with the pump gears.Ensure that the ‘O’ sealing ring on the inside of the end-cap is not damaged during cleaning.4. Remove remainder of pump assembly from the machine and removeremaining end-cap to fully dismantle pump assembly components for cleaning.Ensure flat trays of consistent length, width, material and edge dimensions are used.Ensure undamaged nozzles and templates are used.Keep the machine clean.1 Select template and nozzles required and fit as section 9a & 9b following. Fill hopper with mix and close hopper cover.2 Connect power cable to electrical supply. Make sure stop button is in released position (turn clockwise if required).3 Select an existing program or create a new program through the on-screen menus.(see section 10 operation)4 The machine is now ready for operation.It is recommended that when heavy mixes are used, the inside of the hopper should be coated with vegetable oil; for lighter mixes such as meringue, dampen with water. The oil or water will help the mix to settle down the hopper walls and prevent air being sucked in. LIFT AND SLIDE COVER9a FITTING THE HOPPERTo reduce weight and bulk fit the complete hopper assembly in two stages - first the pump assembly onto the support bars, then the feed hopper body onto the pump assembly.1 By hand, align pump assembly drive gear roller with drive shaft on machine.2 Fit hopper to pump assembly and secure with wing nuts.3 Slide hopper on support bars until fully up against machine.4 After the hopper is fitted, the hopper-locking ring MUST BEreplaced onthesupport bar and safety cover replaced with the reflectors facing towards machine body. (The machine will not work without the cover in place).SOFT DOUGHFG079 –OMEGA TOUCH RevA19 16-01-19BEFORE USING STRAIGHT & OFFSET NOZZLE HOLDERS“O” RINGS MUST BE FITTEDNozzle holders provide the means of attaching standard plastic nozzles to the soft dough rotary templates and the sealing rings need to be fitted before using and may need replacing occasionally to ensure correct operation.“O” RING PART NUMBER = A900-12-010 (SUPPLIED IN BAGS OF 20)9b FITTING A TEMPLATE• Soft doughNon-rotary templates that can be fitted with nozzles, requires screwing the nozzles into the threaded holes provided.Rotary templates can have plastic nozzles screwed into nozzle holders (straight or offset). ORMetal nozzles secured in place by a separate nut.1 Select template and nozzles required.(Nozzles are not required for sheeting, staggered or stub templates) 2Attach nozzles to template body:3 Slide template into matching recess at base of pump assembly until the stop is inposition.4 Tighten nuts on clamp strip (on underside of pump assembly) to secure template.NOTE. If the nuts are not securely tightened, leakage of mix will occur,affecting deposit weights.10.0 ‘OMEGA TOUCH’ OPERATIONALL OPERATIONS ARE ACTIVATED BY TOUCHING AREAS ON THE SCREEN WITH A FINGER.DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE OR HARD OBJECTS AS THIS WILL INVALIDATE MACHINE WARRANTY.=KEYBOARD ENTRYREQUIREDBLUE=OPERATIONRED=CHANGE SETTINGSOPERATING KEYFOR FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONSFOLLOW BLUE ARROWS AND BOXES TO OPERATE THE DEPOSITOR WITH ALREADYSAVED PROGRAMSFOLLOW RED ARROWS AND BOXES TO CHANGE SETTINGS AND CREATE NEWPROGRAMSWHEN KEYBOARD APPEARS, A CODE MUST BE ENTERED BY TOUCHING THE NUMBERS IN THE CORRECT ORDERSELECT PRODUCT TYPE SELECT PRODUCT TO DEPOSIT OR TO CREATE NEW PROGRAMALL OPERATIONS ARE ACTIVATED BY TOUCHING AREAS ON THE SCREEN WITH A FINGER. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE OR HARD OBJECTS AS THIS WILL INVALIDATE MACHINE WARRANTY.OR CHOOSE EMPTY SLOT TO CREATE A NEW PROGRAMEMPTY SLOT USED TO CREATE NEW PROGRAMCONFIRM SETUP OF MACHINEDO NOT SET TO THISROTARYMACHINE MUST BE SET AS SHOWN ON THE SCREEN. THEN PRESS CONFIRM BUTTON.OPERATOR SCREENROTARYNON- ROTARYMACHINE IS SET AS SHOWN ON THE SCREEN.THIS SCREEN CONTROLS THE ACTIONS REQUIRED BY THE OPERATOR.DO NOT SET TO THISEXIT THIS SCREENENTER TRAY SETUP SCREENPRIME PUMPSTART MANUAL MODEMAX HEIGHT FOR HOPPER/TEMPLATE COMBINATIONGO TO PART5ADROP WITH TWISTEXAMPLE: “C” SHAPE (ARC)TRAY SETUPPRESS WINDOWS AND ENTER VALUES VIA KEYPADCOPYCOPY TO.DELETEPASSWORDS1234 – SCREEN ADJUSTMENT911112222EDIT/COPYEDIT/COPYDELETETHIS SECTION IS FOR TRAINED ENGINEERS ONLYCAUTIONDO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS UNLESS YOU AREFULLY AWARE OF THE RESULTSTHIS SECTION IS FOR TRAINED ENGINEERS ONLYACCELERATIONACCELERATIONACCELERATION CAUTIONDO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS UNLESS YOU AREFULLY AWARE OF THE RESULTSCAUTIONDO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS UNLESS YOU AREFULLY AWARE OF THE RESULTSGEARBOX RATIOSDO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS UNLESS YOU AREFULLY AWARE OF THE RESULTSCAUTIONDO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS UNLESS YOU AREFULLY AWARE OF THE RESULTSFAULT INFORMATION SCREENSTHIS SCREEN INDICATES A FAULT CONDITION IN THE SAFETY AREAS.WHEN RED, CLOSE COVER OR CLEAR OBSTRUCTIONS TO CLEAR FAULT.WHEN INDICATOR GOES GREEN, FAULT HAS BEEN CORRECTED AT THAT POSITION.PRESS BUTTON TO CLEAR SCREENIF THE FOLLOWING SCREEN APPEARS, CHECK THAT THE TABLE MOVEMENT ETC. IS NOT JAMMED WITH SOMETHING. IF IT IS, CLEAR THE OBSTRUCTIONAND PRESS TO PROCEED.PRESS THIS BUTTON IF MORE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED AS TO WHICH MOTOR IS AT FAULT IF THE FAULT IS NOT OBVIOUS AND NOT ABLE TO BE CLEARED SAFELY, A SUITABLY TRAINED ENGINEER SHOULD BE CALLEDERROR WHEN LOADING/SAVING RECIPE DATA TO HMI STORAGE CARDPLEASE CONTACT SERVICE DEPT. / ENGINEER IF PROBLEM PERSISTSUnder most conditions the machine only needs to be kept clean and used asinstructed in this manual.WARNING: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE A WATER HOSE OR PRESSURE WASHER TOCLEAN THIS MACHINE.Mono Omega Touch12.0 SPARES AND SERVICE.If a fault arises, please do not hesitate to contact theCustomer Service Department, quoting the machine serial numberfound on the silver information plate of the machine and on the front cover of this manualUK SERVICE, SPARES and OVERSEAS SUPPORT:QueenswaySwansea West Industrial EstateSwansea. SA5 4EB UKemail:********************Web site:Spares Tel. +44(0)1792 564039Main Tel. +44(0)1792 561234Fax. 01792 56101613.0SPARESSpares Item Description Mono Part No. Qty Req.per M/C Deposit Gearbox A900-11-095 1Jog Gearbox A900-11-092 1 Rotary Gearbox A900-11-091 1Tray Gearbox A900-11-091 1 Concentric Guide Roller A900-06-274 2 Eccentric Guide Roller A900-06-273 2V Slide 078-03-00016 1Jog Drive Chain A900-08-066 1 Simplex Sprocket 16T 1/2" Pitch A900-07-071 1Idler Sprocket 16T 1/2" Pitch A900-07-072 1Circlip-Ext Metric 14mm Dia A900-01-280 1Circlip-Ext Metric 24mm Dia A900-01-193 1Drive Shaft – Hopper 078-03-00015 1 Rotary Drive Shaft 078-03-00011 1Drive Gear - Rotary Template 078-03-00010 1Lip Seal (Rotary Drive Shaft) A900-12-075 1Lip Seal (Deposit Drive Shaft) A900-12-079 1End Guard 078-11-00036 1 (Earlier plastic version 078-11-00005)Retainer – End Guard 078-11-00035 2 (Earlier plastic version 078-11-00002)Spacer – 450mm/580mm Hopper 078-11-00003 1 Spacer – 400mm Hopper 078-11-00004 1Seal-Rear Cover A900-25-309 1B801-80-055 B801-94-01314.0 ELECTRICAL INFORMATIONTOUCH VERSIONFG079 –OMEGA TOUCH RevA19 16-01-19。

VTech Bright Lights Phone 2009说明书

VTech Bright Lights Phone 2009说明书

Bright Lights Phone ™2009 VTechSincerely,Julia FitzgeraldVice President, Marketing VTech Electronics, NABright Lights Phone™2009 VTechPrinted in China91-001552-010-000QUERIDOS P ADRESEn VTech® sabemos que los niños tienen la capacidad de hacer grandes cosas. Esta es la razón por la que nuestros juguetes electrónicos educativos se diseñan de tal modo que ayudan a desarrollar y estimular la inteligencia de los niños y les permiten aprender y ejercitar numerosas habilidades. Ya sea para aprender letras o números, identificar colores y figuras, o estimular los sentidos con música y luces, todos los productos educativos de VTech® incorporan avanzadas tecnologías y están adaptados al currículo escolar para motivar a los niños de todas las edades a alcanzar su máximo potencial.Para más información sobre nuestros productos visite: I n t r o d u c c i ónINTRODUCCIÓNGracias por comprar Bright Lights Phone™ de VTech ®. En VTech ® nos comprometemos a desarrollar los mejores juguetes posibles para entretener y educar a su hijo.Bright Lights Phone™ es un divertido teléfono móvil para niños de 6 meses en adelante. Tiene luces, sonidos, música y llamativos colores, todo lo que los críos de esta edad necesitan para potenciar y desarrollar sus sentidos. Cada vez que jueguen con él, descubrirán cosas nuevas y serán capaces de aprovechar todo su potencial.coloresde de de AntenamágicoI n s t a l a c i ón d eINCLUIDO EN ESTE EMBALAJE- Un Bright Lights Phone™ de VTech ®.- Un manual de instrucciones.ADVERTENCIA: Todos los materiales de este embalaje, tales comocintas, hojas de plástico, alambres y etiquetas, no son parte de este juguete y deberían ser desechados para la seguridad de su hijo.INSTALACIÓN DE LAS PILAS1. Asegúrese de que el juguete estéapagado. . Localice el compartimento de las pilasen la parte trasera del mismo. Utilice una moneda o un destornillador para abrir la tapa. . Coloque pilas “AAA” (AM-4/LR0 ) comomuestra el dibujo.4. Coloque de nuevo la tapa y apriete eltornillo para cerrar el compartimento.ADVERTENCIA• Se recomienda el uso de pilas alcalinas de alto rendimientoespecíficas para productos tecnológicos.•Instale las pilas correctamente respetando los signos de polaridadI n s t a l a• Reemplace todas las pilas cada vez que se cambien.• No mezcle pilas nuevas y viejas.• No utilice pilas de diferentes tipos.• Extraiga las pilas cuando no se vaya a utilizar el juguete duranteun largo periodo de tiempo.• No intente recargar pilas normales.• No acerque las pilas al fuego.• No se debe provocar cortocircuitos en los bornes de una pila. • Las pilas deben ser instaladas por un adulto o bajo susupervisión.• Retire las pilas usadas del juguete.• Retire las pilas recargables del juguete para su carga.• Debe recargar las pilas siempre bajo la vigilancia de un adulto.• Ayúdenos a cuidar nuestro entorno, es responsabilidad de todos.Este símbolo indica que este producto y sus pilas no deben tirarse a la basura al final de su vida útil, sino que deben ser depositados en contenedores especiales, para poder reciclarlos adecuadamente y así evitar daños en el medio ambiente o efectos perjudiciales para la salud. Por favor, respete la normativa vigente y recurra a un Punto Limpio o a los servicios destinados para tal fin en su localidad.NO RECOMENDAMOS EL USO DE PILAS RECARGABLES CON ESTA UNIDAD. SU UTILIZACIÓN PODRÍA ALTERAR EL FUNCIO-NAMIENTO NORMAL DEL la lengua(ENG) modo enunidad.hacia eldel. Presione elde juego.4. Para apagarde reposo ( ). NOTA:MODO VOZPantalla de Números1. Pulsando las teclas de númerostantas notas como le correspondan. . Pulsando los personajes,se identificarán a la vez queencienden las luces.. Al girar las bolitasnúmeros con cada una de ellas.Pantalla de Personajes1. Pulsando las teclas de númerossus luces correspondientes.. Al girar las bolitas se escucharán los colores y se encenderán las luces que le correspondenPantalla de Espejo1. Pulsando las teclas de númerosescuchará cortas melodías y se encenderán las luces alrededor de la pantalla.. Pulsando los personajes, escucharásus sonidos característicos.. Al girar las bolitas se escucharán notas musicales y se encenderán las luces que le corresponden. MODO MÚSICAPantalla de Números1. Pulsando las teclas de números,escuchará diferentes efectos de sonido.. Pulsando los personajessu sonido característico.. Al girar las bolitas seluces que le corresponden.1. Pulsando las teclas de números,escuchará los efectos de sonido seguido de melodías cortas.. Pulsando los personajes escuchará divertidas melodías, si los pulsa una segunda vez oirá cómo cantan.. Al girar las bolitas se escucharán melodías, si las pulsa por segunda vez escuchará efectos de sonido.Pantalla de Espejo1. Pulsando las teclas de númerosescuchará melodías y se encenderán todas las luces. Si a la vez pulsa losanimales, escuchará cómo cantan.. Al girar las bolitas se escucharánmelodías cortas.CUIDADO Y MANTENIMIENTO1. Limpie el juguete con un paño suave ligeramente húmedo. Noutilice disolventes ni abrasivos.. Manténgalo lejos de la luz directa del sol o de cualquier otra fuente de calor.. Quite las pilas cuando el juguete no vaya a ser utilizado durante un largo periodo de tiempo.4. No deje caer la unidad sobre superficies duras, ni la exponga a lahumedad o al agua.. No trate de reparar la unidad ni desmontar el producto. SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASSi por alguna razón la unidad deja de funcionar o lo hace con irregularidad, por favor, siga estos pasos:1. Apague el juguete.. Quite las pilas.. Deje que la unidad repose durante unos minutos, después, vuelvaa poner las pilas.4. Encienda el juguete, ahora debería funcionar.. Si el producto sigue sin funcionar, utilice pilas nuevas.Si el problema continúa, por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro Servicio de Atención al Cliente a través del teléfono 1- 00- 1- 010 en los Estados Unidos, 1- - - 6 en Canadá o del correo electrónico: 。

泰姬尼产品名:Castweld Ni-55、Castweld Ni-55-O S、Castweld

泰姬尼产品名:Castweld Ni-55、Castweld Ni-55-O S、Castweld

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETTHERMADYNE StoodySECTION 1 – PRODUCT IDENTIFICATIONProduct Type: Composite Wire for Welding Cast IronProduct Name: Castweld Ni-55, Castweld Ni-55-O/S, Castweld Ni-55-O/G(May have –O or –G suffixes to designate open arc or gas shielded wires)Specification: AWS A5.15 ENiFeT3-CIManufacturer: Stoody Company Emergency 24 hour Telephone No.Address: 5557 Nashville Road CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300Bowling Green, KY 42101Telephone: (270) 781-9777Date Prepared: June 18, 2010SECTION 2 – PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA)Hazardous Decomposition Products – Welding fumes and gases cannot be classified simply. The compositionand quantity of both are dependent upon the metal being welded, the process, procedure, and electrodes used.Other conditions which also influence the composition and quantity of the fumes and gases to which workers maybe exposed include: coating on the metal being welded (such as paint, plating, or galvanizing), the number ofwelders and the volume of work area, the quality and the amount of ventilation, the position of the welder’s head with respect to the fume plume, as well as the presence of contaminants in the atmosphere (such as chlorinatedhydrocarbon vapors from cleaning and degreasing activities).When the electrode is consumed, the fume and gas decomposition products generated are different in percentand from the ingredients listed in Section 3. Fumes and gas decomposition products, and not the ingredients inthe electrode, are important. The concentration of a given fume or gas component may decrease or increase bymany times the original concentration in the electrode. Also, new compounds not in the electrodes may form.Decomposition products of normal operation include those originating from the volatilization, reaction, or oxidationof the materials shown in Section 3, plus those from the base metal and coatings, etc. as noted above.Reasonably expected decomposition products from normal use of these products include a complex of oxides ofthe materials listed in Section 3, as well as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and nitrogen oxides. Thefume limit for chromium, nickel, manganese, cobalt, and hexavalent chrome may be reached before thegeneral limit for welding fumes (5 mg/m 3) is reached.One recommended way to determine the composition and quantity of fumes and gases to which workers areexposed is to take an air sample inside the welder’s helmet (if worn) or in the worker’s breathing zone. SeeANSI/AWS F1.1 “Method for Sampling Airborne Particles Generated by Welding and Allied Processes” and“Characterization of Arc Welding Fume” available from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,Miami, FL 33126.Fume generation analysis – Fume generation and fume analysis data, including hexavalent chrome content isavailable for a range of products and may be obtained by sending a request in writing or sending us an inquiry onthe Stoody Company web page ( ).MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 4 – HEALTH HAZARDS1. Acute – Irritation to respiratory system; Bronchitis, asthma; nosebleeds. Eye irritation, conjunctivitis; skin ulcer,irritant and allergic dermatitis (potential occupational carcinogen).2. Chronic – Nasal septum ulceration and perforation; liver, kidney damage; leulocytosis (increased white blood cells),leukopenia (reduced white blood cells), eosinophilia; lung cancer.Overexposure to welding fumes can lead to siderosis (iron deposits in the lung) and affect pulmonary function.Long term overexposure to manganese compounds may affect the central nervous system. Symptoms include muscular weakness and tremors similar to Parkinson’s disease. Behavioral changes and changes in handwriting may also appear.Chromium VI compounds are required by OSHA to be considered carcinogenic. Long term exposure to Chromium and Chromium III Oxide dust can cause scaling, redness, itchiness, and a burning sensation on the skin.Nickel compounds can cause a metallic taste, nausea, tightness in the chest, fever, and allergic reactions. Long term overexposure to nickel compounds may cause lung fibrosis or pneumoconiosis. Soreness and itchiness of the nose and change in skin color and/or appearance may also result. “Nickel and it’s compounds are considered to be carcinogenic by OSHA.”Manganese fume may cause flu like symptoms (Metal Fume Fever).Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure:Lung disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc.ChemicalsListed as Carcinogens – Chromium, Nickel, Cobalt, and their Compounds.National Toxicology Yes XI.A.R.C. Monographs Yes XOSHA YesXWarning: This product contains or produces a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects (or other reproductive harm). (California Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.).Emergency and First Aid Procedures – Call for medical aid. Employ first aid techniques recommended by the American Red Cross.Target/Affected Organs: Blood, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, eyes, skinRoutes of Entry: 1. Inhalation X 3. Skin XIngestionXEyesX 4.2.SECTION 5 – FIRE & EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS(Nonflammable) Welding arc and sparks can ignite combustibles and flammables. Refer to American National Standard Z49.1 and 20 CFR 1910.252 for fire prevention during the use of the welding and allied procedures.SECTION 6 – SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURESWaste Disposal Methods - Dispose of as per the guidelines of RCRA – 40CFR 261.SECTION 7 – SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION/CONTROL MEASURESElectric Arc welding or oxy fuel welding may create various safety hazards – Please refer to warning label on product.MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET See American National Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 and OSHA Publication 2206 (29CFR1910), US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 for more details on the following:Respiratory Protection – Refer to 20 CFR 1910.134Ventilation Local100 fpm Capture VelocityExhaust 20 CFR 1910.252Protective Gloves – Hand shields made of material which is an insulator for heat and electricity.Eye Protection – See OSHA Guide for the selection of proper shade of lens (1910.33(a)(5) and 1910.252(b)(2)(ii)(H).Other Protective Clothing or Equipment – Use insulated clothing for heat and electricity i.e. sleeves, helmet, jacket, boots, etc.Radiation – The effects of radiation depend on the wavelength, intensity, and length of time one is exposed to the radiant energy. Although a variety of effects is possible, the following two injuries are most common: Skin burns and eye damage. SECTION 8 – REPORTING REQUIREMENTSEPA: Evaluate applicability of the reporting requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 – Title V Evaluate applicability of the reporting requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning &Community Right-to-Know-Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFR Part 372.SECTION 9 - DEFINITIONSACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsAcute Signs & Symptoms of exposure that occur on an essentially immediate basis.C Ceiling Limit – exposure limit that cannot be exceeded.Chronic Signs & Symptoms of exposure that occur as a result of long term exposure.CAS No. Chemical Abstracts Service NumberEPA U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyIARC International Agency for Research on CancerIDLH Immediately Dangerous to Live & HealthNIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety & HealthNTP National Toxicology ProgramOSHA U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health AdministrationPEL Permissible Exposure Level (1983)REL National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health Recommended Exposure LimitRCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act – Law authorizing the production of hazardous waste(ignitable, corrosive, reactive, and/or toxic materials).ST Short Term Exposure Limit – limit of exposure for 15 minutes x 4 in an 8 hour shift with at least a2 hour interval in between each exposureSARA Superfund Emergency Reauthorization ActTLV Threshold Limit Value – exposure Limits by the ACGIH organization.TWA Time Weighted Average –average exposure during an eight hour period.The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which we believe are accurate and reliable but not warranted to be, whether originating with the company or not. The information is provided without any representation or warranty, expressed or implied. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use, and disposal of the products are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use, or disposal of the products. Recipients are advised to confirm in advance of need that the information is current, applicable, and suitable to their circumstances. For further information contact:Vice President, TechnologyStoody Company5557 Nashville RoadBowling Green, KY 42101(270) 781-9777。


A.在 View/Change Wirelist 画面,按 ADP,再按 CHANGE ADP
B.在 Change Adapters 画面,按 ADD
C.在 Add Adapter Position 画面,使用“▲”“▼”选择治具板位置,然后 按 Add
D.在 Add Adapter 画面,使用“▲”“▼”选择之治具板编号,再按 Add
第二章 TOUCH 1 仪器测试步骤流程图

软盘 ● ● ●

好线材 移开产品,准备下一个测试 第三章 测试机硬体介绍
1.110V/230V 电源开关 1500VDC
主电源开 关
2.如何安装治具板 A.打开卡锁,取下盖子
卡锁关闭状态 B.插入治具板,再将盖子盖上
1500 V Touch 1 软驱
输入输 出接口
串行口 1,2
网络接 口
显示器 接口
或 MANUAL(手动) AUTOMATIC:仪器在做完低压参数测试后,自动进行高压测试。
3-2 低压绝缘阻值设定 低压绝缘阻值设定范围: 0.1ohm – 100 K ohm (±1%±0.1ohm 1500V) (±4%±0.1ohm 1000V) 500 K ohm, 1M, 5M, (±10% 1500V) (±20% 1000V) 限定:当阻值大于低压绝缘阻值时,不能学习。 操作如下: A.在 View/ Change Learn Settings 画面,触摸 LV 键,然后触摸 CHANGE LV 键,进入 CHANGE LOW VOLTAGE 画面:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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THE SENSE OF TOUCHJukka RaisamoMultimodal Interaction Group Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction Department of Computer SciencesUniversity of Tampere, FinlandOutline for the talk •Introduction to the sense of touch •Physiology of touch•Haptic perceptionThe sense of touch 1/3•Touch is our oldest, most primitive and pervasive sense–it is the first sense to develop and respondstimulation in uterus (during 8 to 14 weeks ofgestation)•Touch is important in several domains of life across the life span, particularly in early life–touch helps us learn about the world around us –plays an integral role in biological, cognitive,and social developmentThe sense of touch 2/3•Touch is a proximal sense, i.e., we feel things close to us or in contact with us–some exceptions occur, e.g., heat radiation &deep bass tones–we can also touch remotely with special tools(e.g., a white cane provides vibratory andpressure information for a blind)•The sense of touch cover all major parts of our body–compared to other major senses, many thingsrelated to touch remains unknownThe sense(s) of touch 3/3•Touch is often considered one of five human senses defined by Aristotle....however, when a person touches various feelings from pressure to temperature and pain are evoked •Thus the term “touch” is actually a combined term for several sub-modalities–in medicine touch is usually replaced with the termsomatic senses to better reflect the variety of sensorymechanisms involved•The senses of touch are mediated by the somatosensory system”The little man inside the brain”•Sensory homunculus fortouch–visualizes the proportionalsensory perception mappingof the body surfaces in thebrain–Lips, tongue, hands, feet andgenitals are considerablymore sensitive than otherparts of the bodyNatural History Museum, London/Somatosensory system 1/2• A sensory systems associated with the body •Concerned with sensory information from the skin, joints, muscles and internal organs–the sensory information is highly sensitive totemperature•Three main modalities:–discriminative touch –temperature & pain –the kinesthetic senses tactile/cutaneous proprioceptionSomatosensory system 2/2•Each somatosensory modality has its own receptors or nerve endings•Basic function of somatosensory pathway in short:1)if a stimulus is larger than the threshold of the receptor,a response is triggered2)electrical discharge is carried by the afferents to theperipheral nerves3)impulses travel through spinal cord to the brains4)the sensations are registered at the somatosensorycortex in the brain–the greater the stimulus the more the receptor discharges& the larger amount of receptors dischargeReceptor classifications 1/2•Location based classification–skin receptors(exteroceptors) are located closeto the skin surface (e.g., touch-pressure,vibration, temperature, pain)–muscle and joint receptors(proprioceptors) arelocated in tendons, muscles and joints (e.g.,position & movement)–visceral receptors(interoceptors) areassociated with the internal organs (e.g., heartrate, blood pressure)Receptor classifications 2/2•Transduction mechanism based classification–mechanoreceptors are responsive to any kind ofmechanical deformation–thermoreceptors are responsive to changes intemperature–chemoreceptors are responsive to substancesproduced within the skin–nociceptors are specialized for detectingpainful stimuliThe tactile sensestactile[from Latin tactilis, to touch]:1 : perceptible by touch2 : of, relating to, or being the sense of touch (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary )Video: The power of touch (2:57)Adapted from and available at/asset/tdc02_vid_touch/Skin 1/2•The largest & heaviest organ in human body (~1,8 m2, 4 kg)–viscoelastic tissue (stretches & maintains its shape)–protects the body from dehydration & physical injury–regulates body temperature & blood pressure–contains structures responsible for ability to feel •When we feel embarrassed, touched, self-conscious, or angry we often feel it directly as a charge at skin level–psychological characteristic of the openness of skin maybe vulnerability, pleasure or excitementSkin 2/2•Layers of the skin–epidermis(0.15-1.5 mm): outermost protective layer,renews fast, contains, e.g., pigment cells and keratin–dermis(0.3-3.0 mm): beneath epidermis, contains, e.g.,most of the skin receptors, nerve endings, capillaries–subcutaneous tissue(thickness varies greatly): forinsulation and storage of energy, contains, e.g., fat,nerves and larger blood vesselsMechanoreceptors 1/3•Tactile sensations are experienced with the entire skin surface–different areas of skin have different qualities (e.g., hairyskin has a “soft touch” channel that is found to beassociated with emotions)•Tactile sensing plays an important role in object discrimination and manipulation–contact detection (pressure)–surface texture (vibration & skin deformation)–tool manipulation (pressure, vibration & skin deformation)Mechanoreceptors 2/3•The receptors function optimally with light contact•Skin receptors are divided into two categories based on their speed of adaptation–slowly adapting (SA)receptors detect constant stimulus(e.g., pressure & skin stretch)–rapidly adapting (RA)ones detect only short pulses (e.g.,initial contact & vibration)SAstimulus RAstimulusMechanoreceptors 3/3•Mechanoreceptors have different spatial resolutions–spatial resolution depends on location of the skin (i.e.,what and how many receptors are found in the locus)–the size of the receptive field depends on how deep in the skin the particular receptor type lies (i.e., the deeper receptor lies the larger is the receptive field)type I receptors have large receptive field (low spatial resolution);type II receptors have small receptive field (good resolution)Small receptive fieldLargereceptivefieldPain and temperature 1/2•Pain and temperature system does not have specialized receptor organs–the changes in the body state is perceived viafree nerve endings found throughout skin,muscles, bones, and tissues–most pain is a result of chemical substancesreleased by damaged tissuesPain and temperature 2/2•Temperature receptors (thermoreceptors)–around 30 cold receptors per one hot receptor –warm receptors are maximally responsive at45°C, cold receptors at 27°C–more responsive to a change in temperaturethan to a constant temperature•Pain receptors (nociceptors)–nerve endings sensitive for mechanical, thermalor chemical stimuli–provide highly important information foravoiding accidentsTactile senses•Skin can be stimulated by tactile feedback (discussed more on Lecture 2)The kinesthetic senses(proprioception)proprioception[from Latin proprius, one’s own + perception]: the reception of stimuli produced within the organism(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary )Proprioception 1/3•An interoceptive sense; provides feedback on the internal status of the body–stretch receptors within muscles with bothrapidly-adapting and slowly-adaptingcomponents–receptors to monitor tensions and forces at thetendons and joints–associates with the neural signals derived frommotor commands (i.e., a closed loop system)•A key component in muscle memory and hand-eye coordination–a highly trainable senseProprioception 2/3•Mediated by receptors located in muscles, tendons, and joints–stimulated by bodily movements and tensions •Receptors register different kinds of information–cutaneous mechanoreceptors (skin stretch)–muscle spindles (muscle stretch),–Golgi tendon organs (tendon stretch)–joint receptors (joint stretch)Proprioception 3/3•Proprioception can be stimulated by force feedback (discussed more on Lecture 3)Haptic perception haptic [from Greek haptesthai to touch]:1 : relating to or based on the sense of touch2 : characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary )Haptic perception 1/2•Haptic perception integrates somatosensory information in recognizing objects–touch mediates material properties (e.g., texture,hardness & temperature)–proprioception provides spatial and motor information(e.g., object geometry & hand position)•The perceived frequency of thegrating depends on1)the physical frequency ofstimulation, and2)information about how fast the fingeris being moved across the surface.Haptic perception 2/2•Vision vs. touch simplified..–vision more capable of providing geometricinformation & general picture–touch more effective at providing materialinformation & fine surface details •Different strategies for touching–active touch (focus on the object properties)–passive touch (focus on the sensationexperienced)Active vs. passive touch•“The great cookie-cutterexperiment” by Gibson (1962)–experimenter pushes cookie cutteronto participant’s palmð49% correct identification–participant actively feels cookiecutter with the palmð95% correct identification•Demonstrated that activeexploration is essential in the ourability to perceive the objects inthe physical worldExploratory procedures •Exploratory procedures defined by Lederman & Klatzky (1987)–these stereotypical ways of touching enhance therelevant perceptual informationAn example: Real-world exploration•Blind biologist and paleontologist: Geerat Vermeij, Professor of Geology, UC Davis–born with a childhood form of glaucoma, completely blindfrom the age of three–Geerat does all his work with his hands; his heightenedawareness of shape and texture has allowed him toobserve distinctions that sighted biologists easily overlook26Questions, please?30。
