



SIP协议错误代码大全1. 1xx系列 - 信息响应1. 100 Trying - 接收方正在处理请求,但没有给出最终响应。

2. 180 Ringing - 接收方正在振铃。

3. 183 Session Progress - 接收方已经在处理请求,并且期望发送一个最终响应。

2. 2xx系列 - 成功响应1.200OK-请求成功,客户端应该进行下一步操作。

2. 202 Accepted - 已经接受请求,但尚未完成处理。

3. 3xx系列 - 重定向响应1. 300 Multiple Choices - 请求的地址有多个选择,用户可以选择其中一个。

2. 301 Moved Permanently - 所请求的资源已经永久移动到新位置。

3. 302 Moved Temporarily - 所请求的资源已经临时移动到新位置。

4. 305 Use Proxy - 所请求的资源必须通过代理访问。

4. 4xx系列 - 客户端错误响应1. 400 Bad Request - 客户端请求有语法错误。

2. 401 Unauthorized - 需要用户身份验证。

3. 403 Forbidden - 服务器禁止访问所请求的资源。

4. 404 Not Found - 所请求的资源不存在。

5. 408 Request Timeout - 请求超时。

6. 415 Unsupported Media Type - 不支持的媒体类型。

5. 5xx系列 - 服务器错误响应1. 500 Server Internal Error - 服务器内部错误。

2. 501 Not Implemented - 服务器不支持实现请求的功能。

3. 502 Bad Gateway - 服务器作为网关或代理,从上游服务器接收到无效响应。

4. 503 Service Unavailable - 所请求的服务暂时不可用。

5. 504 Server Timeout - 服务器在等待上游服务器的响应时超时。

BE 全部模块介绍

BE 全部模块介绍

13131-M0008 13112-M0008









3、打开电脑上面的终端(应用程序------>实用工具-------->终端)4、输入sudo -s,然后会提示你输入密码(就是你电脑的密码)。


创建方法如下:(1)touch XXXX.sh (XXXX是你脚本的名字,你自己想,注意都是英文字母。

)(2)vi XXXX.sh(修改你的脚本内容,内容如下)remaintime=1000000000000waitingtime=5while [ ${remaintime} -gt 0 ];#while [ true ];doremaintime=$(($remaintime-$waitingtime))sudo/Users/XXXXXXX(创建电脑时的名字)/Desktop/h3cclient/h3cclient -u 上网用的用户名/用户密码-m 你电脑的MAC地址en0doneexitexit(3)sh XXXX.sh(运行脚本)6、以上都完成了就可以正常的上网了,(注意:运行了脚本,不要关闭终端,否则要断网)比较麻烦的就是每次开机都要打开终端运行一下脚本,运行步骤如下:(1)打开终端。

(2)输入sudo -s。


(4)输入sh XXXX.sh 希望能帮助大家.QQ:496149950。



1、安装Linux时必须创建的分区是( D )。

A./root B./boot C./etc D./2、Linux系统中在下列( B )文件中指定了网络路由信息。

A./etc/bosts B./etc/network C./etc/resolv.conf D./etc/gateways3、下列服务组件中,( B )可以使用户在Linux与Windows操作系统之间实现文件系统和打印机共享功能。

A.FTP B.Samba C.DHCP D.Squid4、在Windows 2000操作系统的客户端可以通过( C )命令查看DHCP服务器分配给本机的IP地址。

A.config B.ifconfig C.ipconfig D.routeDHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议)5、在Windows操作系统中可以通过安装( A )组件创建FTP站点。

A.IIS B.IE C.WWW D.DNS6、在Windows系统中设置默认路由的作用是( B )。

A.当主机接收到一个访问请求时首先选择的路由B.当没有其他路由可选时最后选择的路由C.访问本地主机的路由D.必须选择的路由7、如果要在接口Windows主机中添加一个静态表项,把IP地址10.0.0.80和MAC 地址00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C进行绑定,则在DOS窗口中键入命令( B )。

A.add -s 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9CB.arp -s 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9CC.add -p 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9CD.arp -p 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C8、在Windows Server 2003操作系统中安装的IIS 6.0不包括( C )功能。

A.Web服务B.FTP服务C.网络打印服务D.简单邮件传输服务9、在Windows 2000中安装SNMP服务,要在控制面板中选择“网络和拨号连接”,在“网络组件”中选择( A )。


2101 病毒发作规则名称
5015 InitializeLicenseLibrary 尚未被调用
5016 InitializeLicenseLibrary 已经被调用
5026 测试版许可即将过期
5027 测试版许可即已过期
1125 DAT 版本不够新
1127 OAS 扫描引擎已禁用
1202 按需扫描已启动
1203 按需扫描完成
1204 报告操作系统序列号
1270 病毒已隔离,没有清除程序
1271 病毒已隔离,启发式扫描
1272 病毒已隔离,不能清除
1273 病毒已隔离,已加密
1274 病毒未清除或隔离
8000 发现感染病毒的项目
1053 发现感染病毒的文件
1024 发现感染病毒的文件
1062 发送警报时出错
5020 发生未知的异常错误
1506 电子邮件内容已阻挡
1505 电子邮件内容已过滤
1047 磁盘 I/O 错误
1087 按访问扫描已启动
1088 按访问扫描已停止
1090 OAS 已停止
1801 启动任务时出错
1802 任务已完成
1803 停止任务时出错
1804 已发现并清除文件病毒
1805 感染病毒的文件已成功隔离
1806 感染病毒的文件已删除
1808 已隔离一个 LotusScript 异常错误
1807 感染病毒的文件已忽略。
1810 已隔离一个 Formula 异常错误
5008 许可信息已损坏
1029 要从扫描中排除的文件
1094 已被端口阻挡规则阻挡
1093 已被缓冲区溢出保护阻挡



EIS 系统功能配置说明(仅供内部使用)文 档 作 者: ______________ 日期:____/____/____ 开发/测试经理: ______________ 日期:____/____/____ 产 品 经 理: ______________ 日期:____/____/____ 文 档 管 理 办: ______________日期:____/____/____深圳市众方信息科技有限公司版权所有 不得复制深圳市众方信息科技有限公司产品名称 产品版本密级EIS内部公开 文档编号:共 38 页修订记录目录1引言 (5)2升级 (5)2.1平台升级说明 (5)2.1.1升级 (5)2.1.2备份数据库 (6)2.2终端升级说明 (6)2.2.1通过平台升级终端 (6)2.2.2在终端上直接升级 (7)2.2.3通过provision加载 (7)3功能配置和查看 (7)3.1平台功能配置 (7)3.1.1更改IP地址 (7)3.1.2Freelink配置 (9)3.1.3修改MGCPSIP注册端口 (9)3.1.4pra配置 (9)3.1.5SIP中继配置 (10)3.1.6呼出呼入路由配置 (11)3.1.7计费服务器配置 (12)3.1.8全局O口配置方法 (12)3.1.9号码替换配置 (12)3.1.10RS路由配置(业务不对外) (12)3.1.11H323配置 (15)3.1.12标准中继对接 (16)3.1.13虚拟业务配置 (16)3.1.14虚拟小交业务配置 (26)3.1.15P2P配置(功能不对外) (26)3.1.16计费管理(半实时计费) (27)3.1.17ADA常用命令 (28)3.1.18信息查看 (31)3.1.19数据库操作命令 (32)3.2终端配置 (33)3.2.1注册配置 (33)3.2.2路由配置 (36)4问题定位跟踪 (36)4.1.1cc跟踪 (36)4.1.2sip跟踪 (37)4.1.3计费跟踪 (37)4.1.4mgcp跟踪 (37)4.1.5H323跟踪 (38)4.1.6pra跟踪 (38)4.1.7新信令跟踪(trace) (38)4.1.8版本单通定位手段(适用于EIGA和EIGB) (38)5其它 (38)EIS系统功能配置说明1引言此文档主要是针对现在EIS系列产品的功能使用的说明书,阐述了如何对平台和终端进行升级、配置和问题定位。



以下哪一个不是按键精灵的产品? 按键箱子录制的脚本没有以下哪个功能? 记录鼠标特征码下列哪一个命令不属于"全部命令"? 内核命令按键精灵自带的抓图工具是? 按键抓抓哪一种方法能够找到命令的帮助说明? 在全部命令中搜索命令,点击后帮助说明会出现在编辑器下方.按键精灵不可以在以下哪个系统中使用? Linux可以使用神盾功能的程序是? 小精灵商业版旧版本的脚本导入到新版本中,以下哪种方法不可以纠正语法错误? 使用"自动缩进"功能WaitClick命令的含义是? 按任意鼠标键继续哪一类脚本程序是按键精灵官方授予销售权的? 小精灵商业版只要在编辑脚本,切换输入法时,按键精灵就卡住了,可能是下列哪一个原因? Plugin目录下装有不是官方提供的插件引起的关于加密脚本的描述,下列是错误的是? 只有会员输入密码可以解开加密脚本GetLastClick命令的含义是? 检测上次按过的鼠标键按键精灵生成的小精灵程序的后缀名是? EXE按键精灵会员不能享受的论坛权限是? 可以访问按键精灵“版版家园”专区享受版主资源网页按键精灵是下列哪一个程序? wqm.exe按键精灵的产品包括以下哪一个? 按键盒子按键精灵是下列哪一个程序? 按键精灵9.exe按键精灵会员卡注册码,没有以下哪一种? 天卡(1天)UnlockMouse命令的含义是? 解除锁定鼠标位置按键精灵会员不能享受的资源是? 免费小精灵的源代码RightUp命令的含义是? 右键弹起按键精灵的功能不包括? 自动发明汽车、飞机、火箭等机器按键精灵能兼容下列哪一种语言? VBS不能用抓抓工具直接获取的是? PID关于按键精灵的描述,以下正确的是? 按键精灵是一款绿色的模拟键盘鼠标操作的软件脚本编辑界面上没有的按钮是?启动与取色判断命令没有直接关系的参数是? 按键码以下哪种方式可以在脚本编辑界面中获取到新的插件? 点击"资源库"按钮,然后导入需要的插件LeftClick命令的含义是? 左键单击按键精灵官方网站的网址是? /RestoreMousePos命令的含义是? 恢复上次保存的鼠标位置如果按键精灵在某些环境失效,可以使用下列哪个工具? 神盾SaveMousePos命令的含义是? 保存当前鼠标所在位置GetCursorPos命令的含义是? 得到鼠标位置坐标键盘命令的类型不包括? 锁定按键精灵里运算符乘号是? *KeyPress命令的含义是? 按键MiddleClick命令的含义是? 中键单击LockMouse命令的含义是? 锁定鼠标位置按键精灵会员不能享受的功能是? 脚本编写服务GetCursorShape命令的含义是? 得到鼠标形状按键精灵自带的用户界面叫做什么? QUI界面RightClick命令的含义是? 右键单击按键精灵里运算符减号是? -按键精灵默认的启动热键是? F10属于"全部命令"的是? 我的命令库“录制”功能不能录制的内容是? 记录鼠标指向的窗口句柄按键抓抓是下列哪一个程序? picker.exe想要知道脚本是否存在错误,应该使用下列哪个功能? 调试以下哪种方式不可以获得论坛银币? 发布大量无内容的主题贴按键精灵里运算符除号是? /按键精灵会员不能享受的技术支持是? 技术人员上门服务按键精灵自带的功能不包括以下哪一个? 路由功能GetLastKey命令在获取一次ANSI字符代码后继续循环执行返回值是?0变量的定义,以下哪个是正确的? dim a下列哪一种方法不能够正确输入命令? 鼠标右键单击命令按键精灵的功能是?模拟鼠标键盘操作的工具MoveR命令的含义是? 相对移动关于小精灵去广告的描述,下列正确的是? 会员用户在“制作按键小精灵”界面上->更多设置->选择会员去广告(是)即可按键精灵里运算符加号是? +对小精灵的描述,以下是正确的? 按键小精灵是把按键精灵的脚本打包成一个可单独执行的EXE程序,便于传播以及提供给新手使用。


欢迎使用 NetSDK(以下简称 SDK)编程指导手册。 SDK 是软件开发者在开发网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、网络摄像机、网络球机和智能设备 等产品监控联网应用时的开发套件。
1.1 概述 .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 环境要求 ....................................................................................................................................... 2 第 2 章 主要功能 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 SDK 初始化 ................................................................................................................................... 3




180 Ringing 说明callee已经被联系上,callee的铃正在响.收到这个信息后,等待200 OK1)181 Call is being forwarded说明call被重新路由到另外一个目的地2)182 Queued说明callee当前是不可获得的,但是对方不想直接拒绝呼叫,而是选择放在呼叫队列中3)183 Session progress用来警告caller频段(inband)错误。

当从PSTN收到一个ISDN消息,SIP gateway 产生183 Session progress 。

2xx successful Responses200 OK3xx Redirection Responses4)300 Multiple choices说明呼叫的地址被解析成多个地址,所有的地址都被提供出来,用户或用户代理可以从中选择联系哪个。

5)301 Moved permanently说明指定地址的用户已经永远不可用,在头中已经用另外一个地址替换了.6)302 Moved temporarily说明指定地址的用户临时不可用,在头中已经用另外一个地址代替了.7)305 Use proxy说明caller必须用一个proxy来联系callee.8)380 Alternative service说明call不成功,但是可选择其他的服务4xx Request Failure Responses9)400 Bad Request说明由于非法格式,请求不能被理解。

10)401 Unauthorized说明请求需要用户认证。

11)402 Payment required说明完成会话需要付费.12)403 Forbidden说明server已经收到并能理解请求但不提供服务。

13)404 Not Found说明server有明确的信息在指定的域中用户不存在.14)405 Method Not Allowed说明请求中指定的方法是不被允许的。




1.1 什么是数字中继数字中继是一个E1接口(又称PCM),是一对引自程控交换机的同轴电缆线,在电缆线上数据传输速率是2.048 Mbps,可以同时容纳32时隙*64Kbps的语音数据。

64,000 bps (每个语音通道的速率)x 32 (通道数或者叫时隙数)2,048,000 (E1 速率)当E1用于七号信令时,在32个时隙中,第0时隙被用作帧同步信息,除0时隙外的某一时隙作为公共信令通道(一般为第16时隙),其余30个时隙用作语音通道。


1.1.1 E1 帧结构在数字中继电路中,数据按字节构成帧(Frame)。


如图1.1所示:图1.1 E1帧结构E1 的时隙编号从0到31。

该编号与DSIU7100/7200网关的带信令链路的中继通道的对应关系参见下表:E1时隙网关E1时隙网关E1时隙网关00 帧同步 11 语音通道22 语音通道01 语音通道 12 语音通道23 语音通道02 语音通道 13 语音通道24 语音通道03 语音通道 14 语音通道25 语音通道04 语音通道 15 语音通道26 语音通道05 语音通道 16 信令通道27 语音通道06 语音通道 17 语音通道28 语音通道07 语音通道 18 语音通道29 语音通道08 语音通道 19 语音通道30 语音通道09 语音通道 20 语音通道31 语音通道10 语音通道 21 语音通道注意:DSIU7100/7200网关的不带信令链路的中继通道的16时隙没有信令通道,其它与上表的一致。

1.2 No.7信令方式简述CCITT No.7信令方式是一种国际性的标准化的通用公共信道信令系统,其特点如下:●最适合程控交换机的数字电信网●能满足现在和将来具有呼叫控制、遥控及管理和维护信令的电信网中,处理机间事务处理信息传递的要求●能提供可靠的方法,使信息按正确的顺序传送又不致丢失或重复。

configure for iMessage services

configure for iMessage services

This is intended as a quick and easy guide to enable the average user to configure for iMessage services.It is acknowledged that it will not work in all cases but should assist a great many people if only by giving an understanding of the processes involved to enable iMessage.It is not intended as a help thread, requests for help will be deemed off-topic and removed.For help with iMessage refer to the comprehensive How to Fix iMessage Guide thread.Links to all of the referenced files are at the end of this first post. Despite them being at the end of the instructions, now is a good time to download them.If you have tried and failed previously then there are some steps to take before you start again.Open Safari and log in to Click on Find iPhoneClick the down arrow next to All DevicesIf there are spurious devices in the list from previous failed attempts click each one and Remove from Account.You should also remove any unwanted devices from your Apple ID through the link on the iCloud page,or by directly logging in to your Apple ID page.Sign Out of Close SafariOpen System Preferences - iCloud : Click Sign OutDisconnect from the network then RestartOpen a Finder window and click on your User Name then in a blank area right click and selectShow View Options and from the resulting window select Show Library Folder.Open the newly revealed Library folder and select CachesFrom the Caches folder delete all files and folders beginning with :◦com.apple.iCloudHelper◦com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent◦com.apple.MessageIn Finder navigate to Username/Library/Preferences and delete all files and folders beginning with◦com.apple.iChat.◦com.apple.icloud.◦com.apple.ids.service◦com.apple.imagent.◦com.apple.imessage.◦com.apple.imservice.Empty the Trash and Restart.****************************************************** ********************Start hereIt has been said that you must have a credit card registered with your AppleID in order to use iMessage,I can neither confirm or deny this as I have never tried it without.You must have a working Ethernet connection which is defined as BuiltIn and en0.An easy way to determine this is with the DPCIManager app.It is possible to connect with a Wireless adaptor but you must have working Ethernet which is BuiltIn and en0 too.This is the most basic fundamental and the one that is overlooked most by laptop users although it is equally valid for desktop users too.The exception to this is when you have a machine that does not have Ethernet, in this case it is acceptable (with the appropriate SMBIOS) to have the Wireless adaptor as en0 but it must be identified as BuiltIn too.The next requirement is a correctly configured SMBIOS.In the interests of simplicity the examples shown will use the CloverConfigurator app but it should be noted that this is not the only (or best) way to achieve the required result.What is certain is that you should never edit your config.plist file with a text editor as this can corrupt the formatting. A corrupt config.plist is the same as having no config.plist at all.You should already have determined the optimum System Definition for your hardware.If you subsequently change your System Definition you must run through the procedure detailed in this guide again.Before starting to configure for iMessage you should ensure that your config.plist is otherwise correctly set up for your specific hardware.The following examples refer only to changes required to your existing config.plist.It is not suggested that anything not shown in the examples should be removed from your own config.plist unless specifically mentioned.If you haven't already, install CloverConfigurator to your/Applications folder.From the /Applications folder run Clover Configurator Mount the EFI partitionFile - Open - EFI/CLOVER/config.plistIn the left pane select Rt VariablesFrom the ROM dropdown list select UseMacAddr0 Make sure that the MLB box is emptySet BooterConfig to 0x28Set CsrActiveConfig to 0x67In the left pane select SMBIOSClick the Magic Wand toolClick on the picture appropriate for your intended System Definition.From the dropdown list, choose the desired System Definition. Click the shake buttons several times to generate a Serial Number - Click OK.Copy the Serial Number and check it on/ultimate-mac-lookup/ Paste the Serial Number into the box and click Lookup Prove that you are not a robotIf you see this response your serial number is invalid - Go back to the magic wand and generate another one.If you see a response similar to this it means that you have generated a serial number in a recognisable format and it is ok to proceed to the next stage.Open the https:// site and paste your Serial Number into the boxEnter the required code and click ContinueThis is the part of the process which confuses people the most so pay particular attention :If you see the message "Your Service and Support Coverage" and a picture of a computerthen you have generated the Serial Number of a computer that is already recorded in Apple's database.Do not use this Serial Number - Go back to the Magic Wand tool and generate a new one.If you see the message "We're sorry, but this serial number is not valid. Please check your information and try again" andthe Serial Number has passed verification at then it is OK to use this Serial Number for your config.plist.This is so important that it is worth repeating :You need a Serial Number that confirms is in the correct format and that Apple says is not valid.It does not mean that it is not a valid Serial Number - It means that it is not already registered.Quit SafariOpen a Terminal window and type uuidgen (and press Return) several times to generate some random UUIDs.Copy one of your random UUID numbers from the Terminal window and paste it into the SmUUID box in Clover Configurator.In Clover Configurator select File - SaveQuit Clover Configurator.RestartFrom your /Applications folder run Clover Configurator,Mount the EFI partition.Select File - Open - EFI/CLOVER/config.plistOnce your config.plist file has loaded into Clover Configurator : Open a Terminal windowOpen a Finder window and browse to the location where you downloaded simpleMLB.shDrag simpleMLB.sh from Finder onto the Terminal window, click inside the Terminal window and press ReturnCopy the generated number then paste it into Clover Configurator - SMBIOS - Board Serial Number.In Clover Configurator select File - SaveQuit Clover Configurator and Terminal.RestartOpen a Finder window, browse to the location where you downloaded iMessageDebug and run it.Press y and Return to save a copy called iMessageDebug.txt. RestartOpen a Finder window and browse to the location where you downloaded iMessageDebug and run it.Compare the output with the saved copy.If the two copies are the same you may reconnect to the network and proceed to set up iMessage.The last line in the output of iMessageDebug is subject to change but does not appear to be a cause for concern.If you follow the guide and get a failed ROM in iMessageDebug you may need to install EmuVariableUefi-64 and RC Scripts with the Clover installer. This seems to particularly apply to those with 100 series motherboards.****************************************************** ********************The examples shown are for the Clover boot loader that has been installed in UEFI mode.If you have installed Clover in Legacy mode then the procedure is the same except that your config.plistis located in the /EFI/CLOVER folder on your System disk.For brevity the guide is for users of El Capitan as this is the operating system that most people will be using at the time of writing.If you use a different version of the operating system then you should adapt these instructions to your own requirements.This is not intended as a help thread, requests for help will be deemed off-topic and removed.For help with iMessage refer to the comprehensive How to Fix iMessage Guide thread.Clover Configurator- iMessageDebugv2- simpleMLB- DPCIManager。

mac dns被劫持

mac dns被劫持

Last login: Fri Nov 22 17:32:41 on ttys000VictortekiMacBook-Pro:~ VP$ cd /usr/sbin/VictortekiMacBook-Pro:sbin VP$ ps -efUID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD0 1 0 0 12:06下午?? 0:23.43 /sbin/launchd0 11 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:03.60/usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (System)0 12 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:01.22 /usr/libexec/kextd0 13 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:10.12 /usr/sbin/notifyd0 14 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.29 /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd0 15 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:07.56 /usr/libexec/configd0 16 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:05.12 /usr/sbin/syslogd0 17 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:01.25 /usr/sbin/distnoted daemon0 18 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:15.30 /usr/libexec/opendirectoryd0 21 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/wdhelper0 22 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.13 /usr/libexec/warmd213 23 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.07/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ usbmuxd -launchd0 26 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.04 /usr/libexec/stackshot -t0 29 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.15/System/Library/CoreServices/SleepServicesD0 30 1 0 12:06下午?? 2:42.57 /usr/sbin/securityd -i0 32 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.04/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Sup port/revisiond0 33 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:03.75/System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/powerd0 38 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:34.61/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.frame work/Support/mds65 39 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:05.17 /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder 501 42 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:06.84/System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow console0 43 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.02/System/Library/CoreServices/logind205 44 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:01.32 /usr/libexec/locationd0 45 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent0 47 1 0 12:06下午?? 1:32.61 /usr/libexec/hidd0 48 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:16.19/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Carb onCore.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd0 50 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.01 /sbin/dynamic_pager -F/private/var/vm/swapfile0 53 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:02.02/System/Library/CoreServices/launchservicesd55 54 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.16/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd --server0 59 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.04 autofsd0 61 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:00.11 /usr/libexec/aosnotifyd0 62 1 0 12:06下午?? 0:01.94 /usr/libexec/airportd0 63 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:22.97 /Library/Application Support/Magican/McDaemon -load0 65 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:14.13 /usr/libexec/taskgated -s0 67 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:05.71/System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd0 68 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/xpcd0 71 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.59 com.apple.authd0 108 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:27.58 /usr/sbin/ocspd88 120 1 0 12:07下午?? 8:32.27/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraph ics.framework/Resources/WindowServer -daemon0 122 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.67/System/Library/CoreServices/backupd24 126 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:02.53 /usr/libexec/networkd0 129 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.59/usr/libexec/networkd_privileged0 132 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.34 /usr/libexec/usbd0 133 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c/private/etc/ntp-restrict.conf -n -g -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -f /var/db/ntp.drift0 135 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:02.04 /usr/libexec/pacemaker -b -e 0.0001 -a 100 137 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.29 sysmond0 138 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:15.80/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.frame work/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores0 167 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.26/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/CVMServer0 177 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.12com.apple.CodeSigningHelper0 182 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:05.05 /Library/Application Support/Avast/components/proxy/com.avast.proxy -n -c /Library/Application Support/Avast/config/com.avast.proxy.conf0 190 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:02.90 /Library/Application Support/Avast/components/fileshield/com.avast.fileshield/System/Library/CoreServices/SoftwareUpdate.app/Contents/Resources/softwareupdated200 222 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/xpcd0 223 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.07/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.framework/Resources/suhelper d0 224 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.03/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Resources/tccd system0 231 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.05erDictionary0 232 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.01 /sbin/launchd0 234 232 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.14 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent0 235 1 0 12:07下午?? 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/filecoordinationd0 237 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:03.52/usr/libexec/securityd_service501 238 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:07.43 /sbin/launchd501 241 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:01.34/usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (Aqua)501 242 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:18.63 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent 501 248 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:08.60/System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock501 250 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:02.70/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServ er501 251 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:26.65/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder202 253 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:03.74 /usr/sbin/coreaudiod202 254 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.02 /usr/libexec/xpcd202 255 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.05com.apple.audio.DriverHelper501 260 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pboard501 261 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:07.88 /usr/libexec/xpcd501 262 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.32 /usr/libexec/sharingd501 263 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:02.88/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Resources/tccd501 264 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.32 /usr/libexec/librariand501 266 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:01.46/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Support/ubd 501 267 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:08.09/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.frame work/Support/fontd/Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/PhotoStreamAgent.app/Conten ts/MacOS/PhotoStreamAgent501 274 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.08/usr/libexec/WiFiKeychainProxy501 275 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.74 /usr/sbin/usernoted501 276 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.02/System/Library/CoreServices/SocialPushAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/SocialPushAg ent501 277 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:04.39/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MessagesKit.framework/Resources/soagent.app /Contents/MacOS/soagent501 280 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:04.41/System/Library/CoreServices/NotificationCenter.app/Contents/MacOS/NotificationC enter501 281 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.19 /usr/libexec/lsboxd501 283 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:05.57/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/imagent.app/Contents/MacO S/imagent501 287 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:01.67/System/Library/CoreServices/AppleIDAuthAgent501 288 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:03.26/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/Calenda rAgent501 297 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.09/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/iTune sHelper0 299 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:08.32/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd501 301 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.80/Applications/Alfred.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred501 302 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.51/System/Library/CoreServices/MenuExtras/TextInput.menu/Contents/SharedSupport/TISwitcher.app/Contents/MacOS/TI Switcher501 303 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.18/System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd 501 304 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.06/System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Resources/imklaunchagent 501 305 1 0 12:08下午?? 0:06.06 com.apple.internetaccounts 501 306 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:30.26 /Library/InputMethods/SogouInput.app/Contents/MacOS/SogouInput501 314 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:01.30/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/Support/cookied/System/Library/CoreServices/pbs501 321 238 0 12:08下午?? 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0:00.16 /usr/libexec/syspolicyd501 401 238 0 12:08下午?? 0:00.51/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.frame work/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter501 412 238 0 12:09下午?? 5:03.50 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Word89 417 1 0 12:09下午?? 0:00.08 /sbin/launchd89 420 417 0 12:09下午?? 0:00.16 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent 501 425 238 0 12:09下午?? 0:00.25 /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft AU Daemon.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft AU Daemon0 453 232 0 12:10下午?? 0:00.01/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.frame work/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter501 455 1 0 12:10下午?? 0:00.02com.apple.appstore.PluginXPCService/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Resources/installd89 499 417 0 12:12下午?? 0:02.11/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.frame work/Versions/A/Support/mdworker -s mdworker-sizing -c MDSSizingWorker -m com.apple.mdworker.sizing0 568 1 0 12:13下午?? 0:00.83 /usr/libexec/systemstatsd0 619 1 0 12:13下午?? 0:02.15 /Library/Application Support/Avast/files/vps/com.avast.MacAvast.MAD -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/master -os -od -oa -ou0 -om0666 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.file -oa -ou0 -om0600 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.web -oa -ou0 -om0600 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.mail -oa -ou0 -om0600 -d /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/files/vps -w /tmp -l /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/config/license.dat -m 0x00000022 -s /var/log/avastdaemon.log -e3600 -al/tmp/avastdownload.log -hs10000 -hf/Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/config/.avast_history -bk -n -v -ad360 -ar/Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/components/registration/com.avast.registration.app/Contents/MacOS/ com.avast.registration0 639 619 0 12:13下午?? 1:47.51 /Library/Application Support/Avast/files/vps/com.avast.MacAvast.MAD -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/master -os -od -oa -ou0 -om0666 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.file -oa -ou0 -om0600 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.web -oa -ou0 -om0600 -u /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/socket.mail -oa -ou0 -om0600 -d /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/files/vps -w /tmp -l /Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/config/license.dat -m 0x00000022 -s /var/log/avastdaemon.log -e3600 -al/tmp/avastdownload.log -hs10000 -hf/Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/config/.avast_history -bk -n -v -ad360 -ar/Library/ApplicationSupport/Avast/components/registration/com.avast.registration.app/Contents/MacOS/ com.avast.registration0 649 1 0 12:13下午?? 0:09.01 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd daemon 501 651 238 0 12:13下午?? 0:14.21 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent 501 653 238 0 12:13下午?? 0:00.38/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Resources/LaterAgent. app/Contents/MacOS/LaterAgent501 727 238 0 12:18下午?? 0:00.07/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/PrintCore.f ramework/Versions/A/printtool agent501 1065 238 0 1:35下午?? 4:24.73 /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome501 1068 1065 0 1:35下午?? 2:34.04 /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Versions/31.0.1650.57/Google ChromeHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Helper --type=gpu-process--channel=1065.0.371149094 --supports-dual-gpus=false--gpu-driver-bug-workarounds=0,9,14,17,22,29 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --gpu-vendor-id=0x8086 --gpu-device-id=0x0166 --gpu-driver-vendor--gpu-driver-version501 1076 1065 0 1:35下午?? 0:04.49 /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Versions/31.0.1650.57/Google ChromeHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=zh-CN --force-fieldtrials=AutocompleteDynamicTrial_2/PP_EnableZeroSuggest_R1_Control C/CookieRetentionPriorityStudy/ExperimentOn/DeferBackgroundExtensionCreation/ Deferred/ForceCompositingMode/thread/InfiniteCache/No/InstantExtended/Group1 pct:25 stable:r4 use_remote_ntp_on_startup:1 espv:210suppress_on_srp:1/Prerender/Prerender15minTTL/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/Lo calPredictor=Disabled/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformi ty-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group3/UMA-New-Install-Uniformity-Tr ial/Experiment/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_14/UMA -Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_77/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/default/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_02/U MA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_03/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/default/--enable-threaded-compositing --extension-process --renderer-print-preview--disable-html-notifications --disable-accelerated-video-decode--channel=1065.3.435491810222 1271 1 0 3:33下午?? 0:00.23 /usr/sbin/netbiosd501 1285 238 0 3:34下午?? 0:00.06/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreRecents.framework/Versions/A/Support/rec entsd501 1748 238 0 4:05下午?? 0:00.53/System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell-psn_0_192559501 1750 1 0 4:05下午?? 0:00.14erDictionary501 1926 238 0 4:17下午?? 0:20.05 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Excel.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Excel0 2076 1 0 4:26下午?? 0:00.16/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMediaIO.framework/Resources/VDC.plugin/Conte nts/Resources/VDCAssistant202 2121 1 0 4:29下午?? 0:00.02com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper501 2131 238 0 4:29下午?? 2:31.85/Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ501 2134 1 0 4:29下午?? 0:00.02com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice501 2142 1 0 4:29下午?? 0:00.18com.apple.AppSandboxSMLoginItemEnabler501 2143 238 0 4:29下午?? 0:00.88/Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/QQPlatform.app/Contents/MacOS /QQPlatform501 2144 238 0 4:29下午?? 0:03.86/Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/ScreenCapture.app/Contents/Mac OS/ScreenCapture501 2228 1 0 4:35下午?? 0:00.01com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice501 2347 238 0 4:42下午?? 0:01.01/Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview501 2351 1 0 4:42下午?? 0:00.04com.apple.BKAgentService501 2356 1 0 4:42下午?? 0:00.03com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice501 2357 238 0 4:42下午?? 0:00.31 /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/Image Capture Extension.app/Contents/MacOS/Image Capture Extension501 2360 238 0 4:42下午?? 0:00.07/System/Library/CoreServices/ScopedBookmarkAgent501 2579 1 0 4:53下午?? 0:00.03com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData501 2607 238 0 4:55下午?? 0:00.03/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/help d501 3551 238 0 5:57下午?? 0:07.20 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft PowerPoint.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft PowerPoint501 3684 1065 0 6:05下午?? 0:03.17 /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Versions/31.0.1650.57/Google ChromeHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=zh-CN --force-fieldtrials=AutocompleteDynamicTrial_2/PP_EnableZeroSuggest_R1_Control C/CookieRetentionPriorityStudy/ExperimentOn/DeferBackgroundExtensionCreation/ Deferred/ForceCompositingMode/thread/InfiniteCache/No/InstantExtended/Group1 pct:25 stable:r4 use_remote_ntp_on_startup:1 espv:210suppress_on_srp:1/Prerender/Prerender15minTTL/PrerenderFromOmnibox/Omnibo xPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/Test0Per centDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-U niformity-Trial/Group3/UMA-New-Install-Uniformity-Trial/Experiment/UMA-Session-R andomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_14/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/gro up_77/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/default/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/gr oup_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/ group_03/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/default/ --enable-threaded-compositing --renderer-print-preview --instant-process --disable-html-notifications--disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=1065.40.1555188370501 3687 1065 0 6:05下午?? 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1 SOFTWARE INTERFACE 软件接口 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. POWER TURN-ON/INITIALIZATION STATE 上电/初始化状态 .................................................................... 1 1.2. OVERALL ADDRESS MAPPING: WORDS VS. BYTES 整体地址映射:字 和 位 ........................................ 2 1.3. SOFTWARE INTERFACE: INTERNAL RAM 软件接口:内部 RAM .............................................................. 3 1.4. INTERNAL REGISTERS ADDRESS AND BIT MAPPING 内部寄存器地址和位映射 ..................................... 3 1.5. INTERRUPT MASK REGISTER 中断屏蔽寄存器 ........................................................................................ 6 1.5.1. RAM PARITY ERROR RAM 校验错误..................................

5g短信messageid生成规则 -回复

5g短信messageid生成规则 -回复

5g短信messageid生成规则-回复1. 使用时间戳:将当前时间转换为毫秒数作为MessageID的一部分,确保唯一性。

2. 结合设备ID:在时间戳的基础上,添加设备ID,以确保不同设备生成的MessageID不同。

3. 添加序列号:使用一个自增的序列号作为MessageID的一部分,以保证在同一设备下,每条短信生成的MessageID都是唯一的。

4. 引入随机数:添加一个随机数作为MessageID的一部分,以增加生成的MessageID的随机性和唯一性。

5. 添加业务标识:在MessageID中加入一些业务相关的标识,如用户ID 或业务类型,以便后续处理和查询。

6. 使用分段编码:将MessageID分成几个部分,每个部分使用特定的编码方式,如Base64、MD5等,在生成时进行拼接,以便在后续处理中能够解析出各个部分的含义。

7. 结合用户手机号:将用户手机号作为MessageID的一部分,确保同一手机号生成的MessageID不同,方便后续按照手机号进行查询和处理。

8. 添加运营商标识:在MessageID中添加运营商的标识,以便后续查询和统计不同运营商的短信发送情况。

9. 使用哈希算法:对一些特定的信息(如设备ID、手机号等)进行哈希运算,生成一个固定长度的哈希值作为MessageID的一部分,保证唯一性和随机性。

10. 结合地区编码:在MessageID中加入地区编码,以便后续根据地区进行分析和查询。

11. 添加消息类型标识:在MessageID中添加消息的类型标识,如短信、彩信、语音等,方便后续根据类型进行分类和处理。

12. 使用CRC校验码:对一些特定的信息进行CRC校验生成一个固定长度的校验码作为MessageID的一部分,以确保消息的完整性和唯一性。

13. 添加业务流水号:将业务流水号作为MessageID的一部分,确保同一业务的相关消息生成的MessageID是唯一的。

14. 引入分布式ID生成算法:使用分布式ID生成算法,如Snowflake 算法,生成全局唯一的ID作为MessageID,确保全局唯一性。

NEC EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows 快速启动指南iSCSI目标服务器版

NEC EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows 快速启动指南iSCSI目标服务器版

EXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows Quick Start Guide for iSCSI Target ServerVersion 1July, 2016DisclaimerThe contents of this document are subject to change without notice. NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility for technical or editorial mistakes in or omissions from this document. T o obtain the benefits of the product, it is the customer’s responsibility to install and use the product in accordance with this document. The copyright for the contents of this document belongs to NEC Corporation. Copying, altering, or translating this document, in full or in part, without the permission of NEC Corporation, is prohibited.Trademark InformationInformation in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of NEC Corporation.Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Other system names, company names, and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective companies.Contents1About This Guide (4)1.1Using This Guide (4)1.2Revision History (4)1.3Evaluation Environment (4)1.4For More Information (4)2Overview (6)3System Requirements and Planning (7)3.1System Requirements (7)3.2System Planning (7)4EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation (9)4.1Install EXPRESSCLUSTER X on the Primary Server (9)4.2Install EXPRESSCLUSTER X on the Secondary Server (10)4.3Restart the Primary and Secondary Servers (10)4.4Confirm Connectivity between Servers (10)5Base Cluster Setup (11)5.1Start WebManager (11)5.2Create a Cluster (11)5.3Set Up the Network Configuration (11)5.4Create a Failover Group (12)5.5Create Resources for Base Cluster (12)5.6Upload the Cluster Configuration and Start Cluster (13)6iSCSI Target Server Installation (15)6.1Install iSCSI Target Server on the Primary Server (15)6.2Install iSCSI Target Server on the Secondary Server (16)7iSCSI Target Server Cluster Setup (18)7.1Add the First Set of Scripts (18)7.2Add the Second Set of Scripts (19)7.3Change Dependency of Resources (19)7.4Upload the Cluster Configuration (20)8iSCSI Initiator Setup (21)9Appendix (22)9.1Test Cluster and Verify Functionality (22)9.2Example System Planning Worksheet (22)1 About This Guide1.1 Using This GuideThis guide provides a hands-on “Quick Start” set of instructions to createActive/Standby cluster system for iSCSI T arget Server withEXPRESSCLUSTER X for Windows. The guide assumes users haveMicrosoft Windows system administration knowledge and skills withexperience in installation and configuration of Microsoft Windows operatingsystems, networks, and iSCSI T arget Server.1.2 Revision History1.3 Evaluation EnvironmentThis iSCSI T arget Server clustering method has been evaluated with thefollowing OS and software.●Windows Server 2012 R2●EXPRESSCLUSTER X 3.3 for Windows1.4 For More InformationWe have the following guides for instant support.●Getting Started Guide– This guide explains general cluster conceptsand overview of EXPRESSCLUSTER X functionality.●Installation and Configuration Guide– This guide explainsEXPRESSCLUSTER X installation and configuration procedures indetail.●Reference Guide– This is a reference of commands that can be put inEXPRESSCLUSTER X scripts and maintenance commands that can beexecuted from the server command prompt.The guides listed above can also be found at/en/global/prod/expresscluster/en/support/manuals.html2 OverviewThe general procedure to deploy EXPRESSCLUSTER X on two servers (referred to as Primary and Secondary), each with an iSCSI virtual disk which is mirrored between the servers, consists of the following major steps:1. Perform system planning to determine requirements and specify configurationsettings prior to the start of actual system installation and configuration.2. Prepare the Secondary server, including OS installation and configuration.3. Set up a Data Partition and Cluster Partition on both servers according toinstructions in the EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation and ConfigurationGuide.4. Install and configure EXPRESSCLUSTER X on the Primary and Secondaryserver.5. Create and configure the EXPRESSCLUSTER X failover group to enablecontinuous protection and automatic recovery of the iSCSI virtual disk.6. Upload the configuration file and start the cluster to complete deployment.3 System Requirements and Planning3.1 System RequirementsBoth Windows Server 2012 R2 servers in the cluster require the installationof the iSCSI T arget Server service. It can be installed using the Add Rolesand Features Wizard in Server Manager, under the File and StorageServices section.3.2 System PlanningFill out the tables of the worksheet below to use for reference in theconfiguration sections of this guide. See also 9.2Example SystemPlanning Worksheet for an example worksheet.Machine #1: Primary Server (with iSCSI T arget Server)Machine #2: Secondary Server (with iSCSI Target Server)Machine #3: T est Client Machine (with iSCSI Initiator)Floating IP (FIP) Address:Virtual Computer Name (vcom):iSCSI Target Name:1MDC (Mirror Disk Connect) is network for data mirroring.4 EXPRESSCLUSTER X Installation4.1 Install EXPRESSCLUSTER X on the Primary Server1. Insert the EXPRESSCLUSTER X CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive on theserver.2. In the pop-up window, click NEC EXPRESSCLUSTER for Windows.3. Click on NEC EXPRESSCLUSTER X 3.x for Windows.4. In the Welcome window, click Next.5. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Next.6. In the next window, click Install.7. In the Port Number window, if necessary, modify the default portnumbers. Click Next.8. In the Filter Settings of Shared Disk window, click Next.9. Click Yes in the Confirmation window to skip shared disk filtering.10. In the License Manager window, click Register.11. In the License Registration window, click Register with LicenseInformation.12. In the Product Selection window, select the OS and Product/Trialtypes. For Product Name, click EXPRESSCLUSTER X 3.x forWindows. Click Next.13. In the License Unit Selection window, depending on the type of license,enter the number of CPU or Node Units. Click Next.14. In the License Key Entry window, enter the Serial No. and LicenseKey. Click Next.15. In the License Registration Confirmation window, confirm theinformation entered is correct. Click Next.16. Click OK. If the license registration fails, start again from step 10.17. Repeat steps 10 – 16 again for the EXPRESSCLUSTER X Replicator3.x for Windows product license. Select EXPRESSCLUSTER XReplicator 3.x for Windows as the Product Name in step 12.18. When the licenses have been successfully registered, click Finish.19. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete window, click the No, I willrestart my computer later option button, and then click Finish.20. In the next window, click Exit. Click Exit. (Two times total).4.2 Install EXPRESSCLUSTER X on the SecondaryServerPerform all of the step s in Section 4.1 on the Secondary Server.4.3 Restart the Primary and Secondary ServersFirst restart the Primary Server, and then restart the Secondary Server.4.4 Confirm Connectivity between ServersPing the servers in the cluster to verify that there are no issues inconnectivity. Also be sure that the ports used by EXPRESSCLUSTER are able to communicate through the Windows Firewall.5 Base Cluster Setup5.1 Start WebManagerVerify that Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on a machine to beused for cluster management. See the installation requirements section ofthe EXPRESSCLUSTER X Getting Started Guide for a compatible version.For this guide, use the Primary Server for cluster management. Install JREif necessary. Then start by accessing port 29003 of the Primary Serverfrom the web browser of the cluster management machine, using thePrimary Server’s IP address. Example: When thesecurity warning window displays, select the Always trust content fromthis publisher check box. Click Run.5.2 Create a ClusterFor all of the steps in the cluster creation project, refer to Table 1 for the IPaddresses and server names.1. When the cluster manager is opened for the first time, there is a pop-upwindow with two options. Click Start cluster generation wizard.2. In the confirmation window, click Start Cluster Generation Wizard forstandard edition.3. In the new window, type a Cluster Name (Example: iscsi_cluster), andclick Next.4. In the next window, to add another server to the cluster, click Add.5. Type the Server Name or the IP Address of Secondary Server, andthen click OK.6. Both servers are now on the list. If the Primary Server is not in the top(Master Server) position, then move it up. Click Next.5.3 Set Up the Network Configuration1. EXPRESSCLUSTER X automatically detects the IP addresses of theservers. The primary network (Interconnect) is for heartbeat andmirroring the data; set the MDC on this row as mdc1. The secondary(Public) network is for heartbeat only. Click Next.2. In the NP Resolution window, click Next.5.4 Create a Failover Group1. T o add a group, in the Cluster Generation Wizard, in the Group section,click Add.2. In the next window, select failover for group Type. Name the group(Example: iscsi_failover), click Next, and then click Next. (Two timestotal).3. Select the default options for the Group Attribute Settings, and thenclick Next.5.5 Create Resources for Base Cluster1. In the Group Resource section of the Cluster Generation Wizard, toadd a resource, click Add.2. T o add a floating IP address resource, from the Type drop down menu,select floating ip resource, and then click Next.3. Verify the Follow the default dependency box is selected, and thenclick Next.4. Verify the default options are correct, and then click Next.5. Enter the floating IP address in the IP Address field and click Finish.6. Add a virtual computer name resource by clicking Add.7. From the Type drop down menu, select virtual computer nameresource, and then click Next.8. Uncheck the Follow the default dependency box.9. Select the recently created floating ip resource in the right pane andclick Add. Click Next.10. Verify the default options are correct, and then click Next.11. Enter the Virtual Computer Name chosen earlier (Example: vcom).12. From the drop down menu under Target FIP Resource Name, selectthe floating IP address. Click Finish.13. Add a mirror disk resource by clicking Add.14. Click Get License Info to retrieve the active license for replication. (Notethat there is no visible indication that it was successful).15. T o add a mirror disk resource, from the Type drop down menu, selectmirror disk resource, and then click Next.16. Verify the Follow the default dependency box is selected, and thenclick Next.17. Verify the default options are correct, and then click Next.18. Select the Primary Server name and click Add.19. Click Connect to populate the server partitions.20. Select the drive letter of the data partition for mirroring (Example: X) inthe Data Partition box, and the drive letter of the cluster partition(Example: W) in the Cluster Partition box. Click OK.Note:Specify different partitions for data partition and cluster partition. If thesame partition is specified, data on the mirror disk may be corrupted.21. Repeat steps 18 – 20 for the Secondary Server.22. Click Finish.23. Click Finish, and then click Next.24. Click Finish.25. Click Yes to enable recovery action when an error occurs in a monitorresource.5.6 Upload the Cluster Configuration and Start Cluster1. In the Cluster Manager window, click the File menu and then Apply theConfiguration File. Click OK. Click OK. (Two times total).2. After the upload is complete, change from Config Mode to OperationMode.3. Restart Cluster Manager. Click the Service menu, and then clickRestart Manager. Click OK.4. Click the Service menu, and then click Start Cluster. Click OK.5. When the cluster tree displays after a few seconds, in the left pane of theCluster Manager window, expand the %failover group% section, rightclick %mirror disk%, and click Details to monitor the disksynchronization progress. Mirror disk copy starts automatically,replicating data from the Primary Server to the Secondary Server.Note:This step may take a while depending on the size of the data on themirror disk partition.6. After the copy completes, in the Mirror Disk Helper window, clickClose.7. In the Cluster Manager window, all icons in the tree view should now begreen. Refer to the figure below:8. Move the %failover group% to the Secondary Server to verify that allgroup resources and monitor resources can be activated on Secondary Server. After verification, move the %failover group% back to thePrimary Server.Note:These tests do not affect server functionality. It verifies that the mirror disks on each server in the cluster are functioning properly. The mirror disk is now controlled by EXPRESSCLUSTER X and is only accessible from the active server.6 iSCSI Target Server Installation6.1 Install iSCSI Target Server on the Primary ServerDo the following steps to install iSCSI T arget Server.1. Open a PowerShell window with Administrative rights.2. If iSCSI T arget Server role has not been installed, enter the followingcommand.3. Create a directory on the mirror disk for the iSCSI virtual disk (Example:X:¥iSCSIVirtualDisks).4. Run the following command to create a virtual disk.Example:5. Run the following command to create an iSCSI T arget.Example:6. Run the following command to change iSCSI T arget IQN.Example:7. Run the following command to assign the VHDX to the T arget.Example:8. Run the following command to stop Microsoft iSCSI Software Targetservice (wintarget).6.2 Install iSCSI Target Server on the Secondary ServerDo the following steps to install iSCSI T arget Server.1. Move the %failover_group% to the Secondary Server.2. Open a PowerShell window with Administrative rights on theSecondary Server.3. If iSCSI T arget has not been installed, enter the following command.4. Run the following command to import iSCSI virtual disk (VHDX).Example:5. Run the following command to create an iSCSI T arget (using the samename on Primary Server).Example:6. Run the following command to change iSCSI T arget IQN.Example:7. Run the following command to assign the VHDX to the T arget.Example:8. Run the following command to stop Microsoft iSCSI Software Targetservice (wintarget).7 iSCSI Target Server Cluster Setup7.1 Add the First Set of Scripts1. Download the script files for iSCSI T arget Server clustering from theEXPRESSCLUSTER web site./en/global/prod/expresscluster/en/support/Setup.html2. Unzip sample_scripts_iSCSIT arget.zip and check if there are followingfolders and files.script-wintarget1Control-Wintarget.ps1start.batstop.batscript-wintarget2Control-Wintarget.ps1start.batstop.bat3. Start the EXPRESSCLUSTER X Cluster Manager.4. In the Cluster Manager window, change to Config Mode.5. Right-click on the %failover group%, and then click Add Resource.6. From the Type drop down menu, select script resource. As theresource Name, enter script-wintarget1. Click Next.7. Uncheck the Follow the default dependency box, and then click Next.8. Verify the default options are correct, and then click Next.9. Select start.bat in the left pane and click the Replace button.10. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget1 folder, select the new start.bat file, and click Open.11. Click Yes to replace.12. Select stop.bat in the left pane and click the Replace button.13. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget1 folder, select the new stop.bat file, and click Open.14. Click Yes to replace.15. Click Add button.16. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget1 folder, select the Control-Wintarget.ps1 file, andclick Open.17. Click OK to add.18. Click the Tuning button.19. Enter 0 for Normal Return Value for the start and stop sections. ClickOK.20. Click Finish.7.2 Add the Second Set of Scripts1. Right-click on the %failover group%, and then click Add Resource.2. From the Type drop down menu, select script resource. As theresource Name, enter script-wintarget2. Click Next.3. Uncheck the Follow the default dependency box.4. Select the %mirror disk% resource in the right pane and click Add.Click Next.5. Verify the default options are correct, and then click Next.6. Select start.bat in the left pane and click the Replace button.7. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget2 folder, select the new start.bat file, and click Open.8. Click Yes to replace.9. Select stop.bat in the left pane and click the Replace button.10. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget2 folder, select the new stop.bat file, and click Open.11. Click Yes to replace.12. Click Add button.13. Navigate to the scripts that were downloaded, open thescript-wintarget2 folder, select the Control-Wintarget.ps1 file, andclick Open.14. Click OK to add.15. Click the Tuning button.16. Enter 0 for Normal Return Value for the start and stop sections. ClickOK.17. Click Finish.7.3 Change Dependency of Resources1. Click on the %failover_group% in the left pane.2. Select the Resources tab in the right pane.3. Right-click on the %mirror_disk% resource and select Properties.Select the Dependency tab and uncheck Follow the defaultdependency. Select script-wintarget1 in the right pane, and click Add.Click OK.4. Right-click on the %fip% resource and select Properties. Select theDependency tab and uncheck Follow the default dependency. Selectscript-wintarget2 in the right pane, and click Add. Click OK.5. Click the Entire Dependency tab in the right pane and check the7.4 Upload the Cluster Configuration1. In the Cluster Manager window, click the File menu, and then Apply theConfiguration File. Click OK on confirmation message popup. If theupload ends successfully, click OK.2. After the upload is complete, change to the Operation Mode.3. Right-click on the %failover_group% and select Start. Select thePrimary Server to start the group on and click OK.8 iSCSI Initiator SetupThis chapter shows iSCSI Initiator setup example with Windows OS (ex.Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7).1. Logon the client machine.2. Open Control Panel.3. Click iSCSI Initiator.4. Enter the floating IP address (ex. for Target on T argets tab and clickQuick Connect.5. Check if the iSCSI T arget IQN shows on Discovered targets and Status isConnected.6. Open Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) and initialize disk.7. Format disk and check if it is available to create folders and files.Note:This iSCSI T arget clustering method is NOT suitable as a shared disk forWindows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC). Because it is needed to recover iSCSI Initiator connection manually on WSFC environment after failover.Note:When Linux iSCSI Initiator is used, it is recommended to increase the disktimeout. If it takes longer than disk timeout to complete failover/failback, thedevice that provided by iSCSI T arget will be remounted with read-only mode and it is needed to dismount and mount the device manually to clear read-only mode.9 Appendix9.1 Test Cluster and Verify Functionality9.1.1 Move the Failover Group1. Using Cluster Manager, move the %failover_group% from thePrimary Server to the Secondary Server. Verify that the iSCSIInitiator on the client maintains its connection to the iSCSI T arget,which is now on the Secondary Server, and that the iSCSI virtualdisk can be accessed by the client.2. Move the %failover_group% back to the Primary Server. Verifythat the iSCSI Initiator on the client maintains its connection to theiSCSI T arget, which is now back on the Primary Server, and thatthe iSCSI virtual disk can be accessed by the client.9.1.2 Failover on Server Shutdown1. Shutdown the Primary Server manually or through ClusterManager. This will initiate an automatic failover to the SecondaryServer. The iSCSI Initiator on the client should maintain itsconnection to the iSCSI T arget which is now on the SecondaryServer. The iSCSI virtual disk should still be accessible by theclient.2. Return the Primary Server to the cluster by turning its power backon. Move the %failover_group% back to the Primary Server.9.2 Example System Planning WorksheetMachine #1: Primary ServerMachine #2: Secondary ServerMachine #3: T est Client MachineFloating IP (FIP) Address: Virtual Computer Name (vcom): vcom iSCSI Target Name: Target1。


英文:Sorry! You have not applied for this service, please dial “10086” for more information.
英文:Hello! Please dial 110 for police, 119 for fire, 120 for ambulance,122 for traffic accident and dial area code before 112 for fixed-phone obstacle.
英文:Sorry! The phone you dialed is not be answered for the
moment, please redial later.
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.
英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.
英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.
英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.

OpenIndiana 网络信息查看指令

OpenIndiana 网络信息查看指令

OpenIndiana 网络信息查看指令1、查看当前网络网卡以及IP:ifconfig -a 使用这条指令可以查看当前网络中存在几块网卡以及网卡是否处于连接状态,其ip以及子网掩码的情况。

若想查看所有的网卡信息,则要使用指令'"ifconfig -a plumb"先启用所有的网卡,然后在使用"ifconfig -a"来查看网卡的相关信息。

其中,网卡的名称在最前面,第一块的名字是lo0,是指向本机的虚拟网卡,叫做loopback 网卡,用户不需对它进行任何操作。

然后从第二块开始,网卡的名称依次为e1000g0~e1000g (网卡数总-1)。


若当前网卡以及启用,则会显示"UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING" 。

"netstat -i"在多数UNIX 操作系统下都可以成功的返回网卡名字,而"ifconfig -a"有一定的局限性,只在SUN公司的Solaris系统下可以返回所有网卡名字。

2、查看当前网络是否能联网:在前面通过ifconfig -a发现网卡上分配ip之后,可以尝试下分配的ip能否上网。




以百度为例,可以通过ping 或者ping百度ip)来测试网络是否联通,如果出现的是"no answer from"则表示网络连接失败,需要重新配置文件,如果现实"is alive" 表明网络是通的。

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全球每天最新NOD32 ID分享
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华为交换机的基本操作命令设置日期和时间——时间对于交换机来说非常重要,时间不对很多功能无法实现<Huawei>clock timezone BJ add 08:00:00 ——在用户视图下输入此命令<Huawei>clock datetime 13:45:30 2017-09-20 ----设置当前时间和日期,24小时制<Huawei>system-view------进入系统视图[Huawei] -----------进入系统视图后<>变成了[ ]创建Vlan并把端口加入VLAN[ Huawei]vlan 2 ------------在系统视图下操作,创建Vlan 2[Huawei-vlan2] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #--创建了vlan2并进入vlan2[Huawei-vlan2]quit ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #--退出vlan2[Huawei]vlan batch 3 to 20 ? ? ?? ? ? ? #--批量创建vlan ?3到30Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [Huawei]vlan batch 21 22 25 ? ? ? #--批量创建vlan,创建了21,22,25三个vlanInfo: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [Huawei]undo vlan 21 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#--删除vlan ?21 [Huawei]undo vlan batch 22 25 ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?#--批量删除vlan,删除22 和25 ? Warning: The configurations of the VLAN will be deleted. Continue?[Y/N]:y ? ? ? ? ? #--询问是否真的删除Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [Huawei]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#--进入G0/0/2端口[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]port link-type access ? ?#--更改端口的连接类型为access [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]port default vlan 2 ? ? ? ?#--更改端口的默认vlan为vlan 2 [Huawei]port-group 3-10 ? ? ? ? ? ? #--创建了一个名为3-10的端口组,并进入这个组[Huawei-port-group-3-10]group-member GigabitEthernet 0/0/3 to GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ? ? ? ? ?#-- 在组内,将G0/0/3 到G0/0/10端口抓进来[Huawei-port-group-3-10]port link-type access ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #--一条命令可以修改端口组内所有端口的属性[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/3]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/4]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/6]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/8]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]port link-type access?[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]port link-type access?[Huawei-port-group-3-10][Huawei-port-group-3-10]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/3]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/4]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/5]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/6]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/7]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/8]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/9]port default vlan 3[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]port default vlan 3[Huawei-port-group-3-10][Huawei]undo port-group 3-10 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#--如不再需要这个端口组,可以解散?[Huawei]display port vlan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #--显示端口和Vlan的关系Port ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Link Type ? ?PVID ?Trunk VLAN List-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GigabitEthernet0/0/1 ? ?hybrid ? ? ? 1 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/2 ? ?access ? ? ? 2 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/3 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/4 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/5 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/6 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/7 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/8 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ? ?access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ? access ? ? ? 3 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/11 ? hybrid ? ? ? 1 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??GigabitEthernet0/0/12 ? hybrid ? ? ? 1 ? ? - ? ? ? ? ?###################################################################### ####设置Vlanif的IP地址交换机是二层设备,不能直接给某个端口指定IP地址,但可以给Vlan interface这个虚拟的接口设置IP 地址[Huawei]interface vlanif 1 ? ? ? ? #--进入vlanif 1[Huawei-Vlanif1]###################################################################### ####?保存交换机的设置?<Huawei>save ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#--在用户视图下,输入saveThe current configuration will be written to the device.Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y ? ? #--这里提示是否继续保存配置Info: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]:Apr 23 2017 15:21:07-08:00 Huawei %%01CFM/4/SAVE(l)[0]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to save the configuration to the device. ? ? ? ? ?#--首次保存时,会在此处暂停,等待输入文件名.如不输入,直接回车,则配置信息会默认保存成vrpcfg.zip,并设置为下一次启动时使用的文件.如果输入了自定义的文件名,则这个文件被设置成下次启动时使用的文件.Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0.Save the configuration successfully.<Huawei>?##################################################################### #####两台交换机互连,所使用的端口类型,设置为trunk(也可设置成hybrid。

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IEEE P802.22Wireless RANsMAC Conference Call MinutesDate:2009-08-12Author(s):Name Company Address Phone emailWendong Hu STMicroelectronics 1060 East Brokaw Road,San Jose, CA 951311-408-467-8410 wendong.hu@ AbstractThis document contains the minutes from the 802.22 MAC teleconference on Wednesday 12 August, 2009 at 8:00PM EST.Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s s ole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22.Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures</guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <Wendong Hu> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <patcom@>.1. AttendanceRanga Reddy (US Army)Winston Caldwell (Fox)Wendong Hu (STMicroelectronics)2. Agenda1. Record Attendance2. Announce IEEE patent policy:/board/pat/pat-slideset.pdf3. Approve the agenda.4. Approve the minutes of the last call:https:///802.22/dcn/09/22-09-0136-00-0000-mac-conference-call-minutes-08-05-2009.doc5. Review/propose comment resolutions for the following comments (Ref.: 22-09-0120-03-0000-wran-draft-2-0-ballot-comment-database):* New approach on connection management: CID 184, 185 (Ref.: 22-09-0112-01-0000-new-connection-identifier-approach.ppt)* Super-frame/Frame Structure/Control Headers/MAC PDU Format: CID 211 - 3116. Other business3. Notes1)Wendong recorded the attendance at 5:05PM PST.2) A citation to the IEEE patent policy was provided with the announcement of the meeting. When asked,no one notified the chairman that they were unfamiliar with the IEEE patent policy.3)The agenda was approved as presented.4)The minutes of the last call was approved unanimously.5)Review/propose comment resolutions for the following commentsa.CID 184 and 185: New approach on connection management. Deferred. Notes: the way that CIDsgenerated/coded is implementation issue. The proposed approach for CID generation/coding mayprovide some degree of improvement in capacity efficiency which is still subject to verification.However, it will introduce a significant amount of editorial work to the draft and will beundesirable.b.CID 211: SCW and US sub-frame. Proposed “Counter” in the last teleconference, but need to bere-visited. LB of D1.0 agreed to separate the SCW and US-sub-frame.c.212 – Accepted.d.220 – Superceded by 211.e.223 – Coding and Modulation for Padding zeros in the last DS-burst. Change "is then" to "shallbe". A dd the following sentence: “The modulation and coding scheme for the padding zeros aredefined by the DIUD for the last DS burst in the DS-MAP.” Counter.f.224 – Accept.g.232 – Modulation/Coding. Defer to the PHY adhoc’s discussionh.233 – Modulation/Coding. Defer to the PHY adhoc’s discussioni.234 – Assigned to coexistence ad-hoc for further discussion. Geo-location function may besupported if the required capasity for information exchange of geo-location function is smallenough.6)There is no other business._________________________。
