Geoffrey Chaucer and His Literature


英美文学Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)—“Father of English literaturepoetry乔叟-英国诗歌之父

英美文学Geoffrey Chaucer  (1340-1400)—“Father of English literaturepoetry乔叟-英国诗歌之父

2. Made the dialect of London the foundation for modern English language Refer to the lecture notes “English Poetry”; North-East Normal University, Chenjia and others for details

Key Points to Teach:
2. 3. 4.
characters of the work; artistic features; Chaucer’s English; English Metrics
I. Chaucer’s His Life (1340—1400)
——father of English poetry ) Wine merchant’s family, rub elbows with people from different walks of life.(refer to North-East Normal University; lecture notes for presentation)
II. His works / writing periods of career

1. French period (1360’s —1372) 1) The Book of the Duchess (1369—70) 2) The Romaunt of the Rose
2. Italian period (1372—1385)
Knight, squire, prioress, landed proprietor, wealthy tradesman, drunk cook, humble plowman, doctor, lawyer, monks of different orders, nuns, priests, a summoner, 5 husbands and lovers, a sailor, a miller, a carpenter, a yeoman, an oxford scholar, wife of Bath (most interesting), well-to-do independent, control over man

杰费雷·乔叟--Geoffrey Chaucer

杰费雷·乔叟--Geoffrey Chaucer

在这时节,有一天,我正停憩在伦敦南岸萨得克 的泰巴客店,虔心诚意,准备去坎特伯雷朝圣, 到了晚上,客店中来了二十九位形形色色的朝 圣客,凑巧结成了旅伴,他们都不约而同,要 赴坎特伯雷的盛会;当时客店的屋舍马厩却很 宽敞,我们舒舒服服地安顿下来。简单说来, 到了夕阳西沉的时分,我已同每人相识交谈, 约定了一齐早起出发。可是,在我开讲这故事 之前,我想暂抽一部分时间,先谈一下每人的 个别情况,由我的角度看去,他们是何种人物, 属于哪一个社会阶层,穿着怎样。现在我将先 讲一个武士。
Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)
Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟
英国最早具有人文主义思想的代表诗人,也 是现实主义文学的奠基人。早年受法国文 学的影响,代表作品是《悼公爵夫人》 (The Book of the Duchess)和用伦敦方言翻 译了法国中世纪长篇叙事诗《玫瑰传奇》 等。中期的代表诗作有《声誉之堂》(The House of Fame)和《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西 德》(Troilus and Criseyde),肯定爱情和 个人幸福,反对封建专制和压迫,反映了 作者现实主义的创作态度和人文主义观点。
乔叟在最后十五年里创作了《坎特伯雷故事》 (The Canterbury Tales),这部作品是英国 文学史上现实主义文学作品的第一部杰作, 充满了浓郁的生活气息和时代特点,也反 映了当时社会处于封建社会向资本主义社 会过渡时期,带有强烈的人文主义色彩, 无论在英国文学还是在语言上都起了重大 的作用。他也是英国文学史上首位用伦敦 方言写作的作家,加强了伦敦方言在英国 文学史上的地位。英国十七世纪作家约 翰·德莱顿称他为“英国诗歌之父”。



吴伟仁《英国⽂学史及选读》配套题库【章节题库(含名校考研真题)-第三章杰弗⾥第三章杰弗⾥·乔叟填空题1. Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous work ______ contains 20-odd stories unified by a fictitious pilgrimage.(天津外国语2008研)【答案】The Canterbury Tales【解析】乔叟的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,其中涵盖了20个完整的、虚构出来的朝圣之旅的故事。


)2. ______ is generally considered to be Chaucer’s masterpiece. (国际关系学院2007研)【答案】The Canterbury Tales【解析】《坎特伯雷故事集》被公认为是乔叟的代表作。

3. The English great writer Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1343 and died in 1400. His most important work is ______, a long poem made up of a general introduction and 24 stories. (南开⼤学2007研)【答案】The Canterbury Tales【解析】乔叟的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,是⼀⾸由⼀篇序⾔和24个故事(其中22个诗体和两个散⽂体)组成的长诗。

4. The most magnificent prose work of the 15th century is Le Morte D’ Arthur concerning with _______ legend.【答案】Arthurian【解析】15世纪左右公认的集⼤成作品为《亚瑟王之死》,是关于亚瑟王的传奇故事。



Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343 – 25 October 1400), known as the Father of English literature, is widely considered the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages and was the first poet to have been buried in Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey. While he achieved fame during his lifetime as an author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, composing a scientific treatise on the astrolabe for his ten year-old son Lewis, Chaucer also maintained an active career in the civil service as abureaucrat, courtier and diplomat. Among his many works, which include The Bookof the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde, he is best known today for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer is a crucial figure in developing the legitimacy of the vernacular,Middle English, at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French and Latin.Chaucer's first major work, The Book of the Duchess, was an elegy for Blanche of Lancaster (who died in 1369). Two other early works by Chaucer were Anelida and Arcite and The House of Fame. Chaucer wrote many of his major works in a prolific period when he held the job of customs comptroller for London (1374 to 1386).His Parlement of Foules, The Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde all date from this time. Also it is believed that he started work on The CanterburyTales in the early 1380s. Chaucer is best known as the writer of The Canterbury Tales, which is a collection of stories told by fictional pilgrims on the road to the cathedralat Canterbury; these tales would help to shape English literature.Chaucer's works are sometimes grouped into first a French period, then an Italian period and finally an English period, with Chaucer being influenced by those countries' literatures in turn. Chaucer also translated such important worksas Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy and The Romance of the Rose by Guillaume de Lorris (extended by Jean de Meun).One other significant work of Chaucer's is his Treatise on the Astrolabe, possibly for his own son, that describes the form and use of that instrument in detail and is sometimes cited as the first example of technical writing in the English language. Although much of the text may have come from other sources, the treatise indicates that Chaucer was versed in science in addition to his literary talents. Another scientific work discovered in 1952, Equatorie of the Planetis, has similar language and handwriting compared to some considered to be Chaucer's and it continues many of the ideas from the Astrolabe. Furthermore, it contains an example of early European encryption.[16] The attribution of this work to Chaucer is still uncertain.Chaucer wrote in continental accentual-syllabic meter, a style which had developed since around the twelfth century as an alternative to the alliterative Anglo-Saxon metre.[17] Chaucer is known for metrical innovation, inventing the rhyme royal, and he was one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, a decasyllabic cousin to the iambic pentameter, in his work, with only a few anonymous short works using itbefore him.[18] The arrangement of these five-stress lines into rhyming couplets, first seen in his The Legend of Good Women, was used in much of his later work and became one of the standard poetic forms in English. His early influence as a satirist is also important, with the common humorous device, the funny accent of aregional dialect, apparently making its first appearance in The Reeve's Tale.The poetry of Chaucer, along with other writers of the era, is credited with helping to standardise the London Dialect of the Middle English language from a combination of the Kentish and Midlands dialects.[19] This is probably overstated; the influence of the court, chancery and bureaucracy—of which Chaucer was a part—remains a more probable influence on the development of Standard English. Modern English is somewhat distanced from the language of Chaucer's poems owing to the effect ofthe Great Vowel Shift some time after his death. This change in the pronunciation of English, still not fully understood, makes the reading of Chaucer difficult for the modern audience. The status of the final -e in Chaucer's verse is uncertain: it seems likely that during the period of Chaucer's writing the final -e was dropping out of colloquial English and that its use was somewhat irregular. Chaucer's versification suggests that the final -e is sometimes to be vocalised, and sometimes to be silent; however, this remains a point on which there is disagreement. When it is vocalised, most scholars pronounce it as a schwa. Apart from the irregular spelling, much of the vocabulary is recognisable to the modern reader. Chaucer is also recorded inthe Oxford English Dictionary as the first author to use many common English words in his writings. These words were probably frequently used in the language at the time but Chaucer, with his ear for common speech, is the earliest manuscriptsource. Acceptable, alkali, altercation, amble, angrily, annex, annoyance, approachin g, arbitration, armless, army,arrogant, arsenic, arc, artillery and aspect are just some of the many English words first attested in Chaucer.。

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer

• 一、它展现了广阔的社会画面。香客来自社会各 个阶层:骑士、僧侣、学者、律师、商人、手工 业者、自耕农、磨坊主等。 • 二、它综合采用了中世纪的各种文学体裁,有骑 士传奇、圣徒传、布道文、寓言等。 • 三、总序和开场白中对人物的描写和故事本身饶 有趣味,充满幽默感。 • 四、语言带上了讲述人自身的特征,每人所讲的 故事都体现出讲述人的身份、趣味、爱好、职业 和生活经验。
5.《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》--乔叟对中世纪宫廷爱情文学 传统的继承与超越 Troilus and Criseyde:Chaucer and Courtly Love Tradition [四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)] 肖明翰 6.乔叟语言艺术中的讽刺幽默 Ironical Humor in Chaucer‘s Language Art [哈尔滨学院学报 Journal of Harbin University] 王欣 7. 乔叟的梦幻诗和欧洲中世纪梦幻文学传统 Chaucer's Dream Poetry and the Medieval Tradition of Dream Vision [外国文学研究 Foreign Literature Studies] 刘进 , Liu Jin 8.论乔叟人文主义思想的形成 The Evolving of Chaucer's Humanism [徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)] 王莹章



原创力之英美文学填空题1、John Steinbeck’s masterpiece “The Grapes of Wrath”is a monumented epic of the GreatDepression.2、John Steinbeck largely based his fiction on “The Grapes of Wrath”.3、A playwright of social philosophy, Arthur Miller advocates that the common man, and noneof rank, is the tragic hero of modern times.4、Arthur Miller’s most impressive play was “Death of a Salesman”.5、Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”, considered to be one of the most significant works of “protestliterature” since World War II, is an almost archetypal example of black humor.6、F. Soctt Fitzgerald was a spokesman forr the so-called Jazz Age.7、“The Great Gatsby” is generally regarded as Fitzgerald’s masterpiece.8、Cheever is generally acclaimed as a realist writer about suburban manners and morals.9、Cheever’s major theme is the dilemma of American upper-middle class.10、Cheever’s style is manifested in the use of psychological realism and symbols.11、Updike uses the first-person point of view in the “A & P”.12、“A & P” is an appropriate symbol for the mass ethic of a consumer-conditional society. In this setting, the story reveals the sensitive character of a young grocery clerk who rejects the standards of the A & P and in doing so commits himself to that kind of individual freedom.13、Jack Kerouac’s best novel is “On the Road”.14、Katherine Anne Porter’s first book of stories was “Flowering Judas”.15、Much of the critical acclaim for the “Theft” results from her skillful use of symbols in it. The stolen purse symbolizes all property.16、Isaac Bashevis Singer’s fiction is characteristically in the tradition of the spoken tale,mingling forthright literalness about the visible world with an equally literal rendition of fantastic and supernatural forms.17、“The Dean’s December” is written by Saul Bellow.18、As the leader of the Harlem writers who created the Black Literary Renaissance of the 1920s, Langston Hughes was known as the “Poet Laureate of Harlem”and “O. Henry of Harlem”.19、In the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,”Hughes uses the rivers to symbolize thesoul of the Black people.20、In 1920 O’Neill’s first full-length play “Beyond the Horizon”was professionallyproduced on Broadway and won the Pulitzer Prize, and the name of O’Neill became known throughout the country.21、“The Song of Beowulf”can be justly termed England’s national epic and its heroBeowulf —one of the national heroes of the English people.22、Geoffrey Chaucer was called the “father of English poetry,”and his allegories andsymbols are tinged with realistic images.23、Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.24、The first mention of Robin Hood in literature is in Langland’s “The Vision of Piers, thePlowman”.25、At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist Thomas More (1478-1535)wrote his “Utopia” (1516) in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’ssufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.26、Thomas Wyatt was the first to introduce sonnet into English literature.27、The literature which the Normans brought to England is remarkable for its bright,romantic tales of love and adventure, in marked contrast with the strength and somberness of Anglo-Saxon poetry.28、The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe.29、Great popularity was won by John Lyly’s novel “Eupheus” which gave rise to the term“euphuism,” designating an affected style of court speech.30、The works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literaturefor he was one of the first founders of realism, a masterhand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.31、“Hamlet” is the profoundest expression of Shakespeare’s humanism and his criticism ofcontemporary life.32、Of Bacon’s literary works, the most important are the “Essays”.33、The largest and most important of Bacon’s professional works are the treatises entitled“Maxims of the Law” and “Reading on the Statute of Uses”.34、John Milton’s greatest work “Paradies Lost,” presents the author’s views in an allegoricreligious form, and the reader will easily discern its basic idea —the exposure of reactionary forces of his time and passionate appeal for freedom.35、Bunyan’s most important work is “The Pilgrim’s Progress,”written in theold-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.36、The most outstanding personality of the epoch of Enlightenment in England wasJonathan Swift who ruthlessly exposed the dirty mercenary essence of bourgeois relationships.37、To read Milton’s “Il Penserose” and Thomas Gray’s “Elegy” is to see the beginning andthe perfection of that “literature of melancholy” which largely occupied English poets for more than a century.38、With the publication of his frontier tale, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of CalaverasCountry,” Twain became nationally famous.39、The first uncompromising naturalistic novel in America, “Maggie: A Girl of theStreets” pointed an unabashed picture of the bitter life of the slum-dwellers.40、Stephen Crane’ most famous short story is “The Open Boat”.41、“Mc Teague” has been called “the first full-bodied naturalistic American novel” and “aconsciously naturalistic manifesto.”It is a classic case study of the inevitable effect of environment and heredity on human lives.42、The narrator of “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley” is Odysseus-Pound, and the substructure ofthe “Cantos” is Homeric.43、Howells defines realism as “fidelity to experience and probability of motive,” as a questof the average and the habitual rather than the exceptional or the uniquely high or low. 44、“Daisy Miller”won Henry James international fame and which reveals James’fascination with his “international theme”.45、Henry James was one of the three staunch advocates of nineteenth-century Americanrealism, the other two being Howells and Mark Twain.46、“A juggler with syntax, grammar, and diction,” E.E. Cummings wrote entirelyregardless of any established conventions of poetry, thus becoming a symbol of the modern pioneering spirit in modern American literary history.47、“The Bridge” is one of the long poems to come out of the twentieth-century Americanmodern epic tradition, ranking alongside “The Waste Land,”“the Cantos,” and “Paterson”. 48、T.S. Eliot read “The Great Gatsby” three times and concluded that it was “the first stepthat American fiction has taken since Henry James”.49、Hemingway’s influence as a stylist was neatly expressed in the praise of the Nobel PrizeCommittee about “his powerful style-forming mastery of the art” of writing modern fiction. 50、“The Naked Lunch” best illustrates Burroughs’ thematic and formal features.。

Geoffrey_Chaucer_(杰弗里·乔叟)- Nicoles and Arthur

Geoffrey_Chaucer_(杰弗里·乔叟)- Nicoles and Arthur

The Canterbury Tales
List of all the Tales
• • • • • • • The General Prologue The Knight's Tale The Miller's Prologue and Tale The Reeve's Prologue and Tale The Cook's Prologue and Tale The Man of Law's Prologue and Tale The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale The Friar's Prologue and Tale The Summoner's Prologue and Tale The Clerk's Prologue and Tale The Merchant's Prologue and Tale The Squire's Prologue and Tale The Franklin's Prologue and Tale • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Physician's Tale The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale The Shipman's Tale The Prioress' Prologue and Tale Chaucer's Tale of Sir Topas The Tale of Melibee The Monk's Prologue and Tale The Nun's Priest's Prologue and Tale The Second Nun's Prologue and Tale The Canon's Yeoman‘s Prologue and Tale The Manciple's Prologue and Tale The Parson's Prologue and Tale Chaucer's Retraction



英国文学(上)Exercises:1. After the fall of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops from Albion , the aboriginal _Cletic____ population of the larger part of the island was soon conquered and almost totally exterminated by the Teutonic tribes of ___Angles_ , __Saxons__ , and __Jutes___ who came from the continent and settled in the island , naming its central part __Anglio___ , or England.2. For nearly __400__ years prior to the coming of the English , British had been a Roman province . In__410_, the Rome withdrew their legions from Britain to protect herself against swarms of Teutonic invaders.3. The literature of early period falls naturally into two divisions, __pagan_and __Christian__.4.__The song of Beowulf__ can be justly termed England‘s national epic and its hero _Beowulf___—one of the national heroes of the English people.5. The Song of Beowulf reflects events which took place on the _European Continent___ approximately at the beginning of the _6th___ century , when the forefathers of the Jutes lived in the southern part of the __ Scandinavian peninsula __ and maintained close relations with kindred tribes ,e.g. with the __Danes__who lived on the other side of the straits.6. Among the early Anglo-Saxon poets we may mention _Caedmon___ who lived in the half of the ___7th_ century and who wrote a poetic Paraphrase of the Bible.7. __Caedmon__ is the first know religious poet of Engla nd . He is known as the father of English song.8. The didactic poem The Christ was produced by __Cynewulf__ .9. The most important work of __a__ is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles , which is regarded as the best monument of the old English prose.a. Alfred the Greatb. Caedmonc. Cynewulfd. Venerable Bede10. Who is the monster half-human who had mingled thirty warriors in The Song of Beowulf?ca. Hrothgatb. Heorotc. Grendeld. Beowulf11. ___b_ is the first important religious poet in English literature.a. Gynewulfb. Caedmonc. Shakespeared. Adam Bede12. The epic , The Song of Beowulf ,represents the spirit of _d__.a. Monksb. romanticistsc. sentimentalistsd. pagan13. Define the literary terms listed below. 1). Alliteration 2). Epic14. Please give brief description of The Song of Beowulf.Exercise:1.In the year __1066__, at the battle of _ Hasting___, the ___Normans_ headed by William Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.2. The literature with Normans brought to England is remarkable for its bright, __romantic__ tales of ___love_ and adventures, in marked contrast with the __strength__ and __somberness__ of Anglo-Saxon poetry.3. English literature of Anglo-Norman period is also a combination of __French__ and _Saxon___ elements.4. Defines the literary terms listed below.(1) Anglo-Norman Romance (2) Middle EnglishExercise:1. In the 14th century, the two most important writers are __William Langland__ and Chaucer.2. In the 15th century, there is only one important prose writer whose name is __Sir Thomas Malory__ . He wrote an important work called Morte d’Arthur.3. Geoffrey Chaucer ,the ―__father of English poetry__‖ and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about the year 1340.4. Chaucer‘s masterpiece is _The Canterbury Tales__,one of the most works in all literature.5.The _general prologue__ provides a frame work for the tales in The Canterbury Tales, and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.6. Chaucer created in The Canterbury Tales a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of _his time and his country___.7. The Canterbury Tales opens with a general “prologue”where we are told of a company of pilgrims that gathered at __Tabard__ Inn in Southwark ,a suburb of London.8. Chaucer believes in the right of man to __earthly__ happiness.9.The name of the ―jolly innkeeper‖ in The Canterbury Tales is __Harry Bailey__,who proposes that each pilgrim of the __30__ should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back.10.The pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales are on their way to the shrine of __St. Thomas Becket‘s __ at a place named Canterbury.11.Despite the enormous plan , The Canterbury Tales in fact contains a general ―prologue‖ and only _24__ tale , of which two are left unfinished.12.In contradistinction to the __alliterative__ verse of Anglo-Saxon poetry , Chaucer chose the metrical from which laid the foundation of the English __T onico-syllabic___ verse.13. Who is the ― father of English poetry ‖ and one of the greatest narrative poets of English?bA . Christopher Marlow B. Geoffrey ChaucerC. W. ShakespeareD. Alfred the Great14. When he died, Chaucer was buried in _a___ the Poet‘s Corner.A.Westminster Abbey B. NormandyC. CanterburyD. Southwark15. Chaucer‘s earliest work of any le ngth is his __c__ a translation of the French ―Roman de la Rose‖, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14thcenturies throughout Europe.A. Troilus and CriseydeB. A Red Red RoseC. Romance of the RoseD. Piers the Plowman16. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named __b___ based on Boccaccio‘s poem ―Filostrato‖.A. The Legend of Good WomenB. Troilus and CriseydeC. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD. Beowulf17. In his literary development, Chaucer was influenced by three literatures. Which one is not true?dA. French literatureB. Italian literatureC. English literatureD. German literature18. There are various kinds of ballads _historical___, __legendary__, __fantanstical__, __lyrical__ and ___homorous__.19. In the numerous __border ballads__, the age-long strugglebetween the Scots and the English is reflected.20. Bishop __Thomas Perry__ was among the first to take a literary interest in ballads.21. Robin Hood, a __Saxon__ by birth, was an outlaw, a robber but he robbed only the rich and never molested the poor and needy.22. The first mention of Robin Hood in literature is in Langland‘s ___Piers the Plowman__.23. Define the literary terms listed below. (1) Ballad (2) Heroiccouplet24. Comment on Geoffrey Chaucer and his The Canterbury Tales. Exercise:1. The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of __feudal __ relation and the establishing of the foundations of __capitalism__.2. Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk , it was s time when , according to Thomas More , ―__shape devoured man__ ‖.3. __King Henry the VIII__ broke off with the Pope , dissolved all the monasteries and Abbeys in the country , confiscated their lands proclaimed himself head of __Church of England__.4. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of __Queen Elizabeth I__.5. Together with the development of bourgeois relationships andformation of the English national state this period is marked by a Flourishing of national culture known as the __Renaissance__.6.__Thomas More_wrote his _Utopia__in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of people‘s sufferings and put forwards his ideal of a future happy society.7._Thomas Wyatt__was the first to introduce the Italian sonnet into English literature.8. Edmund Spenser was the author of the greatest epic poem of _The Faire Queene___.9. Define the literary terms listed below. (1)renaissance (2)Spenserian StanzaExercise:1.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and __Macbeth___ are generally reg arded as Shakespea re‘s four great tragedies.2. During the 22 years of his literary work, Shakespeare produced __37__ plays, __2__ narrative poems and __154___ sonnets.3. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is one of ___Christopher Marlowe__‘s best pl ays.4. __Edmund Spenser__ is often referred to as ― the poet‘s poet‖.5. ―Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day‖ is one of _Shakespeare‘s___ best known sonnets.6. In the __Elizabethan__ Period, William Shakespeare is thegreatest writer of England.7. Define the literary terms listed below: Dramatic Irony8. Comment on William Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice.9. Comment on William Shakespeare and Hamlet.Exercises:1.Pope described Francis Bacon as ― the _wisest__, _brightest__,__meanest_ of man kind‖.2. Ba con‘s works may be divided into three classes, the _philosophy__, the __professional_, the _literary__ works.3. The final edition of Bacon‘s essays contains __58_ essays.4. The 17th century was a period when _absolute monarchy__ impeded the further development of capitalism in England and the _bourgeoisie__ could no longer bear the sway of __landed nobility_.5. The government of James I was a __despotism_ based on the theory of the divine right of kings.6. There were religious division and confusion and a long bitter struggle between the people‘s Parliament and theThrone--- __Puritans_ fighting against the _Cavaliers__ who helped the king.7. England became a commonwealth under the leadership of __Oliver Cromwell_.8. After _Oliver Cromwell__‘s d eath, monarchy as again restored (1660). It was called the period of the Restoration____.9. The Glorious Revolution in _1688__ meant three things the supremacy of _Parliament__, the beginning of _modern England__, and the final triumph of the principle of _political liberty__.10. The Puritans believed in __simplicity_ of life.11. The Revolution Period is also called _the Puritan Age__, because the English Revolution was carried out under a religious cloak.12. Define the literary term – Blank verse.13. The first thing to strike the reader is Donne‘s extraordinary _frankness__ and penetrating _realism__. The next is the _cynicism__ which marks certain of the lighter poems and which represents a conscious reaction from the extreme __idealism__ of woman encouraged by the Petrarchan tradition.14. Donne entered the church in 1615, where he rose rapidly to be Dean of _St Paul‘s Cathedral__, and the most famous preacher of his time.15. Milton‘s father was a __Puritan_, but not so harsh as most of the _Puritans__ of his day.16. Milton opposed the __Monarchic_ party and gave all his energies to the writing of __pamphlets_ dedicated to the people‘s liberties.17. Paradise Lost tells how __Satan_ rebelled against God and how _Adam__ and __Eve_ were driven out of Eden.18. Paradise Lost presents the author‘s view in an_allegorical__, _religious__ form.19. The poem Paradise Lost consists of _12__ books.20. Paradise Lost is based on the __Bibelical__ legend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race --- __Adam_ and __Eve_ , and involves God and his eternal adversary _Santan__ in its plot.21. In Revolution period __John Milton__ towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and as Chaucer over the Medieval period.22. During the civil war and the commonwealth, there were two leadersin England, Cromwell, the man of action, and _John Milton__ the man of thought.23. In 1637Milton wrote the finest pastoral elegy in English, ―__Lycidas_‖to memorize the tragic death of a Cam bridge friend.24. Milton wrote his masterpiece __Paradise Lost_ during his blindness.25. Comment on John Milton and his Paradise Lost.Exercise:1. Milton and Bunyan represented the extreme of English life in the 17th century. One gave us the only epic since _Beowulf___, the other gave us the only great _allegry___.2. Bunyan‘s most important work is _Pilgrim‘s Progess___, writtenin the old-fashioned medieval form of __allegory__ and ___dream_.3. In The Pilgrim‘s Progress, the story begins with a man called __Christian__setting out with a book in his hand and a great load on his back from the city of __Destuction__.4. Christian has two objects,--- to get rid of his __bureden__, which holds the sins and fears of his life, and to make his way tothe __Celestial City_.5. John Bunyan gives a vivid and satirical description of __Vanity Fair__ which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration.6. The literature of the middle and later periods of the 17th century cultimated in the poetry of _John Milton___, in the prose writing of __John Bunyan__, and also in the plays and literary criticism of ___John Dryden_.Exercise:1. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal _Whigs___, and the conservative __Tories__.2. Another feature of the 18th century was the rapid development of __social life__.3. The Enlighteners believed in the power of reason and therefore the 18th century is also called ―the age of _Reason___‖.4. The Enlightenment on the whole was an expression of struggle ofthe progressive class of _bourgeoisie__ against __feudalism__.5. The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the __viciousness__ of human nature, and prove that man is born ___kind_ and __honest__, and if he becomes depraved, it is only due to the influence of _corrupted__ social environment.6. It is simply for convenience that we study 18th century writings in three main divisions: the reign of so-called __neo-classicism__, the revival of __romatic_poetry, and the beginnings of the ___modern novel__.7. The essays and stories of Addison and Steele devoted not only to social problems, but also to __private_ life_ and __adventures__.8. Pope was a man of extraordinary __wit__ and extensive __learning__, and his contemporaries considered him as the highest __authority__ in matters of literary art.9. The image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century was created by Daniel Defoe in his famous novel__Robinson Crusoe__.10. ___Alexander Pope_ is the leading figure of neo-classicism in the early period of the 18th century.11. Robinson Crusoe is largely an _adventure__ story, rather than the study of __human character__ which Defoe probably intended it to be.12. In The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, in a vein of grim _humor__ which recalls Swift‘s Modest Proposal Defoe advocatedhanging all dissenting ministers, and sending all member of the free churches into exile.13. The full name of Robinson Crusoe is __The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe__.14. The story of Robinson Crusoe itself is real enough to have come straight from a sailor‘s __logbook__.15. Robinson named __Friday__ to the saved savage.16. Define the literary term, Picaresque Novels.Exercise:1.The 18th century in English literature is an age of __Prose___.2.Swift is born of English parents in ___Dublin Ireland___.3.Swift was the most remarkable __satirist__ in the 18th centurywho criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic society of his age with out mercy.4. Jonathan Swift‘s masterpiece is __Gulliver‘s Travels__.5. Gulliver‘s adventures begins with __Liliputians__, who are sosmall that Gulliver is a giant among them.6. The country in Gulliver‘s Travels is __Houyhnhnms__, wherehorses are the real people and human beings , __Yahoos___ are their filthy servants.7. In the country of __Brobdingnag __, Gulliver is but pygmy.8. Gulliver‘s third voyage is occupied with a visit to the flying islandof __Laputa__.9. A Modest Proposal is made to __English__ government to relievethe poverty of _Irish___ people.10. The Tale of a Tub is a satire on the various __churches__ of the day.Exercise:1.Henry Fielding is the greatest novelist of the __18th__ century.2.Fielding‘s fir st novel , _Joseph Andrews___ was inspir ed by thesuccess of Richardson‘s novel Pamela.3. Fielding‘s later novels are ___Jonathon Wild___, the story of arogue , which suggests Defoe‘s narrati ve ; __The History of _Tom Jones_, a Foundling_(1749) his best work; and__Amelia____ (1751) , the story of a good wife in contrast with an unworthy husband.4.In his works Fielding strongly criticizes __social relations__ in theContemporary England.5. Fielding hates that hypocrisy which tries to conceal itself under Amask of __morality__.6. The lack of __spirituality__ of the age finds the most ample expression in his page.7.To read Milton‘s __Il Penseroso__ and Gray‘s is to see thebeginning and the perfection of that ―literature of melancholy‖which largely Occupied English poets for more than a century.8. The author of the famous Elegy is the most scholarly andwell-balanced of all the early __romantic__ poets.9. Oliver Goldsmith was one of the most __versatile__ of author andmade distinguished contributions in several literary forms.10. Goldsmith was born in __Ireland__ , the son of an __Anglican__clergyman whose geniality he inherited and whose improvidence he imitated.11. As ___essayest_ ,Goldsmith is among the best of the century.12. As a __poet__ he makes the riming couples as natural and simple as his prose.13. The Deserted Village is a (n )__idylice__ story of the family of aclergy-man after they have lost their money and are living in poverty.14. Goldsmith‘s two comedies , The Good-natured Man and She Stoopsto Conquer met with opposition because the fashion wasthen for __sentimental__ comedy.15. The two plays by Sheridan and _Goldsmith___ are the only plays ofthe 18th century that have been kept alive upon the modem stage.16. Richard Brinsley Sheridan was, like Goldsmith ,a (n) _Irish__man.17. His famous comedy , _The Rivals__ , was written in histwenty-four year.18. Sheridan‘s famous comedy _The School of Scadal___, written in1777, is considered his masterpiece.19. Define the literary term, comedy of humors.20. Of all the romantic poets of the 18th century ,Blake is the mostindependent and the most _original___.21. For greater part of his life Blake was the poet of inspiration alone ,following no man‘ s __lead__ , obeying no voice but that which be heard in his own mystic __soul__.22. Beyond learning to __read__ and __write__, he received no education.23. His only formal education was in __art__.24. At 14, Blake apprenticed for seven years to a well-known __engraver__ , James Basire.25. After three years at Felpham ,Blake moved back to London , determined to follow his ―__Divine Vision___‖ though it meant a life of isolation , misunderstanding , and poverty.26. The underlying theme in Songs of Innocence is the all-pervading presence of divine and __sympathy__ , even in troubleand sorrow. 27.In 1790 Blake engraved his principal prose , ___The Marriage of Heaven and Hell_ , in which, with vigorous satire and telling apologue , he takes up his Revolutionary position.28. The__Songs of Experienc__ (1794) are in marked contrast with the Songs of Innocence.29. The brightness of the earlier work gives place to a sense of _gloom___ and mystery , and of the power of __evil__.30. In Jerusalem we have expounded Blake ?s theory of __Imagination__ .31. The greatest of __Scottish__ poets is Robert Burns.32. In 1786. when he was 27 years old ,Burns resolved to abandon the struggle and seek position in the far-off island of __Jamaica__.33.Burns wrote some __patriotic__ poems , in which he expressed his deep l ove for his motherlan d ,such as ―My Heart’s in the Highlands‖. 34. Burns‘ poetry bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the __Scottish__ common people.。



Position and Achievements
• the father of English Poetry—by John Dryden a. First to write in English Language, the London dialect in particular, making it the standard for modern English Speech and Literature. b. Inventor of heroic couplet. • an early humanist
The Canterbury Tales
• The Prologue (frame story) • When the sweet showers of April fall and shoot Down through the drought of March to piece the root, Bathing every vein in liquid power From which there springs the engendering of the flower, When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath Exhales an air in every grove and heath Upon the tender shoots, and the young sun
The Medieval English Literature (1066-1485)
• Impact of the Norman Conquest Establishment of the feudal order (One hundred years war (1337-1437); Wars of the Roses(1485) Peasants‟ revolts) Integration of French and English Language Affirmation of English Language:1415, king Henry V, English became official language • Representative: Geoffrey Chaucer (?13401400)


3. The third or the English period, his best period (1387-1400) The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 His masterpiece and a representative works of the Middle Ages.
III. The Canterbury Tales
1. It has 24 stories. 2.It is the description of the pilgrims( 朝圣者 )who tell stories. 3. It is about the life of ordinary people. 4. It gives vivid characters, with humor and satire(讽刺).
8. The significance of The Canterbury Tales 1).It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The gentle class--- the burgher(市民)---- the professionals 2). The dramatic structure of the poem: the stories are well woven by “links”. 3). Chaucer’s humor----- characteristics feature of English literature ---- gentle satire and mild irony.
Heroic Couplet: the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter. (英雄双韵体) Iambic Pentameter: is the most common English meter, in which each foot contains an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable. (五音步抑扬格 )



杰弗里乔叟的英文简介杰弗里乔叟简介Geoffrey Chaucer (about 1343 ~ 1400) British poet. His personal life is quite rich: 1357 years to do the court paternity, 1359 years to participate in the war when the law was captured, the following year by the king of redemption, 1361 - 1367 in the Temple Law Association training, 1366 and the queen of the palace The womens marriage, after many times on behalf of Edward III to the European continent, to Belgium, France, Italy and other countries, have the opportunity to meet Boccaccio and Petrak, which his literary creation had a great impact. In 1374, Chaucer was the London fur management officer, and in 1382 served as the tariff manager for alcohol and other commodities. In 1385, Chaucer was the magistrate of Kent, the second year was elected to the county knight to attend the lower house of parliament. In 1389 years after the KMT government, Chaucer has served as the royal construction works and Somerset royal forest deputy director. Chaucer was deprived of official and annuities during the asylum of the asylum, and the economy was strained. He had written the oil poem to the empty capsule to just ascend to Henry IV, complain about their own poverty. In 1400, Joao died and was buried at Poets Corner in Londons Westminster Church. He was also the first poet to be buried here.Chaucers poetic creation is divided into three periods: (1) the French influence period (1360 ~ 1372): the main translation and follow the works of the French poet, created the Duchess (The Book of the Duchess (1369) Dialect translation of the French medieval long narrative poem rose legend and so on. ② the Italian influence period(1372 ~ 1386): the poet came into contact with the progressive thinking of bourgeois humanism. The creation of this period, such as the Birds Conference, Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385)), The Story of a Good Woman , reflects the authors creation for the reality of life Attitude and humanism. ③ mature period (1386 ~ 1400): Chaucer in the last 15 years in the Canterbury story set creation. Both in content and skills to achieve the pinnacle of his creation. His first heroic rhyme is widely used by British poets later, known as the father of British poetry.The early creation of Chaucer was influenced by Italian and French literature. He introduced the literature of knights in the French literature, the lyrics and animal fables, and so on. Its early works Trolls and Clay West (1385), character character to create vivid and delicate, language witty humor.From 1377 onwards, Chaucer repeatedly made the European continent, in contact with Dante, Pietrak and Boccaccio and others works. These writers anti-feudal anti-religious spirit and humanism, so that Chaucers creative thinking has undergone profound changes, began to turn to realism. The narrative poem Trolls and the West, which is rewritten according to a long poem of Boccaccio, rejects the traditions of fantasy and fables, instead of the description of the characters and life details in the real world. A realist work.Chaucer carried out the creation of The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400) in the last fifteen years of his life. This is his most outstanding work.Chaucers vision, profound observation, rich writing style, truly reflect the lives of different social classes, created a realist tradition of British literature, Shakespeare and Dickens have an impact.Canterbury story set is the British writer Chaucers novel. The workdescribes a group of pilgrims gathered in a small London hotel, ready to pilgrimage to Canterbury. Shopkeepers suggested that pilgrims on the way to the two stories, to see who speak the best. The story set includes 23 stories, one of the most wonderful stories are: the knights story of love tragedy, the story of the knights knights knight, the soldier who sells the crucifixion, the talismans story, the businessmans story The story of the family disputes, the story of the farmers touching love and generosity. The works extensively reflect the British social life of the embryonic period of capitalism, exposing the corruption of the church, the greed and hypocrisy of the priest, condemning the asceticism of human nature, affirming the secular love life.The artistic achievements of the Canterbury Tales are very high, far exceeding the previous British literary works, the first example of the realism in British literary history. The work combines humor and satire, and the comedy is strong, and most of the stories are written in double rhyme poems, which have had an impact on later English literature. People figure clear, lively language. Chaucers creation of the vibrant London dialect also laid the foundations for the English literary language. His first heroic rhyme was widely used by British poets in the future, and Chaucer was hailed as the father of English poetry.杰弗里乔叟作品Geoffrey Chaucer (1340 - 1400), a famous British medieval writer, was born in a wine family. 1359 years with the troops of Edward III leap in France, captured by the French army, and soon to redemption. Chaucer became kings attendants, made many European countries, twice visited Italy, found Dante, Boccaccio and Petraks works, his literary creation played a great role. The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The House of Fowles, The House of Fae, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House ofFowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The House of Fowles, The Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde. Chaucer died in London on October 25, 1400, and was buried in the corner of the poet in Westminster Abbey. Chaucers death is unknown, may be murdered, the British medieval research expert Terry Jones had a book Who murdered Chaucer Chaucer first took the London dialect writing, and the creation of heroic bimodal, the British national language and literature development great influence, it is known as the father of British poetry.。



Each of the narrators reveals his or her own views and character. Chaucer created a striking brilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country. And thus Chaucer’s realism, trenchant irony and freedom of views reached a high level of power. It is no exaggeration to say that the Prologue supplies a miniature of the English society of Chaucer’s time. Looking at his picture gallery, we know at once how people lived in that era. So Chaucer was praised as “the father of English realism”.
Page 4
(a)French influence (1360-1372)
Romance of the Rose《玫瑰传奇》 trans.
The Book of the Duchess(1369)《悼公爵夫人书》

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer
the "father" of modern English literature
A 19th century depiction of Chaucer

• Geoffrey Chaucer(c. 1343 – 25 杰弗里·乔叟(1340 October 1400) was an English 年—1400年),英国中世 author, poet, philosopher, 纪著名作家,出生于一个 bureaucrat, courtier and 酒商家庭。乔叟当过国王 diplomat. He is believed to have died of unknown causes 侍从,出使许多欧洲国家, on 25 October, 1400, buried in 两度访问意大利,接触了 Westminster Abbey in London。 但丁、薄伽丘和彼特拉克 In 1556, his remains were 的作品,对他的文学创作 transferred to a more ornate 起了极大的作用。乔叟于 tomb, making Chaucer the first 1400年10月25日在伦敦逝 writer interred in the area now known as Poets' Corner. 世,葬于威斯敏斯特教堂 里的“诗人之角”。
Engraving of Chaucer from Speght's edition
•《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)其他作品 《公爵夫人之书》(Book of the Duchess)、《声誉之宫》(The House of Fame)、《百鸟会议》 (The Parliament of Fowles)、 Fowles) 《贤妇传说》(The Legend of Good Women)以及《特洛伊罗 斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Criseyde)Fra bibliotek代 表 作



中世纪文学Middle Age 5世纪-1485杰弗里。

乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)受但丁Dante 比特拉克Petrach 薄伽丘Boccaccio的影响《公爵大人书》the book of Duchess《百鸟议会》the Parliament of Fowls《声誉之堂》the house of fame《特洛勒斯与克利希得》Troilus and Criseyde《坎特伯雷故事》the Canterbury tales作家安葬在威斯敏特教堂Westminster Abbey 后被称为诗人角the poet’s corner文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期-17世纪初)the literature of Renaissance: rebirth 威廉莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)戏剧家,诗人喜剧,编年史剧,悲剧,传奇剧最著名的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and juliet)《威尼斯伤人》(The Merchant of venice)《亨利四世》(Henry iv)《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)《奥赛罗》(Othello)《李尔王》(King Lear)《麦克白》(Macbeth)《冬天的故事》(Winter’s Tale)《暴风雨》(the Tempest)传奇剧T他还创作了154首14行诗和2首长诗“他不属于一个时代,他属于永远”初期喜剧:错误的喜剧Comedy of errors驯悍记Taming of the shrew爱的徒劳love’s Labor’s lost弗兰西斯。

培根Francis Bacon 1561-1626与莎士比亚同时代,《学术的推进》Advancement of learning 1605 总结了前人的一切只是,并进行归类。

《新工具》New Instrument 阐述归纳法拉丁文著作《新大西岛》New Atlantis《乌托邦》Utopia《论述文集》Essays《论婚姻与单身》《论读书》17世纪文学革命与复辟时期的文学约翰。



一、早期和中世纪的英国文学◆Geoffrey Chaucer ii1.简介:Geoffrey Chaucer is the founder of English poetry and a forerunner ofhumanism. He was regarded as the founder of English realism. 代表作:Troilus and Criseyde《特洛伊斯洛与克瑞西达》(改变于意大利);The CanterburyTales《坎特伯雷故事集》(包括:“The Prologue”《总序》;“The Wife of Bath”《巴斯妇人》)。

●The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》的影响:①It shows a true-to-lifepicture of Chaucer’s time. (之所以说乔叟是The founder of realism,是因为早期英国文学歌颂英雄(Anglo-Saxon poetry),中期英国文学歌颂骑士精神(TheRomance),之后虽然有了piers the plowman,也不曾直接写社会不公,直到乔叟真实描写中世纪及各层人民。

) ②Taking from the stand of risingbourgeoisie, Chaucer affirms men and opposes the dogma of asceticismpreached by the Church. ③His tales expose and satirize the evils of histime, attack degeneration of the noble, the corruption of the Church.2.语言特色/贡献:①He is the first great poet who wrote in the English language.②He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especiallythe Heroic couplet to English poetry. ③He is good at the terza rima, whichmakes his language a high style.二、英国文艺复兴◆Thomas More ii1.简介:Thomas More is an English humanism churchman. 代表作:Utopia《乌托邦》。

杰弗里·乔叟 英语介绍

杰弗里·乔叟 英语介绍

3可是在我叙述故事之前, 让我占用诸位一 点时间, 依我之见似乎还很必要, 把每人的情况作些 介绍。 谈谈他们从事什么行业, 社会地位属于哪个 阶层, 容貌衣着举止又是如何, 那么我就 先把骑士说说

When zephyrs have breathed softly all about 西风轻拂,催生草木 Inspiring every wood and field to sprout, 空中朝气勃勃的太阳已过白羊座处 And in the zodiac the youthful sun 转眼便是四月之初 His journey halfway through the Ram has run; 美丽的自然撩拨万物的心弦 When little birds are busy with their song 鸟儿不辞昼夜忙于歌唱 Who sleep with open eyes the whole night long 生机唤醒了它们的心与内在的激荡
Parliament of
Fowls,1380) 7《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Cryseyde) 他翻译过的法国文学作品有《玫瑰传奇》 (Romance of the Rose)
坎特伯雷故事集(The Canterbury Tales)简介:

And specially in England people ride 在英格兰尤甚 To Canterbury from every countryside 人们从各个角落去往坎特伯雷城 To visit there the blessed martyred saint 去朝拜那有神佑的殉道圣人 Who gave them strength when they were sick and faint. 那个在他们脆弱无助时给予帮助的灵魂



Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!(1)Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!英语⽐较特别,单词重⾳固定不变,句⼦重⾳变化灵活。

早期英语诗歌主要靠头韵(alliteration, or head rhyme)来突显诗⾏的⾳乐性。

乔叟以重⾳作为节奏单位核⼼加强了英语诗歌的节奏感(accentual rhythm), 他⼤量使⽤的五步抑扬格(iambic pentameter)成为之后⼏百年英语诗歌的主要格律,称英国诗歌之⽗已没有异议。


下⽂是乔叟所作Canterbury Tales 对修⼥院长嬷嬷的描写,疯狂不疯狂⼀读便知。

There also was a Nun, a Prioress,Her way of smiling very simple and coy. (coy可不是shy。

⼀个是真羞,⼀个是装羞,羞给你看的羞,修⼥=羞⼥)Her greatest oath was only 'By St Loy!'And she was known as Madam Eglantyne (⼈称“玫瑰⼥⼠”,名字就让⼈往歪处想)And well she sang a service, with a fineIntoning through her nose, as was most seemly (⿐⾳之重,1066年之后法语是强势语⾔)And she spoke daintily in French, extremely,After the school of Stratford-atte-Bowe;French in the Paris style she did not know. (等于我们的英语是在国内弄的,没留过洋)At meat her manners were well taught withal; (这⾥的描写,可没有遵循“写作⼿册”的原则:由表及⾥,先静后动。



坎特伯雷故事集及作者介绍英文作文"The Canterbury Tales" is a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century. The collection consists of 24 tales told by a group of pilgrims on their way to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. Each pilgrim tells a story, and these stories cover a wide range of topics, including love, honor, religion, and social class.Geoffrey Chaucer is often referred to as the father of English literature and is considered one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages. Born in the early 1340s, Chaucer served as a diplomat, bureaucrat, and courtier throughout his life. He was also a prolific writer, penning poems, prose, and translations in addition to "The Canterbury Tales.""The Canterbury Tales" is one of Chaucer's most famous works and is written in Middle English. The collection is a frame story, meaning that the tales are enclosed within a larger narrative. In this case, the frame story is about a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury and sharing stories to pass the time.One of the most notable aspects of "The Canterbury Tales" is its diverse cast of characters. The pilgrims come from all walks oflife, from the noble Knight to the bawdy Wife of Bath. Each character brings a unique perspective to the stories they tell, allowing Chaucer to explore a wide range of themes and ideas."The Canterbury Tales" is also known for its vivid and realistic portrayals of medieval society. Chaucer's characters are complex and multifaceted, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Through these characters, Chaucer is able to comment on the social, moral, and political issues of his time.Overall, "The Canterbury Tales" is a masterpiece of English literature that continues to be studied and celebrated to this day. Chaucer's vivid characters, engaging stories, and insightful commentary make the collection a timeless work that still resonates with readers centuries after it was written.。

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Geoffrey Chaucer and His Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer, the most admired and influential writer of the English Middle Ages, is acclaimed as “The Father of English P oetry” and “The Father of English L iterature”. As a narrative poet, he composed the masterpiec e “The Canterbury T ales”, which shows his outerstanding mastery of writing skills, especially his first use of heroic couplet. “Troilus and Criseyde”, his tragic romance, also enjoys a certain status. It symbolizes “The beginning of the humanism”. Besides,he is also an accomplished lyric poet, author of prose texts and admired translator. All in all, Chaucer makes a great contribution to the development of English literature and paves the way for later writers.
Born into a successful wine merchant family in London, Chaucer was influenced a lot by the city’s background. Chaucer’ secular humanism and realism, his rationalism and individualism, his self-awareness originated from this unique city background and his family. Young Chaucer was a boy too much interested in reading, in poetry, in history, and again. His various interests help a lot in his later creations, as well as his various experiences. He had been a page; He had been captured and then released; He had traveled in France, Spain, and Flanders; He had worked as a courtier, a diplomat, and a civil servant, as well as working for the king, collecting and inventorying scrap metal. Presumably, Chaucer’s frequent trips to the continent broadened his vision and render him chance to get in
touch with the countries literary achievements of the continental countries such as France and Italy.
Chaucer’s former two periods of literary career were influenced by French and Italian literature respectively, such as “The Book of Duchess” and “Troilus and Criseyde”. But the third period was his own creative period, during which the first complete realistic poem of the medieval period—“The Canterbury Tales”was created. Although the immense project is not completed at last, it is highly praised that there is nothing like The Canterbury tales in conception and execution. It is not just the range and variety of the poetry and of the tales themselves, or their theme or subject-matter, but the realistic portrayal of the people who tell the stories, and the interplay between the tales and the tellers, that is completely original .The book is a collections of stories purported told by a diverse company of English men and women on pilgrimage to the shrine of St.Thomas Becket at Canterbury cathedral. It includes a prologue and 24 tales of varying lengths. In the book Chaucer presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in it. The language is characterized with that poetic diction for which Chaucer was so venerated in the following two centuries .For example, the language in the general prologue is simple and direct .It is in a delightful tone and with a musical beauty. Furthermore, Chaucer chooses to use
“heroic couplet” for his work,who is also widely credited with the first extensive use of iambic pentameter.
The Canterbury tales is undoubtedly a monument in the history of English literature. Its encyclopedic inclusion of subject matters and realistic portrayal of characters offer a mode for the later English writers to follow.
Chaucer is also a monument of English literature. We can never overestimate his contributions—his introduction from France poetry the rhymed stanza of various types into English poetry, his making English a respected literary language among his own countrymen and throughout Europe, his helping make the dialect of London ,and so on.
In a word, Geoffrey Chaucer influences writers generation by generation.。
