
考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Ballad of Robin HoodC.The Song of BeowulfD.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght2._____is the most common foot in English poetry.A.The anapestB.The trocheeC.The iambD.The dactyl3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event?A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.England’s domestic restC.New discovery in geography and astrologyD.The religious reformation and the economic expansion4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC.The Life and Death of Mr.BadmanD.The Holy War5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____.A.scienceB.philosophyC.artsD.humanism6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ?A.Lover.B.Time.C.Summer.D.Poetry.7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct.A.God’sB.Satan’sC.Adam’sD.Eve’s8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ______.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”The sentence is the beginning of Shakespeare’s_______.edyB.tragedyC.sonnetD.poem10. Daniel Defoe’s novels mainly focus on _____.A.the struggle of the unfortunate for mere existenceB.the struggle of the shipwrecked persons for securityC.the struggle of the pirates for wealthD.the desire of the criminals for property11. Francis Bacon is best known for his_____which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays12. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex____.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown13. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?A.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.14. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to _____A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period15. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero?A.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes16. “And where are they? And where art thou,”My country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative of the Romantic period?A.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.18. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, what is the utmost concern of Blake?A.LoveB.ChildhoodC.DeathD.Human Experience19. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the New Testament20. Jane Austen’s first novel is _____.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel21. Of the following poets, which is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”?A.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare.22.Daniel Defoe describes____as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.A.Robinson CrusoeB.Moll FlandersC.GulliverD.Tom Jones23. The lines“Death, be not proud, though some have calld thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”are found in ______.A.William Wordsworth’s writingsB.John Keats’ writingsC.John Donne’s writingsD.Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings24.The Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_____.A.self-fulfillmentB.spiritual salvationC.material wealthD.universal truth25.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “______”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.26.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ____.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England27.Which of the following can not describe“Byronic hero”?A.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressive.28.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is ____.A.dramatic monologuee of symbole of ironic languagee of lyrics29.The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of ____.A.John MiltonB.John DonneC.John KeatsD.John Bunyan30. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper.II. Find the relevant match from colunm B for each item in Colomn A (10 points in all. 1 point for each)A B1.Geoffrey Chaucer A. A Red, Red Rose2.Francis Bacon B. Ode to a Nightingale3.Jonathan Swift C. Of Truth4.William Blake D.Northanger Abbey5.Robert Burns E.The Canterbury Tales6.John Keats F.A Modest Proposal7.Jane Austen G.The Tiger8.Charles Dickens H. Ulysses9.Tennyson I.David Copperfield10.Robert Browning J.My Last DuchessIII. Fill in the following blanks (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1. In the year____,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by william, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-saxons.2. Since historical times, England, where the early inhabitants were celts, has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the ____,and the Normans.3.____is regared as shakespeare’s successful romantic tragedy.4. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal whigs and the conservative_____.5. The Glorious Revolution in ___meant three things the supremacy of parliament, the beginning of modern English, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.6. Romanticism as a literary movement come into being in England early in the latter half of the ___century.7. With the publication of william Wordsworth’s____in collaboration with S.T Coleridge, Romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literatare.8. Woman as ____ appeared in the Romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time ,an important place in English literature.9. The most important poet of the victoria Age was____, Next to him, were Robert Browning and his wife.10. The ____movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th cenfury.IV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all ,10points for each) Give brief answers to each of following questions in English.(1) A selection from a poemWherefore feed and clothe and saveForm the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat_nay, drink your blood?Whrefore, Bees of England, forgeMany a weepon, chain, and scourgeThat these stingless drones may spoilThe forced produce of your tail?Questions (10’)1. These lines are taken fr om a poem entitled___(1’)written by ___(1’).2. The rhyme scheme in the selection of the poem is ____.(1’)3.What idea does the quotation express?(7’)(2) A Selection from a workSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled bookd are like common distilled waters.Question(10’)1. This passage is taken from a well-known work entiled___,(2’) written by ____.(1’)2. What’s the main idea of the whole work. (7’)V. Topic Discussion (30 points in all,15 points for each). Write no less than 100 words on each of the following topics in English , in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works, the image of woman protagonists and what and how her novels truthfully present.(15’)2. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Aasten explored three kinds of motivations of marriage that the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Try to make a brief discussion about them with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.(15’)200x-200x学年度第一学期期末考试试卷答案及评分标准考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I. Multiple Choice (1’×30=30’)01-05 C C B A D 06-10 D B B C A11-15 A B C B C 16-20 D B D B B21-25 D A C B C 26-30 A D A B DII. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in colamn A (1’×10=10’)1-E 2-C 3-F 4-G 5-A6-B 7-D 8-I 9-H 10-JIII. Fill in the following blanks (1’×10=10’)1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9.Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all )(1) A PoemQues tions(10’)1. A Song: Men of England(1’) Shelley(1’)2. aabb ccdd (1’)3. This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a work1. Of Studies(1’) Bacon(1’)2. It analyzes the use and abuse of studies ,the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies. And how studies exert influence over human character.V .Topic Discussion (30 points in all, 15 points for each)A. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fiece longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.B. All ber heroines’ highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.C. The image of woman protagonists in her works are mostly the life of the middle-calss working women, particularly governesses.D. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper calsses, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre by her, she sharply criticises the existing society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.(2) In the novel ,three kinds of attitudes towards marriage are presented for manifestation: marriage merely for material wealth and social position; marriage just for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic condition or personal merits; and the ideal marriage for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economic and social status. What j ane Aasten tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marny without consideration of economic conditions.。

《英国文学史及选读》第二册练习题I. 浪漫主义时期I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets.1. English Romanticism is generally said to have begun with_____in 1798.(A)A. the publication of Lyrical BalladsB. the death of Sir ScottC. the birth of William WordsworthD. the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament2. The Romantic Period is first of all an age of_____.(B)A. NovelB. poetryC. dramaD. prose3. Romanticism does not emphasize_____.(D)A. the special qualities of each individual’s mindB. the inner world of the human spiritC. individualityD. the features that men have in common4._____ is not a Romantic poet.(B)A. William BlakeB. Sir ScottC. P. B. ShelleyD. Lord Byron5. _____ is a Romantic novelist but is impressed with neo-classic strains.(C)A. Walter ScottB. Mary ShelleyC. Jane AustenD. Ann Radcliff6. _____ is not characte ristic of William Blake’s writing.(C)A. plain and direct languageB. compression of meaningC. supernatural qualityD. symbolism7. Wordsworth published Lyrical Ballads in 1789 with _____.(B)A. ByronB. ColeridgeC. ShelleyD. Keats8. Wordsworth thinks that _____ is the only subject of literary interest.(D)A. the life of rising bourgeoisieB. aristocratic lifeC. the life of the royal familyD. common life9. Don Juan is the masterpiece of_____.(A)A. Lord Byron’sB. P. B. Shelley’sC. John Keats’sD. Samuel Coleridge’s10. _____ is not a novel written by Jane Austen.(A)A. Jane EyreB. Sense and SensibilityC. Pride and PrejudiceD. EmmaII.维多利亚时期I. Each of the statement below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets1. The Victorian period roughly began at the enthronement of Queen Victoria in_____.(B)A. 1835B. 1836C. 1837D. 18382. The critical realists like Charles Dickens in the Victorian period wrote novels_____.(D)A. representing the 18th century realist novelB. criticizing the societyC. defending the massE. all the above3. _____is not a Victoria novelist.(D)A. Charles DickensB. George EliotC. William Makepeace ThackerayD. D. H. Lawrence4. _____ is not a work by Charles Dickens.(C)A. Oliver TwistB. David CopperfieldC. MiddlemarchD. A Tale of Two Cities5. Wuthering Heights is a masterpiece written by_____.(B)A. Charlotte BronteB. Emily BronteC. Anne BronteD. Branwell Bronte6. _____ is not Thomas Hardy’s work.(A)A. The Mill on the FlossB. Tess of the D’UrbervillesC. Jude the ObscureD. The Mayor of Casterbridge7. “My Last Duchess” is _____.(A)A. a dramatic monologueB. a short lyricC. a novelD. an essay8. Tennyson’s “Ulysses” gets its inspiration from the following works or writers except_____.(B)A. Homer’s OdesseyB. Joyce’s UlyssesC. DanteD. Greek Mythology9. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend _____ appeared. And it flourished in the 1840s and in the early 1950s.(D)A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realism10. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from_____.(A)A. The Pilgrim’s ProgressB. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageC. Gulliver’s TravelsD. The Canterbury TalesIV. Name the author of each of the following literary works.1. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (Charles Dickens)2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Anne Bronte)3. In Memoriam (Alfred Tennyson)4. The Mill on the Floss (George Eliot)5. The Return of the Native (Thomas Hardy)VI. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it.1. That same evening the gentleman in the white waistcoat most positively and decidedly affirmed, not only that Oliver would be hung, but that he would be drawn and quartered into the bargain. Mr.Bumble shoot his head with gloomy mystery, and said he wished he might come to good; where—unto Mr. Gamfield replied, that he wished he might come to him---which, although he agreed with the beadle in most matters, would seem to be a wish of a totally opposite description. The next morning, the public were once more informed that Oliver Twist was again To Let, and that five pounds would be paid to anybody who would take possession of him.( It is taken from Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist. This part describes how Oliver is punished for asking for more to eat and how he is therefore sold at three pound ten to a notorious chimney-sweeper. It reveals that the pitiable state of the orphan boy and the cruelty and hypocrisy of the workhouse board.)2. Thus, neither having the clue to the other’s secret, they were respectively puzzled at what each revealed, and awaited new knowledge of each other’s character and moods without attempting to pry into each o ther’s history.Every day, every hour, brought to him one more little stroke of her nature, and to her one more of his. Tess was trying to lead a repressed life, but she little divined the strength of her own vitality.( It is taken from Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles. This part describes how Tess forgets about her past misfortune in the beautiful, pastoral dairy farm and unconsciously gives herself up to the attraction of Angel Clare.)III. 现代时期I. Each of the statement below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets1. Modernism takes_____as its theoretical base.(C)A. the irrational philosophyB. the theory of psycho-analysisC. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Modernism rose out of_____.(D)A. skepticismB. disillusion of capitalismC. irrational philosophyD. al the above3. Modernism is, in many aspects, a reaction against_____.(B)A .romanticism B. realismC. post-modernismD. all the above4. _____is not a movement in the modern period.(C)A. “the Angry Young Men”B. “the Beat Generation”C. “the Lost Generation”D. “the Theater of the Absurd”5. _____ is not a representative figure i n applying the technique of “the stream of consciousness” in his/her writing.(A)A. D. H. LawrenceB. James JoyceC. Virginia WoolfD. Dorothy Richardson6. Waiting for Godot is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd. It is written by_____.(B)A. George Bernard ShawB. Samuel BeckettC. John GalsworthyD. Eugene O’ Neill7. The Waste Land is_____’s most important single poem.(D)A. Ezra PoundB. William Butler YeatsC. Alfred TennysonD. T. S. Eliot8. _____ is not D. H. Lawrence’s work.(A)A. Finnegans WakeB. Sons and LoversC. Lady Chatterley’s LoverD. The Rain Bow9. _____ is not James Joyce’s novel.(C)A. UlyssesB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. DublinersD. Finnegans Wake10. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is written by_____.(D)A. W. H. AudenB. D. H. LawrenceC. W. B. YeatsD. T. S. EliotIV. Name the author of each of the following literary works.1. Pygmalion (Bernard Shaw )2. “Sailing to Byzantium” (W. B. Yeats)3. Woman in Love (D. H. Lawrence)4. Ulysses (James Joyce)5. The Man of Property (John Galsworthy)VI. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it.1. I will arise and go now, for always night and dayI hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,I hear it in the deep heart’s core.(It is taken from Yeats’s “The lake Isle of Innisfree.” In this poem, Yeats expresses his longing to escape from the city life and to live a secluded life by describing the peaceful, tranquil scene of the lake Isle of Innisfree, a legendary place for hermitage.)2. Now she began to combat in his restless fretting. He still kept up his connexion with Miriam, could neither break free nor go the whole length of engagement. And this indecision seemed to bleed him of his energy. Moreover. His mother suspected him of an unrecognized leaning towards Clara, and, since the latter was a married woman, she wished he would fall in love with one of the girls in a better station of life. But he was stupid, and would refuse to love or even to admire a girl much, just because she was his social superior.(It is taken from D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers. Paul has love affairs with two girls, Miriam and Clara. But he is so dependent on his mother’s love and help that he fails to achieve a fulfilling relationship with either girl.) English Literature ( Book II)2.William Wordsworth要知道他的“Lyrical Ballads”前言是英国浪漫主义时期开始的标志,也是宣言。

一.中古英语时期♦Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language.♦The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds.♦Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature.♦Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism.二.文艺复兴Renaissance♦Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world.♦It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe.♦Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ♦This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.♦The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe.♦Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies”is themost popular of Bacon’s 58 essays.♦Thomas More ——Utopia♦Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene相关练习♦ 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language?♦ A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene♦ C. Beowulf D. Hamlet♦ 2. _____ is the father of English poetry.♦ A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare♦ C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer♦ 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England.♦ A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer♦ C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare♦“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare♦William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have meaning beyond the time and place of his plays. His four tragedies are Hamlet(《哈姆雷特》), Othello(《奥赛罗》), King Lear(《李尔王》) and Macbeth(《麦克白》).♦Shakespeare’s sonnets, 154 in number, are the only direct expression of the poet’s own feelings; Sonnet 18 deserves its fame because it is one of the mostbeautifully written verses in the English language♦诗选♦Sonnet 18♦Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?♦Thou art more lovely and more temperate.♦Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,♦And Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.♦(我怎能将你与夏日相比? /你比它更温和可爱:/动人的花蕾在五月咆哮的风中颤抖,/夏日的美好时光也绝不长久:)♦Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,♦And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;♦And every fair from fair sometime declines,♦By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimm’d;♦(太阳的金色光芒虽然耀眼,/却常常以灰暗的面貌出现;/再美貌的物什都逃不过凋谢,/命运流转或无意间将其拆解;)♦But thy eternal Summer shall not fade,♦Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st♦Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,♦When in eternal line to time thou grow’st.♦So long as men can breath or eyes can see,♦So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.♦(可你如夏日般不会褪色, /你的美貌也将永存; /死神无法夸耀你曾在它的阴影中游荡, /伴随永恒的诗篇你将留存。
英国文学史选读 期末试题

英国文学史及选读期末试题及答案考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Ballad of Robin HoodC.The Song of BeowulfD.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght2._____is the most common foot in English poetry.A.The anapestB.The trocheeC.The iambD.The dactyl3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event?A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.England’s domestic restC.New discovery in geography and astrologyD.The religious reformation and the economic expansion4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC.The Life and Death of Mr.BadmanD.The Holy War5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____.A.scienceB.philosophyC.artsD.humanism6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ?A.Lover.B.Time.C.Summer.D.Poetry.7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Parad ise Lost, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct.A.God’sB.Satan’sC.Adam’sD.Eve’s8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ______.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”The sentence is the beginning of Shakespeare’s_______.edyB.tragedyC.sonnetD.poem10. Daniel Defoe’s novels mainly focus on _____.A.the struggle of the unfortunate for mere existenceB.the struggle of the shipwrecked persons for securityC.the struggle of the pirates for wealthD.the desire of the criminals for property11. Francis Bacon is best known for his_____which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays12. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex____.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown13. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?A.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.14. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to _____A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period15. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero?A.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes16. “And where are they? And where art thou,”My country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative of the Romantic period?A.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.18. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, what is the utmost concern of Blake?A.LoveB.ChildhoodC.DeathD.Human Experience19. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the New Testament20. Jane Austen’s first novel is _____.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel21. Of the following poets, w hich is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”?A.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare.22.Daniel Defoe describes____as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.A.Robinson CrusoeB.Moll FlandersC.GulliverD.Tom Jones23. The lines“Death, be not proud, though some have calld thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”are found in ______.A.William Wordsworth’s writingsB.John Keats’writingsC.John Donne’s writingsD.Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings24.The Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_____.A.self-fulfillmentB.spiritual salvationC.material wealthD.universal truth25.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “______”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.26.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ____.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England27.Which of the following can not describe“Byronic hero”?A.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressive.28.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is ____.A.dramatic monologuee of symbole of ironic languagee of lyrics29.The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of ____.A.John MiltonB.John DonneC.John KeatsD.John Bunyan30. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper.II. Find the relevant match from colunm B for each item in Colomn A (10 points in all. 1 point for each)A B1.Geoffrey Chaucer A. A Red, Red Rose2.Francis Bacon B. Ode to a Nightingale3.Jonathan Swift C. Of Truth4.William Blake D.Northanger Abbey5.Robert Burns E.The Canterbury Tales6.John Keats F.A Modest Proposal7.Jane Austen G.The Tiger8.Charles Dickens H. Ulysses9.Tennyson I.David Copperfield10.Robert Browning J.My Last DuchessIII. Fill in the following blanks (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1. In the year____,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by william, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-saxons.2. Since historical times, England, where the early inhabitants were celts, has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the ____,and the Normans.3.____is regared as shakespeare’s successful romantic tragedy.4. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal whigs and the conservative_____.5. The Glorious Revolution in ___meant three things the supremacy of parliament, the beginning of modern English, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.6. Romanticism as a literary movement come into being in England early in the latter half of the ___century.7. With the publication of william Wordsworth’s____in collaboration with S.T Coleridge, Romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literatare.8. Woman as ____ appeared in the Romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time ,an important place in English literature.9. The most important poet of the victoria Age was____, Next to him, were Robert Browning and his wife.10. The ____movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th cenfury.IV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all ,10points for each) Give brief answers to each of following questions in English.(1) A selection from a poemWherefore feed and clothe and saveForm the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat_nay, drink your blood?Whrefore, Bees of England, forgeMany a weepon, chain, and scourgeThat these stingless drones may spoilThe forced produce of your tail?Questions (10’)1. These lines are taken from a poem entitled___(1’)written by ___(1’).2. The rhyme scheme in the selection of the poem is ____.(1’)3.What idea does the quotation express?(7’)(2) A Selection from a workSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy andextracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled bookd are like common distilled waters.Question(10’)1. This passage is taken from a well-known work entiled___,(2’) written by ____.(1’)2. What’s the main idea of the whole work. (7’)V. Topic Discussion (30 points in all,15 points for each). Write no less than 100 words on each of the following topics in English , in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works, the image of woman protagonists and what and how her novels truthfully present.(15’)2. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Aasten explored three kinds of motivations of marriage that the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Try to make a brief discussion about them with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.(15’)200x-200x学年度第一学期期末考试试卷答案及评分标准考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I. Multiple Choice (1’×30=30’)01-05 C C B A D 06-10 D B B C A11-15 A B C B C 16-20 D B D B B21-25 D A C B C 26-30 A D A B DII. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in colamn A (1’×10=10’)1-E 2-C 3-F 4-G 5-A6-B 7-D 8-I 9-H 10-JIII. Fill in the following blanks (1’×10=10’)1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9.Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all )(1) A PoemQuestions(10’)1. A Song: Men of England(1’) Shelley(1’)2. aabb ccdd (1’)3. This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a work1. Of Studies(1’) Bacon(1’)2. It analyzes the use and abuse of studies ,the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies. And how studies exert influence over human character.V .Topic Discussion (30 points in all, 15 points for each)A. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fiece longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.B. All ber heroines’highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.C. The image of woman protagonists in her works are mostly the life of the middle-calss working women, particularly governesses.D. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper calsses, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre by her, she sharply criticises the existing society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.(2) In the novel ,three kinds of attitudes towards marriage are presented for manifestation: marriage merely for material wealth and social position; marriage just for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic condition or personal merits; and the ideal marriage for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economic and social status. What jane Aasten tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marny without consideration of economic conditions.。

英国文学史及选读试题考试科目:英国文学史及选读考试时间:120分钟使用班级:考试形式:■闭卷□开卷Ⅰ. Fill in the following blanks (1′×35=35分)1._______________ can be justly termed England’s national epic.2.In the year of _____, at the battle of _________, the Normans headed by ______ , Duke of _________, defeated the ___________ .3.________________, the “father of English poetry”and one of the greatest ______________ poets of England. The representative work of him is ____________________ .4. Renaissance means __________ and _________ .5. The key note of renaissance : _________________.6. The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of ___________ ( _______ and _________ ) and_____________.7.Thomas More was the outstanding________ at the beginning of ___ century. His wrote ____________ in 1516.8. Edmund Spenser was the author of the greatest____________—_________(作品)9. The highest glory of Renaissance is ______________ .10. Christopher Marlowe was one of the _____________ and made ____________ the principal vehicle of expression in____________ .11. Thomas Wyatt was the first to introduce the ___________ into English literature.12. At the end of the 16th century, the great English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon wrote his famous ____________ and______________.13. William Shakespeare:Four tragedies: ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________. Four comedies: ___________ _, ___________ _, ____________, ___________ _.Shakespeare produced ____ plays, two _________ and 154 __________.14. Francis Bacon was the founder of ____________in England——Knowledge is power. He was famous for his essays: ________________.15. John Donne—_____________school, was the author of ________________ .16. John Milton was the author of ______________, _____________. The first one was written in___________. Here Paradise means “_________________ ”.17. The 18th Century—The Age of______________ in England—was distinctively an age of ____________.18. ______________ was the writer of Robinson Crusoe.19. ______________ was the writer of Gulliver’s Travels, A modest Proposal.20.______________ was the writer of _____________, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, _______________________, The Songs of Innocence.21. ______________was the writer of ________________, Auld Lang Syne.22. The Romantic Period was from _____ to _____ in England and was decidedly an age of ___________.23. Romanticism began with the publication of_________________ Lyrical Ballads, ended with __________________.24. _____________________, ___________________ and ________________were ___________(湖畔诗人).25. _____________,____________ ,______________were active romanticists (激进浪漫主义诗人).26.________________ —If winter comes, can Spring be far behind? ——Percy Bysshe _____________.27. ______________ —Beauty is truth, truth beauty.30. ______________was the writer of On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer, __________________, Ode on a Grecian Urn, __________________, Bright Star.31. ________________was the writer of Pride and Prejudice.32. _____________was the writer of Dream-Children; a Reverie, _____________________.33.The Victorian Age—______________ in England. The dominant literal genrewas ____________.34._____________ was the writer of _____________,David Copperfield, HardTimes, A Tale of Two Cities (_________ and ________), Great Expectation.35.William Makepeace Thackeray was the writer of __________________.36.George Eliot, a ___________ writer, devoted herself to ______________.37.Charlotte Bronte was the author of ______________; Emily Bronte was the writerof __________________.38.Alfred, Lord Tennyson, was regarded as the most important poet ofthe_________________.39._____________was the author of Far from Madding Crowd, The Return of theNative, The Major of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure.40.Oscar Wilde, a __________ and a ___________, was a spokesman for________________ (唯美主义).41.George Bernard Shaw was the greatest writer of ____________—afterShakespeare. He was the writer of _______________ and Mrs. Warren’s Profession.42.______________ was the writer of Sons and Lovers.43.______________ was the writer of Mrs. Dalloway.44.James Joyce was the writer of _____________.45._________________: 2007 winner of Nobel Prize for Literature.Ⅱ. Interpret the following terms. (10′×2=20分)1.The English Renaissance2.Metaphysical poetryⅢ. Answer the following questions. (15′×3=45分)1. In your opinion, why does Satan in Paradise Lost choose the Garden of Eden for his battlefield?Give your reasons in brief words, pay attention to logic and precision.2. Read sonnet 18 answer the following questions.Sonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shinesAnd often is his gold complexion dimed;And every fair form fair sometimes declines,By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade.When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.Questions:(1)Who is the author of this sonnet?(2)Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.(3)What is the theme of the poem?(4) What kind of rhetorical devices the author adopted in the sonnet? For eachrhetorical device you list, examples from the poem must be given.3. Illustrate the political satire Jonathan Swift made in Gulliver’s Travells?。

台州学院外国语学院学年第学期级专业《英国文学史及选读I》期末试卷(2)(闭卷)班级姓名学号考试时间:120 分钟题号I II III IV V VI VII总分分值10101015202015100得分I. Multiple choice. Choose the best out of the four . (10%=1*10)1. The Song of Beowulf can be termed a(n) praising England’s national hero Beowulf .A. epicB. sonnetC. romanceD. novel2. Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ___ adventures or otherheroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A. ChristianB. knightlyC. GreekD. primitive3. An iambic pentameter couplet is called____.A. heroic coupletB. blank verseC. tercetD. sestet4. Sonnets originated from Italy , and in the 16th century, ____ introduced it to England .A. Thomas MoreB. John MiltonC. Thomas WyattD. Petrarch5. In the poetic line “bathes each bud and shoot”, “bathes” and “bud” make a sound effect called .A. alliterationB. assonanceC. consonanceD. internal rhyme6. The supreme master in the 1st half of the 18th century is ____.A. Jonathan SwiftB. Richard SteeleC. Daniel DefoeD. Henry fielding7. Romanticism in England began in 1798, with the publication of ____.A. Lyrical BalladsB. EndymionC. The Rime of the Ancient MarinerD. To Autumn8. “Eternal summer gilds them yet, / But all, except their sun, is set.” is from____ .A. OzymandiasB. Ode to the West WindC. She Walks in BeautyD. The Isles of Greece9., the author of Ivanhoe, is the creator and a great master of the historical novel.A. Henry fieldingB. Walter ScottC. Daniel DefoeD. Jonathan Swift10. ___ _is one of the “Lakers”, or Lake school poets .A. John KeatsB. Percy Bysshe ShelleyC. Leigh HuntD. S. T. ColeridgeII. True or False? Write T for true and F for false . (10%=1*10)____ 1. John Donne is the most outstanding representative of the 17th century dramas.____ 2. A Modest Proposal by Swift shows the writer’s irony towards the projectors.____ 3. In a poetic line, a foot with a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable is trochic. ____ 4. The turn of the 18th century and the 19th century in England saw the appearance of a new literary current—Preromanticism.____ 5. The Tiger by William Blake is a poem in The Songs of Innocence.____ 6. The glory of the Romantic Age lies in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats etc..____ 7. The Satanic School includes Byron, Shelley and William Wordsworth.____ 8. Don Juan made John Keats famous overnight.____ 9.The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Wordsworth’s masterpiece The Rime of Ancient Mariner.____10. In his poems Byron aimed at simplicity and purity of the language, fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry.III. Blank Filling. (10%=1*10)1. The line “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is taken from by WilliamShakespeare.2. The 18th century was distinctively an age of .3. The later enlighteners of England in the 18th century found the power of reason to beinsufficient and therefore appealed to sentiments as a means of achieving social justice, which led to the appearance of the new literary current— .4. She Stoops to Conquer is a rollicking comedy by .5. is the most independent and the most original of all the romantic poets of the 18th century.6.The image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century was created by in his famous novel Robinson Crusoe.7.While the political tempests led to a confusion in English literature in the 17th century, the peaceful development of the 18th century made a prevailing literary current.8.The two representatives of Pre-Romanticism are William Blake and .9. The most outstanding figure of English Sentimentalism is .10. Romanticism in England ended in 1832, with the death of .试卷纸第3页IV. Define or explain the following. (15%=5*3)1. Blank Verse2. Conceit3. The Graveyard SchoolV. Identify.(20%=10*2)Passage IThe curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly over the lea,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.……Questions1. Who is the writer of these lines?2. What is the title of the whole poem from which the lines are taken?3. In the 2nd line, “/l/” sound is repeated in “lowing” and “lea” to make for linking both sound and meaning.4. What is the theme of the poem?Passage III lay down on the grass, which was very short and soft, where I slept sounder than ever I remember to have done in my life, and as I reckoned, above nine hours; for when I awaked, it was just daylight. I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir…Questions1.Who is the writer of this passage?2.What’s the title of the novel from which the passage was taken?3.Who is the narrator in the novel?4.Explain how the artistic ideals of Classicism are displayed in the passage with an example.VI. Answer the following questions.(20%=10*2)1. What do you know about Sentimentalism?2. List at least five novels written by Jane Austen.VII. Literary essay writing. (15%)Refer to the following poem in explaining the literary movement——Romanticism.She Dwelt among the Untrodden WaysShe Dwelt among the Untrodden WaysBeside the spring of Dove.A Maid whom there were none to praiseAnd very few to love;A violet by a mossy stoneHalf hidden from the eye!Fair as a star, when only oneIs shining in the sky.She lived unknown, and few could knowWhen Lucy ceased to be;But she is in her grave, and, oh,The difference to me!台州学院外国语学院学年第学期级 专业《英国文学史及选读I》期末试卷答卷(2)(闭)班级姓名 学号考试时间:120 分钟题 号I II III IV V VI VII 总分分 值10101015202015100得 分I. Multiple choice. Choose the best out of the four. (10%=1*10)12345678910 II . True or False? Write T for true and F for false. (10%=1*10)1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____ 8.____ 9.____ 10.____III. Blank Filling. (10%=1*10)1. 6.2. 7.3. Define or explain the following. (15%=5*3)1. 2.装 订 线3.V. Identify.(20%=10*2)Passage I1.2.3.4..Passage II1.2.3.4.VI. Answer the following questions.(20%=10*2) 1.2. VII. Literary essay writing. (15%)。

1.English Romanticism begins with__and ends with(C)A. the publication of Lyrical Ballads, John Keats’s death B. French Revolution, Walter Scott’s deathC. the publication of Lyrical Ballads, Walter Scott’s deathD. Industrialization, John Keats’s death2. ___D_ are named as Lake Poets and Escapist Romanticists.A. Wordsworth, Shelley and KeatsB. Wordsworth, Byron and ShelleyC. Wordsworth, Coleridge and ShelleyD. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey3. Which of the following statement is NOT correct? BA. Romantic literature is decidely an age of poetry.B. Dramma was fully developed during the Romantic period.C. The general feature is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeoise society.D. Romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man.Personified nature plays an important role in the pages of their works.4. __D__ was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middle class people and of which there are many fine examples in latter English fiction.A. Charlotte BronteB. Emily BronteC. Charles DickensD. Jane Austen5. King _B__ broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in the country, which is known as Religious Reformation.A. Henry VIIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary ID.Elizabetha I6. _D___ was honored as Poet Laureate.A. ByronB. P. B ShelleyC. John KeatsD. William Wordsworth7.“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by _B_.A. William WordsworthB. P. B. ShelleyC. George8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ___B___.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex___B_.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown10. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true? CA.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally dra fted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.11. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to __B___A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period12. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero? CA.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes13. “And where are they? And where art thou,”DMy country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative ofthe Romantic period? BA.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.14. Jane Austen’s first novel is __B___.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel15. Of the following poets, which is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”? DA.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare. writings16.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “___C___”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.17.Which of the following can not de scribe“Byronic hero”? DA.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressive.18.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is __A__.A.dramatic monologuee of symbole of ironic languagee of lyrics19. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth? DA.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper20.Byron wrote the following except (D)A.Childe Harold’s PilgrimageB.ManfredC. Don JuanD.The Revolt of Islam21.William Wordsworth is frequently referred to as ( B )A.a religious poetB.a worshipper of natureC.a modernist poetD. a worshipper of beauty22.The line "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" is from Tennyson's ( D )A. Idylls of the KingB. In MemoriamC. MaudD. Ulysses23.Jane Eyre is first published in _______ by the pseudonym of _______.( C )A. 1847; Ellis BellB. 1848; Acton BellC. 1847; Currer BellD. 1853; Charlotte Bronte24.In "Ode on a Grecian Urn" the references to Tempe andArcady are (C)A. BritishB. ItalianC. GreekD. Persian25.D. H. Lawrence's first novel, (B)was published in 1911.A. Sons and LoversB. The White PeacockC. The RainbowD. The Trespasser26.The poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge may be characterized by its(B)A. plain languageB. supernatural colorC. scenes of common lifeD. traditional images27.The Romantic Period is first of all an age of(B)A. Novel B. poetry C. drama D. prose 28.Romanticism does not emphasize(D)A. the special qualities of each individ ual’s mindB. the inner world of the human spiritC. individualityD. the features that men have in common29.(C)is a Romantic novelist but is impressed with neo-classiA. Walter ScottB. Mary ShelleyC. Jane AustenD. Ann Radcliff c strains.30.Wordsworth thinks that (D)is the only subject of literary interest.A. the life of rising bourgeoisieB. aristocratic lifeC. the life of the royal familymon life31.The Victorian period roughly began at the enthronement of Queen Victoria in(B)A. 1835B. 1836C. 1837D. 183832.The critical realists like Charles Dickens in the Victorian period wrote novels(D)A. representing the 18th century realist novelB. criticizing the societyC. defending the massD.all the above33.(D)is not a Victoria novelist. 129.A. Charles DickensB. George EliotC. William Makepeace ThackerayD. D. H. Lawrence34.(C)is not a work by Charles Dickens.A. Oliver TwistB. David CopperfieldC. MiddlemarchD. A Tale of Two Cities35.(A)is not Thomas Hardy’s work.A. The Mill on the FlossB. T ess of the D’UrbervillesC. Jude the ObscureD. The Mayor of Casterbridge36.Tennyson’s “Ulysses” gets its i nspiration from the following works or writers except(B)A. Homer’s OdesseyB. Joyce’s UlyssesC. DanteD. Greek Mythology37.In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend (D)appeared. And it flourished in the 1840s and in the early 1950s.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realism38.Modernism takes(C)as its theoretical base.A. the irrational philosophyB. the theory of psycho-analysisC. both A and BD. neither A nor B 209.39.Modernism rose out of(D)A. skepticismB. disillusion of capitalismC. irrational philosophyD. al the above40.Modernism is, in many aspects, a reaction against(B)A .romanticism B. realismC. post-modernismD. all the above 215.41.(C)is not a movement in the modern period.A. “the Angry Young Men”B. “the Beat Generation”C. “the Lost Generation”D.“the Theater of the Absurd” 42.(a)is not a representative figure in applying thetechnique of “the stream of consciousness”in his/her writing.A. D. H. LawrenceB. James JoyceC. Virginia WoolfD. Dorothy Richardson43.(A)is not D. H. Lawrence’s work.A. Finnegans WakeB. Sons and LoversC. Lady Chatterley’s LoverD. The Rainbow44.(C)is not James Joyce’s novel.A. UlyssesB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. DublinersD. Finnegans Wake。

《英国文学史及选读》复习题Part One: Brief Questions1.What‟s the symbolic meaning of the “Vanity Fair” in Bunyan‟s “The Pilgrim‟sProgress”?2.What can we see from the Soliloquy of Hamlet?This is an internal philosophical debate on the advantages and disadvantages of existence, and whether it is one's right to end his or her own life. It presents a most logical and powerful examination of the theme of the moral legitimacy of suicide in an unbearably painful world.3.What‟s the main idea of “Of Studies” by Bacon?It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character.4.What‟re the four stories of “Gulliver‟s Travels” by Swift?The first part tells about Gulliver‟s experience in Lilliput;in the second part,Gulliver is left alone in Brobdingnag;the third part deals mainly with his accidental visit to the Flying Island and the last part is a most interesting account of his discoveries in the Houyhnhnm land.5.What‟s the writing feature of Beowulf?1 ) It is not a Christian but a pagan poem, despite the Christian flavor given to it by themonastery scribe. It is the product of all advanced pagan civilization. The whole poem presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society. The social conditions and customs can be .seen in it. So the poem has a great social significance.2) The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable inthis poem. Each line is divided into two halves, and each half has two heavy stresses.3) The use of the alliteration is another notable feature. Three stresses of the whole lineare made even more emphatic by the use of alliteration.4) A lot of metaphors and understatements are used in the poem. For example, the sea iscalled "the whale-road" or "the swan road"; the soldiers are called "shield-man"; the chieftains are called the "treasure keepers"; human-body is referred to as "the bone-house"; God is called "wonder-wielder"; monster is referred to as "soul-destroyer''.6.What‟s the contribution made by Geoffrey Chaucer?He introduces from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, esp. the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter (…heroic couplet‟) to English poetry. He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language, making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English speech.7.What‟s the historical significance of the Glorious Revolution?The supremacy of ParliamentThe beginning of modern EnglandThe final triumph of the principle of political liberty8.Explain the literary trends in the 17th century.One of confusion, due to the breaking up of old ideas.Medieval standards of chivalry, impossible loves and romances, the ideal of a national church perishedDisapproving of the sonnets and the love poetry, and theatres was closed then.Bible became the only book to read.It tended to suppress literary art.Part Two: Detailed Appreciation9.Read the poem (“Sonnet 18” by Shakespeare) and answer the following questions.a)What is the theme of the poem?Theme: a profound meditation on the destructive power of time and the eternal beauty brought forth by poetry to the one he loves.b)Explain the rhyme and tone in the poem by drawing the first two lines. Rhetorical questioning: the 1st line, used to create a tone of respect, and to engage the audience.c)Why is the speaker‟s loved one more lovely than a summer‟s day?If I compared you to a summer day, / I'd have to say you are more beautiful and serene: / By comparison, summer is rough on budding life, / And doesn't last long either:Extravagant praise compares a summer day as less lovely and constant as the beloved.10.Read the poem (“Sonnet 29” by Shakespeare) and answer the following questions.a)In the first two thirds of the sonnet, the speaker is complaining about themisfortunes in his life. What suddenly lifts him out of his bad mood?b)In the last line, the speaker scorns to change his state with kings. What doesthe word “state” mean?11.Read the poem (“Song: Go and Catch the Falling Star” by Donne) and answer thefollowing questions.a)What is the speaker‟s tone? What‟s his opinion about the constancy ofwomen?This poem chief concerns the lack of constancy in women.b)How much impossibility does Donne list in the poem? What are they? What‟sthe additional impossibilities does he have in mind throughout this stanza?There is seven impossibility list in the poem and they are catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake roote, all past yeares, cleft the Divels foot, hear Mermaides singing, keep off envies stinging and advance an honest minde.The additional impossibilities in his mind is Lives a woman true.12.Read the poem (“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” by Donne) and answer thefollowing questions.a)Why does Donne‟s “Valediction” (a poem of farewell) forbid mourning?b)Comment on the relation of the various images to each other. Is there adevelopment of some kind?13.Read the poem (“The Flea” by Donne) and answer the following questions.a)Who‟re the speaker and the listener? What‟s the situation in the poem?The speaker is a man and the listener is a lady.b)How‟s the speaker‟s reasoning to persuade the listener? And point out theconceits used in the poem.14.Read the poem (“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Gray) and answerthe following questions.a)How does Gray begin the essay?b)Where does Gray begin to make a shift from visual to acoustic perception?Why?c)From which stanza, does Gray begin to describe the country churchyard?d)How many sounds does Gray employ in stanza 5? Wha t‟re they, and why doeshe make a list of these sounds?e)What‟s the main idea of stanza 6?f)What can we see about the occupation of the dead person from stanza 7?Please make a list of the words which can certify your guess.g)What do stanzas 8 and 9 tell us?15.Read the poem (“The Tiger” by Blake) and answer the following questions.a)Analyze the form and rhythm of the poem, and what‟s the central question inthis poem?b)What do the lamb and the tiger represent respectively?The problem with that, though, is that the speaker of “The Lamb” sees the creator as a lamb. The speaker of “The Tyger” sees only tygers, and therefore the Creator must be like a tyger.T he problem is in the basic selection process. And what causes him to make that selection is what he believes. If he believes that the world is shaped by mercy, pity, peace and love, then that‟s what he‟s going to see, a lamb as the creator. And vice versa with the tyger.16.Read the poem (“London” by Blake) and answer the following questions.a)Analyze the form and rhythm of the poem.The poem has four quatrains, with alternate lines rhyming. Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker describes.b)What kind of picture about London do you have in your mind after reading thepoem (London)? Describe in your own words with supportive details from thepoem.17.Read the poem (“Lines” by Wordsworth), from the beauteous forms in heart, thepoet could see into the life of things. How did it come? Analyze it by drawing a flow chart.18.Read the poem (“Break, Break, Break” by Tennyson) and answer the foll owingquestions.a)What feelings of loss arise in the speaker as he looks out at the sea breakingendlessly against the shore?b)The meter of lines 1 and 13 obviously differ from that of the whole poem. Howdo they differ, and how do they control the tone of the poem? What is the effectof the repetition?c)In the second stanza, what does the poet describe? What do you think is hisintention for giving such a setting? And how does this setting intensify the speaker‟s mood?19.Read the poem (“Crossing the Bar” by Tennyson) and answer the followingquestions.a)What overall mood and atmosphere does Tennyson create in this poem?This poem was written in the later years of Tennyson‟s life. We can feel hisfearlessness towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife.Bar: a bank of sand or stones under the water as in a river, parallel to the shore, at the entrance to a harbor.“Crossing the Bar” means leaving this world and entering the next world.b)Instead of saying death directly, Tennyson uses a metaphor. What is themetaphor? How effective is it used?Metaphor is a figure of speech. It refers to a comparison between unlikethings without the use of "like" or "as". This comparison is done between two things that are basically different but have something in common in some significant way. It is used in reference to something that does not literallysuggest a similarity. Metaphor is different from a simile or analogy because metaphor asserts that one thing is another thing and not just that they are like one another.Sunset,evening star,twilight,evening bell:all images of the end of life.c)What is Tennyson‟s attitude towards death?This poem was written in the later years of Tennyson‟s life. We can feel hisfearlessness towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife.Part Three: Reading Comprehension20.“And thus the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast ofthought.”a)Identify the title and the author.The author is William Shakespeare and the title is Hamlet.b)What idea do the lines express?1.lose the honor due to action2.Our conscience makes us cowards, our natural colour is drained by theprospect of it. Things of gravity and importance lose their momentum.The “native hue of resolution” is the resolve to kill one‟s self;it‟s what‟s “sicklied o‟er with the pale cast of thought”Hamlet thus concludes that the dread of the afterlife leads to excessive moral sensitivity that makes action impossible.21.“Whether I went over by the ladder, as first contrived, or went in at the hole in therock, which I called a door, I cannot remember; no, nor could I remember the next morning, for never frighted hare fled to cover, or fox to earth, with more terror of mind than I to this retreat.”a)Identify the title and the author of the selected part.The title is Robinson Crusoe and the author is Daniel Defoe.b)Why was I so frighted, according to the story?22.“If he be not apt to beat over matters, let him study the lawyer‟s cases. So everydefect of the mind may have a special receipt.”a)Identify the author and the essay from which the quoted sentences are taken.The auther is Francis Bacon and the essay is Of Studies.b)What is the essay mainly about?It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character.23.“Five hundred carpenters and engineers were immediately set at work to pre pare thegreatest engine they had. It was a frame of wood raised three inches from the ground, about seven foot long and four wide, moving upon twenty-two wheels.”a)Identify the title and the author.The title is Gulliver's Travels and the author is Jonathan Swift.b)Why did they make such a great engine?。
(完整word版)英国文学史及选读 期末试题及答案

英国文学史及选读期末试题及答案考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Ballad of Robin HoodC.The Song of BeowulfD.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght2._____is the most common foot in English poetry.A.The anapestB.The trocheeC.The iambD.The dactyl3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event?A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.England’s domestic restC.New discovery in geography and astrologyD.The religious reformation and the economic expansion4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC.The Life and Death of Mr.BadmanD.The Holy War5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____.A.scienceB.philosophyC.artsD.humanism6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ?A.Lover.B.Time.C.Summer.D.Poetry.7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Parad ise Lost, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct.A.God’sB.Satan’sC.Adam’sD.Eve’s8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ______.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”The sentence is the beginning of Shakespeare’s_______.edyB.tragedyC.sonnetD.poem10. Daniel Defoe’s novels mainly focus on _____.A.the struggle of the unfortunate for mere existenceB.the struggle of the shipwrecked persons for securityC.the struggle of the pirates for wealthD.the desire of the criminals for property11. Francis Bacon is best known for his_____which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays12. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex____.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown13. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?A.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.14. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to _____A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period15. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero?A.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes16. “And where are they? And where art thou,”My country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative of the Romantic period?A.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.18. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, what is the utmost concern of Blake?A.LoveB.ChildhoodC.DeathD.Human Experience19. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the New Testament20. Jane Austen’s first novel is _____.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel21. Of the following poets, w hich is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”?A.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare.22.Daniel Defoe describes____as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.A.Robinson CrusoeB.Moll FlandersC.GulliverD.Tom Jones23. The lines“Death, be not proud, though some have calld thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”are found in ______.A.William Wordsworth’s writingsB.John Keats’writingsC.John Donne’s writingsD.Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings24.The Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_____.A.self-fulfillmentB.spiritual salvationC.material wealthD.universal truth25.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “______”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.26.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ____.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England27.Which of the following can not describe“Byronic hero”?A.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressive.28.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is ____.A.dramatic monologuee of symbole of ironic languagee of lyrics29.The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of ____.A.John MiltonB.John DonneC.John KeatsD.John Bunyan30. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper.II. Find the relevant match from colunm B for each item in Colomn A (10 points in all. 1 point for each)A B1.Geoffrey Chaucer A. A Red, Red Rose2.Francis Bacon B. Ode to a Nightingale3.Jonathan Swift C. Of Truth4.William Blake D.Northanger Abbey5.Robert Burns E.The Canterbury Tales6.John Keats F.A Modest Proposal7.Jane Austen G.The Tiger8.Charles Dickens H. Ulysses9.Tennyson I.David Copperfield10.Robert Browning J.My Last DuchessIII. Fill in the following blanks (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1. In the year____,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by william, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-saxons.2. Since historical times, England, where the early inhabitants were celts, has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the ____,and the Normans.3.____is regared as shakespeare’s successful romantic tragedy.4. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal whigs and the conservative_____.5. The Glorious Revolution in ___meant three things the supremacy of parliament, the beginning of modern English, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.6. Romanticism as a literary movement come into being in England early in the latter half of the ___century.7. With the publication of william Wordsworth’s____in collaboration with S.T Coleridge, Romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literatare.8. Woman as ____ appeared in the Romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time ,an important place in English literature.9. The most important poet of the victoria Age was____, Next to him, were Robert Browning and his wife.10. The ____movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th cenfury.IV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all ,10points for each) Give brief answers to each of following questions in English.(1) A selection from a poemWherefore feed and clothe and saveForm the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat_nay, drink your blood?Whrefore, Bees of England, forgeMany a weepon, chain, and scourgeThat these stingless drones may spoilThe forced produce of your tail?Questions (10’)1. These lines are taken from a poem entitled___(1’)written by ___(1’).2. The rhyme scheme in the selection of the poem is ____.(1’)3.What idea does the quotation express?(7’)(2) A Selection from a workSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy andextracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled bookd are like common distilled waters.Question(10’)1. This passage is taken from a well-known work entiled___,(2’) written by ____.(1’)2. What’s the main idea of the whole work. (7’)V. Topic Discussion (30 points in all,15 points for each). Write no less than 100 words on each of the following topics in English , in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works, the image of woman protagonists and what and how her novels truthfully present.(15’)2. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Aasten explored three kinds of motivations of marriage that the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Try to make a brief discussion about them with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.(15’)200x-200x学年度第一学期期末考试试卷答案及评分标准考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I. Multiple Choice (1’×30=30’)01-05 C C B A D 06-10 D B B C A11-15 A B C B C 16-20 D B D B B21-25 D A C B C 26-30 A D A B DII. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in colamn A (1’×10=10’)1-E 2-C 3-F 4-G 5-A6-B 7-D 8-I 9-H 10-JIII. Fill in the following blanks (1’×10=10’)1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9.Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all )(1) A PoemQuestions(10’)1. A Song: Men of England(1’) Shelley(1’)2. aabb ccdd (1’)3. This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a work1. Of Studies(1’) Bacon(1’)2. It analyzes the use and abuse of studies ,the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies. And how studies exert influence over human character.V .Topic Discussion (30 points in all, 15 points for each)A. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fiece longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.B. All ber heroines’highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.C. The image of woman protagonists in her works are mostly the life of the middle-calss working women, particularly governesses.D. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper calsses, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre by her, she sharply criticises the existing society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.(2) In the novel ,three kinds of attitudes towards marriage are presented for manifestation: marriage merely for material wealth and social position; marriage just for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic condition or personal merits; and the ideal marriage for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economic and social status. What jane Aasten tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marny without consideration of economic conditions.。

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Canterbury Tales
(General Prologue)
Popular Ballads
Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale
Get Up and Bar the Door
Sir Patrick Spens

精选全文完整版可编辑修改V. Give a brief answer to the following questions. (20%)1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights。
2. Say something about John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim Progress.①The Pilgrim Progress, written by John Bunyan, was written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. It became an immediate success upon its publication.②The allegory depicts the Puritan struggle for freedom of worship, the eternalstruggle of man to find unity with God. The purpose is to urge people to seek salvation through constant struggle with their weaknesses and social evils.③The book is ranked as one of the greatest allegories in English language. Itsets a standard in story-telling with vivid characterization and natural dialogue.It becomes a landmark for later works such as Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Celestial Railroad.3. Say something about Hamlet.①Hamlet is generally regarded as the most representation of Shakespeare’sartistic creations and the summit of the Renaissance drama.②It is not a simple revenge play but a tragedy of humanist ideals crushed bycruel reality. It addresses the fundamental question of the meaning of human existence, with Hamlet’s meditation on life and death at the centre.③It portrays the social realities in England at the end of the 16th century andthe start of the 17th century.4. Say something about Robinson Crusoe.①The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, which is oftenshortened as Robinson Crusoe, was based on the true experience.②It is an interesting picaresque novel about an 18th century English adventurer.Crusoe is practical, religious and mindful of his profit. He resembles the rising bourgeoisie at the earliest stage of its development.③In depicting Crusoe’s efforts and growth on the island, the novel glorifiesboth physical and mental labor. The novel also shows the author’s attitude towards colonialism and Negro slavery.1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.7. Say something about The Canterbury Tales.The Canterbury Tales is written in middle English created by Chaucer. The pronunciation and spelling are quite different from those in modern English, but the reading of the Tales is not as difficult as it first appears for the modern reader.It is sometimes argued that the greatest contribution that The Canterbury Tales made to English literature was in popularizing the literary use of the vernacular English. Chaucer’s poetry, along with the poetry of his other pee r writers, helped standardize the London Dialect and establish English as the literary language of the country.Chaucer was one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, a decasyllabic cousin to the iambic pentameter, in much of his work. This arrangement became one of the standard poetic forms in English. He is father of English poetry.9. Say something about Bacon’s Of Studies.①Bacon was one of the greatest minds in an age of giants. His compact style withwise ideas has won him populariti es. His famous essays in students’ bibliography include ”Of Study”,” Of Beauty” and “Of Truth”.②Of Study discusses the function and method of reading. It is one of Bacon’smost frequently quoted essays.③The essay is known for its clearness, brevity and f orce of expression. Thediscussions are clearly presented. The first sentence points out the three functions. Then it discusses some wrong opinions about study, the importance of experiment in study, the various methods to read, the role of discussion and notetaking. The essay also argues that study is different fields can bring all sorts of benefits and improve spiritual defeats.④Bacon has employed various rhetorical devices in the essay: metaphor makes theessay rich; parallelism makes it sinewy; and contrast makes it persuasive. 10. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.(同上第⑤题)14. Say something about Gulliver’s Travels.①Gulliver’s Travels, as Swift’s highest achievement, is considered to be asatirical examination of the human nature, man’s p otential for depravity and the dangers of misuse of reason.②The novel gives an unparalleled sarcastic depiction of all the social vicesof the early 18th century. In spite of his contempt for the rulers and social evils, Swift cherished a great love for the common people.③Gulliver’s Travels is a fantasy, and at the same time, a realistic work offiction, including four voyages.18. Say something about the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.①I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,also known as “The daffodils”, was written byBritish romanticist William Wordsworth.②The poet described his heartfelt happiness as he saw the beautiful daffodilsand sang high praises of nature.③Its rhyme scheme is ababcc.④The poem can be divided into two parts: the first part describes the sceneryand the second part expresses the poets’ emotion. We can see daffodils everywhere, and the poet compares them to the stars in the sky. He is immensely influenced by the beauty and the memory of the daffodils is imprinted in his mind, which brings back happiness when he feels lonely, dull or depressed.22. Say something about the poem Ode to a Nightingale.Ode to a Nightingale, written by John Keats under a plum tree in the yard of his friend out of “a tranquil and continual joy”in the nightingale’s song, contains his poetic feeling on the song of the nightingale. The poem is not about the bird only, it is about human experience in general. The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual: nature and the human, art and life, freedom and bondage, waking and dream.23. Say something about Pride and Prejudice.Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, ha long been a favorite of both readers and critics and is often regarded as Jane Austen’s consummate achievement27. Say something about Jane Eyre.①Jane Eyre, written by critic realism novelist Charlotte Bronte, is a frank andpassionate story of the love between a governess and her master, a married man, Mr. Rochester.②The novel is written in the first person and contains authentic autobiographicalexperiences.③Jane Eyre has many merits. It is the first governess novel in English literature.It is one of the most popular works of the working middle class women. It announces30. Say something about Tess of the D’Urbervilles.①Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the twelfth novel by Thomas Hardy. It tells themisery and tragedy of Tess. It deals with such themes as injustice of human existence, social classes and social status of women in Victorian England.②It questions society’ sexual mores by portraying a heroine who is seduced bythe son of her employer and is not considered a pure and chaste women by the rest of society.③Thus it is an attack on the hypocritical morality of the society an d thepolitical status quo in English.38. Say something about Charles Dickens.Charles Dickens is a British critical realist in Victorian Age. Charles Dickens was the son of a navy clerk. When he was fifteen, he left school and entered a lawyer’s office. In 1834, his lifework of writing began. The novel Pickwick Papers brought him into the first rank of the most popular novelist of his day. The rest of his life was work without rest.①The first period of his literary career: This period is referred to the yearsfrom 1836-1841, which is marked for youthful optimism. The main novels in this period are: Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist and The Old Curiosity Shop.②The second period of his literary career: the second period, which began from1842, was a period of excitement and irritation. In this period, he visited America and was shocked by the corruptive influence of wealth and power there. The main novels are: Dombey and Son, David Copperfield.③The third period of his literary career: Dickens’ works in this period showintensifying pessimism. His main novels in this period are: Great Exceptions,A Tale of Two Cities.39. Say something about John Milton.Milton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century. In his life and literary career the two dominant historical movements of Renaissance and Reformation combined and received their most intense and intelligent expression. He towers over his age just as Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and Chaucer over the Medieval Age. His works mainly include Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.41. Say something about Geoffrey Chaucer.The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”. Chaucer is acclaimed not onlyas “the father of English poetry”, but also the father of English fiction”.His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, is one of the most famous works in all literatures.43. Say something about Jane Austen.①Jane Austen was the first English Woman novelist.②Austen was born in Hampshire, a small town in southwest England. She was educatedat home and led a quiet life. Austen wrote altogether 6 novels, among which the most important ones are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and sensibility and Emma.③Jane Austen was popular all through the 19th century. She died in 1817 at theage of 42.45. Say something about Thomas Hardy.①Hardy was born in Dorset, which he called Wessex in his novels. His principlenovels are the Wessex novels. Among his famous novels, the best-known are Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure.②Other works by Hardy include The Return of the Native, Far From the MaddingCrowd and The Mayor of Casterbridge.48. Say something about George Bernard Shaw.Bernard Shaw was the greatest dramatist in English literature in the 20th century.He used stage to criticize the evils of capitalism.His major plays include Man and Superman, Major Barbara and Pygmalion.Shaw is a critical realist writer and a humorist. His plays deal with contemporary social problems.53. What is the theme of The Waste Land?The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the First World War, the sterility and turbulence(动荡)of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.VI. Write no less than 120 words on each of the following topics in English.3. Thomas Hardy, living at the turn of the century, is often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we see the influence from both the past and the modern. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of his greatest works. Try to discuss the fate of Tess in this work.The discussion about the fate of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles.Tess of the D’Urbervilles is Thomas hardy’s representative work, as a transitional writer, his work reflect the profound changes about the social economic, politic, moral, customs and the tragic fate about the people(especially the fate of women)which caused by the capitalism intrudes England rural towns, it reveals the hypocrisy of bourgeoisie moral, legal and religion.Tess of the D’Urbervilles concentrate on the ‘character and environment. The heroine Tess while clever beauty, diligent and kind, but as a victim of she finally was on the gallows. So what are the reasons? Here we analyze her tragic fate from the following 3 aspects:Firstly, the tragic fate of Tess first comes from the capitalist society.In the furious conflict between individual and environment, Tess's fate is inevitably miserable. Tess lived in the Victorian period as British capitalism intrudes England rural countries. Though she is diligent and kind, clever beautiful girl, but as a laborer, a powerless of agricultural workers without money and social status, naturally will be affected by the capitalist society of oppression and reproach. With the capitalist invasion, those who own a small piece of land and production material of peasants are forced to, and then go bankrupt. Visible, Tess's tragic fate and her economic poverty are closely linked. This is one the social reason.Secondly, unjust laws system is also a factor in Tess tragedy. In capitalist society, the legal system are protect the exploiting class profits while oppress powerless workers. From the story, we knew that Alec is a domineering, do evil young guy, he was protected by the injustice law while the beautiful and diligent Tess was killed, it shows the underclass counteractions people in society is impossible to get treated fairly.Thirdly, Tess's destruction is closed linked with the hypocrisy of religion .Alec's characters, revealed the hypocrisy of religion. He is on the business, is a bourgeois upstarts and carnal "person". He set a trap to seducea Tess, but using the biblical allusions to blame them. Later he was turnedinto a good cleric. Who advised Visible, in capitalist society, religion isthe reactionary ruling class anesthesia, cheating, and a fool of working people.Marx once said: "with artificial Christian." Religion is bourgeois reproach and defiled women provided theoretical basis.Fourthly, Tess is also a victim of the bourgeoisie hypocritical moral. From the story, Angel is the representative of bourgeoisie hypocritical moral, though he is a liberal thought of intellectuals, but he has a deep psychological ingrained in traditional ethics and morality. his own dissolute behavior was forgived by Tess, but he did not forgive Tess on the situation the fault is not Tess, but Alec. He has not a little sympathy on Tess, which force Tess came back to Alec.Fifthly, Tess’s tragic is also related by her own personality.Tess is a brand-new woman created by hardy, she has dual personality. On the one hand, she dares to against the hypocrisy of traditional moral and religious, On the other hand, cannot completely get rid of the traditional ethics of their own. Because Tess was born in a peasant family, remaining some of the old farmer on moral and destiny view that she appeared when traditional moral against the weak side. when she treated with the secular public opinion, she also think herself is guilty. Tess, as a certain historical period of the individual, must be particular historical period of social consciousness and moral concepts, she thought and action are bound by age and social consciousness.From above all, the tragedy of Tess have social reason also have her own personality reason, but all these reasons are directly linked with the bourgeoisie society, it’s the kinds of reflects of the society. Her destroy is inevitably in the bourgeoisie society.6. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is a very influential novel in the enlightenment period of the English literature. It depicts Crusoe as a figure of middle class who makes success through his hard work. Discuss the social reason why the novel becomes so successful.Robinson Crusoe is supposedly based on the real adventure of an Alexander Selkirk who once stayed alone on the uninhabited island Huan Fernandez for five years. Factually, the story is an imagination. In the story the author describes inviting plots of Robinson Crusoe who survives and lives quite well on an island after the shipwreck. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson Crusoe from a naïve and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson here is a real hero: a typical eighteenth century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story in the spirit of the time. So when it was published, people all liked that story, and it became an immediate success.7. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen explored three kinds of motivations of marriage the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Say something about this novel and try to make a discussion about the three kinds of motivations with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.First, there is marriage merely for fortune, money and social rank. This is to be found in Miss Bingley’s pursuit of Darcy, Lady de Bourgh’s intention to marriage between her daughter and Darcy, and in Charlotte Lucas’marriage to Mr.Collins. The snobbery and vanity of the rich and the practicality of the poor gentry women are fully accounted for.The second is the tendency to marry for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic conditions or personal merits. This is generally known as Mr.Bennet and Mrs. Bennet who has a beautiful face but an empty head and of their youngest daughter Lydia to the handsome, charming but morally weak and penniless Wickham. The terrible aftermath of such marriage is only too obvious in the marriage of the two generations of the Bennet.Lastly comes the idea marriage, which is a love match with considerations of the lover’s personal merits and economic conditions. Such perfect happinessis to be found in the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth and that of Mr.Bingley and Jane, although the satisfaction of both the personal and economic conditions like this is really a bit too idealistic.What Jane Austen tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marry without consideration of economic conditions. Of the three types, she prefers the the last one. And in the last type, she seems to give her particular preference to the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth.28. What is the social significance of The Canterbury Tales?The Canterbury Tales has its social significance in several ways. ①It represents the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie people’s right to pursue earthly happiness is affirmed by Chaucer. ②the ideas of humanism are shown in C haucer’s praising of man’s energy ,intellect, wit and love of love. ③Chaucer exposed and satirized the evils of the time. ④the corruption of the church is vigorously attacked. ⑤Chaucer showed sympathy for the poor to some extent. ⑥Chaucer established the language of literature.36.John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is generally regarded as a religious allegory. Say briefly about thisbook and what does the work symbolically concern? What is the predominant metaphor that is carried on through the whole work? And what is the author’s purpose in writing such a book?A. It concerns the search for spiritual salvation.B. “That life is a journey” is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines.C. The author’s purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness and all kinds of evils.ment on Jane Austen’s characte ristics of her novels.1. Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists. She drew vivid and realistic pictures ofeveryday life of the country society in her novels.2. Jane Austen’s main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beingswith their families and neighbors. Stories of love and marriage provide the framework for all her novels and in them woman are always taken as the major characters.3. Jane Austen’s work has a very narrow literary field. She confines herself to small countryparishes, whose simple country people become the characters of her novels, but within her own field, she is unrivaled.4. Her novels show a wealth of humor, wit and delicate satire. Her plots are straight-forward.There is little action. Her characters are like real living creatures, with faults and virtues mixed as they are in real life. Jane Austen is successful in the employment of irony and frequent use of witty and delightful dialogues.。

Old English Period— Anglo-Saxon Period(450-1066)1.The History•From 55 BC to 410 AD, the Romans conquered the land and transplanted its civilization.2.The LiteratureTwo divisions:Pagan & ChristianPaganThe Seafarer水手; The Fight at Finnisburg芬尼斯郡之战; The Wanderer流浪者; Waldhere瓦登希尔;The Battle of Maldom马尔登战役Widsith(威德西斯); The complaint of Deor迪奥的抱怨•The wife’s Lament妻子的哀歌; Ruin毁灭are good examples.Beowulf, England’s national epic.Writing featuresnot a Christian but a pagan poem of all advanced pagan civilization,The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable in this poem. Each line is divided into two halves, and each half has two heavy stressesThe use of alliteration is another notable feature and makes the stresses more emphatic. There are a lot of metaphors and understatements in this poemAnglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)The literature•The Growth of the Arthurian Legends•The legends of King Arthur and his knights had existed as an oral tradition since the time of the Celts.The 17th CenturyA Brief Introduction of the 17th century⏹The contradictions between the feudal system and bourgeoisie⏹James I:1603-1625 political and religious tyranny⏹Charles I: 1625-1649⏹Oliver Cromwell : commonwealth protector: 1653-1658⏹Charles II: 1660-1688 the Restoration⏹James II:1685-1688⏹William of Oranges: 1688-1702 “Glorious Revolution”⏹The Bill of Rights 权利法案:1689John Donne代表作:The FleaMetaphysical PoetryHoly Sonnet 10SongA Valediction:Forbidding Mourning 别离辞:节哀John Milton⏹the early phase of reading and lyric writing⏹the middle phase of service in the Puritan Revolution and the pamphleteering for it⏹the last --- the greatest --- phase of epic writingParadise Lost--- the great epicParadise Regained;Samson AgonistesJohn BunyanThe Pilgrim’s Progress(essay)The 18th-century LiteratureThe Rise of English NovelsThe historical backgroundComparing with the 17th century, the 18th century is a period for peaceful development.The constitutional monarchy has been set up by parliament in 1688.England grew from a second rate country to a powerful naval country in this century.With the ascent of the bourgeoisie cultural life had undergone remarkable changes.The rise of the English novel.代表作:Daniel Defoe Robinson CrusoeJonathan SwiftThe Battle of the Books; 《书籍之战》The Tale of a Tub; 《一只桶的故事》The Drapier’s Letter; 《布商来信》A Modest Proposal; 《一个温和的建议》Journal to Stella; 《给斯黛拉的日记》Gulliver’s Travel. 《格列夫游记》Satirical features⏹Swift offered an opportunity of self-scrutiny.(自我审视)⏹The Lilliputians (小人国居民)and their institutions were all about people and theirinstitutions of England.⏹The Brobdingnagians were incredible Utopians.⏹The scientists and philosophers represented the extremes of futile theorizing andspeculations in all areas of activity such as science, politics, and economics with their instinct-killing tendencies.⏹The picture of the Yahoos made a clear statement about man and his nature.Henry FieldingTom JohnsonSocial significanceThe writer shows his strong hatred for all the hypocrisy and treachery in the society of his age and his sympathy for the courageous young rebels in their righteous struggleThe 18th-century Literature (II)The Age of Enlightenment in EnglandThe rapid development of social life•On the economic scene, the country became increasingly affluent.•On the political scene, a fragile of balance between the monarch and the middle class existed.•On the religious scene, deism came into existence代表Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard● a masterpiece of lyric●Theme: a sentimental meditation upon life and death, esp. of the common rural people,whose life, though simple and crude, has been full of real happiness and meaning●Poetic pattern: quatrains of iambic pentameter lines rhyming ABAB●Mood: melancholy, calm, meditative●Style: neoclassic---vivid visual painting,---musical/rhythmic,---controlled and restrained,---polished languageSection 1 It sets the scene for the poet’s visit to the churchyard. It is enveloped in gloom and grief, which is archetypal of graveyard, poets’fascination with night, graves, and death. The tone is echoed by the last part of the poem●Section 2 It tells about the people entombed there and recalls their life experiences. Whenthe “rude forefathers of the hamlet”lived. They got up early at the twittering of swallows, or a rooster’s wake-up call or a hunter’s horn, enjoyed family bliss with wife and kids in the evening, or were happily busy with farm work in the fields, but now that they lie in their “narrow cells”, their “useful toil”and “homely joys”happen no more. The tone is one of melancholy and regret for the dead.●Section 3 It warns the rich and powerful not to despise the poor since all are equal in faceof death and the grave levels off all distinction. All nobility, power, and wealth “await alike”the inevitable end and “the paths of glory lead but to the grave”. Nothing could●ever bring anything back to life.Section 4●It expresses, on the one hand, the poet’s regret that their life had not been congenial tothe growth and full play of the poor farmers’native gifts and talents and, on the other, his feeling of “a blessing in disguise”for them in the sense that, because they did not commit any crimes to humankind nor have to play the obsequious social climber against one’s integrity.Section 5●It asserts the notion that, even though they lived a less eventful life, there is no reason toforget these farmers.Section 6●It portrays the scenario that the poet envisions would happen after his own death. Avillager would say of him: he got up early to go uphill to the lawn and lay there meditating under the tree until noon. He would wander in the wood, smiling at one moment, muttering to himself at the next, sad and pale, like one “in hopeless love”. Then for a couple of days he did not show up, and on the third day he was buried in the churchyard.Section 7●As he shows sympathy for the poor, he gains the friendship of man and God. He asks thepassers-by not to get to know any more about his merits and weaknesses as he waits in his grave for God’s judgment.●The poem touches the readers to the quick with its notable sadnessOliver Goldsmith’s《The Vicar of Wakefield》•Pre-Romantic Poems (I)William BlakeThe Songs of Experience;THE LAMB;The Tyger;The Sick RoseRobert Burns⏹1) Political poems --- The Tree of Liberty;⏹2) Satirical poems --- Holy Willie’s Prayer, Two Dogs⏹3) Lyrics --- My Heart’s in the Highlands, A Red, Red Rose, Auld Lang SyneBurns’s position and his features⏹ A great Scottish peasant poet; a national poet of Scotland⏹Numerous are Burns’s songs of love and friendship.⏹His great success was largely due to his comprehensive knowledge and excellent masteryof the old song traditions.⏹His poetry have a musical quality that helps to perpetuate the sentimentBurns ushered a tendency that prevailed during the high time of RomanticismThe Romantic Period (I)⏹“The Lakers”:湖畔诗人William WordsworthSamuel ColeridgeRobert Southey•William Wordsworth•Lyrical Ballads;Lines Written in Early Spring;To the Cuckoo ;The Daffodils I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;My Heart Leaps Up;Intimations of Immortality 不朽颂Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern AbbeyComments on WordsworthWordsworth’s poetry is distinguished by simplicity and purity of his language which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated expressions.•George Gordon Byron•Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage;Don Juan•What is Byronic hero?•Byron’s chief contribution to English poetry.•Such a hero is a proud, rebellious figure of noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is right to all the wrongs in a corrupted society, and he would fight single--handedly against all the misdoings.•Thus this figure is a rebellious individual against outworn social systems and conventions •Byronic heroes•heroic of noble birth•passionate•rebellious•individual•Summery•This is a love poem about a beautiful woman and all of her features. Throughout the poem, Byron explains the depth of this woman’s beauty. Even in the darkness of death and mourning, her beauty shines through. Her innocence shows her pureness in heart and in love. The two forces involved in Byron’s poems are darkness and light --- at work in the woman’s beauty and also the two areas of her beauty --- the internal and the external •The theme•This poem shows that mourning does not necessarily imply melancholy or extreme sadness.•Rhetorics•Byron uses many antonyms to describe this woman --- face, eye, hair, cheek, brow, etc. to portray a perfect balance within her.•He often uses opposites like darkness and light to create this balance.• A simile was shown in line one which stated: “She walks in beauty, like the night”, which is also the basis of the poem.•Rhyme and meter•The poem follows a basic iambic tetrameter, with an “ababab cdcdcd efefef” rhyme. •Percy Bysshe Shelley•Comments on Shelley• 1. Shelley is one of the first poets in Europe who sang for the working people. His political lyrics are among the best of their kind in the whole sphere of European romantic poetry. And he is also one of the leading Romantic poets, an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language.• 2. Shelley loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind.• 3. One of the first poets in Europe who sang for the working people. His political lyrics are among the best of their kind in the whole sphere of European romantic poetry.❖ 4. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life.❖ 5. He and Byron are justifiably (justly, rightly) regarded as the two great poets of the revolutionary romanticism in England.❖ 6. Byron, his best friend, said of Shelley “the best and least selfish man I ever knew”.❖7. Wordsworth said, “Shelley is one of the best artists of us all”.❖Ode to the West Wind❖Stanza 1❖It describes the power of the west wind and its double role as both destroyer(ll.2-5) and preserver(ll.6-12).❖Line 14 sums up the wind’s two basic characteristics, which also constitute the thematic focus of the poem❖Stanza 2❖I t focuses on the adumbration of the wind’s power driving clouds before it and bringing storms with it (ll.15-23) with lightning, rain, fire and hail (ll. 23-28).❖It also describes its destructive aspect of “closing night” enveloping all under its dome ofa vast tomb (ll. 24-25).❖Stanza 3❖It talks about the wind’s impact upon the sea, its first touching on the calm of the Mediterranean (ll. 29-36), and then on the turbulence of the Atlantic (ll.36-42).❖The Mediterranean sleeps in serenity in the summer but is waken up by the wind to see the quivering of the shadows of ancient palaces and towers (ll. 29-35) and the Atlantic cleaving asunder into gigantic chasms (ll. 35-38).❖Even the vegetation at the bottom of the sea “grow gray with fear./tremble and despo il themselves”.❖Stanza 4❖It expresses the poet’s emotional response to the west wind.❖The poet says to the wind (ll.43-47) that he wishes to be spirited away like the leaves, to dance like the clouds, to breathe like the waves, and enjoy a share of the win d’s strength like the storm though with a lesser degree of freedom of movement.❖The poet takes a nostalgic backward glance at his free, uncontrollable boyhood when he could fly like a swift could like the wind, and even outstrip it in speed (ll.47-51), and wishes for the wind to lift him up like a leaf or wave or a cloud (l. 54). But it is only a figment of his imagination.❖He has to face “the horns of life” that he has fallen upon, chained and weighed down, and no longer “tameless, swift, and proud” like the wind (ll.54-56).❖Stanza 5⏹It expresses both the poet’s request for the wind to help spread the words of his poem“among mankind” and wake it up from its deep stupor (ll. 66-69) and his prophecy that spring will come in the wake of winter (ll.69-70).⏹The poem ends upon a note of confidence and hope.⏹John Keats one of the greatest English poets and a major figure in the Romanticmovement⏹Ode on a Grecian Urn The Eve of St. Agnes To a NightingaleWalter Scott He is the creator and a great master of the historical novelJane AustenPride and Prejudice;Sense and Sensibility;Mansfield Park;Emma;Northanger Abbey;PersuasionCritical Realism Victorian PeriodFeatures of Dickens’s novels♦Charles Dickens’s novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation; criticize the vices of capitalist society.Charles Dickens is a petty bourgeois intellectual. He could not overstep the limits of his class. He believed in the moral self-perfection of the wicked propertied classes. He failed to see the necessity of a bitter struggle of the oppressed against their oppressors. There is a definite tendency for a reconciliation of the contradictions of capitalist society♦Charles Dickens is a great humorist. His novels are full of humor and laughter and tell much of the experiences of his childhood. Almost all his novels have happy endings.The story of some major novels♦Oliver Twist♦David Copperfield♦Great Expectation♦ A Tale of Two CitiesWilliam Makepeace ThackerayVanity Fair•The Brontë sisters•Charlotte•Jane eyre (1847)•Shirley (1849)•Villette (1853)•The professor (1857)•Emily•Wuthering Heights (1847)•Anne•Agnes Grey (1847)•The tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) 《怀德菲尔庄园的房客》Alfred Lord Tennyson•the poet laureate after the death of Wordsworth in 1850•The Princes (1847),•In Memoriam (1850),•Maud (1855),•Enoch Arden (1864),•The Idylls of the King (1869-1872) Break, Break, Break ;Ulysses;Crossing the Bar Robert BrowningMy Last Duchess a dramatic monologueThe transition from 19th to 20th century in English literatureThomas Hardy◆Under the Greenwood Tree◆Far from the Madding Crowd◆The Return of the Native◆The Mayor of Casterbridge◆Tess of the D’Urbervilles◆Jude the ObscureOscar Wilde♦The Picture of Dorian Gray♦Lady Windermere’s Fan♦ A Woman of No Importance♦An Ideal Husband♦The Importance of Being Earnest♦Salome♦The Happy Prince and Other TalesGeorge Bernard Shaw♦ a prolific writer;♦winning Nobel Prize in 1925Mrs. Warren’s professionD. H. Lawrence•Novels•Sons and Lovers•The Rainbow•Women in Love•Lady Chatterley's Lover•Novellas•St Mawr•The Virgin and the Gypsy•The Escaped Cock“stream of consciousness”意识流代表人物:1)、Virginia Woolf 《Mrs. Dalloway》《A Room of One’s Own》 Woolf was much concerned with the position of women. 非常重视妇女的地位 2)、James Joyce Araby附读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。

英国文学史及选读试题及答案英国文学史及选读试题Ⅰ. Multiple Choice(1′×20=20分)1.______ was respected as “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.A.William ShakespeareB. Geoffrey ChaucerC. John MiltonD.John Donne2.In terms of influence upon England, ____ brought French civilization and French language to England.A. Anglo-SaxonsB. RomansC. Anglo-NormansD. Teutons3. According to Thomas More, “it was a time when sheep devoured men”. It refers to____.A. IndustrializationB. Religious ReformationC. Commercial ExpansionD. Enclosure Movement4. It was ____who introduced sonnet into English literature.A. Thomas WyattB. William ShakespeareC. Edmund SpenserD. Philip Sidney5. Which of the following is NOT Shakespeare’s tragedies?A. HamletB. King LearC. The Merchant of VeniceD. Othello6. In 1649 ____ was beheaded. England became a commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.A.James IB. Henry VIIIC. Elizabeth ID. Charles I7. Which comment on John Donne is wrong?A. He is the leading figure of metaphysical poetry.B. His poetry is characterized by mysticism and peculiar conceit.C. John Donne usually employs traditional and regular poetic form.D. His attitudes toward love are both positive and negative.8. Friday in The Adventuous of Robinson Crosue can be termed as EXCEPT____.A. a kind-hearted personB. a person with colonial mindC. a smart personD. a friendly person9. Thomas Gray is the representative of _____.A. SentimentalismB. Pre-RomanticismC. RomanticismD. English Renaissance10. William Blake’s ____is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world,though not without its evils and sufferings.A.Poetical SketchesB. The Book of ThelC. Songs of ExperienceD. Songs of Innocence11. ____, the national peasant poet in Scotland, and his poem____ shows his passionate love for his Beloved.A.William Blake, LodonB. William Wordsworth, I Wandered Lonely as a CloudC. Robert Burns, A Red, Red RoseD. Robert Burns, Auld Lang Syne12. English Romanticism begins with____ and ends with____.A. the publication of Lyrical Ballads, John Keats’s deathB. French Revolution, Walter Scott’s deathC. the publication of Lyrical Ballads, Walter Scott’s deathD. Industrialization, John Keats’s death13. ____ are named as Lake Poets and Escapist Romanticists.A. Wordsworth, Shelley and KeatsB. Wordsworth, Byron and ShelleyC. Wordsworth, Coleridge and ShelleyD. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey14. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?A. Romantic literature is decidely an age of poetry.B. Dramma was fully developed during the Romantic period.C. The general feature is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeoise society.D. Romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man.Personified nature plays animportant role in the pages of their works.15. ____ was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middle class people and of which there are many fine examples in latter English fiction.A.Charlotte BronteB. Emily BronteC. Charles DickensD. Jane Austen16. King ____ broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in the country, which is known as Religious Reformation.A. Henry VIIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary ID.Elizabetha I17. ____ was honored as Poet Laureate.A. ByronB. P. B ShelleyC. John KeatsD. William Wordsworth18. John Milton’s Paradise Lost is based on the story of ____.A. Greek MythologyB. Roman MythologyC. Old TestamentD. New Testament19. The 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties_____A. the Whigs and the ToriesB. the Senate and the House of RepresentativesC. the upper House and lower HouseD. the House of Lords and the House of Representatives20.“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by __.A. William WordsworthB. P. B. ShelleyC. George ByronD. John KeatsⅡ. Translate the following literary terms (English into Chinese and Chinese into English) (1′×10=10分)1.iambic pentameter 2. heroic couplet 3. antagonist 4. soliloquy 5. sonnet6. 无韵体诗7. 民谣8. 伏笔, 铺垫9. 诗节10. 清教主义III. Identify the author and title of the literary work (2′×5=10分)1.So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.2.Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.3.All is not lost: the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield:And what is else not to be overcome?4. Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun:I will love thee still, my dear,While the sands o’ life shall run.5. And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodilsIV. Define the following literary terms (Each term should include the time, the features and representative figures orsignificance) (5′×4=20分)1. English Renaissance2. English Enlightenment3. Pre-Romanticism4. Metaphysical PoetryV. Interpreting the following texts(20′×2=40分)Text 1The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me. (stanza 1)The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn,The swallow twittering from the straw-bulit shed,The cock’s shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed. (stanza 5)Questions:1.Identify the author and the title of this poem (2分)2.Examine the poetic form (rhyme, foot and meter should be involved) (3分)3.Explain the underlined words (4分)4.What is the tone in stanza 1? How does the poet achieve it? (3分)5.Stanza 5 involoves rich imagery, please classify them and give examples. (6分)6.Point out the rhetorical devices in the above poem (2分)Text 2I wander through each chartered street,Near where the chartered Thames does flow,And mark in every face I meetMarks of weakness, marks of woe.In every cry of every man,In every infant's cry of fear,In every voice, in every ban,The mind-forged manacles I hear.How the chimney-sweeper's cryEvery blackening church appals;And the hapless soldier's sighRuns in blood down palace walls.Questions:1.Explain the underlined words. (5分)2.Identify the poetic form (3分)3.This poem is the mightiest brief poem, how does William Blake convey the mighty lines? (4分)4.Understand “chartered street and chartered Thames” and “Mind-forged manacles”? (4分)5.Please analyze the images of “Chimney-sweeper” and “soldier’s sigh”. (4分)英国文学史及作品选读(模拟试题一)参考答案Ⅰ. Multiple Choice1.__B__2.___C_3.__D__4.__A__5.__C___6.__D__7.__C__8.__B__9.__A__ 10.__D___11.__C__ 12.__C__ 13.__D__ 14.__B__ 15.__D__16.__B__ 17.__D__ 18.__C__ 19.__A__ 20.__B__Ⅱ. Translate the following literary terms (English into Chinese and Chineseinto English)1.抑扬格五音步2. 英雄双韵体3.反面人物4.独白5.十四行6.blank verse7.ballads8.foreshadowing9. stanza 10. PuritanismIII. Identify the author and title of the literary work1. William Shakespeare Sonnet 182. Francis Bacon Of Studies3. John Milton Paradise Lost4. Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose5.William Wordsworth I Wandered Lonely as a CloudIV. Define the following literary terms (Each term should include the time, the features and representative figures or significance)1.English RenaissanceIt sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. It made its appearance in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. It means the rebirth of Greek and Roman culture. Two features are striking of this movement. The one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. Another one is the keen interest in the activities of humanity. Humanism is the key-note of Renaissance. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the EnglishReanaissance.2. English EnlightenmentThe 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement in Europe, known as the。

1 Old & Middle English LiteratureⅠ. Essay Questions1. What are the three parts told in the story of Beowulf? How is heroic ideal reflected in Beowulf?2. State the social significance of William Langland’s Piers the Plowman and comment on the poem’s w riting features.3. Compare Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales with old English poetry and the works of other Middle English poets to illustrate that Chaucer is the first realistic writer in English literature.4. What is the function of the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales?Ⅱ. Define the following terms.1. Old English period (the Anglo Saxon period)2. Alliteration3. Prose4. Courtly love5. Morality play6. Couplet7. Meter8. Foot9. Scottish Chaucerians10. Ballad (Popular ballad)11. Middle English period12. Anglo-Norman period13. Arthurian legend14. RomanceⅢ. Fill the blanks.1. The Old English poetry can be divided into two groups: the_____ poetry and the ____ poetry.2. _____ is regarded as the “Father of English Song”, the first known religious poet of England.3. The history of English literature begins in the____ century.4. _____is the most prevailing literary form in the Middle Ages.5. The most magnificent prose work of the 15th century is Morte d’ Arthur concerning with____ legend.6. The only important prose writer in the 15th century is Sir______.7. Critics tend to divide Chaucer’s literary career into three periods: the ____ period, the___ period and the____ period.8. Among the Middle English poets, three are the greatest. One is the author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The other two are ____ and ____.9. The Canterbury Tales contains the ____ and 24 tales, two of which left unfinished.10. Chaucer employed the _____ couplet in writing his greatest work The Canterbury Tales.11. The framework in The Canterbury Tales is a ____.12. When Chaucer died on the 25th of October 1400, he was the first to be buried in ____.13. Besides Chaucer, King James I also wrote in verses of seven lines, so this kind of verse came to be called the________14. Compared with Chaucer, “Father of English poetry”, __________ in the 14th century can be called “Father of Scottish Poetry and Scottish History”.15. The ___________is an important stream of the British literature in the 15th century.16. The __________century has traditionally been described as the barren age in English literature.17. Poetry can be classified as narrative or Lyric. Narrative poems stress action, and Lyrics__________.Ⅳ. Choose the best answer.1. Beowulf is a ______ poem, describing an all-round picture of the tribal society.A. paganB. ChristianC. romanticD. lyric2. Caedmon’s life story is vividly described in _____’s Historic Ecclesiastica.A. GrendelB. BedeC. CynewulfD. Beowulf3. The most important work of Alfred the Great is ____, which is regarded as the best monument of the Old English prose.A. The Song of BeowulfB. The Ecclesiastical History of the English PeopleC. Apollonius of TypeD. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles4. In the 14th century, the important writers are the following EXCEPT_______.A. William LanglandB. John GowerC. Thomas MaloryD. Geoffrey Chaucer5. Chaucer Was once influenced by Italian Literature. His major work during this period is _____.A. Troilus and CriseydeB. The Romaunt of the RoseC. The Legend of Good WomenD. The Canterbury Tales6. Chaucer’s active career provided him not only with knowledge but also experiences, which accounted for the wide range of his writings.7. Chaucer’s narrative poem _____ is based on Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato”.A. The Legend of Good WomenB. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC. The Book of the DuchessD. Troilus and Criseyde8. All the following writers belong to the Scottish Chaucerians EXCEPT_______.A. Robert HenrysonB. William DunbarC. Thomas MaloryD. King James I9. In English poetry, a four-line stanza is called____.A. heroic coupletB. quatrainC. Spenserian stanzaD. terza rima10. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely _______.A. William Langland’s Piers the PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. J ohn Gower’s Confessio AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightⅤ. Short-answer questions1. What are the main characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature?2. What are the artistic features of Old English poetry?3. What are the major subjects that the English romance mainly deals with?4. Summarize Chaucer’s literary ca reer and the representative works of each period.5. How many groups do the popular ballads fall into according to the contents or subjects?6. What are the stylistic features of ballads?Ⅵ. Answer the questions according to the following poem.When the sweet showers of April fall and shootDown through the drought of March to pierce the root,Bathing every vein in liquid powerFrom which there springs the engendering of the flower,When also Zephyrus with his sweet breathExhales an air in every grove and healthUpon the tender shoots, and the young sunHis half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,And the small fowls are making melodyThat sleep away the night with open eye(So nature pricks them and their heart engages)The people long to go on pilgrimagesAnd palmers long to seek the stranger strandsOf far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands,And specially, from every shire’s endIn England, down to Canterbury they wendTo seek the holy blissful martyr, quickIn giving help to them when they were sick.Questions:1. What is expressed in these opening lines of The Canterbury Tales?2. How does the author emphasize the transition from nature to divinity?3. Comment on Chaucer’s contribution of rhymed stanzas.KeysⅠ. Essay questions.1. Structurally speaking, Beowulf is built around three fights. The first part deals with the fight between Beowulf and the monster Grendel that has been attacking the great hall of Heorot, built by Hrothgar, the Danish King. The second part involves a battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother, a water-monster, who takes revenge by carrying off one of the king’s noblemen. The last part is about the fight between Beowulf and a firedrake that ravages Beowulf’s kingdom.Beowulf is a pagan poem concerned with the heroic ideal of kings andkingship in North Europe. Battle is a way of life at that time. Strength and courage are basic virtues for both kings and his warriors. The king should protect his people and show gentleness and generosity to his warriors. And in return, his warriors should show absolute obedience and loyalty to the king. By praising Beowulf’s wisdom, strength and courage, and by glorifying his death for his people, the poem presents the heroic ideal of a king and his good relations to his warriors and people.2.Piers the Plowman remains a classic in popular literature. It was very popular throughout the fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries. It praises the poor peasants, and condemns and exposes the sins of the oppressors. It played an important part in arousing the revolutionary sentiment on the eve of the Rising of 1381 headed by Wat Tyler and John Ball. It is a realistic picture of medieval England. But Piers is not a representative of the poor peasants. He is one of the well-to-do peasants. He has no intention of upsetting the feudal order of society, and he accepts the existing social relations. This is the limitation of the poem.Writing features:(1) Piers the Plowman is written in the form of a dream vision. The author tells hisstory under the guise of having dreamed it.(2) The poem is an allegory which relates truth through symbolism.(3) The poem uses indignant satire in his description of social abuses caused by thecorruption prevailing among the ruling classes, ecclesiastical and secular. (4) The poem is written in alliteration.3. The vast bulk of Old English poetry is specifically Christian, devoted to religious subjects. More importantly, it is almost all in the heroic mode due to the great influence of the heroic ideal, i.e. Beowulf is the ideal of kingly behavior. The idealized hero figures predominantly in Old English literature. Middle English romance generally concerns the knight. It makes liberal use of the improbable, ofte4n of the supernatural. Religious writing reflects the unchanging principles of medieval Christian doctrine, which looked to the world to come for the only answer to men’s troubles. William Langland’s Piers the Plowman reflects the great religious and social issues of his day, yet it is written in the form of a dream vision. It is Chaucer alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales.4. The General Prologue is usually regarded as the great portrait gallery in English literature. It is largely composed of a series of sketches differing widely i8n length and method, and blending the individual and the typical in varying degrees. The purpose of the General Prologue is not only to present a vivid collection of character sketches, but also to reveal the author’s intention in bringing together a great variety of people and narrative materials to unite the diversity of the tales by allotting them to a diversity of tellers engaged in a common endeavour, to set the tone for the story-telling-one of jollity which accords with the tone of the whole work: that of grateful acceptance of life, to make clear the plan for the tales, to motivate the telling of tales and introduce the pilgrims and the time and occasion ofthe pilgrimage. The pilgrims are people from various parts of England. They serve as the representatives of various sides of life and social groups. Each of the pilgrims or narrators is presented vividly in the Prologue. Ranging in status from a knight a humble plowman, the pilgrims are a microcosm of 14th-century English society. On the other hand, there is also an intimate connection between the tales and the Prologue, both complementing each other. The Prologue provides a framework for the tales.Ⅱ. Define the following terms.1.Old English period (the Anglo-Saxon period): The Old English Period, extended from the invasion of Celtic England by Germanic tribes (the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) in the first half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in 1066 by the Norman French under the leadership of the seventh century did the Anglo-Saxons, whose earlier literature had been oral, begin to develop a written literature.2. Alliteration: alliteration is the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby words. The term is usually applied only to consonants, and only when the recurrent sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word.3. Prose: Prose is an inclusive term for all discourse, spoken or written, which is not patterned into the li8nes either of metric verse or free verse.4. Courtly love: It is a doctrine of love, together with an elaborate code governing the relations betwe4en aristocratic lovers, which was widely represented in the lyric poems and chivalric romances of western Europe during the Middle Ages.5. Morality play: Morality plays are medieval allegorical plays in which personified human qualities acted and disputed, mostly coming from the 15th century. They developed into the interludes, from which it is not always possible to distinguish them, and hence had a considerable influence on the development of Elizabethan drama.6. Couplet: A couplet is a pair of rhymed lines that are equal in length.7. Meter: Meter is the recurrence, in regular units, of a prominent feature in the sequence of speech-sounds of a language.8. Foot: A foot is the combination of a strong stress and the associated weak stress or stresses which make up the recurrent metric unit of a line. The relatively stronger-stressed syllable is called, for short, “stressed”; the relatively weaker-stressed syllables are called “light,” or most commonly, “unstressed”. The four standard feet distinguished in English are: (1) Iambic (the noun is “iamb”): an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. (2) Anapestic (the noun is “anapest”):two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable. (3)Trochaic (the noun is “trochee”): a stressed syllable. (4) Dactylic (the noun is “dactyl”):a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables.A metric line is named according to the number of feet composing it: Monometer: one footDimeter: two feetTrimester: three feetTetrameter: four feetPentameter: five feetHexameter: six feetHeptameter: seven feetOctameter: eight feet9. Scottish Chaucerians: The name is traditionally given to a very diverse group of 15th-and 16th- century Scottish writers who show some influence from Chaucer, although the debt is now regarded as negligible or indirect in most cases.10. Ballad (popular ballad): Ballad is also known as the folk ballad or traditional ballad. It is a song, transmitted orally, which tells a story. Ballads are thus the narrative species of folk songs, which originate, and are communicated orally, among illiterate or only partly literate people.11.Middle English period: The four and a half centuries between the Norman Conquest in 1066, which effected radical changes in the language, life, and culture of England, and about 1500, when the standard literary language had become recognizably “modern English”, that is similar to the language we speak and write today.12. Anglo-Norman period: The span from 1100 to 1350 is sometimes discriminated as the Anglo-Norman Period, because the non-Latin literature of that time was written mainly in Anglo-Norman, the French dialect spoken by the invaders who had established themselves as the ruling class of England, and who shared a literary culture with French-speaking areas of mainland Europe.13. Arthurian legend: It is a group of tales (in several languages) that developed in the Middle Ages concerning Arthur, semi-historical king of the Britons and his knights. The legend is a complex weaving of ancient Celtic mythology with later traditions around a core of possible historical authenticity.14. Romance: It is a literary genre popular in the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century), dealing, in verse or prose, with legendary, supernatural, or amorous subjects and characters. The name refers to Romance languages and originally denoted any lengthy composition in one of those languages. Later the term was applied to tales specifically concerned with knights, chivalry, and courtly love. The romance and the epic are similar forms, but epics tend to be longer and less concerned with courtly love. Romances were written by court musicians, clerics, scribes, and aristocrats for the entertainment and moral edification of the nobility. Popular subjects for romances included the Macedonian King Alexander the Great, King Arthur Charlemagne. Later prose and verse narratives, particularly those in the 19th-century romantic tradition, are also referred to as romances; set in distant or mythological places and times, like most romances they stress adventure and supernatural elements.Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks.1. secular, religious2. Caedmon3. 5th4. Romance5. Arthurian6. Thomas Malory7. French, Italian, English 8. William Langland, Geoffrey Chaucer 9. General Prologue 10. Heroic11. pilgrimage 12. Westminster Abbey13. rhyme royal 14. John Barbour15. popular ballad 16. 15th17. songsⅣ. Choose the best answer.1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A6. C7. D8. C9. B 10. BⅤ. Short-answer questions.1. Anglo-Saxon literature is almost exclusively a verse literature in oral form. It was passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. Most of its creators are unknown. There are two groups of English poetry in Anglo-Saxon period. The first group is the pagan poetry represented by Beowulf, the second is the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon and Cynewulf.2. (1) The use of alliteration. Each full line has four stresses with a number ofunstressed syllables, three of which begin with the same sound or letter.(2) The use of vivid poetic diction and parallel expressions for a single idea, suchas the sea is called” swan-road” or “whale-path”. A soldier is called “shield-bearer”, “battle-hero” or “whale-path”. A soldier is called “shield-bearer”,” battle-hero” or “spear-fighter, etc.3. The English romance mainly deals with three major subjects: the “Matter of France”, the “Matter of Ro me”, and the “Matter of Britain”.The “Matter of France” means a collection of tales about Charlemagne, the mighty ruler of France and neighbouring countries around 800 A.D., and his peers and their wars against the Saracens.The “Matter of Rome” covers ev erything from the ancient Romans and the Greeks. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia and conqueror of Greece, Egypt, India and Persian Empire is the favorite hero of this group. Beside this, Trojan War is also dealt with in this group.The “Matter of Br itain” means the legendary history of Britain. It mainly deals with the exploits of King Arthur and his knights.4. Chaucer’s literary career is usually divided into 3 periods: the French period, the Italian period and the mature period.The French period refers to the period of French influence (1359-1372). During this period Chaucer wrote his earliest work: the Romaunt of the Rose, a free translation of a 13th-century French poem and his first important original work, The Book of the Duchess.The Italian period refers to the period of Italian influence (1372_1386), especially of Dante and Boccaccio. During this period, Chaucer mainly wrote three longer poems using the heroic stanza of seven lines: The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women.The mature period refers to the period when Chaucer had reached full maturity in his literary creation. His masterpiece The Canterbury Tales was produced in this period in which the heroic couplet was used.5. According to the contents or subjects, popular ballads can divided into different groups. A number of ballads narrating incidents on the English-Scottish border areknown as “Border Ballads”, which deal with bloody battles fought on the border of English and Scotland.Another important group of ballads is the series of 37 ballads of different lengths in Child’s collection, which tell of the wonderful deeds of Robin Hood, the famous outlaw, and his men. Most ballads do have a love or love-triangle theme. Sometimes love is present in a tender, romantic, even sentimental way.The fourth group is the sea ballads concerning sailors. The best-known is Sir Patrick Spens.Quite a few ballads are presented with themes of the domestic life, particularly of the relations between different members of a family. Unnatural relations such as murder and treachery are not infrequently appearing in this group.6. (1) Its simple language. The simplicity is reflected both in the verse form and thecolloquial expressions. By making use of a simple, plain language of the common people, the ballad leaves a strong dramatic effect to the reader.(2) The priority of the ballad is the story which deals only with the culminatingincident or climax of a plot.(3) Most of the ballads are quasi-historical, such as the ballad “Judas” and “RobinHood” ballad.(4) Ballads also tell their stories in a highly characteristic way; they are intenselydramatic. To strengthen the dramatic effect of the narration, ballads also make full use of hyperbole; actions and events are much exaggerated.(5) Music has and important influence on the ballads.(6) Using of refrains and other kinds of repetitions.Ⅵ. Answer the questions according to the following poem.1. The magnificent eighteen-line sentence that opens the General Prologue is a superb expression of a double view of the Canterbury pilgrimage. The first eleven lines are a chant of welcome to the spring with its harmonious marriage between heaven and earth which mellows vegetations, pricks foul and stirs the heart of man with a renewing power of nature. Thus, the pilgrimage is treated as an event in the calendar of nature, an aspect of the general springtime surge of human energy which wakens man’s love of nature. But spring is also the season of Easter and is allegorically regarded as the time of the Redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with its connotations of religious rebirth which wak ens man’s love of God (divine love). Therefore, the pilgrimage is also treated as and event in the calendar of divinity, an aspect of religious piety which draws pilgrims to holy places.2. The structure of this opening passage can be regarded as one from the whole Western tradition of the celebration of spring to a local event of English society, from natural forces in their general operation to a specific Christian manifestation. The transition from nature to divinity is emphasized by contrast between the physical vitality which conditions the pilgrimage and the spiritual sickness which occasions the pilgrimage, as well as by parallelism between the renewal power of nature and the restorative power of supernature (divinity).3. Chaucer introduced various rhymed stanzas to English poetry to replace the Old English alliterative verse. He first introduced into English octosyllabic couplet andthe rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the heroic couplet. And in The Canterbury Tales, he employed the heroic couplet with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature.。
[0170]《英国文学史及选读》1.以具体的作品分析为切入点,说明弗朗西斯•培根(Francis Bacon)的《论说文集》包含哪些重要主题?答:弗兰西斯·培根是英国杰出的哲学家和文学家。
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考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Ballad of Robin HoodC.The Song of BeowulfD.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght2._____is the most common foot in English poetry.A.The anapestB.The trocheeC.The iambD.The dactyl3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event?A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.England’s domestic restC.New discovery in geography and astrologyD.The religious reformation and the economic expansion4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC.The Life and Death of Mr.BadmanD.The Holy War5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____.A.scienceB.philosophyC.artsD.humanism6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ?A.Lover.B.Time.C.Summer.D.Poetry.7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct.A.God’sB.Satan’sC.Adam’sD.Eve’s8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ______.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”The sentence is the beginning of Shakespeare’s_______.edyB.tragedyC.sonnetD.poem10. Daniel Defoe’s novels mainly focus on _____.A.the struggle of the unfortunate for mere existenceB.the struggle of the shipwrecked persons for securityC.the struggle of the pirates for wealthD.the desire of the criminals for property11. Francis Bacon is best known for his_____which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays12. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex____.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown13. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?A.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.14. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to _____A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period15. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero?A.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes16. “And where are they? And where art thou,”My country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative of the Romantic period?A.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.18. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, what is the utmost concern of Blake?A.LoveB.ChildhoodC.DeathD.Human Experience19. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the New Testament20. Jane Austen’s first novel is _____.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel21. Of the following poets, which is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”?A.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare.22.Daniel Defoe describes____as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.A.Robinson CrusoeB.Moll FlandersC.GulliverD.Tom Jones23. The lines“Death, be not proud, though some have calld thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”are found in ______.A.William Wordsworth’s writingsB.John Keats’ writ ingsC.John Donne’s writingsD.Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings24.The Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_____.A.self-fulfillmentB.spiritual salvationC.material wealthD.universal truth25.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “______”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.26.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ____.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England27.Which of the following can not describe“Byronic hero”?A.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressiv e.28.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is ____.e of ironic languagee of lyrics29.The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of ____.A.John MiltonB.John DonneC.John KeatsD.John Bunyan30. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper.II. Find the relevant match from colunm B for each item in Colomn A (10 points in all. 1 point for each)A B1.Geoffrey Chaucer E A. A Red, Red Rose2.Francis Bacon C B. Ode to a Nightingale3.Jonathan Swift F C. Of Truth4.William Blake G D.Northanger Abbey5.Robert Burns A E.The Canterbury Tales6.John Keats B F.A Modest Proposal7.Jane Austen D G.The Tiger8.Charles Dickens I H. Ulysses9.Tennyson H I.David Copperfield10.Robert Browning J J.My Last DuchessIII. Fill in the following blanks (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1. In the year__1066__,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by william, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-saxons.2. Since historical times, England, where the early inhabitants were celts, has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the ANGLO-SAXONS____,and the Normans.3.Remeo and Juliet____is regared as shakespeare’s successful romantic tragedy.4. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal whigs and the conservative__Tories___.5. The Glorious Revolution in 1688___meant three things the supremacy of parliament, the beginning of modern English, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.latter half of the 18th___century.7. With the publication of william Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballad____in collaboration with S.T Coleridge, Romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literatare.8. Woman as _novelists ___ appeared in the Romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time ,an important place in English literature.9. The most important poet of the victoria Age was__ Tennyson __, Next to him, were Robert Browning and his wife.10. The ____movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th cenfury.1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9. Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all ,10points for each) Give brief answers to each of following questions in English.(1)A selection from a poemWherefore feed and clothe and saveForm the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat_nay, drink your blood?Whrefore, Bees of England, forgeMany a weepon, chain, and scourgeThat these stingless drones may spoilThe forced produce of your tail?Questions (10’)1. These lines are taken from a poem entitled_A Song: Men of England)written by __ Shelley _2. The rhyme scheme in the selection of the poem is _aabb ccdd___.(1’)3.What idea does the quotation express?(7’)1. 1’) (1’)This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a workSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled bookd are like common distilled waters.Question(10’)1. This passage is taken from a well-known work entiled___,(2’) written by ____.(1’)2. What’s the main idea of the whole work. (7’)V. Topic Discussion (30 points in all,15 points for each). Write no less than 100 words on each of the following topics in English , in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works, the image of woman protagonists and what and how her novels truthfully present.(15’)2. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Aasten explored three kinds of motivations of marriage that the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Try to make a brief discussion about them with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.(15’)200x-200x学年度第一学期期末考试试卷答案及评分标准考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I. Multiple Choice (1’×30=30’)01-05 C C B A D 06-10 D B B C A11-15 A B C B C 16-20 D B D B B21-25 D A C B C 26-30 A D A B DII. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in colamn A (1’×10=10’)1-E 2-C 3-F 4-G 5-A6-B 7-D 8-I 9-H 10-JIII. Fill in the following blanks (1’×10=10’)1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9.Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all )(1) A PoemQuestions(10’)1. A Song: Men of England(1’) Shelley(1’)2. aabb ccdd (1’)3. This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a work1. Of Studies(1’) Bacon(1’)2. It analyzes the use and abuse of studies ,the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies. And how studies exert influence over human character.V .Topic Discussion (30 points in all, 15 points for each)A. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fiece longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.B. All ber heroines’ highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.C. The image of woman protagonists in her works are mostly the life of the middle-calss working women, particularly governesses.t0D. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper calsses, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre by her, she sharply criticises theexisting society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.(2) In the novel ,three kinds of attitudes towards marriage are presented for manifestation: marriage merely for material wealth and social position; marriage just for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic condition or personal merits; and the ideal marriage for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economic and social status. What jane Aasten tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marny without consideration of economic conditions.。