全系列产品引言05 高效供热系统个性化解决方案菲斯曼全系列产品07 燃油高热值锅炉和低温燃油锅炉,功率 13–20000 kW08 低温燃油铸铁锅炉,功率至 1080 kW10 燃气高热值锅炉和低温燃气锅炉,功率 3.8–20000 kW11 燃气高热值锅炉,功率 3.8–142 kW12 低温燃气锅炉,功率 10.5–140 kW14 燃油/燃气中大型锅炉:大功率、高效率15 燃气高热值锅炉,功率 87–978 kW15 废气/水换热器,功率 90–6600 kW16 低温燃油/燃气锅炉,功率 90–2100 kW17 低压热水锅炉,功率 650–19500 kW17 高压热水锅炉,功率 460–16200 kW18 低压蒸汽锅炉,功率 2.9–5.0 t/h18 高压蒸汽锅炉,功率 0.7–26 t/h20 通过紧凑型中央供热站 (BHKW) 高效供热供电*22 家用和工业用木材供热系统*24 来自大自然的热量热泵,功率 1.5–106.8 kW28 来自太阳的免费能源29 平板式集热器30 真空管集热器32 根据不同的需求供应热水31 换热水箱35 家用和商用空调*37 一切尽在掌握—即使远在天边38 TeleControl —远程监控和远程操作供热系统配件41 Vitoset —一手提供系统配套方案服务43 为合作伙伴提供有吸引力的产品45 贴近实际的培训:菲斯曼学院47 客户服务:24 小时全天侯企业48 菲斯曼全系列产品51 菲斯曼简介目录全系列产品3全系列产品解决方案4菲斯曼全系列产品作为供热行业的技术先锋,菲斯曼全面的高效供热系统为各种能源载体和所有应用领域提供个性化解决方案。
HC89F3650 3540H 3540 3430 数据手册说明书
芯圣电子2016年11月修正记录目录1产品简介 (6)1.1功能特性 (6)1.2系统框图 (8)1.3引脚配置 (9)1.4引脚描述 (14)2CPU (29)2.1CPU特性 (29)2.2CPU相关寄存器 (29)3存储器 (31)3.1程序存储器(FLASH) (31)3.2数据存储器(RAM) (35)3.3特殊功能寄存器(SFR) (36)4系统时钟 (40)4.1系统时钟特性 (40)4.2系统时钟相关寄存器 (40)5电源管理 (44)5.1电源管理特性 (44)5.2空闲模式 (44)5.3掉电模式 (44)5.4电源管理相关寄存器 (45)6复位 (46)6.1复位特性 (46)6.1POR(P OWER-O N R ESET)复位 (46)6.2BOR(B ROWN-OUT R ESET)复位 (46)6.3外部RST复位 (46)6.4外部端口低压检测复位 (47)6.5软件复位 (47)6.6看门狗(WDT)复位 (47)6.7复位相关寄存器 (47)7通用及复用I/O (50)7.1通用及复用I/O特性 (50)7.2I/O模式 (50)7.3I/O功能框图 (51)7.4I/O端口相关寄存器 (51)7.5复用端口映射控制 (62)8中断 (65)8.2中断汇总 (66)8.3中断向量 (66)8.4中断优先级 (66)8.5中断处理 (67)8.6外部中断 (67)8.7中断相关寄存器 (68)9定时器/计数器 (74)9.1定时器/计数器特性 (74)9.2定时器/计数器T X(X =0,1) (74)10脉宽调制PWM (79)10.1PWM特性 (79)10.2PWM相关寄存器 (80)11可编程计数阵列PCA (90)11.1PCA特性 (90)11.2PCA工作模式 (90)11.3PCA相关寄存器 (93)12实时时钟RTC (97)12.1RTC特性 (97)12.2RTC相关寄存器 (98)13看门狗定时器WDT (99)13.1WDT特性 (99)13.2WDT相关寄存器 (99)14通用异步收发器UART (102)14.1UART特性 (102)14.2工作方式 (102)14.3波特率发生器 (108)14.4多机通信 (109)14.5帧出错检测 (110)14.6UART1相关寄存器 (110)14.7UART2 (113)15串行外部设备接口SPI (117)15.1SPI特性 (117)15.2SPI信号描述 (117)15.3SPI时钟速率 (118)15.4SPI功能框图 (118)15.5SPI工作模式 (118)15.6SPI传送形式 (120)15.7SPI出错检测 (121)15.8SPI中断 (121)15.9SPI配置对照 (122)16IIC总线 (125)16.1IIC特性 (125)16.2IIC总线工作原理 (125)16.3总线上数据的有效性 (126)16.4总线上的信号 (126)16.5总线上数据初始格式 (127)16.6IIC总线寻址约定 (128)16.7主机向从机读写1个字节数据的过程 (128)16.8IIC工作模式 (130)16.9IIC总线相关寄存器 (135)17电容触摸按键CTK (138)17.1CTK特性 (138)17.2CTK框图 (138)17.3CTK相关寄存器 (138)18模数转换ADC (144)18.1ADC特性 (144)18.2ADC省电唤醒 (144)18.3ADC相关寄存器 (145)19低电压检测LVD (150)19.1LVD特性 (150)19.2LVD相关寄存器 (150)20循环冗余校验CRC (152)20.1CRC特性 (152)20.2CRC相关寄存器 (153)21代码选项 (155)22电气特性 (156)23开发工具 (160)23.1HC-51LINK特性 (160)23.2软件下载 (160)24封装尺寸 (161)24.1LQFP48 (161)24.2LQFP44 (161)24.3LQFP32 (162)24.4QFN32 (163)24.5SOP28 (164)24.6DIP20 (165)24.7SOP20 (165)24.8TSSOP20 (166)1产品简介HC89F3650/3540H/3540/3430是一颗采用高速低功耗CMOS工艺设计开发的增强型8位单片机,内部最多64K Bytes FLASH程序存储器,256 Bytes IRAM和2K Bytes XRAM,46/42/30/18个双向I/O口,2个16位定时器/计数器,2个PCA模块,3组12位带死区控制互补PWM,2个UART,1个IIC,1个SPI,1个RTC,最多16个外部中断,最多24路电容触摸按键检测,最多24+2路12位ADC,四种系统工作模式(正常、低速、掉电和空闲)和17个中断源。
宝钢热轧产品牌号对照表热轧产品相近牌号对照表①Q/BQB302Q/BQB 302-2003 DIN1614-2 -86 EN111-77 EN10111 -199 8 JIS G 3131 -1996 GB 710-91 /GB 711-88DD11 SPHC StW22 FeP11 DD11 SPHC 08DD12 SPHD RRStW23 FeP12 DD12 SPHD 08或08Al DD13 SPHE StW24 FeP13 DD13 SPHE 08Al②Q/BQB303表1Q/BQB 303-2003 JIS G 3101:1995 GB 912-89/GB 3274-88 GB 71 0-91/GB 711-88SS330 SS330 Q195,Q215A,Q215B,15SS400 SS400 Q235A,Q255ASS490 SS490 Q275ASS540 SS540 -表2Q/BQB 303-2003 DIN17100-80 EN10025:1990 EN10025:199 3 GB 912-89/GB 3274-88St33 St33 Fe310-0 S185 Q195,Q215A,Q215BSt37-2 St37-2,RSt37-2 Fe360B S235JR Q235BSt37-3 St37-3 Fe360C S235J0 Q235CSt44-2 St44-2 Fe430B S275JR Q255BSt50-2 St50-2 Fe490-2 E295 Q275,Q345ASt52-3 St52-3 Fe510C S355J0 Q345C,Q390B,Q390C表3Q/BQB303-2003 DIN17102-80 EU113-72 EN10113-2:1993 GB 912-89 GB 3274-88StE255 StE255 FeE255KGN --StE355 StE355 FeE355KGN S355N Q345B、Q345C表4Q/BQB303-2003 DIN17200-84 EN10083-2:1991 GB710-91 GB711-88C22 C22 C22 -C35 C35 C35 35表5Q/BQB303-2003 JIS G3132:1990 GB710-91,GB711-88 GB912-89,GB3274-88SPHT1 SPHT1 08AlSPHT2 SPHT2 15、Q215SPHT3 SPHT3 Q235A、20表6Q/BQB303-2003 JIS G 3106:1995 GB912-89/GB3274-88 GB710-9 1/GB711-88SM400A SM400A Q235A,Q235B,Q255A,Q255B,20SM400B SM400B Q235C,Q255B,20SM400C SM400C Q235D,20SM490A SM490A Q275,Q345A,Q345BSM490B SM490B Q275,Q345CSM490C SM490C Q275,Q345DSM490YA SM490YA Q345A,Q345BSM490YB SM490YB Q345CSM520B SM520B Q390A,Q390BSM520C SM520C Q390CWEL-TEN590RE SM570 Q460C,Q460DB590GJA,B590GJB -Q460C,Q460D③Q/BQB310表1EN149-2-80 SEW092-82 Q/BQB310-2003 EN10149-2:1995 GB3273-89QStE340TM QStE340TM ---QStE380TM QStE380TM --FeE420TM QStE420TM QStE420TM S420MC --QStE460TM QStE460TM S460MC --QStE500TM QStE500TM S500MC ---B510L B510DL -09SiVL 16MnL 16MnREL表2Q/BQB310-2003 JIS G3113-1990SAPH 310 SAPH 310SAPH 370 SAPH 370SAPH 400 SAPH 400SAPH 440,B440QK SAPH 440④Q/BQB320表1Q/BQB320-2003 DIN 17155-83 EN10028-2:1992 GB713-1997 GB6654-1996HⅡHⅡP265GH 20g/20R19Mn6 19Mn6 P355GH 19Mng/16MnR表2Q/BQB320-2003 JIS G3103-1987SB410 SB410⑤Q/BQB321Q/BQB 321-2003 JIS G 3116:1990 GB 6653-1994B440HP SG295 HP295B490HP SG325 HP325⑥Q/BQB330船级社名称(代号)船级社标志牌号用途中国船级社(CCS)CCS-A、CCS-B、CCS-D、CCS-E 一般强度船体结构用CCS-A32、CCS-A36 高强度船体结构用挪威船级社(DNV)NVA、NVB、NVD、NVE 一般强度船体结构用NV A32、NV A36 高强度船体结构用德国劳氏船级社(GL)GL-A、GL-B、GL-D、GL-E 一般强度船体结构用GL-A32、GL-A36 高强度船体结构用美国船级社(ABS)AB/A、AB/B、AB/D、AB/E 一般强度船体结构用AB/AH32、AB/AH36 高强度船体结构用英国劳氏船级社(LR)A、B、D、E 一般强度船体结构用AH32、AH36 高强度船体结构用法国船级社(BV)A、B、D、E 一般强度船体结构用AH32、AH36 高强度船体结构用意大利船级社(RINA)A、B、D、E 一般强度船体结构用AH32、AH36 高强度船体结构用⑦Q/BQB340Q/BQB340-2003 SEW 087-81 DIN EN10155:1993 EU 155-80 WTSt37-2 WTSt37-2 --WTSt52-3 WTSt52-3 S355J2G1W Fe510D2K1⑧Q/BQB370Q/BQB370-2003 GB/T 14164-2002 (报批稿)ISO 3183-1 :1996 G B/T 9711.1 -1996 API Spec 5L 第42版S175ⅠS175ⅠL175,ⅠL175,ⅠA25,ClⅠS175ⅡS175ⅡL175,ⅡL175,ⅡA25,ClⅡS210 S210 L210 L210 AS245 S245 L245 L245 BS290 S290 L290 L290 X42S320 S320 L320 L320 X46S360 S360 L360 L360 X52S390 S390 L390 L390 X56S415 S415 L415 L415 X60S450 S450 L450 L450 X65S485 S485 L485 L485 X70S555 S555 L555 L555 X80供货标准及牌号材料类别宝钢企业标准牌号说明冷成型用钢Q/BQB302 SPHC 适用于制造冷成型加工的零件SPHDSPHEDD11(StW22)DD12(StW23)DD13(StW24)一般结构用钢Q/BQB303 SS330 适用于建筑、桥梁、船舶、车辆等一般构件SS400SS490SS540St33St37-2St37-3St44-2St50-2St52-3焊接结构用钢SM400A 适用于建筑、桥梁、船舶、车辆、石油储罐、工程机械、采矿机械等要求优良的综合力学性能及焊接性能的结构件SM400BSM400CSM490ASM490BSM490CSM490YASM490YBSM520BSM520CWEL-TEN590RE(Welten590RE)B590GJAB590GJBBJ520JJStE255StE355机械结构件Q/BQB303 C22 适用于经切削等加工并热处理后使用的机械结构件C35S20CS35C钢管用SPHT1 焊接钢管用SPHT2SPHT3汽车结构用钢Q/BQB310 SAPH310 适用于要求成型加工性能的汽车构架、车轮等汽车结构件SAPH370SAPH400SAPH440QStE340TM 适用于要求良好的冷成型性能并有较高或高强度要求的汽车大梁等结构件QStE380TMQStE420TMQStE500TMB330CL 具有良好的冷成型性能,用于制造汽车滚型车轮轮辋及轮辐B380CLB420CLB320L 供制造汽车大梁、横梁用B420LB510LB510DLB550LB440QZR 供制造汽车传动轴用B480QZRB440QK 供制造汽车桥壳用锅炉及压力容器用钢Q/BQB320 HII 适用于制造锅炉及压力容器用钢19Mn6SB410焊接气瓶用钢Q/BQB321 B440HP 适用于制造焊接气瓶B490HP船体结构用钢Q/BQB330 A 可按各国船级社规范要求供货BDEAH32AH36耐腐蚀结构用钢Q/BQB340 B460NQR 用于制造集装箱、铁道车辆、石油井架、工程机械等要求耐大气腐蚀的结构件B490NQRB480GNQRWTSt37-2WTSt52-3NAW400NAW490耐硫酸腐蚀钢Q/BQB340 S-TEN2(S-ten2)耐硫酸露点结构用耐海水腐蚀钢MARILOY G400A 用于采油平台、船舶、海港建筑等耐海水腐蚀结构件MARILOY S490A厚度方向性能热连轧钢板Q/BQB350 StE255-Z15 钢板厚度方向具有良好的抗层状撕裂性能,用于海上采油平台及其他要求厚度性能的结构件StE255-Z25StE255-Z35StE355-Z25StE355-Z35SM490B-Z15SM490B-Z25SM490B-Z35表面硬化钢Q/BQB360 C10 高纯净低碳钢板,供进行表面渗碳或渗氮后进行淬火硬化制造表层高硬度、耐磨,芯部具高韧性的结构件C15S09CKS15CK石油天然气输送管用钢Q/BQB370 S175 I S360 S175 II S390 S210 S415S245 S450 S290 S485 S320 S555 石油天然气输送管用钢直缝焊套管用钢Q/BQB372 J55 供制造直缝焊石油套管用花纹钢板Q/BQB390 BCP270 扁豆形花纹钢板BCP340BCP400自行车用热连轧钢带BZJ304 SPHT1Z 用于制造自行车上、下后接头,前叉肩、前花盘、链条滚、车把横管,中轴碗等零件SPHTZ2SPHTZ3SPHDZSM490BZSM520BZ深冲热连轧钢带BZJ305 BRC3 深冲用(酸洗表面交货)BRC1深冲热连轧钢带BZJ306 BRC1 深冲用(酸洗表面交货)汽车结构用钢BZJ307 TL1406 可用于良好成型性能的汽车结构件,如车轮、大横梁等高韧性管线用钢BZJ371 X60RL 供螺旋焊生产高韧性管线用X70RL抗氢诱裂纹(HIC)管线用钢BZJ373 BX52HY 供螺旋埋弧焊或直缝电阻焊生产具有抗HIC性能的石油天然气输送焊管用BX60HBX65H本文引用地址:/gt/show-25659-1.html。
ГОСТ 8240-89 热轧槽钢 规格-俄中对照
40 П 400 115 8,0 13,5 15,0 9,0 61,50 48,30 15260,0 763,0 15,80 445,00 760,00 89,90 3,51 3,05
Примечания к табл. 1 и 2: 1. Площадь поперечного сечения и масса 1 м швеллера вычислены по номинальным размерам; плотность стали принята равной 7,85 г/см3表1、2 注:1. 槽钢横截面面积和1米的 重量根据额定尺寸计算,钢的密度取7.85g/cm3。
ГОСТ 8240-89 (СТ СЭВ 2210-80)
Москва 莫斯科
18 180 70 5,1 8,7 9,0 3,5 20,70 16,30 1090,0 121,0 7,24 69,80 86,00 17,00 2,04 1,94
18a 180 74 5,1 9,3 9,0 3,5 22,20 17,40 1190,0 132,0 7,32 76,10 105,00 20,00 2,18 2,13
3. По точности прокатки швеллеры изготовляют:槽钢按轧制精度可分为:
повышенной точности - Б; 高精度槽钢-Б;
部件号 重量(KG)
四孔加强 提挂件
四孔中间加 强紧固夹
三孔加强 提挂件
三孔中间加 强紧固夹
1.47Βιβλιοθήκη 每极滑触线之间的定位中心 距是50mm。
重Ⅲ型 HEVIBAR 3 安全滑触线 630-1250A系列
标准型相线(橙色) 标准型地线(绿色) 中等耐热型(红色) 重量(Kg)
345102 345123 345104 8.4
345205 345249 345229 9.8
◆ 最大允许电压降; ◆ 环境温度、环境外在条件(灰尘、沿海、潮湿、酸雾)
三相交流电:△U= 3×I×D×Z 单相交流电:△U=2×I×D×Z 直 流 电:△U=2×I×D×Z
其中: Un=电压(伏) △U=电压降(伏) I=最大电流 D=供电点与取电点之间的距离(米) R=滑触线导体的电阻(欧姆/米) Z=滑触线导体的电抗(欧姆/米)
1 标准型相线
标准型相线(橙色) 标准型地线(绿色) 中等耐热型(红色) 重量(KG)
346250 346251 346116
BCX51 52 53 PNP中间功率导电器SOT89数据手册说明书
Features• BV CEO > -45V, -60V & -80V• I C = -1A Continuous Collector Current • I CM = -2A Peak Pulse Current• Low Saturation Voltage V CE(sat) <************• Gain Groups 10 and 16• Complementary NPN Types: BCX54, 55, and 56• Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2) • Halogen- and Antimony-Free. "Green" Device (Note 3)•For automotive applications requiring specific change control (i.e. parts qualified to AEC-Q100/101/200, PPAPcapable, and manufactured in IATF 16949 certified facilities),please contact us or your local Diodes representative.https:///quality/product-definitions/Mechanical Data• Case: SOT89• Case Material: Molded Plastic, “Green” Molding Compound; UL Flammability Rating 94V-0• Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020•Terminals: Matte Tin Finish Leads; Solderable per MIL-STD-202 Method 208•Weight: 0.052 grams (Approximate)Applications • Medium Power Switching or Amplification Applications • AF Driver and Output StagesOrdering Information (Note 4)Product Compliance Marking Reel Size (inches)Tape Width (mm)Quantity per ReelBCX51TA Standard AA 7 12 1,000 BCX51-13R Standard AA 13 12 4,000 BCX5110TA Standard AC 7 12 1,000 BCX5116TA Standard AD 7 12 1,000 BCX5116TC Standard AD 13 12 4,000 BCX52TA Standard AE 7 12 1,000 BCX5210TA Standard AG 7 12 1,000 BCX5216TA Standard AM 7 12 1,000 BCX53TA Standard AH 7 12 1,000 BCX5310TA Standard AK 7 12 1,000 BCX5316TA Standard AL 7 12 1,000 BCX5316TC Standard AL 13 12 4,000 BCX5316-13R Standard AL 13 12 4,000 BCX5110TC Standard AC 13 12 4,000 BCX51TC Standard AA 13 12 4,000 BCX5210TC Standard AG 13 12 4,000 BCX5216TC Standard AM 13 12 4,000 BCX52TC Standard AE 13 12 4,000 BCX5310TC Standard AK 13 12 4,000 BCX53TCStandardAH13124,000Notes: 1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS), 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) & 2015/863/EU (RoHS 3) compliant.2. See https:///quality/lead-free/ for more information about Diodes Incorporated’s definitions of Halogen- and Antimony-free, "Green" and Lead-free.3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds.4. For packaging details, go to our website at https:///design/support/packaging/diodes-packaging/.Top View Device SymbolTop View Pin-Out SOT89E C BMarking InformationAbsolute Maximum Ratings (@ T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)CharacteristicSymbol BCX51 BCX52 BCX53 Unit Collector-Base Voltage V CBO -45 -60 -100 V Collector-Emitter Voltage V CEO -45-60 -80V Emitter-Base Voltage V EBO -5 V Continuous Collector CurrentI C -1 A Peak Pulse Collector Current (Single pulse) I CM -2 Continuous Base CurrentI B -100 mAPeak Pulse Base Current (Single pulse) I BM-200Thermal Characteristics (@ T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)CharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Power Dissipation(Note 5) P D1 W(Note 6) 1.5 (Note 7) 2.0 Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Air (Note 5) R θJA 125 °C/W (Note 6) 83 (Note 7)60 Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead (Note 8) R θJL 13 °C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case (Note 9)R θJC 27 °C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J, T STG-55 to +150°CESD Ratings (Note 10)CharacteristicSymbol Value Unit JEDEC ClassElectrostatic Discharge - Human Body Model ESD HBM 4,000 V 3A Electrostatic Discharge - Machine ModelESD MM400VCNotes: 5. For a device mounted with the exposed collector pad on 15mm x 15mm 1oz copper that is on a single-sided 1.6mm FR4 PCB; device is measured under still air conditions whilst operating in a steady-state.6. Same as Note 5, except the device is mounted on 25mm x 25mm 1oz copper.7. Same as Note 5, except the device is mounted on 50mm x 50mm 1oz copper.8. Thermal resistance from junction to solder-point (on the exposed collector pad).9. Thermal resistance from junction to the top of the case.10. Refer to JEDEC specification JESD22-A114 and JESD22-A115.xx = Product Type Marking Code, as follows:BCX51 = AA BCX52 = AEBCX53 = AH BCX5110 = AC BCX5210 = AG BCX5310 = AK BCX5116 = AD BCX5216 = AMBCX5316 = ALThermal Characteristics and Derating Information2550751001251500. CurveTemperature (°C) M a x P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )Transient Therm al Im pedanceT h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e (°C /W )Pulse Width (s)Pulse Power DissipationPulse Width (s)M a x P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )Copper Area (sqmm)M a x i m u m P o w e r (W )Copper Area (sqmm)T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e (°C /W )Note:11. Measured under pulsed conditions. Pulse width ≤ 300µs. Duty cycle ≤ 2%.Typical Electrical Characteristics (@ T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)-I , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)C h ,D C C U R RE N T G A I NF E Fig. 2 Typical DC Current Gain vs. Collector CurrentDC Current Gain vs. Collector Current -V , COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)CE I , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )CFig. 1 Typical Collector Current vs. Collector-Emitter VoltageCollector Current vs. Collector-Emitter Voltage -h FE V I CI C V V CETypical Electrical Characteristics (continued.) , B A S E -E M I T T E R T U R N -O N V O L T A G E (V )B E (O N)-I , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)C -V , C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )C E (S A T )Fig. 4 Typical Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltagevs. Collector Current , B A S E -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V B E (S AT )-I , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)C f , G A I N -B A ND W I D T H P R O D U C T (M H z )T Fig. 6 Typical Gain-Bandwidth Product vs. Collector Current V , REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)R C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )Fig. 7 Typical Capacitance Characteristics -V B E (s a t ), B A S E -E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E )-V B E (o n ), B A S E -E M I T T E R T U R N -O N V O L T A G E (V )-V C E (s a t ) , C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E RC v V RVCE(sat) V I Cf T V I CPackage Outline DimensionsPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SOT89SOT89Dim Min Max TypA 1.40 1.60 1.50B 0.50 0.62 0.56B1 0.42 0.540.48c 0.35 0.43 0.38D 4.40 4.60 4.50D1 1.62 1.83 1.733D2 1.61 1.81 1.71E 2.40 2.60 2.50E2 2.05 2.35 2.20e - - 1.50H 3.95 4.25 4.10H1 2.63 2.93 2.78L 0.90 1.20 1.05L1 0.327 0.527 0.427z 0.20 0.40 0.30All Dimensions in mmSuggested Pad LayoutPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SOT89Dimensions Value(in mm)C 1.500G 0.244X 0.580X1 0.760X2 1.933Y 1.730Y1 3.030Y2 1.500Y3 0.770Y4 4.530TOP VIEW。
TC-SMW 系列长窗玻璃式高压、超高压双色水位计使用说明书铁岭市光明仪器仪表厂TIELING GITY GUANGMNG INSTRMENTS AND METERS FACTORY 铁岭市光明仪器仪表厂是国家机械电子工业部的重点企业,是辽宁省仪器仪表公司的骨干厂家,是机械电子工业部唯一专业生产双色水位计定点厂家,已有十几年的生产历史。
九二年我厂在总结了国内外生产双色水位计优点基础上,最新研究制成功了TC-SMW 系列12-22Mpa 长窗玻璃式双色水位计,它结束了国内外生产双色水位计在超高压等级只能用牛眼式的历史。
目录一、用途及特点 (1)二、技术参数 (1)三、结构与工作原理 (2)四、安装与使用 (7)1、........................................................ 安装方法72、........................................................ 使用方法8五、维护与检修 (9)六、注意事项 (13)一、用途及特点TC-SMW型系列高压、超高压双色水位计是用于工作压力低于22Mpa的蒸汽锅炉或其它压力容器监测水位的一次直读仪表。
2. 菲斯曼 Condensing菲斯曼 Condensing 是一款高效能的壁挂炉,采用全新的凝汽技术,能够最大程度地回收烟气中的热能,提高热效率,减少能源消耗。
3. 菲斯曼 Eco Blue菲斯曼 Eco Blue 是一款环保型的壁挂炉,采用低氮燃烧技术,大大降低了燃烧产生的氮氧化物排放。
此外,菲斯曼 Eco Blue 还具有智能节能功能,能够根据用气需求自动调整燃烧器的功率,实现节能效果。
4. 菲斯曼 Mini菲斯曼 Mini 是一款小型的壁挂炉,适用于小型居民房屋和公寓。
菲斯曼 Mini 采用先进的燃烧控制技术,能够自动调节燃烧器的功率,实现精确的温度控制。
5. 菲斯曼 Smart菲斯曼 Smart 是一款智能化的壁挂炉,具有人性化的操作界面和智能控制系统。
此外,菲斯曼 Smart 还具有自动检测和诊断功能,能够及时发现故障并进行修复,提高使用的安全性和可靠性。
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桥壳截面尺寸(mm) 135×150×14
从锥齿分度圆直径(mm) Φ469
转向系统: (1)主销内倾角7°,增强转向自动回正能力; (2)各转向传动零部件适应性改进,提升可靠性。
润滑系统: 主销体设计润滑油道,预防由于主销润滑不良产生磨损导致松旷,而产 生前轴摆振,提高转向稳定性。
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153前轴的设计开发,严格按标准要求进行质量先期策划: (1)在标杆竞品的基础上,确定前轴关键截面尺寸,设计前轴草案,利用
2.在很多方面与485二代桥存在共性,除传动系统外,其余均与与 485二代桥相同;
3. 469单桥的轮毂、制动鼓、制动器、轮毂轴管、轮毂油封、油封 座圈等件与485二代桥完全互换,增强了零部件的通用性和可维修性。
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薄壁小截面设计(宽×高×厚) :
总线调整中英文对照总线调整中英文对照1 3.58或3 表示3.58MHz NTSC制2 4.43或4 表示4.43MHz副载波或PAL3 50Hz或5 加在调整项目中,特指此调整项目针对50Hz场扫描4 60Hz或6 加在调整项目中,特指此调整项目针对60Hz场扫描5 50Hz C POS 50Hz行中心校正6 H - SIZE 行幅7 - AMP: 场幅8 - HEIGHT9 - LINERITY 场线性10 - PHASE 场相位(场中心)11 - S - CORRECT 垂直S校正12 ABL ABL(自动亮度限制);ABL开关13 ABL CONT ABL(自动亮度限制)控制值14 ABL GAIN 自动亮度控制增益15 ABL POINT 自动亮度控制点16 ABL STAR ABL(自动亮度限制)起始值17 ADDRESS 地址18 ADJUSTMENT 调整19 AF 自动频率控制状态20 AFC AFC;AFC环路增益;AFC开关;AFC模式21 AFC MODE EXT 自动频率控制外接模式22 AFC MODE T 自动频率控制电视模式23 AFF AFC关断24 AFT 自动频率微调;PF CO(图像中频压控振荡器)调整;中频CO25 AFT/SKIP 自动微调/跳跃26 AFTO AFT输出27 AGC 自动增益控制;AGC自动/恒定;AGC起控点28 AGC - TAKE AGC起控点29 AIP 调整中频锁相环30 AKB 显像管暗平衡自动调整;AKB关断蓝截止31 AL 自动音量调整32 ALIGN; 调整33 ALIGNMENTS34 ALS 音频电平设置35 AMPLI50Hz 50Hz场幅调整36 AS 自动扫描37 AUDIO 伴音;音频38 AUTO FLESH 自动肤色校正39 AUTO SRCH 自动搜索40 A 音频/视频;视频设定;A输入端子数41 A MODE A模式42 A SHARPNESS A锐度43 A TINT A色调44 AI ONLY Y/YN 可选择一路A或两路A输入45 A-MODE A模式46 AX AGC删除47 B;B- 显像管亮平衡蓝色调整48 B BIAS;B_;B CUT OFF 蓝偏置;显像管阿暗平衡蓝色调整49 B DRIE(GAIN) 蓝色激励(增益);显像管亮平衡蓝色激励调整50 BLUE 蓝色51 BALANCE 平衡52 BAND MODE 波段控制模式53 BAND OUT 波段输出54 BASIC 基本(型)55 BASS 低音;副低音56 BB;BC;BCF;B - CO; 蓝枪截止点;显像管暗平衡蓝枪调整57 BCT;BCUT;BCUT OFF;B-58 CUTOFF59 BCW 亮度控制范围60 BD;BDR;B-DRIE;BDR; 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整61 BDRY62 BEL;BELL;BELLFO;BELL FILTER SECAM钟型滤波器BG B.G伴音制式设置64 BG;B - GAIN 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整65 BH 童锁66 BK 时钟67 BKP 消隐图像;消隐关断图像;消隐关断时的图像数据68 BL 平衡69 BALCK STR;BLACKSTRECH 黑电平扩展70 BLACK STRETCH POINT 黑电平扩展点71 BLK SW 消隐开关72 BLOCK 组件73 BLU;BLUE 蓝;蓝背景;蓝背景ON/OFF74 BLUE BACK MODE 蓝背景模式75 BLUE GAIN 蓝激励;显像管亮平衡蓝激励调整76 BOW 弓形77 BR 亮度;副亮度78 BR ABL TH 亮度ABL阀值;ABL起控点调整79 BRAND 商标;厂标显示80 BRC 蓝枪截止点;显像管暗平衡蓝枪调整81 BRI 亮度;副亮度82 BRI ABL TH 亮度ABL阀值;ABL起控点调整+J3z:b g:aB83 BRI CE 亮度中心调值84 BRI MA;BRI MI 亮度最大(最小)值85 BRIGHT; BRIGHT-NESS 亮度;副亮度86 BRT 亮度;框亮度数据(索尼)87 BRT ABL 亮度ABL(控制量)88 BRTC 副亮度中间值;亮度调整中心数据89 BRTN 最小亮度;副亮度最小值90 BRTS 亮度调整中心数据校正;副亮度校正91 BRTX 副亮度最大值92 BT 亮度93 BTSC BTSC制立体声94 BUS 总线95 BUS CONT OK 总线控制正常96 BUS LINE OK 总线正常97 BUS OFF 总线关断98 B-Y BLACK OFFSET B-Y信号黑偏移量99 C.BLK 色度信号消隐100 CANCEL 清除101 C-B 显像管暗平衡蓝色调整102 CFO 色度陷波器fo调整103 C-G 显像管暗平衡绿色调整104 CHINESE OSD 中文屏显105 CHINESE TUNER 中国制式高频头106 SUB R-CUTOFF 在彩色降噪接通时的红枪截止点校正107 SUB SHARP;SUB-SHARTNESS 副锐度108 SUB TINT 副色调109 SUB-OLUME 副音量110 SUPER WIDE GEOMETRY 超宽屏幕几何失真111 SURROUND 环绕声112 S4 4.43A(视频)副清晰度(中心值)113 SX4 4.43副清晰度最大值114 SY;SYS;SYSTEM 制式;多制式系统115 SYN;SYNC 同步;合成器116 TC 梯形失真117 TCC 色调控制中心118 T-COLOR BAR 彩条信号119 TCW 色调控制范围120 TEB 文本显示亮度121 TEC 文本显示对比度122 TELETEXT 图文电视123 TEST PATTERN 测试图124 TEST SIGNAL 测试信号125 TEXT CONTRAST 文本对比度126 TEXT.H;TEXT. 屏显水平(垂直)位置127 TEXT/MIX 文本/混合G/R128 TINT 色调129 TINTC 色调中心值130 TLT 倾斜失真(梯形失真)131 TMN;TMX 色调控制最小(最大)值132 TN 高频头133 TNTC 副色调中间值134 TNTN;TNTX 副色调最小(最大)值135 TONE 音调136 TRAP 陷波137 TPC;TR;TRAP;TRP 梯形失真138 TRAPEZIUM;TRAPEZOID 梯形失真139 TRE;TREBLE 高音140 TSC 图文对比度141 TUNER 调谐器;高频头142 T SYSTEMS 电视制式143 TXCN;TXCX 屏显对比度最小(最大)值144 TXH 屏显水平位置145 TXP;TXPIC 图文图像(对比度)146 TXT 文本;图文;屏显147 TYPE 类型148 UCBOW 上部偏中弓形失真149 UCC 对比度控制中心150 UCP 上角枕形失真151 UCW 单色控制范围152 UHF ONLY Y/N 可选择一路UHF接收获全接收0 153 ULN 上部场线性154 UNKNOWN 不能确定155 UP 上156 UTILT;UTL 上部倾斜失真(梯形失真)157 U UHF/HF158 UG 用户可变y校正159 UYB;UYBOW 垂直上角弓形失真160 AMPLITUDE 场幅161 CENTERING 场中心162 COMP 场补偿163 FREQUENCY 场频164 LIN;LNEARITY 场线性165 OUT PHASE50 50Hz场中心(场输出相位)166 POSI 场中心167 SC;S-CORRECTION 场S校正168 SHIFT 场中心169 SIZE 场幅170 25;50 音量调整20%(50%)位置音量数据值171 60 60Hz场中心调节;60Hz场幅(飞利浦)172 A;-A 场幅度;垂直孔阑补偿173 AD 视频输出幅度174 AG 对角失真(平行四边形失真)175 alue 数值176 AM;-AMPL;-AMPLITUDE 场幅177 -ANG 场对角形失真178 AP 场幅179 AW 垂直孔阑白色180 -BIAS 场偏置181 BW 场消隐宽度控制182 CD MD EXT 视频时的CD(视频/色度/扫描)模式183 CD MD TEXT 图文时的CD(视频/色度/扫描)模式184 CD MD T T时的CD(视频/色度/扫描)模式185 -CENTER 场中心186 CO 压控振荡器;38MHz中频振荡187 COMP 亮度变化引起的场幅失真校正188 -COMPENSATION 场补偿189 -CORRECT 垂直校正;场线性校正190 CP 垂直补偿;光栅亮度变化时,场幅校正设置191 CX 压控晶体振荡器自由振荡频率192 ENH 梳状滤波器垂直加强(轮廓校正)193 ER;ERSION 版本;类型194 ERT LINEARITY 场线性调整195 FQ;FR 场频196 H 场幅197 ID 视频;图像检波;视频识别模式198 -ID SW 视频识别开关199 IDEO 视频;视频输入设定(设定为3个)200 IDEO H.CEN 行相位;行中心201 IDEO LEEL 视频电平202 IF SYS中频设定203 L;-L 伴音限制;场线性204 LB 场线性校正205 LIN;-LIN;-LINEAR;LN 场线性206 CHROMA GAIN 色度增益207 CHROMA TRAP FO 色度信号陷波频率208 CHROMA TRAP Q 色度信号陷波Q值209 CLC 彩色控制中心;色度控制中心210 CLOCK 时钟211 CMN;CMX 色度控制最小(最大)值212 CNP;CNR 光栅角部校正失真213 CNR GAIN 彩色降噪增益214 CNT 对比度215 CNT CE 对比度中心值216 CNT MA;CNT MI 对比度最大(最小)值217 CNTC 对比度调整中间值;副对比度中间值218 CNTN;CNTX (副)对比度最小(最大)值219 CO443 PAL彩色(色度)中心220 COINCIDENTDET LEEL 符合检测电平221 COL MA 彩色(色度)最大值222 COLC N制副色度中间值;色度调整中间值223 COLN 副色度最小值224 COLOR 彩色;色度225 COLOR LIMIT LEEL 色度限制电平226 COLOR LIMIT SW 色度限制切换227 COLOUR 彩色228 COLP PAL制色度中间值;PAL副色度中心值229 COLS SECAM色度中间值;SECAM副色度中间值230 COLX 副色度最大值231 COMB 梳状滤波器232 COMMUNICATION 通讯233 CONNECTION 连接234 CON;CONT;CONTRAST 对比度;副对比度235 COOL 冷;白平衡冷色调236 COR;CORINC 核化(降噪);核化降噪峰值237 CORPN;CP;C-P;CR 四角枕形失真238 C-R 显像管暗平衡红色调整239 CRH;CRL 设定字符高(低)240 CROSS HATCH 格子信号241 CSD 字符的显示位置242 CSW 彩色开关243 S-SYSTEM 彩色制式244 CT 对比度;色度陷波(索尼)245 CUT-OFF 截止;显像管截止点调整(暗平衡调整)246 C 屏显垂直位置;C/YC(复合视频信号/YC信号)选择247 DATA 数据248 DATE 日期249 D-B 显像管亮平衡蓝色调整250 DC GREEN PAL 绿枪截止(显像管暗平衡)调整251 DC RED PAL 红枪截止(显像管暗平衡)调整252 DC TRAIN RATE 直流补偿程度253 DEFECT MODULE 产生故障的电路组件254 DEGAU 消磁;消磁功能接通/断开255 DELTA COOL 偏冷色(白平衡)256 DELTA COOL BLUE(GREEN RED) 冷色调白平衡蓝(绿\红)数据257 DELTA WARM 偏暖色白平衡258 DELTA WARM BLUE(GREEN RED) 暖色调白平衡蓝(绿\红)数据259 DEMP FO 去加重频率260 DIAGNOSE 故障自检(代码)261 DID 消磁关闭262 DIGI OSD;DIGITAL OSD 数字OSD(屏显)设定263 DIGITAL SCAN 数字扫描264 DISPLAY 显示;屏显语言选择265 DK D/K伴音制式设置266 DL;DLT;DLY 延迟控制;延时267 DPC 枕形失真校正(东芝);动态图像ON/OFF(索尼)268 DPCS 50Hz/60Hz校正269 DPI;D-PIC 动态图像270 D-R 显像管亮平衡红色调整271 DRG SW 以红枪或绿枪为准(DRGSW用于转换显像管红绿枪,按遥控器a) 电平增/减键在R、G(红、枪)之间转变)272 DR CNT 激励控制273 DSHFT 直流电平移(水平静会聚微调)274 DT 延时275 DT BW 黑白延时276 DM M(速度调制)静噪失效277 EAST/WEST CORNER 光栅四角调整278 EAST/WEST PARABOLA 光栅左右枕形失真279 EAST/WEST TOP COMPENSATION 光栅顶部补偿280 EAST/WEST TRAPEZIUM 光栅梯形失真281 EEPROM 电可檫可编程存储器282 EFFECT 效果283 EHH;EH 高压对光栅行幅(场幅)的影响284 ENGLISH ONLY 仅有英文285 EQ+DOLBY 均衡器+杜比286 EQUALIZER 均衡器287 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码288 ERC 误差计数;故障计数289 EURO A 欧洲标准A输入290 EG 场保护启动291 EOL 外接信号预置音量292 EW 光栅左右枕形失真$]293 EW-CORNER 光栅左右角部失真294 EW-PARABO;EW-PARABOLA 光栅左右枕形失真295 F TRAP 陷波微调296 FAC 工厂297 FBP BL SW 行逆程脉冲消隐开关298 F-BW 强制黑白切换299 FEATURE-BOX 特色电路组件300 FGP FM伴音(BG、I、DK制)预置音量301 FILT;FILTER;FLT 滤波器302 FM 调频模拟伴音303 FM GAIN 调频伴音增益304 FM LEEL 调频伴音电平305 FMA 调频伴音衰减电平306 FORCED COLOUR 强制彩色307 FRAME 桢;框308 FRU、FR、FRY U(、Y)信号桢309 FSW 强制开关310 FU 福字设定(康佳)311 FUNCTIONAL TEST 功能测试312 FOL FM伴音音量预刻度313 G 绿;显像管亮平衡绿色调整314 G BIAS;G CUT OFF;G_ 显像管暗平衡绿色调整315 G DRIE;G DRIE GAIN 绿色激励(显像管亮平衡绿色调整)316 GAM;GAMMA Y校正317 GATE PULSE 选通脉冲318 GB;GC;GCF;GCO;GCT;GCUT;GCUT OFF绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整319 GD;GDR;GDR 绿激励;显像管亮平衡绿色调整320 GENERAL 一般性的(调整)321 GEOMETRIC;GEOMETRY 光栅几何失真322 GG;G-GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整323 GLOBAL 全球;全球立体声324 GRC 绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整325 GREEN 绿326 GREEN GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整327 H AFC 行AFC(增益)328 H AMPLITUDE 行幅329 H BLANK L;H BLK L 行左消隐;左黑边调整330 H BLANK R;H BLK R 行右消隐;右黑边调整331 H BLK PHASE50 50Hz行消隐相位332 H CENTER 50 50Hz行中心333 H FREQ 行频334 H PHASE;H PHASE SHIFT 航向位;行中心281 EEPROM 电可檫可编程存储器282 EFFECT 效果283 EHH;EH 高压对光栅行幅(场幅)的影响284 ENGLISH ONLY 仅有英文285 EQ+DOLBY 均衡器+杜比286 EQUALIZER 均衡器287 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码288 ERC 误差计数;故障计数289 EURO A 欧洲标准A输入290 EG 场保护启动291 EOL 外接信号预置音量292 EW 光栅左右枕形失真293 EW-CORNER 光栅左右角部失真294 EW-PARABO;EW-PARABOLA 光栅左右枕形失真h295 F TRAP 陷波微调296 FAC 工厂297 FBP BL SW 行逆程脉冲消隐开关298 F-BW 强制黑白切换299 FEATURE-BOX 特色电路组件300 FGP FM伴音(BG、I、DK制)预置音量301 FILT;FILTER;FLT 滤波器302 FM 调频模拟伴音303 FM GAIN 调频伴音增益304 FM LEEL 调频伴音电平305 FMA 调频伴音衰减电平306 FORCED COLOUR 强制彩色307 FRAME 桢;框308 FRU、FR、FRY U(、Y)信号桢309 FSW 强制开关310 FU 福字设定(康佳)311 FUNCTIONAL TEST 功能测试312 FOL FM伴音音量预刻度313 G 绿;显像管亮平衡绿色调整314 G BIAS;G CUT OFF;G_ 显像管暗平衡绿色调整315 G DRIE;G DRIE GAIN 绿色激励(显像管亮平衡绿色调整)316 GAM;GAMMA Y校正317 GATE PULSE 选通脉冲318 GB;GC;GCF;GCO;GCT;GCUT;GCUT OFF绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整319 GD;GDR;GDR 绿激励;显像管亮平衡绿色调整320 GENERAL 一般性的(调整)321 GEOMETRIC;GEOMETRY 光栅几何失真322 GG;G-GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整323 GLOBAL 全球;全球立体声324 GRC 绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整325 GREEN 绿326 GREEN GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整327 H AFC 行AFC(增益)328 H AMPLITUDE 行幅329 H BLANK L;H BLK L 行左消隐;左黑边调整330 H BLANK R;H BLK R 行右消隐;右黑边调331 H BLK PHASE50 50Hz行消隐相位332 H CENTER 50 50Hz行中心333 H FREQ 行频334 H PHASE;H PHASE SHIFT 航向位;行中心281 EEPROM 电可檫可编程存储器282 EFFECT 效果283 EHH;EH 高压对光栅行幅(场幅)的影响284 ENGLISH ONLY 仅有英文285 EQ+DOLBY 均衡器+杜比286 EQUALIZER 均衡器287 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码288 ERC 误差计数;故障计数289 EURO A 欧洲标准A输入290 EG 场保护启动291 EOL 外接信号预置音量292 EW 光栅左右枕形失真293 EW-CORNER 光栅左右角部失真294 EW-PARABO;EW-PARABOLA 光栅左右枕形失真295 F TRAP 陷波微调296 FAC 工厂297 FBP BL SW 行逆程脉冲消隐开关298 F-BW 强制黑白切换299 FEATURE-BOX 特色电路组件300 FGP FM伴音(BG、I、DK制)预置音量301 FILT;FILTER;FLT 滤波器302 FM 调频模拟伴音303 FM GAIN 调频伴音增益304 FM LEEL 调频伴音电平305 FMA 调频伴音衰减电平306 FORCED COLOUR 强制彩色307 FRAME 桢;框308 FRU、FR、FRY U(、Y)信号桢309 FSW 强制开关310 FU 福字设定(康佳)311 FUNCTIONAL TEST 功能测试312 FOL FM伴音音量预刻度313 G 绿;显像管亮平衡绿色调整314 G BIAS;G CUT OFF;G_ 显像管暗平衡绿色调整315 G DRIE;G DRIE GAIN 绿色激励(显像管亮平衡绿色调整)316 GAM;GAMMA Y校正317 GATE PULSE 选通脉冲318 GB;GC;GCF;GCO;GCT;GCUT;GCUT OFF绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整319 GD;GDR;GDR 绿激励;显像管亮平衡绿色调整320 GENERAL 一般性的(调整)321 GEOMETRIC;GEOMETRY 光栅几何失真322 GG;G-GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整323 GLOBAL 全球;全球立体声324 GRC 绿色截止点;显像管暗平衡绿色调整325 GREEN 绿326 GREEN GAIN 绿增益;显像管亮平衡绿色调整327 H AFC 行AFC(增益)328 H AMPLITUDE 行幅329 H BLANK L;H BLK L 行左消隐;左黑边调整330 H BLANK R;H BLK R 行右消隐;右黑边调整331 H BLK PHASE50 50Hz行消隐相位332 H CENTER 50 50Hz行中心333 H FREQ 行频334 H PHASE;H PHASE SHIFT 航向位;行中心335 H POSITION 行中心;(字符)水平位置336 H SHIFT 行中心337 H AMP H.AMP(行幅)338 HAFC 行AFC;AFC中心数据339 HALF TONE SW 半色调增益选择340 HBL;HBR 水平消隐左(右)宽度341 HBS 行消隐宽度ON/OFF342 HC 四角失真(飞利浦)343 HC;H-C;H-CENTER 行中心344 HCO 高压跟踪模式345 H-COMPENSATION 行补偿346 H-CORNER 行边角失真;角部枕形失真347 H-CORRECT 水平校正348 HCP 水平补偿;光栅屏幕亮度变化时,行幅校正设置349 HD 行中心(飞利浦)350 H-FRE 行频351 HI BLUE 显像管亮平衡蓝色调整352 HI GAIN高增益;增强接受设定(康佳)353 HI GREEN 显像管亮平衡绿色调整354 HIT高度;场幅355 HITS 60Hz场扫描场幅校正数据;50/60Hz场幅差异356 HOLD 保持357 HOR 水平;行;画中画左右对称(海信)358 HORIZONTAL POS50 50Hz场频行中心359 HOTEL 旅馆模式360 HOTEL CHANNEL 旅馆频道361 HOUT CLOCK SW 行输出时钟切换362 HP;H-PARAB 水平枕形失真;左右枕形失真363 H-PHA;H-PHASE 行相位;水平中心364 HPOS;H-POS;HPS 水平位置;行中心365 HR 屏显水平位置366 HS 旅馆模式(飞利浦)367 H-S;HSF;HSH;H-SHIFT 水平位置;行中心368 HSIZE;HSZ 行幅369 HT;HTILT;HTLHTR;H-TRAP;HTRP 几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真) 370 HTR;H-TRAP;HTRP 几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真)371 HH;H 高压变动引起的行幅(场幅)变化补偿372 HW;H-W;H-WIDTH 行幅373 I I伴音制式设置374 IF-FRE 中频频率375 IR-PLL 中频锁相环376 IGR IGR立体声;西德制式立体声377 INDEX 索引378 INTC 色调调整中心数据379 ITL 隔行扫描380 JSW 跳跃ON/OFF开关381 KARAOKE 卡拉OK382 KEY 梯形失真校正383 KEYS 60Hz梯形失真校正384 LA 音频电平调整385 LAN;LANG 语言;屏显语言设定386 LANG/LOGO 语言/标志387 LANGUAGE 语言;菜单文字设定388 LBK 左消隐宽度389 LCB;LCBOW 下部偏中弓形失真390 LCP 下角枕形失真391 LEFT 左;画中画靠左边位置(海信)392 LE 电平393 LIM 限幅;RGB限幅ON/OFF(索尼)394 LIN 线性;场线性395 LINE WIDTH 行宽396 LLN 下部场线性397 LO BLUE;LO GREEN 暗平衡蓝色(绿色)调整398 LT1 亮度信号瞬态改善(LTI)方式1399 LTILT;LTL 下部倾斜失真(梯形失真)400 LUM LINEAR 亮度信号线性401 LYB;LYBOW 垂直下角弓形失真402 M M伴音制式设置403 M00 模式数据(M表示模式数据,数字表示第几个模式数据)404 MAIN MENU 主菜单405 M-DSP 主屏幕显示位置水平方向406 LIS 60Hz场线性407 M 速度调制;M(速度调制)电平;M(速度调制)ON/OFF;伴音静音408 M0 视频模式0;CD(视频/色度/扫描)模式0409 MC 距屏幕顶1/4~3/4区域进行线性调整;垂直S校正;垂直积分补偿410 MH M(速度调整)限幅器(高)411 ML M(速度调整)限幅器(低)412 OCAL CUT 消声413 OF 场关断414 OL 音量415 OL32 音量32值设定416 OLS SCART接口音量417 OLUME-CON 音量控制418 OM 音量输出增益419 P;POS;POSITION;PS 场中心420 S 场S校正(飞利浦)421 S;-S 场中心422 -S.CORR;SC;SCO;SCOR 场S校正423 SC;-SCROLL 垂直卷动(索尼\三星) -^4C:J424 S-CORRECTION 场S校正425 SD 场扫描关闭,进入水平一条亮线状态426 SF;SH;SHFT;SHIFT 场中心427 SL;-SLOPE 场线性;场线性对称点428 SM50 场同步范围开关(场频50Hz时)429 SW 视频静噪开关430 SZ 场幅431 X 场放大432 ZW 垂直变焦433 WARM (白平衡)暖色调434 WD 窗口选择435 WDS 窗口选择436 W-H 加权437 WHITE DRIE 显像管亮平衡调整;白平衡激励调整438 WHITE PEAK LIMIT 峰白限制439 WHITE TONE 白色调;白平衡色温440 WID;WIDE 宽度;行幅441 WIDE PICTURE-MUTE 图像消隐开关442 WIDE P-MUTE START 图像静噪开始443 WIDE P-MUTE STOP 图像静噪停止444 WIDE -BLK START 场消隐开始445 WIDE -BLK STOP 场消隐停止446 WIDE -BLK SW 场消隐宽度开关447 WIDS 60Hz行幅度448 WIP 划变449 WOOFER 低音扬声器450 WRP 写入位置451 WSP 划变速度452 XBS BASS 重低音453 XTL 晶振454 XOL 外接预置音量455 Y 亮度信号456 Y SUB 副对比度457 Y SUB CONTRAST 亮度信号副对比度458 Y BLK 亮度信号消隐459 Y-BOW 场弓形失真460 YC-AJ YC调整461 Y-CI DELAY Y-CI(亮度/色度改善)延时462 Y-DELAY;YDL 亮度信号延迟463 Y-DL SW PAL NTSC PAL/NTSC亮度延迟464 YFI亮度信号滤波器调整465 YNR 亮度信号降噪466 ZOOM 变焦467 ZSW 变焦开关。
Preliminary W89C926 PENTIC+PCMCIA ETHERNET NETWORKTWISTED PAIR INTERFACE CONTROLLERPublication Release Date: January 1996GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe W89C926 PENTIC+ is a CMOS device designed for easy implementation of PCMCIA R2.1compatible CSMA/CD local area networks. The W89C926 combines a W89C902 Serial LAN Coprocessor for Twisted-pair (SLCT) with a PCMCIA Bus Interface (PBI), thus integrating into a single chip all the registers and logic necessary to connect the SLCT to buffer SRAMs, flash memories (or an EEPROM), and the PCMCIA system bus.The PCMCIA Bus Interface (PBI) is designed to provide a switchless setting architecture that allows the card setting to be configured by software. It implements a full set of PCMCIA registers for PCMCIA R2.1 compatibility and a set of configuration registers for switchless card setting. The card can be configured quickly and easily by modifying the contents of the configuration registers. The PENTIC+ can run with shared memory mode and NE2000TM I/O mode drivers on a 16-bit bus interface. No extra effort is needed to ensure software compatibility.The PENTIC+ provides a flexible flash memory (up to 128 KB)/EEPROM (up to 512 bytes)architecture for PCMCIA nonvolatile storage and an ID/Configuration auto-load architecture for power-on initialization. Vendors can store the Ethernet ® ID, configuration, and CIS in the flash memory or EEPROM. The PENTIC+ will auto-load necessary information when power is switched on.FEATURES• Runs with NE2000TMor shared memory drivers• Supports up to 128 KB flash memory (8K/112K for attribute/common memory) or 512 bytesEEPROM (for attribute memory only) for nonvolatile memory• Uses one 16 KB SRAM or one 32 KB SRAM (if EEPROM is used) for 16 KB Ethernet ring buffer • Auto-load algorithm provided for power-on initialization • Supports necessary PCMCIA registers• Configuration registers allow switchless card setting • UTP/BNC auto media-switching function provided •Drives necessary LEDs for network status display• Single 5V power supply with low power consumption • 100-pin thin package (TQFP) fits into PCMCIA Type II profileEthernet ® is a registered trademark of the Xerox Corporation.NE2000TM is a trademark of Novell, Inc.PIN CONFIGURATIONPublication Release Date: January 1996PIN DESCRIPTIONPublication Release Date: January 1996Pin Description, continuedPin Description, continuedPublication Release Date: January 1996Pin Description, continuedNote: I: input pin; O: output pin; IO: bidirectional input/output pin; TTL: TTL level buffer stage; ODH: open drain buffer stage;MOS: MOS level buffer stage; 3SH: Tri-state buffer stage; DIF: differential buffer stage, XTAL: crystal.BLOCK DIAGRAMPublication Release Date: January 1996FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONADDRESS MAPPINGEEPROM MAPPINGEEPROM ADDRESSHIGH BYTELOW BYTE 00H -Word Count01H CFB CFA 02H ID-1ID-003H ID-3ID-204H ID-5ID-405H Check SumBoard Type (05H)06H-08H --09H 57H 57H 0AH-nH CIS CIS (n+1) H-FFH--Notes:1. The fifth (05H) word is used for shared memory mode and the ninth (09H) word is used for NE2000 mode.2. Word Count = nH (n should be set as a non zero value, a zero value will cause an unpredicted error).ATTRIBUTE MEMORY MAPPINGTYPE CONTENTS ATTRIBUTE MEMORYOFFSET (HA0-16)00000HFlash CIS 00F9EH00FA0H Flash ID-000FA2H Flash ID-100FA4H Flash ID-200FA6H Flash ID-300FA8H Flash ID-400FAAH Flash ID-500FACH Flash Board Type (05H)00FAEH Flash Check Sum00FB0H Flash-00FB2H Flash-00FB4H Flash-00FB6H Flash-00FB8H Flash-00FBAH Flash-00FBCH Flash57H00FBEH Flash57H00FC0H Flash CFA00FC2H Flash CFB---00FD0H Register COR00FD2H Register CCSR00FD4H Register-00FD6H Register SCR-Register Reserved (see note) 00FF0H Register CFA00FF2H Register CFB00FF4H Register SRRegister Reserved 00FF6H00FFEHFlash CIS 01000H03FFEHPublication Release Date: January 1996EECS/FCS Pull Low (EEPROM)ATTRIBUTE MEMORY OFFSET (HA0-16)TYPE CONTENTS00000H 003D6HMemory (SRAM)CIS-Unsued -00FD0H Register COR 00FD2H Register CCSR 00FD4H Register -00FD6HRegister SCR-Register Reserved (see note)00FF0H Register CFA 00FF2H Register CFB 00FF4H Register SR 00FF6H 00FFEH Register Reserved01000H 03FFEHUnused-Notes:1.The reserved register space in the attribute space is left for future extension. Users should not place their application in this area.2. When EECS/FCS is pulled high, address 00FA0H to 00FFEH is used for Ethernet ID, configuration, and registers. Vendors should not put CIS in this region.3. When EECS/FCS is pulled low, Address 00000H to 003D6H is read-only. The PENTIC+ will ignore write accesses to this area.NE2000 Mode MappingI/O MappingSYSTEM I/O OFFSET (HA0-4)NAME OPERATION 00H 0FH LCE Core Registers Register Read/Write 10H 17H Remote DMA PortRemote DMA Read/Write 18H 1FHReset PortSoftware ResetNotes:1. The PENTIC+ decodes only HA0-4 for I/O access, so the IOBase address is left for the host adapter and the socket service to determine.2. To issue a S/W reset, simply issue an I/O read to the Reset Port. The PENTIC+ will assert a 600 nS internal reset pulse to reset the core state machine. If the host tries to access the PENTIC+, WAIT will be asserted low until the reset is completed.Buffer Memory MappingNIC COREMEMORY MAPNE2000 COMPATIBLE0000H001FHID Registers0020H00FFHAliased0100H3FFFHID Registers4000H 7FFFH Buffer SRAM (16K × 8)8000H BFFFHAliased ID RegistersC000HFFFFHAliased Buffer SRAMNonvolatile Memory MappingF/EE = 1 (flash memory used)SYSTEMOFFSET (HA0-16)MEMORY TYPE NAME00000H 03FFFH Attribute/FlashCIS/ID/PCMCIA Register(8K × 8)04000H 1FFFFH Common/Flash(112K × 8)F/EE = 0 (EEPROM used)SYSTEMOFFSET (HA0-16)MEMORY TYPE NAME00000H 003D6H Attribute/(Note)CIS(492 × 8)Notes:1. This attribute memory is an image from EEPROM. It is actually resident in upper half of the SRAM after power-on auto-loading.2. Refer to "Attribute Memory Mapping" for detailed locations.3. The PENTIC+ decodes HA0-16 for memory access. The (common or attribute) MEMBase addresses are left for the host adapter and the socket service to determine.Publication Release Date: January 1996Shared Memory Mode MappingI/O MappingSYSTEM I/O OFFSET (HA0-4)NAME OPERATION 00H MMA I/O Write 01H Word/-Byte I/O Read 05H MMB I/O Write 08H 0FH ID Registers I/O Read 10H 1FHLCE Core RegistersRegister Read/WriteNotes:1. The PENTIC+ decodes only HA0-4 for I/O access, so the IOBase address is left for the host adapter and the socket service to determine.2. MMA and MMB are used for shared memory mapping control. Since the PENTIC+ decodes only MSA = 0000H to 03FFFH for shared memory that is, the shared memory base address for the PENTIC+ is 00000H, MMB and bit 0 to 5 of MMA should be set to 0.3. Since the PENTIC+ supports 16-bit mode only, the Word/-Byte will be read as 01H.Buffer Memory MappingSYSTEMOFFSET (HA0-16)MEMORY TYPE SHARED MEMORY MODE 00000H 03FFFH Common/SRAM Buffer SRAM (16K × 8)04000H 07FFFHCommon/(Note)UnusedNotes:1. This region is occupied by flash memory.2. The PENTIC+ decodes HA0-16 for memory access. The (common or attribute) MEMBase addresses are left for the host adapter and the socket service to determine.Nonvolatile Memory Mapping F/EE = 1 (flash memory used)SYSTEM OFFSET (HA0-16)MEMORY TYPENAME00000H 03FFFH Attribute/Flash CIS/ID/PCMCIA Register(8K × 8)04000H 1FFFFHCommon/Flash(112K × 8)F/EE = 0 (EEPROM used)SYSTEM OFFSET (HA0-16)MEMORY TYPENAME 00000H 003D6HAttribute/(Note)CIS (492x 8)Notes:1. This attribute memory is an image from EEPROM. It is physically resident in upper half of the SRAM after power-on auto-loading.2. Refer to "Attribute Memory Mapping" for detailed locations.3. The PENTIC+ decodes HA0-16 for memory access. The (common or attribute) MEMBase addresses are left for the host adapter and the socket service to determine.REGISTER FILEThe W89C926 PENTIC+ has four register sets: the core register set, the PCMCIA configuration register set, the LAN configuration register set, and the special control register set. The core register set is the same as that in the W89C90 and will not be discussed here. The other three register sets are described below.PCMCIA Configuration Register SetThe PENTIC+ provides three PCMCIA configuration registers needed to ensure compatibility with various operating systems.COR (Configuration Option Register)Access Address: AMBase + 00FD0H Access Type: Attribute Memory Read/Write BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION0-5IDX0-5Configuration IndexThese six bits are used to indicate entry of the card configuration table located in the CIS (Card Information Structure; refer to PCMCIA R2.1).These bits are 0 at power-on.6-Reserved, must be 1 (level mode interrupt) when read.7SRESETS/W ResetA software reset is issued when a 1 is written to this bit. This is the same as a H/W reset except that this bit and the necessary information (CFA,CFB, CIS, and Ethernet ID) are not cleared, and the auto-load procedure is not performed. Returning a 0 to this bit will leave the PENTIC+ in a post-reset state the same as that following a hardware reset. The value of this bit at power-on is 0.Publication Release Date: January 1996CCSR (Card Configuration and Status Register)Access Address: AMBase + 00FD2H Access Type: Attribute Memory Read/Write BIT SYMBOLDESCRIPTION0-Reserved, must be 0.1IntrInterrupt StatusThis bit indicates the internal status of an interrupt request. It remains high until the condition that caused the interrupt request has been serviced.This bit is 0 at power-on.2-7-Reserved, must be 0s.SCR (Socket and Copy Register)The SCR is used to enable the PENTIC+ to distinguish between similar cards installed in the same system.Access Address: AMBase + 00FD6H Access Type: Attribute Memory Read/Write BIT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION0-3SocNumSocket NumberSet these bits to indicate to the PENTIC+ that it is located in the n'thsocket. The first socket is numbered 0. This permits any cards designed to do so to share a common set of IO ports while remaining uniquely identifiable. These bits are 0 at power-on.4-6CopNumCopy NumberSet these bits to indicate to the PENTIC+ that it is the n'th copy of another card installed in the system that is configured identically. The first identical card should be assigned a value of 0 as its copy number. This permits any cards designed to do so to share a common set of I/O ports whileremaining uniquely identifiable and consecutively ordered. These bits are 0s at power-on.7-Reserved, must be 0.LAN Configuration Register SetThese two registers are used for LAN configuration control.CFA (Configuration Register A)This register is used to select the PENTIC+'s operating mode and LED control.Access Address: AMBase + 00FF0H Access Type: Attribute Memory Read/WriteCFB (Configuration Register B)Access Address: AMBase + 00FF2HPublication Release Date: January 1996Special Control Register SetThese registers are used for special checking or EEPROM access control.Signature Register (SR)A signature register is used for identification so that the software driver can easily distinguish between different chips. The content can be read out in toggled order as follows:Access Address: AMBase + 00FF4H Access Type: Attribute Memory ReadMSB LSB(2N)th time:10001000where N = 1, 2, ... (after H/W reset)(2N-1)th time:00000000EEPROM Access Register (EEAR)This register is located on page 3 and is used for EEPROM read/write access control. It is inhibited when EECS/FCS is pulled high.Access Address: IOBase + 02H Access Type: I/O Read/WriteEEPROM Address/Data Register (ADR)This register is located on page 3 and is used for EEPROM address or data transfer during EEPROM access.Access Address: IOBase + 04HAccess Type: I/O Read/WritePOWER-ON INITIALIZATION AND AUTO-LOADING PROCESSWhen powered on, the system should reset the card first, as required by the PCMCIA specifications. The reset signal will trigger a number of internal operations: First, the PENTIC+ monitors the EECS/FCS pin to determined where the configurations are stored. If this pin is pulled high, the configurations are stored in the flash memory; if it is pulled low, they are stored in an EEPROM. Then, within 10ms after the reset pulse is negated, the PENTIC+ will automatically load the configurations, ID, and CIS data into the LAN configuration registers and the upper half of SRAM (if an EEPROM is used). During this auto-load procedure the PENTIC+ will assert IREQ low for Rdy/Bsy signaling, since the socket is configured at the memory-only interface during initialization. Note that this auto-load operation occurs only after a hardware reset pulse. A software reset (including setting COR.SRESET = 1) will not invoke this operation.EECS/FCS Pulled HighIf EECS/FCS is pulled high, this indicates that the configurations are stored in a flash memory. Accordingly, after a power-on reset the PENTIC+ will automatically load the LAN configuration registers from flash memory. The Ethernet IDs stored in the flash memory will be mapped into ID registers automatically when they are read.Publication Release Date: January 1996EECS/FCS Pulled LowIf EECS/FCS is pulled low, this indicates that the configurations, Ethernet ID, and CIS are stored inan EEPROM. In this case, after a power-on reset the PENTIC+ will load the configurations into the LAN configuration registers and the Ethernet IDs and CIS into the higher half of SRAM memory (with auto-mapping to ID registers and attribute memory space, respectively). Since the EEPROM used is a 93C66, a serial EEPROM storage device, the access time is quite long and the system has to wait for the loading sequence (refer to PCMCIA R2.1). Loading a word of EEPROM typically takes 34 µS.The exact time for EEPROM loading depends on the length of CIS but must not exceed 10 mS.EEPROM Contents Load BackWhen an EEPROM is used to store CIS, the PENTIC+ allows the contents of the EEPROM to bemodified by means of the following sequence:write (EEAR, EOS = 1 EW/ER = 1)write (ADR, address);write (ADR, word_data);wait ( );repeat (read(EEAR, EOS); ) until (EOS = 0);/* The entire sequence should be consecutive or the process will be aborted. */Publication Release Date: January 1996The ADR register located at page3 04H of the core controller is used as a temporary register for EEPROM read/write. When the EEPROM load-back sequence specified above is performed, the content of the specified address will be overwritten by the new data. Note that since the EEPROM is word-aligned, each time the sequence is performed one word of data is modified. The address range available is from 00H to ffH. To make sure that the EEPROM is written correctly, the programmer can use the following read-check process to read a word from a specified address in the EEPROM.write (EEAR, EOS = 1 EW/ER = 0);write (ADR, address);wait ( );repeat (read(EEAR, EOS); ) until (EOS = 0);read(ADR);/* read word data *//* The entire sequence should be consecutive or the process will be aborted. */Note that data will be kept in the ADR until they are updated. That is, the data can be read out any time afterwards unless new data have been written.SRAM Physical MapWhen an EEPROM is used for attribute memory storage, the 32K byte SRAM has two roles in the PENTIC+ design: the first 16K bytes of SRAM serve as an Ethernet buffer ring, while the remainder is used for temporary storage of Ethernet IDs and CIS storage (if EECS/FCS is pulled low). The detailed physical mapping of the SRAM memory is shown in the table below. When a flash memory is used, only a 16K byte SRAM is needed to serve as the Ethernet ring buffer.Note that if EECS/FCS is pulled low, the CIS is stored in the SRAM starting at address 4010H. The length of the CIS depends on the word count specified in the first byte of EEPROM. During a power-on reset, the PENTIC+ will load the exact word count specified in the EEPROM rather than read in all bytes in the EEPROM.The PENTIC+ will automatically translate the address from the host if the host tries to read CIS. It will translate the attribute memory address by assuming that the first CIS byte is stored at 00H of attribute memory, the second CIS byte is stored at 02H, and so forth. Users should assign CIS accordingly, or else the CIS may be lost.Also note that for auto-load information write protection, the PENTIC+ will ignore any write operation above 4000H of SRAM. If it is necessary to change the settings, users should do so by writing the flash memory or EEPROM.Minimal System DesignA low-cost, dedicated LAN card can be designed using the PENTIC+ chip, a 32K x 8 SRAM, a serial EEPROM (93C66/93CS66), and a pig tail for the network interface MAU, along with certain other peripheral components. The following is a sample CIS table that can be used with this minimal system design:01 03 dc 03 ff17 03 5b 09 ff1a 05 01 01 e0 1f 0f1b 13 c1 c1 7d 19 55 15 26 00 33 43 16 45 70 ff ff 48 40 00 0014 00f0 09 'WinICard' ff21 02 06 0320 04 u00 u01 u02 u0315 14 04 01 u04 u05 u06 u07 u08 u09 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18 u19 00 ffff ffFLASH MEMORY ACCESSThe flash access and the buffer SRAM share the same memory support bus. The address pins of the flash memory are directly connected to MSA bus and data are accessed through the MSD bus. EECS/FCS is active low if it is pulled high and the attribute memory is accessed in the range 00000H to 03FFFH or the common memory is accessed in the range 04000H to 1FFFFH. Note that CFB.FWE should be set to 1 before a flash write command is issued.I/O MODE OPERATIONThe I/O mode provides two DMA channels for system access. The remote DMA moves data between system memory space and local memory space. The local DMA moves data between the FIFO of the SLCT and local memory space. However, since the SLCT can handle local DMA operations without system intervention (refer to the data sheet for the SLCT), the system has to perform only re-mote DMA reads/writes.In a transmit operation, the data should first be moved from the system to local buffer memory. This is simply an "OUT" command on the PC. Then the system orders the SLCT to start transmission, and the local DMA starts to move data from buffer memory to the transmit FIFO for transmission.In a receive operation, the local DMA moves received data from the receive FIFO to the buffer and asserts IREQ to the system when the buffer ring needs to be serviced. The system must move dataPublication Release Date: January 1996out before the buffer ring overflows. This is done through a remote DMA read operation, which is simply a "IN" command on the PC.SHARED MEMORY MODE OPERATIONIn this mode, the local memory is mapped as part of the system memory. When it requires data transmission, the host fills the transmit buffer SRAM by a memory move operation and then issues a transmit command to the PENTIC+. When it receives data, the PENTIC+ will generate an interrupt to the host by asserting IREQ when one or more packets have been received. The PENTIC+ will then place the packets into the shared memory. The host should check the shared memory and remove the data before the buffer ring overflows.Bus arbitration is performed between the host and LCE core for shared memory usage. When memory accesses are issued, the arbiter will grant the bus master an acknowledge signal, which is a BACK to the LCE or a WAIT signal to the host. There is no predefined priority in the PENTIC+; bus arbitration is performed on a first-come, first-served basis.To implement the shared memory mode, the PENTIC+ uses memory mapping register A (MMA) and memory mapping register B (MMB) for memory mapping control. Since the PENTIC+ will operate in 16-bit shared memory operation at shared memory base address 00000H only, 0s should be written to MMB and bit 0 to 5 of MMA. The contents of the MMA are described below. MMA (Memory Mapping Register A)MMA is used for memory enable and software reset. It is located in I/O space, 00H, and can be ac-cessed only in shared memory mode. Access Address: IOBASE + 00H Access Type: write-onlyBIT SYMBOLDESCRIPTION0-5-Reserved. Should be set to 0.6MEN If this bit is high, the buffer memory may be accessed by the system; if it is low, the buffer memory access is disabled. This bit is 0 at power-on.7SRESETA shared memory mode software reset is issued when a 1 is written to this bit. Writing a 0 to this bit will clear the software reset. This bit is 0 at power-on.AUTO MEDIA-SWITCHING FUNCTIONThe PENTIC+ also provides a user-friendly auto media-switching function. If the PENTIC+ is configured at the TPI, link checking is enabled, and the UTP link is broken, the PENTIC+ will detect the link status and switch to the BNC port immediately. After the UTP link is repaired, the PENTIC+will detect the good link and switch back to the TPI again.If, however, the PENTIC+ is not configured at the TPI or link checking is disabled, the auto media-switching function will be disabled.BUS ARBITRATION AND STATE DIAGRAMThe PENTIC+ handles bus arbitration automatically. It can operate in four modes: idle state, slave read/write mode, DMA mode, and shared memory mode. The PENTIC+ controls the on-board devices by decoding these modes.At power-on, the PENTIC+ is in idle mode. If a register read/write command is issued, the PENTIC+enters the slave read/write mode. If a local DMA or remote DMA (I/O mode only) is initiated by the PENTIC+ core coprocessor, the PENTIC+ enters DMA mode. A memory command will place the PENTIC+ in memory mode. At any given time, the PENTIC+ can be in only one state. The PENTIC+handles state changes automatically. However, two events, such as a DMA command and a memory command, may be requested at the same time; in this case, the PENTIC+ allocates the bus on a first-come, first-served basis. No predefined priority is set within the PENTIC+.In cases where the system has no authority on the requested bus, the PENTIC+ will drive the WAIT pin low so that the system can insert wait states. After the PENTIC+ has released the bus authority,WAIT is deasserted to instruct the system to stop inserting wait states.SLCT CORE FUNCTIONThe SLCT core coprocessor has five major logic blocks that control Ethernet operations: the register files, transmit logic, receive logic, FIFO logic, and DMA logic. The relationship between these blocks is depicted in the following block diagram.Publication Release Date: January 1996Core Register FilesThe register files of the SLCT can be accessed by means of IO commands. The PENTIC+ should be in slave mode when the system accesses the register files. The command register (CR) determines the page number of the register file, while the system address HA<0:4> selects one register address from 01H to 0FH (I/O mode) or from 10H to 1FH (shared memory mode). The PCMCIA IORD and IOWR are the read/write commands used to activate the I/O operations. Refer to the W89C90 data sheet for more detailed information on the registers. DMA Interface LogicIn I/O mapping mode, the SLCT provides two types of DMA operations, local DMA and remote DMA.In shared memory mode, only local DMA is available.Local DMAThe local DMA transfers data from/to the on-board buffers. To perform data reception or transmission from/to remote nodes in the network, data must be moved from/to the FIFO. To enhance the effi-ciency of the transmission, the local DMA transfers data in batches: data are first collected and then moved in a batch. Up to 12 bytes of data can be moved in each transfer. This scheme reduces time wasted in requesting the bus.A local DMA begins by requesting the local bus. If the local bus is available to the SLCT core, the bus arbiter inside the PENTIC+ responds at once by asserting the bus acknowledge (BACK, refer to LCE); if, on the other hand, the bus is currently authorized to another device, the arbiter will not assert the bus acknowledge and the SLCT must wait. Note that this sequence will not affect the host system or system bus signals. After each batch of data is transferred, the SLCT checks the FIFO threshold levels to determine if another batch transfer should be requested. Remote DMAA remote DMA can be performed only in I/O mode. The remote DMA moves data between the host and the local buffers. Unlike a local DMA, the remote DMA is word-wide: the remote DMA operation transfers one word each time.Since a remote DMA is simply a system I/O operation, it sometimes affects the system bus. If the remote DMA is interleaved with other devices, WAIT is asserted to force the system to insert wait states. The PENTIC+ will automatically handle any arbitration necessary.FIFO LogicThe SLCT has a 16-byte FIFO, which acts as an internal buffer to compensate for differences in the transmission/reception speed of different DMAs. The FIFO has FIFO threshold pointers to determine the level at which it should initiate a local DMA. The threshold levels, Which are different for reception and transmission, are defined in the DCR register.The FIFO logic also provides FIFO overrun and underrun signals for network management purposes. If received packets are flooding into the FIFO but the SLCT still does not have bus authority, the FIFO may be overrun. On the other hand, if a transmission begins before data are fed into the FIFO, it may be underrun. Either case results in a network error. FIFO overruns and underruns can be prevented by changing the values of the FIFO thresholds.Normally, the data in the FIFO cannot be read; reading FIFO data during normal operation may cause WAIT to be asserted and the system to hang. In loopback mode, however, the SLCT allows FIFO data to be read by byte in order to check the correctness of the loopback operation.Receive LogicThe receive logic is responsible for receiving the serial network data and packing the data in byte/word sequence. The receive logic thus has serial-to-parallel logic in addition to network detection capability.The PENTIC+ accepts both physical addresses and group addresses (multicast and broadcast ad-dresses). The SLCT extracts the address field from the serial input data. It then determines if the address is acceptable according to the configurations defined in the Receive Configuration Register (RCR). If the address is not acceptable, the packet reception is aborted. If the address is acceptable, the data packet is sent to the serial-to-parallel logic before being fed into the FIFO.After receiving a data packet, the SLCT automatically adds four bytes of data receive status, next packet pointer, and two bytes of receive byte count into the FIFO for network management purposes. The receive status contains the status of the incoming packet, so that the system can determine if the packet is desired. The next packet pointer points to the starting address of the next packet in the local receive ring. The receive byte count is the length of the packet received by the SLCT. Note that the receive byte count may be different from the "length" field specified in the Ethernet packet format. These four bytes of data will be transferred to the local buffer with the last batch of the local DMA. However, these four bytes are stored at the first four addresses of the packet.Transmit LogicThe SLCT must be filled before transmission may begin. That is, the local DMA read must begin before the SLCT starts transmission. The SLCT first transmits 62 bits of preamble, then two bits of SFD, and then the data packet. The parallel-to-serial logic serializes the data from the FIFO into a data packet. After the data packet, the SLCT optionally adds four bytes of cyclic redundancy code (CRC) to the tail of the packet.A protocol PLA determines the network operations of the PENTIC+. Collision detection, random back-off, and auto retransmit are implemented in the transmit logic. The protocol PLA ensures that the PENTIC+ follows the IEEE 802.3 protocol.SNA ModuleThe PENTIC+ also contains a serial network adaptor (SNA), which adapts the non-return-to-zero (NRZ) used in the core processor and host system to Manchester coded network symbols. Two kinds of interfacing signals are provided in the PENTIC+: an AUI interface for Ethernet and a coaxial。
BCW89Absolute Maximum Ratings * T C =25°C unless otherwise noted* These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired.NOTES:1)These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C.2)These are state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.Electrical Characteristics T C =25°C unless otherwise notedThermal Characteristics T A =25°C unless otherwise notedSymbol ParameterValue Units V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -60V V CES Collector-Emitter Voltage -60V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage -5.0V I C Collector current- Continuous-500mA T J , T stgJunction and Storage Temperature-55 ~ +150°CSymbolParameterTest ConditionMin.Max.Units Off CharacteristicsV (BR)CBO Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage I C = -10µA, I E = 0-80V V (BR)CEO Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage I C = -2.0mA, I B = 0-60V V (BR)CES Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage I C = -10µA, I E = 0-60V V (BR)EBO Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage I C = -10µA, I C = 0-5.0V I CBOCollector Cutoff CurrentV CB = -20V, I E = 0V CB = -20V, I E = 0, T A = +100°C -100-10nA µAOn Characteristics h FE DC Current GainV CE = -5.0V, I C = -2.0mA 120260V CE(sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I C = -10mA, I B = -0.5mA -0.3V V BE(on)Base-Emitter On Voltage V CE = -5.0V, I C = -2.0mA -0.6-0.75V Small Signal CharacteristicsNFNoise FigureV CE = -5.0V, I C = -200µA R S = 2.0k Ω, f = 1.0kHz B W = 200Hz10dBSymbol ParameterMax.Units P D Total Device Dissipation Derate above 25°C3502.8mW mW/°C R θJAThermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient357°C/WBCW89PNP General Purpose Amplifier•This device is designed for general purpose medium power amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 300mA.•Sourced from process 68.1. Base2. Emitter3. Collector123SOT-23Mark: H3TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN;NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationFormative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.PreliminaryFirst ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.No Identification Needed Full ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.Obsolete Not In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.FACT™FACT Quiet series™FAST ®FASTr™FRFET™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™I 2C™ImpliedDisconnect™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MicroFET™MicroPak™MICROWIRE™MSX™MSXPro™OCX™OCXPro™OPTOLOGIC ®OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN™POP™Power247™PowerTrench ®QFET™QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™RapidConfigure™RapidConnect™SILENT SWITCHER ®SMART START™SPM™Stealth™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TinyLogic ®TruTranslation™UHC™UltraFET ®VCX™ACEx™ActiveArray™Bottomless™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT ™DOME™EcoSPARK™E 2CMOS™EnSigna™Across the board. Around the world.™The Power Franchise™Programmable Active Droop™分销商库存信息: FAIRCHILDBCW89。
芯片描述 ............................ 14
绪论............................................................... 14 特征............................................................... 14 麦克风输入......................................................... 15 PGA 和 ALC 操作 .....................................................15 线输入(AUXL、AUXR)............................................... 15 ADC................................................................ 15 HI-FI DAC..........................................................15 输出混合器......................................................... 15 音频接口........................................................... 15 控制接口........................................................... 16 时钟配置........................................................... 16 电源控制........................................................... 16 信号输入路线....................................................... 16 麦克风输入......................................................... 16 输入 PGA 音量控制...................................................18 辅助输入........................................................... 19 输入 BOOST .........................................................19 麦克风偏置电路..................................................... 21 模数转换(ADC).................................................... 22 ADC 数字滤波 .......................................................22 可选的高通滤波器................................................... 23 可调陷波滤波器..................................................... 23 数字 ADC 音量控制...................................................24
HSMB-C190, HSMB-C170, HSMB-C110, HSMB-C150, HSMB-C191Device Selection GuideFootprint (mm) SiC Blue Parts Per Reel 2.00 x 1.25 HSMB-C170 40001.60 x 0.80 HSMB-C190/C191 40003.20 x 1.00[1] HSMB-C110 30003.20 x 1.60 HSMB-C1503000Note:1.Right-angle package.CAUTION: HSMB-C1xx LEDs are Class 1A ESD sensitive per JESD22-A114C.01. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Avago Technologies Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.HSMB-CxxxSurface Mount Chip LEDsData SheetFeatures• Small Size• Industry Standard Footprint • Compatible with IR Solder • Diffused Optics• Operating Temperature Range of –30°C to +85°C • Right Angle Package Available • SiC Blue Color•Available in 8 mm Tape on 7" (178 mm) Diameter ReelsApplications• Keypad Backlighting• Push-Button Backlighting • LCD Backlighting • Symbol Backlighting •Front Panel IndicatorDescriptionThese Blue chip LEDs are designed in an industry standard package for ease of handling and use. Blue color chip LED is a new product that offers color differentiation for backlighting applications.The HSMB-C150 has the industry standard 3.2 x 1.6 mm footprint that is excellent for all around use. The HSMB-C170 has the widely used 2.0 x 1.25 mm footprint. The HSMB-C190 and HSMB-C191 have the industry standard 1.6 x 0.8 mm footprint, and their low profiles (0.8 mm for HSMB-C190 and 0.6 mm for HSMB-C191) and wide view-ing angles make these LEDs exceptional for backlighting applications.The HSMB-C110 is a right-angle package with the univer-sally accepted dimensions of 3.2 x 1.0 x 1.5 mm. T his part is ideal for LCD backlighting and sidelighting applications.All packages are compatible with IR reflow solder pro-cesses. The small size and wide viewing angle make these LEDs prime choices for backlighting applications and front panel illumination especially where space is a premium.Package DimensionsHSMB-C190HSMB-C170HSMB-C110HSMB-C150TERMINALTERMINAL0.50 ± 0.2TERMINALTERMINALHSMB-C110HSMB-C191NOTE:1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).2. TOLERANCE IS ± 0.1 mm (± 0.004 IN.) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A =25°CParameter HSMB-C190/C170/C110/C150/C191 Units DC Forward Current [1] 20 mA Peak Pulsing Current [2] 100 mA Power Dissipation 92 mW Reverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 V Maximum LED Junction Temperature 95 °C Operating Temperature Range -30 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range -40 to +85 °CSoldering Temperature See reflow soldering profile (Figure 7 & 8)N otes:1. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 4 for temperature above 25°C.2. Pulse condition of 1/10 duty and 0.1 msec. width.TERMINALLight Intensity (Iv) Bin Limits [1]Intensity (mcd) Intensity (mcd) Bin ID Min. Max. Bin ID Min. Max. A 0.11 0.18 N 28.50 45.00 B 0.18 0.29 P 45.00 71.50 C 0.29 0.45 Q 71.50 112.50 D 0.45 0.72 R 112.50 180.00 E 0.72 1.10 S 180.00 285.00 F 1.10 1.80 T 285.00 450.00 G 1.80 2.80 U 450.00 715.00 H 2.80 4.50 V 715.00 1125.00 J 4.50 7.20 W 1125.00 1800.00 K 7.20 11.20 X 1800.00 2850.00 L 11.20 18.00 Y 2850.00 4500.00M 18.00 28.50 Optical Characteristics at T A =25°CLuminousPeakDominant Viewing Intensity [1]Wavelength Wavelength Angle 2θ1/2 Part No.ColorI v (mcd) @ 20 mA λpeak (nm) λd (nm) (degrees)[2]Min. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. C190/C170/ C150/C191 HSMB-C110 SiC Blue1.806.5428466130N otes:1. The luminous intensity, I v , is measured at the peak of the spatial radiation pattern, which may not be aligned with the mechanical axis of the lamp package.2. u 1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the peak intensity.Electrical Characteristics at T A =25°CReverseForward Voltage Breakdown Thermal Capacitance C V F (Volts) V R (Volts) Resistance (pF) @ V F = 0 V, Part No. @ I F = 20 mA @ I R = 100 µAR θJ-P (°C/W) f = 1 MHz Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Typ. HSMB-C190/C170/C150/C191 3.8 4.6 5 300 67HSMB-C110 3.8 4.6530067Note:1. Bin categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your Avago representative for information on currently avail-able bins.Tolerance: ±1 nmNote:1. Bin categories are established for class-ification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your Avago representative for information on currently available bins.Blue Color Bins [1] Dom. Wavelength (nm) Bin ID Min. Max. A 460.0 465.0 B 465.0 470.0 C 470.0 475.0 D 475.0 480.0V F Tolerance: ±0.1 VTolerance: ±15%Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength.Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current.Figure 4. Maximum Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature.Figure 5. Relative Intensity vs. Angle for HSMB-C110.Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage.21001010.13.0 3.2 3.6 3.84.0V F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m A3.4051525I F – FORWARD CURRENT – mA0.41.01.2R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )HSMB-C190 fig 3200.60.20.81002502060801005I F M A X . – M A X I M U M F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C40HSMB-C190 fig 4151020380100058068020R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y –%WAVELENGTH – nm480HSMB-C190 fig 1604080R EL AT I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %ANGLEHSMB-C190 fig 5bR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %ANGLEFigure 6. Relative Intensity vs. Angle for HSMB-C170, HSMB-C190, HSMB-C150, and HSMB-C191.Figure 9. Recommended Soldering Pattern for HSMB-C170.Figure 10. Recommended Soldering Pattern for HSMB-C190 and C191.Figure 11. Recommended Soldering Pattern for HSMB-C110.Figure 8. Recommended Pb-free Reflow Soldering Profile.Note:1. All dimensions in millimeters (inches).(0.035)HSMB-C190 fig 80.8(0.028)HSMB-C190 fig 9HSMB-C190 fig 6R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %1000ANGLE806050702010304090-70-50-3002030507090-90-20-80-60-40-1010406080Figure 7. Recommended reflow soldering profile.(Acc. to J-STD-020C)TIMET E M P E R A T U R E(0.059)(0.059)(0.079)HSSM-C110 fig 87T E M P E R A T U R ENote:1. All dimensions in millimeters (inches).Figure 13. Reeling Orientation.Figure 12. Recommended Soldering Pattern for HSMB-C150.(0.059)(0.059)(0.079)HSMX-C190 fig 8Figure 16. Tape Leader and Trailer Dimensions.Notes:1. All dimensions in millimeters (inches).2. Tolerance is ±0.1 mm (±0.004 in.) unless otherwise specified.fig 14ENDSTARTSEALED WITH COVER TAPE.SEALED WITH COVER TAPE.OF CARRIER AND/ORCOVER TAPE.For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our website: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies Limited in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2006 Avago Technologies Limited. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5989-0417EN AV02-0613EN - July 27, 2007Reflow Soldering:For more information on reflow soldering, refer to Application Note AN-1060, Surface Mounting SMT LED Indicator Components.Storage Condition: 5 to 30°C @ 60%RH max.Baking is required before mounting, if:1. Humidity Indicator Card is > 10% when read at 23 ± 5°C.2. Device expose to factory conditions <30°C/60%RH more than 672 hours.Recommended baking condition: 60±5°C for 20 hours.。
HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. LTD. 水液防火器型号 H3(重金属)技术数据说明书
DELUGE VALVEMODEL-H3 (DUCTILE IRON)TECHNICAL DATAMODEL H3-Ductile Iron ASTM A536-77 GRADE 65-45-12NOMINAL SIZE200, 150, 100, 80 & 50NBSERVICE PRESSURE 1.4 to 17.6 kg/sq.cm (20 to 250 psi)END CONNECTION Flange X FlangeGroove X Groove THREADED OPENING BSPTMOUNTING Vertical or Horizontal FACTORY35 kg/sq.cm (500 psi) HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSUREFLANGEANSI B 16.5 #150 FF CONNECTION is standard supply. (Contact HD Sales for otheroptions)WET PILOT As per graph in the SPRINKLER catalogue HEIGHT LIMITATION NET WEIGHT FXF GXG WITHOUT TRIM 200 NB - 153 kg 143 kg 150 NB - 79 kg 68 kg 100 NB - 50 kg 42 kg 80 NB - 35 kg 29 kg 50 NB - 32 kg 27 kg FINISH Red to RAL 3001APPROVAL UL ListedORDERING 1. Size of valveINFORMATION 2. Flange specification or for Grooved end specify pipe outside diameter 3. Valve mounting- Horizontal or Vertical4. Trim typeGROOVE PIPE SIZE:NOMINAL SIZE Pipe OD in mm2” (50 NB) 60.33” (80 NB) 89.04” (100 NB)114.36” (150 NB)165.16” (150 NB)168.38” (200 NB)219.1NOTE: FOR 6”(150 NB) STANDARD SUPPL Y IS 168.3 mm OD GROOVE PIPE. FOR 165.1mm REQUIREMENT, SPECIFY IN ORDERDESCRIPTIONDeluge Valve is known as a system control valve in a deluge system, used for fast application of water in a spray system. Deluge valve protects areas such as power transformer installation, storage tank, conveyor protection and other industrial application etc. With the addition of foaming agent, deluge valve can be used to protect aircraft hanger and inflammable liquid fire.VALVE OPERATIONHD Deluge Valve is a quick release, hydraulically operated diaphragm valve. It has three chambers, isolated from each other by the diaphragm operated clapper and seat seal. While in SET position, water pressure is transmitted through an external bypass check valve and restriction orifice from the system supply side to the top chamber , so that supply pressure in the top chamber act across the diaphragm operated clapper which holds the seat against the inlet supply pressure, because of the differential pressure design. On detection of fire, the top chamber is vented to atmosphere through the outlet port via opened actuation devices. The top chamber pressure cannot be replenished through the restricted inlet port, and the upward force of the supply pressure lifts the clapper allowing the water flow to the system piping network and alarm devices.TRIM DESCRIPTIONThe trims are functionally termed as Dry Pilot Trim, Wet Pilot Trim, Electric Trim and T est & Alarm Trim as per the method of actuation of the deluge valve.The functionality of these trims are described below:a) DRY PILOT TRIM (PNEUMATIC RELEASE)Dry pilot operation uses a pilot line of closed Sprinklers/ QB Detectors containing air under pressure, located in the area to be protected. It requires regulated dry air supply with main supply point through restricted orifice. The air pressure to be maintained as specified in the catalogue of Dry Pilot Actuator (HD 252). The pilot line is connected to air inlet side of actuator . The top chamber of the deluge valve is connected to water inlet side of actuator . When there is an air pressure drop, or due to release of any of the releasing device on detection of fire, the diaphragm of actuator is lifted and allows the water to drain. This releases the water pressure in the top chamber of the deluge valve, allowing the deluge valve to open and water to flow into the system piping & alarm devices. Recommended air supply pressure for dry pilot trim system is 3.5 kg/sq.cm.User must install non return valve at air supply connection to deluge valve trim.In dry pilot trim, an actuator (DPA) is provided. An optional Pneumatic Reset Device (PRD) can be provided, which acts as a manual reset devicein the dry pilot line.b) WET PILOT TRIM (HYDRAULIC RELEASE)Wet pilot operation uses a pilot line of closed Sprinklers/QB Detectors containing pressurized water , supplied through the upstream side of the Deluge valve, through a restricted orifice. Due to release of any one of the releasing device, the water pressure in the top chamber of the Deluge valve drops and the Deluge valve opens.c) ELECTRIC RELEASE TRIMT o actuate a Deluge valve electrically, a solenoid valve is provided to drain the water from the top chamber of the Deluge valve. A pressure switch is provided to activate an electric alarm, to shut down the desired equipment or to give “Tripped” indication of the Deluge valve. In addition to this a pressure switch can also monitor “Low air pressure” and “Fire condition” when used in drypilot air line.d) TEST AND ALARM TRIMThis trim is supplied with a test valve provided to test the normal operation of the sprinkler alarm bell. The sprinkler alarm can be supplied additionally,which bells on actuation of the Deluge valve.e) DRAIN AND DRIP TRIMThis consists of main and system drain valve inaddition with drip valve.TRIM TYPESThe trims are designated as following:W =Wet Pilot trim D = Dry Pilot Trima) Type ET-W and ET-DThis type of trim is basic trim required to operate the deluge valve. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switchfor sensing & annunciation are optional.b) Type ETW-D and ETD-DThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trim along with the drip and drain trim. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switch for sensing & annunciationare optional.c) Type ETW-T and ETD-TThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trims along with the test & alarm trim. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switch for sensing & annunciationare optional.d) Type NT-W and NT-DThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trim along with the test and alarm trim as well as the drip and drain trim. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switchfor sensing & annunciation are optional.RESETTING PROCEDUREA. When priming connection is below the upstreamvalve (Stop Valve)(i) Close the upstream side stop valve provided belowthe deluge valve to cease the flow of water . (ii) Open both the drain valves/ drain plugs and closewhen the flow of water has ceased. (iii) Close the release device/replace the Sprinkler ifrelease was through Sprinkler/ QB Detector . (iv) Inspect and restore/ replace/ repair if required,the section of the detection system subjected to “Fire condition”. (v) In case of dry pilot detection system, open theair supply valve to build-up air pressure. Open the priming valve fully. When top chamber pressure is more than 50% of the inlet pressure, open the upstream side of the stop valve provided below the Deluge valve. No water should flow into the system. (vi) When priming shut off valve (optional) is providedfor resetting, then the water need to be drained from upstream side of valve.B. When priming connection is from the inlet ofDeluge Valve (Auto resetting) (i) The deluge valve will reset automatically whenreleasing devices which were responsible for deluge valve opening are closed or restored back to their original status (i.e closing of ERS or replacing the damaged Sprinkler if release was through Sprinkler/ QB Detector or closing of Solenoid valve). The reset time may be long or cause vibration while closing depending upon the system back pressure at the outlet of the valve.CAUTION(a) Do not close the priming valve, downstream and upstream stop valves, while system is in service (b) The releasing device must be maintained in the open position, when actuated, to prevent the deluge valve from closure if anti shut off valve is not provided (c) While using a deluge valve in the wet pilot system the height and the length of the wet pilot detection line is to be limited as shown in the wet pilot sprinkler height limitation graph (d) Do not connect the Sprinkler Alarm outlet drain line to close a common drain as it may create back pressure & Sprinkler Alarm may not function (e) Deluge valve must have support to absorb sudden opening or closing vibration shock to the piping (f) T o avoid water damage, take precautions when opening the water supply main control valve, since water will flow from all open system valves (g) The responsibility of maintenance of the protection system and devices in proper operating condition lies with the owner of the system.(h) Deluge Valve & its trim shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 4o C. Heat tracing is not permitted. (i) Deluge Valve must be used in pressurised system.SYSTEM TESTING PROCEDURE(i) Keep the upstream side of the stop valve partially open. T o avoid water flow to system side, close the system side stop valve. This valve is to be kept inopen position after the testing is completed.(ii) Let any of the release devices to trip. This will result in a sudden drop of water pressure in the deluge valve top chamber which in turn will open the deluge valve. Close the upstream side stop valve immediately.(iii) Reset the valve as per the procedure given under heading “RESETTING PROCEDURE FOR THE DELUGE VAL VE”INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEInstalled system piping network must be flushed properly before placing the Deluge valve in service.A qualified and trained person must commission the system. After few initial successful tests, an authorized person must be trained to perform inspection and testing of the system. It isrecommended to have regular inspection and test runof the system as per NFPA guideline or in accordance to the organisation having local jurisdiction.(i) WARNINGInspection and testing is to be carried out only byauthorised and trained personnel. DO NOT TURNOFF the water supply or close any valve to make repair(s), or test the valve without placing a roving fire patrol in the area covered by thesystem. Also inform the local security personneland central alarm station, so that there is nofalse alarm signal.It is recommended to carry out physical inspection of the system at least twice in a week. The inspection should verify that all the control valves are in proper position as per the system requirement and that there are no damages toany component.The frequency of inspections must be increasedin the presence of contaminated water supplies, corrosive/scaling water supplies, and corrosive atmospheres.(ii) NORMAL CONDITION(a) All main valves are open and are sealed with tamper proof seal (b) Drain valves must be kept closed(c) No leak or drip is detected from the drip valve (d) All the gauges except the system side water pressure gauge, should show the required pressure(e) There should be no leakage in the system(iii) NORMAL CONDITION TEST(a) The system should be checked for normalcondition at least once in a week(b) T est the sprinkler alarm bell or electric alarmby turning the alarm test valve to the testposition. The alarm should sound. This test shouldbe carried out at least once in a week(c) Depress the drip valve knob. Significantaccumulation indicates a possible seat leakage(d) Conduct the water flow test as per the systemtesting procedure at least once a month(iv) PERIODIC CHECKConduct the water flow test by actuating few of the release devices provided in the system. Clean all strainer(s) and line restriction nipple. This test is to be carried out at least once in three months.ABNORMAL CONDITION (i) ALARM FAILS TO SOUND (a) Check for any obstruction in the alarm test line, make certain that the sprinkler alarm is free to operate(b) If an electric alarm is provided, check theelectrical circuitry to the alarm(ii) FALSE TRIPS (a) Check for clogging in priming line, restrictionorifice check valve, priming valve & strainer(b) Leakage in the release system (c) The deluge air line restriction orifice clogged or low supply pressure(iii) LEAKAGE THROUGH THE DELUGE VALVE(a) Damaged deluge valve seat or obstruction on the seat face by foreign object (b) Leakage in release system(c) Partly clogged priming line restriction orifice check valve (d) Low air pressure on release system line or leakage in release systemNOTE :(1) UL Listing is valid only when Deluge Valve is installed with trim set as per trim drawing.(2) The trip time of deluge valve on-off device throughdetection network, will depend on volume of detection network. If the trip time of deluge valve is more, then it can be substantially reduced by installing check valve in branch of release line in the detection network. The check valve flow shall be towards releasing device.(3) The pneumatic system must have restricted orifice at air or gas supply point. The restriction nozzle are supplied with HD dry pilot actuation trim.(4) UL Listing is valid only when Listed Solenoid Valve provided for electric operation of the deluge valve is retained in the trim. If any other solenoid valve is used, the deluge valve trip time may be quitehigh or deluge valve may not trip.(5) The Pressure Gauges standard supply is 300 psifor water gauge for system pressure upto 175psi. If system pressure is more than 175 psi, then order for 600 psi water pressure gauges.DELUGE VALVE MODEL - H3 SIZE 200 / 150 / 100 / 80/ 50 NBGroove x Groove Flange x FlangeDIMENSION in millimeter (Approximate)* Stainless Steel is standard supply, Bronze is an optional supply.** Ductile Iron is standard supply, Bronze/Stainless Steel is an optional supply.*** EPDM is standard supply with Stainless Steel Seat, Neoprene is an optional supply with Stainless Steel & Bronze Seat. NA - PART REPLACEMENT NOT AVAILABLESCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 1SCHEMATIC 2FLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONTTET-DSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 3SCHEMATIC 4FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTION TO DETECTION ETW-TETD-TSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 5SCHEMATIC 6FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTION TO DETECTION ETW-DETD-DSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR VERTICAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 7SCHEMATIC 8FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONNT-WNT-DFLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVESCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 9SCHEMATIC 10ODTO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONODET-WET-DSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 11SCHEMATIC 12FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVEODTO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONODETW-TETD-TSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC WET PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 14FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONODTO DETECTIONODSCHEMATIC 11ETW-DETD-DSCHEMATIC FOR BASIC DRY PILOT TRIM FOR DELUGE VALVEMODEL - H3 FOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGSCHEMATIC 15SCHEMATIC 16FLANGE X FLANGEFLANGE X FLANGEGROOVE X GROOVEGROOVE X GROOVETO DETECTIONTO DETECTIONNT-WNT-DDV 150NBDV 200NBDV 100NBDV 80NBDV - 50NBSYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120 KG/SQ.CMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H E I G H T - F T . ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120 KG/SQ.CMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H E I G H T - F T . ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120KG/SQ.CMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H E I G H T - F T . ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120KG/SQ.CMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H E I G H T - F T . ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120KG/SQ.CMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H E I G H T - F T . ------60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525F E E T 250 FE E T500 F E E T60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525FEE T250 F E E T500 FE E T 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.240657025FE E T 250 FE ET 500 F EE T60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.240657025F E E T 250FE E T 500F E ET 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525 F EE T 250F E ET500 F E ETLIMITED WARRANTYHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. hereby referred to as HD FIRE warrants to the original purchaser of the fire protection products manufactured by HD FIRE and to any other person to whom such equipment is transferred, that such products will be free from defect in material and workmanship under normal use and care, for two (2) years from the date of shipment by HD FIRE. Products or Components supplied or used by HD FIRE, but manufactured by others, are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. No warranty is given for product or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, unauthorized repair , alteration or un-maintained. HD FIRE shall not be responsible for system design errors or improper installation or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by buyer or buyer’s representatives.HD FIRE will repair or replace defective material free of charge, which is returned to our factory, transportation charge prepaid, provided after our inspection the material is found to have been defective at the time of initial shipment from our works. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product including damages for injury to person, damages to property and penalties resulting from any products and components manufactured by HD FIRE. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or labour charges or expense in making repair or adjustment to the product. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or charges sustained in the adaptation or use of its engineering data & services. In no event shall HD Fire’s product liability exceed an amount equal to the sale price.The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and representation whether expressed, implied, oral or written, including but not limited to, any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such other warranties and representations are hereby cancelled.NOTICE :The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest publication standards of NFPA or other similar organisations and also with the provision of government codes or ordinances wherever applicable.The information provided by us is to the best of our knowledge and belief, and consist of general guidelines only. Site handling and installation control is not in our scope. Hence we give no guarantee for result and take no liability for damages, loss or penalties whatsoever , resulting from our suggestion, information, recommendation or damages due to our product.Product development is a continuous programme of HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. and hence the right to modify any specification without prior notice is reserved with the company.D-6/2, ROAD NO. 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400 604, INDIA.• TEL: + (91) 22 2158 2600 • FAX: +(91) 22 2158 2602•EMAIL:***************• WEB: HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD.Protecting What Matters Most to YouDELUGE VALVE MODEL H30. B(2I N C H)80N B( 3I N C H)100N B(4I N C H)150N B(6I N C H)200N B(8I N C H)****** 2.3 psi Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 m/s) velocity having flow of 594 lpm through 50NB DV * 4.7 psi Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 m/s) velocity having flow of 1308 lpm through 80NB DV * 4.7 psi Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 m/s) velocity having flow of 2255 lpm through 100NB DV * 7.5 psi Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 m/s) velocity having flow of 5117 lpm through 150NB DV * 8.4 psi Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 m/s) velocity having flow of 8854 lpm through 200NB DVNominal Pressure Loss vs Flow(* Flow at 15 feet per second [4.57 meter per second]) velocityN o m i n a l P r e s s u r e L o s s i n P o u n d s p e r S q u a r e I n c h (p s i )Flow Rate in Liters Per Minute (lpm)。
数控 数控铣削刀具
工具系统是针对数控 机床要求与之配套的 刀具必须可快换和高 效切削而发展起来的, 是刀具与机床的接口。
主要成分Al2O3,抗弯强度低,怕冲击 ,易崩刃。用于钢、铸铁、高硬材料及 高精度零件的精加工。
人工合成的高硬度材料,其强度低, 焊接性差。用于加工淬硬钢、冷硬铸铁 、高温合金等。是加工铁系最硬的刀具 材料。
是最硬的刀具材料,耐磨性极高,但 韧性差。与铁系材料亲和力大,不适 于加工黑色金属。主要用于加工有色 金属和非金属材料的高速精加工。
◆钨钴类:韧性较好,但硬度和耐磨性较差。适用于加工脆 性材料,如铸铁。常用牌号:YG8、YG6、YG3 依次适于粗加工、半精加工和精加工
◆钨钛钴类:YT,耐热性和耐磨性较好,但抗冲击韧性较差。 适于加工呈带状的钢料等塑性材料。常用牌号: YT5、YT15、YT30适于粗加工、半精加工和 精加工
可转位专用铣刀:用于加工某些特定零件,其型式和尺寸取决 于所用机床和零件的加工要求
可转位铣 刀的齿数
粗齿铣刀:大余量粗加工、软材料、切削 宽度较大、机床功率较小
中齿铣刀:通用系列,使用范围广泛,具 有较高的金属切除率和切削稳定性
密齿铣刀:用于铸铁、铝合金和有色金属 的大进给速度切削加工
பைடு நூலகம்
通用性:仿形铣 和曲面铣,以坡 走铣或螺旋插补 铣加工型腔适用 于高速加工
如今,公司全体员工正走专业化、特色化、精细化经营之道,并朝着两年时间内年销售额翻两番的目标奋力前进!北京铁强仪表科技发展有限公司产品选型样本目录01、磁翻柱液位计 (3)02、浮球液位计(液位开关) (5)03、防爆浮球液位开关 (7)04、玻璃板式液位计 (8)05、玻璃管式液位计 (10)06、钢带液位计 (12)07、重锤探测液位计 (14)08、超声波物位计 (15)09、智能雷达液位计 (17)10、导波雷达液位计 (19)11、电容式液位计 (21)12、射频导纳物位控制器 (23)13、音叉物位控制器 (25)14、磁致伸缩物位计 (27)15、压力液位变送器 (29)16、小型浮球液位计(液位开关) (31)17、常用客户名单 (32)注:我们是一家专业生产物位仪器仪表的科技型公司,随着市场的需求变化、我们的技术人员也会在保证质量的前提下,对产品进行改进,改造后的产品外观会有所变化、性能也会有所提高。
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Inches Min 0.105 0.047 0.0145 0.0033 Max 0.120 0.055 0.043 0.021 0.0059
2.67 1.20 0.37 0.085
NOM 1.9 0.01 2.10 0.10 2.50
NOM 0.075 0.0004 0.0825 0.004 0.0985NO 0.95NOM 0.37
Zetex plc. Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9-8NP, United Kingdom. Telephone: (44)161-627 5105 (Sales), (44)161-627 4963 (General Enquiries) Facsimile: (44)161-627 5467 Zetex GmbH Streitfeldstraße 19 D-81673 München Telefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0 Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49 Zetex Inc. 87 Modular Avenue Commack NY11725 Telephone: (516) 543-7100 Fax: (516) 864-7630 Zetex (Asia) Ltd. 3510 Metroplaza, Tower 2 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong Telephone:(852) 26100 611 Fax: (852) 24250 494 These are supported by agents and distributors in major countries world-wide Zetex plc 1995
mV mV mV mV mV
Spice parameter data is available upon request for this device PAGE NO
Millimeters Min Max 3.05 1.40 1.10 0.53 0.15
This publication is issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contract or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. The Company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (at Tamb = 25°C unless otherwise stated).
TYP. MAX. UNIT CONDITIONS. -100 -10 -750 -300
IE =0, VCB =-20V IE =0, VCB =-20V, Tj=100°C IC =-2.0mA, VCE =-5.0V IC =-10mA, IB =-0.5mA IC =-50mA, IB =-2.5mA IC =-10mA, IB =-0.5mA IC =-50mA, IB =-2.5mA IC =-10µ A, VCE =-5.0V IC =-2.0mA, VCE =-5.0V IC =-10mA, VCE =-5.0V f =35MHz IE =Ie =0, VCB =-10V f =1MHz IC =-200µ A, VCE =-5.0V RS =2.0KΩ , f =1KHz B =200Hz
PARAMETER Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage (IC =-2mA) Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current Peak Collector Current Power Dissipation at Tamb=25°C Operating and Storage Temperature Range PARAMETER Collector-Base Cut-Off Current Base-Emitter Voltage Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage Static Forward Current Transfer Ratio Transition Frequency Collector Capacitance Noise Figure SYMBOL MIN. ICBO VBE VCE(sat) VBE(sat) hFE fT CTC N -600 -80 -150 -720 -810 120 90 150 7 10 260 MHz pF dB SYMBOL VCBO VCES VCEO VEBO IC ICM Ptot Tj:Tstg VALUE -80 -60 -60 -5 -100 -200 330 -55 to +150 UNIT V V V V mA mA mW °C