AwesomeMath summer math program qualification Test A
以下是一个例子:data = Import["data.csv"];这里我们导入了一个名为“data.csv”的CSV文件。
以下是一个例子:f[x_] := x^2 + 2x + 1;这里我们定义了一个名为“f”的函数,它的形参为“x”,函数体为“x^2 + 2x + 1”。
以下是一个例子:min = Minimize[f[x], x];这里我们使用了Minimize函数,寻找了函数“f”在所有实数范围内的最小值。
以下是一个例子:max = Maximize[f[x], x];这里我们使用了Maximize函数,寻找了函数“f”在所有实数范围内的最大值。
以下是一个例子:min = NMinimize[f[x], x];这里我们使用了NMinimize函数,寻找了函数“f”在所有实数范围内的最小值,返回了一个数值近似解。
/Mathematics/index.htm麻省理工学院开放式课程网页,很多视频资料/courses/index.html富有特色的数学网站大观/ide/index.html这是美国Addison Wesley Longman出版公司属下的一个网站,提供了该公司出版的大量微分方程教材的实时模拟实验。
mathematica进行巴特沃斯滤波 -回复
mathematica进行巴特沃斯滤波-回复如何使用Mathematica进行巴特沃斯滤波巴特沃斯滤波(Butterworth filter)是一种常用的滤波器,常用于信号处理和图像处理领域。
1. 了解巴特沃斯滤波器的原理巴特沃斯滤波器是一种无纹波(ripple-free)和无瞬时谐振(no transient resonances)的滤波器。
巴特沃斯滤波器的频率响应函数可以表示为:H(ω) = 1 / (√(1 + (ω / ωc)^(2N)))其中,H(ω)表示频率响应函数,ω表示频率,ωc表示截止频率,N表示滤波器的阶数。
2. 导入Mathematica软件并创建滤波器函数首先,打开Mathematica软件。
然后,我们通过以下代码创建巴特沃斯滤波器函数:ButterworthFilter[cutoff_, order_] := ButterworthFilterModel[order, cutoff]此代码定义了一个名为ButterworthFilter的函数,该函数接受两个参数:截止频率cutoff和滤波器阶数order。
3. 设计巴特沃斯滤波器接下来,我们使用刚刚定义的巴特沃斯滤波器函数来设计一个巴特沃斯滤波器。
通过以下代码实现:cutoff = 0.1; (* 设置截止频率为0.1 *)order = 4; (* 设置阶数为4 *)filter = ButterworthFilter[cutoff, order]这段代码定义了截止频率为0.1,阶数为4的一个巴特沃斯滤波器。
mathematica命令大全mathematica命令大全Mathematica的内部常数Pi , 或π(从基本输入工具栏输入, 或“Esc”+“p”+“Esc”)圆周率πE (从基本输入工具栏输入, 或“Esc”+“ee”+“Esc”)自然对数的底数eI (从基本输入工具栏输入, 或“Esc”+“ii”+“Esc”)虚数单位iInfinity, 或∞(从基本输入工具栏输入, 或“Esc”+“inf”+“Esc”)无穷大∞Degree 或°(从基本输入工具栏输入,或“Esc”+“deg”+“Esc”)度Mathematica的常用内部数学函数指数函数Exp[x] 以e为底数对数函数Log[x] 自然对数,即以e为底数的对数Log[a,x] 以a为底数的x的对数开方函数Sqrt[x] 表示x的算术平方根绝对值函数Abs[x] 表示x的绝对值三角函数(自变量的单位为弧度)Sin[x] 正弦函数Cos[x] 余弦函数Tan[x] 正切函数Cot[x] 余切函数Sec[x] 正割函数Csc[x] 余割函数反三角函数ArcSin[x] 反正弦函数ArcCos[x] 反余弦函数ArcT an[x] 反正切函数ArcCot[x] 反余切函数ArcSec[x] 反正割函数ArcCsc[x] 反余割函数双曲函数Sinh[x] 双曲正弦函数Cosh[x] 双曲余弦函数Tanh[x] 双曲正切函数Coth[x] 双曲余切函数Sech[x] 双曲正割函数Csch[x] 双曲余割函数反双曲函数ArcSinh[x] 反双曲正弦函数ArcCosh[x] 反双曲余弦函数ArcTanh[x] 反双曲正切函数ArcCoth[x] 反双曲余切函数ArcSech[x] 反双曲正割函数ArcCsch[x] 反双曲余割函数求角度函数ArcTan[x,y]以坐标原点为顶点,x轴正半轴为始边,从原点到点(x,y)的射线为终边的角,其单位为弧度数论函数GCD[a,b,c,...] 最大公约数函数LCM[a,b,c,...] 最小公倍数函数Mod[m,n] 求余函数(表示m 除以n的余数)Quotient[m,n] 求商函数(表示m除以n的商)Divisors[n] 求所有可以整除n的整数FactorInteger[n] 因数分解,即把整数分解成质数的乘积Prime[n] 求第n个质数PrimeQ[n]判断整数n是否为质数,若是,则结果为True,否则结果为FalseRandom[Integer,{m,n}] 随机产生m到n之间的整数排列组合函数Factorial[n]或n!阶乘函数,表示n的阶乘复数函数Re[z] 实部函数Im[z] 虚部函数Arg(z) 辐角函数Abs[z] 求复数的模Conjugate[z] 求复数的共轭复数Exp[z] 复数指数函数求整函数与截尾函数Ceiling[x] 表示大于或等于实数x的最小整数Floor[x] 表示小于或等于实数x的最大整数Round[x] 表示最接近x的整数IntegerPart[x] 表示实数x的整数部分FractionalPart[x] 表示实数x的小数部分分数与浮点数运算函数N[num]或num//N 把精确数num化成浮点数(默认16位有效数字)N[num,n] 把精确数num化成具有n个有效数字的浮点数NumberForm[num,n] 以n个有效数字表示num Rationalize[float] 将浮点数float转换成与其相等的分数Rationalize[float,dx] 将浮点数float转换成与其近似相等的分数,误差小于dx最大、最小函数Max[a,b,c,...] 求最大数Min[a,b,c,...] 求最小数符号函数Sign[x]Mathematica中的数学运算符a+b加法a-b 减法a*b (可用空格键代替*) 乘法a/b (输入方法为:“ Ctrl ” + “ / ” )除法a^b (输入方法为:“ Ctrl ” + “ ^” )乘方-a 负号Mathematica的关系运算符==等于< 小于> 大于<= 小于或等于>= 大于或等于!= 不等于注:上面的关系运算符也可从基本输入工具栏输入。
math.h常用函数 -回复
其中常用的函数有:1. fabs(x):返回x的绝对值。
2. sqrt(x):返回x的平方根。
3. pow(x, y):返回x的y次幂。
例如,pow(2, 3)的返回值为8。
4. ceil(x):返回不小于x的最小整数值。
5. floor(x):返回不大于x的最大整数值。
6. fmod(x, y):返回x除以y的余数。
例如,fmod(10, 3)的返回值为1。
下面列出了一些常见的三角函数及其功能:1. sin(x):返回x的正弦值。
2. cos(x):返回x的余弦值。
3. tan(x):返回x的正切值。
4. asin(x):返回x的反正弦值。
返回值的范围是[-π/2, π/2]。
5. acos(x):返回x的反余弦值。
返回值的范围是[0, π]。
6. atan(x):返回x的反正切值。
返回值的范围是[-π/2, π/2]。
我的导师最初希望我去做的题目,是对appearance 和motion建立一个unified的model。
这个题目在当今Computer Vision中百花齐放的世界中并没有任何特别的地方。
事实上,使用各种Graphical Model把各种东西联合在一起framework,在近年的论文中并不少见。
我不否认现在广泛流行的Graphical Model是对复杂现象建模的有力工具,但是,我认为它不是panacea(万应灵药),并不能取代对于所研究的问题的深入的钻研。
事实上,开始的时候,我也是和Vision中很多人一样,想着去做一个Graphical Model——我的导师指出,这样的做法只是重复一些标准的流程,并没有很大的价值。
大学毕业后当一名数学老师英语作文篇1My Dream Job: Becoming a Math TeacherHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm in 5th grade and I absolutely LOVE math! I know that might sound weird to some kids, but to me, math is like a super cool puzzle that you get to solve over and over again. I find it really satisfying when I finally figure out a tricky problem after working really hard on it. Math just clicks for me in a way that other subjects don't.Ever since I was a little kid, I've known I wanted to be a math teacher when I grew up. My mom says I used to line up my stuffed animals and "teach" them about numbers and shapes before I even started kindergarten! I had this really great math teacher in 2nd grade named Mr. Parker who made learning math so much fun. We did all these awesome hands-on activities and games that helped the concepts stick in my brain. I could tell Mr. Parker really loved teaching and loved seeing us understand the material. That's when I decided - I want to be just like him!I'm sure some people are probably thinking, "But Timmy, you're just a kid! How can you possibly know what you want todo for the rest of your life?" Well, yeah, I might change my mind eventually I guess. But for right now, being a math teacher is my absolute dream job. Let me tell you why.First off, I'll get to work with my favorite subject every single day! How cool is that? I won't have to dread going to work because math is fun and exciting for me. I really enjoy explaining math concepts to others too, even to my classmates who struggle with it. When you understand something really well, it's awesome to be able to share that knowledge and see the lightbulb go off for someone else. That must be such a great feeling as a teacher!Secondly, I'll get to help shape young minds and inspire a love of learning in my students, just like Mr. Parker did for me. I know how discouraging it can feel when you just can't "get" a certain math skill. By being a caring, patient and creative teacher, I can find different ways to explain ideas until they finally click. Seeing my students have those "aha!" moments when a tough concept starts making sense will be so rewarding. And who knows, I might even inspire a few future mathematicians along the way!Another great perk of being a math teacher is that I'll have summers off to relax and recharge. Don't get me wrong,teaching seems like incredibly hard work during the school year. But getting those couple months of summer vacation every year to pursue other interests and hobbies sounds amazing. Maybe I could even pick up a fun summer job or go on vacations. The flexibility of the teaching schedule is a huge plus.Of course, the road to becoming a math teacher isn't an easy one. After I graduate from high school, I'll need to go to college for at least 4 years to earn a bachelor's degree, probably in math or education. During college I'll take tons of math courses to really deepen my number skills. I'll also have to take classes on things like teaching methods, child psychology, and classroom management. It will be a lot of challenging coursework for sure.Then after college, most states require new teachers to complete an internship or student teaching experience before they can get certified. So I'll likely have to spend a semester or two teaching math classes at a school under the supervision of an experienced mentor teacher. This will help me get hands-on practice with lesson planning, working with students, grading assignments, and everything else that goes into being an effective math teacher. It's going to be really hard work, but so worth it in the end!Once I make it through my degree and credential program, I'll finally get to start applying for math teacher jobs at elementary, middle or high schools in my local area. Of course, competition for teaching positions can be pretty tough, so I'll need to really sell myself during job interviews. I'll emphasize my passion for math and working with young people. I'll highlight any experience I had tutoring, coaching, or working at summer camps. Maybe I can even show some sample math lesson plans I created to demonstrate my skills.If all goes well and I land my dream job, I can imagine it will be both incredibly fulfilling but also incredibly challenging at times. Some kids might be disruptive or hard to motivate. Dealing with rules, curriculum standards and standardized testing from administrators could be frustrating. Having to grade hundreds of quizzes and assignments on top of creating engaging lesson plans will eat up many late nights at home too. But in the end, I'll persevere because helping kids understand and appreciate math is my calling.Just picture it - I'm standing in front of my class, colored markers in hand, walking students through step-by-step how to solve an algebraic equation. Despite a few glazed over looks, I can see that lightbulb moment when over half the class suddenly"gets" it. That feeling of knowing I made a difference and helped kids learn? That's what will make all the hard work worth it. Yep, being a math teacher might just be the most awesome job ever!So that's my big dream for the future - to become an inspiring, passionate, creative math teacher who sparks that same joy of mathematics in my students. Sure, it's going to take a lot of studies, years of training, and tremendous dedication. But in my mind, there's no better way to spend my career than sharing my love for numbers with the next generation. Math has brought me so much happiness and fulfillment, and I can't wait to pass that on. Just call me Mr. Timmy!篇2My Big Dream to Become a Math TeacherHi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade and I absolutely love math class! I know what you might be thinking - "Math? Isn't that the most boring subject ever?" But to me, math is like a giant puzzle that is fun to solve. I get such a rush when I finally figure out a really tricky problem.My favorite part of math is algebra. I know algebra is usually not taught until middle school, but my math teacher Mr. Rodriguez started introducing some basic algebra concepts toour class this year. At first, I was a little confused by all the letters and symbols instead of just numbers. But after Mr. Rodriguez explained it, algebra started to make a lot of sense. It's like a code to describe patterns and solve mysteries!Whenever we do algebra in class, I get super focused and have to stop myself from raising my hand for every single question. I just can't get enough of factoring polynomials, solving for x, and graphing equations. My friends think I'm totally weird for loving algebra so much. They make fun of me for being a "math geek." But I don't even care, I'm proud to be a math nerd!The reason I love math so much is because of Mr. Rodriguez. He has a way of making even the trickiest concepts really clear and easy to understand. He comes up with the best examples and life-like word problems to illustrate what we're learning. Sometimes he even raps the lessons or turns them into fun games. Math class with Mr. Rodriguez is my favorite period of the day.Mr. Rodriguez has inspired me to want to become a math teacher when I grow up. I remember a few months ago, I was having a tough time understanding how to work with exponents.I stayed after class for extra help, feeling really dumb andembarrassed that I couldn't get it. But Mr. Rodriguez was so patient and encouraging. He said, "Tommy, don't be hard on yourself! Exponents can be really confusing at first. It takes time and practice to get the hang of it."He went over examples with me again and again until it finally clicked. When I got my test back and saw that I had aced the exponent problems, I felt so proud! That's when I realized that being a teacher must be such a rewarding job. Helping students understand and cheering them on until they have those "a-ha!" moments. I can't imagine anything more fun than getting to work with math all day and watch kids fall in love with it like I did.Of course, before I can become a math teacher, I have to go to college and get my degree. I've already started looking into the best universities with great mathematics programs. My top choices so far are MIT, CalTech, and Stanford. I know getting into schools like that won't be easy, but I'm going to work really really hard. I plan to join the math team, math club, and any other nerdy math groups I can find!After college, I'll need to get my teaching credential and credential too. That means taking some extra classes on things like lesson planning, classroom management, and childpsychology. It sounds like a lot of work, but I don't even mind. Anything to reach my dream of becoming the next Mr. Rodriguez!I can picture it now - me at the front of my own math classroom, going over geometry proofs on the board. When a student raises their hand with a question, I'll walk over with a smile and patiently re-explain the concept until they've got it. Maybe I'll even put on goofy math costume from time to time, like Mr. Rodriguez does on Pi Day every year. Anything to make math more fun and engaging!Outside of teaching, I'd love to get involved with math competitions, like coaching a math team or creating practice materials. Math competitions were some of the most fun events I did in school. It was so exciting to see which student or team could solve those crazy, mind-bending problems the fastest. As a teacher, I could help prep kids to experience that same thrill of victory.Who knows, maybe I'll even write some math curriculum or textbooks along the way. Ones that really break concepts down in a simple, straightforward way for kids to understand. Mr. Rodriguez is always saying how hard it is to find good teachingmaterials sometimes. If I could create resources to help teachers like him, that would be so awesome!Being a math teacher means more than just teaching formulas and equations though. It's about inspiring a love for the subject in your students. That's what Mr. Rodriguez did for me. Before his class, I thought math was this boring subject filled with arbitrary rules. But he showed me the beauty, logic, and real-world applications behind all of it. Now, I can't get enough!Whenever I see equations or numbers in my daily life, I get all excited. Like when waiting in line to ride a roller coaster, I'll calculate acceleration rates and kinetic energy. Or at the grocery store, I'll estimate prices and discount percentages for fun. Some kids want to grow up to be athletes or movie stars, but not me. Give me a piece of chalk, a chalkboard, and a roomful of students, and I'll be the happiest kid on earth!So there you have it - my dream is to become an awesome math teacher who inspires kids to see how amazing and fun math can be, just like Mr. Rodriguez did for me. It's going to take tons of hard work and many many years of schooling, but it will be worth it to have my dream job. Sure, I may get teased by my friends for being a math nerd now. But just wait, one day I'll bethe really cool math teacher that all the kids look up to. Algebra here I come!篇3Being a Math Teacher After University GraduationHi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. When I grow up, I really want to become a math teacher! I know it might sound kind of boring to some kids, but I absolutely love math. Numbers and equations just make so much sense to me. It's like a fun puzzle that you get to solve over and over again.After I finish elementary school, middle school, and high school, I'm going to go to a great university. I'll have to study really hard and get excellent grades. My parents always tell me that doing well in school is the key to getting into a top university program. I'll probably major in mathematics, but I might also study education so I can learn all about how to be a really awesome teacher.University is going to be so exciting! I can't wait to live in the dorms and make new friends from all over. We'll go to classes together, study at the library, and explore the fun college town. Of course, I'll have to be really responsible and not goof off toomuch. Graduating with good grades is super important if I want to become a professional math teacher.After four years of intense studying, going to lectures, writing papers, and taking tests, I'll finally graduate from university. YAY! I'll get to walk across the big stage and receive my diploma. My family will be there cheering me on and I know they'll be really proud. I'll feel so accomplished knowing that I worked hard and achieved my goal.Then it will be time to enter the real world and get a job as a math teacher! I think I'd like to teach at a high school to start. High school students are old enough to really understand and appreciate higher level math concepts. Subjects like algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics are so intellectually stimulating. As a teacher, I'll get to introduce brilliant young minds to those fascinating areas of math.My dream job would be to work at the high school I once attended. How cool would it be to have some of the same teachers that inspired me as a student? I could decorate my classroom with numbers, formulas, and fun math images to create an engaging learning environment. I'd have a big whiteboard or chalkboard for working out problemsstep-by-step for the whole class.Teaching is such an important responsibility. As a math teacher, it would be my job to make sure every student truly understands the material before letting them move on. I would offer lots of one-on-one support for any kids who are struggling. Maybe I could start an after-school math club or tutoring program too!The best part about being a math teacher is that it combines two of my greatest loves - working with numbers and helping others learn. Every day, I'll get to use my expertise to guide students towards new mathematical discoveries. Seeing a kid's face light up when they finally "get" a complex concept would be the best feeling ever. My students will be the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and more.Over the summers when school is out, I could travel the world and continue learning. Summer math camps, seminars, and conferences happen all over the place. Educators are always working to develop fresh ways of teaching tricky math topics more effectively. I'll never stop being a student of mathematics myself so that I can be on the cutting edge.As the years go by, I might decide to go back to university again. This time, I could get a master's degree or even a doctorate in mathematics education. With an advanced degree, Icould become a math teacher for university students. How rewarding would it be to train young people to become future math teachers themselves? I could have a huge, generational impact by sharing my passion.No matter what, I'm determined to always be involved with mathematics in some way. Numbers and problem-solving strategies will forever be oxygen to my soul. Maybe I'll write math books for kids, become a private tutor, or work on educational math games and software. The possibilities are endless when you follow your true calling.Being a math teacher is such a important yet underappreciated career path. We need more dedicated people who can patiently explain mathematical concepts in a way that inspires curiosity instead of anxiety. Math is a universal language and the foundations for ALL areas of science, technology, engineering, business, and more. Without skilled math instructors at every level, the world's intellectual growth and progress would be stunted.I can't wait to get started on this incredibly meaningful journey. The road to becoming a math teacher after university won't be easy, but it will be so worth it. I'll work as hard as I can to make sure my future students have an excellent guide andmentor for unlocking the beautiful intricacies of mathematics. Who's ready to log some study hours with me?。
自我展示英文作文初一下册第二单元全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Self-Introduction EssayHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm a student in the first year of middle school. I'm really excited to tell you all about myself and my life. Get ready for an awesome adventure into my world!First up, let me describe my appearance. I'm about 5 feet tall, so kind of short for my age. I have brown hair that's a bit messy since I don't like spending too much time fixing it in the mornings. My eyes are green and I have freckles scattered across my nose and cheeks. For clothes, I love wearing t-shirts with cool designs or logos from my favorite movies, games, and bands. Jeans or shorts are my go-to bottoms. I'm a pretty casual dresser!As for my personality, I'd say I'm a fun, energetic, and curious kid. I love cracking jokes to make my friends and family laugh. I'm the class clown for sure! My brain is always buzzing with questions about how things work or fun facts I've learned.Speaking of learning, I really enjoy school, especially science class where we get to do experiments. Math used to be my worst subject, but I've been working super hard to improve.My favorite hobbies are playing video games, watching movies and shows, reading comics and books, and playing sports like basketball and soccer. I've been obsessed with the latest universe-hopping adventure game that just came out. The storyline is epic! After school, you'll probably find me shooting hoops at the park or dribbling a soccer ball around too. I'm a total Marvel nerd and can pretty much recite the entire plot of Avengers: Endgame by heart at this point.My family is really important to me. I live with my mom, dad, and little sister Amy who is 8 years old. My mom is an artist and my dad is a chef at a fancy restaurant downtown. We love having family game nights, going to museums and cultural festivals together, and taking trips whenever we can. Last summer we went camping in the mountains and went hiking, canoeing, and built a huge bonfire for s'mores! My sister and I bickered a bit as usual, but we had an awesome time.One of the biggest challenges I've faced so far was moving to this new city and starting at a new school last year. I was really nervous to leave my old friends behind and have to start oversomewhere new. It took me a little while, but I've made some great new friends here who I hang out with all the time now. We have sleepovers, go to the movies, play video games together online, and just goof around being weird kids. I'm so glad I put myself out there!Looking towards the future, I'm not entirely sure what I want to be when I grow up yet. I have lots of interests and change my mind all the time! Some ideas that seem cool are being a video game designer, scientist, author, or comedian. Maybe I'll be a hilarious scientist who writes jokes into video games about experiments? Who knows! I've got plenty of time to figure it out.Well, that's my life in a nutshell! I tried to cover all the important stuff about my looks, personality, hobbies, family, challenges, and dreams. Thanks for reading my self-introduction essay. I hope you learned a bit about the awesome kid that I am. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'll leave you with one of my cheesy jokes: What kind of shoes do kids plant in a garden? Tulip-shoes!篇2My Name is Lily and I'm a Superstar!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 12 years old. I'm in the 6th grade at Greenfield Elementary School. I'm so excited to tell you all about myself and my amazing life!First of all, I want to talk about my family because they are the most important people in my world. I live with my mom, dad, older brother Jake, and my cute little puppy Rufus. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a police officer. They both work really hard to take care of me and Jake. Jake is 15 and he's kind of annoying sometimes but I still love him!My absolute favorite thing in the whole world is singing and dancing. I'm obsessed with pop music and all the latest songs and dances. Every week I practice singing and choreographing new routines to perform for my family. They cheer me on and make me feel like a total superstar! I really want to try out for the school musical next year.Speaking of school, I actually love learning which some people might find weird. My favorite subjects are art class and English. I'm really creative and I love drawing, painting, and making crafts. One day I want to be a fashion designer! In English, I love reading novels and writing stories. I get really good grades in that class.My least favorite subject is probably math. I just find it kind of boring and it doesn't come naturally to me. But I'm working super hard this year to get better at it. I have a math tutor who helps me understand it more. I know it's important to be good at math for the future.On the weekends, I love hanging out with my best friends Zoe and Emma. We have so much fun together! Sometimes we have sleepovers and watch movies, do makeovers, and eat lots of snacks. Other times we go to the mall or park and just walk around talking and laughing about everything.I'm also really into gymnastics and I practice at my gym a few times a week. I love doing flips and jumps on the different equipment. Gymnastics is awesome exercise and it helps me stay super flexible and in shape. I've won a few competitions before which was really exciting!One of my other hobbies is taking care of my puppy Rufus. He's a golden retriever and he's just the cutest, fluffiest thing ever! I take him on walks, give him baths, brush his fur, and play fetch with him. Rufus always cheers me up when I'm feeling sad or stressed out. Dogs really are a kid's best friend.Over summer vacation, my family usually goes on an awesome trip somewhere fun. Last year we went to Hawaii and itwas incredible! We went snorkeling, hiked up a volcano, and just relaxed on the beautiful beaches. I loved trying new Hawaiian foods like poke bowls and shave ice. This summer we're maybe going to go to Italy which I'm really excited about!Well, that's a little bit about my wonderful life as a12-year-old superstar! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family, awesome friends, and so many cool hobbies and interests. Even though I'm just a kid, I'm living my best life and having as much fun as possible. The world is my oyster and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me!篇3My Name is David and I am 12 Years OldHi everyone! My name is David and I am 12 years old. I am a student in the 6th grade at Oakwood Elementary School. I live with my mom, dad, and little sister Emma who is 8 years old. We also have a dog named Buddy who is a golden retriever. He loves to play fetch and go for walks in the park near our house.I have a lot of different hobbies and interests that I really enjoy. One of my biggest hobbies is playing soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was 5 years old and I am on my school's soccer team as well as a club team. Soccer practice happens 3times per week after school and we have games on the weekends. I play midfielder and I love dribbling the ball up the field and trying to score goals. It is so much fun!Another big hobby of mine is playing video games. My favorite games are adventure and open world games where you can explore different worlds and go on quests. I especially like games that allow you to build and create your own structures. I probably spend a couple hours each day playing video games, either by myself or online with my friends. My parents limit my gaming time though so I don't play too much.I also really like reading books, especially fantasy novel series. I love getting lost in magical worlds filled with dragons, wizards, and epic battles between good and evil. My favorite book series is Harry Potter - I've read all the books multiple times! I'm currently reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy which my dad recommended to me. Reading sparks my imagination and creativity.In school, my favorite subjects are math and science. I find solving math problems and equations really satisfying. In science, I love learning about how things work, whether it's physics, chemistry, or biology. I'm fascinated by the natural world anduniverse. I actually want to be an astronaut when I grow up so I can travel to space and walk on the moon!Speaking of space, I'm really interested in astronomy as a hobby too. I have a fancy telescope that I use to gaze at planets, stars, and galaxies on clear nights. I've seen Saturn's rings, the craters on the moon, and faraway nebulae before. The universe is so vast and there is still so much we have to discover about it. Astronomy fills me with a sense of wonder.One more big hobby I have is building and making things with my hands. I love working on arts and crafts projects like drawing, painting, making bracelets and keychains. But I especially love building models and small machines or robots using Lego kits or k'nex pieces. I'm a member of my school's Robotics Club where we build and program little robots to perform tasks. It's really cool watching something you designed and built come to life and move around! I'm a pretty creative kid.In my free time, I also love just hanging out with my friends and having fun. We play at the playground, ride our bikes, have sleepovers, and goof around. My best friends are Michael, James, and Ryan - we've known each other since kindergarten. I'm so grateful to have such a great group of buddies who make me laugh all the time. Friendship is really important to me.Although I may only be 12, I feel like I have a good idea of what I want to do when I'm older. As I mentioned, I really want to be an astronaut and travel to space. I'm going to have to work really hard in school, especially in science, technology, and math subjects. I'm hoping to go to a good college or university that has an excellent aerospace engineering program. I know it won't be easy, but I am determined to make my dream come true someday.Well, that's a little bit about who I am and what I enjoy doing!I tried my best to give you all a glimpse into my life as a12-year-old kid. I have a lot of typical interests and hobbies that most kids my age have - sports, video games, hanging with friends, etc. But I also have some unique passions like astronomy, engineering, and exploring the depths of space and the cosmos. I'm a pretty curious and ambitious young guy who has big dreams for the future. Thanks for reading my self-introduction essay! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇4My Name is Jackie and I'm Going to Tell You All About Me!Hi there! My name is Jackie and I'm 12 years old. I'm in the 6th grade at Lakeview Elementary School. I can't wait to tell you all about myself and my life!I live with my mom, dad, older brother Tony, and our dog Rufus. My mom is a nurse and my dad is an accountant. My brother Tony is 15 and he's kind of annoying sometimes but he's still a pretty cool guy. Rufus is a golden retriever and he's the cutest, fluffiest dog ever! I just love playing fetch with him in the backyard.My favorite subjects in school are art and gym class. I'm really good at drawing and painting. My art teacher Mrs. Palmer always puts my artwork up on the walls to display it. In gym, I love playing sports like basketball, soccer, and kickball. I'm super competitive and always try my best to help my team win!I have a great group of best friends that I've known since kindergarten - Emma, Jaden, and Ryan. We always have sleepovers on the weekends and it's so much fun. We play games, eat junk food, and stay up way too late watching movies and telling silly stories. Summer is my favorite time because we get to go the pool and have water balloon fights!Some of my other hobbies are reading, riding my bike, and listening to music. I love reading fantasy book series like HarryPotter and Percy Jackson. My bike is bright pink with tassels on the handlebars. I ride it all around the neighborhood and pretend I'm in the Tour de France! As for music, I really like pop singers like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Ed Sheeran. I'm always singing and dancing around my room.My family goes on a big vacation every summer. Last year we went to Disney World in Florida and it was magical! We got to go on all the rides, meet the Disney characters, and watch the fireworks shows every night. The year before that we went camping in the mountains for a week. We went hiking, caught fish in the stream, and made s'mores over the campfire. This summer we're thinking about going to Hawaii or California!Of course, I'm not perfect - I do have some bad habits too. I'm a total slob and my room is always a huge mess. My mom is forever nagging me to clean it up. I also tend to procrastinate on my homework until the very last minute. And sometimes I get in trouble at school for talking too much in class. But I'm working on all those things!In the future, I'm not totally sure what I want to be when I grow up yet. Maybe a teacher, or a doctor, or an artist. Or maybe I'll be a famous singer or actress! I have so many interests that it's hard to pick just one career. Whatever I end up doing though, Iknow I want to travel the world and have an exciting, adventurous life.Well, that's pretty much me in a nutshell! I'm just a regular kid who loves having fun with my family and friends. I try to be a good student and stay out of too much trouble (most of the time!). Even though I'm still young, I have a ton of hobbies, ambitions, and crazy dream for my future. Thanks for reading all about me - I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better!篇5My Name Is EmilyHi there! My name is Emily and I'm 11 years old. I'm in the 5th grade at Franklin Elementary School. I live with my mom, dad, and little brother Tommy who is 7. We also have a dog named Buddy who is a golden retriever. He's really cute and fluffy!I like school, especially math class because I'm good at solving problems. My favorite subject is art though. I love drawing, painting, and making crafts. My art teacher Mrs. Miller says I'm really creative. Sometimes I'll spend hours just doodling in my sketchbook. I want to be an artist when I grow up!I have a best friend named Sophia. We've known each other since kindergarten. She lives just down the street from me so we can walk to school together every day. Sophia and I like a lot of the same things like riding our bikes, having sleepovers, and watching movies. Our favorite movies are the ones with the funny talking animals in them. We think they're hilarious!When I'm not in school, I really enjoy playing outside. My backyard has a swing set and a treehouse that my dad built for me last summer. Tommy and I spend a lot of time out there playing make-believe games and using our imaginations. We also like going to the park to play on the jungle gym. My favorite park is the one with the big grassy field where we can run around and fly kites.Every Saturday morning, my family goes to the Farmers Market downtown. I love looking at all the fresh fruits and veggies and trying free samples. My mom and dad like to buy honey, jam, and bread from the local vendors there. Sometimes they let me pick out a treat like a cupcake or a cookie. Yum!A few times a year, my grandparents who live a few hours away come to visit us for the weekend. I always look forward to their visits so much! My grandpa and I like to play checkers and do jigsaw puzzles together. My grandma is an amazing cook andbakes the most delicious pies and cakes. She always sneaks me an extra helping of dessert!On Sunday mornings, my family goes to church together. I'm a part of the children's choir and I love singing all the fun songs with my friends. After church, we usually go out for brunch at a local diner or cafe. That's probably my favorite meal because you can have breakfast foods like pancakes or lunch foods like burgers and fries!Well, that's a little bit about me and my life. I feel very lucky to have such a loving family and good friends. I try to be a kind person and a good student. Even though I'm still just a kid, I like keeping busy and experiencing new things. I can't wait to see what fun adventures are still ahead! Thanks for reading about me. Talk to you later!篇6My Name is Jimmy and I'm 11 Years OldHi there! My name is Jimmy and I'm 11 years old. I'm in the 5th grade at Oakwood Elementary School. I love making new friends, so I'm really excited to introduce myself to you all!I live in a bright blue house with my mom, dad, and my little sister Emily who is 8 years old. We also have a dog named Buddy who is a golden retriever. He's super friendly and loves playing fetch in our backyard. My dad works as an engineer at a car company, and my mom is a nurse at the hospital downtown.Some of my favorite subjects in school are math, science, and art class. I'm really good at solving math problems and I love learning about how things work in science. In art, I enjoy painting and drawing pictures of animals or landscapes from my imagination. My least favorite subject is probably history because I have a hard time remembering all the dates and events. But I'm working on it!When I'm not in school, I love playing sports like soccer, basketball, and swimming. I'm on the school soccer team and we practice twice a week after classes. My friend Timmy is also on the team with me. I'm a pretty fast runner which helps a lot when we're racing up and down the field. I also really enjoy swimming at the community pool during the summer months.Every weekend, my family and I like to go on little adventures together. Sometimes we'll go for a hike at the nearby state park and look for cool bugs or animals along the trail. Other times we'll visit museums or go to a baseball gamedowntown. No matter what we're doing, I cherish spending quality time with my parents and sister.One of my biggest hobbies is collecting action figures and building models. I have a huge collection of superhero action figures like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Avengers. I also love putting together model cars, airplanes, and spaceships. It's so much fun painting them different colors and adding all the tiny details. Maybe when I'm older I'll become an engineer like my dad and design real cars and planes!There are so many cool things I want to do and learn about when I grow up. For now though, I'm just enjoying being a kid. Playing outside, hanging out with my friends, and using my creativity through art and building models. That's what childhood is all about after all!Well, I think that's enough about me for now. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me better. I look forward to meeting you all and making new friends. Don't be shy, come say hi if you see me around school or on the playground!。
美国数学竞赛AMC8必须掌握的常⽤单词美国数学竞赛AMC8必须掌握的常⽤单词(按字母顺序整理)⾮正态分布abnormal distribution ⾓angle平均数average 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)振幅amplitude 反正弦arc sine 反余弦arc cosine 反正切arc tangent 反余切arc cotangent 反正割arc secant 反余割arc cosecant 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 轴axis 弧arc ⾯积area 算术arithmetic 公理axiom 代数algebra 锐⾓acute angle 锐⾓三⾓形acute triangle B ⼆进制binary system 折线统计图broken line graph 底base条形统计图bar graph重⼼barycentre(BrE, barycenter(AmE)C 全等congruent 曲线统计图curve diagram 进位carry 计算calculation 系数coefficient 三次⽅程cubic equation常量constant 微积分calculus 复数complex number 坐标系coordinates 组合combination 外切圆circumcircle 余割cosecant 余切cotangent 余弦cosine 圆周circumference 圆柱cylinder 圆锥cone 圆circle ⽴⽅体cube圆⼼centre(BrE), center(AmE)D ⼩数点decimal point ⼩数decimal ⾓度degree 除divided by (prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)被除数dividend 除数divisor 数字digit 分母denominator ⼗进制decimal system 微分differential 导数derivative 定积分definite integral ⾏列式determinant 分布distribution ⼗⾯体decahedron ⼗⼆⾯体dodecahedron ⼗⼆边形dodecagon ⼗边形decagon 直径diameter E 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 等式,⽅程式equation 等边三⾓形equilateral trian gle 外⼼excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)旁⼼escentre(BrE), escenter (AmE)正多边形equilateral polygon 九⾯体enneahedron 九边形enneagon 椭圆ellipse F 分数fraction公式formula, formulae(pl.)阶乘factorial 棱台frustum of a prism 圆台frustum of a cone G ⼏何geometry 图表graph H假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)⼗⼀⾯体hendecahedron 六边形hexagon 七⾯体heptahedron 半球hemisphere 六⾯体hexahedron ⼗⼀边形hendecagon 七边形heptagon ⼗六进制hexadecimal system 柱形统计图histogram ⾼height 斜边hypotenuse 双曲线hyperbola I内⼼incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE)⼆⼗⾯体icosahedron图象imag ⽆穷⼤infinite(a.)infinity(n.)⽆穷⼩infinitesimal 积分integrale 等腰梯形isosceles trapezoid 不定积分indefinite integral 不等式inequation 整数integer ⼩于is lesser than ⼤于is greater than ⼤于等于is equal or greater than线line ⼩于等于is equal or lesser than ⽆效数字insignificant digit 相交intersect ⽆理数irrational number 虚数imaginary number 等腰三⾓形isosceles triangle 内切圆inscribed circle 极限limit 直⾓边leg 长length 轨迹locus, loca(pl.)M数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)被减数minuend 被乘数multiplicand, 乘数multiplicator 单项式monomial 单调性monotonicity矩阵matrix N 正态分布normal distribution 数number ⾃然数natural number 分⼦numerator 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil O运算符operator 运算operation 钝⾓obtuse angle 钝⾓三⾓形obtuse triangle 垂⼼orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE)原点origin ⼋⾯体octahedron⼋边形octagon P抛物线parabola 五⾯体pentahedron 平⾏六⾯体parallelepiped 相位phase周期period证明prove命题proposition 积product 正positive 多项式polynomial, multinomial 奇偶性parity 周期性periodicity点point ⾯plane 平⾏parallel 周⾓perigon平⾏四边形parallelogram 勾股定理Pythagorean theorem扇形统计图pie diagram 概率,或然率probability排列permutation ⽐例propotion 百分⽐percent百分点percentage 百分位数percentile 多⾯体polyhedron 圆周率p i 棱锥pyramid 棱柱prism 周长perimeter五边形pentagon 多边形polygon Q商quotient ⼆次⽅程quadratic equation 四次⽅程quartic equation 四边形quadrilateral R直⾓梯形right trapezoid 标准差root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation 差remainder⽐ratio 四舍五⼊round 下舍⼊round down 上舍⼊round up 值域range 有理数rational number 实数real number 直⾓right angle 射线radial 弧度radian 直⾓三⾓形right triangle 矩形rectangle 旋转rotation 菱形rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.),diamond 环ring 半径radius S正⽅形square 有效数字significant digit ⼀次⽅程simple equation 体solid 线段segment 平⾓straight angle 边side不等边三⾓形scalene triangle 空间space 球sphere 正弦sine 统计statistics 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction (n.)减数subtrahend 数列,级数series 正割secant表⾯积surface area 相似similar半圆semicircle 扇形sector T梯形trapezoid 截尾truncation 定理theorem乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)faciend三⾓形triangle 正切tangent 三⾓trigonometry四⾯体tetrahedron U未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 底⾯undersurface 变量variable⽅差variance 体积volume W 权weight, significance宽width 加权平均数weighted average X 坐标轴x-axis, y-axis, z-axis 横坐标x-coordinate 纵坐标y-coordinate数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)被除数dividend除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to ⼤于is greater than ⼩于is lesser than ⼤于等于is equal or greater than ⼩于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator数字digit 数number ⾃然数natural number 公理axiom定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)整数integer⼩数decimal ⼩数点decimal point 分数fraction分⼦numerator 分母denominator ⽐ratio正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil⼗进制decimal system ⼆进制binary system ⼗六进制hexadecimal system 权weight, significance进位carry 截尾truncation 四舍五⼊round下舍⼊round down 上舍⼊round up有效数字significant digit ⽆效数字insignificant digit代数algebra 公式formula, formulae(pl.)单项式monomial多项式polynomial, multinomial 系数coefficient未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,⽅程式equation⼀次⽅程simple equation ⼆次⽅程quadratic equation 三次⽅程cubic equation 四次⽅程quartic equation 不等式inequation阶乘factorial 对数logarithm 指数,幂exponent 乘⽅power⼆次⽅,平⽅square 三次⽅,⽴⽅cube 四次⽅the power of four, the fourth power n次⽅the power of n, the nth power开⽅evolution, extraction ⼆次⽅根,平⽅根square root三次⽅根,⽴⽅根cube root 四次⽅根the root of four, the fourth root n次⽅根the root of n, the nth root 集合aggregate元素element 空集void ⼦集subset 交集intersection 并集union 补集complement 映射mapping 函数function 定义域domain, field of definition 值域range 常量constant变量variable 单调性monotonicity 奇偶性parity周期性periodicity 图象image 数列,级数series 微积分calculus微分differential 导数derivative 极限limit⽆穷⼤infinite(a.)infinity(n.)⽆穷⼩infinitesimal积分integral 定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral 有理数rational number⽆理数irrational number 实数real number虚数imaginary number 复数complex number 矩阵matrix⾏列式determinant ⼏何geometry 点point 线line ⾯plane 体solid 线段segment 射线radial平⾏parallel 相交intersect ⾓angle ⾓度degree 弧度radian锐⾓acute angle 直⾓right angle 钝⾓obtuse angle 平⾓straight angle 周⾓perigon 底base 边side ⾼height 三⾓形triangle锐⾓三⾓形acute triangle 直⾓三⾓形right triangle 直⾓边leg斜边hypotenuse 勾股定理Pythagorean theorem 钝⾓三⾓形obtuse triangle 不等边三⾓形scalene triangle 等腰三⾓形isosceles triangle 等边三⾓形equilateral triangle 四边形quadrilateral平⾏四边形parallelogram 矩形rectangle长length 宽width 菱形rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond正⽅形square 梯形trapezoid 直⾓梯形right trapezoid等腰梯形isosceles trapezoid 五边形pentagon 六边形hexagon 七边形heptagon ⼋边形octagon 九边形enneagon⼗边形decagon ⼗⼀边形hendecagon ⼗⼆边形dodecagon 多边形polygon 正多边形equilateral polygon 圆circle圆⼼centre(BrE), center(AmE)半径radius 直径diameter 圆周率pi 弧arc半圆semicircle 扇形sector 环ring 椭圆ellipse 圆周circumference 周长perimeter ⾯积area 轨迹locus, loca(pl.)相似similar 全等congruent 四⾯体tetrahedron 五⾯体pentahedron六⾯体hexahedron 平⾏六⾯体parallelepiped ⽴⽅体cube 七⾯体heptahedron ⼋⾯体octahedron 九⾯体enneahedron ⼗⾯体decahedron⼗⼀⾯体hendecahedron ⼗⼆⾯体dodecahedron ⼆⼗⾯体icosahedron多⾯体polyhedron 棱锥pyramid 棱柱prism 棱台frustum of a prism旋转rotation 轴axis 圆锥cone 圆柱cylinder 圆台frustum of a cone 球sphere 半球hemisphere 底⾯undersurface 表⾯积surface area 体积volume 空间space 坐标系coordinates 坐标轴x-axis,y-axis, z-axis 横坐标x-coordinate 纵坐标y-coordinate原点origin 双曲线hyperbola 抛物线parabola 三⾓trigonometry 正弦sine 余弦cosine 正切tangent 余切cotangent 正割secant 余割cosecant 反正弦arc sine 反余弦arc cosine 反正切arc tangent 反余切arc cotangent 反正割arc secant 反余割arc cosecant 相位phase 周期period 振幅amplitude 内⼼incentre(BrE), incenter (AmE)外⼼excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)旁⼼escentre(BrE), escenter (AmE)垂⼼orthocentre(BrE),orthocenter(AmE)重⼼barycentre (BrE), barycenter(AmE)内切圆inscribed circle 外切圆circumcircle 统计statistics 平均数average 加权平均数weighted average⽅差variance 标准差root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation ⽐例propotion 百分⽐percent 百分点percentage 百分位数percentile 排列permutation 组合combination 概率,或然率probability 分布distribution 正态分布normal distribution⾮正态分布abnormal distribution 图表graph 条形统计图bar graph 柱形统计图histogram 折线统计图broken line graph 曲线统计图curve diagram。
以下是Math库中的一些常用的数学函数:1.数值函数:- ceil(x): 返回大于或等于x的最小整数。
- floor(x): 返回小于或等于x的最大整数。
- round(x, n): 返回x的四舍五入值,n是可选的小数位数,如果省略则默认为0。
- trunc(x): 返回x的整数部分。
- fabs(x): 返回x的绝对值。
- sqrt(x): 返回x的平方根。
- pow(x, y): 返回x的y次方。
- exp(x): 返回e的x次方。
- log(x): 返回x的自然对数。
- log10(x): 返回x的以10为底的对数。
2.三角函数:- sin(x): 返回x的正弦值,x的单位是弧度。
- cos(x): 返回x的余弦值,x的单位是弧度。
- tan(x): 返回x的正切值,x的单位是弧度。
- asin(x): 返回x的反正弦值,返回值在 -pi/2 到 pi/2 之间。
- acos(x): 返回x的反余弦值,返回值在 0 到 pi 之间。
- atan(x): 返回x的反正切值,返回值在 -pi/2 到 pi/2 之间。
- atan2(y, x): 返回y / x的反正切值,返回值在 -pi 到 pi 之间。
3.超越函数:- sinh(x): 返回x的双曲正弦值。
- cosh(x): 返回x的双曲余弦值。
- tanh(x): 返回x的双曲正切值。
- asinh(x): 返回x的反双曲正弦值。
- acosh(x): 返回x的反双曲余弦值。
- atanh(x): 返回x的反双曲正切值。
4.统计函数:- sum(iterable): 返回可迭代对象中的所有元素之和。
- max(iterable): 返回可迭代对象中的最大值。
- min(iterable): 返回可迭代对象中的最小值。
- mean(iterable): 返回可迭代对象中所有元素的算术平均值。
一般将来时暑假的作文英语作文六年级My Awesome Summer PlansSchool is almost out, and I can't wait for summer vacation to start! This summer is going to be the best one yet. I've got so many fun things planned that I'm practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.First off, my family is going on an epic road trip! We're packing up the car and heading out west to see all the amazing national parks. I've been studying maps and reading travel guides to get ready. The first stop will be the Grand Canyon. I can't wait to go hiking along the rim trails and gaze out at that massive, colorful canyon. Maybe we'll even take a donkey ride down into the heart of it! After that, we're going to keep driving to Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Arches National Parks in Utah. The rock formations there look totally out of this world. I'm going to take a million pictures!When we get back home, the real fun begins - summer camp! I'm going to Camp Tall Pines for two whole weeks. It's a classic sleep-away camp in the mountains with everything from horseback riding to waterskiing to archery. I can't decide whatI'm most excited about. Probably the ropes course with its crazyzip lines and climbing walls. Or maybe the talent show where I'm going to perform my world-famousbaton twirling routine. I've been practicing my tosses and catches for months!My friends Sam and Riley are going to be there too. We've planned about a million different camp pranks to pull on the counselors. Nothing too crazy, just some harmless fun like filling their canoes with shaving cream or switching out the trail mix for gummy bears on the hikers' snack bags. Sam always takes camp prank wars way too far, so hopefully we can keep him in line this year.When I get back from camp, it will be time for the event I've been looking forward to all year - the McDonald's Video Game Regional Tournament! I've been practicing my button-mashing skills daily. This year's featured game is the latest Starblasters title. I've gotten so good that I can beat the final boss battle with my eyes closed. If I do well enough at regionals, I'll qualify for the national tournament in Los Angeles. Imagine getting to go to LA and compete for the national championship! My palms get sweaty just thinking about it.My little brother Danny is at that annoying little kid phase where he follows me around nonstop. So maybe I'll get a break from him while I'm away at camp. But when I'm home, I'll have toput up with his shenanigans. He's obsessed with putting on magic shows and constantly asking me to be his assistant so he can saw me in half or make me "disappear." I usually end up just sitting there while he juggles eggs from the kitchen or pulls my socks out of his sleeves over and over again. It gets really old really fast. But I'll play along because that's what good big brothers do, right?In between all my big summer plans, there will be plenty of lazy days to fill however I want. I'm sure I'll spend quite a few afternoons at the pool working on my tan and cannonball techniques. The ice cream truck also comes through the neighborhood a few times a week, so you know I'll be stocking up on strawberry shortcake bars and bomb pops. And no summer is complete without at least a solid week of just sleeping in until noon and playing video games in my pajamas for hours on end.When August rolls around, I'll be lying on my bed staring up at my camp photos, weird souvenirs, and video game high score printouts feeling totally relaxed and accomplished. This summer is going to be one for the books - full of adventure, hilarious memories, and tons of fun with family and friends. I honestlycan't wait for the school year to be over so I can get it all started! Just a few more weeks to go...。
awesomemath历年题目2022 年确定无限级数∑(n=1)^∞ (1/n^2 + 1/n + 1) 的收敛性。
求解微分方程 y' = xy + x + y + 1。
找到二次曲线 y = x^2 + bx + c 与直线 y = 2x - 1 的交点。
2021 年证明三角形中,如果两个角相等,则它们对面的边相等。
求解不等式 |x - 2| < 3。
找出函数 f(x) = x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x 的极值。
2020 年计算积分∫(x^2 + 1)/(x^3 + x) dx。
找到圆 x^2 + y^2 = 25 上与点 (3, 4) 距离最远的点。
证明集合 {1, 2, 3, ..., n} 中任何两个元素的和都是偶数,其中 n 是一个正整数。
2019 年求解方程组:x + y = 5x - y = 1证明等式 (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2。
计算极限 lim (x->∞) (x^2 - 1)/(x^2 + 1)。
2018 年求解一元二次方程 x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0。
计算积分∫(sin(x) + cos(x)) dx。
2017 年证明集合 {1, 2, 3, ..., n} 中任何三个元素的和都大于等于 6,其中 n 是一个大于等于 3 的正整数。
找出函数 f(x) = x^4 - 4x^2 + 3 的零点。
计算极限 lim (x->0) (sin(x))/(x)。
2016 年求解不等式 2x - 5 > 0。
计算积分∫(x^3 + 2x) dx。
2015 年找到圆周率π 的近似值,小数点后两位。
证明等式 (a - b)^3 = a^3 - 3a^2b + 3ab^2 - b^3。
计算极限 lim (x->2) (x^2 - 4)/(x - 2)。
学习数学对于职业发展的好处英文作文The Awesome Power of Math for My Future CareerHi there! I'm a kid who loves math and wants to share why learning it is so awesome for our future careers. Math may seem boring with all those numbers and formulas, but it's actually a super power that can open up tons of cool job opportunities!First off, math helps train our brains to think logically and solve problems. No matter what job we have later in life, we'll need to use our noggins to figure stuff out. Math is like a workout for our minds - the more we practice, the stronger our thinking skills become. We learn how to break big problems down into smaller steps, spot patterns, and use reasoning to find solutions. These skills will come in handy whether we want to be doctors, engineers, teachers, or even professional video gamers!Another biggie is that math is extremely useful in soooo many careers. Obviously mathematicians and scientists rely heavily on math, but did you know it's also crucial for jobs like:• Architects who calculate dimensions and angles for constructing buildings• Chefs who adjust recipe measurements based on portion needs• Computer programmers who write code using mathematical logic• Financial advisors tracking investments, loans, and spending habits• Sports analysts measuring player statisti cs and strategic odds• Video game designers creating simulations based on physics equationsThe list goes on and on! Having a solid math foundation allows us to qualify for a wider range of occupations and feel confident taking on numerical challenges at work. We don't want to limit our career possibilities by struggling with math from an early age.But math rocks for more than just academics and jobs - it's handy for daily life too! Want to start a small business? You'll use math for inventory, pricing, taxes, and budgets. Love to travel? Math helps with calculating expenses, exchanging currency, and estimating travel times. Even skills like driving, paying bills, cooking, and understanding sports statistics require at least basic mathematics. The point is, no matter what path we choose, math will continue to be our helpful friend.Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But math is soooo harrrrdddd! It makes my brain tired just thinking about it." I totally get that - math can definitely be challenging, especially when we start dealing with advanced concepts like algebra, geometry, calculus, and beyond. However, elementary math like arithmetic, fractions, decimals, and problem-solving strategies give us a strong foundation to gradually build more complex skills over time.The key is to develop a growth mindset - believing we can get better at math through consistent effort and practice rather than thinking we're just "bad at it" and giving up. Our brains are amazingly flexible, forming new connections each time we learn. At times it will be frustrating, but sticking with it pays major dividends in the long run.So don't be discouraged if math doesn't click right away! It takes time and perseverance. Ask questions, rework practice problems, watch tutorial videos, and be patient with yourself. Before you know it, new concepts will start making sense. Math is like climbing a tall ladder - it seems impossible at first, but taking it one step at a time is very doable.Think about all the awesome mathematicians throughout history who left their mark by thinking through tough challenges:people like Pythagoras, Euclid, Fibonacci, Newton, Descartes. They didn't give up and their work ended up shaping our understanding of the world! If we nurture our mathematical abilities with passion and resilience, who knows what incredible innovations and achievements we might one day contribute.At the end of the day, math is an essential tool that empowers us to reach our biggest goals and dreams in life. It trains our analytical capabilities, expands our career options, and helps us navigate daily situations more easily. So let's all commit to working hard and sticking with it, because the amazing places math can take us are limitless! Our future careers are counting on those valuable math skills.。
英语作文我将要做什么六年级上册全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1What I Will Do in 6th GradeWoohoo! I'm going to be a 6th grader soon! I can't wait to start the new school year. There are so many exciting things I want to do and learn. I've been thinking about it a lot this summer and here's what I'm most looking forward to.First of all, I really want to join some clubs and teams at school. Last year, I was too scared to sign up for anything. But now I feel braver and I don't want to miss out. I'm definitely going to try out for the basketball team. I love shooting hoops and I've been practicing my free throws all summer. My friend Marcus is really good at basketball too, so hopefully we'll both make the team. That would be so cool to play together!I also really want to join the coding club. My uncle is a computer programmer and he's been teaching me how to code this summer. It's so fun! You get to build apps and games and all sorts of awesome things. I made a simple app that quizzes you on math facts. I'm going to show it to the coding club teacherand maybe they can help me add more features to it. Coding is hard but I love the challenge.Another club I'm interested in is art club. I'm not the best artist or anything, but I really enjoy drawing and painting. Who knows, maybe the art teacher can give me some tips to get better. I'd love to learn how to draw cool cartoon characters or paint landscapes. Art class was my favorite last year, so doing art club too would be like a dream!Of course, I'll have to work really hard on my core subjects like math, science, reading, and writing. That's ok though, because I truly love learning new things. I'm most excited about the books we'll read in reading class. The teacher said we might read classics like The Outsiders and The Giver. I've heard those are amazing books with such interesting characters and storylines. I can't wait to discuss them in class.In science, I'm looking forward to doing more hands-on experiments and projects. Last year we got to build simple machines like levers and pulleys. But I heard the 6th grade science teacher lets you do even cooler experiments, like making your own lava lamp or building a working robot arm! That sounds so fun and engaging. I'll get to be a real scientist for the year.Writing has always been one of my favorite subjects because I have such a vivid imagination. I really hope we get to do creative writing assignments like writing spooky stories or coming up with alternate endings to books. That's my favorite kind of writing. Although I definitely need to work on my spelling, grammar, and structure too. Maybe I can join a writing club or get a student tutor to help me improve in those areas.There's just so much to look forward to in 6th grade! Of course, there will be challenges too, like staying on top of all my homework, making sure I get to school on time, and dealing with any mean kids. But I know if I work hard and stay focused, I can handle anything that comes my way. I'm going to make 6th grade my best year yet!I can't wait to make new friends, try new activities, and learn so many fascinating new topics. Sixth grade, here I come! I'll give it my all and have an absolute blast doing it. This is going to be an amazing year. I can just feel it in my bones. Let the adventures begin!篇2Here's an essay of around 2,000 words about "What I Will Do in Grade 6" written in the tone and language of an elementary school student:What I Will Do in Grade 6Hooray! I'm going to be in the sixth grade next year! That means I'll be one of the oldest kids in elementary school. I can't wait to be a big kid on campus. There are so many things I'm looking forward to doing in sixth grade.First of all, I'm really excited about my new teachers. I've heard that the sixth-grade teachers are super cool and fun. They're not as strict as the lower-grade teachers, but they still make sure we learn a lot. I hope I get Mrs. Henderson for math because she's supposed to be amazing at explaining things in a way that makes sense. And I really want Mr. Lopez for science because he does awesome experiments every week. Doesn't that sound awesome?Another thing I'm pumped about is getting to choose an elective class. In the lower grades, we didn't have any choices for our classes, but in sixth grade, we get to pick one elective. I'm definitely going to choose art because I love drawing and painting. My dream is to become a professional artist one day and make beautiful paintings that people will hang in theirhomes and museums. But I might also consider taking drama because acting looks like a ton of fun too. Either way, I can't wait to take a class that's all about one of my favorite things.Of course, sixth grade also means more responsibilities. We'll have way more homework than we did in fifth grade. And we'll have to start changing classes for different subjects instead of staying in the same room all day. That means we'll have to be really organized and get to each classroom on time. It's going to be a big change, but I think I'm ready for it. After all, I'm going to be a middle schooler soon!Speaking of middle school, one of the things I'm most excited about in sixth grade is getting to go on field trips to the middle schools in our district. We'll get to tour the campuses and see what classes and activities they offer. That will help me decide which middle school I want to attend next year. Some of my friends want to go to Jefferson Middle School because they have an awesome theater program. But I'm leaning more towards Lincoln Middle School since they have a state-of-the-art art studio. Whichever one I choose, the sixth-grade tours will definitely help me make up my mind.Another thing I'm looking forward to is all the fun events and activities that sixth graders get to do. There's the big sixth-gradedance at the end of the year, which I'm sure will be a blast. I've never been to a dance before, so I'll need to practice my moves. And there's the sixth-grade camping trip too! We get to go camping in the mountains for three days and two nights. We'll go hiking, make s'mores around the campfire, and sleep in cabins or tents. It's going to be an epic adventure.Of course, sixth grade will also be a lot of hard work. The curriculum will be much more challenging than it was in fifth grade. We'll learn advanced math concepts like ratios and percentages. In reading and writing, we'll have to analyze complicated novels and write long essays. Science will cover things like physics and chemistry, which sound pretty complicated to me. But I'm ready to put in the effort because I know it will get me prepared for middle school and beyond.One thing that makes me a bit nervous about sixth grade is the standardized testing. Each spring, all sixth graders in our state have to take a big test called the XYZPDQ Assessment. It covers everything we've learned in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. The test is supposed to be really hard, and it lasts for several days. I'll definitely have to study a lot to do well on it. But I know my teachers will help me get ready, and I'll do my best.Another thing I'm a little worried about is bullying. I've heard some rumors that there are a couple of mean kids in thesixth-grade classes who pick on the other students. Bullying is not okay, and I really hope it's not true. If it is, though, I'll make sure to stay away from those kids and hang out with the nice ones instead. And if I ever see someone being bullied, I'll tell a teacher right away so they can stop it. Nobody should have to put up with bullies, especially not in sixth grade when we're supposed to be having fun.Overall, though, I'm way more excited than nervous about starting sixth grade. It's going to be a year full of new challenges and opportunities. I'll get to take interesting classes, go on cool field trips, make new friends, and get ready for middle school. Sure, there will be more homework and tests, but that's just preparation for the even bigger challenges that are coming in my life. If I work hard in sixth grade, it will set me up for success in seventh grade, eighth grade, high school, college, and beyond.So bring it on, sixth grade! I'm ready for everything you have in store for me. Thanks to all the skills and knowledge I've gained in elementary school, I know I can handle whatever sixth grade throws my way. Just watch - this year is going to be AWESOME!I've got big dreams for my future, and sixth grade is just the next step towards making those dreams come true. Let's do this!篇3What I Will Do in 6th GradeHey there! I'm so excited to tell you all about what I'm going to do in 6th grade this year. It's going to be the best year ever!First off, the schoolwork is going to be a bit harder than last year. But that's okay because I've been practicing my reading, writing, and math skills all summer. My parents got me some workbooks to prepare and I've been doing a few pages every day.I even read a couple of chapter books! I feel totally ready to take on any assignments or tests my teachers throw my way.In English class, we're going to learn all about different genres of writing like fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays. I can't wait to write my own short stories and poems! Maybe I'll write a funny story about my dog chasing squirrels or a spooky ghost story. I'll share my best work with my family for sure. We also get to read the play Romeo and Juliet which is a famous love story. I'm a little nervous about understanding the old English, but I know my teacher will help us.Science is definitely my favorite subject. This year we're studying earth science which means we'll learn about rocks, minerals, volcanoes, earthquakes, and all that cool stuff! I really want to collect different types of rocks and maybe go on a rock-hunting field trip. Wouldn't it be awesome to find a gemstone or fossil? There's also going to be a section on the solar system and planets. I already know tons of planet facts from watching science shows, but I can't wait to learn even more mind-blowing space details.In math, we'll cover things like fractions, decimals, geometry, and algebra. I used to be horrible at fractions, but my mom found some great tips to make them easier. My goal is to be a master fraction ninja by the end of the year! We also get to make 3D geometric shapes out of straws and marshmallows, which sounds like a fun project. Maybe we can eat the marshmallow ones after.For social studies, we're learning about ancient civilizations like Rome, Greece, Egypt, and China. That means studying their cultures, governments, religions, and big historical events. It'll be like taking a virtual time machine to thousands of years ago! I'm really interested to discover how they built monuments like the Pyramids and the Colosseum without modern technology. We'llprobably have to do reports or presentations to share what we learned.Of course, I'm looking forward to all the fun stuff too, not just academics. At my school, 6th graders get to join clubs and sports teams. I'm thinking about trying out for basketball since I got pretty tall over the summer. Or maybe I'll do art club and enter my paintings in a contest. Either way, I'll make sure to sign up for the video game club because I'm a total pro gamer in my free time!There are also going to be a bunch of 6th grade traditions, like aback-to-school dance, holiday parties, pep rallies, and field trips. For Halloween we'll have a parade where everyone shows off their costumes. I'm still debating what I want to dress up as - maybe a zombie scientist or a fighter pilot. At the end of the year, we'll have a awesome 6th grade graduation ceremony to celebrate moving up to middle school. I can't wait!One last thing I'm really excited about is getting my own locker this year. No more lugging my backpack around all day! I'm going to decorate the inside with lights, pictures, and a mirror to make it look cool. Having a locker also means I'll get to practice the combination lock, which makes me feel so grown up.With all these fun activities, more freedom, and new challenges, 6th grade is just going to be the BEST. I'll make sure to work really hard in all my classes. And when I'm not studying, I'll be having a blast with my friends at club meetings, dances, and sports. This is the year I've been waiting for ever since I was a tiny kindergartener. 6th grade, here I come!篇4What I Will Do in 6th GradeHi there! My name is Emma and I'm super excited to tell you about what I'm going to do in 6th grade. It's going to be the best year ever!First up, the subjects we'll be learning are really cool. In math, we're going to learn all about ratios, rates and percentages. I've heard there will be lots of word problems, but I actually like those because they feel like little puzzles to solve. I'm going for straight A's this year!Science is going to be a blast too. We're going to learn all about different types of energy like heat, light and sound. There will be tons of experiments which is awesome because I love getting my hands dirty and seeing things first-hand. I really want to make a balloon rocket!I'm most pumped for history though. We're studying ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, Egypt and China. Can you imagine living thousands of years ago? No electricity, no cars, no phones! It's going to be so fascinating learning about how they lived back then. I can't wait to do projects on the Great Pyramids or the Colosseum.Of course, we'll also have reading, writing, spelling and grammar. I'm a little nervous about giving presentations in front of the class, but I know practising will help. My parents say as long as I work hard, they don't mind what grades I get. Isn't that nice of them?Enough about classwork though – let me tell you about the fun stuff! Our school has clubs for everything you can imagine –art, music, sports, coding, you name it. I'm definitely joining the art club because I'm a total art nerd. Maybe I'll learn to sculpt or make pottery this year. How cool would that be?I'm also thinking of trying out for the school basketball team. I'm sort of short for my age, but I'm a speed demon on the court! Even if I don't make the team, intramurals and gym class will be fun ways to stay active.Then there are the school events like dances, fundraisers, spirit weeks and field trips. They always have crazy danceathonsand bake sales. One time, a teacher even got a pie in the face! The big event is definitely the 6th grade graduation ceremony though. We'll all walk across the stage in our caps and gowns. Just thinking about it gives me butterflies!And how could I forget about my friends?! We'll get to hangout at recess every day and have sleepovers on weekends. We're already making plans for epic birthday parties and marathon video game sessions. Derek says he's going to start a YouTube channel so we can all be featured. How funny would that be?Of course, with more activities and freedom comes more responsibility too. I'll have to be extra careful crossing roads and being smart online. Mom and Dad are going to be stricter about bedtimes and expecting me to do more chores around the house. That's okay though, because I'm becoming a mature young adult篇5My Super Awesome 6th Grade YearHey there! I'm so excited to tell you all about the amazing things I'm going to do in 6th grade this year. It's going to be epic!First up, the classes are going to be so much fun. We get to learn really cool stuff like algebra and geometry in math class. I know it sounds kind of boring, but our teacher Mr. Patel makes it super interesting with all the puzzles and games we play. In science, we're going to learn about the human body and do some wicked experiments. I can't wait to dissect a frog! Don't worry, it's already dead when we get it. We're also going to study forces and motion which will be awesome. Maybe we'll even get to launch some rockets.In English class, we're going to read a ton of great books. I heard we might even read some Shakespeare plays like Romeo and Juliet. I bet all that old English will sound really funny. We're also going to learn how to write persuasive essays to convince people of our opinions. Watch out parents, I'm coming for you with all my debate skills! Just kidding, but seriously, you better be ready.For social studies, we'll be learning about ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, Egypt, and China. That means we get to study super old stuff like pharaohs, gladiators, and the Great Wall. How cool is that? I'm picturing lots of epic battles and mystical artifacts. We might even get to build models of ancient structures. Dibs on the Parthenon!Of course, we can't forget PE and the awesome games we get to play. Dodgeball, anyone? I'm definitely going to be the star player, or at least that's what I'll tell myself. We also get to go swimming once a week at the local pool. Cannonballs for everyone! I just have to remember not to run on the pool deck this time. That one little slip last year was not my finest moment.Lunchtime is going to be a blast too. The cafeteria has finally brought back those ooey-gooey chocolate brownies that are simply to die for. I'm going to have to stop myself from eating the whole tray. And of course, there's always four-square on the playground to look forward to. I'm determined to be the reigning champ this year.After school, there are so many clubs and activities to choose from. I'm definitely signing up for art club because I just love getting messy with all the paints, clay, and other crafty things. Maybe I'll discover I'm the next Picasso! The chess club is calling my name too. All those intense matches of battling minds will be epic.。
生活中最让你骄傲的成就英语作文My Biggest AchievementI'm only ten years old, but I've already accomplished something that makes me really proud. Last year, I won the state championship in my age group for the Mathlete competition! When I found out, I was so excited and happy. All the hard work and studying I had done had paid off in a big way.It started a couple of years ago when my teacher Mrs. Robertson noticed how good I was at math. The numbers and equations just made sense to me in a way they didn't seem to for a lot of the other kids. Mrs. Robertson told my parents I was really advanced for my age in math and suggested looking into some enrichment activities to keep challenging me.My parents did some research and found out about Mathlete competitions in our area. Mathletes is kind of like a sports team, but instead of playing baseball or soccer, you compete by solving tough math problems really fast. They have competitions between schools and even state and national championships. It sounded perfect for me since math was my biggest strength.I started attending weekly Mathlete practice sessions after school. At first, the problems they gave us to work on were pretty hard. I'm used to breezing through the math homework from school without any trouble. But these Mathlete problems were a whole new level of difficulty. There were all sorts of crazy equations and shapes and graphs I had never seen before.For the first few weeks, I struggled a lot during the practices.I remember feeling really frustrated that I couldn't solve more of the problems like some of the other kids. I even started wondering if maybe I wasn't as good at math as I thought.But I didn't give up. With help from the coaches explaining new concepts to me and tons of practice, practice, practice, things started clicking into place. Week by week, I got better and better at the Mathlete problem sets. What seemed completely confusing and impossible at first became understandable. My speed improved too so I could solve the problems more quickly.By the time my first official Mathlete competition came around halfway through the school year, I was ready. It was a big regional competition with teams from schools across the county.I was so nervous at first, my palms were sweating and my heart was racing. But as soon as that first math problem flashed up on the screen, it was like everything else faded away. I didn't noticeany of the other competitors or fans in the room with me. All I could focus on was the problem in front of me.I zipped through that first problem and the rest of them in that round so fast, scoring points for every correct answer. When that round was over, I felt amazing. All the practice had prepared me perfectly. Round after round, I kept nailing the problems, racking up more and more points for my team. In the end, our school won that whole regional competition!After that first big win, I just got more and more driven to keep going with Mathlete competitions. I went to practice sessions even more frequently, sometimes staying for hours after school working on tough problem sets. My parents started calling me a "math animal" because I loved it so much and couldn't get enough practice.The bigger competitions started coming one after another. Some of them were daylong events with back-to-back rounds lasting for hours. I remember my mind would be so fried by the end of those marathon competitions, but I pushed through and kept solving away. There were a few competitions I didn't do as well as I hoped, but instead of letting it get me down, I used it as motivation to work even harder for the next one.Finally, the state championship competition came at the end of the school year. To even qualify for states as an individual and get a chance to compete there was a huge achievement in itself. But I had bigger goals than just showing up. I was going there to win the whole thing.The day of the state championship, I was laser-focused. I showed up at the convention center where it was being held with my lucky math t-shirt and a brain full of strategies for every type of problem they could throw my way. Nothing could break my concentration that day, not even my parents' cheering from the audience (though I did sneak a couple quick waves to them between rounds).It was a grueling day of round after round of intense math competitions. But I was in my element, solving each new problem that came up faster and more accurately than anyone else in my age group. By the end, I had accumulated an insurmountable number of points. When they announced the winners and called out my name as the new state Mathlete champion for fourth graders, I couldn't believe it at first. All that preparation and hard work had paid off better than I could have ever imagined.Getting that huge trophy was an incredible feeling. But even better than the trophy itself was the sense of pride I felt in my own abilities and determination. I had set an ambitious goal and achieved it through grit and perseverance. Math isn't just something I'm naturally gifted at, it's a skill I've honed and will keep working on always.My Mathlete championship win was validation that with hard work, you can make your dreams a reality, no matter how lofty they might seem at first. It motivates me to keep setting bigger and bigger goals for myself, not just in math, but every area of my life. If I could become one of the best kid mathletes in the entire state through sheer effort and commitment, who knows what else I can accomplish?I know I'm just 10 years old and this is just the start for me. But that Mathlete championship will always be one of my proudest achievements so far. It kickstarted my mindset that I can do anything I put my heart and mind into, as long as I work hard enough. With that attitude, I'm headed for an awesome future full of many more amazing achievements to be proud of!。
二、基本用法1. simplify函数的基本语法为:y = simplify(x)其中x为待化简的代数表达式,y为化简后的结果。
2. 除了直接对整个表达式进行化简,simplify函数还支持对表达式中的特定部分进行局部化简。
下面通过几组示例来演示simplify函数的基本用法:1. 对简单的多项式进行化简假设有一个代数表达式为x^2 + 2*x + 1,使用simplify函数可以得到其化简结果为(x + 1)^2。
2. 对复杂的三角函数表达式进行化简假设有一个代数表达式为sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2,使用simplify函数可以得到其化简结果为1。
3. 对含有分式的表达式进行化简假设有一个代数表达式为(x^2 - 1) / (x + 1),使用simplify函数可以得到其化简结果为x - 1。
五、注意事项在使用simplify函数时,需要注意以下几点:1. simplify函数是基于一些已知的化简规则和算法来进行化简的,因此并不是所有的代数表达式都可以完全化简。
java相关 可视化数学计算公式开源组件
1. JScience:JScience是一个Java科学库,提供了很多有用的类和方法,包括用于数学公式可视化的类。
2. JMathTeX:JMathTeX是一个Java库,用于将LaTeX数学公式渲染为图像。
3. MathView:MathView是一个Java库,用于在Swing应用程序中显示数学公式。
4. MathSVG:MathSVG是一个Java库,可以将LaTeX数学公式渲染为SVG图像。
它可以在Java应用程序中使用,并且生成的图像可以在Web 浏览器中查看。
5. JLaTeXMath:JLaTeXMath是一个Java库,用于在Java应用程序中显示LaTeX数学公式。
2021美国数学大联盟Math League夏季数学挑战活动
2021美国数学大联盟Math League夏季数学挑战活动参赛学生3-9年级学生(指学生在2021年8月已经毕业的年级,不是学生在2021年9月将要升学的年级。
)挑战活动时间6 - 9 年级学生: 2021年8月15日(星期六)上午9:30 - 11:45 (在线, 其中10:30 - 11:00 为30分钟中场休息时间)5 年级学生: 2021年8月22日(星期六)上午9:30 - 11:45 (在线, 其中10:30 - 11:00 为30分钟中场休息时间)3 -4 年级学生: 2021年8月22日(星期六)下午1:30 - 3:45 (在线, 其中2:30 - 3:00 为30分钟中场休息时间)挑战活动机制每个年级的挑战活动分为Individual Round (个人赛)和Speed Round (速度赛)。
Individual Round: 学生在一个小时之内解答10道题目。
Speed Round: 速答题,参赛学生必须在45分钟内完成60道选择题或者填空题。
奖项设置2020美国"大联盟"(Math League)夏季数学挑战活动每个年级设置以下奖项(Individual Round 和Speed Round 合并评奖): Gold Award (金奖): Top 5%;Silver Award (银奖): Top 15%;Bronze Award (铜奖): Top 30%;Proficiency Award (优胜奖): 各赛区(省、直辖市)除全国奖项之外前20%所有参赛学生获得Certificate of Participation证书。
Mathlive的应用非常广泛,可以用于各种在线数学教育平台,如Khan Academy、Coursera和edX等。
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AwesomeMath Admission Test Cover Sheet
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Awesome Math Test A
Jan. 14 - Feb. 4, 2011• Do not be discouraged if you cannot solve all of the questions: the test is not made
to be easy. We want to see the solutions you come up with no matter how many
problems you solve.
• Include all significant steps in your reasoning and computation. We are interested
in your ability to present your work, so unsupported answers will receive much less
credit than well-reasoned progress towards a solution without a correct answer.
• In this document, you will find a cover sheet and an answer sheet. Print out each
one and make several copies of the blank answer sheet. Fill out the top of each
answer sheet as you go, and then fill out the cover sheet when you are finished. Start
each problem on a new answer sheet.
• All the work you present must be your own.
• Do not be intimidated! Some of the problems involve complex mathematical ideas,
but all can be solved using only elementary techniques, admittedly combined in
clever ways.
• Be patient and persisntent. Learning comes more from struggling with problems
than from solving them. Problem-solving becomes easier with experience. Success is
not a function of cleverness alone.
• Postmark or submit your solutions by e-mail (preferred) by Friday, Feb. 4, 2011.
• Make sure that the cover sheet is the first page of your submission, and that it is
completely filled out. Solutions are to be mailed to the following address:
Dr. Titu Andreescu
3425 Neiman Road, Plano TX 75025
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Please go to the next page for the problems
Admission Test A
ing each of the 10digits exactly once,form three numbers such that their sum S is as small as possible.Find S.
2.Evaluate 1−20112 1−20113 ··· 1−20112010
.3.Find all primes p such that 2011p +8is the product of two consecutive odd numbers.
4.How many positive integers less than 2011are divisible by 5and 6but not divisible by 7or 8?
5.Prove that among any five perfect squares there are two whose difference is divisible by 12.
6.Let ABC be a triangle with ∠A =90◦and let P be a point on the hypotenuse BC.Prove that AB 2P C +AC 2
P B ≥BC 3P A 2+P B ·P C
.7.Find all positive integers n for which (n −2)!+(n +2)!is a perfect square.
8.Prove that any parallelogram can be dissected in 2011cyclic quadrilaterals.
9.Are there distinct prime numbers p,q,r such that qr divides p 2+11,rp divides q 2+11,and pq divides r 2+11?What if 11is replaced by 10?
10.Find all integers n ≥2for which n √3n +4n +5n +8n +10n is an integer.
AwesomeMath Answer Sheet
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