AS NZS 3105-2007




LevelⅡ顯示之成品尺寸 mm
規範標準 B值 127.5 122.5 133 122 78 72 78 72 160 149 160 149 160 149 156.9 151.9 159 148 159 148 156.2 151.2 158 147 158 147 93 87 92 88 210.4 204.4 212 201 209.8 203.8 211
6.1 6.6 0.3 6.0 0.2 8.1 0.3 7.4 0.3 7.0 0.3 8.0 8.0 6.6 7.3
10.2 10.7 0.4 8.5 0.3 13.0 0.5 11.5 0.5 9.7 0.4 12.7 13.0 11.5 11.5
40.4 39.1 39.0 33.1 32.9 57.0 57.8 51.0 51.0 45.0 44.0 57.1 56.7 50.2 50.7
成品尺寸(mm or in) B t1 t2
125.0 5.0 75.0 75.0 154.4 154.0 6.1 152.9 153.0 6.0 152.2 152.0 6.0 90.0 90.0 206.4 8.1 205.8 205.0 6.5 0.2 5.0 5.0 8.0 8.1 0.3 6.5 6.6 0.3 5.8 6.1 0.2 5.0 5.0 10.0 0.4 9.4 9.3 9.0 0.4 7.0 7.0 11.5 11.5 0.5 9.4 9.4 0.4 6.8 6.8 0.3 8.0 8.0 17.3 0.7 14.2 14.2
125.0 16 14 5.0 150.0 150.0 37 37.2 25 30 30 20 23 23.4 15 18.1 161.8 161.8 6.4 157.6 157.6 6.2 152.4 152.4 6.0 175.0 175.0 71 48 60 59.5 215.8 8.5 209.6 209.8

博世 VideoJet 10 单通道 MPEG-4 视频编码器或解 码器 说明书

博世 VideoJet 10 单通道 MPEG-4 视频编码器或解 码器 说明书

VideoJet 10 能够以高达每秒 30 张图像的速率通过 IP 网络传输高品质 MPEG-4 视频以及双向语音。

其可以作为编码器或解码器两种模式支持 PAL/NTSC 和 CCIR/EIA 格式的视频源。

视频信号可通过标准 Web 浏览器或 VIDOS 视频管理软件接收并显示出来。


VideoJet 10 提供小型闪存卡插槽。

使用存储卡时,VideoJet 10 可以利用针对网络中断进行恢复的自动网络补偿功能来实现低成本存储。



无线卡遵循主流 802.11b 标准。

VideoJet 10 支持对主流 PTZ 摄像机、球型摄像机和多路复用器的远程控制。



安装/配置VideoJet 10 单通道 MPEG-4 视频编码器或解码器▶单通道编码器或解码器▶MPEG-4 格式压缩▶小型闪存卡插槽▶无线 802.11b 卡插槽▶双数据流,按一种品质查看,在其它位置录制▶双向语音▶报警输入和继电器输出▶云台控制▶内置 Web 服务器2 01编码器04模拟监视器02解码器05VIDOS 工作站03Web浏览器01COM2:RS2320475 欧姆视频端接电阻(编码器)02COM1:RS232/422/48505音频输入/输出03视频输入/输出 (编码器/解码器)06电源 LED指示灯01CompactFlash 端口弹出装置06重置:工厂缺省值02报警输入继电器输出07报警输入 LED 指示灯0310/100 Base-T 快速以太网08报警输出 LED 指示灯04电源09链路 LED 指示灯05CompactFlash 端口10通信 LED指示灯尺寸(单位:毫米[英寸])机架安装套件(可选)附件数量组件1采用国际标准内置电源的 VideoJet 10 编码器或解码器1RS232 虚拟调制解调器电缆1快速安装指南1内含手册的 CD-ROM 光盘技术规格电气视频标准ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4),JPEG 视频数据速率9.6 Kb/秒 - 4 Mb/秒视频清晰度720 x 576/480*(完全 D1:12 场/秒**)704 x 576*(4CIF :12 帧/秒**)704 x 288(2CIF :20 帧/秒**)352 x 576/480(半 D1:25 或 30 场/秒**)352 x 288(CIF :25 或 30 帧/秒**)176 x 144(QCIF :25 或 30 帧/秒**)整体延迟 (IP)100 毫秒音频标准G.711;300 Hz - 3.4 kHz 音频数据速率80 kBit/s 音频采样 率8 kHz网络协议RTP 、Telnet 、UDP 、TCP 、IP 、ARP 、HTTP 、IGMP 、ICMP 、SNMP 软件更新闪存 ROM ,可远程编程配置通过 Web 浏览器,内置 Web 服务器接口视频输入 (编码器)1x 模拟合成:NTSC 或 PAL ;BNC 连接器 75 欧姆(可切换),0.7-1.2 Vpp视频输出 (解码器)1x 模拟合成:NTSC 或 PAL ;BNC 连接器 75 欧姆,1 Vpp音频输入1x 单声道,立体声插孔 3.5 毫米,1 Vpp ,50 千欧音频输出1x 单声道,立体声插孔 3.5 毫米,1 Vpp ,60mW ,最小 8 欧姆报警输入1x 箝位电路(非隔离式闭合触点型),最大激活电阻为 10 欧姆继电器输出1x 箝位电路,30 Vpp ,1 A3模拟传感器输入1x 箝位电路;0-5 VDC 通用模拟输入(例如:温度传感器)COM 端口1x RS232/422/485,9 针超小 D 型;1x RS232,9 针超小 D 型以太网10/100 Base-T,自动侦侧,半/全双工,RJ45无线以太网通过 CF 卡接口连接 RF 接口 802.11b 网卡存储媒体***CompactFlash 卡 I 和 II 型,微型硬盘。



3AS/NZS1252:1996目录第一章范围和概述1.1范围 (4)1.2应用 (4)1.3参考文献 (4)1.4定义 (5)1.5标记 (5)1.6名称 (6)第二章高强度螺栓2.1生产方式 (8)2.1外形,尺寸&表面处理 (8)2.3材料和机械性能 (9)2.4试验方法 (9)第三章高强度螺母3.1生产方式 (16)3.2外形,尺寸&表面处理 (16)3.3材料和机械性能 (17)3.4试验方法 (17)第四章圆式平垫圈4.1外形,尺寸和表面处理 (20)4.2材料和热处理 (20)4.3硬度 (20)附录A机械性能试验的建议取样计划 (22)B检验螺栓从螺纹到螺母面垂直度的推荐测量方法 (23)C镀锌螺栓的装配测试 (24)D方斜垫圈 (25)AS/NZS1252:19964澳大利亚标准/新西兰标准建筑用高强度螺栓(装配有螺母&垫圈的螺栓)第一章范围和概述1.1范围该标准规定了ISO公制粗牙螺纹系列直径16mm---36mm并带有调质钢垫圈的钢结构用螺栓8.8级螺栓和8级螺母的尺寸,材料&钢印要求。

1.2运用螺栓,螺母和垫圈应符合第一章&如下章节规定的要求:(a)螺栓…………………………………………………………第一章(b)螺母…………………………………………………………第二章(c)垫圈………………………………………………………….第三章1.3参考文献该标准参考如下文献:AS1014公制螺纹的测量1214带螺纹螺栓的热镀锌锌层(公制粗牙螺纹螺栓ISO标准)1275公制螺纹螺栓1650亚铁物的热镀锌锌层1789钢铁表面的电镀层——锌1815金属材料——洛氏硬度试验1817金属材料——维氏硬度试验1897螺纹部件上的电镀层AS/NZS4291紧固件机械性能4291.1第一部分:螺栓,螺丝和图钉4291.2第二部分:达到规定的试验应力的螺母——粗牙螺纹SAA/SNZHB18第三方鉴定&委任的指导HB18.22指引22:生产方声称符合标准&技术规范的信息ISO6157紧固件——表面不连续6157.1第一部分:螺栓,螺丝&图钉的一般要求SAEJ122a螺母的表面不连续性5AS/NZS1252:1996 1.4定义如下定义适用用该标准。



BS EN10016-3
優質碳 素結構鋼
DIN EN17223-1 DIN EN10016-2
A C70D
JIS G3506
NF EN10016-2
BS EN10016-2
優質碳 素結構鋼
DIN EN10083-2
JIS G3506 JIS G4051
NF EN10083-2
C60D BS EN10083-2
優質碳 素結構鋼
優質碳 素結構鋼
DIN EN17223-1 DIN EN10016-2
A C76D
JIS G3506
NF EN10016-2
BS EN10016-2
優質碳 素結構鋼
DIN EN17223-1 DIN EN10016-2
D C80D
ASTM A283M Gr.D (S230MPa) ASTM A283M Gr.D DIN EN10025 (S230MPa)
JIS G3101 JIS G3106 S235JR JIS G3101 S235JRG1 JIS G3106 S235JRG2 (S235MPa) S235JO JIS G3106 (S235MPa)







对于仅以AS 或NZS 开头的标准,是指该标准仅适用于澳大利亚或新西兰。


在澳大利亚,大约80%的电器产品标准采用了IEC 标准,例如洗衣机的适用标准为AS/NZS 60335.1和AS/NZS 0335.2.7,其内容是在标准IEC 60335-1和IEC 60335-2-7基础上增加了澳新偏差。

对于没有采用IEC 标准的插头、插座等公告电器产品,澳大利亚标准协会制定了相应的标准例如插头的标准为AS/NZS 3100和AS/NZS 3112,插线板的标准为ASINZS 3100和ASINZS3105.非公告电器产品必须满足澳新标准AS/NZS 3820中规定的最低安全要求,其中包括提供产品规格型号、制造商名称地址等必备信息,以及产品对人和家畜提供的防护要求、针对玩具等产品的特定安全要求等。


对于非公告电器产品,虽然不强制要求取得认证,但是必须满足澳新标准AS/NZS 3820中规定的最低安全要求,申请人可以自愿申请认证。




目录序号名称页码BS 3146 Part1-1992 精密铸钢和精密铸造合金 (4)BS 3146 Part21992耐蚀、耐热精密铸钢和NiCo基精密铸造合金的钢号与化学成分[再确认] (7)BS 3100 Part 4-1991耐蚀、耐热和高合金铸钢 (11)BS EN 102132-1995承压铸钢 (18)BS EN 102133-1995低温用承压铸钢 (19)BS EN 102134-1995奥氏体型和奥氏体铁素体型承压铸钢 (21)KS D4103-1995不锈、耐蚀铸钢韩国标准 (29)JB/T 6405-1992中国标准大型铸件用不锈铸钢 (35)GB/T 2100-1980不锈、耐蚀铸钢 (38)JIS G5122-1991耐热铸钢 (47)JIS G5131-1991高锰铸钢日本标准 (50)JIS G5121-1991不锈耐蚀铸钢 (50)ASTM A732/A732M-1998精密铸钢和精密铸造合金 (54)ASTM A732/A732M-1998钴基精密铸造合金 (59)ASTM A297/A297M-1998耐热铸钢和高温用铸钢 (60)ASTM A297/A297M-2000美国ASTM标准与UNS系统高温用奥氏体铸钢 (63)ASTM A216M-1998美国ASTM标准与UNS系统适合于熔焊的高温用碳素铸钢 (69)ASTM A447/A447M-1998美国ASTM标准高温用镍铬合金铸钢 (71)ASTM A560/A560M-1998美国ASTM标准抗高温腐蚀的镍铬铸造合金 (71)ASTM A27/A27M-2000工程与结构用铸钢 (73)ASTM A487/A487M-1998承压铸钢 (73)ASTM A128/A128M-1998高锰铸钢 (82)KS D4101-1995工程与结构用铸钢 (83)KS D4107-1991承压铸钢 (89)KS D4104-1995高锰铸钢 (93)KS D4105-1995耐热铸钢 (94)DIN SEW395-1998高锰铸钢和耐磨蚀铸钢 (97)DIN 17245-1987铁素体热强铸钢 (99)DIN 17465-1993耐热铸钢 (101)DIN 17445-1984不锈、耐蚀铸钢德国标准 (107)DIN 1681-1985工程与结构用铸钢 (118)JIS G5******* 工程与结构用铸钢 (129)JIS G5201-1991离心铸钢管 (138)GB/T 1503-1989轧辊用铸钢 (141)JB/T 6402-1992工程与结构用铸钢 (144)GB/T 11352-1989工程与结构用铸钢 (151)GB/T 7659-1987焊接结构用碳素铸钢 (153)GB/T 16253-1996承压铸钢 (155)GB/T 5680-1998高锰铸钢 (166)YB/T 036.4-1992高锰铸钢 (168)JB/T 6404--1992大型铸件用高锰铸钢 (169)GB/T 8492-1987耐热铸钢 (171)JB/T 6403-1992大型铸件用耐热铸钢 (175)BS 3146 Part1-1992 精密铸钢和精密铸造合金碳素精密铸钢和低合金精密铸钢的力学性能碳素精密铸钢和低合金精密铸钢的钢号与化学成分(质量分数)(%)BS 3146 Part21992耐蚀、耐热精密铸钢和NiCo基精密铸造合金的钢号与化学成分[再确认]BS 3100 Part 4-1991耐蚀、耐热和高合金铸钢耐蚀、耐热和高合金铸钢的热处理力学性能耐蚀、耐热和高合金铸钢的钢号与化学成分(质量分数)(%)BS EN 102132-1995承压铸钢室温和高温用承压铸钢的高温屈服强度①热处理代号:N-正火;Q-淬火,T-回火。



AS/NZS 6400:2005Australian/New Zealand Standard™澳大利亚/新西兰标准Water efficient products—Rating and labelling 水效率产品—分等和标识翻译单位:国家排灌及节水设备产品质量监督检验中心翻译人员:朱双四程晓敏邢献军审核人员:邢献军完成时间:2006.12.30AS/NZS 6400:2005这个联合的澳大利亚/新西兰标准由“WS-032-水效率器具”联合技术委员会起草。



以下为“WS-032-水效率器具”技术委员会的成员:管道产品制造商联合会澳大利亚电器电子制造商协会澳大利亚产业集团新西兰建筑研究协会消费电子供应商协会澳大利亚消费者联合会澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织-制造和基础建造技术环境和发展部(维多利亚)环境和遗产部(联邦)环境保护局(昆士兰州)管道安装协会(新兰威尔士)管道安装协会(新西兰)新西兰环境部管道工业协会(维多利亚)新西兰工程联合会新西兰供水及排水协会澳大利亚财产委员会昆士兰州铜工业顾问团南澳大利亚供水公司维多利亚水工业协会澳大利亚供水联合会AS/NZS 6400:2005Australian/New Zealand Standard™澳大利亚/新西兰标准Water efficient products—Rating and labelling 水效率产品-分等和标识源于MP 64—1992,第二版为1995版联合修订并命名为AS/NZS 6400:2003第四版AS/NZS 6400:2005联邦立法注册号F2005LAS/NZS 6400:2005目录前言................................................................................................ .......................... .. (3)第1节范围和概要 .................................................................... .............. .. (5)1.1范围....................................................................................................................... (5)1.2相关标准................................................................................................................ .. (5)1.3定义 .................................................................................................. ................. . (6)第2节要求............................................................................................... ................. (8)2.1花洒 (8)2.2洗碗机................................................................................................................ (9)2.3洗衣机 (9)2.4坐便器 ................................................................................................... .11 2.5小便器 .. (12)2.6水嘴......................................... ...................................................... .. (13)2.7流量控制器 (15)第3节节水产品的分等要求............................................ (16)第4节申请注册 ................................................................................ ............. . (19)4.1概要 ......................................................................................................... (19)4.2注册登记细节 (19)4.3注册程序 (19)4.4注册所必需的文件和费用 (19)4.5记录的保持和有效性............................................................................... . (20)4.6变更通知............................................................................................. . (20)4.7重新测试和再注册...................................................................................... .. (20)4.8争议解决 (20)附录A(标准的附录)产品的注册申请格式 ...................................... (21)附录B (标准的附录)节水分等标识的印刷和放置 ........................................... . (31)附录C (标准的附录)WELS 产品的注册 (55)附录D (资料的附录)洗碗机分等计算法则 (57)附录E(资料的附录)洗衣机分等运算法则...................... (59)前言本标准由澳大利亚、新西兰联合标准委员会-WS-032,节水产品起草,代替AS/NZS 6400:2003.正如《澳大利亚节水标识与标准计划-2005》法案所要求,本版标准的出台为“节水标识与标准计划”规定的一系列产品的强制性实施提供了一个基础。

AS NZS 3105-2006

AS NZS 3105-2006

AS/NZS 3105:2007 AS/NZS 3105:2007Australian/New Zealand Standard™Approval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devicesAS/NZS 3105:2007This Joint Australian/New Zealand S tandard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee EL-004, Electrical Accessories. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 28 December 2006 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 19 January 2007.This Standard was published on 30 January 2007.The following are represented on Committee EL-004:Australian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer’s AssociationAustralian Information Industry AssociationAustralasian Railway AssociationCanterbury Manufacturers Association NZConsumer Electronics Suppliers AssociationConsumers’ Federation of AustraliaElectrical Compliance Testing AssociationElectrical Regulatory Authorities CouncilMinistry of Consumer Affairs (New Zealand)Plastics Industry Pipe Association of AustraliaTelarc New ZealandTesting Interests (Australia)Keeping Standards up-to-dateS tandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all S tandards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. S tandards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current S tandard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the S tandards Web S hop at .au or S tandards New Zealand web site at and looking up the relevant S tandard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed Catalogue with full details of all current S tandards. For more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, S tandards Australia and S tandards New Zealand offer a number of update options. For information about these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our S tandards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Please address your comments to the Chief Executive of either S tandards Australia or S tandards New Zealand at the address shown on the back cover.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 06495.AS/NZS 3105:2007Australian/New Zealand Standard™Approval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devicesOriginated in Australia as AS 3105—1984.Originated in New Zealand as part of NZSS 198—1939.Previous edition AS/NZS 3105:2002.Seventh edition AS/NZS 3105:2007.COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia/Standards New ZealandAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by ny me ns, electronic or mech nic l, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Jointly published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 and Standards New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020AS/NZS 3105:2007 2PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-004, Electrical Accessories to supersede AS/NZS 3105:2002 from the date of publication.The objective of this Standard is to provide the Australian and New Zealand electrical industry including manufacturers, test laboratories and regulators with requirements and test methods for electrical portable outlet devices.This Standard is one of a series of approval and test specifications to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100, Approval and test specification—General req uirements for electrical equipment. The purpose of this series is to outline conditions which must be met to secure approval for the sale and use of electrical equipment in Australia and New Zealand. Only safety matters and related conditions are covered.The essential safety requirements in AS/NZS 3820 that could be applicable to electrical portable outlet devices are covered by this Standard taken in conjunction with any other relevant requirements affecting safety.This Standard was revised to incorporate Amendments No. 1 and 2 to AS/NZS 3105:2002 and to introduce editorial changes and the following technical changes:(a) Requirements for the storage of cord extension sets.(b) Changes to marking requirements.(c) Changes to requirements covering the determination of ignitability and combustionpropagation.This Standard does not purport to include all the necessary conditions of a contract.3AS/NZS 3105:2007CONTENTSPage1 SCOPE AND REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (4)2 DEFINITIONS (5)3 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS (6)4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (6)5 MEANS OF CONNECTION (10)6 POWER SUPPLY CORD ASSEMBLY (10)7 MARK ING (11)8 TESTS (12)AS/NZS 3105:2007 4STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAustralian/New Zealand StandardApproval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devices1 SCOPE AND REFERENCED DOCUMENTS1.1 ScopeThis Standard applies to electrical portable outlet devices primarily intended for household and similar use at low voltage and having outlet facilities in the form of socket-outlets or cord extension sockets or connectors. They are connected to the supply by either a power supply cord and a plug or an appliance inlet.This Standard does not apply to the following:(a) Cord extension sets, within the scope of AS/NZS 3199.(b) Portable residual current devices, within the scope of AS/NZS 3190.(c) Socket-outlet adaptors, within the scope of AS/NZS 3122.(d) Electric inspection handlamps, within the scope of AS/NZS 60598.2.8.(e) Portable control or conditioning devices, within the scope of AS/NZS 3197.1.2 Referenced documentsThe following documents are referred to in this Standard:AS3111 Approval and test specification—Miniature overcurrent circuit-breakers3117 (NZS/AS 3117) Approval and test specification—Bayonet lampholders3140 (NZS/AS 3140) Approval and test specification—Edison-type screw lampholdersAS/NZS3100 Approval and test specification—General requirements forelectrical equipment3112 Approval and test specification—Plugs and socket-outlets3120 Approval and test specification—Cord extension sockets3121 Approval and test specification—Insulating mouldings3122 Approval and test specification—Socket-outlet adaptors3127 Approval and test specification—Cord-line switches3133 Approval and test specification—Air break switches3190 Approval and test specification—Residual current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices)3191 Electric flexible cords3197 Approval and test specification—Portable electrical control orconditioning devices3199 Approval and test specification—Cord extension sets3820 Essential safety requirements for low voltage electrical equipment5AS/NZS 3105:200760320 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes60320.1 Part 1: General requirements60320.2.2 Part 2.2: Interconnection couplers for household and similarequipment60335 Household and similar electrical appliances—Safety60335.1 Part 1: General requirements60598 Luminaires60598.2.8 Part 2.8: Particular requirements—Handlampsaccessories—Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection 60898 Electricalfor household and similar installations60898.1 Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c. operationcontrolgear61347 Lamp61347.2.8 Part 2.8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps2 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard the following definitions apply.2.1 Cycling trip-free overcurrent deviceAn overcurrent device, the moving contacts of which return to the open position when theautomatic opening operation is initiated after the initiation of the closing operation, andwhich will then reclose repeatedly and momentarily, if the closing command is maintained.2.2 Detachable reeling or coiling arrangementAn arrangement, which may be in the form of a frame or reel, intended for the storage ofthe whole or part of a power supply cord, and which is detachable from the cord or EPODwithout the use of a tool.2.3 Electrical portable outlet device (EPOD)A device, other than a cord extension set, having a single means of connection to a lowvoltage supply, and one or more outlet facilities. It may incorporate a reeling or coilingarrangement.For the purpose of this Standard an electrical portable outlet device is referred to as anEPOD.2.4 Integrally moulded electrical portable outlet deviceA device constructed so that its power supply cord is moulded to the device to form anintegral unit; it being impossible to detach the power supply cord without breaking ordestroying the device.2.5 JunctionA construction which is enclosed and incorporates integral means for the attachment ofsheathing, insulation, conductors and terminations of two flexible cords together with apower supply cord. It is moulded to form an integral unit; it being impossible to gain accessto the terminations without destroying the junction.2.6 Non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangementAn arrangement, which may be in the form of a frame or reel, intended for the storage ofthe whole or part of a power supply cord, and which is not detachable from the cord orEPOD without the use of a tool.2.7 Outlet facilitySocket-outlet or cord extension socket or connector.AS/NZS 3105:2007 62.8 Trip-free overcurrent deviceAn overcurrent device, the contacts of which return to, and remain in, the open position when the automatic opening operation is initiated after the initiation of the closing operation even if the closing command is maintained. Overcurrent devices of this design may be referred to as positively trip-free.3 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS3.1 General requirements of AS/NZS 3100This Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100, and the appropriate provisions of AS/NZS 3100 shall apply to the construction of the EPOD and its insulation and the safeguarding of parts which normally carry current.3.2 Specific requirements of this StandardAn EPOD shall be deemed to comply with this Standard only if it complies with all the requirements of this Standard and passes the tests specified herein.3.3 Requirements of other StandardsComponents incorporated in an EPOD, which are depended upon for safety, shall comply with the appropriate requirements of the relevant Australian or Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard.4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION4.1 Current ratingThe current rating of any outlet facility shall be not greater than that of the plug or appliance inlet, nor greater than the current-carrying capacity of the power supply cord or flexible cable.4.2 Mechanical strengthThe enclosing case of the EPOD, or of any reeling or coiling arrangement, shall be of robust construction and adequate mechanical strength, and shall comply with Clause Insulating materialThe insulating portions of an EPOD shall consist of either—(a) insulating material having properties not inferior to those specified in AS/NZS 3121for insulating mouldings having a temperature class of 60°C and, in addition,complies with Clause 8.9 of this Standard; or(b) ceramic material of a type such that, after immersion in water for 48 h and after allvisible drops of water have been removed from the surface by means of a clean drycloth, it will not have increased in mass by more than 2%.4.4 Power supply cord and outgoing flexible cordsAny power supply cord or outgoing flexible cords provided shall—(a) comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3191;(b) be a 3-core ordinary duty or heavy duty type;(c) have conductors with a cross-sectional area of not less than 1 mm2; and(d) for a power supply cord, comply with Clause 6.3.AS/NZS 3105:2007 74.5 Outlet facilities4.5.1 Socket-outlets, cord extension sockets or connectors4.5.1.1 Socket-outletsAn EPOD may be provided with one or more socket-outlets—(a) complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3112 except that on the plane ofthe socket-outlet faceplate—(i) the minimum distance from the edge of any live-pin aperture to the edge of thefaceplate shall be 13.7 mm; andN OTE: The increase in the distance specified from the edge of a live-pin aperture to theextremity of the device faceplate was made possible because these devices are not intended tobe inserted into an appliance inlet complying with Clause 5(b).(ii) the maximum distance by which the faceplate, within the distance specified in Item (i), is below the plane shall be 3 mm; and(b) each intended to accommodate a three-pin flat-pin plug conforming to AS/NZS 3112.No part of the EPOD, including any switch in any position, shall project more than 8.6 mmfrom the surface of the socket-outlet face, within the shaded area shown in Figure 1, exceptin the case of socket-outlets with special design features such as those that provideprotection from dust, weather or mechanical damage.There shall be no projections in the area defined by the dimension R21.6 shown in Figure 1.NOTES:1 This requirement allows for full insertion of plug or plug-in devices of the size indicated inFigure 1 and also prevents inadvertent or partial operation of any switch during insertion.2 This requirement will not necessarily permit manual operation of any switch with the plug orplug-in device inserted.FIGURE 1 AREA OF LIMITED PROJECTIONFor EPODs incorporating more than one socket-outlet, the centre-to-centre distancebetween adjacent socket-outlets shall be greater than 44 mm.AS/NZS 3105:2007 Cord extension socketsAn EPOD shall be provided with no more than two cord extension sockets complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3120.When two cord extension sockets are provided, the junction described in Clause 2.5 shall be used for termination of the flexible cords supplying the cord extension sockets. ConnectorsAn EPOD shall be provided with no more than two connectors complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 60320.1 for connectors for Class I equipment.When two connectors are provided, the junction described in Clause 2.5 shall be used for termination of the flexible cords supplying the connectors.4.5.2 LampholdersAny EPOD, except for those provided with a junction, may incorporate one or more lampholders provided the following requirements are met:(a) The maximum connected lamp load shall not exceed 10% of the EPOD rating.(b) Any lamp shall be protected by a substantial guard or enclosure that cannot beremoved without the use of a tool. This does not preclude the use of a hinged coverintended to allow lamp replacement.(c) Any lampholder shall be of the all-insulated type as defined in AS/NZS 3100.Where a bayonet cap or Edison screw lampholder is provided, it shall comply with the relevant requirements of AS 3117 (NZS/AS 3117) or AS 3140 (NZS/AS 3140) respectively.Any lampholders provided shall be controlled by a Category 1 switch but the ‘OFF’position need not be marked.4.5.3 Overcurrent protectionAny EPOD having three or more 10 A socket-outlets or a socket-outlet rated in excess of10 A shall be provided with manually resettable trip-free or cycling trip-free overcurrentprotection having a current rating not exceeding the rated current of the device and which complies with Clause 8.5, except where the means of overcurrent protection is a miniature overcurrent circuit-breaker complying with the relevant requirements of AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1.Not more than one socket-outlet rated in excess of 10 A shall be incorporated in an EPOD.Fuses shall not be used as a means of overcurrent protection.4.5.4 Switching requirementsIf switches are provided, the switching arrangements shall be one of the following:(a) A switch or a miniature overcurrent circuit breaker or a cord-line switch whichcontrols all outlet facilities and which is rated at not less than the current rating of thedevice.(b) A switch controlling each outlet facility provided each switch is rated at not less thanthe current rating of the outlet facility it controls.Switching shall be multi-pole and shall be of one of the following types—(i) a Category 1 switch as described in AS/NZS 3100 except that the ‘OFF’ position neednot be marked; or(ii) a miniature overcurrent circuit breaker complying with AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1;or9AS/NZS 3105:2007(iii) a cord-line switch complying with AS/NZS 3127 and located in the power supply cord at a distance not exceeding 1.8 m from the cord entry to the outlet device.EPODs shall be provided with switching arrangements if they are—(A) fitted with a power supply cord and plug described in Clause 5(a) the length of whichexceeds 1.8 m; or(B) provided with means of connection described in Clause 5(b).EPODs shall be provided with switching arrangements if they are fitted with a powersupply cord, the length of which exceeds 1.8 m.4.6 Requirements for reeling or coiling arrangement4.6.1 GeneralA reeling or coiling arrangement may be incorporated with an EPOD provided with outletfacilities described in Clause Over-temperature protectionWhere a non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement is incorporated, the power supplycord shall not reach an excessive temperature caused by being operated at rated load in thefully wound position. Compliance with this requirement may be achieved by special coolingtechniques or by over-temperature protection. Compliance shall be checked by the tests ofClause 8.3 and Clause 8.6, except where an interlock switch is used that prevents theenergizing of outlets unless the power supply cord is fully extended. Such an interlockswitch shall comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3133. Alternatively, amechanical interlock may be provided whereby it is not possible to insert a plug into anysocket-outlet unless the power supply cord is fully extended.Where an over-temperature protection device is provided, it shall be—(a) protected against mechanical damage; and(b) of the non-self-resetting thermal cut-out type that does not require replacement of apart.Where a detachable reeling or coiling arrangement is used, compliance shall be checked bythe test of Clause Entry for power supply cord into reeling or coiling arrangementAny non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement shall be capable of passing the test ofClause Earthing continuityAll EPODs shall provide earthing continuity between the earthing pin of the plug orappliance inlet and the earthing contact of each outlet facility and any exposed metal, inaccordance with the requirements for earthing facilities stated in AS/NZS 3100.The earthing of any exposed metal or the earthing continuity of outlet facilities shall notrely solely on—(a) contact through the revolving axle of the cable reel; or(b) a single brush or single spring-loaded revolving contact.NOTE: The use of two brushes or a combination of the methods described in Items (a) and (b) isconsidered to be satisfactory.AS/NZS 3105:2007 105 MEANS OF CONNECTIONEvery EPOD shall be provided with facilities for connection to the supply by either—(a) a power supply cord and plug; or(b) a Group 1 appliance inlet of the appropriate rating and complying withAS/NZS 60320.1, or a Group 2 appliance inlet complying with AS/NZS 60320.1 andwhich is of a type that will only accept a cord extension socket complying withAS/NZS 3120 and intended for use with a three-pin, flat-pin plug conforming toAS/NZS 3112.(c) a plug connector complying with AS/NZS 60320.2.2.6 POWER SUPPLY CORD ASSEMBLY6.1 PlugThe plug shall—(a) have a pin configuration for a three-pin, flat-pin plug conforming to AS/NZS 3112;(b) be connected to the power supply cord in accordance with the configuration specifiedin AS/NZS 3112; and(c) comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3112.6.2 Power supply cord attachmentThe power supply cord shall be assembled with the EPOD by one of the following methods:(a) Type X attachment.(b) Type Y attachment.(c) TypeZattachment.Where a junction is used, the power supply cord shall be assembled with Type Z attachment. This requirement shall also apply to the method of assembly of the outlet facility flexible cords.6.3 Length of power supply cordThe minimum length of the power supply cord shall be 0.9 m, and the maximum shall be as shown in Table 1, except that longer lengths with larger conductor areas may be used for the purpose of limiting voltage drop, provided that the voltage drop is not greater that 5% of the supply voltage when the device is operated at a rated current.TABLE 1MAXIMUM LENGTHS OF POWER SUPPLY CORDEPOD rating Conductor area Maximum length of power supply cordA mm2 m10 1.01.5 25 3215 1.52.5 25 4020 2.54.0 32 4011AS/NZS 3105:20076.4 Length of flexible cords when a junction is usedWhen a junction is used at the end of the power supply cord the requirements of Clause 6.3shall apply to the power supply cord. The maximum length of flexible cord between thejunction and outlet facility shall be 0.9 m.6.5 PolarizationThe EPOD shall be constructed so that the polarity of the aperture configuration of anysocket-outlet or cord extension socket corresponds to that of the plug pins and, whenviewing the mating face of the socket-outlet, shall be earth, active, neutral, in a clockwisedirection.The terminals of the plug and any outlet facility shall be connected to the appropriateconductor identified by the following colours of insulation:(a) Active—brown.(b) Neutral—light blue.(c) Earth—green/yellow.N OTE: For heavy-duty flexible cord, the colours red and black are acceptable for active andneutral respectively.7 MARKING7.1 GeneralThe EPOD shall be marked in accordance with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3100,except that the rating shall be marked in both watts and amperes. It shall also be marked toindicate that the total load connected is not to exceed the rating of the device.Where a lampholder is provided and there is a restriction on the wattage of lamp that maybe inserted, the maximum wattage of the lamp shall be marked. This form of marking shallbe similar to ‘MAXIMUM LAMP RATING ... ... WATTS’.Unless the EPOD is marked with a degree of protection IP33 or greater it shall be marked‘for indoor use’ only.N OTE: Manufacturers who place the number of this Standard on a product or on packaging orpromotional material related to that product, are advised to ensure that there is verificationavailable that the product has been manufactured to comply with this Standard.7.2 Additional marking requirements for EP ODs incorporating a reeling or coilingarrangementThe following additional marking for EPODs incorporating a reeling or coiling arrangementshall be made in durable lettering not less than 3 mm in height and in a colour in contrastwith that of the material of the reeling or coiling enclosure:DO NOT OPERATE UNLESS CORD FULLY UNREELEDThis additional marking shall be on the face or faces adjacent to the socket-outlets.The additional marking requirement does not apply where the design is such that the socket-outlets cannot be energized unless the flexible cord is fully extended or where the test ofClause 8.3 is satisfied when the flexible cord is fully reeled or coiled.7.3 Location of markingThe marking shall be clearly discernible from the outside of the EPOD. In addition, therating and the marking specified in Clause 7.1 indicating that the total load is not to exceedthe rating of the EPOD shall be clearly visible when the EPOD is in its normal position ofuse.AS/NZS 3105:2007 127.4 InstructionFor EPODs provided with a junction, an instruction shall be provided according to ‘Equipment with Type X, Y and Z attachments’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.8 TESTS8.1 GeneralThe EPOD shall pass the tests prescribed in Table 2, such tests being carried out in the order stated herein. The general conditions described in the section for tests ‘General’stated in AS/NZS 3100 shall be observed during the tests of this Standard. Table 2 also specifies the number of samples required for the tests.8.2 Test of cord anchorageThe test of cord anchorage shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements for ‘Cord anchorage’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.In addition, for EPODs provided with a junction, the tests shall be repeated by applying pulls in turn to each combination of flexible cords including the power supply cord terminated at the junction. The tests shall be applied to each combination in the same plane and the pulls to each combination shall be made at an angle of 180°.NOTE: Depending on the shape of the junction it may be necessary to restrain it to allow the pullsto be made at 180° in the same plane. In this case the method of restraint should not affect the testor its results.At the conclusion of the test the junction shall show no damage likely to impair the safety of the device.8.3 Temperature rise during normal operationThe EPOD shall be operated at 10 A or rated current, whichever is the greater, and arranged in accordance with the marked operating instructions or warning label. Where a lampholder is provided, the lamp used for this test shall be of the maximum wattage marked on the device or, in the absence of such marking, the lamp shall be of the highest wattage that can be accommodated. For a fluorescent lamp, a reference lamp complying with AS/NZS 61347.2.8 shall be used.If the marking set out in Clause 7.2 is not marked on EPODs incorporating a non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement, this test shall be carried out with the power supply cord fully reeled or coiled.The temperature of materials and insulation, measured when temperatures are stable, shall not exceed the relevant values given for temperature rises of components and insulating material given in the Table of ‘Maximum Temperature Rise’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.13AS/NZS 3105:2007TABLE 2TESTS TO BE APPLIED AND ORDER OF APPLICATIONTest No. Description of testClause reference for testprocedure and criteriaSampleidentification1 Insulation resistance ‘Insulation resistance’ stated in AS/NZS 3100 A2 High voltage ‘High voltage (electric strength) test’ statedin AS/NZS 3100A3 Earthing connection ‘Test of earthing connection’ stated inAS/NZS 3100A4 Cordanchorage 8.2herein A 5 Screw threads and fixings ‘Test for screw threads and fixings’ stated inAS/NZS 3100A6 Temperature rise during normaloperation8.3 herein A7 Insulation resistance ‘Insulation resistance’ stated in AS/NZS 3100 A8 High voltage ‘High voltage (electric strength) test’ statedin AS/NZS 3100A9 Mechanicalstrength 8.4herein AB10 Overcurrent protection 8.5 herein A11 Over-temperature protection 8.6 herein A12 Additional tests for integrallymoulded EPODs and EPODsprovided with a junction 8.7 herein C, D, E, F(see Notes 1& 2)13 Test of cord entry (for devicesincorporating a reeling or coilingarrangement)8.8 herein A14 Test of automatic recoiling device Requirements and tests for automatic cordreels stated in AS/NZS 60335.1A15 Determination of ignitability andcombustion propagation 8.9 herein Any(see Note 3)Total number of samples required 2/6 NOTES:1 For the purpose of this Standard, where the tests of AS/NZS 3112 refer to a plug, it is taken to mean anEPOD.2 The additional samples for Test No. 12 are required only for integrally moulded EPODs. An unmouldedsample will be required for these tests.3 Test No.15 may require an additional sample in new and clean condition.4 Sample A can be used to verify the general requirements and dimensional requirements of thisStandard.8.4 Mechanical strength8.4.1 Drop testThe drop test shall be performed five times. The EPOD shall be released from a clamp, in an attitude likely to cause the most damage, so as to fall freely through a distance of 750 mm onto a steel plate not less than 5 mm thick which is supported on a concrete surface. The steel plate shall have a surface area not less than the projected area of the device when supported in the clamp.。













AS NZS 6400-2005-有效水产品-等级和贴标

AS NZS 6400-2005-有效水产品-等级和贴标

澳洲/新西兰标准TM有效水产品-等级和贴标原版MP64-1992第二版本1995联合修改和重新设定AS/NZS6400:2003第四版本AS/NZS6400:2005版权澳洲标准/新西兰标准所有权力保留.未经出版商允许,不得以任何形式,电子的或机械的,包括照相仿真复制. 澳洲标准:GPO Box 5420,Sydney,NSW2001新西兰标准:Private Bag 2439,Wellington 6020联合出版ISBN0733767176前言 (3)第一部分 范围和概述 (5)1.1范围 (5)1.2参考文献 (5)1.3定义 (6)第二部分 要求 (8)2.1花洒 (8)2.2洗碗机 (9)2.3洗衣机 (9)2.4盥洗室设备 (11)2.5小便器设备 (12)2.6水龙头设备 (13)2.7流量控制器 (15)第三部分 有效水产品等级说明 (16)第四部分 注册申请 (19)4.1概述 (19)4.2存放物注册详述 (19)4.3注册程序 (19)4.4注册所需文件和费用 (19)4.5记录的保持和有效性 (20)4.6变更通知 (20)4.7重测和重新注册 (20)4.8争论的解决 (20)附件A(规范的)产品注册申请的版式 (21)附件B(规范的)水等级标志的打印和放置 (31)附件C(规范的)WELS产品的注册 (55)附件D(非强制性的)洗碗机等级算法 (57)附件E(非强制性的)洗衣机等级算法 (59)该标准由澳洲/新西兰标准委员会WS-032联合制作有效水产品,取代AS/NZS 6400:2003.该标准版本构成一个准则用于在有效水标志和标准方案下的一系列产品的等级和贴标,如澳洲有效水标志和标准法案2005(the WELS Act)要求.本标准全文中,相关WELS方案实施的要求和日期只在澳洲适用,对于新西兰,要求和实施日期则在本标准的修订本中通知.WELS方案的目的是促进有效水产品的使用,使消费者能清楚地认识和放心的购买有效水产品,由于减少水的使用不会危及这些产品的功能.它也是鼓励生产商开发和销售更多有效水产品.所有产品都在WELS方案等级下要求贴标.不符合具体性能要求的产品相应地给以零等级和贴标,至于冲洗式马桶不用发布贴标.在WELS方案下,洗衣机,洗碗机,盥洗室,花洒,水龙头设备和小便器设备要求注册和贴标.盥洗室设备还要求符合最小有效水要求.流量控制器可由厂商自愿进行注册和贴标.如果一个产品自愿被注册和贴标,它也要求符合所有该标准的相关方面.该版本主要改变有-a)规定类别中所有产品和等级和贴标,不管它们是否符合特定的性能要求;b)产品定义的修订c)产品等级算法的修订d)在stars代替as的基础上新的有效水等级和贴标e)新评估程序f)新认证条件此版本的出版意味着本标准的进一步发展.例如,要求做额外的工作确保在将来做花洒功能测试时方便且有效,尤其是更高等级(即低或非常低的流量花洒).在该标准的发展期间,有一重要的讨论是是否包括某些其它产品.当相应技术标准发展时这些将重新探讨.预期到澳洲水服务协会(WSAA)将继续实施志愿者国家水保护等级和贴标方案(the WSAA scheme),在本标准的AS/NZS6400:2003版基础上(除第5.6条不适用),直到2006.7.1WELS指定方案开始为止.然而产品可能自愿地被先注册WELS方案,通过在逐步引入期间指定方案的介绍之前证明符合该标准.该期间WSAA方案将与在WELS方案下先注册的产品共存直到2006.7.1WELS方案的指定开始日为止.当WSAA方案将做最后订定时,所有WELS方案下所有的证书将取消.用以取代WSAA方案的AS/NZS 6400:2003应有效,直到2006.7.1WELS方案产品需符合该标准(洗衣机,洗碗机,盥洗室设备,花洒,水龙头设备和小便器设备),先注册系统将在2005.7.1开始,以便产品能预先注册保证它们符合2006.7.1开始的WELS方案.所有在WELS方案下预先注册和注册通过WELS管理者发生.打WSAA标志或不打WELS方案标志的洗衣机和洗碗机的零售供应只允许到2007.12.31,所有其它产品只允许到2006.12.31,如果产品在澳洲生产或在2006.7.1委任方案开始日之前进口.该标准分为四部分(例如第一部分是‘范围和概述’).有些部分被分成条款,进一步分成次条款(例如第2.1条包含第2.1.1至第2.1.6条).次条款被进一步分成段.术语‘规范的’和‘非强制性的’在该标准中使用表明它们适用附件的申请.一个‘规范的’附件是标准的完整部分,而一个‘非强制性的’附件仅当信息和参考.有效水产品-等级和贴标第一部分 范围和概述1.1范围本标准规定了有效水产品的等级要求,包括联合注册,贴标和适用的最小功能要求. 本标准适用的以下产品在第二部分有详述:a)花洒b)洗碗机c)洗衣机d)盥洗室设备e)小便器设备f)水龙头设备g)流量控制器1.2参考文献本标准参考下列文献:AS1172.1—20051),抽水马桶(WC)6/3L容量水槽或相似物第1部分:水槽AS1172.2—1999, 抽水马桶(WC)6/3L容量水槽或相似物第2部分:贮水器AS/NZS2007.1:2003, 家用电器设备的性能—洗碗机第1部分:测量性能、能量和水消耗方法AS/NZS2007.2:2003, 家用电器设备的性能—洗碗机第2部分:能量贴标要求AS/NZS2040.1:1998, 家用电器设备的性能—洗衣机第1部分:测量性能、能量和水消耗方法AS/NZS2040.2:2000, 家用电器设备的性能—洗衣机第2部分:能量贴标要求AS/NZS3500.0:2003,供水管道和排水设备,第0部分:词汇表AS/NZS3500.1,供水管道和排水设备,第1部分:供水AS/NZS3662:20051,浴用花洒的性能AS/NZS3718:20051,供水—水龙头制品AS/NZS3982:1996,小便器ATS5200.020—2004,供水管道和排水设备产品的技术说明.第020部分:抽水马桶和小便器的冲洗阀—用于总管道供应ATS5200.021—2004, 供水管道和排水设备产品的技术说明.第021部分:抽水马桶和小便器的冲洗阀—用于破裂贮水槽供应ATS5200.030—2004, 供水管道和排水设备产品的技术说明.ATS5200.037.2—20051, 供水管道和排水设备产品的技术说明.第037.2部分:供水管道流量控制器1.3定义本标准中下列定义适用.如有未定义之朮语,请参考AS 1172.1, AS 1172.2, AS/NZS 2007.1,AS/NZS 2040.1, AS/NZS 3500.0, AS/NZS 3662, AS/NZS 3718, AS/NZS 3982中的定义.1.3.1洗手槽洗手或洗脸装水设备或脸盆,不管是单独用户的一个水龙头或是允许用户同时使用的隔开的一些水龙头.1.3.2符合评估机构(CBA)由JAS-ANZ批准注册的进行评估产品认证的组织.1.3.3机型家族一系列相同品牌的机型,具有相同有效水等级,性能特征,及与水效和性能有关的物理特征. 注: 例如各种颜色或涂层的花洒,或配置各种不同轴杆,软管等,不会影响花洒的性能,都可认为是一个机型家族.1.3.4 JAS-ANZ澳洲和新西兰联合任命的组织,用于管理系统,产品和人员的认证.1.3.5阻塞器组成水龙头或阀的关闭构件的部件或装置用来关闭水流.1.3.6其它冲洗装置如AS/NZS3500.0的定义.注: 其它冲洗装置如一个激活以冲洗槽或小便器的阀.1.3.7必须指明这样的叙述是指定的注: 该标准中“shall”等同于WELS Act中的“must”.1.3.8洗手间设备抽水马桶(WC) 水槽和贮水器的联合体用来提供或安装成一套设备.1.3.9小便器冲洗控制装置一种控制释放水流以冲洗小便器.这些设备按操作可如下分类:a)有意识操作由用户手动操作的装置(见注解1)c) 自动需求操作使用在小便器前面的感应范围内的可调节操作装置或小便器感应装置程序操作以操纵一预定的冲洗循环,自动监测到用户,控制程控耽搁和设备的冲洗方式(见注解3)注解1如,拉一条线或链,或通过按一个按钮或脚踏板注解2如,小便器使用通过感应器激活冲洗.需求控制操作不包括时钟系统或填充-清空型装置.注解3如,装置将辨认出人们正在排队,比如在剧院幕间休息时间,就不必在在每个用户使用后都激活冲洗,相反,如果不要求每30分钟冲洗一次,系统可提供三次冲洗来冲洗所有废弃物和尿液,然后关闭,直到有要求.如果长时间无用户激活,系统将每12小时冲洗一次.1.3.10小便器设备用水小便器和小便器冲洗控制机械装置的联合体用来提供或安装成一套设备.1.3.11 WELS调节者在澳洲,环境和遗产联邦部门秘书注解1澳洲,见有效水贴标和标准法案2005第21部分注解2当详情有用时将包括新西兰调解者的信息第二部分 要求2.1花洒2.1.1概述本标准仅适用AS/NZS 3662规定的个人浴用花洒,不适用其它花洒,例如大流量或安全花洒. 本标准给出淋喷头和配置附加部件的等级(例如枢轴臂,活动软管或流量控制器).然而,即使它们限定流量如表3.1规定,该附加部件也不能与淋喷头分开定等级.注 花洒按AS/NZS 3662规定的性能要求评估,包括喷水类型(如喷水喷射角度).如果花洒包括多个淋喷头,使用的整组须符合本标准.2.1.2注册花洒按照第四部分注册.2.1.3性能花洒须符合AS/NZS 3662对于一个花洒—a)按照AS/NZS 3662标准在150Kpa,250Kpa,350Kpa下测出不同的最高和最低平均流量不能超过2.0L/minb)按照AS/NZS 3662测定最高平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最大限制1.0L/min.c)按照AS/NZS 3662测定最低平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最小限制1.0L/min.注 分条款2.5.1规定如果产品不符合上述要求,产品的等级是零星.2.1.4耗水量花洒头的耗水量为按照AS/NZS 3662测定的名义流量.2.1.5等级花洒的有效水等级按照表3.1确定,名义流量按照次条款2.1.4测定.如果花洒不符合次条款2.1.3,花洒的等级是零星.2.1.6商标和标志花洒或它的包装应—a)标上按照附件B已批准有效水等级标志b)按照AS/NZS 3662打标2.2 洗碗机2.2.1 概述本标准适用 AS/NZS 2007.2中规定的洗碗机.2.2.2 注册洗碗机按照第四部分注册.2.2.3性能洗碗机应如AS/NZS 2007.2规定在相同条件下测定设备的能量消耗.2.2.4耗水量如AS/NZS 2007.2规定,在相同的条件下进行能量消耗测试时的耗水量.2.2.5等级洗碗机的有效水等级用以下公式测定,耗水量按次条款2.2.4测定.星级指数 = 测定的星级指数如出现小数点,应凑成最接近的半数星级.WC=机型耗水量用公升表示,根据分条款2.2.4测定BWC = 基本耗水量 = 2.5+P×1.6P = 安置洗碗机设备的数量WRF = 水简化因子/额外星级(17.5%)=0.175如果洗碗机少于星级等级指数1,洗碗机的等级就是零星.注 附件D提供一份洗碗机算法图解的陈述,也提供一份资料性的表格,以提供相应耗水量和安置的设备数量能应的星级等级.2.2.6贴标洗碗机应按照附件B批准的有效水等级贴标.2.3洗衣机2.3.1概述本标准适用AS/NZS 2040.2规定的洗衣机.2.3.2注册洗衣机按照第四部分注册.2.3.3性能洗衣机在相同条件下测试设备的能量消耗应符合AS/NZS 2040.2.洗衣机应符合AS/NZS 2040.1冲洗性能要求.2.3.4耗水量洗衣机的耗水量应取温水洗涤和冷水洗涤要求的总耗水量中的更高值,按照AS/NZS 2040.2规定在相同条件下用于能量消耗测试确定.即使厂商选择在能量标上不包括冷水洗涤的能量消机未指定冷水洗涤程序,耗水量则是温水洗涤要求的总耗水量.注解1可能这些冷洗和暖洗数值是相同的.注解2冷洗和暖洗要求的总耗水量在用于能量效率和水效率等级AS/NZS 2040.2洗衣机注册申请里报告.2.3.5等级洗衣机的有效水等级用以下公式测定,耗水量按次条款2.3.4测定星级等级指数=测定的星级指数如出现小数点,应凑成最接近的半数星级.BWC=基本耗水量=30×CC=按照AS2040.1测定洗衣机的等级装载量(Kg)WC=机型耗水量用升表示,根据次条款2.3.4测定WRF=水简化因子/额外星级(30%)=0.30注解1附件E提供一份洗衣机算法图解的陈述,也提供一份资料性的表格,以提供相应耗水量和安置的设备数量能应的星级等级.注解2耗水量按照AS2040.2标准完成和记录了5个重要数据.该数值大约最接近0.1L用附件E测定星级等级.如果洗衣机少于星级等级指数1,洗衣机的等级就是零.2.3.6贴标洗衣机应按照附录B批准的有效水等级贴标.2.4盥洗室设备2.4.1 概述该标准适用盥洗室设备,在本标准中,“盥洗室设备”的意思是—a)厕所设备﹔或b)WC水槽﹔或c)WC贮水器﹔或d)WC冲洗器﹔或e)一组合体1 WC水槽和贮水器﹔或2 WC水槽和冲洗设备2.4.2 注册盥洗室设备按照第四部分注册.如果分别提供WC水槽,WC贮水器或冲洗设备,注册和等级应以WC水槽和WC贮水器或WC 水槽和冲洗设备的组合体的性能为基础,通过注册申请指定,尽管组合体不必是供应的一套.盥洗室设备应—a)符合:1 WC水槽AS 1172.1﹔2 WC贮水器AS 1172.2﹔冲洗阀ATS 5200.021或ATS 5200.020﹔螺线管阀ATS 5200.030.b)按照次条款2.4.4测定的耗水量不能超过5.5L.2.4.4 耗水量盥洗室设备的耗水量—a)单冲洗水槽—根据AS 1172.2测定排出冲洗量﹔b)双冲洗水槽—根据AS1172.2测定一个全冲洗排出冲洗量和四个递减排出冲洗量,耗水量这此次全冲洗排出冲洗量﹔c)指定WC水槽和单冲洗冲洗设备的组合体—根据生产厂商的说明组建组合体,排出冲洗量为收集的一次全冲洗排出冲洗量,从WC水槽出水口测量﹔d)指定WC水槽和双冲洗冲洗设备的组合体--根据生产厂商的说明组建组合体,排出冲洗量为收集的一次全冲洗排出冲洗量和四个递减排出冲洗量的平均值,从WC水槽出水口测量. 当盥洗室设备有一完整的面中直接连接一面盆,面盆的水用来冲洗马桶,盥洗室设备的耗水量为0.3L或小于0.3L.注:一个6/3L的双冲洗马桶装置的冲洗量是3.6L.2.4.5 等级盥洗室设备的有效水等级按照表3.1确定,其耗水量按照次2.4.4条款测定.2.4.6 贴标和贴标盥洗室设备应—a)贴标按照附录B已批准有效水等级贴标﹔b)贴标和贴标根据AS 1172.1,AS 1172.2,ATS 5200.021或ATS 5200.020和ATS 5200.030﹔c)提供一份可连接到其它部件上(如贮水器)以便获得有效水等级的零件(如WC水槽)的清单及必须的组装和安装说明书.WC水槽,WC贮水器或冲洗设备,如果分别提供应带有注册的指定组合体的标志.2.5 小便器设备2.5.1概述本标准适用于小便器设备,在本标准中“小便器设备”指—a)小便器设备﹔b)小便器﹔c)小便器和小便器冲洗控制装置的组合体(通过注册申请指定).本标准不适用于无水小便器.注:当相应和性能标准发展时,无水小便器的要求将会被考虑.小便器设备按照第四部分注册.如果分别提供小便器或小便器冲洗控制设备,注册和等级应以小便器和冲洗控制设备的组合体的性能为基础,通过注册申请指定,尽管组合体不必是供应的一套.2.5.3 性能小便器设备应符合—a)小便器AS/NZS 3982﹔b)贮水器AS 1172.2,冲洗阀ATS 5200.020或ATS 5200.021﹔螺线管阀ATS 5200.030﹔注:条款2.5.5a)规定如果产品不符合AS/NZS 3982,此产品的等级为零星.2.5.4 耗水量小便器设备的耗水量是根据AS/NZS 3982测定的排水量.注:AS/NZS 3500.1,管道装置和排水装置,第1部分:供水,规定小便器的冲洗量不能大于2.5L.2.5.5 等级小便器设备的有效水等级按照表3.1确定,其耗水量按照次2.5.4条款测定.小便器设备的等级如下:a)如果不符合2.5.3条,等级为零星.b)如果它带有一个4,5或6星的小便器,但不具自动需求操作装置,其等级为3星.c)如果它是需求操作或自动需求操作,但带有一个可调节激活设施,其感应区设置在小便器前大于300㎜,等级为零星.d)如果它带有一个冲洗控制装置,可冲洗两个以上区位或冲洗一个宽度大于1200㎜的小便器时,等级为零星.注:有意识操作或需求操作装置的等级不能大于3星.2.5.6 贴标和标志小便器设备应—a)按照附录B已批准有效水等级贴标﹔b)贴标和标志根据AS/NZS 3892:1996,ATS 5200.021或ATS 5200.020和ATS 5200.030﹔c)如果获得的有效水等级只适用于连接其它零件,应有一份那些部件和适合的的组装和安装说明书.2.6水龙头设备2.6.1概述本标准适用于水龙头设备.在本标准中‘水龙头设备’意思是任何水龙头或水龙头出水口安装在脸盆,洗手槽,厨房洗涤槽或洗衣房浴缸,操作设备或阻塞器之上.注:水龙头的类型包括组合水龙头,混合水龙头,电子感应水龙头,柱状水龙头本标准不适用仅用于浴用的任何水龙头或水龙头出水口.水龙头根据第4部分注册.如果分别提供水龙头或水龙头出水口,注册和等级应以水龙头或水龙头出水口的组合体的性能为基础, 通过注册申请指定,尽管组合体不必是供应的一套.2.6.3性能水龙头设备应符合AS/NZS3718.水龙头设备—a)按照AS/NZS 3718标准在150Kpa,250Kpa,350Kpa下测出的最高和最低平均流量的差异不能超过2.0L/minb)按照AS/NZS 3718测定最高平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最大限制1.0L/minc)按照AS/NZS 3718测定最低平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最小限制1.0L/min.注 次条款2.6.5规定,如果产品不符合上述要求,产品的等级是零.2.6.4耗水量水龙头设备的耗水量为按照AS/NZS 3718测定的名义流量.2.6.5等级水龙头设备的有效水等级根据表3.1测定,耗水量则根据次条款2.6.4测定.如果水龙头设备有一有效自动关闭装置,有效水等级则增加到下一个更高等级(若有的话).具自动关闭阀能力的水龙头设备是—a)洗手盆,须用手打开水流的操作但在最多15秒后自动关闭(例如,通过弹簧负载设备,定时器,测定容量设备或通过电子手段);b)要求使用者打开水流(如一个感应器),但在使用者结束后2秒以内自动关闭水流.若水龙头设备不符合次条款2.6.3,则等级为零,不管水龙头设备有没有自动关闭阀.2.6.6贴标和标志水龙头设备应—a) 按照附录B已批准有效水等级贴标b) 按照预期申请贴标(如脸盆,厨房水槽,洗手槽或洗衣房浴缸)c) 按照AS/NZS 3718贴标和标志d) 如果不是整组,所包括的需与装置一起安装以获得其水效等级的零件清单和必须的组装和安装说明书均应提供.如果不是整组,水龙头设备应附带申请人指定的龙头和龙头出水口组合体的水效贴标标2.7流量控制器2.7.1概述用在花洒上的流量控制器不能做为独立安装设备列入等级.注:花洒按照AS/NZS 3662的性能要求估价,包括喷洒类型的要求(如喷枪展开角度)不能通过流量控制器单独获得.2.7.2注册流量控制器根据第4部分注册.2.7.3性能流量控制器的注册应符合ATS 5200.037.2.流量控制器—a)按照ATS 5200.037.2标准在150Kpa,250Kpa,350Kpa下测出的最高和最低平均流量的差异不能超过2.0L/min.b)按照ATS 5200.037.2测定最高平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最大限制1.0L/min.c)按照ATS 5200.037.2测定最低平均流量不能超过表3.1中规定的名义流量的最小限制1.0L/min.2.7.4 耗水量流量控制器的耗水量为按照ATS 5200.037.2测定的名义流量.2.7.5等级流量控制器的有效水等级根据表3.1测定,耗水量则根据次条款2.7.4测定.2.7.6贴标流量控制器的注册应—a) 按照附录B已批准有效水等级贴标b) 说明流量控制器是用于单个或组合设备(如柱形水龙头,连接水龙头)(见注解)c) 根据ATS 5200.037.2的要求d)所包括的需与装置一起安装以获得其水效等级的零件清单和必须的组装和安装说明书均应提供.注:说明流量控制器用于单个的还是组合设备是必要的,因为产品的有效水等级适用于申请要求.第三部分 有效水产品等级明细产品符合本标准的相应要求,将成功地通过注册申请,授予表3.1规定的相应等级.表3.1—等级明细等级项目 产品类型 耗水量单位 0星(警报) 1星 2星 3星 4星 5星 6星级 1花洒(见注1) L/min>16.0或性能要求失败<16.0, >12.0<12.0, >9.0<9.0, >7.5目前没有目前没有目前没有2 洗碗机 _ 见次条款2.2.53 洗衣机_ 见次条款2.3.54小便器设备(见注2)L/单间或L/600mm 宽>2.5用于单间或 >4.0用于双间或等宽,或性能要求失败,或可调节激活设备感应区在小便器前面大于300m 的,或冲洗控制设备可冲洗多于两间或等宽区间<4.0用于双间或等宽,有意识的,需求控制的或自动操作的 <2.5用于单间或等宽,有意识的,需求控制的或自动操作的 <2.0用于单间或等宽,有意识的,需求控制的或自动操作的<1.5用于单间或相等宽多间,有意识的,自动操作的 <1.0用于单间或相等宽多间,有意识的,自动操作的<1.0用于单间或相等宽多间,有意识的,自动操作的有一个小便器感应设备5水龙头设备,流量控制器(见注3) L/min >16.0或性能要求失败<16.0, >12.0<12.0, >9.0<9.0, >7.5<7.5, >6.0<6.0, >4.5<4.56盥洗室设备(见注4和5) L(平均冲洗量)不适用<5.5, >4.5<4.5, >4.0<4.0, >3.5<3.5, >3.0<3.0, >2.5<2.5注1:4星级到6星级限制没规定因为没有当前等级.新测试在发展以确保产品流量小于7.5L/min 有效地进行,令消费者满意.注2:AS/NZS 3500.1,管道设备和排水系统,第1部分:供水,规定不允许冲洗量大于2.5L/单间或小便器长超过600mm.注3:流量在本表中有时小于AS/NZS 3500.1,管道设备和排水系统,第1部分:供水,针对水龙头和贮水器,规定的出水口水流量要求, AS/NZS 3500.1规定的流量针对水管道尺寸保证出水口充分的供应,而本表中流量是用各种出水口有效的令人满意的级别.注4:新浴室安装或替换厕所设备,澳洲管道政策不是要求就是鼓励6/3L 双冲洗贮水器或被证明和经批准相等物的使用.注5:使用超过5.5L (平均冲洗量)的厕所超过允许的最大耗水量,不符合允许供应的最小性能标准.第四部分 注册申请4.1概述本部分规定了在本标准下注册产品的程序.指定和自愿注册的程序相同.本部分也规定了产品符合保持注册的条件.4.2注册详述特殊品牌和机型的产品注册申请应提交给WELS管理者用附件A表格形式.澳洲注册申请可在罔上完成和提交 或寄到以下地址:WELS RegulatorDepartment of the Environment and HeritageGPO Box 787Canberra ACT 2601注1WELS管理者的详述可从澳洲政府网址得到—.au注2当信息可用时该标准包括新西兰注册物详述.4.3注册程序注册程序如下:a)产品的样品根据该标准的要求,通过管理者认可的实验室进行测试.b)注册申请(包括条款4.4提到的信息和文件)通过网站发出,或书面提交给WELS管理者,在条款4.2开始使用存放物信息.c)WELS管理者考察申请,决定产品是否符合本标准.d)WELS管理者发送一份通知给申请人陈述如下内容:1注册申请是否符合本标准.2提供给产品的有效水等级.3申请核准后的申请人的证书号..4在何种条件下产吕可加入WELS计划对于a),由NATA认可的实验室对适合的标准的测试报告或符合国家装置和设备能量有效性系统要求拟定的测试报告均被认为是由认可的实验室拟定的.4.4注册要求的文件和费用申请注册时以下应提交:a)符合附录A的申请书.b)一份测试报告,评估机构的认证报告,其它任何证明产品符合本标准的文件.c)附录B提出水效标样品.d)注册费用的帐单(或其它已付费用的证明)注1注册费用将在该网址详述.au注2法案的第30部分规定产品的注册有效期5年,从产品注册的那一天开始.4.5记录的保持和有效性保持注册的产品—a)所有文件的复印件做为产品注册的一部分提交,所有支持文件应由许可人在注册日之后至少持有5年,即直到注册已过期.b) 应要求许可人确认段落a)中提及的所有文件有效,以应WELS管理者检查4.6 变更通知保持注册的产品,如果产品在某种程度上改变影响它的性能或该标准的一致性,许可人应立即书面通知WELS管理者.(没通知WELS管理者会导致注册的取消或中止)注1法案的第31部分解释了注册的取消和中止.继续供应已取消或中止的产品可能违反法案.注2如果在澳洲授权销售的产品在某种程度上改变会影响它的性能,生产商,进口商,分销商,供货商,洗碗机或洗衣机的代理人也要根据委任能量消耗贴标规定通知相应管理当局.4.7重测和重新注册许可人应保证注册产品符合本标准的要求,不符合本标准的产品应重测和重新注册.这条适用于因产品改变或标准修订导致不符合的产品.如果产品在到期日或到期之前重新注册,新的注册在原来注册到期之后即刻开始生效.注1在法案下如果本标准修订,导致已注册产品不再符合相关标准,此产品的注册可保持12个月,产品应在那段时期重新注册.WELS管理者将在12个月后取消旧的注册.注2若产品未发生改变(参考该标准附录A第4部分),注册的产品如需在现行的注册到期之前进行重新注册,可再次提供前次测试报告作为再次注册申请文件的部分.4.8争议的解决争议根据WELS 2005法案程序解决.注 法案的第71和72部分解释ELS管理者决定的复审.。



出口商品技术指南房间空调器(修订版)承办单位:中国家用电器研究院2017年11月编号:201X—XX出口商品技术指南Technical Guideline for Export Commodity房间空调器Room air conditioners中华人民共和国商务部2017年11月前言据海关统计,2016年我国机电产品全年进出口总额达7982亿美元,比上年同期减少1.97%。






在新的国际市场环境及经济贸易形势下,为了便于出口家电企业更充分地了解国际上各种技术性贸易措施产生背景和表现形式,以及有关家电产品标准的变化情况,在商务部发布的《出口空调器技术指南》(2013 年版)的基础上,中国家用电器研究院再次受商务部委托,根据 2013年以后出口家电市场面临的各种新的技术性贸易措施以及主要出口国家和地区产品技术标准的变化情况,进行了重新修订。

本次修订涉及的内容包括:1)对2012 年以来出口空调器市场的情况和数据进行了系统汇总统计,同时对各地区出口市场进行了分析说明;2)针对空调器的产品标准、电气安全要求,结合国际 IEC 和ISO最新的标准,进行了详细的比对和解读,涉及标准包括IEC60335《家用和类似用途电器的安全》及空调器的“特殊要求”的更新变化以及主要出口地区和国家的产品标准和技术要求;3)针对不同国家和地区最新的空调器产品的“能效等级要求”以及即将修订的“能耗计算方法”进行了归纳分析,尤其注重对日本、美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、中东地区等相关标准的系统分析对比;4)对近年来出现的各种新出现的技术性贸易措施行了分类比较;特别对涉及空调器出口市场上的影响进行了分析,进并在一些敏感领域提出了应对方案及设想。


ASTM D 3887-1996(2008)
FZ/T 70002:1991
ASTM D3775-2008
ISO 7211/2:1984
BS EN 1049:2-1994
EN 1049:2-1993
DIN EN 1049:2-1994
GB/T 5713-1997
AATCC 107-2007
ISO 105-E01:1994 +Cor1:2002
BS EN ISO 105-E01:1996 +Cor.1 :2004
DIN EN ISO 105-E01: 1996
GB/T 3922-1995
AATCC 15-2007
DIN EN ISO 105-E04: 1996
ISO 105-E04: 2008
BS EN ISO 105-E04: 2009
EN ISO 105-E04: 2009
BS EN ISO 3759:2008
DIN EN ISO 3759:2008
EN ISO 3759:2008
GB/T 8628:2001
AS 2001.5.1:1987





还有一种是国外的温、湿度记录仪,如,美国Madge Tech 的RHTemp1000IS.它的优点是精度高,可以在加入ETO气体后使用,同时能记录温度和湿度。

但同样它的最大缺点也是体积较大(长约20cm,直径2cm),无法置入产品内部,且与PC相连,一次只能读取一个数据,很不方便.2008年5月我们采用了美国iBtton 温、湿度记录仪,精度高,温度精度为0。






4.验证日期:5.具体人员分工::负责制定灭菌重新验证方案、组织协调灭菌验证工作、验证工作汇总:负责设备的维修、检测:负责设备的具体操作和运行:负责仪表、测量设备的维护、验证的实施:负责生物指示物的检测6.验证项目:6.1 IQ确认(安装确认)目的:重新确认灭菌设备及其辅助系统的安装符合设备规格及设计规范.6。



眉山市奥新能源技术有限公司8万吨/年丙烯项目质量计划编制单位:眉山奥新能源项目部编制人:陈欢欢、刘文刚审核人:批准人:编制日期: 2013年01月26日印号:(盖章受控)版本:第一版发布日期:年月日目录1。


项目质量组织机构图、质保体系图与质量职责33.文件和资料的控制 (108)4。


工程分包106.标识和可追溯性 (10)7.施工过程质量控制 (11)8。

成品保护措施159.质量监督检查 (15)10.质量技术资料的管理 (15)11.工程交付 (17)附表一检验试验一览表 (19)附表二质量验收程序 (311)附表三到货物资、产品质量检验表 (316)项目质量管理计划1.总则1.1工程概况本质量计划是依据眉山市奥新能源技术有限公司8万吨/年丙烯项目合同的要求,结合工程实际情况,按照公司质量体系文件的规定,通过质量策划而形成的,用于指导眉山市奥新能源技术有限公司8万吨/年丙烯项目工程施工全过程的质量管理工作,有效期自2013年_1_月20日到工程竣工交付后止。







版本号: ZMPC04-1.0-2001生效日期: 2001.06.01中 国 船 级 社中 型 散 装 容 器 检 验 指 南目 录1、通 则2、检 验3、技术要求4、型式试验5、试验报告6、质量控制7、附录中国船级社中国船级社工业产品部工业产品部工业产品部制订制订中型散装容器检验指南1通则1.1一般规定1.1.1适用范围本指南适用于国际海事组织制定的《国际海运危险货物规则》(以下简称国际危险)中规定的容积在0.25~3m3,的中型散装容器的检验和认可。

1.1.2一般要求1.1.2.1中型散装容器的设计、制造、检验和试验均应符合本指南是规定。关于中型散装容器的试验条件、方法应符合本指南、国际海运危险货物规则及国家包装条例标准GB/T4857的有关规定。本指南未涉及的有关主管机关所规定的要求,如《中国交通部水路危险货物运输规则》,适用时也应予以满足。 中型散装容器的制造单位应具有国家主管部门的认可资质。








三硫代碳酸钠质量标准一、前言本标准规定了三硫代碳酸钠产品质的要求,偶有时候会Puttingatea uંં扇形TransitionEnd Reducedincl,以及其试验方法、检验规则以及包装、标志、储存等,以保障该产品在生产和使用过程中的质量和安全。



三、技术要求1. 外观:工业级产品应为白色或略带黄色的结晶或粉末;试剂级产品应为白色结晶或粉末。

2. 三硫代碳酸钠的质量分数:工业级产品应不低于98.0%;试剂级产品应不低于99.0%。

3. 杂质含量:产品中的重金属含量(以Pb计)应不大于0.002%;氯化物含量(以Cl计)应不大于0.02%;硫酸盐含量(以SO4计)应不大于0.05%。

4. 水分:工业级产品的水分含量应不大于1.0%;试剂级产品的水分含量应不大于0.5%。

四、试验方法1. 外观:通过目视检查。

2. 三硫代碳酸钠的质量分数:采用滴定法或重量法进行测定。

3. 杂质含量:分别采用原子吸收光谱法、离子选择电极法或重量法进行测定。

4. 水分:采用卡尔·费休法进行测定。

五、检验规则1. 生产企业应依据本标准建立相应检验机构或委托外部检测机构对产品进行检验,以确保产品质量。

2. 产品应按照批次进行检验,同一原料、同一工艺条件、同一生产周期生产的产品为一批。

3. 每批产品均应按照本标准规定的项目进行检验,检验结果符合本标准要求时,判定该批产品合格。

4. 对于不合格的产品,应按照相关规定进行处理,不得出厂和销售。

六、包装、标志和储存1. 产品包装应符合GB/T 16288《化工产品包装用塑料编织袋》等相关标准要求。


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AS/NZS 3105:2007 AS/NZS 3105:2007Australian/New Zealand Standard™Approval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devicesAS/NZS 3105:2007This Joint Australian/New Zealand S tandard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee EL-004, Electrical Accessories. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 28 December 2006 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 19 January 2007.This Standard was published on 30 January 2007.The following are represented on Committee EL-004:Australian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer’s AssociationAustralian Information Industry AssociationAustralasian Railway AssociationCanterbury Manufacturers Association NZConsumer Electronics Suppliers AssociationConsumers’ Federation of AustraliaElectrical Compliance Testing AssociationElectrical Regulatory Authorities CouncilMinistry of Consumer Affairs (New Zealand)Plastics Industry Pipe Association of AustraliaTelarc New ZealandTesting Interests (Australia)Keeping Standards up-to-dateS tandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all S tandards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. S tandards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current S tandard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the S tandards Web S hop at .au or S tandards New Zealand web site at and looking up the relevant S tandard in the on-line catalogue.Alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed Catalogue with full details of all current S tandards. For more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, S tandards Australia and S tandards New Zealand offer a number of update options. For information about these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our S tandards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Please address your comments to the Chief Executive of either S tandards Australia or S tandards New Zealand at the address shown on the back cover.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 06495.AS/NZS 3105:2007Australian/New Zealand Standard™Approval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devicesOriginated in Australia as AS 3105—1984.Originated in New Zealand as part of NZSS 198—1939.Previous edition AS/NZS 3105:2002.Seventh edition AS/NZS 3105:2007.COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia/Standards New ZealandAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by ny me ns, electronic or mech nic l, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.Jointly published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 and Standards New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020AS/NZS 3105:2007 2PREFACEThis Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-004, Electrical Accessories to supersede AS/NZS 3105:2002 from the date of publication.The objective of this Standard is to provide the Australian and New Zealand electrical industry including manufacturers, test laboratories and regulators with requirements and test methods for electrical portable outlet devices.This Standard is one of a series of approval and test specifications to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100, Approval and test specification—General req uirements for electrical equipment. The purpose of this series is to outline conditions which must be met to secure approval for the sale and use of electrical equipment in Australia and New Zealand. Only safety matters and related conditions are covered.The essential safety requirements in AS/NZS 3820 that could be applicable to electrical portable outlet devices are covered by this Standard taken in conjunction with any other relevant requirements affecting safety.This Standard was revised to incorporate Amendments No. 1 and 2 to AS/NZS 3105:2002 and to introduce editorial changes and the following technical changes:(a) Requirements for the storage of cord extension sets.(b) Changes to marking requirements.(c) Changes to requirements covering the determination of ignitability and combustionpropagation.This Standard does not purport to include all the necessary conditions of a contract.3AS/NZS 3105:2007CONTENTSPage1 SCOPE AND REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (4)2 DEFINITIONS (5)3 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS (6)4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (6)5 MEANS OF CONNECTION (10)6 POWER SUPPLY CORD ASSEMBLY (10)7 MARK ING (11)8 TESTS (12)AS/NZS 3105:2007 4STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAustralian/New Zealand StandardApproval and test specification—Electrical portable outlet devices1 SCOPE AND REFERENCED DOCUMENTS1.1 ScopeThis Standard applies to electrical portable outlet devices primarily intended for household and similar use at low voltage and having outlet facilities in the form of socket-outlets or cord extension sockets or connectors. They are connected to the supply by either a power supply cord and a plug or an appliance inlet.This Standard does not apply to the following:(a) Cord extension sets, within the scope of AS/NZS 3199.(b) Portable residual current devices, within the scope of AS/NZS 3190.(c) Socket-outlet adaptors, within the scope of AS/NZS 3122.(d) Electric inspection handlamps, within the scope of AS/NZS 60598.2.8.(e) Portable control or conditioning devices, within the scope of AS/NZS 3197.1.2 Referenced documentsThe following documents are referred to in this Standard:AS3111 Approval and test specification—Miniature overcurrent circuit-breakers3117 (NZS/AS 3117) Approval and test specification—Bayonet lampholders3140 (NZS/AS 3140) Approval and test specification—Edison-type screw lampholdersAS/NZS3100 Approval and test specification—General requirements forelectrical equipment3112 Approval and test specification—Plugs and socket-outlets3120 Approval and test specification—Cord extension sockets3121 Approval and test specification—Insulating mouldings3122 Approval and test specification—Socket-outlet adaptors3127 Approval and test specification—Cord-line switches3133 Approval and test specification—Air break switches3190 Approval and test specification—Residual current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices)3191 Electric flexible cords3197 Approval and test specification—Portable electrical control orconditioning devices3199 Approval and test specification—Cord extension sets3820 Essential safety requirements for low voltage electrical equipment5AS/NZS 3105:200760320 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes60320.1 Part 1: General requirements60320.2.2 Part 2.2: Interconnection couplers for household and similarequipment60335 Household and similar electrical appliances—Safety60335.1 Part 1: General requirements60598 Luminaires60598.2.8 Part 2.8: Particular requirements—Handlampsaccessories—Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection 60898 Electricalfor household and similar installations60898.1 Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c. operationcontrolgear61347 Lamp61347.2.8 Part 2.8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps2 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Standard the following definitions apply.2.1 Cycling trip-free overcurrent deviceAn overcurrent device, the moving contacts of which return to the open position when theautomatic opening operation is initiated after the initiation of the closing operation, andwhich will then reclose repeatedly and momentarily, if the closing command is maintained.2.2 Detachable reeling or coiling arrangementAn arrangement, which may be in the form of a frame or reel, intended for the storage ofthe whole or part of a power supply cord, and which is detachable from the cord or EPODwithout the use of a tool.2.3 Electrical portable outlet device (EPOD)A device, other than a cord extension set, having a single means of connection to a lowvoltage supply, and one or more outlet facilities. It may incorporate a reeling or coilingarrangement.For the purpose of this Standard an electrical portable outlet device is referred to as anEPOD.2.4 Integrally moulded electrical portable outlet deviceA device constructed so that its power supply cord is moulded to the device to form anintegral unit; it being impossible to detach the power supply cord without breaking ordestroying the device.2.5 JunctionA construction which is enclosed and incorporates integral means for the attachment ofsheathing, insulation, conductors and terminations of two flexible cords together with apower supply cord. It is moulded to form an integral unit; it being impossible to gain accessto the terminations without destroying the junction.2.6 Non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangementAn arrangement, which may be in the form of a frame or reel, intended for the storage ofthe whole or part of a power supply cord, and which is not detachable from the cord orEPOD without the use of a tool.2.7 Outlet facilitySocket-outlet or cord extension socket or connector.AS/NZS 3105:2007 62.8 Trip-free overcurrent deviceAn overcurrent device, the contacts of which return to, and remain in, the open position when the automatic opening operation is initiated after the initiation of the closing operation even if the closing command is maintained. Overcurrent devices of this design may be referred to as positively trip-free.3 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS3.1 General requirements of AS/NZS 3100This Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100, and the appropriate provisions of AS/NZS 3100 shall apply to the construction of the EPOD and its insulation and the safeguarding of parts which normally carry current.3.2 Specific requirements of this StandardAn EPOD shall be deemed to comply with this Standard only if it complies with all the requirements of this Standard and passes the tests specified herein.3.3 Requirements of other StandardsComponents incorporated in an EPOD, which are depended upon for safety, shall comply with the appropriate requirements of the relevant Australian or Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard.4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION4.1 Current ratingThe current rating of any outlet facility shall be not greater than that of the plug or appliance inlet, nor greater than the current-carrying capacity of the power supply cord or flexible cable.4.2 Mechanical strengthThe enclosing case of the EPOD, or of any reeling or coiling arrangement, shall be of robust construction and adequate mechanical strength, and shall comply with Clause Insulating materialThe insulating portions of an EPOD shall consist of either—(a) insulating material having properties not inferior to those specified in AS/NZS 3121for insulating mouldings having a temperature class of 60°C and, in addition,complies with Clause 8.9 of this Standard; or(b) ceramic material of a type such that, after immersion in water for 48 h and after allvisible drops of water have been removed from the surface by means of a clean drycloth, it will not have increased in mass by more than 2%.4.4 Power supply cord and outgoing flexible cordsAny power supply cord or outgoing flexible cords provided shall—(a) comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3191;(b) be a 3-core ordinary duty or heavy duty type;(c) have conductors with a cross-sectional area of not less than 1 mm2; and(d) for a power supply cord, comply with Clause 6.3.AS/NZS 3105:2007 74.5 Outlet facilities4.5.1 Socket-outlets, cord extension sockets or connectors4.5.1.1 Socket-outletsAn EPOD may be provided with one or more socket-outlets—(a) complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3112 except that on the plane ofthe socket-outlet faceplate—(i) the minimum distance from the edge of any live-pin aperture to the edge of thefaceplate shall be 13.7 mm; andN OTE: The increase in the distance specified from the edge of a live-pin aperture to theextremity of the device faceplate was made possible because these devices are not intended tobe inserted into an appliance inlet complying with Clause 5(b).(ii) the maximum distance by which the faceplate, within the distance specified in Item (i), is below the plane shall be 3 mm; and(b) each intended to accommodate a three-pin flat-pin plug conforming to AS/NZS 3112.No part of the EPOD, including any switch in any position, shall project more than 8.6 mmfrom the surface of the socket-outlet face, within the shaded area shown in Figure 1, exceptin the case of socket-outlets with special design features such as those that provideprotection from dust, weather or mechanical damage.There shall be no projections in the area defined by the dimension R21.6 shown in Figure 1.NOTES:1 This requirement allows for full insertion of plug or plug-in devices of the size indicated inFigure 1 and also prevents inadvertent or partial operation of any switch during insertion.2 This requirement will not necessarily permit manual operation of any switch with the plug orplug-in device inserted.FIGURE 1 AREA OF LIMITED PROJECTIONFor EPODs incorporating more than one socket-outlet, the centre-to-centre distancebetween adjacent socket-outlets shall be greater than 44 mm.AS/NZS 3105:2007 Cord extension socketsAn EPOD shall be provided with no more than two cord extension sockets complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3120.When two cord extension sockets are provided, the junction described in Clause 2.5 shall be used for termination of the flexible cords supplying the cord extension sockets. ConnectorsAn EPOD shall be provided with no more than two connectors complying with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 60320.1 for connectors for Class I equipment.When two connectors are provided, the junction described in Clause 2.5 shall be used for termination of the flexible cords supplying the connectors.4.5.2 LampholdersAny EPOD, except for those provided with a junction, may incorporate one or more lampholders provided the following requirements are met:(a) The maximum connected lamp load shall not exceed 10% of the EPOD rating.(b) Any lamp shall be protected by a substantial guard or enclosure that cannot beremoved without the use of a tool. This does not preclude the use of a hinged coverintended to allow lamp replacement.(c) Any lampholder shall be of the all-insulated type as defined in AS/NZS 3100.Where a bayonet cap or Edison screw lampholder is provided, it shall comply with the relevant requirements of AS 3117 (NZS/AS 3117) or AS 3140 (NZS/AS 3140) respectively.Any lampholders provided shall be controlled by a Category 1 switch but the ‘OFF’position need not be marked.4.5.3 Overcurrent protectionAny EPOD having three or more 10 A socket-outlets or a socket-outlet rated in excess of10 A shall be provided with manually resettable trip-free or cycling trip-free overcurrentprotection having a current rating not exceeding the rated current of the device and which complies with Clause 8.5, except where the means of overcurrent protection is a miniature overcurrent circuit-breaker complying with the relevant requirements of AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1.Not more than one socket-outlet rated in excess of 10 A shall be incorporated in an EPOD.Fuses shall not be used as a means of overcurrent protection.4.5.4 Switching requirementsIf switches are provided, the switching arrangements shall be one of the following:(a) A switch or a miniature overcurrent circuit breaker or a cord-line switch whichcontrols all outlet facilities and which is rated at not less than the current rating of thedevice.(b) A switch controlling each outlet facility provided each switch is rated at not less thanthe current rating of the outlet facility it controls.Switching shall be multi-pole and shall be of one of the following types—(i) a Category 1 switch as described in AS/NZS 3100 except that the ‘OFF’ position neednot be marked; or(ii) a miniature overcurrent circuit breaker complying with AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1;or9AS/NZS 3105:2007(iii) a cord-line switch complying with AS/NZS 3127 and located in the power supply cord at a distance not exceeding 1.8 m from the cord entry to the outlet device.EPODs shall be provided with switching arrangements if they are—(A) fitted with a power supply cord and plug described in Clause 5(a) the length of whichexceeds 1.8 m; or(B) provided with means of connection described in Clause 5(b).EPODs shall be provided with switching arrangements if they are fitted with a powersupply cord, the length of which exceeds 1.8 m.4.6 Requirements for reeling or coiling arrangement4.6.1 GeneralA reeling or coiling arrangement may be incorporated with an EPOD provided with outletfacilities described in Clause Over-temperature protectionWhere a non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement is incorporated, the power supplycord shall not reach an excessive temperature caused by being operated at rated load in thefully wound position. Compliance with this requirement may be achieved by special coolingtechniques or by over-temperature protection. Compliance shall be checked by the tests ofClause 8.3 and Clause 8.6, except where an interlock switch is used that prevents theenergizing of outlets unless the power supply cord is fully extended. Such an interlockswitch shall comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3133. Alternatively, amechanical interlock may be provided whereby it is not possible to insert a plug into anysocket-outlet unless the power supply cord is fully extended.Where an over-temperature protection device is provided, it shall be—(a) protected against mechanical damage; and(b) of the non-self-resetting thermal cut-out type that does not require replacement of apart.Where a detachable reeling or coiling arrangement is used, compliance shall be checked bythe test of Clause Entry for power supply cord into reeling or coiling arrangementAny non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement shall be capable of passing the test ofClause Earthing continuityAll EPODs shall provide earthing continuity between the earthing pin of the plug orappliance inlet and the earthing contact of each outlet facility and any exposed metal, inaccordance with the requirements for earthing facilities stated in AS/NZS 3100.The earthing of any exposed metal or the earthing continuity of outlet facilities shall notrely solely on—(a) contact through the revolving axle of the cable reel; or(b) a single brush or single spring-loaded revolving contact.NOTE: The use of two brushes or a combination of the methods described in Items (a) and (b) isconsidered to be satisfactory.AS/NZS 3105:2007 105 MEANS OF CONNECTIONEvery EPOD shall be provided with facilities for connection to the supply by either—(a) a power supply cord and plug; or(b) a Group 1 appliance inlet of the appropriate rating and complying withAS/NZS 60320.1, or a Group 2 appliance inlet complying with AS/NZS 60320.1 andwhich is of a type that will only accept a cord extension socket complying withAS/NZS 3120 and intended for use with a three-pin, flat-pin plug conforming toAS/NZS 3112.(c) a plug connector complying with AS/NZS 60320.2.2.6 POWER SUPPLY CORD ASSEMBLY6.1 PlugThe plug shall—(a) have a pin configuration for a three-pin, flat-pin plug conforming to AS/NZS 3112;(b) be connected to the power supply cord in accordance with the configuration specifiedin AS/NZS 3112; and(c) comply with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3112.6.2 Power supply cord attachmentThe power supply cord shall be assembled with the EPOD by one of the following methods:(a) Type X attachment.(b) Type Y attachment.(c) TypeZattachment.Where a junction is used, the power supply cord shall be assembled with Type Z attachment. This requirement shall also apply to the method of assembly of the outlet facility flexible cords.6.3 Length of power supply cordThe minimum length of the power supply cord shall be 0.9 m, and the maximum shall be as shown in Table 1, except that longer lengths with larger conductor areas may be used for the purpose of limiting voltage drop, provided that the voltage drop is not greater that 5% of the supply voltage when the device is operated at a rated current.TABLE 1MAXIMUM LENGTHS OF POWER SUPPLY CORDEPOD rating Conductor area Maximum length of power supply cordA mm2 m10 1.01.5 25 3215 1.52.5 25 4020 2.54.0 32 4011AS/NZS 3105:20076.4 Length of flexible cords when a junction is usedWhen a junction is used at the end of the power supply cord the requirements of Clause 6.3shall apply to the power supply cord. The maximum length of flexible cord between thejunction and outlet facility shall be 0.9 m.6.5 PolarizationThe EPOD shall be constructed so that the polarity of the aperture configuration of anysocket-outlet or cord extension socket corresponds to that of the plug pins and, whenviewing the mating face of the socket-outlet, shall be earth, active, neutral, in a clockwisedirection.The terminals of the plug and any outlet facility shall be connected to the appropriateconductor identified by the following colours of insulation:(a) Active—brown.(b) Neutral—light blue.(c) Earth—green/yellow.N OTE: For heavy-duty flexible cord, the colours red and black are acceptable for active andneutral respectively.7 MARKING7.1 GeneralThe EPOD shall be marked in accordance with the relevant requirements of AS/NZS 3100,except that the rating shall be marked in both watts and amperes. It shall also be marked toindicate that the total load connected is not to exceed the rating of the device.Where a lampholder is provided and there is a restriction on the wattage of lamp that maybe inserted, the maximum wattage of the lamp shall be marked. This form of marking shallbe similar to ‘MAXIMUM LAMP RATING ... ... WATTS’.Unless the EPOD is marked with a degree of protection IP33 or greater it shall be marked‘for indoor use’ only.N OTE: Manufacturers who place the number of this Standard on a product or on packaging orpromotional material related to that product, are advised to ensure that there is verificationavailable that the product has been manufactured to comply with this Standard.7.2 Additional marking requirements for EP ODs incorporating a reeling or coilingarrangementThe following additional marking for EPODs incorporating a reeling or coiling arrangementshall be made in durable lettering not less than 3 mm in height and in a colour in contrastwith that of the material of the reeling or coiling enclosure:DO NOT OPERATE UNLESS CORD FULLY UNREELEDThis additional marking shall be on the face or faces adjacent to the socket-outlets.The additional marking requirement does not apply where the design is such that the socket-outlets cannot be energized unless the flexible cord is fully extended or where the test ofClause 8.3 is satisfied when the flexible cord is fully reeled or coiled.7.3 Location of markingThe marking shall be clearly discernible from the outside of the EPOD. In addition, therating and the marking specified in Clause 7.1 indicating that the total load is not to exceedthe rating of the EPOD shall be clearly visible when the EPOD is in its normal position ofuse.AS/NZS 3105:2007 127.4 InstructionFor EPODs provided with a junction, an instruction shall be provided according to ‘Equipment with Type X, Y and Z attachments’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.8 TESTS8.1 GeneralThe EPOD shall pass the tests prescribed in Table 2, such tests being carried out in the order stated herein. The general conditions described in the section for tests ‘General’stated in AS/NZS 3100 shall be observed during the tests of this Standard. Table 2 also specifies the number of samples required for the tests.8.2 Test of cord anchorageThe test of cord anchorage shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements for ‘Cord anchorage’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.In addition, for EPODs provided with a junction, the tests shall be repeated by applying pulls in turn to each combination of flexible cords including the power supply cord terminated at the junction. The tests shall be applied to each combination in the same plane and the pulls to each combination shall be made at an angle of 180°.NOTE: Depending on the shape of the junction it may be necessary to restrain it to allow the pullsto be made at 180° in the same plane. In this case the method of restraint should not affect the testor its results.At the conclusion of the test the junction shall show no damage likely to impair the safety of the device.8.3 Temperature rise during normal operationThe EPOD shall be operated at 10 A or rated current, whichever is the greater, and arranged in accordance with the marked operating instructions or warning label. Where a lampholder is provided, the lamp used for this test shall be of the maximum wattage marked on the device or, in the absence of such marking, the lamp shall be of the highest wattage that can be accommodated. For a fluorescent lamp, a reference lamp complying with AS/NZS 61347.2.8 shall be used.If the marking set out in Clause 7.2 is not marked on EPODs incorporating a non-detachable reeling or coiling arrangement, this test shall be carried out with the power supply cord fully reeled or coiled.The temperature of materials and insulation, measured when temperatures are stable, shall not exceed the relevant values given for temperature rises of components and insulating material given in the Table of ‘Maximum Temperature Rise’ stated in AS/NZS 3100.13AS/NZS 3105:2007TABLE 2TESTS TO BE APPLIED AND ORDER OF APPLICATIONTest No. Description of testClause reference for testprocedure and criteriaSampleidentification1 Insulation resistance ‘Insulation resistance’ stated in AS/NZS 3100 A2 High voltage ‘High voltage (electric strength) test’ statedin AS/NZS 3100A3 Earthing connection ‘Test of earthing connection’ stated inAS/NZS 3100A4 Cordanchorage 8.2herein A 5 Screw threads and fixings ‘Test for screw threads and fixings’ stated inAS/NZS 3100A6 Temperature rise during normaloperation8.3 herein A7 Insulation resistance ‘Insulation resistance’ stated in AS/NZS 3100 A8 High voltage ‘High voltage (electric strength) test’ statedin AS/NZS 3100A9 Mechanicalstrength 8.4herein AB10 Overcurrent protection 8.5 herein A11 Over-temperature protection 8.6 herein A12 Additional tests for integrallymoulded EPODs and EPODsprovided with a junction 8.7 herein C, D, E, F(see Notes 1& 2)13 Test of cord entry (for devicesincorporating a reeling or coilingarrangement)8.8 herein A14 Test of automatic recoiling device Requirements and tests for automatic cordreels stated in AS/NZS 60335.1A15 Determination of ignitability andcombustion propagation 8.9 herein Any(see Note 3)Total number of samples required 2/6 NOTES:1 For the purpose of this Standard, where the tests of AS/NZS 3112 refer to a plug, it is taken to mean anEPOD.2 The additional samples for Test No. 12 are required only for integrally moulded EPODs. An unmouldedsample will be required for these tests.3 Test No.15 may require an additional sample in new and clean condition.4 Sample A can be used to verify the general requirements and dimensional requirements of thisStandard.8.4 Mechanical strength8.4.1 Drop testThe drop test shall be performed five times. The EPOD shall be released from a clamp, in an attitude likely to cause the most damage, so as to fall freely through a distance of 750 mm onto a steel plate not less than 5 mm thick which is supported on a concrete surface. The steel plate shall have a surface area not less than the projected area of the device when supported in the clamp.。
