金手指列表NPEG-00008 欧超级星尘NPEG-00017 欧像素垃圾妖怪豪华版NPEG-00024 欧 LocoRoco 午夜嘉年华NPEH-00017 欧水晶守护者NPEH-00021 欧变形战斗机NPEH-00026 欧水底恐慌NPEZ-00001 欧解谜方块NPEZ-00002 欧超级汉堡店NPEZ-00003 欧麻将考古2NPEZ-00004 欧暴力格斗NPEZ-00008 欧外星仓库番NPEZ-00009 欧粘土闯关NPEZ-00011 欧魔幻砖块NPEZ-00021 欧幻想弹珠台NPEZ-00022 欧幻想弹珠台NPEZ-00023 欧泡沫危机NPEZ-00025 欧异性浩劫NPEZ-00027 欧数独NPEZ-00029 欧僵尸大亨NPEZ-00031 欧斯巴达英雄NPEZ-00036 欧 66号高速路线NPEZ-00041 欧升空NPEZ-00042 欧回廊NPEZ-00043 欧火箭赛车NPEZ-00044 欧僵尸时代NPEZ-00045 欧气球防御NPEZ-00046 欧洗脑管道NPEZ-00058 欧吸血鬼方块NPEZ-00081 欧光束捕捉NPEZ-00093 欧俄罗斯方块NPEZ-00094 欧美味果酱NPEZ-00096 欧福特克斯NPEZ-00098 欧炮塔防御NPEZ-00099 欧雪人运动NPEZ-00100 欧红牛激斗NPEZ-00101 欧梦幻魔方NPEZ-00107 欧大家来找茬NPEZ-00112 欧电报填字谜NPEZ-00115 欧异形僵尸大战NPEZ-00117 欧测功宝石NPEZ-00120 欧空间魔球进化NPEZ-00124 欧德古拉亡灵复苏NPEZ-00135 欧坦克大战NPEZ-00140 欧终结者NPEZ-00145 欧冰上卡车拉力赛NPGH-00017 中克鲁顿方块NPHG-00013 中超级星尘NPHG-00025 中胖公主蛋糕一把抓NPHG-00080 中创意族赛车NPHH-00056 中兰岛物語~少女的约定~NPJG-00035 日海豹突击队火线小组3NPJH-00005 日水晶守卫NPJH-00008 日像素垃圾妖怪豪华版NPJH-00010 日魔界战记无限NPJH-00017 日大战黑白棋NPJH-00029 日闪光马达卡莲NPJH-00030 日点阵攻防战NPJH-50040 日女神异闻录3 携带版NPJH-50043 日梦幻之星2携带版NPJH-50044 日合金弹头 XXNPJH-50045 日合金装备和平行者NPJH-50050 日超时空要塞终极边境NPJH-50054 日露娜银星和声NPJH-50065 日最终幻想纷争环球同调NPJH-50075 日噗哟噗哟7NPJH-50076 日创造球会6NPJH-50084 日 NBA LIVE 10NPJH-50107 日高达VS高达 Next PlusNPJH-50119 日 R-TYPE 战略版2 苦涩巧克力行动NPJH-50127 日心跳回忆4NPJH-50144 日绝对英雄改造计划NPJH-50145 日战场女武神2 加利亚王立士官学校NPJH-50148 日寂静岭破碎的记忆NPJH-50180 日苍翼默示录携带版NPJH-50184 日铁拳6NPJH-50185 日经典迷宫-扶翼魔装阵NPJH-50199 日天蚕变++NPJH-50211 日普利尼2 晓之裤裤大作战NPJH-50215 日东京鬼祓师鸦乃杜学园奇谭NPJH-50221 日家庭教师HR羁绊之战NPJH-50222 日一起当千交叉冲击NPJH-50226 日伊苏菲尔迦纳的誓约NPJH-50239 日死或生天堂NPJH-50247 日 Fate/新章NPJH-50258 日拳皇携带版 94-98 大蛇篇NPJH-50271 日大都技研公式模拟柏青哥押忍操鲔传说携带版NPJH-50276 日伊苏对空之轨迹NPJH-50293 日 NeoGeo英雄终极射击NPUG-80061 美捉猴啦比波猴战记NPUG-80224 美每日射手NPUG-80328 美蛮荒之月赫拉的征战NPUH-10006 美头脑风暴NPUH-10007 美无重力战机NPUH-10008 美野性传说NPUH-10019 美新变形战机NPUH-10023 美装甲核心3 携带版NPUH-10026 美水晶守护者NPUH-10028 美超级口袋网球NPUH-10029 美打砖块龙之王国NPUH-10031 美零超兄贵NPUH-10034 美元素怪物NPUH-10037 美深红房间逆转NPUH-10040 美红星NPUH-10042 美库鲁林融合NPUX-80404 美对打砖块NPUX-80406 美女忍者传说NPUX-80421 美羊羊塔防NPUX-80422 美水下大作战NPUX-80423 美爱的金手指NPUX-80431 美双人划艇NPUX-80435 美弹珠对决NPUZ-00001 美数独NPUZ-00003 美俄罗斯方块NPUZ-00004 美痛快高尔夫NPUZ-00005 美斯巴达勇者NPUZ-00006 美麻将考古2 NPUZ-00007 美泡沫危机NPUZ-00008 美异形浩劫NPUZ-00009 美洗脑管道NPUZ-00010 美气球防御NPUZ-00011 美暴力格斗NPUZ-00014 美领域狂奔者塔防NPUZ-00015 美吸血鬼方块NPUZ-00016 美福特克斯NPUZ-00017 美幻想弹珠台NPUZ-00018 美美味果酱NPUZ-00020 美战斗扑克NPUZ-00021 美升空NPUZ-00022 美回廊NPUZ-00025 美僵尸大亨NPUZ-00027 美外星仓库番NPUZ-00029 美超级汉堡店NPUZ-00030 美卡夫特NPUZ-00033 美垄断NPUZ-00043 美侠盗飞车NPUZ-00045 美小奥德赛奇幻旅NPUZ-00062 美考古麻將NPUZ-00065 美喷嚏泡泡NPUZ-00071 美坦克大战NPUZ-00075 美罗宾汉瑞奇回归NPUZ-00087 美光束捕捉NPUZ-00093 美淘金热NPUZ-00094 美陨石危机NPUZ-00107 美大家来找碴UCAS-40023 中天地之门UCAS-40025 中攻壳机动队狩人的领域UCAS-40037 中赏金猎犬UCAS-40063 中 LocoRocoUCAS-40064 中剑舞者UCAS-40099 中铁拳暗黑复活UCAS-40116 中天地之门2 武双传UCAS-40140 中超杰交融UCAS-40142 中失落神殿魔窟的皇帝UCAS-40154 中捉猴啦比波猴战记UCAS-40193 中战鼓啪嗒碰UCAS-40198 中战神奥林匹斯之链UCAS-40205 中美国职业棒球大联盟08 UCAS-40212 中加雷特编年史红辉的魔石UCAS-40222 中 LocoRoco2UCAS-40234 中死神灵魂嘉年华UCAS-40239 中战鼓啪嗒碰2碰碰齐同乐UCAS-40240 中勇者别太嚣张or2UCAS-40258 中死神灵魂升温6 UCAS-40262 中小小大星球UCAS-40265 中GT赛车携带版UCAS-40297 中死神灵魂嘉年华2UCAS-40307 中大众网球携带版UCES-00001 欧反重力赛车UCES-00002 欧山脊赛车UCES-00006 欧骷髅骑士复苏UCES-00012 欧大众高尔夫UCES-00015 欧火爆赛车UCES-00018 欧扭曲金属赛车UCES-00038 欧海豹突击队 Bravo火线小队UCES-00044 欧达斯特UCES-00045 欧捉候UCES-00109 欧小松鼠大冒险UCES-00152 欧数独UCES-00178 欧天地之门UCES-00206 欧世界足球巡回赛 2 UCES-00279 欧杀戮地带解放UCES-00302 欧捉候2UCES-00304 欧 LocoRocoUCES-00310 欧虹吸战士黑镜UCES-00356 欧铁拳DRUCES-00420 欧瑞奇&叮当尺寸事件UCES-00422 欧山脊赛车2UCES-00423 欧皇牌空战X诡影苍穹UCES-00465 欧反重力赛车2 脉搏UCES-00543 欧海豹突击队火线小队2 UCES-00694 欧追击力量终极正义UCES-00710 欧虹吸战士洛根之影UCES-00758 欧扣杀球场3UCES-00767 欧大众高尔夫2UCES-00786 欧沙滩机车赛车专业版UCES-00842 欧战神奥林匹斯之链UCES-00855 欧海豹突击队战术打击UCES-00910 欧世嘉拉力UCES-00942 欧秘密特工叮当UCES-00995 欧啪嗒砰UCES-01059 欧 LocoRoco 2UCES-01068 欧汤姆克兰西之终结战争UCES-01177 欧啪嗒砰2 咚锵UCES-01184 欧抵抗复仇之刻UCES-01225 欧杰克与达斯特失落的边境UCES-01245 欧 GT赛车UCES-01250 欧机车风暴极地先锋UCES-01264 欧小小大星球UCES-01327 欧创意族赛车UCET-00007 === 广告词语自动过滤 ===力追击UCET-00844 欧战神Ω 奥林匹斯之链UCET-01101 欧秘密特工叮当UCJB-98010 日随身玩伴学校生活UCJM-95401 日大众高尔夫可口可乐版UCJS-10001 日大众高尔夫携带版UCJS-10005 日波波罗克罗伊斯物语皮耶特罗王子的冒险UCJS-10006 日德比时刻UCJS-10018 日攻壳机动队狩人的领域UCJS-10021 日舞HiME鲜烈!真风华学园激斗史!!UCJS-10024 日勇敢的故事新的冒险者UCJS-10026 日怪物王国宝石召唤师UCJS-10031 日 XI爆裂骰子UCJS-10038 日我的暑假UCJS-10039 日随身玩伴学校生活UCJS-10041 日 LOCOROCOUCJS-10042 日死神灵魂升温 3UCJS-10046 日啪啦啪啦啪UCJS-10048 日圣女贞德UCJS-10049 日荒野兵器XFUCJS-10052 日瑞奇与叮当5 激突UCJS-10057 日死神Bleach 灵魂升温4 UCJS-10061 日灵魂编码被继承的伊迪亚UCJS-10075 日大众高尔夫2携带版UCJS-10076 日勇者别嚣张UCJS-10077 日啪嗒砰UCJS-10080 日日本的那个地方UCJS-10082 日死神BLEACH 灵魂升温 5 UCJS-10084 日秘密特工叮铛UCJS-10085 日死神魂之狂欢UCJS-10086 日勇者别嚣张or2UCJS-10088 日远隔捜査UCJS-10089 日啪嗒砰2 咚锵UCJS-10090 日抵抗复仇之刻UCJS-10091 日捉猴啦比波猴战记UCJS-10094 日大众的爽快UCJS-10095 日我的暑假4UCJS-10098 日审判之眼神谕的巫师UCJS-10101 日大众网球携带版UCJS-10103 日杰克与达斯特失落的边境UCJS-10104 日机车风暴极地先锋UCJS-10106 日死神魂之狂欢2UCJS-10108 日百万吨啪啦啪啦UCJS-10109 日勇者别嚣张3DUCJS-10111 日我的暑假2 携带版神秘姐妹和沉船的秘密UCKS-45022 韩我们的块魂UCKS-45027 韩铁拳暗黑复活UCKS-45034 韩天地之门2 武双传UCKS-45065 韩 R-Type 战略版UCKS-45076 韩啪嗒砰UCUS-98601 美烈火战车勇往直前UCUS-98606 美虹吸战士罗根之影UCUS-98609 美捉猴UCUS-98612 美反重力赛车UCUS-98614 美大众高尔夫UCUS-98615 美海豹突击队 Bravo火线小队UCUS-98618 美达斯特UCUS-98621 美非法地带UCUS-98623 美天地之门UCUS-98624 美职业棒球大联盟2006UCUS-98632 美 GT赛车UCUS-98633 美瑞齐和叮当 5尺码事件UCUS-98634 美杰克与达斯特失落的边境UCUS-98640 美强力追击UCUS-98641 美虹吸战士黑镜UCUS-98644 美 NBA 篮球 07UCUS-98645 美海豹突击队亡命小队2 UCUS-98646 美杀戮地带解放UCUS-98648 美 ATV越野狂飙加强版UCUS-98649 美海豹突击队战术打击UCUS-98653 美战神奥林匹斯之链UCUS-98662 美 Loco RocoUCUS-98667 美美国职业棒球大联盟07 UCUS-98668 美抵抗复仇之刻UCUS-98696 美美国职业棒球大联盟08 UCUS-98697 美秘密特工叮当UCUS-98699 美 NBA 08UCUS-98700 美圣女贞德UCUS-98703 美追击力量2 终极正义UCUS-98711 美啪嗒砰UCUS-98712 美反重力赛车2 脉搏UCUS-98730 美美国职业棒球大联盟09 UCUS-98731 美 Loco Roco 2UCUS-98744 美小小大星球ULAS-42050 中洛克人洛克人ULAS-42060 中怪物猎人自由联盟ULAS-42073 中极魔界村ULAS-42131 中无双大蛇蛇魔ULAS-42150 中真·三国无双二度进化ULAS-42156 中真·三国无双联合作战ULAS-42164 中无双大蛇魔王再临增值版ULAS-42230 中真·三国无双联合突击2 ULAS-42202 中真·三国无双5特别版ULES-00003 欧世界足球巡回赛ULES-00008 欧合金装备Ac!dULES-00016 欧恶魔战士编年史浑沌之塔ULES-00022 欧蜘蛛侠2ULES-00023 欧蜘蛛侠2ULES-00025 欧极品飞车地下狂飚ULES-00026 欧真三国无双ULES-00033 欧托尼滑板2ULES-00036 欧 NFL街头橄榄球ULES-00046 欧无尽的传说刀锋兄弟会ULES-00108 欧港湾深夜俱乐部3 ULES-00111 欧科林麦克雷拉力赛2005+ ULES-00113 欧伦敦黑帮ULES-00123 欧炼狱ULES-00124 欧机密武装ULES-00125 欧火爆狂飙ULES-00126 欧 VR网球世界巡回赛ULES-00144 欧小死神ULES-00151 欧 GTA罪恶都市ULES-00159 欧复仇女神未完成体ULES-00160 欧实况足球5ULES-00174 欧冠军足球经理5ULES-00176 欧永恒传说ULES-00177 欧变速狂飙ULES-00180 欧街机经典合集ULES-00182 欧侠盗猎车自由城故事ULES-00183 欧星球大战前线2ULES-00192 欧极限滑雪ULES-00193 欧龙战士3ULES-00195 欧脱狱潜龙ULES-00196 欧极品飞车最高通缉ULES-00198 欧指环王ULES-00207 欧青蛙过河ULES-00200 欧指环王战略版ULES-00210 欧哈利波特与火焰杯ULES-00212 欧经典弹珠台ULES-00219 欧装甲核心方程式前线ULES-00223 欧波斯王子武者之心ULES-00227 欧美国职业摔跤2006ULES-00233 欧超级泡泡龙ULES-00235 欧街头霸王Alpha 3ULES-00239 欧街头至尊ULES-00251 欧反乱猎人ULES-00262 欧法拉利赛车 2006ULES-00264 欧 FIFA 街头足球 2ULES-00267 欧伊苏那比斯汀的方舟ULES-00270 欧拳击之夜3ULES-00276 欧街道骑手ULES-00277 欧天诛忍大全ULES-00283 欧古墓丽影传奇ULES-00284 欧合金装备 AC!D 2ULES-00285 欧 ExitULES-00291 欧波波洛科洛伊斯物语皮耶特罗王子的冒险ULES-00296 欧世界扑克锦标赛ULES-00301 欧刀锋兄弟会2 勇者代码ULES-00303 欧泡泡龙进化ULES-00307 欧洛克人ULES-00309 欧龙珠Z 真武道会ULES-00312 欧遗迹大冒险ULES-00318 欧怪物猎人自由联盟ULES-00319 欧飞车竞速ULES-00335 欧战地指挥官ULES-00339 欧块魂ULES-00340 欧 2006 FIFA 世界杯ULES-00353 欧真人快打释放ULES-00363 欧阿斯特尼西亚物语ULES-00364 欧超级候球大冒险ULES-00366 欧加勒比海盗2 亡灵的宝藏ULES-00375 欧迈阿密风云ULES-00379 欧极品醉车ULES-00381 欧宇宙巡航机ULES-00390 欧纽约街头教父胜者为王ULES-00393 欧极限派对ULES-00398 欧教父暴徒战争ULES-00399 欧教父暴徒战争ULES-00419 欧极魔界村ULES-00422 欧山脊赛车2ULES-00437 欧炼狱2 通往天过的阶梯ULES-00440 欧 FIFA 07ULES-00452 欧 50美分防弹ULES-00453 欧世界斯诺克锦标赛2007ULES-00455 欧泰格伍兹高尔夫PGA巡回赛2007 ULES-00466 欧水银融化ULES-00468 欧音乐爆破ULES-00469 欧炸弹人ULES-00476 欧职业进化足球6ULES-00479 欧乐高星球大战2ULES-00483 欧战士帮ULES-00484 欧荒野神枪摊牌ULES-00496 欧能量宝石合集ULES-00502 欧 GTA罪恶都市传奇ULES-00527 欧阿斯特利斯与奥普利斯XXL2 ULES-00530 欧合金弹头精选版ULES-00541 欧剑舞者千年的约定ULES-00553 欧音乐方块2ULES-00557 欧荣誉勋章英雄ULES-00558 欧荣誉勋章英雄ULES-00559 欧荣誉勋章英雄ULES-00564 欧福特街头赛车ULES-00565 欧空战英雄 M.A.C.H.ULES-00569 欧地牢围攻痛苦王座ULES-00574 欧罪恶装备审判ULES-00576 欧极品飞车生死卡本谷ULES-00577 欧极品飞车碳化ULES-00579 欧波斯王子3 宿命之剑ULES-00584 欧彩虹六号维加斯ULES-00590 欧零式舰上战斗记征空王ULES-00599 欧星球大战致命联盟ULES-00600 欧游戏王GX 卡片力量ULES-00608 欧战火兄弟连登陆日ULES-00620 欧 Exit2ULES-00627 欧咕噜小天使ULES-00629 欧致命卧底ULES-00630 欧恶灵骑士ULES-00633 欧降世神通最后的空气大师ULES-00637 欧无限试驾ULES-00639 欧超级水果球豪华版ULES-00641 欧街头橄榄球2ULES-00645 欧合金装备掌上行动ULES-00647 欧 Capcom益智世界ULES-00657 欧瓦尔哈拉骑士ULES-00658 欧新牧场物语无暇人生ULES-00683 欧漫画英雄集换式卡片游戏ULES-00688 欧席德梅尔的海盗ULES-00701 欧智力问答ULES-00703 欧火爆狂飙5 统治者ULES-00704 欧狂奔ULES-00711 欧少林决胜ULES-00718 欧机密武装2 蔓延ULES-00719 欧沥青都市GT2ULES-00720 欧益智之迷战神的挑战ULES-00721 欧龙与地下城战略版ULES-00724 欧女神侧身像蕾娜斯ULES-00737 欧小鼠大厨ULES-00740 欧极道无限76ULES-00753 欧冲破火网黑鹰ULES-00755 欧美女餐厅ULES-00756 欧侠盗猎魔2ULES-00759 欧忍者神龟ULES-00763 欧 VR网球3ULES-00764 欧艰难使命ULES-00766 欧斯巴达三百勇士光辉进军ULES-00770 欧幽灵行动尖峰战士2 ULES-00785 欧冲破火网黑鹰ULES-00789 欧龙珠Z 真武道会 2 ULES-00792 欧打砖块ULES-00798 欧罗马大战役ULES-00808 欧落银城ULES-00811 欧疯狂出租车客源争夺战ULES-00815 欧布莱恩国际板球赛2007 ULES-00818 欧约束之地利维艾拉ULES-00819 欧百战天虫开战时刻2ULES-00823 欧变形金刚ULES-00826 欧古墓丽影 10周年纪念版ULES-00827 欧地狱男爵恶魔科学ULES-00829 欧哈利波特与凤凰社ULES-00837 欧世界传说光明神话ULES-00841 欧恶魔城X 历代记ULES-00847 欧迷宫探险家盟约之门ULES-00850 欧最终幻想战略版狮子战争ULES-00851 欧怪物猎人 2ULES-00865 欧火影忍者究级携带版无幻城之卷ULES-00869 欧寂静岭起源ULES-00873 欧战锤40K 小队指令ULES-00880 欧职业进化足球2008ULES-00891 欧 FIFA 08ULES-00905 欧 Ben 10 地球保卫者ULES-00910 欧世嘉拉力进化ULES-00914 欧俱乐部之王ULES-00915 欧古惑狼泰坦ULES-00916 欧古惑狼泰坦ULES-00917 欧古惑狼泰坦ULES-00918 欧古惑狼泰坦ULES-00924 欧迷失王国魔窟的皇帝ULES-00925 欧游戏王GX 卡片力量 2ULES-00928 欧速度与激情2 激情之夜ULES-00932 欧美国职业摔角联盟2008ULES-00938 欧蜘蛛侠3ULES-00939 欧印第安纳琼斯与皇杖ULES-00945 欧模拟人生2 生存游戏ULES-00956 欧荣誉勋章英雄2ULES-00959 欧炸弹人乐园携带版ULES-00963 欧福特拉力越野赛ULES-00968 欧极限冲刺迎面相撞ULES-00972 欧异形大战铁血战士2 安魂曲ULES-00973 欧速度与激情东京漂移ULES-00975 欧辛普森家族ULES-00976 欧辛普森家族法版ULES-00977 欧辛普森家族意版ULES-00978 欧辛普森家族德版ULES-00979 欧辛普森家族西版ULES-00986 欧最终幻想1 重制版ULES-00987 欧最终幻想2 重制版ULES-00992 欧贝奥武甫游戏版ULES-00999 欧魔界战记携带版ULES-01003 欧合金装备掌上行动加强版ULES-01004 欧龙骑士的咏叹调ULES-01019 欧极品飞车11 职业街头赛ULES-01020 欧极品飞车11 职业街头赛ULES-01024 欧人偶CIDULES-01026 欧 n+ULES-01029 欧鸭嘴兽ULES-01044 欧最终幻想7 危机之源ULES-01045 欧最终幻想7 危机之源法版ULES-01046 欧最终幻想7 危机之源德版ULES-01047 欧最终幻想7 危机之源意版ULES-01048 欧最终幻想7 危机之源西版ULES-01149 欧 NBA 09ULES-01154 欧星之海洋初次启航ULES-01171 欧古惑狼8 邪恶意志ULES-01078 欧太空侵略者 EXULES-01185 欧肖恩怀特滑雪ULES-01086 欧乐高印第安那琼斯最初冒险ULES-01088 欧火影忍者无幻城之卷2ULES-01095 欧虚幻勇士追求无限ULES-01098 欧外星战役ULES-01120 欧泰格伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛09 ULES-01121 欧 R-Type战略版ULES-01135 欧 FIFA 09ULES-01144 欧湾岸午夜俱乐部4 洛杉矶混合版ULES-01145 欧极品飞车12 无间风云ULES-01151 欧乐高蝙蝠侠ULES-01165 欧 WWE2009ULES-01169 欧怪物卡车城市乱斗ULES-01174 欧蜘蛛侠暗影之网ULES-01176 欧实况足球胜利十一人2009 ULES-01180 欧哈利波特与混血王子ULES-01183 欧游戏王GX 卡片力量3ULES-01189 欧 Ben 10 外形神力ULES-01213 欧怪物猎人自由联合ULES-01215 欧玛娜传奇学园的炼金术士们携带版+ ULES-01218 欧梦幻之星携带版ULES-01221 欧王朝武士雷霆战警ULES-01226 欧 X战警前传金刚狼ULES-01227 欧龙珠进化ULES-01237 欧天诛4 影子刺客ULES-01238 欧豚鼠特攻队ULES-01243 欧摇滚乐队不插电ULES-01253 欧飞屋环游记ULES-01260 欧泰格伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛10 ULES-01261 欧无双大蛇2ULES-01270 欧最终幻想纷争ULES-01275 欧极品飞车13 变速ULES-01277 欧特种部队眼镜蛇的崛起ULES-01278 欧普利尼俺当主角行吗ULES-01298 欧灵魂能力破碎的命运ULES-01301 欧科林·麦克雷尘土飞扬2 ULES-01306 欧火影忍者疾风传晓之觉醒ULES-01316 欧伊尔2战机捕食鸟ULES-01318 欧美食从天降ULES-01322 欧 FIFA 10ULES-01339 欧美国职业摔跤联盟2010 ULES-01340 欧暗夜杀机2 结果ULES-01343 欧漫画英雄终极联盟2 ULES-01345 欧铁壁阿童木ULES-01347 欧 GTA血战唐人街ULES-01353 欧实况足球2010ULES-01367 欧刺客信条血缘ULES-01370 欧乐高印第安纳琼斯2 冒险再续ULES-01372 欧合金装备和平行者ULES-01376 欧铁拳6ULES-01384 欧但丁地狱ULES-01387 欧但丁地狱德文版ULES-01422 欧钢铁侠2ULES-01431 欧死或生天堂ULES-01432 欧钢之炼金术师通向约定之日ULJM-05001 日合金装备ACIDULJM-05002 日麻将格斗俱乐部ULJM-05003 日真·三国无双ULJM-05006 日炼狱ULJM-05007 日噗呦噗呦狂热版ULJM-05009 日伊苏6ULJM-05011 日益智泡泡龙携带版ULJM-05013 日新天魔界混沌时代4 另一个故事ULJM-05017 日首都高ULJM-05021 日战国CANNON IIIULJM-05024 日机密武装ULJM-05026 日星际战士ULJM-05029 日龙战士3ULJM-05030 日洛克人DASH 钢铁的冒险心ULJM-05034 日炸弹人携带版ULJM-05035 日忍道焰ULJM-05036 日古惑狼世界ULJM-05037 日洛克人DASH2 庞大的遗产ULJM-05040 日公主皇冠ULJM-05043 日洛克人 XULJM-05044 日洛克人洛克人ULJM-05047 日合金装备ACID2ULJM-05053 日真女神转生恶魔召唤师ULJM-05054 日金色竖琴ULJM-05055 日炼狱2通往天国的阶梯ULJM-05058 日噗哟噗喲魔法气泡狂热版2 ULJM-05062 日逃脱大师ULJM-05066 日怪物猎人ULJM-05068 日大战略ULJM-05071 日激·战国无双ULJM-05072 日信长野望将星录ULJM-05077 日实况力量棒球携带版ULJM-05078 日心跳回忆永远属于你ULJM-05079 日威力网球新世代ULJM-05082 日街头霸王ZERO3ULJM-05083 日三国志ⅦULJM-05084 日电车GO!中央线篇ULJM-05085 日电车GO!京成都营浅草京急线ULJM-05086 日幻想水浒传1&2ULJM-05087 日无尽传说刀锋兄弟会ULJM-05091 日宇宙巡航机ULJM-05093 日头文字DULJM-05095 日赛马大亨6 2006ULJM-05096 日大航海時代4ULJM-05101 日北欧女神蕾娜斯ULJM-05102 日蜘蛛侠2ULJM-05103 日激爆职业摔跤7ULJM-05104 日 CAPCOM经典合集ULJM-05106 日天外魔境第四默示录ULJM-05113 日真·三国无双二度进化ULJM-05120 日电车GO!大阪环状线篇ULJM-05123 日咕噜小天使ULJM-05124 日新天魔界混沌世代5ULJM-05125 日拳手之路2 真实ULJM-05127 日 DQ&FF富豪街ULJM-05129 日 007 来自俄罗斯的爱ULJM-05132 日实况足球胜利十一人10 ULJM-05136 日雀三国无双ULJM-05141 日 FIFA 街头足球2ULJM-05147 日极魔界村ULJM-05149 日飞车竞速ULJM-05151 日游戏王卡片力量ULJM-05152 日电车 GO 东海道线篇ULJM-05155 日伊苏6 特别版ULJM-05156 日怪物猎人2 携带版ULJM-05158 日罪恶装备末日审判ULJM-05159 日太阁立志传4ULJM-05161 日逃脱大师2ULJM-05162 日圣魔战记VS混沌世代ULJM-05164 日魔洞战记盟约之门ULJM-05167 日我的迷宫ULJM-05169 日美少女梦工厂4 携带版ULJM-05170 日空之轨迹FCULJM-05172 日迷宫制造者编年史ULJM-05176 日亚斯特尼西雅传奇ULJM-05177 日噗哟噗喲魔法气泡ULJM-05178 日力石战士ULJM-05179 日无尽传说勇者密码ULJM-05186 日天堂之愿ULJM-05187 日火山机甲ULJM-05188 日约束之地利维艾拉ULJM-05193 日潜龙碟影掌上行动ULJM-05194 日最终幻想战略版狮子战争ULJM-05195 日实况力量棒球携带版2 ULJM-05202 日空战英雄ULJM-05204 日极品飞车10 卡本峡谷城市争霸ULJM-05205 日大战略2ULJM-05213 日荣誉勋章英雄ULJM-05214 日冬季恋歌携带版ULJM-05216 日洛克人DASH2 庞大的遗产ULJM-05217 日失落神殿魔窟的皇帝ULJM-05218 日辟邪除妖III~霸王的系谱ULJM-05220 日疯狂大射击ULJM-05221 日兵蜂携带版ULJM-05228 日火爆狂飙4 传奇ULJM-05238 日机动战士高达SEED Union VS ZAFT ULJM-05240 日三国志8ULJM-05241 日最终幻想周年纪念版ULJM-05242 日横冲直撞公路霸主ULJM-05243 日机密武装 contagionULJM-05245 日最终幻想2 周年纪念版ULJM-05251 日福音战士机密档案ULJM-05253 日美少女麻将偶想雀士3 重制版ULJM-05254 日最终幻想7 危机之源ULJM-05255 日侠盗猎车自由城故事ULJM-05260 日游戏王GX2ULJM-05261 日合金装备掌上行动+ULJM-05262 日最终幻想纷争ULJM-05265 日极魔界村改ULJM-05266 日 FATE TIGER 大乱斗ULJM-05270 日实况足球胜利十一人2008ULJM-05275 日危机核心最终幻想ⅦULJM-05277 日空之轨迹SCULJM-05278 日空之轨迹SCULJM-05281 日寂静岭起源ULJM-05282 日 AirULJM-05283 日约束之地利维艾拉特别版ULJM-05287 日恶魔城X历代记ULJM-05290 日星之海洋初次起航ULJM-05294 日迷宫制造者编年史2ULJM-05297 日侠盗猎车罪恶都市ULJM-05299 日公主联盟ULJM-05300 日实况力量棒球携带版3ULJM-05301 日荣誉勋章英雄2ULJM-05302 日世嘉拉力进化ULJM-05308 日极速快感职业街头ULJM-05309 日梦幻之星携带版ULJM-05314 日无双大蛇ULJM-05315 日太空侵略者 EXULJM-05325 日星之海洋二度进化ULJM-05332 日魔幻精灵携带版ULJM-05336 日 91号医师ULJM-05337 日美少女梦工场5 携带版ULJM-05338 日CLANNADULJM-05341 日赛马大亨6 2008ULJM-05343 日剑魔法与学院ULJM-05344 日恐慌调色板ULJM-05345 日学园的炼金术士们携带版+ ULJM-05346 日水月~Portable~ULJM-05348 日战神落日的悲怆曲ULJM-05353 日空之轨迹3rdULJM-05355 日罪恶装备 XXAC加强版ULJM-05360 日Fate/Tiger大乱斗加强版ULJM-05365 日卡尔迪那鲁之弧混沌的封牌-携带版ULJM-05367 日音感训练斯威特协奏曲ULJM-05369 日加雷特编年史红辉的魔石ULJM-05373 日游戏王卡片力量3ULJM-05374 日新安琪莉可特别版ULJM-05375 日萌麻将ULJM-05379 日伊加传说水之魔石ULJM-05381 日订购吧我们的世界ULJM-05387 日兰岛物语少女的约定ULJM-05388 日寒蝉鸣泣之时携带版ULJM-05390 日零超兄贵ULJM-05392 日双星物语ULJM-05399 日绯色的碎片携带版ULJM-05402 日无双OROCHI 魔王再临ULJM-05403 日极品飞车12 无间风云ULJM-05404 日北斗神拳拉奥外伝天之霸王ULJM-05406 日最强将棋ULJM-05407 日龙之舞ULJM-05410 日龙士传说无限加强版ULJM-05411 日智代后记-美丽的生活CS版ULJM-05412 日肖恩·怀特滑雪ULJM-05414 日实况足球胜利十一人2009 ULJM-05416 日旋风管家噩梦天国ULJM-05418 日假面女仆卫士-怒涛跃动大混战ULJM-05419 日爱情泡泡糖2 第一选择ULJM-05421 日实况力量棒球携带版4ULJM-05422 日女神异闻录ULJM-05423 日梦幻骑士ULJM-05424 日撼天神塔黑暗回归ULJM-05425 日天诛4ULJM-05426 日妖人~幻妖异闻录~携带版ULJM-05427 日真·三国无双联合作战ULJM-05428 日金色的琴弦2fULJM-05431 日如果是羊君就吻你☆ULJM-05433 日Never7 无限轮回的终结ULJM-05434 日七魂迷宫创造史ULJM-05435 日你的秋之回忆女孩版ULJM-05436 日战国BASARA 战斗英雄ULJM-05440 日幻想高尔夫魔法飞球ULJM-05441 日遥远的时空中3 与十六夜记珍藏版ULJM-05444 日REMEMBER11 无限轮回的时光ULJM-05445 日12Riven 跳跃的时空ULJM-05450 日周刊少年大乱斗集结顶上大决战ULJM-05451 日命运之夜无限代码携带版ULJM-05456 日新世纪福音战士钢铁的女朋友特别编携带版ULJM-05458 日传颂之物携带版ULJM-05463 日竹剑少女今后的挑战ULJM-05464 日爱神有约GP 校园公主ULJM-05465 日走自己坚信之路ULJM-05467 日秋之回忆6-三角波动ULJM-05468 日世界为我而转-光与暗的公主ULJM-05469 日凯蒂猫的快乐装饰ULJM-05470 日魔女计划ULJM-05472 日初音未来女歌手计划ULJM-05473 日秋之回忆雨后ULJM-05474 日YS1&2 编年史ULJM-05475 日伊苏7ULJM-05476 日剑与魔法与学园2ULJM-05477 日新世纪福音战士钢铁女朋友2nd携带版ULJM-05478 日实战柏青嫂花花祭ULJM-05479 日游戏王5d's TF4ULJM-05480 日新世纪福音战士战斗乐章ULJM-05486 日心之彼端携带版ULJM-05487 日心之彼端2 携带版ULJM-05488 日东宫2 双生女神与命运大地ULJM-05490 日炙热之魂加速进化ULJM-05491 日十次元立方体携带版ULJM-05492 日装甲核心3ULJM-05493 日梦幻之星携带版2ULJM-05494 日极品飞车变速ULJM-05495 日武装机甲ULJM-05497 日红心国的爱丽丝UMD1ULJM-05498 日红心国的爱丽丝UMD2ULJM-05500 日怪物猎人携带版2nd GULJM-05501 日神眷之力ULJM-05502 日噩梦骑士ULJM-05503 日烈焰联盟ULJM-05505 日天诛3 携带版ULJM-05507 日就如生活每一刻ULJM-05508 日金色竖琴2F 安可ULJM-05510 日薄樱鬼携带版ULJM-05512 日暗影回忆录ULJM-05513 日实况足球2010ULJM-05518 日 J联盟创造职业球会6ULJM-05519 日玛娜传奇2 学园的炼金术士们携带版+ ULJM-05521 日寻姬携带版ULJM-05523 日鬼魂力量遗产ULJM-05524 日真·三国无双5特别版ULJM-05525 日太阁立志传5ULJM-05528 日大正野球娘少女们的青春日记ULJM-05530 日不死骑士ULJM-05535 日露娜银星和声ULJM-05538 日武装神姬战斗大师ULJM-05540 日战极姬战乱中起舞的少女们ULJM-05542 日幸运星偶像网络大师ULJM-05543 日山田悠介世界拼图我们的48小时战争ULJM-05544 日剑斗士开端ULJM-05546 日赛马大亨7 2009ULJM-05550 日最终幻想环球同调ULJM-05552 日装甲核心寂静前线ULJM-05553 日战舰炮手2 携带版ULJM-05554 日寒蝉鸣泣之时雀ULJM-05555 日 L的季节双重包ULJM-05556 日天才麻将少女ULJM-05557 日寒蝉鸣泣之时携带加强版ULJM-05558 日异形战机爆发ULJM-05561 日风云新撰组幕末传携带版ULJM-05565 日未来日记第十三位日记持有者ULJM-05571 日刺客信条血统ULJM-05572 日大空军ULJM-05574 日 11 Eyes交叉十字路ULJM-05577 日 MagusTale 世界树与恋爱魔法使ULJM-05582 日晓之阿玛奈加与蓝色巨神巴西亚文明研究会兴亡记ULJM-05583 日水之旋律ULJM-05584 日真·三国无双5 EmpiresULJM-05587 日信蜂心灵编制者ULJM-05588 日传说的勇者的传说ULJM-05598 日忍者活剧天诛红携带版ULJM-05600 日王国之心梦中诞生ULJM-05603 日五月恋爱物语ULJM-05605 日流行音乐携带版ULJM-05606 日麻将霸王:大混战2ULJM-05607 日尤蒂的工作室被囚禁的守人ULJM-05608 日妖精的尾巴便携工会ULJM-05610 日拒绝命运决意的力量ULJM-05611 日装甲核心最后的佣兵ULJM-05614 日向日葵天空鹅卵石携带版ULJM-05620 日角子机胜负师P 哲也新宿vs上野ULJM-05623 日交错频道携带版ULJM-05624 日金色的琴弦3ULJM-05625 日夜明前的琉璃色携带版ULJM-05634 日天神烂漫ULJM-05635 日恋爱少女与守护之盾携带版ULJM-05637 日真·三国无双联合突击 2ULJM-05638 日东京鬼祓师鸦乃杜学园奇谭ULJM-05639 日天降之物心跳的暑假ULJM-05641 日聚会ULJM-05642 日见习天使黑白色ULJM-05643 日战地双雄第40日ULJM-05646 日国际足球大联盟2010 南非世界杯ULJM-05647 日少女爱上姐姐携带版ULJM-05648 日世界足球胜利十一人2010 蓝色武士的挑战ULJM-05653 日绯色的碎片3携带版苍黑之楔ULJM-05654 日换装大战强化ULJM-05655 日原宿侦探学园铁木ULJM-05656 日少女的恋爱革命携带版ULJM-05657 日跨越真实携带版ULJM-05659 日帆布3 七色的奇迹ULJM-05663 日薄樱鬼游戏录ULJM-05664 日歌之王子殿下ULJM-05668 日魔力充电娘CCULJM-05672 日 GA艺术科美术设计班闹剧仙境ULJM-05673 日空之音少女五重奏ULJM-05674 日水仙如果还有明天ULJM-05675 日秘密游戏携带版ULJM-05676 日最后的战士ULJM-05677 日桃太郎电铁组队战ULJM-05678 日实况力量棒球2010ULJM-05681 日初音未来歌姬计划2ndULJM-05683 日星座彼氏春季篇ULJM-05689 日幸运之杖携带版ULJM-05690 日初音岛女生旋律携带版ULJM-05691 日华丽一族ULJM-05692 日混沌脑域ULJM-05696 日时间幻想ULJM-05702 日便利商店携带版ULJM-05707 日凯蒂猫方块冲击123ULJM-10419 日天诛4加强版ULJM-95004 日世界传说光明神话ULJS-00001 日山脊赛车ULJS-00006 日苍穹巨龙之法夫那ULJS-00012 日 NAMCO 博物馆ULJS-00015 日永恒传说ULJS-00018 日天诛忍大全ULJS-00019 日校园迷糊大王姐姐事件ULJS-00020 日太鼓之达人V2.0ULJS-00021 日赏金猎犬ULJS-00022 日机动战士高达基连的野望吉翁系谱ULJS-00025 日高达战斗策略ULJS-00026 日机动POLICE迷你版ULJS-00027 日漫画同人会ULJS-00033 日我们的块魂ULJS-00034 日牧场物语中秋满月ULJS-00035 日流行之神警视厅怪异事件档案ULJS-00036 日中原的霸者三国将星伝ULJS-00041 日超级机器人大战MX 携带版ULJS-00042 日真名法典携带版ULJS-00044 日幻想国物语2in1ULJS-00045 日德比赛马ULJS-00046 日筋肉人肌肉世代ULJS-00048 日铁拳DRULJS-00049 日龙珠Z 真武道会ULJS-00052 日押忍!番长ULJS-00054 日音乐爆破ULJS-00055 日火影忍者无幻城之卷ULJS-00056 日交响诗篇ULJS-00060 日吉宗ULJS-00061 日新世纪福音战士2 被创造的世界ULJS-00063 日新牧场物语无暇人生ULJS-00065 日 SD高达G世纪ULJS-00068 日方块竞技场ULJS-00069 日奥特曼格斗进化ULJS-00070 日国王密令1ULJS-00075 日瓦尔哈拉骑士ULJS-00076 日国王密令2ULJS-00079 日幻想传说ULJS-00080 日山脊赛车2ULJS-00081 日太鼓达人2ULJS-00083 日高达战争大会战ULJS-00084 日 SIMPLE2500系列Portable!! Vol.8 THE随身美女麻将ULJS-00085 日线条方块ULJS-00086 日皇牌空战X诡影苍穹ULJS-00088 日魔界战记通信携带版ULJS-00089 日魔界战记携带版ULJS-00090 日合金弹头精选集ULJS-00093 日世界传说光明神话ULJS-00095 日 Routes PortableULJS-00096 日 SIMPLE2500系列Portable!! Vol.9 THE我的出租车ULJS-00097 日宿命传说2ULJS-00098 日扣杀球场3ULJS-00107 日龙珠Z真武道会2ULJS-00111 日 R-TYPE战略版ULJS-00112 日龙骑士的咏叹调ULJS-00113 日魔界战记通信对战版ULJS-00114 日 SIMPLE2500系列Portable!! Vol.11 THE益智冒险亚加利亚的骑士ULJS-00122 日高达战斗年代记ULJS-00123 日凉宫春日的约定限定版ULJS-00124 日凉宫春日的约定普通版ULJS-00125 日一步神拳携带版ULJS-00126 日大战略VIIULJS-00129 日妖精物语悠久之仁ULJS-00130 日破烂机器人的浪漫大活剧-步行机车对抗赛ULJS-00131 日基连的野望阿克西斯的威胁ULJS-00132 日重生传说ULJS-00133 日古墓丽影十周年纪念ULJS-00135 日叛逆的鲁鲁修失去的色彩ULJS-00136 日死人头佛瑞德。
Leshan Radio Company 有限公司,高功率透电器件 MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol PD
T j , TS t g
Max 225
-55 to +150
Unit mW °C
LH8550PLT1G Series
S-LH8550PLT1G Series
1 2
Rev.C 1/4
Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable
0.035 0.9
0.079 2.0
0.031 0.8
inches mm
Rev.C 4/4
Collector-Emitter Voltage Collector-Base Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current-continuoun
Leica FlexLine TS02 TS06 TS09仪器 说明书
FlexLine, 12 251 251 252 254 256 257 257 258 259 264 268 270 271 树状菜单结构 目录结构 275 278 279
14.6 14.7 14.8
15 国际质保 , 软件许可协议 16 术语 附录 A 附录 B 索引
11 检验 & 校准 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 概述 准备工作 校准视准误差和竖直角指标差 校准横轴倾斜轴系误差 校准仪器和基座的圆水准器
11.6 11.7
检验 仪器激光对中器 三脚架维修
224 225 226 226 227 228 229 229 229 230 231 231 236 236 237 239 243 244 247 249
115 118 122 122 122 124 126 130 133 140 142 142 142 144 146 146 146 148 150 152 153 158 158 160 167 170 FlexLine, 9
目录 9.13.5 子程序检查 9.13.6 子程序放样边坡 9.13.7 子程序检查边坡 导线测量 (欧美版) 9.14.1 概述 9.14.2 开始和配置导线测量 9.14.3 测量导线 9.14.4 继续 9.14.5 闭合导线 参考面
a) 特定按键 b) 导航键 c) 输入回车键 按键 按键 说明
d) ESC 键 e) 功能键 F1 到 F4 f) 字母数字键区
翻页键。 当有多页可用时显示下一屏。 FNC 键。 快速进入测量辅助功能。
说明 用户自定义键 1。在 FNC 目录中可自已定义功能。 用户自定义键 2。在 FNC 目录中可自已定义功能。 导航键。 在屏幕上移动光标并进入特定域。 输入回车键。 确定输入,然后到下一个域。 ESC 键。 不做任何更改的退出当前屏或编辑模式。 回到高一级的目录。
Leviton ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKP
Page 1 of 2APPLICATIONThe ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack supports 10GBASE-T networks. The jack is part of a complete ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A UTP system, ideal for the most demanding mission-critical network applications. The connector supports emerging technologies and will easily adapt to network trends.SPECIFICATIONThe jack shall meet or exceed the requirements for channel and component-level electrical transmission performance as described in ANSI/TIA-568.2-D (Cat 6A), ISO/IEC11801-1 (Class E A ), and EN 50173-1 (Class E A ). The jack shall be compliant with ANSI/TIA-1096-A, c(UL)us Listed, and be independently verified for electrical transmission performance and power delivery. The jack body shall be made of die-cast zinc and all plastic components shall be made of high-impact, fire-retardant plastic rated UL 94V-0. The jack shall support tool-free termination and re-termination and shall not require a specialized termination tool. The jack wiring shall be universal to accommodate T568A and T568B wiring schemes. The jack shall be available in 13 colors; more than established by the ANSI/TIA-606-C standard. The jack shall be offered in standard and shuttered styles and select jacks shall be supplied with interchangeable icons. The jack shall be compliant with IEEE 802.3 PoE Type 1, 2, 3, 4 (100 watts max).DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS• Use in any QUICKPORT™ housing to support Cat 6A UTP connectivity in surface-mount, flush-mount, or modular furniture outlets and field-configurable panels• Can be used in conjunction with other QUICKPORT snap-in modules for voice/data/video applications over UTP , coax, and fiber• To identify ports, use different colored modules andicons for each application (full selection of ANSI/TIA-606 compatible colors, 13 available)• Robust housing and shutter protects the jack in harsh environmentsATLAS-X1™ Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT™ Jack6AUJK-xx6, ICONS-ICxFEATURES• Independently tested and guaranteed to exceed all component, permanent link, and channel margins• Patented Retention Force Technology™ (RFT) protects against tine damage and increases system longevity • For Power over Ethernet, RFT maintains contact force between plug and jack, preventing arcing from intermittent disconnects• Unique design supports tool-free termination andre-termination and requires no specialized termination tool • Short jack design supports a wider range of applications (e.g. shallow boxes, enclosures, bend radius, etc.)• Terminates from 26 to 22 AWG solid or stranded conductors for use on various cable types• Robust IDCs can withstand 20 re-termination cycles and jack contacts are tested for 750 plug-mating cycles to ensure system longevity• Available in 13 ANSI/TIA-606-C compatible colors • Tested and approved for use in air-handling spaces (plenum rating) in accordance with UL Standard 2043• Select jacks available with interchangeable icons (voice, data, A/V, blank) for easy ID• Jack with internal shutter protects against dust and debris • Solid metal body dissipates 53% more heat than plastic, minimizing damage from excess heat in PoE applications • Tine geometry prevents arcing damage where plug and jack make contactSTANDARDS & REGULATIONS• ANSI/TIA-568.2-D (Cat 6A)• ISO/IEC 11801-1 (Cat 6A)• EN 50173-1 (Cat 6A)• ANSI/TIA-1096-A (formerly FCC Part 68)• IEC 60603-7 (includes IEC 60512-5-2)• IEC 60512-99-002• IEEE 802.3 PoE Type 1, 2, 3, 4 (100 watts max)• Cisco UPOE, UPOE+ (90 watts max)• Power over HDBaseT™ PoH (95 watts max)• c(UL)us Listed (UL 1863)• UL 2043 Plenum Certified • RoHS 3• ETL verified to meet the IEC 60512-99-002 standard for support of IEEE 802.3 Type 4 PoE (100 watt) applicationsCOUNTRY OF ORIGINUSA and Mexico (Contact Customer Service for details)6AUJK-xx6, ICONS-ICxUSANetwork Solutions Headquarters +1 (800) 722 2082 *******************Leviton Berk-Tek Cable : +1 (800) 237 5835 ************************Asia Pacific+852 3620 2602********************Canada+1 (800) 461 2002**********************Europe+44 (0) 1592 772124 **********************Latin AmericaMX: +52 (55) 2128 6286 LATAM: +52 (55) 2333 5963 *********************Middle East & Africa +971 (4) 247 9800 *******************NETWORK SOLUTIONS PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE IN OVER 100 COUNTRIES. VISIT US ONLINE AT /NS TO LEARN MORE.Page 2 of 2For further support information, visit /ns/support6AUJK-xx6, ICONS-ICx6AUJK-xx6, ICONS-ICxMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions:See belowMaterials: Jack Body: Die-cast zincSpring-Wire Contacts: High quality, copper-based alloy, plated with 50 microinches of gold for lowest contact resistance andmaximum life Temp. (Storage):Temp. (Installation): Temp. (Operating):Humidity (Max.):WARRANTY INFORMATIONFor Leviton product warranties, go to /ns/warrantyPART NUMBERDescriptionStandard Jack Jack with Shutter GREENPACK™12-Pack Standard Jack ATLAS-X1™ Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT™ Jack, white 6AUJK-RW66AUJK-SW66AUJK-CW6ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, light almond 6AUJK-RT66AUJK-ST6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, ivory 6AUJK-RI66AUJK-SI6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, yellow 6AUJK-RY66AUJK-SY6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, orange 6AUJK-RO66AUJK-SO6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, crimson 6AUJK-RC66AUJK-SC6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, dark red 6AUJK-RR66AUJK-SR6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, purple 6AUJK-RP66AUJK-SP6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, blue 6AUJK-RL66AUJK-SL66AUJK-CL6ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, green 6AUJK-RV66AUJK-SV6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, gray 6AUJK-RG66AUJK-SG6—ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, black6AUJK-RE66AUJK-SE66AUJK-CE6ATLAS-X1 Cat 6A Component-Rated UTP QUICKPORT Jack, brown6AUJK-RB66AUJK-SB6—Green (V)Blue (L)Purple (P)Crimson (C)Dark Red (R)Orange (O)Yellow (Y)Black (E)Gray (G)Ivory (I)Light Almond (T)Brown (B)Color-matched icons (ICONS-ICx) can be ordered separately in 72-quantity packs.x = icon color。
计算结果显示, Numeca网格的计算时间略快于另外两种网格。
【关键词】Numeca;LES;钝体绕流;结构抗风中图分类号: V223 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)02-0071-002【Abstract】The calculation results and efficiency of Numeca grid, hexahedral structure grid and triangular prism grid in LES simulation of square column with a Reynolds number of 22000 are compared. The results show that the calculation time of Numeca grid is slightly faster than that of the other two grids. Numeca grid and triangular prism grid can get good statistics of average wind pressure coefficient, three-component coefficients.【Key words】Numeca; LES; Flow around bluff body; Structures under wind0 引言在进行数值模拟时候,不同网格的计算效率、计算结算也不同。
Science &Technology Vision 科技视界0引言在进行数值模拟时候,不同网格的计算效率、计算结算也不同。
本文采用NUMECA 公司开发的HEXPRESS 软件生成网格。
本文基于OpenFOAM 软件,采用LES 方法研究numeca 网格、结构网格、三棱柱网格的计算效率与计算结果。
本文主旨将Numeca 网格引入到钝体绕流,证明了该种网格可以用较短的计算时间得到较好的计算结果,该网格类型提高钝体绕流和结构抗风领域数值模拟的计算效率。
1数值计算方法1.1控制方程和湍流模型不可压缩流体的Navier -Stokes 和连续性方程如下所示。
从左到右,项依次为瞬态项、对流项、压力项、粘度项,Navier -Stokes 和连续性方程贯穿全文。
∂u i ∂t+∂u i u j∂t =-∂p ∂x i +v ∂2u i ∂x i x j ∂u i ∂x i =02钝体绕流钝体模型采用三种网格体系进行计算:Numeca 非结构网格(Numeca )、结构网格(Structure )、三棱柱非结构网格(Prism )。
图1为计算域,其中钝体的边长为d =1。
2.1边界条件设置入流的边界条件为均匀入流,入流速度为0.3256m /s ,满足雷诺数为22000。
Case1算例采用numeca 网格,网格数为44万。
Case2算例采用Structure 网格,网格数为42万,Case3采用Prism 网格,网格数为48万。
Dual transil array for ESD protectionGeneral DescriptionThe LESDAxxxLT1G is a dual monolithic voltage suppressor designed to protect components which are connected to data and transmission lines against ESD. It clamps the voltage just above the logic level supply for positive transients, and to a diode drop below ground for negative transients. It can also work as bidirectionnal suppressor by connecting only pin1 and 2.Applicationsz Computers z Printersz Communication systemsIt is particulary recommended for the RS232 I/O port protection where the line interface withstands only with 2kV ESD surges.Absolute Ratings (T amb =25°C ) SymbolParameter Value UnitsP PP Peak Pulse Power (t p = 8/20μs)300 W T L Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s 260 °C T stg Storage Temperature Range -55 to +15 °CTop Operating Temperature Range -40 to +125°CT jMaximum junction temperature 150 °CElectrostatic discharge25 MIL STD 883C -Method 3015-6 IEC61000-4-2 air discharge V PP16 IEC61000-4-2 contact discharge9kv Featuresz 2 Unidirectional Transil functionsz Low leakage current: I R max< 20 μA at VBR z 3 00W peak pulse power(8/20μs)z High ESD protection level: up to 25 kVBenefitsz High ESD protection level z up to 25 kV . High integration. z Suitable for high density boards.Complies with the following standardsIEC61000-4-2 Level 4MIL STD 883c - Method 3015-6 Class 3(Human Body Model)132LESDAXXXLT1GSOT– 23LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.Electrical ParameterSymbol ParameterV RM Stand-off voltage V BR Breakdown voltage V CL Clamping voltageI RM Leakage current I PP Peak pulse current αT Voltage temperature coefficient V F Forward voltage drop C CapacitanceR dDynamic resistanceElectrical CharacteristicsV BRV F R d αT C Min. Max.I RV RMI RMMax.I FTyp.(1)Max.(2)Typ. 0v biasPart Numbersv v mA v µAv mA mΩ 10-4/°C pF 5.3 5.9 1 3 21.252002805 220 6.1 7.2 1 5.2520 1.25 200 3506 140 14.2 15.8 1125 1.25 200 6501090 25 30 1 24 1 1.2 10 1000 10501.Square pulse I PP =15A,t p =2.5µs 2.△V BR =aT *(T amb -25°C)*V BR (25°C)Fig1.Peak power dissipation versus Fig2. Peak pulse power versus exponential Initial junction temperature pulse duration(T j initial=25°C)LESDA5V3LT1G LESDA6V1LT1G LESDA14V2LT1G LESDA25LT1GTypical Characteristics LESDAXXXLT1GFig3. Clamping voltage versus peak Fig4. Capacitance versus reversepulse current(T j initial=25°C, Applied voltage rectangular Waveform,t p =2.5μs)Fig5.Relative variation of leakage current Fig6. Peak forward voltage drop versusVersus junction temperature peak forwardcurrent Application NoteElectrostatic discharge (ESD) is a major cause of failure in electronic systems. Transient V oltage Suppressors (TVS) are an ideal choice for ESD protection. They are capable of clamping the incoming transient to a low enough level such that damage to the protected semiconductor is prevented.Surface mount TVS arrays offer the best choice for minimal lead inductance. They serve as parallel protection elements, connected between the signal line to ground. As the transient rises above the operating voltage of the device, the TVS array becomes a low impedance path diverting the transient current to ground. The ESDAxxL array is the ideal board evel protection of ESD sensitive semiconductor components.The tiny SOT23 package allows design flexibility in the design of high density boards where the space saving is at a premium. This enables to shorten the routing and contributes to hardening againt ESD.LESDAXXXLT1GLESDAXXXLT1GNOTES:1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M,19822. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 0.11020.1197 2.803.04B 0.04720.0551 1.20 1.40C 0.03500.04400.89 1.11D 0.01500.02000.370.50G 0.07010.0807 1.78 2.04H 0.00050.00400.0130.100J0.00340.00700.0850.177K 0.01400.02850.350.69L 0.03500.04010.89 1.02S 0.08300.1039 2.10 2.64V0.01770.02360.450.60SOT -23LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LESDAXXXLT1GReel DimensionsMetric Dimensions Govern –– English are in parentheses for reference onlyEMBOSSED TAPE AND REEL DATAFOR DISCRETESAT MaxOutside Dimension Measured at EdgeGInside Dimension Measured Near Hub20.2mm Min (.795’’)1.5mm Min(.06’’)13.0mm ± 0.5mm(.512 ±.002’’)50mm Min (1.969’’)Full RadiusSize A Max GT Max 8 mm330mm (12.992’’)8.4mm+1.5mm, -0.0(.33’’+.059’’, -0.00)14.4mm (.56’’)LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.Storage ConditionsTemperature: 5 to 40 Deg.C (20 to 30 Deg. C is preferred) Humidity: 30 to 80 RH (40 to 60 is preferred )Recommended Period: One year after manufacturing(This recommended period is for the soldering condition only. The characteristics and reliabilities of the products are not restricted to this limitation)元器件交易网Shi p ment S p ecification10 Reel12 Inner Box/Carton 360KPCS/CartonDim(Unit:mm)Dim(Unit:mm)10Reel/Inner Box30KPCS/Inner Box460mm*400mm*420mm8000PCS/Reel (SOT-723,SOD-723)3000PCS/Reel80KPCS/Inner Box (SOT-723,SOD-723)960KPCS/Carton (SOT-723,SOD-723)LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.元器件交易网。
睡神四梦神108魔星001 天魁星梅菲斯特Mephistophles杳马Yōma002 天罡星提丰Typhoeus海格力斯 Hercules003 天机星夜枭NightOwl帕蒂塔Partita004 天间星阿格龙Acheron 卡隆Charon005 天勇星羽龙Amphitere加百利Gabriel006 天雄星迦楼罗Garuda 艾亚哥斯Aiakos007 天猛星魏班Wyvarn拉达曼迪斯Radamanteis008 天威星阿斯莫德Asmodeus诺蒂Node009 天英星巴路隆Balrog路尼Lune010 天贵星狮鹫Griffon 米诺斯Minos011 天启星梦魇Nightmares 卡莱斯特christos012 天角星石人Golem 洛克Rock013 天孤星贝希莫斯Behemoth 拜奥雷特Violet014 天伤星曼陀罗Mandrake 费多尔Fedor015 天立星树妖Dryad 鲁格Ruger016 天捷星毒蜥Basilisk 西路费都Shirufuido017 天暗星恶魔猎手DemonHunter莱欧瑟拉斯Laiouselasi018 天灵星死灵巫 Necromancer 碧亚克 Biak019 天魔星阿路拉乌娜 Alraune 吉欣 Kuin020 天速星基尔加丹Kil'jaeden尤文斯Juventus021 天异星拉玛苏 Lamassu 沙里夫 Sharif022 天杀星曼提柯尔Manticore 史蒂文 Steven023 天微星石像鬼Gargoyle 加里奥Gariod024 天究星纳斯 Nasu 维罗妮卡 Veronica025 天退星玄武 Genbu格雷高 Gregory026 天兽星斯芬克斯 Sphinx 法拉奥 Farao027 天丑星德多里比托路 Scarabee 史丹德 Stand028 天平星赫拉克勒斯Hercules 费雷ferre029 天罪星利尤卡昂Lycaon 费列基亚斯 Furegias030 天霸星娜迦 Naga 艾鲁格斯 Arugos031 天败星洞穴巨人 Troll 伊万 Iwan032 天牢星米诺陶洛斯 Minotaure哥顿 Codon033 天通星佩吕东 peryton萨尔帕冬Sarpedon034 天暴星贝努鸟Bennu辉火Kagaho035 天哭星哈耳皮埃 Harpy 巴连达因 Barendain036 天巧星哈奴曼 Hanuman 砥草 Tokusa。
Leshan Radio Company LBC807型号一般目的调制晶体管说明书
1General Purpose TransistorsLBC807-16LT1G LBC807-25LT1G LBC807-40LT1GSOT–231. FR–5 = 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.062 in.2. Alumina = 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.024 in. 99.5% alumina.PNP SiliconFEATUREƽCollector current capability I C =-500 mA.ƽCollector-emitter voltage V CEO (max) = -45 V.ƽGeneral purpose switching and amplification.ƽPNP complement: LBC807 Series.ƽDEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING INFORMATIONDeviceMarkingShipping LBC807-16LT1G 5A13000/Tape&Reel LBC807-16LT3G5A110000/Tape&Reel LBC807-25LT1G 5B13000/Tape&Reel LBC807-25LT3G5B110000/Tape&Reel LBC807-40LT1G 5C13000/Tape&Reel LBC807-40LT3G5C110000/Tape&ReelMAXIMUM RATINGSRatingSymbol Value Unit Collector–Emitter Voltage V CEO –45V Collector–Base Voltage V CBO –50V Emitter–Base VoltageVEBO–5.0V Collector Current — ContinuousI C–500mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristicSymbol MaxUnitTotal Device Dissipation FR– 5 Board, (1)P DT A = 25°C225mW Derate above 25°C1.8mW/°C Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R θJA 556°C/WT otal Device DissipationP DAlumina Substrate, (2) T A = 25°C 300mW Derate above 25°C2.4mW/°C Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient R θJA 417°C/W Junction and Storage T emperatureT J , T stg–55 to +150°CEMITTER1We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements.23LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A= 25°C unless otherwise noted.)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector–Emitter Breakdown Voltage(I C= –10 mA)V(BR)CEO–45——VCollector–Emitter Breakdown Voltage(V EB= 0, I C = –10µA)V(BR)CES–50——VEmitter–Base Breakdown Voltage(I E= –1.0µA)V(BR)EBO–5.0——VCollector Cutoff Current I CBO(V CB= –20 V)——–100nA(V CB= –20 V, T J= 150°C)——–5.0µA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A= 25°C unless otherwise noted)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitON CHARACTERISTICSDC Current Gain h FE—(I C= –100 mA, V CE= –1.0 V) LBC807–16100—250LBC807–25160—400LBC807–40250—600(I C= –500 mA, V CE= –1.0 V) 40——Collector–Emitter Saturation VoltageV CE(sat)——–0.7 V(I C = –500 mA, I B = –50 mA)Base–Emitter On VoltageV BE(on) — — –1.2 V(I C = –500 mA, V CE= –1.0 V)SMALL–SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSCurrent–Gain — Bandwidth Productf T100— — MHz(I C = –10 mA, V CE = –5.0 V dc, f = 100 MHz)Output Capacitance C—10—pFobo(V CB = –10 V, f = 1.0 MHz)LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS −LBC807−16LT1GFigure 1. DC Current Gain vs. CollectorCurrentFigure 2. Collector Emitter Saturation Voltagevs. Collector CurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)Figure 3. Base Emitter Saturation Voltage vs.Collector Current Figure 4. Base Emitter Voltage vs. CollectorCurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)h F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I NV C E (s a t ), C O L L E C T O R −E M I T T E RS A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (s a t ), B A S E −E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (o n ), B A S E −E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS − LBC807−16LT1GI B , BASE CURRENT (mA)Figure 5. Saturation Region100101.0V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 6. Temperature CoefficientsIC , COLLECTOR CURRENTFigure 7. CapacitancesV C E , C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )V , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T S (m V /C )°θC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS − LBC807−25LT1GFigure 8. DC Current Gain vs. CollectorCurrentFigure 9. Collector Emitter Saturation Voltagevs. Collector CurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)100200300400500Figure 10. Base Emitter Saturation Voltage vs.Collector CurrentFigure 11. Base Emitter Voltage vs. CollectorCurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I NV C E (s a t ), C O L L E C T O R −E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (s a t ), B A S E −E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (o n ), B A S E −E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )0.40.9Figure 12. Current Gain Bandwidth Productvs. Collector CurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)f T , C U R R E N T −G A I N −B A N D W I D T H P R O D U C T (M H z )LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS − LBC807−25LT1GI B , BASE CURRENT (mA)Figure 13. Saturation Region100101.0V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 14. Temperature CoefficientsI C , COLLECTOR CURRENTFigure 15. CapacitancesV C E , C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )V , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T S (m V /C )°θC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS − LBC807−40LT1GFigure 16. DC Current Gain vs. CollectorCurrentFigure 17. Collector Emitter Saturation Voltagevs. Collector CurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)Figure 18. Base Emitter Saturation Voltage vs.Collector CurrentFigure 19. Base Emitter Voltage vs. CollectorCurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)h F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I NV C E (s a t ), C O L L E C T O R −E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (s a t ), B A S E −E M I T T E R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )V B E (o n ), B A S E −E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )Figure 20. Current Gain Bandwidth Productvs. Collector CurrentI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (A)f T , C U R R E N T −G A I N −B A N D W I D T H P R O D U C T (M H z )LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS − LBC807−40LT1GI B , BASE CURRENT (mA)Figure 21. Saturation RegionV R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 22. Temperature Coefficients +1.0I C , COLLECTOR CURRENTFigure 23. Capacitances-2.0-1.0V C E , C O L L E C T O R -E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )V , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T S (m V /C )°θC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4-0.2LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1GTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS −LBC807−16LT1G, LBC807−25LT1G, LBC807−40LT1GFigure 24. Safe Operating AreaV CE , COLLECTOR EMITTER VOLTAGE (V)I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.NOTES:1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.INCHES MILLIMETERSDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 0.11020.1197 2.80 3.04B 0.04720.0551 1.20 1.40C 0.03500.04400.89 1.11D 0.01500.02000.370.50G 0.07010.0807 1.78 2.04H 0.00050.00400.0130.100J 0.00340.00700.0850.177K 0.01400.02850.350.69L 0.03500.04010.89 1.02S 0.08300.1039 2.10 2.64V0.01770.02360.450.60SOT-23LBC807-16LT1G,LBC807-25LT1G,LBC807-40LT1G。
路由器N300 WNR2000v4 安装指南说明书
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Media PartnerPhotonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 12 Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747SPIE Europe thanks the following sponsorsfor their generous supportAttendee Pens Stand #511www.micos.wsCoffee Breaks Stand #420www.klastech.deConference Bags Stand #Exhibitor Lounge Stand #Lanyards Stand #Pastries Stand #511www.micos.wsVertical Banner Stand #231www.hamamatsu.frExhibitor list as of 3 March 2008.AMA Association for Sensor Technology. . . . #209A.T. Wall Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #224AFOP - French Optics and PhotonicsManufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . #124AHF analysentechnik AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #316Alcatel Thales III V Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #329AT -Fachverlag GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #534Avantes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #232Becker & Hickl GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #405Bookham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #317Breault Research Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . #117Brush Ceramic Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #104Carl Hanser Verlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #530Cedrat Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #118CEIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #323CILAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #416Conerefringent Optics SL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #508Crystal Fibre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #306CST - Computer Simulation Technology . . . . #226CVI Melles Griot Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #507Draka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #230EDP Sciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #532EKSPLA Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #330Electro Optics Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #430Consortium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #331ePIXnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #431Epner Technology, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #423EQ Photonics GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #223ET Enterprises Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #328European Optical Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #536EuroPhotonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #100Fibercore Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #515Fibercryst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #426FiberTech Optica Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #415Fischer Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #122Flexible Optical BV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #514FRAMOS GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #106Frank Optic Products GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . #105Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut . . . . . . . . . #321Fujian CASTECH Crystals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . #501Gorman-Rupp Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #413GWU-Lasertechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Hamamatsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #231HC Photonics Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Heptagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #521HOLOEYE Photonics AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #309HORIBA Jobin Yvon SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #327id Quantique SA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #405Impex HighTech GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #411Innolume GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #115Institut d’Optique Graduate School . . . . . . . . #437International Society for Stereology. . . . . . . . #529iXFiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #126KERDRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #120Kimoga Material Technology Co., Ltd.. . . . . . #520KLASTECH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #420Laser Components GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #220Laser Focus World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #414Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V . (LZH). . . . . . . . #505LEONI Fiber Optics GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #406Leukos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #123LINOS Photonics France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #307Lovalite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #121Lumera Laser GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #310Lumerical Solutions, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #121M.C.S.E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #128Mad City Labs, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #214Materials Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #435Menlo Systems GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #517Exhibitor ListPhotonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 47473T Advertiser Index Alcatel Thales III-V Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 11CVI Melles Griot Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 4ET Enterprises Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 23EPIC—European Photonics Industry Consortium . . . . . . p. 13KLASTECH—Karpushko Laser Technologies . . . . . . . . . p. 19LINOS Photonics France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17Photoniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5RSoft Design Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 2Space Light srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 21Exhibition Floor PlanMesse Stuttgart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #524MICOS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #511Nature Publishing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #208NEMO (Network of Excellence onMicro-Optics). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #217New Focus, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #317Newport Spectra-Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #205NEYCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #212NIL Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #125NP Photonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501Nufern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #428NuSil Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #525Ocean Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #110OLLA Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #429Omega Optical, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #107OpTIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #333Optics & Laser Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #312Optics Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #527OptiGrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #510Optima Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #131OptoIndex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #531Opton Laser International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #130Optronis GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #216OXXIUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #304Phoenix BV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #315Photon Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #204Photonex 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #527Photonic Cleaning Technologies . . . . . . . . . . #421Photonics 4 Life - Network of Excellence . . . #427Photonics Spectra - Laurin Publishing. . . . . . #100Photonik Zentrum Hessen in Wetzlar AG. . . . #222Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co.. . . . . . . #308Point Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #113Quantel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #305Raicol Crystals Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #206Rhenaphotonics Alsace . . . . . #533, 535, 537, 539Royal Society of Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #541RSoft Design Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #320RSP Technology BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #424Santec Europe Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #409Scientec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #412SEDI Fibres Optiques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #313SEMELAB PLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #109Sill Optics GmbH & Co., KG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #221SIOF-Italian Society of Optics and Photonics #516Space Light srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #518Spectroscopy Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #433SphereOptics GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #504Spiricon GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #419Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #211Stanford Computer Optics GmbH . . . . . . . . #114bTaylor & Francis - Contemporary Physics . . . #528Taylor & Francis - Fiber and Integrated Optics #528Taylor & Francis - Informa UK Ltd.. . . . . . . . . #528Taylor & Francis - International Journal ofOptomechatronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #528Taylor & Francis - Journal of Modern Optics . #528THALES Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #506The Institution of Engineering andTechnology (IET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #425Thorlabs GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #517TSP Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #417UCM AG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #116Unice E-O Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #422Universal Photonics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #207VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. . . #129Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA . . . . . . . . . . . #523Xiton Photonics GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #501XLITH GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #432Yole Développement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #225ZODIAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #322Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 5The French magazine specializing in Optics-Photonics Photoniques :the magazine of theFrench Optical CommunityPhotoniques,magazine of the French OpticalSociety,establishes links and partnerships betweenall the entities working in Optics-Photonics :at national level with AFOP (French ManufacturersAssociation in Optics and Photonics)and in eachregion of France.Photoniques :The source of information for all the professionals in thefield of Optics-Photonics in France.In each issue :industry news,technical articles written by specialists,new products…A useful and efficient circulation :7500copiesAfter 7years of existence,cooperation and networking withthe specialists of the optic world in France,Photoniques hasbuilt a large qualified database of potential users :researchers,technicians,engineers and managers,fromindustry such as communications,industrial vision,lasers,test and measurements,imaging/displays…Are you interested in the French optics and photonics markets?Photoniques is your partner!How to keep you informed about Optics-Photonics in France?Become a Photoniques reader!123For additionnal information,contact:Olga Sortais :+33134042144o.sortais@ to request an issue of Photoniques and a media kit6 Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747As a new addition to Photonics Europe, the Industry PerspectivesProgramme will provide a series of executive briefi ngs coveringkey technologies and sectors.Come hear key members of Europe’s photonics industrydiscuss their successes, future plans and the way in which theyintend to maximize their market penetration and growth. Hearreviews of the European Innovation landscape highlightinggeographical areas of strengths in areas such as business R&D,knowledge transfer and demonstrate the outcomes from recentsuccessful European-funded industry programmes.Industry Perspectives Programme Included with Conference registration.Individual Sessions can be purchased at the Cashier. Individual sessions, €100. The sessions will deliver a strategic perspective into each application area, allowing you to uncover and confirm the future prospects for your business. Benchmark your aspirations for your business and technology against some of Europe’s leading companies and engage with them as a potential supplier or partner. You will hear presentations from Philips, Audi, PCO, Coherent Scotland, GlaxoSmithKline, Carl Zeiss, Yole Development, Koheras and Fraunhofer on their successes and strategic priorities. Tuesday 8 April Morning SessionPhotovoltaics10.15 to 10.45 hrs.Photovoltaics - Market and Technology TrendsGaëtan Rull, Market Analyst for New Energy Technologies,Yole Développement 10.45 to 11.15 hrs.High Throughput Manufacturing for BulkHeterojunction PVsMarkus Scharber, Head of Materials Group, Konarka 11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Managing JGrowth in the Production of Thin Films(To be confi rmed.)Dr. Immo Kotschau, Director of Research and Development,Centrotherm GmbH 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.End to End Mass Production of Silicon Thin FilmModulesDetlev Koch, Head of BU Solar Thin Films & Senior Vice President,O C Oerlikon Balzers AG Break – 12.30 to 14.00 hrs.Afternoon SessionMEMS/MOEMS14.00 to 14.30 hrs.Market Trends and Technical Advances in M(O)EMSDr. Eric Mounier, Manager for MEMS & Optoelectronics andMicronews Chief Editor, Yole Développement14.30 to 15.00 hrs.Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Polymers (ORMOCER) forOptical InterconnectsDr. Michael Popall, Head of Microsystems and Portable PowerSupply, Fraunhofer ISC15.00 to 15.30 hrs.Future MOEMS and Photonic MicrosystemsDr. Thomas Hessler, Director Axetris, Leister Process Technologies15.30 to 16.15 hrs.Innovations in MOEMS product developmentProf. Hubert Karl, Director, Fraunhofer IPMSWednesday 9 AprilMorning Session Multimedia, Displays and Lighting 10.15 to 10.45 hrs.Plasmonics for Photonics: Challenges and Opportunities Ross Stanley, Section Head: MOEMS & Nanophotonics, CSEM 10.45 to 11.15 hrs.Photonic Microsystems for Displays Edward Buckley, VP Business Development, Light Blue Optics Ltd.11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Matrix-Beam – the antiglaring LED-high beam Benjamin Hummel, Research for Concept Lighting T echnologies, Audi 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.High Brightness OLEDs for Next Generation LightingPeter Visser, Project Manager, OLLA Project, The Netherlands Break –12.30 to 14.00 hrs.Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747 7Thursday 10 AprilMorning SessionImaging10.15 to 10.45 hrs.High Resolution Imaging detectors for invisiblelight –Development and IndustrialisationHans Hentzell, CEO, Acreo10.45 to 11.15 hrs.(Presentation to be confi rmed.)11.15 to 11.45 hrs.Raman Spectroscopy, Raman Imaging and FutureTrendsSopie Morel, Sales Manager, Molecular & Microanalysis Division,HORIBA Jobin Yvon 11.45 to 12.30 hrs.World Markets for Lasers and Their Application Steve Anderson, Associate Publisher/Editor-in-Chief,Laser Focus World Break – 12.30 to 14.00 hrs. Afternoon SessionBiomedical and Healthcare Photonics 14.00 to 14.30 hrs.Photonic Systems for Biotechnology Research Karin Schuetze, Director of R&D, Carl Zeiss Microimaging 14.30 to 15.00 hrs.Photonics 4 Life Prof. Jeürgen Popp, Director, IPHT Germany 15.00 to 15.30 ser System Development for Biophotonics Chris Dorman, Managing Director, Coherent Scotland15.30 to 16.15 hrs.Supercontinuum Light - a paradigm shift in lasersources for biophotonicsJakob Dahlgren Skov, CEO, Koheras Husain Imam, Business Development Manager, Koheras Industrial Perspectives ProgrammeWednesday 9 April Afternoon Session OPERA 2015: European Photonics - Corporate and Research Landscape 13.30 to 13.45 hrs.Optics and Photonics in the 7th Framework ProgrammeGustav Kalbe, Head of Sector - Photonics, Information Society andMedia, Directorate General, European Commission 13.45 to 14.00 hrs.OPERA 2015: Aims, Results and link to Photonics 21Markus Wilkens, VDI 14.00 to 14.20 hrs.European Photonics Industry Landscape Bart Snijders, TNO 14.20 to 14.40 hrs.European Photonics Research Landscape Marie-Joëlle Antoine, Optics Valley 14.40 to 15.00 hrs.Resources for Photonics Development Peter Van Daele, IMEC Break – 15.00 to 15.15 hrs. 15.15 to 15.35 hrs.Towards the Future on Optics and Photonics ResearchDr. Eugene Arthurs, SPIE Europe (UK)15.35 to 16.15 hrs.Strategic Opportunities for R&D in EuropeMike Wale, Bookham, UK16.15 to 16.45 hrs.A Sustainable Business Model for Optics andPhotonicsDavid Pointer, Managing Director, Point Source (Pending)16.45 to 17.15 hrs.Final Open DiscussionChaired by: Gustav Kalbe, Head of Sector - Photonics, InformationSociety and Media, Directorate General, European Commission8Photonics Europe 2008 · /pe · info@ · TEL: +44 29 2089 4747Photonics Innovation Village Tuesday to Thursday during Exhibition HoursThe Photonics Innovation Village will showcase the latest projects and breakthroughs from optics-photonics researchers at universities, research centres and start-up companies. This is a great opportunity to see how EU R&D and project funds are being used by some of the great young innovators in Europe.A window on creative products developed by universities and research centres. Under the patronage of the European Commission, fi fteen entrants from across Europe complete to win categories ranging from Best Marketability to Best Design, Best Technology, and Best Overall Product.Low power remote sensing system Y. A. Polkanov, Russia (Individual work)New approach is based on use of a low-power radiation source with specifi ed gating, when time of source radiation interruption is equal to a pulse duration of ordinary lidar. We propose to reconstruct the average values of these characteristics over the parts commensurable with the sounding path length. As scanning systems is offered with speed of circular scanning is determined by time of small linear moving of a laser beam. It allows to predict a reduction of the meteorological situation stability from an anticipatory change of the revealed structure character of optical heterogeneities of a atmosphere ground layer atmosphere.Point of care sensor for non-invasive multi-parameter diagnostics of blood biochemistry Belarusian State University, Belarus; Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany; Second Clinical Hospital, Belarus Compact fi bre optical and thermal sensor for noninvasive measurement of blood biochemistry including glucose, hemoglobin and its derivatives concentrations is developed as a prototype of the point-of-care diagnosticdevices for cardiologic, tumour and diabetic patients. Integrated platform for data acquisition, data processing and communication to remote networks has been developed on the pocket PC.Polarization-holographic gratings and devices on their basisLaboratory of Holographic Recording & Processing of Information, Institute of Cybernetics, GeorgiaWe have developed the technology of obtaining of polarization-holographic gratings that have anisotropic profi le continuously changing within each spatial period and also the technology of obtaining of polarization-holographic elements on the basis of such gratings. Special highly effective polarization-sensitive materials developed by us are used for obtaining such gratings and elements. We can present samples of gratings and elements and give a demonstration of their work.Ultra-miniature omni-view camera moduleImage Sensing group of the Photonics Division of CSEM (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique), SwitzerlandA live demonstration with a working prototype of a highly integrated ultra-miniature camera module with omni-directional view dedicated to autonomous micro fl ying devices is presented.Femtosecond-pulse fi bre laser for microsurgery and marking applicationsMultitel, BelgiumMultitel presents a new prototype of an all-fi bred femtosecond amplifi ed laser. The device has been specifi cally developed for micromachining and microsurgery applications and operates at 1.55µm, which corresponds to a high absorption peak of water (molecule contained in large quantity in living tissue and cells). Since no free-space optics is used for pulse compression or amplifi cation the prototype is compact and very stable. Moreover, the seed laser source has a high repetition rate therefore enabling multiphoton absorption applications and use in multi-pulse and burst modes.Flexible artifi cial optical robotic skinsDepartment of Applied Physics and Photonics (VUB-TONA) and Robotics & Multibody Mechanics Research Group (VUB-R&MM) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Thin Film Components Group (UG-TFCG) and Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials Research Group (UG-PBM) of the Universiteit Gent, BelgiumWe will present a paradigm shifting application for optical fi bre sensors in the domain of robotics. We propose fi bre B ragg gratings (FB Gs) written in highly-birefringent microstructured optical fi bres integrated in a fl exible skin-like foil to provide a touch capability to a social pet-type robot for hospitalized children named “Probo”. The touch information is complementary to vision analysis and audio analysis and will be used to detect where Probo is being touched and to differentiate between different types of affective touches such as tickling, poking, slapping, petting, etc.Co-Sponsored by: Location: Galleri de Marbre Under the patronage of the European Commission, Photonics Unit Join us for the Photonics Innovation Village Awards 2008 which will take place on Wednesday, 9th April 2008, from 17.00 hrs. in the Galerie de Marbre.3D tomographic microscopeLauer Technologies, FranceThe 3D tomographic microscope generates 3D high-resolution images of non-marked samples. The demonstration will show 3D manipulation of images obtained with this microscope.Polar nephelometerInstitute of Atmospheric Optics of Tomsk, RussiaMaterial comprising a matrix, apatite and at least one europium composite compound with particle medium sizes more 4-5 micron. The composition for the production of the material comprises (wt. %) apatite 0.01-10.0; composite compound. 0.01-10.0, and the balance is a matrix-forming agent, such as a polymer, a fibre, a glass-forming composition, or lacquer/adhesive-forming substance.High speed Stokes portable polarimeterMIPS Laboratory of the Haute Alsace University, FranceThe implementation of an imaging polarimeter able to capture dynamic scenes is presented. Our prototype is designed to work at visible wavelengths and to operate at high-speed (a 360 Hz framerate was obtained), contrary to commercial or laboratory liquid crystal polarimeters previously reported. It has been used in the laboratory as well as in a natural environment with natural light. The device consists of commercial components whose cost is moderate. The polarizing element is based on a ferroelectric liquid crystal modulator which acts as a half-wave plate at its design wavelength.Diffractive/refractive endoscopic UV-imaging system Institut für Technische Optik (ITO) of the University of Stuttgart, GermanyWe present a new optical system with an outstanding high performance despite of demanding boundary conditions of endoscopic imaging to enable minimal invasive laser-based measurement techniques. For this purpose the system provides a high lens speed of about 10 times the value of a conventional UV-endoscope, a multiple broad band chromatic correction and small-diameter but wide-angle access optics. This was realized with a new design concept including unconventional, i.e. diffractive components. An application are UV-LIF-measurements on close-to-production engines to speed up the optimization of the combustion and produce aggregates with less fuel consumption and exhaust gases like CO2.Light-converting materials and composition: polyethylene fi lm for greenhouses, masterbatch, textile, sunscreen and aerosolUsefulsun Oy, Finland; Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaThe composition for the production of the material comprises (wt. % ) composite compound (inorganic photoluminophore particles with sizes 10-800nm) -0.01-10.0; coordination compound of metal E (the product of transformation of europium, samarium, terbium or gadolinium ) - 0,0-10,0 and the balance is a matrix-forming agent, such as, a polymer, a fi ber, a glass-forming composition or gel, aerosol, lacquer/adhesive-forming substance. The present invention relates to composite materials, in particular to light-converting materials used in agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and light industry.HIPOLAS - a compact and robust laser sourceCTR AG (Carinthian Tech Research AG), AustriaThe prototype covers a robust, compact and powerful laser ignition source for reciprocating gas and petrol engines that could be mounted directly on the cylinder.We have developed a diode pumped solid-state laser with a monolithic Neodymium YAG resonator core. A ring of 12 high power laser diodes pumps the resonator. Due to the adjustment-free design, the laser is intrinsically robust to environmental vibrations and temperature conditions. With overall dimensions of Æ 50 x 70 mm the laser head is small enough to be fi tted at the standard spark plug location on the cylinder head. The dimensions can be reduced for future prototypes. OLLA OLED lighting tile demonstratorOLLA project-consortiumOLED technology is not only a display technology but also suited for lighting purposes. The OLLA project has the goal to demonstrate viability of OLED technology for general lighting applications. The demonstrator tile shown here combines the current results of the project : a large sized (15x15cm2) white OLED stack with high effi cacy (up to 50 lm/W), combined with long lifetime (>10.000 hours).During Photonics Europe, we will show several OLEDs tiles in different colors. The demonstrators are made by the OLLA project-consortium members. The large OLED demonstrator tile was fabricated on the inline tool at Fraunhofer IPMS in Dresden.Analyze-IQNanoscale Biophotonics Laboratory, School of Chemistry,and Machine Learning / Data Mining Group, Department ofInformation Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, IrelandAnalyze-IQ is the next generation spectral analysis software tool for optical and molecular spectroscopies such as Raman, Mid-IR, NIR, and Fluorescence. The Analyze-IQ software is based on patented machine-learning algorithms and a model based approach in which the software learns to recognise the relevant information in complex mixtures from sample spectra. It then uses these models to rapidly and accurately identify or quantify unknown materials such as narcotics and explosives, in complex mixtures commonly found in law-enforcement and industrial applications.Micro-optical detection unit for lab-on-a-chipDepartment of Applied Physics and Photonics (VUB-TONA) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumWe present a detection unit for fl uorescence and UV-VIS absorbance analysis in capillaries, which can be used for chromatography. By usinga micro-fabrication technology (Deep Proton Writing) the optics aredirectly aligned onto the micro-fl uidic channel. This integration enables the development of portable and ultimately disposable lab-on-a-chip systems for point-of-care diagnosis. We will explain the working principle of our detection system in a proof-of-concept demonstration set-up while focusing on some specifi c applications of micro-fl uidics in low-cost lab-on-a-chip systems.Photonics Innovation Village。
CASTEP startup
A Beginner’s Guide to Materials Studio andDFT Calculations with CastepP.Hasnip(pjh503@)September18,2007Materials Studio collects all of itsfiles into “Projects”.We’ll start by creating a new project.Now we’ve got a blank project,and we want to define a simulation cell to perform a Castep calculation on.First we add a“3D Atomistic document”.We’re going to start by simulating an eight atom silicon FCC cell,so rename thefile ac-cordingly.First we’ll create the unit cell.The default is space group P1,i.e.no symme-try.Silicon has the diamond structure(space group FD3M).By telling Materials Studio this symmetry it will automatically apply it to the atoms,thus generating atoms at the symmetry points.Now to add the lattice constant–click on the“Lattice”tab near the top of the“Build Crystal”window.Since FD3M is cubic(FCC) Materials Studio knows only a has to be set, and the angles and other lattice constants are greyed-out.Enter“5.4”,and then click on“Build”.Now we’ll add a single silicon atom...Add a silicon atom at the origin,by chang-ing the“element”from its default and click-ing“Add”.By default the co-ordinates are in fractionals,but you can change this on the “Options”tab.Since we’d already told Materials Studio what the symmetry of the crystal was,our single sil-icon atom is replicated at each symmetry site and we now have a shiny new eight-atom sili-con unit cell.You can rotate the view by holding down the left or right mouse button and dragging,or move it by holding down the middle button. Use the mouse wheel,or both the left and right buttons simultaneously,to zoom in and out.By default the atoms are shown as little crosses with lines for bonds,and silicon atoms are coloured brownish orange.You can always change this if you don’t like it.The“bonds”are just guesses made by Materials Studio based on the ele-ment’s typical bond-lengths.We’re now ready to run Castep tofind the groundstate charge density.Click on the Castep icon,which is a set of three wavy lines(to rep-resent plane-waves),and select“Calculation”.Materials Studio offers a high-level interface to Castep,with cut-offenergy,k-point sampling, convergence tolerances etc.all set by the sin-gle setting“Quality”.We’ll look at how to specify these things later,but for now we’ll just do a very quick,rough calculation of the groundstate energy and density of our cell.Make sure the task is“Energy”,and select “Coarse”for quality,and“LDA”for the XC functional.If you want to run your calculations on La-gavulin(or anywhere else you have Castep avail-able)then you’ll want to click“Files”in the Castep window.Simply select“Save Files”to save the cell and paramfiles.By default these are written to a folder in“My Documents”called“Materi-als Studio Projects”but be warned–cellfiles are hiddenfiles,and you won’t be able to see them unless you tell Windows you want to view “Hidden and System Files”for that folder.If you want to run Castep on the PC you’re us-ing,you just need to click“Run”on the Castep window.You should see this window appear:Materials Studio is telling you that your system isn’t actually the primitive unit cell,and it’s offering to convert it to the primitive cell for you.For now choose“No”.Castep runs via a“Gateway”,which might be on your local computer or on a remote ma-chine.This Gateway handles Materials Stu-dio’s requests to run calculations and copies thefiles to and from the“Castep Server”.Since the Gateway is actually a modified web server it is sensible to enforce some security measures.If your Gateway is password-protected(recom-mended),you’ll need to enter your Gateway username and password(which are not neces-sarily the same as your Windows ones).When the Castep job is running you will see its job ID and other details appear in the“job ex-plorer”window.You can check its status from here,although our crude silicon calculation isso quick you probably won’t have time now.Castep reports back when it isfinished,and Materials Studio copies the results of the cal-culation back.The.castepfile is opened au-tomatically so you can see what happened in the calculation.The main text outputfile from castep is dis-played in Materials Studio.It starts with a wel-come banner,then a summary of the parame-ters and cell that were used for the calculation.After that,there is a summary of the elec-tronic energy minimisation which shows the it-erations Castep performed trying tofind the groundstate density that was consistent with the Kohn-Sham potential.This is the so-called “self-consistentfield”or“SCF”condition,and each line is tagged with“–SCF”so you can find them easily.------------------------------------------------------------------------<--SCF SCF loop Energy Fermi Energy gain Timer<--SCFenergy per atom(sec)<--SCF ------------------------------------------------------------------------<--SCF Initial 2.11973065E+002 4.85767974E+0010.61<--SCF Warning:There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin;this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate.If this warning persists,you should consider increasing nextra_bandsand/or reducing smearing_width in the param file.Recommend using nextra_bands of7to15.1-7.22277610E+002 1.02240172E+001 1.16781334E+0020.88<--SCF 2-8.53739673E+002 6.90687627E+000 1.64327579E+001 1.12<--SCF 3-8.62681938E+002 6.65069587E+000 1.11778315E+000 1.39<--SCF 4-8.62169156E+002 6.69758744E+000-6.40977798E-002 1.72<--SCF 5-8.61880601E+002 6.78641872E+000-3.60693332E-002 2.06<--SCF 6-8.61884687E+002 6.79549194E+000 5.10791707E-004 2.44<--SCF 7-8.61884645E+002 6.79874201E+000-5.25062118E-006 2.75<--SCF 8-8.61884639E+002 6.79822409E+000-8.40318139E-007 2.98<--SCF ------------------------------------------------------------------------<--SCF Final energy,E=-861.8846385210eVFinal free energy(E-TS)=-861.8846385210eV(energies not corrected for finite basis set)NB est.0K energy(E-0.5TS)=-861.8846385210eVWe’ll look at this output in more detail later. For now just note that the energy converges fairly rapidly to about861.88eV,but that the energy is sometimes higher than this and some-times lower.Let’s have a look at the calculated groundstate charge density.The Castep Analysis window lets you look at various properties you might have calculated during the Castep job.Select“Electron den-sity”.Notice there’s a“Save”button which lets you write the density out to a textfile so you can analyse it with another program.We don’t need this now,so just click on“Import”.WARNING:amongst the properties listed here are“Band structure”and“Density of states”. If you select one of these from an energy cal-culation,Materials Studio will plot the band structure/DOS,but it takes the eigenvalues and k-points from the SCF calculation,not a proper band structure or DOS calculation.By default an isosurface of the charge density is overlaid on your simulation cell.To change the isosurface Materials Studio is plotting,you need to change the“Display style”. Either use the right mouse button when the cursor is over the simulation cell,or use the drop-down menus:Notice that this is also the place you need to come to if you want to change the atom colour-ing or representation(e.g.from crosses and lines to ball-and-stick).Try changing the value of the isosurface your plotting,to see where the charge density is greatest and least.Hopefully you’ve now got the hang of the basic interface.Go back to your simulation system and open up the Castep window again.This time select the“Electronic”tab.This tab has a little more detail,and actually tells you what cut-offenergy and k-point grid Castep will use for the given settings.Never-theless we usually wantfiner control than this, so click on“More”.Now at last we have four tabs that let us set some of the convergence parameters directly.•BasisAllows you to set a cut-offenergy,as wellas control thefinite basis set correction.•SCFSets the convergence tolerance for the ground-state electronic energy minimisation,as wellas details of the algorithm used.•k-pointsControls the Brillouin zone sampling directly.You can either specify a grid,or a desiredseparation between k-points.•PotentialsAllows you to change the pseudopotentialsused for the elements in your system.In fact if you double-click on your paramfile in the project window you can edit it directly, but we’ll restrict ourselves to using the GUI for now.Before we continue,here’s a quick recap of the basic approximations we use when performing practical DFT calculations:•Exchange-correlation(XC)Functional-we don’t know the ex-act density functional,so we have to approximate it.There are two common approximations:–LDA-the Local Density Approximation assumes the XC atany point is the same as that of a homogeneous electrongas with the same density.–PBE-this is a“Generalised Gradient Approximation”(GGA)and includes some of the effects of the gradient of the den-sity.You might think PBE is always better than LDA,but that’s not true,both are approximations.You should try each one before deciding which is appropriate to your research project.•Basis set-the wavefunction is represented by an expansion ina plane-wave basis.In theory the basis set required is infinite,but since the energy converges rapidly with basis set size we can safely truncate the expansion.The size of the basis set is controlled by the cut-offenergy.•Brillouin zone sampling-calculating the energy terms requires us to integrate quantities over the whole of thefirst Brillouin zone.In practice we approximate these integrals by sums overa discrete set of k-points.ing the Basis and k-points tabs, investigate how the calculated energy of the simulation cell converges with increased cut-offenergy,and increased k-point sampling density. Why do they show these trends?Exercise2.Create a unit cell for bulk alu-minium.Aluminium is also FCC,with space-group FM-3M and a lattice constant of about 4.05˚A.Investigate convergence of the calcu-lated aluminium energy with respect to cut-offenergy and k-point sampling.Compare the total electronic energy with the total electronic free energy for both silicon and aluminium.Why do they differ for one and not the other?During your calculations you might see a warn-ing like this in the castep output:Warning:There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin;this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate.If this warning persists,you should consider increasing nextra_bandsand/or reducing smearing_width in the param file.Recommend using nextra_bands of7to15.Recall that the electronic energy minimisation algorithms need to include the entire set of occupied states.If the highest state you’ve in-cluded in the calculation is occupied,Castep has no way of knowing whether the next state should also have been occupied,and so rec-ommends you include more bands.Only when the highest state is unoccupied can Castep be sure that all of the occupied bands have been included.You can change the number of“empty”bands included in the Castep calculation from the SCF tab of the Castep Electronic Options win-dow of Materials Studio,or just by editing the paramfile directly.Exercise3.Repeat the energy convergence test with respect to k-point sampling for alu-minium,but using a smearing of0.5eV(see the SCF tab;the default is0.1eV).Feel free to use either Materials Studio,or direct editing of the param and cellfiles.You will probably need to increase the number of empty bands to8or so.Compare the results with the previous aluminium calculations.Why the difference?Choose a particular k-point sampling density and look at thefinal total energy,free energy,and esti-mated zero temperature energy for the0.5eV smearing and compare them to the results with the original smearing.Exercise4.Go back to your silicon calcula-tion,and look at the SCF tab on the CASTEP Electronic Options window.We’re using the “Density Mixing”algorithm,and if you click on“More”you’ll see we’re using a Pulay mix-ing scheme with a charge mixing amplitude of 0.5.Investigate what happens as you vary this initial amplitude from close to0to close to1. The Pulay algorithm takes over after thefirst few SCF cycles,and overrides the mixing charge amplitude.This is not true of the Kerker scheme. Use the“More”button and change the mixing scheme to Kerker,and investigate the effects of the mixing charge amplitude again. Exercise5.Have a play with the Castep inter-face and Castep.Why don’t you see whether you can get Castep to fail to converge?Re-member what causes density mixing to be un-stable:metals,degeneracies(band-crossings), multiple spin states,long cells,small smearingwidths etc.The only restriction is computa-tional time,so if you make a large cell try not to have too many atoms in it or Castep won’t finish in time!If you manage to make Castep fail to con-verge,try tofix it by varying the DM param-eters.If that doesn’t work,how does EDFT do?Remember you can always save your cell and paramfiles and copy them to Lagavulin if your PC isn’t fast enough.You can also try Castep on your favourite sys-tem.Things you mightfind useful:•Materials Studio ships with lots of sample structures,just click“File”then“Import”and have a look,or create your own.•To create a supercell from a unit cell,click on the“Build”menu,then select“Symme-try”and then“Supercell”.•To modify atoms just left-click(or drag-select)to select them,and then you can use the“Modify”menu to change their el-ement.•Materials Studio has a useful surface builder so you can cleave crystals along bizarre planes without too much effort.If you’re stuck for things to do:•Try making a supercell of two aluminium FCC cells,and swapping one of the alu-minium atoms for erbium.Run that,and see what happens.Can you improve it?•Use the task“properties”in the Castep win-dow to calculate the DOS and band struc-tures of silicon and aluminium.Now createa simple molecule surrounded by vacuum,and calculate its band structure and DOS.Do you get what you expect?•Calculate the binding energy of a simple molecule.Run Castep for the molecule, and then again for a single atom of each of the elements in turn.Subtract the en-ergies,and see what you get.How does the result change if you change the cut-offenergy for(a)one calculation;(b)all the calculations?。
ICS 29.120.30ISBN 0-626-17837-1SANS 164-1:2006Edition 5SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARDPlug and socket-outlet systems for household and similar purposes for use in South AfricaPart 1: Conventional system, 16 A 250 V a.c.Published by Standards South Africa1 dr lategan road groenkloof private bag x191 pretoria 0001 tel: 012 428 7911 fax: 012 344 1568 international code + 27 12 www.stansa.co.za© Standards South AfricaSANS 164-1:2006Edition 5Table of changesChange No.Date ScopeAbstractCovers the rating and dimensions of the conventional 16 A 250 V a.c. plug and socket-outlet system and socket-outlet adaptors for household and similar purposes, for use in South Africa. Keywordsadaptors, dimensions, electric plugs, electric sockets, socket-outlets.ForewordThis South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA SC 67C, Electricity distribution systems and components – Electrical accessories, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.This edition cancels and replaces edition 4 (SABS 164-1:1997).This part of SANS 164, by reference in SANS 164-0, forms part of the compulsory specification for plugs, socket-outlets and socket-outlet adaptors, as published by Government Notice No. R442 (Government Gazette 18779) of 3 April 1998. Compliance with the dimensions of this part of SANS 164 will be deemed to be compliance with the said compulsory specification.SANS 164 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plug and socket-outlet systems for household and similar purposes for use in South Africa:Part 0: General and safety requirements.Part 1: Conventional system, 16 A 250 V a.c.Part 2: IEC system, 16 A 250 V a.c.Part 3: Conventional system, 6 A 250 V a.c.Part 4: Dedicated system, 16 A 250 V a.c.Part 5: Flat non-rewirable two-pole plugs, 2,5 A 250 V, with cord, for connection of class II equipment.Part 6: Round two-pole system, 10 A 250 V a.c. and 16 A 250 V a.c., for connection of class II equipment.Annexes A, B, C, D, E and F form an integral part of this part of SANS 164.SANS 164-1:2006Edition 51ContentsPageAbstractKeywordsForeword1 Scope (3)2 Normative reference (3)3 Definitions (3)4 Requirements (3)Annex A (normative) Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the current- carrying contact tubes of socket-outlets (6)Annex B (normative) Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the point of first contact with the current-carrying contacts of socket-outlets (no contact gauge) (7)Annex C (normative) Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the point of first contact with the current-carrying contacts of socket- outlets (contact gauge) (8)Annex D (normative) Gauge for proving that it is not possible to make connection between a pin of a plug and a current-carrying contact of a socket-outlet while any other current-carrying pin is accessible (9)Annex E (normative) Gauge for proving that, during insertion of a plug, the earth pin makes connection before either of the current-carrying pins, and that, during plug withdrawal, both current-carrying pins break connection before the earth pin (10)Annex F (normative) "GO" gauges for plugs and socket-outlets (11)Bibliography (13)SANS 164-1:2006Edition 5This page is intentionally left blank 2SANS 164-1:2006Edition 5 Plug and socket-outlet systems for household and similar purposes foruse in South AfricaPart 1:Conventional system, 16 A 250 V a.c.1 ScopeThis part of SANS 164 covers the rating and dimensions of the conventional 16 A 250 V a.c. plug and socket-outlet system and socket-outlet adaptors for household and similar purposes, for use in South Africa.2 Normative referenceThe following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitutes provisions of this part of SANS 164. All standards are subject to revision and, since any reference to a standard is deemed to be a reference to the latest edition of that standard, parties to agreements based on this part of SANS 164 are encouraged to take steps to ensure the use of the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Information on currently valid national and international standards can be obtained from Standards South Africa.SANS 164-0, Plug and socket-outles systems for household and similar purposes for use in South Africa – Part 0: General and safety requirements.3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this part of SANS 164, the definitions given in SANS 164-0 apply.4 Requirements4.1 The requirements of SANS 164-0 apply.4.2Socket-outlets, socket-outlet adaptors and rewirable plugs shall be rated at 16 A and 250 V a.c.4.3 Plugs and socket-outlets shall comply with the dimensions given on the appropriate of standard sheets 1-1 or 1-2.Use the gauges given in annexes A to F for checking the dimensions.3SANS 164-1:2006 Edition 54Dimensions in millimetres Standard sheet 1-1 — 16 A Two-pole and earthing-contact socket-outletsSANS 164-1:2006Edition 5Dimensions in millimetresStandard sheet 1-2 — 16 A 250 V Two-pole and earthing-pin plugs5SANS 164-1:2006 Edition 56Annex A(normative)Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the current- carrying contact tubes of socket-outletsDimensions in millimetresInsert the gauge as far as possible into the guidance hole of a socket-outlet, with shutters (if any) removed. Move the gauge around the periphery of the guidance hole, and ensure that it does not make contact with the socket-outlet contact tube. Indication of contact shall be by means of a lamp connected between the gauge and the appropriate contact tube. The a.c. or d.c. voltage of the circuit shall be between 12 V and 24 V.Gauges shall be made of a hard, corrosion-resistant metal such as stainless steel.SANS 164-1:2006Edition 5Annex B(normative)Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the point of first contact with the current-carrying contacts of socket-outlets(no contact gauge)Dimensions in millimetres Insert the gauge as far as it will go into the guidance hole of a socket-outlet. The indicator lampdescribed in annex A shall not light.NOTE The insulated tips of gauges are for guiding the gauges.7SANS 164-1:2006 Edition 58 Annex C (normative)Gauge for the distance from the engagement face to the point of first contact with the current-carrying contacts of socket-outlets (contactgauge)Dimensions in millimetres Insert the gauge as far as it will go into the guidance hole of a socket-outlet. The indicator lampdescribed in annex A shall light.NOTE The insulated tips of gauges are for guiding the gauges.Annex D(normative)Gauge for proving that it is not possible to make connection between a pin of a plug and a current-carrying contact of a socket-outlet while any other current-carrying pin is accessibleDimensions in millimetres An indicator lamp as described in annex A shall be connected between a gauge plug and bothsocket-outlet current-carrying contact tubes. When the earth pin of the gauge plug is inserted into asample socket-outlet, in all attitudes, the indicator lamp shall not light.The gauge shall be of a hard, corrosion-resistant metal such as stainless steel.Annex E(normative)Gauge for proving that, during insertion of a plug, the earth pin makes connection before either of the current-carrying pins, and that, during plug withdrawal, both current-carrying pins break connection before the earth pin (see requirements for protection against electric shock inSANS 60884-1)Using the test plug of annex D, connect an indicator lamp as shown below.The gauge, when inserted without undue force and at any possible angle, shall cause lamp L2 to light up before either L1 or L3. When the gauge is withdrawn at any possible angle, both lamps L1 and L3 shall "go out" before lamp L2.Annex F(normative)"GO" gauges for plugs and socket-outletsF.1 "GO" gauge for plugsTable F.1 — Dimensions of "GO" gauge for plugsDimensions in millimetres1 23 4 56 7 89 10 RatedcurrentA A BTolerancefor A and BC DTolerancefor C and DE FTolerancefor E and F16 28,5825,40 ±0,03 8,87 7,21 +0,01– 0,00 11,10 31 ±0,5All plugs shall be capable of insertion into the relevant gauge without undue force.Annex F(continued)F.2 "GO" gauge for socket-outletsTable F.2 (a) — Dimensions of maximum "GO" gauge for socket-outletsDimensions in millimetres1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RatedcurrentA A BTolerancefor A and BC DTolerancefor C and DE FTolerancefor E and F16 28,7325,55 ±0,03 8,74 7,09 +0,00– 0,01 21,8 29,8 +0,0- 0,1Table F.2 (b) — Dimensions of minimum "GO" gauge for socket-outletsDimensions in millimetres1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10 RatedcurrentA A BTolerancefor A and BC DTolerance forC and DE FTolerancefor E and F16 28,4325,25 ±0,03 8,74 7,09 +0,00– 0,01 21,8 29,8 +0,0- 0,1Both maximum and minimum "GO" gauges shall enter all socket-outlets without undue force.BibliographySANS 60884-1, Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes – Part 1: General requirements.© Standards South Africa。
分类实操练习题(新软件用题)一.INM-C MES:1、在INMARSAT-C移动站上编辑一份电文(内容自定)取名AAA.TLX存盘,并立即将该电文经新加坡地面站:(310)发往某公司(923039 XMCY CN )要求给予收妥确认。
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3、(C站)开机后,入网并登记在太平洋区,并编辑一份电传电文存为DUB.TLX,发给厦门远洋运输公司:TLX(085)22345 COSCOXM CN及厦门外代: 20435 PENAVICO CN;要求送妥通知。
PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-268Version 05.01 (04 - 2023), en_GB012001212680001000PRODUCT DATA SHEETSikaflex®-268Assembly & glazing adhesive and sealant for rail applications with acceleration optionTYPICAL PRODUCT DATA (FURTHER VALUES SEE SAFETY DATA SHEET)Chemical base 1-component polyurethane Colour (CQP001-1)BlackCure mechanism Moisture-curing Density (uncured)1.3 kg/l Non-sag properties (CQP061-1)Very good Application temperature 5 ─ 40 °C Skin time (CQP019-1)60 minutes A Open time (CQP526-1)40 minutes A Curing speed (CQP049-1)(see diagram)Shrinkage (CQP014-1)1 %Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4)55Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 6 MPa Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527)500 %Tear propagation resistance (CQP045-1 / ISO 34)13 N/mm Tensile lap-shear strength (CQP046-1 / ISO 4587) 4.5 MPa Service temperature (CQP509-1 / CQP513-1)-50 ─ 90 °CShelf lifecartridge / unipack pail / drum 12 months B6 months BCQP = Corporate Quality ProcedureA) 23 °C / 50 % r. h.B) storage below 25 °C)DESCRIPTIONSikaflex®-268 is an adhesive system specific-ally designed for the rail industry. It is suitable for assembly bonding and glazing applica-tions; its outstanding weathering resistivity and unique resistance to a wide variety of cleaning agents make it an ideal solution for use in exterior joints in the rail industry.Sikaflex®-268 is compatible with Sika’s black-primerless bonding process.Sikaflex®-268 can be accelerated with Sika’s Booster and PowerCure systems.PRODUCT BENEFITSResistant to a wide variety of cleaning agents▪Passes EN45545 R1/R7 HL3▪Curing can be accelerated with Sika Booster and Sika PowerCure▪Excellent weathering stability▪Very good processing and tooling character-istics▪Solvent-free▪AREAS OF APPLICATIONSikaflex®-268 is designed for assembly and direct-glazing applications in rail, the com-mercial vehicle industry and for the repair market.It exhibits excellent tooling and application properties. With its superior resistance to a wide range of cleaning agents combined with outstanding weathering resistance, it can be used for exterior joints.Seek manufacturer’s advice and perform tests on original substrates before using Sikaflex®-268 on materials prone to stress cracking.Sikaflex®-268 is suitable for experienced pro-fessional users only. Test with actual sub-strates and conditions have to be performed ensuring adhesion and material compatibility.1 / 2CURE MECHANISMSikaflex®-268 cures by reaction with atmo-spheric moisture. At low temperatures the water content of the air is generally lower and the curing reaction proceeds somewhatslower (see diagram 1).Diagram 1: Curing speed Sikaflex®-268CHEMICAL RESISTANCESikaflex®-268 is generally resistant to fresh water, seawater, diluted acids and diluted caustic solutions; temporarily resistant to fuels, mineral oils, vegetable and animal fats and oils; not resistant to organic acids, glycol-ic alcohol, concentrated mineral acids and caustic solutions or solvents.It is resistant to a wide range of rail cleaning agents if used according to the guidelines of the manufacturer. Some rail cleaning agents contain aggressive chemicals such as phos-phoric acids which may influence the durabil-ity of Sikaflex®-268 significantly. Therefore it is of highest importance to limit the exposure time to a minimum, observe correct dilution of cleaning agent and to perform a thorough rinsing after the cleaning process. Test newly introduced cleaning agents.The above information is offered for general guidance only. Advice on specific applications will be given on request.METHOD OF APPLICATION Surface Preparation Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from grease, oil and dust. Surface treatment de-pends on the specific nature of the substrates and is crucial for a long lasting bond. All pre-treatment steps must be confirmed by pre-liminary tests on original substrates consider-ing specific conditions in the assembly pro-cess.ApplicationSikaflex®-268 can be processed between 5 °C and 40 °C (climate and product) but changes in reactivity and application properties have to be considered. The optimum temperature for substrate and sealant is between 15 °C and 25 °C.Consider the viscosity increase at low temper-ature. For easy application, condition the ad-hesive at ambient temperature prior to use. To ensure a uniform thickness of the bondline it is recommend to apply the adhesive in formof a triangular bead (see figure 1).Figure 1: Recommended bead configurationSikaflex®-268 can be processed with hand, pneumatic or electric driven piston guns as well as pump equipment. The open time is significantly shorter in hot and humid climate. The parts must always be installed within the open time. Never join bonding parts if the ad-hesive has built a skin.For advice on selecting and setting up a suit-able pump system, contact the System Engin-eering Department of Sika Industry.Tooling and finishingTooling and finishing must be carried out within the open time of the adhesive. We re-commend the use of Sika® Tooling Agent N. Other finishing agents must be tested for suit-ability and compatibility.RemovalUncured Sikaflex®-268 can be removed from tools and equipment with Sika® Remover-208 or another suitable solvent. Once cured, the material can only be removed mechanically.Hands and exposed skin have to be washed immediately using hand wipes such as Sika® Cleaner-350H or a suitable industrial hand cleaner and water. Do not use solvents on skin.FURTHER INFORMATIONThe information herein is offered for general guidance only. Advice on specific applicationsis available on request from the Technical De-partment of Sika Industry.Copies of the following publications are avail-able on request:Safety Data Sheets ▪General GuidelinesBonding and Sealing with 1-component Sikaflex®▪PACKAGING INFORMATION Cartridge 300 ml Unipack 600 ml Pail 23 l Drum195 lBASIS OF PRODUCT DATAAll technical data stated in this document are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION User must read the most recent correspond-ing Safety Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS provides information and advice on the safe handling, storage and dis-posal of chemical products and contains phys-ical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.DISCLAIMERThe information, and, in particular, the re-commendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when prop-erly stored, handled and applied under nor-mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-commendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site condi-tions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any writ-ten recommendations, or from any other ad-vice offered. The user of the product must test the product's suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must beobserved. All orders are accepted subject toour current terms of sale and delivery. Usersmust always refer to the most recent issue ofthe local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-268Version 05.01 (04 - 2023), en_GB 012001212680001000SIKA LIMITED WatchmeadWelwyn Garden City Hertfordshire, AL7 1BQ Tel: 01707 394444Web: Twitter: @SikaLimited2 / 2。
Fluorescence Mounting Medium DAKO S3023
DakoFluorescenceMounting MediumENGLISH Code S3023Intended use For In Vitro diagnostic use.This product is suitable for mounting tissue specimens, cell smears, and cytospins which have been stained withfluorochromes such as fluorescein in preparation for viewing by fluorescence microscopy.Refer to the “General Instructions for Immunohistochemical Staining” or the Detection System “Instructions” ofIHC procedures for: (1) Principle of Procedure, (2) Materials Required, Not Supplied, (3) Storage, (4) SpecimenPreparation, (5) Staining Procedure, (6) Quality Control, (7) Troubleshooting, (8) Interpretation of Staining,(9) General Limitations.Reagent provided 15 mL of fluorescent mounting medium containing an anti-fading agent and 0.015 mol/L sodium azide. Precautions 1. For professional users.2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid eye and skin contact.3. Unused solution should be disposed of according to local, State and Federal regulationsStorage Store at 2–8°C. Do not freeze.Application Fluorescent Mounting Medium enhances the visualization of specimens when viewed under a fluorescent microscope. The unique formulation of this product retards the fading of fluorescence allowing the specimens tobe reviewed long after mounting.Slides that are mounted with Fluorescent Mounting Medium and stored at 2–8°C in the dark preserve thei rfluorescent signal for at least one month.Fluorescent Mounting Medium dries completely when slides are coverslipped forming a solid coating thatfacilitates handling and storage.Procedure 1. Dispense one or two drops of Fluorescent Mounting Medium onto tissue sections or cell preparations which are mounted on a glass microscope slide.2. Apply glass coverslip over Fluorescent Mounting Medium and allow the medium to spread evenly over thespecimen.3. Slides may be examined immediately under a fluorescent microscope. However, the coverslips should not bemoved as mounting medium will not completely solidify for several minutes.4. For long-term storage the edges of the coverslip may be sealed with nail polish to prevent air pockets fromforming.FRENCH Code S3023Intérêt Pour diagnostic in vitro.Ce produit convient au montage d’échantillons de tissu, de frottis cellulaires et de cytospins colorés par desfluorochromes tels que la fluorescéine dans des préparations destinées à la microscopie par fluorescence.Se reporter aux sections « Instructions générales pour marquage immunohistochimique » ou aux « Instructions »relatives au système de détection des procédures immunohistochimiques pour en savoir plus sur : (1) lesprincipes de la procédure, (2) les matériels nécessaires mais non fournis, (3) la conservation, (4) la préparationdes échantillons, (5) la procédure d’immunomarquage, (6) le contrôle de qualité, (7) la résolution des problèmes,(8) l’interprétation de la coloration et (9) les limites générales.Réactif fourni15 mL de milieu de montage fluorescent contenant un agent antidisparition et 0,015 mol/L d’azide de sodium.Précautions 1. Pour utilisateurs professionnels.2. Porter un équipement de protection individuelle approprié pour éviter tout contact avec les yeux et la peau.3. Les solutions non utilisées doivent être jetées conformément aux réglementations locales, régionales etnationales en vigueur.Conservation Conserver entre 2 et 8° C. Ne pas congeler.Application Le milieu de montage fluorescent optimise l’observation des échantillons sous un microscope à fluorescence. La formulation unique de ce produit retarde la disparition de la fluorescence, ce qui permet de continuer à examinerles échantillons longtemps après le montage.Les lames montées avec le milieu de montage fluorescent et conservées entre 2 et 8° C à l’abri de la l umièreconservent leur signal fluorescent durant au moins un mois.Le milieu de montage fluorescent sèche entièrement lorsque les lames sont recouvertes de leur lamelle,constituant ainsi un revêtement solide qui facilite la manipulation et la conservation.Procédure 1. Placer une ou deux gouttes de milieu de montage fluorescent sur les coupes de tissu ou les préparationscellulaires montées sur une lame de microscope en verre.2. Placer la lamelle par-dessus le milieu de montage fluorescent et laisser le milieu recouvrir le spécimen demanière homogène.3. Les lames peuvent être examinées immédiatement sous un microscope à fluorescence. Toutefois, il estconseillé de ne pas déplacer les lamelles tant que le milieu de montage n’est pas complètement solidifié, cequi prend quelques minutes.4. Pour un stockage longue durée, il est préférable de sceller les bord de l’ensemble lame-lamelle avec duvernis à ongles pour éviter la formation de bulles d’air.GERMAN Code S3023Zweckbestimmung Zur Verwendung für In-vitro-Untersuchungen.Dieses Produkt eignet sich zum Eindecken von Gewebeproben, Zellabstrichen und Zytospins, die bei derVorbereitung zur Betrachtung mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit Fluorochromen wie Fluorescein gefärbtwurden.Bitte lesen Sie in der …Allgemeinen Anleitung zur immunhistochemischen Färbung” oder der …Anleitung“ desNachweissystems für IHC-Verfahren nach, um Informationen zu den folgenden Themen zu erhalten:(1) Verfahrensprinzip, (2) Zusätzlich benötigte Reagenzien und Zubehör (außerhalb des Lieferumfangs),(3) Lagerung, (4) Probenvorbereitung, (5) Färbeprozedur, (6) Qualitätskontrolle, (7) Fehlerbehebung,(8) Interpretation der Färbung, (9) Allgemeine Beschränkungen.Geliefertes Reagenz15 mL fluoreszierendes Eindeckmedium, das ein Antibleichmittel und 0,015 mol/L Natriumazid enthält.Hinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen 1. Für geschultes Fachpersonal.2. Angemessene persönliche Schutzausrüstung tragen, um den Kontakt des Stoffs mit Augen und Haut zuvermeiden.3. Nicht verwendete Lösung sollte den lokalen und nationalen Vorschriften entsprechend entsorgt werden.Lagerung Bei 2–8°C lagern. Nicht einfrieren.Anwendung Fluorescent Mounting Medium verstärkt die Visualisierung von Proben bei der Betrachtung mittels eines Fluoreszenzmikroskops. Die einzigartige Formulierung dieses Produkts verzögert das Ausbleichen derFluoreszenz, wodurch die Proben noch lange Zeit nach dem Eindecken betrachtet werden können.Das Fluoreszenzsignal der Objektträger, die mit Fluorescent Mounting Medium eingedeckt und bei 2–8°C i mDunkeln gelagert wurden, hält mindestens einen Monat an.Wenn die Objektträger mit einem Deckglas versehen werden, trocknet das Fluorescent Mounting Mediumvollständig aus und bildet eine durchgehende Beschichtung, die ihre Handhabung und Lagerung erleichtert. Prozedur 1. Einen oder zwei Tropfen Fluorescent Mounting Medium auf die Gewebeschnitte oder Zellvorbereitungen geben, die auf einen gläsernen Mikroskopobjektträger aufgebracht werden.2. Das Deckglas über das Fluorescent Mounting Medium legen und sicherstellen, dass das Medium sichgleichmäßig über die Probe verteilt.3. Die Objektträger können unmittelbar darauf unter einem Fluoreszenzmikroskop untersucht werden. DieDeckgläser sollten jedoch nicht entfernt werden, da das Eindeckmedium einige Minuten benötigt, umvollständig auszutrocknen.4. Für eine langfristige Lagerung können die Kanten des Deckglases mit Nagellack versiegelt werden, um dieBildung von Luftblasen zu verhindern.Edition 06/10。
• 入网(login):每个C站在通信前都必须 向某个洋区的NCS发出入网申请,完成入 网操作。
• 退网(logout):若C站没有自动退网功 能,它在关机前必须进行退网操作。
卫星 ②
正常情况下,也就是在操作 员选择了注册洋区的某岸站或通
常用于发送认可、遇 险报警、逻辑信道分 配申请。
信信 令息 信信 道 道信
信 令 信 道信
★岸站到NCS的信令信道,常用于发送收妥确认和 EGC信息。
★ NCS到岸站的信令信道,常用于启用试验和性 能测试申请。
第三节 C系统中的主要通信
• 1、INM-C是数据通信系统,工作于全球波 束(全向性天线)、以存储转发方式,提供 600bit/s的低速率的普通电传、数据、单向传 真业务;
• 2、具有增强群呼(EGC)、数据报告、询呼 功能;
101美国 001美国 211北京 311北京
102英国 002英国 203日本 303日本
131丹麦 011法国 210新加坡 308韩国
202澳大利 304挪威 亚
C站由室外安装设备(EME)和室内安装 设备(IME)两部分组成。
●室外安装设备又称天线射频单元(ARU),该单元 主要包括若干放大器和天线分离滤波器等等,实现信 号的放大、频率转换和收发隔离。
VerifEye 通信解决方案选择指南说明书
®When to Use VerifEye™Communication SolutionsSelecting the Best ProductFor All ApplicationsSelection Strategies for VerifEye Communication SolutionsDESIGNING THE BEST SUBMETERING SOLUTION FOR APPLICA TIONS OF ALL SIZES AND SCOPESVerifEye delivers a comprehensive line of innovative submetering communication products that transport and translate meter data into usable information. In order to select the appropriate communication product, it is important to keep specific project parameters and goals in mind:• What is the size of the facility?• Are gas and water meters installed?• What type of submeter has been selected?• What is the communication protocol used in the facility?Following the specific application and communication requirements of the facility simplifies the selection of communication solutions.Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Series 4000 MeterSeries 4000 MeterMODBUS RTU METER SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Dual/single/3-phase environments• Advanced feature set that measures multiple parametersincluding amps, KVar, KV A, etc.IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Commercial • Industrial• ManufacturingSeries 8000 MeterWHA T YOU WILL NEED EMB Hub®BACNET COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• For applications where an Ethernet connection is required• Designed to work with an existing BACNet network• Ideal solution for factory scheduling applications IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Facility management systems • Manufacturing • IndustrialSeries 3500 MeterWHAT YOU WILL NEEDWIRELESS MODHOPPER COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Products create a self-healing mesh network• High-powered, long-range RF transceiver that easily interfaces with Pulse and ModBus meters• Perfect solution for any application with a large space where wiring would be difficult and cost-prohibitiveIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Stadiums • Airports• College Campuses • Shopping MallsWHA T YOU WILL NEEDSeries 4000 MeterModHopperModHopperModHopperSeries 4000 MeterSeries 4000 MeterEMB HubBMSEnergy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with3rd party software systemsor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsPULSE METER SOLUTIONHD Pulse ModuleEMB HubSeries 1000 (1 PH)or Series 2000 (3 PH)Pulse Communication SolutionWHA T YOU WILL NEEDIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Small to mid-sized commercial • Whole building monitoringFEA TURES:• Low cost kWh/demand meter • Reliable workhorse solution Series 2000 MMUScalable solution for collecting meter data from VerifEye and third party meters, including gas and water.Energy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsPerfect for applications involving VerifEye or third party ModBus RTU meters.Energy Manager, BillSuiteor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsFor BACnet IP to Building Management Systems—use Series 3500 Meter as a standalone device monitoring up to 35 parameters or as part of a BMS.Designed for applications where installing communications cable is cost-prohibitive.G-9490/F15-tbWIRELESS MDU TENANT BILLING COMMUNICA TION SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Wireless communications are cost-effective and easy to install for large tenant complexes• Directly connects with BillSuite Software for simple tenant billing • 0.5% mini meter delivers revenue-grade accuracy IDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Multi-tenant office complexes • Apartment and condo complexes • Dorm buildings • T enant spaces0.5% Mini Meter with Internal Wireless TransceiverWireless Repeater WHA T YOU WILL NEED®DCAPWHOLE BUILDING SCALABLE MONITORING SOLUTIONFEA TURES:• Reduced installation time and cost with integrated meter and dataacquisition device• Expandable via ModBus RTU to include gas, water and steam meters for a whole building monitoring solutionIDEAL APPLICA TIONS:• Franchise locations • Small to mid-size commercial • Campuses • Benchmarking applicationsMeter and HubWHA T YOU WILL NEEDor BMO 2.0**BMO 2.0 is free withpurchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rdparty software systemsGas Meter*Water Meter*HD Pulse Module*BMO 2.0 is free with purchase of a VerifEye Hub NOTE: Also compatible with 3rd party software systemsLeviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2015 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Designed for retrofit and new MDU applications where communication wiring installation may be cost-prohibitive.Whole building electric metering with easy expansion to additional meters in the future, such as gas and water.。
Krytox 液体和润滑油产品说明书
Product InformationKrytox™ oils and greases are based on perfluoropolyether (PFPE) oils. Chemically inert and safe for use aroundmost chemicals and reactive gases, these lubricants are nonflammable and are also safe for use in oxygen service. Krytox™ oils and greases are compatible with commonly used materials and do not damage plastics or elastomers, nor cause corrosion to metals.Krytox™ oils and greases are commonly used as lubricantsin aerospace, automotive, industrial, and semiconductor applications, as well as in solving many other routine lubrication problems. In addition, they provide exceptionally long lifetimes in sealed-for-life bearings and can extendre-lubrication intervals in bearings that require re-lubrication. Krytox™ base oil is a clear, colorless, fluorinated synthetic oil; it is a PFPE, but is also called perfluoroalkylether (PFAE) or perfluoropolyalkylether (PFPAE) with the following chemical structure:F-(CF-CF2-O)n-CF2CF3| where n=10–60CF3The polymer chain is completely saturated and contains only carbon, oxygen, and fluorine. On a weight basis, a typical Krytox™oil contains 21.6% carbon, 9.4% oxygen, and 69.0% fluorine. Krytox™ GPL 203 LubricantKrytox™ GPL 203 grease is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-thickened, contains no additives, and can be used on components that come in contact with chemicals. Typical applications include valves, instruments, or bearings that come into contact with chemicals, such as alcohols, ammonia, solvents, steam, acids and bases, and oxygen systems, e.g., LOX1 and GOX2. Krytox™ GPL 203 grease is commonly used as a lubricant for seals and O-rings, and is compatible with most types of seals.Krytox™ oils and greases are silicone-free. They do not contain any VOC3 materials or chlorine and are not hazardous tothe atmosphere or ozone layer. They are biologically and environmentally inert.1LOX = Liquid oxygen2GOX = Gaseous oxygen3VOC =Volatile organic compounds© 2015 The Chemours Company FC, LLC. Krytox ™ and any associated logos are trademarks or copyrights of The Chemours Company FC, LLC. Chemours ™ and the Chemours Logo are trademarks of The Chemours Company.Replaces: K-23315-2C-10350 (10/15)Krytox ™Performance LubricantsThe information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and based on technical data that Chemours believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. The handling precaution information contained herein is given with the understanding that those using it will satisfy themselves that their particular conditions of use present no health or safety hazards. Because conditions of product use are outside our control, Chemours makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. As with any material, evaluation of any compound under end-use conditions prior to specification is essential. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patents.NO PART OF THIS MATERIAL MAY BE REPRODUCED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, PHOTOCOPYING, RECORDING OR OTHERWISE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF CHEMOURS.For product information, industry applications, technical assistance, or global distributor contacts, visit or within the U.S. and Canada, call 1-844-773-CHEM/2436 or outside of the U.S., call 1-302-773-1000.The high-temperature stability of fully fluorinated Krytox ™ lubricants improves bottom-line savings from improved reliability as well as reduced grease usage and manpower through extended re-lubrication intervals. Excellent film strength reduces wear to reduce maintenance costs. Under high loads, the viscosity increases to provide support and absorb pressure.Typical ApplicationsApplications for these lubricants are generally of a critical nature. T emperatures in all industries are reaching extremes for conventional lubricants; lubricants are expected to be durable in the most aggressive environments and are now often considered an integral part of the design. Where extreme conditions and extreme performance demands prevail, whether because of durability, warranty, safety, loss of productivity, or downtime, Krytox ™ lubricants are the ideal choice in a wide range of industries and applications.Preparing the BearingsNew, unlubricated bearings often have rust-preventive oils in them to prevent damage while they are in storage prior to use. Before using new bearings, they should be inspected for damage and cleanliness*. When preparing to use Krytox ™ lubricant, greases or preservative oils need to be removed.Failure to do so could result in reduced bearing life. Bearing life tests on uncleaned bearings have shown reduced life in high temperature, high-speed tests where the bearing was filled with a minimum amount of grease. The preservatives coat the metal surface to prevent rusting; therefore, they can also prevent the grease from adhering, causing them to be thrown off by the action of the bearing. The preservatives could also oxidize and harden, and create debris that will contaminate the new grease.Storage and Shelf LifeBecause of the inert, non-oxidizing nature of the ingredients, Krytox ™ lubricants have an indefinite shelf life if unopened and stored in a clean dry location. Greases might show oil separation after extended storage, but mixing the free oil back into the grease will return the grease to its normal usable condition.*For guidelines on bearing preparation, ask for literature item no. K-22116-1, ”New Bearing Preparation.”。
MICRF002 / 022QwikRadio tmLow Power UHF ReceiverPreliminary InformationGeneral DescriptionThe MICRF002, an enhanced version of the MICRF001 and MICRF011,is a single chip OOK (ON-OFF Keyed) Receiver IC for remote wireless applications, employing Micrel’s latest QwikRadio tm technology. This device is a true “antenna-in, data-out” monolithic device. All RF and IF tuning is accomplished automatically within the IC, which eliminates manual tuning and reduces production costs. Receiver functions are completely integrated. The result is a highly reliable yet extremely low cost solution for high volume wireless applications. Because the MICRF002 is a true single-chip radio receiver, it is extremely easy to apply, minimizing design and production costs, and improving time to market.The MICRF002 provides two fundamental modes of operation, FIXED and SWP . In FIXED mode, the device functions like a conventional superheterodyne receiver, with an (internal) local oscillator fixed at a single frequency based on an external reference crystal or clock. As with any conventional superheterodyne receiver, the transmit frequency must be accurately controlled, generally with a crystal or SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) resonator.In SWP mode, the MICRF002 sweeps the (internal) local oscillator at rates greater than the baseband data rate. This effectively “broadens”the RF bandwidth of the receiver to a value equivalent to conventional super-regenerative receivers. Thus the MICRF002 can operate with less expensive LC transmitters without additional components or tuning, even though the receiver topology is still superheterodyne. In this mode the reference crystal can be replaced with a less expensive ± 0.5% ceramic resonator.The MICRF002 provides two feature enhancements over the MICRF001/011, (1) a Shutdown Mode, which may be used for duty-cycle operation, and (2) a “Wakeup” function, which provides a logical indication of an incoming RF signal. These features make the MICRF002 ideal for low and ultra-low power applications, such as RKE and RFID.All post-detection (demodulator) data filtering is provided on the MICRF002, so no external filters need to be designed. Any one of four filter bandwidths may be selected externally by the user. Bandwidths range in binary steps, from 0.625kHz to 5kHz (SWP mode) or 1.25kHz to 10kHz (FIXED mode). The user only needs to program the appropriate filter selection based on data rate and code modulation format.Features• Complete UHF receiver on a monolithic chip • Frequency range 300 to 440 MHz• Typical range over 200 meters with monopole antenna• Data rates to 2.5kbps (SWP), 10kbps (FIXED)• Automatic tuning, no manual adjustment • No Filters or Inductors required• Low Operating Supply Current—240 µA at 315MHz (10:1 Duty Cycle)• Shutdown Mode for Duty-Cycle Operation in excess of 100:1• Wakeup Function to Enable External Decoders and Microprocessors• Very low RF re-radiation at the antenna • CMOS logic interface to standard decoder and microprocessor ICs• Extremely low external part countApplications• Automotive Remote Keyless Entry • Long Range RFID•Remote Fan/Light Control •Garage Door/Gate OpenersTypical Operating Circuit385.5 MHz, 1200 bps OOK RECEIVERMICRF002MicrelQwikRadio tmOrdering InformationPart Number Temperature Range PackageMICRF002BN-40°C to +85°C16-Pin DIPMICRF002BM-40°C to +85°C16-Pin SOICMICRF022BN-40°C to +85°C8-Pin DIPMICRF022BM-40°C to +85°C8-Pin SOICThe standard 16-pin package provides the user with complete control of MICRF002 mode and filter selection. An 8-pin standard part is also available for very low cost applications. The 8-pin version comes pre-programmed in SWP mode, with Demodulator Filter bandwidth set to 5000Hz, and SHUT pin externally available. Other 8-pin configurations are available. Contact the factory for details.Pin Configuration (DIP and SOIC)QwikRadio tmMICRF002Micrel Pin Description (Pin numbers for the 8-pin version are identified in parentheses)Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function1SEL0This pin, in conjunction with SEL1, programs the desired Demodulator Filter Bandwidth. This pin isinternally pulled-up to VDD. See Table 1.2/3VSSRF This pin is the ground return for the RF section of the IC. The bypass capacitor connected from VDDRF to VSSRF should have the shortest possible lead length. For best performance, connect VSSRF to VSSBBat the power supply only (i.e., keep VSSBB currents from flowing through VSSRF return path).(1)VSS This pin is the ground return for the IC. The bypass capacitor connected from VDD to VSS should havethe shortest possible lead length.4 (2)ANT This is the receive RF input, internally ac-coupled. Connect this pin to the receive antenna. Input impedance is high (FET gate) with approximately 2pF of shunt (parasitic) capacitance. For applicationslocated in high ambient noise environments, a fixed value band-pass network may be connected betweenthe ANT pin and VSSRF to provide additional receive selectivity and input overload protection. (See“Application Note TBD”.)5VDDRF This pin is the positive supply input for the RF section of the IC. VDDBB and VDDRF should be connected directly at the IC pins. Connect a low ESL, low ESR decoupling capacitor from this pin to VSSRF, as shortas possible.6VDDBB This pin is the positive supply input for the baseband section of the IC. VDDBB and VDDRF should be connected directly at the IC pins.(3)VDD This pin is the positive supply input for the IC. Connect a low ESL, low ESR decoupling capacitor from thispin to VSSRF, as short as possible.7 (4)CTH This capacitor extracts the (DC) average value from the demodulated waveform, which becomes the reference for the internal data slicing comparator. Treat this as a low-pass RC filter with source impedanceof 118kΩ (for REFOSC frequency ft = 4.90MHz, see Note 5). A standard ± 20% X7R ceramic capacitor isgenerally sufficient.8N/C Unused Pin9VSSBB This is the ground return for the baseband section of the IC. The bypass and output capacitors connected to VSSBB should have the shortest possible lead lengths. For best performance, connect VSSRF toVSSBB at the power supply only (i.e., keep VSSBB currents from flowing through VSSRF return path).10(5)DO The output data signal. CMOS level compatible.11 (6)SHUT A logic input for Shutdown Mode control. Pull this pin low to place the IC into operation. This pin in internally pulled-up to VDD.12WAKEB An output signal, active low when the IC detects an incoming RF signal, determined by monitoring for data preamble. CMOS level compatible.13 (7)CAGC Integrating capacitor for on-chip AGC (Automatic Gain Control). The Decay/Attack time-constant (TC) ratio is nominally set as 10:1. Use of 0.47uF or greater is strongly recommended for best range performance.Use low-leakage type capacitors for duty-cycle operation (Dip Tantalum, Ceramic, Polyester). (See“Application Note TBD.)14SEL1This pin, in conjunction with SEL0, programs the desired Demodulator Filter Bandwidth. This pin in internally pulled-up to VDD. See Table 1.15 (8)REFOSC This is the timing reference for on-chip tuning and alignment. Connect either a ceramic resonator or crystal (mode dependent) between this pin and VSSBB, or drive the input with an AC coupled 0.5Vpp input clock.Use ceramic resonators without integral capacitors. Note that if operating in FIXED mode, a crystal mustbe used; however in SWP mode, one may use either a crystal or ceramic resonator. See “Application NoteTBD” for details on frequency selection and accuracy.16SWEN This logic pin controls the operating mode of the MICRF002. When SWEN = HIGH, the MICRF002 is in SWP mode. When SWEN = LOW, the device operates as a conventional single-conversionsuperheterodyne receiver. (See “Application Note TBD” for details.) This pin is internally pulled-up to VDD. SEL0SEL1Demodulator Bandwidth (Hz)SWP Mode FIXED Mode115000 10000012500 5000101250 250000625 1250Table 1Nominal Demodulator (Baseband) Filter Bandwidthvs. SEL0, SEL1 and ModeQwikRadiotmMICRF002MicrelABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSupply Voltage (VDDRF, VDDBB)..................................+7V Voltage on any I/O Pin........................VSS-0.3 to VDD+0.3Junction Temperature..............................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range....................-65°C to + 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)..............+ 260°COperating RatingsSupply Voltage (VDDRF, VDDBB)..................4.75V to 5.5V Ambient Operating Temperature (T A )............-40°C to +85°C Package Thermal Resistance θJA (16 Pin DIP).........90°C/W Package Thermal Resistance θJA (16 Pin SOIC)....120°C/WThis device is ESD sensitive: Meets Class 1ESD test requirements (Human body Model, HBM), in accordance with MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015. Do not operate or store near strong electrostatic fields. Use appropriate ESD precautions.Electrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for Ta = -40°C to 85°C, 4.75<VDD<5.5V. All voltages are with respect to Ground; Positive currents flow into device pins. CAGC = 4.7µF, CTH = .047µF, VDDRF= VDDBB = VDD. REFOSC frequency = 4.90MHz.ParameterTest ConditionsMIN TYPMAX UNITSPower Supply Operating Current Continuous Operation 2.4mA Operating Current 10:1 Duty Cycle 240µA Standby Current SHUT = VDD 0.5µA RF/IF Section Receiver Sensitivity Note 1, 3-103dBm IF Center Frequency Note 40.86MHz IF 3dB Bandwidth Note 3, 40.43MHzRF Input Range300440MHz Receive Modulation Duty-Cycle 2080%Maximum Receiver Input Rsc = 50Ω-20dBm Spurious Reverse Isolation ANT pin, Rsc = 50Ω Note 230µVrms AGC Attack / Decay ratio T(Attack) / T(Decay)0.1AGC Leakage CurrentTa = 85°C±100nA Local Oscillator Stabilization Time To 1% of Final Value 2.5msec Demod Section CTH Source ImpedanceNote 5118kΩCTH Source Impedance Variation -15+15%CTH Leakage Current Ta = 85°C±100nA Demod Filter Bandwidth SEL0 = SEL1 = SWEN = VDD, Note 4, 64160Hz Demod Filter Bandwidth SEL0 = SEL1 = VDD, SWEN = VSS Note 4, 68320HzDigital/Control Section REFOSC Input Impedance 200kΩInput Pull up Current SEL0, SEL1, SWEN, SHUT=VSS 8µA Input High Voltage SEL0, SEL1, SWEN 0.8VDDV Input Low Voltage SEL0, SEL1, SWEN0.2VDDV Output Current DO, WAKEUP pins, Push-Pull 10µA Output High Voltage DO, WAKEUP pins, Iout = -1µA 0.9VDDV Output Low Voltage DO. WAKEUP pins, Iout = +1µA 0.1VDD V Output Tr, TfDO, WAKEUP pins, Cload=15pF10µsecMICRF002MicrelQwikRadio tmNote 1: Sensitivity is defined as the average signal level measured at the input necessary to achieve 10e-2 Bit Error Rate (BER). The input signal is defined as a return-to-zero (RZ) waveform with 50% average duty cycle (e.g., Manchester Encoded Data) at adata rate of 300bps. The RF input is assumed to be matched into 50Ω.Note 2: Spurious reverse isolation represents the spurious components which appear on the RF input (ANT) pin measured into 50Ωwith an input RF matching network.Note 3: Sensitivity, a commonly specified Receiver parameter, provides an indication of the Receiver’s input referred noise, generally input thermal noise. However, it is possible for a more sensitive receiver to exhibit range performance no better than that of aless sensitive receiver, if the “ether” noise is appreciably higher than the thermal noise. “Ether” noise refers to other interfering“noise” sources, such as FM radio stations, pagers, etc.A better indicator of achievable receiver range performance is usually given by its Selectivity, often stated as IntermediateFrequency (IF) or Radio Frequency (RF) bandwidth, depending on receiver topology. Selectivity is a measure of the rejectionby the receiver of “ether” noise. More selective receivers will almost invariably provide better range. Only when the receiverselectivity is so high that most of the noise on the receiver input is actually thermal will the receiver demonstrate sensitivity-limited performance.Note 4: Parameter scales linearly with REFOSC frequency ft. For any REFOSC frequency other than 4.90MHz, compute new parameter value as the ratio [(REFOSC FREQ (in MHz) / 4.90] * [Parameter Value @ 4.90MHz]. Example: For REFOSCFreq. ft = 6.00MHz, [Parameter Value @ 6.00MHz] = (6.00 / 4.90) * [Parameter Value @ 4.90MHz].Note 5: Parameter scales inversely with REFOSC frequency ft. For any REFOSC frequency other than 4.90MHz, compute new parameter value as the ratio [4.90 / (REFOSC FREQ (in MHz)] * [Parameter Value @ 4.90MHz]. Example: For REFOSCFreq. ft = 6.00MHz, [Parameter Value @ 6.00MHz] = (4.90 / 6.00) * [Parameter Value @ 4.90MHz].Note 6: Demod filter bandwidths are related in a binary manner, so any of the (lower) nominal filter values may be derived simply by dividing this parameter value by 2, 4, or 8 as desired.QwikRadiotmMICRF002MicrelTypical Performance CharacteristicsFrequency (MHz)Temperature (C)MICRF002MicrelQwikRadio tmMICRF002 Block DiagramQwikRadio tmMICRF002MicrelFunctional DescriptionPlease refer to “MICRF002 Block Diagram”. Identified in the block diagram are the four principal functional blocks of the IC, namely (1) UHF Downconverter, (2) OOK Demodulator, (3) Reference and Control, and (4) Wakeup. Also shown in the figure are two capacitors (CTH, CAGC) and one timing component (CR), usually a ceramic resonator. With the exception of a supply decoupling capacitor, these are all the external components needed with the MICRF002 to construct a complete UHF receiver. Four control inputs are shown in the block diagram, SEL0, SEL1, SWEN, and SHUT. Through these logic inputs the user can control the operating mode and selectable features of the IC. These inputs are CMOS compatible, and are pulled-up on the IC. Input SWEN selects the operating mode of the IC (FIXED mode or SWP mode). When low, the IC is in FIXED mode, and functions as a conventional superheterodyne receiver. When SWEN is high, the IC is in SWP mode. In this mode, while the topology is still superheterodyne, the local oscillator (LO) is deterministically swept over a range of frequencies at rates greater than the data rate. When coupled with a peak-detecting demodulator, this technique effectively increases the RF bandwidth of the MICRF002, so the device can operate in applications where significant Transmitter/Receiver frequency misalignment may exist. [Note: The swept LO technique does not affect the IF bandwidth, so noise performance is not impacted relative to FIXED mode. In other words, the IF bandwidth is the same (500kHz) whether the device is in FIXED or SWP mode.] Due to limitations imposed by the LO sweeping process, the upper limit on data rate in SWP mode is approximately 2.5kbps. Data rates beyond 10kbps are possible in FIXED mode however.Examples of SWP mode operation include applications which utilize low-cost LC-based transmitters, whose transmit frequency may vary up to ± 0.5% over initial tolerance, aging, and temperature. In this (patent-pending) mode, the LO frequency is varied in a prescribed fashion which results in downconversion of all signals in a band approximately 1.5% around the transmit frequency. So the Transmitter may drift up to ± 0.5% without the need to retune the Receiver, and without impacting system performance. Such performance is not achieved with currently available crystal-based superheterodyne receivers, which can operate only with SAW or crystal based transmitters.[Note: In SWP mode only, a range penalty will occur in installations where there exists a competing signal of sufficient strength in this small frequency band of 1.5% around the transmit frequency. This results from the fact that sweeping the LO indiscriminately “sweeps” all signals within the sweep range down into the IF band. This same penalty also exists with super-regenerative type receivers, as their RF bandwidth is also generally 1.5%. So any application for a super-regenerative receiver is also an application for the MICRF002 in SWP mode.]For applications where the transmit frequency is accurately set for other reasons (e.g., applications where a SAW transmitter is used for its mechanical stability), the user may choose to configure the MICRF002 as a standard superheterodyne receiver (FIXED mode), mitigating the aforementioned problem of a competing close-in signal. This can be accomplished by tying SWEN to ground. Doing so forces the on-chip LO frequency to a fixed value. In FIXED mode, the ceramic resonator would be replaced with a crystal. Generally, however, the MICRF002 can be operated in SWP mode, using a ceramic resonator , with either LC or CRYSTAL/SAW based transmitters, without any significant range difference.The inputs SEL0 and SEL1 control the Demodulator filter bandwidth in four binary steps (625Hz—5000Hz in SWP, 1250Hz—10000Hz in FIXED mode), and the user must select the bandwidth appropriate to his needs.Rolloff response of the IF Filter is 5th order, while the demodulator data filter exhibits a 2nd order response. Multiplication factor between the REFOSC frequency ft and the internal Local Oscillator (LO) is 64.5X for FIXED mode, and 64.25X for SWP mode (i.e., for ft = 6.00MHz in FIXED mode, LO frequency = 6.00MHz * 64.5 = 387MHz).Slicing Level and the CTH CapacitorExtraction of the DC value of the demodulated signal for purposes of logic-level data slicing is accomplished by external capacitor CTH and the on-chip switched-cap “resistor” RSC, indicated in the block diagram. The effective resistance of RSC is 118kohms. The value of capacitor CTH is easily calculated, once the slicing level time-constant is chosen. Slicing Level time constant values vary somewhat with decoder type, data pattern, and data rate, but typical values range 5-50msec. Optimization of the CTH value is required to maximize range, as discussed in “Application Note TBD”.During quiet periods (i.e., no signal transmissions) the Data Output (DO pin) transitions randomly based on noise. Thismay present problems for some decoders. The most common solution is to introduce a small offset (“Squelch”) on the CTH pin so that noise does not trigger the internal comparator. Usually 20-30mV is sufficient, and may be introduced by connecting a several-Megohm resistor from the CTH pin to either VSS or VDD, depending on the desired offset polarity. Since the MICRF002 is an AGC’d receiver, noise at the internal comparator input is always the same, set by the AGC. So the squelch offset requirement does not change as the local “ether” noise changes from installation to installation. Note that introducing squelch will reduce range modestly, so only introduce an amount sufficient to “quiet” the output.QwikRadio tmMICRF002MicrelAGC Function and the CAGC CapacitorThe signal path has automatic gain control (AGC) to increase input dynamic range. An external capacitor, CAGC, must be connected to the CAGC pin of the device. The ratio of decay-to-attack time-constant is fixed at 10:1 (i.e., the attack time constant is 1/10th the decay time constant), and this ratio cannot be changed by the user. However, the attack time constant is selectable by the user through the value of capacitor CAGC.[By adding resistance from the CAGC pin to VDDBB or VSSBB in parallel with the CAGC capacitor, the ratio of decay-to-attack time-constant may be varied, although the value of such adjustments must be studied on a per-application basis. Generally the design value of 10:1 is adequate for the vast majority of applications.] See “Application Note TBD”.To maximize system range, it is important to keep the AGC control voltage ripple low, preferably under 10mVpp once the control voltage has attained its quiescent value. For this reason capacitor values ≥ 0.47uF are recommended.The AGC control voltage is carefully managed on-chip to allow duty-cycle operation of the MICRF002 in excess of 100:1. When the device is placed into SHUT mode (i.e., SHUT pin pulled high), the AGC capacitor is “floated”, to retain the voltage. When operation is resumed, only the voltage droop on the capacitor associated with leakage must be replenished. Thus a relatively low-leakage capacitor is recommended for duty cycle operation. The actual tolerable leakage will be application dependent. Clearly, leakage performance is less critical when the device off-time is low (milliseconds), and more critical when the off-time is high (seconds).To further enhance Duty-cycle operation of the IC, the AGC push and pull currents are increased for a fixed time immediately after the device is taken out of Shutdown mode (i.e., turned-on). This compensates for AGC capacitor voltage “droop” while the IC is in Shutdown, reduces the time to reacquire the correct AGC voltage, and thus extends maximum achievable duty ratios. Push/Pull currents are increased by 45X their nominal values. The fixed time period is based on the REFOSC frequency ft, 10.9msec for ft = 6.00MHz, and varies inversely as ft varies.Reference Oscillator (REFOSC) and External Timing ElementAll timing and tuning operations on the MICRF002 are derived from the REFOSC function. This function is a single-pin Colpitts-type oscillator. The user may handle this pin in one of three possible ways:(1) connect a ceramic resonator, or(2) connect a crystal, or(3) drive this pin with an external timing signal.The third approach is attractive for further lowering system cost if an accurate reference signal exists elsewhere in the system (e.g., a reference clock from a crystal or ceramic resonator-based microprocessor). An externally applied signal should be AC-coupled, and resistively-divided down (or otherwise limited) to approximately 0.5Vpp. The specific reference frequency required is related to the system transmit frequency, and to the operating mode of the device as set by the SWEN control pin. See “Application Note TBD” for a discussion of frequency selection and accuracy requirements.Wakeup FunctionThe Wakeup function is made available for the purposes of further reducing power consumption of the overall wireless system. WAKEB is an output logic signal, which goes active when the IC detects a constant tone “header” in the demodulated output signal. Sense of the signal is active-low. This output may be used to “wakeup” other external circuits, like a data decoder or microprocessor, only at times when there is a reasonable expectation of an incoming RF signal. The Wakeup function is unavailable when the IC is in SHUT mode.The Wakeup function is composed of a resettable counter, based on an internal 25kHz clock (based on a 6.4MHz reference frequency). To utilize this function, a constant tone in excess of about 4msec must be placed at the start of each data code word, or a single 4msec tone at the start of the data pattern (clearly the former is preferred to improve communication reliability). When this constant tone is detected, without interruption, for 128 clock cycles of 25kHz, WAKEB will transition low, and stay low until data begins. This particular approach is utilized over others (1) since constant tones in excess of 4msec are very rare, leading to few false-positive indications, and (2) this technique does not require the introduction of a signal path offset, which impacts achievable range.[Note: For designers who wish to use the Wakeup function while “squelching” the output, a positive squelching offset voltage must be used. This simply requires the squelch resistor be taken to a voltage more positive than the quiescent voltage on pin CTH, so that the data output is low in absence of a transmission.]Shutdown FunctionThe Shutdown function is controlled by the logic state of SHUT. When SHUT is high, the device goes into low-power standby mode, consuming less than 1µA. This pin is pulled high internally, and so must be pulled low to engage the device.MICRF002 Frequency and Capacitor SelectionSelection of the REFOSC frequency ft, Slicing Level (CTH) capacitor, and AGC capacitor are briefly summarized in this section. Please see Application Note TBD for complete details.QwikRadio tmMICRF002Micrel 1. Selecting REFOSC Frequency ft (FIXED Mode)As with any superheterodyne receiver, the differencebetween the (internal) Local Oscillator (LO) frequency floand the incoming Transmit frequency ftx must ideally equalthe IF Center frequency. Equation (1) may be used tocompute the appropriate flo for a given ftx:flo = ftx ± 1.064 * (ftx / 390)(1)where ftx and flo are in MHz. Note that two values of floexist for any given ftx, distinguished as “high-side mixing”and “low-side mixing”, and there is generally no preferenceof one over the other.After choosing one of the two acceptable values of flo, useequation (2) to compute the REFOSC frequency ft:ft = flo / 64.5.(2)Here ft is in MHz. Connect a crystal of frequency ft to theREFOSC pin of the MICRF002. 4 decimal-place accuracyon the frequency is generally adequate. The following tableidentifies ft for some common Transmit frequencies whenthe MICRF002 is operated in FIXED mode.Transmit Freq. ftx (MHz)REFOSC Freq. ft (MHz)315 418 433.924.8970 6.4983 6.74582. Selecting REFOSC Frequency ft (SWP Mode) Selection of REFOSC frequency ft in SWP mode is much simpler than in FIXED mode, due to the LO sweeping process. Further, accuracy requirements of the frequency reference component are significantly relaxed.In SWP mode, ft is given by equation (3):ft = ftx / 64.25.(3)Connect a ceramic resonator of frequency ft to the REFOSC pin of the MICRF002. 2-decimal place accuracy is generally adequate. (A crystal may also be used if desired, but may be necessary to reduce the Rx frequency ambiguity if the Tx frequency ambiguity is excessive. See Application Note TBD for further details.)3. Selecting Capacitor CTHFirst step in the process is selection of a Data Slicing Level timeconstant. This selection is strongly dependent on system issues, like system decode response time and data code structure (e.g., existence of data preamble, etc.). This issue is too broad to discuss here, and the interested reader should consult the Application Note 22.Source impedance of the CTH pin is given by equation (4), where ft is in MHz:Rsc = 118kΩ * (4.90 / ft).(4)Assuming that a Slicing Level Timeconstant TC has been established, capacitor CTH may be computed using equation (5):CTH = TC / Rsc.(5) 4. Selecting CAGC Capacitor in Continuous ModeSelection of CAGC is dictated by minimizing the ripple on the AGC control voltage, by using a sufficiently large capacitor. It is Micrel’s experience that CAGC should be in the vicinity of 0.47µF to 4.7µF. Large capacitor values should be carefully considered, as this determines the time required for the AGC control voltage to settle from a completely discharged condition. AGC settling time from a completely discharged (0-volt) state is given approximately by equation (6):∆T = (1.333 * CAGC) – 0.44(6)where CAGC is in microfarads, and ∆T is in seconds.5. Selecting CAGC Capacitor in Duty-Cycle ModeGenerally, droop of the AGC control voltage during shutdown should be replenished as quickly as possible after the IC is “turned-on”. Recall from the section “AGC Function and the CAGC Capacitor” that for about 10msec after the IC is turned-on, the AGC push-pull currents are increased to 45X their normal values. So consideration should be given to selecting a value for CAGC and a shutdown time period such that the droop can be replenished within this 10msec period.Polarity of the droop is unknown, meaning the AGC voltage could droop up or down. Worst-case from a recovery standpoint is downward droop, since the AGC pullup currentis 1/10th magnitude of the pulldown current. The downward droop is replenished according to the well-known equation(7):I / CAGC = ∆V / ∆T(7)where I = AGC Pullup current for initial 10msec (67.5µA), CAGC is the AGC capacitor value, ∆T = Droop recovery time (<10msec), and ∆V is the droop voltage.For example, if user desires ∆T = 10msec, and chooses a 4.7µF CAGC, then the allowable droop is about 144mV. Using the same equation with 200nA worst case pin leakage and assuming 1uA of capacitor leakage in the same direction, the maximum allowable ∆T (Shutdown time) is about 0.56 seconds, for droop recovery in 10msec.。
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Sort rows with the ORDER BY clause
– – ASC: ascending order, default DESC: descending order
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Using the NULL Conditions
Test for nulls with the IS NULL operator.
SELECT last_name, manager_id FROM employees WHERE manager_id IS NULL;
Operator = > >= < <= <> Meaning Equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Not equal to
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Using Comparison Conditions
SELECT last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary <= 3000;
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• Limit the rows retrieved by a query • Sort the rows retrieved by a query
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Limiting Rows Using a Selection
Character Strings and Dates
• • •
Character strings and date values are enclosed in single quotation marks. Character values are case sensitive, and date values are format sensitive. The default date format is DD-MON-RR.
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Using the AND Operator
AND requires both conditions to be true.
SELECT FROM WHERE AND employee_id, last_name, job_id, salary employees salary >=10000 job_id LIKE '%MAN%';
– % denotes zero or many characters. – _ denotes one character.
first_name employees first_name LIKE 'S%';
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Using the OR Operator
OR requires either condition to be true.
SELECT FROM WHERE OR employee_id, last_name, job_id, salary employees salary >= 10000 job_id LIKE '%MAN%';
Other Comparison Conditions
Operator BETWEEN ...AND... IN(set) LIKE IS NULL Meaning Between two values (inclusive),
Match any of a list of values Match a character pattern Is a null value
Using the WHERE Clause
SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90 ;
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Rules of Precedence
Order Evaluated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operator Arithmetic operators Concatenation operator Comparison conditions IS [NOT] NULL, LIKE, [NOT] IN [NOT] BETWEEN NOT logical condition AND logical condition OR logical condition
The ORDER BY clause comes last in the SELECT statement.
last_name, job_id, salary employees job_id = 'SA_REP' job_id = 'AD_PRES' salary > 15000;
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.
SELECT last_name, job_id, department_id FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'Whalen';
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Comparison Conditions
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Using the BETWEEN Condition
Use the BETWEEN condition to display rows based on a range of values.
Rules of Precedence
Use parentheses to force priority.
SELECT FROM WHERE OR AND last_name, job_id, salary employees (job_id = 'SA_REP' job_id = 'AD_PRES') salary > 15000;
Override rules of precedence by using parentheses.
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Rules of Precedence
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Using the NOT Operator
SELECT last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id NOT IN ('IT_PROG', 'ST_CLERK', 'SA_REP');
SELECT last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary BETWEEN 2500 AND 3500;
Lower limit
Upper limit
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Using the LIKE Condition
You can combine pattern-matching characters.
SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '_o%';
You can use the ESCAPE identifier to search for the actual % and _ symbols.
Restricting and Sorting Data
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