computer networks



• transport: process-process data transfer
• network: routing of datagrams from source to destination
– IP, routing protocols
• link: data transfer between neighboring network elements
Application Layer
Our goals
• Conceptual, implementation aspects of network application protocols
• transport-layer service models
• client-server paradigm
Functions: 1. Encapsulation 2. Fragmentation and reassembly 3. Connection control 4. Ordered delivery 5. Flow control 6. Error control 7. Addressing 8. Multiplexing 9. Transmission services
Protocol Functions
• Small set of functions that form basis of all protocols
• Not all protocols have all functions
– May have same type of function in protocols at different levels


Communication links
These are the physical media (such as cables, fiber optical lines, or wireless signals) that connect the devices on the network
Classification of Computer Networks
LAN technology
The basic concepts and characteristics of local area
• Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): A MAN is a larger network that connects multiple LANs within a Metropolitan area
• Internet: The internet is a global network of connected computers that uses the TCP/IP protocol suite to communicate It provides a wide range of services, such as email, web browsing, and file sharing
UDP (User Datagram PA rcoonnteoctcioonlel)ss protocol that
allows applications to send messages to other computers without establishing a formal connection first It does not guarantee reliable delivery of messages



计算机网络(COMPUTER NETWORK)概述主机(H, Host) 可以是大型机、中型机、小型机、微型机。




终端(T, Terminal) 是用户访问网络的界面。





1.1 计算机网络的发展1.计算机网络在发展过程中经历了四个阶段:联机系统阶段,互联网络阶段,标准化网络阶段,网络互连与高速网络阶段。


SAGE(半自动防空系统)设备组成:终端(数据收集),集中器(数据集中处理),调制解调器(数字信号与模拟信号的转换),电话线(传输模拟信号),线路控制器(串行与并串转换与差错控制),前端处理机(FEP)(数据通信控制) (2)计算机互联网络阶段:计算机----------计算机的系统。

(ARPANET)互联网的开始(3)标准化网络阶段:由于网络的发展,采用分层方法解决网络的各种问题,一些公司开发出自己的网络产品:IBM的SNA(系统网络体系), DEC的DNA.在1984年由ISO颁布了”开放系统互连参考模型”(OSI/RM),制定网络结构由七层组成,又称为”七层模型”,不同公司的网络可以互连。


Computer network中英文对照简介

Computer network中英文对照简介

Computer network计算机网络A computer network is a group of more computers connected to each electronically. This means that the computers can "talk" to each other and that every computer in the network can send information to the others. Usually, this means that the speed of the connection is fast - faster than a normal connection to the Internet.计算机网络是一组多台计算机连接到每个电子。


通常情况下,这意味着连接速度快 - 速度比正常的连接到互联网。

Some basic types of computer networks include:▪ A local area network (often called a LAN) connects two or more computers, and may be called a corporate network in an office or business setting.▪An "internetwork", sometimes called a Wide Area Network (because of the wide distance between networks) connects two or more smaller networks together. The largest internetwork is called the Internet.计算机网络的一些基本类型包括:局域网络(通常被称为一个LAN)连接两个或更多的计算机,并可能被称为一个企业网络,在办公室或业务设置。

计算机网络课程介绍(Computer Networks)

计算机网络课程介绍(Computer Networks)



以集中授课和课后学习,并配以实验教学和同学们网 上查阅,多种方式来巩固所学知识点。 考试方式分为
卷面答题方式的笔试考核 网络项目方式的综合案例考核
笔试用于考核对面授理论、技术的掌握程度 综合案例用于考核对网络整体的认识程度

教材: 计算机网络 (谢希仁 Fifth Edition) 理论学时: 36(自动化) 39(信管 网络) 实验学时: 14(自动化) 18(信管 网络) 上课周次: 1-18(自动化) 3-18(信管 网络) 实验地点: 网络实验室
网络管理 和应用
听 看 听+看 听+看+做 亲身实践
保 持 率
20% 30% 50% 90% 90% 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
教学过程给出特定教学内容和具有应用价值,具有 轮廓清晰的任务说明; 能将教学的理论知识和实践技能结合在一起; 学生有独立工作机会,可以自行组织、安排自己的 学习行为; 有明确而具体的成果展示; 学生自己克服处理在项目中出现的问题; 具有一定难度,要求学生运用已有知识,在一定范 围内学习新的知识技能,解决过去从未遇到过的实际 问题; 学习结束时,师生共同评价项目工作成果以及工作 和学习的方法。

computer networks(Tanenbaum)【第6章 传输层】

computer networks(Tanenbaum)【第6章 传输层】

第六章 传输层传输层解决一个应用进程与另外一个应用进程之间的数据传输的问题。

对网络进行分类,通常也是以传输层为界限来进行分类的:1、 把网络分为通讯子网和资源子网(传输层分在了上面)通讯子网用于传递数据,它不关心数据的意思,通讯子网只有7层协议中的下面三层;资源子网(网上的所有主机)的设2、 传输服务的使用者和传输服务的提供者(传输层分在了下面)传输层以上是应用进程自己要处理的东西,如:进程要发送什么消息,如何理解消息;传输层以下(包括传输层)为进程之间的通讯提供传输服务。



传输服务一、传输层的功能及在协议层中的作用 1、传输层在OSI 模型中的位置1)介于通讯子网和资源子网之间,对高层用户屏蔽了通讯的细节2)弥补了通讯子网所提供服务的差异和不足,提供端到端之间的无差错保证 3)传输层工作的简繁取决于通讯子网提供服务的类型 2、传输层与上下层之间的关系传输层使高层用户看到的好像就在两个传输层实体之间有一条端到端的、可靠的、全双工的通信通道(即:数字管道) 二、传输层为上层提供的服务1、 面向连接的服务(即:可靠的服务):通讯可靠,而且是按序传输的,对数据有效验和重发(针对数据包丢失,传输层采用重传机制解决)针对按序传输(发送顺序和接受顺序是一样的),传输层采用缓冲区来解决:当一个数据到达后,在交给应用进程处理前,传输层要看收到的数据的序号,若序号排在该数据前面的数据没有收到,则收到的数据会暂存在缓冲区,等前面序号的数据到达后,再一起交给应用进程。

如:TCP/IP 模型中应用层协议FTP 、Telnet 等 2、 面向非连接的服务(即:不可靠的服务):提供的是不可靠的传输,对数据无效验和重发,通讯速率高,如:TCP/IP 模型中应用层协议SNMP 、DNS 等 三、传输服务原语1、传输服务原语是应用程序和传输服务之间的接口1)一个典型的面向连接的服务原语(采用C/S 的工作方式提供服务)2、TPDU 的发送过程3、 伯克利套接字(Berkeley Sockets )在TCP/IP 协议当中,用得最多的传输层服务原语就是伯克利套接字。

Computer Networks

Computer Networks

Computer NetworksIntroduction:Computer networks refer to the interconnected system of devices like computers, routers, switches, servers, etc. that facilitate data communication and exchange between different nodes over a shared channel or medium. These interconnected nodes can be located in remote areas and work collaboratively to accomplish the required tasks within a network.The concept of computer networking has revolutionized the way communication is conducted among different entities and is responsible for the birth of the digital era. It lays the foundation for modern-day activities like online shopping, social networking, e-learning, cloud computing, and telecommunication services.In this article, we will discuss the architecture, protocols, and standards of computer networks, along with their advantages and limitations.Architecture of Computer Networks:The architecture of computer networks can vary depending on factors like the size of the network, the geographical area they cover, and the devices used. Some of the widely used network architectures are:1. Local Area Network (LAN):A Local Area Network connects computers within a confinedgeographic area like a building, a campus or an office. LANs can be wired or wireless and utilize technologies like Ethernet, Token Ring, or Wi-Fi.2. Wide Area Network (WAN):Wide Area Networks cover a large geographic area and connect several LANs or other WANs. The internet is an example of a Wide Area Network that connects thousands of computers globally. WANs operate over technologies like leased lines or satellite connectivity.3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):Metropolitan Area Networks connect devices within a city or a town and are used for high-speed data exchange. They use optical fibers, microwave, and WiMAX technology to provide connectivity.4. Virtual Private Network (VPN):Virtual Private Networks are used to provide secure communication between remote sites or users over the internet. They use encryption and tunneling protocols to ensure data privacy during communication.Protocols and Standards:Several protocols and standards are followed in computer networks to ensure reliable and secure data exchange. Some of thecommonly used protocols are:1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):TCP is a transport layer protocol responsible for establishing, managing, and terminating connections between devices. It ensures reliable data exchange by maintaining packet sequence and acknowledging the successful delivery of packets.2. Internet Protocol (IP):IP is a network layer protocol responsible for addressing, routing, and fragmentation of packets. It takes care of delivering the packets to their destination and ensures that all packets arrive without being lost or duplicated.3. User Datagram Protocol (UDP):UDP is a transport layer protocol that provides connectionless communication between devices. It is used when less reliable but faster communication is required, like in online gaming oraudio/video streaming.4. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP):SMTP is a protocol used for sending and receiving emails over the internet. It operates in the application layer and uses TCP to ensure reliable communication.Advantages of Computer Networks:1. Improved Communication:Computer networks enable real-time communication and collaboration in an organization, allowing employees to communicate and share information with each other, regardless of their location.2. Resource Sharing:Computer networks allow resources like printers, scanners, and storage devices to be shared among users, reducing costs and improving efficiency.3. Centralization:Computer networks facilitate centralized storage of data, making it easier for organizations to manage and analyze large amounts of data.4. Cost-Effective:Computer networks provide cost-effective solutions for communication, file sharing, software licensing, and system management.Limitations of Computer Networks:1. Security Threats:Computer networks are prone to security threats like hacking, viruses, and malware, which can cause data breaches and lead to financial losses.2. Technical Expertise:Computer networks require technical expertise to maintain and troubleshoot problems, which can be expensive for small organizations.3. Reliance on Technology:Organizations heavily rely on computer networks, and any downtime of the network can cause a significant loss of productivity and revenue.Conclusion:In conclusion, computer networks are the backbone of the digital era, enabling communication and collaboration among different entities. The architecture, protocols, and standards that are followed ensure reliable and secure data exchange. However, with advantages come limitations, and computer networks are no exception. To mitigate these limitations, organizations should implement best practices like regular backups, using firewalls, and training employees in security practices. With proper implementation and management, computer networks can provide significant gains in productivity and efficiency.5. Scalability: Computer networks can be scaled up or down as per therequirements of an organization. This flexibility allows organizations to expand or shrink their infrastructure based on their needs, making it cost-effective.6. Remote Access:Computer networks allow remote access to resources and applications, enabling employees to work from any location, increasing productivity, and reducing travel costs.7. Enhanced Customer Service:Computer networks enable organizations to provide better customer service, like online support, instant messaging, and video conferencing. This improves customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.8. Competitive Advantage:Computer networks provide a competitive advantage to organizations by promoting innovation, enabling faster decision-making, and improving business processes. This helps organizations stay ahead of their competitors.9. Easier Collaboration:Computer networks make it easier for employees to collaborate on projects or documents, increasing productivity and reducing errors. Collaboration platforms like SharePoint and Google Drive enable teams to work together seamlessly and efficiently.10. Disaster Recovery:Computer networks make disaster recovery easier by allowing organizations to backup critical data and applications on a remote server. In case of a disaster, the organization can quickly restore its data and resume operations, minimizing downtime and financial losses.Limitations of Computer Networks:1. Security Threats:As mentioned earlier, computer networks are prone to security threats like hacking, viruses, and malware. These threats not only lead to data breaches and financial losses but also affect an organization's reputation.2. Technical Complexity:Computer networks are complex systems that require technical expertise to manage and troubleshoot issues. Small organizations may not have the resources to hire IT personnel, which means they have to rely on third-party vendors, increasing costs.3. Reliance on Technology:Organizations heavily rely on computer networks, and any downtime can lead to significant financial losses and impact their reputation. Furthermore, organizations may face legal issues if databreaches occur due to negligence or inadequate security measures.4. Compatibility Issues:Organizations may face compatibility issues when integrating different systems or devices into their network. This can make it difficult to share data or resources between different departments.5. Cost:Setting up and maintaining a computer network can be expensive, especially for small organizations. The cost of hardware, software licensing, and IT support can be a significant financial burden.Conclusion:Computer networks have revolutionized the way organizations communicate, collaborate, and conduct their operations. They provide several benefits like improved communication, resource sharing, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. However, they also face limitations like security threats, technical complexity, and compatibility issues. Organizations can mitigate these limitations by implementing best practices and following industry standards.A well-managed and secure computer network can provide significant gains in productivity, efficiency, and competitive advantage.。



Introduction of Computer NetworksComputer Networks is a developing subject combining computer and communication technology. In the information age of today, computer networks is acting as a more and more important role, and it has been a technological pillar for the promotion of society development. The course Computer Networks is a compulsory course for the undergraduate in our college. This course systematically and fully introduces the architecture of network, the basis of data communication, OSI reference modal, data switch techniques, LAN, network interworking and TCP/IP protocols, etc. With the leadership of the principal of the course and the other teachers in this group, this course is entitled the “National Superior Course”.By the study of this course, it aims at enabling the students to systematically understand and grasp the followings:1. The basic concepts, theory and methods of computer network.2. The architecture, hierarchy, service and protocols, and topological structure of network.3. The basis of data communication, encoding, multiplexing, and data switching technology.4. Sliding window, stream control and congestion control protocols.5. Route selection strategies, routing algorithm and network interworking technology.6. LAN technology, CSMA/CD media access controlling method, and the principle of network devices.7. The principle of TCP/IP protocols, including: IP protocol, ARP protocol, ICMP protocol, IGMP protocol, UDP protocol, TCP protocol, DNS protocol, FTP protocol and HTTP protocol, etc.All in all, this course aims at fostering the students to grasp the basic theory and practical application knowledge of computer networks, enabling the students to have the primary ability of analysis and design of computer network systems, and promote their comprehensive accomplishment. And it also aims at laying certain theory and working foundation for the students to undertake the research and work in computer networks.。



计算机网络基础与Internet应用一、计算机网络基础1.计算机网络的概念计算机网络(Computer Network)是指将多台计算机、打印机等设备通过通信线路连接起来,实现资源共享、信息交换的系统。




















计算机网络基础知识第1章Computer Network (1)1.1 Computer Network的基本概念 (1)1.2 地址和协议的概念 (2)1.2.1地址和协议 (2)1.2.2 TCP/IP协议 (2)1.2.3 IP地址 (3)1.2.4 域名地址 (3)第2章有线网络和无线网络知识 (5)2.1 有线网络的特点 (5)2.1.1 速度可做到更快 (6)2.1.2 投入低廉 (7)2.2 无线网络的特点 (8)2.2.1 更具灵活性 (9)2.2.2 速度只有百兆,但使用更方便 (11)2.2.3 安全性已能保障普通应用 (12)2.2.4 价格虽高于有线,但已可接受 (12)第3章无线局域网的设置 (13)3.1 路由器的设置 (13)3.2 电脑IP地址的设置 (13)3.3 无线网卡设置 (17)第4章无线局域网安全设置 (21)4.1 设置取消SSID广播 (21)4.2 无线数据加密 (23)第1章Computer NetworkComputer Network,是指将地理位置不同的具有独立功能的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统,网络管理软件及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。

1.1 Computer Network的基本概念Computer Network通俗地讲就是由多台计算机(或其它Computer Network设备)通过传输介质和软件物理(或逻辑)连接在一起组成的。

总的来说Computer Network的组成基本上包括:计算机、网络操作系统、传输介质(可以是有形的,也可以是无形的,如无线网络的传输介质就是空气)以及相应的应用软件四部分。




《computer networking》中英词汇对照表

《computer networking》中英词汇对照表

Chapter 11.1Internet:因特网Computer network :计算机网络Host: 主机End system: 终端系统Packet switching: 分组交换Route: 路径Internet service provider (ISP): 因特网服务提供商Protocol: 协议Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):传输控制协议1.2Client: 客户端Server: 服务器Peer: 对等机Reliable data transfer: 可靠数据传输Flow control: 流量控制Congestion-control: 拥塞控制User Datagram Protocol (UDP): 用户数据报协议1.3Circuit switching: 电路交换/线路交换Packet switching: 分组交换Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM): 频分多路复用Time-division multiplexing (TDM): 时分多路复用Bandwidth: 带宽Time slot: 时隙Frame: 帧Message: 报文:Packet: 分组Store-and-forward: 存储转发Datagram network: 数据报网络Virtual-circuit network: 虚电路网络1.4Router: 路由器Modem: 调制解调器Local area network (LAN): 局域网Ethernet: 以太网Wireless LAN: 无线局域网Guided media: 导向型介质Unguided media: 非导向型介质Twisted-pair copper wire: 双绞线Unshielded twisted pair(UTP): 非屏蔽双绞线Coaxial cable: 同轴电缆Fiber optics: 光线/光缆1.6Nodal processing delay: 结点处理延迟Queuing delay: 排队延迟Transmission delay: 发送延迟Propagation delay: 传播延迟Traffic intensity: 流通强度End-to-end delay: 端到端延迟1.7Layer: 层次Protocol stack: 协议栈Application layer: 应用层Transport layer: 传输层Network layer: 网络层Link layer: 链路层Physical layer: 物理层Encapsulation: 封装Message: 报文Segment: 报文段Datagram: 数据报Frame: 帧Chapter 22.1Client-server architecture: 客户端-服务器体系结构;C/S结构P2P architecture: 对等结构Processes: 进程Socket: 套接字Application programming interface (API): 应用程序编程接口IP address: IP地址Prot number: 端口号Syntax: 语法Semantics: 语义Full-duplex: 全双工Handshaking: 握手Real-time application: 实时应用2.2The World Wide Web: 万维网HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP): 超文本传输协议Web page: 网页Object: 对象HyperText Markup Language (HTML): 超文本标记语言URL:统一资源定位符Browser: 浏览器Persistent connection: 持久连接Non-persistent connection: 非持久连接Round-trip time (RTT): 往返时间Without pipelining: 非流水线方式With pipelining: 流水线方式Web cache: web 缓存Proxy server: 代理服务器2.3File Transfer Protocol (FTP): 文件传输协议Control connection: 控制连接Data connection: 数据连接Out-of-band: 带外In-band: 带内2.4Electronic Mail: 电子邮件User agent: 用户代理Mail server: 邮件服务器Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): 简单邮件传输协议Mailbox: 邮箱Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): 多用途因特网邮件扩展协议Post Office Protocol (POP): 邮局协议Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP): Internet 邮件访问协议2.5 Domain Name System (DNS): 域名系统Hostname: 主机名Host aliasing: 主机别名Mail server aliasing: 邮件服务器别名Load distribution: 负载分配Root DNS server: 根DNS服务器Top-Level Domain (TLD) servers: 顶级域DNS服务器Authoritative DNS servers: 授权DNS服务器;权威DNS服务器Local DNS server: 本地DNS服务器Database: 数据库Chapter 33.1Logical communication: 逻辑通讯3.2Multiplexing: 多路复用Demultiplexing: 多路分解Well-known port number: 众所周知的端口号3.3UDP segment: UDP报文段Checksum: 校验和;检查和Wrapped around: 回卷3.4Channel: 通道;信道Positive acknowledgement : 肯定应答Negative acknowledgement: 否定应答ARQ (automatic repeat request): 自动重传请求Feedback: 反馈Retransmission: 重传Stop-and-wait protocol: 停止-等待协议Duplicate packets: 冗余分组Sequence number: 顺序号Timer: 定时器Alternating-bit protocol: 比特交替协议Utilization: 利用率Go-back-N (GBN): 回退N步Window size: 窗口大小Sliding-window protocol: 滑动窗口协议Cumulative acknowledgement: 累积确认Timeout: 超时Selective Repeat (SR): 选择重传3.5Connection-oriented: 面向连接Point-to-point: 点到点Three-way handshake: 三次握手Maximum segment size (MSS): 最大报文段大小Maximum transmission unit (MTU): 最大传输单元Piggybacked: 捎带Sample RTT: 样本RTTFast retransmit: 快速重传Selective acknowledgement: 选择确认Flow-control: 流量控制Receive window: 接收窗口3.7Congestion control: 拥塞窗口Self-clocking: 自定时的Additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease: 加性增,乘性减Slow star: 慢启动Congestion avoidance: 拥塞避免Threshold: 阈值Fast recovery: 快速恢复Bottleneck: 瓶颈Latency: 延迟Chapter 44.1Forwarding: 转发Routing: 路由Routing algorithm: 路由算法Forwarding table: 转发表Router: 路由器Jitter: 抖动Best-effort service: 尽力而为的服务4.2Virtual-circuit (VC) network: 虚电路网络Datagram network: 数据报网络Prefix: 前缀Longest prefix matching rule: 最长前缀匹配规则4.3Input port: 输入端口Switching fabric: 交换结构Routing processor: 路由处理器Crossbar: 交叉结构4.4Time-to-live (TTL) :生存时间Fragmentation: 分片;片段Dotted-decimal notation: 点分十进制表示法Subnet: 子网Subnet mask: 子网掩码Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR): 无类别域际路由选择Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP):动态主机配置协议Plug-and-play: 即插即用Network address translation (NAT): 网络地址转换Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP): 因特网控制报文协议Dual-stack: 双栈Tunneling: 隧道4.5Default router: 默认路由器Graph: 图A global routing algorithm : 全局路由算法A decentralized routing algorithm : 分布式路由算法Static routing algorithm: 静态路由算法Dynamic routing algorithm : 动态路由算法Link-State (LS): 链路状态Distance-Vector(DV): 距离向量Routing table: 路由表Autonomous system (AS): 自治系统Intra-autonomous system routing protocol: 自治系统内路由协议Inter-AS routing protocol: 自治系统间路由协议4.6Interior gateway protocol: 内部网关协议Routing Information Protocol (RIP): 路由信息协议Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): 开放最短路径优先协议Advertisement: 公告Hop: 跳Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): 边界网关协议4.7Broadcast: 广播Multicast: 多播Chapter 55.1Node: 结点Link: 链路Frame: 帧Medium access control (MAC): 介质访问控制Full-duplex: 全双工Half-duplex: 半双工Adapter: 适配器Network interface card (NIC): 网卡Interface: 接口5.2Parity check: 奇偶校验Odd: 奇数Even: 偶数Cyclic redundancy check (CRC): 循环冗余校验Polynomial: 多项式5.3Collide: 冲突Multiple access protocol: 多路访问协议Channel partitioning protocol: 信道划分协议Random access protocol: 随机访问协议Taking-turns protocol: 轮转协议Code division multiple access (CDMA): 码分多址访问Carrier sensing: 载波侦听Collision detection: 冲突检测Polling protocol: 轮询协议Token-passing protocol: 令牌传递协议Token: 令牌Local Area Network (LAN): 局域网Token-ring: 令牌环Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI): 光纤分布式数据接口Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): 城域网5.4Address Resolution Protocol (ARP): 地址解析协议Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): 动态主机配置协议5.5Ethernet: 以太网Preamble: 前导码Manchester encoding: 曼彻斯特编码5.6Hub: 集线器Collision domain: 冲突域Switch: 交换机Filtering: 过滤Forwarding: 转发Switch table: 交换表Self-learning: 自学习Plug-and-play devices: 即插即用设备Cut-through switching: 直通式交换5.7Point-to-point: (PPP): 点到点。

Computer Networks

Computer Networks

TCP service [RFC 793]

reliable, in-order bytestream data transfer

Hello, hello back human protocol set up ―state‖ in two communicating hosts

flow control:
Computer Networks
About Instructor
Lecturer from 1999 PhD Candidate
MS from 1996-1999 Tianjin University
Research Interests: Image Processing Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Industrial Network (Fieldbus)
infrastructure enables

distributed applications:
Web, email, games, ecommerce, file sharing
communication services
provided to apps:

Connectionless unreliable connection-oriented reliபைடு நூலகம்ble
physical media: communication links
Introduction 1-16
The network edge:
end systems (hosts):

run application programs e.g. Web, email at ―edge of network‖

Computer Networks1

Computer Networks1

Central South University Computer Networks
1.3.5 公共数据网的发展
公共数据网PDN的建设为组建广域网打下了基础; 研究公共数据网的数据交换技术需要了解: X.25网 帧中继 B-ISDN ATM
Central South University Computer Networks
Central South University Computer Networks
1.4.1 根据网络覆盖范围进行分类 按覆盖的地理范围分类,计算机网络可以分为三 类:
局域网(LAN,Local Area Network) 城域网(MAN,Metropolitan Area Network) 广域网(WAN,Wide Area Network)
1.3 典型计算机网络
1.3.1 ARPANET 1969年11月,实验性的ARPANET开通; 1975年,ARPANET 已经连入了100多台主机,并且结束了 网络实验阶段,移交美国国防部国防通信局正式运行; 1983年1月,ARPANET向TCP/IP的转换结束; 80年代中期,ARPANET成为Internet的主干网; 1990年,ARPANET退役。 ARPANET对网络的产生与发展起了重要的影响。
Central South University Computer Networks
帧中继主要考虑如何减少数据帧在通信子网中的开销, 没有采用流量控制与差错控制机制,通信子网中的差 错控制由主机的高层来保证; 数据帧通过帧中继网的处理时间可以比通过X.25网降低 一个数量级,而吞吐量要比X.25网络提高一个数量级以 上; 目前帧中继网的数据传输速率一般为1.5Mbps; 帧中继网主要用于局域网之间的互连。

Computer networks

Computer networks

• 不同的距离尺度将会使用不同的技术。 不同的距离尺度将会使用不同的技术。 处理器中间的距离 1m 10m 100m 1km 10km 100km 1000km 10 000km 处理器所在的位置 一米见方的范围内 同一个房间 同一建筑物内 同一校园 同一城市 同一国家 同一个洲 同一个星球 例子 个人区域网 局域网
1.1计算机网络的应用 计算机网络的应用
• 移动用户 移动办公 老式的、 老式的、没有布线的建筑物 军事 无线停车计时器 自动售货机 仪表阅读服务
1.1计算机网络的应用 计算机网络的应用
• 社会问题 法律问题 安全问题(隐私安全) 安全问题(隐私安全)
1.2 网络硬件
• 计算机网络分类 传输技术 距离尺度
• 几乎所有的无线网络都在某一个点上连接 到有线网络中。 到有线网络中。
1.2.5 家庭网络
• 家庭中的每一个设备都具备与其他设备进行通信 的能力,通过Internet可以访问所有这些设备。 可以访问所有这些设备。 的能力,通过 可以访问所有这些设备 • 家庭网络的特性: 家庭网络的特性: 易于安装 易于操作 低价格 足够的传输能力 接口、 接口、网线保持不变 安全性和可靠性 有线、无线? 有线、无线?
• 环型: 环型: IEEE802.5(IBM令牌网) 令牌网) 令牌网
• 当两台或者多台机器想同时传送数据的时候,需 当两台或者多台机器想同时传送数据的时候, 要有一种仲裁机制来解决冲突问题。 要有一种仲裁机制来解决冲突问题。 静态分配方式 将时间分成离散的间隔,并且使用一种轮询算法, 将时间分成离散的间隔,并且使用一种轮询算法, 每一台机器只有在它自己的时槽到达时候才能发 送数据。 送数据。 动态分配方式 集中式:总线仲裁单元决定谁是下一个发送方。 集中式:总线仲裁单元决定谁是下一个发送方。 分布式:每台机器自己决定是否传送数据。 分布式:每台机器自己决定是否传送数据。




集线器是一种“共享”设备,集线器本身不能 识别目的地址,当同一局域网内的A主机给B主 机传输数据时,数据包在以集线器为架构的网 络上是以广播方式传输的,由每一台终端通过 验证数据包头的地址信息来确定是否接收。 由于集线器在一个时钟周期中只能传输一 组信息,如果一台集线器连接的机器数目较多, 并且多台机器经常需要同时通信时,将导致集 线器的工作效率很差,如发生信息堵塞、碰撞 等。

集线器的特点 1)共享带宽 集线器的带宽是指它通信时能够达到的最大速度。 目前市面上用于中小型局域网的集线器主要有10Mbps、 100Mbps和10/100Mbps自适应三种。 10Mb带宽的集线器的传输速度最大为10Mbps, 即使与它连接的计算机使用的是100Mbps网卡,在传 输数据时速度仍然只有10Mbps。10/100Mbps自适应 集线器能够根据与端口相连的网卡速度自动调整带宽, 当与10Mbps的网卡相连时,其带宽为10Mb;与 100Mbps的网卡相连时,其带宽为100Mb,因此这种 集线器也叫做“双速集线器”。


数据链路(data link) 除了物理线路外,还必须 有通信协议来控制这些数据的传输。若把实现 这些协议的硬件和软件加到链路上,就构成了 数据链路。

现在最常用的方法是使用适配器(即网卡)来实现 这些协议的硬件和软件。 一般的适配器都包括了数据链路层和物理层这两层 的功能。


在网络中,网络设备将“位”组成一个个的 字节,然后将这些字节“封装”成帧,在网 络上传输。

以太网的帧值总是在一定范围内浮动, 最大的帧值是1518字节,最小的帧值是 64字节。在实际应用中,帧的大小是由 设备的MTU(最大传输单位)即设备每 次能够传输的最大字节数自动来确定的。

computer networks(Tanenbaum)【第1章 概述】

computer networks(Tanenbaum)【第1章 概述】

computer networks要补充的:1、令牌网2、《计算机网络习题与解析》:鲁士文编清华大学出版社第一章概述计算机网络:计算机与通讯的组合。










计算机网络简介英语作文English: Computer network, as the backbone of modern communication, plays a crucial role in connecting people, sharing resources, and facilitating communication. It is a system that consists of interconnected computing devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other. Computer networks can be classified into different types, such as local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and the internet. LAN connects computers and devices within a limited area, while WAN covers a larger geographical area and often connects multiple LANs. The internet, on the other hand, is a global network that connects millions of devices all around the world. With the advancement of technology, wireless networks have become increasingly popular, allowing devices to connect without the need for physical cables. Overall, computer networks have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and access information, making it an indispensable part of our daily lives.中文翻译: 计算机网络作为现代通信的支柱,对于连接人们、共享资源和促进沟通起着至关重要的作用。

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知识点:计算机网络中数据链路层知识、有关的术语、协议、算法、停止-等待协议、连续ARQ协议、选择重传ARQ协议、滑动窗口概念、以及面向比特的链路控制规程HDLC 等内容。

知识点:计算机网络中网络层的有关知识、有关术语、协议、算法、虚电路服务、数据报服务、路由选择、结点查找表建立、最短通路路由选择算法、分布式路由选择算法、按级进行流量控制的方法、帧中继、网络互连的基本概念、OSI 的互连网协议、Internet 的互连网协议IP 、IP 数据报格式、IP 地址及转换、ICMP 协议等内容。

知识点:计算机网络中运输层知识、有关术语、OSI 运输协议、算法、运输层在OSI 体系中的地位和作用、TCP/IP 体系中的运输层、UDP 、TCP 有关格式、计算机网络的性能等内容。

知识点:计算机网络中会话层、表示层及应用层知识、有关层次的功能作用等,特别是应用层中各种协议的功能、对TCP/IP 体系中DNS 、FTP
、TELNET 、SMTP 、TFTP 、以及HTTP 协议等内容应重点掌握。




知识点:计算机网络的新型发展方向:NGN 。



【2】Adrew S. Tanenbaum.《Computer Networks》(影印版).北京:清华大学出版社,2000年。

