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流动资产Current assets
货币资金Cash and cash equivalents
1002 银行存款Cash in bank
1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents
'100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank
'100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque
'100903 银行汇票Bank draft
'100904 信用卡Credit card
'100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits
'100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits
1101 短期投资Short-term investments
'110101 股票Short-term investments - stock
'110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds
'110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds
'110110 其他Short-term investments - other
1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款Account receivable
1111 应收票据Note receivable
银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance
商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance
1121 应收股利Dividend receivable
1122 应收利息Interest receivable 1131 应收账款Account receivable
1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable
1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves
1151 预付账款Advance money
1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable
1201 物资采购Supplies purchasing
1211 原材料Raw materials
1221 包装物Wrappage
1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods
1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance
1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods
1243 库存商品Finished goods
1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price
1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced
1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis
1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves
1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages 1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses
长期投资Long-term investment
1401 长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks
'140101 股票投资Investment on stocks
'140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks
1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds
'140201 债券投资Investment on bonds
'140202 其他债权投资Other investment on bonds
1421 长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves
股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves
债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves
1431 委托贷款Entrust loans
'143101 本金Principal
'143102 利息Interest
'143103 减值准备Depreciation reserves
1501 固定资产Fixed assets
机器设备Machinery equipment
运输设备Transportation facilities
工具器具Instruments and implement
1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation
1505 固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves
房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves
机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves
1601 工程物资Project goods and material
'160101 专用材料Special-purpose material
'160102 专用设备Special-purpose equipment
'160103 预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment
'160104 为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate
1603 在建工程Construction-in-process
安装工程Erection works 在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process
技术改造工程Technical innovation project
大修理工程General overhaul project
1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 1701 固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets
1801 无形资产Intangible assets
商标权Trademarks, Trade names
1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves
专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves
商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves
1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges
待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income
1901 长期待摊费用Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses
1911 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income
191101待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income 191102待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income