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Kunming Wujiaba International Airport, one of the seven most busyness airports in China! The total area of the main building is
76900㎡, including 17 waiting
2012, is being built to the Vietnamese capital Hanoi. It should cut journeys from up
to three days to less than a day.
大力发展基础设施建设的同 时,政府也不遗余力地鼓励 各界人士来昆明投资,促进 这里的经贸。昆明国际贸易 中心频繁举办各种南亚商品 交易会目的就在此。云南省 政府和昆明市政府代表团也 常到临国首都招商引资。 “例如,最近有一个泰国--云 南商会在泰国曼谷成立。云 南省政府与西孟加拉政府之 间的贸易往来也颇为频繁。 昆明是中国第三个可以直飞 印度的城市(加尔各答-昆 明)”,Chris Horton说。他 是一个在昆明的美国成功商 人,在昆明开设了一个商业 发展顾问公司。很多在这里 的人都还没有意识到这个地 方将发生一番惊天动地的变 化。
southwest China to serve business in Southeast Asia, South Asia and even Europe.
• 昆明站,很多人出去上学或者很多人来云南上学都要经过这里,我实在是很讨厌这个地 方,火车站附近可以说是昆明比较混乱的地方,什么人都有。建议:在昆明火车站,下 火车以后当自己是和尚就可以,不要在火车站周围吃饭! 因为会换假钱,不要打电话, 会乱收费! 火车站出来就有公车站, 旁边就有TAXI,火车站离市中心就是10分钟车程很 近的!进城以后你再吃再喝再住店都没问题。
rooms. It’s will be closed up in 3— year. The new International Airport of Kunming will becames the fourth largest airport in China!
昆明巫家坝国际机场,全国 七大港口之一,停机位34个, 航站楼总面积76900平方米, 共有候机厅17个,旅客吞吐 量在国内民用机场中,居第7 位,货邮吞吐量居第7位,起 降架次居第8位。马上就要停 用,新的昆明机场将成为全 国第四个门户机场 。
• 金碧路,昆明 市的主干道, 金碧路基本上 穿过了昆明最 繁华的几个地 段。
K1路车,车身 很长,直达昆 明站。昆明的 公交系统在全 国能排上前几, 由于昆明地质 的原因,不能 修地铁,所以 大力发展公交, 我们一般去哪 里玩,都是坐 公交,非常方 便。
• No. K1 bus route, this kind of bus is nearly 20 metres in length. You can find it easily when you walk along with the Beijing Road. By the reasons of the geology, Kunming is hard to develop the underground transportation, so, the system of Kunming bus is very good!
•Kunming, provincial capital of Yunnan, China's big toe in Southeast Asia. While the rest of the world— including China—sinks deeper into financial turmoil by the day, prospects for Kunming are looking up. In a word, it comes down to location. Kunming, at 1800m above sea level, stands astride old trade routes now being modernised to tie together China, Burma,India,Thailand and Vietnam.The emerging crossroads is drawing in foreigners to this idiosyncratic city, an ethnic melting pot without parallel in China.
“Kunming is a bit like Urumqi. The government's intention seems to be to turn it
into an inland port for Southeast and South Asia," says Ross Duggleby, a British
The muscle being put to work on infrastructure is matched by the jaw—jaw to encourage
investment and promote trade. Southeast Asian trade fairs are popular in Kunming's
convention centres. City and provincial delegations are often boarding planes for nearby capitals.“Recently,for instance, a Thai-Yunnan chamber of commerce was established. There's been a lot of exchanges between the west Bengal and Yunnan governments. It's the third city in China to have direct flights to India[Kolkata],”says Chris Horton,an American who founded Meridian, a business development consultancy in
Kunming Railway Station, the majority of people who come and leave Yunnan will transported by this place. But I don’t like this place so much! It’s too bedlam! Lots of thieves、profiteers and beggers are working there!
architect who heads the local practice said.“Talk Of development is a bit more
tangible for me here. The principle of it being a hub for Southeast Asia is easy to understand,” he says.This being China,grand plans for infrastructure are not gathering dust on the drawing board.An expressway, due to open to traffic in
从西山上拍的昆明夜 景,昆明的夜景有东 方日内瓦之称。
To overlook Kunming from Xishan mountain at night, the nocturne is asຫໍສະໝຸດ great as Genevese!
Colourful Yunnan! You can find the splendid cloud like this photo in the sunshiny evening! Especially the summer evening!
• Kunming, one of the first group cities which famous for the histories and cultures in China. It’s not only the capital of Yunan, but also the centres of the province such as politics、economy、culture、technology、education、tourism and so on. It’s also the Chinese foreland to southest Asia and south Asia. With the advantages of climate and geography, Kunming is becaming a Holy—land for tourism、exploration、hunting and meeting in the world!
到2012年,由Arup设计的昆明新机场也将投入使用,该机场预计耗资23亿英镑。它将是 中国第四大国际机场,双跑道起飞航道,每年至少可以为6千万旅客提供服务。“昆明新 机场将作为中国西南地区与东南亚、南亚国家,甚至欧洲贸易往来的国家机场”。
In 2012, passengers also due to depart from Kunming's new 23 billion airport designed by Arup. It will be China's fourth largest international airport with two runways initially and a terminal handling 60 million passengers a year. “It is considered a national airport for
Kunming. A Iot of people here are still not aware of how much this place is going to change.
• 昆明:中国首批历史文化名城、云南省省会昆明,是云南政治、经济、文化、 科技、教育、商贸、旅游、信息、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是中国内地 和西南地区通向东南亚、南亚各国的一级口岸城。得天独厚的地理环境,使 昆明这座位于滇池之滨的高原城市,成为世界上少有的“天气常如二三月, 花枝不断四时春”以“春城”之美名享誉于世的观光旅游、休闲度假、探险 猎奇和商务会议胜地。
• “昆明有一点像乌鲁木齐, 政府有意让它成为一个 面向东南亚和南亚的内 陆港口,”一位负责当 地项目的英国建筑师 Ross Duggleby说。 “我在这里谈论发展是 较为具体的。它要成为 东南亚枢纽的目标很容 易理解。”他说。这是 中国,基础设施的宏伟 计划不会让绘图板上落 上灰尘。一条将于2012 年通车的高速公路正在 建设中,通往越南首都 河内。它将3天的行程缩 短为不到1天。
我们的城市— 昆明
Our city—Kunming
• 昆明,云南省会,中国面向东南亚的 桥头堡。今天,包括中国在内的世界 其他地区深陷金融风暴,而昆明的前 景却正在好转。昆明,在海拔1800米 的地方,跨过历史悠久的贸易路线, 如今正在走向现代化以连接中国和周 边的缅甸、印度、泰国和越南。作为 新兴的十字路口,正吸引着外国人来 到这个奇特的城市,一个中国各民族 融合的城市。