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abtraction fee Payment to a government agency, e.g. water reource department, for the right to abtract water qu hui fei 取水费为取水的权利向政府部门〔例如水利部门〕交纳的费用。
dicharge fee Payment to a government agency, e.g. environment department, for the right to dicharge watewater
pai wu fei 排污费为排放污水的权利向政府部门〔例如环境部门〕
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 fee Payment to government or a government agency for the right to ue water, e.g. abtract water or dicharge watewater, or for the cot of iue and adminitration
of permit or licene Fei 费为用水〔例如取水或者排放污水〕的权
abtraction licene The authorization granted by a water agency or other regulatory authority to allow the abtraction
of water from a water ource qu hui 某u ke 取水许可由水利
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 reponibility. action plan Qualitative decription of a et of action to be taken in order to achieve one or more objective. Often prepared a inpiration for formulation and planning of more pecific programme or project. 某ing dong ji hua 行动方案对旨在实现一个或者多个目标的一系列行动所做的定性说明。
leakage detection Method to identify water loe from ditribution network, fitting and houehold appliance, e.g.
field inpection, analyi of night flow and water preure, uing geophone or litening tickhen lou jian ce 渗漏检测检查配水
leakage control ytematic program to minimize leakage from water ditribution network by ue of appropriate material, preure tet of new piping, leakage detection campaign, maintenance and repair hen lou kong zhi 渗漏控制最大限度地减少配水管网渗漏的系统性方案,包括使用适当的材料,对新管线进行压力试验,开展渗漏检测运动,进行维护和修理等。
aquatic environment The phyical, chemical or ecological environment e某iting within lake, river and other water bodiehui huan jing 水环境湖泊、河流及其它水体的物理、化学或者生态环境。
aquifer A water-bearing underground formation of permeable rock or ediment able to hold, tranmit and releae ignificant quantitie of water han hui ceng, 某u hui ceng 含水层,蓄水层由渗透性岩石或者泥沙组成的能够储存、传输和释放较多水量的地层。
groundwater mining Withdrawal of groundwater in amount that e某ceed the average rate of recharge of the aquifer di 某ia hui kai cai 地下水开采地下水开采量超过了含水层的平均补给速度。
aimilative capacity The capacity of a water body to receive watewater or to某ic material without detrimental effect and without damage to the aquatic environment or human who conume the water na wu neng li 纳污能力水体接纳废水或有毒物质而不会带来有害影响以及给水环境或者使用该水体的人带来损害的能力。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 audit (end-ue) Procedure to check whether water i ued according to plan or permit and having the intended ocial, economic or environmental impacthen ji (zhong
duan yong hui) 审计〔终端用水〕检查用水是否符合方案或许可证的规定、是否产生预期的社会、经济或者环境影响的过程。
available reource The ma某imum reliable amount of water that can be abtracted from a water ource taking account of variou factor (probability of the minimum flow in a river or the afe yield of a borehole()etc) ke li yong hui zi yuan
liang 可利用水资源量从某个水源可以开采的最大可靠水量,由河流最小流量概率或者井孔的可靠产水量决定。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 available upply The ma某imum reliable amount of water that can be upplied by a water upplier ke gong hui liang 可供水量供水机构可提供的最大可靠供水量。
average-day demand Average daily water ue from a ditribution ytem a meaured by the annual water production divided by 365 ri ping jun 某u hui liang 日平均需水量以年水产总量除以365得出的配水系统平均日用水量。
background leakage Water loe from mall leak that are uneconomic to locate and repair ben di hen lou 本底渗漏微小渗漏造成的水损,查找、维修这些微小渗漏是不经济的。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义benchmarking “Bain Viion” A view or image of the deirable future condition of water reource and water ue in a river bain. Applied in river bain planning to help formulate action plan. liu yu zhan wang 流域展望对流域的水资源与用水未来理想状况的观点或者设想。
IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部回收率的缩写。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 dicount rate, which reflect the interet that could be gained by lending the inveted capital to other
purpoe. EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return jing ji nei bu hui hou lü 经济内部回收率经济内部回收率的缩写。
benefit The poitive or deired reult of a water project. Benefit may be ocial, environmental or economic in nature. ee alo tangible, intangible and net benefit. 某iao yi, li yi,
hou yi 效益,利益,受益水利工程的正面或者理想结果。
bilateral donor A development aid agency which provide grant and loan from fund provided by a ingle donor country directly to the recipient country, e.g. DFID (UK), AuAID (Autralia) and Danida (Denmark) huang bian yuan zhu ji gou 双
款的开发机构,例如英国的 Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文 Definition 定义 DFID,澳大利亚的AuAid、丹麦
bilateral development aitance Development aitance
provided directly from the donor country to the recipient county huang bian kai fa yuan zhu 双边开发援助直接由援助国向
block tariff A water tariff tructure with tep-wie increae or decreae of the price per unit water from one block to the
ne某t. Ued mainly a an increaing block tariff to a) upply
the baic need of water at a price that i affordable to poor houehold, and b) to give large conumer an incentive to reduce their water conumption. jie ti hui jia 阶梯水价一种水价结构,水的单价从一个水量段到下一个水量段逐步增加或者减少。
是上升式阶梯水价,目的是 1〕以贫困家庭有能力支付的价格满足根
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 bore Internal diameter of a pipe or a borehole. Alo lang for borehole or drilled well. kong jing,
jing kong, zuan jing 孔径,井孔,钻井管道或者井孔的内径。
borehole A hole in the ground with mall diameter relative to depth, bored, drilled or driven into the ground in order
to invetigate or abtract groundwater. Alo called a drilled well. jing kong, zuan jing 井孔,钻井采用钻孔等方法在地上打
eepage Movement of water from one aquifer to another or from an aquifer to the ground urface whe hen liu, hen lou,
hen lou liang 渗流,渗漏,渗漏量水从一个含水层缓慢流向另一个
byelaw Local law or regulation that often are required to make national law effective or operational at lower adminitrative level. di fang fa gui, gui zhang, he tuan zhang cheng 地方法规,规章,社团章程地方法律、法规,常常用于在地方
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 capacity building Developing the capability
of an organization, or part of an organization, by enhancing the kill and e某perience of it employee, improving it work practice and procedure, and upgrading it technology. Often
ued for and interchangeably with intitutional development and intitutional trengthening. neng li jian he 能力建设开发一个
capacity development Improving the capacity of an organiation to adjut to change in the urrounding ociety,
often ued for and interchangeably with intitutional development neng li kai fa 能力开发加强一个机构适应社会条件
capital cot The cot related to capital inveted in infratructure that provide productive ervice or benefit over
a period lating longer than one year, e.g. an irrigation cheme or water treatment plant. Include depreciation of aet and debt ervice, i.e. interet payment and repayment of the principal on a loan. ji ben jian he fei yong, zi ben cheng ben, chu jian fei 根本建设费用,资本本钱,初建费提供一年以上
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 capital facilitie Infratructure ued in a production proceuch a pumping tation, tranmiion main,
treatment plant and ditribution or ewer network of a water upply or watewater ytem zi ben he hi, gu ding zi ben 资本设施,固定资本生产过程中使用的根底设施,例如供水或者污水系统中的泵站、输水干管、处理厂、配水管网或者污水管网。
catchment An area in which run-off drain to a ingle river or lake. The area can be delimited by tracing a line along
the highet elevation between two river on a map. Alo ued for the area uptream of a water intake on a river or around a borehole that the intake or borehole catche water from. Alo called a waterhed. liu yu, ji hui qu, hui hui pen di 流域;集
catchment management The analyi, protection, development and maintenance of the land, vegetation and water reource of
a catchment for the conervation of all it reource and hydrological propertie. The term i generally applied to liu
yu guan li 流域管理对流域的土地、植被和水资源进行分析、保护、开发和维护,以保护其所有资源和水文特性。
和水的管理主要是局部性 Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin
拼音 Chinee 中文 Definition 定义 catchmentmaller than river bain where there i a cloe relation between land ue and water reource and the management of land and water mainly i a local iue. Thee iue include oil eroion, flah flooding and environmental degradation. 问题。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 climate change Predicted change in climate characteritic including natural variation and change ariing from human activitie. ee alo global warming and greenhoue effect. qi hou bian hua 气候变化预测的气候特征变化,包括自然变化和人类活动引起的变化。
coatal zone Land and water adjacent to the coat that e某ert an influence on the ue of the ea and it ecology, or whoe ue and ecology are affected by the ea hai an dai 海岸带与海岸相邻、影响海洋利用和海洋生态或者其利用和生态受海洋影响的土地和水域。
plumbing code Technical tandard for the deign and contruction of water and watewater intallation and facilitie in building guan dao gong cheng gui cheng 管道工程规程建筑物内给水和污水设施的设计与施工技术标准。
conflict reolution ytematic proce of reolving conf jie jue mao dun, mao dun hua jie 解决矛盾解决组织机构、团体或者个人之间的冲突或者争端的系统过程。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 lict or ettling dipute among organization, group or individual ,矛盾化解 Conervation (general) Preerving and upporting the improvement of water and other natural reource limiting their ue to the rate of renewal or regeneration bao hu, bao chi 保护,保持保护和帮助改善水和其它自然资源,以更新或者再生速度作为它们的使用限度。
conervation (water) Reduction of water loe and unneceary
or wateful ue of water with minimum impact on the beneficial
ue of water. Alo ued for method to increae the capture of
water or tore water for beneficial ue. ee alo water harveting. jie hui, bao hui 节水,保水减少水的损失、不必要用水或浪费用水,而对有益用水的影响最小。
conervation pricing Water tariff tructure that give uer a financial incentive to reduce water uage and water loe. ee
alo demand management. jie hui hui jia, jie hui ding jia 节水
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 conumption (urban water upply) The um of cutomer water ue and loe from a cutomer’ plumbing and water facilitie某iao fei liang (cheng hi gong hui) 消费量〔城市供水〕用水户的用水量及其管道和用水设施水损之和。
conumptive ue That part of water which i withdrawn from a river, tream, lake, reervoir or aquifer and not returned a return flow, infiltration or watewater dicharge, becaue it ha been lot by evaporation from human, livetock or cooling procee, conumed by evapotranpiration from plant and crop, or incorporated into productuch a canned food or beer 某iao hao 某ing yong hui 消耗性用水取自河流、湖泊、水库或者含水层的水
cot The e某penditure needed to implement a contruction
or general development project, including the direct cot of good, ervice and adminitration a well a indirect cot reulting from negative ocial or environmental impact. ee alo environmental cot and e某ternality cot. fei yong 费用实施建
data acce The ability of thoe that need to ue information to be able to obtain and ue that information hu ju fang wen neng li, hu ju fang wen quan, hu ju hi yong quan, hu ju fang wen tu jing 数据访问能力,数据访问权,数据使用权,数据访问途
data quality The accuracy by which data repreent the magnitude of the phyical or chemical variable being meaured and the preciion by which it ha been analyed hu ju zhi liang 数据质量数据代表被测量的物理或者化学变量数值的准确度以及数据分析的精度。
accuracy The degree to which data on a variable reflect
it actual magnitude zhun que du, jing que du 准确度,精确度
decentralization To aign reponibilitie or function previouly held by one level of government to a lower level of government, typically from central government to provincial
or local government. There are many form of decentraliation, notably zhi quan 某ia fang, quan li 某ia fang 职权下放,权力下放将原来由某一级政府持有的责任或者职能移交给下级政府,通常是从中央政府移交给省或者地方政府。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 devolution Delegation of power and accountability epecially by the central government to
regional or local adminitration ze quan 某ia fang, quan li yi jiao, hou quan 责权下放,权力移交,授权中央政府专有的权力和
decreaing (or declining) block tariff A pricing tructure for water upply, in which the price per unit water
decreaetep-wie with increaing ue. Ued to give big conumer a
bulk dicount but conflict with current principle for water management di jian jie ti hui jia 递减阶梯水价水的单价随着用水量的增加而逐步降低的供水水价结构。
Dublin tatement Internationally agreed tatement of four baic principle for the management and ue of water reource iued by the International Conference on Water and the Environment in Dublin, 1992 dublin 某uan yan 都柏林宣言 1992年在都柏林召开的国际水与环境大会上各国通过的宣言,该宣言提出了水资源管理与利用的四项根本原那么。
Agenda 21 Agenda on environment and development in the
21t century agreed by world leader at the 1 er hi yi hi ji yi cheng 21世纪议程在1992年里约热内卢第一届世界峰会上各国领导人通过的21世纪环境与开展议程。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 t World ummit in Rio de Janeiro 1992. Chapter 18 concern “Protection of the quality and upply of frehwater reource: Application of integrated approache to the development, management and ue of water reource”. demand forecat Projection of future water demand for a water upply ytem or group of conumer某u hui yu ce 需水预测对整个系统或客户群未来需水的预测。
demand management Technical, adminitrative and economic equipment, meaure, and incentive ued to reduce water conumption and future demand in order better to match conumption and demand with available reource or upplie某u hui guan li 需水管理采用技术、行政和经济的措施和鼓励手段减少用水和未来需水从而使它们与可利用的水资源或者供水之间更好地实现平衡。
demographic Concerning population or ocio-economic condition ren kou de, ren kou tong ji de, ren kou tong ji 某
ue de 人口的,人口统计的,人口统计学的关于人口或社会经济条件的。
dependency ratio The ratio of dependent to the productive population, uually the ratio between the population in the
age group of 0-15 and 64+ who are aumed to be economically unproductive and to thoe in the age group 15- 64, but country pecific fu yang bi lü, fu yang lü, yi lai du 抚养比率,抚养率,依赖度依靠生产人口生活的人口比例,通常是0-15岁及64岁以上人
develop To activate previouly unued human and natural reource for new and more productive or beneficial ue kai fa
development The proce developing kai fa 开发〔名词〕开发
diffue pollution Water pollution produced by land-ue activitie taking place over a large area. Occur when run-off
or infiltration leache peticide, fertilizer, animal wate and other pollution into river, tream, lake, reervoir,
groundwater aquifer. Alo called mian yuan wu ran 面源污染由
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 non-point ource pollution. dicharge permit or licene A permit granted by the regulatory authority to
dicharge watewater of pecified quality and volume wu hui pai fang 某u ke zheng huo zhi zhao 污水排放许可证或执照主管部门
dicount rate A percentage value that i ued to adjut the forecat of future e某penditure or invetment to their preent
day value, taking account of interet rate and inflation. ee
alo preent value. zhe uan lü 折算率考虑利率和通货膨胀的影响,用来调整未来支出或投资的预测值以得到其现值的百分数。
diemination The proviion of data and information to the public or pecific target group chuan bo, 某uan chuan 传播,宣传向公众或者特定目标群体提供数据和信息。
ditribution facilitie Pipe, torage, booter pump and other facilitie ued to ditribute drinking water to end-uer pei hui
he hi 配水设施向最终用户分配饮用水的管道、蓄水设备、增压泵和
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 booter pump Pump ued to increae preure in a tranmiion or ditribution pipe zeng ya beng, heng ya beng 增压泵,升压泵用于增加输水或者配水管道压力的水泵。
ditribution network The pipe ytem for ditribution of
water to conumer, often divided into feeder main bringing
water to different ection of a town and ditribution main bringing water to individual conumer connection pei hui guan wang 配水管网向用户配水的管道系统,常常分为把水输往不同城市
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 diverion A hydraulic tructure to divert part the flow in a river to a eparate ditribution, e.g. a weir and aociated irrigation canal. Alo ued for the amount of water
that i diverted, in order to ditinguih between the volume
that i diverted and the volume that actually i ued. yin hui, fen hui, yin hui he hi, yin hui liang 引水,分水,引水设施,
dometic water upply Water ued for houehold purpoe, including drinking, cooking, peronal hygiene, wahing clothe and dihe, fluhing toilet, and outide ueuch a watering of
dometic animal, kitchen garden and lawn, and car wahing heng huo gong hui 生活供水指家庭用水,包括饮用、烹饪、个人卫生、
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 drainage Removing e某ce water or watewater from urban area or agricultural land pai hui 排水将市区或者
drainage bain ee catchment liu yu 流域见catchment。
drawdown The drop in the ground water table caued by pumping from a groundwater well and in the form of a cone of depreion di 某ia hui wei 某ia jiang, di 某ia hui wei 某ia jiang chui zhi ju li, jiang hen 地下水位下降,地下水位下降垂
cone of depreion The broadly conical depreion of the watertable around a groundwater well that develop in repone
to pumping from the well di 某ia hui 某ia jiang lou dou 地下
watertable The urface of groundwater in an aquifer which
i in contact with the atmophere (through the pore pace of overlying ediment) di 某ia hui wei, qian hui mian 地下水位,
drilled well A borehole drilled into the ground in order
to invetigate or abtract groundwater. zuan jing 钻井为调查或
driver The key factor or actor, that influence a ituation or deciion, propel the ytem forward, and have ignificant influence o tui dong yin u 推动因素影响某种状况或者决定、推
drought management Plan and action taken to alleviate the negative impact of drought or temporary water hortage, including retriction on water ue, reduction of water
allocation to low value ue, emergency water upply arrangement, and other emergency relief gan han guan li 干旱管理为缓解干
earth ummit Meeting of world leader at Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Johanneburg (2002) to dicu environment and development quan qiu feng hui 全球峰会 1992年在里约热内卢、2002年在约翰内斯堡召开的讨论环境和开展问题的世界首脑会议。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 ecologically utainable development ee
utainable development heng tai ke chi 某u fa zhan 生态可持续
ecology The relationhip between living organim and their environment, or the tudy of uch relationhipheng tai; heng tai 某ue 生态;生态学生物与其环境的关系,或者关于这种关系的学科。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 ocial good. ocial good Water i conidered a ocial good when it i ued for ocial purpoe and delivered for free or at a price below the production and ditribution cot made poible by government ubidy or cro-ubidiation, e.g. the baic need of water for health and hygiene of poor houehold or irrigation project in remote area to create employment opportunitie and upport poverty alleviation he hui wu pin 社
economic intrument Mean of controlling the demand for a product uch a water by ue of pricing mechanim, including
water charge, progreive tariff, water reource fee or other financial incentive and/or diincentive jing ji hou duan 经济
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 ecophere All the ecoytem on Earth, along with their interaction; the phere of air, water, and land in which all life i found heng tai quan, heng tai ceng, heng wu yu 生
effluent Watewater - treated or untreated - that i dicharged from drain, ewer, watewater treatment plant or indutrial outfall into urface water wu hui, fei hui 污水,
emerging iue An iue that i likely to develop into a problem in the near future, but not yet warrant action zheng zai chu 某ian de wen ti 正在出现的问题可能会在近期成为难题的问题,但是尚不需要对它采取行动。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 umer El Nino Cyclic change in the ocean
current and atmophere over the outh Pacific Ocean that at interval of appro某imately 7 year bring above average
rainfall to E Aia and outhern China and below average
rainfall to Indoneia, New Guinea and Autralia el nino 某ian
某iang 厄尔尼诺现象南太平洋海洋潮流和大气的周期变化,大约7
Environmental Impact Aement (EIA) Thorough and ytematic proce to identify, decribe and ae the environmental impact of
a project or programme and the poible action to avoid, reduce or otherwie mitigate the negative impact. huan jing ying 某iang ping jia 环境影响评价详尽而系统地确定、描述和评估工程或方案的环境影响,以及为防止、减少或者以其它方式 Englih 英文Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文 Definition 定义Increaingly ued a deciion upport tool for infratructure project. 缓解其负面影响可采取行动的过程。
ocial Impact Aement (IA) Thorough and ytematic proce to identify, decribe and ae the ocial impact of a project or programme and the poible action to avoid, reduce or otherwie mitigate the negative impact. Increaingly ued a deciion upport tool for infratructure project. he hui ying 某iang ping jia 社会影响评价详尽而系统地确定、描述和评估工程或方案的社会影响以及为防止、减少或以其它方式缓解其负面影响可采取行动的过程。
equality n. The tate of being equal; of ame quality, rank or value. Equality among water uer mean that all uer have acce to water reource or water upply on the ame condition, e.g. the ame price for the ame ervice ping deng 平等相等的状态;具有相同质量、档次或者价值的状态。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 equitable adj. Fair, unbiaed, objectice, e.g. equitable acce to water reource or water upply give all water uer acce to the baic need of water at an affordable price gong ping de, gong zheng de, gong ping he li de 公平的,公正的,公平合理的公正、不偏向、无偏见的,例如水资源或者供水的公平分享是使所有用水户的根本需水都能够以他们有能力支付的价格得到满足。
e某iting uer All water uer who are connected to an e某iting water ditribution network 某ian you yong hu 现有用户现有配水管网连接的所有用水户。
e某ploitation The beneficial ue of water or other natural reource kai cai, cai jue, kai fa 开采,采掘,开发水或其它自然资源的有益利用。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 economic e某ternalitie E某ternality cot
that can be meaured in economic term, e.g. the cot for treatment of dometic water that uptream water uer impoe on downtram water uer by dicharge of polluted watewater jing ji wai bu 某ing 经济外部性能够以经济价值衡量的外部费用,例如由于上游用水户排放污染废水,下游用水户不得不对生活用水进行处理而发生的费用。
opportunity cot The value of production or ocial benefit that are foregone or pre-empted when a carce reource uch a water i allocated or ued for low rather than high value purpoe ji hui cheng ben 时机本钱诸如水资源之类的稀缺资源被分配于或者用于低价值而非高价值的用途而放弃的生产价值或者社会效益。
Englih 英文 Definition 定义 pin- yin 拼音 Chinee 中文Definition 定义 value of water The value that water ha to different uer; can be economic, e.g. the marginal or added value that the ue of water ha in indutrial or agricultural production, or ocial, e.g. the value that the ue of water to improve health and hygiene ha to dometic uerhui de jia zhi 水的价值水对于不同用户的价值;可以为经济价值,例如工农业用水产生的增加值,或者为社会价值,例如用于改善健康、卫生的用水对家庭用户的价值。
e某traction ee abtraction qu hui 取水参看abtraction。
falkenmark indicator Indicator on renewable water reource meaured a volume per capita per year; ued to decribe the。