Unit 4 Humour Lesson 1 课件-高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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双关语指在一定的语言环境中,利用词的多义和同音的条件,有意使 语句具有双重意义,言在此而意在彼的修辞方式。双关可使语言表达得 含蓄、幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。双关可分为谐音双关 和语义双关两类。
双关语最能发挥人的幽默和风趣。法国大文豪雨果也说:“双关语是 飞舞着的灵魂的产物。”
and true meaning, it can be difficult for writers to effectively
utilize this literary device without proper context or tone.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
though veiled by the presence of humour and wording that is
inconsistent with what is intended. However, since sarcastic
statements, as they are worded, contradict the speaker's intent
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
② 对比法 即把被讽刺的对象,在对待同一人或事的前后不同的言行进行 描述,以显示被讽刺对象的愚蠢可笑。莫泊桑的《我的叔叔于勒》 围绕于勒有无金钱,描写菲力普夫妇言行、态度,前后判若两人 的变化,使读者不难看出夫妇二人的极度虚伪、冷酷无情,进一 步揭示了资本主义社会人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。契诃夫的 《变色龙》通过描写警官奥楚蔑洛夫围绕狗的主人是谁的易变、 善变,无情地揭露了沙皇统治下社会的黑暗。
Explore two methods of creating humour
2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
讽刺手法犀利有力,而且使用灵活,或正面进攻, 或旁敲侧击,或讽刺揶揄,或正颜厉色,嬉笑怒骂, 皆成文章。归纳起来,讽刺手法大致有以下几种:
练习:What's the origin of your __a_n_x_i_e_ty__?
3. confused
confusing adj. 令人迷惑的 confuse v. 混淆,困惑 confuse...with... 把……跟……混淆
练习:He is __c_o_n_f_u_s_e_d_ about this question.
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
练习:You know I'm _f_a_i_t_h__f_u_l_ to you.
5. measurement
measure v. 测量 n. 措施,方法 measure by… 用……来衡量 be measured by 通过……测量/ 衡量 be measured in 以……方式测量/ 衡量 measure sb. for sth. 给某人量衣服尺寸 take measures/ steps/ action to do sth. 采取措施做某事 make sth. to sb.'s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物
练习:He heard the __s_c__re__a_m___ of the brakes.
7. announce
announce v. 宣布,宣告,发表 (决定、计划) announce sth. 宣告某事 announce +that从句 宣告…… announce sth.to sb. 向某人宣告某事 It is announced+ that从句 据宣布…… announcement n. 宣告 announcer n. 播音员
1. Which characters are in the story?
Story A: a famous art collector and an owner of a store. Story B: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Story C: Grock and a doctor.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
① 漫画法 漫画式的讽刺手法其特点是夸张,把人或事的假、丑、恶 加以扩大或缩小,使之变相、变形,以突出这一侧面的特征, 达到讽刺的目的。马克·吐温的《竞选州长》采用了这种手 法,揭露不同社会的光怪陆离现象,在刻画人物形象方面起 了重要作用。
E2x.pSloarrectawsmo m(讽eth刺od)s of creating humour
③ 托物法 这是一种把讽刺对象比作某物,使讽刺对象具体化、形象 化的手法。《惠子相梁》中的惠子听信传言,以为庄子来代 他为相,非常恐惧。而庄子却给他讲了一个风趣的故事,他 在故事中把自己比作鹓鶵(古代传说中像凤凰一样的鸟), 惠子比作猫头鹰,梁国则比作腐鼠。他极力描写了鹓鶵高尚 的志趣,而猫头鹰得一腐鼠便视为珍贵美味,讽刺之意溢于 言表。这种技法在诸子百家著作及《战国策》中屡有所见。
练习:We ___d__o__a_d__o_u_b__le__t_a_k_e___ to solve the
Do you like reading humorous or funny stories? Why?
Example I like reading humorous stories because I like the play on words.
Explore two methods of creating humour
1. Play on words—pun (双关语)
An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words that have the same sound but different meanings.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
As a literary device, sarcasm can convey a writer and/or
character's true feelings of frustration, anger, and even derision,
Unit 4 Humour
• Lesson 1 What's So Funny?
1. pretend
pretend to be 假装成 pretend to do 假装做 pretend to be doing 假装正在做 pretend to have done 假装已经做了 pretend + that从句 假装
练习:Accurate _m__e_a_s_u_r_e_m__e_n__t is important in science.
6. scream
scream (out) (in/ with sth.) (因伤痛、害怕和激动等) 尖叫 scream (sth.) (out) (at sb.) (向某人)高声喊/ 大声叫 scream (out) (for sb./ sth.) (为某人/ 某事)高声喊/ 大 声叫
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
④ 反说法 反说法也就是“说反话”。作为讽刺手段的“反话”,是指用肯 定、赞美的语言描述明显的丑恶、虚假的现象,表达作者的鄙 视与挖苦。《藤野先生》开头一段对“清国留学生”的描写,表 达的正是厌恶之极的情感。“实在标致极了”其实是指一点也不 标致,称他们标致,是明显的讽刺。当任何指斥的言辞都不足 以把愤怒之情表达的酣畅淋漓时,化为反语的讽刺,较之直言 指责更为有力,表达的厌恶之情更为强烈。
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
Sarcasm generally takes the form of an ironic remark, somewhat rooted in humour, that is intended to mock or satirize something. When a speaker is being sarcastic, he is saying something different than what he actually means.
4. faithful
faithful adj. 忠实的;忠诚的 a faithful reader 一位忠实的读者 faithful service 忠诚的服务 be faithful to sb./ sth. 对某人/ 某物忠诚 faithfully adv. 忠实地;忠诚地 faith n. 信念;信仰;信心 lose one's faith 失去信心
练习:They __p_r_e_t_e_n_d_ to be friendly with us.
2. anxiety
with anxiety 焦急地 anxious adj. 焦急的,渴望的 be anxious about/ for sb./ sth. 为某人/ 某事感到担心 be anxious to do sth. 渴望/ 急于做某事 anxiously adv. 焦虑地,不安地
2. Where are they?
The famous art collector was in a store. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were on a camping trip. Grock and the doctor were in a hospital.
讽刺是一种文学手法,用于暴露对象的缺点和可笑之处, 常采用夸张或反讽等方式,从而产生幽默的效果。有时用讥 刺和嘲讽笔法描写敌对的、落后的事物,有时用夸张的手法 加以暴露,以达到贬低的效果。这就是说作者在真实的基础 上,以讽刺和嘲讽的手法,揭露某些现象,批判某种行为, 使人在会心的笑声中予以否定,这种手法就是讽刺。
练习:They are going to _a_n__n_o_u__n_c_e_ their engagement.
8. do a double take
look up to 尊重,尊敬 look back 回头看;回顾 look over 检查 look up
双关语最能发挥人的幽默和风趣。法国大文豪雨果也说:“双关语是 飞舞着的灵魂的产物。”
and true meaning, it can be difficult for writers to effectively
utilize this literary device without proper context or tone.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
though veiled by the presence of humour and wording that is
inconsistent with what is intended. However, since sarcastic
statements, as they are worded, contradict the speaker's intent
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
② 对比法 即把被讽刺的对象,在对待同一人或事的前后不同的言行进行 描述,以显示被讽刺对象的愚蠢可笑。莫泊桑的《我的叔叔于勒》 围绕于勒有无金钱,描写菲力普夫妇言行、态度,前后判若两人 的变化,使读者不难看出夫妇二人的极度虚伪、冷酷无情,进一 步揭示了资本主义社会人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。契诃夫的 《变色龙》通过描写警官奥楚蔑洛夫围绕狗的主人是谁的易变、 善变,无情地揭露了沙皇统治下社会的黑暗。
Explore two methods of creating humour
2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
讽刺手法犀利有力,而且使用灵活,或正面进攻, 或旁敲侧击,或讽刺揶揄,或正颜厉色,嬉笑怒骂, 皆成文章。归纳起来,讽刺手法大致有以下几种:
练习:What's the origin of your __a_n_x_i_e_ty__?
3. confused
confusing adj. 令人迷惑的 confuse v. 混淆,困惑 confuse...with... 把……跟……混淆
练习:He is __c_o_n_f_u_s_e_d_ about this question.
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
练习:You know I'm _f_a_i_t_h__f_u_l_ to you.
5. measurement
measure v. 测量 n. 措施,方法 measure by… 用……来衡量 be measured by 通过……测量/ 衡量 be measured in 以……方式测量/ 衡量 measure sb. for sth. 给某人量衣服尺寸 take measures/ steps/ action to do sth. 采取措施做某事 make sth. to sb.'s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物
练习:He heard the __s_c__re__a_m___ of the brakes.
7. announce
announce v. 宣布,宣告,发表 (决定、计划) announce sth. 宣告某事 announce +that从句 宣告…… announce sth.to sb. 向某人宣告某事 It is announced+ that从句 据宣布…… announcement n. 宣告 announcer n. 播音员
1. Which characters are in the story?
Story A: a famous art collector and an owner of a store. Story B: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Story C: Grock and a doctor.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
① 漫画法 漫画式的讽刺手法其特点是夸张,把人或事的假、丑、恶 加以扩大或缩小,使之变相、变形,以突出这一侧面的特征, 达到讽刺的目的。马克·吐温的《竞选州长》采用了这种手 法,揭露不同社会的光怪陆离现象,在刻画人物形象方面起 了重要作用。
E2x.pSloarrectawsmo m(讽eth刺od)s of creating humour
③ 托物法 这是一种把讽刺对象比作某物,使讽刺对象具体化、形象 化的手法。《惠子相梁》中的惠子听信传言,以为庄子来代 他为相,非常恐惧。而庄子却给他讲了一个风趣的故事,他 在故事中把自己比作鹓鶵(古代传说中像凤凰一样的鸟), 惠子比作猫头鹰,梁国则比作腐鼠。他极力描写了鹓鶵高尚 的志趣,而猫头鹰得一腐鼠便视为珍贵美味,讽刺之意溢于 言表。这种技法在诸子百家著作及《战国策》中屡有所见。
练习:We ___d__o__a_d__o_u_b__le__t_a_k_e___ to solve the
Do you like reading humorous or funny stories? Why?
Example I like reading humorous stories because I like the play on words.
Explore two methods of creating humour
1. Play on words—pun (双关语)
An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words that have the same sound but different meanings.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
As a literary device, sarcasm can convey a writer and/or
character's true feelings of frustration, anger, and even derision,
Unit 4 Humour
• Lesson 1 What's So Funny?
1. pretend
pretend to be 假装成 pretend to do 假装做 pretend to be doing 假装正在做 pretend to have done 假装已经做了 pretend + that从句 假装
练习:Accurate _m__e_a_s_u_r_e_m__e_n__t is important in science.
6. scream
scream (out) (in/ with sth.) (因伤痛、害怕和激动等) 尖叫 scream (sth.) (out) (at sb.) (向某人)高声喊/ 大声叫 scream (out) (for sb./ sth.) (为某人/ 某事)高声喊/ 大 声叫
Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the stories and answers the following questions. Then share what you have read with your group members.
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
④ 反说法 反说法也就是“说反话”。作为讽刺手段的“反话”,是指用肯 定、赞美的语言描述明显的丑恶、虚假的现象,表达作者的鄙 视与挖苦。《藤野先生》开头一段对“清国留学生”的描写,表 达的正是厌恶之极的情感。“实在标致极了”其实是指一点也不 标致,称他们标致,是明显的讽刺。当任何指斥的言辞都不足 以把愤怒之情表达的酣畅淋漓时,化为反语的讽刺,较之直言 指责更为有力,表达的厌恶之情更为强烈。
Explore two methods of creating humour 2. Sarcasm (讽刺)
Sarcasm generally takes the form of an ironic remark, somewhat rooted in humour, that is intended to mock or satirize something. When a speaker is being sarcastic, he is saying something different than what he actually means.
4. faithful
faithful adj. 忠实的;忠诚的 a faithful reader 一位忠实的读者 faithful service 忠诚的服务 be faithful to sb./ sth. 对某人/ 某物忠诚 faithfully adv. 忠实地;忠诚地 faith n. 信念;信仰;信心 lose one's faith 失去信心
练习:They __p_r_e_t_e_n_d_ to be friendly with us.
2. anxiety
with anxiety 焦急地 anxious adj. 焦急的,渴望的 be anxious about/ for sb./ sth. 为某人/ 某事感到担心 be anxious to do sth. 渴望/ 急于做某事 anxiously adv. 焦虑地,不安地
2. Where are they?
The famous art collector was in a store. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were on a camping trip. Grock and the doctor were in a hospital.
讽刺是一种文学手法,用于暴露对象的缺点和可笑之处, 常采用夸张或反讽等方式,从而产生幽默的效果。有时用讥 刺和嘲讽笔法描写敌对的、落后的事物,有时用夸张的手法 加以暴露,以达到贬低的效果。这就是说作者在真实的基础 上,以讽刺和嘲讽的手法,揭露某些现象,批判某种行为, 使人在会心的笑声中予以否定,这种手法就是讽刺。
练习:They are going to _a_n__n_o_u__n_c_e_ their engagement.
8. do a double take
look up to 尊重,尊敬 look back 回头看;回顾 look over 检查 look up