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1.They are going to the _____ (公园).
2.Oxidation reactions involve the loss of ______.
3.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his theory of relativity?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Niels Bohr
D. Richard Feynman
4.古代的________ (civilizations) 如埃及和美索不达米亚有着悠久的历史。
5.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
A. Big Ben
B. Tower Bridge
C. London Eye
D. Buckingham PalaceA
6. A __________ is a crack in the Earth's surface.
7.She likes to ________ in the park.
8. A non-metal is generally a poor ______ of heat.
9.What do you call the process of turning seeds into plants?
A. Gardening
B. Planting
C. Cultivating
D. Growing
10.She is a musician, ______ (她是一位音乐家), performing at concerts.
11.I enjoy listening to ______ music.
12.My sister is my best _______ who shares secrets.
13.What do we call the process of plants making their own food?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Digestion
C. Respiration
D. Fermentation
14.I enjoy ________ (走路) in the park.
15.The __________ (历史的潮流) shapes our present.
16.I see a _____ (工人) fixing the road.
17.The ________ (moon) shines at night.
18.The invention of ________ changed the way we understand the universe.
19.__________ is the smallest unit of an element.
20. A _____ (植物人物) can share knowledge and experiences.
21.My ________ (玩具名称) is a great toy for sharing.
22.My aunt enjoys hiking in the ____ (mountains).
23.The _____ (cattail) grows near water.
24.My sister loves her _______ (我妹妹爱她的_______).
25. A polar bear has thick ______ (毛发) to stay warm.
26. A _____ is a geographical feature that attracts tourists.
27.The _____ (季节) affects what plants can grow.
28.What is the tallest mountain in the world?
A. K2
B. Kilimanjaro
C. Everest
D. FujiC
29. A _____ is a large, flat area of land without trees.
30. A _______ can be formed through ionic or covalent bonding.
31.I enjoy watching the ______ (暴风雨) from my window.
32.The _________ (玩具熊) sits on my bed and keeps me _________ (陪伴).
33.For breakfast, I usually eat ______ (面包) and drink ______ (牛奶). It gives me energy for the day.
34.My sister is my best _______ because we share everything.
35.The city of Kathmandu is the capital of _______.
36.The body part that helps us breathe is called the ______.
37. A ____ is a tiny insect that can be found in gardens.
38.What do we call a scientist who studies the Earth?
A. Biologist
B. Geologist
C. Astronomer
D. PhysicistB Geologist
39.My favorite thing to do in the morning is ______.
40.The _____ can also be seen during the day.
41.The ice cream truck is ______ (coming) down the street.
42.What do we eat for breakfast?
A. Dinner
B. Lunch
C. Pancakes
D. SnacksC
43.I have a ___ and a dog. (cat)
44.What is the main ingredient in pizza dough?
A. Rice
B. Flour
C. Corn
D. OatsB
45. A _______ can measure the amount of energy used by appliances.
46.The flamingo stands on one leg to _________ (休息).
47.What do we call the study of the Earth's physical features?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Cartography
D. Astronomy
48.How many legs does a butterfly have?
A. Four
B. Six
C. Eight
D. Ten
49.I have a ______ in my pocket.
50.My dog’s name is ________.
51.I like to go ________ (骑马) during summer.
52.The _____ (餐馆) serves international cuisine.
53.The ____ is often seen hopping around in the grass.
54. A platypus has webbed ______ (脚).
55.What is the name of the famous artist who painted the Mona Lisa?
A. Picasso
B. Van Gogh
C. da Vinci
D. Michelangelo
56.My _____ (遥控飞机) flies very high.
57.What do we call a young lion?
A. Cub
B. Puppy
C. Kitten
D. Calf
58.I enjoy visiting historical ______ (遗址) to learn about the past. It’s fascinating to see how people lived long ago.
59.What is the name of the famous river that runs through Egypt?
A. Nile
B. Amazon
C. Yangtze
D. MississippiA
60.The ____ has shiny scales and can be found in rivers.
61.The _____ (根) helps anchor the plant in soil.
62.The color of an object depends on the ______ (wavelength) of light it reflects.
63.My favorite subject is ______. (science)
64.The first African American to win a Nobel Prize was _______. (博克)
65.The flamingo stands on one _________ (腿).
66.My friend is very __________ (自信).
67.What do we call a young female goose?
A. Gosling
B. Duckling
C. Chick
D. PoultA
68.The ______ (气味) of fresh grass is delightful.
69.Light travels in straight ______.
70.The _____ (栽培) of plants is an important skill.
71.The ________ grows in many colors and sizes.
72.The main component of air is _____.
73.He is playing chess with ___. (his friend)
74._____ (苔藓) grows in moist, shady areas.
75.The owl has specialized ______ (视觉) for seeing in darkness.
76.What do you call the frozen form of water?
A. Vapor
B. Liquid
C. Ice
D. SteamC
77.What do we call the study of fossils?
A. Paleontology
B. Archaeology
C. Geology
D. AnthropologyA
78.Which instrument has keys and is played with fingers?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Drum
79.My favorite hobby is ______ (摄影). I love capturing beautiful ______ (瞬间).
80.Asteroids can be found in the ______ belt.
81.The _____ (生态系统) relies on plants for oxygen.
82.I love to eat fruit from the _____ (果园). It is fresh and delicious. 我喜欢吃果园里的水果。
83.We have a ________ (festival) every year.
84.I found a ______ under the tree.
85.The ______ is known for her friendly personality.
86.What is the primary color of a blueberry?
A. Blue
B. Purple
C. Green
D. Red
87.The _____ (seagull) flies above the beach.
88.The ancient Romans celebrated games in honor of the god ______ (朱庇特).
89.What do you call a story that is not true?
A. Fact
B. Fiction
C. History
D. Biography
90.The capital of France is ________ (法国的首都是________).
91.What do you call a person who studies plants?
A. Botanist
B. Zoologist
C. Chemist
D. Geologist
92.My dad loves to play ____ (cricket) with friends.
93.What is the capital of Germany?
A. Munich
B. Berlin
C. Frankfurt
D. HamburgB
94.Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to use tools?
A. Elephant
B. Dolphin
C. Crow
D. All of the above
95.The grass is _______ and green.
96.What is the main purpose of a compass?
A. To tell time
B. To find direction
C. To measure distance
D. To calculate weightB
97. A ________ (冰川) moves slowly down a mountain.
98.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on July 4th?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Independence Day
C. Memorial Day
D. Labor DayB
99.Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content?
A. Banana
B. Orange
C. Apple
D. GrapeB
100.I like to draw a picture of a ________.。