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Stomatology, 2019,39 (6) : 535- 538,560
错跆畸形是指牙及牙列关系的异常,被认为是 影响人类口腔功能、颜面美观、社会交往和健康相关 的主要口腔疾病之一⑷。随着学龄期儿童进入生 长发育高峰期,其颌骨生长发育较快,同时由于乳恒 牙替换的复杂性,替牙期牙颌畸形的发生率和种类 均明显增加⑺。国内学者[I]对同一地区不同年份 调查结果显示替牙期儿童错跆畸形患病率呈上升趋 势,如郑州市中小学生错胎畸形患病率由2007年的
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81500805,81670988) 作者单位:1军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学 研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,空军军医大学第三 附属医院儿童口腔科,陕西西安(710032) ;2西安交通大学口腔医院 正畸科,陕西西安(710004);3空军军医大学第一附属医院老年病 科,陕西西安(710032) 通信作者:王小竞 Tel( Fax) :(029)84776083
惯的儿童其错粘畸形发生的危险性为正常儿童的2.2-6.6倍(P<0.001)。结论 渭南地区替牙期儿童错粘畸形患病率较高,
应采取有针对的干预措施以降低其患病情况。 [关键词]流行病学调查;错粘畸形;替牙期;患病率
[中图分类号]R780.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1003-9872(2019)06-0535-05 [doi] 10.1359 l/ki.kqyx.2019.06.011
地区3所小学707名6~12岁儿童,对其咬合情况进行检查,调査与错粘畸形相关的危险因素并对数据进行统计分析。结果 受检儿童中有一种或多种错粘畸形的患病率为34.7%,在各种错粘畸形类型中深覆粘患病率最高,为9.9%,有口腔不良习
Investigation and analysis of the prevalence of malocclusion among children in mixed dentition in Weinan HUI Zeming, YANG Kuan, WANG Zirui, WANG Junhui, GUO Feifei, DAI Jianli, WANG Xiaojing. ( State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, Shaanxi Clinical Research Center of Oral Diseases, Department of Pe­ diatric Dentistry , School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi an 710032, China) Abstract: Objective To understand the prevalence of malocclusion among children in mixed dentition in Weinan through epidemio­ logical investigation, and to provide a scientific basis for early correction. Methods According to the principle of stratified random sampling, 707 children aged 6-12 in three primary schools in Weinan were selected to check their occlusion, and the risk factors asso­ ciated with malocclusion were investigated and the data were statistically analyzed. Results The prevalence of one or more malocclu・ sions in the children examined was 34.7%. The prevalence of deep overbite was 9.9% in all types of malocclusions, and the malocclu­ sion occurred in children with bad oral habits, whose risk was 2.2-6.6 times higher than that of normal children (P<0.001 ). Conclu­ sion The prevalence of malocclusion among children in mixed dentition in Weinan is high, and targeted interventions should be taken to reduce the prevalence of disease. Key words: epidemiology ; malocclusion ; mixed dentition ; prevalence
E-mail: wxjing@
48.08%±升到2012年的50.03%,齐齐哈尔市小学 生错胎畸形患病率由2004年的42.22%±升到2009 年的50.04%o已有研究表明,恒牙列的错胎畸形在 很大程度上同早期替牙列错殆畸形的存在及发展密 切相关,并且随着时间的推移,错胎畸形有逐渐加重 的趋势⑴。因此,如何在乳恒牙替换的关键时期给 予相应的预防及干预措施,以减轻成年后错胎畸形 的严重程度及治疗需求显得尤为重要。