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第 41 卷第 2 期 2 0 2 0年2月
Vol. 41 No. 2 Feb. 2020
侯宇, 黄振贵, 郭则庆, 陈志华, 刘如石, 罗驭川
( 南京理工大学 瞬态物理国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 21小入水角高速斜入水性能,利用高速摄像技术开展了超空泡射弹入
( National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: The shallow鄄angle oblique water鄄entry of a high鄄speed supercavitating projectile is studied by using the high鄄speed photography technology. The characteristics of the ballistic trajectory, splash forma鄄 tion and underwater pressure wave propagation during the initial water鄄entry impact at different sideslip angles are observed and analyzed from the underwater pressure signal monitored along the left side of the trajectory. The results show that the small sideslip angle of the projectile has few effect on the smooth cavity formation and the enter trajectory stability during the high鄄speed oblique water鄄entry at small entry angle. The larger sideslip angle is able to lead to the severe water atomization in the cavity, the ballistic deflection and the projectile damage. The increase in the sideslip angle can exacerbate this instability. The impacts of the cavitator and the warhead conical section on the free surface at a small entry angle make the splash be an approximate symmetrical “ butterfly shape冶 in birds鄄eye view. The sideslip angle has inverse influence on the symmetry of the front half of splash comparing with the rear half of splash. Large changes are presented in the splash range with the increase in sideslip angle. The symmetry axis of
摇 摇 收稿日期: 2019鄄03鄄18 基金项目: 装备发展部装备预先研究基金项目(61426040303162604004、614260403041803) ;中央高校基本科研业务费专 项项目 (309190112A2、30917012101) ;江苏省研究生科研与创新计划项目( KYCX19_0259) 作者简介: 侯宇(1993—) ,男,博士研究生。 E鄄mail: houyu@ njust. edu. cn 通信作者: 黄振贵(1986—) ,男,副研究员,硕士生导师。 E鄄mail: hzgkeylab@ njust. edu. cn
Experimental Investigation on Shallow鄄angle Oblique Water鄄entry of a High鄄speed Supercavitating Projectile
HOU Yu, HUANG Zhengui, GUO Zeqing, CHEN Zhihua, LIU Rushi, LUO Yuchuan
摇 摇 关键词: 超空泡射弹; 小入水角; 入水试验; 侧滑角; 喷溅; 水下压力波
摇 摇 中图分类号: TJ630郾 1
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1000鄄1093(2020)02鄄0332鄄10
摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1000鄄1093. 2020. 02. 015
水试验。 沿水下弹道轨迹的左侧等距布置压力传感器测试压力变化,分析弹体不同侧滑角入水冲
击过程的弹道轨迹、喷溅演变和水下压力波传播特征。 结果表明:对于射弹小入水角高速斜入水,
器及圆锥段斜面与水面的撞击使得入水喷溅在俯视下呈左右近似对称的“ 蝶冶 状,侧滑角对前半部