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Series... 序列 (S)...ustify 内容重排 (J)Clear 清除 (A)All全部(A) Formats 格式 (F)Comments 批注 (M)Delete... 删除 (D)...Delete Sheet 删除工作表 (L)Move or Copy Sheet... 移动或复制工作表(M)Find... 查找 (F)...Replace... 替换 (E)...Go To... 定位 (G)...Links... 链接 (K)...Object 对象 (O)View 视图 (V)Normal 普通 (N)Page Break Preview 分页预览 (P)Task Pane 任务窗格 (K)Toolbars 工具栏 (T)Standard 常用Formatting 格式Borders 边框Chart 图表Control Toolbox 控件工具箱Drawing 绘图External Data 外部数据Forms 窗体Formula Auditing 公式审核List 列表Picture 图片PivotTable 数据透视表Protection 保护Reviewing 审阅Text To Speech 文本到语音Visual Basic Visual BasicWatch Window 监视窗口WebWebWordArt 艺术字Customize... 自定义 (C)...Formula Bar 编辑栏 (F)Status Bar 状态栏 (S)Header and Footer... 页眉和页脚 (H)... Comments 批注 (C)Custom Views... 视图管理器 (V)...Full Screen 全屏显示 (U)Zoom... 显示比例 (Z)...Insert 插入(I)Cells... 单元格 (E)Rows 行(R)Columns 列(C)Worksheet 工作表 (W)Chart... 图表 (H)...Symbol... 符号 (S)... 音”工具栏 (T)Function... 函数 (F)... Shared Workspace... 共享工作区 (D)... Name 名称 (N) Share Workbook... 共享工作簿 (B)... Define... 定义 (D)... 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Activate Product... 激活产品 (V)...New Web Query... 新建 Web 查询 (W)...New Database Query... 新建数据库查询Customer Feedback Options... 客户反馈选(N)... 项(F)...Edit Query... 编辑查询 (E)... About Microsoft Office Excel 关于Data Range Properties... 数据区域属性Microsoft Office Excel(A)(A)...Parameters... 参数 (M)...List列表(I)Create List... 创建列表 (C)...Resize List... 重设列表大小 (R)...Total Row 汇总行 (T)Convert to Range 转换为区域 (V)Publish List... 发布列表 (P)...View List on Server 在服务器上查看列表(L)Unlink List 取消链接列表 (U)Synchronize List 同步列表 (Y)Discard Changes and Refresh 放弃更改并刷新 (D)Hide Border of Inactive Lists 隐藏非活动列表的边框 (B)XMLXML(X)Import... 导入 (I)...Export... 导出 (E)...Refresh XML Data 刷新 XML 数据 (R)XML Source... XML 源 (X)...XML Map Properties... XML 映射属性(P)...Edit Query... 编辑查询 (Q)...XML Expansion Packs... XML 扩展包 (A)...Refresh Data刷新数据(R)。

培训员工《文件管理流程》 英文

培训员工《文件管理流程》 英文

培训员工《文件管理流程》英文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, today we're going to talk about something super important for our job - document management process! I know it sounds all fancy and boring, but trust me, it's really important to get this right so we don't mess things up at work.First things first, let's talk about what documents are. Documents are any written or printed material that contains information. This can be anything from reports, emails, memos, to spreadsheets and presentations. It's basically anything that we need to keep track of for our work.Now, why do we need to manage these documents? Well, because we need to make sure they are organized and easy to find when we need them. Imagine trying to find an important report in a big messy pile of papers - not fun, right? So that's why we have a document management process in place.The document management process includes things like creating, storing, retrieving, updating, and disposing ofdocuments. We need to make sure that we follow the right steps for each of these tasks to keep things running smoothly at work.One key thing to remember is to always label your documents properly. This means giving them clear and descriptive names so we can easily identify what they are. It's also important to store them in the right folders or drives so we know where to find them later.Another important tip is to always update your documents when needed. This means making changes or adding new information when things are updated. We don't want to be working off of outdated information, right?And finally, when it's time to dispose of a document, make sure to do it properly. This means shredding any confidential information and following the company's policies for disposing of documents.So there you have it, guys! Document management process doesn't have to be boring or complicated - just remember to keep things organized and follow the right steps. Let's all work together to keep our documents in check and make our job a whole lot easier!篇2Hey guys, today we are going to talk about the "Document Management Process", which is super important for all of us at work. Document management is all about organizing, storing, and keeping track of all the important files and papers in the office. It helps us to work more efficiently and make sure that we don't lose any important information.First things first, it's important to always date and label your documents clearly. This way, we can easily find what we need and know when it was created. It's like giving each document its own name tag so we can recognize it right away.Secondly, we should always save our documents in the right folders on our computers or in filing cabinets. Just like how we organize our toys or books at home, we need to keep our documents in the right place so we can find them quickly when we need them.Another important thing to remember is to back up your documents regularly. This means making a copy of all your important files and saving them in a different place. It's like having a spare key to your house in case you lose the original key.Lastly, when it's time to get rid of old documents that we no longer need, we should shred or delete them properly. This is tomake sure that no one can access our private information or use it in the wrong way.By following these document management tips, we can all work more efficiently and keep our workspace neat and organized. So let's all do our part in managing our documents properly and make our workday easier!篇3Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "File Management Process" at work. It may sound a bit boring, but trust me, it's super important!First things first, let's talk about why file management is so crucial. Basically, it helps us keep our work organized, makes it easy to find important documents, and ensures that everything is securely stored.Now, let's break down the file management process step by step:1. Organizing files: Make sure to create folders for different categories of documents (like reports, client information, invoices, etc.) This way, you can easily find what you need without wasting time searching!2. Naming files: Always use clear and descriptive names for your files. Avoid using generic names like "document1" or "file123", as it will make it much harder to locate specific documents later on.3. Backing up files: Remember to regularly back up important files to prevent data loss. You can use external hard drives, cloud storage, or even emails to save copies of your work.4. Security: Keep your files secure by setting up passwords, restricting access to sensitive information, and being cautious about sharing documents with others.5. Cleaning up: Don't forget to regularly clean up your files by deleting unnecessary documents or archiving old ones. This will help keep your work space clutter-free and efficient.That's it for today's lesson on file management. Remember, staying organized and efficient in managing your files will make your work life much easier and smoother. So, let's start implementing these tips and rock at managing our files like pros! Stay organized, stay on top!篇4Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about a very important topic - "Document Management Process". It may sound like a boring topic, but trust me, it's super important for our work. So, let's dive into it!First things first, what is document management process? Well, it's basically how we handle, organize, and store all the important documents in our workplace. This includes things like emails, reports, memos, and all kinds of files. Having a good document management process will help us work more efficiently and avoid any messy situations.Now, let's talk about some tips on how to manage documents effectively. Firstly, always name your files properly so you can easily find them later. Don't just name it "document1" or "report2", be specific! For example, "Monthly Sales Report March 2021". This way, you can quickly locate the file you need without wasting time.Secondly, create folders to categorize different types of documents. For example, you can have folders for finance, marketing, HR, etc. This will make it easier for you to navigate through your files and find what you're looking for.Another important tip is to regularly back up your files. Imagine if your computer crashes and you lose all yourimportant documents - that would be a disaster! So, make sure to save your files on a cloud service or an external hard drive to avoid any data loss.Lastly, don't forget to update and review your document management process regularly. As our work evolves, so do our documents. So, make sure to adapt your process to meet the changing needs of your work environment.In conclusion, having a solid document management process is crucial for our work. By following these simple tips, we can keep our documents organized, accessible, and secure. Remember, a tidy workspace equals a tidy mind!That's all for today, folks! I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Happy document managing!篇5Hello everybody! Today I want to talk about something super important - file management process. It may sound boring, but trust me, it's really really important to know how to manage files properly.So, what is file management? It's basically the way we organize and store our documents and files so we can find them easily when we need them. It's like keeping your room clean and tidy so you can find your favorite toy right away!First, let's talk about naming files. When you save a document on your computer, give it a clear and descriptive name so you know what it is just by looking at the name. Don't just leave it as "Document1" or "Untitled" - that's like not putting a label on your toy box!Next, let's talk about folders. Folders are like different rooms in your house where you can keep similar documents together. For example, you can create a folder for all your school work, another folder for your favorite games, and so on. This way, you can find what you need quickly without searching through all your files.Oh, and remember to back up your files regularly! It's like making a copy of your favorite drawing in case the original gets lost or damaged. You can save your files on an external hard drive, a USB drive, or in the cloud.By following these simple file management tips, you can keep your digital files organized and easily accessible. It may seem like a small thing, but it can save you a lot of time andfrustration in the long run. So, let's all be file management pros and keep our digital lives in order!篇6Hi guys! Today, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to train our staff about the document management process. It’s super important to keep all our files organized and easy to find, so let’s dive right in!First off, make sure to explain to your team the importance of document management. Let them know that it helps us stay organized, saves time, and prevents important information from getting lost.Next, teach them about the different types of documents we use in the company. These can include emails, reports, invoices, and more. Each type of document should be stored in the appropriate folder or system to make it easy to locate later on.It’s also crucial to show your team how to name files properly. Use clear and descriptive names so that anyone can understand what the document is about without having to open it. Avoid using generic names like “document1” or“report2”.Furthermore, explain the importance of backing up important files. Encourage your team to regularly save their work to a shared drive or cloud storage to prevent data loss in case of a computer crash or other issues.Lastly, make sure to train your staff on how to properly secure sensitive information. Teach them about password protection, encryption, and other security measures to keep our company’s data safe from unauthorized access.By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped to manage documents effectively. Remember, a well-organized document management system is key to the success of any business. Good luck with your training, and happy file organizing!篇7Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "Document Management Process" in our company. It's super important because it helps us keep all our files organized and easy to find. Let's dive in!First, when we receive a new document, we need to make sure to save it in the right folder on the computer. This will helpus keep track of everything and make sure we can access it whenever we need to.Next, we need to give the document a clear and descriptive name. This way, we can easily search for it later on if we need to find it quickly. It's like giving each document its own special nickname!After that, we need to make sure to update any changes in the document. If there are any new versions or edits, we should save them with a new name or in a separate folder. This will help us keep track of the most recent information.Lastly, we should regularly review and clean out our files. If there are any documents we no longer need, we should delete them or move them to an archive folder. This will help us keep our computer nice and tidy.Remember, keeping our files organized is super important for the success of our company. So let's make sure to follow these document management processes carefully. Happy filing, everyone!篇8Hey guys! Today we are going to talk about the "Document Management Process". It's super important to know how to manage documents properly in the workplace. So let's get started!First things first, what is a document? A document is any piece of paper, file, or electronic record that has important information on it. It could be a report, a memo, an email, or even a sticky note. It's really important to keep all these documents organized and easy to find when you need them.Now, let's talk about the document management process. This process includes creating, storing, organizing, and retrieving documents. When you create a document, make sure to name it something that makes sense and saves it in the right folder on your computer or in a file cabinet. This will make it easier to find later on.When storing documents, make sure to use safe and secure methods. You can store electronic documents on a server or cloud storage, and physical documents in a locked cabinet. This will protect sensitive information and keep everything organized.Organizing documents is super important too. You can use folders, labels, or tags to group similar documents together. This will make it easier to find what you need quickly and efficiently.And finally, when you need to retrieve a document, make sure you know where to look for it. Keep track of where you save your documents and remember to update them regularly.So there you have it, the document management process in a nutshell. Remember to keep your documents organized, secure, and easy to find. This will make your work life a whole lot easier!篇9Hello everyone, today I'm gonna talk about the super-duper important subject of "Document Management Process". So, let's get started and learn all about it!First of all, what is document management? Well, it's all about how we organize and store our files and papers in a neat and tidy way. It's like having a perfect system to keep all our stuff in order. And why is it so important? Because when we need to find something, we can do it super quick and not waste time searching around.Now, let's talk about the steps in document management. Step one is to decide what kind of documents we have. Are they important papers, drawings, or maybe photos? Once we know that, we can move on to step two which is sorting them out and putting them in different folders or boxes. Step three is labelingeverything so we know what's inside. It's like giving each document a name so we can find it easily later.Next, we have step four which is storing the documents in a safe place. We need to make sure they won't get lost or damaged. Maybe we can put them in a filing cabinet or a special storage room. And finally, step five is about sharing the documents with others if needed. We should always ask permission before giving out any confidential information.So, that's the basic idea of document management. It's all about being organized and keeping our files safe and easy to find. Remember, the better we manage our documents, the smoother our work will be. So, let's all work together and make our document management process super awesome! Thanks for listening, bye-bye!篇10Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "File Management Process" at work. It's super important to keep our files organized and up-to-date, so let's dive in!First off, let's talk about creating new files. When we have a new project or document to work on, we need to make sure tosave it in the right folder on our computer. This helps us easily find it later on and keeps everything neat and tidy.Next, let's chat about naming our files. It's best to use clear and descriptive names that tell us what the file is about. For example, instead of naming a file "Untitled Document," we could name it "Sales Report October 2021." This makes it much easier to know what each file is without having to open it.Now, let's discuss organizing our files into folders. Folders are like virtual filing cabinets for our documents. We can create different folders for different projects or departments to keep things sorted. It's like having separate drawers for our toys or books at home - everything has its place!Lastly, let's touch on backing up our files. It's crucial to regularly back up our important files to avoid losing them in case of computer crashes or accidents. We can save copies to an external hard drive or use cloud storage services to keep our files safe and sound.Remember, good file management skills make our work easier and more efficient. So let's keep our files organized, named correctly, and backed up regularly. Keep up the good work, team!。




To control all the company management systems documents and external origin documents and to ensure all the documents at relevant points of use are effective based on the standard, customer and regulatory requirements.合用于公司质量( ISO/TS 16949 ) 、环境( ISO 14001 ) 、安全( OHSAS 18001) 管理体系文件及外来文件的控制。

Be applicable to control all the company quality ( ISO/TS 16949 ) & environment ( ISO 14001 ) & safety ( OHSAS 18001) management systems documents and external origin documents.3.1 文件名Document name:文件封面及页眉里标题项下所显示的名称为文件名。

Document name is described on the document cover page and under the title of each page header.3.2 外来文件External Document国际、国家行业标准和非公司内部制定的文件和设计的图纸,包括合用的法律法规文本、顾客或者供应商提供的资料、质量标准、技术要求、顾客提供的图纸等。

Industrial standards of international and internal, and documents compiled and blueprint designed by external company. Including applicable laws & regulations, the material offered by customer and supplier,quality standard,technical requirements,blueprint provided by customers, etc.3.3 受控文件To be controlled document按照发放范围登记、分发或者独立存档管控,并能保证收回以防止失效作废文件的非预期使用的文件。



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RE文件管理器 中英对照

RE文件管理器 中英对照

小编刚刚接触RE 下载的也是英文版一看很多单词都认识上网找吧一看大家都如我一样好吧在线翻译废话不多说下面是我整理的主要的英文翻译(根据自身使用翻译的或许不准望各位谅解)一进入界面的ROOT小编认为是用户获取root权限后才能显示的这里面有常见的system 等等诸类文件STORAGE就是你本人的内存了Mounted as r/w 就是中文版中的挂载为读/写r是指read(读)w:是指write(写)点击下面的加号是新建由上到下分别是Floder:文件夹File:文件root tab:根标签local storage tab:本地存储的标签external sd card tab:外部SD卡标签google drive tab:谷歌驱动器标签Box tab:应该是建立一个本地的储存dropbox tab:在线储存(会打开你的浏览器往后没试过)network tab:网络标签菜单键(手机上)refresh:使恢复(这是英文翻译小编认为是刷新)preferences:喜好Exit:退出下面是preferences里面:view mode:观察模式{detailed list:清单(会很清楚的告诉用户文件时间类型等小编就采取这个模式)simple list:简单表格icons:表格}tab visibility:标签可见性{由上往下依次是总是显示:总是隐藏;自动在此小编就不打英文了)lcon set:图标集{前几个都是更换颜色后两:original icons from version:从原版的原始图标custom:习惯}list folders first:第一个列表文件夹show image thumbnails:显示图像的缩略图show friendly file sizes:显示友好的文件大小info bar mode:信息栏模式(第一个是显示使用和未使用的空间第二个是显示名称)zip/tar create folder:压缩创建文件夹①archive extract floder:存档中提取的文件夹②①②都是路径(小编认为记住路径即可,若自己更换可要牢记位置啊)external sd path:外部的SD路径(这个有用户自己来定)Remember paths:应该是记住用户使用的路径长按文件夹会出现选项permissions:许可owner:物主所有者{execute:执行完成group:分类UID:用户识别GID:组标识,组标识符cancel:取消}properties:所有权特性属性详细信息add bookmark:添加书签view as text:查看文本open in text editor:在文本编辑器中打开Create tar:创建压缩文件(Gzip:压缩程序)create shortcut:创建快捷方式install 安装(点击.apk文件会出现)编辑比较匆忙看起来或许会很乱望各位谅解小编仅仅起到一个翻译作用大家若是不好掌握推荐大家用ES文件浏览器。


4.2Control of documents文件控制 ....................... 15
4.3Control of records记录控制 .......................... 16
5.Management responsibility管理职责 ........................... 16
7.4.2Purchasing information采购信息 ........................ 25
7.4.3Verification of purchased product产品的验证 ......................... 25
7.5 Production and service provision, operational control of environment and occupational health and safety生产和服务的提供、环境、职业健康与安全运行控制 ................................................................... 25
5.1Management commitment管理承诺 .................... 16
5.2Customer orientation 以顾客为关注焦点 ....................... 16
5.3Quality environment safety policy质量、环境、职业健康安全方针 ...... 17
危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制的策划 ................ 18
5.4.5Statuary and regulatory requirements and others法律法规和其他要求 ......... 18

Document Control文件控制程序(中英文)

Document Control文件控制程序(中英文)

1.1 PURPOSE 目的1.1 This procedure provides guidelines for minimum control requirements necessary for a document tobe controlled, to ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of *** Automotive Technologies Co., Ltd. management system documents.本程序是规定了****汽车科技有限公司对管理体系文件和资料的控制与管理,确保管理体系文件的适宜性、充分性和有效性。

1.2 SCOPE 范围2.1 This procedure applies to controlled documents identified as part of the Management System for alldocuments issued and controlled in MMK:本程序适用于MMK的管理体系有关的受控文件2.1.1 Quality manual, procedures, working instructions质量手册,程序文件,作业指导书;2.1.2 Technical documents (including internal and customer);技术文件(包括内部的和从客户处获得的);2.1.3 External documents: e.g. legal and other standards etc.外来文件:法律法规以及相关标准。

3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Controlled Document:Any document essential to the functioning of a process that needs to beavailable in its latest form.受控文件:流程运作的基本文件,这些文件必须保持最新版本。



CONFIDENTIALITY PROCEDURE 10 DECEMBER 2010SYNOPSISCONTENTSCONTENTS (3)1.PURPOSE 目的 (4)2.RESPONSIBILITYS 职责 (5)3.CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SCOPE (6)4.STORAGE,COPY, DISTRIBUTION, BORROW AND DISPOSAL (7)4.1Storage and Copy (7)4.2Distribution (7)4.3Disposal (8)APPENDIX 1– CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION REGISTERAPPENDIX 2– CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT CHECKLIST1. PURPOSE 目的This procedure provides the necessary requirements and guidelines for controlling confidential documents to assure XX COMPANY personnel are aware of storage, copy, distribution, and disposal confidential documentation.本程序旨在提供了一些必要的要求和准则,用于控制保密级别的文件以确保XX公司员工明确保密文件的存储,复印,发布和销毁的程序。

2. RESPONSIBILITYS 职责XX Manager is responsible for the implementation of this procedure in order to protect the company and client intellectual property information.为了更好的对公司和业主的知识产权进行保护XX经理负责实施本程序。




Purpose:Control the manufacturing equipments so that their capability will satisfy the production requirements.2适用范围:适用于本公司所有设备(包括工装夹具)的管理。

Applicable Scope:Apply to all of equipments in the company (including fixtures).3职责 Responsibility:3.1采购部负责生产设备的采购工作。

Purchasing Dept. shall be responsible for purchasing equipments.3.2设备使用部门负责编制本部门的设备操作规程,做好设备状态标识、管理,建立和维护设备台帐。

The using depts. shall prepare operation rules of equipments, ake state identification of equipment, as well manage, establish and maintain the Equipment List.3.3设备操作员负责设备使用及设备的日常维护和保养工作。

The operators shall be responsible for operation and daily maintenance of equipments.4 工作程序 Work Procedure:4.1设备的采购 Purchasing4.1.1各设备使用部门依据批准的“开支计划”和“固定资产申请表”,提交“采购申请单”,由采购部按《采购控制程序》执行。

The using dept. shall put in the “Purchasing Application”, according to the approved “Capital Assets Investment Application Report”, and then the Purchasing Dept. will implement it by the “Purchasing Control Procedure”.4.1.2必要时,由设备使用部门根据设备相关技术工艺要求,列出具体的设备技术参数或提供相关供方的联系方式,以协助采购部开展设备的采购工作;对贵重设备的采购可协同到供方进行设备的现场考查确认。



文件管理与控制程序Documents management and control procedure1.目的Purpose确保环境管理体系文件、适用的外来文件(有关的法律、法规、标准、相关方提供的文件或规范)使用的有效性。

To assure the2.适用范围 scope适用于对环境管理体系相关文件及适用的外来文件的控制。

It is apply to theenvironment management system relation documents and usable external documents’ control.3.职责Responsibility3.1 环工组:负责环境管理体系文件及适用的外来文件的归口管理;负责监控文件的执行。

The environment team: to manage and be in charge of environment management documents and external documents.3.2 各部门individual department:确保各相关场所均使用现行文件的有效版本。

To ensureThe relative workplace is using the current effective documents.4.工作程序Work procedure4.1文件控制范围包括:documents control’s scopea)环境管理手册;environment management manual;b)环境管理体系程序文件;environment management system procedure documents;c)环境管理体系作业指导文件;the work instruction documents for environment management system;d)环境记录表格;environment record form;e)外来文件。




Purpose: In order to ensure the effective and continuous implementation of the quality management, fully meet the requirements of ISO9001:2000 standard, specially make the procedure so as to implement audit action and verify the effectiveness of the quality management system and to take corrective or preventive action if needed.2.0 范围:本厂所开展的内部质量审核的全部活动均适用本程序。

Scope: applies to all the actions relating to internal quality audit.3.0 职责Responsibility3.1 管理者代表:负责年度内审计划的拟定并计划组织实施。

Management Representative: responsible for the annual internal audit plan and its implementation.3.2 内审组长:负责制定审核日程并具体组织、指导内审作业。

Internal audit leader: responsible for making audi agenda and instructing audit. 3.3 内审员:负责按审核计划要求对相关单位实施审核。



Control Procedure of Documents 文件管理程序Prepared by Date _____________编制:日期:Approved by Date _____________批准:日期:********************Subsidiary Equipment Co., Ltd.*************1. General总则1.1 This procedure describes the responsibility and requirements for the Quality Control Manual, design documents, technology documents, working procedure’s numbering, preparation, approval, distribution, revision and maintaining.本程序规定了ASME规范产品的质量控制手册、质量管理程序、设计文件、工艺文件的编号、编制、审批、修改发放及保存的责任和要求。

2. Stipulate for numbering of QC Manual.质量控制手册编号规定2.1 Document number of QC Manual: XX01质量控制手册的文件号:XX012.2 The numbering of QC Manual:质量控制手册的编号:**Is Natural Sequence No(01、02、03···)为自然顺序号01、02、03···2.3 The numbering of QC Manual is the same as shown in Controlled Manual Issuing List i.e. each Manual Holder has an applicable numbering manual.质量控制手册的编号和《在控手册发放表》上所示的编号相同,即每一个手册持有者有一本相应编号的手册。



to be discussed, issued or implemented, they all can adopt the communication way of having the meeting. Usually,
编号(No.):QP-人-003 版本 (Edition): A版
编号(No.):QP-人-003 版本 (Edition): A版
Internal Communication Management Procedure
修订 (RevisionБайду номын сангаас:
发行日期(Issuing date): 2002/0/26 生效日期(Effective date): 2002/09/28 页 次(Page): 1/3页(1 of 3 pages)
When make the report, the lower lever department shall notify the opper supervisor the report intention in advance,
so as to let him arrange the suitable time to debrief, the report time is usually arranged in the working office of the upper supervisor. 6.1.4 会议:凡部门内部有重要的生产工作任务需要传递、宣传或部门之间有重要事务需要协调,或本厂有 重要的生产工作举措需要讨论、发布执行时,均可按举行会议的方式进行沟通协调,会议一般应安排 在专设的会议室进行,以保持其良好的环境和应有的严谨气围。责任部门应视需要作好会议记录。 Meeting: If there are important working task need to be transmitted, publicized in the department, or there are important affairs need to be coordinated between the department, or there are important production work need



Document Control Procedure文件管理程序1.0 Purpose目的Define the requirements and responsibilities for Document control.定义出文件控制的要求和权责。

2.0 Scope范围This procedure applies to all QMS documentation, including: quality manual, procedure, WI, external document and form.适用于与质量管理体系有关的所有文件。


3.0 Definitions定义3.1 Quality Manual: According to the requirements of International and national standard (suchas ISO9001), describe quality management system documentation in Co-active.3.1质量手册:根据相关国际或国家标准(如ISO9001)要求,阐述本公司质量管理体系的文件。

3.2 Procedure: Define the function of QMS requirement allocation by department. Such as documentcontrol, management review, internal audit procedure.3.2程序文件:描述为实施质量管理体系要求所涉及的各职能部门的活动的文件。


3.3 Working Instruction: Operation procedures, inspection standards, design drawing and etc.3.3操作指导书:操作规程、检验标准、加工图纸等。



Page: 1/12Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序姓名Name职位Position签名Sign日期Date编写Author 审核 Reviewers 批准 Approval分发Diffusion 人事部 HR品质部 QA 船务部 SH 生产部 PRO. 采购部 PUR. 财务部 FA.开发部 PD. 货仓部 WH. 管代 M.R. 总经理 GM 接收人Applicable to版本号Version 日期 Date 修订描述Modification description修订人 By A0 2010-01-15无 /目的OBJECTIVE 2 范围SCOPE 2 定义与缩写DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS 2 概述GENERAL TOPICS 2 特性PARTICULARITIES 2 正文PROCEDURAL ELEMENTS 3 流程FLOW CHART 3 任务描述TASKS DESCRIPTION 4 参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 12 记录RECORDS 12关键字Key words: 质量文件Quality documentPage: 2/12Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序Objective 目的To specify the way to manage the document system and to help QF members to draft and use quality documents to avoid misusage of quality documents.确定文件系统的管理方法,提供质量文件的起草和使用方法,以防误用。

__________________________________________________________Scope 范围Applied to all quality documents established, including external origin documents适用于建立的所有质量文件,也包括外来文件。



Windows系统文件名中英文对照表Windows系统文件名中英文对照表 (1)A↑ (1)B↑ (2)D↑ (3)E↑ (4)F↑ (5)G↑ (5)H↑ (6)I↑ (6)J↑ (7)K↑ (8)L↑ (8)M↑ (8)N↑ (10)O↑ (11)P↑ (11)Q↑ (12)R↑ (12)S↑ (12)T↑ (15)U↑ (16)V↑ (17)W↑ (18)X↑ (19)当您电脑有问题时候,(比如中毒),您想把问题的文件找出来,可千万千万不要删错文件,下面的系统文件详解或许对您解决问题有很大帮助。

注:很多病毒都会跑到system32目录下,假如确定了,您就可以在windows安全模式下把它删掉了,在杀毒软件没升级之前,您也可以安全无忧!A↑ACCESS.CHM - Windows帮助文件ACCSTAT.EXE - 辅助状态指示器ADVAPI32.DLL - 高级Win32应用程序接口AHA154X.MPD - SCSI驱动程序AM1500T.VXT - 网卡驱动程序AM2100.DOS - 网卡驱动程序APPSTART.ANI - 动画光标APPS.HLP - Windows帮助文件AUDIOCDC.HLP - "易码编码解码器"帮助文件AWARDPR32.EXE - 增加打印机工具B↑BIGMEM.DRV - BIGMEM虚拟设备BILLADD.DLL - 动态链接库(支持MSW)BIOS.VXD - 即插即用BIOS接口BUSLOGIC.MPD - SCSI驱动程序C↑CALC.EXE - 计算器应用程序CANNON800.DRV - 佳能打印机驱动程序 - MSDOS命令CHS16.FON - 字体文件(16点阵中文)CANYON.MID - MIDI文件例子CARDDRV.EXE - PCMCIA支持程序CDFS.VXD - CDROM文件系统CDPLAYER.EXE - CD播放器应用程序CDPLAYER.HLP - CD播放器帮助文件CHIPS.DRV - 芯片技术显示驱动程序CHKDSK.EXE - DOS磁盘检查工具CHOOSUSR.DLL - 网络客户CHOKD.WAV - 声音文件例子CIS.SCP - 脚本文件(演示如何建立与Compuserve的PPP连接) CLAIRE~1.RMI - MINI序列CLIP.INF - 安装信息文件(剪粘板查看器)CLOSEWIN.AVI - 影片剪辑(AVI)(如何关闭窗口)CMC.DLL:Mail - API1.0公共信息调用COMBUFF.VXD - COM端虚拟设备COMCTL32.DLL - 32位Shell组件COMDLG32.DLL - 32位公共对话库COMIC.TIF - TrueType字体文件(Comic Sans Ms) - 公共对话库COMMDLG.DLL - 16位公共对话库COMMON.HLP - OLE帮助文件COMPOBJ.DLL - OLE16/32互*作库CONAGEN.EXE - 32位控制支持CONFAPI.DLL - Microsoft网络组件CONFIG.SYS - 配置文件CONFIG.TXT - 自述文件(配置文件中如何使用命令) CONTROL.EXE - "控制面板"应用程序COOL.DLL - 统一资源定位文件COPY.INF - 安装信息文件CP-1250.NLS - 自然语言支持文件CPQNDIS.DOS - 网卡驱动程序CPQNDIS3.VXD - Compaq以太控制器NDIS驱动程序CR3240.EXE - DOS6.22中文版CR3240打印机驱动程序CRTDLL.DLL - Microsoft C运行时间库CSETUP.EXE - MSDOS6.22中文设置程序CSETUP.WIN - Csetup.exe支持文件CSMAPPER.SYS - 系统文件(支持PCMCIA) CSPMAN.DLL - 动态链接库(SoundBlaster 16 Driver) CTRLPAN.EXE - MSDOS命令(系统控制台程序) CTRLPAN.EXE - MSDOS6.22中文版控制程序D↑DBLBVFF.SYS - 双缓冲驱动程序DC21X4.SYS - NDIS3驱动程序DCIMAN.DLL - 显示控制接口DCIMAN32.DLL - 显示控制接口DDEML.DLL - DDE信息库DEBMP.DLL - 光栅显示设备DEBUG.EXE - Debug调试工具DECPSMW4.INF - 安装信息文件(DEC打印机安装) DECLAN.VXD - DECLAN网卡驱动程序DEFRAG - 打开"选定驱动器"窗口DEL.INF - 安装信息文件 - 初始化帮助工具DELTREE.EXE - 删除目录工具DEMET.DLL - 向量显示工程DESKCP16.DLL - 16位桌面控制面板DESKTOP.MSN - Microsoft网络组件DESS.DLL - 表格显示工程DEWP.DLL - 字处理显示工程T - 对话帮助DIALER.EXE - 电话拨号程序DIALER.HLP - 电话拨号帮助文件DIALMON.EXE - 拨号监视程序(IE2.0)DIBENG.DLL - 独立设备的位同工程DICONIX.DRX - 打印机驱动DING.WAN - 声音文件例子DIRECTCC.EXE - 直接线缆连接应用程序DISKCOMP - 磁盘比较工具 - 磁盘*贝工具DISKDRV.INF - 安装信息DISPLAY.TXT - 显示卡README文件DMCOLOR.DLL - 通用打印驱动程序彩打支持库 - DOS命令DOSX.EXE - MSDOS配置程序DRAGDROP.AVI - 影片剪辑(AVI)(如何使用拖拽) DRIVER.SYS - DOS驱动程序DRVSPACE.EXE - 磁盘压缩工具DRVSPACE.HLP - 磁盘空间管理帮助文件E↑ - DOS文字编辑程序EDLIN.EXE - DOS行编辑器EE16.VXD - 虚拟设备驱动程序EISA.VXD - 即插即用EISA总线计数器EK550C.ICM - 打印机简介EMM386.EXE - 扩展内存管理程序ENABLE.INF - 初始化信息ENGCT.EXE - MSN支持文件ESCP24SC.DRV - 设备驱动程序F - 帮助索引文件(造字程序) EUDCEDIT.EXE - 造字程序EUDCEDIT.HLP - 帮助文件(造字程序) EUDCEDIT.INF - 安装信息文件(造字程序)EVX16.DOS - 网卡驱动程序EWRK3.DOS - 网卡驱动程序EWRK3.SYS - 网卡驱动程序EXCEL.XLS - Excel5.0文件模板EXCEL4.XLS - Excel4.0文件模板EXCHANGE.TXT - Inbox和Exchange的自述文件T - Mail/Exchange帮助文件内容EXCHNG.HLP - Mail/Exchange组件EXCHNG32.EXE - 对用户的交换机作初始设置EXPLORER.AVI - 影片剪辑(AVI)(如何使用资源管理器) EXPLORER.EXE - "资源管理器"应用程序EXPO.HLP - 帮助文件(产品信息)EXPOSTRT.EXE - 产品信息应用程序EXTRACT.EXE - 解压缩工具EXTRA.TXT - 自述文件(联机访问附加文件)F↑FAQ.TXT - 疑难解答自述文件FAXCODEC.DLL - 传真编码/译码器FAXCOVER.EXE - 封面编辑器FC.EXE - DOS命令,比较两个文件FD16-700.MPD - SCSI驱动程序FD8XX.MPD - SCSI驱动程序FDISK.EXE - DOS命令,在硬盘上建立、删除及显示当前分区FILESEC.VXD - 文件存取控制管理器T - 文件传输帮助文件内容FILEXFER.EXE - Microsoft文件传输FIND.AVI - 影片剪辑(如何使用查找)FIND.EXE - 寻找指定字符串命令FINDMVI.DLL - 媒体视觉支持FINSTALL.DLL - 字库安装程序FINSTALL.HLP - 字库安装帮助文件FLSIMTD.VXD - PCMCIA支持FLSIMTD.VXD - PCMCIA支持FONT16.EXE - DOS6.22中文版16点阵字体驱动程序FONTS.INF - 字体选择初始化信息FONTVIEW.EXE - 字体浏览程序 - DOS磁盘格式化工具FOUTLINE.EXE - 轮廓字体驱动程序FRAMEBUF.DRV - SVGA显示器驱动程序FTE.DLL - 声音浏览文件传输工程文件FTP.EXE - 文件传输协议TCP工具FURELI~1.RMI - MINI序列G↑GBK.TXT - 中文Windows95GBK代码集字符定义表GDI.EXE - 简版WIN3.1图形界面GDI32.DLL - 32位GDI图形界面GENERAL.IDF - 一般MIDI指示器GRPCONV.EXE - Windows程序组转换器GUIDE.EXE - 应用程序(MSN)H↑HARDWARE.TXT - 硬件自述文件HOSTS.SAM - TCP配置HPCLRLSK.ICM - 打印简介HPDESK.ICM - 打印机简介表HPDSKJET.DRV - 打印机驱动程序HPEISA.VXD - 网络适配器驱动程序T - JetAdmin程序帮助文件HPJD.DLL - HPJetAdmin支持程序HPLAN.DOS - 网络适配器驱动程序HPLJ300.DRV - HPLJ300DPI打印机驱动程序HPLJ300.EXE - MSDOS命令(HP打印机驱动) HPLJ-31.SPD - 打印机驱动程序HPLJ600.DRV - HPLJ600DPI打印机驱动程序HPLJP-V4.INF - 打印机安装信息HPNETPRN.INF - HPJetAdmin支持程序HPPJXL31.SPD - 打印机驱动程序HPPLOT.DRV - 打印机驱动程序HPPLOT.HLP - 打印机驱动程序帮助文件HPPRARBK.DLL - HPJetAdmin支持程序HPPRARRK.HLP - HPJetAdmin支持程序帮助文件HPVCM.HPM - 打印机驱动程序HSFLOP.PDR - HSFLOP虚拟设备HTICONS.DLL - 终端设备动态链接库T - 终端设备帮助文件HYPERTRM.EXE - 终端设备应用程序HYPERTRM.HLP - "超级终端"帮助HZKBD.EXE - 常用输入方法程序HZVIO95.EXE - 显示驱动程序I↑I82593.DOS - 网络适配器驱动程序IB401917.SPD - 打印机驱动程序IBM20470.SPD - 打印机驱动程序IBM20K.DOS - 网络适配器驱动程序ICM32.DLL - 图象颜色匹配程序ICMOI.DLL - 用户界面颜色匹配程序ICONLIB.DLL - 图符库T - 帮助索引文件(IE) IEXPLORE.EXE - InternetExplore IEXPLORE.HLP - 帮助文件(IE)IFSHLP.SYS - 文件系统安装帮助文件IFSMGR.VXD - 文件系统安装管理程序IMAGEOIT.EXE - 图象编辑器光标程序IMCLIENT.DLL - Microsoft网络组件T - 帮助索引文件(中文输入法)IME.HLP - Windows帮助文件IME.INF - 安装信息文件(中文输入法) F - 帮助索引文件(输入法生成器) IMEGEN.EXE - 输入法生成器IMEGEN.HLP - 帮助文件(输入法生成器) IMEINFO.INI - 输入法初始化文件IMM32.DLL - WIN32IMM应用程序界面INBOX.EXC - 邮件组件INDICDLL.DLL - 多语言组件INET.TXT - IE自述文件INET16.DLL - 动态链接库(支持IE2.0) INETAB32.DLL - 动态链接库(支持Internet mail) INETCFG.DLL - 动态链接库(支持IE2.0) INETCPL.CPL - 控制面板文件(配置IE2.0) INETMAIL.INF - 安装信息文件(Internet mail) INETWIZ.EXE - Internet安装向导INformS.WPF - 样板文件INSTBE.BAT - Microsoft网络组件INSTDICT.EXE - MSDOS命令(输入法安装程序) INTB.VXD - 13号中断虚拟设备INTL.CPL - 控制面板T - 帮助索引文件(Internet mail) IOS.INI - 设置需要安全保护的程序IOSCLASS.DLL - CDROM安装程序IRMATR.DOS - 网络适配器驱动程序ISAPNP.VXD - ISA总线即插即用程序J↑JOY.CPL - 游戏杆控制面板JOYSTICK.INF - 多媒体安装信息JP350.DRV - 打印机驱动程序JUNGLE~1.WAV - 声音文件K↑KBDBE.KBD - 比利时键盘格式KBDBR.KBD - 巴西键盘格式KBDCA.KBD - 法国、加拿大键盘格式KBDOS.KBD - 美国键盘格式KDCOLOR1.SPD - 打印机驱动程序KERNEL32.DLL - 32位内核 - 将控制键盘程序装入内存KODAKCE.ICM - 柯达ICC配置文件KRNL386.EXE - Core应用程序L↑LABEL.EXE - DOS命令,设置磁盘名称LFNBK.EXE - 长文件名备份文件LFNBK.TXT - LFNBK的自述文件LICENSE.HLP - Windows帮助文件LMSCRIPT.EXE - LAN管理器文稿处理程序LOGIN.EXE - Win95登录NetWare文件LQ1600K.EXE - LQ1600K打印驱动程序M↑MAILMSG.DLL - #网络组件MAILOPT.INF - MAIL/MAPI设置文件MAPI.DLL - Mail/Exchange组件MCIAVI.DRV - 多媒体驱动程序MCICDA.DRV - MCICD声音驱动程序MCIOLE.DLL - MCIOLE句柄MCIPIONR.DRV - MCI光盘驱动程序MCISEQ.DRV - MCI定序器驱动程序MCIVISCA.DRV - MCIVCR驱动程序MCIWAVE.DRV - MCI Ware驱动程序MDMNOKIA.INF - 安装信息文件(modem) MDMNOVA.INF - 安装信息文件(modem) MDMVV.INF - 安装信息文件(modem) MEMMAKER.EXE - 内存管理程序MEMMAKER.INF - 内存管理程序设置信息MFCUIA32.DLL - OLEI公共对话动态链接库MIDI.INF - 即插即用MIDI设备信息MINET32.DLL - 支持Internet Mail动态链接库MKECR5XX.MPD - SCSI驱动程序ML3XEC16.EXE - 应用程序(MAPI) MLSHEXT.DLL - #核扩展库MMCI.DLL - 媒体类安装程序MMDEVLDR.VXD - 即插即用设备装载程序MMDRV.HLP - 多媒体帮助文件MMSOUND.DRV - 多媒体驱动程序MMSYSTEM.DLL - 多媒体系统内核MMTASK.TSK - 多媒体背景任务交换器 - DOS命令MODERN.FON - 字体文件(modem) - DOS命令MOUSE.DRV - 鼠标驱动程序MOVEWIN.AVI - 影片剪辑(如何移动窗口) MPLAYER.EXE - 媒体播放程序MPR.DLL - WIN32网络接口动态链接库MSAB32.DLL - #网络地址簿MSBASE.INF - 设置信息MSCDEX.EXE - DOS MSCDEX CDROM扩展工具MSCDROM.INF - 类安装设置信息MSD.EXE - #诊断工具MSD.INI - #诊断初始化MSDET.INF - 系统检测设置信息MSDISP.INF - 显示设置信息MSDLG.EXE - 数据链接控制协议MSDOS.INF - 设置信息MSDOSDRV.TXT - 设备驱动程序自述文件MSFT.VRL - 统一资源定位文件MSGSRV32.EXE - Windows32位虚拟设备信息系统MSHDC.INF - 硬盘控制设置信息MSJSTICK.DRV - 即插即用游戏杆驱动程序MSMAIL.INF - Mail/MAPI初始化MSMOUSE.INF - 鼠标设置信息MSN.TXT - #网络自述文件MSNET32.DLL - #32位网络API库MSNEXCH.EXE - #网络设置程序MSNPSS.HLP - #网络帮助文件MSNVER.TXT - #网络帮助信息MSPAINT.EXE - 画图工具MSPCIC.DLL - PCMCIA类安装与控制工具MSPORTS.INF - 公共设置信息MSPP32.DLL - #网络打印支持程序MSPWL32.DLL - 口令清单管理库MSSBLST.DRV - 声霸卡驱动程序MSSBLSI.VXD - 声霸卡驱动程序MSSHRVI.DLL - 共享内核扩展程序MSSNDSYS.DRV - Windows声音系统驱动程序MSSP.VXP - Windows NT安全支持MSTCP.DLL - TCP用户界面MSVIEWUT.DLL - 显示设备服务数据链接库MTMMINIP.MPD - SCSI驱动程序MULLANG.INF - 多种语言字体支持设置信息MVIWAVE.DRV - 声音驱动程序Windows系统文件名中英文对照表来源:电脑知识网作者:电脑知识时间:2009-01-14 点击:1169N↑NBTSTAT.EXE - TCP工具NDDEAPI.DLL - Workgroups DDE共享接口NDDENB.DLL - #网络DDE NetBIOS接口NDISHLP.SYS - 实模式NDIS支持驱动程序NET.EXE - 实模式网络客户软件NET.INF - 网络检测信息NET.MSG - 网络客户信息NET3COM.INF - 网络设置信息NETAMD.INF - 网络设置信息NETAPI.DLL - 网络应用程序接口动态链接库NETAPI32.DLL - 32位网络API动态链接库NETAVXT.INF - MS内部传输文件NETBEUI.VXD - 32位NetBEUI协议NETBIOS.DLL - NetBIOSAPI库NETDCA.INF - 安装信息文件NETDDE.EXE - Windows网络动态数据交换NETDET.INI - NetWare检测文件NETDI.DLL - 网络设备安装NETH.MSG - 网络客户帮助信息NETOS.DLL - NOS检测DLLNETWATCH.EXE - 网络观测程序NETWORK.TXT - 网络信息自述文件NOTEPAD.EXE - 记事本应用程序NODRIVER.INF - 即插即用设备信息NOTEPAD.EXE - NOTEPAD文件NSCL.VXD - NSCL虚拟设备NW16.DLL - NetWare客户NWAB32.DLL - 地址簿支持动态链接库NWLSCON.EXE - 登录文稿控制台程序NWLSPROC.EXE - NetWare登录处理器NWNET32.DLL - NetWare客户NWNP32.DLL - NetWare组件NWREDIR.VXD - NetWare重定向NWSERVER.VXD - NCP服务NWSP.VXD - NCP服务安全提供O↑OEMREVA.INF - 安装信息文件OLE2.DLL - OLE2.0动态链接库OLE2.INF - OLE设置信息OLE32.DLL - 32位OLE2.0组件OLEAUT32.DLL - OLE2-32自动化OLECL1.DLL - 对象链接与嵌入客户库OLEDLG.DLL - Windows OLE2.0用户接口支持OLESVR.DLL - 对象链接与嵌入服务端库OLETHK32.DLL - OLE形实替换程序库P↑PACKAGER.EXE - 对象包装程序PARALINK.VXD - 远程网络存取并行口驱动程序PBRVSH.EXE - "画图"应用程序PDOS95.BAT - 进入中文DOS状态PERF.VXD - 系统性能监视器PIFMGR.DLL - 程序信息文件管理服务程序PING.EXE - TCPPing工具PMSPL.DLL - LAN管理应用程序接口POWER.DRV - 高级电源管理驱动程序PPPMAC.VXD - Windows虚拟PPP驱动程序PRINT.EXE - DOS打印文件PRINTERS.TXT - 打印信息自述文件PROGMAN.EXE - 程序管理器PRTVPD.INF - 打印机升级设置信息Q↑QUIKVIEW.EXE - 快速查看QUIT.EXE - 退出中文DOS状态R↑README.TXT - Windows95自述文件REGEDIT.EXE - 注册编辑器REGSERV.EXE - 远程注册REGWIE.EXE - 注册工具REGSERV.INF - 远程注册RESTORE.EXE - DOS命令RNAAPP.EXE - 拨号网络应用程序RNASERV.DLL - 远程网络存取服务RNASETUP.DLL - 远程网络存取设置动态链接库RNATHUNK.DLL - 远程网络存取转换支持动态链接库RNAUI.DLL - 远程网络存取用户接口DLLRNDSRV32.DLL复制服务程序ROBOTZCL.WAV - 声音文件ROBOTZWI.WAV - 声音文件ROMAN.FON - 字型文件ROUTE.EXE - TCP/IP ROUTE命令RPCLTC1.DLL - 远程调用库RPCNS4.DLL - 远程调用库RPCPP.DLL - 远程调用打印驱动RPCRT4.DLL - 远程调用库RPCSS.EXE - 远程调用结点映象RPLBOOT.SYS - 远程程序装入RPLIMAGE.DLL - 远程程序装入磁盘映象器RSRC16.DLL - 资源计量器RSRCMTR.EXE - 资源计量器RSRCMTR.INF - 资源计量器RUMOR.EXE - DDE测试/游戏RUNDLL.EXE - 把DLL作为应用程序运行RUNDLL32.EXE - 32位壳组件S↑S3.DRV - S3显示驱动S3.VXD - S3虚拟设备SACLIEN.DLL - Microsoft网络组件SAMPLEVIDEOS - 图象文件SAPNSP.DLL - Winsock数据连接库 - 安装时所需的TSR文件SB16.VXD - 16位声卡虚拟设备SB16SND.DRV - 16位声卡驱动SBAWE.VXD - AWE声卡虚拟设备SBAWE32.DRV - AWE声卡驱动SBFM.DRV - 16位声卡驱动SCANDISK.BAT - MSDOS6.x Scandisk的替代存根模块SCANDISK.BAT磁盘诊断工具SCANDISK.INI - 磁盘诊断工具SCANDISK.PIF - 安装磁盘诊断工具时的PIF文件SCANDSKW.EXE - 磁盘扫描工具SCANPROG.EXE - 磁盘扫描工具SCRNSAVE.SCR - 屏幕保护SCSI.INF - SCSI安装文件文件名描述SCSIIHLP.VXD - SCSI支持文件SCSIPORT.PDR - SCSI虚拟设备口SECUR32.DLL - Microsoft Win32安全服务SECURCL.DLL - Microsoft网络组件SEIKO24E.DRV - 打印机驱动SEIKOSH9.DRV - 打印机驱动SERIAL.VXD - 串口VCOMM驱动器SERIFE.FON - 字型文件SERVER.HLP - 服务器帮助文件SETMDIR.EXE - SBS文件SETUP.BIN - 安装支持文件SETUP.BMP - 安装Wash位图文件SETUP.EXE - Windows95安装程序SETUP.INF - 安装信息文件SETUP.TXT - 安装时的README文件SETUP4.DLL - 安装支持文件SETUPPP.INF - 安装信息SETUPX.DLL - 安装支持SETVER.EXE - MSDOS版本显示,该程序可在网络上执行SF4029.EXE - 打印机驱动SHARE.EXE - MSDOS共享实用程序SHELL.INF - 安装壳信息SHELL.VXD - 虚拟壳设备SHELL2.INF - 颜色组合SHELL3.INF - 颜色组合SIZE1-1.CUR - 光标SIZE1-M.CUR - 光标SIZE4-M.CUR - 光标SIZENESW.ANI - 活动光标SIZEWE.ANI- 活动光标SKPSFA-1.SPD - 打印机驱动SLAN.DOS - 网络适配器驱动SLCD32.MPD - SCSI驱动器SLENH.DLL - 高级节能选项SMALLE.FON - 字型文件SMALLF.FON - 字型文件SMARTDRV.EXE - 超高速缓存程序SMARTND.DOS - 网络适配器驱动器SMC3000.DOS - 网络适配器驱动器SMC9000.VXD - 网络适配器驱动器SNAPSHOT.EXE - 抽点SNAPSHOT.VXD - 抽点虚拟设备SNDREC32.EXE - 录音机SNIP.VXD - 网络适配驱动器SOCKET.VXD - Windows虚拟Socket网卡驱动器SOCKET.VXD PCMCIA支持T - 纸牌游戏SOL.HLP - 纸牌游戏帮助文件SORT.EXE - MSDOS分类实用程序T - 录音机帮助文件内容SOUNDREC.HLP - 录音机帮助文件SPARROW.WPD - SCSI驱动器SPARROWX.MPD - SCSI驱动器SPOOL32.EXE - 打印机支持SPOOLER.VXD - 打印机共享虚拟设备SRAMMTD.VXD - PCMCIA支持SSERIFE.FON - 字型文件SSERIFF.FON - 字型文件SSFLYWIN.SCR - 屏幕保护SSSTARS.SCR - 屏幕保护STAR24E.DRV - 打印机驱动STAR9E.DRV - 打印机驱动START.EXE - 启动程序STATE.PBK - Microsoft网络组件STDOLE.TLB - OLE2.0文件STDOLE32.TLB - OLE2-32文件STEMO409.DLL - Windows95帮助文件的DLLSTLSO4SS.SPD - 打印机驱动程序STLS577U.SPD - 打印机驱动程序STORAGE.DLL - OLE存储器管理库STRN.DOS - 网络适配器驱动SUBST.EXE - MSDOS Subst实用程序SUEXPAND.DLL - LZ DLL安装SUHELPER.BIN - 安装支持SUPERVGA.DRV - 高级VGA显示驱动SURPORT.TXT - PSS支持信息SVCPROP.DLL - Microsoft网络组件SVRAPI.DLL - 32位公用服务器API实用程序SXCIEXT.DLL - Matrox显示驱动支持文件SYMBOLE.FON - 字型文件 - MSDOS系统实用程序SYSCLASS.DLL - 系统类库安装SYSDETMG.DLL - 系统检测库SYSEDIT.EXE - 系统编辑器SYSLOGO.RLE - 系统标识SYSMON.EXE - 系统监控程序SYSMON.HLP - 系统监控帮助SYSTEM.DRV - 最小Win3.1标准模式SYSTHUNK.DLL - Windows系统形实替换程序库SYSTRAY.EXE - 高级节能管理T↑T128.MPD - SCSI驱动器T160.MPD - SCSI驱动器T20N3.VXD - 网络适配驱动器T30ND.DOS - 网络适配驱动器T338.MPD - SCSI驱动器TADA.WAV - 声音文件TAPI.DLL - API通话程序TAPI.INF - API通话安装信息文件TAPI32.DLL - 32位形实替换TAPIADDR.DLL - API通话程序TAPIEXE.EXE - API通话组件TAPIINI.EXE - API通话组件TASKMAM.EXE - 任务管理器TCCARC.DOS - 网络适配驱动器TCTOKCH.VXD - 网络适配驱动器TELEPHON.CPL - 通话帮助TESTPS.TXT - PostScript测试TEXTCHAT.EXE - Microsoft网络组件THEMIC-1.WAV - 声音文件THINKJET.DRV - 打印机驱动THREED.VBX - Windows95浏览T1850.DRV - 打印机驱动TIMEDATE.CPL - 时间/日期控制面板TIMES.TTF - 时间字型TIMESBD.TTF - 时间粗体字型TIMESBI.TTF - 时间粗斜体字型TIMESI.TTF - 时间斜体字型TIMEZONE.INF - 安装信息TIMLP232.SPD - 打印机驱动TIPS.txt - 提示和技巧自述文件TKPHZR32.SPD - 打印机驱动TLNK.DOS - 网络适配驱动器TLNK3.VXD - 网络适配驱动器TMV1.MPD - SCSI驱动器TOOLHELP.DLL - 16位开发工具帮助器TOSHIBA.DRV - 打印机驱动TOUR.EXE - 浏览文件TPHAIII.ICM - 打印机简介TRACERT.EXE - TCP/IP IRACEROUTE命令 - MS DOS树实用程序TREEEDCL.DLL - Microsoft网络组件TREENVCL.DLL - Microsoft网络组件TRIUMPHI.SPD - 打印机驱动TSD32.DLL - 声音压缩管理器TSENG.DRV - ET4000W32显示驱动TTY.DRV - 打印机驱动TTY.HLP - TTY打印机驱动帮助TYPELIB.DLL - OLE2.0U↑U9415470.SPD - 打印机驱动UBNEI.DOS - 网络适配器驱动ULTRA124.MPD - SCSI驱动器ULTRA24F.MPD - SCSI驱动器UMDM16.DLL - 通用调制解调器驱动组件UMDM32.DLL - 通用调制解调器驱动组件UNIDRV.DLL - Microsoft通用打印机驱动库UNIDRV.HLP - 通用打印机驱动帮助UNIMODEM.VXD - 通用调制解调器驱动USER32.DLL - 32位用户V↑V86MMGR.VXD - V86MMGR虚拟设备VCACHE.VXD - Vcache虚拟设备VCD.VXD - 虚拟COM驱动程序VCOMM.VXD - VCOMM驱动程序VCOND.VXD - Win32控制台VDMAD.VXD - VDMAD虚拟设备VER.DLL - 小型Win3.1安装程序16位版动态链接库VER.NEW - 版本检测与文件安装库VERSION.DLL - 32位版本动态链接库VERX.DLL - 安装程序使用的版本动态库VFAT.VXD - VFAT文件系统VFD.VXD - 软盘虚拟设备VFLATD.VXD - 虚拟平板帧缓存虚拟设备VGA.DRV - VGA显示驱动程序VIDCAP.INF - 即插即用VCD信息VIDEOT.VXD - 视频虚拟设备VIP.386 - TCP/IP虚拟IP设备VJOYD.VXD - 游戏棒虚拟设备VKD.VXD - 虚拟键盘设备VLB32.DLL - Mail/Exchange组件VMD.VXD - Win3.1虚拟鼠标驱动程序VMM.VXD - 虚拟存储管理设备VMM32.VXD - 虚拟存储管理设备VMOUSE.VXD - 虚拟鼠标驱动程序VNBT.386 - NetBIOS传输驱动程序VNETBIOS.VXD - VNETBIOS虚拟设备VNETSUP.VXD - 网络支持虚拟设备VPD.VXD - 虚拟LPT驱动程序VPICD.VXD - 虚拟可编程干扰控制器设备VPOWERD.VXD - 高级电源管理虚拟设备VREDIR.VXD - Microsoft网络32位客户端程序VSAMI.DLL - AMI文件语法分析程序VSASC8.DLL - ASCII文件语法分析程序VSBMP.DLL - BMP文件语法分析程序VSERVER.VXD - Microsoft网络32位服务器端程序VSGIF.DLL - GIF文件语法分析程序VSHARE.VXD - 32位共享虚拟设备驱动程序VSMSW.DLL - Win写文件语法分析VSPP.DLL - PowerPoint语法分析程序VSRTF.DLL - RTF文件语法分析程序VSTIFF.DLL - TIFF文件语法分析程序VSW6.DLL - Word6文件语法分析程序VSWORD.DLL - Word文件语法分析程序VSWP5.DLL - WordPerfect5文件语法分析程序VSXL5.DLL - Excel文件/图表语法分析程序VTCP.386 - TCP/IP虚拟TCP驱动程序VTDAPI.VXD - VTDAPI虚拟设备VTDI.386 - 传输驱动接口支持程序VXDLDR.VXD - 虚拟设备驱动程序装载器W↑WAVE.INF - 即插即用音波设备信息WDTOOOEX.MPD - SCSI驱动WGPOADMN.DLL - Mail/Exchange组件WHLP16T.DLL - 帮助动态链接库WIN87EM.DLL - 80387数学仿真库WINABC.HLP - 智能ABC帮助文件WINBX.HLP - 表形码输入法帮助文件WINCHA.HLP - 繁体仓颉输入法帮助文件T - Windows95帮助文件内容WINDOWS.HLP - Windows95帮助文件T - 文件管理器帮助文件内容WINFILE.EXE - Windows工作组文件管理器WINFILE.HLP - 文件管理器帮助文件WINGB.HLP - 区位码输入法帮助文件WINHLP23.HLP - Windows帮助文件WINIME.HLP - *作指南帮助文件WINNM.HLP - GBK内码输入法帮助文件WININIT.EXE - Windows初始化文件WINIPCFG.EXE - TCP/IP配置工具WINNEWS.TXT - Winnews信息WINPHO.HLP - 繁体注音输入法帮助文件WINPOPUP.EXE - POPUP工具WINREG.DLL - 远程注册支持WINPY.HLP - 全拼输入法帮助文件WINSOCK.DLL - Windows的套接API WINSY.HLP - 双拼输入法帮助文件WINXSP.HLP - GBK双拼输入法帮助文件WINXZM.HLP - GBK郑码输入法帮助WINZM.HLP - 郑码输入法帮助文件WNASPI32.DLL - Windows DLL32位ASPI WPSUNI.DRV - 传真驱动程序WPSUNIRE.DLL - WPS主机资源执行程序X↑XCOPY.EXE - DOS XCOPY工具XCOPY32.EXE - 文件*贝程序XGA.DRV - XGA显示驱动程序。

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德信诚培训网Document Control Procedure
1.0 Purpose目的
Define the requirements and responsibilities for Document control.

2.0 Scope范围
This procedure applies to all QMS documentation, including: quality manual, procedure, WI, external document and form.


3.0 Definitions定义
3.1 Quality Manual: According to the requirements of International and national standard (such
as ISO9001), describe quality management system documentation in Co-active.

3.2 Procedure: Define the function of QMS requirement allocation by department. Such as document
control, management review, internal audit procedure.


3.3 Working Instruction: Operation procedures, inspection standards, design drawing and etc.

3.4 Form: Records of operation results.

4.0 Procedure 程序
4.1 Responsible for the formulation of documents to file the proper approval, and timely send the
electronic document and the paper version to DCC, ensure that the relevant departments to
understand the change. Once the document released, the relevant departments must follow
procedures. When the file changes do not affect the contents of the file (such as correcting typos, 更多免费资料下载请进:好好学习社区。
