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摘 要 :油 茶 果 机 械 化 采 摘 是 目前 亟 待 解 决 的 难 题 ,其 中 花 苞 损 伤 又 成 为 机 械 采 摘 难 以克 服 的 问题 。设 计 了 一 种 电 动胶 辊旋 转 式 油 茶 果 采 摘 执 行 器 ,分 析 了胶 辊 机 构 采 摘 油 茶 果 的 过 程 和 原 理 ,得 到 了油 茶 果 碰 撞 脱 落 的 临 界 条 件 。 通 过 对 采 摘 头 回转 架 组 件 参 数 设 计 ,确 定 了 回转 架 组 件 上 对 辊 间 距 有 效 调 节 范 围 为 20~65 mm,初 步 拟 定 回 转 架 转 速 范 围 为 20—40 r/min。 在 江 西 农 业 大 学 油 茶 林 进 行 了 油 茶 果 采 摘 试 验 ,并 对 电 动 胶 辊 旋 转 式 油 茶 果 采 摘 执 行 器 作业 中 油 茶 花 苞 损 伤 进 行 了研 究 。结 果 表 明 :当 胶 辊 直 径 为 30 mill,间 距 为 25 Illm,胶 辊 旋 转 速 度 为 30 r/r ain,胶 辊 线 速 度 为 0.833 m/s时 ,直 径 大 于 25 Inn 的 油 茶 果 能 全 部 被 采 摘 ,漏 采 率 为 13.6% ,且 未 开 的花 苞 未见 明 显 损 伤 。 关 键 词 :油 茶 果 ;采 摘 ;电动 ;执 行 机 构 中 图 分 类 号 :¥225.93 文 献标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1000.1298(2018)09—0l15.O7
By analyzing the parameters of swinging strut of picking head,the efficient adjustable range between
upper and lower rubber roller of swinging strut was designed as from 20 mm to 65 mm , and the prelim inary rotate speed was proposed from 20 r/m in to 40 r/min. Tests of camellia fruit picking and its bud dam aging were conducted in the camellia forest of Jiangxi Agricultural University when the prototype was completed. Experimental results showed that as the diameter of rubber roller was 30 mm ,the rotate speed was 30 r/m in, the linear velocity was 0.833 m/s, and the gap between up and down of rubber roller was 25 m m ,the diameter of cam ellia fruit above 25 mm can be harvested by rotate rubber roller, the percentage of residual camellia fruits on the cam ellia branches was 1 3.6% . W hat’S more. the dam age of unopened cam ellia bud was bare, which verified the practicability of this prototype and provided the reference for the development of cam ellia fruit picking m achine. Key words: camellia fruit; picking; motor-driven; actuator
2 0 1 8年9月
农 业 机 械 学 报
Байду номын сангаас
电动胶 辊 旋 转 式 油 茶 果 采摘 执行 器 设 计 与 试 验
饶 洪辉 张 立 勇 黄 登 异 陈 斌 刘 木 华
(江 西 农 业 大 学 工 学 院 ,南 昌 330045)
Design and Test of M otor—driven Picking Actuator of Cam ellia Fruit w ith R otate R ubber R oiler
RAO Honghui ZH ANG Liyong H UANG Dengsheng CHEN Bin LIU M uhua (College of Engineering,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China)
Abstract:It iS a dilem ma to solve the picking m echanization of cam ellia fruit in the camellia industry.of which cam ellia bud dam age iS a bottleneck. A motor.driven picking actuator of cam ellia fruit with rotate rubber roller was developed. The principle of cam ellia fruit picking by rotate rubber roller was analyzed. The interaction between camellia fruit and rotate rubber roller can be sum marized as contact,im pact and abscission during the process of camellia fruit picking by rotate rubber roller, through which corresponding forces were derived and the critical condition of camellia fruit’S falling of was obtained.