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Here's How To Quickly and Easily Give Women Earth-Shattering
Multiple Orgasms and Make Them Sexually Addicted To You,
Starting Tonight!
Even If They've Never Had an
Orgasm Before!…
Dear Friend,
Let's face it, not being able to make a woman reach orgasm really hurts.
Every time you can't, you take it personally. You feel like less of a man, lose sleep over your performance and maybe even worry that she'll leave you.
To make matters worse, a recent study discovered that only 25% of women actually reach orgasm from vaginal sex*. And 40% of women don't even enjoy vaginal sex AT ALL.
But it doesn't have to be this way!
My name is Michael Webb and for the past 10 years, I have dedicated hundreds of hours to find out exactly what it takes to make men, like you, masters in the bedroom and boiled it all down into a simple 3-step system.
Orgasm Secrets From
Thousands of Years of Wisdom
Luckily for you, I have the ears of over 50,000 women who read my newsletters. And when I ask them, many openly and honestly share their deepest sexual secrets and desires.
In essence, what I am about to share with you is the collective wisdom of thousands of women who gave the lowdown on secrets you would never
figure out in a million years on your own… even if you're someone who gets laid a lot! (And listen, this is NOT the stuff you see in porno movies!)
And in the end, this Trilogy was born – a simple step-by-step system of my interactions with women of various social backgrounds, ages, personalities and perspectives. Plus, thousands of hours slaving away with research from blogs, websites, books, magazines and articles.
The insights, tools and techniques here have been rigorously tried, tested and proven effective not only by me, but by countless other men and women who've used them.
"The Virtuoso Lover Series"
So instead of spending weeks of anger and frustration, shoveling through ideas elsewhere just to find the hidden gems, you can save time and money and end frustration by ONLY reading ideas that are well-suited.
You could spend years trying to figure out all this stuff yourself. However, now you can end your frustration
With a whopping 524 pages combined, this is one huge load of information.
Here's a big of a summary of what you'll get:
Book 1: Secrets of the Female
∙In-depth sex mistakes
∙Sexual reprogramming
∙How women are aroused
∙Mindset, attitudes & characteristics of
a Great Lover
Book 2: Techniques of the
∙Touching and massage
∙Kissing that turns women on
∙Foreplay and the female body
∙In-depth look at the vulva
∙Clitoris and G-spot stimulation
∙Female orgasms
Book 3: Concerts, Crescendos and
∙Boost your sexual confidence
∙Using your voice to turn her on
∙Sexy talk for added passion
∙Bonding after sex
∙Foreplay in depth
∙Undressing a woman
∙Sex positions
∙Thrusting styles
∙More orgasm information
∙Keeping sex fun forever
In just five minutes you could be using this step-by-step guide to help give your lady a powerful orgasm un like any she's ever had… starting immediately!
Frankly, whether you're a seasoned lover or don't have much experience, it doesn't matter. You'll find many valuable tips to help make this the best experience possible.
Book 1: Secrets of the Female Instrument You'll learn…
∙The 8 sex mistakes that men make and how to avoid them…
(starts chapter 3)
∙The 13 'heart-thumping' qualities that make you the man that your lady will love all over again… (starting chapter 9)
∙8 techniques to fight off premature ejaculat ion… last longer and give your lady the pleasure she's always wanted…
∙The 'Don Juan' secret of earth-shattering lovemaking… start using this 'one thing' and see a new world of opportunity open up to you…
seriously. page 129
∙ A painted picture of the perfect lover… the one every woman wants her man to be p130
∙The secret weapon you ALREADY POSSESS to make women go ga-ga! … Hint: it's not a lean body, 6-pack abs, or any bedroom
technique! 33-34
∙The 5 foundational differences between male and female arousal… understand these differences to totally rock her
world… p32-45
∙Why penetration isn't always the best way to please your lady and what to do instead… triple your chances of making her reach climax with this little tip… p81
∙The single most powerful pleasure technique to make her come and love sex with you so much more. Warning: many men find this technique "alien" and often think it's
counterproductive p84
∙The little-known 3-step technique to get your lady in the mood without being pushy p146
∙Are simultaneous orgasms possible? p153 reveals the TRUTH once and for all
∙What's best - fast or slow? Discover the magic pace that can make her reach climax more often p156
∙The powerful "upside-down" mindset that gives you the sexual confidence you need t o be a master in the bedroom…
∙The best thing to do when you 'finish'. Do this and you'll make her a happy woman p117
∙The ONE THING to do OUTSIDE the bedroom, to make your experience INSIDE the bedroom 100 times better…
Book 2: Techniques of the Masters
∙Not all orgasms are created equal. Some are so-so, but there are those so powerful and so perfect, they make women
scream with ecstasy. Learn the 3 PHASES of building the
world's most earth-shaking climaxes. p136-142
∙FACT: Some women will NEVER climax from only penetration … if this is your lady, page 81 reveals a sure-fire way to bring her to orgasm.
∙How to give your woman multiple orgasms and the ULTRA important thing you must do straight after her first one, if
you want her to have another or gasm… Hint: It's not stopping or keeping the rhythm (And yes, it's true! Women can have multiple orgasms!) p143
∙ A special little thrusting move that is 300% more likely to bring her to climax… p82
∙The 3-phase method to PROPERLY stimulate the clitoris for maximum pleasure… she'll love you for this one p125-126
∙Learn 8 techniques to give a woman's "down-stairs" an experience like no other… p126-133
∙The best sex position to make her orgasm… don't be surprised if she begs you for more after this… p90
∙Finally, all the facts about the G-spot, how to pleasure and locate it…
bring women to climax with G-spot stimulation… p88
∙ 3 roadblocks that often stop women from orgasm… discover what they are or you may never be able to please your lover p104-106
∙Do women REALLY ejaculate? Yes and no. Learn the TRUTH on page p89
∙Cunnilingus is the fastest and surest way to make a woman come… but it's not easy… page 164 unveils the "Kiss, Lick, Suck, Bite" method for unforgettable cunnilingus
∙ A dry vagina making sex difficult and painful? Page 146 reveals a little trick you can use – anytime – to help the
vagina lubricate itself and be ready for action
∙Watching your loved one masturbate is a golden insight into how she likes "it"… pages 99-102 show 6 subtle cues to look out for when
watching her
∙What you should kiss to get a woman really turned on (And no, it's not her lips, face, or any x-rated zones) p53
∙How to give women goosebumps by playing with their hair… a powerful way to lead into lovemaking… p52
∙The symmetry rule with touch and how to drive a woman wild with it… p19
∙The single most important thing you MUST understand when giving a sensual massage… get this wrong and you risk totally KILLING the
mood… Hint: it's not any technique or related to skill with massage p21∙7 techniques to give the best massage experience possible…
∙Did you know that one kiss is all it takes for women to completely work you out? It's true. Chapter 2 reveals the 5 mistakes and secrets of a
passionate and unforgettable kiss that will leave a great impression
∙The 'little-known' eye technique that will strengthen your bond instantly p50
∙And much more…。
