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DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your IiStening ability. It COnSiStS Of 4 SeCtiOnS SeCtiOn A
DireCtions: ThiS SeCtiOn is to test your ability to UnderStand ShOrt dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. BOth the dialogues and questiOnS WiIl be SPOken Only Once. When you hear a question, you ShOUld decide On the COrreCt anSWer from the4 ChOiCeS marked A), B), C) and D) given in yOUrteSt paper. Then you ShOUId mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet With a SingIe Iine through the Center.
A) The PriCe Ofthe PrOdUCt・C) The delivery Of his order.
B) The Charge Ofthe SerViCe・D) The PaCking Of the goods・
2. A) GiVing a IeCtUre・C) PreParing a party.
B) Taking an interview・D) HaVing an exam・
3. A) ItS food is delicious・C) It is CIOSe to his OffiCe・
B) ItS PriCe is reasonable・D)It PrOVideS good SerViCe・
4. A) By sea. C) By train.
B) By air. D) By truck.
5. A) ASking the way. C) BUying air tickets・
B) Renting a car. D) BOOking hotel rooms.
SeCtiOn B
DireCtiOns: ThiS SeCtiOn is to test your ability to UnderStand ShOrt COnVerSatiOns. There are 2 recorded COnVerSatiOnS in it. After each COnVerSatior‰ there are SOme recorded questiOns. BOth the COnVerSatiOnS and questiOnS Will be SPOken two times・ When you hear a question, you ShOUId decide On the COrreCt answer from the 4 ChOiCeS marked A), B)T C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you ShOUld mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the center. NOW IiSten to the COnVerSati OnS
COnVerSatiOn 1
6. A)OPen a new ShOe StOre・C) InVite the WOman to his COmPany
B)PartiCiPate in a trade fair. D) PlaCe an Order With the WOman
7. A) An advertising brochure ・
C) An invitation Ietter D) A few SamPIes.
COnVerSatiOn 2
8. A) At a
C)In a restaurant. B) At the airport. 9. A) TO buy a
C) TO PIaCe an order.
D) TO make an appointment. 10. A)By7:00. D) ByIO:00. SeCtiOn C
DireCtiOns: In this SeCtiOn you WiIl hear a recorded ShOrt PaSSage ・ The PaSSage is Printed in the test paper, but With SOme WOrdS Or PhraSeS missing. The PaSSage Will be read two times ・ YOU are required to PUt the missing WOrdS Or PhraSeS On the AnSWer Sheet in Order Of the nUmbered blanks according to What you hear. NOW the PaSSage WiIl begir>・
An interviewer SOmetimeS StartS With an OPerVended questiOn Iike ,,Could you tell me
SOmething about yourself? It is a Way to break the ice and make you feel 11 during the interview. It is also a Way for the interviewer to know more about your PerSOnaIity to help him Or her to 12 if you are a good fit for the job ・
It is not a good idea to talk too much about yourself because the interviewer doesn ,t Want to know everything about you ・ BUt On the Other hand, telling 13 Can make him Or her WOnder Why you aren't more OPen. SO it ,s a good idea to Share SOme 14 ・ TheSe interests may not 15 your work.
SeCtiOn D
DireCtiOns: ThiS SeCtiOn is to test your ability to COmPrehend ShOrt PaSSageS ・ YOU Will hear a
recorded PaSSage ・ After that you Will hear five questions ・ BOth the PaSSage and
the questiOnS WiIl be read two times ・ When you hear a question, you ShOUld 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理word 版本可编辑・
B)A PriCe IiSt
D) In a bank.
B) TO book a taxi.
COmPIete the answer to it With a WOrd Or a ShOrt PhraSe (in no more than 3 WOrdS ) The questiOnS and incomplete answers are Printed in your test paper. YOU ShOUld Write your answers On the AnSWer Sheet COrreSPOndingly. NOW IiSten to the PaSSage・
16.What does the SPeaker talk about first in his speech?
The SPeaker first gives _______________ about his company.
17.What are the main PrOdUCtS Of the COmPany?
CIOthing z _______________ a nd household PrOdUCtS
18.HOW IOng has the COmPany been in business?
OVe r _______________ ■
19.Where can PeOPle find job OPenings at Family Dollar?
On its ______________
20.HOW can PeOPle apply for the jobs?
They Can make their application ________________ ・
PartIl ∙ Structure* (10 minutes)
DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your ability to COnStrUCt grammatically COrreCt Sentences. It COnSiStS Of 2 SeCtiOns.
SeCtiOn A
DireCtions: In this SeCtiOn, there are 10 incomplete SentenCeS・ YOU are required to COmPIete each
One by deciding On the most appropriate WOrd Or WOrdS from the 4 ChOiCeS marked
A) B), C) and D). Then you ShOUId mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet
With a SingIe Iine through the Center
21.____ the investigation, the COmmittee PUbIiShed the report On the CaUSe Ofthe
accide nt
A)COmPleted C) HaVing COmPleted
B)COmPleting D) TO have COmPleted
22.The report ShOWS that OVer half Of the WOmen are SUffering __________ SeCOnd-hand SmOke at the WOrkPIaCe・
A)in B) for C) On D) from
23.OUr goal is to fulfill the needs Of OUr clients, ___ ChaIlenging they may be.
A) however B) WheneVer C) WhereVer D) WhateVer
24.Only after the SeCretary SaW the train disappear in Sight _____ the railway station,
A) he IeaVeS B) has he Ieft C) he Ieft D) did he IeaVe
25.1f they had WOrked harder; they _________ the PrOjeCt ahead Oftime・
A)Will finish C) have finished
B)WOUld have finished D) had finished
26.The COmPany has decided to SPOnSOr the exhibition, __________ helps to PrOmOte its image.
A) that B) WhO C) What D) WhiCh
27.The newly appointed manager is Said to be neither flexible ___________ easy to get along With・
A) Or B) and C) nor D) but
28. _____ benefit SaIarieS may not be high, WOrking as a nursing assistant does have SOme other.
A) UnIeSS B) WhiIe C) AS D) SinCe
29.HOW We PaCk the PrOdUCtS has a Sign讦icant impact ______ he COSt Of logistics.
A)Of B) On C) to D) With
30. _____ impressed me most about the SChOOl is how it WaS designed to SUPPOrt
both the
StUdentS and the COmmUnity.
A)What B) That C) ThiS D) WhiCh
SeCtiOn B
DireCtions: There are 5 incomplete StatementS here・ YOU ShOUICl fill in each blank With
the PrOPer form Of the WOrd given in brackets・ Write the WOrd Or WOrdS in the COrreSPOncling SPaCe On the AnSWer Sheet
3:LFOr the Sake Of OUr IOng-term(cooperate) ____________ Z We may COnSider reducing the PriCe by 10 PerCent・
32.Here you WiIl find SOme(VaIUe) ________________ resources to help you develop COmmUnication ski.
33.DriVing has IOng been thought Of as(efficient) ________________ than flying, but according to new research, that is no IOnger the case.
34.QUOtatiOnS and SamPIeS Will (Send) ____________ to you as SOOn as We receive your SPeCifiC
Inq UirieS
35.After (receive) __________ your IOan from us, if you are not COmPletely SatiSfied With your experience, PleaSe COntaCt us.
PartnI ∙ Reading COmPrehenSion∙ (40 minutes)
DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. YOU ShOUId read the reading materials CarefUlIy and do the tasks as you are instructed
DireCtions: After reading the following passage, you WiIl find 5 questions Or Unfinished StatementS z numbered 86 to 40. FOr each question Or Statement, there are 4 ChOiCeS marked A), B), C) and D)O YOU ShOUId make the COrreCt ChOiCe and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center.
In giving a business PreSentation, many SPeakerS think that if their idea is strong, their audience Will get it readily. They feel discouraged When the audience is Unable to Understand their PreSentations・ That happens a IOt especially When technical experts are invited to make a PrOdUCt PreSentatiOn to a group Of USerS・
What Can We do to make a business PreSentatiOn easier to UnderStand? In my VieW F good PreSentatiOnS have always been SimPIe and ViSUaL In an effective business PreSentation, the fewer the POintS Z the better the message gets PaSSed on. YOU focus On the depth Of COVerage instead Of the Width(JJ度)Of COVerage・AdditiOnally, you make your ideas ViSUal and releva nt, SO the message is Un derstood better and remembered longer. Great business PreSenterS relate their ideas and COnCePtS to their 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理Word版本可编辑.
audience by USing simple, POWerfUl diagrams inStead Of relying On text-based slides. In fact, drawing diagrams forces a PreSenter to make the idea CIear even at the PreParati On Stage .It is impossible to draw a diagram When you are not CIear about an idea ・ When your idea is clear, it is easier to transfer it. MOSt audiences Un d erst a nd a diagram faster and remember it IOngen ThiS POSSibIy explains Why most Of the memorable PreSentatiOnS have been ViSUal in nature・
36.Many SPeakerS believe that the StrOnger their idea, ___________ ・
A)the more POWerfUl their SPeeCh Will be
B)the more meaningful their SPeeCh WiIl be
C)the more easily the audience Will UnderStand it
D)the harder the audience Will find it to follow
37.Why are you advised to give fewer POintS in your PreSentation?
A)TO PaSS On the messages better. C) TO allow audience to take notes.
B)TO avoid WaSting too much time・D) TO IeaVe more time for
questi Ons.
38.The SPeaker Can help the audience remember the message IOnger by _______________
A). CliSPIaying text-based slides. C) focusing On the Width Of Of COVerage
B)avoiding IOng technical terms. D)USing SimPIe and POWerfUl
39.The Underlined WOrd ,,transfer” in this PaSSage most PrObably means " U
A) Create B) PaSS On C) take Off D) describe
40.ThiS PaSSage is mainly about __________
A)how to make an effective business PreSentatiOn
B)how to PreSent StrOng ideas in a PreSentatiOn
C)how to focus On the depth Of COVerage
D)how to PrePare a POWerfUl diagram
Task 2
DireCtions: ThiS task is the Same as TaSk 1. The 5 questions Or Unfinished Statements are numbered 41 to 45.
now the COmPany has grown to have its OWn Online StOre z relatiOnShiPS With SUPPIierS in Asia, and IOCal factories・ The COmPany has had its revenues double every two months.
FOr OUr day-to-day OPeration® BlUe Jeans COmPany has established SeVeral key relati On ShiPS and We can easily expa nd OUr PrOdUCtiOn When the dema nd for OUr goods increases ・
We Obtain the best OrqaniC COttO门from two SUPPlierS Z One IOCated in TUrkey and the Other in JaPan Z WhiCh means that their SUPPIieS are PrOdUCed WithOUt the USe Of any ChemiCaIS ・ OnCe the ShiPment arrives in the US, it,ll be routed (发送)to OUr PrOdUCtiOn and ShiPPing Partner in LOS Angeles・ We WOrk CIOSeIy With OUr Partner to ensure quality through regular CheCkS .It is also Where the PrOdUCtS WiIl ShiP out.
OUr OffiCe is IOCated On 2029 CentUry Park EaSt Where all Staff WOrk together, handling all OnIine Order PrOCeSSing and ensuring the PUrChaSe and delivery Of the PrOdUCtS run SmOOthly. It,s also Where all requests for refunds are han died in additi On to the future IaUnCh Of the Jean-recycling PrOgram・
41.BlUe Jeans COmPany first Started its business by
A)SeIling its PrOdUCt to friends C) exporting jeans to ASian COUntries
B)doing business in an OnIine StOre D) SUPPlying raw materials to IOCal factories
42∕z Organic COttOn,, in Linel,Para.3z PrObabIy means" COttOn
A)manufactured automatically C) PrOdUCed WithOUt USing ChemiCaIS
B)grown in IOCal regiOnS D) imported from foreign COUntries
43.TO enSUre PrOdUCt quality, the COmPany
A)USeS man-made materials C) CheCkS its PrOdUCtS regularly
B)ObSerVeS StriCt regulations D) Often asks for CIientS OPiniOnS
44.The COmPany,s PrOdUCtS Will ShiP OUt from
A)NeW YOrk B)LOS AngeleS C) TUrkey D)JaPan
45.What WiIl the COmPany do in the future?
A)SeIl its PrOdUCtS WOrldWide C) EStabIiSh a new OffiCe in NeW York.
B)Handle all its OrderS OnIine D) Carry OUt a jean∙recycling PrOgram
Task 3
DireCtions: Read the following PaSSage・ After reading it, you are required to COmPlete the OUtline below it (No.46 to No.50)・ YOU ShOUld Wnte your answers briefly
(in no more than three WOrdS)On the AnSWer Sheet COrreSPOndingly FineArtAmeriCa・ COrn is an Online market PlaCe designed to help you tranSfOrm your digital images into a flourishing Online business.
SimPIy OPen a free account, UPIOad (上传)your images, Set your PriCeS for the available Print sizes, and you1 re in business...instantly.
YOU Can immediately Start SeIIing fine art PnntS and greeting CardS to a WOrldWide audience Of art COIIeCtOrS・
EaCh month, more than 5 million ViSitOrS StOP by FAA to browse and PUrChaSe artwork ・When One Of these ViSitOrS PUrChaSeS your PrintS Or greeting cards, We take Care Of everything for you!
In Order to help you generate sales, FAA advertises your artwork for you Online Z and We also PrOVide you With POWerfUl and UniqUe marketing features・
In addition, FAA has an Online COmmUnity Of 40 000+ artists WhO PartiCiPate in daily discussions, IiVe ChatS Z groups, COnteStS z and much more. If you,re interested in networking With Other artists, CliSCUSSing art-related topics, and Sharing business ideas, you've COme to the right PIaCe・
A 级2015-12-5
In additiOr‰ FAA has an Online COmmUnity Of 40 000+ artists WhO PartiCiPate in daily discussiOns, IiVe ChatS z groups, COntests, and much more, If you,re interested in networking With Other artists, CliSCUSSing art-related topics, and Sharing business ideas., you,ve COme to the right PIaCe・
E—Primary market N—Ordinary Share
F—SeCOndary market O—COmPOSite Index
G—IndiVidUal investor P—ACCOUnt balance
H—Annual report Q—AnnUaI return
Task 5
DireCtions: Read the following PaSSage ・ After reading it, you ShOUId give brief answers to the 5 questions( No.56 to No. 60)that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 WOrdS) ShOUld be Wntten after the COrreSPOnding numbers On the AnSWer Sheet.
Are you SearChing the Internet to find the best PIaCe to book a room for your family VaCation? Here are SOme OfOUr tips for you.
A 级 2015-12-6
Getting Started
YearS ago SearChing for a hotel required a IOt Of PhOne CaIIS to hotel ChainS ・ Today, there ,s no ShOrtage Of quality OnIine hotel booking WebSiteS Z JUSt IOCate your favorite
Online hotel booking Site z enter your travel destination, the date Of your trip, and the
number Of hotel guests ・
NarrOWingthe HOtel SearCh
SO now what? You 1 Ve found a IiSt Of hotel rooms OnIine Ordered by hotel Star rating (等级),guest SCOreS z Or PriCe ・ What ,s most important to you? If it ,s PriCe z SOrt the IiSt by
IOWeSt PriCe first. I fit ,s the Star rating Of the hotel, then CIiCk to SOrt by rating ・
I —CaSh flow
Examples: ( O )综合指数
(E)—级市场 51.( )每股股价
52.( )开盘价
53.( )二级市场
54.( )资金流 55.( )每股收益
()年回报 ()熊市 ()交易量 ()普通股
Read GUeSt SCOreS and ReVieWS
AIWayS read the guest SCOreS. KeeP in mind that hotels With a high nUmber Of highly rated guest SCOreS and Written guest reviews WiIl inCreaSe your COnfidence that you,ll have a good experience at that hotel. AIWayS COnSider the guest SCOreS When you book a room OnIine in
a hotel. YOUr experience is IikeIy to be similar.
56.What did PeOPIe have to do to SearCh for a hotel in the past?
They had to make a IOt Of _____________________ ・
57.What ShOUId PeOPIe do after they have found their favorite hotel booking site?
SimPly enter their __________________ Z the date Of their trip and the number Of guests・58.HOW are hotel rooms Ordered in a IiSt online?
They are OrdereCl by Star rating, _________________ , Or PriCe・
59.What ShOUId PeOPIe do if they think the Star rating is most important?
TheyjUSt SOrt by ____________________ .
60.Why ShOUld PeOPle take the guest SCOreS into Consideration?
BeCaUSe their experience is Iikely to be ______________________ ・
Part IV ∙∙ TranSIatiOn- EngliSh into ChineSe ee (25 minutes)
DireCtions: ThiS part, numbered 61 through 65, IS to test your ability to translate EngliSh into Chinese. AftereaCh OftheSentenCeS numbered 61 to 64, you Will read three ChOiCeS Of SUggeSted translation marked A)9 B) and C). YOU ShOUId ChOOSe the best translation and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On your Answer Sheet With a Single Iine through the center. And for the ParagraPh numbered65z write your translation in the COrreSPOnding SPaCe On the TranSlatiOn /Composition Sheet.
61.It has been found that SOme PeOPle devote themselves SO fully to their business
SUCCeSS that they develop UnheaIthy eating habits
62.It's not how much data you collect, but the ValUe Of the data COIIeCted that Will help you run your business
63.FailUre to arrive On time for the appointment may result in the test being canCeIed and IOSS Of the test fees
A 级2015-12-7
64.ThiS manUaI COntainS OPerating PrOCedUreS Of the most frequently USed basic functions, allowing the machine to immediately be USed
65.We invite you to SUbmit a PaPer to the 19th WOrld COnference On BUSiness Management. It WiIl take PIaCe in PariS z France, On JUne 29th to JUly 2nd, 2016. The
deadline for SUbmiSSiOn is On JanUary 21st, 2016・ The COnference focuses On Small business management, WhiCh is ClOSely related to your research area ・ IfyOU need more time, PIeaSe Iet US know about a SUitable time for you and I WiIl infOrm you if it is feasible for US DireCtions: ThiS Part is to test your ability to do PraCtiCal writing. YOU are required to
Write an InVitatiOn Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task On the TranSlatiOn/Composition Sheet.
说明:以ABC 公司市场部经理的名义用英语写一封邀请函。
1 •定于2015年22月18日在东方宾馆举行产品发布会;
3 •会后将举行业务洽谈;
5.请在:U 月底前回函确认。
产品发布会:NeW PrOdUCt ReIeaSe
-Writing-- (25 minutes)
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A 级2015-12-8。