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1.Because of the enormous damage or potential damage caused by a flood of the magnitude that occurs once in a hundred years or less, stream gaging records of 10, 20, or 30 years are inadequate, although of some use, in planning flood control projects or for the spillway design of any large dam.
2.The foundation, including abutments, should be of rock or consolidated materials sufficiently strong to support the structure and they must be watertight or so nearly so that excess leakage can be prevented by sealing any cracks or fissures in the foundation with a grouting material or closing the leakage paths by placing a blanket of impervious material in the reservoir area upstream from the dam site.
3.An adjustment of capacity of a storage reservoir may prove to be necessary; this, or any new design data may disclose the need of changing the axis location of the dam even though the reservoir site remain the same.
4.This is determined by the plan formulation studies in which evaluation are made to test whether the inclusion of more than one project function is economically justified.
5.Consideration will also have been given to whether one site, or set of sites, would have important and possibly overriding advantages or disadvantages to the next-best available alternative from environmental impact standpoints.
6.The amounts of active storage capacity will have been selected by the plan formulation procedures whereby costs and accomplishments are estimated for a range of reservoir sizes, benefit values assigned to the different kind and variable amounts of accomplishments, and comparative economic evaluations made for the range of reservoir sizes.
7.efore beginning the field investigation, a thorough search should be made for available information relating to the stream and to the area under consideration including a variety of maps, air photos, and reports.
8.The agricultural soil survey maps and reports are surficial and intended for agricultural interests. These maps and reports are of value to the engineer because such items as soil profile descriptions, ground surface conditions, natural vegetation, drainage, meteorological data, flood danger, and similar data are included.
9.At this stage of investigation, field studies, including geologic mapping or the checking of existing geologic maps, should be completed for the more promising areas. Limited sampling of selected areas and preliminary testing will provide more reliable data on the area. New estimates of the volume of material available in the area should be based on the additional data collected since the initial reconnaissance.
10.They should record the usual geologic and soils descriptions, and their observations are of great importance during drilling and sampling; for example, notes an organic material, moisture content, water levels, degree of cementation and uniformity of the materials.
11.Today the planning, design, construction, and operation of dams frequently involves the services of geophysicists, seismologists, earthquake engineers, and legal experts in addition to geologists and engineers experienced in soils and rock mechanics.
12.he most significant geologic hazards include landslides, earthquakes, land subsidence, leakage through points or erodible formations and the presence in critical locations of liquefiable sediments. The case histories of dam and reservoir failures include reviews of catastrophes(灾难)attributable to each of these hazards.
13.A sufficient preliminary investigation should include a canvass(详细调查)of the literature for reports, maps, and photos, a reconnaissance(勘查)of the project area to detect geologic conditions which could affect project feasibility, the geologic mapping of the dam and reservoir site, as well as the location of sources of construction materials.
一个充分的初步调研应该包括:一个对文献的详细调查,以获取报告、地图和照片;一个对工程区域的查勘,以探测可能影响工程可行性的地质条件、大坝和水库地址的地质绘图、以及建筑材料来源的定位14.All available geologic and topographic maps, photographs of the site area, and data from field examinations of natural outcrops, road cuts, and other surface conditions should be utilized in the selection of the site and preliminary evaluation of the foundation.
15. The data collection continues on a more detailed basis through the design phase. Data are also collected continuously during construction as the foundation is exposed, to correlate with previously obtained information and to evaluate the possible need for design changes.
16.As-built geology drawings should be developed even though revisions in design may not be required by changed geologic conditions, since operation and maintenance problems requiring detailed foundation information may develop.
17.However, there are certain general similarities which permit presentation of types of designs, for example, the earth dam can be further classified into three basic types according to the location of impervious zone: homogeneous dam, central core dam, inclined core dam.
18.Seepage through the dam, foundation and abutment must not exert excessive forces which will result in instability of the dam or abutments while piping, if not controlled, will eventually result in the release of the pool 通过坝体、地基和坝肩的渗流不应该产生过度的渗透压力,当发生管涌时,那会导致坝体或坝肩的失稳,如果不被控制,最终将导致水库的宣泄
19.The top of the dam must be high enough to allow for settlement of the dam and foundation and also to provide sufficient freeboard to prevent waves from a maximum pool from overtopping the dam;
20.Alignment. The alignment of an earth dam should be such as to minimize construction costs but such alignment should not be such as to encourage sliding or cracking of the dam? Normally the shortest straight line across the valley will be satisfactory, but local topographic and foundation conditions may dictate otherwise.
21.f the upstream cofferdam top is wide, or if a significant part of the closure has been constructed and a danger of overtopping exists, then consideration should be given to using the part of the downstream fill as a temporary source of borrow to quickly raise the cofferdam.
22.The upstream dry rubble masonry or placed-rock zone is no longer used. The upstream slopes are constructed at or about the normal angle of repose of the rock, and a compacted bedding layer of small rock is placed on the upstream face to support the facing.
23.The concrete facing was slip formed in panels 12.2 m wide with horizontal contraction joints except near the periphery where intermediate vertical joints, terminating in horizontal contraction joints, were introduced to control cracking of the slab in zones where horizontal tensile strains were expected.
24.A profile is a developed elevation of the intersection of a dam with the original ground surface, rock surface, or excavated surface along the axis of the dam, the upstream face, the downstream face, or other designated location. 剖面图是沿着坝轴线、上游面、下游面或者其他指定位置展开的大坝与原地面、岩层面或开挖面相交的正视图。
25.A basic philosophy of concrete dam design is that dams should be designed according to rational and consistent criteria to ensure safe, economical, functional, durable, and easily maintained structures.
26.Concrete Properties. The concrete properties which must be accurately determined include compressive, tensile, and shear strength; the instantaneous and sustained modulus of elasticity; Poisson' s ratio; and coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and diffusivity. These properties are determined by laboratory tests of the design concrete mix.
这些特性指标都是在实验室对混凝土拌合物进行测试得出27.The factor of safety against sliding on any plane of weakness within the foundation is also assessed using the shear-friction and its value should be not less than 4.0, 2.7 and 1.3 for the Usual, Unusual, and Extreme Loading
Combinations, respectively.
28.To produce a satisfactory design, the engineer conceives and constructs a design layout, makes a stress analysis for the design, reviews the results to determine appropriate changes in the design shape which will improve the stress distributions, and draws a new design layout incorporating the changes.
29.The largest central angle practicable should be used, and consideration given to the fact that the bedrock topography may be inaccurately mapped and the arch abutments may need to be extended to points of somewhat deeper excavation than originally planned.
30.To ensure that the dam is smooth in both the horizontal and vertical directions, the arch radii centers must lie along the reference plane in plan and be connected by smooth continuous curves in elevation called lines of centers.
31.Gravity dams can be analyzed by the Gravity Methods, Trial-load Twist(扭曲)Analysis, or the Beam and Cantilever Method, depending upon the configuration of the dam, continuity between the blocks, and the degree of refinement required.
32The method provide a direct method of calculating stresses at any point within the boundaries of a transverse section of a gravity dam, and the results are substantially correct, except for horizontal planes near the base of the dam where the foundation yielding affects the stress distributions.
33.A factor of safety for overturning is not usually tabulated(列表)with other stability factors. Before bodily overturning of a gravity dam can take place, other failures may occur such as crushing of the toe material and cracking of the upstream material with accompanying increases in uplift pressure and reduction of the shear resistance.
34.Because of their oscillatory(振动的)nature, earthquake forces are not considered as contributing to the overturning tendency. A factor of safety for overturning may be calculated if desired by dividing the total resisting moments by the total moments tending to cause overturning about the downstream toe.