2007年12月ACCA Corporate Reporting(P2)考题解析 section B
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Section B–T WO questions ONL Y to be attempted
2.Macaljoy,a public limited company,is a leading suppor t ser vices company which focuses on the building industr y. The company would like advice on how to treat cer t ain items under IAS19,‘Employee Benefits’and IAS37‘P rovisions,Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets’.The company operates the Macaljoy(2006)P e nsion Plan which commenced on1November2006and the Macaljoy(1990)P e nsion Plan,which was closed to new entrants from 31October2006,but which was open to future ser vice
accrual for the employees already in the scheme.The assets of the schemes are held
separately from those of the company in funds under the control of trustees.The
following information relates to the two schemes:
Macaljoy(1990)P e nsion Plan
The terms of the plan are as follows:
(i) e mployees contribute 6% of their salaries to the plan
(ii) Macaljoy contributes,currently,the same amount to the plan for the benefit of the employees
(iii)On retirement,employees are guaranteed a pension which is based upon the number of years ser vice with the company and their final salary
The following details relate to the plan in the year to31October2007:
$m P r esent value of obligation at1November2006200 P r esent value of obligation at31October2007240
F a ir value of plan assets at1November2006190
F a ir value of plan assets at31October2007225
Current ser vice cost20 P e nsion benefits paid19 To tal contributions paid to the scheme for year to31October200717 Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in the‘statement of recognised income and expense’.
Macaljoy(2006)P e nsion Plan
Under the terms of the plan,Macaljoy does not guarantee any return on the contributions paid into the fund.The company’s legal and constructive obligation is limited to the amount that is contributed to the fund.The following details relate to this scheme: $m
F a ir value of plan assets at31October200721
Contributions paid by company for year to31October200710 Contributions paid by employees for year to31October200710
The discount rates and expected return on plan assets for the two plans are:
1November2006 31October2007 Discount rate5% 6%
Expected return on plan assets7%8% The company would like advice on how to treat the two pension plans,for the year ended31 October2007,together with an explanation of the differences between a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan.
W a rranties
Additionally the company manufactures and sells building equipment on which it gives a standard one year warranty to all customers.The company has extended the warranty to two years for cer t ain major customers and has insured against the cost of the second year of the warranty.The warranty has been extended at nil cost to the customer.The claims made under the extended warranty are made in the first instance against Macaljoy and then Macaljoy in turn makes a counter claim against the insurance company.Pa st experience has shown that80%of the building equipment will not be subject to warranty claims in the first year,15%will have minor defects and 5% will require major repair.Macaljoy estimates that in the second year of the warranty,20%of the items sold will have minor defects and10%will require major repair.
Assume that sales of equipment are on31October2007and any warranty claims are made on31October in the year of the claim.Assume a risk adjusted discount rate of 4%.
Re q ui red:
Draf t a repor t suitable for presentation to the directors of Macaljoy which:
(a)(i)Discusses the nature of and differences between a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan with specific reference to the company’s two schemes.(7marks) (ii)Shows the accounting treatment for the two Macaljoy pension plans for the year ended31 October2007 under IAS19‘Employee Benefits’.(7marks)
(b)(i)Discusses the principles involved in accounting for claims made under the above warranty provision.(6marks)
(ii)Shows the accounting treatment for the above warranty provision under IAS 37
‘P rovisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’for the year ended31October2007.
Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the repor t and communication of advice.(2 marks) (25marks)
对于缺失的preparer and date等大家虚拟一个就可以了。
题目分成两个问题,(a)是关于IAS 19 Employee Benefits,(b)是关于IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets。
(a) (ii) 两项pension plans的会计处理
1990 Pension Plan,从(iii)On retirement,employees are guaranteed a pension which is based upon the number of years ser vice with the company and their final salary可以看出这是一项defined benefit plan。
原因在于defined contribution plan不具备这样的特征。
另外大家在考前也做了很多IAS 19 Employee Benefits的题目,由相似的题目信息也可以知这是defined benefit plan。
题目中给了期初的和期末的discount rate and expected return on plan assets。
原因在于rate是actuary对以后(含当期)discount rate and expected return on plan assets所做的的估计,期末出现差异时以actuarial gains or losses进行调整。
2006 pension plan 由题干信息Macaljoy does not guarantee any return on the contributions paid into the fund.The company’s legal and constructive obligation is limited to the amount that is contributed to the fund.可知这是一项defined contribution plan。
其实这一句话的侧面也告诉了我们the business做了相应的支付后不承担其他责任,也即fair value of plan assets的多少与business无关。
Contribution paid by company的会计分录为:
Dr: operating expenses 10m
Cr: cash 10m
Contribution paid by employees的会计分录为:
Dr: wages 10m
Cr: cash 10m
(i) 经过一些数字的计算,大家逐渐树立了对文字的信心.这一部分也要回答两个部分内容,一为nature,二为differences,需注意的是specific reference to the company.
(b) 同样我们从(ii)开始,根据IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets,Provision视不同的情况分为两种方式,一、one-off item,采取best estimate的办法;二、large population items采取weighted average的办法。
Present value为(30+50+75+125)/(1+4%)=269
首先离不开provision的定义, A liability of uncertain timing or amount.然后是在什么条件下可以确
IAS 37给出了三个必备的条件,An entity must recognise a provision under IAS37 if,and only if:
(a)a present obligation(legal or constructive)has arisen as a result of a past event(the obligating event)
(b)i t is probable(‘more likely than not’),that an outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits will be required to settle the obligation
(c)t he amount can be estimated reliably
其中包含Liability一词,而liability的概念又指的是A present obligation of the entity arising from past events,
the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.在provision的定义里另外两个要素分别是uncertain timing和uncertain amount。
The amount recognised as a provision should be the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date,that is,the amount that an enterprise would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date or to transfer it to a third par t y.This means provisions for large populations of events such as warranties,are measured at a probability weighted expected value.In reaching its best estimate,the entity should take into account the risks and uncertainties that surround the underlying events.
Expected cash outflows should be discounted to their present values, where the effect of the time value of money is material using a risk adjusted rate (it should not reflect risks for which future cash flows have been adjusted).
题目中提到了the company has insured against the cost of the second year of the warranty.提醒大家注意关于这一项的做法,也即,题目中的所有用语大家都要注意,一方面这是题目信息,另一方面这也是做题的答案来源之处。
If some or all of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed by another party,the reimbursement should be recognised as a separate asset when, and only when, it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received if the entity settles the obligation. The amount recognised should not exceed the amount of the provision. In measuring a provision future events should be considered.
The provision for the warranty claim will be determined by using the expected value method.
The past event which causes the obligation is the initial sale of the product with the warranty given at that time. It would be appropriate for the company to make a provision for the Year 1 warranty of $280,000 and Year 2 warranty of $350,000, which represents the best estimate of the obligation. Only if the insurance company have validated the counter claim will Macaljoy be able to recognise the asset and income.
Recovery has to be virtually certain. If it is virtually certain, then Macaljoy may be able to recognise the asset. Generally contingent assets are never recognised, but disclosed where an inflow of economic benefits is probable.
3 Ghorse,a public limited company,operates in the fashion sector and had undertaken a group
re-o rganisation during the current financial year to31October2007.As a result the
following events occurred:
(a)Ghorse identified two manufacturing units,Cee and Gee,which it had
decided to dispose of in a single transaction.These units comprised non-current assets only.One of the units,Cee,had been impaired prior to the financial year end on30 September2007and it had been written down to its recoverable amount of$35million. The criteria in IFRS5,‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’,for
classification as held for sale,had been met for Cee and Gee at30September2007.The following information related to the assets of the cash generating units at30September
The fair value less costs to sell had risen at the year end to$40million for Cee and$95 million for Gee.The increase in the fair value less costs to sell had not been taken into account by Ghorse.(7marks)
(b)As a consequence of the re-o rganisation,and a change in government legislation,the
tax authorities have allowed a revaluation of the non-current assets of the holding company for tax purposes to market value at31October 2007.There has been no change in the carr ying values of the non-current assets in the financial statements. The tax base and the carr ying values after the revaluation are as follows:
Carr ying amount Ta x base at Ta x base at
20after revaluation b efore revaluation
P r oper ty5648
V e hicles3328
Other taxable temporar y differences amounted to$5million at31October2007.Assume income tax is paid at 30%.The deferred tax provision at31October2007had been calculated using the tax values before revaluation.(6marks)
(c)A subsidiar y company had purchased computerised equipment for$4million on31 October2006to improve the manufacturing process.Whilst re-o rganising the group, Ghorse had discovered that the manufacturer of the computerised equipment was now selling the same system for$2·5million.The projected cash flows from the equipment are: Y e ar ended31October C ash flows
The residual value of the equipment is assumed to be zero.The company uses a discount rate of10%.The directors think that the fair value less costs to sell of the equipment is$2 million.The directors of Ghorse propose to write down the non-current asset to the new selling price of$2·5million.The company’s policy is to depreciate its computer equipment by25%per annum on the straight line basis.(5marks)
(d)The manufacturing proper ty of the group,other than the head office, was held on an operating lease over 8years.On re-o rganisation on31October
2007,the lease has been renegotiated and is held for12years at a rent of$5million per annum paid in arrears.The fair value of the proper ty is$35million and its remaining economic life is13years.The lease relates to the buildings and not the land.The factor to be used for an annuity at10%for12years is6·8137.(5marks)
The directors are worried about the impact that the above changes will have on the value of its non-current assets and its key per f ormance indicator which is‘R eturn on Capital Employed’(ROCE).ROCE is defined as operating profit before interest and tax divided by share capital,other reser ves and retained earnings.The directors have calculated ROCE as $30million divided by$220million,i.e.13·6%before any adjustments required by the above. F o rmation of opinion on impact on ROCE.(2marks)
Re q ui red:
Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions and the impact that the resulting adjustments to the financial statements would have on ROCE.
Note:your answer should include appropriate calculations where necessar y and a discussion of the accounting principles involved.(25marks)
(a) Non-current assets 和non-current assets held for sale的差异主要体现:No depreciation should be charged while a non-current asset is classified as held for sale.
这道题目看起来好像考的是IFRS 5,实际上它测试的还是IAS 36 Impairement loss的问题。
题目信息中已经很明确提出the two units 符合IFRS 5 的要求。
并且to be disposed of in a single transaction。
答案可以分成两个部分,第一是impairement loss的确认问题。
The two units并无明显差异,只是在归类为held for sale之前要单项确认,归类之后作为一个unit来确认。
在这之前如果不能单独确认其recoverable amount 时,也是找其cash generating unit。
如果是从一个unit的角度出发,发生impairment loss时需选择合适的分配方案。
值得一说的是impairment loss在应用其他会计标准时如果以前该项有revaluation的盈余,则可以作为revaluation reserve的减少;而对于non-current assets held for sale而言,因为其不存在revaluation的问题,所以只出现在profit and loss account里面。
The measurement basis required for non-current assets held for sale is applied to the group as a whole and any impairment loss will reduce the carr ying amount of the non-current assets in the disposal group in the order of allocation required by IAS36‘Imp airment of Assets’.
Dr:Impairement loss(retained earnings) 15
Cr: Cee 15
第二个问题是reversal of impairment loss。
对于non-current assets held for sale 和non-current assets而言做法是一致的,均可以转回,但是reversal 是有个上限的,不可高于impairment loss 尚未发生时其在报表日的net book value。
Thus Ghorse should not increase the value of the disposal group above$105million at30 September2007as this is the carr ying amount of the assets measured in accordance with applicable IFRS immediately before being classified as held for sale(IAS36and IAS16). After classification as held for sale,the disposal group will remain at this value as this is the lower of the carr ying value and fair value less costs to sell,and there is no impairment recorded as the recoverable amount of the disposal group is in excess of the carr ying value. At a subsequent repor t ing date following initial classification as held for sale the disposal group should be measured at fair value less costs to sell.However,IFRS5 allows any subsequent increase in fair value less costs to sell to be recognised in profit or loss to the extent that it is not in excess of any impairment loss recognised in accordance with IFRS5or previously with IAS36.Thus any increase in the fair value less costs to sell can be recognised as $15 m
Dr: Cee and Gee 15
Cr: reversal of impairment loss (retained earnings) 15
(b)这一项影响考查的是IAS 12 income tax。
其难点部分在于对deferred tax的确认上。
按照IAS 12只有temporary difference才能够确认deferred tax。
根据题目信息它们符合deferred tax的确认条件。
当Tax base大于carrying amount时为deductible temporary difference,确认为deferred tax assets;当tax base小于carrying amount时为taxable temporary difference,确认为deferred tax liabilities。
Carr ying Ta x T emporar y
Amount Base Difference
P r oper ty50482
V e hicles30282
Other taxable temporar y differences5
The deferred tax liability is $9million x30%,i.e.$2.7million
Carr ying Ta x T emporar y
Amount Base Difference
P r oper ty506515
V e hicles30355
Other taxable temporar y differences(5)
The deferred tax asset would be$15million x30%,i.e.$4·5 million subject to there being sufficient taxable profit.
Dr:deferred tax liability 2.7 m
Dr:deferred tax assets 4.5 m
Cr: income tax 7.2 m
本项最后应注意的是The recognition of deferred tax assets will result in the recognition of income, in the income statement.This amount cannot be repor t ed in equity as IAS1 2only allows deferred tax to be recognised in equity if the corresponding entr y is recognised in equity.This is not the case in this situation as the revaluation was not recognised for IFRS purposes.
对于ROCE的影响在于,分子PBIT没有发生变化,因为income tax是PBIT 后面的项目,但是分母增加了deferred tax assets,整个ROCE变小了。
(c) 这仍是一个impairment loss的问题,按照IAS 36 impairment loss 的要求,在报表日企业需要通过external and internal indicators来进行impairment test,看是否确实发生impairment loss。
The manufacturer has reduced the selling price是one external indicator,但并不能说明肯定发生了impairment loss,如(a)中所述,impairment loss发生在carrying amount 大于了recoverable amount。
而recoverable amount不仅仅取决于fair value less cost to sell的大小,它是higher of fair value less cost to sell和value in use.这一点在题目中都直接或间接的给了出来,对大家做题而言不难想到这一点。
(i)本题value in use的计算如下
Year ended Cash Discounted
31 October flows (10%)
$m $m
2008 1.3 1.2
2009 2.2 1.8
2010 2.3 1.7
Value in use 4.7
(ii) The fair value less costs to sell of the asset $2 million.
(iii) the recoverable amount is $4·7 million,
(iv) recoverable amount is higher than the carrying value of $3 million and, therefore, the equipment is not impaired
对于ROCE,因为分子分母都没因此发生变化,所以对ROCE 没有影响。
补充(i),这道题目如果是发生了impairment loss,则要考虑的项目会更多一些。
比如,以后期折旧的计算和impairment loss的会计处理等等。
补充(ii),如果时间上来得及可以对value in use等术语进行一下解释或说明。
这样会带给大家good luck的分数。
(d) 这一项相对来说更加简单了,涉及IAS 17 leasing的问题,无外乎就是operating lease 还是financing lease。
Fiancing lease的判断不是按照法律上或形式上的title(所有权)作为标准,而是看risk and rewards 是否发生转移,具体的表现形式有很多,主要在时间和金额上。
时间上,Lease term是否占economic life的大部分;金额上,present value of leasing expenditure是否占fair value的大部分。
在没有其他相反的证据的情况下,如果答案是yes,我们可以视其为financing lease。
所以在re-organisation之后,可以视其为financing lease。
我们在考试时所遇到的,大家不难用common sense区分出来什么是大部分,完全不需要担心出现50%左右的结果出来,即使出现了,也不用担心。
我们的原则是定性判断为主,即risk and rewards是否发生了转移)
Dr: Property 34m
Cr: finance leased liability 34m
这一项对于ROCE的影响,分子没有变化,分母asset and liability增加同样的金额,结果不变。
Adjusted ROCE
P r ofit before tax and interest30
add increase in value of disposal group(a) 15
Capital employed220
add increase in value of disposal group(a) 15
Deferred tax asset(4·5+2·7) (b) 7.2
Adjusted ROCE 45/242.2=18.6%
The directors对于ROCE的担心是没必要的,不但没下降,而且还上升了。
4. The International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)has begun a joint project to revisit its
conceptual framework for financial accounting and repor t ing.The goals of the project are to build on the existing frameworks and converge them into a common framework.
Re q ui red:
(a)D iscuss why there is a need to develop an agreed international conceptual framework
and the e x tent to which an agreed international conceptual framework can be used to resolve practical accounting issues.(13marks)
(b)D iscuss the key issues which will need to be addressed in
determining the basic components of an internationally agreed conceptual
Appropriateness and quality of discussion.(2marks)(25marks)