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part I, True or False, 30% (提醒学生在答题时要正确的画A,错的画
part II. Multiple Choices 20%, 20x1. (2,4,5 细节)
Part III. Cultural Puzzles 10% (与课后习题中的 cultrual puzzles 类似,不过是
四个选项,范围为课后习题中的cultural puzzles和我们在每个单元划出的重点案例)5X2.
.Term Matching 15%(名词解释,从备选的terms中选择与其对应的Part IV
Part V. Short-Answer Questions 15% (简答题,范围在我们划过的重点内)5X3.
Part VI. Case Study 10% (课外案例分析,阅读一个案例,回答三个小问题,题目不会超出课内讲解的内容)10 xl.
要补充的重点为pl 14, (E. Discover the meaning of some common gestures in English), pl29, (B・ What are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively)
另外让学生深入研究 unit 5 和 Unit 2, Unit 4 (culturally-loaded words),以及每
单元的重点案例,以及单元后面的练习A, B(划过的问答题),C (Euphemism
Understanding), 以及 E (cultural puzzles)
Unit 1
1・ Economic globalization:经济全球化 the integration of national economies into
the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.
2・ Global village:地球木寸 All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet・ 3・ Melting pot: 大熔炉 a socio-cultural assimilation of people
of different
backgrounds and nationalities・
4.Cultural Diversity:文化多样性 the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and subcultures
to which members
5.Intercultural communication:跨文化交际 communication between people whose
cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event・
6.Culture:文化 a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively
large group of people・ 7. Enculturation:文化适应 all the activities of learning one' s culture are called enculturation.
8・ Acculturation:文化传入 the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures・ 9. Ethnocentrism:民族优越?感 the belief that your own cultural background is superior・
munication:交际 to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge・(以下为components of
PS: what is the difference between encoding & decoding
Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol・
Decoding is the process of assigning meaning to the symbols received.
11.Source 发送信息的人 The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate・
12.Encoding 编码 Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea you desire to conimunicate・ Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol・
13.Message 信,息 The term message identifies the encoded thought・Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object・
14.Channel 渠道 The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted・ The channel or medium,
then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.
15.Noise 噪咅 The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes・
16.Receiver 接的人 The receiver is the person who attends to the message ・
17.Decoding 解码 Decoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process・ The receiver is actively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received・
18.Receiver response 反馈 The receiver is the person who attends to the message・ Receiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message・
19.Feedback 反馈 Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning・
20.Context 语境 The final component of communication is context・Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the conimunication takes place and which helps define the communication.
精讲案例 Case 1 (p. 1) case 2 (p. 2)
1、 what are the four trends that lead to the development of the global village? P8-9+
convenient transportation systems
innovative communication systems
economic globalization
widespread migrations
2・ What are the three ingredients of culture?
Artifacts (the material and spiritual products people produce)
Behavior(what they do)
Concept(what they think)
3.How to understand cultural iceberg? P7
The aspects of culture that are explicit, visible, taught・
The aspects of culture that are intangible and not taught directly.
4.What are the characteristic of culture?
Shared , learned, dynamic, ethnocentric (文化中心主义),
5・ What are the characteristic of communication?
Dynamic, irreversible, symbolic, systematic, transactional, contextual Unit 2-4
11.Pragmatics: in JU the study of the effect that language has on human
perceptions and behavior・
12.Semantics:语意 the study of the meaning of words・
13.Denotation:字面意思 the literal meaning or definition of a word
-- the explicit, particular, defined meaning・
14.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connotation:弓玄夕卜之音 the suggestive meaning of a word ------------------ all the
values, judgments, and beliefs implied by a word, the historical and
associative accretion of the unspoken significance behind the literal meaning・
15.Taboo:禁忌语 some objects, words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons・ 16. Euphemism:委婉语 the act of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive・
精讲案例 Case 1, case 2 (p. 17) case 4 (p. 19) Case 2 (p 43) case 3
(p. 45) Case 1 (p. 67) case 3 (p. 69)
6・ How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing?
(P. 33)
The Americans tend to address only with given names while the
Chinese may use the full name・ Even when the full names are used in some formal occasions by the Americans, the given names would be placed before the surname while the Chinese would do the opposite・
Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage while the Americans seldom do so.
The Chinese tend to address the people with titles but in English only a few occupation or titles could be used・
7・ What are the social functions of compliments? (p. 60)(答案 p50 第一段)
Compliments have a series of social functions: creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or
congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment・ Unit 5
17.Chronemics:时T可学 The study of how people perceive and use time・
18.Monochronic time:一元时'间概念 paying attention to and doing only one thing
at a time・
19.Polychronic time:多元时间概念 being involved with many things at once ・
20.Proxemics:空「可学 the perception and use of space・
21.Kinetics:身势学 the study of body language
22.Para language: W involving sounds but not words and lying between
verbal and nonverbal communication.
精讲案例 case 1 (p. 85) case 3 (p. 87) case 5, 6 (p. 90) case 7 (p. 91) 思考题
8・ What are the different features of M-time and P-time? (p97)
M-time means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time・M-time is noted for its emphasis on schedules, segmentation and promptness・ It features one event at a time・ Time is perceived as a
linear structure and something concrete tangible・
P-time means being involved with many things at once・
P-time is less rigid and clock-bound・ It features several activities at the same time・ It is more flexible and human-centered.
9.what is the meaning of common gestures in English? P114 (答案 P233-234)
Unit 6
精讲案例 case 1 (p. 115) case 2 (p. 116) p. 124-126 中的小案例
9.How is gender different from sex? (p. 129)(答案 P. 119/120)
10.What has influenced the gender socialization?
There are two primary influences on gender socialization: family communication, particularly between mothers and children and recreational interaction among children.
11.What are the six principles for effective cross-gender communication? (p. 129)(答案 127-128)
Suspend judgement, recognize the validity of different communication styles, provide translation cues, enlarge your own communication style, suspend judgement・ 12. what are the characteristics of feminine talk and masculine talk respectively?
精讲案例 case 1 (p. 137) case 3 (p. 139)
13.Discuss the concepts of high context culture and low context culture (pl53)(结合
最后一个单元中 ppt 的讲解,了解 high-context culture 和 low-context culture 两个
A high-context communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message・ In high-context cultures,
verbal messages have little meaning without the surrounding context, which includes the overall relationship between all the people engaged in communication.(沉默是金;一切尽在不言中;心
A low context communication is the just the opposite; i・ e・ the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code・
High-context culture low-context culture
Japanese Chinese Korean American ......... ・・ German German-Swiss
Unit 9
23. A planetary culture:行星文化 a culture that integrates eastern mysticism with
western science and rationalism.
24.Intercultural person:跨文化的人represents someone whose cognitive, affective,
and behavioral characteristics are not limited but open to growth beyond the psychological parameters of his or her own culture・
13. What are the American/Chinese cultural values like in terms of Cultural Orientation put forward by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck?(ppt 中的补充内容)
s far as the human nature is concerned, American culture holds that it is evil but A
perfectible through hard work・ As to the relation of man to nature, they think mankind can conquer nature・ They also have a linear time concept and therefore they are future-oriented・ They focus on doing and think that only actions can solve the problem. They are quite
individualistic and therefore they focus less on the benefits of the group ・
As far as the human nature is concerned, Chinese culture holds that it is good but corruptible without proper education. As to the relation of man to nature, they think mankind can live in harmony with nature・ They also have a cyclical time concept and therefore they are past- oriented ・ They have a being-and-becoming attitude towards activity and think that man should keep an inner peace as nothing is eterna1. They are quite collective and therefore they focus more on the benefits of the group・
14.Identify the features of each of four Hofstede* s cultural dimensions and use them
to analyze the cases (案例分析)。
