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U1 1.Describe the five characteristics of effective business communication.描述有效的商务沟通的五大特点:1、Provide practical information.提供实用信息2 、Give facts rather than impressions.给出事实而不是印象3、Clarify and condense information.澄清和浓缩信息4、State precise responsibilities.确定明确的责任5、Persuade others and offer recommendations.说服他人并提供建议
2.Describe five strategies for communicating more effectively on the job.描述在
工作中有效商务沟通的五种策略1)Minimizing distractions.专注2)Adopting an audience-centered approach.以受众为中心3)Fine-tuning your business communication skills.调整商务沟通技巧4)Giving-and responding to-constructive feedback.给出和回答反馈的信息5)Being sensitive to business etiquette.注重商务礼仪
U2 1.Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams.描述团队工作的优点和缺点1优点1)Increase information and konwledge.增加信息和知识2)Increased diversity of views.增加观点的多样性3)Increased acceptance of a solution. 让解决办法更容易接受4)Higher performance levels.获得更高的绩效水平。

2缺点:(1)Groupthink.集体迷思2)Hidden agendas.易使员工隐藏动机3)Free riders.易使员工搭便车4)Cost.耗费时间和金钱
2.Describe the listening process and explain how good listeners overcome barriers at each stage of the process.描述倾听的过程,并解释一个好的听众如何克服每个阶段的障碍1过程:Receiving,interpreting,remembering

2策略:1.Control whatever barriers to physical reception you can.尽可能控制所接受的所有障碍2.Avoid selective listening by trying to focus on the speaker and analyzing what you hear.避免把注意力放在说话人本身,要分析你听到3.Keep an open mind by avoiding any prejudgment and by not listening defensively.保持开放的心态,不要有偏见和防御心理4.Try to paraphrase the speaker’s ideas,giving that perso n a chance to confirm or correct your interpretation.试着诠释说话者的观点,给那人机会来证实或纠正你的观点5.Don’t count your memory,but record,write down,or capture information in some other physical way.不要只用大脑记忆,要记录,写下来或其它方法来保留信息6.Improve your short-term memory by repeating information,organizing it into patterns,or breaking it into shorter lists.重复信息来提高你的短期记忆,整合在一起或整理成列表7.Improve your long-term memory by
association,categorization,visualization,and mnemonics.通过组织,分类,视觉记忆及助记符来提高你的长期记忆能力
3.Clarify the importance of nonverbal communication and briefly describe six categories of nonverbal expression.阐明非语言交际的重要性,并简要描述六类非语言表达。

1重要性:Nonverbal communication supplements spoken language.Nonverbal signals play three important roles in communication.The first is complementing verbal language.The second is revealing truth.The third is conveying information efficiently.非语言沟通时对语言沟通的补充,非语言信号在沟通中扮演三个重要角色意识与口头语言优势互补,二是容易揭示真理,三是更好地进行信息输送2类型:facial expression,gesture and posture,vocal characteristics,personal appearance,touch,time and space.面部表情,手势和姿态,声音,个人仪表,触碰,时间和地点
U3 1.Define ethnocentrism and stereotyping,then give three suggestions for overcoming these limiting mindsets.定义种族中心主义和刻板印象并对这些心态提出三个建议。

1定义1)Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge all other groups according to the standards,behaviors,and customs of one’s own group. 种族中心主义是根据自己团体的标准,行为,习惯来评判其他团体
2)Stereotyping is assigning generalized attributes to an individual on the basis of membership in a particular.刻板印象指按照个人标准形成的对某类人的印象。

建议:(1)Avoid assumptions.避免假设2)Avoid judgments.避免主观判断
3)Acknowledge distinctions.要承认文化差异
2.Explain the importance of recognizing cultural variations and list six categories of cultural differences.认识文化差异的重要性是什么,列出六类文化差异。


2类型:contextual differences,legal and ethical differences,social differences,nonverbal differences,age differences,gender differences.语境差异,法律和道德差异,社会差异,语言差异,性别差异
U4 1.Describe the importance of analyzing your audience and indentify the six factors you should consider when developing an audience profile
六个要素:1.Identify your primary audience (确定首要听众);2.Determine audience size and geographic distribution (确定受众人数和地理分布);3.Determine audience composition (确认受众组成)4.Gauge audience members’level of understanding (估计受众的理解水平)5.Understand audience expectations and preferences (了解受众期望和偏好)6.Forecast probable audience reaction (预测)
2.Summarize the process for organizing business messages effectively
总结有效组织商务信息的方法答:1.Defining your main idea (定义你的主要观点);2.Limiting your scope (限制你的范围);3.Choosing between direct and indirect approaches (选择直接和间接地方法)4.Outlining your content (概述你的内容)
U5 1.Disscuss four ways of achieving a businesslike tone with a style that is clear and concise 讨论四种获得明确和简洁的有效率的对话的方法
答:1.Avoid obsolete and pompous language(避免陈旧和自负的语言);2.Avoid preaching and bragging (避免讲道和吹嘘);3.Be careful with intimacy(小心亲昵行为);4.Be careful with humor(小心幽默)
U6 1.List four writing techniques you can use to improve the readability of your message 列举四个你能用到的提高你的信息可读性的方法
答:1.Varying your sentence length (改变句子的长度) ;2.Keeping your paragraphs short (保持段落简洁) ing lists and bullets to clarify and emphasize (使用列表和项目编号来阐述和强调)4.Adding headings and subheadings (增加标题和副标题) 2.Discuss why it’s important to make your message more concise and give four tips on how to do so 讨论更改句子简洁性的重要性以及列举四个方法
重要性:Make your documents tighter ,improving the readability of your documents ,and correcting sentence structure for clarity.

方法:1.Delet Unnecessary Words and Phrases (删除不必要的单词和短语)2.Shorten long words and phrases (缩短长词和短语);3.Eliminate redundancies (消除冗余);4.Rewrite sentences that start with
“it is” or “there are ” (用“it is ”和“there are ”改写句子)
U7 1.Apply the three-step writing process to routine and positive messages?应用三步骤方法写日常的和积极的信息1)Plan your message 计划你的消息2)Writing your message 写出你的消息3)Complete your message 完成信息
2,Outline an effective strategy for routine request
概括出写日常要求的有效策略(一)State your quest up front 把你的人物放在前面1.Pay attention to tonPay attention to tone 注重语气2.Assume your audience will comply 假设你的听众会遵守3.Punctuate question and polite request differently 圈点问题和礼貌的要求不同4.Be specific要写具体
(二)Explain and justify request解释和说明要求
(三)Request specific action in a courteous close 要求以一种礼貌的具体行动接近U8 1.Explain the differences between the direct and the indirect approaches to negative messages ,including when it is appropriate to use each one?解释直接和间接对待负面信息的差异,包括在适当时候使用哪一个?
不同情形需用的方法及差异:(一)直接Direct approach 1.Firmness is needed(坚定性的需要) 2.Bad news won not come as a shock(坏消息会不会作为一个坏消息) 3.Situation is routine of mirror (情形是行动的镜子) 4.Audience prefers bad news first (听众喜欢先听坏消息)(二)间接Indirect approach 1. Indirect will be displeased听众会感到不悦2.Audience is emotionally involed听众情感的投入U9 1.Describe the AIDA model for persuasive messages.描述具有说服力的AIDI(获得注意、引起兴趣、激发欲望、采取行动)促销模型
答:1)Attention Write a brief and engaging opening sentence ,with no extravagant claims or irrelevant points. And be sure to find some common ground on which to build your case 获得注意:写一个简洁引人入胜的句子,没有过度的要求和无关的要点,而且一定要找一些共同点来支持你的案例。

2)Interest Explain the relevance of your message to your audience. Continuing the theme you started with, paint a more detailed picture with words .Get your audience thinking 引起兴趣:向你的客户解释你信息的相关性,坚持你开始的主题,画一张带文字的画让他们思考。

3)Desire Help audience members embrace your idea by explaining how the change will benefit them .Reduce resistance by identifying and answering in advance any questions the audience might have . If your idea is complex , you may need to explain how you would implement it . 激发欲望:通过解释机会会怎样给他们带来好处,帮助你的听众认同你的观点,通过回答和确定他们所可能有的问题,减少对你观点的抵触,。


4)Action Suggest the action you want readers to take .The secret of a successful action phase is making the action phase 采取行动:给他们建议你想让他们所要采取的行动方案。

2.Distinguish between emotional and logical appeals and discuss how to balance them .辨别情感和逻辑上诉并讨论如何平衡
答:(1)Emotional Appeals An emotional appeal calls on feelings ,basing the argument on audience needs or sympathies.情感上诉:感情上诉请求同情,靠辩论和需求争得别人的同情(2)Logical Appeals A logical appeal calls on reason .In any argument you might use to persuade an audience ,you make a claim and then support your claim with reasons or evidence . 合理上诉:一个合乎逻辑的上根据原因,在任何一次辩论中,可以用说服听众,你提出索赔,然后支持你们的索赔理由和证据。

To find the optimum balance ,consider four factors
找到最适宜的平衡需考虑四个因素1.the actions you hope to motivate
你希望激励行为2.your reader’s expectations 你读者的期望3.the degree of resistance you need to overcome 你需要克服阻力4.how far you feel empowered to go to sell your point of view 多大程度让别人认同你观点
U10 Planning Reports And Proposals计划的报告和建议
2.Distinguish informational reports,analytical reports,and proposals区分信息报告,分析报告和建议。

答:rmational reports offer data, facts,feedback,and other types of information,without analysis or recommendations.信息报告提供的数据,事实,反馈,和其他类型的信息,没有分析或建议。

2.Analytical reports offer both information and analysis,and they can also include recommendations.分析报告提供信息和分析,还可以和他们的建议包括。

3.Proposals offer structured persuasion for internal or external audiences.建议提供结构化的劝说,内部或外部的观众。

3.Discuss three major ways to organize analytical reports.讨论三种主要的方式来组织分析报告。

见355页答:1) Focus on conclusions or recommendations重点结论或建议法1.(Readers are likely to accept读者会接受 a direct approach一个直接的方法writer credibility high作家信誉高advantages readers quickly grasp conclusions or recommendations优点读者快速掌握结论或建议drawbacks structure can make topic seem too simple缺陷结构可以使话题似乎太简单
了)2.Focusing on conclusions is often the best approach when you’re addressing a receptive audience.重点结论往往是最好的办法,当你正在处理一个听众。

3.When readers want to know what you think they should do, organize your report to focus on recommendations.当读者想知道什么,你认为他们应该做的时候,组织你的报告,使用重点推荐法。

2) Focus on logical argument注重逻辑论证法
有两种方法use2+2=4model and use yardstick model ……use2+ 2 =4model和使用标准模型法。

(Focus on logical argument:Readers are hostile or skeptical注重逻辑论证:读者敌对或怀疑 a indirect approach一个间接的方法writer credibility low作家信誉低)
The 2+ 2 =4approach is so named because it convinces readers of your point of view by demonstrating that everything adds up.2+ 2 =4approach这样命名是因为它说服读者你的角度表明,所有的都加起来。

Advantages:works well when you need to show readers how you built toward an answer by following clear logical steps.优点:工作时,你需要向读者展示你如何建立一个回答以下明确的逻辑步骤。

Drawbacks:can make report longer缺陷:使报告太长
The yardstick approach is useful when you need to use a number of criteria to decide which option to select from two or more possibilities.标准的做法是有益的,当你需要使用一些标准来决定哪些选择选择从一个或多个可能性。

The yardstick approach compares alternatives to a set of predetermined standards, without conducting experiments or evaluating hypotheses.该标准的做法是比较选择一个预先确定的标准,没有进行实验或评估假设。

Advantages:works well when you have a list of criteria that must be considered in a decision; alternatives are all measured against same criteria.优点:工作时,你有一个清单的标准,必须考虑在决定;替

Drawbacks:readers must agree on criteria; can be lengthy because of the need to address each criteria for every alternative.缺点:读者必须同意标准;可能很长,因为要解决每一个标准的每一个选择。
