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1. The major religions in China 中国的主要宗教P37
The major religions in china are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity.
2. What in guaranteed in china’s constitution about the freedom to practice religions activities?
Citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism.
3. the main sects of Lamaist Buddhism 喇嘛教的主要派别P42
The main ones are Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu, Bon and Gelug.
4. the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China 中国佛教四大名山P41
These are Wutai in Shanxi province, Putuo in Zhejiang province, 山西五台(文殊),浙江普陀(观音)Emei in Sichuan province, and Jiuhua in Anhui province. 四川峨眉(普贤),安徽九华山(地藏)5. the basic principle of Taoism 道教基本原理P45
First, be benevolent; Second, be pure; and third, do not act in advance of other people.
6. What is “Dao” in Taoism 在道教中“道”的意思P45
The word “Dao” translates as “the way”. In its broadest sense, Dao is the way the universe functions, the path taken by all natural events. Dao is nature’s way, expresse d in effortless action.
7. take three examples at least to manifest Yin and Yang 举三个例子显示阴和阳P45
dark and light, life and death, male and female, good and evil, strong and weak
8. two sects of Taoism, and difference be tween them 道教的两个派别P46
the True Unity Sect 正一教;the Complete Unity Sect 全真教
①The tru e Unity Sect believed in “driving out devils by calling in the gods” and “averting disasters through prayers.” It’s priests could marry and have meat and wine except during the special fasting periods.正一教信仰“呼叫神灵赶走邪恶”和“通过祈祷避免灾害”。
②The Complete Unity Sect emphasized self-cultivation and immortality, and its priests had to renounce home life, practice vegetarianism, and remain unmarried.全真教强调修身和不朽,教士必须放弃家庭生活,实践素食主义,并保持未婚。
9. the three Islamic festivals 伊斯兰教三大节日P47
Lesser Bairam,Korban Bairam,and Mohammed’s Birthday
10. the principles of Three-self “三自”原理P50
The principles of three-self refer to self-government, self-support and self-propagation.
11. Confucian virtues 儒家美德P57
The keynote of Confucian ethics is ren, translated as love. Other important Confucian virtues include righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust worthiness or integrity and filial piety. 义、礼、智、信、孝
12. Confucian theory about education 儒家教育理论P58
In education, there is no class distinction. 有教无类
13. What does Taoism emphasize? 道教强调什么?P58
Taoism emphasizes strongly the union of man and nature, suggesting that man controls his environment not by fighting it but by cooperating with it.道教重视人与自然的和谐,认为人类控制自然不是通过战争而是与他们合作。
14. The Confucian golden rule儒家的黄金法则P57
Not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
15. the art of Chinese cooking in clued 烹调技艺P62
Selection of raw material; combination of ingredients; cutting; 原材料的选择;配料;切割;seasoning; temperature; cooking techniques. 调料;火候;烹饪技术。
16. The two categories of Chinese paintings 国画的两大派别P98
the Xieyi School and the Gongbi School 写意派和工笔派
①The xieyi school is the fundamental approach to Chinese painting. It constitutes aesthetic theory which emphasizes the sentiment.写意是中国画的基本方法。
②The gongbi school is characterized by close attention to detail and fine brush work.工笔的特点是密切注意细节和精细的笔触。
17. The combination arts in the same picture在同一画面组合的艺术P99
Tradition Chinese painting is a combination in the same picture of the arts of poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal engraving.诗词,书法,绘画和篆刻
18. the scripts of Chinese calligraphy中国书法的字体P100
The seal character, the official or clerical script, the regular script, the running hand and the cursive hand.
19. E ight kinds of Chinese characters’ strokes八种汉字笔画P101
The dot, the horizontal, the vertical, the hook, the rising, the left-falling, the right-falling and the ken ding strokes. 点、横、竖、勾、挑、撇、捺、折
20. Two kinds of seal-cut l两种雕刻P103
Cut in relief or in intaglio 浮雕或凹雕。