一种基于单片机控制的新型光伏电池 毕业论文外文翻译
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Microprocessor-Controlled New Class of Optimal
Battery Chargers for Photovoltaic Applications
A simple, fast and reliable technique for charging batteries by solar arrays is proposed. The operating point of a battery is carefully for cednear the maximum power point of solar cells under all environmental (e.g., insolation, temperature, degradation) conditions. Optimal operation of solar arrays is achieved using the V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (VMPPT) technique and the charger operating point is continuously adjusted by changing the charging current. An optimal solar battery charger is designed, simulated and constructed. Experimental and the oretical results are presented and analyzed. The main advantages of the proposed solar battery charger as compared with conventional ones are shorter charge time and lower cost.
Index Terms—Charger, microprocessor, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic.
The field of photovoltaic systems is quite broad with many stand-alone and grid-connected configurations. Applications of solar energy include water pumping , refrigeration and vaccine storage, air conditioning, light sources, electric vehicles ,PV power plants ,hybrid systems , military and space applications.
Reference[8]has divided photovoltaic applications into four categories: large-scale grid connected systems, small remote photovoltaic plants, low power stand-alone systems, and a combination of solar systems with other alternative energy sources. These categories may also be viewed in terms of load characteristics. There are three load types:a DC load, a “dead” AC load, and a “live” AC load(e.g.,a utility system).Most of these applications use batteries as backup energy systems and/or matchingdevices for balancing their energy flow during peak load or poor environmental conditions (e.g., low insolation, high temperature or high degradation).The main drawbacks of PV systems are high fabrication cost, low energy conversion efficiency, and nonlinear characteristics. For increasing conversion efficiency, many Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques have been proposed and implemented. They can be categorized as:
A)“Look-up table”methods [12],[13]—The nonlinear and time varying nature of solar cells and their great dependency on radiation and temperature levels as well as degradation(aging,dirt,snow) effects, make it difficult to record and store all possible system conditions.
B)“Perturbation and observation(P&O)”methods [14],[15] —Measured cell
characteristics (current, voltage and power)are employed along with an on-line search algorithm to compute the corresponding maximum power point which is dependent on insolation, temperature or degradation levels. Problems with this approach are undesirable measurement errors(especially for current)which strongly affect tracker accuracy.
C)“Computational” methods [2],[16]–[19]—The nonlinear V-I haracteristics of a solar panel are modeled using mathematical equations or numerical approximations, and maximum power points are computed for different load conditions as a function of cell open-circuit voltages or cell short-circuit currents. In the literature, many battery charging techniques are investigated and proposed[20]–[24].These methods use avariety of battery characteristics(voltage and temperature) to achieve a safe and fast charging process. However, two well-known charging methods employing photovoltaic sources are the constant current charging, and the direct connection of solar panel to battery and load(e.g., battery tied solar systems).In this paper, a simple and fast variable-current charging tech-nique, based on “computational” methods, is proposed for photovoltaic applications —where photovoltaic charger and battery are matched with respect to voltage and current. Online measurements of panel open-circuit voltage are used to detect the maximum power point of a solar panel. Battery charge rate is continuously adjusted such that the system operating point is forced near the detected maximum power point of solar panels. The oretical and experimental analyses are used to demonstrate the reliability and validity of the proposed technique.
Electrical models for solar panel, maximum power point tracker, battery and battery charger will be used to simulate the proposed solar charging technique.
A.Solar Panel Model
Using the equivalent circuit of solar cells(Fig.1),the radiation and temperature dependent V-I haracteristics of m parallel strings with n series cells per string is
00()sc sa sa s sa I i mI n
n V In R i mI m
λ-+=- (1) where is the cell short-circuit current(representing in solation level), is the reverse saturation current,is the series cell resistance and is a constant coefficient which depends on the cell material and the temperature T.
For the silicon solar panel(,)used for theoretical and experimental analyses of this paper[Table I, manufactured by the Iranian Optical Fiber Fabrication Co.(OFFC)],(1)can be written as at T=25
sc sa sa sa I i V In i -+=- (2) Equations(3a)and(3b)are evaluated for one OFFC panel at T=70 and T=-20, respectively. Computed and measured V-I as well as P-I characteristics for the OFFC
panel are shown in Fig.2 for two insolation levels. This figure illustrates the variations of cell maximum power points (e.g., maxima of P-I curves)with respect to insolation levels.
sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3a) 20830.000011.82()0.00001
sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3b) Eqs.(2)and(3)along with Fig.2 depict the strong nonlinear dependency of the Maximum Power Point(MPP)with respect to insolation and temperature levels and justify for any high efficient PV system an accurate MPP tracker.B.V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking to determine operating points corresponding to maximum power for different insolation and temperature levels,(2)and(3) are commonly used[2],[17]to compute the partial derivative of
power with respect to cell voltage.Instead of finding the maximum via derivative,[18]and[19]employ numerical methods to show a linear dependency between “cell v oltages corresponding to maximum power ”and“ cell open circuit voltages”
MP v OC V M V = (4)
This equation characterizes the main idea of the V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (VMPPT) technique. Is called the“voltage factor”and is equal to 0.74 for the OFFC silicon cells[18],[19].Equation(4)is plotted in Fig.3 together with the computed(almost linear)dependency of with respect to(shown by “+” signs ). C. Nonlinear Battery Model Most battery models ignore the presence of nonlinear electro chemical characteristics[27],[28].For the theoretical and experimental analyses of this paper, we propose a new nonlinear model for Ni-Cd batteries as shown in Fig.4. Measurements show linear variations of, and nonlinear characteristics of with respect to charge rate: (5)
where is the charging current and R , Cs and Co are parameter values at biasing current level. For one cell of the 7 Ah Ni-Cd battery used for theoretical and experimental analyzes of this paper, the constants of(5)are obtained from measured characteristics(Table II)at charge rates of,and C. Computed and measured battery characteristics are compared in Fig.5. D.The Proposed Solar Charger For the optimal solar charger,an appropriate combination of the MPPT algorithm and battery charging technique must be selected. For the tracker, the simple and reliable voltage-based MPPT technique is used requiring very few components for sensing the solar-panel, open-circuit voltage. For the charging technique, variable-current charging is selected. This will allow the tracker to continuously adjust battery-charging rate and force the system operating point near the maximum power point of solar panels. Other tracking 1232123()()()()()()())lin s bat so rs bat o lin s bat so cs bat o lin P bat po cp bat o nonlin p bat p bat p bat p R f I R K I I C f I C K I I C f I C K I I R f I K I K I K ==+-==+-==+-==++
techniques could also be used. However, they require more components(for sensing panel short-circuit current and/or simultaneous panel voltage and current measurements)resulting in lower overall efficiency.
Simulink software and its facilities are used to model the proposed solar battery charger(Fig.6).We have created a block called“PV Source”to simulate the nonlinear V-I characteristics of one OFFC solar panel(2)employing cell short-circuit current as a measure of insolation level [Fig.6(b)].Saturation and delay functions are introduced to limit the fast response of the “controlled voltage source”and to improve convergence. The output of this block is the panel operating voltage.
To simulate voltage-based maximum power point tracking, a block called “VMPPT”is introduced[Fig.6(c)]that uses
and to generate desired duty cycles for the charge unit.
The panel open-circuit voltage is calculated,thereafter the panel voltage corresponding to maximum power(4)is computed and compared with and the error is amplified through a proper transfer function to generate the desired duty cycle.
The charger unit consists of a DC/DC buck converter
(chopper and output filter)and a LC input filter. The chopper includes a fast switch and a schottky diode. A block called“B attery Parameter Calculation”computes battery parameters [Fig.4 and(5)]corresponding to the system operating point.
Fig.7 shows the constructed battery charger, which consists of the following parts:
Silicon Solar Panel—one OFFC silicon solar panel with maximum output power of about 35 W(Table I)is used togenerate solar energy. Microprocessor—The 8085 Micro Controller Unit(MCU)is used to record and process measured voltage and current waveforms and to compute required signalsfor control and drive circuits. The 1524 IC employed to generate the required PWM command(e.g.,at 50 kHz)and voltage/current signals for the charger unit. Thevoltage-based MPPT for the solar panel is implemented by MCU under different environmental and output operating conditions. Note that the panel open-circuit voltage is continuously measured at a slower rate (e.g., every minute).Fig.8 shows the main functions of the MCU. If multiple solar panels with similar characteristics are used, a reference panel could be relied on to sense the open-circuit voltage. Any shadowing effects caused by dust, snow or clouds will result in power-current characteristics with several maxima. This will complicate MPPT.
Charger Unit—A chopper circuit is used to properlyconnect and
disconnect—based on PWM signals—solarpanel from battery and load. Input and output filters are employed to suppress electrical noise at the output of the solar panel and at the input of the battery.Input and output current and voltage sensors are relied on for signal measurements.
Battery and Load—Five units of 7 Ah Ni-Cd batteriesare connected in series to store electrical energy. Resistors serve as loads during discharging and charging modes, respectively. In discharge mode, the solar panel is partially or totally inactivated by shadow or eclipse effects.
Three charging methods are investigated: the proposed variable-current charging (method 1), direct connection of battery and load to solar panel(method 2),and constant-current charging(method 3). Battery (full) charging state is detected using the approach (e.g., using magnitude and slope of battery voltage as a function of time)of[24].
Experiments are performed for the following three operating conditions.
Case A:Operation at an Incidence Angle of about Measured and computed time functions for battery current and voltage as well as solar panel power and voltage are shown in Fig.9 for normal operating condition(e.g.,normal insolation and temperature).As expected,fine tracking of solar maximum output power is achieved throughout the charging process when the proposed charging technique is used[Fig.9(c)],method 1).Charging time for the proposed method is only 3 hours which is about 73%and 52%of the required charging times for methods 2 and 3,respectively. In method 1,panel voltage(corresponding to maximum power)which is determined by(4)is slightly higher at 11 A.M.due to lower environmental temperature.In method 2,panel voltage[e.g.,in Fig.9(d)]and its operating point is dominated by battery voltage.This causes panel output power to decrease from 29 W(for method 1)to about 20 W(for method 2).In method 3,panel voltage[about 17 V in Fig.9(d)]is determined by panel current which is proportional to the constant battery current (e.g.,0.2 C).This rate of charge is used to determine panel operating points for the simulation as outlined in Fig.6.The comparison of computed(X)and measured results forsome selected operating points is shown in Fig.9.
Case B:Operation at an Incidence Angle of about Similar experiments are performed for a change in angle of incidence(Fig.10).At 12:30 P.M.the solar panel is rotated forward(in the direction of sun)such that the angle of incidence is changed from about to about. During the first 105 minutes, the charging processes of the three methods are normal and results are similar to Fig.9. At the start of changing the angle of incidence from about to about, maximum panel output power is decreased to about 25 W[Fig.10(c),method 1].Our detailed measurements show that under all operating conditions (e.g., before and after changing the angle of incidence),method 1 continues to adjust panel operating point near the maximum power point of the V-I characteristics. The angle of incidence of about increases charge time of method 1 to
about 3.2 h. Methods 2 and 3 are not able to completely charge the battery since their operating points are not optimally selected. Note the inherent small voltage regulation of method 1,caused by the increasing slope of battery voltage. This is not true for methods 2 and 3 where fast voltage drops [e.g., at 12:30 P.M. and 13:45 P.M.in Fig.10(b)]occur. The measured characteristics of method 3 are interesting: constant-current charging continues for some time after changing the angle of incidence from to,this is so because the battery requires about 20 W of power [Fig.9(c),method 3].At 13:45 P.M.,the solar panel is no longer able to produce the required power since its maximum power is decreased to about 20 W. The converter duty cycle is forced to unity, causing direct connection of panel, battery and load. Therefore, measured characteristics of methods 2 and 3 become similar.
Case C: Operation with Eclipse This environmental operating condition is essential in satellite and spacecraft applications .Cease of insolation along with considerable temperature drop makes panel V-I characteristics very different before and after eclipse. We have generated this effect(Fig.11)by completely covering solar panel from 12:00 to 12:30 P.M. and decreasing its temperature from 24 C to 12 C As expected, charge time of proposed method is slightly increased to 2.8 h which is about 65%and 63%of the times required for methods 2 and 3,respectively. Note the increased panel maximum output power from 28 W(before eclipse)to 33 W(just after eclipse)due to temperature effects(Fig.11).The temperature drop does not change panel output power in method 2 because the panel operating point is dominated by the constant battery voltage. Similar analysis holds for method 3 where the panel operating point is mainly determined by constant panel current, caused by the constant battery current. Note that the stored energy in the battery[e.g.,] is not exactly equal for the three charging methods(Table III).This is due to different charging currents, which changes battery charging efficiency[29]
V oltage-based maximum power point tracking and a nonlinear battery model are used to introduce a new class of microprocessor based optimal solar battery chargers.
A photovoltaic system consisting of a silicon solar panel, charger unit,Ni-Cd batteries and a resistive load is constructed and simulated. Based on theoretical and experimental results which are performed for the proposed charging technique(method 1),the direct connection of solar panel to battery and load(method 2),and the constant current charging(method 3),the following conclusions are drawn:
Computed results for selected operating points show good agreements with measurements.
Under different operating conditions, the solar panel output powers are larger for the proposed charging technique(method 1)as compared to methods 2 and 3(e.g., 20%to 65%).Therefore, the proposed charging technique requires fewer solar panels(e.g., lower cost).
The proposed charging technique is faster than methods 2 and 3(e.g.,40%to 75%shorter charging times)under different environmental conditions. Under low insolation condition(e.g., angle of incidence of about),charging time of proposed
technique is increased by 20%while methods 2 and 3 fail to charge the battery since their operating points on panel V-I characteristics are not optimally selected.
The battery stored energy for the proposed charger is less as compared to methods 2 and 3 due to the dependency of charging efficiency on the charge current[29]. The proposed charging technique does not introduce rapid voltage drops and establishes an inherent small voltage regulation, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, the proposed charging technique is suggested to replace unregulated photovoltaic systems.
2. 太阳电池快速控制模型
通过和太阳能电池等价的电路模型,m 个平行电池板,每个电池板n 个电池的光强和温度V-I 特性如下式: 00()sc sa sa s sa I i mI n
n V In R i mI m
λ-+=- (1)
图1 太阳电池的等价电路
其中Isc 是电池短路电流,Io 是反向饱和电流,Rs 是输入电阻,r 是和电池材料以及温度T 有关的连续性参数。
其中(标准情况下m=1,n=36,T=25C )
sc sa sa sa I i V In i -+=- (2) 这里同时还存在和温度的非线性关系。
sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3a) 20830.000011.82()0.00001
sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3b) 方程3a 和3b 在一个标准电池板且T=70以及T=-20时各自进行估算。
在标准情况下,当光蔷薇不同值时,通过2式计算测量出的V-I 和P-I 特性曲线如图2所示。
MP v OC V M V = (4)
这个方程描述了基于最大跟踪功率点(VMPPT )技术的基本情况。
Mv 是电压因子,其值在标准条件下为0.74。
图3说明了方程(4)计算出在Vmp 和相应的Voc 之间的关系(接近直线)。
在本文的理论分析和试验中,我们提出了一种新的基于Ni-Cd 电池的非线性模型。
测量说明了Rs Cs Cp 的线性变动以及Rp 的非线性特性:
())lin s bat so rs bat o lin s bat so cs bat o lin P bat po cp bat o nonlin p bat p bat p bat p R f I R K I I C f I C K I I C f I C K I I R f I K I K I K ==+-==+-==+-==++ (5)
其中Ibat=Ic 是主控制电流,Rso Cso 和Cpo 是基于偏执电流Io 的相关参数。
本文在分析和实验时使用7Ah 的Ni-Cd 电池。
公式(5)中的常数是在变化率分别为0.5C 0.75C 和C 情况下测量得到的。
对于理想的太阳能控制,必须选择一个MPPT 算法和电池控制技术适当结合的技术。
对于跟踪器来说,一个简单稳定的基于电压的MPPT 技术只需要很少的元器件就能实现太阳能板的灵敏度和开路电压。
3. 太阳能电池控制的仿真
我们制作了一个PV 源模块,用来仿真在标准情况下电池板电流短路情况下的V-I 非线性特性曲线,用来测量光强对太阳能电池的影响。
为了仿真基于电压变化下的最大功率跟踪点,我们提出了“VMPPT ”控制模块,用电流Isc 和电压Vsa 来产生循环使用的控制模块。
通过计算电池板的开路电压,而后电池板的开路电压对计算出的最大功率进行相应的调整,和Vsa 相比较,通过一个适当的传输功能,误差被放大,进而得到了期望的循环工作。
控制单元由一个DC/DC 转化模块和一个LC 输入滤波组成。
4. 太阳能电池的控制结构
硅太阳能电池板—一个标准的硅太阳能电池板在产生太阳能是最大的输出功率是35W 。
微控制器 -----本系统用8085单片机芯片来记录和控制被测电压和电流波形,然后产生需要的信号,来控制和驱动电路。
1524 IC 芯片用来产生控制单元的PWM 调制命令和电压/电流信号。
太阳能电池的基于电压的MPPT 技术在不同的环境和输出工作环境下通过单片机被执行。
这种方法3的测量测性是很有趣的:连续的电流控制在一段时间内,在角度从0变到40以后,这时因为电池需要大约20W 的功率。