unit 1 cross-cultural communication
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e.g. we dress in the right way for an occasion, having a cry on somebody’s shoulder , or giving people presents
PERSUASION To Persuade other people to think or act in the way we do
In western cultures, communication is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve one’s personal goal.
channel feedback decoding
• we like to be creative with communications in words, pictures , sounds and other forms.
• 日本人到每个国家做事情的时候,都对这 个国家的情报非常感兴趣。以在中国的日 本商人为例,他们每个月都有一本书,叫 做《中国情报》。上面写了个“密”字, 弄得像个秘密档案似的,而且其管理与流 通也相当严格。只有日本人自己可以读。 所以你问日本人我们的某某企业的情况时, 他们都非常了解。反过来问到我们中国人: “日本小泉首相结婚了吗?”许多人却一 头雾水。
Teaching arrangement (教学安排)
• Lecture time: weeks 1-18 (18*2=36 lectures • 34 (teaching) + 2(reviewing) = 36 lectures • Testing • Participation + Homework =30% • Final examination 70%
• 1/3 of class time is used to explain professional knowledge, but most of other time for cultivating students’ ability to utilize the relevant theories. lots of business cases will be discussed in the class.
Making sense of the world
For example, we discuss about the rights and wrongs of the way we treat animals.
self-expression 自我表达
• we communicate to express their imagination and themselves to others.
Why do we need to study Intercultural business communication?
Case 立邦漆—“盘龙滑落”
• 2004年9月份的《国际广告》杂志第48页, 刊登了一则名叫“龙篇”的立邦漆广告作 品,画面上有一个中国古典式的亭子,亭 子的两根立柱各盘着一条龙,左立柱色彩 黯淡,但龙紧紧紧攀附在柱子上;右立柱 色彩光鲜,龙却跌落到地上。
• 企业的活动从国内扩展到国际市场,其基 本功能和原则并未发生本质的变化,企业 可控制的基本因素也未发生变化,关键的 变化时外部营销环境发生了变化。 • 不同国家或民族具有不同的文化规范和沟 通风格,沟通风格的差异不只限于语言, 还包括非语言沟通、信仰、风俗等。
Basics of human communication
• 一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能 力,还取决于其文化能力
• 大凡跨国公司大的失败,几乎都是仅仅因 为忽视了文化差异-----基本的或微妙的理 解所招致的结果。 ----- David A.Ricks 国外管理学家的经验表明,大约有35%-45% 的跨国企业是以失败而告终的,其中约有 30%是由于技术、资金和政策方面的原因 引起的,有70%是由于文化差异引起的。另 有调查显示:目前有1/3的著名跨国企业因 为跨文化管理不利而面临内部关系紧张的 状况
• there are at least two or more people • there must be some contact between communicators • there must be a language shared by communicators • an exchange of information has taken place.
Needs and Purposes of communicating:
• survival
• co-operation (we form social groups )
personal needs
We all have a personal need to feel secure within ourselves—to have a good opinion of ourselves, to feel that we are wanted and valued by other people.
power We communicate to gain or exert power over other people. For example, to shape people’s attitudes and beliefs.
• social needs • to hold our society and organizations together. The bigger the society or organization is ,the more communication is needed.
• 一切缘起一汽丰田销售公司的两则刊登在 《汽车之友》2003年第12期、由盛世长城 广告公司制作的广告:一辆霸道汽车停在 两只石狮子之前,一只石狮子抬起右爪做 敬礼状,另一只石狮子向下俯首,背景为 高楼大厦,配图广告语为“霸道,你不得 不尊敬”;同时,“丰田陆地巡洋舰”在 雪山高原上以钢索拖拉一辆绿色国产大卡 车,拍摄地址在可可西里。
• 看到这两则广告后,立即有人在网上留言, 表示了疑义和愤怒。认为石狮在我国有着 极其重要的象征意义,代表权利和尊严, 丰田广告用石狮向霸道车敬礼、作揖,极 不严肃。更有网友将石狮联想到卢沟桥的 狮子,并认为,“霸道,你不得不尊敬” 的广告语太过霸气,有商业征服之嫌,损 伤了中华民族的感情。 网友的声音迅速扩 大,大多数网友把抨击的矛头指向了丰田 公司、广告制作公司和刊登广告的杂志, 要求他们赔礼道歉。
Eastern perspective of communication (东方人的观点) Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures’ understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.
Make yourself heard 理解就是沟通
Communication Unlimited! 沟通无极限
Relationships we communicate to be involved with other people, to form and maintain relationships. • 日本人会做到所有留下的关系统统不会断 掉,所以他们在业务交接的时候,都会带 着新的干部去拜访政府官员、同行,甚至 有竞争的对手与大客户,他们称之为关系。
• 画面旁附有对作品的介绍,大致内容是: 右立柱因为涂抹了立邦漆,把盘龙都滑了 下来。评价称:“创意非常棒,戏剧化地 表现了产品的特点……结合周围环境进行 贴切的广告创意,这个例子非常完美。” 左立柱色彩黯淡,但龙紧紧攀附;右立柱 色彩鲜艳(暗示使用立邦漆后的效果),龙却 跌滑到地上
human communication is as old as mankind.
100,000 years ago---facial expressions, exclamations(大叫) and noises
30,000 years ago---- Cave paintings
1. The definition of communication
Western Perspective of communication Eastern perspective of communication
Western Perspective of communication (西方人的观点)
20,000 years ago----a speakable language
• 5,000 years ago----the use of symbols and script
Communication is derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’, meaning to share with or to make common, so when we communicate we share our thoughts, hopes, and knowledge . with others. Communication is a form of human behavior Derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings.
• 无效沟通的杯具 • case :麦兜(鱼丸粗面)
Components of communication
components of communication?
Components of Communication
Intercultural Business CommunicaБайду номын сангаасion
Intercultural Business Communication
• Teaching objective (教学目的)
• With English as the main teaching language, this subject introduces some basic theories of intercultural business communication (unit 1-4) and mainly emphasizes the students’ ability to utilize these theories in business activities. (unit 5-10)
PERSUASION To Persuade other people to think or act in the way we do
In western cultures, communication is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve one’s personal goal.
channel feedback decoding
• we like to be creative with communications in words, pictures , sounds and other forms.
• 日本人到每个国家做事情的时候,都对这 个国家的情报非常感兴趣。以在中国的日 本商人为例,他们每个月都有一本书,叫 做《中国情报》。上面写了个“密”字, 弄得像个秘密档案似的,而且其管理与流 通也相当严格。只有日本人自己可以读。 所以你问日本人我们的某某企业的情况时, 他们都非常了解。反过来问到我们中国人: “日本小泉首相结婚了吗?”许多人却一 头雾水。
Teaching arrangement (教学安排)
• Lecture time: weeks 1-18 (18*2=36 lectures • 34 (teaching) + 2(reviewing) = 36 lectures • Testing • Participation + Homework =30% • Final examination 70%
• 1/3 of class time is used to explain professional knowledge, but most of other time for cultivating students’ ability to utilize the relevant theories. lots of business cases will be discussed in the class.
Making sense of the world
For example, we discuss about the rights and wrongs of the way we treat animals.
self-expression 自我表达
• we communicate to express their imagination and themselves to others.
Why do we need to study Intercultural business communication?
Case 立邦漆—“盘龙滑落”
• 2004年9月份的《国际广告》杂志第48页, 刊登了一则名叫“龙篇”的立邦漆广告作 品,画面上有一个中国古典式的亭子,亭 子的两根立柱各盘着一条龙,左立柱色彩 黯淡,但龙紧紧紧攀附在柱子上;右立柱 色彩光鲜,龙却跌落到地上。
• 企业的活动从国内扩展到国际市场,其基 本功能和原则并未发生本质的变化,企业 可控制的基本因素也未发生变化,关键的 变化时外部营销环境发生了变化。 • 不同国家或民族具有不同的文化规范和沟 通风格,沟通风格的差异不只限于语言, 还包括非语言沟通、信仰、风俗等。
Basics of human communication
• 一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能 力,还取决于其文化能力
• 大凡跨国公司大的失败,几乎都是仅仅因 为忽视了文化差异-----基本的或微妙的理 解所招致的结果。 ----- David A.Ricks 国外管理学家的经验表明,大约有35%-45% 的跨国企业是以失败而告终的,其中约有 30%是由于技术、资金和政策方面的原因 引起的,有70%是由于文化差异引起的。另 有调查显示:目前有1/3的著名跨国企业因 为跨文化管理不利而面临内部关系紧张的 状况
• there are at least two or more people • there must be some contact between communicators • there must be a language shared by communicators • an exchange of information has taken place.
Needs and Purposes of communicating:
• survival
• co-operation (we form social groups )
personal needs
We all have a personal need to feel secure within ourselves—to have a good opinion of ourselves, to feel that we are wanted and valued by other people.
power We communicate to gain or exert power over other people. For example, to shape people’s attitudes and beliefs.
• social needs • to hold our society and organizations together. The bigger the society or organization is ,the more communication is needed.
• 一切缘起一汽丰田销售公司的两则刊登在 《汽车之友》2003年第12期、由盛世长城 广告公司制作的广告:一辆霸道汽车停在 两只石狮子之前,一只石狮子抬起右爪做 敬礼状,另一只石狮子向下俯首,背景为 高楼大厦,配图广告语为“霸道,你不得 不尊敬”;同时,“丰田陆地巡洋舰”在 雪山高原上以钢索拖拉一辆绿色国产大卡 车,拍摄地址在可可西里。
• 看到这两则广告后,立即有人在网上留言, 表示了疑义和愤怒。认为石狮在我国有着 极其重要的象征意义,代表权利和尊严, 丰田广告用石狮向霸道车敬礼、作揖,极 不严肃。更有网友将石狮联想到卢沟桥的 狮子,并认为,“霸道,你不得不尊敬” 的广告语太过霸气,有商业征服之嫌,损 伤了中华民族的感情。 网友的声音迅速扩 大,大多数网友把抨击的矛头指向了丰田 公司、广告制作公司和刊登广告的杂志, 要求他们赔礼道歉。
Eastern perspective of communication (东方人的观点) Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures’ understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.
Make yourself heard 理解就是沟通
Communication Unlimited! 沟通无极限
Relationships we communicate to be involved with other people, to form and maintain relationships. • 日本人会做到所有留下的关系统统不会断 掉,所以他们在业务交接的时候,都会带 着新的干部去拜访政府官员、同行,甚至 有竞争的对手与大客户,他们称之为关系。
• 画面旁附有对作品的介绍,大致内容是: 右立柱因为涂抹了立邦漆,把盘龙都滑了 下来。评价称:“创意非常棒,戏剧化地 表现了产品的特点……结合周围环境进行 贴切的广告创意,这个例子非常完美。” 左立柱色彩黯淡,但龙紧紧攀附;右立柱 色彩鲜艳(暗示使用立邦漆后的效果),龙却 跌滑到地上
human communication is as old as mankind.
100,000 years ago---facial expressions, exclamations(大叫) and noises
30,000 years ago---- Cave paintings
1. The definition of communication
Western Perspective of communication Eastern perspective of communication
Western Perspective of communication (西方人的观点)
20,000 years ago----a speakable language
• 5,000 years ago----the use of symbols and script
Communication is derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’, meaning to share with or to make common, so when we communicate we share our thoughts, hopes, and knowledge . with others. Communication is a form of human behavior Derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings.
• 无效沟通的杯具 • case :麦兜(鱼丸粗面)
Components of communication
components of communication?
Components of Communication
Intercultural Business CommunicaБайду номын сангаасion
Intercultural Business Communication
• Teaching objective (教学目的)
• With English as the main teaching language, this subject introduces some basic theories of intercultural business communication (unit 1-4) and mainly emphasizes the students’ ability to utilize these theories in business activities. (unit 5-10)