
宁夏农林科技,Ningxia Journal of Agri.and Fores.Sci.&Tech.2024,65(01):17-22基金项目:国家自然科学基金“多源遥感信息融合的宁夏东部湿地演变规律研究”(31400619)。
FUY Y 等[6]结合光谱与空间特征提出一种改进的植被分类方法,研究表明通过同时利用图像光谱和空间信息能够进一步提高植被分类精度。
COLEMAN R W 等[7]利用Sentinel-2和国家农业影像计划(NAIP )光学影像对城市和非城市区域的不透水地表乔木、灌木、草本、裸露土壤/非光合植被和水体进行分类,得到了较好的结果。

Research Significance
Core genome ---the basic aspects of the biology of a species and its major phenotypic traits. Dispensable genes---the species diversity supplementary biochemical pathways
Form a global picture of fundamental processes such pathogenesis, drug resistance, environment adaptability and evolution
Protein Functions Encoded in the Mimimal Gene-set
“Gold standard” (?)
Kristensen DM, et al. (2011). Brief Bioinform 12: 379–391.
Methods for Gene Orthology Detection-PanOCT
A tool for pan-genomic analysis of closely related prokaryotic species or strains.
Meta-genome vs. Pan-genome
Pan-genome is the global gene repertoire of a bacterial species, Meta-genome is the genetic material present in an environmental

Black Hole Types
Different types of black holes including stellar mass black holes, supermassive black holes, and intermediate mass black holes and their characteristics and distribution in the universe.
IntroductionThe Structure of the UniverseThe Evolution of the UniverseThe Science of the UniverseThe Applications of the UniverseConclusion
The evolution of stars over time, including the life cycle of stars from birth to death and the different stages of stellar evolution.
Planet Formation
Quasar Properties
The properties of quasars including their luminosity, redshift, and spectral energy distribution.

·简报·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:为验证参姜止痢合剂治疗仔猪黄痢的临床疗效,从兰州周边养猪场搜集疑似病例,经流行病学调查、临床症状观察作出初步诊断,通过实验室细菌学检查进行确诊后,采用参姜止痢合剂进行治疗,观察给药后病猪精神状态、饮食和腹泻情况,采用普通血平板培养基和大肠杆菌显色培养基测定给药前后仔猪粪便中大肠杆菌的数量。
关键词:参姜止痢合剂;仔猪;黄痢;临床疗效中图分类号:S858.28 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1674-6422(2024)01-0189-05Clinical Evaluation of Shenjiang Zhili Mixture for Treatment of Piglet Y ellow DysenteryGUO Zhiting 1, FU Pengcheng 2, ZHANG Kang 1, LIU Lian 1, ZHANG Kai 1, LI Jianxi 1(1. Engineering and Technology Research Center of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Province & Key Lab of Veterinary Pharmaceutical Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, CAAS, Lanzhou 730050, China; 2. Shiquan Animal Husbandryand Veterinary Station, Anding District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau, Dingxi 743000, China)收稿日期:2021-08-23基金项目:国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(2017YFE0114400);中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目(25-LZIHPS-06)作者简介:郭志廷,男,副研究员,主要从事中药免疫学与药理学研究通信作者:李建喜,E-mail:*****************参姜止痢合剂治疗仔猪黄痢的临床疗效评价郭志廷1,付鹏程2,张 康1,刘 莲1,张 凯1,李建喜1(1.中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所 农业农村部兽用药物创制重点实验室 甘肃省中兽药工程技术研究中心,兰州730050;2.定西市安定区畜牧兽医局石泉畜牧兽医站,定西743000)2024,32(1):189-193Abstract: To evaluate the clinical effi cacy of Shenjiang Zhili Mixture for treatment of piglet yellow dysentery, the suspected cases were chose from the pig farms around Lanzhou city. After the preliminary diagnosis by epidemiological investigation and clinical observation, piglet yellow dysentery was further confi rmed by laboratory bacteriological examination. Then Shenjiang Zhili Mixture was administered to these pigs, which were observed for clinical signs including activity, diet and diarrhea. The fecal samples were also collected for examination of Escherichia coli loads using blood agar plates and chromogenic culture. The results showed that piglets’ activities were signifi cantly improved or returned to normal after drug treatment. The cure rates of yellow dysentery in three pig farms (Wangdexiang Pig Farm in Jingtai County, Gansu Chanmu Agricultural Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. and Miaozhongjun Pig Farm in Yongdeng County) were 87.6%, 89.1% and 84.1%, respectively. The E. coli loads in diseased pig feces were also significantly reduced after drug treatment. The results indicated that Shenjiang Zhili Mixture had good treatment eff ect on piglet yellow dysentery and would deserve for further development of a new drug.Key words: Shenjiang Zhili Mixture; piglet; yellow dysentery; clinical effi cacy· 190 ·中国动物传染病学报2024年2月仔猪黄痢是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的一种以肠炎和败血症为主要特征的传染病,主要侵害1~3日龄仔猪,临床上主要表现为仔猪排黄色稀粪和迅速发生死亡 [1-3]。

1 . Zheng,Y.,A.A.Keller(2008),StochasticwatershedwaterqualitysimulationforTMDLdevelopment
爱考机构 中国高端考研第一品牌(保过 保录 限额)
所加入学术团体 美国水资源协会 AmericanWaterResourcesAssociation(AWRA)成员,2003 至今 美国地球科学联合会 AmericanGeophysicalUnion(AGU)成员,2004 至今

基金项目的英文表示方法集合国家杰出青年基金用英语怎么说C hinaNatio nal F undsfor D istin guish ed Yo ung S cient istsTheNatio nal B asicResea rch P rogra m ofChina国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)TheNatio nal H igh T echno logyResea rch a nd De velop mentProgr am of Chin a国家高技术研究发展计划(863)The N ation al Na tural Scie nce F ounda tionof Ch ina 国家自然科学基金China Nati onalFunds forDisti nguis hed Y oungScien tists国家杰出青年基金TheFunds forCreat ive R esear ch Gr oupsof Ch ina国家创新研究群体科学基金.T he Ma jor I ntern ation al (R egion al) J ointResea rch P rogra m ofChina国家重大国际(地区)合作研究项目T he Na tiona l Key Basi c Res earch Spec ial F ounda tionof Ch ina国家重点基础研究项目特别基金资助的课题.The Spec ial F ounda tionfor S tateMajor Basi c Res earch Prog ram o f Chi na国家重点基础研究专项基金资助的课题.Th e Nat ional Scie nce F ounda tionfor P ost-d octor al Sc ienti sts o f Chi na国家博士后科学基金T he Na tiona l Hig h Tec hnolo gy Jo int R esear ch Pr ogram of C hina国家高技术项目联合资助的课题Know ledge Inno vativ e Pro gramof Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目T he Pr ogram of “One H undre d Tal ented Peop le” o f The Chin ese A cadem y ofScien ces 中国科学院“百人计划”研究项目TheMajor Prog ram f or th e Fun damen tal R esear ch of theChine se Ac ademy of S cienc es 中国科学院基础研究重大项目Ne w Cen turyExcel lentTalen ts in Univ ersit y教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划T he Im porta nt Pr oject of M inist ry of Educ ation教育部科学技术研究重大项目TheCheun g Kon g Sch olars Prog ramme教育部长江学者奖励计划T he Sc ienti fic R esear ch Fo undat ion o f the Stat e Hum an Re sourc e Min istry andthe E ducat ion M inist ry fo r Ret urned Chin ese S chola rs, C hina教育部和国家人事部留学回国人员基金T he Fo undat ion o f the Mini stryof Ed ucati on of Chin a for Outs tandi ng Yo ung T eache rs in Univ ersit y.教育部高等学校优秀青年教师研究基金The Foun datio n ofthe M inist ry of Educ ation of C hinafor R eturn ed Sc holar s教育部归国学者基金Th e Res earch Foun datio n fro m Min istry of E ducat ion o f Chi na教育部重大项目基金T he Tr ans-C entur y Tra ining Prog ram F ounda tionfor T alent s fro m the Mini stryofEd ucati on of Chin a教育部跨世纪人才训练基金TheScien ce Fo undat ion f or Po st Do ctora te Re searc h fro m the Mini stryof Sc ience andTechn ology of C hina科技部博士后基金Speci al Pr ophas e Pro jecton Ba sic R esear ch of TheNatio nal D epart mentof Sc ience andTechn ology科技部基础研究重大项目前期研究专项Grant forKey R esear ch It ems N o.2 i n “Cl imbin g” Pr ogram from theMinis try o f Sci enceand T echno logyof Ch ina 科技部攀登计划二号重点项目基金Spe ciali zed R esear ch Fu nd fo r the Doct oralProgr am of High er Ed ucati on高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金The S hangh ai “P hosph or” S cienc e Fou ndati on,Ch ina上海科技启明星基金资助The“Daw n”Pro gramof Sh angha i Edu catio n Com missi on上海市“曙光”计划The S hangh ai Po stdoc toral Sust entat ion F und上海市博士后基金M inist ry of Majo r Sci ence& Tec hnolo gy of Shan ghai上海市重大科技公关项目Th e Spe cialFound ation forYoung Scie ntist s ofZheji ang P rovin ce浙江省青年人才基金B eijin g Mun icipa l Sci enceand T echno logyProje ct北京市重大科技专项H eilon gjian g Pos tdoct oralGrant黑龙江省博士后资助基金G uangd ong N atura l Sci enceFound ation广东省自然科学基金项目T he "T enthfive" Obli gator y Bud get o f PLA军队“十五”指令性课题T he Fo k Yin g-Ton g Edu catio n Fou ndati on, C hina霍英东教育基金黑龙江省自然科学基金资助Su pport ed by Natu ral S cienc e Fou ndati on of Heil ongji ang P rovin ce of Chin a湖北省教育厅重点项目资助Supp orted by E ducat ional Comm issio n ofHubei Prov inceof Ch ina河南省杰出青年基金(9911)资助Su pport ed by Exce llent Yout h Fou ndati on of He’n an Sc ienti fic C ommit tee(项目编号:)河南省教育厅基金资助S uppor ted b y Fou ndati on of He’n an Ed ucati onalCommi ttee山西省青年科学基金(项目编号:)资助Supp orted by S hanxi Prov inceScien ce Fo undat ion f or Yo uths(项目编号:)山西省归国人员基金资助Supp orted by S hanxi Prov inceFound ation forRetur ness北京市自然科学基金资助Su pport ed by Beij ing M unici pal N atura l Sci enceFound ation上海市科技启明星计划(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by Shan ghaiScien ce an d Tec hnolo gy De velop mentFunds(项目编号:)华北电力大学青年科研基金资助Suppo rtedby Yo uth F ounda tionof No rth-C hinaElect ric P owerUnive rsity华中师范大学自然科学基金资助Sup porte d byNatur al Sc ience Foun datio n ofCentr al Ch ina N ormal Univ ersit y东南大学基金(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Fo undat ion o f Sou theas t ofUnive rsity(项目编号:)西南交通大学基础学科研究基金(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Fo undat ion S cienc es So uthwe st Ji aoton g Uni versi ty(项目编号:)***科学技术厅科学家交流项目(项目编号:)Supp orted by J apanSTA S cient ist E xchan ge Pr ogram(项目编号:中国科学院基金资助Suppo rtedby Sc ience Foun datio n ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s中国科学院九五重大项目(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Ma jor S ubjec t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s(项目编号:)中国科学院院长基金特别资助Suppo rtedby Sp ecial Foun datio n ofPresi dentof Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院国际合作局重点项目资助Su pport ed by Bure au of Inte rnati onalCoope ratio n, Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院百人计划经费资助Suppo rtedby 100 Tal entsProgr ammeof Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie ncesSuppo rtedby On e Hun dredPerso n Pro jectof Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目资助S uppor ted b y Kno wledg e Inn ovati on Pr oject of T he Ch inese Acad emy o f Sci ences Supp orted by K nowle dge I nnova tionProgr am of TheChine se Ac ademy of S cienc es 中国科学院西部之光基金(项目编号:)资助Supp orted by W est L ightFound ation of T he Ch inese Acad emy o f Sci ences(项目编号:)北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室重点课题资助Supp orted by B EPC N ation al La borat ory兰州重离子加速器国家实验室原子核理论中心基金资助Suppo rtedby Ce nterof Th eoret icalNucle ar Ph ysics, Nat ional Labo rator y ofHeavy IonAccel erato r ofLanzh ou国家自然科学基金(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by Nati onalNatur al Sc ience Foun datio n ofChina(项目编号:)[Suppo rtedby NS FC(项目编号:)]国家自然科学基金重大项目资助Su pport ed by Majo r Pro gramof Na tiona l Nat uralScien ce Fo undat ion o f Chi na (1991483) 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(项目编号:)资助Sup porte d byProje cts o f Int ernat ional Coop erati on an d Exc hange s NSF C(项目编号:)国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(项目编号:)资助 (973计划项目)Sup porte d byMajor Stat e Bas ic Re searc h Dev elopm ent P rogra m(项目编号:)Suppo rtedby Ch ina M inist ry of Scie nce a nd Te chnol ogy u nderContr act(项目编号:)Sup porte d byState KeyDevel opmen t Pro gramof (f or) B asicResea rch o f Chi na(项目编号:)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助Su pport ed by Nati onalHighTechn ology Rese archand D evelo pment Prog ram o f Chi na国家重大科学工程二期工程基金资助Supp orted by N ation al Im porta nt Pr oject on S cienc e-Pha se Ⅱof NS RL国家攀登计划—B课题资助Sup porte d byNatio nal C limb—B Pla n国家杰出青年科学基金资助Supp orted by N ation al Na tural Scie nce F undsfor D istin guish ed Yo ung S chola r国家科技部基金资助Su pport ed by Stat e Com missi on of Scie nce T echno logyof Ch ina(科委)Su pport ed by Mini stryof Sc ience andTechn ology of C hina中国博士后科学基金Supp orted by C hinaPostd octor al Sc ience Foun datio n海峡两岸自然科学基金(项目编号:)共同资助Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Twosides of S trait(项目编号:)核工业科学基金资助Suppo rtedby Sc ience Foun datio n ofChine se Nu clear Indu stry国家教育部科学基金资助Su pport ed by Scie nce F ounda tionof Th e Chi neseEduca tionCommi ssion (教委)Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Mini stryof Ed ucati on of Chin a国家教育部博士点专项基金资助Su pport ed by Doct oralFundof Mi nistr y ofEduca tionof Ch ina国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金资助Su pport ed by Scie ntifi c Res earch Foun datio n for Retu rnedSchol ars,Minis try o fEdu catio n ofChina国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助Su pport ed by Scie nce F ounda tionfor T he Ex celle nt Yo uth S chola rs of Mini stryofEd ucati on of Chin a高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助Supp orted by R esear ch Fu nd fo r the Doct oralProgr am of High er Ed ucati on of Chin aSup porte d byDocto ral P rogra m Fou ndati on of Inst ituti ons o f Hig her E ducat ion o f Chi na 国家自然科学基金中文标注:国家自然科学基金资助项目批准号********英标标注:Proj ect ******** (项目批准号)suppo rtedby Na tiona l Nat uralScien ceFo undat ion o f Chi na,可缩写为:Pr oject ********* supp orted by N SFC2、浙江省自然科学基金中文标注:浙江省自然科学基金资助项目英文标注:The Proj ect S uppor ted b y Zhe jiang Prov incia l Nat uralScien ce Fo undat ion o f Chi na3、教育部高等学校博士学科点专科研基金中文标注:高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题英文标注:The Rese archFundfor t he De ctora l Pro gramof Hi gherEduca tion可缩写为:R FDP4、教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划中文标注:高等学校骨干教师资助计划资助英文标注:Supp orted by F ounda tionfor U niver sityKey T eache r bythe M inist ry of Educ ation5、教育部霍英东教育基金项目中文标注:教育部霍英东教育基金资助6、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金中文标注:教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助英文标注:The Proj ect S ponso red b y the Scie ntifi c Res earch Foun datio n for theRetur ned O verse as Ch inese Scho lars, Stat e Edu catio n Min istry可缩写为::TheProje ct sp onsor ed by SRFfor R OCS,SEM)7、教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目中文标注:教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目英文标注:Su pport ed by theExcel lentYoung Teac hersPorgr am of MOE, P.R.C.可缩写为EYTP8、教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划中文标注:跨世纪优秀人才培养计划英文标注:T rans-Centu ry Tr ainin g Pro gramm e Fou ndati on fo r the Tale nts b y theMini stryof Ed ucati on9、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划中文标注:新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助英文标注:Su pport ed by Prog ram f or Ne w Cen turyExcel lentTalen ts in Univ ersit y(英文缩写“NCE T”)10、教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划中文标注:长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助英文标注:Su pport ed by Prog ram f or Ch angji ang S chola rs an d Inn ovati ve Re searc hTea m inUnive rsity(缩写为“PCSIR T”)基金项目英文翻译及基金资助书写格式基金项目英文翻译1 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划)(No.)Thi s wor k was supp orted by a gran t fro m the Nati onalHighTechn ology Rese archand D evelo pment Prog ram o f Chi na (863 Pr ogram) (No. )2国家自然科学基金资助项目(N o. )Gener al Pr ogram(面上项目), Ke y Pro gram(重点项目), Maj or Pr ogram(重大项目)Thi s wor k was supp orted by a gran t fro m the Nati onalNatur al Sc ience Foun datio n ofChina(No.)3国家“九五”攻关项目(No.)Thi s wor k was supp orted by a gran t fro m the Nati onalKey T echno logie s R & D Pr ogram of C hinadurin g the 9thFive-YearPlanPerio d (No. )4中国科学院“九五”重大项目(No. )This work wassuppo rtedby agrant from theMajor Prog ramsof th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie ncesdurin g the 9thFive-YearPlanPerio d (No. )5中国科学院重点资助项目(No. )T his w ork w as su pport ed by a gr ant f rom t he Ke y Pro grams of t he Ch inese Acad emy o f Sci ences (No. )6“九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目(N o. )Thisworkwas s uppor ted b y a g rantfromthe N ation al Me dical Scie nce a nd Te chniq ue Fo undat ion d uring the9th F ive-Y ear P lan P eriod(No.)7江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目 (No. )Th is wo rk wa s sup porte d bya gra nt fr om th e App liedBasic Rese archProgr ams o fSc ience andTechn ology Comm issio n Fou ndati on of Jian gsu P rovin ce (N o. )8 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(No. )Th is wo rk wa s sup porte d bya gra nt fr om th e Ph.D. Pr ogram s Fou ndati on of Mini stryof Ed ucati on of Chin a (No. )9中国科学院上海分院择优资助项目(No. )Th is wo rk wa s sup porte d bya gra nt fr om Ad vance d Pro grams of S hangh ai Br anch, theChine se Ac ademy of S cienc es (N o. )10 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973计划)(No. )This work wassuppo rtedby agrant from theMajor Stat e Bas ic Re searc hDev elopm ent P rogra m ofChina (973 Prog ram)(No.)11国家杰出青年科学基金(No.)Thi s wor k was supp orted by a gran t fro m Nat ional Scie nce F und f or Di sting uishe dYou ng Sc holar s (No. )12 海外香港青年学者合作研究基金(No. )Th is wo rk wa s sup porte d bya gra nt fr om Jo int R esear ch Fu nd fo r You ng Sc holar s inHongKongand A broad(No.)中国科学院基金资助S uppor ted b y Sci enceFound ation of T he Ch inese Acad emy o f Sci ences中国科学院九五重大项目(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Ma jor S ubjec t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s(项目编号:)中国科学院院长基金特别资助Supp orted by S pecia l Fou ndati on of Pres ident of T he Ch inese Acad emy o f Sci ences中国科学院国际合作局重点项目资助Su pport ed by Bure au of Inte rnati onalCoope ratio n, Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院百人计划经费资助S uppor ted b y 100 Tale nts P rogra m ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience sSup porte d byOne H undre d Per son P rojec t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目资助Suppo rtedby Kn owled ge In novat ion P rojec t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience sSup porte d byKnowl edgeInnov ation Prog ram o f The Chin ese A cadem y ofScien ces中国科学院西部之光基金(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by West Ligh t Fou ndati on of TheChine se Ac ademy of S cienc es(项目编号:)北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室重点课题资助S uppor ted b y BEP C Nat ional Labo rator y兰州重离子加速器国家实验室原子核理论中心基金资助Sup porte d byCente r ofTheor etica l Nuc learPhysi cs, N ation al La borat ory o f Hea vy Io n Acc elera tor o f Lan zhou国家自然科学基金(项目编号:)资助Supp orted by N ation al Na tural Scie nce F ounda tionof Ch ina(项目编号:)[Suppo rtedby NS FC(项目编号:)]国家自然科学基金重大项目资助S uppor ted b y Maj or Pr ogram of N ation al Na tural Scie nce F ounda tionof Ch ina (1991483) 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(项目编号:)资助S uppor ted b y Pro jects of I ntern ation al Co opera tionand E xchan ges N SFC(项目编号:)国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(项目编号:)资助 (973计划项目)Supp orted by M ajorState Basi c Res earch Deve lopme nt Pr ogram(项目编号:)Supp orted by C hinaMinis try o f Sci enceand T echno logyunder Cont ract(项目编号:)Suppo rtedby St ate K ey De velop mentProgr am of (for) Bas ic Re searc h ofChina(项目编号:)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助Sup porte d byNatio nal H igh T echno logyResea rch a nd De velop mentProgr am of Chin a 国家重大科学工程二期工程基金资助S uppor ted b y Nat ional Impo rtant Proj ect o n Sci ence-PhaseⅡ of NSRL国家攀登计划—B课题资助S uppor ted b y Nat ional Clim b—B P lan国家杰出青年科学基金资助Sup porte d byNatio nal N atura l Sci enceFunds forDisti nguis hed Y oungSchol ar国家科技部基金资助Su pport ed by Stat e Com missi on of Scie nce T echno logyof Ch ina(科委)Su pport ed by Mini stryof Sc ience andTechn ology of C hina中国博士后科学基金Suppo rtedby Ch ina P ostdo ctora l Sci enceFound ation海峡两岸自然科学基金(项目编号:)共同资助Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Twosides of S trait(项目编号:)核工业科学基金资助Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Chin ese N uclea r Ind ustry国家教育部科学基金资助Su pport ed by Scie nce F ounda tionof Th e Chi neseEduca tionCommi ssion (教委)Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Mini stryof Ed ucati on of Chin a国家教育部博士点专项基金资助Sup porte d byDocto ral F und o f Min istry of E ducat ion o f Chi na国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金资助Supp orted by S cient ificResea rch F ounda tionfor R eturn ed Sc holar s, Mi nistr y ofEduca tionof Ch ina国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助Suppo rtedby Sc ience Foun datio n for TheExcel lentYouth Scho larsof Mi nistr y ofEduca tionof Ch ina高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助Sup porte d byResea rch F und f or th e Doc toral Prog ram o f Hig her E ducat ion o f Chi naSu pport ed by Doct oralProgr am Fo undat ion o f Ins titut ionsof Hi gherEduca tionof Ch ina 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金资助黑龙江省自然科学基金资助S uppor ted b y Nat uralScien ce Fo undat ion o f Hei longj iangProvi nce o f Chi na湖北省教育厅重点项目资助Supp orted by E ducat ional Comm issio n ofHubei Prov inceof Ch ina河南省杰出青年基金(9911)资助Sup porte d byExcel lentYouth Foun datio n ofHe’na n Sci entif ic Co mmitt ee(项目编号:)河南省教育厅基金资助S uppor ted b y Fou ndati on of He’n an Ed ucati onalCommi ttee山西省青年科学基金(项目编号:)资助Sup porte d byShanx i Pro vince Scie nce F ounda tionfor Y ouths(项目编号:)山西省归国人员基金资助Su pport ed by Shan xi Pr ovinc e Fou ndati on fo r Ret urnes s北京市自然科学基金资助S uppor ted b y Bei jingMunic ipalNatur al Sc ience Foun datio n上海市科技启明星计划(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Sh angha i Sci enceand T echno logyDevel opmen t Fun ds(项目编号:)华北电力大学青年科研基金资助Su pport ed by Yout h Fou ndati on of Nort h-Chi na El ectri c Pow er Un ivers ity华中师范大学自然科学基金资助S uppor ted b y Nat uralScien ce Fo undat ion o f Cen tralChina Norm al Un ivers ity东南大学基金(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by Foun datio n ofSouth eastof Un ivers ity(项目编号:)西南交通大学基础学科研究基金(项目编号:)资助Supp orted by F ounda tionScien ces S outhw est J iaoto ng Un ivers ity(项目编号:)日本科学技术厅科学家交流项目(项目编号:)S uppor ted b y Jap an ST A Sci entis t Exc hange Prog ram (项目编号:)Part 1:国家自然科学基金(项目编号:)资助S uppor ted b y Nat ional Natu ral S cienc e Fou ndati on of Chin a(项目编号:)[Supp orted by N SFC(项目编号:)]国家自然科学基金重大项目资助S uppor ted b y Maj or Pr ogram of N ation al Na tural Scie nce F ounda tionof Ch ina (1991483) 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by Proj ectsof In terna tiona l Coo perat ion a nd Ex chang es NS FC(项目编号:)国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(项目编号:)资助 (973计划项目)Sup porte d byMajor Stat e Bas ic Re searc h Dev elopm ent P rogra m(项目编号:)Suppo rtedby Ch ina M inist ry of Scie nce a nd Te chnol ogy u nderContr act(项目编号:)Sup porte d byState KeyDevel opmen t Pro gramof (f or) B asicResea rch o f Chi na(项目编号:)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助Su pport ed by Nati onalHighTechn ology Rese archand D evelo pment Prog ram o f Chi na国家重大科学工程二期工程基金资助Supp orted by N ation al Im porta nt Pr oject on S cienc e-Pha se Ⅱof NS RL国家攀登计划—B课题资助Sup porte d byNatio nal C limb—B Pla n国家杰出青年科学基金资助Supp orted by N ation al Na tural Scie nce F undsfor D istin guish ed Yo ung S chola r国家科技部基金资助Su pport ed by Stat e Com missi on of Scie nce T echno logyof Ch ina(科委)Su pport ed by Mini stryof Sc ience andTechn ology of C hina中国科学院基金资助Sup porte d byScien ce Fo undat ion o f The Chin ese A cadem y ofScien ces中国科学院九五重大项目(项目编号:)资助Sup porte d byMajor Subj ect o f The Chin ese A cadem y ofScien ces(项目编号:)中国科学院院长基金特别资助Sup porte d bySpeci al Fo undat ion o f Pre siden t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s中国科学院国际合作局重点项目资助Suppo rtedby Bu reauof In terna tiona l Coo perat ion,The C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s 中国科学院百人计划经费资助Sup porte d by100 T alent s Pro gramm e ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience sSup porte d byOne H undre d Per son P rojec t ofThe C hines e Aca demyof Sc ience s中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目资助Supp orted by K nowle dge I nnova tionProje ct of TheChine se Ac ademy of S cienc esSu pport ed by Know ledge Inno vatio n Pro gramof Th e Chi neseAcade my of Scie nces中国科学院西部之光基金(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by West Ligh t Fou ndati on of TheChine se Ac ademy of S cienc es(项目编号:)北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室重点课题资助Su pport ed by BEPC Nati onalLabor atory兰州重离子加速器国家实验室原子核理论中心基金资助Sup porte d byCente r ofTheor etica l Nuc learPhysi cs, N ation al La borat ory o f Hea vy Io n Acc elera tor o f Lan zhou中国博士后科学基金Supp orted by C hinaPostd octor al Sc ience Foun datio n海峡两岸自然科学基金(项目编号:)共同资助Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Twosides of S trait(项目编号:)核工业科学基金资助Suppo rtedby Sc ience Foun datio n ofChine se Nu clear Indu stry国家教育部科学基金资助Su pport ed by Scie nce F ounda tionof Th e Chi neseEduca tionCommi ssion (教委)Supp orted by S cienc e Fou ndati on of Mini stryof Ed ucati on of Chin a国家教育部博士点专项基金资助Su pport ed by Doct oralFundof Mi nistr y ofEduca tionof Ch ina国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金资助Su pport ed by Scie ntifi c Res earch Foun datio n for Retu rnedSchol ars,Minis try o fEdu catio n ofChina国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助Su pport ed by Scie nce F ounda tionfor T he Ex celle nt Yo uth S chola rs of Mini stryofEd ucati on of Chin a高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助Supp orted by S pecia lized Rese archFundfor t he Do ctora l Pro gramof Hi gherEduca tion霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金资助Su pport ed by theFok Y ing-T ong E ducat ion F ounda tion, Chin a (Gr ant N o. )黑龙江省自然科学基金资助Suppo rtedby Na tural Scie nce F ounda tionof He ilong jiang Prov inceof Ch ina湖北省教育厅重点项目资助Su pport ed by Educ ation al Co mmiss ion o f Hub ei Pr ovinc e ofChina河南省杰出青年基金(9911)资助Suppo rtedby Ex celle nt Yo uth F ounda tionof He’nanScien tific Comm ittee(项目编号:)河南省教育厅基金资助Supp orted by F ounda tionof He’nanEduca tiona l Com mitte e山西省青年科学基金(项目编号:)资助Su pport ed by Shan xi Pr ovinc e Sci enceFound ation forYouth s(项目编号:)山西省归国人员基金资助Su pport ed by Shan xi Pr ovinc e Fou ndati on fo r Ret urnes s北京市自然科学基金资助Suppo rtedby Be ijing Muni cipal Natu ral S cienc e Fou ndati on上海市科技启明星计划(项目编号:)资助Suppo rtedby Sh angha i Sci enceand T echno logyDevel opmen t Fun ds(项目编号:)华北电力大学青年科研基金资助Sup porte d byYouth Foun datio n ofNorth-Chin a Ele ctric Powe r Uni versi ty华中师范大学自然科学基金资助S uppor ted b y Nat uralScien ce Fo undat ion o f Cen tralChina Norm al Un ivers ity东南大学基金(项目编号:)资助Sup porte d byFound ation of S outhe ast o f Uni versi ty(项目编号:)西南交通大学基础学科研究基金(项目编号:)资助Sup porte d byFound ation Scie ncesSouth westJiaot ong U niver sity(项目编号:)日本科学技术厅科学家交流项目(项目编号:)Sup porte d byJapan STAScien tistExcha nge P rogra m (项目编号:)Par t 2:1、国家自然科学基金资助项目凡是国家自然科学基金资助项目的研究成果,必须严格按规定进行标注才算有效,否则基金委将不予承认。

向于认为, 在群落构建中生态位理论和中性理论并 非对立, 将生态位理论和中性理论整合可以更好地 理解群落构建的机理 (Tilman, 2004; Chase, 2005; Gravel et al., 2006; Leibold & McPeek, 2006)。 本文试图在简要回顾群落中性理论和生态位 理论发展的基础上, 梳理其最新研究进展, 并探讨 整合生态位理论和中性理论, 解释群落构建和多样 性维持的可能途径。
Biodiversity Science
牛克昌1* 刘怿宁1 沈泽昊1 何芳良2 方精云1
1 (北京大学城市与环境学院生态学系, 北京大学地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871) 2 (Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1)
关于群落多样性的形成和维持机理, 主要存在
两类不同的观点。一种观点认为, 在群落构建和多 样性维持中, 共存物种间的生态位分化等确定性因 素占主导地位; 而另一种观点则认为扩散和随机作 用是主要决定因子。关于群落构建的确定性和非确 定性因素, 达尔文在其巨著《物种起源》中早有所 提及。他认为看似偶然生长在一起的群落物种, 其 背后有着深刻的必然性。而对确定性因素和随机作 用在群落构建中的地位较为系统的讨论, 可以追溯 到20世纪初的群落超有机体论(super-organism concept) (Clements, 1916; Tansley, 1935) 和 个 体 论 (individualistic concept)(Gleason, 1926) 的争论。以 Clements为代表的群落有机体学派认为, 群落构建 是确定性过程, 群落之间有着可分辨的边界, 群落 在受干扰后能够逐渐演变到原来的状态, 即群落演 替; 在群落组分种的相互作用下, 演替是从一个方 向有规律地向另一个方向变化, 演替的最后阶段是 稳定的单元顶极(monoclimax)(Clements, 1916)或多 元顶极(polyclimax)(Tansley, 1935)。 对此, 以Gleason 为代表的群落个体学派提出了猛烈的批评, 他们认 为群落只是一些物种的随机组合, 群落之间并没有 明显的界限 , 群落结构变化也没有明确的方向性 , 各物种以其独特的方式响应着环境的时空变化。其 后, 岛屿生物地理学的出现、 群落构建规则的提出以 及群落中性理论的蓬勃发展, 将群落构建中确定性 作用和随机过程的相对重要性的讨论推向了高潮。 1.1 生态位和物种共存机制 早在1910年Johnson就率先提出了生态位概念。

专题:新时期重大科技基础设施建设理论与实践Theory and Practice of Major S&T Infrastructure Construction in the New Era引用格式:宋大成, 肖帅, 李天鸣, 等. 国外重大科技基础设施开放共享模式比较及对我国的启示. 中国科学院院刊, 2024, 39(3): 447-458, doi:10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20240129003.Song D C, Xiao S, Li T M, et al. Comparison of open sharing modes of foreign large-scale scientific facilities and implications for China. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2024, 39(3): 447-458, doi: 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20240129003. (in Chinese)国外重大科技基础设施开放共享模式比较及对我国的启示宋大成1,2肖帅3李天鸣3温珂1,2*游玎怡4张辰3魏强3郭润桐1,21 中国科学院大学公共政策与管理学院北京1000492 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院北京1001903 中国科学院科技创新发展中心北京1001904 四川大学公共管理学院成都610065摘要重大科技基础设施开放共享在开放科学生态系统中扮演着关键角色,对于促进科学技术的发展、增进创新合作和提升国家综合竞争力具有重要意义。
2 Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 3

3.1 The Basic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 Reducing the Pareto Set by Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 Introduction
Many real-world problems involve simultaneous optimization of several incommensurable and often competing objectives. Usually, there is no single optimal solution, but rather a set of alternative solutions. These solutions are optimal in the wider sense that no other solutions in the search space are superior to them when all objectives are considered. They are known as Pareto-optimal solutions. Consider, for example, the design of a complex hardware/software system. An optimal design might be an architecture that minimizes cost and power consumption while maximizing the overall performance. However, these goals are generally con icting: one architecture may achieve high performance at high cost, another low-cost architecture might considerably increase power consumption|none of these solutions can be said to be superior if we do not include preference information (e.g., a ranking of the objectives). Thus, if no such information is available, it may be very helpful to get knowledge about those alternate architectures. A tool exploring the design space for Pareto-optimal solutions in reasonable time can essentially aid the decision maker to arrive at a nal design. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) seem to be particularly suited for this task, because they process a set of solutions in parallel, eventually exploiting similarities of solutions by crossover. Some researcher suggest that multiobjective search and optimization might be a problem area where EAs do better than other blind search strategies Fonseca and Fleming, 1995] Valenzuela-Rendon and Uresti-Charre, 1997]. Since the mid-eighties several multiobjective EAs have been developed, capable of searching for multiple Pareto-optimal solutions concurrently in a single run. In spite of this variety, it is di cult to determine the appropriate algorithm for a given problem because it lacks extensive, quantitative comparative studies. The few comparisons available to date are mostly qualitative and restricted to two different methods quite often, the test problems considered are rather simple. As a consequence, it sometimes seems that every new application results in a new multiobjective EA. In this study we have chosen another way. Firstly, we carried out an extensive comparison of di erent multiobjective EAs that bases on two complementary quantitative measures|the test problem was a NP-hard 0/1 knapsack problem. The experience we gained from the experiments led to the development of a new ap1

叶尔肯·吾扎提1,2 张 薇1,2,3 刘志高1,2**1 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京 1001012 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室 北京 1001013 中国科学院大学 北京 100049摘要 海外园区建设既是“一带一路”建设的主要内容,也是我国与沿线国家经贸合作的重要平台。
关键词 “一带一路”,海外园区,模式,中国DOI 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2017.04.004过去 30 年,以经济特区、各类开发区和园区等特殊经济空间为载体推动经济发展是我国经济高速增长的重要经验之一。
2008 年金融危机以后,特别是“新常态”以来,我国经济步入由“引进来”到“走出去”的发展阶段。

植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (6): 884–900(2007)doi:10.1360/aps06134 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica ———————————2006-08-28收稿, 2007-03-12收修改稿。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(30400052); 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(2006CB403305) (Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 30400052; National Basic Research Program of China, Grant No. 2006CB403305 )。
* 通讯作者(Author for correspondence. E-mail: jkchen@; Tel.: 86-21-65642468; Fax: 86-21-65642468)。
入侵植物喜旱莲子草——生物学、生态学及管理1潘晓云 1耿宇鹏 2Alejandro SOSA 1张文驹 1李 博 1陈家宽*1(生物多样性和生态工程教育部重点实验室, 复旦大学生物多样性科学研究所, 长江河口湿地生态系统野外科学 观测研究站 上海 200433)2(南美生物防治实验室 布宜诺斯艾利斯 1686)Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides : biology, ecology andmanagement1PAN Xiao-Yun 1GENG Yu-Peng 2Alejandro SOSA 1ZHANG Wen-Ju 1LI Bo 1CHEN Jia-Kuan * 1(Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science & Ecological Engineering , Institute of Biodiversity Science ,Fudan University , Coastal Ecosystems Research Station of Yangtze River Estuary , Shanghai 200433, China) 2(South American Biological Control Laboratory , USDA-ARS , Hurlingham-Buenos Aires 1686, Argentina) Abstract In this review, we present a detailed account of Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligatorweed), including A. philoxeroides description, intraspecific variation from native to introduced regions, its life history strategies, invasion mechanisms, and management strategies. Alternanthera philoxeroides is a herbaceous amphibious weed of Amaranthaceae, native to South America, distributed from Buenos Aires Province (39° S) to south Brazil. It was first described by Martius in 1826, and consists of several taxa in both its native and non-native ranges. Current knowledge indicates that two forms of alligator weed exist in Argentina: A. philoxeroides f. philoxeroides in the southern range and A. philoxeroides f. angustifolia in the northern range. In Argentina, both forms set fruits and produce viable seeds. Alternanthera philoxeroides is now found as a serious weed from tropical to warm temperate regions, including the USA, China, India, South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. It is thought to have been brought to China during the 1930s, and later widely cultivated and spread in southern China as fodder during 1950s. The invasions of alligatorweed in China have caused considerable concerns, and now it is one of the 12 most harmful alien invasive species in China. Alligatorweed is found on stationary and slow moving water bodies, creeks, channels, riverbanks and associated areas that are occasionally flooded. It can also be found in terrestrial habitats as a pasture weed within urban environments. Alligatorweed does not produce viable seed in China and reproduces vegetatively from vegetative fragments (stems, rhizome or root tubes), which can be transported by water movement, boats, machinery and vehicles, and in hay. Movement between river catchments is common because of the human activities. Alligatorweed forms a floating mass which spreads out over the water. Its growth disrupts the ecology of banks and shallows and crowds out other plant species, restricts water flow, increases sedimentation, aggravates flooding, limits access and use by man and provides a favorable breeding area for disease vectors. We need better understanding of the biology and ecology of alligatorweed to assess the efficiency of control methods in any theoretical framework. According to the6期潘晓云等: 入侵植物喜旱莲子草——生物学、生态学及管理885 knowledge of the life history strategy of alligatorweed, we suggest that metapopulation theory is a good tool to improve management efficiency from watershed and regional perspectives. Key words alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), biological invasion, dispersal, disturbance, intraspecific variation, life history, metapopulation, watershed management.摘要喜旱莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides原产于南美洲, 属于苋科Amaranthaceae莲子草属Alternanthera。

Tourism globalization
Tourism plays an important role in the process of economic globalization.
Small scale, single structure, has not yet developed into a complete system of industry
take concerted action .
Nowadays,internati nal tourism is the biggest industry in the world.Unfortunately ,international tourism creates tensio rather than undersanding between people from different cultures.
It provides a chance for developing countries to meet opportunities and challenges.
Economic globalization can make the world's capital, technology, products, markets, resources, labor force reasonable configuration.
Tang Bingtian
Tourism development has become international.
A The tourism industry in the modern world began to

间基 因型组合 对生产 性能 的影响方 面的报 道。鉴于 以上 原 甲基 氨 基 甲烷 ( r Ti s),D A Mak N re ,琼 脂 糖 ,冰 乙 r
因 ,对 k 酪蛋 白外显 子及 其不 同外显子 间基 因型组 合与生 酸 ,无 水 乙醇 ,1 一 %硝 酸 银 ,甲醛 ( 7 ),硼 酸 ,变 3% 产 性状 问 的关联性 的研究就显 得格 外重要 ,本试验 研究 了 性 缓冲 液 ( 去离 子 甲酰 胺 ,二 甲苯氰 ,溴酚 蓝 ),3 % 0 中国荷斯 坦牛 K一 蛋 白基 因外 显子 1 酪 的多态性 ,以期为奶 聚 丙烯 酰胺 ,1 %过硫 酸铵 ,1 x B 缓 冲 液 。 TE 0
多基 因和环境 因素共 同控 制的复杂 数量性状 ,同时研究 、 移 液枪 ( L,1 0uL 0 L 0 0 L), 1 0 0 ,2 0 ,1 0
评 价 多个 突 变位点不 同基 因型组合 与产乳 性状 的相 关性 可 手 提式 高 压 灭菌 锅 ,垂 直 板 电泳 槽 ,电泳仪 ,水平 电泳
2 7I科技 _
设 计软 件设 计 如下 引物 :
下游 弓l R:GGGT T 物 GT AGT C T GT Tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱGCGT T CA GAG
象。采集的D I H 数据来源于上述6 头 中国荷斯坦牛 ,包 1 . 基 因组 D A 测 4 .2 3 N 检
K 酪 蛋 白对 牛奶 的生成 具有 重要 作用 ,目前 对于奶 括 产奶 量 、乳 蛋 白率 、乳脂 率 、体 细 胞数 。 一 牛 K一 酪蛋 白基 因对产 奶 性能 的影 响研究 较 多 ,主 要集 中 1 . 仪 器设 备 和 主 要 试 剂 2

文山学院学报Vol. 33 No. 4Aug. 202019第 33 卷第 4 期2020年 8 月JOURNAL OF WENSHAN UNIVERSITY收稿日期:2020 - 03 - 28作者简介:杨泽宇,男,安徽阜阳人,云南大学历史与档案学院硕士研究生,主要从事中国民族史研究。
边缘视角·一体思维·多元格局——刘义棠《中国边疆民族史》的基本内容与学术贡献杨泽宇(云南大学 历史与档案学院,云南 昆明 650000)摘要:台湾民族史学者刘义棠在《中国边疆民族史》一书中,以游离于汉家王朝之外的边境民族为视角,阐释了中国民族“中央到边疆”的地缘政治、“历史与现实”的时间衔接和“多源至一体”的空间格局,以此形成的学术思维并代入于中国古代边疆民族的具体研究中,对中国民族史和边疆史地研究进行了有益的理论尝试与方法探索,亦襄助于边疆社会以及族群文化的学术拓展。
一种新的多肽-真核RNA结合区域RNP-1 21和编码这种多肽的多核苷酸[

专利名称:一种新的多肽-真核RNA结合区域RNP-1 21和编码这种多肽的多核苷酸
地址:200433 上海市邯郸路220路

作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2024, 50(2): 340 353 / ISSN 0496-3490; CN 11-1809/S; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail:***************DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.31020不同磷胁迫处理转OsPHR2小麦的转录组学分析李艳方宇辉王永霞彭超军华夏齐学礼胡琳许为钢*河南省作物分子育种研究院 / 河南省麦类种质资源创新与改良重点实验室 / 神农种业实验室, 河南郑州 450002摘要: PHR基因是磷信号调控体系的核心转录因子, 负责启动下游部分应对磷饥饿的适应性反应。
本课题前期获得了磷高效转OsPHR2小麦纯系, 但OsPHR2提高小麦磷吸收利用效率的分子机制尚不清楚。
为揭示该机制, 本研究以前期获得的磷高效转OsPHR2小麦纯系为研究材料, 采用水培试验, 小麦长至四叶一心时进行低磷胁迫处理, 分别在低磷胁迫0、6、24和72 h, 利用RNA-Seq进行转录组测定, 分析转基因小麦与对照之间根部和叶片的差异表达基因(differentially expression gene, DEG), 并分别对根部和叶片DEG进行GO和KEGG功能富集分析。
结果显示:低磷胁迫处理0、6、24和72 h转基因系与对照根部有22个共同的DEG, 叶片有9个共同的DEG。
转基因小麦与对照根部DEG数量在低磷胁迫处理0 h最多, 其次为6 h。
GO和KEGG富集分析显示, 低磷胁迫0 h和6 h, 根部DEG主要富集在糖代谢、苯丙素生物合成等生物学过程, 以及养分贮存器活性、ATP酶活性等分子功能。
转基因小麦与对照叶片DEG数量在低磷胁迫72 h最多, 主要富集在糖代谢、有机酸生物合成等生物学过程, 以及与糖基转移酶活性、纤维素合酶活性等有关的分子功能。
与对照相比, 转基因系OsT5-28根部血红素过氧化物酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶等防御系统关键酶基因, 以及叶片磷酸丙糖转运体家族基因在低磷胁迫前后均上调表达。

DOI:10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2022101103李红华, 张庆华, 李英明, 等. 南极菲尔德斯半岛(Fildes Peninsula)和阿德利岛(Ardley Island)大气中六溴环十二烷(HBCDs)的分析[J]. 环境化学, 2024, 43(4): 1159-1166.LI Honghua, ZHANG Qinghua, LI Yingming, et al. Analysis of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the atmosphere in Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, Antarctica[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2024, 43 (4): 1159-1166.南极菲尔德斯半岛(Fildes Peninsula)和阿德利岛(Ardley Island)大气中六溴环十二烷(HBCDs)的分析 *李红华1 张庆华1 ** 李英明1 王 璞2 张镇松1 江桂斌1(1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室,北京,100085;2. 江汉大学环境与健康学院,工业烟尘污染控制湖北省重点实验室,武汉,430056)摘 要 在2009—2010年南半球夏季,用大流量采样器(high-volume air sampler,HVAS)和聚胺酯泡沫(polyurethane foam,PUF)被动采样器采集了南极菲尔德斯半岛和阿德利岛6个点的大气样品,分析了HBCDs的浓度水平、异构体组成、气相-颗粒相分配和空间分布趋势. 主动和被动采集大气样品中ΣHBCDs浓度(α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD的浓度)范围分别为n.d.(未检出)—2.73 pg·m−3和0.41—3.39 pg·m−3,与北极和偏远地区浓度水平一致,远低于城市和工业区的污染水平. HBCDs在主动采集的颗粒相和气相中的平均比例分别为67%和33%,颗粒相以α-HBCD(57%)为主,气相以γ-HBCD(53%)为主;被动采集的PUF样品中γ-HBCD(64%)占优势. 经过主动采样和被动采样的对比研究,对采样速率进行校正后,PUF被动采样器可以用于南极大气样品的采集. 南极大气中HBCDs的检出,表明HBCDs具有持久性和潜在的长距离大气传输能力;南极长城站附近大气中HBCDs浓度水平略高,反映了有限的人类活动对南极环境产生了影响.关键词 六溴环十二烷,异构体,南极,主动大气采样,被动大气采样.Analysis of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the atmosphere inFildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, AntarcticaLI Honghua1 ZHANG Qinghua1 ** LI Yingming1 WANG Pu2 ZHANG Zhensong1 JIANG Guibin1(1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, China;2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Industrial Fume and Dust Pollution Control,School of Environment and Health, Jianghan University, Wuhan, 430056, China)Abstract Air samples were collected in the austral summer of 2009—2010 at six sites in Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, Antarctica to investigate the levels, isomer profiles, gas-particle distribution of HBCDs using high-volume air samplers (HVAS) and polyurethane foam (PUF)-disk based passive air samplers. The concentrations of ΣHBCDs (sum of α-, β- and γ-HBCD) in air samples from active air sampling and passive air sampling were in the ranges of n.d. (not detected)—2.73 pg·m−3 and 0.41—3.39 pg·m−3 respectively, which were comparable with those from2022 年 10 月 11 日 收稿(Received:October 11,2022).* 国家海洋局项目(09/10GW08,10/11GW02)和中国科学院技术支撑人才项目(2021)资助.Supported by the State Oceanic Administration, P.R. China (09/10GW08 , 10/11GW02) and the Technical Support Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of Science (2021).* * 通信联系人 Corresponding author,E-mail: ****************.cn1160环 境 化 学43 卷the Arctic regions and remote sites, and much lower than those from urban areas and industrial districts. For active air sampling, the average percentage of HBCDs were 67% and 33% in the particle-phase and gas-phase, respectively, and α-HBCD (57%) was the dominant isomer in the particle-phase, whereas γ-HBCD (53%) dominated in the gas-phase. As for passive air sampling, the PUF samples were dominated by γ-HBCD (64%). Comparative study of active air sampling and passive air sampling demonstrates the feasibility of using PUF passive samplers in Antarctica after the calibration of sampling rates. The presence of HBCDs in Antarctica suggests that HBCDs are persistent and have potential for long-range atmospheric transport, and the slightly higher level of HBCDs at the Great Wall Station site also reflects the effects of limited anthropogenic activities on the Antarctic environment.Keywords HBCDs,isomer,Antarctica,active air sampling,passive air sampling.溴系阻燃剂六溴环十二烷(HBCDs)具有优良的阻燃性能,近30年被广泛用于建筑保温材料的阻燃. 随着HBCDs在环境和生物体内不断被发现,甚至在偏远的北极地区生物体内也有检出[1-2],HBCDs的环境污染问题受到高度关注,2013年被正式列入《关于持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants, POPs)的斯德哥尔摩公约》,成为POPs管控物质. HBCDs在全球禁用后,用它做阻燃剂的建筑材料在未来几十年还会不断释放HBCDs,对环境和人体健康的影响仍将持续. HBCDs是一种人工合成的化学品,非自然产生,环境中HBCDs的残留来源于工业生产和使用[3-4]. 在远离污染源的南北极和青藏高原等地区发现HBCDs[5-7],揭示了HBCDs可能在较长的周期内,从中低纬度的污染区通过长距离大气传输(long-range atmospheric transport, LRAT)到达偏远地区,证实了HBCDs具有持久性和长距离传输特性 [8-10]. 然而,仅有少数几篇文献报导了格陵兰(Greenland)[11]、斯瓦尔巴特(Svalbard)[12]等北极地区和青藏高原[13]大气中HBCDs的浓度水平,南极大气的HBCDs污染状况还不清楚.南极洲被太平洋、印度洋和大西洋包围,远离其他大陆,没有长住居民,仅有少量科考人员临时居住. 南极环境中POPs的残留源于当地污染源的可能性较小,长距离大气传输可能是唯一来源[10]. 南极大气中POPs的研究旨在为POPs长距离大气传输提供直接证据,具有重要意义. 主动大气采样器(如大流量采样器)和PUF被动大气采样器是大气环境监测的重要工具. 主动大气采样的采样速率相对稳定,能获得较准确的采样体积,是大气中HBCDs采集分析的经典方法[10-11]. 然而主动大气采样器通常需要电力,在极地或偏远地区很难大范围布点采样. 以PUF为吸附介质的被动大气采样器体积小、价格低,无需电力,更适于野外大范围采样,对采样速率进行校正后[14],可以用于大气中HBCDs等POPs 的采集和分析[4, 12].本研究在我国第26次南极科学考察期间,采用主动大气采样和被动大气采样两种方法,研究了南极菲尔德斯半岛和阿德利岛大气中HBCDs的污染状况. 对比大流量采样器和PUF被动采样器的检测结果,分析了在南极低温、强风、多风的极端气候条件下,使用PUF被动采样器进行HBCDs研究的可行性. 现在野外条件下使用主动和被动大气采样法对照分析南极大气中HBCDs的研究还鲜见文献报导.1 材料与方法(Materials and methods)1.1 主要仪器和药品大流量采样器(ECHO HiVol PUF, TCR TECORA, Italy). 液相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱仪(HPLC-MSMS),液相系统为Alliance 2695(Waters),质谱系统为Micromass Quattro Premier XE(Micromass). 液相色谱柱为Zorbax ODS,150 mm × 3.0 mm,i.d. 5.0 μm(Agilent). 加速溶剂萃取仪为ASE 300(Dionex).旋转蒸发仪为Laborota 4002(Heidolph).二氯甲烷和正己烷为农残级(Fisher);甲醇和乙腈为HPLC级(J. T. Baker);无水Na2SO4、浓H2SO4和NaOH为分析纯(北京化工厂). 13C12-γ-HBCD和d18-γ-HBCD纯度>98%(Wellington Laboratories),α-、β-、γ-HBCD纯度>98%(AccuStandard).1.2 样品采集本研究的采样点设在中国南极长城站附近(图1). 长城站位于西南极洲的南设得兰群岛(South Shetland Islands )中最大的岛屿-乔治王岛(King George Island ). 乔治王岛上建有多个科考站,长城站坐落在乔治王岛西部的菲尔德斯半岛(Fildes Peninsula ),东临麦克斯韦尔海湾(Maxwell Bay )中的小海湾长城湾(Great Wall Bay )和阿德利岛(Ardley Island ),南临菲尔德斯海峡(Fildes Strait ).图 1 南极菲尔德斯半岛和阿德利岛的采样点Fig.1 Sampling sites in Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, Antarctica主动大气采样的详细信息见表1. 在南极长城站科研楼南侧50 m 处设置了一个主动大气采样点G1,用两台大流量采样器同时采集样品. 玻璃纤维滤膜(glass fiber filter ,GFF )用于采集颗粒相样品,直径108 mm. PUF 用于采集气相样品,直径6.4 cm ,长7.6 cm. GFF 在使用前在500 ℃烘6 h 以除去杂质.表 1 主动大气采样和被动大气采样的详细信息Table 1 The details of active air sampling and passive air sampling 采样方法Sampling methods 采样点Sampling sites 纬度Latitude 经度Longitude 采样时间Sampling time样品编号Sample No.主动大气采样Active air sampling G1(长城站)62°13′07″S 58°57′45″W 2009.12.11—18GP11, GP122009.12.18—26GP21, GP222009.12.27—2010.1.2GP31, GP322010.01.08—17GP41, GP422010.01.17—22GP51, GP522010.01.24—30GP61, GP622010.01.31—2.5GP71, GP72被动大气采样Passive air sampling G2(地磁台)62°13′12″S 58°57′48″W 2009.12.8—2010.2.7G-2G3(阿德利岛)62°12′52″S 58°55′52″W 2009.12.15—2010.2.7G-3G4(横断风谷)62°12′22″S 58°59′59″W 2009.12.27—2010.2.6G-4G5(半边山)62°12′19″S 58°57′17″W 2009.12.30—2010.2.7G-5G6(龟背山)62°13′48″S 58°55′59″W 2009.12.24—2010.2.6G-6 注:主动大气采样的样品编号中,GP11指气相和颗粒相一组样品,第1个数字表示采样批次,第2个数字表示平行样序号,依此类推. Note: The sample No. GP11 for active air sampling means a pair of samples including gas- and particle-phase, and the first figure means the number of sampling campaign, and the second one means the number of parallel samples, and so on.4 期李红华等:南极菲尔德斯半岛(Fildes Peninsula )和阿德利岛(Ardley Island )大气中六溴环十二烷(HBCDs )的分析11611162环 境 化 学43 卷PUF在使用前,先后用丙酮和正己烷进行ASE萃取,除去杂质. 萃取条件:提取温度100 ℃;压力:1500 psi;静态时间:8 min;净化时间:120 s;冲洗体积:60%;两个循环. 2009.12.11—2010.2.5开展了7批次采样工作,每批采集两组平行样,采样周期约为1周,采样速率为200 L·min−1,校正后的采样体积约2000 m3,共获得14组大气样品. 采样结束后,将GFF和PUF分别包裹在洁净的铝箔内,置于洁净聚乙烯袋中于-18 ℃下密封、避光保存,运输至实验室分别检测.被动大气采样的详细信息见表1. 在长城站附近及菲尔德斯半岛东部、南部、西部和阿德利岛共设置了5个采样点. 采用PUF被动大气采样器,PUF盘直径为14 cm,厚度为1.35 cm. PUF在使用前的处理过程同主动大气采样. 采样时,将洁净的PUF盘放置在不锈钢罩内,防止大气粗颗粒物和光照、降水的影响. 将被动采样器架设在G2—G6的5个采样点,在2009.12.8—2010.2.7期间采集了5个大气样品. PUF收集后用洁净的铝箔纸包裹,置于洁净聚乙烯袋中于-18 ℃下密封、避光保存,运输至实验室检测.1.3 样品处理和仪器分析样品制备和分析方法参照前期的研究工作[15],简述如下. PUF/GFF加入替代物10 ng 13C12-γ-HBCD,用正己烷:二氯甲烷(1:1,V/V)提取. 提取液浓缩后转移至复合硅胶柱净化,用80 mL正己烷:二氯甲烷(1:1,V/V)淋洗出目标物,经旋转蒸发浓缩,溶剂转换为甲醇,加10 ng d18-γ-HBCD后上机检测.HPLC进样体积为10 μL,梯度洗脱程序为:甲醇、乙腈、水的初始比为3:3:4(V/V/V),10 min时变为7:3:0,保持13 min后,在0.1 min内调整为初始比例,保持6.9 min后结束. MS采用大气压化学负离子源(APCI−),多反应监测(MRM)模式. α-、β-、γ-HBCD监测离子为640.6→79.0 m/z、81.0 m/z,13C12-γ-HBCD监测652.6→79.0 m/z、81.0 m/z,d18-γ-HBCD监测657.6→79.0 m/z、81.0 m/z. 离子源温度为120 ℃,电晕针电流为3.0 μA,碰撞能为11 eV.1.4 质量控制运输空白(PUF)和前处理过程空白均未检出HBCDs. 主动大气采样时,加半个PUF进行穿透实验,单独分析半个PUF,未检出HBCDs(n = 3). 其余主动大气采样直接提取分析1.5个PUF样品. 方法检出限(MDLs)为空白(无水Na2SO4)加标(1 ng α-、β-、γ-HBCD混合标准品)样品的3倍信噪比(S/N),α-、β-、γ-HBCD的检出限分别为0.2 ng、0.08 ng、0.08 ng;替代内标的回收率为83% ± 15%(n = 33).2 结果与讨论(Results and discussion)2.1 主动采样HBCDs浓度水平和时间变化趋势主动采集的大气样品的分析结果汇总在表2. 14个GFF有12个检出HBCDs,14个PUF有9个检出HBCDs. α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD和ƩHBCDs的浓度范围分别为n.d.(未检出)—1.98(均值0.47) pg·m−3、n.d.—0.52(均值0.15) pg·m−3、n.d.—0.70(均值0.32) pg·m−3、n.d.—2.73(均值0.93) pg·m−3,平行样的检测结果较一致. 从7批次采样的浓度变化趋势来看,第2批样品的HBCDs浓度结果相对较低,第3批的浓度相对较高,HBCDs浓度整体处于较低水平,随时间波动较小.一些文献报导了室内空气和大气中的HBCDs. Remberger[3]等研究发现,瑞典建筑垃圾场附近大气中HBCDs浓度为13—180 pg·m−3,城市大气中浓度为76—610 pg·m−3,而偏远地区的浓度则<1 pg·m−3.美国东部5个城市大气[16]的HBCDs平均浓度为0.6—4.5 pg·m−3. 英国Birmingham[4, 17-18]室外空气的HBCDs浓度为2—40 pg·m−3,室内、车内等环境空气中浓度为60—1300 pg·m−3. 对我国城市大气的研究发现,哈尔滨[19]室外空气中HBCDs浓度为3.9—6700 pg·m−3,北京[20]为20—1800 pg·m−3,上海[21]为22.5—71.9 pg·m−3,广州[22]浓度较低,为0.69—3.09 pg·m−3. 土耳其Istanbul[23]的室外空气中检出了浓度高达1200 pg·m−3的HBCDs,而加拿大Toronto城市大气[24]和东非大气[25]中HBCDs浓度处于较低水平,分别为1.4 pg·m−3和低于检出限—1.47 pg·m−3.极地大气中HBCDs的研究报导非常有限,仅有几篇关于北极和青藏高原的研究. 对Svalbard[12]大气的研究发现,HBCDs浓度范围为7.1—6.5 pg·m−3. Vorkamp等[11]研究发现,Greenland大气中HBCDs的浓度范围为0.0057—0.13 pg·m−3. 藏东南地区[13]大气中也检出了HBCDs,浓度范围n.d.—2.84 pg·m −3. 本文在南极菲尔德斯半岛和阿德利岛大气中检出的HBCDs 污染水平与极地和高山地区的污染水平相当.表 2 主动采集的大气样品的分析结果Table 2 The results of analysis for the air samples from active air sampling 样品编号Sample No.采样体积/m 3Sample volume 总悬浮颗粒物/(μg·m −3)TSP α-HBCD/(pg·m −3)β-HBCD/(pg·m −3)γ-HBCD/(pg·m −3)ƩHBCDs/(pg·m −3)GP111924.332.30.150.0970.350.60GP121918.115.5n.d.n.d.0.630.63GP211916.911.9n.d.n.d.n.d.n.d.GP221915.625.0n.d.n.d.0.160.16GP311726.1 2.3 1.980.520.22 2.73GP321724.8 3.5 1.510.480.21 2.20GP411846.412.80.760.290.70 1.75GP421843.122.00.630.220.28 1.13GP511524.98.50.850.0990.34 1.29GP521522.9 3.3n.d.n.d.0.220.22GP611863.822.3n.d.0.140.500.64GP621858.平均值±标准偏差Mean ± SD15.5 ± 9.50.47 ± 0.630.15 ± 0.170.32 ± 0.190.93 ± 0.81 注:TSP (total suspended particulate matter )为单位体积的颗粒相质量;α-HBCD 、β-HBCD 、γ-HBCD 、ƩHBCDs 浓度为气相和颗粒相浓度和;n.d.,未检出. Note: TSP (total suspended particulate matter ) was the mass of particle-phase per unit volume; The concentrations of α-HBCD 、β-HBCD 、γ-HBCD 、ƩHBCDs were the sum of gas- and particle-phase; n.d., not detected.2.2 主动采样的气相和颗粒相中HBCDs 的分配和异构体的组成HBCDs 具有较高的辛醇-水分配系数和低蒸汽压,更容易吸附在大气颗粒物中,气相中的比例较低. 本研究分别分析了主动采样的颗粒相(GFF )和气相(PUF )样品,HBCDs 在两相中的分布见图2.HBCDs 主要分布在颗粒相中,平均比例为67%,气相中平均比例为33%. 其中,GP11、GP31、GP52、GP71的4组样品只在颗粒相中检出了HBCDs ,而GP32、GP41、GP42、GP62的4组样品中,颗粒相中HBCDs 比例也高于60%. 几篇文献报导了HBCDs 在气相-颗粒相的分配比例,与本研究的结果一致.Yu 等[22]对广州大气的研究发现,HBCDs 在颗粒相的比例>69%;Hoh 等[16]对美国城市大气的研究中仅在颗粒相检出了HBCDs.图 2 主动大气采样的颗粒相和气相中HBCDs 的分布Fig.2 Distribution of HBCDs between the particle- and gas-phase of active air sampling4 期李红华等:南极菲尔德斯半岛(Fildes Peninsula )和阿德利岛(Ardley Island )大气中六溴环十二烷(HBCDs )的分析11631164环 境 化 学43 卷HBCDs源自工业生产和含有HBCDs阻燃产品的释放,其主要成分为γ-HBCD,约占70%以上,环境样品中检出的HBCDs以γ异构体为主[26-27]. 图3给出了7批主动采样的颗粒相和气相中α-HBCD、β-HBCD和γ-HBCD的平均组成,G1—G7为颗粒相(G2未检出),P1—P7为气相. 气相中3种异构体平均比例与HBCDs的工业品组成相似,γ-HBCD为主要异构体,占53%,α-HBCD、β-HBCD分别占37%和10%. 而颗粒相则相反,α-HBCD的平均比例为57%,β-HBCD和γ-HBCD分别为18%和25%.对颗粒相(n = 12)中HBCDs浓度与α-HBCD的浓度进行Spearman相关性分析显示,二者呈显著正相关(r = 0.94,P < 0.01). Vorkamp等[11]对极地大气、Hoh等[16]对美国城市大气、Li和Yu等[21-22]对中国城市大气的研究也发现,颗粒相中α-HBCD比例较高,可能与3种异构体的性质不同有关. 与γ-HBCD 相比,α-HBCD具有更高的蒸汽压[28],更容易挥发到空气中,吸附在颗粒相,随大气传输到偏远地区.图 3 主动大气采样的颗粒相和气相的HBCDs异构体组成Fig.3 The isomer profiles of HBCDs in the particle- and gas-phase of active air sampling2.3 主动采样与被动采样对比通常情况下,PUF被动采样器用于大气或环境空气中POPs采样时,采样速率采用3—5 m3·d−1 [12, 17, 23, 29],用于室内等环境空气采样时,采样速率更低[18]. 被动采样器用于室外、野外采样时,采样速率受气候条件特别是风速的影响较大,且不同化合物的理化性质有差异,达到气-固平衡的时间不同[12],换算得到的采样体积也有差异,通常得到半定量的结果,用主动采样法校正后结果更准确.本研究在主动大气采样的同一时间段,用PUF被动采样器采集了5个大气样品. 在2009.12—2010.2采样期间,依据国家海洋环境预报中心的监测数据,南极长城站平均温度为6.5 ℃,平均风速为7.3 m·s−1(26 km·h−1). 参照Tuduri等[14]对PUF被动采样速率与风速的研究数据,结合采样期间的气候条件,PUF被动采样速率设定为40 m3·d−1. 表3给出了被动采集的大气样品的分析结果. 5个采样点的α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD和ƩHBCDs的平均浓度分别为0.20 、0.28 、0.84 、1.32 pg·m−3. 其中,离长城站最近的 G2(地磁台)采样点 HBCDs 浓度最高,为 3.39 pg·m−3 ,阿德利岛上的采样点 (G3)浓度最低,为 0.41 pg·m−3 . 这一结果表明科考站的人类活动可能是大气中 HBCDs 的来源之一. 被动采集的大气样品中 γ-HBCD 的平均比例为 64%,与主动大气采样的气相及 HBCDs 工业品的组成相似.表 3 被动采集的大气样品的分析结果Table 3 The results of analysis for the air samples from passive air sampling样品编号α-HBCD/(pg·m−3)β-HBCD/(pg·m−3)γ-HBCD/(pg·m−3)ƩHBCDs/(pg·m−3)Sample No.G-20.450.76 2.18 3.39G-3n.d.n.d.0.410.41G-4n.d.0.240.690.93G-5n.d.n.d.0.580.58G-60.530.40.64 1.57平均值±标准偏差0.20 ± 0.270.28 ± 0.320.84 ± 0.77 1.32 ± 1.26Mean ± SD 注: n.d.,未检出. n.d., not detected5个被动采样点中,G2(地磁台)采样点与主动大气采样点G1(长城站)最接近(图1). 主动采样的平均结果(气相和颗粒相浓度和)与G2(地磁台)采样点的被动采样结果对比见图4. 被动采样的α-HBCD 浓度为0.45 pg·m −3,接近主动采样浓度的平均值0.47 pg·m −3. 被动采样的β-HBCD 、γ-HBCD 浓度高于主动采样,分别为主动采样浓度平均值的5倍和6倍. 本研究的主动采样时间段基本覆盖了被动采样时间,主动采样与被动采样结果的对比能够反映整个被动采样期间的气候变化等因素对被动采样速率的影响. 从图4可见,设定的被动采样速率适用于α-HBCD ,而对于β-HBCD 、γ-HBCD 应进行修正. 总的看来,被动采样的HBCDs 浓度结果与主动采样的平均值具有可比性,表明PUF 被动采样器可以用于南极大气样品的采集. 这一研究结果为PUF 被动采样器在寒冷、风强、风多的南极进行大气中POPs 的监测提供了重要证据.图 4 主动大气采样与被动大气采样的HBCDs 浓度对比Fig.4 Comparison of HBCD concentrations between active and passive air sampling3 结论(Conclusion)本文用主动大气采样法和被动大气采样法对比研究了南极菲尔德斯半岛和阿德利岛大气中HBCDs 的赋存状况. 南极大气样品中普遍检出了低浓度的HBCDs ,证实了HBCDs 具有持久性和潜在的长距离大气传输能力. 靠近长城站采样点的HBCDs 浓度相对较高,表明有限的人类活动对南极环境的影响已经显现. 主动与被动大气采样结果有可比性,说明PUF 被动采样法可用于南极大气样品的采集. 在南极寒冷、多风、风强等极端气候条件下,PUF 被动采样数据应视为半定量结果. 采样速率校正,风速、温度等气候条件对结果的影响还需要进一步研究.参考文献(References)MUIR D C G, BACKUS S, DEROCHER A E, et al. 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Eun & Resnick 4eCHAPTER 1 Globalization and the Multinational FirmQuestions in the test bank follow the order of the chapter outline:What’s Special about International Finance?Foreign Exchange and Political RisksMarket ImperfectionsExpanded Opportunity SetGoals for International FinancialManagementGlobalization of the World Economy:Major TrendsEmergence of Globalized Financial MarketsEmergence of the Euro as a Global CurrencyTrade Liberalization and Economic IntegrationPrivatizationMultinational CorporationsSummaryMINI CASE: Nike and Sweatshop LaborAPPENDIX 1A: Gains from Trade: The Theory ofComparative AdvantageWhat’s Special about “International” Finance?1)What major dimension sets apart international finance from domesticfinance?a)foreign exchange and political risksb)Market imperfectionsc)Expanded opportunity setd)all of the aboveAnswer: d2)An example of a political risk isa)Expropriation of assetsb)Adverse change in tax rulesc)The opposition party being electedd)a) and b) are both correctAnswer: d - p. 53)Production of goods and services has become globalized to a largeextent as a result ofa)Skilled labor being highly mobileb)Natural resources being depleted in one country after anotherc)Multinational corporations’ efforts to source inp uts and locateproduction anywhere where costs are lower and profits higherd)Common tastes worldwide for the same goods and servicesAnswer: c - p. 44)Recently, financial markets have become highly integrated. Thisdevelopmenta)Allows investors to diversify their portfolios internationallyb)Allows minority investors to buy and sell stocksc)Has increased the cost of capital for firmsd)Answers a) and c) are both correct.Answer: a. see page 45)Japan has experienced large trade surpluses. Japanese investors haveresponded to this bya)Liquidating their positions in stocks to buy dollar denominatedbondsb)Investing heavily in U.S. and other foreign financial marketsc)Lobbying the U.S. government to depreciate its currencyd)Lobbying the Japanese government to allow the yen to appreciate Answer: b - p. 46)Suppose your firm invests $100,000 in a project in Italy. At thetime the exchange rate is $1.25 = €1.00. One year later theexchange rate is the same, but the Italian government hasexpropriated your firm’s assets paying only €80,000 incompensation. This is an example ofa)Exchange rate riskb)Political riskc)Market imperfectionsd)None of the above, since $100,000 = €80,000×$1.25/€1.00 Answer: b) political risk—the government is only giving you back your initial investment, if this was a good investment it should have been worth more than $100,000 a year later. For example if your cost of capital was 8% it should have been worth $108,000.7)Suppose that Great Britain is a major export market for your firm, aU.S. based MNC. If the British pound depreciates against the U.S.dollar,a)Your firm will be able to charge more in dollar terms whilekeeping pound prices stable.b)Your firm may be priced out of the U.K. market, to the extent thatyour dollar costs stay constant and your pound prices will rise.c)To protect U.K. market share, your firm may have to cut the dollarprice of your goods to keep the pound price the same.d)b) and c) are both correct.Answer: b) and c) are both correct. See page 5.8)Most governments at least try to make it difficult for people tocross their borders illegally. This barrier to the free movementof labor is an example ofa)Information asymmetryb)Excessive transactions costsc)Racial discriminationd)A market imperfectionAnswer: d) see page 6.9)When individual investors become aware of overseas investmentopportunities and are willing to diversify their portfoliosinternationally,a)they trade one market imperfection, information asymmetry, foranother, exchange rate risk.b)they benefit from an expanded opportunity set.c)They should not bother to read or to understand the prospectus,since its probably written in a foreign languaged)They should invest only in dollars or euros.Answer: b see page 8.10)Nestlé, a well-known Swiss corporation,a)Has been a paragon of virtue in its opposition to all forms ofpolitical risk.b)At one time placed restrictions on foreign ownership of its stock.When it relaxed these restrictions, the total market value of the firm fell.c)At one time placed restrictions on foreign ownership of its stock.When it relaxed these restrictions, there was a major transfer of wealth from foreign shareholders to Swiss shareholders.d)None of the aboveAnswer: c) See page 7.Goals for International Financial Management11)The goal of shareholder wealth maximizationa)is not appropriate for non-U.S. business firmsb)means that all business decisions and investments that a firmmakes are done for the purpose of making the owners of the firmbetter off financiallyc)is a sub-objective the firm should attempt to achieve after theobjective of customer satisfaction is metd)is in conflict with the privatization process taking place inthird-world countriesAnswer: b - p. 812)As capital markets are becoming more integrated, the goal ofshareholder wealth maximizationa)Has been altered to include other goals as well.b)Has lost out to other goals, even in the U.S.c)Has been given increasing importance by managers in Europe.d)Has been shown to be a deterrent to raising funds abroad.Answer c) see page 813)Recent corporate scandals at firms such as Enron, WorldCom and theItalian firm Parmalata)Show that managers might be tempted to pursue their own privateinterests at the expense of shareholders.b)Show that Italian shareholders are better at monitoring managerialbehavior than U.S. shareholders.c)Show that white-collar criminals hardly ever get punished.d)Show that socialism is a better way to go than capitalism.Answer a) see page 9.14)While the corporate governance problem is not confined to the UnitedStates,a)It can be a much more serious problem in many other parts of theworld, where legal protection of shareholders is weak ornonexistent.b)It has reached its high point in the United States.c)The U.S. legal system, with lawsuits used only as a last resort,ensured that any conflicts of interest will soon be a thing of thepast.d)None of the aboveAnswer: a) see page 9.15)The owners of a business are thea)Taxpayersb)Workersc)Suppliersd)ShareholdersAnswer: d)16)The massive privatization that is currently taking place in formerlysocialist countries, will likelya)eventually enhance the standard of living to these countries’citizensb)depend on private investmentc)increase the opportunity set facing these countries’ citizensd)all of the aboveAnswer: d) See page 10.17)A firm with concentrated ownershipa)May give rise to conflicts of interest between dominantshareholders and small outside shareholders.b)May enjoy more accounting transparency than firms with diffuseownership structures.c)Is a partnership, never a corporation.d)Tends to exist overseas but not in the U.S.Answer: d) See page 9.18)The ultimate guardians of shareholder interest in a corporation, arethea)Rank and file workersb)Senior managementc)Boards of directorsd)All of the aboveAnswer: c) See page 9.19)In countries like France and Germany,a)Managers have often made business decisions with regard maximizingmarket share to the exclusion of other goals.b)Managers have often viewed shareholders as one of the“stakeholders” of the firm, others being employees, customers, suppliers, banks and so forth.c)Managers have often regarded the prosperity and growth of theircombines, or families of related firms, as their critical goal.d)Managers have traditionally embraced the maximization ofshareholder wealth as the only worthy goal.Answer: b) see page 9.20)When corporate governance breaks downa)Shareholders are unlikely to receive fair returns on theirinvestmentsb)Managers may be tempted to enrich themselves at shareholderexpensec)The board of directors is not doing its jobd)All of the aboveAnswer: d)Globalization of the World Economy21)Privatization refers to process of:a)Having government operate businesses for the betterment of thepublic sectorb)Government allowing the operation of privately owned businessc)Prohibiting government operated enterprisesd)A country divesting itself of the ownership and operation of abusiness venture by turning it over to the free market system Answer: d - p. 1422)Deregulation of world financial marketsa)Provided a natural environment for financial innovations, likecurrency futures and options.b)Has promoted competition among market participants.c)Has encouraged developing countries such as Chile, Mexico, andKorea to liberalize by allowing foreigners to directly invest in their financial markets.d)All of the aboveAnswer: d see page 10.23)The emergence of global financial markets is due in no small part toa)Advances in computer and telecommunications technologyb)Rigorous enforcement of the Soviet system of state ownership ofresources of production.c)Government regulation and protection of infant industries.d)None of the above.Answer: a) See page 11.24)The euroa)is the common currency of Europeb)is divisible into 100 cents, just like the U.S. dollarc)may eventually have a transaction domain larger than the U.S.dollard)All of the above.Answer: d) see page 11.25)Since its inception the euro has brought about revolutionary changesin European finance. For examplea)By redenominating corporate bonds and stocks from 12 differentcurrencies into one common currency, the euro has precipitated the emergence of continent wide capital markets in Europe that arecomparable to U.S. markets in depth and liquidity.b)Swiss bank accounts are all denominated in euro.c)The European banking sector has become much more important as asource of financing for European firms.d)There have actually not been any revolutionary changes.Answer: a) page 11.26)Since the end of World War I, the dominant global currency has beenthea)British poundb)Japanese yenc)Eurod)U.S. dollarAnswer: d) page 11.27)In David Ricardo’s theory of c omparative advantage,a)International trade is a zero-sum game in which one tradingpartner’s gain comes at the expense of another’s loss.b)Liberalization of international trade will enhance the welfare ofthe world’s citizens.c)Is a short-run argument, not a long-run argument.d)Has been superseded by the now-orthodox view of mercantilism. Answer: b) page 14.28)The World Trade Organization, WTO,a)Has the power to enforce the rules of international trade.b)Covers agriculture and physical goods, but not services orintellectual property rights.c)Recently expelled China for human rights violations.d)Ruled that NAFTA is to be the model for world trade integration. Answer: b) page 14.29)Privatizationa)Has spurred a tremendous increase in cross-border investment.b)Has allowed many governments to have the funds to nationalizeimportant industries.c)Has guaranteed that new ownership will be limited to the localcitizens.d)Has generally decreased the efficiency of the enterprise. Answer: b) page 15-16.30)The theory of comparative advantage:a)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced if each country’scitizens produce only a single productb)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced when all countriescompare commodity prices after adjusting for exchange ratedifferences in order to standardize the prices charged allcountriesc)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced if each country’scitizens produce that which they have a comparative advantage in producing relative to the citizens of other countries, and then trade productiond)Claims that no country has an absolute advantage over anothercountry in the production of any good or service.Answer: c - pp. 11 – 12Multinational Corporations31)A multinational firm can be defined asa)A firm that invests short-term cash inflows in more than onecurrencyb)A firm that has sales affiliates in several countriesc)A firm that is incorporated in more than one countryd)A firm that incorporated in one country that has production andsales operations in several other countries.Answer: d - p. 1532)A MNC may gain from its global presence bya)Spreading R&D expenditures and advertising costs over their globalsalesb)Pooling global purchasing power over suppliersc)Utilizing their technological and managerial know-how globallywith minimum additional costsd)All of the above are potential gains.Answer: d) page 17.33)MNCs can use their global presence toa)Take advantage of underpriced labor services available in certaindeveloping countriesb)Gain access to special R&D capabilities residing in advancedforeign counties.c)Boost profit margins and create shareholder value.d)All of the above.Answer: d) page 17.34)Foreign-owned manufacturing companiesa)Generally are more productive and pay their workers more than docomparable locally-owned businesses, in the world’s most highlydeveloped countries.b)Generally are more productive and pay their workers less than docomparable locally-owned businesses, in the world’s most leastdeveloped countries.c)Tend to specialize in articles of manufacture that are illegal intheir home countries.d)Gain from their global presence by paying their workers in shoes. Answer: d – see International Finance in Practice p. 1735)A purely domestic firm sources its products, sells its products, andraises its funds domesticallya)Can face stiff competition from a multinational corporation thatcan source its products in one country, sell them in severalcountries, and raise its funds in a third country.b)Can be more competitive than a MNC on its home turf due tosuperior knowledge of the local marketc)Can still face exchange rate risk, just like a MNCd)All of the above are true.Answer: d36)MNC stands fora)Multinational Corporationb)Mostly National Corporationc)Messy National Corporationd)Military National CooperationAnswer: a)37)Which is growing at a faster rate, foreign direct investment by MNCsor international trade?a)FDI by MNCsb)International tradec)Since they are linked, they grow at the same rated)None of the aboveAnswer: a) page 16.38)A true MNC, with operations in dozens of different countriesa)Must effectively manage foreign exchange riskb)Can ignore foreign exchange risk since it is diversifiedc)Will pay taxes in only its home countyd)None of the above.Answer: a) page 17.39)A MNC cana)Be a factor that increases the opportunities of the citizens ofless developed countriesb)Be a factor that increases the opportunity set of domesticinvestorsc)Increase economic efficiencyd)All of the above.Answer: d) page 17.40)A corporation that can source its products in one country, sell themin another country, and raise the funds in a third countrya)Is a multinational corporation.b)Is a domestic firm if all of the shareholders are from the samecountryc)Enjoys a built-in hedge against exchange rate riskd)Enjoys a built-in hedge against political riskAnswer: a)Appendix: The Theory of Comparative Advantage41)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food perunit of input. Compute the opportunity cost of producing oneadditional unit of food instead of textiles.a)1 yard of textiles per 1.67 pounds of foodb)1 pound of food per 1.67 yards of textilesc)1 yard of textiles per .6 pounds of foodd)1 pound of food per .6 yards of textilesAnswer: cRationale: 6/10 = .6 pounds of food42)The gains from tradea)Are likely realized in the long run when workers and firms havehad the time to adjust to the new competitive environmentb)Are immediately realized in the short run, when governments dropprotectionist policies.c)Are smaller than the costs of adjustmentd)None of the above.Answer: a)43)Comparative advantagea)Is also known as relative efficiencyb)Can lead to trade even in the face of absolute efficiencyc)Exists when one party can produce a good or service at a loweropportunity cost than another party.d)All of the aboveAnswer: d)44)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food perunit of input. Country B can produce 8 yards of textiles and 5 pounds of food per unit of input.a)Country A is relatively more efficient than Country B in theproduction of foodb)Country B is relatively more efficient than Country A in theproduction of textilesc)Country A has an absolute advantage over Country B in theproduction of food and textilesd)Country B has an absolute advantage over Country A in theproduction of food and textilesAnswer: cRationale: Country A can produce more of everything than Country B.Thus, Country A has an absolute advantage over Country B in theregardinga)Free trade between nationsb)That the factors of production (land, labor, capital, andentrepreneurial ability) are relatively immobile.c)That the factors of production (land, labor, capital, andentrepreneurial ability) are relatively mobiled)a) and b)Answer: d) see page 22.46)If one country is twice the size of another country and is better atmaking almost everything than the benighted citizens of the smaller county,a)The bigger county enjoys an absolute advantageb)The bigger county enjoys an relative advantagec)The bigger county enjoys an comparative advantaged)There is not enough information to make a determinationAnswer: a) see page 22.47)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food perunit of input. Country B can produce 8 yards of textiles and 5pounds of food per unit of input.a)Country A is relatively more efficient than Country B in theproduction of textilesb)Country B is relatively more efficient than Country A in theproduction of foodc)Country A has an absolute advantage over Country B in theproduction of food and textilesd)All of the aboveAnswer: d - pp.24 - 25an opportunity cost of 1yard of textiles per .6(= 6/10) pounds of food;Country B has anopportunity cost of 1yard of textiles for .63(= 5/8) pounds of food.Country A has anopportunity cost of 1pound of food per 1.67 (=10/6) yards of textiles;Country B has anopportunity cost of 1pound of food for 1.60 (=8/5) yards of textiles.Thus, Country A has anabsolute advantage and arelative efficiency overCountry B in theproduction of textiles.Country B has a relative efficiency over Country A in the production of food. Country B does not have an absolute advantage over Country A in the production of food or textiles.48)Consider the no-trade input/output situation presented in thefollowing table and graph for countries A and B. Assuming that free trade is legal, develop a scenario that will benefit the citizens of both countries.CountryA B TotalI. Total Potential Output(lbs. or yards; 000,000s)Food 600 500 1100500 1700Textiles 120II. Consumption(lbs. or yards; 000,000s)Food 300 400 700Textiles 200 400 600a)Country B should make all the textiles and trade with Country Afor foodb)Country A should make nothing but textiles and trade with CountryB for food.c)Country B should make all the textiles and Country A should makeall the foodd)Country B should make nothing but textiles and trade with CountryA for food.Answer: b)There’s asubtledifferencebetween a) andb). With answera) there areonly500,000,000yards oftextilesproduced, whichis less thanthe 600,000,000units currentlyconsumed.49)Counties A and Bcurrently consume 400units of food and 400units of textiles eachand currently do nottrade with one another.The citizens of countryA have to give up onethe citizens of countryB have to give up onecurves are shown.a)The citizens of country A should make food and trade with thecitizens of country B for textilesb)The citizens of country A should make textiles and trade with thecitizens of country B for foodc)There are no gains from trade in this exampled)A is twice as good as B at making food and B is twice as good as Aat making textilesRationale: consider theshape of the combinedproduction possibilitiescurve with and withouttrade: The citizens ofcountry A should maketextiles and trade withthe citizens of countryB for food; the citizenswill be able to go fromthe point shown on thecombined no trade lineto somewhere better.50)Consider a dentist and a 14-year old boy. The dentist can make $100per hour drilling teeth and the 14-year old boy can make $2 per hour picking up used aluminum cans. The dentist is a manly man and can mow his half-acre lot in one hour. The 14-year old boy can mow the lawn in two hours. If the dentist hires the boy to mow his lawn at any price less than $100, but more than $4a)Both he and the boy are better offb)The dentist would be exploiting the boyc)The boy would be exploiting the dentistd)All of the aboveAnswer: a) or d).Rationale: It really comes down to a philosophical question regarding exploitation.。