
the emperor's new clothes教学设计

the emperor's new clothes教学设计

the emperor's new clothes教学设计教学目标:1. 了解并理解“皇帝的新装”这个故事的故事情节和主题;2. 培养学生对于不断追求真相和勇于发表自己观点的能力;3. 提高学生的口头表达和写作能力。

教学准备:1. “皇帝的新装”这个故事的绘本或故事卡片;2. PowerPoint演示文稿;3. 班级黑板和粉笔;4. 学生的笔记本和铅笔。

教学过程:引入:1. 利用绘本或故事卡片向学生介绍并回顾“皇帝的新装”的故事情节,确保学生对故事有基本的了解。

2. 引导学生思考故事中的主题:“勇敢说出真相”。

讲解故事主题:1. 利用PPT展示故事的关键画面和句子,并指导学生通过观察和理解来检测故事的主题。

2. 引导学生讨论“为什么人们会相信那些欺骗性的话语?”、“为什么有些人不敢说出真相?”等问题,并让学生围绕主题进行自由讨论。

小组活动:剧本表演1. 将学生分为小组,每个小组选择一个场景,并编写相关的剧本表演“皇帝的新装”故事。

2. 每个小组进行排练并准备表演道具和服装。

3. 学生表演完后,其他同学和老师进行点评和讨论,提出建议和改进的意见。

个人作业:写作练习1. 要求学生写一篇关于他们个人对“皇帝的新装”这个故事的看法和观点的文章。

2. 鼓励学生在文章中表达自己的想法,并阐述为什么他们认为说出真相很重要。

3. 学生可以列出故事中的不同角色以及他们的行为对比,并分析这对故事的发展和结局产生的影响。

结束:1. 回顾整个教学过程,并与学生讨论他们对这个故事的总结和教训。

2. 鼓励学生将这个故事的主题运用到日常生活中,勇敢说出真相,勇敢追求自己的理想和目标。

评估:1. 教师观察学生在小组活动中的参与度和表现。

2. 评估学生在写作练习中的表达能力和逻辑思维能力。

人教版八年级下册英语 文章 The Emperor's New Clothes

人教版八年级下册英语  文章    The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor’s New ClothesMany years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theatre or the chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for displaying his new clothes. He had a different suit for each hour of the day; and as of any other king or emperor, one is accustomed (习惯)to say, "He is sitting in council," it was always said of him; "The Emperor is sitting in his wardrobe."Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrived every day at the court. One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, made their appearance. They gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the most beautiful colors and elaborate patterns, the clothes manufactured from which should have the wonderful property of remaining invisible to everyone who was unfit for the office he held, or who was extraordinarily simple in character. "These must, indeed, be splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "Had I such a suit, I might at once find out what men in my realms are unfit for their office, and also be able to distinguish the wise from the foolish! This stuff must be woven for me immediately." And he caused large sums of money to be given to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to work very busily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They asked for the most delicate silk and the purest gold thread; put both into their own knapsacks; and then continued their pretended work at the empty looms until late at night. "I should like to know how the weavers are getting on with my cloth," said the Emperor to himself, after some little time had elapsed; he was, however, rather embarrassed, when he remembered that a simpleton, or one unfit for his office, would be unable to see the manufacture. To be sure, he thought he had nothing to risk in his own person; but yet, he would prefer sending somebody else, to bring him intelligence about the weavers, and their work, before he troubled himself in the affair. All the people throughout thecity had heard of the wonderful property the cloth was to possess; and all were anxious to learn how wise, or how ignorant, their neighbors might prove to be."I will send my faithful old minister to the weavers," said the Emperor at last, after some deliberation(考虑), "he will be best able to see how the cloth looks; for he is a man of sense, and no one can be more suitable for his office than he is."So the faithful old minister went into the hall, where the knaves were working with all their might, at their empty looms. "What can be the meaning of this?" thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I cannot discover the least bit of thread on the looms." However, he did not express his thoughts aloud.The impostors(骗子)requested him very courteously(有礼貌地)to be so good as to come nearer their looms; and then asked him whether the design pleased him, and whether the colors were not very beautiful; at the same time pointing to the empty frames. The poor old minister looked and looked, he could not discover anything on the looms, for a very good reason, vise: there was nothing there. "What!" thought he again? "Is it possible that I am a simpleton(傻子)? I have never thought so myself; and no one must know it now if I am so. Can it be, that I am unfit for my office? No, that must not be said either. I will never confess that I could not see the stuff." "Well, Sir Minister!" said one of the knaves, still pretending to work. "You do not say whether the stuff pleases you." "Oh, it is excellent!" replied the old minister, looking at the loom through his spectacles. "This pattern, and the colors, yes, I will tell the Emperor without delay, how very beautiful I think them." "We shall be much obliged to you," said the impostors, and then they named the different colors and described the pattern of the pretended stuff. The old minister listened attentively to their words, in order that he might repeat them to the Emperor; and then the knaves asked for more silk and gold, saying that it was necessary to complete what they had begun. However, they put all that was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as much apparent diligence as before at their empty looms.The Emperor now sent another officer of his court to see how the men were getting on, and to ascertain whether the cloth would soon be ready. It was just the same with this gentleman as with the minister; he surveyed the looms on all sides, butcould see nothing at all but the empty frames. "Does not the stuff appear as beautiful to you, as it did to my lord the minister?" asked the impostors of the Emperor's second ambassador; at the same time making the same gestures as before, and talking of the design and colors which were not there."I certainly am not stupid!" thought the messenger. "It must be, that I am not fit for my good, profitable office! That is very odd; however, no one shall know anything about it." And accordingly he praised the stuff he could not see, and declared that he was delighted with both colors and patterns. "Indeed, please you’re Imperial Majesty," said he to his sovereign when he returned, "the cloth which the weavers are preparing is extraordinarily magnificent."The whole city was talking of the splendid cloth which the Emperor had ordered to be woven at his own expense.And now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom. Accompanied by a select number of officers of the court, among who were the two honest men who had already admired the cloth, he went to the crafty impostors, who, as soon as they were aware of the Emperor's approach, went on working more diligently than ever; although they still did not pass a single thread through the looms. "Is not the work absolutely magnificent?" said the two officers of the crown, already mentioned. "If your Majesty will only be pleased to look at it! What a splendid design! What glorious colors!" and at the same time they pointed to the empty frames; for they imagined that everyone else could see this exquisite piece of workmanship."How is this?" said the Emperor to himself. "I can see nothing! This is indeed a terrible affair! Am I a simpleton, or am I unfit to be an Emperor? That would be the worst thing that could happen--Oh! The cloth is charming," said he, aloud. "It has my complete approbation." And he smiled most graciously, and looked closely at the empty looms; for on no account would he say that he could not see what two of the officers of his court had praised so much. All his retinue now strained their eyes, hoping to discover something on the looms, but they could see no more than the others; nevertheless, they all exclaimed, "Oh, how beautiful!" and advised his majestyto have some new clothes made from this splendid material, for the approaching procession."Magnificent! Charming! Excellent!" resounded on all sides; and everyone was uncommonly gay. The Emperor shared in the general satisfaction; and presented the impostors with the rebind of an order of knighthood, to be worn in their button-holes, and the title of "Gentlemen Weavers. "The rogues sat up the whole of the night before the day on which the procession was to take place, and had sixteen lights burning, so that everyone might see how anxious they were to finish the Emperor's new suit. They pretended to roll the cloth off the looms; cut the air with their scissors; and sewed with needles without any thread in them. "See!" cried them, at last."The Emperor's new clothes are ready!"And now the Emperor, with all the grandees of his court, came to the weavers; and the rogues raised their arms, as if in the act of holding something up, saying, "Here are your Majesty's trousers! Here is the scarf! Here is the mantle! The whole suit is as light as a cobweb; one might fancy(想象)one has nothing at all on, when dressed in it; that, however, is the great virtue of this delicate cloth." "If your Imperial Majesty will be graciously pleased to take off your clothes, we will fit on the new suit, in front of the looking glass."The Emperor was accordingly undressed, and the rogues pretended to array(打扮)him in his new suit; the Emperor turning round, from side to side, before the looking glass."How splendid his Majesty looks in his new clothes, and how well they fit!" Everyone cried out. "What a design! What colors! These are indeed royal robes!""The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, is waiting," announced the chief master of the ceremonies. "I am quite ready," answered the Emperor. "Do my new clothes fit well?" asked he, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that he might appear to be examining his handsome suit. The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty's train felt about on the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; and pretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anything like simplicity, orunfitness for their office.So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, "Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor's new clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!" in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of the Emperor's various suits had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones. "But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" said a little child."Listen to the voice of innocence!" exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another."But he has nothing at all on!" at last cried out all the people. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.。



The Emperor's New Clothes男生: Oh, what did he like?女生:He liked only new clothes.Part 1侍A:Your new suit has arrived, your Majesty. (您的新衣服到了,陛下。

)皇帝:Great, help me on with it.[仆人帮国王穿衣]……Well, what do you think? [得意地照镜子]侍A:Oh, it looks good, your Majesty. (这样子看起来,真太棒了,陛下)侍B:Very becoming, your Majesty. (真太合适您了,陛下)臣M:Very nice, your Majesty.. (真太漂亮了,陛下) 臣N:So cool, your Majesty. (真太酷了,陛下) [大臣们也跟着附和]裁缝1:I heard that the Emperor was not quite satisfied with the new suit. (我听说皇帝陛下对这次的新衣服不太满意)裁缝2:What should we do, then? Who has new ideas? (那我们接着该怎么办?)裁缝3:Oh, I don’t know. How about you? [用手肘碰了碰旁边的裁缝4并问道……] (噢,我可不知道。

咦,你觉得该怎么办呢?)裁缝4:You know, I would do anything before that. (你们知道的,我宁愿去做任何事情,也不想再做裁缝了)裁缝5:Quiet! Mind your head. (小声点,当心你.的脑袋!)Chamberlain (内臣) x出场骗俩:We have something very special to show him. (我们有很特别的东西想要呈上)臣X:That's what everyone says. (每个人都是这样说的,可国王不是谁都接见的)骗A:Ah, but this is different from all others. (噢,但这个可是与众不同的,)骗B:Yes, it’s magical. We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.(是的,它是有魔力的。



八下英语第六单元作文皇帝的新衣全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Emperor's New ClothesOnce upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived an emperor who was very fond of new clothes. He spent most of his time and money on acquiring the latest and most luxurious outfits. The emperor always wanted to look his best, and he believed that his clothes were a reflection of his wealth and power.One day, two cunning weavers came to the kingdom and claimed they could make the most exquisite clothes in the world. They told the emperor that their clothes were so special that only the wise and intelligent people could see them. Intrigued by the idea of having such unique clothes, the emperor immediately commissioned the weavers to make him a new outfit.The weavers pretended to weave the finest threads and work diligently on the invisible clothes. They asked for the most exquisite materials and the best colors, but in reality, they werenot making anything at all. The emperor, eager to see his new clothes, sent his trusted ministers to check on the progress.The ministers, not wanting to be seen as fools, pretended to admire the invisible clothes and praised the weavers for their skill. They described the colors and patterns in great detail, even though they couldn't see anything at all. The emperor, hearing their glowing reviews, was pleased and eagerly awaited the completion of his new outfit.Finally, the weavers presented the emperor with his new clothes, which were, in fact, invisible. The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, put on the nonexistent outfit and paraded through the streets of the kingdom. The people, too afraid to speak out against the emperor, admired his new clothes and praised his excellent taste.However, a small child who didn't understand the deception pointed out that the emperor was wearing no clothes at all. The truth quickly spread throughout the kingdom, and the people realized they had been deceived. The emperor, feeling embarrassed and exposed, hurried back to his palace in shame.From that day on, the emperor learned a valuable lesson about vanity and the importance of honesty. He vowed to always be true to himself and never be swayed by false appearancesagain. And as for the weavers, they were never seen or heard from again in the kingdom.The story of the emperor's new clothes serves as a reminder that true wealth and power come from within and cannot be bought or displayed through material possessions. It teaches us to be honest with ourselves and others and to see beyond the illusions of vanity and deceit.篇2Title: The Emperor's New ClothesOnce upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived an emperor who loved clothes more than anything else in the world. He was always dressed in the finest silk and velvet, adorned with jewels and golden threads. His palace was filled with tailors and seamstresses, working day and night to create new and exquisite outfits for him.One day, two cunning weavers came to the kingdom, claiming to be able to weave the most beautiful and magical clothes in the world. They said that their fabrics were so special that only the wise and intelligent could see them, while fools would see nothing at all. The emperor was intrigued and immediately ordered the weavers to make him a new outfit.The weavers pretended to weave the fabric, but in reality, they did nothing at all. After a few days, they presented the emperor with his new clothes, claiming that they were made of the finest silk and gold, and that only those with a sharp mind could see them. The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, pretended to admire the clothes and praised the weavers for their skill.On the day of the grand procession, the emperor donned his new clothes and paraded through the streets. The people gasped in awe at his outfit, marveling at the colors and patterns of the invisible fabric. However, a small child in the crowd pointed and exclaimed, "But the emperor is not wearing any clothes at all!"The truth quickly spread through the crowd, and soon everyone was laughing at the emperor's foolishness. The emperor, realizing that he had been tricked, hurried back to the palace in shame. The weavers had long fled the kingdom, leaving behind only their empty words and the emperor's embarrassment.From that day on, the emperor learned to be humble and not to judge things based on appearance alone. He realized that true beauty comes from within, and that one should never beafraid to speak the truth, even if it means admitting one's own foolishness.And so, the emperor's new clothes became a cautionary tale, reminding all who heard it that appearances can be deceiving, and that true wisdom lies in seeing beyond the illusion of fine fabrics and empty words.篇3The Emperor's New ClothesOnce upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived an emperor who was very fond of new clothes. He loved to wear the most luxurious and extravagant outfits, and he would spend all his time and money on his wardrobe. The people of the kingdom admired the emperor's sense of style and fashion, and they would often gather to watch him parade through the streets in his latest creations.One day, two cunning tailors came to the kingdom claiming to be able to make the most magnificent and magical clothes in the world. They told the emperor that their clothes were so special that only the most intelligent and wise people could see them. The emperor was intrigued and commissioned the tailors to make him a new outfit.The tailors set to work, pretending to weave the finest fabrics and embroider them with threads of pure gold. They worked day and night, but in reality, they were weaving nothing at all. When the emperor came to check on their progress, they showed him empty looms and explained that his new clothes were so special that they were invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position or just plain stupid.The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, pretended to see the clothes and praised the tailors for their skill and creativity. He put on his new outfit and paraded through the streets, while the people of the kingdom marveled at the emperor's incredible new clothes.However, as the emperor walked through the streets, a little child spoke up and said, "But the emperor has no clothes on!" The people gasped in shock as they realized the truth of the child's words. The emperor, feeling embarrassed and exposed, quickly returned to the palace and never wore his magical clothes again.From that day on, the emperor learned that true beauty and elegance come from within, and that it is better to be honest and true to oneself than to seek validation from others through material possessions. And the people of the kingdom learned tobe more discerning and to trust their own judgment rather than blindly following the whims of others.And so, the emperor's new clothes became a cautionary tale about vanity, deceit, and the importance of being true to oneself. And the kingdom lived happily ever after, with the emperor ruling with wisdom and humility, and the people living in harmony and honesty.。



The Emperor's New Clothes男生: Oh, what did he like?女生:He liked only new clothes.Part 1侍A:Your new suit has arrived, your Majesty. (您的新衣服到了,陛下。

)皇帝:Great, help me on with it. [仆人帮国王穿衣]……Well, what do you think? [得意地照镜子]侍A:Oh, it looks good, your Majesty. (这样子看起来,真太棒了,陛下)侍B:Very becoming, your Majesty. (真太合适您了,陛下)臣M:Very nice, your Majesty.. (真太漂亮了,陛下) 臣N:So cool, your Majesty. (真太酷了,陛下) [大臣们也跟着附和]Part 2——[裁缝们出场,并且交头接耳、议论纷纷]裁缝1:I heard that the Emperor was not quite satisfied with the new suit. (我听说皇帝陛下对这次的新衣服不太满意)裁缝2:What should we do, then? Who has new ideas? (那我们接着该怎么办?)裁缝3:Oh, I don’t know. How about you? [用手肘碰了碰旁边的裁缝4并问道……] (噢,我可不知道。

咦,你觉得该怎么办呢?)裁缝4:You know, I would do anything before that. (你们知道的,我宁愿去做任何事情,也不想再做裁缝了)裁缝5:Quiet! Mind your head. (小声点,当心你.的脑袋!)Part 3——骗子和Chamberlain (内臣) x出场骗俩:We have something very special to show him. (我们有很特别的东西想要呈上)臣X:That's what everyone says. (每个人都是这样说的,可国王不是谁都接见的)骗A:Ah, but this is different from all others. (噢,但这个可是与众不同的,)骗B:Yes, it’s magical. We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.(是的,它是有魔力的。



八下英语作文皇帝的新装Title: The Emperor's New Clothes.Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved new clothes more than anything else in the world. He would spend his entire fortune on the most extravagant and extravagant outfits, regardless of the cost. The emperor's passion for fashion was so well-known that word spread throughout the kingdom, attracting the attention of two clever swindlers.These swindlers were not ordinary merchants; they were experts at manipulating people's minds and exploiting their weaknesses. They knew that the emperor was obsessed with new clothes, so they decided to take advantage of this obsession and make a fortune.The swindlers arrived at the palace and presented themselves to the emperor as skilled tailors from a distant land. They claimed to have mastered the art of creating themost beautiful and unique clothes in the world, made from a rare and expensive fabric that could only be seen by those who were wise and intelligent.The emperor, eager to add to his collection of outfits, immediately agreed to their proposal. He ordered the swindlers to begin work on his new clothes and providedthem with all the resources they needed. The swindlers promised to deliver the finished garments within a few days.As the days passed, the emperor eagerly awaited the arrival of his new clothes. However, he was surprised to learn that the swindlers had not yet begun work on them. They claimed that they needed more time to perfect thefabric and ensure that it would only be visible to the emperor's wise and intelligent eyes.The emperor, eager to please, agreed to their requestfor more time. Meanwhile, the swindlers continued to enjoy the emperor's generosity and the lavish lifestyle they had become accustomed to.Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The emperor became increasingly impatient and demanded to see the progress of his new clothes. The swindlers, however, always had an excuse ready. They claimed that the fabricwas so delicate and unique that it required special careand attention. They promised that the emperor would be completely satisfied with the final result.As the months passed, rumors began to spread throughout the kingdom about the emperor's new clothes. People whispered that the swindlers were not really creating any clothes at all and were just using the emperor's obsessionto their advantage.However, the emperor refused to believe these rumors.He trusted the swindlers implicitly and believed that they would deliver the most amazing clothes he had ever seen. He even ordered his ministers and advisors to remain silent about the rumors and not to question the swindlers' work.Finally, after many months of waiting, the swindlers announced that the emperor's new clothes were ready. Theyinvited him to a grand ceremony where he would be able to see them for the first time.The emperor, excited and eager, arrived at the ceremony. He was led to a room where the supposed new clothes were hanging. However, when he looked closely, he realized that there was nothing there. The room was empty except for afew empty hangers.The emperor was stunned and confused. He looked at the swindlers, expecting them to explain what had happened. However, the swindlers just smiled and said, "Your majesty, the clothes are invisible because only a wise andintelligent emperor can see them. Everyone else is too foolish to appreciate their beauty."The emperor, not knowing what else to do, nodded and pretended to be impressed. He ordered his ministers and advisors to praise the new clothes and declare them to be the most beautiful and unique garments ever created.The ceremony continued with the emperor parading aroundin his "new clothes," while everyone pretended to admire them. The swindlers smiled and congratulated themselves on their successful scam.However, the truth was eventually revealed. A young child who was at the ceremony pointed out that the emperor was naked. Everyone laughed and realized that they had all been fooled by the swindlers.The emperor was embarrassed and angry. He ordered the swindlers to be arrested and thrown into prison. He also realized that he had been foolish and had allowed himself to be manipulated by their lies and deceit.From that day forward, the emperor learned to be more cautious and less easily swayed by others. He also stopped spending so much money on new clothes and instead focused on more important matters, such as ruling his kingdom wisely and caring for his people.The story of the emperor's new clothes teaches us an important lesson about being cautious and not easily swayedby others. It also reminds us that appearance can be deceiving and that we should not judge people solely based on their outward appearance. Finally, it teaches us that it is important to be wise and intelligent, not just in our appearance, but also in our actions and decisions.。



英语《皇帝的新装》原文The Emperor's New ClothesMany years ago there was an emperor who loved wearing new clothes so much that he spent all his money on clothes. He didn't care about his army, nor did he like to go to the theater or to ride in his carriage in the park. He had a different suit for every hour of the day. People always said, "The emperor is in his dressing - room."One day, two swindlers came to the city. They said that they were weavers, and they could make the most beautiful cloth in the world. The cloth they made was not only extremely beautiful but also had a special quality: only stupid people could not see it.The emperor thought, "That is wonderful. I can use this cloth to make new clothes. Then I can find out which people in my kingdom are stupid." So he gave the two swindlers a lot of gold and silk.The swindlers set up two looms and pretended to be very busy. But they didn't put any thread on the looms. They asked for the finest silk and the purest gold thread, which they put into their own bags while they worked at the empty looms until late at night.The emperor wanted to know how the weaving was coming along. He sent his old and honest minister to see the cloth. The minister went into the room where the swindlers were working. He stared hard, but couldn't see anything on the looms. "Dear me," he thought, "Am I stupid? I mustn't let anyone know." So he praised the cloth highly.Then the emperor sent another official to see the cloth. This official also didn't see anything, but he also praised the cloth when he returned.Finally, the emperor decided to go and see the cloth himself. He went with a group of his most important officials. The swindlers lifted up one arm as if they were holding something and said, "Look! Here are the trousers! Here is the coat! Here is the cloak! They are all as light as a cobweb. One would almost think one had nothing on, but that is just the beauty of it."All the officials who were with the emperor looked carefully at the looms. They couldn't see anything either, but they all said, "Oh, it's very beautiful!" They didn't want to be thought stupid.The emperor agreed with them. He didn't want to seem stupid either. He gave the swindlers a great deal of praise and ordered them to make his new clothes at once.The swindlers worked day and night. At last, they said, "The new clothes are ready." Then the emperor went to them with his most important officials.The swindlers pretended to take the clothes off the looms. They cut the air with large scissors and sewed with needles without any thread."Now, if Your Majesty would be so kind as to take off your clothes," said the swindlers, "we will help you put on your new clothes here in front of the mirror."The emperor took off all his clothes. The swindlers pretended to put the new clothes on him, one piece after another. The emperor looked at himself in the mirror and turned around from side to side."How well they look! How beautifully they fit!" he said. "Yes, they are very beautiful," said all the officials.So the emperor walked in the procession through the streets of the city. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how beautiful the emperor's new clothes are! What a magnificent train! And he looks so noble!" Nobody wanted to admit that they couldn't see the clothes because they were afraid of being thought stupid.Suddenly, a little child cried out, "But he hasn't got anything on!" Then everyone began to whisper. The emperor heard the whispers and felt a little uncomfortable, but he still held his head high and continued the procession.。



The Emperor’S New Clothes 皇帝的新装Once upon a time there lived a vain Emperor whose only worry in life was to dress in elegant clothes. He changed clothes almost every hour and loved to show them off to his people.Word of the Emperor's refined habits spread over his kingdom and beyond. Two scoundrels who had heard of the Emperor's vanity decided to take advantage of it. They introduced themselves at the gates of the palace with a scheme in mind."We are two very good tailors and after many years of research we have invented an extraordinary method to weave a cloth so light and fine that it looks invisible. As a matter of fact it is invisible to anyone who is too stupid and incompetent to appreciate its quality."The chief of the guards heard the scoundrel's strange story and sent for the court chamberlain. The chamberlain notified the prime minister, who ran to the Emperor and disclosed the incredible news. The Emperor's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to see the two scoundrels."Besides being invisible, your Highness, this cloth will be woven in colors and patterns created especially for you." The emperor gave the two men a bag of gold coins in exchange for their promise to begin working on the fabric immediately."Just tell us what you need to get started and we'll give it to you." The two scoundrels asked for a loom, silk, gold thread and then pretended to begin working. The Emperor thought he had spent his money quite well: in addition to getting a new extraordinary suit, he would discover which of his subjects were ignorant and incompetent. A few days later, he called the old and wise prime minister, who was considered by everyone as a man with common sense."Go and see how the work is proceeding," the Emperor told him, "and come back to let me know."The prime minister was welcomed by the two scoundrels."We're almost finished, but we need a lot more gold thread. Here, Excellency! Admire the colors, feel the softness!" The old man bent over the loom and tried to see the fabric that was not there. He felt cold sweat on his forehead."I can't see anything," he thought. "If I see nothing, that means I'm stupid! Or, worse, incompetent!" If the prime minister admitted that he didn't see anything, he would be discharged from his office."What a marvelous fabric, he said then. "I'll certainly tell the Emperor." The two scoundrels rubbed their hands gleefully. They had almost made it. More thread was requested to finish the work.Finally, the Emperor received the announcement that the two tailors had come to take all the measurements needed to sew his new suit."Come in," the Emperor ordered. Even as they bowed, the two scoundrels pretended to be holding large roll of fabric."Here it is your Highness, the result of our labour," the scoundrels said. "We have worked night and day but, at last, the most beautiful fabric in the worldis ready for you. Look at the colors and feel how fine it is." Of course the Emperor did not see any colors and could not feel any cloth between his fingers. He panicked and felt like fainting. But luckily the throne was right behind him and he sat down. But when he realized that no one could know that he did not see the fabric, he felt better. Nobody could find out he was stupid and incompetent. And the Emperor didn't know that everybody else around him thought and did the very same thing.The farce continued as the two scoundrels had foreseen it. Once they had taken the measurements, the two began cutting the air with scissors while sewing with their needles an invisible cloth."Your Highness, you'll have to take off your clothes to try on your new ones." The two scoundrels draped the new clothes on him and then held up a mirror. The Emperor was embarrassed but since none of his bystanders were, he felt relieved."Yes, this is a beautiful suit and it looks very good on me," the Emperor said trying to look comfortable. "You've done a fine job.""Your Majesty," the prime minister said, "we have a request for you. The people have found out about this extraordinary fabric and they are anxious to see you in your new suit." The Emperor was doubtful showing himself naked to the people, but then he abandoned his fears. After all, no one would know about it except the ignorant and the incompetent."All right," he said. "I will grant the people this privilege." He summoned his carriage and the ceremonial parade was formed. A group of dignitaries walked at the very front of the procession and anxiously scrutinized the faces of the people in the street. All the people had gathered in the main square, pushing and shoving to get a better look. An applause welcomed the regal procession. Everyone wanted to know how stupid or incompetent his or her neighbor was but, as the Emperor passed, a strange murmur rose from the crowd.Everyone said, loud enough for the others to hear: "Look at the Emperor's new clothes. They're beautiful!""What a marvellous train!""And the colors! The colors of that beautiful fabric! I have never seen anything like it in my life!" They all tried to conceal their disappointment at not being able to see the clothes, and since nobody was willing to admit his own stupidity and incompetence, they all behaved as the two scoundrels had predicted.A child, however, who had no important job and could only see things as his eyes showed them to him, went up to the carriage."The Emperor is naked," he said."Fool!" his father reprimanded, running after him. "Don't talk nonsense!" He grabbed his child and took him away. But the boy's remark, which had been heard by the bystanders, was repeated over and over again until everyone cried: "The boy is right! The Emperor is naked! It's true!"The Emperor realized that the people were right but could not admit to that. He though it better to continue the procession under the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes was either stupid or incompetent. And he stood stiffly on his carriage, while behind him a page held his imaginary mantle.。



The Emperor's New Clothes: A Reflectionon Vanity and TruthOnce upon a time, in a land far, far away, there reigned an emperor who was obsessed with fashion and allits fineries. He was so enamored with his wardrobe that he neglected the affairs of his kingdom, much to the dismay of his subjects. This emperor had a particular fondness for new clothes, and he would spend countless hours poring over designs and fabrics, dreaming of the latest trends.One day, two swindlers arrived at the palace, claiming to be tailors from a distant land who could create the most magnificent clothes imaginable. They boasted that these clothes were not just beautiful but also had a unique quality: they were invisible to those who were unfit for their positions, or simply not intelligent enough to appreciate them. The emperor, eager to possess such a remarkable garment, eagerly commissioned them to create a new wardrobe for him.Days passed, and the swindlers pretended to be busy at work, but in truth, they were simply sitting idle, enjoying the fine foods and wines provided by the palace. Meanwhile,the emperor sent his ministers to inspect the progress, but each one, fearing to be seen as unintelligent or unworthy, pretended to admire the nonexistent clothes, praising their beauty and elegance.Finally, the day arrived for the emperor to try on his new clothes. With great pomp and ceremony, he entered the chamber where the swindlers were waiting. But to his dismay, there were no clothes to be found. The swindlers, however, were quick to explain that the clothes were so exquisitethat only the emperor's keen eyes could see them. Embarrassed but unwilling to admit his folly, the emperor nodded and pretended to admire his reflection in the mirror, seeing only his bare skin.The emperor then paraded through the streets of his kingdom, displaying his "new clothes" to his subjects. Everyone, afraid of appearing foolish, praised theemperor's attire, even though they saw nothing but hisnaked body. It was a grand spectacle, with the emperor strutting his nonexistent finery, surrounded by a chorus of empty praise.However, among the crowd, there were a few children who were not afraid to speak the truth. They pointed and laughed, shouting out that the emperor had no clothes. This honest remark was like a pebble thrown into a still lake, causing ripples of realization to spread through the crowd. Gradually, the truth dawned on everyone, and the emperor realized the folly of his vanity.The emperor, red-faced and ashamed, returned to his palace, realizing the folly of his obsession with superficialities. He vowed to focus on the affairs of his kingdom and to no longer be swayed by such shallow pursuits. The swindlers, of course, had fled the palace by then, leaving behind only a wake-up call for the emperor and his subjects.The story of the Emperor's New Clothes is not just atale of folly and vanity but a profound reminder of the importance of truth and honesty. It teaches us that while external appearances and material possessions may seem alluring, they are ultimately hollow and meaninglesswithout the foundation of integrity and wisdom. It reminds us that we should not be swayed by the opinions of othersor the allure of superficialities, but instead, we should rely on our own judgment and seek truth and wisdom.Moreover, the story underscores the power of honestyand the courage it takes to speak the truth, even in the face of social pressure or fear of ridicule. The childrenin the story, unburdened by adult worries and prejudices, were able to see the emperor's nakedness and speak out without fear. Their honesty ultimately led to therevelation of the truth, showing that truth is oftensimpler and more powerful than any illusion.In conclusion, the Emperor's New Clothes is a timeless tale that continues to resonate with us today. It remindsus to be mindful of our own vanities and to strive for honesty and truth in all aspects of our lives. By doing so, we can avoid the pitfalls of superficiality and embrace a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.**皇帝的新衣:虚荣与真相的反思**从前,在一个遥远的地方,有一位皇帝,他痴迷于时尚和各种华服。



The Emperor's New Clothes 旁白:Once upon a time, in a faraway place there lived an Emperor . This Emperor was very strange . He didn'like to ride | ... He didn 'like to go .fishing .• ........ He didn 'like to watch TV. .......... H e didn 'like to pl.ay computer games : 男生:Oh, what did he like ? 女生:He liked only new clothes.旁白:Every day, he wan ted to wear some new clothes and walk in the streetsPart 1Your new suit has arrived , your Majesty.(您的新衣服至U 了,陛下。

)Great, help me on with it.[仆人帮国王穿衣] Well, what do you think?[得意地照镜子]Oh, it looks good, your Majesty.(这样子看起来,真太棒了,陛下 )Very becoming, your Majesty.(真太合适您了,陛下)臣 M : Very nice, your Majesty..(真太漂亮了,陛下)骗俩:We have something very special to show him.(我们有很特别的东西想要呈上 )臣X : That's what every one says.(每个人都是这样说的,可国王不是谁都接见的)骗 A : Ah, but this is different from all others.(噢,但这个可是与众不同的, ) 骗 B : Yes, it's magical. We have inven ted a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.(是的,它是有魔力的。



The Emperor's NeW ClothesSCene 1旁白:Many years ago lived an emperor. He thought SO much Of new clothes that he SPe nt all his money in Order to obta in them; his OnIy ambiti On WaS to be always well dressed. the OnIy thi ng, in fact, he thought any thi ng of WaS to drive out and show a new SUit of clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day.很久以前有一个皇帝,他非常注重新衣服,因此他把他所有的钱都花在衣服上,他唯一的愿望就是每时每刻都能穿得很漂亮。



One day,EmPeror: Are there any new thi ngs about clothes today?皇帝:今天有没有有关新衣服的消息?Mi nister A: Today two SWi ndlers Came to our city. They Said they Were the best WeaVerS in the world. And they Said they could PrOdUCe the finest cloth, their Were not only beautiful, but the clothes could n 'y beasewhdow a s Unfit for hisOffiCe or stupid.大臣A :今天有两个人来到我们的城市,他们说他们是世界上最好的织工。

Unit 6 The Emperor's New Clothes

Unit 6 The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor’s New ClothesMany years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theater or the chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for displaying his new clothes. He had a different suit for each hour of the day; and as of any other king or emperor, one is accustomed (习惯)to say, "He is sitting in council," it was always said of him; "The Emperor is sitting in his wardrobe."Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrived every day at the court. One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, made their appearance. They gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the most beautiful colors and elaborate patterns, the clothes manufactured from which should have the wonderful property of remaining invisible to everyone who was unfit for the office he held, or who was extraordinarily simple in character. "These must, indeed, be splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "Had I such a suit, I might at once find out what men in my realms are unfit for their office, and also be able to distinguish the wise from the foolish! This stuff must be woven for me immediately." And he caused large sums of money to be given to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to work very busily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They asked for the most delicate silk and the purest gold thread; put both into their own knapsacks; and then continued their pretended work at the empty looms until late at night. "I should like to know how the weavers are getting on with my cloth," said the Emperor to himself, after some little time had elapsed; he was, however, rather embarrassed, when he remembered that a simpleton, or one unfit for his office, would be unable to see the manufacture. To be sure, he thought he had nothing to risk in his own person; but yet, he would prefer sending somebody else, to bring him intelligence about the weavers, and their work, before he troubled himself in the affair. All the people throughout thecity had heard of the wonderful property the cloth was to possess; and all were anxious to learn how wise, or how ignorant, their neighbors might prove to be."I will send my faithful old minister to the weavers," said the Emperor at last, after some deliberation(考虑), "he will be best able to see how the cloth looks; for he is a man of sense, and no one can be more suitable for his office than he is."So the faithful old minister went into the hall, where the knaves were working with all their might, at their empty looms. "What can be the meaning of this?" thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I cannot discover the least bit of thread on the looms." However, he did not express his thoughts aloud.The impostors(骗子)requested him very courteously(有礼貌地)to be so good as to come nearer their looms; and then asked him whether the design pleased him, and whether the colors were not very beautiful; at the same time pointing to the empty frames. The poor old minister looked and looked, he could not discover anything on the looms, for a very good reason, vise: there was nothing there. "What!" thought he again? "Is it possible that I am a simpleton(傻子)? I have never thought so myself; and no one must know it now if I am so. Can it be, that I am unfit for my office? No, that must not be said either. I will never confess that I could not see the stuff." "Well, Sir Minister!" said one of the knaves, still pretending to work. "You do not say whether the stuff pleases you." "Oh, it is excellent!" replied the old minister, looking at the loom through his spectacles. "This pattern, and the colors, yes, I will tell the Emperor without delay, how very beautiful I think them." "We shall be much obliged to you," said the impostors, and then they named the different colors and described the pattern of the pretended stuff. The old minister listened attentively to their words, in order that he might repeat them to the Emperor; and then the knaves asked for more silk and gold, saying that it was necessary to complete what they had begun. However, they put all that was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as much apparent diligence as before at their empty looms.The Emperor now sent another officer of his court to see how the men were getting on, and to ascertain whether the cloth would soon be ready. It was just the same with this gentleman as with the minister; he surveyed the looms on all sides, butcould see nothing at all but the empty frames. "Does not the stuff appear as beautiful to you, as it did to my lord the minister?" asked the impostors of the Emperor's second ambassador; at the same time making the same gestures as before, and talking of the design and colors which were not there."I certainly am not stupid!" thought the messenger. "It must be, that I am not fit for my good, profitable office! That is very odd; however, no one shall know anything about it." And accordingly he praised the stuff he could not see, and declared that he was delighted with both colors and patterns. "Indeed, please you’re Imperial Majesty," said he to his sovereign when he returned, "the cloth which the weavers are preparing is extraordinarily magnificent."The whole city was talking of the splendid cloth which the Emperor had ordered to be woven at his own expense.And now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom. Accompanied by a select number of officers of the court, among who were the two honest men who had already admired the cloth, he went to the crafty impostors, who, as soon as they were aware of the Emperor's approach, went on working more diligently than ever; although they still did not pass a single thread through the looms. "Is not the work absolutely magnificent?" said the two officers of the crown, already mentioned. "If your Majesty will only be pleased to look at it! What a splendid design! What glorious colors!" and at the same time they pointed to the empty frames; for they imagined that everyone else could see this exquisite piece of workmanship."How is this?" said the Emperor to himself. "I can see nothing! This is indeed a terrible affair! Am I a simpleton, or am I unfit to be an Emperor? That would be the worst thing that could happen--Oh! The cloth is charming," said he, aloud. "It has my complete approbation." And he smiled most graciously, and looked closely at the empty looms; for on no account would he say that he could not see what two of the officers of his court had praised so much. All his retinue now strained their eyes, hoping to discover something on the looms, but they could see no more than the others; nevertheless, they all exclaimed, "Oh, how beautiful!" and advised his majestyto have some new clothes made from this splendid material, for the approaching procession."Magnificent! Charming! Excellent!" resounded on all sides; and everyone was uncommonly gay. The Emperor shared in the general satisfaction; and presented the impostors with the rebind of an order of knighthood, to be worn in their button-holes, and the title of "Gentlemen Weavers. "The rogues sat up the whole of the night before the day on which the procession was to take place, and had sixteen lights burning, so that everyone might see how anxious they were to finish the Emperor's new suit. They pretended to roll the cloth off the looms; cut the air with their scissors; and sewed with needles without any thread in them. "See!" cried them, at last."The Emperor's new clothes are ready!"And now the Emperor, with all the grandees of his court, came to the weavers; and the rogues raised their arms, as if in the act of holding something up, saying, "Here are your Majesty's trousers! Here is the scarf! Here is the mantle! The whole suit is as light as a cobweb; one might fancy(想象)one has nothing at all on, when dressed in it; that, however, is the great virtue of this delicate cloth." "If your Imperial Majesty will be graciously pleased to take off your clothes, we will fit on the new suit, in front of the looking glass."The Emperor was accordingly undressed, and the rogues pretended to array(打扮)him in his new suit; the Emperor turning round, from side to side, before the looking glass."How splendid his Majesty looks in his new clothes, and how well they fit!" Everyone cried out. "What a design! What colors! These are indeed royal robes!""The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, is waiting," announced the chief master of the ceremonies. "I am quite ready," answered the Emperor. "Do my new clothes fit well?" asked he, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that he might appear to be examining his handsome suit. The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty's train felt about on the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; and pretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anything like simplicity, orunfitness for their office.So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, "Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor's new clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!" in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of the Emperor's various suits had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones. "But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" said a little child."Listen to the voice of innocence!" exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another."But he has nothing at all on!" at last cried out all the people. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.。

the emperor’s new clothes教学反思

the emperor’s new clothes教学反思

the emperor’s new clothes教学反思摘要:1.引言2.教学内容分析3.教学方法反思4.学生反馈与反思5.改进措施6.总结正文:【引言】在讲授《皇帝的新装》这一课时,我发现学生在理解故事寓意和人物性格方面存在一定的困难。

















The Emperor's New Clothes: A ModernRetellingIn a bustling city, far removed from the tales of ancient times, there lived an emperor who was obsessed with new fashions. He had a passion for the latest trends, and his wardrobe was always filled with the most extravagant and expensive clothing. But what the emperor didn't know was that his obsession with fashion had made him vulnerable to the schemes of two cunning tailors.These tailors, pretending to be skilled artisans from a distant land, arrived in the city with a bold claim: they could create the most beautiful, most extravagant clothes in the world. These clothes, they said, were made from a rare and expensive fabric that was invisible to those who were unfit for their positions or unworthy of the emperor's favor.The emperor, eager to add to his already impressive collection, immediately agreed to their proposal. He ordered the tailors to create a new suit for him, and they began their work. Day after day, the emperor awaited the completion of his new clothes, imagining how he would lookin them and how much his subjects would marvel at his beauty and wisdom.But as the days passed, the emperor soon realized that the tailors were not producing any visible signs of progress. He sent his trusted advisors to investigate, but they returned with reports that the tailors were indeed working tirelessly, but the clothes they were creating were invisible to the naked eye.Confused and intrigued, the emperor decided to investigate himself. He sneaked into the tailors' workshop and found them busy sewing and cutting what looked like empty air. Startled, the emperor demanded to see the clothes they had created for him.The tailors smiled confidently and led the emperor to a large mirror. They held up what looked like nothing more than empty air, and the emperor, trying to maintain his composure, looked into the mirror. To his amazement, he saw himself dressed in the most beautiful, extravagant clothes he had ever seen. The clothes were a perfect fit, and they shimmered and glowed in the light, making the emperor look taller, stronger, and more powerful than ever before.Overjoyed, the emperor ordered the tailors to create more clothes for him, and soon, the entire court was dressed in these invisible fabrics. The emperor paraded through the city, his subjects gasping and bowing in awe as they beheld their leader's new attire.But there was one man in the city who saw through the illusion. He was a young boy, innocent and curious, and he didn't understand why everyone was praising the emperor's new clothes. When he saw the emperor parading through the streets, he couldn't help but laugh out loud."Why are you laughing?" asked his mother, confused."Look at the emperor!" the boy exclaimed. "He's not wearing any clothes!"At first, the mother didn't believe her son, but when she looked at the emperor, she realized that he was indeed dressed in nothing more than his own skin. Shocked, she began to whisper to her neighbors, and soon, the truth spread throughout the city.The emperor, hearing the whispers, realized that he had been fooled. He was furious, and he ordered the tailors tobe brought to him. But when he confronted them, they smiled calmly and explained that they had only ever intended to expose the emperor's vanity and foolishness. They had used their skills to show the emperor and his court that they were willing to believe any lie if it suited their own vanity and greed.The emperor, ashamed and embarrassed, realized that he had fallen victim to his own obsessions. He pardoned the tailors and ordered them to leave the city, and he never again allowed himself to be swayed by vanity and foolishness. Instead, he focused on ruling his people wisely and fairly, and he became a beloved and respected leader.And thus, the emperor learned a valuable lesson: never let vanity or foolishness cloud your judgment, and always be willing to see the truth, even if it hurts to承认.**皇帝的新衣:现代重述**在一个繁忙的城市里,远离古代的故事,有一位皇帝痴迷于新时尚。



初二皇帝的新装英语作文The Emperor's New Clothes: A Fairy Tale for Eighth-GradersOnce upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived an emperor who was so obsessed with his appearance that he spent all his time and treasure on fine clothes. He had wardrobes filled to the brim with robes made from the finest silks and adorned with the most intricate embroideries. Yet, none of these clothes seemed to satisfy the emperor's never-ending quest for something unique and extraordinary.One day, two weavers arrived in the kingdom, claiming to possess a magical skill that could create the most astonishing clothes in the world. These clothes, they said, were invisible to anyone who was incompetent or unfit for their position. The emperor, intrigued by their claims, summoned the weavers to his palace immediately.The weavers worked night and day, weaving and sewing, but the emperor and his ministers could see nothing but two empty looms. Despite this, the weavers insisted that the clothes were indeed there, crafted from the finest threads invisible to the unworthy.The emperor, eager to be seen in these miraculous garments, ordered the weavers to present the clothes for his fitting. As he stood before the empty air, the weavers pretended to dress him in the non-existent clothes, praising the emperor's figure and the way the "fabric" flowed around him. The emperor, now convinced that he was wearing the most exquisite attire, could not see the truth for himself.The day of the grand parade arrived. The emperor, adorned in his "invisible clothes," stepped out onto the balcony, surrounded by his courtiers and officials, all pretending to see the magnificent outfit. The emperor walked through the streets, greeting his subjects, who, too, were afraid to admit that they couldn't see the clothes. Some whispered and giggled behind their hands, but none dared to speak the truth aloud.However, among the crowd stood a little child who was unaware of the deceit. With innocent curiosity, the child shouted out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" The words echoed through the streets, and soon, the people began to murmur in agreement, their laughter filling the air.Realizing the truth, the emperor blushed with shame and embarrassment. He hastily retreated to his palace, vowing never to let vanity cloud his judgmentagain. The two weavers, of course, had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only a valuable lesson in humility and honesty.The story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" serves as a reminder for eighth-graders and all ages alike that honesty and self-awareness are virtues to be cherished. It teaches us that true beauty and worth come from within, not from external appearances or the opinions of others.。



国王的新装英文作文英文回答:The Emperor's New Clothes is a classic fairy tale that has been told for centuries. It is a story about a vain emperor who is tricked into believing that he is wearing a beautiful new suit of clothes, when in reality he is wearing nothing at all. The story is often used to teach children about the dangers of vanity and the importance of being honest.The Emperor's New Clothes was written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1837. It is one of his most famous fairy tales, and it has been translated into more than 100 languages. The story has been adapted into many different forms, including operas, ballets, and films.The Emperor's New Clothes is a timeless story that continues to be enjoyed by children of all ages. It is a story that teaches important lessons about vanity, honesty,and the power of imagination.中文回答:“皇帝的新装”是一个流传了几个世纪的经典童话故事。



牛津英语五年级下册第八单元国王的新装翻译The emperor's new clothes《皇帝的新衣》There is an emperor.有一个皇帝,He likes beautiful clothes.他喜欢漂亮的衣服。

One day, a man visits him with some nice cloth es.一天,一个人带着一些漂亮的衣服来拜访他。

"Which shirt do you like?" the man asks.“您喜欢哪件衬衫?”这个人问。

"I like the green one," says the emperor.“我喜欢绿色那件,”皇帝说。

"I also have some magic clothes for you.2. “我还有一些魔法衣服给您。

They're in this box," says the man."Only clever people can see them!"它们在这个盒子里,”这个人说。

“只有聪明人才能看到它们!”The emperor cannot see any clothes, but he nods with a big smile.3. 皇帝并未看见任何衣服,但他却笑着点头。

The man cries, "Oh, the emperor is so clever!"这个人叫喊着:“哦,皇帝真是聪明!”The emperor puts on the "new clothes" and gives the man a lot of money.皇帝穿上了这件“新衣”并赏给了这个人很多钱。

The emperor walks in the street in his "new cl othes".皇帝穿着“新衣”走在大街上。



★以下是为⼤家整理的关于英语⼩故事:皇帝的新⾐的⽂章,希望⼤家能够喜欢!更多⼉童故事资源请搜索与你分享!The Emperor′s New ClothesLong ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.The courtiers were worried that the wardrobes would begin to appear downstairs and in their chambers.The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed. He had to choose his outfit, preferable a new one, and the shoes and wig to go with it. Mid-morning, he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his councillors and advisors. He would change again for lunch, and then again for a rest in the afternoon. He just had to change for dinner and them again for the evening!He kept all the weavers, tailors, cobblers and silk merchants of the city very busy and very happy! News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters."Could we?" they asked themselves. "Could we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes?" "Let′s try," they decided.They left their homes and traveled to the Emperor′s city. there they saw the many shops selling clothes, shoes and fabrics. For, if the Emperor dressed finely, so too did his couriers. The two travelers went to the palace along with many other tradesmen hoping to sell their wares to the Emperor. They asked to meet the Emperor. "We have something very special to show him," they told the Chamberlain. "That′s what everyone says," said the Chamberlain. "Ah, but his is magical," said one, "We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method."The Chamberlain felt that it was his duty to bring new items to the Emperor′s attention and he went to tell him. "Something magical?" said the Emperor, who was changing for lunch and admiring himself in the mirror. "Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in."The two weavers were shown in, and began to describe their cloth to the Emperor. "It is gold, silver and rainbow colored, all at the same time," said one. "It shimmers." "It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool," said the second. "It is as light as air," said the first. "A most wonderful fabric."The Emperor was enchanted. He must have an outfit from this new cloth. "There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks time," he said. "I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?" "Oh yes, your Majesty," said the weavers. "But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make." "No matter," said the Emperor, waving his hand. "Money is no object. I must have an outfit. Just see the Chamberlain and he′ll sort it out. Make it here in the palace."The Chamberlain showed the two weavers to a large airy room and they set to work. They asked for a loom, and a sack of gold to start buying materials. The Chamberlain followed the Emperor′s orders and they were denied nothing. The weavers worked away behind closed doors. The loom could be heard clattering away. Every now and then a courtier would stand and listen at the door. News of the magic cloth had spread.Finally, the Emperor could stand it no more. "Chamberlain, go to the weavers and see how the cloth is processing. The parade is only a week way." The Chamberlain knocked at the door and waited. "Enter!" said the weavers. They had been expecting someone soon! "The Emperor has sent me to check on the progress of the cloth," said the Chamberlain, staring at the empty loom. "Is it not beautiful?" said one of the weavers, holding out nothing to the Chamberlain. "See the lustre, feel the softness!" "Um," said the Chamberlain, not quite sure what to say. "Oh wise Chamberlain," said the other weaver."Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth." "Of course," said the Chamberlain, not wanting to look stupid. "It really is quite marvelous. Those colors, that shimmer of the gold and silver threads. Marvelous." "Oh, you are so wise," said the weavers.The Emperor was very impatient and couldn′t wait for the Chamberlain to return. After ten minutes of pacing up and down, he went to the weavers′ room, followed by half of his court. He threw the doors open, and saw the empty loom. "Why!" he cried in a surprised voice. "Your Majesty," said the Chamberlain quickly. " A wise man such as yourself can surely see the colors and sheen of this magical cloth." "Of course I can," said the Emperor, wondering why he could not. "It′s beautiful. Simply enchanting. When can my outfit be made? Send for the royal tailors!" "Your Majesty," said the two weavers. "We would be delighted to make your outfit for you. There is no need to trouble your hard-working tailor. It is such a difficult fabric to cut and sew. We will make the suit." "Very well," said the Emperor. "First fitting tomorrow."The courtiers had followed the Emperor, and they now came into the room. Of course, they could see nothing on the loom for there was nothing to see. "Is it not beautiful?" said one of the weavers. "Of course, only the wise and very clever can see thebeauty of the cloth. Look at the colors, feel the weight." The courtiers queued up to look at the colors and feel the weight, and each went away exclaiming over the marvelous cloth which was indeed as light as air. But each courtier secretly wondered if they were really stupid, as they had seen nothing at all. The two weavers then set to work as tailors. They muttered and discussed at the Emperor′s fittings, stitching here, cutting there until at last the suit was made.The following day was the day of the parade. "Am I not the handsomest of men in my marvellous suit?" said the Emperor to the Chamberlain, as he showed off his new outfit. "Just look at the tiny stitches and the lacework. Truly marvelous." "Undoubtedly, sir," said the Chamberlain. "There is no outfit on earth to equal this one."The Emperor was dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of his amazing outfit had reached the people of the town and all wanted to see him. There were people crowded along the sides of the streets.The parade began!People gasped. "What a suit!" they cried. "What suit?" asked a small boy, who had not heard of the magical cloth. "The Emperor has no clothes on at all!" "It′s true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked!" the people cried. And the Emperor was very ashamed. He had been so vain, and now he had been made to look a fool. As for the two tailors -- they were in fact thieves, and had long since left the town with their bags of gold. Probably laughing all the way! But the Emperor is a wiser man now, and spends a lot more time with his advisors and far less with his tailors.皇帝的新⾐从前有⼀个国王很喜欢穿新⾐服,差不多每过⼀个钟头就要换⼀件。



初二皇帝的新装英语作文简短《The Emperor’s New Clothes》Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved wearing new clothes very much. He spent all his money on new clothes every day and changed his clothes several times a day.One day, two swindlers came to the city. They said they were weavers and could make the most beautiful clothes in the world. The clothes were not only beautiful, but also had a magical function - only wise people could see them, and stupid people could not see them.The emperor was very happy to hear this and immediately gave them a lot of gold and silk to make clothes. The two swindlers set up two looms in an empty room and pretended to be weaving. But in fact, there was nothing on the loom. They asked for more gold and silk every day, and said they were making clothes.After a few days, the emperor wanted to see how the clothes were going. He sent an old minister to the room. The old minister opened the door and saw nothing on the loom. But he was afraid to say he couldn’t see it, because he didn’t want to be regarded as a fool. So he praised the clothes and said they were the most beautiful clothes he had ever seen.The emperor was very satisfied with the old minister’s answer. A few days later, he sent another minister to see the clothes. The second minister also saw nothing, but he also praised the clothes and said they were very beautiful.Finally, the clothes were ready. The two swindlers held up their empty hands and said, “Dear emperor, this is the most beautiful clothes we have made. Only wise people can see them. Please try them on.” The emperor took off his clothes and put on the “new clothes”. Then he walked out of the room and showed off his “new clothes” in the street.All the people in the street cheered and praised the emperor’s “new clothes”. But suddenly, a child shouted, “Look, the emperor has nothing on!” The people looked at the emperor and found that he was really naked. They all laughed.The emperor was very embarrassed. He realized that he had been deceived. But he had to continue the parade, pretending that he was wearing the “new clothes”. When he returned to the palace, he immediately ordered to arrest the two swindlers. But the two swindlers had already run away with all the gold and silk.This story tells us that we should not be too vain and do not believe what others say easily. We should have our own judgment and not be deceived by false appearances.。

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THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHESMany years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theatre or the chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for displaying his new clothes. He had a different suit for each hour of the day; and as of anyother king or emperor, one is accustomed to say, "he is sitting in council,"it was always said of him, "The Emperor is sitting in his wardrobe."Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrivedevery day at the court. One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, madetheir appearance. They gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the mostbeautiful colors and elaborate patterns, the clothes manufactured from whichshould have the wonderful property of remaining invisible to everyone who wasunfit for the office he held, or who was extraordinarily simple in character."These must, indeed, be splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "Had I such asuit, I might at once find out what men in my realms are unfit for theiroffice, and also be able to distinguish the wise from the foolish! This stuffmust be woven for me immediately." And he caused large sums of money to begiven to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to work verybusily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They asked for the mostdelicate silk and the purest gold thread; put both into their own knapsacks;and then continued their pretended work at the empty looms until late atnight."I should like to know how the weavers are getting on with my cloth," said theEmperor to himself, after some little time had elapsed; he was, however,rather embarrassed, when he remembered that a simpleton, or one unfit for hisoffice, would be unable to see the manufacture. To be sure, he thought he hadnothing to risk in his own person; but yet, he would prefer sending somebodyelse, to bring him intelligence about the weavers, and their work, before hetroubled himself in the affair. All the people throughout the city had heardof the wonderful property the cloth was to possess; and all were anxious tolearn how wise, or how ignorant, their neighbors might prove to be."I will send my faithful old minister to the weavers," said the Emperor atlast, after some deliberation, "he will be best able to see how the clothlooks; for he is a man of sense, and no one can be more suitable for hisoffice than he is."So the faithful old minister went into the hall, where the knaves were workingwith all their might, at their empty looms. "What can be the meaning of this?"thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I cannot discover the leastbit of thread on the looms." However, he did not express his thoughts aloud.The impostors requested him very courteously to be so good as to come nearertheir looms; and then asked him whether the design pleased him, and whetherthe colors were not very beautiful; at the same time pointing to the emptyframes. The poor old minister looked and looked, he could not discoveranything on the looms, for a very good reason, viz: there was nothing there."What!" thought he again. "Is it possible that I am a simpleton? I have neverthought so myself; and no one must know it now if I am so. Can it be, that Iam unfit for my office? No, that must not be said either. I will never confessthat I could not see the stuff.""Well, Sir Minister!" said one of the knaves, still pretending to work. "Y oudo not say whether the stuff pleases you.""Oh, it is excellent!" replied the old minister, looking at the loom throughhis spectacles. "This pattern, and the colors, yes, I will tell the Emperorwithout delay, how very beautiful I think them.""We shall be much obliged to you,"said the impostors, and then they named thedifferent colors and described the pattern of the pretended stuff. The oldminister listened attentively to their words, in order that he might repeatthem to the Emperor; and then the knaves asked for more silk and gold,sayingthat it was necessary to complete what they had begun. However, they put allthat was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as muchapparent diligence as before at their empty looms.The Emperor now sent another officer of his court to see how the men weregetting on, and to ascertain whether the cloth would soon be ready. It wasjust the same with this gentleman as with the minister; he surveyed the loomson all sides, but could see nothing at all but the empty frames."Does not the stuff appear as beautiful to you, as it did to my lord theminister?" asked the impostors of the Emperor's second ambassador; at the sametime making the same gestures as before, and talking of the design and colorswhich were not there."I certainly am not stupid!" thought the messenger. "It must be, that I am notfit for my good, profitable office! That is very odd; however, no one shallknow anything about it." And accordingly he praised the stuff he could notsee, and declared that he was delighted with both colors and patterns."Indeed, please your Imperial Majesty," said he to his sovereign when hereturned, "the cloth which the weavers are preparing is extraordinarilymagnificent."The whole city was talking of the splendid cloth which the Emperor had orderedto be woven at his own expense.And now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it wasstill in the loom. Accompanied by a select number of officers of the court,among whom were the two honest men who had already admired the cloth, he wentto the crafty impostors, who, as soon as they were aware of the Emperor'sapproach, went on working more diligently than ever; although they still didnot pass a single thread through the looms."Is not the work absolutely magnificent?" said the two officers of the crown,already mentioned. "If your Majesty will only be pleased to look at it! What asplendid design! What glorious colors!" and at the same time they pointed tothe empty frames; for they imagined that everyone else could see thisexquisite piece of workmanship."How is this?" said the Emperor to himself. "I can see nothing! This is indeeda terrible affair! Am I a simpleton, or am I unfit to be an Emperor? Thatwould be the worst thing that could happen--Oh! the cloth is charming," saidhe, aloud. "It has my complete approbation." And he smiled most graciously,and looked closely at the empty looms; for on no account would he say that hecould not see what two of the officers of his court had praised so much. Allhis retinue now strained their eyes, hoping to discover something on thelooms, but they could see no more than the others; nevertheless, they allexclaimed, "Oh, how beautiful!" and advised his majesty to have some newclothes made from this splendid material, for the approaching procession."Magnificent! Charming! Excellent!" resounded on all sides; and everyone wasuncommonly gay. The Emperor shared in the general satisfaction; and presentedthe impostors with the riband of an order of knighthood, to be worn in theirbutton-holes, and the title of "Gentlemen Weavers."The rogues sat up the whole of the night before the day on which theprocession was to take place, and had sixteen lights burning, so that everyonemight see how anxious they were to finish the Emperor's new suit. Theypretended to roll the cloth off the looms; cut the air with their scissors;and sewed with needles without any thread in them. "See!" cried they, at last."The Emperor's new clothes are ready!"And now the Emperor, with all the grandees of his court, came to the weavers;and the rogues raised their arms, as if in the act of holding something up,saying, "Here are your Majesty's trousers! Here is the scarf! Here is themantle! The whole suit is as light as a cobweb; one might fancy one hasnothing at all on, when dressed in it; that, however, is the great virtue ofthis delicate cloth.""Y es indeed!" said all the courtiers, although not one of them could seeanything of this exquisite manufacture."If your Imperial Majesty will be graciously pleased to take off your clothes,we will fit on the new suit, in front of the looking glass."The Emperor was accordingly undressed, and the rogues pretended toarray himin his new suit; the Emperor turning round, from side to side, before thelooking glass."How splendid his Majesty looks in his new clothes, and how well they fit!"everyone cried out. "What a design! What colors! These are indeed royalrobes!""The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, iswaiting," announced the chief master of the ceremonies."I am quite ready," answered the Emperor. "Do my new clothes fit well?" askedhe, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that hemight appear to be examining his handsome suit.The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty's train felt abouton the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; andpretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anythinglike simplicity, or unfitness for their office.So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of theprocession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standingby, and those at the windows, cried out, "Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor'snew clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and howgracefully the scarf hangs!" in short, no one would allow that he could notsee these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declaredhimself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of theEmperor's various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as theseinvisible ones."But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" said a little child."Listen to the voice of innocence!" exclaimed his father; and what the childhad said was whispered from one to another."But he has nothing at all on!" at last cried out all the people. The Emperorwas vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought theprocession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater painsthan ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was notrain to hold.皇帝的新装许多年以前有一位皇帝,他非常喜欢穿好看的新衣服。
