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lol, the frequen ent up to 16, b about 30 perent onl. Desertifiation is obviousl an international problem no. It is aused b the derease of oods and vegetation. The ater in the ground is kept b the plants, so the land ma turn to desert ithout enough plants. Desertifiation an ause bad eather like sandstorms and even hange the limate of a region. And it also destros the variet of plants and animals. So far there has not been an effetive a to solve the problem pletel. But there are man things humans an do to prevent the desertifiation from being more serious. Planting more trees or stopping utting don oods ould ork. There is a long a to go. Editing Cheklist for Peer Editing Peer’s Name _______王宇儿__________ Diretions: After finishing our riting ork, have a peer plete the Peer Edit List.



The deserts, hih alread oup approximatel a fourth of the Earth's land surfae, have in reent deades been inreasing at an alarming pae. The expansion of desertlike onditions into areas here the did not previousl exist is alled desertifiation. It has been estimated that an additional one-fourth of the Earth's land surfae is threatened b this proess. Desertifiation is aplished primaril through the loss
of stabilizing natural vegetation and the subsequent aelerated erosion of the soil b ind and ater. In some ases the loose soil is blon pletel XX, leaving a ston surfae. In other ases, the finer partiles ma be removed, hile the sand-sized partiles are aumulated to form mobile hills or ridges of sand........ 相关: 托福阅读NotExept型题解题方法托福阅读OG:
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