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Unit 3 Travel journal
Period 7 Revision
(Summing up and Learning tip)
This is the seventh (also the last)teaching period of this unit. The emphasis should be placed on going over what has been learned in this unit・ It mainly includes two parts:Summing up and Learning tip.
Slimming up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher can first use this part to let the students sum up what they have learned and then explain what the students couldn^t understand very well in this unit・ An experienced teacher should design some exercises for the students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents. Learning tip encourages students to keep a travel journal when they go on a journey. Not only docs it make for developing students,writing ability, but also many people enjoy reading about journey and seeing the world through somebody else^s eyes・ So, make sure that the students have a try.
In this period, the teacher can also add more practices to consolidate what the students have learned in this unit. Finally, ask the students to finish Checking yourself on Page 61 in the Workbook. This part aims at encouraging students to make a sclf-asscssmcnt after they finish learning this unit・ It is very important to improve their learning・
教学重点Get the students to review and consolidate what they have learned in
this unit.
教学难点Get the students to turn what they have learned into their ability.
教学方法Summarizing, discussing and practicing
教具准备 A projector and other normal teaching tools
Knowledge aims:
1.Get the students to go over useful new words and expressions.
2.Have the students review the grammar:the Present Continuous Tense for future actions. Ability aims:
1.Develop the students5 ability to use the important language points.
2.Enable the students to learn to express good wishes and farewells.
Emotional aims:
1.Get the students to keep a travel journal when they go on a journey.
2.Enable the students learn to make a trip plan and find a place to travel.
—Step 1 Revision
1.Check the homework exercises・
2.Dictate some new words and useful expressions.
—>Stcp 2 Lead-in
Tell the students:Up to now, we have finished Unit 3・ Have you learned and grasped all in
—>Step 3 Summing Up
Five minutes for the students to sum up by themselves. Then check and explain something where necessaiy.
Suggested answers:
Write down what you have learned about traveling・
(The students' answer may vary. )We have mainly learned about planning for a 茁ip and solving problems after the trip has begu IL
From this unit you have also learned
useful verbs:transport cycle, persuade、insist, determine, camp、record
usefill nouns:ioumal, fhre、transport、Vietnam、altitude、valley, attitude, shorts、camp、record, topic
useful adiectives:stubbom、proper; determined, fhmiliai; brave
other expressions:change one's mind, give in
new grammar item:the Present Continuous Tense fbr fiiturc actions
—>Step 4 Word and expression exercises
1.Show the following exercises on the screen or give out the exercise papers.
l)Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences・
(1 )Mary is such a ________________ (固执的)girl that no one can _________________ (说服)her to do anything.
(2)He ______________ (坚持)that she be invited to the party.
(3) 1 want you to tell me the main points now; leave the _________________ (详1W)till later.
(4)___________________________________________________________ When I told her that our journey would begin at an _______________________________________________ (海拔)of more than
4500 meters, she seemed to be excited・
(5)_______________ He (记录)the important events and his afterthoughts in his travel journey.
(6)___________________________________________________________ Once she (拿定主意),she'll
never _____________________________________ (改变主意).
(7)_________________________________________________ The enemy is surrounded, and must soon (投降).
The people in that country fought bravely for freedom and they ___________________________ _____________ (决心)to drive the enemy out of their land.
(9)___________________________________________________________________ T he topic of a travel journal can ______________________________________________________________ (与不
同)a diary, often including people, things, and events less __________________________ (为所
熟悉)the readers.
(10)__________________ ............... (与比起来)what she had already, the new stamps were not
very interesting.
2) Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.
Mekong River begins _________________ a glacier on a Tibetan mountain・ At first, the river
is ______________ and the water is _________________ . Then it begins to move __________________ . It becomes ___________ as it passes __________________ d eep _______________ , traveling ____________ western Yunnan Province. Sometimes the river ______________________ wide valley and becomes
a ______________ ・ We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China. After it
leaves China and the high __________________ , the Mekong becomes __________________ , brown and warm. As it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly ______________________ h ills and low valleys, and
the _______________ where rice grows. At last the river's ___________________ enters the South China Sea
2.Ask the students to do the exercises・ Several minutes later, check the answers and deal with any problems where necessary.
Suggested answers:
1)(l)stubborn; persuade (2)insisted (3)details (4)altitude (5)recorded (6)makes up her mind; change her mind (7)give in (8)were determined (9)be different from; ftimiliar to (lO)Compared with/to
2)at; small; clear and cold; quickly; rapids; through; valleys; across; enters; waterfall; altitudes; wide; through; plains; delta
—>Stcp 5 Grammar exercises
Show the following exercises on the screen or give out the test papers・
1.It is your duty to check when he _________________ for New York.
A.has left
B. is leaving
C. had left
D. would leave
2.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task, because
technology _______________ so rapidly.
A.is changing
B.has changed
C.will have changed
D.will change
3.—Is everybody here?
一No, the speaker________________ soon.
B. has come
C. comes
D. is coming
4.——Is this raincoat yours?
—No, mine _______________ there behind the door.
A.is hanging B・ has hung C・ hangs D. hung
5.1 don't really work here; I _________________ until the new secretary arrives・
A.just help out
B.have just helped out
C.am just helping out
D.will just help out
6. —Hi, Tom. What's up?
—I _______________ for someone to go to the movies with me.
B.have looked
D.am looking
7・ Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn^t stopped ringing・ People __________________ to ask how I am going to spend the money.
B.will phone
C.were phoning
D.arc phoning
8.The old professor has such a bad memory that he looks for the watch while he
A.having it on
B.having on it
C・ wearing it
D. putting it on
9.—Arc you still busy?
一Yes, I ______________ my work, and it won't take long.
A.just finish
B.am just finishing
C.have just finished
D.am just going to finish
10・一What's that unpleasant noise?
— h, the road before the main gate ___________________ .
A. is repairing
B・ is being repaired
C.is repaired
D.has been repaired
Ask the students to do the exercises. Several minutes later, check the answers and deal with
any problems where necessary.
Suggested answers:
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. B 10. B
—>Step 6 Discussion and talk
Imagine you are planning your trip with your classmates. Have a group discussion to discuss the following questions: 1. What are you preparing for the trip? 2. Where are you going? 3. What are you planning to do each day? 4. How are you getting there? 5. When you leave home, what will your family and your friends say to you?
Sample sentences:
1 ・ I am taking a big bag.
I am putting some clothes in it.
I am taking an umbrella・
I am buying a mountain bike.
I am taking a map.
• • •
2.We are going to Laos, Thailand・・・
3.On the first day we are setting off early from home・
We are spending every night in a village on the way.
We are setting out early the next morning・
We are writing our journal every evening after suppe匸
• • •
4.We are flying/going by plane/going by air.
We are taking a train/going by train・
We are cycling/going by bike.
Wc arc walking/going on foot.
We are going by boat/ship.
5・ When we leave home, my family and my fHends will say, "Have a good trip. /Have a good journey. /Have a good time.99
—>Step 7 Learning tip
Go through the passage on Page 24. Encourage students to keep a travel journal when they go on a
—>Step 8 Assessment
1・ Checking yourself (on Page 61 in the Workbook)
First get the students to think about these questions individually. Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.
2. Testing assessment
Show the exercises on the screen or give out test papers.
l )Choose words in the brackets to fill in the blanks・
(1)They bought the truck for ________________ i llegal arms.
It is easier to go hiking if we have our own __________________ . (transport, transporting)
(2)People here only drink locally ________________ bee匚
For Anne, talking to Kitty is a great _________________ of enjoyment, (source, sourced)
(3)Let's set up our _______________ near the small brook!
Every summer, our family go _________________ i n the Alps mountains・(camp, camping)
2)Choosc suitable words below in their proper forms to complete the short passage・
source persuade topic stubborn insist altitude Vietnam (Vietnam^) Tibet (Tibetan) attitude
Where to travel for the winter holiday has been the only ____________________ of conversation for weeks・ All of us want to go to the beach in Hainan, but Xiaogang _______________________ on going
to _______________ • He said he wants to know how he will feel at an______________________ of 4000 meters in ________________ p lateau! We have been trying to ___________________ him, however, he is
as _______________ as a mule. I think we will be soon persuaded by him.
First get the students to do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.
Suggested answers:
1)(1 transporting; transport
(2)sourccd; source
(3)camp; camping
2)topic; insists; Tibet; altitude; Tibetan; persuade; stubborn
—>Step 9 Homework
1.Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 3.
2.Preview the next unit.
Unit 3 Travel journey
Unit Revision
Write down what you have learned about traveling.
Wc have mainly learned about planning 血a trip and solving problems after the trip has begu n.
From this unit you have also learned
useful verbs:transport, cycle、persuade、insist, detennine、camp、record
useful nouns:joumal, fare, transport, Vietnam, ahitude、valley, attitude、shorts、camp、record, topic useful adjectives:stubbom、Dropei; determined,恰miliar, brave
other cxprcssions:changc onc,s mind, give in
new grammar item:the Present Continuous Tense fbr fiiture actions
Work in groups of three・ Imagine you and two of your classmates run a travel agency. Make a travel brochure and share your brochure with other classmates and decide which the best one is. The following evaluation table can give you a referenee. The one that gets the highest mark will certainly be the winner.
Did the group use correct sentences?
Did the group organize information logically?
Did the group make the handwriting easy to read?
Did the group use proper colors?
Was the description attractive and interesting?
Was the description clear enough for readers?
Did you like the general design of the brochure?
What do you think should be improved?。
