Unit 3 Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects

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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
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International comparative bidding 国际竞争性招标 Limited international bidding 有限国际招标 Domestic comparative bidding 国内竞争性招标 Shopping 询价采购 Direct contracting 直接签订合同 …. <WTO(GPA)>定义了3类招标方式: Open tendering 公开招标 Selective tendering 选择性招标 Limited tendering 局限性招标
Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
Other methods for procuring goods and civil works include Limited International Bidding, National Competitive Bidding, International Shopping, and Direct Contracting. This section outlines the bidding process of International Competitive Bidding. 采购产品和土建工程的其他方法包括有限国际招 标,国内竞争性招标,国际询价采购,和直接承包。 本节概述了国际竞争性招标投标过程。在国际竞争性 招标中,成本是确定中标的主要因素。
Section 1
Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects
The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on World Bank-financed projects.
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
v. 借入,贷款
1. Any borrowing country must be aware of the hazards of refusing to repay its foreign debts, or of paying them behind schedule. 任何借款国都必须意识到拒绝偿还或拖延偿还外债的 各种危险。 2. In China, unlike America, housing is a vehicle for saving, not for borrowing. 在中国,购房推动的是储蓄,而不像在美国,推动的是 借贷。
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
“tender” & “bid”
3. Tender data sheet和bidding data sheet都指“投标 资料表”。 4. Tendering forms 和 bidding forms 都指“投标书格 式”。 5. 由此可见,由于传统习惯等因素,有的机构用tender, 有的则用bid,但一般不会混用。无论tender还是bid, 在同一份文件中都可以既有“招标”又有“投标”的 含义。 6. 汉语“借”和“贷”与此相类,都既有“借出”也有 “借入”的意思。比如,“我借他一百块钱”大有歧 义;同理,“今年贷了三百万”对银行和对客户而言, 含义相反。 7. 建议:选择其一,前后一贯;结合上下文确定含义。 < Back Next > Home
Section 1
v. 招标;投标
1. With the development of highway construction, tendering and bidding system with competitive mechanism has been widely used in our country. 随着公路建设的发展,具有竞争机制的公路工程招标 与投标在我国已得到广泛应用。 2. There are two forms in tender, open and limit, a program must be followed in either tender or invitation for tender. 招标形式一般为公开、有限两种,招标与投标均遵循 一定的程序。
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
“tender” & “bid”
tender与bid都是招投标过程中的常见词汇,二者均有双 重含义,即“招标”与“投标”。而且可以互换使用。在 实际应用中,并不将二者加以严格区分。 词源上看,两者最初含义都是offer。至于谁向谁offer, 要看语境,不能孤立理解。 从世界银行等国外主流招标文件可以看出: 1. 一 个 机 构 的 Tender procedures 和 另 一 个 机 构 的 bidding procedures 都指“招标程序”。类似地, standard tender documents 和 standard bidding documents都可指“标准招标文件”。 2. call for bids和call for tenders都指“投标邀请”。
Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Warming-up Section 1
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
v. 招标、投标;拍卖
bidding n.
1. We bid for the erection of a multistory building. 我们投标建一座大楼。 2. Property expropriation and population resettlement is occasionally required, and the bidding process is often fiercely competitive, given the high value of the contracts. 在建设过程中,有时需要征用财产和转移人口,由于合 同价值极高,投标程序往往具有很强的竞争性。
Academic institution 学术机构 public institution 公共机构;事业单位 Research institute 研究所 < Back Designing institute 设计院
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
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Open tendering 公开招标 Selective tendering 选择性招标 Prequalified tendering 资格预审招标 Single or restricted tendering 单一招标或局限性招标
~ capacity 融资能力;借贷上限 ~ costs 借款成本 outstanding ~ 未清偿债项 < Back Next > Interbank ~ 银行同业借贷
Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
选择的方法取决于多项因素,包括所采购的商 品或服务的类型;采购的商品或服务的价值;外国 投标者的潜在利益;甚至采购过程本身的成本。
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
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Unit 3
Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
Section 1
The overall objective of the guidelines how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services as economically as possible. In the World Bank’s experience, this objective is best achieved through transparent, formal competitive bidding. 指南中如何选择采购方式的总体目标是让借款国在 尽可能经济的条件下购买优质的产品和服务。根据世界 银行的经验,通过透明的,正式的竞标才能最好地实现 该目标。
Professional English Bidding and Tendering
Unit 3
Construction Management
of Construction Projects
English for Construction management
Speaker : Lynne Hsieh 2016/03/21
n. 利益;利息;权益、股份
当interest作“利害(关系)、权益;股份”讲时,为可 数名词;比如 an ~ in a business 一个企业的股份; 当interest作“利益”讲时,常用复数形式。 当interest作“利息”讲时为不可数名词。 1. He had many business interests in Vietnam. 他在越南有许多公司股权 2. Does your current account pay interest? 你的活期存款账户计息吗? 2. …a call for all businessmen to work together in the interests of national stability… 为了国家稳定而向所有商人发出的共同合作的号召
The method selected depends on a number of factors including the type of goods or services being procured ,the value of the goods or services being procured, the potential interest of foreign bidders and even the cost of the procurement process itself.