英语教学法CLT and TBLT
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信息沟 (information gap) - communicative purpose and desire
比如说,老师手里拿着一个苹果,问大家: “Is it an apple?”学生回答:“Yes, it is.” 大家都知道这是一个苹果,这时是没有信 息沟的。 但是,如果老师拿着一个不透明的袋 子装着一些不同的水果,让一个学生来摸, 然后下面的学生提问:“Is it an apple?”摸 到水果的同学根据感觉进行回答:“Yes, it is.”或者 “No, it isn’t.”这时交流是存在 信息沟的。
Some groups Ss do the task, Ss prepare to report to the whole class present their in pairs or small (orally or in writing) reports to the class, groups. how they did the or exchange task, what they written reports, and T monitors decided or compare results. from a distance. discovered.
Task cycle
Task Planning Report
of single ‘new’ item
of new item: drills exercises, dialogue practice
Language focus
Analysis & practice: Review & repeat task
选择性 (choices)
Content, not form; variety of language; no materials control; no teacher intervention
比如说,老师要求一个学生把一个陈述句转变为问句,他 说:“Will you change my sentence into a question? – I went home yesterday.”学生回答说:“Did you go home yesterday?”,这样 的对话学生没有选择的自由。 但是,如果老师跟大家说:“Yesterday, my mother phoned me saying my aunt was coming to visit us. She wanted me to go back home to have dinner. But I had a lot of work to do yesterday. I was not sure whether I could finish. I (If you want to know what I did later, you can ask questions) … ”然后停下来,那么大家这时 可能会开始问各种相关的问题,
Activity, role play or task to encourage ‘free’ use of language.
• Pair work
The biggest differences
Large amount of input (exposure) by listening and reading before the task pre-task exposure
Students plan, organize, learn and use the language during the task while-task independent learning The teacher lead students to focus on language form (by analysis and / or practice) to ensure accuracy post-task language focus
Case analysis
• 初二学生在学完有关食物的英文名称和表达喜欢或不 喜欢的句型后,教师布置学生做一个小调查,即用英 语询问并记录小组中各个同学最喜欢的食物,各小组 用统计表的形式表示调查结果,每个小组写几句话来 简短回报调查结果。
初二学生在学完有关食物的英文名称和表达喜欢或不喜欢的句型后, 教师布置学生做一个小调查,即用英语询问并记录小组中各个同学最 喜欢的食物,各小组用统计表的形式表示调查结果,每个小组写几句 话来简短汇报调查结果。
• p. 24
• p. 24-26 • Individual work
• Communicative activities are not only speaking and listening tasks, but also reading and writing tasks;
• Communicative activities are unlimited; Teachers should be creative in designing communicative tasks.
• 信息沟 information gap • 选择性 choices
Ss may now hear a recording of others doing a similar Task or read others’ text and compare how they all did it.
Language focus Practice Analysis
Ss examine and discuss specific features of the text or transcript of the recording. T conducts practice of new words, phrases and patterns occurring in the data, either during or after the analysis.
Four components of a task
• p. 28
• p. 29-30 • Individual work
பைடு நூலகம்
Jane Willis’ (1996) TBLT framework
Task cycle
Language focus
Task cycle
• A method is effective only when it is appropriate to the teaching context. • The best thing is to develop one’s own teaching methods based on the context where one teaches and integrates the merits of different methodologies.
How to evaluate a task
Purpose: communicative purpose; Context: similar to real-life context (meaningful, interesting); Language exposure: sufficient, providing choices; Process: interaction, cooperation; Product: usually measurable; Comment (evaluation – specific ): helps improve the performance of the task.
Presentation of single ‘new’ item Practice of new item: drills exercises, dialogue practice Production Activity, role play or task to encourage ‘free’ use of language.
“Did you say yes or no?” “Did you finish your work?” “Did you go home yesterday?” “Did you go home to have dinner with them?”
• TBLT is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. • It has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.
CLT, TBLT and others
Which method is the best?
• Communication principle • Task principle • Meaningfulness principle
6 criteria for evaluating CLT activities
• 目标是什么?是否具有交际性(信息交流)? • 一个任务是否只有一个目标?
• 交际目标 & 教学目标
• 构成任务内容的输入材料是什么?来自何处? • 构成任务的活动是否与现实世界中的活动类似? • 活动强调的是语言形式的获取还是语言技能的使用(意 义的表达)? • 学生是被动接受知识还是主动获取知识? • 教师是知识的传授者还是活动的设计者、组织者、观察 者? • 任务实施的环境是在课堂上还是课堂外?活动是仅限于 课堂教学还是可以延伸到课余学习和生活? • 任务的结果如何体现?能否被观察到?是否可测?