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锯齿状;眼正常;口亚上位;背部隆起;体侧分布有不规则黑褐色圆斑;侧线孔 59~62。新种与背部隆起,
体侧分布有不规则黑褐色圆斑,口端位、侧线孔 81~88 的麻花金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus maculatus)能明显
区分;与口亚上位,与背部无明显隆起,通体金黄色,侧线鳞 71~81 的阳宗金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus
Abstract: This study elaborates a new species in a karst cave near the foot of Longshan Mountain, Xiaoxinzhai Village, Shupi Township, Qiubei County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The new species is a member of Sinocyclocheilus, and named as Sinocyclocheilus longshanensis Li et Wu sp. nov. according to the name of collection region. Morphological observation shows that the new species has 7 branched dorsal-fin rays, serrated trailing edges of the last unbranched dorsal-fin ray; normal eyes; sub- upper mouth, humped back; black- brown round spots distributed on exposed body surface; 59- 62 lateral line pores. The new species can be distinguished from Sinocyclocheilus maculayus, which has humped back, black-brown round spots distributed on exposed body surface, and 81-88 lateral line pores. The new species can be distinguished from Sinocyclocheilus yangzongensis, which has flat back, golden body color, and 71- 81 lateral line pores. The new species also can be distinguished from other species of Sinocyclocheilus by having the described combination of morphological characteristics. Key words: Yunnan; Cyprinidae; Sioncyclocheilus; new species; cave fishes
论文编号:casb170 longshanensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Li Guanghua1, Wu Junjie1, Leng Yun1, Zhou Rui1, Pan Xiaofu2, Han Fei3,
中国农学通报 2018,34(5):153-158 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
李光华 1,吴俊颉 1,冷 云 1,周 睿 1,潘晓赋 2,韩 非 3,李顺勇 1,4,梁 祥 1
(1云南省渔业科学研究院,昆明 650111;2中国科学院昆明动物研究所,昆明 650223; 3云南省丘北县渔业工作站,云南丘北 663200;4云南省马龙县农业局,云南马龙 655199)
摘 要:旨在描述采集于云南省文山壮族苗族自治州丘北县树皮乡小新寨村龙山脚下一喀斯特洞穴出
水 口 的 金 线 鲃 属 鱼 类 一 新 种 。 新 种 以 采 集 标 本 的 地 名 命 名 为 龙 山 金 线 鲃 (Sinocyclocheilus
longshanensis Li et Wu sp. nov.)。经形态学鉴定,该新种背鳍具有 7 根分枝鳍条,末根不分枝鳍条后缘呈
0 引言 金线鲃属(Sinocyclocheilus)鱼类隶属于硬骨鱼纲
(Osteichthyes),辐鳍亚纲(Actinopterygii),真骨鱼次亚 纲 (Teleostei), 鲤 形 目 (Cypriniformes), 鲤 科
基金项目:云南省重大科技专项“云南高原特色淡水鱼产业化关键技术研究与应用示范”(2016ZA004);国家科技基础条件平台“水产种质资源平台” (2016DKA30470);云南省农业厅项目“云南省珍稀濒危土著鱼类收集驯养及种质资源库建设”(20151105560138)。 第一作者简介:李光华,男,1965 年出生,云南丘北人,副研究员,硕士,研究方向为淡水渔业科学。通信地址:650111 云南省昆明市西山区高峣村 66 号 云南省渔业科学研究院,Tel:0871-64145330,E-mail:yn118877@。 收稿日期:2017-08-16,修回日期:2017-10-18。
Li Shunyong1,4, Liang Xiang1
(1Yunnan Academy of Fishery Sciences, Kunming 650111; 2Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223; 3Qiubei Fishery Work Station, Qiubei Yunnan 663200; 4Agricultural Bureau of Malong County, Malong Yunnan 655199)