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Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your 1 ? If not, why?
I am guessing most people will 2 that question with "I have a mortgage, a
一、读懂文章是解题的关键(如何读) 1.速读文章,了解文章大意 What’s the passage mainly about? T_h__e_a_u_t_h_o_r_a_r_g_u_e_s_t_h_a_t_w__e_c_a_n__d_o_w__h_a_t_w_e__lo_v_e__a_nd l_iv_e__o_u_r_p_a_s_s_io_n_._H__e_/S_h__e_b_e_l_ie_v_e_s_t_h_a_t_w_e__c_a_n_b__ea_r__ r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_i_li_t_ie_s_i_n_l_i_fe__a_n_d_m__e_a_n_w_h__il_e_e_n_j_o_y_o_u_r__jo_b_s. B_e_s_i_d_e_s,_w__e_c_a_n__a_ls_o__fo_l_lo_w__o_u_r__p_a_s_si_o_n__so__lo_n_g__a_s_w_ e c_o_n_q_u_e_r__o_u_r_f_e_a_r_a_n_d__b_e_li_e_v_e_w_e_’_l_l _su_c_c_e_e_d_.______
performing our jobs. This is a lot of time to be 5 on something we don't enjoy, is
it not? Why not spend that time doing something you 6 are passionate about for
2.理清文章的论点、论据和结论。体会作者谋篇 布局的方法,了解各个段落的功能,感受作者论证的 过程,理顺文章的各部分,直到条理清楚为止,然后 再根据自己对文章的把握及各部分的逻辑关系选出答 案。
3.把握作者的观点和态度。议论文往往体现作 者对某一事物的观点,而作者的观点就是文章的论 点。考生要把握作者的观点,把握作者对某一事物 是褒还是贬,是赞成还是反对,而通常把握了作者 的观点也就找准了文章的论点。
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
3.议论文的语言自然客观,概括性强,比较抽象。 同时,它的语言也很准确,合乎逻辑。文中会较多地 使用有辩论和推理含义的连接和过渡词语与结构,以 增强语言的准确性和逻辑性。
50 hours a week instead of something that lacks 7 ? 逻辑关系+上下文
I think there is others will react,
one fear
through it have been
right now. But through what
you are going through and can help逻yo辑u 关13系. They have failed, been ridiculed,
and come out on the other end extremely 14 . They are living proof that you can
spouse and three kids to support." In the real world people have 3 . Theyes. You aren't supposed to be happy with your job but you do it
With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be 4 with your job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week performing our jobs. This is a lot of time to be 5 on something we don't enjoy, is it not? Why not spend that time doing something you 6 are passionate about for 50 hours a week instead of something that lacks 7 ?
do what you 15 . 原词复现
2. You can follow your passion if you conquer your fear and believe you will succeed.
You can do what you love since many others have successfully done so.
will succeed then you逻1辑1 w关ill系. 同根词、反义及原词复现 原词复现
unId上e1r2s下tathn文adt tiht aist
not easy. I am in the middle of going there are other people out there who
观点。 2.议论文都是由论点、论据和论证这三个要素
构成的,这也是一个“提出问题——分析问题—— 解决问题”的过程。因此,典型的议论文一般就由 序论(提出问题,即what)、本论(分析问题,即 why)和结论(解决问题,即how)三个部分构成。
Life is short, so you should do what you love and live your passion.
L1i.fYe oisu schaonrtt,askoe we syhoouurld do what we lroevsepaonndsibliivlietioeusr paansdsibone .happy with your job.
the first part is for people to realize that they can conquer their 9 . You will 10
at times and others will think you are crazy at times, but if you believe that you
4.作者的写作态度一般也较诚恳,在文章中通常 使用的是与读者平等交流的语气,不会给人以居高临 下、逼人接受的感觉,在遣词造句方面多使用虚拟语 气、让步状语从句和can, may, might, could, would, should等情态动词。
1.把握首句,这样就可以迅速找到文章所要论证 的观点,进而理解全文的主旨大意。英语议论文中绝 大部分首句就是全文的论点,而且通常每段的首句就 是主题句(topic sentence)。因此抓住每段的首句是非常 重要的。
I think there is one main 8 people don't follow their passion: fear. Fear of how others will react, fear of failure, and fear that they can't do it themselves. I think the first part is for people to realize that they can conquer their 9 . You will 10 at times and others will think you are crazy at times, but if you believe that you will succeed then you 11 will.
考题例析 惠州第二次调研考
Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your 1 ? If not, why? I am guessing most people will 2 that question with "I have a mortgage, a spouse and three kids to support." In the real world people have 3 . They have to make sacrifices. You aren't supposed to be happy with your job but you do it because you have to."
because you have to."
With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities
and be 4 with your job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week
I 12 that it is not easy. I am in the middle of going through it right now. But understand that there are other people out there who have been through what you are going through and can help you 13 . They have failed, been ridiculed, and come out on the other end extremely 14 . They are living proof that you can do what you 15 .