人教版高中英语Book1 Unit 3 Travel journal---reading 教学课件 (共23张PPT)

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1. What was Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s dream? Their dream was to take a great bike trip.
2. What is the Chinese part of Mekong River? The Chinese part is the Lancang River.
Do you know Xu Xiake? Do you think his way of traveling is meaningful? Why?
An attitude is what a person thinks about something. Write down Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s attitude to the trip. Then add your own opinion.
They have the idea to _c_y_c_le_ _a_l_o_n_g_ the Mekong River from _w_h_e_r_e_ it _b_e_g_in__s to _w_h_e_r_e_ it _e_n_d_s_.
3. Who planed the trip to the Mekong? Wang Wei.
1. Did Wang Wei know the best way of getting to places?
2. What does Wang Kun think of her sister? A.Foolish and stubborn. B.Foolish but determined. C.Stubborn but determined. D.Unkind and stubborn.
渐进的问题串,并且运用了图片和视频衔接,学生 会感到轻松自然;本课另一重点是阅读能力提升, 课件则是精心设计了由简到难的恰当的阅读练习, 引导学生阅读文章,提高阅读能力。
Wang Kun and _h_is_ _s_is_t_er_ Wang Wei are dreaming about _ta_k_i_n_g__a_g_r_e_a_t_b_i_k_e_t_r_ip_.
What can they see during the journey?
Tibetan mountain
It begins in a _g_la_c_i_e_r_ on a _T__ib_e_t_a_n_ _m__o_u_n_ta_i_n_.
Then, it _m__o_v_es_ quickly. It becomes _r_a_p_i_d_s as it passes through deep _v_a_ll_e_y_s.
The text mainly tells us that __D___. A.the author and her sister are planning for
the winter holiday B.they experienced something during their
trip in Qinghai C.something unusual happened during the
trip D.they planned and made preparations for
their trip
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1.Did Wang Wei know the best way of getting to places? No, she didn’t.
What does Wang Kun think of her C sister? A.Foolish and stubborn. B.Foolish but determined. C.Stubborn but determined. D.Unkind and stubborn.
The Mekong River is called _L_a_n_c_a_n_g__R_i_v_er_ in China. It goes through __M__y_a_n_m__a_r__ _L_a_o_s_, _T_h_a_i_la_n__d_, C__a_m__b_o_d_ia_, _V__ie_t_n_a_m__ and pours into the _S_o_u_t_h_C__h_in__a_S_e_a__.
Sometimes, the river becomes a _w_a_t_e_r_fa_l_l and enters _w_i_d_e __v_a_ll_e_y_s_.
At last, the river _d_e_lt_a_ enters the South China Sea.
本课首先通过问题串引出旅游这一话题,展示 了2012年世界前十旅游目的地图片让学生欣赏,同 时激发兴趣,接着开展旅游方式,目的地以及干什 么的讨论,最后把注意力聚焦在ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ公河,这就到达 本课主题,接着最主要根据泛读和精读两方面设计 了多方面的任务,学生根据任务展开阅读,逐步提 高阅读能力。
Preparation for their trip.
Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s dream.
Wang Wei is stubborn.
1. What was Wang Kun and Wang Wei’s dream? 2. What is the Chinese part of Mekong River? 3. Who planed the trip to the Mekong?
It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.
A meander is a geographical term to describe the snakelike bends that a river makes as it slows down to flow through valleys to the plains. The sentence means that the Mekong River flows slowly and gently through the valleys and reaches the farming plains.
1. Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it end?
1. Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it end?
The source of the river is in Qinghai Province and it enters the South China Sea.